#how to get education loan for abroad studies
elaneducationloans · 3 months
Explore the best loan schemes for overseas education, including how to secure education loans for studying abroad in India. Access free online counseling for study abroad loans to make informed decisions about financing your international education.
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Ableism in the Pricing of Higher Education
I have one more semester of college left, god permitting. Because of the ways my disabilities (ADHD, Autism, and Bipolar Disorder) impede my learning and my productivity, I have had to work so hard to get even mediocre results in college. And I've had to take on so much more debt. Despite it all, I'm going to make it through, and I'm damn PROUD of it. But let's talk about it, because this system is fucking broken and I'm fucking angry about it.
This gets pretty long after the cut, so TL;DR:
Universal public college tuition and student loan debt forgiveness are not just economic issues. They are disability issues, and we need to fight for them like it.
The pricing scheme at my university functions probably not unlike most higher education institutions. Any student who takes three or fewer courses a semester pays à la carte. A set amount for each class. Any student who takes four or more courses a semester pays the same flat rate. The more courses you take, the farther your money goes.
This is broken and it's insane that this is the standard. Of the eight semesters I've completed, I only tried taking the "standard" five courses twice. Both times, I had to withdraw from at least one of them because the workload was too heavy. My brain just isn't wired in a way that can handle that much work and mental bandwidth. My attention span only goes so far, and it gets even worse if my meds aren't just right.
So every other semester, I've taken four courses. The minimum to be considered a full-time student and to pay the flat rate. Each semester, I've raked in a maximum of 12 credits. I say maximum because there have even been four-course semesters that I've had to withdraw from one just to pass the other three. Meanwhile, the assumption is that neurotypical people take five courses a semester.
My university, like pretty much every one in the US, requires 120 credits to graduate with a Bachelor's degree. At 3 credits per course (generally), that's 40 courses. A neurotypical person taking 5 each semester can graduate in 8 semesters, or 4 years. At that same pace, that sets someone like me at graduating in 5 years. Now I'm an laden with an extra year's worth of debt compared to them.
That all assumes I pass all my classes every time, which sometimes, I just fucking can't because my brain is crosswired for what they want it to do. I'm hopefully going to manage to graduate in 9 semesters. How? Well I went into college with 15 credits from dual enrollment in high school (that we paid for out of pocket). That gave me the wiggle room to only take 4 courses each semester. But with my performance, there are still gaps.
I've needed to take two summer courses, which each cost me about $1,300. I'm currently earning 3 credits doing study abroad, which I do admit is an expensive way of going about getting credits, but the program alone (without airfare and living expenses) was about $5,000. Without these "extra" credits, I wouldn't nearly be able to graduate when I will be.
All the while, some neurotypical people are out here taking five or even six classes and paying the exact same rate that I am. They're graduating earlier and not going into as much debt, what, because they happen to have the brains that this pricing scheme favors?
This isn't even considering jobs. Other students are able to balance having a job and taking a full course load. Graduating faster, paying less, and actively earning money to offset the cost more. I'm not going to pretend it's easy for all of them. No way. That's a stressful way to live, but the point is that they can live that way. I can't. I just can't.
I'm going to name my privilege because it's a big one here. My family is decently wealthy. As long as I can remember, we've been able to live comfortably. Financial aid agreed, apparently, because even after the loans I'm allowed, we still pay about $9,000 out of pocket every semester. Put that up against someone in my same financial situation but with a brain that works the way the college thinks it should. That's another $18,000 my family is on the hook for compared to them, all for the same degree. It's bullshit.
But if someone with a brain like mine isn't as fortunate financially as I am, where the fuck are they gonna get that extra money? My family paid for my summer courses and study abroad out of pocket. Where is that less privileged student getting that fucking money? A job? Yeah right, they can barely stay off academic probation from poor grades, like me. What part of this is fair? It's not fair to me, and it's certainly not fair to anyone less wealthy than me.
The short term solution is so obvious it hurts. Create a separate pricing plan that costs the same, but just takes longer. Have me pay less per semester than someone taking 5 courses, and in exchange, prohibit me from taking more than 4. They are using more resources than me, so in the capitalist mindset, they ought to pay more than me.
Fuck the capitalist mindset, though. Fuck everything about college costing money. What the hell? I go to a public, state-funded university and I'm still tens of thousands of dollars in debt? And my parents have just that much less money in their retirement accounts? Financially at least, I have it fucking easy. My family can tank the costs. We can take out a home equity loan because we can afford our own house in this economy. Not everyone can.
Fuck it. This is inhumane. Education is a society's greatest asset. When people are allowed to achieve their ambitions and succeed in life, the economy performs better. Standards of living go up. Democracies become healthier. Most importantly, the people are happier. Because what's more important than being happy and healthy?
So when education is locked behind a fucking paywall, who wins? Not the students, and not society. Taking financial privilege out of it, the worst losers are people like me. People whose minds just can't work in a way that lets us take 5 courses and a part time job at the same time. We are fucking losing. We are losing money and we are losing time in our lives. All this debt sets back our savings, our investments, our stability to start our own families.
