#harry styles really did kind of fuck up the acting part of the movie LOL
kingnuggets · 1 year
I watched don’t worry darling and it was like… sooooooo almost good. It had so much….. potential. I liked it but like only because i can see the better version it would have been with like… another director… another person playing jack who had like talent. I’m not a film snob and I can just enjoy a film when it’s either good or would have been good with better people in charge and I think at this point in the world where there’s like no more original ideas and the same 10 people or their cousins and sisters and children make all the media you just have to like think of the better situation and go ok good enough for me LOL
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Can you recommend any Neil Gaiman to me, aside from Stardust or Good Omens? I cannot
What’s the best concert you’ve been to, if you’ve been? Idk, I think I’m just not huge on concerts
What’s the funniest screenname you’ve ever seen? i-run-with-scissors-to-feel-dangerous
Is there an animal you like that most people don’t? Don’t think so
Is there an animal that you think is overrated in terms of how it’s liked? Goats or cows, maybe
Is there a time period you think is underrated? Not really
What about music? Showtunes
Do you find yourself listening to music that’s a bit more esoteric? No
What are your three favorite books and why? Harry Potter because of the worldbuilding, Mistborn because of the worldbuilding and characters, A Confusion of Princes because it is a fun standalone book
What about authors? Idk, I mostly like specific books  Do you have any likes you wouldn’t tell someone until you got to know them? Nah probably not
Do you have a favorite language? Not really
What about a place you’ve always wanted to visit? Ireland
What’s something someone does or says that just makes you laugh? Idk, it’s usually situational
Do goldfish crackers ever make you sick, or is that just me? No?
Do you have a favorite art style? Probably realistic
Do you have a favorite myth/fairy-tale? No, sorry I’m being boring with this quiz
Who is your favorite person aside from family? Probably my bff
Do any of your pets (if you have them) have weird quirks? My cat was just very emphatic
Do you listen to music from anywhere besides America? Not really
Have you ever “quit” a site and came back to it more than once? No
Do you have an “odd” fascination with anything? Dice
What is the thing you want most at this moment? An interesting job and a return to normal from the pandemic
What was the last book you read and what was it about? I’m currently reading The Martian about an astronaut stranded on mars
What was the worst book you’ve ever read & why? Walk Two Moons because the twist ending fucked me up
Do you have a favorite breed of dog or cat? Which? Golden retrievers
If you like any anime/manga, what are some titles you recommend? I don’t really like it
What do you think about school in general? I thought it was interesting and I wish I could go back
What’s the hardest thing you’ve been through, & what did you learn from it? Maybe the braces. Dk what I learned from it
What are three “unrealistic” things you want most? An interesting creative job with steady and high pay lol, the lottery, the good place experience from The Good Place
What are some of your favorite foods? Pasta, chocolate, cereal. I am a simple girl
Where do you like to buy your clothes? Kohl’s, Macy’s, and thrift shops
Do you take any daily vitamins? When I remember
Who are three of your favorite fictional characters of all time? Kelsier from Mistborn, Sirius Black from Harry Potter, Raydan Lykel from The Crown and the Flame
If you had to give the world a pre-existing mythological/fictional being, what would it be? Idfk
When buying Slurpees, if you do, do you get only one flavor or mix them? Mixing is fun
Do you have a favorite 7Eleven food? No
Do you have any desire to learn (a) foreign language(s)? Which? Not strongly
If you could have any career, “realistic”-ness aside, what would it be? Something in film maybe
What are three memorable movies from your childhood? The Little Mermaid, Harry Potter, Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
Do you, personally, put a space after ellipses, or not? Let me check... do I? I guess I do
What do some of the things that inspire you have in common? Making things
Micky D’s sweet tea, y/n/other? No
What are three of your best (non-physical) qualities? Creativity, honesty, smarts
What are three of your worst (again; non-physical) qualities? Stubbornness, anxiety, lack of empathy
What is one of your firmest beliefs? I don’t really have firm beliefs
Do you ever question things until you’re unsure of even the silliest thing? Yes
Do you have anything that keeps you from doing something you’d truly enjoy? Anxiety and procrastination, and money
What are your three biggest pet peeves (personality-wise) in others? Holier-than-thou people, acting like you’re too cool for fun, being unsafe
Do you work to fix your faults? Or at least, admit to them? I admit to most of them but I’m not so great at working on them
What are three of your best physical qualities? (NOT EYES!) Why not eyes? Other than that, I guess hair color, boobs, singing voice (at least I’d like to think so)
What are some of your greatest aspirations? Do something fun, have a good social life, see what I would look like in my prime
How do you hope the world will change, if at all? Get done with the pandemic, stop having capitalism be so shitty
Who are three (fairly known) people you find very intriguing? Taylor Swift, Voldemort, F. Scott Fitzgerald
What are three things that make you the happiest? hanging out with friends, crafts, cuddling with my boyfriend
What is/are your view(s) on god, religion, spirituality, or relations to? I don’t believe in them
Are you arachnophobic or scared of spiders in the least? YES
Do you play WoW? What do you think of it either way? No, I am just not that into video games
What kind of computer do you have? Windows 7/Vista/XP/Other? Macbook Pro
What are you good at? Crafts and school
What career do you hope to have? Something creative
Are you taking any interesting classes in school/do you not attend? I’m finished with school but I wish I could go back
If you don’t attend, are you taking any “lessons” for anything? No
A book/piece that has had an exceptional impact on your life? Harry Potter
If you know of pandora.com, what is your favorite station? I haven’t listened to pandora in ages
Have you ever “lost” a friend in any way? How did you deal? Some just faded away but some actively ditched me and I tried to find out why
Any music recommendations? Showtunes
What are at least three of your biggest fears? Spiders, living a mundane life, covid right now
Most recently read book that you liked? A Confusion of Princes
Do you have a piece of jewelry you don’t like to take off? No, I have so many that I like to alternate them
Do you have a favorite quote? Why is it your favorite? Carpe Diem. Haven’t lived it much lately though Any odd pastimes you have? Making lists and charts
Are you quirky in any way? (Name them please). My fashion sense especially in high school, the nerdy things I do
Have any practices you aren’t opposed to but wouldn’t do yourself? Probably a lot, I’m generally of the live and let live mindset
Political standing?
Do you have any piercings/what do you think about piercings? I just have my ears pierced
Do you have a favorite material? I’m a fan of soft materials like suede or velvet, also metals like copper and silver
What are three names you’d name a pet if you HAD to get a pet right now? It depends on the pet
Do you like to listen to dorky/amusing music? Idk
Coffee vs. Tea vs. Energy Drinks: Order from favorite to least favorite. Tea, energy drinks, coffee
Do you like more “fruity” sweets or “savory” sweets? Fruity unless it’s chocolate
What do you hate the most? Spiders
What genres of music are your favorite? Showtunes
Do you believe in true love? Idk
Do you believe in love at first sight? If yes, why? No
What are some of your favorite clothing accessories? Jewelry
If reincarnation exists, what sort of person would you want to be next?
One of those outgoing guys that always has adventures with his friends What are some things you believe strongly in? Idk
Where’s your favorite place you’ve been? London was pretty cool, also Italy
What sort of books and movies do you like? For books: sci-fi, fantasy, dystopia. For movies: rom-com, sci-fi, musical
What’s your favorite thing to do on a rainy Saturday? Idk, just stay in
Is there a book you’ve read that really touched you? The Great Gatsby just because I related to Gatsby a lot
Do you have a favorite artist? Taylor Swift
PC or MAC? Mac
What do you love doing? Crafts, shopping, board games
If you could create the perfect world for yourself, what would it be? Basically just the good place from The Good Place. Unlimited time and resources to learn and try things without pressure to make money off it
Do you think that fate plays a part in people’s lives? Not really
Are you religious, spiritual, atheist…? Atheist
What are your opinions on the media? The media is a very broad range of things
Do you think that people throw the words “love” and “hate” around too much? Idk
What is your favorite piece of technology that you own? My laptop
What’s a piece of technology you’d like to own? I have what I want at the moment.
Are you afraid of technology developing to where we’re too reliant on it? A little bit of getting to the point where a lot of jobs get replaced with AI, because instead of making lives easier like they could be, there will just be a huge unempolyment problem that our stupid capitalist society won’t solve
Does it bother you when people do things to fit in with a certain crowd? If it’s not what they want to do
Hot or cold? Cold Do you think that Bzoink should extent the character amount for questions? I don’t use Bzoink
Do you have a favorite combination of complimentary colors? Maybe green and pink
Do you know why all the young people who have nice cars always look grumpy? I don’t think I’ve noticed that
What’s your favorite odd ice cream flavor? Lemon Sorbet or Coffee Toffee Bar Crunch
Where do you like to get your ice cream? Haagen Dasz or Ben and Jerry’s
What’s your opinion on stereotypes/labels? Idk
Do you ever use random word generators for Bzoinkoids?
Do you believe that history repeats itself? It sure seems like it is
Would you rather learn from your mistakes or just undo them? Learn from them
What was the most interesting class you had in school? My words and music class in college Do you write? If so, what? I used to write poetry, I sometimes come up with stories but I don’t really write them
Do you have a favorite website? Tumblr and Etsy
Do you think that the quality of TV shows is going down? No, there are usually good ones to discover
Do you have a favorite culture? Maybe Celtic. I just like the art patterns What was a story you heard as a child that really affected you? The Headless Horseman scared me a lot
Who was your favorite grade-school teacher and why? My third grade teacher and my 6th grade math teacher
Do you think that the world will end? How? Probably in a few billion years when the sun turns into a red giant
Do you believe in Global Warming? Have you researched it? Yes but I haven’t researched it
Do you prefer piercings or tattoos? Tattoos
Do you remember your dreams? Sometimes
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aggresivelyfriendly · 4 years
Tumblr media
Hi guys!
Um-come talk to me(or whatever)!!
Reblogs are love!
I love @dirtystyles, my tag list, @the-well-rested-one and all of my readers, lol!
Tag list: @awomanindeniall @mrsfstyles @fullstopsteph @emulateharry​
Day Eight: The One With The Fort
Elise woke up with a hangover, just not the type when you at least have the wild night you may not remember to show for it. She was certainly not in bed naked, with another nude person, surreptitiously checking to see if they used protection.
This was an emotional hangover.
She'd got feelings, for a boy. Man, did she hate those. The last time she had them, it wreaked all kinds of havoc, and that was just her sister's boyfriend not a world famous object of obsession. She should have known how to read the signs, that mistake had gone a similar way. Time spent together in a house, some things in common, a little tension, fear of rejection, a move, sex, secret relationship, discovery, a broken hearted sister, disappointed parents, and a transcontinental move to escape.
Ok, so this one was in a much safer place than that. Harry was a bad choice as a man to have feelings for, but for totally different reasons than Bryce. Her quarantine buddy was a bad idea because of the rejection and/or future rejection.
Did it count as rejection?
Elise felt rejected, but feelings aren't facts, as her dad liked to remind her. She supposed it was a near miss. She had gone the last 10% just like the movie Hitch had taught her. Maybe he would have finished the gap, closed the circuit, and such, and she could have felt those beautiful pink lips on hers.
But he was saved by the bell.
Instead they ate, and sat on opposites ends of the table just like she had set it. Elise liked that it wasn't a ridiculously long ostentatious piece of dead wood before yesterday. She'd even complimented Harry on it. Last night it was unsatisfactory, definitely not as close as she would have liked to be sitting.
And during cake time, which had turned out stellar, he had touched her elbow and the bones in her feet had rattled. His hand hadn't coasted to her palm, nor had he spun her into him and pressed his lips to hers. He'd just told her it looked great and handed her the knife to cut.
Elise couldn't even think about the couch.
He'd insisted that they cuddle, and had lain behind her in the unexpected big spoon position. She'd been very excited when he suggested it, thinking it was a typical boy ploy to feel her up and get to the kissing they'd almost started.
She figured she'd at least get to feel a boner.
That was an atrocious word. But everything else sounded even worse in her head.
She'd felt no erection, just the warm shape and had wanted with all her might to press back against it, but if there was such a thing as a platonic spoon, she'd just experienced it. Then Harry had fallen asleep, his head bookended by hers until his neck relaxed onto the pillow.
Elise threw in the towel then.
The little voice in her head, that sounded suspiciously like her sister, told her that good guys didn't want her, though they'd be bad long enough to take what she was offering.
