#i don't know what this technique is called that's just what i've been saying lol
arleo · 2 years
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and some smudgy stuff with the ladairs
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fushiglow · 5 months
if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
When I'm hyperfixating on a special interest, I find it really hard to remember anything that previously held my attention lol — so I'm struggling to answer this question, anon! I'm not a huge shipper usually, and I'm incredibly unenthusiastic about ship wars so I generally don't get involved.
That said, there are tons of ships I like in Jujutsu Kaisen. SatoSugu and Megumi are pretty much all I post about on here, but I've gained a few followers recently so it's probably worth saying because I've seen a lot of ship discourse elsewhere in the fandom recently:
If you're reading this and you really hate any of the ships I mention in this post, feel free to unfollow if it's that big a deal to you.
I'm really not interested in arguing about ships — because it just isn't that deep, I have limited free time to give to fandom and I'd rather spend it on things I love — so please don't get into that with me. However, if it's not a big deal to you, great to have you around! ♥
So, Jujutsu Kaisen ships I like below the cut:
Obviously, SatoSugu* has really captured my imagination. I don't think I've ever shipped anything as hard as I ship those two, but I talk about them all the time so I won't go into any more detail.
Other than that, I like GojoHime which I know is blasphemy for a SatoSugu shipper (I'm kidding, there's a bunch of us who ship both) but I don't think one has to preclude the other (after all, Gojo has two hands 👀). I've written two canonverse fics for GojoHime, and I've gently implied a former romantic relationship between SatoSugu in both.
I think lots of people read too deeply into the "she hates him" thing. Is he a bit of a dick to her? Absolutely, but treating Utahime like she's just a victim of the terrible Gojo Satoru takes away from her character — because she gives as good as she gets! I adore the contradiction in how she presents herself as this prim and proper miko, but she's actually a little firecracker who loses her temper easily and throws things at people and drinks heavily. Don't take that away from her, it's what makes her fun!
To me, it's obvious that their dynamic is designed to provide comic relief, but they trust each other when it comes down to it. In fact, I'd argue their bickering is evidence of that — if you're a polite person, you don't bicker with people you're not comfortable with. More than that, I like how Utahime is set up as a bit of a foil to Gojo. It's been said before, but there's a poetry in her technique making the 'strongest' stronger, especially considering that he goes to this character he's historically called weak to ask for help in the biggest fight of his life. Delicious!
Beyond that, I casually enjoy a bunch of other JJK ships. I don't actively seek out or create content for them, but I enjoy some of the art and fic when I come across it. Namely:
SaShiSu, in any configuration. SatoShoko is appealing to me for reasons I touched on in response to a question about Gojo's relationship with Shoko. SuguShoko is hot, simply because I think both characters are hot and they look hot together lol. I can even get behind poly SaShiSu!
OkkoFushi, because of Megumi's ~one line~ about respecting his senpai. It's essentially a crack ship, but I have the silliest little headcanon that Gojo brought Megumi to meet the first years sometime during JJK 0 and Megumi developed his first crush — see this adorable art for reference.
ItaFushi, ItaJun, and YutaMaki because they're all harmless and adorable.
GojoKen, because I love the potential for toxic angst.
KenTen, because "goodbye, old friend" — I'm sorry, what??? 👀
ShokoHime and ChosoYuki because they're all sexy as hell.
NobaMai, because they have sizzling chemistry.
KiraKari and MechaMiwa, because they're both canon as far as I'm concerned.
ShiuToji, because they're "business partners" — sure, guys!!
NanaGo, purely for the cute single dads art.
SukuGo, but only in a non-canon setting. They should have been besties in canon though 😔
Finally, the controversial one. Sukuna can stay the hell away from Megumi in canon (🥲) but I quite like SukuFushi in a specific AU setting — especially if Yuji and Sukuna are brothers in it! I have a soft spot for the Itadori twins, and I'm into the idea of big bully Sukuna meeting his match in his brat of a brother's quiet best friend with the deceptively sharp tongue (and knuckles).
However, I personally find that a lot of people mischaracterise Megumi in his ships and take away the aspects of his character that I really love (come on, he beat people the hell up at school!) so I'm not super into Megumi ships in general, despite the fact that he's my best boy.
As you can see, I'm really not that fussy about ships. In the past, I've definitely read fic featuring a side pairing that I'm not super into, but it won't stop me reading a good fic if there's a pairing I don't like in it. Sometimes, if it's well-written, I might even end up a fan!
Outside of JJK, there really isn't much. I don't follow many other animanga, but I think AkiAngel is a gorgeous ship and EreMika is cute although a bit bland. I think that's it though... Sorry this wasn't really what you asked for, but thank you for the question! ♥
*I just use the popular ship name, but I don't have any strong preferences when it comes to sexual dynamics so the name order isn't important to me — that goes for all the ships I like!
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aer-in-wanderland · 11 months
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PSYCHO-PASS: Providence - According to Japanese Twitter
After a long wait (or maybe it just felt long to me), PSYCHO-PASS: Providence finally hits North American theaters this week (14 July 2023), before becoming more widely internationally available in early August.
Unfortunately, as I'm not currently in Japan, I've not yet seen it. Fortunately, I speak Japanese, so I've read pretty much everything I could find about what happens. If you're like me and can't wait to see it in cinemas/don't mind major spoilers, this post is for you.
What follows is a compilation of everything my sister and I know about PPP -- drawing from fan talk on Twitter, director and writer interviews and tweets, and other official promotional materials only available in Japanese -- without actually having seen it.
We also explain some of the major plot points and go into detail on the real-life works referenced in the film, so if you watched it but feel like you could still use some clarification (as many Japanese fans did), this post might be for you too.
Once again, this post is nothing but spoilers (to be taken with several grains of salt as there is a certain amount of guesswork involved), so read on at your own risk.
*Note: "SN" denotes tweets/quotes by director Shiotani Naoyoshi.
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We open on a snowy, stormy night, January 2118 (2 months post-SS Case.3).
A team of armed mercenaries board a transport ship off the coast of Kanagawa, Japan and set about killing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Suppressing Action Department (SAD) agents on board. 
Among them is Kai Mikhaylov, a Russian agent with a large burn scar on the left half of his face.
Kai Mikhaylov (VA: Kase Yasuyuki): A member of the “Peacebreakers.” In order to obtain the Stronskaya Document, he launches an attack on the ship Milcia is on. 
Leading the mercenaries is fellow mercenary Bokamoso Murray, who sports distinctive red dreadlocks.
Bokamoso Murray (VA: Shirokuma Hiroshi): A combatant affiliated with the “Peacebreakers.” He operates in tandem with Kai Mikhaylov; beginning with the assault on the Grootslang, he works to seize the Stronskaya Document. 
