#hey look at that
I'll Forgive Your Sins | Tell Me What You Want To Hear
Warnings: 18+
Two times Aleksander asked what his nickname meant and the one time she told him
The bold in Krynn's speech is meant to signify her speaking in Falrosen.
Word Count:1.4k
Secrets by OneRepublic | Picrew Link | Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Springtime. The whole Little Palace garden is in bloom and, for once, not by her hand. But that doesn't mean she can't help them along.
"Poor thing," She coos, kneeling down by a small, slightly wilted tulip, "You're not getting nearly enough sun."
She doesn't even think before waving her hands, parting the flowers above it to let the sun in.
"I thought you wanted to keep that a secret?"
She jumps at the sudden voice behind her.
"Goddess above!" She gasps, hand covering her heart, "Are you trying to kill me?"
He smirks at her startled expression, clasping his wrist behind his back, "I suppose you're lucky it was only me."
She pushes herself to her feet, brushing dirt from the front of her purple kefta, and wagging her finger at him playfully.
"Only you," Her hand drops, "Did you need something, general?"
He gives her a look that she doesn't seem to get and he sighs, "Krynn, what day is it?"
"What kind of question is that? It's- Oh!" It dawns on her and her eyes go wide, "We had a meeting..."
He nods and doesn't understand why he isn't upset with her for wasting his time by making him wait.
"I'm so sorry, Aleksander," She says, "I was pulled outside by the lovely weather and I lost track of time... again."
"I noticed."
She snorts, a sound completely devoid of grace, but he can't help the grin stretching across his face.
"Yes well," She turns back to the flowers, "I never claimed to not be predictable, Virre'tcha."
She feels him come up behind her.
"What does that mean?"
He's asked her before but she's never given him a straight answer, if she's given one at all.
"It means, even I can't be constantly spontaneous," She teases, "Honestly, I think anyone would find that completely exhausti-"
"Not that."
Her chin raises slightly and she glances back at him, biting her bottom lip in the world's cheekiest smile, "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Virre'tcha."
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Late summer. The sun is hot, it doesn't want to rain, and the summer carnival is in full swing.
Usually, Kirigan's Grisha aren't allowed to attend because it would make it far too easy to take or injure one.
Krynn though... She sneaks out.
Since the fiasco that was her presentation to the royals at the start of the season, she's yearned for a festival that would remind her of home and the drunken laughs of civilians in the street seems like the perfect place to start.
Fresh vines get her over the walls without being seen and she's in the clear. Not many people know who she is or what she can do, so she's free to do as she pleases.
She eats, drinks, and makes merry with strangers. Perhaps she drinks a bit too much, but that thought never crosses her mind.
What she doesn't expect is one of the off-duty Little Palace guards recognizing her and rushing to alert the general that one of his precious Grisha has left their confines.
It's barely twenty minutes by the time Aleksander receives the news, gets dressed, and heads out to the party. And only another ten after that he finds her.
She doesn't notice him at first, but the people around her do, quickly backing up when he comes up behind her like a stormcloud.
"And what do you think you're doing here?" His voice surprises her for a moment but then-
"Virre'tcha!" She giggles, nearly tipping over when she turns to face him, ale sloshing out of her tankard. Her words slur together in a messy mix of Ravkan and Falrosen, "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't like parties."
"My Grisha know better than to come to these... gatherings," He scolds, gripping her upper arm and pulling her away.
"Yes, I know. They were alll very adamant on that fact," She admits, "That's why I sneaked out."
"Sneaked out? Was my protection so horrible that you had to run away?" He scoffs.
"I was just bored, Virre'tcha," She pouts, moving to hug his arm, "How was I supposed to resist the sounds of a party? It's not like you were going to take me."
He sighs, glancing down at her as she stumbles with him.
"You're drunk," He states, "And don't call me that. I can't stay cross with you when call me that name."
"Virre'tcha, It was only a little fun," She bats her eyes up at him, tugging him down to kiss his cheek, "I'm sure you were just worried I'd find someone less stubborn to make sheeps eyes at."
