#hiding behind anon like the absolute cowards you are
kajiimotojiiro · 1 year
I wish every tumblr celebrity who would name drop people and not take responsibility for the brigade against their victim as well as any rancid cunt who on or off anon would send someone suicide bait and rape threats would have the same kind of December I've been having.
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merakiui · 3 months
lmao ngl i would over think to hell if jade sent me a dick pic. wtf does this MEAN? is he just fucking with me? does he want to be fuckign me? wtf jade.
when he corners you later for avoiding him hes not even mad abt you seeing the dp. no, hes mad abt you not responding. pearl was his penis unsatisfactory to look at? if you would like he could use it to satisfy you another way ;)
-lily anon
A dick pic from Jade is a magical thing because it leads to so much tension, especially when he decides to let it fester!!!! Now you're left thinking about it all week while avoiding him. So shameless... but Floyd did say morays are cowards at heart, so maybe sober Jade considers deleting it and doesn't only because he has to uphold his usual relaxed, always unbothered temperament. Jade who hides behind his placidity solely because he is a coward when it comes to you!!!! He jokes and teases too much, so you can never take him seriously, which is exactly what he wants so you'll never learn of his true feelings for you.
Maybe getting a dick pic from an inebriated Jade is also an omen. ;;;;; it's impossible to fathom his mind, so who knows what his intentions are (he's in love with you)!!! And of course his curiosity trumps cowardice, so he absolutely must know what you think. Asking you upfront if it was unsatisfactory to look at....... T_T oh, he so would!!!! And he catches you right away if you stumble over your words or try to appear unaffected. So you did see it and you did like it and it did appeal to you. No need to be so shy. <3 he's flattered you enjoyed seeing it. You'll enjoy it much more in other, more physical ways hehe.
But also imagine you send him his dick pic back, but it has calculations to go along with it. T_T you calculated the curve, the girth, the length, the circumference........ he's both impressed and horny.
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yourtwistedlies · 1 month
whoever that person is, hiding behind anon and sent hate to a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL + EVERYONE ELSE
i hope you feel bad. you don’t deserve to wake up the next day like nothing happened. because something did happen. you pushed someone way too far. who hurt you? who hurt you bad enough you’d do this to someone? in the end, it doesn’t even matter because that still does not justify the things YOU did. you are a COWARD. did you get that yet? C-O-W-A-R-D. YOU ARE A COWARD. you just hide behind anon, sending shit to people for existing. i dont even know if it was the same anon, but either way, regardless of who it was, this was a absolutely vile thing to do. what did she do to you? what did they do to you? what did bea do to you? sweetest fucking person i’ve met. what did fishy do to you? the best friend you could ever ask for. what did seph do to you? a kind, funny, fantastic person who’s always there for you. what did loife do to you? an amazing girl who deserves, so, so, so much more. what did everyone else do to you? what did they do to you? try and answer that question.
now anon, i’m not telling you to do anything bad to yourself. God made us all, and will always love us despite everything we do. you still matter. i believe in second chances. the Lord is forgiving and gives us mercy 💗 despite what you’ve done, love yourself. love others. love.
but do know and acknowledge, that you are not innocent. everything that happened to that wonderful, wonderful girl was not your fault. but you were enough to push her over the edge. the last crack in the glass before it shatters.
was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it? was it worth it?
was it worth it?
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churipu · 6 months
rules !
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I.) basic dni criteria , do not go into my ask to excessively hate on me or my writings ★ my blog is a sfw blog, so please refrain from requesting anything related to nsfw or 18+ topics.
II.) (feel free to block me and do not interact with me if you support isr@el) // you like reading and writing shit like incest, stepcest, p links post (especially with minor characters) — in other words, i'm telling you to go seek help. ty.
[ ✓ ] i write my requests based on who requested first, so if yours is taking long, just know that i'm not ignoring nor deleting your request (sometimes i accidentally put your requests on the queue list — and i don't know how to edit it, so your request will still be posted in the form of a screenshot! sorry) -> update: i finally know how :D !
[ ✓ ] if your request hasn't been posted for a long time, I apologize but it probably means that i'm not going to write it. but for specific reasons, either i didn't know the prompt you're referring to or i just didn't know how to write the prompt. i'm sorry :(
III.) my works are completely sfw, suggestive at most. they are appropriate for people 16+.
I.) i absolutely hate blocking people, but i'm setting boundaries to my blog and i as a person, so please respect that.
blocked ! i will not hesitate to block the accounts who are as the following criteria:
[ ✓ ] if you make and post porn links, HARD BLOCK. idk why they're even a thing, no offense lol. i don't mind if you write / reblog nsfw works (as long as they don't contain illegal things) bcs that's up to you really, but porn links are different and they're a big ick.
[ ✓ ] blank blogs. blank blogs. blank blogs. at least put your age, please. convince me that you are not a bot.