For the record, the Grootslang (the ship’s name) is a mythical giant snake rumoured to dwell deep in a cave in the Richtersveld, South Africa. It’s said that anyone who encounters it will meet with misfortune. Well then.
Indoors on the same ship, we find Dr Milicia Stronskaya, who has been invited to Tokyo from Russia to participate in an important political conference. 
Milcia Stronskaya (VA: Tsuda Shōko): A researcher and global authority on behavioural economics and statistics. She establishes the basic theory simulation referred to as the “Stronskaya Document.”
Realising the ship is under attack, she hurriedly sends a communication to someone, apologising under her breath as she does so.
She pulls out a gun just as a helmeted mercenary bursts into the room, and she shoots him dead. You can tell from how she handles it that she’s competent.
Kai charges in next, dodging her shots and pinning her down.
Leaning over her, Kai calls her “professor,” at which she startles. He then says to her, “There’s nowhere left to run.”
Kai shoots Dr Stronskaya, killing her. 
Bokamoso shows up then and says to Kai, “You screwed up, huh, Kai,” and “We’re switching to Plan B.”
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Meanwhile, Kogami Shinya, one of our two main protagonists, heads to her rescue.
Kōgami Shinya (VA: Seki Tomokazu): Special Investigator, Suppressing Action Department, Overseas Coordination Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Age 33. He was living a nomadic life abroad acting as a mercenary but was recruited by Frederica and returned to Japan; currently, he’s pursuing international incidents. He prides himself on his advanced combat techniques and honed physique.
Kogami makes an insane jump from an aircraft wearing a wingsuit. (I’ve seen him described alternately as Batman, Captain America, and a flying squirrel here lol)
SN: What colour suits a man who flies... Thinking about it.
Kogami proceeds to fight his way through the enemy soldiers with his typical efficiency.
Unfortunately, he arrives too late to save the professor, and the mercenaries have already absconded with her head. The reason for this is explained later.
On deck, Bokamoso and his team board their aircraft and make their escape.
Kogami, who has followed them out, takes aim at the aircraft but is tackled to the deck by a reanimated SAD agent. The man’s mouth doesn’t move but we hear a voice quoting what appears to be a passage from a religious text.
An explosion goes off and Kogami breaks free of his attacker and escapes the conflagration by jumping into the ocean.
Backlit by the flames and treading water, Kogami — vexed but composed as usual — reports on the situation via his device.
<<Opening Credits>>
OP: 「アレキシサイミアスペア」 (alexithymiaspare) ~ 凛として時雨 (Ling tosite sigure)
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We cut to the opening credits, set to Ling tosite sigure’s “Alexthymiaspare.” The group also contributed to the soundtracks for PP1, PP2, and PP: The Movie (M1), so this is one of many ways in which the film “returns to its roots.”
The credits are then followed by a brief shot of the Sibyl System accompanied by the following text: 《"The Sibyl System," a vast surveillance network that assigns numeric values to and governs human beings’ mental states. Detectives who carry "Dominators" — guns that measure "crime coefficients" — pursue "latent criminals" before they commit crimes.》
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The next morning, our other main protagonist, Tsunemori Akane, now Chief Inspector of the CID, attends a meeting of senior bureaucrats to discuss the proposed abolishment of the Ministry of Justice and the old system of law.
Tsunemori Akane (VA: Hanazawa Kana): Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Public Safety Bureau. Age 25. She commands the Public Safety Bureau’s Criminal Investigation Department. She possesses an incontrovertible sense of justice and a stalwart mentality that makes it difficult for her Hue to cloud; she makes an appeal for maintaining the law under the Sibyl System.  
The official name of the conference, which is being held at Nona Tower (i.e. the Ministry of Welfare’s HQ), is “Review Meeting on the Topic of the Overseas Expansion of Industry RE: the Sibyl System.”
Shindo Atsushi — father to PP3 protagonist Shindo Arata — is also in attendance, alongside officials from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Shindō Atsushi (VA: Sugō Takayuki): Director-General of the Statistics Department, Minister’s Secretariat,  Ministry of Health and Welfare. One of the elite who started his career as an Inspector [at the CID] and entered the MHW. He’s involved in the exportation of the Sibyl System, immigration policy, etc.
For the record, this is the same conference that Dr Stronskaya was originally scheduled to attend at Atsushi’s invitation.
Akane is the only woman and by far the youngest person present, but she doesn’t hesitate to say her piece. When it’s her turn to speak, she opens by saying, “‘Under the Sibyl System, the law is unnecessary.’ Is that truly the case?”
Akane is basically the sole voice of dissent, while Atsushi assumes a more neutral position. 
During the meeting, Atsushi receives a text message, which he checks covertly before stashing his device in an inner pocket of his suit jacket.
Moments later, Akane receives a red alert on her device and excuses herself.
Atsushi calls a break in the meeting while Akane steps out to take a call from Mika.
Shimotsuki Mika (VA: Sakura Ayane): Inspector, Division 1, Criminal Investigation Department, Public Safety Bureau, Ministry of Health and Welfare. Age 21. The youngest Inspector ever inducted. At the time, she took a negative stance towards Akane’s way of thinking, but the two have a good working relationship now. She’s competitive but possesses both presence of mind and rational judgement.
Director Shiotani tweeted a quote by Rousseau that I saw someone identify as having been in reference to this scene. It’s not clear to me though whether a character quotes it aloud, or if Shiotani just meant it as an overarching theme:
SN: “Keep this truth ever before you—Ignorance never did any one any harm, error alone is fatal, and we do not lose our way through ignorance but through self-confidence.” by.Rousseau
from Rousseau’s Emile (On Education), Book III
SN: “Real knowledge is knowing the extent of one’s ignorance.”〈matcha emoji〉
from Confucius’ Analects II, Political Philosophy
Keep reading here.
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country-n-sassy · 4 months
1. What is your ultimate sexual fantasy?
2. Have you ever had a one-night stand?
3. What turns you on the most during foreplay?
4. Have you ever played with yourself in bed while having someone next to you without them knowing?
5. What is the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done in public?
6. Describe your favorite role-playing scenario.
7. Have you ever had a threesome or considered having one?
8. What is your favorite place to have intimate moments besides the bedroom?
9. What is your favorite sex toy?
10. Share a secret sexual fantasy that you’ve never told anyone before.
11. What is your opinion on experimenting with bondage or BDSM?
12. What is the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done with a partner?
13. Have you ever had a crush on someone else while in a relationship?
14. What is your favorite type of foreplay?
15. Describe your wildest sexual experience.
16. How do you feel about public displays of affection?
17. Have you ever had a sexy dream about someone else?
18. What is your favorite way to initiate intimacy?
19. Have you ever tried any tantric techniques or practices?
20. Share a sexual fantasy that you would like to fulfill.
21. What is the most adventurous place you’ve ever had sex?
22. What is something new you would like to try in the bedroom?
23. What is your ultimate turn-on when it comes to dirty talk?
24. Have you ever had a sexual fantasy about someone you know in real life?
25. Have you ever had a sexual encounter in a vehicle? If so, where?
Oh my 😳😳
1. I just want to be enough for someone, bot secually and emotionally. Call me old school, but I just want one person who thinks I'm the most amazing woman on the planet and doesn't feel the need to search for more.