She's teasing him again, he doesn't know how, but the tone of her voice gives her away.
"No need to worry, my love," She nuzzles her face against his shoulder, "'m all yours."
He isn't quite sure what she means, but he isn't going to argue that fact.
A maid meets them at the entrance of the Little Palace, but he waves them off when Krynn holds tighter to his arm.
It's very late and the halls are black and silent, save for their footsteps and the creak of the floorboards.
"You're not actually mad at me... Are you?" She mumbles, the dark of her surroundings saturating her mood.
"I was," He says, but a glance down at her troubled frown makes him sigh, "No, love, I'm not mad."
He helps her into her bed, not bothering to help her change, and turns to leave. He only stops when he hears her murmur that pet name, all soft and sweet-like.
"Stay," She insists, reaching out for him, and he does, sitting on the side of the bed. She turns her face into his hand when he strokes her cheek, "...Virre'tcha."
"What does that mean, love?" He asks quietly. Maybe she's too drunk to tease him about it.
She mumbles something he can't quite understand, her eyes falling shut as she falls asleep.
He chuckles to himself in the quiet before leaning down to kiss her forehead and then going to bed himself.
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"We can't continue this," He says quietly.
He'd just told her everything. His past, what he's done, the fold, everything.
"Fryce," He sighs, squeezing her hands, "If I continue to let you hold my heart the way you do, then you will age and be ripped from me just as everyone has before you, and there will be nothing I can do to stop it."
She blinks, nose scrunching as she takes in all the information she'd just been given.
"What if..." She looks up at him, "I didn't?"
He shakes his head and pulls away from her, "I've searched for centuries, but even with amplification mortals simply-"
"But what if I wasn't mortal?"
He looks to her with furrowed eyebrows, "What?"
"What if..." She swallows and moves to stand in front of him again, "I was never mortal?"
"Love, please," He pleads, "Now isn't the time."
"What if I lied?" She continues, wringing her hands, "Aleksander... in light of everything you've just told me, I think I may have a few truths of my own to tell you..."
"When I arrived at the Little Palace I told you I was running from my father who had arranged my marriage, but none of that was true."
"But your father-"
"Died," She tells him, "A long, long time ago. The man who came here was an elder from Falros who had seen me at the docks in Ketterdam, When I saw him... I ran."
She sighs and pinches between her eyes, "I suppose I should start from the beginning."
"I was born on an island in the northern sea, nearly four hundred years ago."
His eyes widen as she goes on.
"For the first two hundred years of my life I was worshipped as a living god, but I was never given the chance to be my own person and lead my own life, so I left. I spent the next century and a half in West Ravka and the countries around it, save for the few decades I had groved."
"That's another whole thing that isn't important right now, my point is," She reaches up to stroke his cheek, "I'm not mortal, not really."
He stares at her in disbelief, a million questions swirling in his mind.
"Then why..."
"No one chooses to fall in love, Virre'tcha," She smiles softly, "Human life is a fleeting thing, why waste it worrying about what might be?"
He's quiet, the terror of watching her turn to dust as the decades pass fading.
He moves to cup her face, tears forming in his eyes and kisses her.
"Shh," She murmurs, when he pulls away, his forehead pressed against hers, "I know, Virre'tcha... My Darling Black Bird."
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Warnings: mention of being shot/ killing, asking to be killed, blood
The vampire hunter placed his gun, loaded with silver bullets against the vampires chest. "Where are the other two?"
"I don't know!", The vampire squeaked, holding their arms up to cover their face. Tears ran down their cheeks and they were shaking violently.
The hunter growled. "What do you mean, you don't know? You were with them just seconds ago!"
He should have just shot them. But he was tired from hunting those 3 monsters the whole night, if he could just get a rough direction out of this one, things would be so much easier. "I'm gonna ask again: Where are the other two?"
The vampire sobbed. "I don't know! Please!"
"Where. Are. They."
"I don't know!" The vampire yelled. "They left me here! If i knew where they went i would tell you, but i don't know!" They sniffled. "Please, just make it quick."