Universal public college tuition and student loan debt forgiveness are not just economic issues. They are disability issues. People like me are paying a price that neurotypical people don't have to, and it doesn't have to be that way. There are ways that we can make it better for us, and there are ways that we can make it better for everyone. So let's fucking do them, alright?
That means voting for the people that will put those policies in place. That means protesting when they don't. That means walking out of class and protesting ableist school administrations. That means being an active citizen in our democracy. If we need to fight to get the things that we need to thrive, then we are gonna have to give one hell of a fight.
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what was your college experience like in terms of academics? becoming a doctor?
Hmmm, that’s a rather broad question. If we’re talking about undergrad, those were four amazing years, particularly from an academic standpoint. I was very fortunate in that my parents were paying for my education and I was attending an enormous land-grant university at in-state rates, which meant I was able to take full advantage of opportunities not available to a lot of students. Mostly in terms of taking extra classes every term and participating in three different study abroad programs. I started off double-majoring in English and History, and ended up with a triple-major in English, French, and Medieval & Renaissance Studies (which, until I started undergrad, I had no idea was even a field of study).
I knew I wanted to go into academia so I did what people were supposed to do in those circumstances, namely apply to graduate school. I applied to 9 programs the first time round and only got into one, so that choice was comparatively easy. It was a one-year M.Phil. in European Literature and Culture at the University of Cambridge, and while I was there, I determined that I wanted to stay on and do my PhD on the French Romantics and their relationships with and reworkings of English Renaissance drama. Alas, the two examiners on my master’s thesis had a disagreement, and my thesis did not received the necessary marks, so I ended up having to go home, get a retail job, and reapply to graduate schools for the following academic year.
When I reapplied with an M.Phil. to my name, I got into three graduate programs. I made the deeply questionable financial decision to take an unfunded place in Oxford because it had been my dream since I was a kid to study there. But also this was in 2006 and things were very different. I was told by plenty of people, including my academic advisors, that it was worth the risk to have a PhD from Oxford behind my name.
From a financial standpoint, it was probably the worst decision of my life. However, the three years I spent in Oxford were probably amongst the most intellectually fulfilling I’ve ever had. It’s probably all for the best that I was still at a point in my life where I was capable of ignoring racist microaggressions, and that I was in a stable and committed long-term relationship notwithstanding the three thousand miles of ocean between us, because aside from the intellectual fulfillment, those were rough years. I took out a mountain of student loans and I lived like a hermit, working up to three jobs at a time to afford my monthly rent. My department put me through the wringer, and I nearly quit at one point because they’d almost convinced me I wasn’t good enough.
To some extent, I finished out of spite, to show everyone who’d doubted me that I could actually do it. I then turned my D.Phil. thesis into a book in less than two years because I was convinced it would get me a job.
Narrator: It did not get her a job.
I am now 14 years out from my PhD. I have worked for everything from Ivy-League-adjacent private colleges to a rather notorious for-profit university that happened to be located ten minutes away from where I was living at the time. And the entire structure of academia has changed--or, at the very least, stratified to a point where it is practically impossible to get any job at all, let alone one with a decent salary and benefits. So if this question was posed with the intention of finding out how to succeed, I’m afraid you’re asking the wrong person.
This is not to say that I don’t recommend that people go to graduate school if they want to and have the resources to do it. Especially if you come from a minority or marginalized group, because academia desperately needs those important voices. But if you do, know that the system is rigged and that it takes an enormous amount of resources, effort, and struggle for comparatively little reward. Know that if it doesn’t work out, it is not your fault. And always--always--have a backup plan.
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fund2edu · 5 months
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This helping guide will help you to get knowledge about How to Get Education Loan to Study Abroad.
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educationloans-101 · 11 months
Education Loan for Abroad Studies: Explore Student Loans
An investment in knowledge pays the best interest! And if the knowledge is attained at a top-tier and premium university then it is sure to elevate your career to the next level. However, the unfortunate reality is that the cost of studying in a reputed college is usually quite steep. And studying in a good college overseas is an even more expensive proposition.
Education loans for abroad studies help students, irrespective of their financial status, realize their dream of studying in one of the best universities in the world.
Numerous banks and other lenders now provide foreign education loans for students who want to study abroad. These lenders have different education loan schemes on offer, but choosing the one that is right for you is not an easy task. And that is where GyanDhan helps.
We match you with that lender, which is the best education loan for abroad studies that suits your profile and needs perfectly, and then help secure the loan approval in the most seamless and hassle-free manner.
What is the Maximum Loan Limit For Education Loans to Study Abroad?
In secured education loans, students can apply for student loans of up to INR 1.5 cr. In foreign education loans without collateral, students can apply for study loans of up to INR 45 Lakhs. This loan amount limit can increase or decrease depending on the applicant’s and co-applicant’s profile, country, course, etc.
How to Apply for Abroad Education Loans?
The steps to apply for a loan for financing the studies abroad are:
Step-1: Check your loan eligibility online.
Step-2: Get expert loan counseling to compare the options available.
Step-3: Select a lender and apply online.
Step-4: Get the customized education loan document checklist.
Step-5: Submit the required education loan documents either online or get documents picked up from your home by our representative.
Step-6: Get the property & other legal evaluations done (in secured loans).