2. *giggle* Yeah... a few.
3. Passion and spontaneity. Listening and paying attention to what the other person wants and adjusting.
4. No. I am not one to say no. If you're in the mood, I'll drop what I'm doing, even if I'm not really in the mood. I expect the same in my return.
5. Hmmmmm, it's been a hot minute. Nothing to crazy, probably sex in an RV park shower with other people on both sides of us.
6. I haven't done much role playing.
7. I've had a few threesomes, nothing to write home about, unfortunately.
8. Ummmm, anywhere and everywhere!!! No place is off limits if the mood strikes and we're both up for it.
9. I like my vibrators. I'm not a big fan of playing with myself 😕 I'm a get in, get off, get out type.
10. Well, I've never told anyone about it, I'm not about to tell EVERYONE about it now. Lol
11. I'm not into BDSM, but to each their own. I have been tied up a couple of times, but I have some trust issues that make me panic. Plus, I like to touch, and I don't like being told what to do.
12. Again, nothing too crazy, just anal.
13. I have had a crush on someone who was in a relationship. Technically, when I was in a relationship. I was married but separated.
15. I'm old... there's been a few. Lol. I'm not too crazy, but after I've had a few drinks, I feel super sexy and will usually go home and ride my man, touching myself and being very vocal with naughty talk. That's probably "the wildest" I get.
16. If you are opposed to pda, we won't make it. I'm all about touching and being touched.
17. Oh, good lord... YESSSSSS!!!! Who doesn't???
18. Favorite way? Any way... all ways.... yes.
19. Nope. I'm not the patient type
20. There's a mutual I would really like to spend the weekend with and never leave the hotel room.😈
21. I don't know if it was all that adventurous, but one of my favorite sexual adventures was outdoors when I was hunting with my then husband, we fucked on the 4 wheeler. He laid on the seat, facing the rear of the 4 wheeler, and I rode him. The leverage was amazing and in the open, fresh air. It's one of my all-time favorite times.
22. Well, at this point, I would like to find a new man to play with and have all kinds of new adventures. In the bedroom and other places.
23. I'm not sure I have a favorite...
24. Yeah, I have had some sexual fantasies about a coworker. 😬
25. A few, my favorite was when my ex and I fucked in the backseat of our pickup while a friend of ours drove around on backroads. My other favorite... I can't tell you about 😏
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sunnflowyyr · 1 year
Hey hey hey beautiful person! It's me again! ( Another request right after you posted the one I had requested??? Yes baby,i'm the speed) but it's because i see your sun's guide request and see jujutsu kaisen in there,i have an idea that mixes rottmnt and jujutsu that you might be interested in 😏
So. Hear. Me. Out.
Rise Leonardo (or the boys) with a reader (female or neutral,your choise) BUT the reader have the same "mistic power" of toge inumaki from jujutsu kaisen,wait for it.......
Yeah baby,and,if you don't remenber what it is,the power of the inumaki is called cursed speech,when he say something it's happen but with a cost like,if he says "die",he would overwhelmed himself end up hurt or worst, that's why he only says sushi ingredients like "tsuna,mayo" you got it? You got it? Please say yes i really think that's is a good one ;-;
But of course,if you don't wanna do it,feel completely free to just ignore my outbreak lol
EDIT: my inbox is OPEN for requests again!!! check my pinned post for guidelines and fandoms i write for before requesting please. have a good day and stay hydrated! 💛
i remember seeing your request and thinking "you are speed" after posting your first request. but i need to apologize ... you've been collecting a little dust in my inbox for a while now. i've decided to chalk that up to "adulting sucks." because it does.
i also want to emphasize how much i love this request. i just do. i could never ignore your outbreak. I LOVE THIS !! you have the best ideas.
i included all the turtles in this fic, but it mainly focuses on leo's connection with the reader. also, with toge's vocabulary being onigiri ingredients, i was a little stumped on figuring out how to use it in these headcanons; so i used this super useful reference on twitter! i try to give plenty of context in this piece, but if you want to have a better understanding feel free to check it out!
anyways, enough about that ... I HOPE YOU ENJOY !!! <3
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rise!leo with a reader who has the cursed speech technique.
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first, let me give some backstory:
you had been fighting your way out of the battle nexus and running from big mama's people in the hidden city
the turtles witness the fighting after it causes a commotion in town, and they were in awe
your fighting skills were amazing, but they was so intrigued by the obvious effect your words had on your opponents.
after the turtles helped you (because they couldn't just watch), they all turned around to talk to you
to which you simply greeted them with "kelp (hello)."
to say they were confused is an understatement
you felt a little helpless trying to communicate with them; they couldn't understand you if they didn't know about your ability
after a humiliating game of charades, you were able to get a pen and paper to write down an explanation for them
they understood, and offered to get you out of the hidden city and a place to hide from big mama for a while
donnie even offered to make a translation device so that you could communicate with them better
you were thankful for their kindness, and soon enough ... you all became friends
leo at first assumed you were a bit aloof because of how quiet you were, but he eventually noticed that you were actually a very social person
when you first met them, you only listened to their conversations intently.
but once they were able to understand you better, you even participated in them.
but your vocabulary is still pretty small and it makes it hard to communicate fully the way you want to
it's an insecurity, and you are terrified of somehow hurting the turtles with your ability
you have great control, but mistakes can happen ... it's a fear that looms over your head.
not to mention, you’ve had people befriend you to take advantage of your power, and you were scared of the heartbreak again.
those fears make you slowly pull yourself away from them, and leo worries when he notices you get distant
so he does confront you one day, worried that you’ll completely remove yourself from their lives
and he doesn’t want that, and he’s intent on trying to help you feel better when you (hesitantly) open up to him
it makes you feel better, and you almost cry a little when he says
“listen (name), while i’ll never stop admiring how cool your power is, i’d chose to brag about you over your power any day. people might see you as that, but i see you for who you are. you’re way cooler than that, so don’t let people define you by your power.”
he flinches a bit when you jump up to hug him, but smiles when you whisper “salmon (thank you).”
he hugs you back, knowing the hug was much needed before he pulls away
“though if you ever want to use it to get us an unlimited supply of pizza, i won’t complain— ow!”
you playfully slap him and disagree. “okaka (no way).”
