#he's forever making sure that this is 100% what Aaron wants and I cry
6-atlas-6 · 8 months
Here's a list of anime characters that I associate redacted characters with because I'm a fucking nerd
(It's only jjk, csm, and bsd because they're my favorites atm so I'm thinking abt them more)
Lasko: Yuta Okkotsu.
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I've already said this before but I'll say it forever. They're both nervous wrecks until they know shits getting serious, they're both afraid of hurting other people with their powers, I mean come on.
Vega: Suguru Geto or Makima.
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Vega and Geto both have to absorb/feed on pure negative energy. Vegas a sadism demon so that's obvious, and Geto has to absorb curses born from negative emotion. Vega and Makima are both overpowered as fuck, manipulative as shit, and clearly hiding everything about themselves. I mean come on they both refer to their "partners" as pets. (I say partner lightly cause technically in Makimas case that shits grooming).
Damien: Maki Zenin
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While we're on the Jujutsu Kaisen train. This one is weird because Maki is driven because she wants to prove her family wrong while Dames is driven because he wants to live up to his families expectations, but in my head they're similar in the family aspect.
Sweetheart: Denji.
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The whole "if my friends died would I even cry?" thing is so them. I just think sweetheart is so used to death that it barely phases them anymore so they have that whole am I emotionally numb moment exactly like Denji did. Also Devil Hunter, Department worker, you get me.
Blake: Himeno.
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They don't have similar personalities persay but some aspects are similar. Both are really shitty people but you're able to sympathize with them because they would do anything for the person they love, even if their efforts mean nothing in the end. Both of their partners are destined to inevitably die in the near future but they still do everything in their power to stop that from happening. Also even though the feelings they had weren't necessarily reciprocated (Blake's were but he didn't think they were). I would say Blake is definitely crazier than Himeno though like 100%.
Aaron: Choso.
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Protective older brother who would do literally anything for his younger sibling(s). That's all.
Gavin: Sigma.
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The whole "what was I made for/why am I here" thing. They both were created for a specific purpose that doesn't resonate with/apply to them anymore. Sure Gavin still feeds on attraction and Sigma is still involved with the DOA, but in a different way than they used to be. Both of them just want to live normal lives and do normal human shit. Please let them live.
Echo: Fukuchi.
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They can both go die in a hole, they make everything worse for literally everyone else, and they have some bullshit ability that fucks up everyone's day. I don't hold any resentment towards either of them guys trust /s
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evak-malec · 6 years
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25.02.2016 | 22.02.2018
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saintchlorine · 3 years
XYZ for the fandom meme
answers under the cut because you gave me the ramble option and idk what i might do with that power
okay here are the first who pop into my head:
sh heather
sh eileen
mei from overwatch
lucio from overwatch
sweet sweet aaron from creep
becky from utopia
hit girl/mindy from kick-ass
brian from mysterious skin :((
i would 100% take a bullet for any of these characters and that’s a guarantee
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
resident evil (a crime i know i just haven’t played any of them yet)
dead by daylight (but i bought it so maybe it won’t be tangential anymore)
scorpion – this one’s random bc idk anyone who watches it but i’ve seen approximately three episodes of “scorpion,” didn’t even like it, yet read multiple fanfics about it and know all of the characters’ lore and personalities. i feel like a ghost, unseen and unknown, haunting the barely recognizable halls of the scorpion fandom
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
i’m pretty sure everyone knows this already but silent hill 3 is my absolute favorite in the series and every single one of the characters kills me. so here are some notes/opinions on all of them
heather - personally, i think she has the most interesting and known personality out of every silent hill protagonist and thank GOD for it. every time you interact with stuff, you get more of her personality and her thoughts. “it’s bread” is one of the greatest things in gaming history and it’s all thanks to her <3
also having a female character who is so troubled and not even a little bit weaker for it is wonderful. i feel like it says a lot about her that she only lets herself cry quickly and infrequently, instantly putting back on the unbothered face when she’s done. she just feels like such a real teenage girl, guided by her emotions and trying to do what’s right. her teen angst is iconic and the sheer confidence and determination that she approaches everything with is...incredible? inspirational? show-stopping?
douglas - when i was like 15 and playing this game i didn’t care about him at all, but now, older and wiser, i can say confidently that i LOVE HIM. he’s so genuine and caring but really keeps it inside because he’s a Man’s Man. the emotional repression in that dude is astronomical but he’s very paternal and loving in spite of it. his monologue when he’s injured at the amusement park has been known to make me publicly cry. he’s a dad through and through
claudia - she’s another one that i think i had to get a little older to truly appreciate. she genuinely believes that what she’s doing is what alessa would have wanted and that’s so sad to me. she fucking canonized her as a saint in their sect, not having any clue what alessa was put through or the suffering she endured for a religion that didn’t even care about her. claudia is really complex and layered. she’s also really caring, it just comes out differently? she wants to save EVERYONE, not just the people she loves. she’s also fully prepared to burn in hell for the good of the world. that lady...she’s neat and i think about her all the time
vincent - SLIME MAN. i love the archetype of the self-centered, hedonistic Pretty Boy™ just doing chaotic neutral nonsense and he fits it perfectly (maybe not so much the pretty, but he’s trying). he’s so conniving and cruel and awful and i, unfortunately, love that shit. also the creepy way he flirts with literally everyone at all times is something else. i wish konami had given us the vincent and douglas motel interaction because i bet he’d flirt with douglas too and then make him cry or some shit. he’s just Awful like that. but there’s also a lot of room for interpretation with him in my opinion?
in the motel scene with him and claudia where he says “the memory of [leonard’s] cruelty is forever burned into my mind,” he’s obviously being melodramatic but it’s hard to tell if it’s a rare moment of (very theatrical) honesty or if it’s just another mind game stacked on top of the rest. and then right after when he says “what you call faith is just a child crying out for love. that’s why you’re all alone,” he doesn’t say it in nearly as venomous and slimy a tone as everything that came before. in fact, when he says it he sounds/looks kind of...sad? and he doesn’t laugh or anything when she says he doesn’t understand. it seems like an honest moment to me but it’s also totally up for interpretation which i LOVE!
anyways i could legit write an essay on the vincent and claudia dynamic so i’ll stop here, but yeah! thank you for giving me a place to slap these thoughts down! also anyone who read all of that has permission to punch me in the face if we ever meet irl as a token of my gratitude
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joybooth · 5 years
Vogue 73 questions with Mike Lawson and Ginny Baker
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“Hey Mike, what’s going on?”
“Not much, lookin’ forward to doing this interview.”
“I am too. Are you guys ready to answer 73 questions?”
“Sure, let’s go find Ginny.”
It turned out they found her sitting on a lounge by the pool in leggings and a t-shirt.
“So, you guys just finished playing in the World Series, any regrets?”
“No, we were excited to get there again this year,” Mike answered sitting next to Ginny.
“I mean, I hate to lose, but we played hard and that’s all you can do.”
“How many baseball games do you think you’ve played in your life?”
“For me? I have no idea. I’ve been playing since I was 5. That’s 35 years, between little league, AA, AAA and the majors? Let’s just say a lot,” Mike laughed.
“Same, minus 10 years,” Ginny added.
“Which of your competitors has helped you improve your game the most?��
“I would say Aaron Judge, a great hitter always makes me work that much harder for a strike.”
“Nolan, Nolan Arenado. I like to steal, but he keeps me honest.”
“If you could play any other sport, what would it be?”
“Tennis?” Ginny shrugged.
“I’ve always liked hockey.”
“Past or present who would you love to play with?”
“I gotta say Babe Ruth,” Mike said.
“For me, Cy Young or Yogi Berra.”
“What’s are you superstitious about?”
“I like a certain practice cage. I don’t know if it is a superstition, but I always go for that one if it’s available, and Mike used to sleep with his bat on game days.”
“Where do you go when you need to relax?”
“If I told you that, it wouldn’t be relaxing anymore,” Mike joked.
“We spend a lot of time at home, but we just took a vacation to Baja and that was really nice.”
“What is your nickname?”
“I call him old man.”
“And I call her rookie.”
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“Who is the funniest person you know?”
“Dwayne,” Ginny answered after a moment of thought.
Mike nodded. “He is great. We were at a fundraiser for his foundation the other day, and everyone at the table was laughing crying.”
“Wait, do you mean Dwayne Johnson?” the interviewer asked.  
“Yeah, we met at the Espys and get together every now and then. He throws a great BBQ every year.”
“OK, what is your go to karaoke song?”
“Baker loves anything by Beyoncé or Katy Perry. I stick to the Eagles and Duran Duran.”
“What song always makes you want to dance?”
“He is right. I love Katy Perry and Beyoncé, but Uptown Funk is my jam.”
“I don’t dance much, but no one can resist Love Shack.”
“What is your walk out song?”
“I have a mix I listen to, it’s mostly instrumentals to help me clear my head.”
“I go for the classic, eye of the tiger.”
“If you could only read one book from now on, what would it be?”
“Treasure Island has been my favorite for a long time. I’ve read it 5-6 times, and I wouldn’t mind reading it again.”
“That is really hard for me, because I don’t read things more than once very often, but… I’m going to say Esperanza Rising. I know it is a kid’s book, but I still have the copy I read in 5th grade. Someday I want to be able to share it with my kid.”
“Most absurd rule in baseball?”
“It’s not really a written rule, but there is this thing where everyone must be involved in am on-field fight. When Gin went after the Mountain, our assistant coach had to walk out there and hold onto the other coach. These guys are in their 60’s hugging on the field so it is nice and even numbers. I mean I get it, but it can look pretty silly.”
“Describe your style in one word?”
“Comfy?” Ginny ventured.
“If you could raid anyone’s closet who would it be?”
“David Beckham,” Mike answered quickly.
“Serena Williams.”
“Any hidden talents?”
“I love to knit.”
“No kidding. I can’t tell you how many times she got me with one of her needles on the bus.”
“On purpose?”
“No, he is just clumsy and doesn’t look before he sits down.”
“I did get some cute hats and that blanket over there out of it, though.” He gestured to a knit blue and white blanket with a Padre’s logo on it draped over a leather chair.
“Looks nice, now for a hard one. What is love?”
“Baby don’t hurt me?” Mike joked, Ginny batted his arm. “No, seriously, love is different for different for different people but for me, it is a commitment to something that you care deeply about.”
“That and finding someone to see the best in you even when you can’t see it in yourself.”
“What is the most romantic thing you’ve done for each other?”
“He leaves me notes in my locker on days when we don’t work together.”  
“She rubs my back.”
“Best or worst pick up line someone has ever used with you?”
“I thought it was funny when this guy said, I was so distracted by you that I ran into that wall over there. So, I am going to need you name and phone number for insurance purposes.”
“Who said that?” Mike asked.
“Never mind, what’s yours?”
“A girl just walked up, put her hand out and asked me I could hold it while she went for a walk.”
“Did you?” the interviewer asked.
“I did,” Mike smiled, then he reached out and squeezed Ginny’s hand.  
“Who was your childhood crush?”
“This guy.”
“She finally admits it. She had my poster on her wall, but now I have hers too.”
“What was the last show you binged?”
“We just got done rewatching all of Brooklyn 99.”
“He was a thing for Rosa.”
“She does too.”
“I mean, doesn’t everyone?”
“Name one thing you can’t live without.”
“Air?” Mike joked.
“A good wifi network,” Ginny groaned. “I hate when I’m on the road and we finally get to a hotel and they have super slow internet. I just want to relax and watch Youtube or scroll tumblr.”
“Name something you are terrible at.”
“Bowling,” Ginny answered.
“I suck at word games, scrabble, boggle, all that stuff. She usually beats me by at least 100 points.”
“What is the most nervous you’ve ever been?”
“My first game in the majors.”
“Same. Mine, not hers. I wasn’t really nervous for her because we didn’t know each other, but I remember almost blacking out the first time I walked onto the field.”  
“Name one bad habit you just can’t break.”
“I bite my fingernails, so I have to keep them super short, but that’s fine, because I would have to for pitching anyway.”
“I am an emotional shopper. When things aren’t going well in life, I use retail therapy way too much.”
“He is not kidding. The good thing is he cleans his closet out once every six months and donates a lot of impulse buys to charity.”
“Craziest fan moment?” “A lady told me she named her baby after me and asked me to sign her. I signed her little shirt, but it was a little weird.”
“What is one phrase you use too much?”
“I’m just sayin’. She keeps reminding me how much it annoys her, but it just rolls off my tongue.”
“That’s ok, I always say my bad, and he hates that, so we are even.”
“If you could be any animal, what would it be?”
“I want to say something bad ass, but really I’m a house cat.”
“I can totally see that. I am a… a bear, but mostly because I just want to sleep and be left alone sometimes.”
“Can you say something in a different language?”
“Que bola? Its Cuban for what’s up. I picked it up from Livan.”
“I speak some Indonesian, from my mom. Tidak apa apa is no worries, which is what I use most in like everyday conversation.”
“What is one cause you care deeply about?”
