#holy crud this thing got long
Kim Possible, the Tempus Simia, and fun with timey-wimey stuff
So, those of you who follow my blog will know that I recently finished Spoiler Alert, a Kim Possible fanfic following Kim and Ron's kid Max as he accidentally follows a vengeful Monkey Fist into the past and not-so-accidentally teams up with the past versions of his parents to stop the latter's shenanigans. Anyone who's read the fic will also know that I wanted to talk a little about how exactly I envision the Tempus Simia affecting the timestream and how that relates to its canon appearance in A Sitch in Time. For those of you who want to read the fic and haven't reached the point where I bring that up in the author's notes, you might want to turn back now: what follows is going to be rather, well, spoilery. It's also going to be rather long, so I hope some of you like detailed headcanons, lol
So, to refresh, A Sitch in Time follows a villain team-up using the Tempus Simia, aka time monkey, for time travel shenanigans as well as a team-up between the "present" day Team Possible and a future resistance using something called chrono-manipulators to chase after them. All good and well, but the time travel rules seem to... change over the course of the special. Rufus 3000 refers to the time stream as "polluted" and "in flux" and we see a ripple effect of the past changing in Ron's scrapbook, yet it's later revealed that Shego's meddling in the past caused Ron to move and thus disrupted Team Possible enough for the time monkey to get stolen in the first place, suggesting a stable time loop. Likewise, Kim, Ron and Rufus going to the future apparently removes them from the normal flow of time until they pop out of their destination time portal, yet somehow Rufus was able to have thousands of "descendants" (I'm assuming clones of some sort, but either way) at some point presumably after Shego took over. This isn't really all that unusual for a time travel story, considering the mind-bendy and paradox-happy nature of messing with chronology, but that doesn't mean that we as fans can't try to come up with a creative explanation. So what gives?
Well, okay, those of you who read the author's note already know what (in my interpretation) gives: the two time machines we see in that special use different forms of time travel. Namely, the Tempus Simia creates stable time loops (hence that being what we see in Spoiler Alert) while the chrono-manipulators can actually change the past to influence the future. And when these two forms of time travel come into conflict, things can get... weird.
So in my mind, there are roughly three different timelines that give us A Sitch in Time, with the latter ones overwriting the former. We'll call them timelines A, B, and C, with most of the special taking place in timeline B.
Timeline A is a fully stable time loop, with only the Tempus Simia in play, so it would chronologically start with the villains meddling in the past -- but we'll get to that later. Our starting point would be pretty much what we see in the "present" part of the special: Ron moves away due to Shego's later scheme, and with him either not present or "out of synch" with her, Kim isn't able to stop the villain quartet from putting the Tempus Simia together and escaping into the time stream. Drakken puts into motion his plan of crushing a younger Kim's spirit, and he, Monkey Fist and Duff Killigan turn themselves into toddlers to infiltrate Kim's preschool. This almost fails immediately, because the people in the preschool office aren't going to just let some unregistered and unsupervised kids waltz into a classroom (more on that later), but they later manage to sneak into the playground during recess. They torment toddler Kim a little bit, toddler Ron intervenes, they switch targets to him which awakens her kick-butt instinct -- basically at this point, it's the same thing we saw except for the absence of a time-travelling teen Kim.
After seeing that mundane bullying didn't work, the villain team skips ahead to the day of Kim's first mission to try again. Without the added pressure of time-travelling heroes, Monkey Fist and Killigan are just barely willing to let Drakken try his spirit-crushing plan again. But his overly-complicated plan of approaching Kim as preteens, distracting her from the laser grid mission, and planting seeds of doubt that will cause her to muck it up if she does ever get there fails at pretty much every turn.
It's at about this point that future Shego approaches her "present" self and tells her to grab the time monkey and go, which she does. It doesn't take much experimenting for her to figure out why the guys have so utterly failed with it: the Tempus Simia can't change the past, and the villains' meddling might even be part of the reason Kim was encouraged to go into crime-fighting. From here, Shego starts to get creative: using foreknowledge to make enough money to fund her schemes, putting evil think tanks together in times when nobody knows to go after her, and even figuring out that she was the one who got Ron's family to move away and proceeding to do just that.
With new resources in hand and Team Possible effectively broken up, Shego gets down to business. Being much more practically minded than her death trap-loving ex-employer, she returns to the present, catches Kim and later Ron by surprise when they're alone, and actually manages to kill them. Rufus escapes, but Shego figures that she won't have to worry about him or Wade so long as Kim and Ron are gone. So she gathers her legion of henchmen, attack drones, and obedience collars, starts storming the world one city at a time... and wins.
Of course, pockets of resistance form over the next twenty years, with the most prominent being led by the friends and family of our fallen heroes. Rufus and Wade use the former's DNA to "breed" a small army of hyper-intelligent semi-clones to boost the resistance's numbers, and between that, their location near the Supreme One's headquarters, and the resistance members' various skills and gadgets, they actually stand a fighting chance... Except that every attack on Shego's fortress is thwarted after a seemingly unnatural degree of anticipation on her end. As it happens, Shego has gotten into the habit of going back in time to warn herself before every attack against her, letting her retroactively prepare.
The resistance eventually figures out that time travel is involved in the Supreme One's wild successes (not that she's doing much to keep it a secret), and Wade gets to work on devising a counter. The result is the chrono-manipulators, though nobody realizes they work differently (some might say better) than the Tempus Simia. Since the resistance isn't clear on exactly how Shego used the Tempus Simia to take over, they decide to start by going back twenty years to rescue Kim and Ron and recruiting them to stop the original villain team's mucking around in the past. So starts timeline B, and again, most of what we see in the special.
The thing is, a key aspect of the Tempus Simia is stability. It "wants" the timestream to stay the same, even as the chrono-manipulators "want" to change it. So the timestream starts shifting around a little, but keeps the same broad strokes. New time portal gives everyone around the preschool a wave of disorienting deja-vu? The preschool attendants are distracted just long enough for the toddler-ified villains to slip in before class starts, but their extra bullying time doesn't change what happens at recess (though it does change the class picture). Killigan and Monkey Fist get antsy and shoot down Drakken's plan B? The Tempus Simia slaps together a new time loop in which Monkey Fist steals a guardian statue that would have been shortly destroyed anyway, so the only "change" is that it disappears into the timestream to be lasered later rather than getting swept away by a flood or something (and meanwhile, preteen Kim and Ron succeed in their mission and survive the statue's attack). Kim and Ron start time-travelling and eventually head into the future? They would have died around that time anyway, so now they just disappear into the timestream to the same basic result. Rufus also disappears into the timestream? The resistance somehow manages to get ahold of DNA he left behind and start making clones anyway.
Then things really get weird when the Tempus Simia breaks. Its whole stability thing means that the universe is safe from implosion... but that kind of damage also has the effect of erasing the Tempus Simia from history entirely. Ironically, it's the only way for it to change the past -- time is rewritten so that the creation of the Tempus Simia was abandoned at the last moment, and any loops caused by its use are erased as well. The time stream manages to keep itself in shape by once again smoothing over the time-loop changes so that the broad outcome is still the same: that guardian statue goes back to getting destroyed in a flood, someone who had helped Shego found her bank does the founding personally, Kim befriends Ron and finds her inner fire after dealing with a different bully in preschool, and so on. This "smoothing over" gets weaker as the timeline approaches the point where the Tempus Simia was grabbed by the baddies, though, and by the time it reaches Ron moving away, the bank his mom works at just doesn't have any reason to send her and her family to Norway. And so the future is saved, and we finally reach timeline C.
But the Tempus Simia has one last trick up its metaphorical sleeve: just as it "wants" to keep the timeline stable, so too does it "want" to exist. This may not have even been the first time it was destroyed and rebuilt, not that anyone would know with the overwritten timelines. And so, a paltry few years after the end of the Supreme One's reign and the last point in time in which its previous iteration existed, a Monkey Fist who is feeling very displaced in time gets the idea that "time" may just be the answer to his woes...
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sapphic-agent · 3 days
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Rereading MHA for research on my Rewrite AU made me realize how hypocritical Aizawa really is.
Like...holy crud! It's such a gut punch when you take into consideration that Erasermic (which is a bit toxic canon wise) is what got me into MHA. I’ve been fed Fanon!Aizawa for so long, I was oblivious to the truth. Oh my god.
I initially wrote Stryxxxer (My AU version of Aizawa) hating his past self as a joke. But now...it's becoming more and more like a reality.
Oh yay, I haven't torn down Aizawa in a while >:D
If there's one thing Horikoshi is good at, it's plot manipulation. As in, the way the narrative frames Aizawa, it's so easy to buy into him being a "good teacher." The story is literally shoving that fact down your throat at every turn. I wasn't aware of it myself until I rewatched Deku vs Kacchan Part 2 when I was looking for evidence to support my hatred of Bakugou's character. When you're looking at material with fresh eyes, especially when you're specifically looking for faults in the narrative, you catch a lot more than when you experienced that material the first time.
To sum it up, rewatching/rereading MHA with more critical thinking (and common sense) means you can easily see through Aizawa's bullshit hypocrisy, ineptitude, and double standards.
My absolute favorite piece of evidence of him being a shit teacher is the Final Exam. Bakugou 100% should have failed for being uncooperative and violent with his teammate. And yes, our first instinct is to point out Sero's unfair failure by comparison (justice for Sero), but for me that's not even the worst part. While Aizawa is busy coddling Bakugou and giving him every concession, HE HAD FIVE OTHER STUDENTS WHO CLEARLY NEEDED HELP FAIL. And that's not counting the students who nearly failed because they didn't know what to do because of course they didn't Aizawa doesn't bother to fucking teach!
*deep breath*
Sorry, kind of went off on a tangent there.
To your point of fanon Aizawa, it's actually so jarring to look at Aizawa's canon behavior and then get bombarded with Dadzawa fics. And to be honest I wouldn't mind Dadzawa if so many people didn't bash All Might to make Aizawa look better. Especially because most of those fics perpetuate Aizawa's canon behavior and project it all onto All Might. And it's so prominent in the "Bakugou Katsuki Faces Consequences" tag that there are so many fics that had potential or caught my interest that I can't even stomach to read.
Good on your rewrite, though. Having Aizawa reflect on his past behavior and actually grow as a person is all I wanted from him as a character (and it's something All Might actually does in canon in case anyone needs to be reminded)
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hermitologist · 1 year
My Favorite Records of 2022
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Hi. I made another list.
First thing’s first. I apologize for the lack of music recommendations and runs on my Instagram this year. Thrice had a pretty busy touring schedule, and with the kids back in school the local virus carousel was BRUTAL. Seemed like we got to sample a new strain of the crud literally every other week. It’d rip its way through the house, we’d send the kids back to school, they’d bring a new batch of snot home a few days later, and it’d start up all over again. Rinse and repeat. It was hard to get out there and run with all that going on. Also: Blame where blame is due ... I got a little lazy when I wasn’t picking up goopy Kleenex or horking up some crud of my own. I”ll be back next year. (Hopefully.)
An-y-waaaaay ... 
I did manage to listen to a lot of new music despite "the circumstances”, and I have compiled all of my favorites for you here. There's a pretty clear cut Top 5 this year based on play counts, but the rest of the list didn’t really make sense to rank because this shit’s really all subjective anyway. I broke the list into categories that made sense to me, at the time, for organization’s sake. Each record has link to the band/label’s Bandcamp or website, so please please PLEASE support the artists you love beyond just streaming their music.
Playlists with a song from each record are below. I know it’s a lot of music. I know it’s all over the place. I know you don’t have time to listen to five-and-a-half hours of music. At the very least, I’d suggest at needle-dropping through the entire thing and earmarking some stuff to check out. That’s how I find a good chunk of this stuff. 
And please let me know what you dug this year and think I should check out!
Hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season. See you next year!
My Favorites of 2022 Playlist (Spotify)
My Favorites of 2022 Playlist (Apple Music)
My Favorites of 2022 Playlist (Tidal)
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Elder - Innate Passage
No contest here. This is a clear cut #1 for me. Fifty-four minutes of absolutely glorious, wholly transcendental, life-affirming, dreamy/heavy metal-adjacent prog. As a musician, I can tell you firsthand how hard it is to write a long song that doesn’t *feel* long. These fellas routinely crank out high-quality 10-minute-plus jams that you’ll hope never end. Queue this up and take it for a run, a long walk, or a long drive and you’ll see what I mean. It’s magical. And yes, it came out late in the year, but I haven’t been able to stop listening to it or thinking about it since, and I don’t see that changing for a long while.
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Meshuggah - Immutable
It’s damn near impossible to find the right words for this band, let alone this record, but this is absolute wizardry, yet again, from the best metal band that has ever existed. Pure face-melting heaviness. They routinely reset the bar for what heavy music can and should be, and Immutable is no exception. It might even be my favorite Meshuggah record ever.
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Museum of Light - Horizon
Ultra-heavy, sludgy, dynamic, meditative, push vs. pull, melody vs. dissonance post-rock in the vein of Kowloon Walled City, Shiner, Traindodge, and Torche. The songwriting is so clean and efficient, and the record as a whole is just a gorgeous, perfectly crafted arc. It’s perfect.
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Holy Fawn - Dimensional Bleed
The heaviest, prettiest, most infectious batch of post-rock/metal I’ve heard in a long while. Dynamic shifts that are pure catharsis. A band that has the ability to give you euphoric chills one minute, and bring you to tears the next, headbanging all the while. Their first LP blew me away, and I wasn’t sure they could top it, but they totally have.
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The Beths - Expert In A Dying Field
This record was an instant pick-me-up this year. A much-needed salve amidst all the stress and anxiety and depression the world can throw your way these days. Twelve preposterously hooky jams, that will put a smile on your face and a bounce in your step (even when the lyrical content dips into darker themes). It totally rules.
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Drug Church - HYGIENE
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Tvivler - Kilogram
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Birds In Row - Gris Klein
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gospel - The Loser
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Cult of Luna - The Long Road North
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Russian Circles - Gnosis
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Conjurer - Pathos
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Anxious - Green House
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PUP - The Unraveling of PUP The Band
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The Smile - A Light For Attracting Attention
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Pianos Become The Teeth - Drift 
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Cloakroom - Dissolution Wave
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Stray From The Path - Euthanasia
OTHER RECORDS I ENJOYED (also in no order)
Architects - the classic symptoms of a broken spirit Pedro the Lion - Havasu And So I Watch You From Afar - Jettison Mass Worship - Portal Tombs Rival Consoles - Now Is  Fleshwater - We’re Not Here To Be Loved Abraham - Debris de Mondes Perdus Norna - Star is way way is Eye Dan Mayo - Greenhouse Silvan Strauss - FACING Vein - This World is Going to Ruin You Author & Punisher - Krüller Black Thought/Dangermouse - Cheat Codes Cave In - Heavy Pendulum Square Peg Round Hole - Reservoir  Kendrick Lamar - Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers Pete Rock - Petestrumentals 4 Pet Fox - A Face In Your Life Swami John Reis - Ride the Wild Night Heriot - Profound Morality  Bastions - Majestic Desolation Wake - Thought Form Descent Inclination - Unaltered Perspective Momma - Household Name Hot Water Music - Feel The Void KEN Mode - NULL Animals As Leaders - Parrhesia Mark Giuliana - the sound of listening Meat Wave - Malign Hex Haunted Shores - Void Blessed - Circuitous Celeste - Assassine(s) Louis Cole - Quality Over Opinion Grivo - Omit Wonder Years - The Hum Goes on Forever A Hope For Home - Years Of Silicon Mountaineer - Giving Up The Ghost Norma Jean - Deathrattle Sing for Me Lamb Of God - Omens Psychonaut - Violate Consensus Reality Callous Daoboys - Celebrity Therapist Easy Prey - Unrest 84 Tigers - Time in the Lighthouse  Codespeaker - S/T Colonial Wound - Easy Laugh Thousandaire - Ideal Conditions
Botch - One Twenty Two
Downward - The Brass Tax  Cult Leader/End - Gather & Mourn  Irist - Gloria  Gleemer - Here at All  GoGo Penguin - Between Two Waves Lockstep - Lockstep 2  Portico Quartet - Next Stop  Be Well - Hello Sun  Chamber - Carved In Stone  Waldo’s Gift - Improvisations Vol. 2 
Car Bomb - Mordial
Low - Double Negative Pile - Green and Gray
Office Hours - humor, music, pure joy The Distraction - sports and social commentary/humor Effectively Wild - baseball analysis/humor
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nothosword · 6 months
What has led you to where you are today?
“Hm? I’m lookin’ for someone.”
Fergus wakes himself up by popping his neck. He’s been waiting for his interviewer for so long that he allowed his eyelids to flutter and his back to slump against one of the office chairs. He looks less than presentable, but that’s just how he is–able to find a carefree spirit in even the most tense of situations.
Said interviewer prods him for more, the line drawn across their forehead clearly dissatisfied with the blonde’s answer. He thought it was perfectly reasonable, but he isn’t in charge here, now is he? He sits up.
“What, you want more? Alright, alright, just quiet down, ‘kay?” One of his hands pecks at the air to emphasize speaking in a low voice. He’s got a bit of crud in his eyes that he neglects to wipe away. “I was thinking about having a nap after this.”
The man is not the least bit sympathetic to how his demeanor is received. He wears that devil-may-care smirk like a hood pulled over one’s face in a Silessian winter. Because he needs it. Without his charm, Fergus would freeze to death in a pit of his own hatred. The urge to explain reminds him that there is spite laden in every smile, hatred laced in every word about his past. 
“Name’s Fergus, in case you don’t already know. See this here?” He pulls at the strap around his scabbard until it comes loose, then unhooks it from his midsection to show the official. After a small click, a curved sword is drawn. “Get a good look at it. Yeah, real fancy sword I’ve got. The thing is: only my father’s sons can take it from its sheath. Don’t ask me how it works.”
For even if he knew, he wouldn’t care. As far as Fergus is concerned, the man who made this blade doesn’t deserve something so precious attached to his lineage. He deserves the dirt, the dogs. He makes the free knight bite the inside of his cheek just thinking about him, unearths from him only the black soot of disgust. And yet Fergus took the sword. He made a deal with his half-brother, promising not to show his face around Conote or Agustria so as to avoid an inheritance dispute. ‘All I want are two things,’ he had said, ‘proof of who I am, and proof of what I’ve done.’ The former is the sword, which has helped him on his quest to discover where his predecessor went and how he lived.
And ironically enough, forced him into the same kind of life.