[ ✓ ] if you're here to hate on my writing — especially when you decide to hide behind the anon feature to do so. i mean, if you have anything to say to me, the least you could do is to have the balls to say it directly to me without hiding behind the anon feature, thankies <33
[ ✓ ] incest/step-cest, that shit is weird as hell. don't even try lol, i'm not even asking anymore atp, i'm implying for you to go get help if you write + read those.
[ ✓ ] i hope you know the difference between constructive criticism and straight on hating. i appreciate constructive criticism of my writing and how i can grow my blog — but i do wish you won't straight up blow hate on me and hide behind "constructive criticism", because honestly, that's just embarrassing :(
[ ✓ ] plagiarism. plagiarism. plagiarism. pretty self-explanatory. just no.
I.) my first language is not english, i apologize for any grammar mistakes or typos! do tell me if you see any mistakes so i can immediately correct it, thank you.
II.) my blog and i am pro palestine. i reblog support to palestine a lot, block me immediately if you support isr@el in any kind of form and way ! thank you very much.
III.) i do not want to write smut for this blog, so please do not send in requests that contain smut for any characters in any kind of way. i'm honestly fine with a little suggestiveness, but full on smut is just a big no to me as of now (bcs i can't write them lmao), sorry :((
IV.) i try to keep the reader in my fics gender neutral, but if they're not, the gender of the reader will be said at the top.
V.) i don't have an updating schedule, i try to update at least once after a day. i'm currently in my fourth semester of uni, and things are currently a little hectic — but i'm trying to fit in updating daily into my schedule, so please refrain from rushing me to update. thank you!
VI.) DO NOT spam like please. tumblr will probably think that my account is a bot and possibly put me in the shadow realm :/ likes + reblogs are very appreciated, thank you :(
VII.) hate anons / cowards who hide behind the anon feature will be deleted (or posted) none in between lmao
VIII.) mutuals that want to cut contact with me -> keep in mind to HARD BLOCK my account, don't soft block me or unfollow me and just leave it at that. HARD BLOCK ME.
[ ✓ ] keep in mind that if i hard block any of you to cut the mutual line, do not try to reach me out from another account because you'll be blocked in that account as well.
[ ✓ ] i don't block people without a reason — if i block you, there must have been a reason to WHY i did that. that's your part to find out why though, because i don't want anything else to do with you.
[ ✓ ] please do not associate me with people i used to follow / supported before or were mutuals before, i associate with people i follow NOW. thank you :)
[ ✓ ] if you think i've blocked you but you don't post any contents included in my blocklist or you don't fit in those criteria, please try to reach out through another account and i will apologize sincerely for my mistake + unblock your other account.
( 𝐃𝐌𝐬 )
I.) if you have a problem with me, i appreciate if you reach out to me through my dms :)
II.) i am open to talk about anything as long as you're respectful, but please don't interact with me if you are under the age of 16.
I.) i hope you enjoy my writings, do tell me and educate me nicely if i do anything wrong! thank you.
[ ✓ ] i do appreciate it if you tell me about problematic blogs whose works i have reblogged or am currently associated with too, i don't really keep up with a lot of things and tend to follow up really late and i would usually find out WHEN things appear in my dashboard. if my ask box is closed, please reach out to me through my dms ! thanks !
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© CHURIPU 2024 . hope you follow my rules before interacting !
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finished reading? you can now proceed to my masterlist !
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that you bake of this
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I find it interesting how the first poster is accusing groups of TB stans of not handling criticism, when TG stans (particularly Alicent stans) are the ones most often "melting and crying" over criticism.
Pointing out Alicent's hypocrisy and cruelty, the fact that Aegon is a rapist, and Aemond was a coward and cruel are all met with screaming. They flat out deny any facts of canon that show how awful their favs are. I've been told to kill myself multiple times just for pointing out actual canon things Alicent has done. Like, the call is coming from inside the house TG lmao.
I don't deny that there are certain people who claim to be TB but have absolutely braindead takes (namely certain Daemon stans, which is very sad). But the fact of the matter is, those people are a very small percentage. The percentage of insane people who can't stand criticism is wayyyyyyy larger in the TG fandom.
Most of TG stans' so-called criticism of Rhaenyra is just calling her a whore, saying she roll over and take any injustice, and that she's not nice enough. Of course we get annoyed and angry with that, it's not even actual criticism; it's just noise. The few times they actually have valid critiques of Rhaenyra, they still tie it in with calling her a fat whore. Anything of worth they could possibly offer is always completely bound to their intense hatred of Rhaenyra.
No, Rhaenyra isn't perfect, we don't expect people to just blindly worship her. She's not a good person, she's classist, and she wrongfully ordered the executions of innocent people twice. However, she's the rightful heir, that's literally a fact. We expect Rhaenyra to be supported because she's a victim of the patriarchy and misogynists. She doesn't have to be your favorite character, but the fact remains that she's the rightful queen and the Greens are usurpers and warmongers.
As for the whole "team smallfolk" idea: it's basically always used as an excuse to be blatantly hateful towards Rhaenyra. The "team smallfolk" and "team neutral" people never attack the Greens with the same vigor as they do Rhaenyra and her family. In fact, most of them even say that they're "green leaning".
