#i feel like no one will vote for hoax :( or change
thenighttrain · 1 year
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(story below cut)
"There was once a time before shapekind as we knew it even existed, where the idea of paradise was but a myth, dancing and twirling for the world to see while staying just out of reach. It was a time before the sun had risen from its thousand-year slumber to bathe the once-dark skies a vibrant blue, and when the Great Evil still stalked the land, terrorizing all that encountered it."
"The world was lawless, and the suffering of the shapes within it seemed to have no end; however, there had been rumors spread around by word of mouth about a mystical life-giving tree that had the power to grand paradise to any who may seek it."
"This rumor eventually grew into desire, which grew into desperation from those who wanted an end to the eternal demands of survival. Many sought the power of this tree for safety, comfort, and happiness, though some wanted its power for more nefarious reasons."
"Despite how many sought this supposed relic of paradise, all who made the journey either came up short or never came back at all."
"Eventually, there was only one settlement left that had the resources to make the trip at all, with every shape in it calling out to their leaders to make the potentially life-altering trip to the supposed location of the mysterious tree."
"All three members of the council that ran this settlement had to unanimously vote, however, and one particularly stubborn member was reluctant to agree."
"This member, who was most likely called Chronos at the time, reasoned that it was not rational to risk the sanctity of the last proper civilization left on a possibly deadly mission for an artifact that was most likely a hoax spread by a bunch of lunatics."
"One of the other members, who was probably named Logic, was swayed by this argument in favor of staying put, and acknowledged the senseless danger they would be putting themselves and their people in if they went, as well as the risk of having to leave most of their supplies behind in the move."
"However, the final member-who most likely went by the name Milky Way- spoke up and said something that quite possibly changed the course of history as we know it:"
"And thus, it was so. The shapes of the settlement were given the order to pack as much as they could into the three largest sailing boats and prepare for departure at dark dusk."
"Once it was time, the ships sailed off one by one, with each being manned by one of the members of the council. With Chronos' eye for wearher, Milky Way's affinity with the stars, and Logic's knack for navigation, it didn't take long before they had scoured just about every island there was to find."
"As they were charting the course back home one foggy middledusk, Logic suggested they do one last detour to a strangely empty part of the map, and see what they would find."
"And what they found...was everything."
"The writings and reports of what the captains and crew saw on the fateful day are few and far between, but every account of this groundbreaking moment in history reported seeing an unearthly glowing light shining in the distance as they approached an island that shouldn't have existed, almost acting as this otherworldly beacon cutting through the everlasting darkness that hung over the world, inspiring hope where ther otherwise would be none."
"However, once they made landfall, some accounts mentioned another feeling, something subtle but present, leaking through the hope and excitement and relief like an insidious parasite: a feeling that couldn't entirely be ingored."
"The feeling that they were being Watched."
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Artificial Gods replace Dread.
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Dread is the number one killer world wide, ..... it's like a super-duper-sized meal of stress.
Dread comes unannounced and consumes us with doom.
Dread is not fear because fear is immediate, it's what kicks in when you are confronted with imminent danger.
Dred is persistent, it gnaws at you, and you can't ignore it because dread won't go away untill you know how to remedy it because it's something with an uncertain outcome........... dread is worrying about something you can't do anything about, and it can affect your livelihood, your homelife and alter your entire personality.
Dread is the reason humanity created organized religion, because no one wants to die, because they don't know what happens to them when they do. So religion gives people the answer of eternal life,........... if they obey the religion that is.
And those who don't go to hell, right along with that feeling of dread.
Ya see,... the ancients witnessed first hand how Dread created mental illness from masses becoming chaotic, and in fits of hysteria wiping out thousands at a time, all from the dread of not knowing what happens after we die, so they just made things up,.... a variety of things,.... things that were stupid and dangerous.
So we were given an answer to this Death thing to keep people from being stupid,..... the answer was we all have the potential of achieving eternal life after we drop dead if we just follow the rules of the organized religion, and support the religion financially.
A brilliant plan when ya think about it for the ones who made it up anyway, no so much for the followers who were controlled by it.
Ya see, religion gives humanity Hope, and like Dread it often comes unannounced, and it intoxicates followers like an inoculation of an irrational sense of Bliss and optimism, and that was the point, to control ignorant people from killing each other over stupidity, and only kill each other over those who didn't believe as they did.
Hope is the high, dread being the low,...and religion the catalyst in between that brings about the change to humanity,............ but at what cost, because religion is obviously a variety of unproven pie-in-the-sky theories, a hoax at best, and not necessarily humanities best path to progress as the masses figure out their God is manufactured for them by those who would make profit from it, and there is no eternal life after death in the way religion tells it's story.
I mean most world leaders know this all to well, they just play the religion game, for the people's vote of support,.... and I think we know that deep down, but won't admit it, we just ignore it because we Dread it not being true..........
This is why I know consciousness is the only eternity, it was here long before humanity and it's man made god, and will still be here long after humanity is extinct, and we are existing somewhere else as consciousness stardust energy.............