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zephyra-in-the-house · 2 months
Heya zephyra
How're u doing 💓
Um u got any tips on how to start or make a fanfic ?
I wanna write my own fanfic I just don't know how to start
I already got my OC done and the back story of my OC
The only problem is how to start 🫤
Thought maybe ask someone with experience like u ❤️‍🔥
So u got any tips or advice ?
Thanks 😁🫱🏻‍🫲🏼
That's a good question!
Honestly, I'm not sure how I've managed to get this far in my writing. It amazes me just how many people follow Second Chances and continuously read each new chapter. I never once thought that I'd get to this point but I'm very grateful for all the love and support I've been shown because it just motivates me to keep writing~
With that aside, I started out on a pretty big scale when I first started writing fanfics. I've written two so far and basically it started as one little scene that I had in mind and then I built around it.
I'm not sure how other writers do it but I think my way may be a little unorthodox LOL
I say that because I never start at the beginning. In fact, most of the time, I will get inspired and think of a scene to write but it's almost never a beginning scene.
Instead, I always end up coming up with little scenes that are sprinkled throughout the entire length of the story. It could be a certain kind of hug or a fight between certain people or one particular conversation or something simple like that. I will then take those little puzzle pieces and splatter them all over my canvas called Google Docs. Then I go through and I reorganize each scene based on where I think they would fit during the story's progression.
Therefore, I ended up with a canvas that had various colors splashed on it.
Since the beginning, I always knew that I wanted to start with that first chapter where Macaque gets food from "Pigsy’s". That was my absolute starting point no matter what.
So, I wrote that and then I went through my colorful canvas of ideas and I split it into sections. Each section was for a specific chapter. Now, after I wrote that first chapter, I developed a process where I have the current chapter I'm working and then a more or less concrete sketch of the next 2-3 chapters to come.
I don't write more than that right away. I have ideas for chapters beyond that but nothing concrete. That's because a fanfic is constantly developing. There is no way to make concrete plans. What you plan for chapter 10 might be completely changed because of something that you thought of for chapter 6. Or you could end up writing more than intended for one chapter and have to split up certain chapters (*cough cough* the shopping trip *cough cough*). Either way, I've learned that it's better to be flexible with what you plan to post when it comes to fanfic.
That's kind of how I started and that's how I've been making Second Chances so far.
In any case, I feel like I'm rambling at this point 😅 I could talk about writing techniques and strategies for days but!
My main advice is: you do you.
When it comes to writing, there is no correct way to do it. It's kind of like art in that way. You can add as many scenes or as many wild colors as you want or you could be a completely black and white artist or someone who only writes poetry.
Either way, the key to anything creative is to just do it. It doesn't have to be good. It doesn't have to be perfect. I can't count how many times I've written something and then came back to it and gone "that's absolute shit what the fuck was I thinking". On the flip side, I've also had times when I write something and toss it to the side and I come back and I'm like "Who the fuck wrote this cause I know it wasn't me man that shits too good" 😆
So just write what you want to write and make it as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. The best thing I ever did was get into the habit of writing just to write. Whether it was a memoir or a poem or a short scene in a story I'm doing, I just write. Freeball it.
Thank you! I wish you well on your adventures!
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outrunningthedark · 10 months
i feel like the 911 fandom has started romanticizing the eddie-shannon relationship more than eddie does makes me 😑😑😑
(sorry not sure why i sent this to you specifically at this moment in time except that i've been thinking it and i think you might agree lol)
Lord, are they still on about that? I have no time nor patience for people who find reasons to be uWu over Eddie and Shannon because those same people can't keep it consistent. If Eddie's parents were awful for their emotional and physical (a dad who was barely around because of work) neglect towards Eddie, then Shannon should be viewed the same way. Not even a damn phone call. If the Buckley parents don't get a pass for not knowing how to love and care for their children because their grief consumed them (it wasn't *just* about the baby with "defective parts", otherwise Maddie wouldn't have suffered, too), then people shouldn't be all "But...but...cerebral palsy is tough stuff! No parent asks for/expects that." Any good parent doesn't ask for their kid to die, or expects to bury them, either, so. What's your point? The truth of the matter is that Shannon is treated differently for these reasons: - she was a younger woman who could be romantically connected to Eddie (people loooove looking back at their sex life) - people like to create scenarios in their head where Eddie and Shannon and Buck are the younger version of the Grant-Nash fam. Eddie and Shannon stay close despite the past, Eddie starts dating someone new (specifically, a man, and more specifically, Buck) and Shannon embraces the change, though it may take her a minute to adjust at first. - Plain and simple, people have an easier time "understanding" Shannon abandoning her husband and kid because of the CP.
Treating your able-bodied kids like shit is a no-no regardless of what the parents are struggling with (the fandom forever glosses over the fact that Margaret was willing to end her own life after Daniel passed away...). And I *guarantee* if Chris had a more "common" neurodivergent condition she wouldn't get such sympathy. That's *their* upbringing they're watching on screen. Physical disability, though? Especially one that A LOT of folks know nothing about because they don't interact with it on the daily? That scares them. The idea that they could do everything "right" and still end up with a kid whose disability isn't always helped with a pill or therapy techniques scares them. They can't blame a mother for doing something they themselves can't say would never cross their mind.
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randomgentlefolk · 1 year
It seems to me that Lance is getting further and further into betraying the Plaid Kingdom, seeing how nervous and unsure he is.
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"We will...not" Does this mean the minor characters are gonna have a big role? Heck yeah!! I've been curious about what curse they have. Especially about the girl with the curse that everything she speaks cause men in earshot to be filled in anguish. That could be really useful here.
Damn Frederick has lotta gags and I love that XD his hair, him falling, now the plants.. I wonder if there's more.
OH NO OH MAN IT'S STARTING. Wait this means only Beckett would guard the entrance of the palace, right? That's not good.. (cookie exchange sounds good tho I want that)
YOOOOOO NELL'S PREMONITION. Her face tho 💀 just what the heck did she see. Well, looking at how she moves the tent, I'm guessing something is gonna hit the tent if the tent is not moved? Ooh, could it be that big metal ball Lorena was carrying in the previous chapter? Or maybe something else?
Orson calming Monika down by reminding her of a Turtles of The Round Table scene 😭 Gosh that always works so well. I've use this technique for myself but I'm not sure what it's called. I know the 4-7-8 breathing and the 5 things you can see method, but I haven't known what this particular method is called. I guess it counts as deep breaths but with additional things? Someone help me out here lol.