She was pretty sure she'd called Jessica a jealous bitch over that. The words had stuck in her head though, and not that she was hoping to make a go of things with her sister's ex, but the idea that he was just playing on her dark side to explore his own, it just poisoned their relationship. It certainly contaminated her already fragile relationship with her sister.
Elise had wanted to go away then, needed an escape, if she left it would be better, her parents didn't have to feel disappointed everyday when they looked at her, and Jessica didn't have to feel betrayed. Hence, England, quarantine, Harry Styles.
The first several days she could not figure out how it was karmic in any way that she got to be so close to Harry Styles. Now that he had become just Harry, the lovely rich weirdo with the bad taste in books and great taste in music, she was temporarily living with, she had figured out the catch.
The universe had given her her adolescent fantasy, shown her reality was better, and then snatched it away, like ice cream falling off the cone into sand within the first ten minutes on a boardwalk. Much as she hated it, Elise also felt it was right. She'd snuck around with her sister's boyfriend, it was only right someone she'd fallen for, who was way out of her league anyway, wouldn't want her even if she was literally the only option around.
Why was self loathing so attractive in moments of reflection?
She was going to have to go downstairs soon. She could hear music, a sure sign Harry was up and waiting for company. Maybe she could heat a thermometer under a light bulb and claim sick. Little water on her face to fake clammy skin.
Then he could baby her and she could take the tenderness and not expect the kisses, or boners. Because nobody liked kissing snotty people. Could you fake snottiness? Not without props, Elise decided. Also, faking sick when in quarantine during a pandemic seemed particularly heinous.
Despite her misgivings, she hauled her sad skeleton out of bed and got dressed. When Elise found herself searching for a specific pair of underwear, she realized she was literally planning on wearing her big girl panties. That at least made her chuckle. Whatever got you there she supposed.
Most of her fretting would be for naught. He was just Harry, and he'd acted like nothing happened. She could follow his lead, right? They were forced friends, at least for the next 6 days. May as well make the best of it and not lean in to the awkward.
The stairs made the echoey sound around the bend and she avoided the creaky part and only got a low groan. She'd relaxed a bit by the time she made it downstairs.
What the fuck was his problem? Why was he shirtless? Again! At least he had on more than a towel. Fuck her life, man. Or fuck her man, that'd be the life.
She stood at the end of the stairs and gave herself a moment until he realized she was there. His back was, woah! He was very broad for someone so slim. And his chest was, ugh, and his face. She often felt like she should congratulate him on his visage, especially the way it had leaned out and squared up. He was so manly now.
Dammit, she should have found that thermometer!
"Morning." She heard him say before she had gotten out of her head.
"Good Morning." She smiled back at him. His smile was like the call for a response in songs. You had to answer it.
"Are you hungry? There's leftover food, we could throw eggs over the last couple puddings. Or coffee?" There was a weird current under their conversation. Like he was walking on the shells of the eggs he was planning to cook her.
"Coffee?" She shrugged. "I can't really think about food yet." Elise's nerves were churning her stomach. All she could think of was the near kiss and the heat of his body behind her.
"Done." He headed to the kitchen and she followed, of course. He'd pulled out the French press, something she would purchase for herself after this. And asked, "what do you want to do today?"
Honestly, she wanted to hide out. Was there a book she could fake wanting to read? Elise was sure he had some book of semi terrible prose he would recommend to her. She need but ask. Then she could hold up in her room. The downside was she'd have to see his little sad puppy face when she told him she didn't like what he did. That was one of the downsides. Elise also wanted to be around him, maybe be able to smell him, and to avoid him noticing her avoiding him. But they needed to have something that discouraged talking, or she was gonna wind up asking him what the fuck his problem was. Because, they'd had a couple moments, she was sure of it, when they worked out, when he touched her thigh, and the near KISS, for fuck's sake. There was chemistry.
Or she was going a bit crazy, and it was totally one sided, which, seemed the way it should be.
In any case, she couldn't just ask him. She wasn't usually an asker, she was a guesser. Elise's best friend Niki was direct and wonderful, she asked for what she wanted or asked people what they wanted. When they were teenagers, she'd thought it was so embarrassing sometimes, now she wished she had some of her boldness. If she could just ask it would really simplify things. Harry, do you like me? Are you having any pesky feelings? Do I make your dick hard? Any flavor of honesty would taste better than the uncertainty she was chewing on.
Instead Elise said, "marathon Friends?" She shrugged.
His eyes opened big and she looked down to dodge the power of his pleased crinkles. "Marathon Friends!"
So there they were, three quarters of the way through a series with popcorn between them when Elise said, "I think I need to stand up. My butt is numb."
"I could rub it for you? No, not an option then?" He giggled. "We could make an obstacle course?" Harry suggested gleefully, and she wondered how long he'd been sitting on that one.
"That sounds athletic. As you've seen, I'm no athlete."
"Built like one." He said and before she could really respond he'd launched into a plea. "It'll be fun, then we can build a fort and watch more Friends."
"Are you 7 at heart?" She giggled. His glee was contagious, like Phoebe's wackiness.
"Nine!" He danced his eyebrows. "But to adult this party up, let's add alcohol. I feel like I have not given you a proper look at British life and quarantine, as we've not been pissed much at all. We can play a Friends drinking game, bet there are loads on the internet!"
Oh, this was a bad idea. But maybe she'd find some liquid courage.
The obstacle course, well it went better than she anticipated, and he let her win. She cartwheeled, the one thing she had learned in gymnastics, across the finish line. He was way ahead of her when they got to the pillow sack race at the end. The idea had struck her like a lightening bolt. She could not bound like him, all that thigh strength, but she could cover ground quick another way! She managed to keep the high thread count fabric on through her revolutions. She was a little terrified of destroying his nice linen. Harry let her cross ahead of him, and he hoisted her into the air when she exclaimed "YES!"
She expected him to complain about her tactics, instead he jogged her around on a victory lap. "Well done!" He danced in a circle and put her down, his arms wrapped around her, squishing her face into his clavicle.
"But I cheated." She muffled into his body.
"We didn't make rules. You saw an opportunity and took a chance." He shimmied his shoulders, all his bottled up energy from a day on the couch coming out in exuberance. "You gotta take chances in life."
They were close, though he'd let her go. Was she supposed to take the chance now? Was that an invitation? Why did she have to do it? "Yeah, yeah, you're right." She said but didn't act.
A beat passed and he sighed and turned around, moving around exercise equipment. "Let's build this fort, yeah?" His smile wasn't forced, but she noticed he only had two eye crinkles, not the full powered four.
His hand was on her shoulder. The opportunity was still there, but yesterday's rejection still clouded up her head like an unkept pool. "Yeah." She turned around and opened the ornamental blanket storage box he had in his media room.
They worked together with ease, and had a fort that would stay up for days on its own with no roughhousing to show for it. IKEA would be proud, they didn't even need pictorial directions.
"It looks cozy!" She smiled at it.
"It's nearly perfect." He said, before jetting off. "One second." He came back with led lights and used some stylish magic to arrange them high."Now we got it. Just missing one thing."
She couldn't imagine anything missing with the attractive light on his face. This was dreamy, she'd almost forgotten that he seemed to have decided that she had to make the move. Leaving them at an impasse. "What?"
"Tequila!" He danced his eyebrows. "One sec." He jackrabbited off.
Should she tell him tequila made her way too honest, or let him figure it out for himself?
"Alright." He skidded into the tent by her side and she applauded because he managed not to shatter the tequila bottle and glasses. "This is the best tequila." He assured her. "Find a drinking game! Unless you fancy strip scrabble."
That sent her diving for the phone. That was an even worse idea than getting drunk together. It was a quick google search later and they had their marching orders.
Phoebe seemed the most reliable. They both were licking salt and swallowing top shelf shots whenever she appeared. Monica and Joey were making a good showing too.
Her stomach hurt and she was bent sideways making a right angle at his hips from laughing so hard. Elsie had forgotten! This show was so funny, and god! They were both drunk.
Rachel was having a sappy moment and it was bringing out the sap in Elise. Man, tequila also made her emotional, she'd swung like a desktop pendulum from laughing so hard she cried to introspective sadness. It didn't exactly make sense, she was definitely more the Ross in this situation. Though her pining had started much later, precisely 7 days ago.
She giggled, nothing was precise after that much tequila. Call her Tarzan with all that swinging.
"What are you laughing about?" He turned on his side to look at her, his face full of mirth, his eyes at half mast and a little red. Bedroom eyes popped into her head and she had to suck in a breath. This felt very coupley, lying side-by-side in a fort. She would say cuddling, but they weren't touching. They hadn't been, but while she was assessing their postures, she realized he'd tangled their ankles together.
Everything they did felt coupley. Because they wanted to couple up or because they were just a couple in number?
"Um" she croaked. "I was just thinking of something, but then, tequila brain you know!" She flicked her temple lightly.
"Oh, I know!" He was jolly and she thought for a minute of other times she'd seen pictures of him drunk. His arm was around her waist now. He liked drunken cuddles, when he was younger, which was knowledge she maybe had no business possessing but knew nonetheless. His face in her neck a moment later had her closing her eyes and sighing. He smelled good, a little like a bar, but also like cologne, and his hair was so soft. She wanted to touch it.
Maybe she had more in common with Ross than she realized. A seemingly unattainable old crush suddenly in her life, maybe attainable, available.
Her drunken hands had a mind of their own, and she ran them through the silk of his hair. It felt wonderful between her fingers. Elise twirled some curls around her pointers and was rewarded by a groan from her cuddle buddy.
"Mmmmm, feels good!" His ankle tangle had become his calf and at that moment his whole thigh had inserted itself between her legs. She'd been ignoring the dull throb there for most of today, for days. The barest pressure was on her crux and she couldn't take this. She tensed and pulled, he moaned. Her hand dropped.
She felt his breath on her neck and then his head roll back to her shoulder. "Hey! Why'd you stop."
If she turned her head their boozy breaths would mingle and it would be their second almost kiss in as many days, and she couldn't take this.
Elise turned her head.
He blinked at her slow and the tequila sunset of his eyes was intoxicating. She let her eyes come down to his lips, and when his tongue peeped out to wet his mouth, hers moved on its own, "Harry?"
It needed to be asked right? She couldn't just let it happen.
"Elise." He breathed back and moved closer.
Tequila, and mint somewhere underneath, was all she tasted. Teeth and tongue, plump lips moving between and surrounding hers was what she felt, until his larger frame pressed her back onto the floor. She felt the one thigh almost against her center become his pelvis, flush. He pulled back, looked in her eyes and gave her a soft buss, resumed the eye contact. Elise leaned up like he had water and she was thirsty. The way his tongue played along the sides of hers, sliding over the top and out before he changed angles slightly and reinitiated had her lightheaded. Her skin was tight, especially where his hands were. Her clothes were heavy and hot, at her hips, around her rips, the sides of her breasts tingled, her shoulders were his palms held her open beneath him. Elise needed water. Was panting. She wasn't even sure how much the kiss had escalated, until his lips were moving over her neck and onto her collarbone, the thick strap of her top coming down, cold air and warm kisses on the swell of her cleavage. Pressure revolving between her thighs. The well was just ahead and if they kept at it, she'd dive in. Water water everywhere, so much to drink. To drown. She stilled.
"Elise?" Harry asked from where his hands and mouth had almost reached her nipples?
"I think we should stop."