“It is hard to name one, but I work a lot with our local children’s hospital,” Mike answered.
“I support NAACP legal defense fund, Equal justice initiative and the African wildlife foundation.”
“How do you celebrate your wins?”
“Ice cream or beer depending on the day.”
“How do you deal with loses?”
“I try to figure out what went wrong, so I can do it differently next time,” Ginny said thoughtfully.
“How do you deal with haters?”
Ginny laughed, “You just gotta block’em out.”
“If you could redo one game which would it be?”
“The game where I messed up my knee the first time.”
“Yeah, when I almost got the no hitter and instead messed up my arm, that was pretty bad.”
“Besides baseball what would you like to be remembered for?”
“Being a good person.”
“If you weren’t baseball players, what else would you be?”
“I would do something with cars.”
“I would do something with history? Teaching or maybe be an anthropologist?”
“Do you have a pregame ritual?”
“I have a pump mix but mostly I like to meditate and mentally prepare. I usually go over the lineup one last time with Mike.”
“How many MLB teams can you name in ten seconds?”
“The Padres, the Braves, the Dodgers, the A’s, the Rockies, the Yankees, Sox, Cubs, Phillies, Astros, Mariners…”
Mike took over, “Jays, Giants, Angels, Brewers…”
“And that’s time, good job. Name the best baseball player who ever lived.” “Babe Ruth.”
“Willie Mays.”
“If you could only eat one thing forever, what would it be?”
“Pizza?” Mike answered.
“Burgers, but they have to come with fries,” Ginny chimed in.
 “What movie always makes you cry?”
“Field of dreams.”
“The Lion King.”
“What movie makes you scream in terror?”
“My friends dragged me to the Omen once, which was pretty scary, but mostly I don’t watch scary movies.”
“I watched the exorcist way too young, and that pretty much put me off scary movies for life.”
“What is the most inspirational sports film of all time?”
“I always liked Cinderella Man with Russel Crow.”
“I really liked the Life of Pi.”
“Who do you want to play you in the movie of your life?”
“I don’t know that they would make a movie of my life, but when they make hers I think Ryan Gossling is a good choice, or Ryan Reynolds, or any of the Marvel Chrises.”
“If they made a movie… I would say… Letitia Wright maybe?”
“What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?”
“As a kid I broke my ankle trying to do a skate board trick,” Mike scratched the back of his neck and flushed slightly.
“What is one skill you wish you had but you don’t?”
“I am trying to learn to cook, but Mike still does it most of the time.”
“If you were a super hero, what would your name be?”
“Black Diamond.”
“Who’s your most famous follower on twitter?”
“I don’t have a twitter.”
“A lot of people follow me to hear about Ginny, I would say Anna Kendrick is the most famous.”
“You travel a lot for work, what are three things you take with you everywhere?”
“My headphones, a neck pillow, and my phone charger.” “Same.”
“Do you have an pets?”
“We have a dog,” Ginny whistled, and a mini pie ball dachshund call running out. “This is Chip. I named her after the cup from beauty and the beast. She is a super sweet girl.”
“What’s your zodiac sign?”
“I am a Libra and Ginny is a Leo.”
“What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?”
“He likes coffee or half-baked and I like Cherry Garcia.”
“What’s one household chore you hate to do?”
“We both hate the dishes, so we do them together, so we can get it over with quickly.”
“Do you have any collections?”
“I have a snow globe collection, and Mike collects baseball memorabilia.”
“Who is more competitive?“
“Me!” they both said quickly, then looked at the other and laughed.
  “What is your go to date night?”
“We like to go see comedians.”
“He just got us tickets to see Ali Wong for our anniversary.”
“If you could go anywhere on vacation where would it be?”
“We are going to Kenya next month, and I am really excited about that,” Ginny answered.
“Me too.”
“What is your love language?”
“I like acts of service and words of affirmation,” Mike answered seriously for once.
“and for me, it is quality time.”
“Sleep in or rise early?”
“Sleep in!” Mike grinned.
“Read a book or watch TV?”
“Watch tv,” they agreed.
“Kiss or hug?”
“Kiss,” they both snapped.
“Strength training or cardio?”
“Cardio,” Ginny answered automatically
“I like strength training,” Mike added.
“You guys recently got married, what was the biggest change?”
“Not really anything? We already lived together.”
“Calling him my husband, is weird sometimes.”
“What was your favorite part of the wedding?”
“When we left?” Ginny laughed.
“What kind of cake did you have?”
“Just plain yellow cake with chocolate frosting,” Mike answered.
“Who caught the bouquet?”
“My agent, Amelia.”
“What song was your first dance to?”
“What are you doing today?”
“We’re going to the farmer’s market, then coming home for dinner with some friends.” Ginny answered, walking toward the door.
“Can I come along?”
Ginny made a face. “No, thanks for stopping by though.”
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theotherjudas · 6 years
A Good Ol’ Mormon Wedding
My brother DC is the prototypical TBM guy: handsome, athletic, a returned missionary, attends Utah State University, wants to go into humanitarian work overseas for his career. He reads his scriptures and prays every day. For crying out loud, he even journals! His devotion to his faith is simultaneously impressive and (to me) vastly perplexing. But he has chosen his path through life: the LDS standard way. And he has totally devoted himself to the church. 
When DC returned from his mission a little over two years ago, I had a good long talk with him. I told him that I knew that when he went to school in Utah he’d be under a lot of pressure. As his older brother I felt a responsibility to impress upon him that he didn’t have to give in to that pressure. I told DC, this is what happens: an RM gets home, his bishop sits down with him, and basically COMMANDS him to go out and find a “worthy young woman” to start a family with. It’s like the shot of a starter pistol. I told him, USU (and BYU and any other church school or community) will be chock full of early 20-something TBMs racing the imaginary clock to get married to fulfill their obligation to the church. 
And later, DC told me, that’s exactly what happened. His bishop at his student ward in Logan had that very conversation with him. I asked him about the exact wording and found (as I knew I would) some very distressing patterns. 
For the young man, the overwhelming emphasis of this commandment from the church is to FIND a woman. Like there’s a field of young ladies just sitting in the sun, ripening, waiting and wishing to be picked. It’s a pretty disgusting construct. But it’s not altogether inaccurate: not being a young woman, I can’t speak to the experience 100% but my observations and conversations with mormon girls have indicated that they are indoctrinated with the complimentary instinct: to be quiet and docile and worthy and WAIT - the man will come along and he’ll chose you. BUT If you’re bad, you won’t get picked. And you’ll rot in the field, all alone (to extend the metaphor). 
The other part of “finding” a wife, is finding a “WORTHY” One. “A” One, not “the” One, or even “your” One. Which is to say, for the church, it is FAR, FAR more important that a young man find A woman than WHICH woman he picks. The church doesn’t care about compatibility or shared interests or experiences or world view. The church’s only interest in young LDS couples is that they are faithful to the church and have lots of babies. Literally. That’s it. Let’s be honest, we’ve seen it before. Over and over again. Singles wards full of oddballs in a frenzy to get married to the first person who’ll take them. Guys and gals coupling up who, under normal circumstances, would turn heads and raise eyebrows among friends and relatives for being such an odd match getting hitched because they HAVE to get hitched to SOMEBODY. Might as well be this one... The church depersonalizes the whole process of marriage. Of family-making. They render it a duty, an obligation. The church operates STILL in a 19th century model of marriage. Sure, love blah blah blah. But it’s more important to BE married than WHO you’re married to. No wonder so many mormons turn to porn. Turn to pills. Develop depression or addictive habits or secretly hate their spouses and children. 
And of course, the church puts all the emphasis on the FAMILY. The bishops commands the young man to “start a family.” There’s nothing about developing a meaningful relationship with another human being. Nothing about growing closer to a woman you love. Nothing about creating a nurturing partnership that enables both people to live up to their fullest potential. No, for the LDS church, the highest priority of marriage is the family. Which is to say, you get married because sex outside of marriage is forbidden and you can’t have children without sex. And families can be controlled because you the church assigns roles to each person: the father provides and rules benevolently, the mother teaches and raises the children, the sons and daughters listen and obey. And all of this in microcosm to the relationship between the church and its people. The bishop is the father of the ward and the prophet the father of the church (remember that cringey Primary song??) and we are all god’s children who must listen and obey. 
With all these things swirling through my head, I offered what advice I could to DC. That’s putting it mildly, if I’m honest. I IMPLORED him, I practically BEGGED him, DO NOT get married right away. I told him, I know the pressure from your priesthood leaders will be great. The pressure from your peers (many of whom were married within six months - some within THREE - of getting off their missions!!) will be greater still. By all means, I said, go out. Get to know some young ladies. Date. Have fun. Do your thing. But do YOUR thing. Date the girls you want to date. Go on the kind of dates you want to go on. So she can get to know you. And please please please, get to know these girls. Get beyond the surface, the mild and ever-pleasing front they are taught to create, and understand if they truly are the kind of woman you want to spend your life with. 
DC listened, and he heard me. And he agreed. 
He dated a few girls, one or two seriously. But when he decided that he wasn’t compatible, wasn’t happy with them, he broke things off respectfully and kindly. He had been dating one girl for over a year (forever in mormon time) when he called me up one day. 
DC told me he was getting married. In three months. He’d finally proposed and she’d said yes. And they were so happy and excited. And I’m excited for them. Honestly. Seeing my brother happy is such a wonderful thing. DC’s fiancé is a perfectly fine gal, cheerful, nice, a little odd (like DC, which is great). I’m sure they’re a fine match. But now there’s the wedding. 
After I got off the call, feeling overwhelming affection and pride for my brother, another thought hit me and dropped me back down. 
I can’t go to the wedding. Sure, I can go to the reception. But I am not allowed in the temple. Nor do I have even the slightest desire to be in one. I am not permitted to watch my brother and his wife-to-be get married. Because the church considers me unworthy. Because I won’t conform and grovel. Because to the church, “WORTHINESS” (loyalty to them) is MORE IMPORTANT THAN FAMILY. I will spend the morning with my brother Aaron standing outside the Logan temple, waiting until DC and his bride are sealed and come outside for photos. My parents and my other brothers and my grandparents will all be inside. And that fucking kills me. At a moment when two families are being knit together in “sacred” and legal bonds, my family will be split. When two loving people are being “sealed” together for “time and all eternity,” two of us will be on the outside. 
I didn’t draw that line in the sand. THE CHURCH DID. 
I’m sure it’ll be a fine time. I’m sure there’ll will be much more to say about the experience later on. But for now, FUCK THE CHURCH OF JESSUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Fuck them for tearing my family apart in the name of bringing it closer together. Fuck them for sacrificing so many smart and eager young people on the altar of church expansion. Fuck them for diverting kids away from potentially wonderful, solid, lasting partnerships they might have had with the pressure and promise of having a good ol’ mormon wedding. 
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foxes-evermore · 6 years
Hey,,,, if you wanna you know,,,, whip me some of that angst you got,,,, that could,,,,,, that could work,,,,, that could be cool,,.
listen,, im in physical pain and also am not able to sleep at the moment so im sitting up in the kitchen getting ready to eat a whole cheesecake and preparing to cry,,,, the angst hour is upon us,,, lets do it
if this is about the thing i said yesterday, the specific angst i was talking about was a Kevaaron Song of Achilles AU, which, im not sure if that’s what you were hoping for, but im emotional,,,, just @ me again if you meant something different sjksldjlksdf
anyway here we go its long im so sorry alksjlskdfj
I’ve said this a lot before but like
Sporty-Boy-With-A-Destiny Kevin Day
Boy-Whom-Was-Treated-Like-Shit-By-The-Only-Parent-He-Knew-But-Succeeded-Out-Of-Spite-And-Became-A-Healer Aaron Minyard
t his writes itself
originally….. listen… originally i was like “of course Riko is Paris and Ichirou is H*ctor,,,, and Jean is Helen”
bUT then i got to thinking
and i’ll be damned if the mcfucking USC Trojans aren’t the for real trojans
and like this adds a whole knew level of angst because like
hear me out, i want Jeremy to be Paris just because of the Jerejean™,, but in reality,, the boy is H*ctor. Honorable and Loyal to a Fault, and best of the best right after Kevin.
which also means that Riko is actually Menelaus, and Ichirou is Agamemnon. and that makes a lot of sense because honestly the tension between them and Kevin with everyone going “no, IM the Most Important, fuck you” is 100% there.
Back to the boys though,,
like here’s Kayleigh Day, a simple sea nymph whose only desire is to protect her son and also make sure he is remembered and worshiped forever,,, and young Kevin is so on board,,,,
Aaron gets in some Trouble for killing a man who dared to lay a hand on his twin brother, and Tilda is overly happy about getting rid of him for the crime, so she sells him to a king who is known for adopting outcast orphan boys for his army. Aaron never hears from/sees his mother or brother again, but ,,, he meets the stupidest boy he has ever encountered in his LIFE. the kid is an absolute IDIOT, but he is half a god and destined for greatness and everyone dotes on him. 
Aaron doesnt care.