The fact that previously we had Cpc and Plaid Princes collab, and now it's Cpc and The Princels lmao.
Blaine. Bro. Stop. Stop it Blaine just stop at this point like what 😭 I don't like that look on his face he looks like Leland. At first I hehe haha but after I saw Blaine I decide I don't like this anymore 😭
Okay do they just have a big Princess Panda's head laying around or what XD ngl that is ONE HECK OF A GREAT CREEP. Imagine that as Halloween costume.
That's all for now. I guess I should address this too:
"Why haven't I been posting cpc stuff? Arts? General discussion?" Well let's just say I got a littleeeee bit numbness growing inside of me haha xd but do not worry! I'm fine. It's more of uhhh things that usually interest me and makes me feel excited doesn't serve the same purpose anymore. It sucks, but I'm gonna get through it. (Also scrolling through social media felt tiring lately so that's why I haven't interact with your cpc posts and all. Sorry about that too)
But anyway! Enough with my possible depression, I have final exams tomorrow so sadly the next cpc review post would be late as usual :') Unless I get bored of studying, that is! XD
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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lunarmoves · 6 months
Hi :D I'm new to writing and I've wanted to ask some tips on how to write,, I've wanted to express or tell the story that's been going in my head for a very long time but I don't know my way with words
And also random question, but do u believe that using the font comic sans while writing will have a good impact on your writing? :D
ooooh!! hmmm... okay to start i just have to say that im def not an expert in writing by any means LOL and i cant exactly tell you how to write. everyone has their own processes and styles. ive been writing fic for about a decade or so and to get to this point took just a lot of practice! i too didnt know my way with words at first, but my main point to you would be to just write. dont think too deeply about it. just pick a point to start in your story and write write write. dont think about making it look pretty or flowy - editing can come later.
it's hard to get started, especially when you're new to it, but i promise all you have to do is take that first leap and put something down on a page/doc. i'd also recommend outlining/planning out your story first, writing down a decent chunk of it, and then posting. having a backlog of chapters to fall back on is waay better than writing and posting one by one (im assuming ur writing a fanfic but i apologize if not LOL)
when writing think about these things: what does the surrounding environment look like? smell like? feel like? what is x character feeling? the physical sensations, the emotional ponderings. is their heart beating fast, do they feel wind caressing their face, are they with anyone? truly try to visualize the scene! put yourself in that situation.
i've found that when i've gotten stuck for my fics, associating a song with it and playing it on loop can help motivate me to write! if you run out of words to use or cant find the right word for a sentence, use onelook thesaurus. you can also use the pomodoro technique to get yourself to write for stretches of time (with breaks). writing with friends is also a good motivator (if u have discord, u can use sprint bots for this)! and ive used this writing program called stimuwrite 2 sometimes to help me focus
dont worry too much or compare your writing to others'. your style will be unique to you and by practicing you'll be able to refine and polish it! and just make sure you enjoy writing what you're writing! dont make it into a chore or it wont be fun at all
and as for your other question....
i pretty much write in only comic sans LMAOOO. it does help i think! like with getting words out more smoothly and creatively imo. give it a try!
finally, i just want to say good luck with your writing! dont lose motivation, write for yourself above all else, and have fun with it!
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k-martins · 10 months
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I'm not the most genius person, but I'm really confused on how to play Toji. Some people say that he didn't care about Megumi. Others say yes and that he was a great father. As ?????????????? Well, I'll say what I think and correct me if I'm wrong.
Toji was someone traumatized, with no respect for himself or others, who had suffered enough at the hands of his shitty family. Okay, got it. Knowing him like this, it's hard to think that he would be a good father to Megumi (his fight advice, while amusing, sucks, I'm glad Tsumiki understood that). I imagine him being someone so sunk in his own loss and grief that he didn't even think about his son. It also didn't help that Megumi looked a lot like Mamagumi. That's why Toji married the first woman who showed at least a little bit of decency and stability (Mamamiki), because even though he was doing a shit job of keeping his son, he still cared about him enough to secure a bit of normality. So, not caring about anything, Toji just walks away and leaves Megumi behind. He visits him occasionally, but the visits eventually become more and more sparse until they stop altogether (that flashback looks very old, very blurry, as if Toji hadn't really bothered to look for a long time, and I theorize that may have been the their last moment together, as Megumi looks really upset here and lonely). So, a while later, when Shiu talks about Megumi, Toji's first reaction is to be confused. This is difficult for me. For if it was he who gave the name, why does he not remember? Some people have said that he was just covering it up and not wanting to talk to Shiu, but that sounds so wrong to me. Shiu has known him for 10 years, he probably knew Mamagumi and took care of Megumi at some point, so it doesn't make sense to me. Then why? What is most accepted is that Toji did not associate the name with the person, because he probably called Megumi by any other name (in my country's translation, he always refers to Megumi as "kid" or "son"), so he forgot his son's name was "Megumi" and remembered it after he fought Geto, because he remembered why he chose the name in the first place (because "Megumi"="blessing", he was his blessing, even though Toji I didn't value her that much). Well then he has the whole zenin clan business. Toji probably thought that Megumi would have a better life than he did and would be able to live without having to doubt whether she would eat at night. I don't know if he knew about the ten shadows, but if he did, Toji's choice to hand over Megumi makes sense. As the holder of an inherited technique, he would reach the top of the zenin clan and have a comfortable life. Of course, selling it is still problematic, but fuck that. Toji probably threw all the money away anyway… Or did he hand over some money to tsumiki's mother???? This woman is much worse, in my opinion. We don't know anything about her, but I hate her (Imagine if it's Kenjaku again????? LOL… Okay, now I'm thinking about it.)
So, the conclusion I have is: Toji cared for Megumi and truly loved him, but he could never have been the father his son deserved. He didn't even know what parental love was. I bet if he knew about Naobito's decision the guy would probably laugh. The son of the zenin clan's failure becoming the leader of it all. It's ironically comical. Alright, now that I've analyzed that, I'm going to ignore all those people saying that Toji is a great dad and all the others that say he didn't care about Megumi. You are all wrong. I throw it in the same trash as people who say that Sukuna is a fraud and Gojo is Goat (what the fuck does that mean????? Brazilian without understanding here.)