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roughentumble · 3 years
I would like to hear.. your silence of the lambs series opinions......
series as in, the new clarice tv show that's out? haven't watched it yet. series as in, those old movies that feature anthony hopkins as hannibal lecter? surely!
fair warning, i probably dont have anything new to say that hasnt been said before, considering these are all long since classics, and my thoughts might be a little disjointed.
it's difficult to sum up opinions about it on the whole, since the movie quality honestly varies so wildly, and as i recall basically every single movie had a different director lol. also like, there's definitely a reason silence of the lambs stood out as The hannibal movie that got talked about and went into The Annals Of Film History n' all that. there's something about jodie foster's performance that's particularly electric(though that could be nostalgia talking, i suppose)
the opportunities she had, as an actress, to really show emotion on her face, like the claustrophobic close-ups we got were really intimate and interesting, added to the sense we were getting into her head. that HANNIBAL was getting into her head. i've already used the word intimate, but really, the long drawn out conversations/monologues between her and hannibal are just that-- intimate. you have to have stellar performances to pull off that much dialogue, and shots that intensely focused, where a face takes up so much of the screen. but it works! because hopkins and foster are fantastic actors, and jonathen demme is a good director.
there's a reason a lot of people didn't like the switch to julianne moore, and i would say it isnt entirely moore's fault. ridley scott, for one, is simply a different director with different ideas of shot composition, which changes how the character feels pretty drastically when the style so heavily informed your feelings for her. but also, in general, the film just kind of approaches clarice from a different angle, which is pretty bumpy territory to go into on the tail of switching your lead actress. not only is moore just really different from foster, but we've gone from this kind of invasive intimacy with hannibal probing her in confined spaces, to her being on the chase. in particular what sticks out to me is a chase sequence where she's trying to find hannibal in a crowded mall.(i think it was a mall?? its been a minute since i last watched the film haha) despite how the crowd might lead to a sense of claustrophobia, these are wide open shots with lots of spinning and movement, no time for introspective face journies. it's a chase in a totally different sense than before, and that i think is major difference in tone. which isn't to say it's a bad choice, or a loss, or that it's worse, just that it's fundamentally very different material that moore was given fo work with. of course her performance differed from fosters!
i still think jodie foster did it better, but some folks were too hard on julianne moore. if anything, hold beef with the writers and new director for pivoting tonally(although, dont do that either, i think it was an interesting shift. the scene with her and hannibal, where hannibal fries up that dude's brain was SO GOOD, i loved loved loved the return to a twisted sense of intimacy for that scene, and a few others, and that sense of return wouldn't have hit the same were the whole movie to follow the same tone as demme's work.)
also quick sidebar, when i watched hannibal(the movie from 2001) i was BLOWN AWAY by realizing, in retrospect, just how absolutely perfectly micheal pitt nailed the role of mason verger in hannibal(the tv show). vocally, he sounded almost identicle to the og performance, WHAT!!! major props, i love micheal pitt. so cool
manhunter 1987 or whatever year it came out is garbage and we dont talk about it. it was physically painful to watch. my poor mother made us stop watching hannibal movies for the rest of the day because it literally put her in physical pain. it's so 80s i want to vomit. do not recommend.
red dragon was pretty good, and if you entered the series of films armed only with knowledge of hannibal nbc, gave some really fascinating context to some of the events therein. edward norton's performance was fine-- didn't blow my mind, but i do love to watch him on screen. anthony hopkins' portrayal of a free hannibal, on the run, who still can't help but taunt the police and stick his nose into investigations was shockingly compelling, despite how much of a cliche trope that's become in recent years. can't say i recall anything interesting to say about the directing, but it certainly doesnt hold the same intimacy of the previous films-- but then again, we've lost the intimate character of clarice, swapping her out for graham(who simply isnt as close, or interesting, or compelling, when he isnt on nbc and shaking like a wet chihuahua)
hannibal rising, the last film in the series, was very very very bad. BUT, unlike manhunter 198whatever, it managed to be fun about it! lots of very goofy deaths and things to make you roll your eyes, stupid character motivations and odd acting choices. but it seems aware, on some level, that it's the last and the silliest of the entries into this particular film series, which earns it some good will. whether or not its worth a watch comes down to how much you're willing to consume everything with the name hannibal on it, and whether you can abide by a hannibal that isnt played by sir anthony hopkins.
OK. ok. we're getting to the end of my thoughts here, kids. i prommy.
it's also, despite every single part of it that i enjoy and that brings me joy, almost unforgivably racist and transphobic. the weird exotification and obsession with asia(and japan in particular), especially when none of those elements felt important or relevant to the story was consistently shocking, and consistently present in essentially every single hannibal movie, ESPECIALLY ones that dealt with his childhood. it didn't ever feel like a natural part of the story, where they happened include people from another culture or anything, it felt like the author's fetish. i never truly understood how these reoccuring themes and symbols were meant to tie in with the rest of the story, even after an entire film set in the past, showiing hannibal's childhood and how he came to live with a japanese woman. it was weird! it was uncomfortable! it was bad! even hannibal nbc couldnt make it not weird. i'd love a hannibal movie with a japanese person in it who WASNT treated really, really, really weird. but i dont think i will ever get that.
and like. wrt transphobia-- do i even need to say it? buffalo bill's been talked to death. we all know the issue there.
if a japanese person, or a trans woman, came to me and said "shawn, everyone says its a classic, but i cant bring myself to watch [insert hannibal movie here]" i would not blame them. it isnt the whole movie, but its enough to feel real bad, scoob.
its not enough to make me fall out of love with silence of the lambs, or hate hannibal(the film, god thats a confusing name), or even hate the film series, but its something that deserves tl be talked about. i've heard lots of discussion on the transphobia, but basically none on the racism, which is a real shame. sometimes it feels like no one else even noticed it, and it really leaves me floundering, because its like-- its RIGHT THERE and its so weird and bad. thomas harris, what the fuck
OKAY I THINK THATS ALL MY THOUGHTS FOR NOW?????? i could maybe come up with more, *shrugs*, but i'd need more time at least.
summary:: very problematic, and not because he eats people. but overall some of the films are fantastic, and silence of the lambs does hold a special place in my heart. and even if i didnt like it nearly as much, i'll defend hannibal(the film with julianne moore) till im blue in the face, because even if it didnt quite capture lightening in a bottle it still brought some interesting things to the table. decent enough movie series with enough variation in film tone and quality to make watching them all in a row enjoyable, because it keeps things from getting stale. (could probably have done with SOME consistency tho, lol, they were really flying by the seat of their pants. they had hopkins and that was IT, only thing that carried over from production to production lol)
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harrysdimples · 5 years
ok lol sooo my Harrie origin story is well lmao just wait. so I became a fan of zayn when pillowtalk came out but like I didn’t know who he was?? I thought he was a new artist lol and I heard it on the radio and lOVED it. so then I looked into him to see if he had any other music, and I found out he was in—as I knew them as—the harry styles band. I had a brief passing interest in 1d caused by that doc they did, but I genuinely didn’t give a fuck about the rest of them askdkak like ok when 1/?
under the cut because it’s quite long but mega cute!!! can I be part of ur relationship pls? im personally rooting for u. the dunkirk part reminds me of my friend going to see it with her mum and at the end her mum turning to her and going “that guy in the film really looked like harry styles, that’s so weird isn’t it?” lol 
I watched it it was at a friends house ok, and we both knew of harry and thought he was hot lmao and she’d seen it, and we skipped over all the parts where harry wasn’t doing anything. I think we only watched the performance where he got pantsed? lmao. so I knew of him, but in a like follow-accounts-that-posts-hot-pics of him sorta way?? so then when I realized he and zayn were both in 1d, I was like wtf. And I looked into the rest of them to see if I missed anything else and then was like 
2/? (that’s kind of joke, plenty of ppl seem to like that blonde one and I’m sure they have like great personalities or something. I rlly don’t know. If u like, good on u ig). Alright so! Then i was like living my life, appreciating harry and zayn, and starting to be interested in harry like aside from his face and zayn. But then he like disappeared and zayn was too difficult for me to like ~follow (I have a short attention span) and then! My bf at the time was like hey, let’s see this new movie
4?/? and so we went. And I’m sitting there, like dreading this like historical movie that doesn’t even have like a girl to admire at least (tho jack lowden was a nice bonus!), when all of sudden I see this boy that looks reaaal familiar. So I IMDb it right then and there lol and it’s harry! And I was like wtf he acts too?? How did I miss that?? (Turns out hes only done that, like what!) so I search him up when I get home, and I find out first that he’s got a lil doc! That behind the scenes thing 
5/? a pic of harry with like lace titties (my weakness) in his met gala look. And we start texting again, then we decide to go for drinks (to talk about harry, ofc..), and I’m kinda not super invested in harry, but like. She’s hot! So I play it up. Anyway, long story short, we’ve been dating since July (my longest relationship yet!) and she keeps way involved harrys like life lol to the point where I feel like a proper harrie now! We’re really looking forward to seeing him on tour again, without 
6/? a pesky bf in the way. We’re also really hoping that when he says the album is about having sex and being sad or whatever he means he’ll have at least one like proper sexy song to uh ya know, experience to its full (sexy) potential lmao. So yeah! Sorry this is long af, my gf is laughing at me. She made me get a tumblr and she says I suck at it asfsjsk lmaooo 7/7 (I think?? whoops lol)
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lovingikesen · 5 years
About Me Tag
Thanks to @lovingsiriusoswald and @ellysilver for the tag!
The rules are:
Tag the person who tagged you.
Answer the question.
Tag 10 people.
How tall are you?
155 cm, i think its 5′1
What color and style is your hair?
Light brown with blonde ends, i dont do that much to my hair anymore, i used to dye it a lot but decided to give it a rest and honestly i like it how it is xD but i did everything that i wanted to my poor hair, maybe thats why i dont feel like doing too much with it now.
What color are your eyes?
Do you wear glasses?
Only for read and when using the computer, but i should wear them always xD oops
Do you wear braces?
I should but dental health is expensive in here. Someday, hopefully
What’s your fashion sense?
I have 0 fashion sense, if i like it i wear it xD it depends on the mood and the weather, but you will see on my clothes a lot of neutral colors and sometimes orange/baby pink.
Full name?
Just Kathia (but people always pronnounce it wrong, lol)
When were you born?
December 15
Where are you from and where do you live now?
Chile and Chile xD if you want more emotion, we came from the north of my country and when i was like 3 months we move to Santiago (center), aaah yes, i love those summers that burn you to death in 5 seconds and winters that frooze your teeth
What school do you go to?
I went to a catholic school and went to an university that has only careers related to comunication and art
What kind of student are you?
Im the one that procastinate a lot, always been super quiet and always forget my stuff at home xD like art materials and stuff. In university i was pretty quiet too but i had a lot of problems with some teachers because they were, honestly, terrible.
Do you like school?
Like elementary and high school? nah, i have a really a hard time in that, elementary was ok actually, but high school was hell.
Favorite subject?
On school was biology and history, on university i dont know xD i love the career that i choose is hard to choose just one subject. But as a random fact we had a semester of acting for animation and we had to act, was a lot of fun
Favorite TV show?
On an actual TV i like to see documentals...xD i feel old saying that lol but if we talk about Netflix and things like that i have a lot. I think that How I Met Your Mother hit me hard, especially beacuase i saw it after a long relationship break up.
Favorite movie?
I can name various...xD Harry Potter, Lord of the rings, How to train your dragon, Kubo (has anyone see it? its so fucking good animated), Nightmare before christmas, Coraline, a lot of Tim Burton and classicals from Disney, About Time (its precious), Leon (the professional), Kiki’s delivery Service, Ponyo, Princess Mononoke and, oh, did you say it was just one? im sorry, i couldnt xD
Favorite books?
Besides HP and Lord of the rings xD theres others but have no idea if they are on english too, im sorry, gonna leave them anyways Historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseñó a volar - Luis Sepúlveda  El Inquisidor - Patricio Sturlese La casa de los Espíritus - Isabel Allende Donde los árboles cantan - Laura Gallego García Un duende a rayas - María Puncel (a child book but it gives me good memories whsgj) And a lot of other books that i read on elementary school, they gave us a lot of fun books to read.
Favorite pastime?
I dunno, read? 
Do you have any regrets?
Like most of us
Dream job?
Concept artist or something related to that
Would you ever like to be married?
Im conflicted with that, i like the “ceremony”, like the party xD but not really care about the title of husband and wife, actually i find more pretty the term of fiance, like “hey, have u meet my fiance? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)” lol
Would you like to have kids?
Im not sure, a part of me yes (but in at leats 10 years more) and other part of me is scared to death of giving birth
How many?
No more than 2, im sure that with just one i will be pretty traumatized xD
Do you like shopping?
Yes and no, i enjoy it from time to time but its really exhausting too, not to mention that im broke af
What countries have you visited?
Just my own country ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Scariest nightmare you ever had?
Maybe one when i was like 9, in resume the scary part was when a teacher of my school hold my hand and begin to squeeze it and when i tried to take my hand off, i look at her face and she was becoming like a demon, yes, a demon xD i couldnt look at that teacher for months, poor woman
Any enemies?
Who knows, maybe, at least im not aware of them
Any significant other?
Yes (◡‿◡✿)
Do you believe in miracles?
How are you?