“I heard a rumor that he died, but I wouldn’t put it past the old son of a brigand to have faked that so he could get away-”
His interviewer cuts him off to ask plainly what he thinks of his father, since Fergus appears so driven by his existence.
“Mm? Yeah, I don’t quite like him… Back home, people are hospitable and kind to each other. I just can’t forgive someone who would take advantage of that, you know?”
‘Home’ is where mother lies, lonely without a son or husband. ‘Home’ is by the sea, where the smell of salt wafts through an open marketplace glittering with seafaring goods. ‘Home’ is being rebuilt–saved by the efforts of Fergus and Prince Leaf. His sword in the Claus’ cause was his way of repaying ‘home’ for all that it did for him. Conote is ‘home.’ 
What do you believe are your greatest strengths? Your greatest weaknesses?
“I’m not too bad in a fight, even got the scars to prove it.” Fergus’ good mood returns like the morning sun when the question changes. And boy does he shine. He fishes through his pocket for something, eyes taking on a softer edge now that he can talk about how cool he is.
“Check this out,” he continues, producing a pin. It features a wyvern & pegasus, and the two holy spears crossed in its center, “It’s proof that I had a hand in the liberation of Northern Thracia. It keeps me out of trouble.” It is also the latter half of his deal. Every word he speaks about it is true.
“Let’s see… What else…” he taps his thigh as he thinks, “I’m the type to jump in and get things done, and I don’t look too bad, either.” Something seems to pull on the corner of his lips. Fergus’ smile grows uncontrollably wide as he thinks back to that fledgeling knight. She was hilarious. He imagines she’s out there having fun, hopefully not getting two-timed like his mom. “As for flaws…”
The pin enters the palm of his hand and receives a few taps from his index. “I stick my nose where it doesn’t belong. Before I met the prince, I was up and ready to leave Thracia. I’m also only personally motivated, and hard to tie down to boot.”
All marks of your standard self-righteous sellsword. Hopefully, nothing the interviewer hasn’t already seen.
If a story were to be written about your life, what role would you play?
Fergus nearly barks. This one has him thinking. As he drifts into a state of self-reflection, he half-chucks to himself. These people have probably stumped a lot of folks with a question like this.
“Mm, probably the guy that got mixed up in everything.”
It takes him a moment until he finally nods and confirms his own answer, but it becomes one he’s satisfied with. A sense of cheekiness works its way into his expression as he stands, arms crossed and face beaming still.
“It’s not exactly the nicest thing to admit, but I met Prince Leif in what you’d call ‘captivity.’” Air-quotes on ‘captivity.’ Fergus prefers the term to ‘prison.’
“I fight fights that aren’t mine, get involved where I shouldn’t–Man would my story be cleaner if I just kept to myself, but I’m not that kinda guy, and you can’t win ‘em all when it comes to life’s lots.” He shrugs. He’s right, and he knows it. Things got hairy at times, back in the Liberation Army, but he managed unscathed. The few sacrifices they did have to make don’t bother him–perhaps not as much as they should. He feels as though he’s always been of the mind that everyone has agency over their own life. If someone decides to waste it, that’s their own prerogative. Hell, there was even once a moment in which he was about to sacrifice himself for the young lord and little lass. He sighs nostalgically as the moment passes him by. Things would’ve turned out far differently if he met anyone but Leif.
“So yeah, just the dude who blew in outta nowhere, and will probably blow back into nowhere once I’m done. Glad to be here!”
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aishutoon · 2 years
As I was going down my list of fanfics to make fanart for, I came across the link for the fanfic “Paper Mario: The Temple of the Sun”, which got me thinking about the fan partners I made after being inspired by that fic. So, I decided to actually draw them!
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Some context for the story, even though I don’t have the whole thing figured out: The main villain is a Shaman (like Merlon or Merlee, but evil) who is searching for the pieces of an ancient puzzle that can grant one wish to whoever puts it together, and one of these pieces happens to be in Peach’s castle! So, she just steals the whole castle with everyone still inside, and now Mario, Luigi, and the partners they find along the way have to go on a journey to find the pieces of the puzzle and find out where Peach’s castle is. In the meantime, Peach is gathering information about the history of the villain and befriending one of the other prisoners, and Bowser is going on his own journey to find the castle because Bowser Jr. was still inside when it was whisked away.
The partners in order:
Orion: A timid, soft-spoken kid who’s the son of the villain (I haven’t come up with a name for her yet). He escaped the castle with the base of the ancient puzzle and ran into Mario and Luigi as a result, and now he’s helping the bros stop his mom’s evil scheme. He’s a huge bookworm, so he can Tattle enemies, as well as attack by lobbing a heavy shot put ball at them.
Deena: A cheerful Dry bones girl who’s aspiring to become a famous journalist, even if she gets in over her head sometimes. She can attack enemies with a shell attack or by throwing a bone or two at them. Can you guess which journalist she looks up to the most?
Hayase: A stoic Ninji who is training to become stronger at the dojo Mario and crew happen to visit. When it gets attacked by the main villain’s goons, Hayase joined Mario to fight them off. She can attack enemies with her ninja stars, and help Mario and Luigi avoid attacks for some time with her vanish ability.
Matcha T: Ok, technically this guy is the last partner you’d meet if this was a game, but I screwed up with the formatting, so let’s just go out of order for a bit. Matcha T. is a hotheaded young toad who periodically attacked Mario & co. a few times along the journey. Later, it is revealed that his little sister is one of the people who was in Peach’s castle when it was taken, and he had been attacking Mario & Co. in order to get strong enough to take on the stronger enemies sent by the villain. Once that misunderstanding is cleared up, he joins the gang to help save the prisoners. He attacks using bomb fruits (y’know, like the ones from Mario party ds? …yeah I know that’s a stretch)
Dottie: I’m gonna be honest with you guys, I thought of this character kind of at the last minute, so I don’t have a huge story for her. But I really like how her design turned out! Dottie is a sweet penguin who’s part of an ice skating group in the ice world of this game. She can attack enemies with ice breath and by sliding towards them on her belly. In the overworld, she can help Mario swim across bodies of water.
Rufus: If this was an actual game, the player would be the one who names this Chain chomp, but the default name for now is Rufus. He’s a rough, aggressive chain chomp who starts following the crew after being shown kindness for the first time by Orion. He’s a strong attacker with his chain whip and charge attacks. Sawyer: A young Swoop who’s the hopeless romantic sort, as well as an aspiring poet. He joins Mario & co. after his crush gets kidnapped by goons, and stays with them on the journey in order to get more ideas for poems. He can attack with his claws and screech attack. In the overworld, he can help Mario fly for a short amount of time over gaps. Probably one of my favorite designs out of the bunch ngl.
Phew, that’s all the partners! Holy crud, I’ve never made a post this long before. If you read through the whole thing, you’re awesome!
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anoncausewhynot · 2 years
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Hi there! maybe you'd considering a drawing request of my bubbly and fun loving Halfing florist Georgina with her always grumpy/too serious Celestial roommate bestie and self appointed guardian/bodyguard Razvan? I'd love if you could make it a meme redraw style. Thank you for considering
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HOLY CRUD i feel so bad about not posting this sooner, so many things got in the way and then i had to get a new drawing tablet and i couldn't find any memes that really felt like they would do these characters any justice and then i was too embarrassed to post this D':
I feel super bad that this took so long but i wasn't ignoring you i swear! I was thinking about this request literally everyday and i hope you like this small drawing
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tipsy-scales · 5 months
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A 2023 wrap up for my YouTube!
I started in 2021. Holy crud it’s already been a while huh?!
This year I made 8 videos. The shortest was 17 minutes and the longest was 1 hour and 25 minutes. This was the year with the longest videos. Half of them were over an hour. I like long videos, and reaching 1 hour was an exciting goal, but admittedly I’d like to tone it down and not have every video be so comprehensive. For instance, I saved the body mod stuff from the 2B & 9S videos for a separate one.
My least viewed video (also happens to be the longest) was “The FMA cosplay that took two years” which is about me cosplaying Pride from FMA. It’s actually more about me trying to overcome mental hurdles.
It has 145 views!
My most viewed video is “I lost my mind and got Dollfie dream 2B also” which is my newest video and is about customizing Dollfie Dream 2B.
It has 713 views and was published 3 weeks ago making it my fastest growing video in a while.
I made two figure customization videos, two cosplay videos, one vlog, one figure review, and two doll customization videos.
Some takeaways are that I want to be more forthcoming with what my channel is about. I do a combination of projects and analysis, but I haven’t pushed the analysis much even though that’s that I put most time into. I started off hoping it would be a silly surprise like “woah! This toy video is unexpectedly deep!” But I think I have to be honest with myself about actually wanting people to see that part too. So, I’ve been talking more about the analysis part when promoting my videos.
I have also been playing with thumbnails and titles more. That is another thing I tried being effortless with, but I’m not big enough to really do that, and I love curating my aesthetic anyway. I was going for a maximalist scrapbook style for a bit (the FMA one) which can be messy. I like the 2B one better, so I’ll be pursuing that look more and revising older thumbnails to match. I dislike text, but it’s another way to get across what the video is about in addition to the title. Originally my titles were simple like “I got this thing” “I did this thing” but I’ve been playing with things that sound like titles more.
Late this year I decided to stop making cosplay videos. They consistently underperformed and I had the perspective of “I’m doing this for fun so who cares if nobody watches” but uh…I do care. Especially if one self indulgent cosplay video is nuking any chance of all my others doing better. In the coming year, I want to focus on dolls, figures, and merchandise. Any cosplay videos will be focused on one element that I think people may find interesting like crafting a single prop. I don’t want to be mistaken for a tutorial channel though (I despise the idea that every craft needs to be a tutorial) so I will need to think about it.
In my first year, I had two videos do insanely well (5k when 1k is a big deal for me). I think I fudged that momentum by not paying attention to how YouTube works, so despite not being in it to “play the algorithm”, I think I should play a little.
That’s pretty much it! Making videos is quite fulfilling. I used to be a blogger, and I miss being able to put out well thought out pieces. Social media moves so quickly now which i appreciated at first, but now i miss being given the time to say something. YouTube videos are like blogging ~premium~ where i get to cultivate everything from visuals to music. I’m quite happy I made my channel, so here’s to continuing and having a good time.
I also hit 400 subscribers this year! That’s significant for lil old me, so thank you 🙏
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weirdunclegamer · 9 months
I feel like doing A Thing. I'm gonna rewatch the N Direct (watched it at work originally) and comment on... I dunno, everything? For funsies.
Y'know I totally forgot it opened wit the Sploon3 DLC thing. I don't play splat myself but absolutely lovin the aesthetics here, that octoling in the elevator is dressed saucy I must say. The whole thing looks delightfully cartoon creepy, the clear overuse of flat white had me guessing at something to do with color right at the point "put this color chip in" was said. Gonna hafta paint that blank canvas.
Mario vs DK. Another series I never really played, but I know lots of people love it. One of those beloved side games. A friend commented on being glad it was going back to the original style rather then the psuedo lemmings thing where you just had the toy Marios. I hadn't thought of that myself but there you go. I love how when DK gets hit with the... box, pipe, whatever, that Mario throws at him, it really does feel like just a cartoon clonk on the donk, absolutely non-violent.
Ooooooooh here we go. I'm not a Prince of Persia fan specifically, did love the... 2006? 2009? That one stand alone entry with the prince with the orange and purple head wrap. But THIS PoP game looks fuuuuuuun, this is exactly my kind of 2D platformer, with a good combat system baked in too. Also you're not actually the prince this time! Or maybe that'll be the twist later. The prince was inside you all along.
Okay so I never even knew there was a Horizon Chase 1? So no clue as far as sequels go, but I have always enjoyed a good arcade racer on the side. This one gives me "slightly less wacky Cruisn' game" vibes. Also I like the little random dialogues you see coming from the cars a few times. Adds flavor.
Super Crazy Rhythm Castle... I uh... I dunno, I got nothing. It's a musical party game! When they said well known songs from other Konami games but it was a Beatmania track I'm not familiar with that landed like a wet sock. Sorry. Hope its fun!
Okay I haven't read/watched SPYxFAMILY but holy MOLY Anya is just pure distilled weaponized CUTE AS HECK. How do you be so cute like that? And now she's gonna have a game that's just about making memories with her family? I have diabetes now.
Woo, man, I have feelings about an SMRPG remake. But if I'm being blunt... any concern I have is just for shitty bad faith fandom deciding to shit all over the game after it comes out for not being some BS they made up in their heads. The game looks super cute and I appreciate how they kept the funny proportions of the characters from the SNES game. While everyone else is analyzing the changes to the battle system (or that train attack from Boomer that did max damage woah there), I noticed they snuck in a shot of the party seemingly opening the door to... will it be Culex again? Or will there be a new secret boss there? Boggles the mind it does.
Oh geez this one. Some people I follow have been flooding my dash with love for the Another Code game announcement(s) here. It makes me remember how much I have NOT played my copy of the DS game XD crud. I don't have the Wii sequel at all so I may get this just to cover my bases. I HAVE however, played Hotel Dusk, and would love to see some kind of port of that to the Switch. But more then anything I'm just glad to see this series not be forgotten.
HHHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NEW PEACH GAME. I loooooved Super Princess Peach on the DS, and I admit, I was... concerned, after the original announcement of a Peach game from the last general direct, that a new game would be... plain, flat even. But OH HOWDY I was assuaged of my concern! Also YES, give her LOTS OF OUTFITS PLEASE. I am def getting this.
Man the SaGa series... that's one I always see and like... want to go play, then I just never get around to it. I think I have the SaGa game on PS2? I almost got the super beloved PS1 entry not too long ago but it was like... over a hundred dollars. I gotta say though... I am actually LOVING the characters in this one. Like, the guy who would be the default sword warrior in any other RPG of this ilk is some kind of puppet master? We got robots? Magical girl witch? A... cowgirl and hijab wearing lady duo with guns? I AM SOLD ALREADY. WHAT EVEN IS THIS SETTING.
HD remake of Lara Croft games. ...that is all. (I don't really care one way or the other, hopefully they do right by the originals)
Detective Pikachu 2. I didn't play the first game, and despite how much you'd think I'd have a connection to pokemon given the original Blue was the first game I ever bought with my own money as a kid, and I legitimately caught all 151 mons... I don't actually have any strong connections to pokemon. Sorrynotsorry.
Trombone Champ... cough... that was a meme from last year I think? I dunno. I think people only care because it was a meme, if it had been some random Wii game it would've been called shovelware and nobody'd give a shit. Shrug.
Battle Crush looks serviceable, but I'm actually just surprised something that feels generic as of like... two or three years ago, is just showing up now. Seems like its riding an outdated wave.
Wartales feels like something that is gonna become the obsession of a tiny cult fanbase.
Remake of Contra 1... hm... okay so like, I actually am a Contra fan. Like... half the reason I would ever care about having a partner irl is someone to play Contra with. But the only thing in this trailer that really made me sit up was hearing that Wayforward was making it. It otherwise looks... just... plain. I guess. Nothing about it really leaping out at me from this trailer. The graphics feel too "clean", Contra should always look kinda grungy you know?
It is actually hard for me to express how HAPPY I am to see a new Vanillaware game (god I needta go finish 13 Sentinels...), but HOLY CRAP the title of the game... UNICORN OVERLORD. Is such a funny goddamn name. I want to tell you how pretty the game trailer is, how interested I am in the gameplay, or maybe how its giving me vibes to a Vanillaware game on the PSP that never got released in the US... but all I can imagine is someone's Megaman X OC Maverick. UNICORN OVERLORD! At half health they jump into the background on a throne and you evade attacks from a legion of lesser unicorn soldier bots. I am so getting this game though. (ALSO THE GAMEPLAY LOOKS LIKE OGRE BATTLE SO I AM QUADRUPALLY INVESTED no not TACTICS OGRE, OGRE BATTLE you peasant)
...wasn't the game called Luigi's Mansion DARK MOON? Was that only in the US maybe? Oh well. I suppose it was time enough for this. I've only played 3, but it was def a lot of fun. Also POLTERPUP, that is all.
Okay so... gotta be totally up front about F-Zero 99... I think its a hilariously fun idea to "99" up the original F-Zero, the way they 99'd up tetris and mario 1. But also, I am right there with all the fans who are grumbling about not getting an actual new F-Zero game, like a proper one not just a gimmick. Still, the game is gonna be a chaotic silly mess. Not bad, but not quite enough either.
Okay Bandle Tale and Nunu or whatever; what is it with everything related to LoL being better then the actual LoL game?
New Wario Ware! ...I don't play Wario Ware games! GIVE ME A NEW WARIO LAND GAME YOU COWARDS. (this is not meant as a sleight against WW games or the people who love them, they're legit cool, funny, colorful, have a ton of great characters, and I just don't personally play them so new ones go solidly into "tell that one friend of mine a new WW was announced" category)(also inb4 all the people complaining about "motion controls" or something, I dunno, I hope the fandom is better then that but I dont trust the internet)
Eiyuden Chronicles! This is one of those things where the original games this is a successor to (which I cant remember the name of off the top of my head because my brain hates me) isn't something I ever had, but I've spent more then enough time immersed in that old PS1 culture and the people therein that I totally get it, and I hope nearly as much as any fan that the final product of this game is everything they want it to be.
Ah, here's one that's virtually impossible for me to comment on because I know nothing of Eastward other then that art style. It looks nice! And I don't know how this is similar or different or fits in at all with the original game! I would 100% become immortal somehow despite the ramifications just to play every game, but alas, I am a mere mortal, and have a limited amount of time, lots of which I lose to depression, so I have not played Eastward. Sorry.
Wargroove 2! Well that's not something I was expecting. I def liked Advanced Wars back in the yonder time, but never stuck with the genre going forward (also I suck at it!). When the original Wagroove became a thing (I actually played a prelease demo of it at PAX one year) I was def excited for fans of the genre (pretty much how I feel about Eiyuden Chronicles even). But I also remember hearing that people fell off the first game kinda fast? Here's hoping 2 does all the good sequel things and really ups its game then.
I admit I'm not much for the huge plethora of (usually cooking focused) crafting-one-side-selling-on-the-other style games. But I do like seeing a game randomly have a POC player character. Just, in general. Doesn't even seem to be a factor of the story either, just is a thing. Glad to see it. (Love the mantis shrimp with the boxing gloves, gotta get that out there)
I haven't played MK8 since it was on the WiiU! Moving on!
I have never played Among Us. I'm not gonna be playing it. ...was there only ever one map in that game? Trailer's cute. Is it mushroom themed because they're basically wanting to hand people a "fungus among us" joke?
