#haven't done one of these in forever!
whatelsecanwedonow · 2 months
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Tagged by @whatimdoing-here - thank you, friend!
Were you named after anyone? Unfortunately, yes!
When was the last time you cried? Yesterday.
Do you have kids? No.
What sports have you played/do you play? I played baseball the longest throughout school, although I also played basketball for a short time too. And I was always game to try anything for fun.
Do you use sarcasm? I mean, yes.
First thing you notice about people? Smile, eyes. Hair too, yeah.
What is your eye color? Just some weird green/brown combo.
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, I don't particularly enjoy horror movies.
Any talents? I repaired a 45 year old radio by myself last month including soldering in replacement parts if that counts. I consider that to be fun, by the way!
Where were you born? New Jersey.
What are your hobbies? Uhh see tinkering with old electronics, or anything really. And play video games, films, TV shows, being on TUMBLR DOT COM, etc. The usual.
Do you have any pets? The ol' catdog combo.
How tall are you? 5'9"
Favorite subject in school? History.
Dream Job? Being a retired person who tinkers with all manner of things! That'd be fun. Everything else is much less fun.
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wintersongstress · 1 year
15 Qs /15 Mutuals
Tagged by the inimitable @a-shakespearean-in-paris​ to answer some questions💕 thank you!
1. Are you named after anyone? 
Isabel Archer from The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James. My mom read it while she was pregnant with me and I recently read it. James is one of the few male writers who can write women, I highly recommend his work.  
2. When was the last time you cried? 
*scratches head* I’m so medicated man....but I think a few nights ago I got hit with one of those moods. I was thinking about a guy I really liked and kinda fucked it up with because I didn’t think I could go out with him because I didn’t find him very physically attractive so I just shut it down. But my feelings were deep. But then again maybe those feelings attached themselves to a creature of my own imagination? Who knows. I will probably be single forever. 
3. Do you have kids?
No. Not opposed to them. I hope one day I get to a point where I love someone and feel that I am emotionally and financially stable enough to bring another being into the world and nurture them. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I’d say yeah because 95% of my existence is a joke! 
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? 
Just their general aura/vibes/energy. 
6. What’s your eye color? 
I’d say hazel. They’re a light brown with some green. 
7. Scary movies or happy endings? 
Happy endings. I’m a big sap for romance. I need the serotonin. 
8. Any special talents?
Making simple things complex! Not being mean to people when I want to! 
9. Where were you born? 
Illinois. My midwest accent is pretty egregious. 
10. What are your hobbies? 
Writing, gaming, embroidery, baking, listening to audiobooks/reading. 
11. Have you any pets? 
I live in a house full of cats but I consider two of them my Boys™
Hercule and Sokolov 🤍🖤🤍
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12. What sports do you play/have you played? 
I don’t do physical activity. 
13. How tall are you? 
I wear heels a lot because I’m tired of being 5′2 😂
14. Favorite subject in school? 
15. Dream job? 
I just wanna live out west and write historical fiction romance novels 😭 But one thing I’m looking into is being a developmental editor. They fix story elements and structure issues in a manuscript and I think I would be really good at that. 
Tagging: 🍓 @shallow-gravy // @the-halo-of-my-memory // @rivetingrosie4 // @preciousgyro // @onewingedangels // @mary-marion // @pagonyban // @sternbagel // @stedebonnets // @actuallyhansolo // @ammihan // @miss--river // @galerion // @theashenphoenix // @raccoonscity​ and anyone else who wants to!
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einaudis · 2 months
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spicyraeman · 24 days
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Was tagged by @katsigian to do this cute lil couples picrew, thank you for the tag <3
✧.* Virranan x Shadowheart
✧.* Wyll Ravengard x Treble
✧.* Rûngrim x Gale Dekarios
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
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My endless list of favorite characters: Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz (911 verse)
Every day you open your eyes in the morning, you feel a little less surprised the world is still there.