Kevin does.
Why is Aaron ignoring him?? Why doesn’t Aaron fawn over him like the other boys do? why won’t Aaron pay attention? it’s frustrating but intriguing.
The second time Aaron gets in trouble with royalty, the king wants to know why Aaron isn’t training and sparring with the other boys. He doesnt care about anything anymore, that’s why.
But he still knows pain and fear, so he does the only thing he knows how to do when a superior is angry: he finds a small/dark place and he hides.
Of Course someone finds him, and OF COURSE it’s that talented brat.
Kevin drags him to the king because its the right thing to do, but instead of leaving him for the wolves, Kev is like “I choose him. as my brother-in-arms. i want him by my side at all times” and obviously the king is like “why” because look at this fucking tiny pale stick-boy,,, he’s not even 5 feet tall yet,,, will he ever even get over 5 feet?? (spoiler, the answer is no)
and Aaron is also like “????” and Kevin just smiles for the king and then gives Aaron this look that says “try to ignore me now, you piece of shit” :))
So these 2 spend some quality time together and for a long time it’s basically just like that one part in SoA where Achilles is training and Pat goes I stepped forward. ‘’fight me.’’
There’s so much bickering and whatnot and, just like in SoA, they don’t even truly realize they’re falling for each other until the Big Bad Ocean Mom comes and tells Aaron to fuck off and then sends Kevin away to train with the horse dad, Wymack, to keep him safe.
Aaron follows him and Kevin is like “I knew you would come :)” and Aaron is like “shut the hell your mouth” and they finish their journey together.
and they fall in L
they fall in Love on that mountain.
just two bois dicking around and experiencing foolishly strong emotions where no one can stop them.
But Then Aaron’s past that he conveniently forgot to mention catches up with him when men come to tell them that it is time to die to fight Troy. Kevin is an amazing warrior and it’s expected that he go to fight in the war, but Aaron can hear his own blood pounding, because he Remembers something that he hopes everyone else might’ve forgotten.
He’d made a promise to Jean of Sparta. not a promise. A blood oath, to go to war for the most beautiful boy in the world if something like this ever happened. and now it was happening.
Kayleigh warns him that if Kevin goes to fight the trojans, he’ll die, but she cant elaborate anymore, aside from telling them that Jeremy will die first.
Who can kill Jeremy, though? N o   o n e. Kevin is the only swordsman good enough to best him, and why would he kill the devout trojan prince? he’s an honorable man. an admirable man,,, in fact, Kevin has heard so much about him, and he adores the prince,,
and What has Jeremy ever done to him?
Kayleigh tries one more time to save her son, spirits him away to an island at night,, weds him to a beautiful princess named Thea, they promise her a child and in return she disguises him as one of her lady dancers whom she calls her “ravens”
Aaron finds him though, recognizes him, because he would know those green eyes a n y w h e r e.
Thea invites Aaron to stay, too, says that the three of them could work something out. The two agree cautiously and they start to get comfortable, incorporating Thea into this thing that used to be just them 
But eventually men come and find them,,, find Aaron,, and they’re dragged off to Troy to fight with Riko and Ichirou,, one man determined to bring back his caged lover and one determined to seize the city.
It’s exciting at first, in that “we could die any second” sort of way. everything happening all at once, arrows and spears flying, swords clanging, and fire on the beach.
but Aaron watches from day one as Kevin loses himself. the way comes back to camp the very first day of battle covered in blood and sweat and grinning like he just won the world.
Something about it twists Aaron’s stomach, but he pushes it down because there’s only room right now to be glad that his love is alive and that they’ve successfully arrived and that maybe there is hope and the war will end with both of them on the other side of it, going home.
The night after that first battle, Aaron sees a trojan girl being handed off as a spoil of war, probably to Ichirou or Riko, and demands that Kevin take her as his prize. Kevin is high off the fighting still and doesn’t really question this.
The girl’s name is Katelyn and she’s eternally grateful to Aaron, but even warier than he is of Kevin’s lust for battle and glory.
time passes. years. Aaron and Katelyn save as many of the captured girls as they can, and they make a family and they get close, and one day Katelyn admits that she loves Aaron.
he’s shook.
But he’s not as shook over her feelings for him as he is over her justifications for why they should be together and forget Kevin.
“He’s a monster,” she tells him. “He’s not a person anymore. He doesn’t love you, he can’t, because he doesn’t know how to love.”
and that can’t be true, but it is, isn’t it?
he only knows how to fight and kill. he only feels the need for glory, and nothing else, doesn’t he?
When did it become like this? When did Aaron lose Kevin? a few months back? years? the day they arrived at Troy? earlier?
had he ever even really had Kevin? he’d never had him to himself, at least, had he? It was always Aaron and Glory. Kevin was born to be remembered, and they both knew it. and Kevin wanted it more than anything, didn’t he?
did he want glory more than he wanted Aaron?
but it’s like Kevin is reading his mind,, every time Aaron has these thoughts, Kevin is there, on top of him, kissing him, holding him, touching him with these burning hands that leave Aaron wanting more, more, more.
he’s driving Aaron crazy and Aaron is fine with it because they have each other and they’ll be back home together one day and that’s all that matters.
and then Riko pisses Kevin off,
and the gods see this story and how it ends, and some laugh at the tragedy of it, and some hurt for the poor souls involved.
Kevin won’t let his men fight anymore, and the Trojans are taking ground back and hope is lost, but Riko and Ichirou won’t swallow their pride, and neither will Kevin.
Aaron begs. “These are our friends,” he says, “if the trojans just see you, they’ll retreat”
“You’re letting them die,” he tells Kevin from down on his knees, “you could save them. please.”
his lover’s tears are enough to snap Kevin out of his rage, but not enough to make him fight. 
“You dont have to,” Aaron bargains, “let me ride out in your armor.”
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deliverydefresas · 7 years
i just want it to be you and me forever
I’m late to the party I know, I know.
someone tell me what this is bc i have no idea, lmao (for real)
“We both came here to buy the same movie but there is only one dvd left let’s Split the cost and watch it together i have popcorn at home.”
“I’m telling you I’m 100% fine, Nina. You don’t need to ditch your date because of me.”
“Are you sure, Luna? You just broke up with Aaron, Gastón and I can reschedule any other day.”
“Again, that’s unnecessary.” Luna, at this point, had lost count of how many times she’s said this the last ten minutes. Nina was her best friend in the whole world, and she loved her a lot, but she could be overbearing when she thought she needed her. “I’ll just watch a movie, order pizza, maybe drink some wine and be extra fine by morning, okay?”
Her answer wasn’t good enough for Nina, “so you aren’t 100% fine right now?”
“That’s why I said extra fine, N.” She has to giggle because she can just picture her best friend trying to come up with reasons to appear on her doorstep and give her the ‘there’s many more fishes in the sea’ pep talk. Finally, Nina sighs and she almost dances in the middle of the street because it’s not a daily occurrence for her to admit defeat so quickly.
“Fine, then. What movie are you watching?”
“I was thinking of Grease, but I left that at my parents’ so I’m buying another one; there’s a DVD Shop four blocks away, and I’m almost there right now.” She chirps into her phone, almost skipping her way to the shop.
“Too lazy to drive to your parents’ house?”
“More like, too lazy to have the ‘I broke up with my boyfriend that you never even met, no mom, I don’t need to cry, and no dad, I don’t want you to “beat him up”’ talk, y’know?”
Nina laughs at her words and that cheers her up even more. It’s not like she’s heartbroken (because she’s not, she didn’t even like the dude that much, honestly) but making other people happy always made her happier, too. It felt nice to know other people smiled and laughed because of you.
“Did they even know you were dating someone?”
She snorts a “no” and almost trips on someone else’s foot, apologizing profusely when she sees it’s a lady carrying a baby. Nina calls for her attention thirty seconds later, “the only ones who knew were you, and Gastón by association. Oh, and Ámbar.”
Nina sounds surprised at this, “you told your cousin?”  
“It wasn’t on my plans,” she admits, cringing a little at the memory. “You know subtly isn’t my forte, so really, me asking her how to dump a guy was kind of a given.”
“I can’t picture Ámbar giving good advice on that.”
“She didn’t,” Luna’s glad she’s only a block away now, if she continued to laugh she’d either pass the shop or trip again and knock a baby off a mother’s arms, “she told me to text him ‘I’d rather lit my hair on fire than to keep on dating you’.”
Nina’s gasp makes her laugh harder, “no!”
“Yes!” by then, she’s already in opening the door to enter the shop, scanning quickly were the ‘musical’s’ section is at, “look, N, I gotta go now. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Fine, but we’re still on for lunch. I’ll pick you up at 11.”  
Luna hums in agreement, “that’s alright. Bye, Nina, love you!” She waits until she hears a faint ‘I love you too!’ to hang up and turn into search mode. Five minutes later, she’s looked at all the movies under the ‘G’ letter twice and still hasn’t seen John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John anywhere. Just as she’s about to give up and look for help, a guy walks her way and skims over the ‘H’ section and easily pulls out a copy of her movie.
Without meaning to, she’s gasping, “how did you do that?!”
The guy looks startled for a second, until he notices it’s her who spoke and then he’s smirking. Luna’s torn between checking him out (the guy is cute) and scowling at him (his smirk gives her the ‘he’s an asshole’ vibe) so she decides to do both at the same time. Her scow falters a little when she confirms that he’s, in fact, cute and around her age; unless he’s like her and looks younger than his actual age, which could be bad because over thirty years old kind of freak her out even if she’s halfway there.
“How did I do what?” he’s asking her, his smirk growing a little when he catches her eyes checking him out.
“Find Grease, I’ve been looking for it for five minutes, it wasn’t with the rest of the ‘G’s.” Luna looks at him once more, noticing he looks quite familiar. “Have we met before?”
His eyes hold amusement at her question, and he obviously can’t hold back a, “in your dreams.” He chuckles when she glares at him, “I think we live in the same building, you look familiar too.”  
“Oh.” His chuckle turned into a laugh at this, and she feels the tip of her ears getting warmer, “what about the movie?”
He looks down at the movie in his hand, smiling sheepishly once his eyes return to her face, “I hid it under the ‘H’ yesterday. It was the last one and I had forgotten my wallet so…”
“So there’s not another one available?” She feels disappointed. Luna really wants to watch it, but there’s no way in hell she’s driving to her parents’ house just for the DVD. She could try to omit the boyfriend news, but she knew that they’d tell her to stay for dinner and eventually the feeling of guilt would appear and she’d end up spilling her guts to them.
He hesitated for a little, before telling her “no”.
“Great.” She’s pouting, and she knows it. But she really doesn’t want to spend the evening with her parents, as much as she loves them, and she refused Nina’s offer so now she’s out of plans and will have to spend it zapping through channels and hope she finds something at least a little interesting on a Wednesday night.
“Uh, if you want we could, um, maybe watch it together, um…” he speaks and pulls her out of her sulking, realizing a second later that he’s asking for her name.
“Luna. I’m Luna.” She offers him her hand, squeezing his slightly when he accepts it.
“Matteo. Nice to meet you, Luna.” He’s smiling, and she’s temporally distracted because he’s no longer cute, but very, very pretty.
And then she remembers his offer, “um, I don’t know about the movie, though. I can always watch another thing, honestly…” Matteo looks a little dejected by this, his smile dropping a little, and she can’t help but feel a little bad.
“It’s okay, I just thought I’d offer. I have great popcorn at home and everything.” He’s cringing as soon as he realizes he’s offering popcorn to lure her to agree.
“Great popcorn, huh?”
“The greatest.”
She thinks it over for a moment. Her brain knows it’s more cons than pros; neighbor or not, she’s just met him and knows only his name (not even the full one), that he lives in her building, that he apparently likes Grease and that he’s got great popcorn. Not exactly the best information. However, her hormones are telling her to agree, that even if she doesn’t know him that well this is the opportunity to.
“Hey, it’s cool if you don’t want to. I could always lend it to you after I’ve watched it.” His offer is nice, and logically speaking, it’s a great chance to see him again. But she wants to see it tonight.
“No, I want to, it’s just…” the I don’t know you hangs in the air and he smiles again, looking all pretty again and she’s super ready to ignore her brain.
“You can call a friend and tell her you’re with me if that makes you feel better. I promise I’m not a creep, or a murderer, and you’ll be completely safe; and I won’t get offended if you do, Luna.”      
She’s sold.
“Okay, fine. But I’m paying for the movie too.”
His smile turns into a grin and he nods, pointing to the cash register, where a bored teenager is waiting for costumers. “Shall we?”
Twenty minutes later, she’s texting Nina she’s with him and they’re going to watch Grease together, as well as his full name (he’s a Balsano, no middle name) and the number of his apartment (turns out he’s just one floor above her), and to call her three hours from now to check up on her and save her if needed.
She’s surprised when Nina responds with “you finally met him?”
“what do you mean?” she texts backs quickly, confused.
“he’s one of Gastón’s bffs from Oxford. He’s been living above you for months.”
“where do you think Gastón went after dropping me off at your house?????”