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exp123mon · 8 months
Frontier watching
27 - The Double Spirit Miracle! Beowulfmon is Born -DOUBLE SPIRIT!? Ohoho so seems like maybe we're getting Frontier's equivalent of Ultimates(Mega)/Jogress??? -I love when Izumi contacts Takuya via the Digivice, the first thing Tomoki and Junpei do when he asks if anybody's spoken to Koji is to take their own devices out and get straight on it. Aww I love these kids looking out for each other. -I like the Fire vs. Ice and Light vs. Dark thing they had going here hehe. -Cool shot of the Light symbol behind Koji when Duskmon holds him up and attacks him. -bruh the florist in Koji's memory was so rude lol "Why have your parents only been married for three years?" um that's called my personal business now wrap my friggin bouquet haha -Bokomon goes into labour lol did I just walk into a fanfic?? -Beowulfmon appears! So he's visually a fusion of the Human and Beast 'mons, but it's not a literal DNA/jogress. -BOKOMON WHAT IS YOUR DEAL. The evolution song stops and they just have Neemon like sniffing after he asks Bokomon how he knows Beowulfmon's name. SUSPICIOUS. I literally half-joked in like episode 3 or something that Bokomon was secretly the ultimate evil this seris. Maybe I'm right rofl. (I'm sure it just means "it's in the book how do you not know that by now") -We end on Koji asking himself… "Who was that kid who looked like me?" OH WELL THEN. That's even more intriguing then just "omg it's (insert brother's name)!" I would've suspected we'd have gotten some comments from the other Cherubimon mooks about Duskmon specifically being "the new guy" if this guy were Koji's relative/friend/whatever but it still wasn't impossible. Seems like it's not that simple. -By sheer coincidence I skipped the intro this episode and I went back to see if it had changed, even just to include the double spirit digimon, it hasn't. Kinda cool they've actually left a bit of mystery with the evolutions this time. Although maybe they figured people would've thought Beowulfmon was just Wolfmon if he was only on screen for a brief flash haha -NEW OUTRO… which I don't think I will watch since I feel like it has the potential to spoil too much at this point hahaha
28 - Takuya' Fusion Evolution - Ardhamon's Explosive Techniques! -We open on Mercuremon's haughty chortle -In retrospect I don't remember much about this episode just because I was pretty invested and not really thinking much about the tiny things -Mercuremon's ability to appearing in any reflective surface is cool -There was some good music this episode--I didn't mention it for the last ep but the Double Spirit theme (like when the light beams out of Seraphimon's egg, not when they're actually evolving) is really nice -BlackSeraphimon! This feels like the first time a Digimon anime has done the actual "changed its form based on the data it absorbed" thing that Digimon is kinda supposed to do lol (I mean there was something like-ish in Tamers with Beelzebumon but that was more a "don't get power hungry, idiot" symbolic thing). I've never even heard of it before so it was a cool surprise. -Honestly this episode had the vibe of a final confrontation, like ultimate or penultimate episode level stuff, I dig it -OMG BABY IS BORN!! Make sense since Seraphimon's data is finally released. I'm curious what Patamon and Bokomon's relatioship is gonna be like haha -I enjoyed these episodes inside Sephirotmon but I'm glad we're moving on now. Can't wait for what happens next, I really like this series.
29 - Escape! The Phantsmagoric Sephirotmon -Sephirotmon floats away, then returns seemingly in better shape. Patamon speaks!! And doesn't just say "pata pata" like when he was first hatched, I was worried about that haha. All the kids love the baby, and Beowulfmon is seen chasing Duskmon who vanishes… That's a lot before the title drop. -Sephirotmon has the energy of a boss in an RPG who wipes the floor with you and you're like "oh okay unwinnable boss fight" and then you just get the game over screen lol -Nice to see Takuya learning from the Duskmon fight and directly taking into account his friends' feelings in the midst of the fight when he considers fleeing the best option -The scene where Sephirotmon chases the kids into the crevasse then through the tunnel actually made him seem really gross and creepy haha ew -The darkness scene was really well done here. Soooooo many games and anime harp on and on about darkness but like… never explain what it is or how it manifests. Here it's literally just as simple as darkness makes you dumb and submit to more basic instincts. It robs you of your intellect and rationality, making you lash out. Amplified, this extends to being actively cruel and violent to other people. Nicely done, Frontier. This puts you ahead of like 99% of all anime ever lol -Fortunately Takuya is really stepping up as a good leader and brings the team together. I love the comeback against Sephirotmon too. You can copy their attacks, but can't take into account their growth. Like, yeah, it's kind of on the nose but that's literally just it haha -I like how it wraps around that even with all his power, Sephirotmon was alone when they defeated him. He was never friendly with the other Cherubimon mooks (evil Legendary Warriors?? I dunno how to refer to this group lol) and maybe not being so callous to each other might've saved them in the long run… (sidenote I really wish some anime story sometime would take the "power of friendship" thing but apply it to everyone, including the villainous group(s); friendship doesn't mean virtue and goodness, it means bonds between people, even if those people are the opposite of virtuous and good, but that's a ramble for another day) -Okay all the Cerubimon mooks are DOOOOWN and we end on Cherubimon ominously saying about breaking a seal--a seal on itself?? Or another Digimon/power?? And once again we see Beowulfmon a final time… KOJI AND NOT-KOJI WHO ARE YOOOUUU -I didn't think I'd write this much about this episode, between it being combat heavy and me being very tired but here we are!