The hunter frowned. He took a step back, waiting for the creature to get up. If they tried to run away, he would just shoot them.
But the vampire didn't. The continued sitting on the forest floor, staring up at him with wide eyes.
After a few seconds, he noticed why.
"Are you hurt?"
The vampire winced, ducking their head.
Their leg was bleeding. There was a hole in their thigh. Somebody must have shot them already, at least it looked a lot like a bullet hole.
Now that he thought about it, he had heard a shot while strolling in the forest. That's how he had found the vampires in the first place.
He should have just shot them and left, and yet, he took off his jacket and cut off one of the sleeves. Carefully, he approached the creature, who immediately started to crawl back.
"Hey, calm down." The hunter caught the vampire and started to bandage their wound, while the vampire whimpered and shook.
"If you wanna live, you'll come with me." The hunter sat back, waiting for them to respond.
The vampire stared at them with big eyes. "H...huh...?"
The hinter sighed. "The sun will rise soon. My car is not far away, and we'll make it to my place if we go now."
"Yes or no?"
"Yes!", The vampire squeaked, and sat up properly. "Yes, please!"
The hunter helped them to his car, starting the engine immediately and driving to his place.
Luckily, they arrived before sunrise, and the streets were still illuminated by the street lamps.
He sat the villain down on his couch, rubbing the now properly bandaged leg. They hadn't talked since entering the car, but now he broke the silence. "The living room is the only place I can keep you in currently. I'll go to sleep, and tomorrow I'll set up the guest room so you can stay there."
He left the confused vampire sitting there. "Thanks."
"No need to thank me, just don't kill me in my sleep." And with that, he disappeared in his bedroom and collapsed on his bed.
The vampire hid in the shadows of the couch as the sun started to rise. They had wanted to close the curtains earlier, but they had been much to scared of doing something wrong. They were scared the hunter might kill them if they did something they weren't allowed to do.
They didn't know what they should do now. They wanted to call out to the hunter, but: A) they didn't know his name and: B) the hunter had seemed so tired earlier, and they didn't want to wake them up.
So they sat there, knees drawn close to their body and their head hidden in their arms. They barely noticed the pain in their thigh anymore. They must have drifted off into sleep at some point - which they didn't even know they could do - because they woke up to the living room darkened and rustling somewhere nearby. They peeked out behind the couch, searching for the source of the noise.
As soon as they made the noise, the hunter appeared from behind a door frame, holding a frying pan in his hand. "You should have yelled for me to get up."
The vampire winced.
"On the other hand", the hunter sighed and leaned his head onto the dark wood of the doorframe. He looked as tired as at night, dark circles under his eyes and hair hanging in his face. "That way you couldn't escape. You have a very hard sleep, do you?"
"I didn't even know that... that i still could...", they trailed off. "I...I guess..."
"You want breakfast?"
"Can i even eat food?" They tilted their head.
"Maybe, i saw vampires eat normal food the other day. I don't know if you'll still be hungry afterwards though." The hunter disappeared in the what the vampire guessed was the kitchen, before walking into the living room with two plates in his hand. He set them down on the small table.
The vampire was careful while approaching. They didn't entirely trust him. At least he hasn't left them behind like their "friends"...
They must have made some kind of face, because they felt the hunter tap them on their shoulder. "If your not hungry, don't eat."
"Ah! No no, it's okay." They held up their hands up in front of them. "I haven't eaten in a while. Even if it doesn't fill me, it's worth a try, right?"
He hummed, "I guess." With that, he disappeared back in the kitchen, slightly furrowing his brows.
The food was delicious. The vampire had never eaten fried eggs this good before. It didnt still their rising hunger though. But who cared. They could eat this all day.
Afterwards, they entered a dark room. The curtains were drawn, and the small space would have been painted in darkness if the small lamp next to the bed wasn't on.
"The window is locked, just in case", the hunter said, turning around to leave. "I'll leave you alone for now. If you need anything else, come find me. I'll leave the curtains in the living room and kitchen closed."