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opedguy · 2 years
Graham Says Trump Must Change Personality
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Sept. 4, 2022.--Quoting 68-year-old Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the anti-Trump CNBC cable news network said Graham believes that if 76-year-old former President Donald Trump doesn’t control his personality he would lose the 2024 presidential election.  “If it’ a personality contest, he’ll be in trouble,” Graham told CNBC.  Trump is all about personality and cannot change his stripes at his advanced age.  What Graham’s really trying to say is that the GOP isn’t any longer suitable for national elections.  It’s questionable whether the Republican Party can even make gains in the Miderm election, where the ruling party usually loses seats in the House and Senate.  Most forecasters see the Senate either remaining equally divided or possibly Democrats picking up another seat or two.  That’s really bad news for the GOP that hoped to retake the House and Senate in the Midterm election.
Graham’s remarks are largely misinterpreted by CNBC that has nothing good to say about Trump.  But with Democrats enjoying a 20% registration advantage to Republicans, it’s doubtful the 2024 election would be any different that 2020, where Democrats did a good job of demonizing Trump.  With the U.S. media backing Democrats, it’s doubtful Trump could overcome the registration disadvantage, especially if election officials plan to send out universal mail-in ballots, making voting easy for Democrats.  But Graham has mixed feeling about Trump, not because he’s not leaps-and-bounds better at campaigning than any Republican candidate but because the media has had it in from Trump for years.  Spending five years accusing Trump of colluding with the Kremlin, Trump became the personification of evil for the media, accusing him of fascism and white supremacy.
Graham wonders how is Trump supposed to overcome all the notoriety attached to him over the last five years. With the Jan. 6 House Committee accusing Trump of organizing the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection and the Aug. 8 raid on his Mar-a-Lago residence, the media has a new hoax against Trump, something that won’t go away anytime soon.  So, no matter what Trump’s personality, too many skeletons follow Trump everywhere, especially with the anti-Trump media reporting bad new daily.  “Whether you like Trump or not, he was a consequential president,” Graham said.  “I think a strong American President—unpredictable—is a good thing as long as you keep it within the boundaries,” Graham said, not sure how Trump would shed all the notoriety, especially if the Justice Department charges him with crime.  Graham likes Trump’s polices just not the personality.
Graham’s concerns about Trump’s personality are built off the constant media barrage that leaves Trump weakened politically.  While his base is definitely intact, roughly 30% of the electorate, it’s no enough to win a general election.  Trump has to appeal of independents and crossover Democrats, both essential groupa to gett an Electoral College majority on Election Day.  “His problems is personal, his policies have stood the test of time but has he worn the American people out in terms of his personality?” wondered Graham.  But Graham knows that it’s not Trump’s personality it’s the determined Democrat and media attacks that leave Trump vulnerable in public opinion.  No president has done more damage to U.S. national security than Biden, currently battling a dangerous proxy war against the Kremlin.  U.S. Russian Amb. John Sullivan, announced his retirement today.
Sullivan’s announcement came with a State Department statement that shows the reckless nature of the Biden administration.  “He has served a full tenure as U.S. Ambassador to Russia, managing one of the most critical bilateral relationships in the world during unprecedented times,” said the State Department.  What kind of statement is that with Biden wrecking the U.S.-Russian bilateral relations?  U.S. officials received a stern warning yesterday about Biden supplying Ukraine with increasingly lethal weapons.  Kremlin Spokesman Sergei Rybakov said that if the U.S. continues to supply more lethal weapons to Ukraine, the Kremlin will regard the U.S. as an enemy combatant in the conflict.  Rybakov said that if the Kremlin sees an existential treat to the Russian Federation, Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons.  Rybakov served notice that things are getting out-of-control.
Sullivan’s departure for apparently “family reasons” cannot discount the fact that he knows that U.S.-Russian relations have never been worse under Biden.  Sullivan couldn’t express directly his disgust over Biden’s policy of going to war against the Kremlin.  As the State Department said, U.S.-Russian relations are of critical importance to U.S. national security.  Whatever Biden’s objectives in Ukraine, he was beyond reckless trashing U.S.-Russian relations.  When it comes to China, it’s not much better for Biden, especially over the tense relations with Taiwan.  Graham gets it wrong that Trump has a personality issue.  Trump has problem with the press that won’t go away anytime soon.  No one in the mainstream press will do anything other than denigrate Trump.  Biden deserves far more contempt than Trump over his reckless foreign policy starting a proxy war against the Kremlin.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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bllsbailey · 2 years
What the Media and Never Trump GOP Still Don't Get About Kari Lake in Arizona
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Kari Lake is going to be the Republican gubernatorial candidate in Arizona. It’s not official yet, but her camp is confident that whatever outstanding votes will break her way. There doesn’t appear to be enough of the vote left for her opponent, Karrin Taylor Robson, to reclaim the lead. Robson was leading for most of the night Tuesday. Currently, the map shows her winning only Maricopa County which is moving like molasses in tallying the rest of the ballots. Even anti-Lake pundits are conceding on social media that she will be the nominee. The former journalist smeared by the media as a conspiracy theorist peddler and all-around nutcase pulled ahead in Wednesday's early morning hours. 