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remcycl333 · 1 year
honestly, i'm thankful to the people on twt who criticised you for your distraction technique... BECAUSE THIS LED ME TO FIND YOUR POST ABOUT IT AND IT SOUNDS SO FUCKING COOL?!?!?! i follow you for a while but for some reason i never heard of it before. i have been in the manifestation community since i was a preteen (i'm 20 now) and i'm SOOOOO sick and tired of both the attraction and assumption people bc how much they overcomplicate manifestation 😭 i'm not even joking when I say this probably messed up my mental health and gave me a trauma or two. not to mention how this causes people's journeys to be longer and harder than they need to be. i have been wanting so badly to find a technique that is simple yet empowering and i think yours is the one! i can relate so much to your struggles with the obsession people have with affirming nonstop. only if you don't mind of course, could you please ever make a post sharing your success stories with this technique? sorry if this ask sounds too exciting but i genuinely loved discovering this lol also fuck the twitter morons 💓💓💓
omg im so happy to hear that! 🤍 the reason i started using this technique was bc i was in that phase where i thought i had to affirm 24/7 to get what i wanted, and if my shit hadn't manifested yet i'd think it was bc i hadn't affirmed enough. and i remember it was making me miserable cuz i'd look at everyone else (who didn't know abt the law) and feel kinda jealous that they could enjoy their life without having to consciously affirm every single second of the day. which as i'd been doing that for months to no avail, i was seriously burnt out and upset. and then i watched dylan james' youtube videos and he suggested not affirming and just not thinking about your desire at all (aka what i called the distraction technique) and at first i thought that was so fucking crazy bc it went against everything i had learned (from s*mmy ofc). but i tried it and a few hours later my sp (who i had been manifesting for months) finally texted me! and i've been using that technique to manifest everything ever since <3
if people want to affirm constantly that's totally cool but it simply was not for me and i think it's so dumb that the twitter hoes are trying to invalidate that
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
🗣️ (is this an excuse to hear you possibly talk more about shisui? Why yes it is 🤣)
Hey Ara--a ☺️
Lmao I'll talk your ear off if you let me, be warned 🤭
So if it's Shisui you're looking for (not hard when it comes to me 🥴)... I get a lot of ideas, not all of them are more than an errant though, so I like to write them all down in this massive bulletpoint list of ideas. Most of these will never see the light of day (or AO3) so I have no worries about spilling the details on one of them! So, if anyone gets fiendishly attached...rip to you 😅 it's only written out with a vague chapter plan but oh well~
So this is another Time Travel Fic where, as soon as Shisui awakens his Mangekyou at 8 years old, he freaks the fuck out and accidentally activates it whilst desperately wishing to "get home", picturing the Hokage monument... Only to land smack bang in the middle of the Senju brothers breakfast 🤣
Note: the idea of using Kotoamatsukami to time travel is something I've explored in And All The Stars Seemed Closer, as it questions how Shisui would intimately know what a technique he has never ever used could do or how to use it
Shisui is only saved from Tobirama immediately skewering him by Hashirama begging that Shisui is a panicking little kid.... that they can use to barter Uchiha peace, especially when Shisui freaks out that No He's Not Here To Kill Senju! ... He's taken as a prisoner of war, they send a missive to the Uchiha Clan saying that the child assassin failed and they will tear out his mangekyou Sharingan if the Uchiha don't submit to the senju (cue the Uchiha Compound exploding).
Hashirama is distraught and Tobirama, whilst trying to harden himself, can feel Shisui's terror and longing for home in his chakra signature. Hashirama is caught trying to heal him (Shisui Time Traveled from the deaths of his Genin Team after all) so is barred from the holding cells and begs Tobirama to go in his stead.
Cue very slow bonding moments where Tobirama begins to soften because Shisui's chakra is nothing but shining with sincerity and Tobirama might be a Shinobi but he's also so so soft to children. Shisui tells him about time travel, about the future and his feral devotion to peace and bawls his eyes out over his dead Genin Team and never seeing his baby cousin, Itachi, again, and Tobirama thinks he's crazy or trapped in a genjutsu or trying to trap Tobirama but.... His chakra is never anything but painfully honest and Tobirama... He begins to suspect....
Meanwhile, with the Uchiha, Madara and izuna go on a *insert scooby doo chase sound effect* headhunt for the mysterious Uchiha kid that no one seems to be related to but has the (mangekyou?!) eyes from their mother's side of the Uchiha family... Tajima is frothing at the mouth that the senju might have an Mangekyou held hostage so sends Izuna to confirm the reports whilst Madara attacks from the from and draws attention. Hashirama meets Madara head on, managing to convey between blows that he wants to help Shisui and how he's been barred from seeing him... Meanwhile, Izuna has found the cells but is met with an enraged Tobirama with a katana and, before he's forced to flee, Izuna manages to glimpse Shisui's wide baby eyes before Tobirama chases him out of the compound.... 🤭
Tobirama & Shisui are strictly platonic-familial, ironic because I know I literally talked yesterday about Shisui/Tobirama romance but it's called being multifaceted
So yeah! I didn't post the ending of the fic, this is just a very long premise lmao, because I do have a chapter plan worked out but... Will I ever write it properly? 🤷 Who knows, certainly not me lol
Thanks for playing!
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movementsofmylife · 2 years
bad buddy ep 8 (rewatch)
how many times does pran pull out his entire (extremely intense) set of markers and not use them:
total so far: //// /
this is the episode of call backs, and references, and improved scenes. also one of the episodes which fully destroyed me with the ending on first watch.
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starting with improv scene one, i love that this was nanon's idea. it's so cute and the fact that ohm clearly hated it in real life, as well as in character, perfect.
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this ep is also the saga of orange. it's all neutrals, orange, and green, unless they're in private or, in one case w pat and rugby.
the entire episode has them in colors that aren't their own, but put blue/red/yellow in the background, or as accents.
i really like that they've done this because it shows them trying to acclimate to this change in their relationship. and also the fact that they have to hide everything even more intensely now. it can only exist in the background.
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reference no. 2 to the outside world, the happy birthday song that ohm plays on the xylophone for nanon (iirc it's for him, but might be for someone else on set). this whole scene was cute af.
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the giiirls, in their green and yellow. honestly i am so so grateful we got them.
and got to see ink shut wai the fuck down.
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reference no. 3, the nanon and sizzy song, which ngl not even this scene could get me to actually like.
also! this is when wai sees them. this is so early. which makes his outing them soooo much worse, because the entire bar convo happens after this, ://
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once more iirc i think part of the clumsiness was just love. which is again, perfect casting, extremely cute.
also omg i love this scene.
and now that i've seen that mastermind edit of ink, i am wondering if she had the whole "call to cancel on us" thing planned with the other club member lol
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i just, i mean, look at how cute. also the call back to the call backs. this pat just makes me,,,,, ,, ,
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so the exception to the exceptionally orange ep. which is intriguing, because this is what he's wearing when pat thinks he might have been found out by his friends. and also as he's feeling sad over the rooftop phone incident. and it shows like a commitment to this relationship and his desires for it to be more out and loud which he tries to keep hidden from pran because he knows that pran's not ready for that yet. it's such a bold choice and so good at conveying pat's feelings. once more, this fucking show.
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this head pat is truly one of my faves. also just the blue/red more peripheral with the orange in the center, with yellow inside of that, and also doom green. it's saying so much!!!
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ok so the fact that wai heard this, and knew or suspected something with pat and didn't bring it up and instead outed them. just, i'm not like a wai hater (and also not an apologist lol, just a find wai amusing in his terribleness), but someone said he had main character syndrome and truly. (also just finished ep 9 and that episode makes wai so goddamn annoying).
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also, i know the 'when did i teach you to lie' or w.e line is deeply terrible, considering everything. but truly this line was the worst for me. because it's also a blatant lie. but one that i don't even think ming realized he's lying about.
like he has intervened in pat's life so much. pat wouldn't even be playing rugby if he hadn't been all, rugby best, be mvp. and it is implied it's like that for a bunch of other stuff, likely with his major too. and then he has the audacity to say this. fuck this man.
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look this incredible well done diegetic music plus flashback ugh. i don't even like flashbacks, but this ep used them so effectively.