And with that, the vampire was alone for the first time in a while.
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atlas-affogato · 1 year
Broke: going to sleep at a reasonable hour
Woke: staying up to write gay smut
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ryanstillwrites-if · 1 year
i'm being forced to interact with people today
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unbite · 1 year
bones did the thing and condensed everything! muses and threads can now be found at @unavernales
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Get to Know Me / Nine People Tag
I was tagged by @lordjohnwgrey (still holding out hope for your release from Tumblr jail btw)
Last song: This will change by the time I have finished this but "This is Gonna Hurt" by Sixx AM is currently playing. (I'm writing angsty shit, I live here now 😅)
Last movie: ..... Boy is that a good question. Uh. I legitimately do not remember. I don't watch a lot of TV. The Graduate maybe? But that was actual months ago.
Currently Watching: My kid has officially been introduced to the wonder that is Dexter's Laboratory, so that. Yeah, the cartoon. It's either that or Hogan's Heroes reruns because I mean it when I say I don't watch TV anymore.
Currently reading: Queen of the Damned by Anne Rice. It's my second time reading it but the first was over ten years ago. God I missed this series. It's like coming home, for real.
Last thing searched for writing purposes: I try so hard not to research when I'm drafting because that's how I end up not writing. So as tribute, how about I share the last complete paragraph I wrote (right before I ended up on Tumblr not writing)? This is not fic btw, this is from my original manuscript which will be under the name @evybuchanan when I publish it.
Saying goodbye to his brother in the airport, Dean had the wildest urge to tell Edward that he loved him. But that wasn’t their way. Sutton men weren’t supposed to be so demonstrative, or so the story went. So instead, Dean said, “Take care of yourself, brother.”
Bonus: New last song is "We Will Not Go Quietly" by Sixx AM. Literally I will listen to Sixx AM and very little else until this book is finished.
Aw hell I'm supposed to tag 9 people? These come with no pressure or expectation but Uhhhh @littlecrabbs, @saltybenchday, @meditating-honey-badger, @narastories, @dyallonpostsfics-blog, @yarnings, @jonjos-library, @geekinthefuschiahair, @lucrezia87
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heretherebedork · 2 years
tagged by @gillianthecat and why not?
NAME: Call my Francis. Or Here. Or... Dork. I don't care.
SIGN: Aquarius. No idea if it fits me, have never cared, never will care.
HEIGHT: 5'11"
TIME: 2:10 pm currently and still just cool enough that I can leave the window open, yaaay
BIRTHDAY: January and, frankly, the biggest deal of my birthday is going out to dinner and the other people working in the classroom always make sure there's something. But it's mostly about dinner.
FAVOURITE ARTIST/BAND: Currently? Dan the Bard and Arne Parrot are stuck in my head because Ren Faire.
LAST MOVIE: Shrek the Musical. Yes. I love it. No, you can't change my mind.
LAST SHOW: Just finished Love Mechanics, also watched 21 Days Theory and On Cloud Nine today. No clue WTF OC9 is doing but, eh, I'm here.
WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG: 2011 or so for Homestuck. Yep. That's how I started here, y'all. Made it while I was working at a zoo on a slow day and sitting in front of a computer with nothing to do and the rest is history.
WHAT I POST: BL analysis, gifs, screaming, fandom, criticism and occasional food posts and the rarer just generalize 'hey, I am a human!' posts about either things I do or my job in special education.
OTHER BLOGS: Yes but they're all Homestuck and dead.
DO I GET ASKS: Shockingly commonly and I love every single one of them and all of you.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 6-7 hours. I keep myself to very specific schedule most of the time and am incapable of sleeping past 6 am no matter what I do
WHAT I'M WEARING: Blue gym shorts and a shirt that says 'May the fleece baa with ewe' based on The Death Sheep of Hell song by Tom Smith and because I love a good pun.
DREAM JOB: Pretty much what I do, tbh? I work as a 1:1 aide in special education and I love it so much. It's absolutely ideal. The only thing better would 1:1 educational aide and nanny but my unwillingness to get a driver's license kinda removes that from my list of possibilities.