Let see... quick reel of already announced stuff... and... oh right...
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door remake. I uh... I never got into TTYD. Oh I played it. A little. Something about it just didn't feel quite right to me? I dunno. I know people fucking LOVE it. And, sweet deal then. But this is another one I'm just kinda shrugging at. I will not be getting it. Oh well.
0 notes
Tea Party
summary: Bucky makes you a glass of iced tea, which turns out to be more than you bargained for.
pairing: Dark!Bucky x Reader
warnings/kinks: Forced Age Regression, Brainwashing, Dark!Bucky, Forced DDlg
a/n: Hi All! This is for @darkficsyouneveraskedfor‘s writing challenge :3 I had prompt 28: “Character A drinks a peculiar tea. Character A finds themself feeling odd. Character B takes advantage.” (also happy early birthday to @nsfwsebbie!)
An evening at Bucky’s townhouse was exactly what you needed. Bucky loved being a member of the team, loved being back with his best friend, but he relished his solitude. So, he’d bought a quiet little townhouse in Brooklyn. You and Steve were the only people he gave access to. Natasha teased that it was because he liked you, but you knew that couldn’t be true. You knew guys like Bucky. They dated super models or women who looked like Nat. And…you didn’t. You were chubby, plus sized. Face it, you were fat. However, you’d long accepted it, just like your height or hair color.
But just cause Bucky was unattainable to you didn’t stop you from harboring deep feelings for him. And somehow, by some miracle, you’d managed to worm your way into his inner circle. Steve insisted it was your heart. You had a way to touch everyone you knew and make everyone smile. Plus, your incredible baking skills helped.  Bucky swears your gingerbread cookies are mana from heaven.
You, like Bucky, you valued your time away from the team. Even as just an administrator, you sometimes got more than enough of Thor’s cockiness or Tony’s ego or Strange’s know-it-all-ism. So, whenever you and Bucky needed to just take a break, you holed yourself up in the townhouse for a day or two. He strode into the room, the sun practically gleaming off him like the angel he was. Today was especially bad. In his red Henley, sleeves rolled up, and worst of all, his hair pulled back in the manbun. Your ultimate kryptonite. In his hand he had a glass of iced tea that you’d requested
“Here doll. I thought you'd like this.” He handed it to you and you took a big sip, finding it incredibly sweet.
“Holy crud muffins.” You said. “How much sugar did y’all put in iced tea in the 40s?”   He chuckled in response.
“I didn’t sweeten it all. It’s something in the tea that makes it very sweet. It’s a special type of tea that I found on a mission once.” He smirked. But you could have sworn there was something darker in his eyes. You picked up the report you had been helping Bucky edit, but soon, you found yourself unbearably uncomfortable. Your clothes itched and seemed too stiff. And all your thoughts of your work were replaced with cartoons, toys. All your favorite things from childhood.
“Bu,,,Bucky. what's happening?” You slid to the floor. Bucky only smirked.
“Nothing that shouldn’t have happened already babydoll. Special tea created by Hydra. The idea is to regress people down to a childish state to break them down and build them back up. But when it’s watered down a little due to the ice it turns you into my perfect little submissive babygirl.”
"But whyyyy?" You asked, coming out more like a childish whine then an angry demand. You tried to stand but found it easier to just stay on your knees.
“Because you're supposed to be my little girl, baby. and I'm going to be your daddy and take care of you. No more work. No more responsibilities. You can just stay here and be my little princess.”  He suddenly leaned down and grabbed you, bringing you up into his lap. “You see princess, all this time. I’ve seen all the looks you’ve given me. I know how much it excites you whenever we sit together at movie nights. I know you want me. Just like I want you.” On his last word, he booped your nose and before you could stop yourself you giggled but your rational thought broke through and you tried to push him away.
           “No, Bucky. I can’t…”
           “Shhh. Babydoll. Relax. I know it’s scary. But when I see you, all I wanna do is cherish,  love, and protect you. And this is the best way to do it. So just let daddy take care of everything.”  He leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. And in that kiss, that singular moment of what you’d always wanted, even if it was being forced on you, those childish thoughts took over. Your mind awash in a colorful haze of stuffed animal, coloring books, and cartoons. Underneath you could vaguely recall your grown-up thoughts, but they didn’t matter all. You wanted to please Bucky. Wanted to do whatever he told you. Wanted to be all his. And somewhere in you, you felt a tingling. like when you thought about Bucky; who was currently grinning like he had the world in his hands. And in his dark, twisted way, he did.
           “Feel good, baby girl?” He asked and you nodded.
           “Yes daddy.” You responded, your voice sounding slightly more childish and he knew he had you. He turned you in his lap, wrapping your legs around his waist and starting to stand but you squirmed. “Daaaaddyyyyy.” You wriggled in his grasp.
           “What’sa’ matter doll?”
           “I’m...I’m too heavy…” You blushed. Bucky narrowed his eyes.
           “Little girl. I never want to hear you say anything like that again. Understood? You are my perfect babygirl. I won’t want you any other way.” As if making his point, he squeezed your butt, making you blush harder and those tingly feelings returning.
           “Yes daddy.”  
           “Such a good little girl.” He carried you through the house and up the stairs to the one room you’d never seen. The room you’d always had thought was his bedroom.
“This is your room, princess.” He opened the door to a pastel paradise. Everything was white and pink trim, with hardwood floor covered by a soft powder blue rug. Stuffies littered the floor. A TV with shelves of Disney movies lined up in a corner along with a Nintendo switch gaming system (all games rated E of course) A toy box sat in the corner and a bookcase was pushed against the wall with plenty of kids’ books. There was a small table with a cushion nearby to sit on, and on the table was a stack of coloring books.
           And up against the back wall was a bed with drawers underneath which you would soon learn were full of onesies and other clothes perfect for you, Bucky’s little princess. But as Bucky held you on his hip while you looked around, his excitement grew…and you felt that excitement.  The tingles between your legs returning, but this time, you rocked slightly against him.
           “Mmmm babygirl. Are you rubbing yourself against daddy?” You suddenly bit your lip and hid your face in his shirt.
           “No no, little girl. Look at me.” He carried you over and sat you down on the bed, making you look at him.
           “It’s…just…these clothes are itchy daddy.” You pouted.
           “Hmm, well then maybe we should get you out of them.” He pulled the vest top you’d been wearing off. “My my, what a pretty lacy bra. Who did you wear that for?” He smirked and you blushed.
           “I…I wore it for you daddy…” you admitted.
           “Awe, you shouldn’t have baby. Daddy thinks you look most beautiful in nothing at all.” He said and you tried to cover your eyes; but Bucky caught your wrists in his metal hand and pinned them above you on the bed.
“No, princess. You won’t hide yourself from Daddy. Daddy wants to see it all.” On his last word he ripped your bra off. “Mmmm, you definitely can’t hide these.” He gave a few kisses and nibbles all over your breasts, making you squirm. Then his hand moved between the two of you, unfastening your jeans and tugging them, along with your lacy panties, down. “And these panties are definitely too grown up for a baby like you.” He growled, undoing his own jeans and pulling out his cock.
           “Fuck, babygirl. I can’t wait to teach you all the ways daddy can make you feel good. But we’ll just start with this today.” He rubbed his cock against your pussy. “I know it’s been a while for you, princess. So daddy will go slow.” And as promised, he slowly pushed the head of his cock in, rubbing at your clit and getting you nice and wet.  Once he thought you were ready, he started to push in slowly. The whole-time murmuring praise you about how you were his good little girl. “Babygirl you feel so good on daddy’s cock. I knew you would. Ever since I first saw you. Knew I had to have you.”
           If any rational part of you could process that, you’d be scared. But now, it only made you wetter, happy that Daddy was happy with you. You wiggled your hips a little and he smiled.
           “Mmm you want something princess?” He asked
           “More daddy…please?” you begged
           “Such a needy baby. Are you my needy baby?”
           “Yes…yes daddy…” At that, Bucky picked up his pace and started rutting into you faster, making you moan.
           “That’s it, baby. Nice and loud for me.” He purred, pressing kisses along your neck, the bed starting to shake a little from the intensity of his thrusts.  Some kind of pressure was building in you. You thought you knew what it was, but haze you were in blanketed that thought.
           “Daddy, I feel something…” your voice pleaded.
           “I know baby. Just let it build. Tell me when you feel like you’re gunna burst.”
           “Ye…yes daddy…”  you moaned, your hands trying to grip at his wrist but the metal being too slippery. It was only a few more thrusts before you whimpered
           “Daaaddy…i’m gunna…”
           “Let go princess. Let go for daddy!” The building pressure popped and you felt like you were flying. All your nerves standing on end with euphoric pleasure.  You felt your daddy thrust a few more times before you felt something hot filling you up as Bucky stilled above you.
           “Fuck, princess.” He grunted. He gave one or two more thrusts as rode out his climax. When he finally finished, he gently lay down, not wanting to crush you but needing a moment. The two of you were breathing heavy. You couldn’t believe what had just happened. Part of you screamed but that part was silenced by the realization you were having trouble breathing.
           “Daddyyyyyy…” you whined. “You’re smushing me!” Bucky turned his head so he was facing you, but his eyes were closed. A goofy smile spread across his face as he lifted his chest slightly up.
           “Oh, but this bed is just so comfy.” He wiggled, pretending to settle down but really it just rubbed against you and made you laugh.
           “Daadddyyy ‘m not a bed.” He let go of your wrists and raised himself on his elbows.
           “You’re not? Well then what are you?”
           “I’m your little princess!” You exclaimed, this new warped reality seeping in and drowning all other parts of your brain. Bucky leaned down and kissed you.
           “Yes, yes you are, now let’s get you into some proper clothes.” He said, before slowly pulling out of you. You whimpered at the loss of him in you but Bucky smiled.
           “Don’t worry, baby. You keep being a good girl and you’ll get as much of daddy’s cock as you want.” He promised before tucking himself back in and kneeling down. He reached into one drawer and grabbed a pullout. Then he opened the one next to it. “Princesses or kittens, baby?”
           “Princesses, please!” You replied and he grabbed the onesie covered in tiaras and stars. He set it next to you on the bed as he started to put a pull up on, but you squirmed. “No, I’m a big girl!!” You protested.
           “Now baby, you might be a big girl. But even big girls have accidents.” You bit your lip with worry. “Do it for daddy? Please?” He wasn’t lying. The idea of you keeping his cum in you like this turned on him so much. And he knew the influence of the tea would make you want to obey him
           “Well, alright daddy.” You gave in and he gave you another kiss between your legs before pulling it up. Let you get a little more tingly for him for later tonight.
As Bucky fastened the buttons on your onesie, he gave a raspberry to your stomach, making you laugh. He then scooped you up and sat you down at the little table.
“Daddy has to go do some grown up things. Why don’t you color me a pretty picture?”
“Okay daddy.” You looked through the coloring books and finding a Disney one and began to color a picture of Belle and her beast. Bucky placed one more kiss to the top of your head.
He went downstairs to his laptop and opened his email. His vacation had been approved by director Fury and Tony. All thanks to a recommendation from Cap. He now had 2 months to get you acclimated to your new life. He knew you would. He opened his tablet to the camera in your room and smiled at you coloring. Once you got accustomed, you’d be able to be home alone, even cook and clean for Bucky. He just had to make sure you had a little more tea.
That night, with a dinner of chicken nuggets for you and baked chicken for him, he told you his idea for once a week tea party and movie nights. And you had squeed with happiness at the plan.
 The rest of the team took it a little hard when they read your (forged) resignation letter. Bucky regretted it slightly, but he wasn’t sure the rest of the team would understand. Maybe someday. But for right now the only one who knew was Steve, who had helped him organize the logistics of all this. Steve had had his own reservations, but Bucky was his friend. And was acting…somewhat like his old self. Besides, in the dark twisted recess of his mind, steve justified that you liked Bucky, so it would work out, right? Plus, Bucky had agreed to share you from time to time and thought definitely made Steve smile.
 Over the next 2 months, Bucky trained you to be his perfect little girl, and his perfect submissive. His training tapped into the adult parts of your brain that could cook, clean, be Bucky’s perfect little housewife, but the weekly tea parties kept your brain deep in littlespace. And soon enough, Bucky’s vacation was almost up. He was a little nervous about leaving you alone but Steve reminded Bucky that since Hydra’s downfall, they had more local missions than international. And that Steve could check on you if he was home when Bucky wasn’t. Both these thoughts helped sooth Bucky’s nerves. He trusted you with Steve ever since that one night he’d introduced you to “Uncle Stevie” and the both of them had make you cum so hard you’d passed out.      
“C’mon daddy! It’s tea party night!” you bounced up and down on the sofa.
“Yes, I know princess.” He laughed. “I could never forget my own genius idea!” He set the tray of food on the coffee table. And he handed you your special princess mug full of tea.
What you didn't realize is that Bucky stopped giving you Hydra’s tea weeks ago. Somewhere, in the weeks of coloring books, Disney movies, and orgasmic bliss that Bucky kept you in, your mind had snapped and come to accept this as reality. The Childish and Adult sides of you merged. And would never leave your daddy, even if he would let you. But still, at least once a week, you begged your daddy for a tea party.
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feminaexlux · 3 years
Hey hey hey welcome to Part 3 of Miraculous Leap (Part 1). Part 2 is 5 Minutes
Ending this year with Lukanette again! Hoping it brings good tidings for 2021 (better than 2020 that's for sure)! Happy New Year!
FYI: Dewey = Dominic :)
AO3 link!
Ladybug brushed away her tears and smiled back up at Viperion. "Okay," she said shakily, nodding to indicate that she understood. "Okay."
They were in the past, or at least they were currently occupying their past selves. Hmm, how long ago was this? Ladybug looked back down at her suit and it was that ridiculous basic-ass red and black polka dot version. She didn't even have her wings. Okay, that narrowed it down to… younger than 16?
Ugh, that sucked. No one in their right mind would ever want to repeat their awkward teenage years over again, but… as much as she loved Dewey and wanted him with her at least right now she wasn't feeling like she'd swallowed a basketball. And she currently didn't have any back pain, which was a bonus.
Tikki, I need my wings, Ladybug thought at Tikki.
Tikki sounded a little startled to be pinged directly like she just was. Oh… um… Okay, Marinette!
She suddenly felt herself being wrenched away from Luka by another person before her wings fully manifested. "H-Hey!" She yelled out.
Chat had pulled her behind him and was aiming his baton at Viperion. "Don't touch her, you jerk! What did you do?! Why'd you make her cry?!"
"Chat… wh-what?" Ladybug sputtered. She heard Viperion growling under his breath.
"Are you okay, Milady?" Chat called out over his shoulder. Oh God, not this phase. She saw Luka clench his jaw and fold his arms but otherwise he was remaining still. Luka was pissed at the way she was being handled but he knew better than to step in and make things worse… Though Marinette knew he had a limit.
Ladybug sighed. "Chat, I'm fine!" Of course Chat wasn't standing down.
"Here's what's going on," Viperion said, sounding clipped. "This akuma controls time. Its power is to swap someone from a different time period in their life to here. Long story short the Ladybug and Viperion here now are from the future. I'm from the future. She's from the future. We're from the same future, since your LB and Viperion got hit with the same blast. We'd both been… taking care of someone, and it was terrifying that he wasn't here with us."
Chat was taken aback and reacted like he'd just been slapped. "Who… Both of…? No, nevermind. You guys… don't look like you're from the future," he said suspiciously.
Viperion took a deep inhale and long exhale in annoyance. "It was a mental swap. Sorry. Should have clarified." Thank God her husband had the patience he did. But oh shit--
"V! 7 o'clock!" Ladybug yelled out, pushing Chat out of her way. Ladybug wasn't 100% certain Viperion had access to all of his abilities so she had started to get her yoyo shield ready. Viperion turned in the direction she specified and caught the blast before it landed, reversing time itself and pushing the blast back to its origin. Okay, that question answered. Viperion had what he needed.
"Wow! What was that?!" Chat cried out in astonishment. "Oh holy crud, Ladybug, you--you can fly?!"
"Chat! Focus! We need to take care of this akuma!" Ladybug called out. The sooner they finish, the sooner she and Luka can get back to… She snorted to herself. What an awkward time for her past self to end up in.
(Back in the future…)
"I can't believe we have 5 kids," Marinette started laughing. It… oddly didn't bother her all that much. After all, with a certain someone she had imagined having up to 3. 5… was… well, definitely way less believable, but it didn't bother her.
Luka looked a little embarrassed and took a drink of his water. He just shrugged and sat down on the floor next to Marinette, pressing his back up against the edge of the bed. "I didn't have a plan for anything," he said sheepishly. "Just me and my guitar for… ever, I guess."
Marinette blinked in surprise. "You never planned to ask me out?"
"Didn't seem like you'd be interested," he said, raising an eyebrow at her question. "I don't mean for this to sound bad but… I don't know how we got…" He gestured at the room. "Here."
It's 'cause he thinks you're in love with Adrien, duh, Marinette chided herself. But… but was she… really?
"Wait… where are… the kids?" Luka asked.
"With my parents," Marinette answered. "Seems like they all go over pretty regularly," she said, showing Luka her calendar. Every 2 weekends she had an event called "Kids @ T/S," with the alternate weekends being labeled "Kids w/Granarka." Well, that was extremely nice of their parents to take on… "We must like these kids if we wanted 5 of them," Marinette mumbled to herself. She opened up her phone's photos and looked through the albums.
She noticed that Luka had leaned in a little to look over her shoulder. "Sorry," he said, pulling back.
"No, they're… yours too," she laughed. She angled the phone so the both of them could see.
"Harmony" was the oldest at 9, the most recent video had her playing a yellow electric guitar and singing on stage by herself at what looked like a small café. There were so many pictures and videos of her at these showings, and in a number of them it looked like future Luka was just offstage cheering her on.
"Melody" was second oldest at 6, and it seemed like she was a little copy of Marinette herself. Marinette couldn't help but smile down at the photos of her future second daughter dressing up and posing in various costumes and placing scrap fabric pieces together on the floor in make-believe designs. Apparently Marinette would have a protégé to call her own.
"Hugo & Louis" were the twin boys, still toddlers at 3. They always had silly faces on in all the pictures Marinette and Luka scanned. She had a video of future Luka tossing both boys into a ball pit and them giggling like maniacs, enjoying the airtime and landing in an explosion of brightly colored plastic balls.
And finally, "Dominic" was an album full of sonograms. Marinette patted her stomach. "Well, hello Dominic," she said. "I wish we met under better circumstances. I hope you're alright."