The contradiction in this idea of supporting the smallfolk and the Greens simultaneously is that if the Greens hadn't interfered, the Dance and the deaths of the thousands of smallfolk wouldn't have happened. Rhaenyra and the Blacks didn't start the war, the Greens did. The Greens committed the most atrocities and refused every single offer of peace Rhaenyra offered.
I think the second poster is hilarious though. I don't know if they're TG, I assume so based on the subreddit. I don't know if they meant to, but they pointed out just how hypocritical the first poster's mini rant was. The first poster tacked on "Also they hate "Team Smallfolk," and the second poster pointed out how most of TG also just don't give a shit. Even if the second poster isn't TG and was just going to that subreddit to start something, there are still so many TG stans who admit that the smallfolk don't matter to them. I even had an anon once tell me that the maids Aegon raped don't matter to them as an answer to why they like and support him. I'm not going to say that they're right on not caring, but at least they're not hiding behind that false moral superiority.
Like I said earlier, the Greens were the ones who caused the deaths of thousands of smallfolk, both indirectly by starting the war and directly through Aemond and Daeron. The Greens didn't care about the smallfolk in any way, they only cared about power. Any TG stans who act like they're "better for the smallfolk" are delusional.
To sum up my thoughts: the first poster is projecting. Every single one of their criticisms apply better to their own group. The delusion and false superiority that poster displays are hilarious and frustrating.
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goingbuggy · 10 months
When you have time I would LOVE to hear your thoughts about post time skip buggy!!
Hi, anon! Sorry for the late-ish reply. I thought carefully about how I wanted to reply, but alas, here I am again, starting my metas in the strangest places. Anyways, here’s a seemingly unimportant question: Why is it funny that Buggy keeps failing upwards?
My answer also happens to be one of Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling:
"Coincidences to get characters into trouble are great; coincidences to get them out of it are cheating."
You might be wondering why I chose this quote -- after all, Buggy manages to escape most conflicts by sheer coincidence. Take the canon-filler episode(s) “Little Buggy's Big Adventure,” for example; coincidence is the sole reason why he ends up on Gaimon’s island and eventually finds Alvida, one of his future allies. But for as much as Oda is guilty of using coincidences to benefit Buggy, he also creates coincidences to get Buggy into trouble. Sure, Buggy left on good terms with Gaimon/found Alvida, but only after:
Suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of Luffy
Losing most of his body
Being chased by killer fish/eaten by a ginormous bird
Nearly getting shot in the head by Gaimon over a misunderstanding
Being chased AGAIN by a deadly crab???? LMAO???
Buggy’s “luck” functions like a pendulum -- for every good thing that happens to him, horrible things are guaranteed to follow. This core aspect of his character is what keeps the gag afloat. Buggy is never rewarded by the narrative without experiencing consequences. In order to earn moments of respite, he has to suffer.
I find it hilarious when people argue that Buggy doesn’t deserve to have good things happen to him. Because, yeah? Duh. Oda loves having his cake and eating it too. It’s not necessarily good to play both sides with the audience when it can cheapen emotional impact, but Oda will absolutely continue to make Buggy both a complete joke and a genuine character. He has fun that way. However, he’s not going to help Buggy without hurting him first.
But that's a very meta perspective. How does Buggy view his own beneficial coincidences? He’s now an emperor, and extremely close to the One Piece/Pirate King title that he so desperately wants. But why does he think he’s being rewarded, in-universe?
His facade.
His devoted followers, his influence, that billion-berry bounty, his emperor status -- all of it stems from his fake persona and its snowball effect. He’s well aware of this. In fact, I think it’s likely that he hates himself for being such a coward and hiding behind lies. But when he sees his true self as worthless, what else can he do except dig himself into a deeper hole?
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Look at 1082. Buggy finally stands up for himself, claiming that wealth and power come from chasing after your dreams -- not grand schemes. Here, he’s talking to himself as much as he’s talking to Crocodile and Mihawk.
“This is wrong… This isn’t how I wanted my life to go…”
It’s a very depressing peek at the man behind the curtain. Buggy only ever wanted to follow his dreams, but he uses schemes to get ahead instead, because they're all he thinks he has. His lies are a crutch to depend on, so he doesn't have to face the truth: he doesn't believe in himself. 
To me, 1082 reads as a "Hail Mary" moment from a character at an emotional low. Buggy still doesn't believe in himself, but he is saying: Fuck it. If Shanks and I finally have an equal chance at becoming Pirate King, I at least have to try... Right? We can confirm his lack of self-confidence, because Buggy even admits he got here by “luck or chance or whatever."
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He cannot entertain the possibility that he'd get this far any other way. Of course he doesn't see himself as Shanks' equal. It’s one of many reasons he didn’t want to go with Shanks at Loguetown; he assumed he’d be working “under” Shanks (even though Shanks only said “Come with me!"), because he truly believes he is lesser in terms of potential/greatness. ("You coward!" can also be interpreted as Buggy projecting his own insecurities onto Shanks.) Buggy's decision in 1082 is a desperate leap of faith. "Go for broke," "shoot for the moon," etc.