DREAM TRIP: At this point, it'd be going to a little BL tour of countries but I'd have to go with someone so... probably never gonna happen. But I'd love to do a whole trip with someone who could force me out of my comfort zone because otherwise I'd just, like, lurk in front of shops and flee if anyone spoke to me and never actually see anything.
Realistically? I'm hoping to get to St Louis with a group of friends next summer to go to the zoo and City Museum.
FAVOURITE SONGS (and quotes from them, just for some spice): Uh. Dear lord.
Let's just go with Sheep Marketing Ploy thanks to my shirt.
"Way down in the fiery lake, Lucifer had a lot at steak, But he wanted some lamb chops instead, and Shari Lewis wasn't dead, So he kidnapped some virgin wool, grabbed its soul and began to pull, But he never thought that the lamb he'd caught Would rebel and then conquer and rule."
lol I know @absolutebl already did this but I also posted the song with the most puns in a single song I know so I'm gonna tag them anyway.
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hemerae-ramblings · 11 months
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: HPI: Haut Potentiel Intellectuel (TV 2022) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Morgane Alvaro/Adam Karadec, Céline Hazan & Adam Karadec Characters: Céline Hazan, Adam Karadec, Morgane Alvaro, Ludovic Mulier, Romain Destat, Théa Alvaro, Gilles Vandraud, Daphné Forestier Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Character Death, sorry - Freeform, this is the story I had today, so here it is, Enjoy the angst, updated to reflect a certain hiatus, Did I Mention Angst? Summary:
Six mois. Il peut s'y passer beaucoup de choses, et même Morgane ne contrôle pas tout.
Et s'ils avaient dû dire adieu d'une autre manière?
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transpidergwen · 1 year
The first chapter of my Imperfects Pacific Rim AU is up!
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lmk-monkey-madness · 2 years
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: LEGO Monkie Kid, 美猴王 | The Monkey King (Cartoon 2009) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Liù ěr Míhóu | Six-eared Macaque/Sūn Wùkōng | Monkey King Characters: Sun Wukong | Monkey King, Liu Er Mihou | Six-eared Macaque, Original Characters, Lady Bone Demon (Monkie Kid), Qi Xiaotian | MK, Long Xiaojiao | Mei, Zhu Bajie | Pigsy (Monkie Kid), Lady Bone Demon's Host (Monkie Kid) Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 03, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Everything is Magic, baby monkeys, Not Beta Read, Blood and Injury, Trauma, Anxiety Attacks, Swearing, everyone gets to have some trauma, Trans Male Character Series: Part 1 of Pain and peaches au Summary:
It hasn't been long since our heroes had saved the day but it seemed that their path is going to twist in an unexpected way. Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal To Heaven, isn't as okay as he acts after his possession and to try to act normal he may have taken on more responsibilities then he can handle.
Updates once a week
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I want a main character that is bluntly asexual/aromatic. Not one that simply doesn't seems to like anyone but then suddenly realized that they have feeling for ONE person. And certainly not a character that doesn't seem to like the opposite sex so the fandom immediately says it's gay. I'm tired of the discussion of "are they aro/ace or a are they gay".
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knot-doing-it · 2 years
Wait, Pedialyte isn't available in all countries???
Considering clean water isn't available in a lot of towns and there aren't really stores in food deserts except ones that charge 10$ each for stuff you can get at a dollar store here in the continental united states, ii tend to go on the basic assumption that anywhere at any point the entire world is at the capitalists whim of "you're poor? Too bad, go starve".
That is to say, yes some countries, like those affected by war, would have issues getting life saving hydration drinks considering there are towns that can't get it in this "first world" country.
(This is reference to this post that starts as a literal shit post then has some cool info on rehydration and IV medicine history. Check it out.)
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andhumanslovedstories · 4 months
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Funniest thing about putting out a new fic is that people read it, same few people comment(!), and then every other fic you've written starts getting hits too. Like hey guys how's it going, Khajiit has other wares for you.
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gingerturtle94 · 2 months
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