There had been another album labeled "Us" that Marinette scrolled through. Stills of future Marinette and future Luka together at award shows or at fashion events. Selfie videos of them sending jokes to one another. Pictures of future Luka working in his studio or playing his guitar or hanging out with friends.
Future Marinette adored him. Every picture had him smiling back or pleasantly surprised.
One selfie from several months ago had him with his arms wrapped around her from behind, leaning down to kiss her shoulder as she held up 3 different positive pregnancy test results in front of the bathroom mirror. Future them looked so happy.
Suddenly an awful, sinking feeling hit Marinette.
"We're not going to remember this," she said to Luka, and it was something like anguish that made her voice sound so raw. "Probably? Sometimes no one remembers what happened when the Miraculous Ladybugs reset everything…" She saw his eyes widen. "I don't… This… I-I… I want to remember this!"
His eyes widened further in surprise as both eyebrows went up. "You do?"
"Yeah! I mean, look at us! We're so… so… Wait… do you want… all this?"
Luka looked somewhat incredulous. "You remember I had zero plans, right? I didn't think about dating or marriage or kids." Marinette felt like a balloon (pregnancy aside) that just got punctured. For some reason her heart ached. "I mean… I never figured I'd get anywhere with you past being your friend. I didn't think you liked me that way at all. This? All this," he pointed at the pictures, "wasn't even a possibility." He closed his eyes.
Marinette wasn't sure what to say.
"Wasn't before," he said quietly, after a few moments. He started staring off into the distance. "Now? Do I want this?" He dropped his gaze to his left ring finger, then back up at her. "Yeah. Yes. But I don't want you to start liking me because of this. Futures aren't ever set in stone." He stared back off into space. "Honestly I want us to forget this. It's nice. Really nice. And maybe it won't happen. It'd hurt a lot to know what I missed out on."
Oh. Oh no. She'd been doing the Chat thing where she was barreling toward a specific outcome without thinking about the process or journey. Luka was right. Maybe it wouldn't happen. Not without her taking honest stock of her feelings first.
Did she want… him?
"It's supposed to lift you up and make you feel stronger." Chat had done that for her once. Then recently it'd been more like "Don't focus on the bad stuff." That didn't stop the bad stuff from existing.
Adrien had done that for her when he said she was the "Everyday Ladybug." And then it felt that no matter what she did he kept getting further and further away. And Adrien hadn't reached back out for her to help close the distance.
"Sorry," Luka said, breaking her out of her thoughts. "Guess I'm just… worried."
Marinette looked at him. "No, you're right. It would be unfair if all I wanted was the result." She paused for a few seconds to think her words through.
"I'm not going to start liking you because we got to experience this future," Marinette began again. "I don't even know when it really started. I just know I already do. You've never made me feel like I was wrong. You've never made me doubt myself. You've never made me think for one second I'd have to watch the things I say and the things I do or pretend to be friends with the people who've hurt me. You've always let me be who I am."
He had turned to look at her, worry and concern etched in the furrows of his brows. But the edges had softened as she talked.
Marinette smiled shyly. "I know it's not going to be easy… and it's something we'll have to keep working on… but I'd like to find out how far we can go together." She held out her hand to him, palm up. "I want… us. An us… whatever it looks like in the end."
Luka searched her face for a few heartbeats and took a breath, seemingly content with whatever he found. He gave her a lopsided smile. "I want that too." He reached out and took her hand.
(The "past")
"Miracu--!" Ladybug was getting ready to launch her Lucky Charm up in the air when Chat stopped her.
"Wait! Wait wait wait. Please. Can… can I talk with you… in private? For a little bit, Milady?" Chat looked down at her pleading with his most pathetic looking kitten eyes and Ladybug sighed. She glanced back at Viperion, who cocked his head a tiny bit to the side and smiled.
Like Luka was shrugging a What can you do?
Marinette winked back a Won't take long, handed Viperion the Lucky Charm, and turned back to Chat. "Alright. The rules are I'm not going to tell you any details but we can talk."
Chat jumped over to another rooftop and down into the alley below, putting a few buildings between him and Viperion. Ladybug followed behind him, floating down with her wings. Chat leaned his back against the brick wall and folded his arms. "Did… I ever have a chance with you?"
Huh. Okay. Chat was more observant than she remembered him being at 15. "Hmm, yes," Ladybug answered. She knew who he was, after all.
"Then… I guess I screwed up," Chat said miserably. "I always thought we were made for each other, you know?"
"We might have been once," Ladybug said gently. "But we both grew up, Chat. Neither of us screwed up at all."
Chat furrowed his brows at that. "Is there anything I can do now to change?"
"You wouldn't be you, Chat." She walked over to him and pulled him into a hug, leaving a hand on his shoulder after stepping back. "I know it's not what you thought you wanted, but your future will still be amazing."
"Are… you happy?"
Ladybug had a serene smile, glancing back in Viperion's general direction with her hands now over her heart. "I am."
Chat stared at her for a bit. Something about the quiet conviction she had was more… meaningful than if she'd been animated about saying it.
There was nothing to prove to anyone. It was just the truth.
Chat sighed audibly. "Okay, Ladybug. Thanks," he gave her a small smile. "Sorry. You need to get back home, right?" Ladybug nodded. "Then let's get going!"
Moments later Ladybug and Chat Noir landed together in front of Viperion, who handed the Lucky Charm back to her. She threw it high into the sky and said "Miraculous Ladybugs!"
Ladybug reached out her hand and Viperion took it in his. They smiled at each other when the waves of ladybugs passed over them.
Ladybug blinked a few times, her brain a little foggy after being hit with that blast. She'd been trying to save Viperion from the akuma's attack… She must have been a little too slow. Wait, where were they? And Viperion was in front of her now, and he looked… okay?
He was staring down at something. When she looked in the same direction she saw that they were holding hands. A small part of her panicked and wanted to pull away, but… an overwhelmingly larger part of her… liked it? Viperion hadn't pulled away either. So she… didn't pull away.
"Welcome back, Viperbug," Chat laughed, his baton across his shoulders with his hands on either end.
"What… happened?" Ladybug asked, her cheeks slightly pinking as she kept a hold of Viperion. It just felt… kinda nice.
"There was something about the future," Viperion said, still staring down at their linked hands. "I feel like there was something important, but… I can't seem to remember."
"Yeah, you guys got hit by the akuma but we still managed to take care of it. Paris is safe again," Chat smiled. "I'm heading out. See you guys later!" he yelled out, leaping away after saluting.
Huh. It felt like Chat wanted to leave faster than usual. He didn't even stop for their typical "Bien Joué!"
"… I guess we're done here? Alright, I'll drop you back off at home," Ladybug said to Viperion.
(One day later)
"Hey Marinette," Luka said from behind her. Marinette yelped and windmilled forward, nearly falling over but quickly got back to her feet and spun on her heels to face him. "… Are you looking for Juleka?" He had a smile on his face… one part amusement by her antics and another part joy in seeing her.
She'd come onboard the Liberty and stood on the deck… there wasn't any real reason why, she just kinda… showed up. "Ah haha, um, no, no I a-actually… I was just um! Looking around! Yeah! The-The stage!" Oh God why did she say that.
Luka rolled with it, even though Marinette was certain he knew she just made that up. "Sure, feel free. It's good to see you."
"Too! It's you! I mean it's good to you! See you. Too," she laughed nervously. He moved around her and set his backpack down against the atrium couch. She slapped both hands to her face and cringed when she thought he wasn't looking at her. Auuugh.
"I'm gonna get a snack. Do you want anything?"
She jumped again, hiding her hands behind her back. "Oh! S-sure, thanks, that's great."
"Cool, do you want to follow me down and let me know what you'd like?" She nodded and went to the main cabin with him. She sat down at the kitchen counter bar and asked for juice, sipping it nervously when he sat in the seat next to her.
"I… I actually just wanted to talk with you," she said. "You… said I can just be myself around you." It had been hard to look at him so she just stared at her glass, feeling self conscious.
"Yeah, always," he said easily. He'd gotten some yogurt for himself, but he hadn't opened it up yet. "What do you want to talk about?"
"I… There was… You know…" she started, sighing when she couldn't get the words she wanted out. "I'm not sure how to say it but… have you ever gotten the sense that you… missed something really important? Like you got caught up in something… silly and there was this really cool person you passed by 'cause you were distracted." She finally looked up at him.
"If they're still around you still have a chance to say hi," he smiled at her. "People are pretty chill, and I'm sure they'd love to talk with you." He opened up his yogurt and took a spoonful.
Marinette was pretty sure she was blushing. "Y-Yeah, he's pretty chill. Soooo. Hah, um. Hi."
With the spoon in his mouth he got out a "Hmm?"
"Wanna… see a movie?" She should clarify. "J-Just us! No group!" She should further clarify. "A date! It's a date! I'm asking!"
He swallowed too fast and started coughing. At least he hadn't swallowed the spoon. "Ah," he laughed after recovering. "That sounds great, but…" Marinette's heart jumped into her throat. "I wanna make sure you're… sure," he said awkwardly. "Sure you're not… missing out on what you really want," he added, blushing a bit himself.
"Th-That's why… I'm asking," she said shyly. "I-I think… What I really want is… something new. Someone that helps make me better, you know? Makes me happy too. And… I've been thinking about you."
"Me," he said, sounding a little surprised.
Marinette nodded. "Are… are you… interested?"
He took her hand in his. "Yeah. Definitely."
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dramanut98 · 4 years
My thoughts on the West Wing Special (written as I watched it...)
- It’s a bit weird hearing Sterling saying Leo’s lines but he’s doing it so well
- Holy crud this guitar/orchestra rendition of the theme is GORGEOUS!!! Seriously release it please on iTunes!!!
- The whole cast just looks so damn good - like they haven’t changed a moment
- Omigosh Michelle I MISS YOU!! COME BACK MICHELLE!!! 😭
- Ainsely as the narrator is something I didn’t know I needed
- They even got Carol!!
- Dule you age like a DAMN fine bottle of scotch
- “DONNAAAAA?!” ugh, still gives me the feels.
- Janel you age gorgeously
- Loving loving the black box setup for this thing
- Ed and Larry, I’ve missed the stuffing out of you two (though I still don’t know which is which)
- Ok now I really want to learn how to play chess well
- One of my dreams is to work alongside Marlee Matlin on something
- LIN YOU’RE ADORBS AND AMAZING and now having seen some of the incredible documentary about your Papi I understand where it comes from 😊
- AP shoutout!! Whoot!!
- Omigish I forgot about Charlie supergluing the phone!
- There’s something so poetic about watching a devout Catholic and a devout Jew playing chess while discussing public policy and right vs wrong
- Oh wow this conversation about how education is vital and the educated shouldn’t be looked down on is SO timely
- I remember why I loved Bartlet so much - he too had a very complicated relationship with his father
- Oh Bill - I do miss you.
- RBG 😢
- Can we get a show with Dule and Sterling playing the President and Chief of Staff respectively?
- Well said gents!!!
- Janel and Brad still have that same palpable chemistry on screen together
- The way Sorkin wrote the relationship between Toby and Bartlet was nothing short of brilliant
- Hello Gail 🐠
- Leo always having to be the long suffering uncle/dad of this merry band of misfits...God love him.
- “Sam you’re gonna run for President some day” - spin-off?!?
- Sing it Avett Brothers!!!!
- WOW. That was BRILLIANT. 😎
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paraster · 3 years
"The Last Adventure!" live thoughts / bingo results
While there were a few moments I found questionable, this was overall a great finale, paying off long-standing plot threads in mostly-satisfying ways and giving us a boatload of sweet or awesome moments. I'm not sure whether this would stand alongside the best of the series, but it was a fun ride and a good conclusion.
Okay, using the theme song for the band performance is just charming.
Uh...I knew Don Karnage would probably be working with F.O.W.L., but I didn't expect himm to sit in on the board meeting.
Webby's "best family" line is still extremely sweet.
"Okay, that one was a bit of a stretch." Ah, Dewey
Is Gyro trying to contradict the others...?
Unsurprised Beakley doesn't trust the clones...
"You've already got sisters." ...kinda hurts Weblena, but I still really love this.
"We were created from you! We think..." Hmm...
Yeah, they're REALLY laying the "Webby meeting the triplets" parallels on thick.
"We're like...family." This DEFINITELY reads like trying to manipulate Webby.
"But you aren't REALLY related to them." NOPE DO NOT TRUST THEM
Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Vanderquack...what are YOU hiding?
I get that Lena hurt June, but you could show a LITTLE sympathy for how she was hurting Lena, Webby! Did they get in your head THAT quickly?!
That was a sweet Donald and Della scene OH HI JUNE
Aww. I like that Beakley monologue about Webby's parents. (Though my instincts say it was partially a lie...)
"I'll tell you everything...if I survive." Okay that was neat
Ah, so the clones are being manipulated, too...
Okay, wasn't expecting THAT to be how the bounce juice paid off
AAAHHHHHH WEBBY IS A GENIUS (can't believe I didn't realize that earlier)
Nice job subverting the "don't let the kids come" trope
Bradford...in a ...woodchuck uniform?
That's about the most casual way they could reveal the other Buzzards were clones
Pepper is still a sweetheart
Aww sweet Lil' Bulb moment
Scrooge seems to finally accept magic and Lena is awesome
Was not expecting this from Manny...
Never change, Violet
Oh, Bradford is VERY good at manipulatng Huey.
Project April...so that's how it is...
Oh that was a COOL teamup.
Well, looks like the people who wanted a less dumb Steelbeak got their wish.
I legitimately was not expecting Ludwig to still be alive.
A void that can destroy anything...simple, but makes sense.
WOW. Not many people can use their own leg as an axe.
Best dogfight in the series.
All right...the moment of truth...
"Welcome home...April..." Most chilling line in the series.
Uh...Bulb B.O.Y.D. is one way to diffuse the tension.
Well...I was so certain the Papyrus of Binding wouldn't be relevant again...at least this proves Webby is the "rightful heir."
Lena is still cool
I wanted a Lena/B.O.Y.D. teamup, but Gosalyn/B.O.Y.D. is still cool.
Nice Guidebook payoff. And brother hug. And pilot callback.
Uh...armored Bradford? (Nice job hating the Mysteries, Bradford.)
Waaaaasn't expecting Glomgold! Or the others.
Oh, are we gonna get Launchpad as Gizmoduck?
F.O.W.L. was responsible for Della finding the Spear...so there's that theory.
Well...I shouldn't be surprised by Bradford betraying his agents like that...
I'm not sure how I feel about Webby being a clone of Scrooge...okay this little speech helps a bit.
I knew he'd sign it...
I agree with Bradford...but it's still cool.
Okay it kinda hurts the found family thing but Webby calling Scrooge "Dad" is SO sweet.
I LOVE this credits sequence
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EDIT: I didn't initially count May and June for "There is another traitor" since it was meant to refer to already-established characters, but you can feel free to count it if you want (which would allow for the only bingo).
EDIT 2: Apparently Manny's new form was a reference to Gargoyles (never saw it, so I didn't know), so mark "Another Disney property." Also, "And the adventure continues" does count on reflection, so there's another bingo.
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platypanthewriter · 3 years
The Prince and the Pauper (that drives an Uber) Ch. 2
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Part One | Two | Three | Four
Prince Steve paid for the hotel—he wanted one with neon lights, ideally a blinking palm tree, for some reason, until Billy explained you couldn’t order food. In the face of a royal pout, he offered to pick up pizza, and Steve studied the menu on his phone before ordering five pizzas, deleting them, and yanking Billy closer to consult.
Billy watched him scroll through, and leaned closer. “I could tell you all the reasons you don’t want to stay in the cheapest motel,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to Steve’s ear to make him duck his head in a grin, “—but...I’ve never stayed in a nice hotel.”
“Ohhhh,” Steve trailed off, then pulled him into a soft kiss. “You should—you should definitely get to, I’ll take you somewhere nice.”
Billy breathed a sigh of relief, remembering driving back from his dad’s place, Max silent as he got a motel room and brushed rat droppings off the pillowcases. The sticky carpet had adhered to their shoes, making a crisp tape-like noise when he returned with sandwiches, and realized Max had gotten him out of the way so she could cry in the bathroom. He had tiptoed out, walked around the block, and come in again.
The idea of taking a prince to a motel with foot-long wads of hair and crud whipping wildly from the front of the AC units, or pipes so rusted out the water looked like old blood...was a great idea for a horror movie, he thought, imagining the cursive, loopy pastel font of the movie he was currently in. I want a romcom, he admitted to himself, watching Steve flick the pizzas away to frown at tourist guide listings.
“The nicest,” said Steve, scrolling through search results. “Hot tub?”
“I’d probably be impressed anyway,” Billy told him, staring at the pictures of penthouse suites. “That’s so much money, no!”
Steve grinned at him. “Their security is best. Technically I am a target of assassination attempts—”
“Technically?! What happened?!” Billy choked, his hands tightening on Steve’s arm without his permission, like he was going to prevent...something. Steve blowing away in the wind, maybe, or someone shoplifting him. This was what the money was for, he reminded himself, resisting the urge to laugh hysterically—he had driver duties now, and one of them was to hang onto his prince’s hand like a helpless moron.
Steve grimaced. “It’s been years. And I was in the car with an archbishop—”
“What happened,” Billy said, and Steve grimaced, hunching his shoulders.
Billy didn’t even think, he just yanked the other full-grown man in the car towards him, squeezing his muscular shoulders until Steve banged into the the gearshift. “Jesus christ on a cracker,” Billy whispered.
Steve was muttering something else in a language Billy didn’t know, swearing and rubbing his hip, and Billy let him go.
“Shit, shit, I’m sorry,” Billy apologized. “Sorry.”
“I don’t think I was the target,” Steve laughed, reaching over to pull Billy’s face close enough to kiss his cheek, while Billy’s head played a unhelpful recording of every movie explosion he’d ever seen, burning tires spinning away, and people trapped in crushed metal as the gas pooled near the flames. “I was greeting a black archbishop from Zimbabwe,” Steve said casually. “There were nazis—” he flapped his hand.
Billy made some kind of weird noise in his throat, cleared it, and said “Give me the fucking directions, we’re getting you to a fucking hotel.”
“A nice one,” Steve laughed, checking his phone. “We can get dinner.”
“Is that the only time somebody tried to kill you?” Billy asked, staring at the phone and repeating the address in his head, as a mantra.
Steve winced, opening his mouth, then biting his lips. “Uhhhh...noooooo?” he trailed off, and Billy smacked randomly at the passenger seat, unwilling to take his eyes from the road. He connected with something, soft hoodie over muscle, and Steve laughed, pushing his hand away. “Um. I…”
“You are a shitty liar,” Billy told the prince in his passenger seat.