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Post-Timeskip Buggy may appear more dangerous than ever before, but in reality, he’s just a small fish in a big pond. The farther he crawls his way up the ladder of success, the worse he feels, because the life he has built is not how he wanted to live at all. Based on everything we've known about Pre-Timeskip Buggy, we should expect him to be happier than ever. He has influence. Power. His monetary value in the eyes of the World Government has shot up exponentially. But look at the poor guy. He's miserable.
If you've ever seen Better Call Saul, I think this scene from S4E9 is very similar to how I feel about Buggy:
JIMMY: There you go! Kick a man when he’s down! KIM: Jimmy, you are always down.
Buggy is a character who is always down, even when you think he might be up. Until he stops maintaining that false image, he will always be punished by the narrative pendulum he's trapped himself in.
Unfortunately, change is hard, especially with the stakes he’s currently facing. If Buggy actually has to fight Blackbeard, Luffy, or Shanks... he can’t. Not alone. He needs people to believe the facade, because that's what got him here in the first place. He may look invincible, but he is quite possibly the most vulnerable character right now.
Crocodile and Mihawk would sell him to Satan for one corn chip (especially after that stunt he pulled in 1082). We haven't seen him improve his physical abilities (unless Oda pulls some off-screen bullshit). As an emperor, he has more people gunning for his head than ever before. Buggy’s last line of defense is his long-running gag -- if Oda decides to subvert our expectations, he’s a dead man walking.
And who would he have to blame but himself? He built his image on smoke and mirrors. Eventually, he's going to have to pay the price.
If Pre-Timeskip Buggy is a man defined by coincidence, then Post-Timeskip Buggy is defined by consequence.
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amyisraelchaiforever · 4 months
the state of israel will not exist in 100 years time, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to change that.
I have multiple things to say to this, starting off with:
ooo!!!! you’re my first hate comment! does this mean i’m officially a pro-israel blog? :D
Secondly, if you are referring to my name, "amyisraelchaiforever" .... darling, I have some news for you. “Am Yisrael Chai” can mean two things:
the people of Israel live (basically Jews)
Or, the actual state of Israel — the recognized state of fucking Israel. 
Even if Israel does not last, Jews will continue to live on. We have been, for well-over 2000 years (notice I said “Well over”. That means that we’ve been existing before count, since Judaism presides both Christianity and Islam.) 
FINALLY: Have you thought you’re a bit of a coward? I mean, hiding behind anons, which I only have up for secondary blogs? Just a thought, “screen activist” !! 😗
That being said, have a good day 
(I guess.) 
(Like I said, you’re my first hate comment. Guess it’s a trial run.)
(Oh, wait. Did i hurt your feelings? Oops. My bad.)
(Not really.)
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goldrushenthusiast · 3 months
Since when katiniss cared about her family/sister in the second film / book? If I remember, she asked to save Peeta, she chose to die, which would leave her sister alone, and Snow could do whatever he wanted with her sister since she was loved by the capital like giving her Finnick's fate. And Peeta would have suffered the same fate as Finnick if he had won. Katniss asking to save Peeta is proof that she knew he wasn't capable of winning. Nor did she believe in his potential.
wait like what is this in response to? like where is this coming from my memory is too bad for anons lmao
anywho- Katniss has ALWAYS cared about her sister. Maybe not her mom all the time, but she was still worried about them?? she made sure Gale knew to take care of her, and A. Gale NEVER would’ve let that happen to her, and B. you’re overestimating how much the country loved prim. She was still cool, and maybe they would’ve done an update on her every few years, but they wouldn’t have loved her enough to do that especially if Katniss had died.
Can I also remind you Katniss barely knew the extent of Finnick’s situation by the time the second book started? She just thought he slept around and got paid for it, and that it was maybe engineered by Snow a bit.
Sure, Peeta would’ve probably gotten the same fate (unless he claimed he was too heartbroken to be with anyone else). Again though- Katniss didn’t know what that fate WAS, just that he’d be playing a part for the rest of his life. If course she was willing to risk that if it meant he got to live the rest of his life.
For the last part, we literally have proof of Katniss underestimating Peeta? like she does it constantly. she’s admitted to it (in the first arena, her and Haymitch agreeing not to tell him about the impact it could have because they didn’t want to mess him up, etc). Idk what point you’re trying to make here.
However, I do think she did believe he was capable of winning. If she thought it was hopeless she wouldn’t have been so dedicated to having him live (and she recognized everyone else was trying to make him win, too). There’s also that- she was ready to MAKE him win, even if he couldn’t do it himself (which he absolutely could).
Plus, Katniss literally brings up his potential MULTIPLE times to Coin, saying they should’ve picked him instead of her. Like she knows he has more potential for the rebellion, she’s reminded of it constantly.
and I know I’m saying it a lot, but ALSO, she’s human? of course she’s going to want the boy she loves to live, even if she doesn’t know she truly loves him yet. like that’s just human nature! sorry she’s not perfect and completely noble (get over it).
as always, if you’re going to debate (or argue, in this case), don’t do it anonymously! anons are cowards of the internet, hiding behind opinions they don’t believe in enough to be proud of and therefore aren’t worth having.