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the flashbacks during this xylophone scene, with again, diegetic music. this show! the call back to the same technique from the previous scene but now sad af. it's simply so good at destroying me.
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and finally to my favorite theme of this whole episode. it's patpran learning about each other's boundaries and learning to respect them. and looking at the difference between love as a feeling and love as an action.
i love that this show doesn't have them magically be perfect together because they've had feelings since high school. instead it shows that having feelings is different to embodying, enacting, being a person in a relationship.
i fucking love this episode. it's so good. i say that about every ep though.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
Hi! I asked a few months back about Muzan's speech and grammatical forms etc and as a big language nerd I've come back to ask if you could explain Kokushibo's? He has a very unique way of talking—I'm so curious about those ellipsises lol—and I've read a few times that his dialect is a very old one and I'm so interested about this. I always try to understand the character's voice as best as I can as a fanfiction writer and it'd help so much to understand his.
I also want to say I have so much respect for you, oh my Goddd. I live and die for nerds. Nerds are the best. They keep the planet going. I love your enthusiasm and your passion and it genuinely makes me smile. People like you are the coolest.
After such exceeding praise, I... am humbled to admit... my nerdery... has limits......... and I may not have super insightful things to say about this speech pattern apart from... yes... He... takes his time.
While he might use uncommon words, his speech is... at least to my knowledge and this isn't my area of expertise... written in a modern grammatical style, so there was no Sengoku-accurate classical Japanese thrown in which would throw off the typical Shounen Jump reader--nor does it feel slightly dated and unusually straightforward like Rengoku's speech patterns, which says more about Rengoku's traditional values and straightforward outlook as opposed to his time period, I think. Likewise, in the flashbacks to Michikatsu's life, their speech is in modern Japanese, just with old family terms and a smack of distanced formality which would be common in samurai households. (Since I brought up Rengoku here, I want to be clear that Rengoku's ancestor was only ever called a "swordsman" and the Tsugikuni brothers were "samurai," there is a big difference). What's of more interest is that Michikatsu didn't speak with such dramatic pauses as Kokushibo.
Kokushibo is very direct with his wording--he uses a lot of plain statements, stating realities and rules without beating around any bushes. He's practical, and uses terms appropriately filled with respect for one who outranks him when speaking of or to Muzan. When addressing anyone of lower rank, demon or not, he doesn't use impolite language, just basic.
Another interesting point is that he has some pretty long statements with no use of ellipses. He's got his whole thought planned out before he says it, and a full breath for it too.
Hmm. Breath??? No, he never gave up his ability to use Breath Technique, I don't think it's for lack of lung power.
But... brain farts?
No, seriously! Besides Tamayo and Muzan, he is the oldest demon we know, if anyone has a right to being senile, it's him! I know, I know, demon bodies don't degrade like human bodies too. But you know what has been shown to suffer? Speaking ability!
Nezuko is an extreme case, having almost entirely neglected regaining the powers of speech in favor of physical developments like faster healing speeds and mastery of the sun. While many demons do fall on the verbose side, we've also seen some demons (especially less powerful demons) with very simplistic speech or slurred voices, like Daddy Spider (who was only powerful having powered Rui's powers). What if Kokushibo, by pouring so much effort into his Breath technique and sword and eyes, has to redirect that focus from his speech?
That's the best... I've got.......
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tikitania · 1 year
Unpopular opinion: I love Renata. I really do. She's the best 1st soloist and should already be a prima. Everybody agrees. But she's just not a swan. I look at her, I see an amazing technique, understanding of the character, but not a swan. In my opinion, it's definitely the hardest role for a ballerina to conquer. She's got to be extremely gentle, but not too cold. Very powerful, but not too sharp. Extremely sentimental, but not too sad, caricature like. At the MT, I think the last one to archive that was probably Shapran. Iliushkina, Shakirova and (probably) Khoreva are just not swans. No hate towards them, honestly.
Second unpopular opinion lol: I think Nagahisa, Lukina and Nuikina would make good Odettes.
Now for the not so unpopular opinion: if they gave Khiteeva the opportunity to perform O/O, she'd probably be the best one of her generation. She can pull the best of both characters and has the amazing port de bras. I honestly think she would be the best O/O in the company after Skorik's retirement (which will probably take a while anyway😅).
(I don't know if she'll even go to the MT, but the student Daria Kulikova looks very promising for the role of O/O too. I know I'm thinking waaaay far ahead lol)
There is so much to chew over!! I saw snippets of Shakirova's debut and she is technically strong and impressive. I also don't want to rush to judgment based on a few clips on social media, but I felt her Odile was technically amazing if a bit too vampy. I felt she overplayed her strengths (if that is even possible!) and could "tone it down" in Odile. Yes, more lyricism in Odette is needed, but I think she can develop into the role as she seems to improve in every role she's taken on. Someone posted on YouTube a comparison of her first Kitri to her current Kitri — and she's really grown into the role! SHE IS KITRI! I'm not sure about Nagahisa. She is naturally an Odette. Hands down, she would be wonderful at Odette. But can she pull off Odile? I'm not convinced. I think Lukina has the technical ability and certainly has a GORGEOUS line for 0/0, but she's constantly criticized for not having a lot of acting range. (I'm not on that bandwagon, but it's truly hard to say simply from watching short clips.) Niukina, I'm not so sure. She exudes sheer joy in her dancing. I could see her in Aurora, for sure. Not sure about O/O. I haven't given up on Iliushkina. If she can get through her injuries and technical bobbles, I think she could be an amazing O/O. I've been very impressed with the clips I've seen so far, but to me it seems that she struggles with….strength. (As a non-dancer, not sure what to call it, but that's what is seems to me.) Jury's out on Khoreva. She has yet to debut O/O. I want her to succeed because she loves ballet so much! Let's see... But for Khiteeva. She has the acting chops. That is one thing she has in spades above all others. I'd love to see her in Giselle first. She just exudes romantic ballerina to me — and I doubt they'd give her O/O — because she's not the super-skinny, long-limbed type that MT favors for that role. (i.e, Plotnikova.) But I fear they are preparing her for what I'm call a "utility ballerina," (i.e., Kolegova, Osmolkina, Matvienko.) Someone who is technically strong, can do all the things, and will get to dance some of the big iconic roles, but will never been seen as prima. I hope I'm wrong because I LOVE Khiteeva. God, I hope I'm wrong about this. BTW, Valeria Kuznetzova has joined the Mariinsky after graduating from the Perm School. She won the silver in the juniors division at the MIBC. I was blown away by her last summer and she's dancing the White Swan PDD in an upcoming divertissement.
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