She doesn’t respond after that, because Matteo appears from his kitchen with a bowl full of popcorn, two sodas and two bottles of water. Now that she knows he’s the same age as Gastón (only a year older), she’s lowkey glad he’s not over thirty years old. It would have been weird.
Luna waits until he’s seated next to her to ask him, “you know Nina and Gastón?”
Matteo looks just as shocked as she is, and then he puts two and two together, “you’re Nina’s Luna?”
“I’d like to say ‘you’re Gastón’s Matteo’, but neither of them has talked about you.”
He smiles at her, offering her a bottle of water, “I’m not surprised. I only met Nina twice, and she was mostly quiet and letting Gastón talk about our time in Oxford. He was the one who mentioned you the most.”
She blinks once, twice, and grabs the bottle from his hand, “really? Weird. Gastón usually leaves us alone within ten minutes of us being together, says our language confuses him.”
“He’s very grateful Nina had you while he was away. I think he believes that without you around she’d given up on their relationship without trying first.”
“Probably,” she admits. Nina needed to be encouraged a little to go after what she wanted; it was worse when she had been younger, but now it rarely happened. She was very proud of her.
“So, why Grease?” he asks after a moment, throwing some popcorn in his mouth.
“I could ask the same thing.”
He shrugs, “it’s a fun movie. The music is good, too.”
“You like the music?” she doesn’t know why she’s surprised, half the population knew at least You’re the One That I Want.
Matteo grins, “Faculty of Music, graduated with honors. Had to take a whole curse on Musicals.”
She’s impressed, and a little thrown off at this, “oh, I just assumed you studied Economics, like Gastón.”
“Nah. We were in the same dorm on Freshman year, rented a ‘flat’ the next year. Have been close ever since.”
“And you followed him to Argentina after graduation? Truest love, Nina should be jealous.” He knows she’s teasing him, and he laughs with her.
“She should. I’m gonna steal her man so fast she won’t even notice until last minute.” Matteo pretends to flip his hair, she’s laughing harder, “I didn’t really follow him, though. I lived here a couple years before I went to England, then went to Italy for a year, and came back.”
“Your Italian accent hasn’t gone away, yet.” She noted, grabbing some popcorn off the bowl. She also noticed the movie had been ready to play for over twenty minutes, but none had reached to press play, or seemed in a hurry to do so.
“I wasn’t even born in Italy, but in Paris. My parents are Italian, so I caught their accent, only lived in Milan five years and that was enough for the it to stick. I spent some time in Spain too, that’s where I learnt Spanish.”
“That’s so cool.” Even if her words could appear as sarcastic, her tone and expression said otherwise. Matteo’s cheeks turned a bit pink, but his face remained unaffected.
“So, you never told me why you wanted Grease.”
“I broke it off with a guy, decided to watch a movie that made me happy.” She shrugs it off, but she notices how he seemed to stiff a little at her comment. He’s about to apologize for bringing it up, however, she shakes her head, “no, it’s okay. I really didn’t like him that much, the six weeks we went out I just wanted to lit my hair on fire than to keep on dating him.”
“You should’ve texted him that.” Matteo jokes, and again, she notices how he relaxes after she’s spoken.
“My cousin, Ámbar, told me the same!”
“She’s smart, you should’ve listened to her.”
“I thought it was the pregnancy hormones talking but I think you’re as crazy and mean as she is.”
“What can I say? Great people think alike.”
“Crazy people think alike, you mean.” They both laugh and take a minute to catch their breath.
Luna takes it as time to put her feelings on check. It’s weird, honestly. She feels so… connected? In sync? Comfortable? It’s not like she doesn’t hit it off with other people easily, because she does, quite a lot really. She’s sociable, she’s nice and she has a natural charm, but most of the time it’s more platonic than anything.
Matteo doesn’t feel platonic enough to be in that category.
The popcorn is getting colder and he asks if she’s ready to watch the movie. She says yes.
It’s not until Rizzo pushes Sandy and Patty Simcox lands with the trashcan that it hits her.
“Matteo?” he hums in acknowledgement, turning his head from the T.V. to look at her, “was it really the only movie left?”
His eyes shine with mischief, but his smile and expression try to play it as innocence, “of course it was. If they had more in the back, though…”
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celebritylive · 5 years
Tyler Rich and Sabina Gadecki are married.
The “Leave Her Wild” singer and L.A.’s Finest actress tied the knot in Murfreesboro, Tennessee on Friday in front of 275 guests at Saddle Woods Farm — and PEOPLE has all the exclusive details.
Ahead of their big day, the couple told PEOPLE that they chose their venue — which they called a “big, beautiful property with a gorgeous barn” — in part because of the “kind” owners, Jayne and Gary LeGate.
“They invited us in for dinner with their family during the holidays when we visited the venue,” they said. “We were sold right then and there.”
Throughout the space, the couple decorated with pampas grass, macrame, neon lights, bulb string lights, vintage rugs, teepees and couches to bring their music festival-theme to life.
“We met at a music festival and spend so much of our time together on the road at shows festivals,” Rich, 33, and Gadecki, 36, said. “So we wanted to throw a festival-themed wedding so our guests could take a step into our lives for a night.”
Rich and Gadecki — who hired Sara Fried, owner of Fête Nashville Luxury Weddings, to plan their wedding — put neon signs inside and outside the barn and also had an escort wall for guests to “find their festival friends” with each table being named after a music festival (where they were given custom luggage tags from Sketch & Etch). The couple first met at the Stagecoach country music festival in Indio, California on May 1, 2016 and have been together for almost three-and-a-half years now.
“I was watching the show from the side of the main stage and saw Sabina with her friends down in the pit,” Rich recalled. “So I snuck down and perfectly placed myself right in front of her group with my friend Alex, and we made sure we had such a great time in front of them that she and her friends would wish they were part of our group. Well, it barely worked — we quickly said hello and she left. I had to do the rest of my courting via an Instagram direct message.”
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A post shared by Tyler Rich (@tylerrich) on May 4, 2019 at 2:56pm PDT
Standing beside the couple on their big day was a bridal party made up of 13 groomsmen and 12 bridesmaids, including three best men and three maids of honor. Ayesha Curry, who attended with her husband Stephen Curry, brother-in-law Seth Curry and his wife, Callie Rivers-Curry, was in Gadecki’s bridal party.
One of the couple’s closest friends, Ambrosio “Boskie” Lopez, married them. “Nobody knows us better as individuals and as a couple at the same time,” they said.
The couple wrote their own vows, and Rich anticipated there was a “100 percent” chance he’d cry during the special moment.
RELATED: From Red Robin to Hitting No. 1: What to Know About ‘The Difference’ Singer Tyler Rich
Gadecki wore two different gowns by Israeli designer Galia Lahav for the ceremony and reception, and she described them as the “perfect combination of both sexy and playful.”
“You can see and feel from the details that the dresses were made with a lot of love,” said Gadecki, who calls herself the “most indecisive person known to man” and tried on a lot of dresses before making her decision.
Gadecki also stuck with tradition and incorporated “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue” in her ensemble.
“I never had the chance to meet my babcia , my mom’s mom,” she said. “Both of my grandparents on my mom’s side died before I was born, but I’ve always felt a strong connection to them. My grandmother was wearing a blue brooch in the hospital before she passed away, and I had the brooch sewn into my dress. My ‘something old’ is my mother’s veil. I took the beautiful lace and tulle and had it turned into our ring bearer’s pillow, a small purse for my day, as well as my garter. And my ‘something borrowed’ is my jewelry.”
Rich wore a charcoal suit by Italian designer Boglioli, and he completed his look with a Rolex Yacht-Master from Crown & Caliber. Justin Alexander styled all of Rich’s groomsmen, who accessorized with matching black leather matches from MVMT, while Gadecki’s bridesmaids all wore blush bohemian dresses from Jenny Yoo.
Throughout the day, the couple made sure that the music was “perfect for us,” meaning that it was “not your traditional wedding music, but the music you hear when you go see your favorite bands at a festival.”
“We also wanted a raw and true to Nashville element, so we had the amazing Ashley Campbell bring her banjo picking to our cocktail hour,” they said.
RELATED: Actress Sabina Gadecki’s Friends ‘Thanked’ Her Fiancé Tyler Rich For Not Changing Her
At the reception, Rich and Gadecki picked “Yellow” by Coldplay for their first dance as a married couple.
“We first said ‘I love you’ when listening to ‘Yellow,’ and it’s been our song ever since,” they said. “That first dance to ‘Yellow’ in front of everyone we love so much will live forever with us.”
As for the food, the couple went with “food truck-style eating” in an indoor setting. They had a pierogi bar, slider station and “meat and two” station along with a donut wall and cake for dessert. Additionally, they had a cigar bar and flower crown cart to keep with their music festival-theme.
Rich also wanted the alcohol at the wedding to represent them as a couple. Since he was raised in Northern California, Rich had Lagunitas IPA beer and four types of wine from Brasswood Cellars in Napa Valley served at the wedding. Since Gadecki’s entire family is from Poland, they knew the right vodka was a “very important element” and chose to serve Big Machine Vodka. The wedding was many of their guests’ first trip to Nashville, so they also had a true Tennessee whiskey, Clayton James, on deck.
Rich and Gadecki used the site Minted to design all of their menus, table numbers, save the dates, invites, day-of-pieces and thank you cards in one place.
RELATED VIDEO: Tyler Rich on Writing ‘Leave Her Wild’ & Acting with Sabina Gadecki in ‘The Difference’ Music Video
When it came time for speeches, Rich and Gadecki’s best men and maids of honor all walked up and took turns passing around the microphone. Ahead of the reception, Rich anticipated that it would be “the dance party of all parties.”
“Our friends and family couldn’t stay still if they wanted to,” he said. “Sabina’s family is all from Poland and rowdy as they come. You mix that with our crazy friends, and it’s going down.”
Along with the Curry family, famous faces at the wedding included Jon Pardi, Gadecki’s fellow Entourage actor Jerry Ferrara and his wife, Breanne Racano Ferrera, UFC fighter Anthony Pettis, NBA players Dorell Wright and Biedriņš, actor Dylan Playfair, Sirius XM’s “The Highway” host Mary Carlisle Young, professional fisher Aaron Britt (who was also one of Rich’s groomsmen) and model Ubah Hassan.
Though Rich and Gadecki have been engaged for over two years, they felt like now was finally the perfect time to have their wedding.
“We have both had the craziest couple years, with little time,” Rich — whose song “The Difference” hit No. 21 on the country charts last year — said. “We could never afford it until the past year or so, really. Once both our careers picked up last year, it changed everything and gave us the opportunity to finally plan the wedding we’d always wanted. There are just so many important people in our lives, that we knew it couldn’t be small. So we were waiting until we could have the wedding of our dreams.”
Since their relationship has been long-distance between Los Angeles and Nashville since they met, the couple said they depend on trust to keep them strong.
“We have always trusted each other, and never let any insecurities or fear of anything get in between us,” they said. “We fully support each other’s dreams and 100 percent the person each of us are inside. We embrace that fully.”
As to what he’s most looking forward to about marriage itself, Rich said it’s getting to introduce Gadecki as his “wife.”
“I’m so excited to build a life together from scratch,” he said. “To know that decades from now when there is an entire new generation beneath us, that it all started back in September 2019 when we kissed and said, ‘I do.’ It’s a really beautiful thing.”
Before forever, though, comes the honeymoon, which the couple had to put on hold for a bit now that Gadecki will be busy shooting for the upcoming film False Positive.
“Originally we had plans to go to the Cayman Islands on Monday following the wedding,” Rich said. “The Caribbean is so relaxing, recharging and the break we sure could use right now. But Sabina just booked a new film that starts shooting right away, and we are so excited about it! So, we will try to have a honeymoon in January when our schedules usually slow down. Either to Grand Cayman still, or potentially southeast Asia, it will be January weather-dependent.” 
Rich — who previously toured with Dustin Lynch, Sam Hunt, Brett Eldredge, Justin Moore, Cole Swindell, Dan + Shay and Brett Young — has headlining dates across the United States through the end of the year and is opening on select dates with Pardi and Brantley Gilbert.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2IgLgtr
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auditionsuggestions · 7 years
The List
A list of songs to maybe avoid in the audition room.
Pre-List note: This list goes out the window if they tell you singing from the show is ok or if they specifically tell you to sing from the show. Remember, this list is generally speaking. Also, for some of these songs I’m going to offer some alternative suggestions – songs that sound similar or have a similar arc or character, but maybe aren’t done so often (that I know of).
Also, this list is a lot less important when it comes to community theatre, generally speaking, though it does depend on the director. Still, don’t sing “On My Own”.
Additionally, songs from shows that have been on Broadway in the past 5 years tend to be a bit too new to use for auditions, so they should probably be avoided.
There’s exceptions to every rule, but please if something is marked with a ~ REALLY think about whether you want to sing it.