Step-7: Get the loan sanction letter after the education loan approval from the lender.
How to Choose the Best Overseas Education Loan?
Taking an education loan to supplant the cost of education overseas is the right choice. Depending on the amount and your profile, financial institutions can finance even 100% of the cost of the course.
However, to get the best education loan option, one needs to carefully analyze the following key aspects of the various options available. When you apply to GyanDhan, we do this analysis for you. In case you do the loan comparison yourself, consider these factors:
Interest Rate: Even a 1% increase in the education loan interest rate has a substantial financial effect. Example - Loan Amount: Rs. 30,00,000, Loan Repayment in: 5 years after you graduate, Course Duration: 2 years; While at 10%, you’ll pay Rs. 9.7 lakhs in interest, at 11%, you’ll pay Rs. 10.9 lakhs - that’s a difference of 1.2 lakhs for just 1%!. Also, historical changes done by any lender in its interest rates should also be considered.
Repayment Holiday/Moratorium Period: It is a specified period during the loan tenure in which the borrower is exempt from making repayments. Loans with a moratorium period have a big plus, as you don’t have to worry about making repayments while you study overseas.
Tax Rebate: Education loans for foreign studies taken from Indian banks are special in that the entire amount paid as interest is exempt from income tax. This has a huge impact: Example - Loan Amount: Rs. 30,00,000, Marginal tax bracket: 30%, Repayment in: 5 years after graduation, Course Duration: 2 Years, ROI: 10%... If your loan has tax rebate, you can save Rs. 2.9 lakhs!
Margin Money: The amount that you need to pay from your own pocket while the rest is paid by the bank. If a bank offers a 0% margin, it means they’ll fund all your education expenses in the offered loan amount.
Hidden Fees: There are numerous hidden fees that your lender might be charging you and when accumulated these will cost you a considerable amount, such as:
Forex Margin: Some lenders charge a forex conversion charge when the overseas education loan is sanctioned in INR and disbursed in some other currency. This can be as high as 1.5%, which translates to Rs. 45,000 for a loan amount of Rs. 30 lakhs.
Processing Fees: This varies from zero to as high as 2%. For a loan of Rs. 30,00,000, the processing fees can be as high as Rs. 60,000
Cost of Credit Life Insurance: Some lenders make it mandatory for the applicant to go in for credit life insurance with their education loan scheme so that their loan amount is protected against any unfortunate eventualities. If the premium amount is on the higher side then it eventually increases the cost of the education loan as well.
Mandatory Cross-Sell: Some lenders try to cross-sell other policies before sanctioning the education loan, even though it is not required on the applicant’s end.
Interest Rate in Different Currencies: Often students face a dilemma of choosing over an education loan in USD with a lower interest rate or an equivalent amount in INR with a higher interest rate. By the previous trend of the rising prices of US$ to INR conversion rates, it is a smart choice to go for the loan amount in INR even though it may come with a higher interest rate.
As you can see, by selecting the right overseas education loan, the reduction in cost can be as high as 5-6%.
Which is the Cheapest Education Loan in India to Study Abroad?
Public sector banks offer the State Bank or BoB lowest interest rates on loans for foreign education compared to private banks & NBFCs. If your institution is listed in BOB’s premium list of colleges, Bank of Baroda offers the cheapest education loan for abroad studies. Otherwise, the State Bank of India offers the cheapest education loans. However, the extent of the cheap education loan in India depends on several factors including the applicant’s profile, co-applicant’s financial profile, target country, target course, etc.
Are you eligible for an abroad education loan? Check here.
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rareeducation · 1 year
MBBS in Philippines: A Comprehensive Guide for Aspiring Doctors
Are you an aspiring medical student looking to pursue MBBS abroad? If so, you may want to consider the Philippines as a destination for your studies. With its high-quality education system, affordable tuition fees, and excellent medical facilities, the Philippines has become a popular choice for international students looking to earn their MBBS degree.
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Here's everything you need to know about studying MBBS in the Philippines.
Why Choose the Philippines for MBBS?
There are several reasons why the Philippines is a top destination for medical studies. Firstly, the country has a well-established education system, with many universities recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI).
Secondly, the cost of studying MBBS in the Philippines is relatively low compared to other countries like the USA, Canada, or Australia. This makes it an affordable option for students who want to pursue their dreams of becoming doctors without incurring huge student loan debts.
Lastly, the Philippines has a high number of medical facilities, including hospitals and clinics, where students can gain practical experience during their studies. This exposure to real-world medical scenarios is crucial in developing the skills and knowledge required to become a successful doctor.
Admission Requirements
To be eligible for MBBS in the Philippines, international students must fulfill certain admission requirements, which may vary depending on the university they wish to attend. However, some common requirements include:
After class XII: 
Student should have passed class 12 with at least
50% in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in Class 12 and passed English
Should have Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in class 11
Preference will be given to students with better academic credentials
After class bachelor degree: 4-year MD (MBBS) course:
Students should have passed Bachelor with science
Student should have passed class 12 with at least
Minimum 50% in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in Class 12 and passed English
Should have passed Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in class 11
Preference to students with better academic credentials
Curriculum and Course Duration
Was drawn up by doctors educated in Harvard Medical School, USA, and meets the latest international standards of Medical Education. Students after class XII take 5 years to complete medical education. Students with bachelor’s Degrees take 4 years to complete medical education. Pre-Medical: Students from India after class 12 first enroll in a pre-medical course for 2 years to get equivalency in the Philippines and be eligible for admission to the 4-year medical course. Students with a Bachelor’s Degree can be admitted directly to the MD course.