I have a cold, its the weirdest cold i ever had 
Tagging: @your-average-pyro, @elievalentine, @otome-dreams, @wishiwasfictionaltoo, @lovesluka, @kitsuhide, @valfraeyja, @justine-the-guillotine, @nosebleedingfangirl, @blackarmyslave. Im sorry if you have already been tagged!
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gaycousinlarry · 5 years
Annual Writing Self Evaluation
1. List of works published this year:
Something in the way
Hope Floats 90’s AU. When Louis Tomlinson finds out his wife is cheating on him with his best friend, he packs up his life and takes his daughter back to his childhood hometown to start anew. The problem is—he’s not so sure he’s moving forwards rather than backwards. What he finds in the small Texas town is a whole lot of memories, people who think they still know him and a man who’s spent the past decade waiting for his return.
52 year old Harry Styles attends the Leicester Bookkeepers conference for the fourth year in a row. He didn’t believe in love at first sight before, but maybe now he does.
Written as part of the 1D Short Fic Fest Spring 2018.
To Louis it doesn’t matter if Harry wears misfitting cardigans and has rosy cherub cheeks or if he’s the well-dressed, drop dead gorgeous, author of today—Louis has adored him through it all and will continue to do so for as long as he lives.
Written as part of the Anything But(t) Challenge.
a morning like madness
Harry is the kind of girl who deserves to be taken out on sweet romantic dates and to be showered in compliments because she's never expecting them. And now she's with Louis. And Harry acts like she's the one that lucked out.
Part three of the daydreams are made of this series.
This is the extraordinarily ordinary AU about two boys extraordinarily in love.
A sequel to Them Butterflies. Third and final part of the series as a whole.
Bleeding Love
Louis is an animal rights activist who throws red paint at fur coat wearing it-girl Harry Styles. Then there's a crack in the surface and something new starts bleeding through.
Written as part of Girl Direction Fic Fest.
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
Something in the way because I had no idea how challenging it would be to write a movie AU, but I ended up very happy with the result. I think I managed to balance the characters and make them their own while paying tribute to the beautiful mood of the film. I’d never written a kid fic or anything as angsty before either. Harry in this fic is one of the characters I’ve written that I think about and miss the most.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
I’m one of those writers who are ridiculously proud of everything they’ve finished hah. If I have posted it on ao3, it’s because I feel like I did a good job so I’ve got nothing to put here. I know I’m not an earth shattering author by any means, but I wish more writers would take pride in what they write anyways. I’ve fricking created whole worlds and been brave enough to share it with others. That’s amazing.
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
“You like red, right?” Harry asks, and for a moment she looks flustered. The breezy flawless woman who just welcomed Louis into her home melted into a slightly awkward girl with curls growing frizzy with heat. Louis’ belly drops at the sight.
This is from Bleeding Love and I love it because it captures their dynamic as well as the shift from strangers, enemies even, to something entirely different. Describing Harry from Louis’ POV in this fic was so much fun both because Louis is a bit of a mess, but also because Harry is always so much more than what you might think.
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
Any comments I’ve gotten from wlw on a morning like madness or Bleeding Love means the absolute world to me. I was terrified of writing girl direction at first, so every time a woman says she can relate or even that she thought it was cute/funny/hot, it just makes me so so happy.
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Literally all year. This has been the busiest, most mad year of my life and my writing is very affected by my mood and health. I can’t write just to write, so I’ve struggled with all the fics I’ve written this year. I’m so so happy I managed to finish them though, and as always, couldn’t be more thankful I had Nic @louandhazaf by my side to pull me through.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
The second half of Something in the way turned out a whole lot different than I expected, which allowed the characters to grow in ways I hadn’t predicted and made me fall in love with them even more.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I learned that even though I’ve felt like I can’t write at all, I’ve still published 92k of stories I’m proud of. Even when it felt impossible, I had to learn to have patience, to be kind to myself, and to grasp the small moments when I could write.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I hope I can write more and experiment more. I’ve always made fun of the fact that I can’t write plot based stories, and while I’m okay with that for the most part, I do have a story I want to write that won’t happen without a proper plot so. That. I also wouldn’t mind going in the opposite direction and try out some new styles and moods.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
It’s literally always Nic, both as a writer and as a beta she’s one of the most incredible people and she both inspires me and forces me to get better.
Also very much all the girl direction writers who’ve popped up this year, it’s been amazing to watch and I adore you all.
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
lol yes
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Be kind to yourself. Nothing gets better because you tell yourself your writing is shit, just the fact that you’re writing is absolutely incredible and more than a lot of people would ever dare to do.
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
Symbiote/alien Harry AU because it’s so fucking weird and challenging. I’d love to properly start my hockey players in their 30s AU as well. Please.
14. Tag three writers whose answers you’d like to read.
@newleafover @rosegoldhlfics @disgruntledkittenface
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heyyyharry · 7 years
Friends (Part 5)
Apparently this is not the last part like I said it would because it’s too long already. I personally don’t really like this part but I hope I don’t disappoint you too much. Just ignore any grammar mistake, I’ll edit later because this is effing long lol. I’ll end this series at part 6.
Pairing: Harry Styles and reader
Warning: sex, language.
~Harry and you are friends with benefits and then you start to feel more than you should~
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
You tried to concentrate on the conversation with your best friend but your eyes kept going back to the stranger standing across the room. You knew who he was and you were sure everyone at that party did too. He was Harry Styles and just a moment ago one of his song had been blasted out of the speaker. Harry kept his eyes fixed on you and a smile appeared on his face. He was beautiful.
You didn’t believe it at first that Harry Styles was actually checking you out. But as you turned away to focus on the conversation with Lia, you could feel his stare burning holes on your skin. There were many other women in the room who were more beautiful than you. So why you?
“Hey, are you listening to me?” Lia asked waving her hands in front of your face. 
You turned back to her with widened eyes. “Huh? Yeah, of course!”
“Yeah?” Lia asked with her eyebrows raised and hands on her hips. You could never fool Lia, she always knew what was up. She turned around to look at Harry who immediately pretended to enjoy the drink in his hand as his eyes wandered to everywhere else but you. You couldn’t stop smiling at how cute he was.
“Gosh, you were mentally having sex with Harry Styles while I was talking to you?”
“No! What?!” you denied, but there was definitely some serious sexual tension in that stare-off.
“He’s bad news. I’ve done my research about him.”
You rolled your eyes and chuckled a bit. “Didn’t you tell me the internet was bullshit?”
“I’m not saying he’s a shitty person. I don’t know him personally but I mean, the guy only dates models like Kendall Jenner so he’s obviously a shallow womanizer.”
“You know what’s shallow? What you just said about a guy you’ve never talked to.”
“You go talk to him then.”
You were surprised by your best friend’s suggestion. You looked at her with your mouth opened and breathed out a laugh. “You’re joking?”
“No I’m serious. I just don’t think you have the balls to do so,” Lia said with a smile.
You and Lia were best friends but you were nothing like her. She was the wild one, you were more laid back. However, that made you two the perfect duo. But sometimes you were tired of being ‘the boring friend’. That night you'd had a few drinks and you were up for a challenge.
“Watch me,” you said to your friend’s surprise. And before Lia could speak her mind, you were already making your way toward Harry.
“Are you feeling fine?”
You blinked a couple of times and found yourself standing in your boyfriend’s living room and in the middle of his birthday party. Miles was giving you a look of concern. One of his hand was holding a drink and the other was rubbing up and down your back to give you comfort. You pressed your lips into a smile and told him you were fine and you just didn’t like crowded places.
“Do you want to go upstairs to lie down?”
“No. Don’t mind me. I’ll go find somewhere to sit down.”
You tiptoed to capture his lips with your own. That was when you heard your best friend’s voice coming through the entrance.
“Y/N! Miles! I’m here!”
“Oh, Lia’s here. I’ll stay with her,” you told Miles.
“You sure?”
You nodded your head yes.
“Okay, Lia, keep an eye on her for me. I’ll go get you a piece of cake.”
“And a drink,” said your best friend with a smile.
“Love you.” Miles pulled you into a kiss then he just disappeared into the kitchen. You later received a look from Lia. You knew what it meant but she said it anyway.
“ ’Love you’? You two said the ‘L’ word?!”
“No! I mean, he did. I’m still…not there yet,” you said and immediately changed the topic.
“So how was Rob’s party?”
“He was sad you couldn’t make it but he completely understood. He thanked you for sending the present.”
“And…” you trailed off. Lia knew what you were getting at, still she waited for you to ask her. You couldn’t care less about Rob’s party. He wasn’t that close to you anyway. You just needed an excuse to talk about what was at that party, or who to be exact. 
“Was Harry there?”
“Yes.” Lia kept a neutral expression as she spoke, “but I didn’t talk to him, just saw him.”
“How is he?”
“He looked happy, laughing and drinking with some friends and stuff.”
“Good for him,” you said. 
No matter how much you hated to admit that you were being selfish, you weren’t so thrilled with the thought that maybe, just like you, Harry had found someone new.
“Cum fo’ me, baby. I want to watch yeh cum,” Harry grunted into your ear as he sped up his thrusting which drove you to that beloved edge. Your whole body was shaking uncontrollably as you scream out his name. Seeing you in that vulnerable state was the end of Harry and he soon reached his height right after you had finished. You were completely spent after that second orgasm, but still managed to smile when his sweaty body collapsed on top of yours.
“Fuck…” you exhaled and heard Harry chuckle into your neck. His hot breath made your skin tingle. It was just another casual Saturday night when you two decided to watch a movie and ended up fucking like rabbits. 
“Do yeh think birds can suffer from fear of height?” Harry’s random question made you laugh. You two had been spending a lot of time together and weird conversations like that had become too ordinary.
You were lying next to Harry with your head on his chest and his arm around you. Both of you were comfortably naked under the blanket. You took a few seconds to think of an answer for Harry’s question. Even yourself thought it was funny how you were taking his silly question very seriously.
“Birds who have not learned to fly certainly can and do and also those who never learn to fly.”
“Also birds whose wings were damaged.”
“Harry, I think birds whose wings were damaged can be afraid of flying, but not height.”
“Oh, yea, smart girl.”
“I’m not smart. You’re just stupid.”
Harry pretended to look offended and it cracked you up.
“What?” you ask when he smiles at you for no reason.
“Nothin’. Yeh just look really beautiful when yeh laugh,” he told you. It wasn’t the first time Harry’d said that to you. Harry was a nice guy and he would tell any girl that she looked beautiful whenever he could to make her feel good about herself.
You simply thanked him for the compliment and acted like it’s no big deal, but you could fool anyone but yourself. You never stopped thinking about it along with all the possibilities behind the word beautiful. That night was the first time your heart started to race and your palms started to sweat when you looked into his green eyes. And the strange feeling in your stomach made you think maybe you had got sick. Yes, you were sick. And it was the kind of sickness you might never recover from.
“…and I said ‘why don’t you fuck off?’!”
Everyone started laughing, except for you. The man’s joke wasn’t that funny but most of the people there were drunk anyway. You felt so uncomfortable sitting on that sofa. Despite having your boyfriend and best friend right next to you, you still felt so out of place. 
“Ed’s so drunk,” Miles whispered into your ear and made you giggle.
“Did you drink much?” you asked your boyfriend who shook his head.
“No, gotta stay sober for you.”
“Good boy,” you said and stroked his hair, making him chuckle. You laid your head on Miles’ shoulder as he pulled you closer to his chest and kissed your hair. You didn’t know why you even asked what you were going to ask next but it just came out unexpectedly.
“Do you think birds can suffer from fear of height?”
Miles looked at you, confused. You thought you weren’t loud enough so you attempted to repeat but he cut you off, “Y/N, are you drunk?”
“No.” You laughed. “The silly question just randomly popped up in my head.”
“See? Even you think it’s a silly thing to ask,” was what he said to you before turning his attention back to the conversation going on between his friends.
You already began to lose patient after watching Harry observing the palm of your right hand for almost fifteen minutes. He said he was learning some palm reading techniques and he wanted to try on you.
“Are you done? This is so unprofessional!”
“If yeh keep on whinin’, I won’t be able to get it right!”
You were smiling and you didn’t realize you were doing that. He just looked so cute whenever he concentrated on something. It was hard to believe the man sitting in front of you on that sofa was a famous rockstar and belonged to the world. When he was with you he was just a normal 23 year old young man who told bad jokes and enjoyed romantic movies.
“Your palm lines say yeh will get married at the age of thirty to a rich fat man, oooh, a sixty year old man.”
