#hashimoto’s disease
waitingforthesunrise · 9 months
I love you people with autoimmune conditions. I love you people with visible bodily symptoms. I love you people with invisible symptoms. I love you people explaining their interesting diets at every dinner party. I love you people struggling to explain what’s happening to them. I love you people with brain fog and fatigue and sleeplessness and pain. I love you people who have a bag full of medications and I love you people who don’t have any. I love you people with Hashimoto’s disease and psoriasis and celiac disease and crohn’s disease and everything else. I love you people battling for their mental health. I love you people making peace with their bodies. I love you people at war with themselves. I love you people discovering how to love a body that is trying desperately to love you back. I love you.
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sonny-ray-of-goth · 9 months
Hey y’all!
I’m about to make a website for an organization I’m creating to help those with hidden/invisible disabilities and illnesses.
I want to be able to make this website accessible for people with all types of conditions and wanted to reach out on here to get any suggestions from people with those types of conditions.
I also created an Instagram for the organization but it’s still in the very early stages so I won’t be sharing yet…
Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions!
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blackholemojis · 4 months
can you make a few wordmojis for hashimoto’s disease? like “hashimoti’s disease,” “i have HT,” and “thyroid flare” pls and thank you!! :)
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[ID: purple light mode emojis reading:
Hashimoto’s disease
I have HT
thyroid flare
/End ID]
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[ID: purple dark mode emojis reading:
Hashimoto’s disease
I have HT
thyroid flare
/End ID]
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no-see-um-incorrect · 6 months
So I wanted to share a little thing 
i’m going to put the warning here I talk about ⚠️chronic illness⚠️ in this post. but I really wanted to talk about it because it’s really important to me and no one IRL really cares (and I also wanted to bring light in case someone sees this post who is like me)
⚠️Small vent also⚠️ please feel free to scroll away 
I have two things PCOS and Hashimoto’s disease (if you don’t want to Google it feel free to ask questions)
And one of the treatable affects of these chronic illnesses is insulin resistance which causes dryness and darkening of the skin (also known as Acanthosis Nigricans) in certain places (under the chin, the neck, elbows, armpits, etc.) and for the longest time I was told that it was something that I was doing wrong.
You’re not drinking enough water
You’re eating too much sugar
You’re not eating good enough 
You’re not exercising enough 
Never stopping to consider that there’s something going on that’s out of my control. And it wasn’t until around August of last year that I started going to the doctor and actually getting diagnosed with and treated for these illnesses. 
My skin started darkening when I was 10 and my self-esteem went to hell because of it. People would stare at me in the grocery store. Kids would come up and ask why I had a dark ring around my neck, people would look at me like I was doing something wrong even though I was confused why it was happening myself 
Anyway Lil vent over 
I’ve got good news 
My doctor put me on medication 
And it’s starting to go away pretty quickly to the point where you can only see it in certain lights  and I am so relieved and ecstatic about it.  Because I didn’t think it was going to go away 
I thought I would just have to cover it up with makeup or hoodies and necklaces forever. I thought I was gonna have to feel that pain of looking in the mirror and seeing it forever. 
But now it’s gone almost completely. And I’m starting to heal from years of not getting it treated.
So if you are/were  in the same boat as me. Knowing something is wrong but people treating you like you’re the problem or people ignoring you about it 
It may not seem like you’ll ever get better. But you will. WE WILL
We may not recover fully mentally or physically, but we will recover.
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foe-of-fate · 4 months
January is thyroid awareness month, so be aware… mine ain’t doing so hot
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commonknits · 9 months
Hey I’ve just been diagnosed with two different autoimmune diseases, hypothyroidism and e.o.e., so now on top of my severe egg allergy I have to cut out a ton of other foods. So if anyone has any recipes or ideas for quick snacks I’d appreciate it. I’m down to really only eating ground beef, chicken, veggies, and fruit.
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forgthefrog · 2 years
I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do for people to understand that I’m sick. Like I’m not doing this for fun, believe me, all I want to do is get better and work hard to reach certain goals, big or small. I’m such an honest person and I feel like I’m always working hard just to make it through each day living with multiple illnesses and hell I’m still learning about them it’s new to me. Im so tired of people not realizing how hard I truly work and people dismissing me. Even I have a hard time realizing how sick I actually am sometimes. Because I’m able to live a relatively normal life people think I’m perfectly fine and it makes the imposter syndrome even worse. I keep thinking that I’m faking things or that I’m weak but I know I’m not.