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pallanophblargh · 7 months
You know what the worst feeling I've been having lately is? Wanting more than anything to get back into Actual Art again but finding a sudden anxiety that stops me. Even if I'm still as capable as I was, it's the mental block. It's why I've all but kept commissions closed for this whole time: this overwhelming fear of letting people down. Especially in times as troubled as these, where money is tight, and patience is thin. I've always been blessed with such patient and considerate commissioners, but I would hate to test people because of my malfunctioning brat of a brain.
I just wish it came to me as easily as it did before the massive burnout/medication. But it's up to me to come up with my own motivation. And it's ME.
Anyway. Thanks as always for sticking around despite... all of this. I'll get back on the horse soon.
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bakumanfaces · 2 months
Got tagged in this by @haijynks so let's do this thing!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yep! I am a third so after my dad and grandfather. Fun fact my grandfather died when my dad was like 10 so I never got to meet the original.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last night. Aren't panic attacks the best?👍👍
3. Do you have kids?
HAHAHAHA.....no. Absolutely not.
4. What sport do you play/have played?
In highschool I threw the shot put and discus.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
People will tell you I'm the most serious person you'll ever meet😶
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Probably their eyes.
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings.
9. Any talents?
I like to think that I can cook well.
10. Where were you born?
In Plymouth MA
11. What are your hobbies?
Cooking, video games, and reading are the big three right now.
12. Do you have any pets?
Got a corn snake named Miria and she is the sweetest.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
I loved chemistry. I initially wanted to go to college for chemistry but they didn't accept me into the major. When I got the call I was like "you see that my grades for chemistry are good right?" But alas the rest were... Not.
Sorry something needs to hold my interest for me to learn it😅
15. Dream job?
I don't really have one....I dont dream of work. I thought maybe something in the kitchen but then there's the problem of monetizing something you love then you grow to hate it.
Apparently I gotta tag 15 buuuut I'm not gonna do that so @scarlet-riot @reicchel @a-really-regular-boy @citrusuprising @link-is-a-dilf @minakatana @siren-neris @imaginaryplotdevice
Obviously you don't have to do it if you don't want too.
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skittikyu · 1 year
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Family Outings
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hotmonkeelove · 5 months
My Crazy Utena Theories #4
That really was Ruka's sword. And someone did polish it while he was hospitalised. Of course, it wasn't Shiori.
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Shiori went to Ruka's clearly labelled locker. The sword is identical to the one she draws from his chest for the duel.
Obviously, Ruka was on to all Shiori's bs from the start. He said that just to catch her in a lie later on. I mean, she clearly didn't know him before. She looked surprised to see Juri talking to him and showing him such respect, when Juri's usually just aloof and intimidating. Shiori is jealous of someone else being close to Juri, yet also intrigued by a boy who is so much like Juri. She intends to take Ruka for herself due to her jealousy of anyone else getting Juri's attention, as well as her urge to make Juri jealous, in kind. But, being the bi disaster that she is, Shiori falls for Ruka's charm, playing into his hand. Though I do think he eventually realised Shiori's true feelings for Juri and wanted her to admit it. He was upset that she kept claiming he was the only person she ever loved. Ruka knows he only has a few days and will step over anyone to achieve his goal, yet his goal is truly selfless. He only wants Juri's happiness, whether with Shiori or free of her.
Delving a little deeper, I think we can infer from the flashbacks and inner dialogue that while Shiori was at her other school with her previous beau/boy who liked Juri/purse, Juri progressed in fencing at Ohtori, and Ruka became her sempai and confidant. The two were very close and she probably told him something about her locket, (but likely not the who or what gender. I think Akio told him that in his sleazy Akio way.) while he may have hinted at his own unrequited love to her. Juri said she was only "filling in for him" as head of the fencing club while he was ill. We see from their fighting styles that he taught her all her best moves. Even when she's at Ruka's throat, he's still extremely important to her. She's thinking about him when he's gone/ dead to Ohtori's closed off world of immaturity.
The person who actually kept Ruka's sword polished, awaiting his recovery and return to the school, was Juri herself. I have always thought that. It's what Juri would do.