The curriculum for MBBS in the Philippines covers a wide range of subjects, including anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology, and preventive medicine. The course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the human body and how it functions, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.
Tuition Fees and Scholarships
The cost of MBBS in the Philippines varies depending on the university, with some universities charging higher tuition fees than others. However, on average, international students can expect to pay around $2,000 to $5,000 per year for tuition fees.
Fortunately, many universities in the Philippines offer scholarships and financial aid programs to help international students cover their tuition and living expenses. These scholarships are often based on academic merit, financial need, or other criteria, and can significantly reduce the cost of studying MBBS in the Philippines.
Career Opportunities
After completing their MBBS degree in the Philippines, international students can choose to return to their home country to practice medicine or continue their studies in the Philippines or elsewhere. The MBBS degree from the Philippines is recognized by many countries around the world, including the USA, Canada, Australia, and the UK, among others.
The career opportunities for MBBS graduates are vast and varied, with many choosing to specialize in areas such as surgery, pediatrics, gynecology, oncology, and cardiology, among others. With a high demand for qualified doctors worldwide, MBBS graduates can expect to have a fulfilling and rewarding career in the medical field.
In conclusion, studying MBBS in the Philippines can be a life-changing experience for aspiring doctors. With its high-quality education system, affordable tuition fees, and excellent medical facilities, the Philippines offers a great opportunity for international students to earn their MBBS degree.
If you are interested in pursuing MBBS in the Philippines or any other country, Rare Education can help you with the admission process. As an MBBS abroad consultancy, we offer comprehensive guidance and support to help students fulfill their dreams of becoming doctors. Visit our website to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your career goals.
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pluttskutt · 11 months
In this life, there are people who achieve something in life and those who don't. I've been fighting all my life to be the first.
Neither of my parents completed high school so I was dead-set on at least doing that. Then I'd get into a university, naturally, and study abroad for a year. I wanted to be a journalist. Before that, I wanted to be a writer but that was unrealistic and I had to apply for a high school that would grant me access to a university so that I could get a well paying job. Thanks, mother.
I'd be the first in my family to finish high school. Hurray. But, as a child with undiagnosed ADD and Autism (mother dearest never gave a shit) I flunked my first year, then I retook it and flunked even harder.
I passed the age limit for high school and had to apply to adult schools that offered the same education, but no diploma. Flunked. Tried another school that offered the same but worse, as in no one will hire you with this on your resume. Flunked. Tried the first option again. Flunked.
Tired of school, of being stupid (if I wasn't stupid, I'd have finished high school the way you're supposed to do at age 18), I tried working but no one would hire me.
All in all, I flunked at least 5 times before I got into one of them "folk high schools". Did my best for 3 years. The last 1½ were affected by the pandemic.
I remember crying every night in the shower, and randomly at school too. In the end, I ended my 3 years with an average score of 2.5 out of 5. The school solidified everything I already thought about myself, which is summed up in one word: stupid.
I applied for jobs that required no education or previous experience. My high school "diploma" wasn't the one you're supposed to have but I didn't have to tell them what lousy score I was given. I just had to put down the name of the school.
In the span of 2 months, I applied for over 80 jobs. None of them got back to me. We're in a pandemic and I can't find job because I have a worthless education that means less than nothing and no experience in anything because I spent over a decade trying to get this worthless education.
Desperate, I searched for anything that would just give me a job so I could have a stable income for the first time in my life and start to build savings for everything I wanted in life, like that trip to Disney World.
I got in to a school overseas to study Pastry. They promised an internship. Finally, a way to build on that resume and get a job. It was costly, but I knew that with how frugal I was and the possibilities I'd have, there'd be no problem paying back that student loan.
Then, as things in my life tend to do, it fell apart. No internship. No experience. No job. Homeless, with nothing but loans to my name.
I tried, I shot for the stars, but I finally accepted that dreams are for rookies and while there are people who are meant to achieve great things, I am not one of them.
My best isn't good enough. It's never been, it never will be, and that's that. There's no silver lining. It is what it is, and what it is is a sucky life spent in a worthless existence that will never lead to anything.
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How to get an Abroad Education Loan?
If you're seeking an education loan for studying abroad, you can reach out to GyanDhan. They have partnered with India’s top banks such as SBI, UBI, HDFC Credila, ICICI, and even international lenders like Mpower and Prodigy Finance.
The best part is, GyanDhan's services are completely free! They will provide you with an experienced education loan counselor who will help you evaluate your profile and create a personalized checklist of documents you'll need.
And here's the cherry on top - GyanDhan offers you Guaranteed Best Loan and if you find a better loan offer elsewhere, they will gladly cover the difference in interest.
All you have to do is Check Your Loan Eligibility, and they will get in touch with you quickly.