Lake became known as the candidate who trashed liberal outlets like CNN right to their faces. She clinched Donald Trump's endorsement, and her eventual win is a gentle reminder to the Never Trump wing of the Republican Party that it’s time to pack up shop. The fight for the heart and soul of the party did happen in 2016, and this side lost. If 2022 has shown anything, it’s that the Republican Party underwent a seismic shift in 2016. It’s the party of Donald Trump. How Arizona Republicans voted in Tuesday’s primary is illustrative of that adjustment. 
Now, was Lake always a die-hard Trump Republican? Hell no. There are a ton of converts. I don't care if she was a former Obama supporter. The media once again fails to dig deeper into the new GOP base. There are millions of Obama-Trump voters. Also, a solid chunk of Trump's base identifies as economically progressive, though the cultural issues and immigration prevent them from veering into the Democrat camp. In the weeks before primary day, Fox News ran a piece on Lake's anti-Trump days:
An Arizona GOP gubernatorial candidate backed by Donald Trump shared a post on Facebook stating that Trump was "Not My President" just days before the former president's inauguration in 2017. The anti-Trump post from Kari Lake's account read, "Will you be protesting the inauguration? If so, which of these suggestions will you adopt? Will you boycott TV coverage? Wear black? Donate money the ACLU, NAACP or Planned Parenthood? Use the hashtag #NotMyPresident? Will you unfollow Donald Trump?" After Fox News Digital requested a statement from the Kari Lake for Governor campaign, the post disappeared from her page. [...] The Facebook post was accompanied by a meme that appears to have been sent to Lake by one of her Facebook followers. The meme referred to Trump's Inauguration Day as a "National Day of Mourning and Protest." "This is very clearly a news-anchor's post; reporting that there was outrage against President Trump's election and asking if people were going to visibly protest his inauguration as the meme suggests. To make anything more out of it is just silly," a spokesperson for Lake's campaign told Fox News Digital.
It's not the best look, but you would think by now that the media gets that everyone hates them. Progressives feel the legacy media is in the tank for establishment Democrats. Conservatives view all media as a bunch of lying Democrats. The Russian collusion hoax and nonstop anti-Trump coverage convinced many to consider anything peddled by these folks with skepticism and suspicion. Unless it’s something heinous, no one cares. In Ohio, Republican U.S. Senate candidate JD Vance was not kind to Trump. He’ll probably win the election. The media needs to stop telling people whom to vote for in elections, but they keep trying and motivating voters to back whoever isn’t in the good graces of the national press. Also, the holier-than-thou Republicans need to shut it since everyone sees through their act. Do they think it wasn’t until Trump that people changed opinions due to the political winds? By default, voters view politicians as corrupt snake oil salesmen. For the most part, they’re right. 
Only the dying Never Trump elements of the GOP view this occupation with some sort of prestige. The rest of the party doesn’t care. Just win. 
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forsetti · 3 years
On The Right’s Response To Covid: The Backlash of Losing Cultural Relevance
Right now we are in the middle of a surge of the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus, a virus that has already claimed the lives of 640,000+ Americans. Yet, in spite of hospitals in the hotbed states of Florida, Alabama, Texas...being filled to capacity, people suffering from the virus being sent out of state for care, makeshift patient rooms being set up in hospital garages, and the new variant hitting younger people much harder than its previous version, there is an angry sector of the public that is still adamant the virus is a hoax, refuses to get vaccinated, protests any mask mandate, and is getting more and more violent against anyone who disagrees with them. Whenever all this madness comes up in conversation with anyone not part of the anti-science, anti-functioning cerebral cortex, the following always comes up, “I just don't understand why they are acting this way. It makes no sense.”
I fully understand and appreciate why it is difficult to grasp why there is a very vocal, very angry faction of our country that is actively doing whatever it can to undermine even the most basic solutions for dealing with a world-wide pandemic. Their words and actions defy fundamental common sense and basic humanity. When things like this happen a lot of people respond with shock, amazement, and even anger. Whenever someone expresses these feelings to me, a part of me completely understands and sympathizes. It is when the discussion shifts from, “Can you believe?” to “Why are they acting this way?” is where a discussion about the hard truths need to happen.
Whenever someone asks, “Why are they acting this way?” what they mostly want is some quick, easy explanation to make them feel good about why some of their family, friends, coworkers...are acting so horribly. I wish the answer to this question was something that was easy and allowed the person asking the question to feel good when they heard it. Most people have a difficult time believing people they know, care about are not the sweet, caring, smart people they think they are. The hard truth is, in a lot of cases, this is exactly who these people are. This answer may be difficult to come to terms with but it should be is easy if you understand the big picture of how/why of belief systems, a passing understanding of American history, and a grasp of modern-day conservatism.