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sparklings-bf · 2 months
(CLOSED) thank you so much I've secured the baldi plush. >:)
they'll be $15 each and i'll take 5 slots (closed now) i only use p4yp4l, dm me if you're interested
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(they'll be more like the first one, the second is a few weeks old)
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front-facing-pokemon · 10 months
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intothefandomverse · 8 months
Nimona headcanons I wrote when I really should have been doing my schoolwork
They have a pride flag hanging in the living room right by the murder wall
Bal and Ambrosius get Nimona squishmallows and other plushies whenever they see a pink one. She pretends she doesn't care about them, but if anything happened to any of her plushies, she'd kill whoever hurt them.
Bal has chronic pain, not just from the arm chop, but even before. He has really bad joints and would always push through it, just Amb learned how to pick up on the signs of a bad flare up and would try to force him to take a break, despite him denying it, and refusing any help if he sees it as help. Nimona picked up on this as well and will frequently turn into a cat, plop down on his shoulders or lap or arm just wherever is most convenient, and proceed to purr because she knows it's supposed to help pain
Nimona had some scarring when she first came back from the dead. Even though she has accelerated healing, she had to regenerate a ton from the impact, and while the phoenix form made it easier, it was still a lot.
When vaguely humanoid, nimona will shift their appearance slightly to match the gender vibe at the time, but will usually keep their hair roughly the same style (though, will sometimes trade it out for a different color, such as blue or purple, but they always return to the pink eventually)
Everyone in the trio has very bad habits and refuses to acknowledge them. They will yell at each other for bad habits but will say theirs aren't as bad or deny their bad habits. They are terrible hypocrites about it. It becomes a big game of calling out everyone's self depreciating habits and denying them when they're being called out.
Sometimes, when they're out, Nimona will decide to start a scandal and shift into the "demon baby" and pretend to be Bal's actual child (like during the science fair scene in the book) and fuck with the press because Bal does not have a child. But here is this random kid who very much looks like his child and is claiming to be his child? Oh it's Nimona. She thinks it's funny and enjoys reading the false news articles
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australiansquid · 11 months
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It isn't that Adrian is so much as embarrassed to dance, but it is a guilty pleasure of hers that she doesn't really do in front of others. But the moment Haurche finds out that she likes to dance he's sure to coax her into it any chance he gets. And Adrian is very, very bad at refusing.
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eslanes · 1 year
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Celebrating 48 years of the iconic hard rock band Midnight's Women. Though only together for three years, their impact long outlived the band itself and their success helped pave the way for the women in rock that followed them. Not to mention their debaucherous tour antics is the stuff of legends.
Sounds Like: The Runaways, Suzi Quatro, Heart
(I'm tired brain don't work)
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ghostprince · 4 months
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rotates them at mach speed
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kaelleid · 7 months
Izzy Hands Fic Recs (Nov 1-7th)
My favorite of the Izzy fics that I read between Nov 1-7th 2023. See other recs here.
to face the burning heat by ShowMeAHero (Ed/Stede/Izzy)
Stede’s shock is becoming something else, something Izzy doesn’t have a name for. He’s not sure he ever had a name for this, for— for the way Stede’s face is crumpling, eyes glassing over, tears spilling when his chin trembles and his mouth opens and his voice asks, “Izzy?”
descend into darkness // unwilling to let go by Helpneedmorefanfics (Ed/Izzy)
Edward Teach goes to the afterlife, to repeat a familiar tale.
show me the place where he inserted the blade by M00N13 (Stede/Izzy)
Stede and Izzy, in the aftermath of Man on Fire.
the language of flowers and other forms of communication by beewarrant (Stede/Izzy)
Stede Bonnet is a romantic, so when he falls for Izzy... well, let's just say that telling him is not enough.
It's About Belonging to Something by Anonymous
Izzy's entire existence revolved around Blackbeard. He isn't really sure who he is without him. But the crew of the Revenge see something else in him, and they sure as hell are going to help him figure it out. This is a solid mix of Izzy angst, coupled with the crew involving him in their fluff and shenanigans, with a happy ending.
men like us by pukner
Al Bonnet visits the empty inn haunting what used to be The Republic of Pirates, and meets a strange man with a wooden leg.
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