The list is below the cut due to length
~Adelaide’s Lament from Guys and Dolls
This song within the show is adorable and hilarious. In an audition setting it’s just not great to sing in an accent with an affectation (the typical New York accent that Adelaide is played with on top of her having a stuffed nose from the cold). Unless you’re able to pair it with another song that shows off your real voice, it’s best to leave this one for cabarets and karaoke.
Maybe look at:
“Waiting in the Wings” from Ain’t Broadway Grand
~Astonishing from Little Women
I love, love, love this song…but not for auditions. It’s a great ‘I want’ song with a killer money note at the end if you have that Eb5. However, unless you can do it better than Sutton Foster, leave it at home. Those behind the table will probably have heard it butchered at auditions a lot and just end up comparing you to the OBC in their minds (not intentionally, it just happens) or tuning out.
Maybe look at:
“Woman” from The Pirate Queen
“Sweet Liberty” from Jane Eyre
Being Alive from Company
Sondheim at an audition is always a gamble. Additionally, the stakes for this song can be VERY difficult to build up in 16-32 bars. My gentledudes and gentledude identifying people, maybe skip this one.
Bring Him Home from Les Miserables
Unless you are going to sing the hell out of that Bb, don’t. Just don’t. It’s what we’re all waiting for. If you screw it up, you look bad. If you don’t sing it, you look bad. So my dear tenors, please have that note and have it perfectly.
~Defying Gravity from Wicked
If your name is not Idina Menzel, they don’t want to hear this. It has been so over done over the last 15+ years that the team behind the table may just tune out entirely. Also, if you can’t guarantee belting that F5 every time, you can’t do it under the stress of an audition, so don’t risk it. Yes, you can belt safely but you’re more likely to slip up with your technique if you’re nervous and hurt yourself.
Maybe Look at:
“Look at Me Now” from The Wild Party (Lippa)
“Carrie” from Carrie the Musical
~Don’t Rain on my Parade from Funny Girl
This song belongs to Barbra Streisand. It’s another one that you’ll just end up being compared to the original and that doesn’t bode well
Franklin Shepherd Inc. from Merrily We Roll Along
If you have ever looked at the sheet music for this thing you know exactly why it’s on this list. Trust me, I did this show in college. It is cruel and unusual punishment for your accompanist if you don’t know for 100% sure that they can play it (And typically that’s only because they’ve either played the show or already learned the song in advance). (Listen to it though. I love this show so much and it needs more love).
(Also I don’t really hear this one a lot, but it’s on the list as a precaution)
Forget About the Boy from Thoroughly Modern Millie
Millie in general just gets done a lot, best not to.
~Gimme Gimme from Thoroughly Modern Millie
See above and mix it with the Astonishing explanation and the fact that so many girls sing this in auditions. Heck, I used to use it a lot as my go-to for belting auditions. But it just tends to be severely over done (hence why it’s here with the ~ beside it)
Girl in 14 G
It’s hard to play the joke of the song in only 16-32 bars, so it really doesn’t work for auditions.
Glitter and Be Gay from Candide 
I’ve seen this one on a few lists. I personally haven’t heard it done a TON at auditions, but if you want to show off your more classical sound and some high notes without being all the way in the stratosphere…
Maybe look at:
“The Finer Things” from Jane Eyre: the Musical
Good Morning Baltimore from Hairspray
Eh, a fun song but Hairspray in general just tends to be done a lot.
~I Can Hear the Bells from Hairspray
The same reason as above with the added caveat that your body type becomes relevant due to the lyrics. If you don’t fit the body type for Tracy it just seems silly, like singing the title song from Legally Blonde if you have dark hair. Also this one is pretty damn repetitive.
I Dreamed a Dream from Les Mis
Between the movie in 2012 and Susan Boyle this has come back into some high popularity. Yes, it’s a lovely, moving song. This has a lot of the “Ballad face” thing that can happen (See below for where that term comes in) but you know the face, the “I’m acting like I’m sad right now but not actually feeling the emotion” face
Maybe look at:
“When I Look at You” from The Scarlet Pimpernel (Just a heads up, I suggest this one a lot in this list.)
If I Loved You from Carousel
As an article I read about overdone songs put it “Ballad face alert.” This one is hard to pull off without giving that face. If you are going to do this song focus more on the acting of it. Really think about what Julie is saying to Billy and why. Give it some background and depth not just “this is a pretty song, I’m a soprano (or baritone) and it’s a ballad”
Journey to the Past from Anastasia
Ooooh, this used to be a go-to of mine, but with the show being on Broadway now it’s best to avoid it. It’s still a nice song though. Maybe in a few years when the show has left Broadway it’ll be safer to use again.
~Let it Go from Frozen
This was on this list back when it first came out with how popular the movie was (and still is). Also belting that E and the end has a little bit to do with it being on the list. Also chances are if the people you’re auditioning for have young children, they already hate this song a lot from over exposure.
~Maybe This Time from Cabaret
This is one of those where you’ll be compared to the original. Liza is forever connected to this song in a lot of people’s minds and you don’t want to deal with that comparison.
Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera
Why? Just why would you sing this song at an audition? It doesn’t have particularly high stakes, it’s hard to sing, and is VERY specific to its show. Also it’s really plodding after a while (duhduhduhduhduhduhduh ^duh).
No Good Deed from Wicked
The stakes are high, the song is great, but Wicked may elicit some groans from the table. If you are absolutely bent on singing from Wicked this or “I’m Not That Girl” are your best bets.
Maybe look at:
“Painting Her Portrait” from Jane Eyre (The belt’s not quite as high, but it’s got the same intensity”
Not for the Life of Me from Thoroughly Modern Millie
Again with the TMM… I heard this twice in about 20 minutes at a recent audition.
~On My Own from Les Mis
If you are considering this you are either just getting into musical theatre or very ballsy. This is the archetypical audition song for women. It’s one of the most overdone audition songs. You may even hear a groan or two if you say you’re gonna sing it. Do yourself a favor and leave it for your shower.
Maybe look at:
“When I Look at You” from The Scarlet Pimpernel (Maybe)
“Wait a Bit” from Just So
“I Don’t Know How to Love Him” from Jesus Christ Superstar (Might be a  little overdone)
 “As Long as He Needs Me” from Oliver (see above note, though I think it’s a bit more classic than overdone)
Out Tonight from Rent
This song is very tied to dancing and a lot of high energy movement. That’s hard to do a) in an audition setting and b) if you’re not a choreographer. Not to mention the register switch on the melisma of “Out” is a bitch to get right even when you’re not nervous.
Maybe look at:
“The World According to Chris” from Carrie the Musical
~Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz
Judy Garland sang it first and sang it best (at least in a lot of people’s opinions). The octave jumps in this are ridiculous tbqh, and if you’re nervous you may not quite make them.
Pity the Child from Chess
We call it “Pity the Singer” for a reason. It’s a difficult song. It’s super range-y. Just don’t. (Plus you’ll be compared to Adam Pascal)
Maybe look at:
“Why God Why” from Miss Saigon
~Popular from Wicked 
Say it with me: Wicked is not good for auditions because it is one of the most popular musicals of the past century.
Run Away With Me from The Unauthorized Autobiography of Samantha Brown
If you really want to pay 10$ for sheet music, sure. Still, between Aaron Tveit, Jeremy Jordan, Michael Arden, and just about every other Broadway heart throb singing this, it may be a comparison you want to avoid.
Screw Loose from Cry Baby
I’ve seen this on a couple other lists and I know a lot of people who love this song (and love this show). It’s cute. I see why they like it, but the joke of the song is a bit hard to play in 16-32 bars. If you’re in an audition situation where they’re letting you sing the whole song and this one fits the show and the character you want, go for it. If not, I’d say look for something else.
Seasons of Love from Rent
This is the song everyone knows from Rent. Also it’s a group number it’s not gonna sound as good without at least 3 other people to sing the harmonies.
Send in the Clowns from A Little Night Music
Aside from being one of the most well-known Sondheim songs, it’s just sung a lot. Also, a note to you teenage singer/actors who want to sing this at auditions: Don’t. As my old voice teacher often says “You’re not used up enough for Sondheim”
Maybe look at:
“Losing My Mind” from Follies
Show Off from Drowsy Chaperone
The whole tap number in the middle, the Sutton Foster association, and the “toot your own horn” factor should keep you from doing this song. It’s like when people sing “I’m the Greatest Star” from Funny Girl, you had better damn well be the greatest star or it’ll just make you look bad to the casting team.
Someone Like You from Jekyll & Hyde
FOOOOORRRRR IFFF SOMEONE sings this song again while I’m in the room I’m gonna scream. Yes, it’s a pretty song. Yes, Lucy tugs at our heart strings as a character. Yes, people sing this all the time. Hell, I’ve sung it in my voice lessons. It’s range-y though and Wildhorn can be kinda weird for auditions (also in my opinion this is not one of his better shows anyway).
Maybe look at:
“When I Look at You” from The Scarlet Pimpernel.
Somewhere That’s Green from Little Shop of Horrors
Personally, I haven’t really encountered this one so frequently in auditions, but a friend of mine had actually complained to me once about how it’s all he hears from women at auditions. It’s a beautiful song, but between its popularity and the urge to sing in the accent/affectation that Audrey is usually played with I would leave it at home.
Springtime for Hitler from The Producers
(Again, haven’t really heard this, but it is funny to think of anyone with the balls to sing this in an audition NOT for The Producers)
Stars from Les Mis
Beautiful song. The problem here is you REALLY have to raise the stakes for this to work in an audition.
Stranger to the Rain from Children of Eden
Another great song. However I hear this one done a lot at auditions…even once at a Hairspray audition of all things. It seems to be dying down a little in popularity though, so you may be safe with it depending on where you live/are auditioning.
Taylor the Latte Boy
Another Kristin Chenoweth, not from a show, needs the full song for the joke to really land.
The Wizard and I from Wicked
We’ve gone over Wicked 500000times now (lies. It’s like 5, but still).
Maybe look at:
“The Spark of Creation” from Children of Eden
Think of Me from Phantom of the Opera 
The cadenza at the end is tricky as hell also this has no actual purpose in the show other than “oooh see how great Christine is” and to have Raoul recognize her. There’s not a lot of context you can add to it.
Maybe look at:
“The Finer Things” from Jane Eyre (Fun fact, Elizabeth DeGrazia who played Blanche back in the OBC was also Christine in Phantom at one point in Toronto. She’s Canadian)
This is the Moment from Jekyll & Hyde
My feelings on Jekyll and Hyde are now known. Please see the entry for Someone Like You.
Maybe look at:
“The Impossible Dream” from Man of La Mancha
“Anthem” from Chess (similar sound-at least to me)
~Tomorrow from Annie
This song is great until you’re about 12-14. Once you’re too old to play Annie, you’re too old for this song.
For my younger singer/actors who want something else that fits their age...
Maybe look at:
“Everlasting” from Tuck Everlasting (Or really any of Winnie’s songs from Tuck Everlasting, I just happen to really like this one)
Watch What Happens from Newsies
The patter is tricky, and it’s sung a LOT. (It does have a nice 32 bar cut there though, but even so don’t bother with it unless you want to be girl #387 that they hear sing it)
Maybe look at:
“Spark of Creation” from Children of Eden
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again from Phantom of the Opera
Phantom is kind of like Wicked in that you just shouldn’t sing from it for the most part. This song also seems like it could become over indulgent with the “I am sad now” and less genuine if one takes it just as a cut for an audition.
Maybe Look at:
“Unusual Way” from Nine
“I Remember” from Evening Primrose
Your Daddy’s Son from Ragtime
This is apparently overdone in some places. It’s a beautiful song but it is also one specifically attached to a character of Color. If you’re not of her race (Sarah is Black), maybe just don’t sing it for an audition.
A note on composers that you “shouldn’t sing”: Yes, there are some who are notoriously difficult to sight read (see: Sondheim, Stephen and Brown, Jason Robert). But you’ll generally be able to find a few by these that aren’t too tricky (or you’ll find a key that makes them a bit easier to sight read). One thing I’ve come across (just in my experience mind you) is that the accompanists at professional auditions tend to be excellent. They can play just about anything you throw in front of them. At community theatre auditions you may be a little less lucky (Again, in general. I love community theatre and think pretty highly of it) but then again you may have a great accompanist there too. A general rule is if you’re worried about the difficulty of your song for the accompanist either don’t choose that one or bring a backup in case you hear that the accompanist isn’t all that great.
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ragsandmuffins · 7 years
Musical Theatre Themed Ask
Okay, I’m gonna answer... all of these! (Because I have a paper to write and zero motivation. And also: musicals.)
Oh, and by the way, I’m going to assume that every “Broadway” is a “Broadway/West End” because Tumblr is a free platform.
1. What was the first musical you saw?
Mary Poppins, West End, 2006 (not 100% sure about the year)
2. What musical got you really  into theatre?
Les Misérables - saw the film, started stalking the actors, you know how it goes.
3. Who was your first Broadway crush?
Aaron Tveit (he’s the main one) and Samantha Barks - like I said, stalking the Les Mis actors...