“Are you bullshitting with me?” you cocked an eyebrow and he grinned at you.
You burst into laughter and pushed him backward then climbed ontop of him, pinning his wrists down on the sofa’s arm rests.
“If you’re gonna punish me, I’m down with it,” he said with a cocky smirk.
“No I think I’m gonna save myself for my sixty year old husband,” you joked.
“He won’t be able to please yeh, you’ll find me again.”
You lowered your head and left small pecks on his jaw line as you spoke softly, “and have your wife murder me? No thanks.”
“I’m pretty sure I’ll still be single then, or divorced.”
“Don’t be pessimistic.” You moved your lips away from him, making him groan in frustration and open his eyes to look at you. You let go off his wrists and Harry took the opportunity to sit up with his arms wrapped around your waist to keep you in his lap. You cupped his face between your hands and ran your right thumb across his lips. You adored those lips. You adored his eyes, his hair, his hands. You adored him. 
You and Harry always tried to avoid talking about feelings and love and relationships as much as possible. But looking at him that very moment, you knew you just had to say this.
“You’ve been in love before, H. You’ll fall in love again.”
“It doesn’t work that way in the celebrity world. But I’m cool.” Dimples appeared on Harry’s cheeks as he smiled at you. “If you ever get bored with your sixty year old husband, just know I’ll be waitin’ for your calls.”
Harry checked his phone as a habit but he didn’t see any missed call from you. It’d been a while and he didn’t know why he was still hoping you’d come back, even after hearing from Lia that you had clearly moved on. 
“Tell them Harry will arrive in fifteen minutes. Okay, thanks,” Harry’s manager, Jeff, said on the phone and rushed the driver to speed up or else they’d be late.
“Why are you so sad?” Jeff turned to ask Harry as he put away his phone.
“It’s nothing.”
“If a girl turned you down or something you should talk to me.”
“There’s no girl,” Harry replied coldly and turned to the window on his side to avoid having another conversation about his love life. Maybe it’d been a while and you were happy in your new relationship, but Harry would keep on waiting for the day his phone rang and it was you calling to say you missed him too. Until then, he would just have to be patient.
(to be continue)
Don’t forget to give me thoughts on this part.
So I wrote a one shot called Beating Heart and someone asked me to write part 2 but I’m still not sure so if you want me to, let me know.
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underabr0kensky · 7 years
1- How are you? Content I suppose.
2- Post a picture of yourself. I did yesterday you fuck, go look.
3- Do you ever wish you were someone else? Nah, I’d probably still be messed up as anyone else.
4- What is your entire name? Conner Wade Garcia.
5- How old are you? 24.
6- Age you get mistaken for: I’ve been mistaken for like 19.
7- Your zodiac/horoscope and if you think it fits your personality: Libra, and yeah, the stuff I see is usually fairly accurate.
8- What did you do on your last birthday? Worked, and then slept.
9- What is one thing you would like to accomplish before your next birthday? Uhh...maybe quit drinking?
10- What is your hair color? Dark brown.
11- Have you ever dyed your hair? I had a rat tail when I was like 12 that I dyed blonde.
12- What is your eye color? Hazel, sometimes gray.
13- If you could change your eye color, would you? I’d make them perma-gray.
14- Do you wear contacts/glasses? Yep, I’m fucking blind without my contacts.
15- Your opinion about your body and how confortable you are with it: Meh. It needs work. Fucking pudgy belly.
16- Have you ever considered plastic surgery? What would you alter about your body? Nope.
17- Say 8 facts about your body: That’s a lot, so I’ll say one: I have two scars on my right hand in almost the same place.
18- Do you have any tattoos? Not yet.
19- Do you have any piercings? Nope.
20- Left or right handed? I am a righty, not a subhuman Morlock freak witch person.
21- What’s your sexual orientation? Straight.
22- Do you drink? Yeah, more than I should.
23- Do you smoke? No.
24- Do you have any pets? I wish. I want a kitteh.
25- Where do you work? I don’t right now. I worked at Walmart til like a month ago.
26- Something you are working on right now: Cutting back on my drinking.
27- Do you have any “rules” about food? Nah, but there are some foods I just can’t stand.
28- Where are you from? Tennessee. Ew.
29- What would you say is your best quality? Uhh. I’m good at listening.
30- What do you think you’re really good at? Guitar.
31- What do you think you’re really bad at? Staying sober.
32- What talent do you wish you’d been born with? I’d be happy with not having been born with depression.
33- Are you a bad person? Well I mean I think I kind of suck, but everyone says I’m awesome.
34- Are you nice to everyone? I try to be.
35- Say 3 facts about your personality: I have a temper, I like to listen, and I doubt myself a lot.
36- Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you? Yeah lol.
37- What is your ideal bed? Why? A king bed with a curtain around it, because fuck anyone staring at me sleeping. Unless it’s my girlfriend.
38- Did you wake up cranky? Depends on how early I get up.
39- Do you sleep with a stuffed toy? Sometimes.
40- What do you think about the most? My mind is too all over the place for that.
41- Share 2 habits: Drinking and nail-biting.
42- What you want to be when you “get older”? Financially stable bruh.
43- What are your career goals? To not live paycheck to paycheck. And maybe to not hate my job.
44- What is your ideal career? Musician.
45- Is your life anything like it was two years ago? Fucking fuck no.
46- Do you replay things that have happened in your head? Oh yeah, that’s like 98% of my day.
47- Have you ever had an imaginary friend? Yeah, I have.
48- Say 10 facts about your room: I’m not gonna listen ten, but I have a bunch of band/music posters, there’s an electric drum kit in the corner, there are lots of dragon statues, there’s an Arcueid figure (Tsukihime for anyone who gets that), uhh...Borderlands 2 is paused on my TV right now. And there are many guitars.
49- Do you have any phobias? Spiders, needles, and fucking tornadoes.
50- Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? Yeah, both of them. The therapist stopped practicing which sucked and the psychiatrist was a Godfagging quack.
51- Are you allergic to anything? If so, what? Pollen, rabbits, pork, artificial green apple, cat dandruff, and goldenrod. And amoxicillin.
52- Ever broken any bones? Nope, and I have no idea how.
53- Ever come close to death? Yeah, a couple of times.
54- Things you like and dislike about yourself: Uhh. I like my looks for the most part and my musical talent. Hate pretty much everything else lol.
55- A random fact about yourself: I can curl my tongue. Helps me play the harmonica.
56- What are three things most people don’t know about you? I’ve kissed a guy before, I cry a lot for a guy (or for a person, probably), and I like anime a lot. Specifically stupid slice of life shit and shonen.
57- An unknown fact about your life: Uhh. My stupid fucking taskbar can’t be right clicked. I hate Windows 10.
58- Share something about yourself others might think is weird: I like being choked and slapped in bed.
59- Five weird things that you like: Fried calimari, pineapple on pizza, Wendy’s fries dipped in their chocolate shake (thanks Jess), classical music, and getting drunk outside.
60- Do you have a facebook? If so, would you add the person who sent you this? Yes. And nobody sent me this, I just fill these out as surveys because nobody fucking responds if I just reblog it.
61- Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? Yeah, but they’re not recent. I’m not really active on there anymore.
62- Describe yourself in one word/sentence: Fucked up.
63- A quote you try to live by: “I choose to live rather than just exist” comes the closest, but I’m doing a terrible job of that lol.
64- Leave me a compliment: Uhh. Anyone who reads this, you’re pretty.
65- What is your favorite thing to do? Play guitar or listen to music. Or, lately, play Borderlands 2. The DLC is poppin’, yo.
66- What’s your favorite color? Black.
67- What’s your favorite band/singer? Favorite band is Children of Bodom. Favorite singers are James Hetfield, Marc Hudson, Howard Jones, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Elvis Presley, Anders Fridén, Matt Heafy, Warrel Dane, Amy Lee, probably others I’ve forgotten.
68- What’s your favorite movie? That’s hard. Goodfellas, the Godfather Part I and II, 300, both Avengers movies, Captain America: Civil War, Titanic, Hesher, and Good Will Hunting are some of my favorites.
69- What are your favorite books? The Wheel of Time series, Bag of Bones, the Harry Potter series, The Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, Penpal, Shout!: The Beatles in Their Generation, A Painted House, Jurassic Park, Black Lightning, shit I have a lot more.
70- What is your favorite quote and why? The above quote, because it represents what I wish I could actually do. But ya know. Money.
71- What is your favorite word? Fuck.
72- What is your least favorite word? Money.
73- What is your favorite type of food? Italian food motherfucker. Specifically lasagna.
74- Your favorite ice cream? Heath bar.
75- What’s your favorite animal? KITTEH.
76- Dogs or cats? KITTEHS.
77- Describe your favourite texture: Uhh. Those really soft silky-feeling blankets.
78- What is your favorite flower? A BLACK ROSE EHHHH SO EDGY. Probably daffodils.
79- What’s your favourite scent? And on the opposite sex? The smell right before or after it rains. And on the opposite sex, whatever perfume they like.
80- What is your favorite season? Spring.
81- What are the top five places you wish you could go before you die? Venice, Berlin, Scotland, Norway, and that weird island with the dragon fruit and flat freaky trees that I’ve forgotten the name of and am too lazy to Google.
82- What are four things you can’t live without and why? Internet, phone, music, and cute animals. Because they keep me from fucking murdering myself.
83- Which mythological creature are you most like? Why? I have no idea but I’m gonna take a quiz right now, brb. Apparently I’m a goddamn unicorn, fuck.
84- What’s your favorite television show? House M.D.
85- Favorite place to shop at? Walmart. Fuck shopping bruh.
86- Say 2 facts about your favorite things: Uhh. One has strings and one lives in Germany.
Family, childhood and places
87- Say 4 facts about your parents: My dad is Spanish, my mom has depression, they divorced when I was like 11, and my dad is a medical professional.
88- Are you more like your mom or your dad? I think I’m like. Exactly equal to both of them. It’s frustrating.
89- Do you have any siblings? An older half brother, two younger step siblings, and two younger half brothers.
90- Say 9 facts about your family: That’s too many facts, die. My family is really big though and my dad’s side can speak Spanish.
91- What’s your relationship like with your family? Meh. Not great with my dad, my mom and I are fine though.
92- Say 7 facts about your childhood: There was a lot of stress and emotional abuse and shit. But it was also a better childhood than most people I think.
93- The best and the worst childhood memories: one of my favorites was when I got a PS1 for my birthday. Worst, I have no idea. Whenever my parents fought, which was a lot.
94- Say 6 facts about your home town: It’s tiny, it’s full of rednecks with fucking F10000 penis substitutes, it has a pretty chill as county fair. I know that’s only 4, fuck off.
95- Are you going out of town soon? Nah, I doubt it.
96- Where would you like to live? If I had to stay in America, California. If I could leave, I dunno, probably Norway or Sweden. Somewhere in Europe definitely.
97- What would your dream house be like? Victorian style please.
98- Where would you go on your dream vacation? Italy. I’d get banned from the country for eating all their food.
99- Where you want to be right now? With my girlfriend, or at a beach somewhere.
100- Top three places to visit: Venice, Berlin, Spain.
101- Would you ever smile at a stranger? Yeah, I do sometimes.
102- Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys? Girls. Most of the guys around here act like douches and only ever talk about sports or fucking girls.
103- Who is someone you never tire of? My girlfriend.
104- Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? There are a couple of people.
105- Who is your most loyal friend? Phil.
106- Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? Mhmm. Three people.
107- If your best friend died, what would you do? Get horrendously drunk for days on end and snap at everyone.
108- A reason you’ve lied to a friend: No idea. Probably because I didn’t want to leave my house or something, lol.
109- Have you ever felt replaced? Yeah, sometimes.
110- Say 5 facts about your bestfriend(s): Too many facts. But he is a drummer and he likes roleplaying games.
111- The last person you hugged? Not a fucking clue. Sasha I think.
112- Who was your first kiss with? Girl named Jessica. It was in the garden section at Walmart lol.
113- Do you like kissing in public? I fucking love it.
114- Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yeah, plenty of times.
115- You have a preference for boys or girls? Girls pls.
116- Is the male or female body closest to perfection? I don’t think anything or anyone is perfect, but I prefer the female body.
117- Do you believe in love at first sight? Nah.
118- Do you believe in soul mates? Maybe. I didn’t used to but now I kinda do.
119- What is your idea of the perfect date? I don’t really care honestly. Just something cute and romantic.