“Maybe don’t google me,” Steve said, grimacing, and Billy gunned the motor to get through the yellow light. “Why,” Billy hissed. “Did your family get gunned down behind a theater? Are you the goddamn Batman?”
“What?” Steve snorted. “No? Aneurysm.”
“Holy shit, jesus christ,” Billy said, clenching the steering wheel. “Fuck, I was kidding, goddamn.”
“Just my mom,” Steve shrugged, as Billy shot him a disbelieving glance. “It’s fine, I don’t even remember her, I was just two—”
“Oh my god,” Billy choked out. “I’m so fucking sorry, holy crap.”
“She was a beautiful princess?” Steve said brightly, laughing at Billy’s enraged muttering. “My dad didn’t take royal title when he married her—he didn’t want to quit his job—so everybody joked that if he’d been a prince, he could’ve woken her up with a kiss. If only he thought ahead, right?”
“That’s horrible,” Billy whispered. “That’s so fucked up.”
“It’s a little funny,” Steve said, shrugging, and Billy groaned, pulling into the parking lot under the hotel.
Steve was watching out the window, his brain probably somewhere else entirely, when Billy pulled up to the window and accepted the paper ticket. “Oh, wait,” Steve said, as Billy pulled around to look for a parking space. “Did you have to pay? I never have to pay, I forgot—”
“Poor little rich boy,” Billy muttered. “Nah, I’ll pay on my way out.”
“Mmn,” Steve said, sighing. “Okay.”
“Sorry I said stupid shit about your parents,” Billy told him, grimacing as Steve got out of the car and wandered away to frown around the parking garage before smiling, waving back at Billy, and pointing triumphantly to the stairs. Billy started to follow, then remembered there was an entire goddamn crown rolling around in his backseat, and climbed over to stretch for it, and wrap the thing up in Steve’s discarded starchy white wedding jacket. “Jesus,” Billy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, and getting out. “Sorry, again,” he said again, trotting up, and Steve shrugged.
“How nice? You want the honeymoon suite, or—”
“I just don’t wanna wake up to a crack-smoking rat sucking my dick,” Billy told him, eyes narrowed. “You can get STDs from the sheets in some of those motels.”
Steve blinked, staring at him, his mouth twitching. “That’s...vivid,” he said, biting back a snicker. “What do you think? I think I deserve a honeymoon suite,” he said thoughtfully.
You deserve anything you want, Billy didn’t say, or I love you. He cleared his throat. “Sure. What’s that do? You get wine or something?” He wasn’t, strictly speaking, supposed to drink on work nights, but Max would understand. Probably. Billy ran his fingers through his curls, making a face.
“This one sounds like it’s breakfast in bed for two—”
“I’m onboard—” Billy cut in immediately, and Steve laughed.
“—they put rose petals on the bed, I guess?”
“Only fair,” Billy nodded, leaning his head on Steve’s shoulder to look at the pictures. “Princes probably need some flowers to feel right. Few woodland animals, maybe.”
“...you saying I should sing at the birds on the balcony?”
“Yeah, charm some pigeons,” Billy nodded. “Tell ‘em you got good and laid on your honeymoon.”
The lady behind the hotel desk didn’t realize they were together, and tried to step between them to take Steve to his room, but she apologized profusely when Steve grabbed Billy’s hand.
Once they got there, Billy stood staring at the glass shower in the middle of the room. “...I feel like a creep just standing here,” he said, frowning.
Steve snickered, pulling the hoodie off over his head. Billy watched him fold it and sit it on a chair, and missed it already—Prince Steve, cozy in Billy’s faded hoodie, smelling like laundry soap. Steve pulled the shirt off too, and then Billy wasn’t thinking about anything but skin.
Billy peeled out of his shirt, and swaggered closer to lift Steve’s chin for a kiss.
“Mmn,” Steve hummed into it, then pulled away, sprawling back across the bed. He propped himself up on his elbows to rake his gaze up and down Billy’s body.
“Surveying the goods?” Billy asked, flexing, and resisting the urge to cover the slight softness of his stomach, come from nights eating in the car between fares instead of hitting the gym, and evenings with Max eating ice cream and watching stupid TV.
“Never done this before,” Steve said, off-handedly, and Billy folded his arms on reflex, feeling his smile turn a little mean.
“Never what,” he laughed. “Never fucked a guy? Or a what, a servant? Never been this bored?”
“Jesus,” Steve sat up again, brows scrunched over uncertain brown eyes. “You want to stop? We can—”
“No, no,” Billy took a slow breath, imagining his therapist’s voice. Listen to what people actually say, she’d said. “Sorry. I—I’m—you’ve never done what. Exactly.”
“Any of this,” Steve said, pulling his legs up on the bed.
He was scrunching himself up, Billy realized, pulling his limbs in to protect his tender underbelly, and Billy forced himself forward and put his hands on either side of Steve’s hot, slightly stubbly face. “Hey, hey, you’re all...pillbugged up. Uh...nobody knows you’re gay?” he asked the prince, in the honeymoon suite, trying to be...gentle.
“I’m not,” Steve said, scooting back against the headboard, and Billy jerked his hands back.
“Well, I’m glad I helped you get that straight,” he shot back, scrambling off the bed and yanking his pants off the floor.
“Wait, wait, Billy—” Steve crawled after him, swinging his legs down, and Billy stopped, registering his prince was so hard he was leaking, his dick rubbing shiny streaks across his legs as he moved. “I’m not straight, wait, I’m—I like men too, and—” he frowned into the middle distance, bending his knee up again, to lean his chin on it, “—I was at a red carpet thing and Indya Moore walked by and my heart stopped, I swear to god, I am definitely into…” he mouthed at the ceiling, frowning. “Thudes?”
“...sorry,” Billy said, dropping his jeans, and rubbing his face with his hands. “Sorry. I keep—I’m waiting for the punchline, tonight, sorry.”
“I’m sorry,” Steve said cautiously, and Billy walked back over to sit on the edge of the bed.
“No, shit, I’m sorry. Sorry,” Billy said, reaching out to squeeze his prince’s hand. “You’re...perfect.”
“You’re perfect,” Steve shot back, narrowing his eyes, and Billy snorted a laugh and coughed. Steve sighed. “I should look up the words,” he said, beckoning. “So that doesn’t...happen again. Come back. Come here.”
“Thought maybe I scared you straight,” Billy huffed a laugh, scooting closer, and Steve smirked up at him.
“Gonna have to try a lot harder than that,” he said.
“Lemme kiss you,” Billy told him, feeling hoarse, then jerked with surprise as Steve surged up to kiss him open-mouthed, tasting of mint and latex, and pulling Billy across him onto the bed in a crash of elbows, knees, stiff bridal uniform trousers, and bumping teeth. “God, feels like I just married you,” Billy whispered, rubbing his nose with a wince where it had connected with Steve’s jaw.
He could feel his face getting hot again, but with Steve grinning under him, all he could think about was soft lips, and the warm, firm skin against his. “Should have carried you across the threshold,” he whispered, bracing himself on his elbows to hover over Steve’s chest.
“Maybe you should’ve,” he said, laughing. “Maybe—”
“Maybe I should,” Billy said, sliding off the bed to scoop the royal heir into his arms, spin them both around—Steve whooped, slinging his arms around Billy’s neck and kicking his feet—and walking them out the door of the hotel room.
It locked.
“Oh shit!” Billy breathed, and Steve burst into snickers, hugging him tighter around the neck.
“I’ve got the keycard in my pocket,” he whispered, kissing Billy’s jaw. “Husband.”
“Shit,” Billy answered, laughing along now he knew he hadn’t locked them out. Steve squirmed around to dig into his pocket, and waved it at the door. “Good thing it’s not real,” Billy said into his hair. “Married to me, jesus.”
“You want a divorce already?” Steve asked, blinking wide eyes up at him, and Billy spun them around, kissing him on the way to the bed, his muscles complaining as he wished he’d spent more time at the gym and less time trying to keep track of Max’s anime addictions.
“No, no, you want me, you’ve got me,” Billy panted, sitting on the bed and letting them both fall sideways, so Steve’s legs were half on top of him.
“Good, I can’t take getting dumped that often,” Steve mumbled, sliding his hand around the back of Billy’s neck, and yanking him into a kiss.
Steve was warm, and laughing, and Billy pushed back on questioning his good luck. Something had to go right eventually, he told himself. Balance out the rest of my life. He oofed as Steve rolled on top of him.
“Hey,” Steve whispered, sliding his hands over Billy’s chest and shoulders with a little intent smile like he was exploring the unknown.
“Hey,” Billy whispered back, folding his arms behind his back, both so he could watch, and to make his arms flex. “Finding anything good?”
“Started out good, keeps getting better,” Steve mumbled, narrowing his eyes as he scooted forward to lean in for a kiss. Billy was already feeling his face heat, wondering who even said shit like that, when their cocks brushed, and he groaned, bucking his hips into the sensation. “God, I’m so lucky,” Steve mumbled against Billy’s lips, and Billy barked a laugh, yanking him in by the back of his head and hair for a slow kiss, the kind where Billy could see what made his prince hum happily and press closer.
Steve shifted on top of him, squishing and sliding their cocks together, and Billy made an undignified squeaking noise into his mouth. Steve lifted his head, laughing, and then leaned in again just as a knock came on the door.
Billy didn’t even register the noise, pushing himself up on his elbows to chase the kiss he’d been deprived of, but Steve pushed him back down, laughing. “Stay here, I’ll get it,” he whispered, and Billy blinked after him, bereft.
Room service brought half the menu, it looked like, and Billy stared, sitting up. “...you’re probably hungry,” he said, laughing, and Steve lifted a few lids and stuck his finger in one, then closed the lid again and crawled over, sticking a finger full of maple syrup in Billy’s mouth as he dropped next to him.
Billy watched him, feeling his skin heat again at Steve’s matter-of-fact appraisal of his dick, which was hard as rock, dripping from watching Steve peel back out of the robe, and bend over the cart.
“Hungry for you first,” Steve said, lying half on top of him so he could fist their dicks together, and looking kind of delighted as he tried it. Billy wondered in passing if Steve had watched something similar in porn, or invented it himself, but couldn’t hold back a groan at the feeling of tight, warm skin on his cock, and Steve’s smile as he kissed the syrup off Billy’s lips. “Even sweeter,” he whispered, and Billy snorted a laugh, his face so hot it burned.
He’d meant to make it good for Prince Steve, soft and slow, and there he was, pinned and writhing, his fists clenched in the sheets, while the royal hand worked his cock. “Billy,” Steve whispered, his breath hot as Billy moaned against his mouth.
“Anything,” Billy mumbled back, and came all over their stomachs. Steve was only a few seconds later, and Billy hugged him close, sticky and panting. “Anything,” he whispered again, burying his face in Steve’s hair.
“You’re enough already,” Steve laughed, smiling. “I was just saying your name. You’re perfect.”
Billy snorted a laugh, shaking his head. “Sure,” he said, smiling back.
Steve sat up, frowning down at his messy stomach, and Billy swung his legs off the bed and ran to the bathroom. He returned with a wet cloth to wipe up his prince’s belly, then fold it and scrub it over his sides, and up his chest, until Steve laughed and kissed him again, squishing the gross washcloth between them.
The next morning, Billy went to slide out of bed and get to class, and Prince Stephen of Blois, Grand Cross of the Order of the House of Orange, rolled over to slide an arm around his waist, kissing his side. The royal stubble tickled, and Billy squirmed around to face his attacker.
“Hey,” Steve whispered, reaching up to stroke his knuckles down Billy’s stubble.
Billy realized there was no reason compelling enough to leave, and crawled back over his fare-turned-seducer and prince. “…what are you doing today?” he asked, and Steve raised his eyebrows, then pulled Billy down to lie on top of him. His warm hands slid up Billy’s back as he hummed thoughtfully, and Billy was relieved to find the squirming body under him was nearly as hard as he was.
“…thought you said you had class,” Steve whispered, and Billy laughed, nuzzling in to kiss his neck.
“I get…okay grades…” Billy mumbled, catching the skin of Steve’s neck between his teeth, and feeling him groan. “…miss a day.”
Steve’s groan turned more resigned. “How about we meet again after class?” he asked, and Billy froze, then sat back, frowning down.
“…you can just tell me to stop,” he said.
“I don’t want you to stop,” Steve told him, grabbing Billy’s hand and kissing it, so Billy could feel the royal breath, warm across his knuckles. “But you—you stopped working to take me bowling, I can’t make you miss school.”
“It’s okay,” Billy laughed, his eyes fixed on the prince kissing his hand, like they were at Cinderella’s ball. “I’m not that dumb,” he muttered. “I can miss one day.”
“You’re not dumb,” Steve frowned, and Billy’s grin widened.
“You wanna bet, pretty boy?”
“I was…what if I want to…see you again?” Steve muttered, and Billy raised his eyebrows. “You have to tell me no, if I’m interrupting something—“
Billy squinted. “The fuck do you mean, see me again. You’re going back to—to Europe, right?”
“Not today,” Steve sighed, stretching, and then rubbing his face so Billy couldn’t see his expression.
“Just a few days, though,” Billy insisted. “I can free up my time, I’m nobody important—“
Steve dropped a hand to Billy’s thigh. “So you do want to see me,” he said flatly, and Billy swallowed.
“Y-yeah,” he laughed, watching Steve’s hands, instead of his face. “Of course. You got time for me, I’m there.”
“...okay,” Steve said, and he sounded like he was smiling, so Billy looked up to see his foreign royalty with a little grin on his face, and pink cheeks. Billy leaned in to kiss him, and Steve mumbled happily against his mouth. “...alright,” Steve said, stroking his fingers through Billy’s tangled hair. “I’ll see you after your classes. Text me.”
Billy half-wanted to threaten him. Say ‘if you don’t mean that, just fuck me now,’ but he took a slow breath, and didn’t do anything insane, like punch next to Steve’s head, and whisper threats about liars. “Yeah,” he said, getting up off the bed, wishing he could just—just jack off looking at Steve, lying there with his long legs and the curve of his ass cheek hanging out of the blankets. He thought about Max’s face if he admitted he’d tried to ditch work and school for some kind of sex marathon with a stranger, and yanked his jeans up.
“Love to watch you leave,” Steve sang, hanging half off the bed, and Billy burst out laughing, and nearly stumbled and fell with his jeans halfway up his hips.
“Call me,” he called back as he yanked his sweatshirt on. It smelled like expensive cologne, and he didn’t look back as he left, thinking hard about cleaning the kitchen drain to try and get his cock to go back to sleep. Steve yelled something as he closed the door, but Billy just ducked his head and ran for the stairs.
Billy’d organized his classes to be done, most days, by eleven in the morning. It left time for homework, and packing lunches for he and Max the next day, and a nap before work.
At eleven-oh-three, he was playing with his phone, biting his lips, and looking at the contact picture of Prince Steve failing hard at bowling. Finally, he tossed it in the passenger seat and drove home.
There was folded, stacked laundry on the table, along with a piece of paper that said ‘BROTHER SHAMING: what has he left in his pocketses’ on which dwelt an empty bottle of sunscreen, a pile of quarters, the now-half-wrapped, linty Starburst candies he’d grabbed instead of cigarettes, a handful of shredded Kleenex, a tube of eyeliner that was oozing blackened water onto the note, tiny bottles of mint schnapps and mint mouthwash, and a gooey pile that might once have been a cookie. Billy bit his lips together, raising his eyebrows, and cleaned his pockets out right there on the table.
It was sort of the opposite of a treasure hunt, usually—wadded up wrappers full of gum, stuff people left in his back seat—but today he slapped down the wad of hundred-dollar bills Steve had given him, and heard Max gasp from the doorway.
“Oh my jesus,” she whispered. “Billy. Did—what did you—did you—did you get a sugar daddy? Are you—are you letting some asshole millionaire fuck your ass?!” She grabbed his wrist, squeezing it hard, but he was laughing too hard, half-collapsing against the table, to answer helpfully. “Did you rob a bank?!” she squeaked. “Did you fuck a bank robber?! Billy!”
“No!” He cackled, dropping into a chair, and leaning his face in his arms. “No, no—”
“Is it real?!” she hissed, crouching to eyeball the money at face-level, then shuffling close to sniff it. “It smells like Skittles,” she whispered. “Billy...you could go to jail, don’t whore yourself out to counterfeiters—”
He laughed so hard he wasn’t even making noise anymore, and she punched his shoulder.
“At least make them pay with real money!” she hissed. “Is your ass counterfeit?! No!”
“No,” he wheezed, and she smacked his shoulder.
“What did you do,” she growled. “What the fuck, brother mine.”
“It’s real,” he whispered, trying to stop giggling. “It’s real, it’s fine.”
“What did you do to get it,” she asked, eyes narrowed, and he grinned at her ferocity. “Billy. Are you safe,” she asked, grabbing his sleeve, and he nodded, wiping his eyes.
“It’s fine, Max, I swear. I didn’t do anything shitty—”
“Did anyone do anything shitty to you,” she growled again, like a redheaded wolverine, and Billy started snickering again, grabbing her and noogieing her head until she yelled and yanked hard on a handful of his hair.
“I’m okay,” he told her. “I don’t owe anybody anything, I’m not in trouble, and I didn’t do anything I didn’t wanna do.”
“...okay,” she said suspiciously. “Can we...spend it? All we got is cereal and canned beans.”
“Yeah, go nuts,” Billy sighed, leaning his chin on his arms and imagining Steve’s grin, pressed against the door of the bathroom stall as he tried to hand his one-night-stand enough money to let Billy relax for a month. “Don’t, like, blow it all, but get some greens, maybe. I wanna take my car in, see why it’s making that whinny.”
“Damn. Yeah,” Max stared at her hands as she counted the money, then shook her head. “Christ, Billy, we could get a new toaster.”
“...it works,” he muttered, but eyed it speculatively. “Maybe we should wait. Save it, y’know. Just in case I—”
“It sparked so bad yesterday it was—it was like lightning in the kitchen,” she said with a grimace. “I threw a Pop Tart in and didn’t have the lights on, and I pushed the thing down and—GAH. Seriously, one of these days, you—you’re gonna find me on the kitchen floor with smoking hair.”
“Okay,” Billy nodded, making a face. “But then we gotta save some. I get sick, there’s no way to cover bills—”
“I know that!” she yelled. “That’s why I want a job, asshole!”