The main reason there is a good-sized chunk of American society who are standing in the way of properly dealing with a pandemic is the same reason the U.S. is the ONLY major economy that doesn't have some form of universal healthcare. It is the same reason twenty three school children were murdered in cold blood and not one single law could be passed to protect against future school shootings. It is the same reason a significant number of Republican voters still believe President Obama was not born in the U.S. It is the same reason these same voters believe the 2020 election was stolen. There is a significant portion of American society who have been on the losing end of the “culture wars,” and instead of adjusting their belief systems to adopt even a fraction to meet these changes, they've dug in their heels in order to protest not only past loses but the ones they are certain to lose now and down the road. These cultural loses can be traced back to the South losing the Civil War. More recently, the loses go back to the Supreme Court decision in Brown versus Board of Education. For a good number of Americans, black people are naturally inferior to whites and that is just the way God intended the world to be. How dare anyone suggest or make mandatory that their precious, God-blessed, God-preferred white children be in the same classroom, be considered in any way equal to black children. To make matters worse, a few years later, these “inferiors” were legally given the right to eat at the same diners, drink from the same water fountains, swim in the same public pools, and *gasp be allowed to vote. In 1964, black people didn't have one iota of economic, legal, or political power. Hell, one can easily argue they don't have these things in 2021. Yet, to those opposed to the Civil Rights Act, it doesn't matter what black people really have. The ONLY thing that matters is the very idea that black people can be equal, even theoretically, to whites. The next “L” American conservatives took was with women's rights. No matter how adamant they have been that women don't belong in the workplace, shouldn't be treated equally to men, have no rights over their bodies...our society has delivered them one loss after another and continues to do so. Conservatives feel “forced” to have a woman as the Vice President. They are “forced” to see women referees and assistant coaches in major league sports. They are “forced” to have women as their bosses, doctors, state representative... Deep down, they don't want any of these things and see these changes as a slap in their face and in the face of God because, like whites being inherently superior to non-whites, men are naturally superior to women. People don't “get over” things like this. They internalize them. They fume about them. They build up anger and hatred about them. They do not get over things like this or cope with them. The next major cultural losses conservatives experienced was the election of the first black president which was quickly followed with gay people being granted the right to marry. Despite what the Civil Rights Act says, for a lot of Americans, black people are inferior to whites. For conservatives, having a black man sitting in the Oval Office was like having Judas being granted sainthood or Bin Laden being given the Congressional Medal of Honor. It was an affront to God, America, apple pie, and the ghosts of the Founding Fathers. Instead of coming to terms Barack Obama was president, even if they didn't vote for him, the conservative outrage cottage industry fed their base's already built-in racism to undermine not just his policies but the very legitimacy of his election. This didn't happen by accident or came out of nowhere. It was already baked into the belief systems of conservatives and has been reinforced over and over and over again for decades. As bad as having a black man as their president was for conservatives, it wasn't nearly as bad as gay people being allowed to marry. For these people, blacks are inferior. However, gay people are an abomination. America may have elected an inferior to be president, that can be rationalized as a one-off, a Black Swan event (no pun intended,) something that will never happen again. Barack Obama was a single individual. Gay people being allowed to marry is an entire subset of people and, unlike a one-off, happens over and over and over and over...again. After eight years in office, the black man in the White House went away. Gay couples legally being able to marry doesn't have an end date. It may be decades before America elects another person of color to the highest office in the land. Every day, gay couples are getting married, having kids, attending PTA meetings, being accepted as normal, fully functioning members of society. If Brown versus Board of Education and the Civil Rights Act were the genesis of American conservatives losing their minds, the election of President Obama pushed them to the edge and Obergefell versus Hodges pushed them right the fuck over. Because these two events took place directly after a major financial crisis, a lot of people missed the real underlying reasons why conservatives lost their minds and blamed it on “economic anxiety.” Excusing racism and bigotry on “economic anxiety,” allowed people to “feel good” about the batshit nuttery coming from every pore of the American conservative movement. White people, in particular, will go to amazing lengths to avoid viewing or calling a fellow white person, “racist,” “bigoted.” Deep down, we know being a racist/bigot is really, really horrible. This is why we have such a difficult time calling out people when they say/act in racist/bigoted ways. Yet, this is exactly what has been going on and driving American conservatism since the first European stepped foot in the New World. As deeply ingrained as racism and bigotry are in conservatism and even though it has been this way for centuries, the one thing white conservatives could always rely and fall back on has been the fact they are the majority and had all the power in society. However, since the passage of the Civil Rights Act, in spite of their majority, it has been one cultural loss after another for American conservatives. Each loss doesn't count as a single loss to be added to the total. Because of the personal nature of the issues involved, each loss increases the sense of loss by a factor. It isn't three straight losses equals three. It is three straight losses equals eight. Four losses becomes sixteen. The more they've lost, the more angry they have become. In Trump, they really believed they had someone who was going to reverse this losing tread and put them back in their self-appointed place of prominence in society. Trump knew this and used it to his advantage and in the process, gave conservatives a false sense of hope which is and will continue to be dashed on the rocks of reality, only fueling their outrage.