4. Name three of your current Broadway crushes.
Um... still Aaron Tveit? Plus Rob Houchen (Les Mis London) and Cleve September (In the Heights London and soon Hamilton London) - Also, I get “talent crushes” not physical attraction crushes.
5. Name four of your dream roles.
Only 4? Natalie Goodman, Enjolras, Maureen Johnson, and HERCULES MULLIGAN!!
(I can’t sing, act, or dance, nor am I a man, so...)
6. Favourite off-broadway show:
Heathers and The Last Five Years
7. Favourite cast recording.
Gotta be Hamilton, it’s just such a well-produced album. Bonus points for including nearly the entire show.
8. 2013 Tony opening number or 2016 Tony opening number?
2012? The Book of Mormon thing is just pure gold!
9. Favourite show currently on Broadway.
Broadway: I guess Hamilton - There are way too few that I actually know.
West End: Les Misérables forever!
10. A musical that closed and you’re still bitter about. Rant a bit.
In the Heights London! Though I can’t really complain, they extended their initially run several times and now they’ve cast my amazing Sonny as Laurens/Philip, so... But it was just so good!!
11. Best stage to screen adaptation?
Les Misérables. Controversial, I know, but I usually kind of hate movie musicals. With this one they did something new and different and I think it works. The Last Five Years is pretty good too, though it lost a lot in the adaptation (couldn’t be avoided).
12. Worst  stage to screen adaptation?
Rent. I’m sorry, I love the show, I love the cast, but it all feels so staged and wrong and meh. Also, they cut Goodbye Love and left in fucking Santa Fé which adds exactly nothing to the plot!!
13. Favourite #ham4ham?
Gotta be the Schuyler Georges, but there have been so many great ones...
14. A musical you would love to see produced by Deaf West?
Oh, tricky... Maybe Next to Normal? That has a lot to do with people holding things in and failing to see each others’ struggles.
15. If you could revive any musical, which one would it be and who would you cast in it?
Not exactly a revival, but bring Next to Normal to the West End already! That show’s got a sodding Pulitzer. And London’s only a 2 hour flight away from where I live, not a transatlantic one, so I might actually be able to go see it.
Oh, and give Spring Awakening another chance, West End. Maybe adapt some American Sign Language into British Sign Language and...?
Also, maybe revive Rent, Broadway? (And cast Aaron Tveit as Roger... please?)
16. If you could go to a concert at the 54 below, who’s would it be?
That list would be waaaaaayyy too long...
17. Do you watch broadway.com vlogs? Which one is your favourite?
I’ve seen a few, but I don’t really watch them on a regular basis, so no favourites...
18. Make a Broadway related confession.
I really, really hate South Pacific. It was part of our American drama syllabus, as an example of a musical. Quite apart from the fact that I think it’s a godawful, sort of racist and sexist show (it’s from the 40s, go figure), it displays LITERALLY EVERY cliché about musicals!
19. What do musicals mean to you?
Hard to say... Apart from hours and hours of ALL the emotions, some awesome internet buddies (looking at you, @frei-und-schwerelos), I’ve got generally more interested in and knowledgable about theatre, which is a great asset when you study English. Musicals have also introduced me to a wide range of music I wouldn’t normally listen to and so many talented people I wouldn’t have known about otherwise...
20. Express some love for understudies and swings!
Okay here goes: I went to see the West End production of Memphis because of Killian Donnelly and then he unexpectedly wasn’t on that night - bummer. But then Jon Robyns just knocked it out of the part (and I only ever listened to Avenue Q and Spamalot because I watched clips of him when he was in those shows).
My first Thénardier was Adam Pearce and his version of “It was me wot told you so...” is the funniest one I’ve ever heard (he kind of went “No? Sorry, fair enough.”).
The second time I saw the show Adam Bayjou was Valjean and his Bring Him Home was one of the best I’ve ever heard (effortless high notes).
Also, Charlotte Kennedy was Cosette that time (she’s principal Cosette now) and her performance was so incredibly sweet! (She also brought some brunette power into the sea of blond that were Marius and Éponine.)
And Jordan Lee Davies was Bamatabois both times and he was great!
Oh, and my Christine from Phantom was the wonderful Lisa-Anne Wood.
21. Best Disney musical:
Mary Poppins - My first ever musical, fond memories, I still wear the Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious shirt my dad bought me (11 years ago... didn’t fit then, fits now).
22. Which Disney movie should be made into a musical?
Uh, I don’t know. Tangled’s funny...
23. Which musical fandom has the funniest memes?
Hamilton and Les Mis. I mean, the Les Mis/Mean Girls crossovers alone...
24. Name a character from a musical you would sort into your Hogwarts house.
Well, the test sorted me into Hufflepuff (great house), but I know that I am a Ravenclaw (and, as we know, the hat listens to you). Okay, Ravenclaw... maybe Melchior from Spring Awakening?
25. Name a Broadway star you would sort into your Hogwarts house.
Ugh, that’s even harder! Sorry, no clue.
26. Best on stage chemistry?
Hmm from what I’ve seen live, Rob Houchen and Carrie Hope Fletcher were pretty darn amazing together.
From what I haven’t seen live, Jennifer Damiano and Adam Chanler-Berat, and Justin Johnston and Michael McElroy seemed fantastic.
27. A Broadway duo you love.
I’m gonna say Jonathan Groff and Lin-Manuel Miranda, but I’m not sure I understand the question...
28. What book, tv show, movie, biography, video game, etc. should be turned into a musical?
Umm... I don’t know. Supernatural sort of is a musical... A Lord of the Rings musical in the style of A Very Potter Musical might be fun. The Fellowship of the Sing? I’ll show myself out.
29. If you could make a jukebox musical, what artist or genre would you pick?
I doubt many people know her but: Vienna Teng. For three reasons (aside from me liking her songs): 1. Her songs tell stories. 2. She often writes from the perspective of “characters.” 3. Her songs are actual poetry!
30. Favourite role played by _________________?
I don’t get it. What am I supposed to put here?
31. What musical has made you cry the most?
I don’t actually cry often at musicals (internally I do), but It’s Quiet Uptown from Hamilton got me bad the first time. And I once listened to Next to Normal when I was already feeling like shit - bad idea! (Don’t listen to There’s a World when you kind of want there to not be a world, kids...)
32. What musical has made you laugh the most?
Probably Avenue Q and Something Rotten
33. Current showtune stuck in you head:
Well, you just put Hard to Be the Bard in my head!
34. A musical that has left you thinking about life for a long time or deeply inspired you.
Les Misérables... I haven’t spent a single week without thinking about that show (or, indeed, the book) since early 2013.
Next to Normal also gave me a lot to think about.
I keep discovering new little bits of genius in Hamilton lyrics. Also, I’m writing a paper on the early US for the second time in under a year and characters from Hamilton (otherwise know as historical figures) keep popping up. Seriously, I’m writing about the Whiskey Rebellion and every time I read Hamilton’s name my brain goes PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES!
I’ve also thought quite a bit about Heathers and The Last Five Years, because both of them have had productions where they genderbended (genderbent?) a main character, which made me think about how it changes the story and why.
35. If you could perform any ensemble number , which one would you pick?
“If you could...” Are you implying that I don’t?! Come on, any theatre geek who claims never to have done a solo rendition of One Day More is definitely lying! Oh, and I rapped myself all the way through One Shot the other day and made only one mistake - one that Lin’s made before, so I’m proud!
36. Name a musical you didn’t like at first but ended up loving.
I don’t think that’s really happened... There have been shows where I thought “What in the holy hell is this?!” and ended up loving it. I mean, what in the holy hell is Avenue Q?!
37. What are some costumes you’d love to try on?
Give me that red vest! Also, let me play Enjolras! Yes, I know I’m a woman and can only hit that low “foooorm” when I’ve got a really bad cold, but fuck all that!
I’d also really like to try on Elphaba’s Act II dress, because it’s epic!
38. Favourite dance break.
Hmmm... I don’t really have one? The one in Cool and the ballet in Somewhere where they sort of replay what’s happened are pretty amazing (both West Side Story).
39. Favourite Starkid musical:
A Very Potter Musical is the only one I know... Sorry...
40. What’s a musical more people should know about?
Well, where I live, most people have heard of Cats, Phantom, and Mamma Mia and that’s about it.
But in general, I’ve never met anyone who’s even heard of Assassins (although many people who have met me have now heard everything about Assassins - I’m that kind of person).
41. What are some lines from musicals you really like?
Okay, this is gonna take a while...
"Can you remind me of what it was like at the top of the world?” (In the Heights)
“Oh, my friends, my friends, don’t ask me what your sacrifice was for.” (Les Misérables - internal Niagara Falls!)
“Here, put some hail into the chief.” (Assassins)
“But the sky’s gonna hurt when it falls. So you’d better start building some walls.” (Heathers)
“I’m not mad that you got mad when I got mad when you said I should go drop dead!” (Tick, Tick... Boom!)
“My God, in God we trust, but we never really know what God discussed.” (Hamilton)
“What doesn’t kill me doesn’t kill me.” (Next to Normal)
And just for fun: “Honest living, honest living, honest living, honest living,...” (Rent)
42. Name a Tony performance you rewatch and rewatch.
In the Heights, Next to Normal, Hamilton, and Spring Awakening (both versions).
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I just have to say this, even though I’ve said it to a few people privately, but I need to sort of Get It Out because I’m genuinely feeling quite upset about it.
Last nights episodes were so well written (duh, our Queen Maxine never disappoints) and the dialogue was great and while there might’ve been one or two little things I’d have changed (I’d like to have seen Robron split for a few days, until Monday or something....I even wrote out what I wanted to happen but I got rid of it because shhjajdjk) but overall I’m really happy with it. The closing scene was so beautiful it made me want to cry.
BUT.....I just can’t with the idea of this baby. I just cannot cope with it. And last night.....those scenes with Robron....that was the closest I have felt to them since the goodbye back in Feb (or the first prison visit, probably)....and in a way it has made me feel even worse, because it’s like they’ve reeled me back in (well....Maxine has) but there’s still this black cloud hanging over them.
And I won’t lie - a big part of me is still holding on to the hope of a twist (Rebecca somehow not even being pregnant/the baby actually being Ross’s/someone else’s) but then I keep getting this really daunting feeling of “...what if there is no twist?”
I feel like Monday is a real deal breaker. I won’t magically stop caring about Robron if the baby is 100% confirmed to be Robert’s (I just read an anon saying apparently Robert *is* 100% the daddy?) but I just don’t know how I can stomach our boys being tied to that woman forever? I’m sure there will be cute scenes of “Aaron bottle feeding the baby”, and I know it’s not the baby’s fault how it was conceived or who it’s parents are, but like....I just can’t. I wrote about why I find it so so offensive to make Robron parents this way and I stand by it.
I know a lot of people are convinced of a twist, or convinced that in 7 months time there won’t be a baby (for whatever reason), but I also know there are people who are sort of accepting that this is the hideous reality that has been thrust upon Robron, and on us, and I just....
I don’t want to seem negative, because I’m not negative about last nights episodes, not at all. But I am negative about Rebecca, and I’m negative about the idea of this baby being Robert’s, because I genuinely don’t understand how so many of us will get past that?
But more than that, I don’t understand how Aaron is realistically going to get past it. And you just know what’ll happen if this baby is confirmed to be Robert’s, and it becomes clear it isn’t going away.....I can see it now. It’s been done 100 times before. Robert trying to make Aaron feel involved but Aaron ultimately knowing that this baby is Robert’s and Rebecca’s. He might love it, but it’ll still be a reminder that his demons were right; Robert DID cheat on him. And that will never, ever go away. 
I just find it so insulting to every character involved and I honestly don’t know what’s going to happen if a twist doesn’t happen. I genuinely think it’d be the biggest mistake Emmerdale have probably ever made.
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Things Change. [Hamilton]
Ship(s): Alexander Hamilton x Thomas Jefferson
Word Count: 1099
Warning(s): Death, cancer mention, possible OOCness, possible typos, not 100% realistic.
Alexander closed his novel, held it shut as he put it in Thomas’ lap. Thomas seemed to ignore him. His eyes closed, his head leaned back against the couch cushion, an open pack of cigarettes in his hand. It’s not like he was going to use them. He ever smokes in the house anymore.
Alex picks up a small radio beside him; it was a dull teal color, and it was dirty, but he’s sure it still works. Alex turns it on, struggles to find the right station.
He’s finally set it to something. Orchestrated music, music you could slow dance to. The music wakes Thomas up.
“Wake up.” Alexander might've been sick for almost a years, but he hadn't gotten any quieter.
“Wasn't sleepin’. Was restin’ my eyes.” Thomas pauses. “Do I hear violin music?” Alexander doesn't remember how many times he’s told Thomas that those aren't just violins.
Alex unfolded his legs and set his feet on the floor. “I want to dance.”
“Alexander. You know I can’t dance.”
“Of course you can! You didn’t say that six years ago.”
“Six years ago, I wasn’t old.”