“I can do this!” he yelled back, and she narrowed her eyes, taking a step back and away, and Billy bit his lips, turning to face the other way. “I—I’ve got this, okay, just—just fucking—go to school and shit, you’re fourteen—”
“You’re eighteen!” she shot back. “You can’t even buy liquor!”
“I know!” he shouted at the wall, wanting to scream. “I know, I—I’m—we’ll get a fucking toaster, okay, I—I got you, will you just—”
“You don’t have to!” she shrieked back at him, and the neighbor started pounding on the wall.
“Shut up,” Billy sighed. He grabbed his phone, stomped into his bedroom, and locked the door.
He could hear Max slamming around in the kitchen, and he groaned, burying his face in his pillow, when his text alert went off. He clicked it, sniffling.
Prince: You off in time for lunch? Or dinner?
Billy stared at it, and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, blew out, and texted back.
Billy: Out of school
Billy: don’t have to work today because somebody handed me a stack of CASH last night
The phone rang, and Billy cleared his throat before he answered.
“You wanna pick me up? I’ll get you lunch,” said his prince.
“Y-yeah,” Billy nodded, wiping his nose.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Steve asked, and he sounded so urgent Billy wanted to bawl.
“Nah, it’s fine,” he said, curling up tighter on the bed. “I—I’ll come and—you still at the hotel?”
“Yes I am,” Steve said, “I’m—is there anything I can do?”
“You already fucking did,” Billy grated out. “I have money and my kid sister is all excited to have a toaster that won’t kill us and worried as shit I’ll get sick and we won’t have any money left—”
“A toaster?” Steve repeated, startled. “Are you—you okay?”
“We’ll be fine,” Billy growled out, his vision blurring with tears again. “I’m—it’s fine, it’s just—” Steve waited, and Billy rolled onto his face, punching the pillow. His throat hurt. “I don’t have custody,” he whispered. “She—I’m her step-brother, you know, I just—god. Anything happens to me, she’s—”
Steve was quiet at the other end, and Billy wondered whether he’d hung up. “...but you’re fine?” he asked finally. “Right now, you’re okay?”
“I can do this,” Billy told him, swallowing hard. “She doesn’t need to—she’s trying to—she’s just a kid, she doesn’t need to—”
“...she’s worried about her brother?” Steve asked, and it sounded like he was smiling.
“She wants to get some—some sleazy job that’d hire kids,” Billy growled at him. “Help pay for things. She’s gonna do something dumb—”
“Maybe there’s a way she could help?” Steve suggested, and Billy sat up, glaring out the window, then down at his hands.
“She doesn’t need to! She already—she did all the laundry, and she’s out with your money buying food—she’ll probably cook something shitty—”
“I could get her dinner too,” Steve offered, laughing.
“She’s fourteen,” Billy hissed at him, and Steve was quiet for a long moment.
“Uh.” Steve paused. “Um...you know you’re her brother, right?”
“I’m not, that’s the problem—and I know, I’m—I’m trying, I just can’t—I can’t get it right, I never get anything—”
“Wait, wait, Billy,” Steve interrupted. “Billy.”
“Yeah,” Billy whispered, wiping his eyes.
“Just...why do you do all this?”
“The fuck do you mean why,” Billy yelled. “She called me, she—she needed—she needed me to—”
“Yeah, okay,” Steve agreed, “—but why’d you do it?”
“I didn’t want my fucking dad to fracture her eye socket!” Billy told him, squirming under the covers to muffle his voice.
“...jesus,” Steve whispered. “But you did all this for her, right. She moved in with you?”
“I got an apartment,” Billy mumbled. “Ditched my roommates.”
“...so you did it to help her.”
“I had to,” Billy groaned. “The hell was I gonna say?”
“You could have called the police?” Steve suggested.
“What, wait until he does it?!”
“No!” Steve laughed, sounding a little raw himself. “But all this—all these—all this you do, you do for her? You do all this to help her, right?”
Billy narrowed his eyes. “What’s your point?”
“Why can’t she help you?”
“She’s a kid!”
“...can I see you? Can I meet you somewhere?”
Billy cleared his throat, again. “Yeah. Yes. Let me—” he took a deep, shaky breath, and got out of bed. “Where do you want me to go?”
“...what if…” Steve trailed off, and Billy’s throat closed again, as he registered the mess he’d just dumped in a stranger’s lap. “What about a movie?” he asked, and Billy started snickering.
“You can just hang up, jesus,” he said, stretching. “When somebody starts moaning all this shit. You met me once.”
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “Yeah, once. Liked what I saw, though.”
Billy glared at the phone, his heart pounding as he wondered whether princes actually went to some kind of charm school, specifically to cause heart attacks in Uber drivers. ‘Course, somebody smarter might not take him so serious, he realized, then groaned dramatically through his fingers. “Fine. Awesome. What movie you wanna see?”
“I do not know,” Steve said slowly. “...trying to search while I’m talking to you, and it kind of…where is there even...”
“I’ll come get you,” Billy told him, smiling irrepressibly. He ducked his head as he walked out of his bedroom, and caught the pajama pants Max threw at his face.
“The hell are you going?!” she asked, sliding across the floor in her socks to glower up at him. “No! We’re watching Die Hard! You said!”
“Gonna meet him again,” Billy said, pulling his shoes on. “He’s leaving town.”
“You’re trading your ass to your drug lord again?” she asked, sounding resigned, and Billy stared at her. “Uh-huh. Try to get twenties this time, lady at the grocery store thought I was a hooker, I think. Probably. Or I robbed a bank? Or I robbed a hooker that robbed a bank—”
“She what,” Billy mumbled, horrified, but Max shoved a handful of granola bars in his pocket, and held the door open.
“You got condoms?” she asked, her eyes narrowed, and Billy shouted back a YES, MAX, I FUCKING DO as he fled down the stairs, his cheeks burning hot.
Part One | Two | Three | Four
12 notes · View notes
littlekatleaf · 4 years
Buried in a burning flame is love and its decisive pain (end)
Holy shitballs. Pretty close to exactly a year ago I got this idea - Junkrat and Roadhog have Christmas with some of the Overwatch crew. It was gonna be short and sweet and fluffy. I started writing in... February? 10 months and 21K words later I ended up with something almost entirely different. Oops? Thanks for joining me on the ride!  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9
Meds and tea and whiskey and food and mitten and probably a bit of fever still and the lingering feel of Roadie’s hand on his forehead all swirled together into an edgy excitement that made his blood fizz in his veins. Twitchy, itchy. Been looking forward to setting off the fireworks for months - been working them up that long and planning even longer. Had to get it all just right, then combine it with Lucio’s music, get the timing connected to the right shapes, the explosions to the right second… had to be focused, had to be precise and he loved the challenge. The sparks of thrill tingled along his spine and the fire they ignited burned away the lingering crud of sickness leaving him sharp and clear.
He enlisted Hana and Lucio to round up the others, betting they’d be able to convince anyone who was reluctant much better than he would. Even so, he was urging them down to the lake, torches bobbing through the dark, throwing odd shadows between the trees. Maybe talking a little faster than usual but how else was he going to impress upon them how exciting this was? 
“Know it’s cold - hadn’t really thought about that when I was planning. I mean, hadn’t planned to be here at all, just thought we’d be at the Watchpoint. Course, this is better, discounting the cold. Which is hard to do, but Roadie’s getting the bonfire goin’ - he could light a fire in the middle of a monsoon so no worries on that count. An’ Hana brought some whiskey to help so she’ll be right. Ya need to stand here, no closer. Gonna be over the water.  Safe as houses, but can’t be too careful - least according to Morrison, ha! Now turn off the torches. Better the darker it is. Lucky ain’t moonrise yet…” 
“What are we doing out here in the middle of the night when we could be curled up on the couch?” Mei asked no one in particular.
Junkrat ignored her. She’d see, they’d all see and he knew they’d love it just as much as he did if they gave it a chance. Lucio had been kind enough to not only have his sound system set up, but also brought out the box of fireworks so Junkrat didn’t have to lug it himself.
Didn’t take but a minute to set it all up, music on automatic once he started the program. All he had to do was hit the power and light the first fuse.
Music came up slow, soft, bit of piano, then edge of something electronic, rising bass and the first firework streaked up to the center of the sky and as the beat kicked in it exploded in a rain of silver and gold. At the crackling boom the others fell silent, faces tilted to the sky. The sparkles reflected in their eyes and Lucio’s soft ‘oh!’ and Hana’s squeal of delight made even the cold worthwhile. 
Let it start slow. Basic colors, red, blue, green, as well as the gold and silver. Usual shapes, circles, stars, ones that looked like fountains or willows. Then the music shifted, became rhythmic and complex with a minor edge and he sent the first special rockets. The streaks crisscrossed, intersecting like Satya’s hard light shield, like one of her knit shawls and around it burst snowflakes, all in shades of blue and silver. 
Music shifted again, bright and quick - and the second set of his own rockets split the air with a whistling crack then exploded in a crackling red heart, then a gold arrow streamed through. Lena bumped Emily’s hip with her own as their names twined through the heart. Another shift, one of Lucio’s songs, written for Hana and the rockets burst into pink bunnies and green frogs that seemed to bounce up the mountains ringing them and into the stars. 
As the music shifted a final time, setting a beat with a swing, Lena grabbed Emily’s hand and pulled her into a twirl, hands clenched firm but light, feet moving quick, spinning each other in and out and then they were dancing and so were Hana and Lucio and even Mei tugged Satya into the group. 
And then - perfect timing, as the music sang “Seeing’ stars, I’m seeing stars” the final bursts of fireworks - his favorite of the bunch - exploded overhead and Junkrat couldn’t stop his grin at the stars he’d created. Spread above him and Roadie was their night sky. The Saucepan and the Crux. Looking right, looking perfect, not upside down like here.
For a long moment Roadhog said nothing, just stood with his face tipped up, sparks reflecting in his mask as the fireworks cracked and popped and the music thumped and the others laughed and danced.
“Thought ya might like a bit of Straya,” Junkrat said finally, unable to wait for Roadhog to say something. Anything. Maybe he hadn’t recognized it after all. Or maybe it wasn't anything like he’d hoped. Maybe it only looked like home because he was remembering it so clearly. Imagining it. Making it all up again. He shoved his hand in his pocket as a gust of wind swept over them and a sneeze slammed into him, followed quickly by two more. “Huh-r’isssh! Isshh! Ishhew!” 
Didn’t even hear Roadhog move, but suddenly he was right there, shoving his hat down over Junkrat’s head and then wrapping his scarf around Junkrat’s neck. “Stay warm, idiot.”
“Trying,” he said, shivering still. He let Roadie lead him over to the fire which had grown to a roaring height, pouring out a welcome heat. Pine logs crackled and spat sparks swirling into the sky to swirl with the real stars and their backwards constellations.
Lucio cranked his own mix and the bass echoed off the mountains and Lena and Emily still danced with him and Hana. Mei and Satya huddled together, passing a mug of something between them and for a moment, just for a minute, everything felt fine. Felt good.
Junkrat glanced at Roadhog, and though the mask obscured his expression, there was a looseness in his shoulders, something in the tilt of his head that seemed to speak of relaxation and calm. Made the cold and exhaustion worth it. “Happy Christmas, Roadie.” 
“Happy Christmas, Rat.” The warmth in his tone did more to drive away the chill than the fire and Junkrat leaned against his side, letting himself enjoy the closeness. 
After a bit, the others joined them around the fire and Lena passed a joint around, “For everyone except you, Junkrat. Sorry.” 
He shrugged, pulled a flask out of his pocket. “Not gonna share my plague. Got this anyway.” The whiskey left a warm curl in the center of his belly, his muscles loose and easy. Satya told a story about a Snow Queen whose frozen heart melted with the love of a peasant girl, and though Junkrat wanted to roll his eyes, he understood the feeling. The desire to have one’s own story told in myth - to be connected to something bigger. Lena told a story about Father Christmas. Mei about a Chinese hunter, Jia Deng, who hunted with a pet wolf and left gifts of his hunt with the poor during the cruel months of winter. Then Roadie exhaled a long puff of smoke and said,
“Bet you never heard of the Holiday Boar.”
Junkrat giggled into his scarf. “Ain’t gonna tell that one to this lot, are ya?”
Lena cocked her head quizzically. “No, can’t say I have.”
“Well. Long before the Omnium exploded, before the Omnics were even an idea someone had, the Outback was still a hardscrabble place. Dusty and hot and many were desperately poor, trying to eke a living out of land that wasn’t easily giving. One day a wild boar appeared in a village, ribs showing through its skin, hair falling out in patches, it was the most pathetic excuse for a creature the villagers had seen. Most tried to chase it away with kicks and shouts and stones thrown. 
“At the edge of the village there was a farmer. He lived alone on the land. When the boar came to his homestead, the farmer’s first reaction was the same as the others - he wanted to chase it away. Nothing good could come of bringing another mouth to feed into his life. But as he raised a hand to throw a stone, he caught a glimpse of the creature’s eyes and his long dead daughter’s voice spoke in his heart. ‘Papa, please.’ His hand fell and he sighed and the boar stayed.
“In the beginning he found it annoying, an intrusion on his solitude. Still, he fed the creature, sharing the little he had, and in return it kept him company, following him like a dog and seeming to listen when he spoke. Come winter the boar was healthy and grown to a surprising size. Villagers who saw it walking with the farmer nodded knowingly - at the first cold snap he’d likely kill it, and the meat could feed them all.
“But the cold came and still the boar walked with the farmer. The villagers eyed them more than a little oddly. Finally, on the longest night of the year, the farmer was sitting by a fire with the boar at his side as usual. The farmer was lamenting that the land had been even more reticent than usual, and he was likely to lose his home to the mortgagers. 
“The boar’s stomach gave a great rumble, then it leaned forward and puked up a pile of gold coins onto the ground. The farmer never went hungry again and the village prospered.”
Junkrat couldn’t help himself, he burst out laughing. 
Hana laughed too, shook her head. “There’s no way that’s a thing.”
“It’s Australia,” Roadhog argued, deadpan voice. “It absolutely is.”
Lucio nodded, took a drag from the joint. “I could see it.”
They told stories and Lucio led them in carols and the warmth of the fire and the whiskey and Roadhog at his side and Lena’s jokes “What do you call a dinosaur fart? A blast from the past! Why does a duck have tail feathers? To cover his butt quack!” and Emily’s laughter lulled Junkrat into a doze.
“He snores louder than a boar,” Satya said, irritably. Lena giggled.
“You gave him your scarf,” Hana said to Roadhog and her tone was equal parts teasing and curious.
Junkrat felt Roadie’s shoulders move in a shrug. “Never takes care of himself, even when he’s sick.” But though he was more than half asleep, he could hear the tight coldness of the comment. The relaxed ease had gone. Junkrat wanted to sit up and interrupt, but he was just so tired.
“Gave him your cold too, huh.” Still that sing-song teasing tone, but it cut at Junkrat.
“Come on, Roadhog. What’s up with you two, anyway? He won’t give us a straight answer.”
Felt like everyone’s eyes were on them, staring. Junkrat tensed. Sit up, he told himself. Stop this. But he didn’t. He wanted to know what Roadhog would say, even more than he didn’t want to know.
Roadhog’s shoulder moved in another shrug. “Someone’s gotta keep him from offing himself on accident.”
Mei laughed; least no one else did.
Ice through his body, through his stomach, his mind, his lungs. He coughed against it, but it didn’t move. The fire had burned down to little more than embers and even scarf and hat, mitten and whiskey weren’t enough to keep him warm. He forced himself up then, away from Roadhog. Faked a yawn like he just woke up.
“Knackered. Gonna call it a night. Happy Christmas all.” Forced the words past lips that felt frozen and barely heard the others saying goodnight and thanks for the fireworks. 
The moon glowed on the snow, lighting the way back to the cabin enough to keep him from stumbling on tree roots and rocks. His foot crunched softly on pine needles and he heard Roadhog’s louder footfalls behind him. He walked faster. Just wanted to be inside, to be alone, to be warm, to be silent. Even the light of the Christmas tree seemed to mock him with its fake promise of coziness. He’d take a bath, let the water warm his bones, soothe the chills, then sleep. 
“When I said ya ain’t gotta babysit me no more, I meant it,” Junkrat said stiffly as Roadhog followed him into the bathroom. “Promise I ain’t gonna drown in the bath. Even I’m not stupid enough to do that.”
“How’re you going to get in and out?” Roadhog asked bluntly.
Junkrat turned to look and of course there were no bars to let him navigate it himself. Once he took off his prosthetics he’d be screwed. Fuck. He pushed past Roadhog and out of the bathroom. Wasn’t worth it.  
But the bedroom was just as bad. Wanted to collapse onto the bed and sleep for a century or ten, but Roadhog was standing there in the middle of the room taking up all of the space and all of the air and Junkrat knew he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep with his… looming. Instead he shoved the pillows to the head of the cot and sat against the wall, wrapping a blanket around himself. Just barely resisted pulling it over his head, too. Knew Roadie would stare and it was making him jittery. Not in a good way. His head ached again, skin tight with the too hot too cold feeling of returning fever. Should have asked Lucio for more meds. He rubbed a hand over his face, wishing for relief. Wishing for Roadie’s hand on his forehead again, cool and firm and steadying.
“Gonna tell me what’s eating you?” Roadhog asked, finally. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked down at Junkrat from his full height. Not exactly the most inviting posture. 
“What are we?” The question spilled from him like he was vomiting. “An’ don’t give me some stupid shit like you don’t know what I mean. Hana asks and Lucio asks and you avoid the question.”
“Why do we need to put words to it? Why do they need to know anything?” 
Junkrat shrugged. It wasn’t for them that he needed words. It was him. He needed a foundation, an understanding. Because things were slippery and they could slide away from him before he had a chance to catch hold. “It’s me askin’. Now that ya ain’t my bodyguard. What are we?”
A long pause, a silence full of all the things Roadhog didn’t say. 
“Morrison said I could leave,” Junkrat blurted, unable to stand it.
Roadhog waited.
“Said if this do-gooder shit was too bloody difficult he’d have Lena turn me in. Serve my time and then whatever came next was my choice.”
No response.
“Told him I’d have to talk to you about it, but he said just meant me. I been thinkin...’ we should do it. Could probably convince him to let you go too. Then when we were far enough away could hijack the Orca, dump Lena and head back to Straya. Head home. Get the treasure, sell it to the Queen and find a place to just… live.” He blinked and the after-image of fireworks burst across his vision, constellations in all their permutations. Home. Was it? Didn’t really know anymore… But maybe there it wouldn’t be so hard, maybe there it would be like it had been.