Certainly, there have been cultural “wins” for conservatives since 1964 but they have been few and at best, briefly slowed the culturally shift. They have never completely stopped or reversed the changes they've spend their lives fighting against. Deep down, conservatives know, when it comes to culture wars, their winning record is in Washington Generals territory. This has to sting. It sure as hell has led to some very nasty and dangerous consequences. Consequences we are seeing played out right now when it comes to dealing with a pandemic.
If you feel your belief system, which in turn becomes inseparable from your self-identity, your self-worth, is always under attack and no matter what you do, you can't get a “win,” you will latch onto anything and everything that might remotely make you feel like you are on the right side of things. If you've lost a bunch of large battles, this means you are relegated to fighting small, often meaningless ones. Conservatives can't win the war against blacks, minorities, women...being viewed and treated as equals but they will damn sure try to win the war over wearing masks or getting vaccinated. Because they've lost so many big battles, making sure they win the smaller battles take on even greater importance. The fights whether to wear/not wear a mask or get/not get vaccinated are not really about these particular issues. If they are, it is only tangentially. The fight is about winning a battle against their opponent, against a world, that has kicked their ass up and down the cultural field their entire life.
This is why so many people on the right are willing to risk the health and well-being of others. The “others,” are viewed as the enemy and must be defeated, no matter the cost. This cost even means the health and well-being of themselves and their own children. If someone is willing to sacrifice their kid's health to “own the libs,” which really means, “win a culture war,” they can't be reasoned with. There are not arguments or data point sets or incentives that will change someone's mind who is willing to let their own child get sick, suffer, and possibly die rather than wear a small piece of cloth over their mouth when in public or get vaccinated just like millions and millions of Americans of all political persuasions have done for decades. It doesn't take much to see just how far conservatives are willing to go right now to get a cultural win. They will willingly inject bleach into their system. They will happily inject medicine specifically to rid livestock of worms. They will scream at grocery store cashiers for wearing a mask. They will be on their deathbed in a hospital, dying of COVID-19, and with oxygen-depleted lungs, insist they don't have the virus. They will assault cancer clinic workers and patients over a mask mandate for the clinic, even though they themselves don't work their and aren't a patient. They will threaten public health experts with harm and death for telling them things they don't want to hear and/or believe. They will literally put themselves, their families, their friends, their coworkers...at risk of a very transmittable, dangerous virus rather than wear a piece of cloth other their nose and mouth when they are out in public. If this sounds crazy, it is because it it.
As crazy and seemingly unbelievable the right has been the past few months with their reactions to the 2020 election and the pandemic, they are only going to get worse. The world where they have relevance and where their ideas are deemed even marginally acceptable is shrinking. There really are not many big cultural battles for them to fight anymore. This doesn't mean they have or will stop fighting these large battles. They do and will continue to do so. However, I don't think they really believe they can win battles they lost years ago and continue to lose. This means they are reduced to fighting smaller and smaller battles-battles that have crazier and crazier rationalizations and justifications. The size of the battle no longer matters. What matters is getting a win, even if it means the deaths of hundreds of thousands of their fellow citizens. Even if it means losing their own lives or their children's. This kind of mindset cannot be changed through persuasion. An individual here or there might change but it will only be because of some deeply personal reason. For the masses, they are going to be who they are. The only thing the rest of us can do is make sure they don't get the levers of power because as they continue to rack up cultural losses, they will lash out in more and more violent ways against anything and anyone they see as being responsible for their losing streak. America has been moving towards this moment for a long time. It is very much at a “make it or break it,” moment where it either becomes the multicultural democracy it has promised it could be or it becomes some form of an apartheid, authoritarian state. My heart is always with the former but knowing how mean, angry, and spiteful conservatives are, the latter is more of a possibility than I like to admit.
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skies-diary · 3 years
You are not the problem for driving a car instead of biking to work. You are not the problem for buying food wrapped in plastic. You are not the problem for leaving the light on overnight.
You are not the cause of the problems the world faces today. Late stage capitalism is.
Yes, driving a car causes air pollution. Yes, plastic is a cancer upon this land. Yes, using electricity burns coal.
Chances are, however, that you don't have any other choice - particularly if you live in America. I've never worked a job that was a comfortable walking distance away, because in America, walking cities aren't really a thing. Public transportation used to be common, but that's changed (because of multiple factors).
Food wrapped in plastic is, more often than not, the only option people have to be able to eat (particularly in food deserts, where the food is far more processed and, therefore, nearly always wrapped in layers of plastic, as opposed to produce and other less processed foods).
Civilian use only accounts for about 1/3 of electricity use; the rest is used by the "industrial and commerical" sectors. Yes, civilian use adds up, but it's nothing compared to manufacturing plants sucking down energy day after day. Using solar power is pushed hard for civilians, but the truth is many people do not have access to solar power; many people live in apartments where they cannot install solar panels, and other live in areas where the HOA forbids solar panels. If you dont live in the customer range of a company that produces green energy, you're out of luck as well.