Oh, and they also have an EMI calculator tool that lets you calculate your loan repayment installments easily.
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einprotagonist · 1 year
Going abroad...
Earlier, we've talked about how there are several dreams that a person carries, it is highly unlikely you don't have more than one dream. Ofcourse, you can rank them in an order where something is more important while others can be just peripheral options in your opinion.
And this blog is about me trying to go abroad, I'd earlier tried to explore options about how I can go study abroad. When I was in 6-7th standard, I'd talk to random people on internet who were from various different countries and I was fascinated with the lifestyle they had while I was proud of how much academically smarter I was when compared to some of older students too. But I wanted to explore, they had places which weren't awfully crowded and they had public facilities which were far better than ours. Yes, every land has it's own shitty side but I am not the one to dig shit when I'm dreaming.
During intermediate, I came to know about SAT exams which must have costed my dad almost 75% of his monthly salary at the time when he had to pay rents of 2 separate stays - me and family, pay for food and what not. We were basically drowning in loans I think but never restricted ourselves from trying to make life big. I gave the exam without much preparation and scores were a little above the average and were just about enough to secure 60-70% scholarship in a few universities in the USA - turns out that even if we were given a 100% scholarship then also my family wouldn't be able to pay for the cost of me living there. I immediately let the thought and dream pack its bag and leave. LOL.
Then in college times I was getting better at Automobile Engineering and was deeply invested into making a career out of it. Europe was a dreamland for cars and once again I started to check where I would be paying the least for education, be allowed for a part time job to pay my own living expenses during the masters degree and things did not fall into place. This time my university grades were not good enough to breeze me through and then pockets were already empty for this sort of arrangement to go ahead with. Plus there was this notion that I can keep trying after getting into job.
Well, 4 years have passed since I graduated and many things have happened, some may be well versed with all of those things but most will never know the complete details until they read about it here in future.
Now after all these years, and all these experiences... I think I want finally want to move out and make new moves. I've evaluated the current situations, the budget and options that are present in front of me. The decision on where to go has been pretty clear after initial analysis - Canada is the only place which checks all my boxes. My plan is to go for an MBA and find myself a job after completion of the course in order to support my family better while live my best life. That is right, I want this for myself more than anyone else. Which is how most of the dreams are I think, other factors like family or future generations will always benefit from the positive outcome.
So.. yeah I have just finished giving the English proficiency tests and it is still a very long way to go. I'd prefer to get admission into one of the renowned colleges and we will find out more in the aftermath.
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Top tips for handling financial anxiety as a university student
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Top tips for handling financial anxiety as a university student
Financial anxiety can be a real challenge for university students, especially for international students studying abroad. To manage your financial worries, here are some top tips from Kenilworth Global Consulting:
Monitor Your Spending – Keeping track of what you’re spending money on is an important way to better manage your finances. Set up a budget and keep track of where your money is going so that you can make smart decisions about how much to save or spend each month. This will help you stay within your means and avoid taking on more debt than necessary.
Cut Unnecessary Expenses – Evaluate where your money is going and look for ways to cut back on unnecessary expenses. Are there any subscriptions or services that you don’t really need? Do you find yourself buying things you don’t really need? Can you find cheaper alternatives for some of your regular purchases? Making small changes to your spending habits can help you save money and reduce financial anxiety.
Reach Out for Help – Don’t be afraid to reach out to family, friends or professionals if you are struggling with financial anxiety. Talking through your worries with someone who understands can help put things into perspective and provide valuable advice. You may also want to look into credit counseling services, which can provide tailored guidance on how to manage debts and increase savings. Our experienced team at Kenilworth Global consulting will provide you with end-to-end solution in education consultancy for overseas study.
Consider Side Hustles – If you’re feeling the pinch financially, consider taking on a side hustle or part-time job while studying at university. This can help to supplement your income and provide a little extra financial security. Plus, it’s a great way to build your skillset and gain experience which will be valuable when you enter the job market after graduation. Kenilworth Global Consulting provides the best Immigration and visa Consultancy services for studentsin India. once you’re on your way to your dream country, don’t forget to enjoy every moment of your incredible experience!
Make Use of Support Services – Many universities offer support services for students dealing with money worries. Check out what’s available at your university such as emergency loans, financial advice sessions or budgeting workshops. Taking advantage of these resources can help you make more informed decisions about money management during your student years.
Stop comparing yourself to others – University is a melting pot of different personalities and financial situations, but it’s important to remember that comparing yourself to others doesn’t help anyone. Trying to keep up with their lifestyle or spending habits can lead down the path of economic stress – focus on making your own finances work for you instead! Your situation isn’t in competition with someone else’s so try not let comparisons get in the way of living within your means at university.
Enjoy life in university – Don’t let finances stand between you and achieving your dreams. College is a chance to learn, grow and experience some of the best years life has to offer – but it can be intimidating if money worries are looming in the background. Reach out for support programs available where needed; stay hopeful that better days ahead will make those hard times worth it! Make this time count by investing effort into getting an education which could reap rewards through future successes when tackling financial challenges head on.
By following these tips and taking control of your finances, you can reduce financial anxiety and ensure that the transition into university life is smoother. With a bit of planning and effort, managing money as a student can be rewarding and stress-free.