Still no response, no movement at all. Like Roadhog’d turned to stone. Mountain. Felt his gaze go cold, measuring, calculating. Had seen Roadhog turn that gaze on others, size them up, find them lacking… but not on himself. He froze. Utterly still. Waited for the judgment to fall. Then Roadhog laughed. Not like something was funny, or maybe like he was funny and the sound was brittle and sharp in his ears.
“What’s so bloody funny, mate?” and his own voice held an edge.
“The idea that I would want to leave this,” he gestured around the room, taking in everything, “give up the good thing I got going here to… what? Live out some tiny shit life in that hellhole with you? Why the fuck do you think I’d want to go back to that? And with you?” He positively roared with laughter. “You are thick as a rock. Batshit crazy. A complete mess. Sure, when there wasn’t anyone else around who wasn’t trying to kill me, you were good for a laugh. A way to get my rocks off. But in the real world? Fuck no.”
“Fuck you too.” The words scraped his throat and he wished he had covered his head because he had that ominous prickling behind his eyes like he was going to fucking cry, or sneeze, and either way he was fucking well not going to give Roadhog the satisfaction.
“You want to know what we are, Junkrat? We ain’t shit. Nothing. Do what you want, stay or go. I couldn’t possibly give less of a shit.”
“Well that’s fuckin’ clear as crystal. Why don’t you fuck off then an’ let me sleep.” He grit his teeth, bit the inside of his cheek hard enough that he tasted iron. Not going to crumble. Watched as Roadhog turned and crossed the room. Watched the door click shut behind him. Watched the blank wall and refused to let himself crack. Silence then, that he’d wanted. But no warmth. Even wrapped in blankets felt like he was sitting in a snowstorm. Everything muffled and frozen. Freezing.
Then that chuckle in his head. You got an answer. Might not have been the one you wanted, but really Jamison, what did you expect? Did you honestly think he would go back to an irradiated waste land and a criminal life to be with you?
He thumped his head back against the wall, squeezed his eyes shut. Clenched his fist so hard his nails bit into his palm. Shut it. Ain’t real.
No? So make me be silent, then. More laughter. Oh Jamison. How do you think someone would want to be with you when your own mother couldn’t stand to be with you? 
You don’t know nothing ‘bout my mum, he told her. Nothing. But a couple tears leaked free, and the tingling prickles made him sneeze and he buried his head in the blankets and let himself go until he fell asleep, her laughter and Roadhog’s laughter still ringing in his head.
Sleep was restless, part of him kept jerking awake thinking he heard the door open. He hadn’t. When he finally woke completely he felt like he’d been hit by the ute, then had it back over him again. He stumbled out to the living room where he found Hana and Lucio playing a game with Emily, and Mei and Satya watching. 
“Morning, Junkrat,” Lucio said.
“More like afternoon,” Hana corrected.
“Potato potahto,” Lucio shrugged. “Wanna join? You can play winner.”
“Nah,” he cleared his throat, tried to sound nonchalant. “Where’s Roadie?”
“Apparently Morrison sent him on some mission. Something going on in Australia. Lena took him early this morning,” Satya said. “Guess you didn’t go ‘cause you’re sick?” Hana asked.
“Yeah. Something like that.” His head went light. Hadn’t thought Roadhog would actually leave. Take the treasure for himself and go… but there it was. He made his way into the kitchen on a floor that seemed to rock like a boat. Opened the sat comm with numb fingers. 
“Morrison.” “It’s Fawkes. I’ll take your offer. I want to turn myself in.”
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thattimdrakeguy · 4 years
I’m writing this fic about the Batfamily and I’m afraid of writing them as OOC. If you are able to, could you please give some tips on each of the Batfam’s personalities and characteristics? To specify, Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, Cass, Babs, Damian, and Duke are the characters I’m using. It would be really helpful! Thank you!!
This is a tricky question, because I don’t know the story of your fic to help you in any specific way. So if after this you wanna DM me for more specific help on how to work things out, I’ll be there to help you right away unless I’m doing something, but I have no plans.
I’m going to go from easiest for me to do to least easiest, because I obviously know Tim the best, but even then, it’s hard, because going off the character’s you are choosing, it’s set during the part of the timeline were he went OOC, but I’ll do my best just to say his general character so you can use that as a base for things. Like how he was developed in his origin and all that, and notable characteristics he’s had as he grew while still in character. With some that even if they weren’t around with some of those characters, would apply to them.
His is also going to be the longest, like way too long, because he’s a way more nuanced and complex character than anyone ever gives him credit for. So he takes a lot longer to explains by a freaking large margin. Like sorry if it’s too big, I just kept saying more as more came to mind because I feel like his nuances are what makes him interesting and easy to right. Once you get a hang of his nuances, and you get used to it, it makes it easier to put yourself into his mindset to how he works, which makes him easier to write as well.
(THIS IS AN INCREDIBLY LONG POST, AND I APOLOGIZE. I just really wanted to be thorough and give contexts to stuff. It’s less of tips and more of an overly long description of what I know about each character and what’s in-character and what’s not going off of how the character’s were developed to be, and not counting the out of character writing. So really sorry about this being so freaking long)
Tim’s origin right off the back is having met Dick at a very very young age, I don’t think he could even strongly walk yet, so I’mma say three. He was instantly attached to Dick, he just admired him instantly just for giving him affection. He was his hero. But he was also there the day Dick’s parents died, which traumatized Tim and gave him nightmares for years. But being able to remember that night so thoroughly, he remembered a specific move that Dick could do that very few could, and that’s how he found out Dick was Batman, and logically, Bruce Wayne was Batman.
There’s a large misconception that as a little kid, Tim followed Batman and Robin around, but that was not the case. At least not physically and literally followed them around. Closest being when I believe he happened to come across Batman in his origin story, and purposely did his best detective work to figure out where Dick would be.
As shown several times but most strongly in his origin, but wasn’t as strong the more he went on, he’s sort of socially oblivious to what’s considered normal or not, or what other people are thinking of him.
For instance he just knocked on Starfire’s and Dick’s apartment, asked Kori (Starfire) if Dick was home because he needed his help, and when she said no, just bolted even when Kori asked his name. Just concerning the crap out of her. Even when he first met Dick, he just wouldn’t say his name because “NO TIME”, he just squirmed around place to place on his bike being completely oblivious of himself. In his first miniseries he searches up information on Clyde (a former government agent he saved and befriends) that he shouldn’t have, unaware that that’d obviously be crossing a line for some people. Even taking his girlfriend to a car show, where there was a lot of bikini models around, and it didn’t even occur to him what it’d look like he was there for. He was just genuinely bubbly to see the cars.
He doesn’t do any of those sorts of things out of malice, he’s always just presented as being incredibly oblivious of himself quite a bit. Most likely from not having his parents around that much as his childhood progressed, and typically just living in boarding schools, or with a nanny. So he didn’t really developed right as one interpretation, and another being (that was actually almost confirmed if it wasn’t for Tim getting a writer before another could say it) is that he’s on the Autism spectrum. Which is technically verified, as he has many symptoms of Asperger’s. But that isn’t technically canon, as it never got to be officially said. But it’s valid enough.
Tim’s main strength is his detective work, he also knows how to use a computer to his advantage. Many modern comics act as if Tim is a master hacker who could hack into anything. But he actually mostly used them for detective work, and small hack jobs, some of which he failed. He seemed to have learned more about hacking from Barbara, or at least some what implied, as Babs let him help her build a big computer, or something of that sort.
He also took karate as a kid, and is implied to have also taken gymnastics. It’s stated that he’s actually really good at gymnastics by Alfred in Tim’s origin, but his fighting skills, despite the karate lessons he had previously taken, isn’t as good as the others. Hence his staff, and having to be clever in how he goes about a fight.
How Tim operates as far as emotionally or mentally depends too. Sometimes he’ll go straight from the heart and get himself in trouble, but other times he’ll take his time to really plan something out for himself on the spot. It depends on how his emotions are at the time. If he was just picked on or beat up, he’ll be more agitated, and if something really really bad that happened, he just go so far in he just beats the crap out of everyone as bad as he can. As shown by trying to apprehend someone that shot someone he knew at school, or Batman betraying his trust (in an honestly out of character story). If he’s calmer though, or at least doing his best to be, he’ll use his brain more before he starts. I think his talents in planning have been overstated for ages, because while he’s good at it, he’s not exactly the greatest or overall good. Just enough to work fine enough to get the job done.
One of his biggest mental weakness’s, is his constant insecurity. Somethings that’s so constantly on his mind is letting someone down, rather it be Batman or his dad Jack, or even Nightwing, or his team. The reason why Tim acted so different and more of a seriously brooding personality in Young Justice, was because he was so insecure about not having powers that he thought he had to push himself to his limits. So he used some Batman leadership tactics, and fought harder than he ever fought before just to seem like he was even worth having around. When by himself though, it’s more of a sadness, an upset feeling in his gut. Tim has anxiety about things, rather or not he’s good enough. He’s not a super confident person when it comes to himself. He doesn’t think much of him.
One editorial person answering fan questions in the back of comics as they used to, even described Tim as meek. He doesn’t brag or think much of himself as super according to it.
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He’s also stated and shown to be internally scared quite a bit, even shaking when he first got his own Robin suit. Another occasion saying the cold water might excuse his shivering. Which goes along with his anxiety.
Another thing about him that is more low-key and not as noticed, is how Tim, even though he clearly thinks of himself as a kid, heck even the letter column above says so, he has also said since being Robin he’s never had time to be a kid. But he is also still a kid.
As they specified his voice a bit more, he tended to use heck, Holy crud, dang, fudge, weenie, and even Pus Bucket (a reference to Ghost Busters) as his choice of cussing (if that even remotely counts).
And even if it’s not noticeable at first, is shown as having a secret teddy bear that he kept hidden under his mattress so I assume no one would see it.
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He’s also a pretty innocent kid despite what all he sees. His mind doesn’t go to the gutter. He trusts people far faster than he should, even trusting Lady Shiva, the world’s most dangerous woman and know criminal right away.
Even Tim’s step-mother saying so out-loud. Showing that this is also the case in his personal life as well.
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It also goes along with his social obliviousness. This stuff being rounded into not having any street smarts, which was a main theme for Tim directly in his first miniseries. As well as being naive.
Of course as life went on that wasn’t the case as much, but in the above screenshot, Dana (his step-mom) is saying that as Tim is already 16.
Tim in-general also being a super hero fanboy. As a kid he watched the news, clipped out the papers on them, collected, and even drew his own Batman art (and potentially) others to put on his wall.
Tim’s general behavior while socializing also depends on his emotions at the time. He’s normally very nice and friendly, when not super depressed or down on himself he’s bubbly. But he’s also still a kid, he can pout when he’s hurt, and passive aggressive to people he doesn’t like. Examples being, literally not listening to a jock that picks on his friends, an over-arrogant jerk he met in France, and even Steph because she kept being reckless and flirting with him when he didn’t like it.
Nothing straight up insults, but just generally passive aggressive, give them a clue he doesn’t like them very much even if it never worked. He just wants them to go away, unless they’re a straight up bully. Tim, if it’s no one he specifically knows that will invade his personal life, will beat up bullies. He really can’t stand a bully.
Another thing about Tim is that even though he’s an introvert typically, he’s also not very shy. A shy kid wouldn’t travel miles on a bike (and I freaking hope busses) to meet someone he barely knows because he believes in Batman needing a Robin. He also stands up to bullies, and unless he’s really uncomfortable could talk to about anyone. He even slept in only his briefs and undershirt in the house of someone he doesn’t know, with two people he also barely knows. With that example also probably adding up to the socially oblivious part of his personality.
As far as his relationships go, he canonically thinks of the Bat-Family as his family. Dick calls Tim his little brother, Babs treats Tim as her baby brother as well as acting like his/ Aunt/ Mom depending on the situation (I think Tim fell asleep on her couch after eating pizza while using his cape as a blanket and drooling. So Mom’s a stretch but still), Bruce is his distant but still father figure, Alfred is his grandpa (who he actually plays video games with), even Cass to an extent treating Tim as a baby brother as well.
He is very much the baby of the family. And Tim talks to them about personal stuff (bar Cass cause he was scared of her in the beginning), most of them from Alfred and Dick, to the mute hunchback in the Batcave Harold (who is a real character and I love him). He was always collecting advice from where ever he could get it.
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He’s also intensely morally operated. He hates killing. He said he took an oath to let himself be killed before ever killing, getting PTSD from feeling responsible for a death, and even crying when he had genuinely thought Bruce killed someone.
As far as how he tries to present himself, he is constantly doing his best to take everything as seriously as he can, even shunning himself when he starts to stop taking things as serious, he wants to be seen as serious, trustworthy, and reliable desperately so he doesn’t let anyone down. He is constantly hard of himself, and is always trying to be what he thinks Batman wants him to be. Which is were a lot of his anxieties from. Even trying to think of what Batman or Dick would do because he regards them so highly. Even calling Bruce the great man he’s ever known I believe during one of his post-origin pre-Robin appearances.
He’s naive and oblivious of himself, as well as childish in some areas (I think his nanny yelled at him once for it), but overall what he tries to hardest at is taking everything seriously as possible, and using his brain as much as he can. He may not be the most mature, often actually handling situations very immaturely, but he does his best to at least seem like he’s mature, and to an extent he actually can be genuinely very mature, or at least as much as a naive oblivious child can be.
This ones a lot shorter probably, because I don’t read him as much, but still have a good handle on him.
I think he’s a character very few always write correctly, because they ride too much into the friendly, compassionate guy. Which, compassion being his main motivator in how he goes about as much as he can, and he’s incredibly friendly, he’s also a very angsty and angry person deep down.
He’s a perfectionist, a trait fics tend to give to Tim more, but actually belongs to Dick. He gets really hard on himself when he thinks he messed something up badly, having nightmares over it, he doesn’t like himself when he messes up something badly. And even if he’s not a naturally angry person, when he is angry, he can be VERY VERY angry.
And until Batman writers in the early 00s started it, I wouldn’t even had considered him all that chatty. He had some jokes in him, was very light hearted when not in distress or mad, but as he was developed by Marv Wolfman, who basically created the Dick that has remained the base for him ever since, he was relatively a generally calm guy when he wasn’t emotional.
He was polite, a charming guy, the type of person you want to bring home to your parents basically. He dressed well. Did his best to keep people accommodated. 
He wasn’t a goofy, constant jokester that’d talk your ear off or keep begging for hugs. 
He’s not that kind of guy. He’s just a gentlemen.
He’s also not that much of a thot. He’s a “wait till it’s right” sort of guy when it comes to sex.
He’d do anything in the world he could to make sure his friends felt right too, and that they were okay.
But all this doesn’t mean he’s not just a one note personality. Depending on how bad he feels like he messed up, he’ll distance himself from people, stop caring as much about his appearance, get more violent and mean. He also doesn’t take well to Batman’s nonsense, he’s probably the person he got specifically mad at the most. He didn’t like the way Batman went about stuff after a while. He had complicated feelings towards him.
Despite people nowadays just thinking of Dick being Batman’s son officially, adopted, end of. That wasn’t exactly their relationship. Dick had a complicated relationship with Bruce. Part of him looked at Bruce as a big brother, and another half a dad, and he wasn’t even adopted, just a ward. Something that Dick was actually quite insecure about, till apparently he got adopted as a grown adult man (which I dunno is true or an edit, but I’ve seen it somewhere).
Dick’s relationship with Tim is pure big bro baby bro. He was very protective of Tim, calling him the closest thing to a brother he ever had, and little brother, before they were ever even officially brothers. He’d push Tim out of the way in times of big trouble, make him stand back, ruffled his hair all the time, and loved teasing him. But when they started off, Dick just sort of thought Tim was a weird annoying kid, given that Tim was acting so screwy during his origin, Dick really didn’t know what to make of him, but the closer they got, they got very very close. Dick cared a lot about Tim a ton once they got accommodated. Tim would even call Dick on the phone just to talk to him about anything from his day to his problems. Tim could count on Dick to help when ever he could. Tim was Dick’s dweebie baby brother who he took care of when needed. Even teaching Tim how to wash clothes personally since Tim didn’t have a clue. 
I don’t think him and Jason really had a relationship. He gave him a number to talk about stuff like Robin angst, and a few pics show they hanged out at least once or twice, but nothing suggests they were close. It seems like Dick was hard on himself, because Jason died before they could get close. After the Red Hood, Dick’s just kind of a-- dick to Jason, and Tim was too, but I don’t consider that in-character. Neither Tim nor Dick would be even remotely okay about the killing, but I can’t picture them treating him like he’s a joke and less than trash. Too much emotional baggage there. Tim would be distant to Jason, and Dick would be uncomfortable and conflicted. That’s my guesses on a more accurate relationship.
Dick’s always had a really big crush on Babs ever since he was a kid to the point they were stuck in a small area together and Dick lost dignity over-- I dunno, puberty effecting him. There’s no way I can put that that’s comfortable. But Dick has a crush on Babs, that got put into a romantic relationship both ways when they aged down Babs, but for some people the relationship is relatively gross because of the age gap, and feeling the need to age down a character like Babs, who just looked at Dick like a kid, to just date him. It’s complicated, and I dunno enough about them besides that exactly. I’m not the guy to ask on that.
He doesn’t have a proper relationship with either Duke or Steph, but it doesn’t seem like Dick’s ever been the fondest of Steph. And Duke’s new, and they only ever been around each other in fan service moments. So I don’t think he has a real actual relationship with Duke.
Dick and Cass despite I don’t think ever being shown much together, also had a sweet relationship. With Dick doing his best to make sure his sister (before she was adopted, but Dick treated her as one nevertheless much like Tim as Dick’s baby brother) was comfortable, acting goofy, and to  me coming across as if he’s always really wanted a sister. But they weren’t super close, but there’s enough there to say that they easily could become close.
Dick and Damian was mentor mentoree, and to a large extent Dick was Damian’s father figure as Bruce was dead. As written by Damian’s creator, Dick didn’t seem to like Damian at all in the beginning, but as Dick could realize and understand his responsibilities more, they did gain a closer bond. Dick would put Damian in line (besides when bad writers were too afraid to make Damian seem like he’s in the wrong fully), sometimes even the hard way, and could be very proud of him. They aren’t big bro little bro like how some current writers act for pandering purposes. But they did grow to be close, even if Damian’s naturally really emotionally distant. Dick always wanted the best for Damian, even if he couldn’t always handle it the right way or knew what to do. He was a guy in his early to mid 20s with the responsibilities of reraising a 10 year old kid that was raised and abused by a cult, who can blame him.