The truth is individuals are not causing the climate crisis. Wanna know who is?
Here's a good starting point:
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Plastic waste creation:
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While this is by no means comprehensive, it's a launching point.
Through a mix of disinformation campaigns and lobbying for favorable laws, the corporations of America have convinced the public of America that the climate crisis is whatever the CEOs want it to be. First the narrative was that it wasn't real. But we can see the world burn, we see the fires in Californa and Australia. We see the disturbances in weather, causing natural disasters in rapid succession. We see the start of a mass extinction due to the planet beginning to fail. The lie that climate change is a hoax no longer holds water with the majority of the population.
So, new strategy. The corporate machine develops a new theroy, one still in use today: climate change is real, and it's your fault. You, as a consumer, have been reckless and greedy. Only you have to power to stop the oncoming climate crisis.
This is, of course, entirely false, but it allows corporations to continue, unpunished and unaccoutable, while consumers are saddled with the blame. The truth is, however, we cannot fix this from the civilian side. You can take all the five minute showers you want; that wont save the fish while factories are dumping toxic waste into oceans, while energy companies run pipelines under lakes and rivers which explode and poison the waters and all that live in or drink from them. You can trade in your car for a bike; Amazon and Walmart still runs delivery trucks across the nation day and night. You can bring your own bags to the grocery store and go without plastic straws; marine animals are more likely to be trapped in and drown by fishing nets.
So what does this mean? Give up?
No, of course not. What it means is to be critical of what you're being told about climate change. Recycling, cutting down on plastic use, going vegan, driving a hybrid; all of these are incredible places to start.
But - and I hate to say this - it's not enough. We cannot solve this by ourselves. The charts of corporate giants above; they're the ones that have to change.
So, we press them.
Call the customer complaint lines of companies like Nestle, Coca cola and Pepsi, as well as oil giants, and, keeping in mind that the person on the other end is also a working class person who has not caused any of this, tell them that you're boycotting their company because of their disregard for climate change. Encourage them to do R & D into things like biodegradable plastics if they want your business back. (I know some people cannot boycott these companies; that's okay. If you can, boycott. If you cannot, still call. You just need make them believe you're boycotting. Make them nervous. Make them change their behavior.)
Advocate for green energy; call your electric company and ask what they're doing in terms of green energy. Write or call your representatives and demand that green energy in your state be expanded via government backing like subsidies. Also tell your representatives to back the Green New Deal. Threaten to cast your vote elsewhere if they refuse.
Educate yourself on the facts about climate change and green energy so that when the media giants, megaphones for big oil politicians, and corporations try to tell you lies, you know they're full of shit. Also educate yourself on the views of your local and state representatives. If they're not governing in a way that is in your best interest, throw them out next election cycle. Unfortunately, we cant solve this without major policy and legal changes; your elected representatives are the ones who control those.
It can be hard to fight when you feel overwhelmed by all this. I understand. This is overwhelming to me every day. However, you need to remember: you are not powerless. The phone you're holding right now is a tool. Use it to write to and call the people who need an attitude adjustment. Use it to research. Use it to make a change.
Other great ideas for those who have the means to do so: Take public transport instead if driving. Grow a garden in your backyard; not only for yourself, also for your neighbors. Buy food at farmer's markets or other locally-sourced food (local is best as transporting food is a major polluter). Shop at thrift stores and buy secondhand.
Not everyone can do this. That's okay. You still have a voice. Use it.
Together, we are strong. Remind the bad guys of that.
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theopenheartawards · 4 years
The Nominees
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So its finally here AAAHHHH!! We are so excited and blown away by the entries for this event like damn, the talent is just pouring out of your veins. We had discussed the division of the categories here. 
We reached out to all the nominees but some of them unfortunately couldn’t participate.
We are giving a period of 5-6 days so that you guys can brush your memory on the fanfictions.
Also you might see some people have been nominated for 2-4 categories but, they are only eligible to win ONE award. So in case a person were to win two awards, they won’t be eligible for the second category and the person with the second highest votes will be declared winner in that particular category. Any questions? Don’t hesitate to ask us!!
So without further adieu, LETS GO!!
Nominees are mentioned under the cut and signal boosts are highly appreciated :)
1.) Smut category (NSFW!!!! MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY!!!!)