120- Based on past relationships or crushes, describe your perfect boyfriend/girlfriend: I like someone who I can talk to and not get bored of, someone who can keep up with my weird thought processes, and someone who doesn’t mind me being a kinky fuck.
121- What is the first thing you noticed in someone? Eyes or face in general, usually. Unless they’re wearing a crazy outfit or something.
122- Are looks important in a relationship? Yeah. They’re not the most important thing but I have to be attracted to someone.
123- What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? There’s not really an external characteristic someone needs to have for me to like them, but I love red hair.
124- What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? No biggie as long as it’s not like a 26 year old dating a 13 year old or something. My ex and I were five years apart.
125- Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? Hahaha. The only two serious relationships I’ve had were on the Internet.
126- Five guys/girls whom you find attractive: The girlfriend, the ex girlfriend, Emma Watson, Olivia Wilde, Mila Kunis.
127- Do you have a crush on anyone? It’s a bit more than a crush.
128- A description of the girl/boy you like: She’s hot as fuck yo. Hotter than you. :D
129- Say 1 fact about the person your like: She has facial piercings and she always loses :P
130- If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? “Can I meet the body I mean person?”
131- When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Whenever I sent the girlfriend the last message lol.
132- Do you think someone has feelings for you? I know she does.
133- Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Probably. Ew.
134- Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? You could say I make a habit of it.
135- Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Who hasn’t?
136- Anyone you’re giving up on? Nah. Probably should be, but nah.
137- Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Yup.
138- Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Yeah, the girl I dated throughout high school was kind of a cunt to my friends.
139- Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Yup.
140- Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Mhmm. Scary thought haha.
141- Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? Yes.
142- Is there someone you will never forget? Absolutely.
143- Say five ways to win your heart: Babble at me in a foreign language, cook me Italian food, introduce me to your cat, leave big ass scratches down my back, or act like a sappy romantic fuck.
144- What turns you on? Slapping, choking, hair pulling, biting, scratching, moaning, hard tongue on tongue kissing, girl on girl. I’m a guy. Eat me.
145- What turns you off? Bitchy people and close-minded bigoted fucks.
146- What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Jerk me while you whisper about fucking a girl into my ear and don’t let me cum until you say so. It has been done to me and it was fucking awesome.
147- What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? Probably when I found out Jess had started a separate bank account and was funneling parts of her paychecks into it to help me financially when I moved up there. Nice job fucking that one up, Conner.
148- What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Honestly I don’t care at this point. Just love me lol.
149- Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? Have you had one written for you? Yes, and no actually.
150- What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? Woke Jess up while she was clearly having a nightmare and held her hand until she calmed down.
151- Are you in love? Yes.
152- Are you in a relationship? Yes.
153- If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? She’s a fucking dork and I love it.
154- Are relationships ever worth it? Yeah, they’re just hard.
155- Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? I don’t think so.
156- Can you commit to one person? Mhmm.
157- Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Yeah, I’ve done it plenty of times lol.
158- Do you ever want to get married? Yes.
159- Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? Maybe. Hopefully.
160- Future names of your children: I do not want kids.
161- Do you get jealous easily? Yeah. Not like possessive jealous, but it’s pretty easy to make me jealous.
162- The last time you felt jealous, and why? I have no idea. Probably when my girlfriend hung out with her shit ex lol.
163- What is your definition of cheating? Anything you wouldn’t want your partner finding out about I suppose. I guess anything past hugging/holding hands.
164- Have you ever been cheated on? Yes.
165- Do you forgive betrayal? Eh. I probably would even though I shouldn’t.
166- Have you ever cheated on someone? Not my proudest moment, but yes, I cheated to get back at her for cheating on me. It did not help.
167- Why did your last relationship fail? Because I was an asshole and I fucked it up.
168- Things you want to say to an ex: I am so sorry, it was entirely my fault, you did nothing wrong and I hope you forgive me.
169- A description of the person you dislike the most: Anyone who has dated my girlfriend. :P
170- If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? I would have no idea wtf she’s apologizing for, but yeah of course.
171- How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? Not a clue honestly. A good many, but most of them haven’t been serious.
172- How long was your longest relationship? Almost 5 years.
173- You’ll love me if… You like musicians I guess?
174- Share a relationship story: Lol okay. So when I went to visit Jess, we went out for dinner with her roommate and her roommate’s boyfriend. And they all went to a super Christian private college. We were trying to keep our relationship sort of on the DL because the school was very gossip-y and Jess grew up in a town of like 700 people and her parents were ridiculous about her dating, much less dating a dude five years older that she met online. But anyway. We finished eating and we were all shooting the shit, and when we got up to take the dishes over to the little conveyor belt thing Jess and I kinda play-wrestled and I knocked a plate on her arm. And she was like “Look you made a mess on my hand” and without even thinking I said “Yeah, that’s what I do” without troubling to keep my voice down and winked like a dumbass. And she turned redder than a tomato and her roommate got this “OMFG” look on her face and Jess punched the shit out of my shoulder hahaha. Ahh. Good memories.
Music, movies and books
175- How often do you listen to music? Pretty much whenever I’m not watching a movie or playing a game.
176- What kind of music you like? I am a metalhead but I like everything.
177- Do you like to dance? I like to mosh.
178- What was the first concert/show you attended? Killswitch Engage with Parkway Drive, Escape Plan and Every Time I Die.
179- Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Yeah.
180- Share a song that takes you to a certain memory in the past: “Hello” by Adele. Shit was always on the pop station that my ex and I listened to in SD.
181- A song that’s been stuck in your head: “Hoshi no Furumachi” by The Fallen Moon.
182- Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play: Oh fuck off, fine. 1. Your Love Kills Me--The Veer Union 2. Everybody’s Trying to Be My Baby--The Beatles 3. Baptism -strings ver.-: Fate/Stay Night OST 4. Bang Bang--Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj 5. What is Eternal--Trans-Siberian Orchestra 6. Big Girls Don’t Cry--Fergie 7. Space Room--Bruce Faulconer 8. The Gun Show--In This Moment 9. Shit Out of Luck--Foamy the Squirrel 10. Blaze Heatnix--Megaman X6 OST
183- A book you want to read/have recently read: I wanna finish reading Bazaar of Bad Dreams.
184- Describe your dream library: Just fucking packed with horror and fantasy and drama books. And biographies.
185- Last movie you just watched: Uhh...Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings.
186- Do you like watching what type of movies? I love horror.
Situations and crazy things
187- You’re in a tattoo parlor about to get inked. What are you getting done? 7-star Dragon Ball on my shoulder.
189- What’s something you can see yourself going to jail for? Pirating too much shit. :P
190- If you could be any character, from any literary work, who would you choose to be? I wouldn’t. Becoming someone else would be shitty.
191- You’re given $10,000…under one condition:you cannot keep the money for yourself. Who would you give it to? My girlfriend probably. Then she could afford a plane ticket :P
192- If you had to go back in time and change one thing, what would it be? Don’t ask me that, I’ll get sad.
193- If you were an element on the Periodic Table, which would you be and why? Polonium. Because it sounds cool.
194- If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? 2016. It was shit.
195- You’re an Action Movie Hero. What’s your weapon of choice and the line you scream when defeating your arch enemy? Give me a badass sword. And I dunno, probably “I’ve got balls of steel”
196- If you could design an amusement park ride, what would it be like? Some bullshit crazy roller coaster that has a 1 in 10 chance of killing you.
197- What is the first curse word that comes to mind? FUCK.
198- What the last party you went to was… and when the next will be… Fuck parties.
199- Halloween costume idea? I was gonna be a Kroger bag for Halloween when I worked at Walmart.
200- What are you supposed to be doing right now? Nothing. I am ethereal.
201- Currently wanting to see anyone? Yes, always.
202- Why you follow me? I can’t, you’re a survey.
203- If you met me what would you do? Wonder how a survey was walking around.
204- Leave me a ridiculous question: Why are you so interested in me?
205- Leave me a cute message: Fluffy cats.
Opinions and beliefs
206- Is the cup half full or half empty for you right now? There is no cup. I smashed it.
207- Do you believe in fate/destiny? Nah.
208- What you wish for on 11:11? Happiness.
209- Do you consider yourself lucky? What’s your good luck charm? Fuck no lol.
210- Do you believe in aliens or life on other planets? Yeah, there’s no way we’re alone in this fuck huge universe.
211- What is your religion, if any? I am not religious.
212- Would you go against your moral code for money? Depends on which part of the moral code and the amount of money.
213- What’s more important to you:strength of the body or strength of the mind? Gimme dem moosels.
214- How important you think education is? If it’s a good education, very important, but the shit that passes for education in America is less important than deciding what kind of toilet paper to buy.
215- If you were the president, what would you do? Die of the anxiety and stress during my inauguration.
216- If you could change one thing in the world, what would you change? Money wouldn’t have turned everyone into a greedy cunt.
217- Is it the thought that counts? Or is that phrase circumstantial? Eh. Depends on the situation. Somebody with no medical training trying to save somebody who was injured and instead ends up accidentally killing them should have just kept their thoughts to themselves.
218- If you only had 24 hours to live, what would you do? Buy a plane ticket to Berlin.
219- Which movie character do you most identify with and why? Greg House. Because depression and alcoholism suck.
Feelings and Others
220- Are you a procrastinator or do you get things done early? I procrastinate procrastination.
221- Post a photo/draw a picture/write a poem (pick one) of a moment of personal significance: That is not happening, I am lazy.
222- Say 5 things you love unconditionally: The girlfriend, music, food, the Internet, and kittehs.
223- What motivates you in life? My girlfriend. Seriously if I hadn’t found her I’d be a puddle of vaguely human-shaped sadness on the ground.
224- Something that you’re proud of: I can play guitar.
225- Five words/phrases that make you laugh: “Look at this fucking bird making pasta. Just look at it for fuck’s sake”
226- Share the story of something that makes you smile: Watching all of the “Will it [insert food here]?” videos from GoodMythicalMorning with Jess. Fun nights.
227- Something you always think “what if…” about: You probably know the answer lol.
228- What was something you used to enjoy, but was ruined for you? What’s the story behind that? LotR. Because I watched them with Jess and now they just make me sad, stop making me think about this shit.
229- Describe one of the most awkward experiences of your life: When I tried to dance with my crush in like 3rd grade and had no idea wtf I was doing lmao.
230- Something/someone that you miss: THE GIRLFRIEND. WAKE YO ASS UP.
231- Are you over your past? Not entirely.
232- What is your saddest memory? When she broke up with me, what the fuck did I JUST say.
233- One of the hardest moments in your life: Holy fuck you’re doing this on purpose.
234- Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? YEAH. AS A MATTER OF FUCKING FACT THERE IS.
235- What’s something you want to do that you’d be embarrassed to tell other people about? I wanna go to a vocaloid concert.
236- What was your most embarrassing moment? Fuck if I know. I embarrass myself a lot.
237- Share one of your fears/insecurities: I hate my nasty pudgy belly.
238- Something you’re currently worrying about: Getting a fucking job.
239- Have you done something you regret very much? Yes.
240- If you could take something back that you said or did, what would it be? I would take back what an asshole I was.
241- Does anyone hate you? Probably.
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perspectiveartist · 7 years
Tagged by @essenceofspace !
1. Coke or Pepsi:
Coke, definitely. I don’t mind Pepsi and learned to tolerate it okay because that’s what my Mom likes best, but if you give me the choice I will always pick Coke.
2. Disney or Dreamworks:
They’ve both got some of my fave movies. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimmaron and Prince of Egypt are beautiful movies. However, if I go by consistency of excellence, I’d probably go with Disney? But I don’t really have a preference in the way of “I’d rather watch one company over the other”. Dreamworks just seems to reeeeally fluctuate with quality.
3. Coffee or Tea:
I like both alright. I prefer iced coffee and bottled teas lol. I drink tea more than coffee, though. Coffee tends to make me have to shit PRONTO and sometimes when it doesn’t make me have to shit, I still end up like...kinda having an upset stomach? Which does not help my anxieties. So I drink it sometimes but I have to be in the mood and in my own home near a toilet to feel comfortable with it lol. Don’t take me out for coffee, I will get nothing except maybe a water :)
4. Books or Movies: I’m not really sure...I guess books just because it lets me imagine things the way I want them? But they both require a level of attention that I have a hard time maintaining these days. I wonder though if part of my loss of interest in books comes from my eyes getting worse. I haven’t read much since getting them, so it could help.