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leviathanleva · 5 days
Hi, you probably dont care about others but please put a «keep reading» on your longass fics so you dont clog the tag. Also you have really heavy triggers and a lot of us dont want to see that. Your audience will just end up blocking you and as a fellow writer, we wouldnt want that. Hoping for your kind consideration 😍 have a day u deserve
Hi anon! Let’s dissect your ask together, shall we?
First and foremost, you not having a backbone and thus hiding behind anonymity is certainly fantastic. Bravo to that!
“Hi, you probably don’t care about others but – ”
Right, this is just slander. You have no basis for this statement so I’m assuming you’re just triggered and spouting bs because hurting others will surely make you feel better. This is sad, I’d advise you to have a bit more self-control. If you’d like to criticize me, please do so, but keep it professional.
“ – please put a <<keep reading>> on your longass fics so you don’t clog the tag.”
I absolutely agree with you here. I’d love to do that, however, I am new to Tumblr and I have no idea what you’re referring to. If you’d like to elaborate, I’m all ears because I’m always open to suggestions that will contribute to the comfort of my readers.
Also “longass”? You couldn’t keep that remark down? You couldn’t use a normal word instead of being spiteful? Alright, it’s your comment.
“Also you have very heavy triggers and a lot of us don’t want to see that.”
I agree, especially in the last chapter, there were darker themes. Although last I checked, I add warnings before the title of every single chapter. Unless I’ve missed something, of course. Correct me if I’m wrong.
I won’t defend my work because your horrific excuse for criticism is technically supposed to be criticism. However, last I checked, a handful of Fallout (TV) fics have heavy topics such as chem(drug)-use, trafficking, coercion, violence, dub-con, death and so on. How mine is any different, I can’t comprehend. If you’d like to elaborate, please do so.
“Your audience will just end up blocking you and as a fellow writer, we wouldn’t want that.”
There is no “we”. So far you’ve been despicable and hostile. “We” refers to a team, a group of people working together or being able to co-exist. In our case, you are passive-aggressively berating me and my work while I’m trying to take out the little good bit from your ask and learn from it.
And regarding my audience? They have every right to block me, this is the internet, everyone is free to do as they wish. This is a hobby, I get nothing out of sharing my work besides commentary and the occasional interaction, whether I get blocked or not makes no difference. My salary doesn’t depend on this, neither does my life.
“Hoping for your kind consideration –”
Kind? No. But I do accept your suggestion from above, it’s the only good thing that came out of this cesspool of an ask.
“ – have a day you deserve”
I hope you feel better one day anon, truly. I fail to understand why you’ve evolved such a dislike for me, I’m just a random person on the internet. How little do you have going on in your life that the existence of my work triggers you so?
Next time, don’t be a coward and simply DM me. Tell me everything you disliked, tell me your triggers, tell me your suggestions.
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utilitycaster · 6 months
This feels like a weird thing to ask someone but I greatly respect your ability to speak your honest critical opinion (and in such well spoken terms) in an internet atmosphere where you can get crucified for saying anything less than full-throated praise--and that's exactly my issue. I run a small, fandom-oriented Youtube channel and despite knowing that I'm entitled to critical opinions, that I don't even want the attention of delusional reactionaries anyway, etc etc I'm finding it incredibly difficult to share what I really think of some shows + aspects of fandom and shipping. I've become weirdly terrified of saying one perfectly logical thing that does not align with the elaborate fantasy some people have built in their heads and getting canceled/losing the small base of followers I've managed to cobble together. The real nightmare is sharing something harmless like a shipping opinion and having purity culture come for me and call me a p*dophile for absolutely no reason. But at the same time I feel like a spineless coward for letting the toxic side of fandom win by scaring me into silence, especially when one of my goals for the channel from the beginning was to create a place where level headed critical opinion could be shared without fear of gross overreaction and slander. So I guess my questions are: is it as easy for you to speak honestly as it seems? Have you ever flinched before? Is it just about not caring what irrational people think or is there something else to it I'm missing? Sometimes it feels like my fears are valid and sometimes it feels like I just need to grow a backbone and get over it already.
Hey anon,
So I think there is one really big factor here: I am posting anonymously and facelessly and I don’t mind if I alienate people on the basis of an opinion I genuinely hold. If you’re actively trying to build a following and/or if you’ve made yourself identifiable, then I do in fact understand holding back more for reasons of trying to keep that following, or for reasons of personal safety.