Rookie Category 
@mrschoicesobsessed​​ - Bath-Time Shenanigans
@starrystarrytrouble​​ - Fight
@takemyopenheart​​ - Untamed Desires
@wannabejasmine​​ - My love is in your DNA
Attending Category
@alwaysmychoices​​- Just Tonight
@drethanramslay​​ - Uncover
@jamespotterthefirst​​ - Satin Sheets
@heauxplesslydevoted​​ - Under My Skin 
@writinghereandthere​​- Fourteen Hours
@the-pale-goddess​​ - Breakfast at Tiffany’s
@usuallyamazinglyaverage​​ - You make me Feel
2.) Fluff category
Rookie Category
@aylamwrites​ - The Things love makes you do (crack)
@caseyvalentineramsey​ - You are Stronger than you Think
@eramsey28​ - Rookie is Sick
@kaavyaethanramsey​ - We are in Love
@lucy-268​ - Late night conversations 
@openheartthot​​ - Sick Day
@starrystarrytrouble​ -Boyfriend
@takemyopenheart​ -I like the way you Love Me
@utterlyinevitable​ - Carnival
Scalpel Jockey
@storyofmychoices​- Full Coverage
@ohramsey​ - Two halves, One whole
@oofchoices​ - I Cant Help Falling In Love
@openheart12​​ - Of Late nights and Dad's
@parkerattano​ - Sleepover
@jamespotterthefirst​​ - Fake Husband (part of a series)
@justanotherrookie​​ - Thanksgiving (part of a series)
@heauxplesslydevoted​​ - Raincheck
@perriewinklenerdie​​ - Pretend you love me
@takeharryandgo​​ - Fruit snacks 
3.) Angst category
Rookie Category
@agent-breakdance​ Dear John (part of a series)
@aylamwrites​​ - Gone
@caseyvalentineramsey​​ - What Your Heart says (part of series)
@kaavyaethanramsey​​ - Rewrite the stars
@missmiimiie​​ - Five Stages of Grief (part of series)
@openheartthot​​- The Inevitable
@tsrookie​​ - Illicit Affairs
@utterlyinevitable​​ - Stuck (part of series)
Scalpel Jockey
@loveellamae​​ - The Confrontation (part of a series)
@ohramsey​​ - Yours, Mine, Ours
@oofchoices​​ - It's time to say goodbye
@openheart12​​ - Hoax
@parkerattano​​ - I don’t love you
@the-pale-goddess​ - Home with You
@alwaysmychoices​ - Crying in the rain 
@blazerina​​ - Linger
@drethanramslay​​ - Voicemails (part of series)
@justanotherrookie​​ - Hero (part of series)
@takeharryandgo​ - If you love someone
@trappedinfandoms​​ - Goodbyes
@rookie-ramsey​​ - Lockdown
1.) Fluff category
@anotherbeingsworld​​ - Carnations
@bitchloveskcbaseball​​ - I’d Be Jealous Too
@appiomofchoice​​ - Sleeping Beauty
@fantasyoverreality98​​ - Come what may
@kelseaaa​​ - Try Harder
@lucy-268​​ - To make you happy
@openheart12​​ - Getaway Car (crack)
@michaelrharrison​​ - Is it bad enough we get along so good?
@rookie-ramsey​​ - Baby Blues (part of series)
@storyofmychoices​​ - Stay
2.) Smut category (NSFW!! MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY)
@bobbymckenzie​​ - He Distracts You When You're Studying
@raleiighcarrera​​ - Daylight
3.) Angst category
@appiomofchoice​​ - First and last I love you
@bitchloveskcbaseball​​ - Surprise
@eleanorbloom​​ - When you're Ready (part of series)
@fantasyoverreality98​​ - Slowly
@brycelahelalover​​ - Empty
Scalpel Jockey
@anotherbeingsworld​​ - Bitterness of Love
@bobbymckenzie​​ - Kiss My Sins Away (part of a series)
@zigtheeortega​ - Unrequited (part of series)
1.) Smut category (NSFW!! MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY)
@ajstarfury​​ - Saudade
@tyrilblue​​ - Want you back
2.) Angst Category
@altairadtaz​​ - If I cross your mind, Just know that I’m Yours
@montjoy​​ - Flight
@oliveiraveiro​​ - Drunken Nights and Unspoken Words
@thundergom​​ - One step forward, two steps back
3.) Fluff Category
@altairadtaz​​ - Take my hand, take my whole life
@oliveiraveiro​ - The Right moment
@montjoy​ - The Sun will come up, the Seasons will change
@bratzlahela​ - link to artwork
@ethansdique​ - link to artwork
@hashiedraws - link to artwork (this was a Collab with writer @aylamwrites​ )
@kaavyaethanramsey​ - link to artwork
@misadrawss​​ - link to artwork
@thundergom​​- link to artwork
@keepcreative​​ - link to artwork
@nukeyyy​​ - link to artwork
@toyhenoctus​​ - link to artwork
Bryce x MC
@boatboytom​​ - link to artwork
@harringtonishot​​ - link to artwork
@solarbridge​​ - link to artwork
@toyhenoctus​​ - link to artwork
@yaushie​​ - link to artwork
@night-triumphantt​​ - link to artwork
@choicesraccoon​​ - link to artwork
Rafael x MC
Scalpel Jockey
@lemonnaide​​ - link to artwork
@cpt-indigo​​ - link to artwork
@harringtonishot​​ - link to artwork
@solarbridge​​ - link to artwork
@theo-oface​​ - link to artwork
@bittertarinetea​​ - link to artwork
@europeanguy​​ - link to artwork
@meindraws​​ - link to artwork
@yaushie​​ - link to artwork
Ethan x MC
@drethanramslay​​- “Take me back to the night we first met”
@ezekielbhandarivalleros​- Ethan Ramsey Aesthetic
@itsgoingnuts​​ - Comeback
@mvalentine​​ - Code blue
@parkerattano​​ - Ethan Jonah Ramsey
@senatorraines​​ - “Where there isn’t a path, you make your own.”