5. Windows or Mac: I don’t have a strong preference, really. I don’t do a lot of fiddling with my computers, so as long as they can run what I want them to run, I’m fine with them. My desktop is Windows, my laptop is Mac. I’d say my only complaint is how fucking expensive everything Apple is. :/ Wilhelm’s needed repaired for years now but I just can’t justify the expense.
6. DC or Marvel:
Marvel, definitely. There’s some DC stuff I like, but I tend to gravitate towards Marvel more. I’d say Batman and Teen Titans are an exception. But mostly Marvel for me.
7. X-box or Playstation:
Uhhh I don’t really know to be honest? I grew up in a Nintendo household so I’ve never really owned a Playstation or X-box until living with James. Kind of how I feel about computers, I guess. As long as it’s got games I want to play lol. I suppose Playstation probably caters to me a little better.
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect:
Dragon Age. I haven’t really gotten to play Mass Effect yet, but space as a whole just doesn’t quite appeal to me as much? I do certainly love the alien races and seeing new environments is cool, but overall it just doesn’t hold the appeal to me that Dragon Age’s brand of fantasy does. I feel more creative with DA’s world.
9. Night Owl or Early Riser:
An unfortunate mix of both? I tend to stay up late and wake up early. I don’t really enjoy waking up early, my body just doesn’t leave me much of a choice.
10. Cards or Chess:
Cards. I always forget the rules to chess, card games are usually more straightforward for me.
11. Chocolate or Vanilla:
I assume we’re talking ice cream. Vanilla. For one, chocolate ice cream just rarely tastes like actual chocolate to me. Plus, you can customize vanilla however the hell you want without clashing flavors.
12. Vans or Converse:
Neither really. I pretty much just wear tennis shoes/running shoes/whatever the fuck you call them lol. New Balance is comfy. The shoes I’ve been wearing are New Balance and some kind of Dr. Scholl’s brand.
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar:
Honestly, I’m not sure? My very first Inquisitor was Adaar, so I definitely have a soft spot for them and it was cool to play a new race. But I don’t have a total preference. I model my characters in DA to resemble/act like my characters I write. So I don’t view them as their race, just the character I stuck with that race.
14. Fluff or Angst:
I like both, man. Give me some seriously angsty shit followed by sad fluff. Give me happy fluff. Give me heartbreaking shit. GIVE.
15. Beach or Forest:
Forest. Beaches are great, don’t get me wrong. I enjoy them and I’ve been to a few on vacations when I was younger. But beaches are pretty much always hot unless you go north. And the heat and I are not on good terms. I’d say the downside of forests is they can be fucking humid, and humidity = mosquitoes.
16. Dogs or Cats:
I have a stronger preference towards cats. I’ve always loved them, grew up with them, etc. But I still love dogs and I’d like to have one someday. I’ve basically mentally adopted James’s family’s dog Jake. We’ve always snuggled together when we get the chance and he loves the attention. He just needs to be reminded that I am dainty and cannot be a chew toy sometimes xD
17. Clear Skies or Rain:
Hmm...I really don’t know here...Sometimes I really crave rain, but too much rain can be dreary because I start to feel cooped up. But too much sun can get tiring too because sometimes you just want it to be cooler. I guess it just kind of depends on the season.
18. Cooking or Eating Out:
Here’s the conundrum that ruins my life, aight. Aside from not having money, I can’t really eat out much. I fucking love restaurant food, even just fast food, but here’s the problem: I can’t stand eating in public 90% of the time because anxiety + phobia. I feel trapped and it’s rare that I can relax and properly eat a meal in a restaurant. But I also hate cooking. Which means I actually just eat a lot of junk food when left to my own devices lol. I did cook today though! I steamed some sugar peas and broccoli in teriyaki sauce. Low maintenance and yummy~
19. Spicy Food or Mild:
I can’t stand spicy food. It tends to upset my stomach more often than not. I eat food so blandly half the time you could mistake me for an old woman.
20. Halloween/Samhin or Solistice/Yule/Christmas:
Christmas holds the most sentimental value for me, but I don’t get excited for it like I used to. But I don’t really get excited for Halloween either. I like decorating for both, though, and seeing different decorations.
21. Little too cold or little too hot:
A little too cold. Being a little too hot sends me into anxiety sometimes (what doesn’t tbh) because being hot in general can upset my stomach. Winter’s my favorite for a reason.
22. Superpower
I wanna communicate with animals, Eliza Thornberry style. But I’d also like it to extend to insects and stuff? I’d never be alone.
23. Animation or Live Action:
Animation. It’s more expressive generally and you can do whatever you want with it with no worries about practical effects and the like.
24. Paragon or Renegade:
I would probably end up in the middle, maybe leaning more towards paragon? I prefer to be nice but sometimes it’s just not an option, man. You can’t please everyone.
25. Bath or Showers:
Showers, but it would be nice to have the option to take a bath sometimes. Unfortunately, our tub has a section cut out of it because the last tenant was disabled, so we can’t fill it :C
26. Team Cap or Team Ironman:
If this is about Civil War, I ain’t picking sides. I’m in Switzerland territory with the X-men.
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi:
Fantasy, but both are good :3
28. Fav Quotes:
I don’t really keep faves, honestly. My preferences change too much. But one I cling to actually came from a dream of mine where I spoke to Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown lol. But it was meaningful and comforting.
"In all my years of travel, I've never met anyone in the past, present, or future whose path wasn't vastly important."
29. Youtube or Netflix:
Just depends if I’m on my computer or on the couch lol. I don’t use Netflix on my computer.
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson:
I haven’t read Percy Jackson and don’t really have an interest in it, so definitely Harry Potter.
31. When I Feel Accomplished:
Uhhh...I guess when I make something I’m proud of?
32. Star Wars or Star Trek:
I’m honestly not huge on either, but I guess I have more good associations with Star Wars because of the people around me.
33. Paperback Books or Hardback:
Hardback, I suppose.
34. A world without literature or music:
Uh...no. I’m not choosing that lol.
35. Who was the last person to make me laugh:
James, probably.
36. Sour or Sweet Candy:
Depends on what I’m in the mood for, honestly. I like sweet stuff but sometimes sour is just great.
37. Believe in aliens?:
Yeah I mean, the universe is too vast not to.
38. Dawn or Dusk:
Dusk, I think.
39. Piercings or Tattoos:
I don’t have either and I probably will never have either. I prefer tattoos on others, but piercings are fine.
40. Girls? Hot?:
Uh yeah man.
41. Snow or Fog:
42. Sleep facing the wall or room:
I don’t have a real preference where I’m facing as much as whatever side of the bed I’m on.
43. TRC of AFTG:
44. Horror or Drama:
Drama I guess? Just because horror often upsets me. But I’m not huge on either genre.
45. Orcarina of Time or Majora’s Mask:
Majora’s Mask. I feel it’s got more complexity and emotion to it. 
46. Living in nature or city:
I prefer kind of a medium? I don’t want to live in bumfuck nowhere but I don’t want to be in a city either.
47. Any addictions:
Art supplies ;A;
48. Languages:
English is my first language, I’m working on Spanish and German.
49. What music do I listen too:
Pretty much anything I end up liking? Limiting yourself to a genre is silly.
50. Fav mythical creature:
I’m not sure I have a favorite but I do have a soft spot for mermaids and centaurs.
51. Safe zone:
There really isn’t one, ever. There’s a downside to any locations or person.
52. First fandom:
Probably Pokemon? Either Pokemon or DBZ.
53. Cartoons or Adult Shows:
Animated anything :D As long as it’s good, I don’t give a fuck who the target audience is.
54. Current music:
Not listening to music right now.
55. Favorite starter?:
Like Pokemon? I have a nostalgic soft spot for Totodile. It was back before I could look up to see what the Pokemon would look like, so I had no idea my little Totodile would grow up to be a big badass Feraligatr and I freaking LOVED it. I feel the same way about Mudkip. Weirdly enough, I prefer to start with FIre types rather than Water.
56.  What would your witch’s familiar be?
Probably just a cat lol.
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suckitsurveys · 4 years
What’s your favorite accessory?: Earrings. I’m always wearing them. I also almost always have a hair elastic on my wrist. I also love a good 90′s style choker.   What is the last article of clothing you bought?: A swim suit for my niece’s birthday. What does that article of clothing look like?: It’s a reversible tankini. One side is half one shade of blue, half another shade, split down the middle, and the other side is black with lightning bolts in those shades of blue. it’s really cute.  Which is better: candy necklaces or Ring Pops?: Candy necklaces.
What’s your favorite kind of soda?: Root Beer and Dr. Pepper.
What program do you use to play your mp3s on?: I use Spotify on my phone for music. If you’ve taken the SATs (or PSATs/ACTs/etc), what was your score?: I don’t remember. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?: A lot. Do you honestly care how much the woodchuck could chuck?: Not at all. What time do you wake up every morning?: On work days I get up around 7. I’m supposed to technically start at 7 but I don’t have to check in til 7:10 and I’m working from home so I sleep til the very last minute lol.  What was the last movie you rented or bought?: I rented Frozen 2 for my niece and I to watch when she slept over last week.  Do you play Dance Dance Revolution?: I have before. If so, what’s your favorite song to play?: I don’t remember any of them. What do you think of the Kool-Aid man?: Oh, yeah. Do you like Dane Cook (he’s a comedian)?: I am embarrassed to admit I used to love him. Then I realized how unfunny and unoriginal he is.  Have you had a song in your head today? What is it?: I have a bunch of songs from Tik Tok constantly playing in my head lately. Have you ever humped someone to greet them in school?: Uh, no.  Who would you rather have sex with: Prince or Billy Idol?: I’m okay.  What was the last concert you went to?: Vampire Weekend in Salt Lake City almost a year ago.  What is the next concert you are going to?: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck 2020. What is your favorite board game?: Clue. Do you think Jade Puget is really awesome?: I have no idea who that is.  What’s your favorite punctuation mark?: ? What foreign language do you take in school?: I took Spanish for 3 years in high school and a year in college. Have you ever read any of the Chronicles of Narnia series?: Nope. Do you hate Harry Potter as much as I do?: I don’t hate Harry Potter, I just don’t care about it. How many times have you seen the movies in the Star Wars series?: I think I’ve only seen the first one the whole way through.  What is your favorite anime?: FLCL. Do you own a lava lamp? Blacklite? Fiber optic lamp?: Nope to all the above. Do you write it as “favorite” or “favourite”?: Favorite. How many bracelets do you own?: I don’t know exactly, but quite a few. How many bracelets are you wearing?: None. The hair tie I usually have on my wrist is in use.  What’s your favorite flavor of Pocky?: Matcha.  What’s your favorite way to wear your hair?: I love space buns! I don’t do it often, but I love them. What brand of gum do you most often chew?: I haven’t had gum in years. Do you believe in the Zodiac somewhat?: Somewhat. I think it’s very interesting how i exhibit the traits of my sign.  What’s your Zodiac sign?: Virgo! What’s your Chinese astrology sign?: Snake. If you were to attend an art school, what subject would you major in?: Film or TV. How old is your PC?: Old. Do you have any 16-bit video game systems in your house? (ie Sega Genesis): No. My husband plays those games on his computer. When was the last time you got some film developed?: Uhh. I have no idea, it’s been several years. What was on that roll of film?: No idea. If you were to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would it be of?: I have a few ideas. I wanna do a half sleeve of creepy creatures and a sort of half leg of the other 4 BoJack characters to add to my BoJack tattoo.