Alexander pouts childishly. “No one’s too old to dance. Dance with me! Please?” He pats his feet on the floor. They’re supposed to be stomps.
Thomas tosses the cigarettes somewhere next to him. “Fine.” He stands, walks up in front of Alexander. Alexander holds his arms out, awaiting Thomas’ warmth. Alexander was never really warm anymore.
Thomas helps Alex stand, and holds him close. Alex couldn’t stand on his own anymore.
Thomas started to sway a bit, and Alexander allowed himself to take a first step. And Thomas followed, and they continued on until they were practically one with the music. One with each other. Alexander loved every second of it. It brought memories of Thomas. The cheery Thomas. The charismatic Thomas. The before-he-got-sick Thomas. The memories are lovely, wonderful...
All in a second, his legs give way and his knees buckle, and then he’s closer to the floor. But Thomas has him, Thomas holds him. Kisses his cheek. Warm.
Alexander is pulled up and stands again. And they dance for a while.
Until Alex stumbles again and almost kicks over the vase of the floor beside the sofa. He could hear Thomas suck in a breath. They stand straight once more.
Suddenly, Alexander’s in pain. Thomas his hugging him, gripping him tightly. It hurts, but its better than falling. Thomas is muttering, crying.
Alex pats Thomas’ back. He wasn’t good at comforting people. Especially Thomas. Because he knows what Thomas is muttering about.
You’re hurting me. I can’t take it. This is serious, not just the flu. It’s cancer. Really bad. You’re selfish. Why?
You’re sick and you won’t even tell your own son.
Their son. Phillip. Alexander could only think of the vase he’d almost knocked over.
It held their dog’s ashes. Thomas didn’t really like dogs, but Phillip had been begging for months. Thomas had let Phillip know that he would get to name the doggy, and Alexander still thinks it’s a bit of a stupid name.
Turtle. Fucking Turtle. It was only to piss John off, the man was obsessed with turtles and was repeatedly disappointed every time Thomas called for the dog. That lasted for about a week or two.
Thomas sits down on the couch, Alexander in his lap, straddling his thighs. There are still tears running down Thomas’ face, but he’s not crying anymore. Alexander rests his head on Thomas’ chest.
He doesn’t know why he feels guilty. He’s wanted to die, see his mother again for years and he’s finally going to get that. But Thomas would say that that’s selfish.
“Aaron’s going to call you,” says Alex. Thomas is silent.
Alexander adds, “To make sure Phillip can stay over.”
“I’ve told him that he could.” Thomas’ voice is a little above a whisper.
“I know, but you know he likes to check and recheck things.”
“...And Maria wants to call you.”
“Maria does not want to call me.”
“Joking.” And he’s right. Maria Lewis hates Thomas.
Only because they’d both been cheating. Alexander and Thomas were both married when they got together. Alexander didn’t think much of it until after the divorce. Maria actively hates Thomas now, and Alex knows that as a fact, even if Maria doesn’t contact either of them ever. Eliza, on the other hand, stuck around. They’re still pretty good friends. She and Alex had a peaceful marriage, he guessed. Elizabeth was sweet and kind, family-oriented. But Alex admitted, he didn’t want to have children with Eliza. He was almost glad she couldn’t conceive when they married.
Alexander’s eyes had closed by then; he was tired. He could feel himself being lifted and set back onto the sofa. He opened his eyes, looked toward Thomas, who was headed for the door.
“Where are you going?”
Thomas holds up the pack of cigarettes. Alexander nods.
“Don’t be out long; I’m sleepy.” Thomas was out the door just as he finished the sentence. It was only eight-thirty. Alexander never slept late anymore.
Alexander looks around, and he goes over the memories of his wild past. And he notices.
Wow, things have changed.
Alexander couldn’t sleep for the period of time that Thomas was outside, because all the lights were on. Though, he’d come back inside after about fifteen minutes. Smelled like cigarette smoke, but Alexander didn’t mind. And Alexander was carried to the bedroom and tucked into bed.
But he’s sitting with his eyes wide open.
Thomas had left the light on, and Alexander still doesn’t know why.
“Could you turn the light off please? I’m tired.”
“Alex, you look too tired.”
“What are you talking about, Thomas? I just want to go to sleep.”
Thomas takes his hand. He’s kneeling beside Alexander. “I want you to stay with me.”
Alexander’s face softened. “Love, I’ll be okay. Let me rest, please. I’m so tired.”
Thomas is silent for moment, and then turns the light off.
“Okay. I need to check on George before I go to sleep.” Thomas seemed to pause. (George Washington had almost been sent to a nursing home by Lafayette, but insisted he wanted to stay in his own home. So someone will go and check up on him throughout the day.) “I love you, darling.”
Alexander smiles, “Love you, too. Forever and always.” He feels Thomas kiss his forehead before his quiet footsteps become even quieter.
And Alexander closes his eyes, soon going into a deep sleep. The sleep welcomed him gently, not like it used to. Not blunt, not like being knocked out.
His breathing slows, and evens out. Fades completely.
Until nothing but the usual tick of the clock is heard.
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Survey #56
“no doubt about it, i got a bad, bad girlfriend.”
who was the last male you hung out with?   we didn't really "hang out," but i was around bradley, colleen's husband.  the last male i really did "hang out" with was my friend girt months ago. who is your favorite person to text?   colleen when’s the last time you talked to the person you like?   the last time i talked and he responded, via battle.net because we were both online.  i asked him how school was going and such, despite in his responses it being obvious he didn't want to talk.  last time i "talked" to him without his input in the conversation was when i wrote him a ten-page letter i've yet to mail him. who did you last take a picture with?   colleen, chelsea, and mom. do you and your best friend ever fight?   yes.  we're in a fight now, actually.  we're both very opinionated people and also very different, so. is there someone who can make you laugh no matter what?   fucking jason.  i would be crying and he could still make me laugh. has anyone ever mistaken you for being gay/lesbian/bi?   yes.  more than once.  lmao at the store the other day, colleen ran into her preacher, and i was with her.  it was kinda obvious he thought we were a couple. explain why you last threw up?   had a baaaad stomach bug. ever kissed your best friend's significant other?   definitely not! do you like the person you are becoming?   no.  more than anything, my happiness should NOT be so dependent on a man who doesn't even care about me. do you have anything embarrassing/sexual in your room?   i do not. know anyone who has a pet gecko?   my former best friend summer and my acquaintance caleb. do you like eating soup in the winter?   i don't like soup period. do you like getting jewelry or do you not wear any?   sure! when you were in high school did you ever have bomb threats?   once because a kid my sister knew was stupid as fuck. did/do you get school cancellations because of snow?   dude, we got cancellations if there was a chance of an inch of snow. who knows ALL of your secrets?   jason is the only one, actually.  i've literally told him everything. what does your typical outfit look like?   yoga/sweatpants, graphic tee. did you have a job before you were in college?   no, actually. do you think hunting is wrong? if so, why?   for purely sport, kinda.  just killing for fun doesn't seem right in the slightest?  if you're in a survival situation or if you actually do eat what you kill, sure, hunt. have you ever thought about what it would be like to have a baby right now?   not in-depth, no.  it'd be... very hard.  well first off, it'd be impossible for me to get pregnant, but let's just say i somehow did.  i'm pretty sure i wouldn't be a "bad" mom, but an insufficient one.  i'm pretty severely mentally ill and very unstable right now, and a child's malleable mind doesn't need to be exposed to that, especially when it's his/her mother.  i also do not want to bring a child into this world when (s)he wouldn't have a father figure.  fathers are just as important as mothers, imo, and a baby should be raised with both parents.  the last thing a child needs is just a sick mother.  despite the obvious issues though, holy hell would i do everything for that baby. do you have a sensitive gag reflex?   VERY.  i can't even put those things in my mouth at the dentist for when you get x-rays without a massive struggle.  i usually have the get the kid ones. what was the last situation to upset you?   colleen said something very ignorant. have you ever had an online argument?   waaaaay more than one.  i've been around the internet since what, 2007?  i've had plenty. do any of your friends know you fill out surveys?   online friends, sure, real life friends, not on tumblr, no.  i occasionally/very rarely post a survey in facebook notes, so my friends obviously know, but they haven't seen even a microscopic quarter of the surveys i've done.  i'm not entirely... against the idea, but like, i'd only ever maybe admit to colleen i have a survey blog. how do you typically style your hair? does it take long?   no, because it's too thick for me personally to style.  i would kill to have the emo/scene/whatever you call it hair, but my hair just doesn't work with me. when were you last offered something illegal?   never, i think. what are you most confident about? most insecure about?   uhhh.  i mean, i guess my knowledge about meerkats is what i'm most confident about?  most insecure about, my stomach. when are you most likely to say something you don’t mean?   if you bring up jason. where’s the best place to get your favorite dish?   my favorite dish ever is spicy shrimp fritas, which i get from olive garden. can you play guitar hero?   yeah.  i used to play almost everything on expert and sometimes get 100%, but now i play mostly on hard and a select few on expert. if you could move somewhere else, would you?   yeah, closer to the mountains on the western side of the state. how many months until your birthday?   less than one! do you want your tongue pierced?   yes, i want the snake eyes tongue piercing. who was the last person to disappoint you?   colleen are you emotionally strong?   i honestly do not know?  like i tell myself i wouldn't be alive otherwise, but simultaneously, i feel that if i was strong, so many things wouldn't bother me. you think ‘I love you’ are strong words?   they were enough to ruin my life, so. on grand theft auto, do you just kill people or actually do the missions?   i've never played it before, but i think i'd do the missions, since i play games to beat them. have you ever been to australia?   no, but i'd kinda like to to meet my friend shay.  i'm just scared of all the venomous shit they have, especially the spiders. do you watch adult swim?   no.  half the shit on there was immaculately immature the last time i saw it, anyway. do you have a favorite pair of underwear?   i only have one pair because i never wear underwear unless there's an occasion i need to, and they're pink and black and lacy. what is your dad’s occupation?   he's been a mailman for years and actually likes it. have you ever seen a baby snake?   no, actually.  i mean on television and stuff, sure, but not in real life. do you own any band tees?   plenty.  big part of my wardrobe. do you think they really landed on the moon, or it was fake?   i've seen like all the evidence that it may have been faked, and i believe it's a possibility it was, but in general, i believe that we truly did land on the moon, despite some of the oddities. do you feel embarrassed to listen to music you love out loud around other people?   no no no no no!!  that's like, probably the only think about me i'm proud of revealing!! does your shower have a glass screen or a curtain?   curtain when is the last time you sat around a campfire?   years ago in new york. do you have a back-up career choice? what is it?   not really, honestly...  i mean my dream job is to be a meerkat biologist, but i'm not moving to africa, so that just won't happen.  the only thing i want to do is be a photographer. are men more attractive with longer or shorter hair?   i mean, it really depends on the man, but in general, i like longer hair. is there a name that you hear and cringe?   rachel. what was the last computer game you played?   world of warcraft, before my computer decided "hey let's keep restarting."  i was about to get the long-forgotten hippogryph too, and i'm still salty about it. what would you say is your guiltiest pleasure?   world of warcraft, again, and idk why.  like there's nothing to be ashamed of, yet i am.  like even when i get my computer fixed, i'm contemplating just not getting back into it to avoid the feeling of embarrassment. do you let your pets on your furniture?   yes, because they live here??? can you usually tell when someone has feelings for you?   with my history of thinking aaron liked me and believing jason would ask me out, i guess. what is your favorite thing to cook for someone else?   the only thing i can really cook are some yummy scrambled eggs, with hot sauce. have you ever bought underwear simply because it made your underwear drawer look nice?   no? how do you feel about kettle cooked chips?  GROSS would you ever consider visiting texas?   if my former best friend mini would talk to me again, sure.  i'd love to visit her. who was the last person to turn you on?   jason was good at that. what are your views on the death penalty?   it is only for the coldest, hardest criminals where there is no doubt they committed the crime.  some people just don't change and do deserve to die, imo. is the music you listen to 'weird’?   i'm sure some people consider it such. have you ever played an instrument?    i played flute all through middle and high schools are fingerless gloves awesome?   sure, i have some from high school. do you fit any stereotypes?   possibly.  after all, the definition of certain stereotypes vary very slightly from person-to-person.  i guess i fit both geek and emo in some ways. does your best friend have a driver’s license?   yeah. what size drink do you usually get at fast food restaurants?   medium. do you have underwear from victoria’s secret?   i do not. do you want a relationship?   i mean, yeah, i guess.  i'm dangerously lonely and after dating jason, i know how good relationships feel.  but i don't want to rush anything. are you uncomfortable staring into someone’s eyes who you like?   no.  i could stare into jason's forever. who was the first person you talked to today?   via the internet, ummm i think it was shaylee.  in real life, nicole, my little sister. honestly! do you think you’re better than anyone else?   not at all.  god told us we're equal, that's why. do you have any fish as pets?   no.  i'd really like a big saltwater tank, though. when was the last time you slept in your parents' bedroom?   well, my parents have been divorced for years now, and mom doesn't currently have a room, she sleeps on the couch and i sleep in her old room, so i really don't know. do you like channing tatum?   i think he's physically attractive, but that's it. do you have a common first name?   very. who/what is one person/thing that had the biggest impact on your life?   jason. what is the most pointless movie that you have ever seen? did you like it?   "the purge," because the whole basis of the story was just... stupid?  like, WHY to begin with would it ever be legally allowed to purge?  the whole idea was just stupid.  the movie itself was okay in general though. who is the most important person in your life right now?   i'm trying to make it me. have you ever had a crush on someone of the same gender as you?   nope. who did you last talk to about the person you love?   mom, i think. who was the last person you sat next to on a bus?   i haven't been on a bus since high school.  but i always sat with jason. do you carry photos in your wallet?   i'm pretty sure i have a picture on nicole somewhere in there. the last time you had sex, was it in their bed or yours?   