But yeah: it’s mostly just that strangers who send anon hate don’t know jack shit about my life or me as a person; they just see an opinion that, as you said, challenges the elaborate fantasy in their head and attack the person who said it. I have, genuinely, been told things that I know for myself to be demonstrably false about my life (not even opinions about me I reject - demonstrably false things) by people who are ultimately just mad that I don’t like their characters or ships. I would obviously feel terrible if a person I knew in real life accused me of something terrible, and I’d still feel bad if it were someone I interacted with online with any sort of regularity, but someone hiding behind complete anonymity? They’re not calling me names because they genuinely think I’m bigoted. They’re calling me names because they are willing to use tools to try to drag me down because they cannot accept I don’t feel the same way they do about a character. They’re like when conservatives claim that denying service to queer people is religious freedom - they are using what appears to be a legitimate appeal to ostensible shared values, but really they’re exploiting the system and people's desire to take things in good faith because they can't stand not getting their way.
The other thing, and I recognize how much I sound like my parents here, is that your bullies are thinking about you more than you think about them. Anyone who sends hate desperately wants you to agree with them. Show them you are not thinking of them.
And finally, some of the hate I’ve gotten has genuinely been about the most anodyne things, which ironically helps because once you realize that no matter how bland an opinion is, some asshole will foam at the mouth about it.  Like, again, I definitely talk plenty of shit about ships or characters or choices I don’t like, but I got some wildly out of pocket shit from people who apparently could not tolerate the completely random example I used to illustrate a fairly uncontroversial and popular opinion re: ship tagging on ao3. And once something like that happens you realize that there’s no point in avoiding the spicier stuff.
I don’t know if this helps, and I recognize that I happen to have a particularly contrarian and not remotely conflict-averse personality. I respect the many people who are not willing to put up with hate and I don’t blame you if you’re one of them; at points in my life I have not been in a place to put up with it and was much less outspoken. But in the end, the thing about people who harass you is that they care so, so much about you agreeing with them, and if you tell them a flat firm no while also making it clear you don’t give a shit if they ever agree with you, they do tend to eventually give up upon realizing how one-sided their obsession is.
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mara-xx217 · 1 year
Sharing is caring...Tharhos and his gang share pretty girl ? Or knight and the gang where they find the survivor they really liked in the closet. Maybe some nsfw ?
I am not ashamed to admit this is a bit of a weakness for yours truly, Anon, so yes, sharing is most definitely caring in his household 🌚
Warnings: Noncon, Gangbang, Explicit Smut
It was a stupid fucking idea to hide in a locker the moment your third and final teammate was hooked. There was nothing you could do to save them- you tried, you really did!- so you just ran away like the coward you are. You heard the bellow of the Entity claiming that unfortunate survivor’s body, then-
You braced your hands on the sides of the locker and held your breath. It felt as though the walls were closing in around you and you couldn’t hear a damn thing over the beating of your heart. 
An ear-piercing scream escaped your throat as the doors to the locker you resided in were thrown open. You lost all the strength in your legs and you collapsed onto the ground in a pathetic, trembling heap. Tears wet your eyes as you looked up at the- one, two, three- four men that boxed you in with no hope of escape. 
All you could do was raise your hands in a pathetic attempt to… what? Beg for your life? To look as inoffensive and small as possible? Like any of this would do anything other than delay the inevitable at best and piss them off at worst. 
You screwed your eyes shut and squealed in terror as you were yanked out of the locker by the front of your shirt. But instead of being thrown over his shoulder to be hooked or thrown out so his dogs to tear you to shreds, you were pulled out and forced on your knees before the Knight and his guards
You were something that the Knight had his eye on for the longest time. A maiden in strange dress but nonetheless cute and absolutely darling. Things have changed since his time in the realm of the living. Tarhos and his guards were closer now than they were ever before. What was his was theirs and vice versa. If that meant sharing you… well, none of them could complain. 
Why be selfish when they all could get what they desired at the same time?
Breathy grunts echoed across the Shattered Square as the Knight thrusted in between your legs. Your own moans and screams were muffled by the cock that was crammed into your mouth. In either of your hands were two more, though you didn’t stroke them yourself as much as the other two guards used your small hands to get themselves off with. 
You never thought something like this could possibly happen to you, of all people. You screwed your eyes shut as your back arched when the Knight brushed against that spot inside of you. Bone fingers knotted and tugged on your hair as the back of your head was cradled, forcing even more of the Jailer’s length into your mouth until the head of his member bumped the back of your throat. 
A cold hand grabbed at your exposed chest, causing you to flinch. The Knight grabbed a hold of the back of your knees and nearly folded you in half as he picked up his pace. You tried to scream but only a choked gag was released as the Jailer pulled your head closer until your nose was nearly flush with his navel. 
You could do nothing but lay on your back and accept everything done to you. Somewhere in the middle of it all, you nearly began to enjoy what was happening to you. You reciprocated on your own accord. You suck whatever cock was forced into your face, stroked whoever was placed into your hand and pushed back against whoever was fucking you from behind this time. 
It was a mistake on your part. This was supposed to be a fling and nothing more to the Knight and his men, but you went ahead and made yourself an object of their affection. Not just any lady would suffice anymore. Not when you made such a memorable first impression on the four of them. 
You can expect them all to seek you out whenever they find themselves bored or… tense. Only you can entertain the Knight and his guards now.