How can Kenilworth Global Consulting help?
Our team at Kenilworth Global Consulting finds the perfect study abroad opportunity for you. We’ll help you find and apply to the best programs based on your specific goals and background so that you have the best experience possible.
With Kenilworth Global Consulting, you can maximize your chances of success. We offer personalized guidance and support from start to finish to ensure your study abroad application is the best it can be. to maximize your chances for success. (Our students have a 95% success rate). Kenilworth Global Consulting are the best study abroad in India.
With Kenilworth Global Consulting, you get to work with our team of international education consultants from start to finish. Email us at [email protected] or call us at +22 670 80 829 / 830 to learn more.
Visit Us: https://www.kenilworthglobalconsulting.com/top-tips-for-handling-financial-anxiety-as-a-university-student/
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Cost of Living in Spain: Budgeting Tips and Financial Support Options for Indian Students
You've finally made the exciting decision to study in Spain! While visions of tapas, siestas, and sangria may be dancing in your head, your practical side is wondering just how you'll manage your money. Studying abroad is an investment, and you want to make the most of this experience without breaking the bank. Although the cost of living in Spain is lower than in many other European countries, you'll still need to budget wisely. But don't stress! With some strategic planning and resourcefulness, studying in Spain can be affordable. Expert tips from overseas education consultants can be of great help here!
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This guide will break down the average costs, scholarship options, and money-saving tips to help you create a realistic budget. Follow this advice, and you can fully immerse yourself in Spanish culture without going into debt. ¡Vamanos!
Study in Spain: Average tuition and living costs 
Let's talk about expenses while studying in Spain according to overseas education consultants:
Tuition fees
For Indian students, tuition fees in Spain are quite affordable compared to other European countries. Undergraduate programs cost between 6,000 to 18,000 euros per year. Private universities charge higher fees of 10,000 to 18,000 euros. Medicine, business, and engineering degrees have higher fees.
Living expenses
As per overseas education consultants, studying in Spain is generally cheaper than in other Western European countries. You'll need around 800 to 1,100 euros per month to cover basic living expenses like accommodation, food, and transport. Rent costs between 350 to 750 euros per month for a one-bedroom apartment. Groceries cost around 300 euros per month. Local transport is around 50 euros per month.
Additional costs
Don't forget additional costs like health insurance (around 50-100 euros per month), phone/internet (30-50 euros per month), entertainment (around 100-200 euros per month) and any extra tuition fees for courses.
Financial assistance
There are scholarships and loans available for Indian students in Spain. The ICCR and the Spanish government offer scholarships covering tuition and living costs. Student loans from Indian banks like SBI, BOB, and PNB offer loans up to 20 lakhs for studying in Spain. Some private education loan companies also lend to students going to Spain.
Budgeting tips to save money as an international student
As an international student studying in Spain, keeping expenses in check is key. Here are some tips to help you budget wisely:
Find affordable housing
Housing will likely be your biggest expense. Look for shared student housing or host families to cut costs. If renting an apartment, choose a place close to campus or public transit to avoid transportation fees. Negotiate the best deal you can- you never know what discounts may be available!
Buy a student travel pass
Public transit in Spain is very affordable, especially if you buy a discounted student travel pass. These passes often allow unlimited travel within a city, so you can easily get around without a car. Some even provide access to bike-sharing or reduced-fare taxis.
Take advantage of student discounts
Show your student ID whenever making a purchase. Many businesses like museums, gyms, and retailers offer student discounts of 10-50% off. Download student discount apps like UniDays, Student Beans, or Youth Discount to find deals.
Cook meals at home
Eating out frequently can drain your budget fast. Buy groceries and cook meals at home instead. Shop at budget supermarkets and meal prep on weekends to have leftovers during the week.
So there you have it, my friend. Studying abroad in Spain can be an amazing adventure, but you'll need to be smart with your money. Make a detailed budget, look for discounts and scholarships, consider working part-time if your visa allows, and don't be afraid to ask for help from your university or fellow students. The financial aspect may seem daunting at first, but with some planning and resourcefulness, you can make your Spanish dreams a reality without breaking the bank. The experiences you gain will be well worth the effort. Best of luck with your studies abroad!
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elaneducationloans · 3 months
Understand what expenses your study abroad loan covers, including tuition fees and travel costs, essential for students seeking education loans for studying in the UK or Canada, providing insights into accessing financing for abroad studies.
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kcoverseashyderabad · 26 days
Explore the process of securing a student loan for studying abroad with this easy-to-understand guide from KC Overseas Hyderabad. Find out about the various types of loans available, who qualifies, and step-by-step instructions on the application process. This guide also includes practical advice on choosing the right loan option and preparing the necessary documents. It's designed to help Indian students and their parents smoothly navigate the journey towards an international education.
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myloansclick · 27 days
Surpass Unemployment: 5 Effective Tips and Job Portals in Ireland!
Unemployment is one of the stop-breaking things for Irish people who are deliberately looking for jobs. Sometimes, the lack of skills may become the reason behind unemployment. And sometimes, you don't find the right fit according to your skills.