i've never had sex, but the last time i did something sexual, it was probably his bed. is there someone that you believe you will always be attached to?   i don't "think" it, i know it. has anyone ever drunk called/texted you?   nope. name two of your favorite colors.   maroon, pink. do you want to get married?   i do. are you afraid of roller coasters?   yes, i am. what colors would you like to have at your wedding?   i've actually considered many combinations.  think i'll wait for my spouse's opinion 'til i really decide. tell me the truth, what made you start liking the person you like right now?   he was so, so unique.  strange.  different.  maddeningly bizarre.  and, he cared.  he approached me while i was pushing everyone away, and i just couldn't shove him, too.  he wanted to know aaaall about me, and he seemed to like everything he heard...  he backed me into a corner where i couldn't escape him, yet i wasn't afraid.  now i'm damned for it. what was the last reason you cried?   i missed jason. last person to tell you i love you?   my mama what do you think your ex would say about you?   "she's my psycho ex." think of your last kiss….was it cute?   i don't remember my last kiss, because i didn't think it'd be the last.  i was so blissfully ignorant.  i was suspicious that something was wrong with jason, but... i never thought he'd leave. ��i mean don't get me wrong, every kiss we had was precious, but it was at the same time just another kiss. have you ever played golf?   i've played putt-putt, but not golf. what was the last tv show you watched an episode of?   probably something at colleen's, idk. do you like beer? if so, what's your favorite brand?   never tried it, but i know it stinks to high heaven. how often do you update your facebook status?   i never update my status unless something quite big happens.  i only ever share funny pictures/posts or stuff i heavily relate to/agree with. do you feel bad when you throw food out?   it's not something i think about all the time, but i do, because i know some people have much less than i. when was the last time you waxed anything on your body, if ever?   months ago when i had my eyebrows done.  i want to go more regularly, it's just a money thing. what is your favorite video game?   "silent hill 2" would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? what would you have done?   i don't think so. do you like shrimp?   eh, usually. have you ever been in a car accident?   i have. who is your favorite superhero?   batman. what is your favorite fruit flavored soda [grape, strawberry, orange, etc]?   strawberry have you ever slept in the same bed with the last person you kissed?   pleeeenty of times. would you ever be a stripper?   hell no. your ex is walking next to you, with their new partner, what do you do?   fucking kill her. do you have a hard time letting go?   i probably have a harder time letting go than anybody on the planet. is the last person you kissed a virgin?   nope.  he's had sex with rachel, and i'm sure he's fucked ashley by now.  can't wait 'til he breaks her heart, too. have you ever cried uncontrollably on a boy’s shoulder before?   more than once. how many times have you changed a diaper in your life?   literally only once what do you think makes you a good girlfriend or boyfriend?   i'm passionate and loyal as fuck. did you ever go to a mental hospital?   four or five times, the numbers are honestly starting to blur. does your mom/dad smoke?   dad does. how old are you?   i'll be 21 in a few weeks. did an old person ever hit on you?   yes, and it was fucking terrifying. do you believe that weed should be legalized?   no, honestly. do you like apple jacks?   yes! Are you afraid of the dark?   nah. would you say your taste in music is in a very broad spectrum?   no, honestly.  i'm very limited in the type of music i enjoy. are you a moaner, a screamer, or totally silent?   ... i'm going to pretend the fact this is on a survey doesn't bother me and just answer it.  i tend to moan and gasp a lot.  i've wanted to scream before, but haven't. what’s your middle name?   marie have you ever written or received a suicide note?   no, but more than once have i almost written one. ever kissed anyone with a nipple piercing?   no. have you ever kissed someone who had a boyfriend/​​​girlfriend?​​​   no, and i wouldn't unless it was jason and he was the one trying to kiss me. ever made out in a pool?   no, but we might as well have that one time. do you have a pool?   no, we had to sell ours for the money. are you an emotional person?   too emotional anybody ever tell you that “you could do so much better” about a person?   literally everyone tells me that?? how many full biological siblings do you have?   full-blooded?  just two. what is something you currently need to buy?
   new tank tops for bed, badly. the last person you kissed asks you to marry him/her. how do you react?   HA.  no.  apologize to me, number one, and fucking prove to me you won't leave again. do you wear hair extensions?
   no, because i don't need them. how old were you when you started puberty?   i have no memory of when i started. if you could have any magical power, what would you have?   shape-shifting, i think. do you believe in love at first site?   absolutely not. let’s say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick?   "no getting out of it" my ass, i'd get out of it.  he can disown my ass, whatever, i don't care.  i take marriage way more seriously than that. if you could be the lead role in any movie, what would it be?   honestly, i'd want to play a person driven crazy by events in her life.  because same fam. when eating something are you more concerned with taste or nutrition?   taste, honestly. what gender do you identify with?   female, because i have a vagina.  yes, i'm conservative about this matter.  fight me m8. are you more of a science or math person?   science, easily. what are your opinions on abortion?   i'm viciously pro-life. if you identify as a girl, would you ever consider getting a pixie cut?   no.  please do not misunderstand this: i have no problem with bigger people, but generally, i find pixie cuts to look bad on bigger women like me. are you a metalhead?   hell to the fuck yeah. do you even listen to metal?   it's like... all i listen to. do you know anybody who is a wiccan or pagan?   i'm pretty sure i know two or three wiccans do you watch supernatural?   i don't anymore, 'cuz it's a ptsd trigger.  it was the first show jason and i binge-watched together.  stopped at the sixth season, i think.  it's a really good show and i love it, i just tried to watch it one day, and i can't without him. what’s your favorite character in your favorite tv show?   i'd say my overall favorite show is "fullmetal alchemist," so hmmm... shit man, i'm having a difficult time remembering all the characters.  i feel like i really liked one of the seven deadly sins, i think it was greed?  no... maybe envy?  envy!  the one i misgendered, lmao.  i really like them. are you diabetic?   i am not, but it runs in the family, so... where is the majority of your family from?   mom's side, new york, dad's side, michigan. last person you slept in the same bed with?   chelsea hate someone, who?   i try so hard not to, but i'm pretty sure the feelings i have towards jason's current girlfriend is hatred. when was your first kiss?   hmmmm.  maybe like, may-ish four years ago? do you carry a purse?   yeah. would you ever name a kid damien?   it's a decent name, but no. bats are not spooky or are they?   no no no, they're so precious!!  especially flying foxes!! do you like listening to new music, or just sticking to your favorites?   both.  depends on the mood. are you one of those people who can eat anything and not gain a pound?   fuck no.  i'm the person who looks at cake and gains 10 pounds. do you like hot dogs?   i do, i just don't think of how they're made. do you watch american horror story?   again, i used to, but don't anymore due to it being a ptsd trigger.  we watched the first season and most of the second together. do you have sensitive teeth?   no would you date someone you had a 16 year age gap with?   NO what is your sexuality?   heterosexual, some asexual traits do you think suits are sexy?   kill me yes fucking christ do you think earrings are attractive or unattractive on guys?   ehhhh, i'm kinda neutral with guys and earrings. would you ever have a threesome with your friend and their bf/gf?   fuck no.  so sorry to offend, but you don't fucking love your significant other if you're comfortable fucking someone else with them.  i'd lecture the heavens out of my friend if they suggested that. have you ever kissed just a friend?   on the cheek, yes. what was the last graduation you attended?   my little sister's have you ever pole danced before?   nope. have you ever broken into someone’s house?   wtf, no. would you ever kiss your best friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend?   no, because i have respect for their relationship and i don't "like" her husband like that. have you ever seen a live bat?   hmmm, i may have at the zoo, but otherwise, i'm not sure!
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enrcses · 7 years
do all the even numbers!
shit fam okay.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
it depends !! if i have to trudge through the cold and i’m walking somewhere, it’s not as fun. but if i’m running outside for something, yes.
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
coffee,,,, i like to flavour it up with so much stuff you can’t taste the coffee anymore. and my tea i usually just drink straight up. or i add honey.
6: do you keep plants?
i used to have a cactus !! but he got knocked over during a party and he’s dying so my grandma’s taking care of him.
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
usually writing or sometimes photoshop.
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
my stomach. i like to bury my face in the bed.
12: what's your favorite planet?
venus, probably.
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
brick walls, very open, off white curtains that flow with open windows that are made of real glass. lots of plants and paintings. it’ll smell like sandalwood and egyptian cotton.
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
all of them.
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
oh god. i once got pegged for calling this girl at my middle school a “dumpster slut” and it’s just been this big insult that everyone around me uses now. i never said it, but i’ll take credit for it.
20: what's your favorite eye color?
blue or green !!
22: are you a morning person?
it depends !! if i get enough sleep, i’m really bubbly in the morning. but i also get really affectionate and just cling to everyone.
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
not every one of them, but most of them yeah sure !!
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
i have these brown boots that are so cute and i have to wear them all the time.
28: sunrise or sunset?
both. i’m a sucker for pretty colored skies.
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
uhm. i’ve had men catcall me while walking down the street at night and i thought they were gonna try and follow me home. i was really scared then. ive also had a total stranger make sexual advances towards me and i freaked out and went up to my room. i made my girlfriend at the time stay on skype with me because i was too scared to sleep alone.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
everything that happens after 3am when im with my friends usually involves us being drunk so,,,, the usual drunken stories.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
i do !! i keep my white teddy bear from when i got my tonsils out. his name is gilbert and i love him.
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
i’m not sure ! maybe seafret.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
i have so many but i really can’t stand people who lie. and i can’t handle people who are so snobbish they think it’ll ruin their aesthetic to be nice to people. just be nice.
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?
i have this necklace that i wear quite often and i bought it one day at the mall with my friend. she bought one as well. so now we both have matching necklaces.
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
i don’t. i don’t really go to coffee shops. but the froyo place next door to my work has some decent coffee !!
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
uhm. it was the last time i did yoga. afterwards i felt so relaxed and mellow it was incredible.
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
i always use this one on my coworkers and i swear they want to hit me every time. what do the french call a really horrible thursday ??? a trajeudi.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
all my fears are pretty much the same. spiders, crocodiles / alligators, open water, abandonment, etc.
50: what's an odd thing you collect?
i have a bunch of glass soda bottles ??
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
i’m not actually sure ?? i mean my friend was pretty sad today when i went to give a high five and then dabbed instead.
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
endearing ?? i don’t know. i love people who are kind. people who believe that this world can still turn itself around and believe that there are good people still. idk.
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
i’m probably the wine mom. i’m such a Mom Friend and i always want wine. maybe my friend kylie would be vodka aunt ?? i’m not sure. none of them really drink a whole lot of vodka.
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
i honestly,,, i’m so indifferent to poetry. but it’s for my own reasons.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
i like orange juice !! apple juice too !!
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
its blue !!
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
lots of purple and browns.
68: what's winter like where you live?
it used to be brutal. i live up north so we’ve gotten like 3 feet of snow before. but anymore, it’s just dead and cold.
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
yes. my notes on my phone are just full of random crap.
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
absolutely stellar. they’ve been with me through so much and are always there if i need a shoulder to cry on. they understand me on levels that not a whole lot of people do and we’ve grown so much together, they’re family.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?
nope !! i’m completely task free for the rest of the day !!
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
i hate minions. god. they annoy the shit out of me.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
they’re like a greenish color. like eggshell green. but no, it was like that when i moved in and i’ve never been allowed to change it bc we’re renting the house.
82: are/were you good in school?
no, i wasn’t. not public school. homeschool, yes. i just hated homework. it had nothing to do with my intelligence.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
i want to get “etre en harmonie avec votre vie” tattooed on my arm somewhere.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
i’m not sure tbh.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
uh again, not sure.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
one of my favorite cities omg,,,, either paris or marseille or aix-en provence. i just am so in love with the art, the culture, the food, the architecture. all of it.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
i’m kinda a happy medium. not too much, but enough to actually taste it.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
my friend, aaron.
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
i’m a big computer geek. i like to make sure my baby is all up to date on software and usually just do them at night before bed.
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
i don’t know !! it’s been so long !! but my mom invited me a couple days ago !!
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
5 years into the future. i wasn’t happy in the past. 14 year old me was miserable and i wouldn’t ever want to go back to that.
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