I’m kind of just getting Damian out of the way, because to be frank, he’s been a really crappily written character since his origin, because he personality just absolutely switches between every writer, and he’s just so badly written that way.
But I’ll go off of what I believe to be what his writer wanted, since that’s the most accurate you can get.
Damian was raised and abused in a cult. That dictates a lot of how he thinks.
He was not close to his mother (which is out of character for Talia, and they later switched that after the reboot, but to be frank if Talia was always in-character Damian wouldn’t exist as we know him. He’d be a total different person and character). And he seemed to despise the way his dad goes about things. He seemed very indifferent and had his mood set to angry in general when he first met.
Which made it all the weirder when an issue later Damian seems to want his parents to be together, despite making it clear he doesn’t even like or think much of either one of them at all.
He was also very entitled, because despite being treated as an experiment some of the time, he was also treated as a prince the other half of the time. He thought the world was his, and he deserved everything.
He nearly killed Tim because he thought he deserved being Robin, as Tim was just adopted and not a “real” son. Seemingly he thought that was what he had to do to have his dad accept him and treat him as he thought he should.
He also seems to think he’s above Jason as well.
He’s also shown as sexist and homophobic.
He was brash and reckless about everything. Had a talented in just about everything just because of how he was raised, and goes off on his own to do stuff, because I assume he thinks everyone else holds him back.
After Dick though, Damian learned to not be a murderer (which I also think he might’ve learned before cause he wants to live with Bruce, It’s a little weird and not given enough time to actually be developed fully in an easy to digest way. Which is another reason why I think he’s such a poorly written character), also more reserved, and reckless.
As he was originally intended, he was very tall and not cute. His height being around 5′2 to 5′4 at age 10. Meaning he was an inch taller than Tim was at 13 when Damian was 10 off of that first one, and only an inch shorter than Tim at the age he  met him, where Tim was 17 going on 18. It may not be drawn that way, but you also have to remember this is 00s and beyond era DC Comics were Tim despite being described as looking 12 got drawn as big as Dick sometimes. Don’t always use the art to go off of certain information. I say he wasn’t intended to be cute, because there’s a scene were he was at a gala, where a woman clearly wanting to gold-dig Gotham City’s most eligible Bachelor Bruce Wayne by getting close to her son, but she immediately backed away when she saw him.
Which sounds harsh, but Damian’s also basically the “anti-Robin”, he was everything a Robin wasn’t meant to be and he was intended to just die and that’s it. Hence why he was with Dick to keep the Batman and Robin dynamic intact, just in reverse. As you can see, they completely forgot what made Damian interesting when his character gained some consistency with his creator.
Damian’s development was that he grew a actual caring heart even if he still carried the generally same personality. He was dismissive of people, sexually harassed Steph, was generally anti-social-esque. 
And honestly because every writer after (even the one everyone seems to think is his best writer, which I massively agree times a billion and infinite more) just kept reverting him, again and again, even when they wrote stories with character development, it was gone again. And applied a whole bunch of traits that aren’t like Damian in the slightest, so if you pay attention. Ya can tell Damian’s not Damian, he’s literally not even a shell of his self. They just painted another one to look kind of like him, and even then they don’t do that because he freaking looks completely different some of the time. They botched him so much.
But that was the main thing about Damian. 
I think one reason he got close to Dick and no one else was because Damian from his origin (no matter how poorly written they showed it), always wanted to have a proper parent. Which it seemed he could never have. And Dick grew to serve that purpose, as Dick was the one teaching him lessons, and making sure he was actually safe.
But of course later on DC Comics literally forgot everything that was letting him slowly become a better character. So that sucks.
I partially came into this fandom because of Damian. So when I actually got to read him, I was so freaking miserable after. I genuinely wanted to like him so bad, even voicing that to people I was chatting too as I read the comics, but I literally just couldn’t see why anyone cared for his comics. I don’t think any of them are fully well-written.
But it did help me grasp what Damian’s suppose to be like as I could tell what he’s suppose to be and not suppose to be, much like how I learned about Tim’s actual personality vs the one writers that don’t care about him write.
Just doing this one to get a more negatively centered one out of the way, because I struggle to find any personality traits I deem actually likable when put under context.
Because she’s full of her self, reckless, cynical, more or less sexually harassed Tim, kissing him against his wishes (and before ya say Tim did that first. it’s a little less offensive when Tim didn’t do it sexually or romantically. That was just for a dumb trope. A reward kiss. It’s still gross, but it’s a different context that’s less directly offensive), goes behind people’s backs sometimes, can be emotionally abusive, and shows signs of physically abusive.
So I don’t exactly find her super likable. And her spot in the Bat-Family was so contrived, that often nowadays I just don’t pay attention her anymore, but in fairness a lot of that’s just cause she has crazy stans that start fights that were barely there, be hypocritical, and group bully folks. So it’s relatively hard for me to wanna look at her these days.
But to be more specific before she seems like an actual freaking demon woman or what ever. Some of that doesn’t come across as bad compared to what it could be. Besides the emotional abuse, that was just a thing and the comics and people just elected to ignore it even though that was written by her creator.
She’s reckless in a way where she clearly doesn’t have proper training to make sure no one or herself gets hurt. She’s been shown causing herself to get hurt or underestimate stuff. She also doesn’t listen to people that know more about what they do, and she usually relies on luck to get by.
She’s full of herself, because she more or less says she’s an adrenaline junkie, and might just be beating up bad guys because she finds it really fun and exciting. She likes the thrill. And tries to put a title of super hero on herself sometimes, because she tries to seem heroric as she does it. She also does it to make up for her dad, which is more admirable, but behavior wise and focus wise it’s more pinned on her just being an adrenaline junkie.
She also just constantly just flirt with Tim even when he didn’t want it. Which is what sexual harassment is. She also kissed him for her own satisfaction twice, once nearly getting them both killed cause people were shooting at them, and another as them and other people were close to freezing to death because they were stuck under snow. That kind of behavior able to be under sexual assault given the context for her kisses was just for herself. Even the time she tried to say it was to make up for Tim’s reward kiss, she quickly makes it obvious it was just because she’s very sexually attracted to him.
She also just nearly lets criminals die a lot because “What’s one more life”, and seems to not care much for the lesson of not killing, specifically her dad. Like she still has the moral standard not to kill, but compared to the others it’s not one she takes as serious. She learned her lesson on being cynical, but it’s still ingrained in her personality.
I also have a whole very long post on why her relationship with Tim doesn’t work, and how she was abusive. I don’t feel like going over that again but that’s a thing.
Besides Tim she has no real relationship with the others besides Cass, which is another relationship I don’t fully understand, because Steph borderline insults her, and Cass thinks she gets in the way so much she just fractures Steph’s jaw to knock her out. They gave them some admittedly cute moments, but it’s never felt right to me. Always felt forced and pandery, but it’s a thing. They’ve played tag each other, and talked about how both of their parents are abusive.
She also had one with in Batgirl, but the best I can describe that is, she helps Steph so she doesn’t hurt herself, and she can be pretty gruff sometimes, but is also caring. it’s just kind of a been there done that sort of thing.
A lot of Batgirl is sort of forced. Bat-Family has reasonable criticisms of her, writer does something to make them more unlikable so readers still like Steph, Steph proves them wrong, they respect her. It’s a formula for a few stories in her Batgirl run.
People have also said her and Damian have a sibling relationship, but I don’t agree with that. Damian sexually harassed her and kept looking at her boobs. Damian had a crush on her, but he was also a stubborn entitled jerk to her. Steph just got back at Damian by making him dress as a normal kid to embarrass him, and when she saw Damian never played before got him to jump on a bouncy castle. Besides generic banter that’s about it. And given Damian’s personality, they never did anything like that bouncy castle thing again. It’s a really big stretch to call that sibling-like. And even the stuff you could stretch is still doesn’t pay attention to the Damian talking about her boobs constantly thing. Parts of it was just pandery, as a lot of that Batgirl run was.
So I don’t overall have a good opinion of her. She’s perseverance and doesn’t give up, and won’t take no for an answer, but given the context it’s not in a good way besides saving Tim’s and others lifes a few times.
Despite having read her a lot I don’t know her a lot, because she’s typically always the other character in things. The lady that gets the information.
So I only know a few things about her.
She has the perseverance and won’t take no traits, but in a more positive context. She has no use of her legs but that doesn’t stop her from fighting crime and helping people.
She’s a serious, and mature personality. Every case is very seriously to her, besides a few Tim got into because they were just very goofy.
She can also joke a lot. She has a very teasing personality in her as well. Especially with Tim, she seemed to find Tim really cute and loved teasing him.
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I pretty much only have panels of her and Tim besides a rare few maybe, cause as I said she’s mostly a side character helping out.
I have read Birds of Prey but that was possible a year or two ago, and I didn’t really pay attention so I’m not as sure.
She’s very leaderly, and will direct the traffic so to say. She’s a magnificent detective and hacker. Stands up for herself. Inquisitive. Her mind always seems to be thinking of the next thing to think about.
She’s a character I can’t talk about as well without it being one dimensional.
Cass is another character I don’t have the best grasp on but been trying to learn because she’s probably my second favorite Batkid even if I don’t understand her as strongly. But I do get a lot of her basic personality, and a bit of the nuances, even if I’m not ultra confident on it yet.
She’s quirky, she knows how to tease, but she can also be a bit objective based unless she’s bored it seems, like she does watch TV, but when she has a goal she will not stop until the goal is done. She’s a fully compassionate person as well, she sees little kid needing help, she helps little kid.
Also given her upraising she can be more socially oblivious than anyone else, even Tim. She’s walked around an apartment she was sharing with others butt naked. I think she accidentally flirted with Babs (not a shippy thing, it’s a, Cass said a thing she didn’t understand thing), because she couldn’t tell the difference between a platonic thing and cheesy romantic thing as she watched TV. 
She doesn’t always listen. She will just beat by her own drum unless she believes in something someone else said more.
Given her mind wasn’t raised to be socializing, a lot of this stuff makes sense and is kind of obvious when you think about it.
Cass can also be very stubborn when she has a goal, even when it’s against someone else’s wishes.
She’s mostly been a loner by herself, but she has grown to seem to genuinely like having company around to bond with.
She’s been shown being protective of Tim. Literally carrying him out of a fight zone.
Babs’s is more or less her mom.
Dick and Steph’s I’ve described before.
Distant with Alfred, but Alfred will occasionally drop by to help out. They’re still carrying if they aren’t as connected as others.
Not gonna lie I can’t remember her relationship with Bruce.
But that’s some of the basics and slight nuances of Batgirl. I’m still in the early part of learning about her. So I’ll probably understand her more later on. I genuinely really like her though. I like how she isn’t a one dimensional character like some writers make her out to be. She’s genuinely really fun to read.
I actually know Jason quite a bit because I made a big long post about his time as Robin (post-crisis only, not counting the scripts written before the 80s reboot, or anything inconsistent).
He’s anti-authority, angry, cusses, smokes, violent, murderous tendencies, aggressive, but also has a genuine heroic spirit, is appreciative of the opportunities he was able to have, loved being able to learn especially, had insecurities, and a lot of his violence was in the name of being a more aggressive way of justice. He’d never hurt an innocent.
A lot of this is explain by the fact he was raised on the streets more or less.
When ever he got especially violent was because of a bad guy hurting or killing an innocent or committing abusive acts of any sort. He probably seen a lot of bad stuff on the streets and doesn’t handle it.
He’s pretty decently cynical because of thinking that’s the best way to deal with it.
He was also moody, but after his upbringing that’s to be expected, and unlike what some thinks, Batman was actually understanding and did his best to help Jason back even if he didn’t get it as first.
Jason isn’t a villain, he is a pure anti-hero, he wants to help, he loves to help, when he feels like he should help he does. He just has his own way of doing it that lots don’t agree with.
When he became the Red Hood, all of this stuff just became amplified because of the traumatic event he went through and the feeling of not being avenged and abandoned again.
Where as before he’d nearly kill people, he outright does now with even left empathy. He had a sack of decapitated head once just so other criminals knew he wasn’t playing around. 
However his moodiness came out in different ways. He was actually a very calm, chill personality as the Red Hood, until his traumas got poked at, where he’d go back into his angry bitter ways, but to a more unstoppable way. He’d be more violent, more angry, more inconsolable, more unstable.
As the Red Hood, he is a very far ahead planner and tactition. People always call Tim the planner, but to me Jason is the planner and tactition of the group. He had a large plan that took a while to do, but caused him to accomplish a lot in a short time. Tim does it in the moment or moments before and does a fine enough job, but he isn’t a good leader. Dick is a good planner tactition and leader, but it can also just be shortly before he does something. Jason thinks very far ahead and how people will react and think, how to get under their skin, what will piss them off, what will give him what he once etc.
When he’s not unstable, he’s calm and collected, and is always trying to get under people’s skin. Not in a large over the top way, but just a bit. In an almost charming sort of way. A sly way. He pokes buttons when he’s calm and collected.
As to be expected his relationship with the Bat-Family is complicated. He’s mostly just in the Bat-Family almost purely because of his past in it, more than what he is currently. He’s more of a loner type that will get help when needed, but until the New 52 said otherwise, he’s not much of a team player as he mostly works by himself.
Bat-Family wants him to get better, but at the same time I think they recognize it’s gonna take a lot for Jason to get better, and since Jason is dangerous it creates a lot of overwhelming feelings. Bruce is upset at himself and is almost grieving Jason all over again, Dick has regrets he never had a chance to know him till then, and Tim’s relationship has been so varied and never really felt right, I’d say  most likely Tim would be scared of Jason, and upset at him. Jason was a Robin that killed. Going off of how Tim reacted to thinking Batman killed, he’d probably be genuinely miserable at the thought of what Jason became, and be distant from him.
Jason is sly and hard to read unless he’s emotional.
Duke is the hardest to say anything for, because he’s the newest, most obscure (even tho he is gaining quick prominence), and so therefore has less to go off of. Not helped by a lot of writers making him very two dimensional at best a lot of the time.
He is a natural leader, a dare-devil, very willing to put his life on the line at any time, and passionate and almost stubborn about helping people. He wants to save people, and he’s always wanting to help, because he wants to make his neighborhood a better place.
And that’s almost all I can say, because having read his mini-series he doesn’t have many character traits, and WE ARE ROBIN, where he was introduced and I got that from was short lived.
He’s only with the other Batkids when they really wanna pander, so I can’t even accurately say anything, and the few times you could make a guess it’s not in-character for the other. So he’s just hard to tell. Besides Cass.
I think he’d naturally get along with Bruce, Dick, and Tim, and he’s shown being closest to Cass in the Outsiders series. Considering Cass a sister I believe. They console in each other, care about each other, worry about each other, and look after each other. That’s the closest relationship he has.
But it’s hard to say a lot for him.
To be blunt I can’t say with full accuracy because there’s so many inconsistencies plus reboots.
But I’ll go into oldest to youngest, because some don’t realize some ages.
Dick, was 21 when Tim was 13
Jason was 18 when Tim was 15
Cass is the same age if not older than Jason
Steph is two years older than Tim
I believe Duke is around the same age as Steph
and Tim and Damian’s ages off of that is pretty obvious.
Sorry this is so freaking long, but like I said, just DM me. I’m about to watch a movie, but I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. I at least hope this helped some, and if it’s too long, just message me because it’ll probably be less overwhelming then.
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factual-fantasy · 4 years
Answering more Tf OC asks! You guys are awesome. ♡ඩ⌔ඩ♡
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If you even see him that is. Despite him looking objectively unique compared to other cars I see around my town, he blends in so well somehow. In order to spot him in a parking lot, you have to know that car inside and out and be deliberately looking for him.
Out of all our unusual cars that could be recognized by my followers, he would be the hardest to spot.
He would like a scarf tho, the winters here SUCK
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If you ever think you saw me, just send an anonymous ask saying “WAS THIS YOU AT THIS LOCATION IN THIS TOWN ON THIS DAY” And I’ll either go, “Lol I don’t live there”, or, “Yo, you saw an identical car to mine!” or even better, “THAT WAS ME OH GOSH DID YOU SEE MY SKIN COLOR?? I WANT TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS-”
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I too wish I could pinch his cheeks. But alas, his face is made of metal.. 😔💔
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To me? Escort.
Unbiased answer? Miata.
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Well a little. He’d probably just go, “Heheh.. uh.. huh? <:D...??”
Now if you called Escort the most handsomest car you’ve ever seen...
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Look what you did, you hit him in the head. 
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Yus. 😌
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♡♡♡THANK YOU!!!!♡♡♡
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That’d be a big friggin bow tie holy crud man.
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I asked him and he went,
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Don’t worry! Your English was fine! :} Now domestic animals you say? Hmm...
Red Van loves Dogs, particularly boxers.
Vega. hates. mice. Period. He also doesn’t like Dogs, or cats, or any animals really. They’re new, they’re stressful, they’re fragile, they cant communicate and react unpredictably most of the time. He already is having such a hard time adjusting to the Earth itself, all of its creatures aside from Humans can wait to be introduced to him thank you. One thing at a time please. 
Suburban, Green Truck, Miata and many others would like dogs. Volvo isn’t fond of them though, he prefers cats if he must be around an animal.
Brown Suburban either hates horses because he’s sick of being around them all the time.. or he loves them because they are his only company now.
I personally love rabbits, and have one as a pet. :}
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Alright, I’ll share what I got.
Despite White Trucks size, he is not outstanding in.. well, any category really.
He’s not very fast, strong or smart. All of his mass went into his height, not his strength. Although he is very good at tinkering and building things here and there, he isn’t outstanding. And you would think he’s fast because of his long legs, but he isn’t all that fast. Being fast isn’t just a matter of long legs, its also a matter of strength and endurance. Of which, he doesn’t have much of either.
Now I know I seem to be beating down on him down a little, but he is nothing short of a soldier, despite his scout rank. He has a heart of solid gold and will put himself on the line without question and pushes himself to his absolute limit to make up for his short comings.
Seeing him in battle, you would be none the wiser about the low stats I just mentioned, because he is conculcated. His passion for justice drives him to be the best scout he can be. He says, “here’s what I have, here are my limits, and here is how I’m going to use them to my teams most advantage.” 
He is an excellent fighter, very skilled in utilizing the ability's he does have and making them count. Did I also mention that he is the purest baby and loves everybody? :}
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Thank you very much! ♡♡♡
Soft? The first thing that came to mind was a pillow.
Imagine he’s given a pillow, and is like,
“...Human, I appreciate the gesture.. but this is too small for me to rest my head upon.“ And then would give it back. XD
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