I’m just tired
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tearsthatburnandhurt · 3 months
took me a long time to realize that I’m not a victim and how my depression, delusions, and self destructive behavior all manifest in ways where I push people away from me. I’m still not fully there in realizing it, but I can acknowledge what I’ve done in the past that is wrong, and how I’m no longer in a fight or flight situation. My friends aren’t bad people for not wanting to hang out with me when I’m in an episode, because I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who always makes them self smaller, or insults themself, because it’s an attack on me too. I was constantly constantly so concerned that people didn’t want to hang out with me that I thought of them less as people which isn’t fun for anyone!
The big life lesson here is that people who are friends with you are friends with you. You are not going to die for putting trust in someone else and they do not hate you if they don’t want to hang out sometimes it’s just not the right time, and that might happen often, but people have lives outside of you.
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icequeen1371 · 6 months
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Hashimoto’s moon face, all puffy & boy, do I ever need to dye my hair, but this is actually as good as it gets because the mirror in my spine specialist bathroom was amazingly kind to me on Thursday. I thought I looked fantastic lol Of course I had to get out my phone and take a couple pictures of myself LOL
Also, to any randos that may comment nasty crap about how old or ugly or puffy or fat, I am:
a) no shit, Sherlock. State the obvious more. Chronic illnesses that include lots of inflammation, and no sleep, kind of does that to you. So does long-term chronic pain. But since you don’t know me, you wouldn’t know that. Or care. However, I don’t think I’m ugly. You do? Please refer to the next statement.
b) Mind your own business, you don’t gotta fxck me, so what are you worried about?
c) don’t live your life on social media only to sh!t on other ppl’s parades. Not cool. Find a life. That’s just sad. And small d*ck energy. Piss off.
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bunnynarwhal · 6 months
Where my hypothyroid girlies at? I’m under a blanket because I’m fucking freezing in my apartment set to 74 degrees 😘
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waitingforthesunrise · 7 months
today was the first day I’ve ever asked for physical accommodations.
I have hashimoto’s disease (and probably some other fun goodies we’re figuring out.) I’ve made food accommodations for myself my whole life — bringing weird leftovers to summer camps, etc, etc. but rarely do I ever ask someone else for help or accommodations. I’m still getting used to the idea that it’s a chronic illness. I’m learning that my coping mechanisms need to serve my future me, not just my present version. and I’m learning how to respect my current needs as well.
I’m used to just ‘powering through.’ The weird part is that Hashimoto’s is often (but not always) an invisible illness, which makes it feel weird to suddenly ask for extra help at a club meeting where — hey, presto! — I was totally fine the week before.
except I wasn’t totally fine then. My symptoms were just being managed differently. Today I was feeling extremely dizzy + nauseous + lack of fine motor skills and it hit me like a brick : if you don’t ask for a chair within sixty seconds, you’re going to fall over. again.
I often fight with my body until it forces me to shut up and listen. I’m learning how to change the way I view my needs and the way I’m allowed to take up space in the world. I’m learning when to explain to people and when it’s not necessary. I’m learning how to honor the way my needs change frequently. I’m learning, and growing, and my body is too 💜
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batdude-s · 7 months
Does anyone with lived experience with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis have a few min to talk with me? I just got diagnosed and I would like to hear from someone who also has it.
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emmuffins · 8 months
I don’t WANT to lie around all day. It’s not “relaxing” or “peaceful” or “restorative”; I’m Miserable.
I WANT to be at my job.
I WANT to hang out with my friends.
I WANT to clean the apartment.
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untypicalcomfort · 5 months
Me: I don't think my chronic illness is bad today! :D I mean I just have a little pain—
Me as soon as I get home:
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sonny-ray-of-goth · 10 months
So I have a question for others with diagnosed hypermobile ehlers danlos syndrome
When I was diagnosed, the doctor said to me that there are no pain meds that can help with my pain that he is willing to give me because the only ones strong enough to work are highly addictive or can make you “high as a kite” in his words.
Has anyone else been told this? I mean it’s true low level pain meds don’t work on my joint pain but still, is there anything?
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oscarisaacasimov · 1 year
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reposting now that I've fixed privacy settings
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