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine
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merakiui · 7 months
I think the funniest parts about the tmdg updates we've been getting, is that at first I was under the impression that Floyd didn't care about us which is why we are hanging with Jade (which is probably how reader feels, I'm aware) but some of the spoilers show...Floyd does like us... Jade's just in the way! It's like Shakespearean comedy level antics and I liiiiiiiive for it 💙💙💙 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
There is so much silliness in this fic!!! I'm so glad you're here for it, anon!! (˘︶˘).。*♡ the dynamic between Reader and Jade is filled with endless possibilities for comedic moments. They're both shameless freaks who love too much. I genuinely hope their moments can be as amusing and cute to you as they are to me (and I hope the yandere moments are absolutely soul-crushing >:D).
And the BANTER. AAAAAAAAA I LOVE WRITING IT!!!!! OTL you and Jade are sniping at each other with all manner of remarks, but at the end of it you're still friends/fuck buddies/confidants/[insert literally any other word for a bond that isn't lovers and that's you and Jade]. The two of you get up to so many silly antics in this fic. It could all be avoided if Reader had the courage to confess to Floyd, but Jade's happy you're a coward because he's also a coward when he hides behind the façade of Floyd. T_T
Currently, the page count is 82 (and rising because it's not yet finished) in the google doc and it has surpassed the word count of Azul thought 4, thus making it the longest twst oneshot I've ever written. ^^;;;; there's just something about Jade in love that compels me to write and write and write and write......... orz
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obsessivevoidkitten · 5 months
I sometimes visit your blog, read some stuff and then I am gone again but I don't understand where the hate is coming from? I scrolled down a bit to read what was going on and somewhere it was mentioned that you have had problems with some comments before.
Idk feels like some people see it more of a joke to insult you and as a "for the LOLs" kind of situation. This feels like there is no substance and only actions for their own sick amusement. Which is no excuse because wtf has to be wrong with you to see sending hate as some sort of joke?
I just want you to know that your writing is absolutely great and even as a (more than less) most of the time absent reader I absolutely adore your writing!
Seriously, those people are such cowards for hiding behind anon. They are the reasons why so many talented authors quit after reading their messages. I really wish they would just grow up and stop behaving like literal children.
Have a nice day and make sure to drink enough water. :)
Thabk you for your kind words.
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therealvikingstrash · 7 months
To the anon who needed to distinguish themselves from the previous one and decided to be nasty with having no background information whatsoever:
Did I hit a nerve on your own shortcomings in fandom? Boo- fucking- hoo. I'm not sorry.
The way I talk to people depends on how people talk to me. How they treat me. If someone assumes I'm a slotmachine for fic and gifs, I will treat them accordingly. Also, you didn't see the other anons, which influenced my tone.
If someone is nice, I'm nice. (You can check it out in my #vtrash answers tag btw, I'm not lying)
With me, you always receive the energy that you sent out. And this one was wack. Three anon asks within a couple minutes of each other and the tone was absolutely NOT okay. It also sounded like this person wanted to start some discourse and I'm not here for that bs.
Let me ask you this: if someone hits their dog over and over and over and one day the dog snaps, who's at fault? The dog for snapping or the owner for abusing it repeatedly? In this equation I'm the dog and I moderately snapped. I didn't even bite, but you make ME responsible? Weird way to out yourself as not being able to understand action and reaction.
Look, the really disgusting person is you, because you think telling someone the truth and giving them a reality check is being mean. Also, did you forget this new feature tumblr has where they can trace back who sent the anon? Not your smartest move.
Either way, I think social media warped your mind and you assume people aren't allowed to be people anymore- aren't allowed to express their emotions. We can't be upset by upsetting things, we can't be mad or angry when people make us angry, can't be sad, cuz god forbid you show any signs of feeling down, then you're crazy and toxic.
No, no, we all have to be these perfect little hollow dolls who never say "fuck" and always stay polite, even when other people are nasty. Upholding a MASK that isn't your true self at all costs. Kinda fucked up and dishonest, if you ask me. Screw you, I don't want to be like that. I've always been kind and quick to give out advice when needed, or words of encouragement to literally everyone who crossed paths with me, but was stabbed in the back multiple times. And for what? Fuck if I know. Was it jealousy all along or were those people just downright evil? I don't fucking know.
But I won't ever be that way. I'm a truthful person and I will always tell people what they need to hear and not what they want to hear. I'm not a fucking coward who hides behind anon.
This anon needed to know that they should put some fucking effort in fandom in order to have people create more 🤷🏼‍♀️ in this specific case me, but it goes for every other author and artist who's made to feel like an art and fic-slotmachine.
And yeah, I am of the opinion that the Vikings fandom specifically could do with more people reading, commenting, reblogging, sharing creations in order to NOT die.
Wow, what a bad, bad person I am for having such thoughts and saying out loud what basically every creator already knows. How cruel to hold people accountable for their refusal to take part in a fandom they claim to love. It's a fucking team effort to keep a fandom alive, in case you didn't notice, you dunce.