You may find the salary amount to be too low to meet your ends. Skipping a job and waiting for the next best opportunity may be the right decision many times.
You skip a job and wait for the right job when you are sure about yourself. Being unsure about your skills and still doing so is not a good idea. But if you are the one with high self-esteem and the right approach toward your career, then you can make it.
People with such zeal get support from various direct lending institutions in Ireland. They receive loans for unemployed Ireland. If you do not know how these loans work, then you can develop your understanding below.
What are the criteria for unemployed people to receive loans?
Loans for the unemployed are just like financial security. This security comes to the rescue of people going through adverse financial stances in unemployment. Security is available to Irish people above 18 years old. There are various other things you should take into account. Right below, you will find the valid points for receiving loans for jobless people.
The minimum age is 18 years old to meet the eligibility criteria.
Registration under the electoral roll to provide your citizenship status.
Paid utility bills for address proof.
Your ID proof.
Direct lender's eligibility criteria may differ. One lender may ask you to provide documents, while another may not ask you to do so. So choose the lender that provides you with the loan on easy terms and conditions.
Once you receive the loan, you also need to discover the right methods to utilize such loans. There are several ways you can utilize loans for jobless individuals. Dive into the diverse ways and make that are apt to your individual situation.
Study abroad:
If you find valuable insights in abroad courses that may elevate you in your career, then you can go ahead. Study abroad with loans for unemployed people. Get funds from reliable lending institutions.
Excel in your field, and become flawless. If you have a valid sum of money to take charge of your expenses, then you should go ahead. But here choose instant cash loan in 1 hour Ireland to bridge the small gap of funds. These loans are apt for short term funding.
Pursue short-term courses:
If you find yourself stuck in the whole field, you can master one thing at a time. There are various short-term online courses that provide insightful experiences. You can pursue such courses and enable yourself to grab the right job opportunity.
Sharpen your skill:
You can sharpen your skills through comprehensive solutions. There are various short-term guidance plans that help you to advance your knowledge and skills. If you find the right option to accelerate your growth in the relative field, then go ahead.
Bear your regular expenses:
Suppose you find yourself stuck in taking care of your regular expenses. You can borrow loans for people with no job. Meet your regular ends while searching for a job, and repay on the salary day.
Get a subscription of paid tools:
IT professionals or some other job field experts may require access to paid tools. If you require access to a few advanced tools, then you can do it. While searching for a job, you can access such tools to gain excellent knowledge and insights related to the subject.
What are the major substitutes for loans for unemployed people?
Payday loans
Doorstep loans
Education loans
Credit card
What are the top 5 job portals for Seeking Jobs in the UK?
Final Thoughts to Jobseekers!
There are various other job portals you can search online, and apply for your relative field. Search online putting some extra pressure on your finger tips. Cover your expenses while finding the job of your dreams. Meet your expenses till then with loans without a job. Request your lender to extend the grace period for the repayment.
The extension of the grace period will help in skipping the bad credit score if you do not find a job till then. While looking for a job, you are most likely taking much more time than you think. This happens in the case of your dream job. Still, many people get jobs faster.
The magic about succeeding with such loans is the choice of the repayment tenure. As you will be able to pay on the salary day choose the maximum time you need to get the job added with the salary day time.
Surpass the unemployment with proven tips and reputed job portals. Handle your monthly expenses with loans for unemployment and payback on your salary day.
For more information about quick loan ireland, no credit check same day loans, short term no credit check loans visit our website - https://www.myloansclick.com/
Our Contact Address:
69 Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 F2K2, Ireland
69 Ranelagh, Dublin, D06 V378
Mobile: 0353-19062765
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abhiraminfluocial · 1 month
How Do Study Abroad Consultants Help Students in Kerala?
Study abroad consultants in Kerala assist students in navigating the complex process of applying to universities and colleges overseas. These consultants provide guidance on choosing the right institution, preparing application materials, such as resumes, essays, and recommendation letters, and navigating visa procedures. They also offer support for standardized tests like the TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, and GMAT. Additionally, they may provide assistance with financial planning, including scholarships and loans, as well as advice on accommodation and adjusting to life in a foreign country
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Study Abroad in Canada
Canada is a popular destination for international students wishing to study abroad because of its outstanding standard of living, varied academic programs, vibrant multicultural environment, and top-notch educational system. A wide range of programs are available in Canadian universities in the humanities, sciences, business, engineering, and technology, among other subjects of study. Students are free to select courses that fit their interests and professional aspirations. A good standard of living may be found in Canada, which also has stunning natural scenery, friendly and safe towns, and first-rate healthcare. For international students, cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Calgary are popular choices. International students usually require a study permit, which functions as a student visa, in order to study in Canada.
Australia Study consultant
International students wishing to explore educational possibilities in Australia can receive invaluable guidance from study abroad counselors in Australia. Consultants help students select the best course, school, and location based on their academic background, hobbies, and professional aspirations by providing them with individualized guidance and counseling. They offer financial planning guidance, such as calculating living and study expenses in Australia, looking into scholarship prospects, and comprehending banking and currency exchange procedures. They assist students in creating a financial strategy and budget to fund their education in Australia.