When you turn 18 (or already have), what did/will you do on your birthday?: I turned 18 13 years ago. If i remember correctly, we just had a party in my dad’s yard. Can you use a hula hoop?: I mean, sure. Not correctly, though. . What is the longest distance you’ve ever walked?: Not 100% sure.  Do you wear eyeliner?: Sometimes. Has anything been bothering you physically lately?: Yes. How about mentally?: Always. Do you already have an idea of what you wanna do for college?: I already went. What’s your favorite kind of fruity candy?: Sour Patch Kids. How long do you think you could do jumping jacks non-stop?: Lol not long. What do you usually use your tokens on at the arcade?: Skee Ball! What’s your favorite kind of fruit?: Pomegranates, watermelon, bananas.  What’s your favorite kind of Coca-Cola or Pepsi (Vanilla, lemon, lime, etc.)?: Cherry. What do you think of eyeball jewelry?: Sounds gross. What kind of deodorant do you use?: Secret. Have you ever had a lemonade stand?: I think so? What’s your favorite font?: I don’t know. There’s so many.  What size and color do you use with it?: -- What’s better: glitter or rhinestones? GLITTER. If you were given a $50 gift card to an art store, what would you buy?: I have no idea, I’d have to look around.  Do you like taking pictures of yourself?: Eh. Are you fairly photogenic?: Sure. What was your first job?: At a cafe. If you could have wings, what kind would they be (bird, insect, bat…)?: BAT WINGS. What do you order at your favorite fast food place?: My favorite is Popeyes and I usually get the mild chicken tenders combo, unless they have some sort of special tenders, then I will get those. What kind of sauce do you get with chicken nuggets?: BBQ or honey mustard.  Do you like making sandcastles at the beach?: Sure. If you had a tricycle/big wheel when you were a kid, what did it look like?: I had a green big wheel.  Did you have streamers in the handlebars of your bike?: Yes. Would you put streamers on your bike now?: Yes. What is your favorite McDonald’s toy you’ve ever had?: There was one year they had Inspector Gadget toys where each one was a differerent part and if you collected all of them you could build him. I also loved the Barbies and Beanie Babies.  What was your favorite toy that you broke when you were a kid?: A lot of my Barbies got destroyed by my cats when I was a kid.  How do you like your hamburger?: In my mouth. What’s your favorite kind of juice?: Apple or lemonade. What is your favorite belt you own?: I don’t own any belts. What is the most obscure thing you’ve found at a thrift store?: I don’t know. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a thrift store. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen while taking a walk?: I’m sure I’ve seen a lot of weird shit. How often do you go for a walk?: Ugh, I really should more often. What does your discman look like?: Discman? Wow, this survey is really old. What is your favorite kind of Pop Tarts?: Brown sugar. When was the last time you colored in a coloring book?: The other day.  If you were able to sell your soul to someone, how much would you charge?: Lol. What would you buy with the money?: -- What instrument’s sound makes you smile?: Drums. Do you like to be tickled?: Yes. Does tickling turn you on?: Yes. Not so much full on ticking, but light touches.
What brand of condoms do you usually use?: We have some Magnum brand ones, I think they’re called. What was the last CD you bought that you really liked?: I don’t even remember the last CD I bought. When was the last time you had a papercut?: I have no idea. Who’s one person you absolutely hate and why?: My BIL because he’s a piece of shit. What makes you think a person is absolutely obnoxious?: If they’re full of themselves, ignorant, negative about EVERYTHING, pretentious. Basically my brother in law. What was your favorite Pokemon?: Pikachu. Call me basic; I love that little lightning rat.  Did you watch the Power Rangers when you were little?: Yes. What’s better: Ben and Jerry’s or Dairy Queen?: I feel like you can’t really compare the two? If you could go over to someone’s house right now, who’s and why?: Randal’s because I miss himmmmmmmm. Are you good at playing ping-pong?: Nope. Do you like to chew on things?: Sometimes. What’s a nervous habit of yours?: Playing with my hair or picking at my face. Do you like to paint your nails?: I like to get them done. I haven’t in AGES though.  Would you be able to fit in a kiddie pool?: Yeah? What makes you giggle with glee?: Lots of things! When you read the comics in the paper, what do you go for first?: Garfield! 
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nostalgiaispeace · 7 years
On Saturdays, I like to… chilllllll
Where would you like to be a missionary to? somewhere out of the country.
What’s better — toilet paper rolled over top or underneath? over the top.
Which Scooby-Doo character are you most like (Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, Fred, Velma, the monster, Scrappy?) i don’t know. i never watched it.
If you had to endure one natural disaster (i.e. hurricane, tornado, etc), what would you pick and why? hurricane, because i’ve already been through many so i know what it’s like.
What movie or TV show do you take guilty pleasure in watching? Teen Mom
If you had to describe your day as a traffic sign, what would it be? RED
What traditional stereotype would you classify yourself as? people call me emo so i’ll go with that.
What “group” did you belong to in high school? i was a loner.
If you wrote a book about yourself…what would it be about? probably my struggle with mental illness. If your house were burning down, what would you take and why? my stuffed frog - because it’s the only thing i have left from my Nanny and I can’t sleep without it; Scarlet’s urn - because she’s my baby. RIP
Describe your favorite pair of PJ’s. my grandpa’s PJ pants.
How many handbags do you own? one.
If this were your last day alive, what would you say to your friends? “see yah”
What is your very favorite part of your day? going to bed.
What is your best scar? Tell the story of how you got it. lol best scar?
You win a million dollars, but you have to give half to a charity. Which charity do you pick, and what do you do with the rest of the money? child abuse related charity.
Describe your dream wedding where money is no option. old hollywood
What kind of deodorant do you use? Secret.
If you were a spy what would your alias be? I don’t even know.
Do you have a birth mark? Where? Does it look like anything? yeah, on my ass, i’m not sure because I can’t see it.
You are planning the most awesome dinner party of your life. Which 3 celebrities/historical figures (past or present) would you add to your guest list to keep the dinner talk interesting? Marilyn Monroe, Lana Del Rey, Leonardo DiCaprio
What is your favorite sport, and which team of that sport do you cheer for? gymnastics
Which would you rather have a kiss or a hug? Why? both are nice from Matt because i love him
If you could be a pair of jeans what style would you be?  Why? jeggings because they are comfy
You have multiple personalities, describe some of them. that’s really rude.
What is the best thing you have done in your life? i wish i knew.
If you were blind for the rest of your life… what would you miss seeing the most? films and books; the faces of my favorite people.
What household chore do you hate the most? dishes
What is your most disappointing moment in life? none of your business
When have you laughed the hardest? Cried? i don’t know....it’s happened alot?
If you had a “theme song” that played whenever you walk into a room full of people, what would it be? Antivist by Bring Me the Horizon
What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? their face?
What time period from the past would you most have liked to live in and why? 1950s. I want to be a house wife and see all of Marilyn’s movies in Theatres and meet her.
What is the best reward anyone can give you? love and support.
If you had a band what would you name it? Screaming Redemption
Do you like fruit? Vegetables? yes; no
What can someone do to encourage you? just say i can do it and it’ll be okay.
If you could be one for just 24 hours, what cereal box cartoon character would you be? Why? um i dont know.
What was the best thing that happened to you this weekend? the golden globes will be the best thing.
What is your favorite animal? List three adjectives to explain your choice. kitties. fluffy, cute, meows
What is your favorite color? List three adjectives to explain your choice. orange; no
It’s a very hot and muggy day. You desperately want something very cool and refreshing to quench your thirst and revitalize your body. What would you drink — either make your own or store-bought. mtn dew or water.
You discover that the person you’re head-over-heels interested in loves a good homemade & handmade dessert. What will you concoct when you have this person over? brownies and vanilla ice cream.
What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most? my harry potter stuff.
What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own: when you were a child/teenager/now? my stuffed frog
What’s the kindest act you have ever seen done? helping the homeless i guess
If you could have any job in the world, which one would you want? in a band or a criminal psychologist.
What are your best/worst subjects in school and what subjects would you want to learn now? science - worst; psychology - best
What are you most talented at? singing
What is your worst nightmare today? this headache i have
How often do you clean between your toes? every time i shower.
What is your favorite way to waste time at work without getting caught? going pee.
If you could have had the starring role in one film already made, which movie would you pick? Inception
If you were to perform in the circus, what would you do? i don’t wanna do that. If you could eliminate one thing you do each day in the bathroom so that you never had to do it again, what would it be? makeup
You were just given a yacht. What would you name it? Ashley’s Yacht
If you could have been told one thing that you weren’t told when you were a teenager, what would you like to have heard? “it’ll be okay”
You’ve just been hired to a promotions position at Kellog Co. What would you put in a new breakfast cereal box as a gimmick? um...i don’t fucking know.
Just like “Everybody Wang Chung tonight!”, what action would your name be if it were a verb? ..........
Name your favorite song. since i’ve been loving you - zeppelin If you were to get a tattoo, what would it say or what would the graphic be? i want a marilyn portrait eventually and her autograph
If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be and why? If you already play an instrument(s), what do you play and why? piano; it’s pretty
When trick-or-treating as a kid, was there any kind of candy that you didn’t like to get? no. all candy is great.
Why do you live in the Washington DC area? i dont..
What is your favorite memory of Christmases past? dunno
What is the most outrageous thing you’ve done for God? nothing...
If a movie was being made of your life and you could choose the actor/actress to play you, who would you choose and why? Shailene Woodley because apparently we look alike and she’s talented.
Paper or plastic? Paper. What was the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten? unno. squid?
What do you keep in the trunk of your car? junk
When you were in grade school, what did you want to be when you grew up? Why? singer; because i wanted to be
If you owned a CB radio what would your “handle” be? unno
If you were given 24 hrs to live, what would you do? sleep
If you were in the “Miss America” talent competition, what would your talent be? (Note: both guys & gals have to answer this question) singing
What do you think the most ultimate gift of the world is? love
What is your earliest childhood memory? my dad leaving i guess
What was your favorite TV show when you were growing up? i didn’t have one.
If you had one extra hour of free time a day, how would you use it? read.
What CD is in your CD player right now? I don’t have a CD player.
The great theologian Andy Warhol stated that everyone gets 15 minutes of fame.  What happened during your 15 minutes? lol myspace
Name the most famous person you’ve had a face to face encounter with. the harry potter cast - mainly Tom Felton
Name your favorite children’s story. don’t have one.
If you could spend 15 minutes with any living person, who would it be and why? Lana Del Rey
What person in the Bible do you most closely identify with? Judas probably.
What article of clothing most closely describes your personality? i’m not sure.
If you were to write a book what would it be about? a memoir
How many rings before you answer the phone? i don’t really answer my phone
What is the first thing you think of when you wake in the morning? "i wanna go back to sleep”
If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? buy a bookshelf, have a wedding, and move
If you had to, what part of your body would you get pierced? lip
Who was your favorite teacher and why? my first and 4th grade teacher, my criminal psychology professor
What makes you feel the most secure? my apartment
Who do you admire the most? my mom
Have you ever had a reoccurring dream? What was it? yeah; the end of the world.
What was your nickname growing up? Muffins
Who was your hero when you were a child, and what did you do to be like them? Emma Watson. I just dressed like her
Peanut or plain? ummmm
What is your favorite cartoon character & why? Simba; cause
How did you learn to ride a bicycle? my mom taught me i think
Based on something you’ve already done, how might you make it into the Guinness Book of World Records? nothing..
What’s the closest you’ve come to becoming a pop star/winning an Oscar? not close...lol i mean i’ve acted in indi films, student films, and a discovery channel show.
When was the last time you did something for the first time? What was it? don’t know
What is your concept of a fruitful day? chilling
What was your favorite thing to play with as a child? Why? my lion king action figures.
If you could be any animal in the world for 24 hours, which animal would you be? Why? hmm a cat or an orca.
Have you ever jumped out of a plane? NO
If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be? ignorance
What is your best personal characteristic? dunno
What is your favorite quote? "i am fucking crazy, but I am free”
If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do? i don’t even know tbh
What is your favorite weird food combination? i dont know?
If you had to be a flower, which one would you like to be and why? Lillies because they are my fav
If you were stranded on a desert island, what three books and three people would you take with you? 3 harry potter books; my mom, matt, amber
My biggest pet peeve is… ignorance
What is your favorite commercial? What commercial annoys you the most? i don’t watch commericals
What’s the most interesting “Ice Breaker” Question you have ever been asked? I dont know
If you could be an ice cream flavor, what would it be? Why? dunno
Name a turning point in your life that makes you smile/cry. moving into my own apartment
If there were a holiday in your honor what would it celebrate? my birth
What clubs were you a member of in High School? Are you still interested in any of the same things? theatre
If you were to be on a reality TV show which one would you be on and why? none.
If you could be anything in the world, what would you be and why? singer.
If someone rented a billboard for you, what would you put on it? my website.
If you had to enter a competition for the “Most Uselessly Unique Talent,” what would your talent be? screaming
If you were a Smurf, what would your name be? -
What is your worst personality characteristic? everything
If you had to be a teacher of something, what would you teach? Psychology
How would you like to be remembered? i don’t care
What is one thing that you constantly think about (other than material things)? bills
What do you like best about your hometown? my mom is there.
Something interesting you might not know about me is… um...i dont really know
0 notes