But funnily enough, for the longest time the only people on this team who actively tried to keep the fandom flowing with creations are all the same:
@vikingsbigbang - that's me and @tlkvikings (that was public knowledge btw)
@vikings-archive - surprise, surprise: me
@vikingsevents - also @tlkvikings and I
And of course the Vikings Server on discord that I created and am modding with @tlkvikings as well, to somehow get a cohesive community going.
Why did we never brag about it, you might ask? Why did we never advertise it? Put our name to it for credit? Because we just wanted to get this fandom going without any prejudice. To keep it engaged and running. We didn't want people thanking us specifically. We were happy when people engaged and showered one another with love at events we just gave them the opportunity for. We basically created opportunities for everyone, that's all. And we didn't ask for anything in return. Even after the very same fandom demonized and hated us. Yeah, that sounds like I'm a horrible, awful person, you're right.
But it's so much work, with nothing in return. The occasional "thank you" if we're lucky, but that's it. If only more people would at least engage in those opportunities to create and share, that would be enough, but even those rates have been going down. No one even THINKS of who runs these blogs (like they aren't run by people who can get exhaused, overwhelmed and discouraged) and how much work it is to keep up.
OF COURSE my own blog isn't posting new stuff all the time. Like, wtf do you think I am? A fucking god? Fuck no. I'm not online all the time, I have a life too, you know. It should be obvious that someone who has done so much for the community will get frustrated when people only ever ask for more.
We're basically the backbone of this fandom and in return not so long ago a group of people ran a smear campaign against us (slid into peoples dms and told lies about us, sent disgusting anons, made call-out posts full of lies, tried to doxx another friend of ours FOR OVER A YEAR and I'm still here) while the whole fandom watched and didn't help at all, our art gets stolen, our works ignored and THEN people ask FOR MORE?! And you think it's not an appropriate reaction to give someone a moderate fucking reality check? Be for FUCKING real, you cunt.
I can assume you're in the vikings fandom too, since you said you saw the post due to the tag, so I'm hoping you will see this as well and feel ashamed of yourself for not even using your brain for a fucking second.
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dumbflickerideas · 19 days
this is probably a smart flicker idea but i think its REALLY WEIRD to be sexually harassing randos in the actual game. like sure of course write as much ao3 flicker sex as you want!!! i know i do at times!!!! but PUH LEASE dont do that in game!!! just because you get to hide behind a character (like in anon mode, but this happens in other modes too iirc?) doesnt make it ok. in fact it makes you a COWARD!!!! especially since roblox itself is full of children . you're essentially erping with kids like ??? idc if you a kid too its still weird to be erping in a kids game...
i am absolutely blabbering but the fact that its so common in flicker is just so annoying. i see one of these sexual erp screenshots almost every day so i'm sorry for the rant
Oh I’m so glad I read the last part bc I thought you were directing this at me lol
but yeah honestly you have a point
honestly a lot of us have done it before but it’s a matter of not doing it any more bc like it can make people really uncomfortable and you don’t know what’s on the other end
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burnin0akleaves · 8 months
Alright. I am no coward. I ain't gonna hide behind anon mask. I am sending this ask so everyone can see what I wanna say.
This community doesn't have as many artists, because we're not very large fandom, and each and everyone is precious to me. That goes out to fanartists, fanfic writers, mood board creators, craft creators (you all should check out Millie's RA crochet work) and others.
But today I wanna focus on you Howls. I appreciate your art very very much. Before I rejoined, I lurked around and your art was one of the things that made me smile. It still is. You have no idea how much eager I am always for notification "burnin0akleaves just posted a photo".
I love how heartfelt your art is. Every line you do is drawn with love for what you do (or horniness for Will Treaty, I love both). And that is the most beautiful thing about your art to me. I can feel your smile and enthusiasm in every piece you do. And I don't think it's just me. I think it applies to a lot of people. Not only do you supply us with beautiful art but also with the love that seeps from every brush of the pen.
To me, your RA art is one of the most fundamental and it creates beautiful memories for me of this fandom. And your RA is something absolutely ethereal and I recommend EVERYONE to go check out your other art. (Y'all just crush into Howls' dms like doom truck, he'll be happy)
I love your style so much. I love how you can combine strong expressive lineart with smooth brushes when rendering. I love the way your characters' eyes are always so alive, so expressive, so full of soul. And I absolutely adore the ingenuity of your art, the ideas you have. I admire your art so much and it makes me really happy to coexist in this space next to an artist such as yourself.
To me, you're intergral part of fanart soul of this fandom and I am so much honoured to be part of it when you're here.
I'm literally so dumbfounded right now I don't know what to say. This is one the sweetest messages a person has ever taken the time out of their day to write to me, which makes perfect sense actually considering how sweet you are as a person. Literally one of the kindest and most caring people I have ever met if not THE kindest and most caring person I know. I look up to you so much both as a human being and as an artist and it makes me so happy to be one of your close friends. I'm extremely flattered. Blushing a little. Maybe shaking and sobbing too who knows.
Thank you so much for the ask. Normally I'd be too embarrased to post this for everyone to see considering I'm not too good with compliments but I really like the things you said about the fandom and I kind of want others to read it too.
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