New Zealand University for International Students
New Zealand offers a range of universities that are popular among international students for their high-quality education, research opportunities, and welcoming environment. universities are known for their commitment to academic excellence, research innovation, and student support services, making them attractive options for international students seeking to study in New Zealand. Prospective students should research each university's programs, facilities, location, and support services to find the best fit for their academic and personal goals. Additionally, it's important to familiarize oneself with visa requirements, tuition fees, and living expenses when planning to study abroad in New Zealand.
Ireland Study Consultant
Study abroad advisors in Ireland are essential in helping foreign students take advantage of educational possibilities in the nation. Advisors provide students with pre-departure assistance, such as details on lodging choices, travel schedules, health insurance, and cultural adjustment. They answer any questions students may have about living and studying overseas and assist them in getting ready for their move to Ireland. Financial planning guidance is given by consultants, who can also help with understanding banking and currency conversion procedures, assessing the cost of living and studying in Ireland, and looking into scholarship prospects. Advisors can also offer details on post-study career prospects, immigration procedures, and choices for post-graduation work or study in Ireland.
USA Study Abroad Consultants
The United States provide valuable assistance to international students seeking to pursue education opportunities in the country. they  guidance on the US student visa application process, including understanding visa requirements, preparing visa documentation (such as the DS-160 form), scheduling visa interviews, and attending visa interviews at the US embassy or consulate. They help students navigate the visa process smoothly to ensure compliance with US immigration regulations. Consultants provide advice on financial planning, including estimating the cost of studying and living in the USA, exploring scholarship opportunities, understanding banking and currency exchange processes, and applying for student loans if necessary. They help students develop a budget and financial plan to support their studies in the USA.
In conclusion, abroad consultancy services play a crucial role in facilitating the study abroad journey for international students. These consultancy firms offer a range of services aimed at guiding and supporting students through every step of the process, from university selection to post-arrival assistance. Abroad consultancy firms provide expert guidance and counseling to help students make informed decisions about their education options abroad. They offer personalized support tailored to each student's academic background, interests, and career goals.
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scholarsabroad123 · 1 month
How Pune's Top Education Consultants Can Help with Scholarships
Getting a scholarship to study abroad can revolutionise your academic path by increasing the accessibility and affordability of international education. Here's a summary of the benefits of scholarships as well as some advice on how to improve your chances of being awarded one.
Scholarships Are Important for Studying Abroad:
Financial Assistance: This is arguably the most evident advantage of scholarships. Though the exorbitant prices discourage many students from pursuing their ambition of studying overseas. Scholarships enable students from a variety of financial situations to pursue their academic objectives by paying for tuition, living expenses, and occasionally even travel costs.
Less Debt: Since scholarships do not have to be paid back, like loans, they relieve students of a large portion of their debt. By obtaining scholarships, you can prevent accruing enormous debt from student loans, freeing you up to pursue further studies or launch your profession without worrying about money.
Increased Academic Opportunities: Scholarships provide access to esteemed schools and courses that might otherwise be unaffordable. By giving you access to world-class instructors, state-of-the-art research facilities, and a varied academic community, these programs will improve your academic record and enrich your educational experience.
Global Networking: You will be exposed to a worldwide network of professionals, academics, and classmates while you study abroad on a scholarship. For upcoming professional prospects, teamwork, and personal development, this network can be quite helpful. Developing interactions with people from other backgrounds helps you become more interculturally competent and opens up new ideas.
Some pointers for obtaining scholarships to study overseas:
Begin Early: Searching for a scholarship should start as soon as possible. Do not wait until you have gotten admission offers to start exploring for funding opportunities—many scholarship deadlines are well ahead of university application deadlines.
Do Extensive Research: Investigate a variety of scholarship opportunities, such as those provided by foundations, governments, colleges, and organisations. Read the rules carefully as each scholarship has different requirements for eligibility, applications, and deadlines.
Emphasise Your Successes: It is important to emphasise in your application your leadership responsibilities, extracurricular activities, community service, academic accomplishments, and any other pertinent experiences because scholarships are competitive. Describe what makes you stand out from the other applicants.
Customise Your Applications: Make sure your scholarship requests are appropriate for each grant source. Tailor your personal statements and writings to the goals and requirements of the scholarship. Explain how getting the award will enable you to fulfil your academic and professional ambitions.
Request Recommendation Letters: Obtain solid recommendation letters from instructors, professors, or employers who can vouch for your character, potential, and academic prowess. Select references who are familiar with you and able to give concrete instances of your accomplishments and assets.
Prepare for Interviews: If there will be interviews as part of the scholarship application process, get ready for them. Be prepared to explain why you should receive the scholarship and how you intend to take full use of the opportunity. Practise your responses to frequently asked interview questions.
Remain Positive and Persistent: Applying for scholarships can be competitive, and getting turned down might be discouraging. Do not give up, though. Continue applying, being tenacious, and keeping an optimistic outlook. Every application is an educational opportunity that can raise your prospects going forward.
In conclusion, scholarships play a crucial role in making international education accessible and affordable for students worldwide. By following these tips and seeking assistance from the best education consultants in Pune, you can increase your chances of securing funding for your study abroad journey and achieve your academic aspirations.
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