Bryce X MC
@elfilibusterismo​​ - Bryce Lahela
@olivershens​ - Bryce
@senatorraines​ - “Did i hear a wistful ‘i wish Bryce were here’ sigh?”
If we have made any mistaking in the linking or the category please reach out to us asap.
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sofyachy · 3 years
Misinformation Cookies
Last night, I had a wild hair to make "misinformation cookies" for a potluck. Think fortune cookies, but with less fortune, more bullshit. I came up with 3 dozen unique, artisanally crafted lines of bullshit, but sadly, the making of the cookies is not going to happen in time for the potluck. If you need an idea for a Halloween potluck, feel free to use these:
Facebook algorithms account for 84% of the cockroaches in your breakfast cereal.
Soylent Green is made of cheese fries.
A European underwear model is moving to your city and wants to put $50,000 in your bank account.
Alaskan senators just voted to curb climate change by redirecting the Alaska Pipeline to blow air conditioning back at the arctic.
The Queer Extremists are coming for your shoes!
You have used up all your allotted internet points for the week. Your social media posts weren’t getting enough likes, hearts, or ha-has.
He’s behind you! He’s behind you! Duck!!!
You can melt away that pesky belly fat with a diet of 90% spray cheese.
Mitch McConnell is the way he is because he’s the reincarnation of Mae West and he never figured out what to do with that knowledge.
Q-Anon is putting mind-control drugs in Starbucks’ pumpkin spice lattes!
Ghosts are real. It’s just that they’re not that into you.
J.K. Rowling has seen the error of her ways and announced that Percy Weasley is a transwoman.
Ryan Gosling definitely does not maintain his looks by drinking the blood of the innocent.
Your shirt tag is sticking out.
The 2020 model of pugs have been recalled due to excessive derpiness.
Left-Wing Extremists want us all to convert to metric time! Get ready for 100-minute hours and 10-hour days!
Right-Wing Extremists are coming for your beer!
Science has proven that the vaccine for Wandering Lung Disease causes deadly farts in 73% of gassy rats.
Borneo isn’t a real island. It was drawn onto maps by the cartographers who are profiting from fundraisers aimed at saving the orangutan, which doesn’t exist either.
In 1969, NASA accidentally overshot the moon and hit Alpha Centauri instead. They faked the moon landing footage because they were so embarrassed by their bad math.
You’ve got some schmutz on your face.
Scientists have just bred a new species of Super Squirrel that can pick locks and open doors. They’re coming for your nuts!
Vikings didn’t have horns on their helmets. Those were actually Go Pros so they could capture the looks of terror on the Saxons’ faces when they pillaged.
Science has proven that vampires exist. But they don’t drink blood or shy away from sunlight. They do sleep all day and love catnip. Actually, vampires are cats.
One of the extras in The Rocky Horror Picture Show was Richard Nixon.
Exploding Death Spiders have crossed the US border. Entomologists say they will reach Illinois by next week.
Did you know? You can make your own home remedy for appendicitis with baking soda, lemon juice, and neon puffy paint.
Halloween is a liberal conspiracy to teach kids that making and wearing costumes is fun.
Big Candy doesn’t want you to know that the secret ingredient in the plain orange-and-black-wrapped Halloween candy is wood glue.
Science still cannot prove that Kanye West isn’t an android controlled by aliens.
The top 1% control 58% of all percentages.
Tomorrow’s forecast: partly cloudy with a 52% chance of localized tornado bombs.
Whatever you do, don’t look up.
Nancy Pelosi is three raccoons in a pantsuit.
Your message here $5.00
Climate change is a hoax perpetrated by a few really, really smart trees.
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anarcho-smarmyism · 3 years
open letter to fenrir wolf: plague edition
Wolf, if you can hear this, it’s 2021, and it’s a plague this time around. my first letter was supposed to be an offering, not a goddamn invitation.
I remember the weekend before quarantine began, dancing (badly) with my Freyan friend at a pub last saint patrick’s day, the band joking about the elephant in the room, saying that everything was fine, they were all the way up on the stage, they wouldn’t get anyone sick. I had been thinking about the previous saint patrick’s day, but even then, even through my drunken haze and bitter memories, I thought I could hear a note of desperation in the singer’s voice; I remember the tremble of quiet dread. I told myself to stop being paranoid. everything’s always a false alarm, until one day it isn’t. this saint patrick’s day, against my better judgement, I went to a bar alone because I’d just bought a red dress, and honestly, because I needed to be away from my in-law’s house for a little while longer. I sat down and took off my mask once I’d entered one of the few places you’re allowed to irresponsibly have your mask off in, and it feels weirdly intimate to let people see my face in public by now; back when all I had was a black bandanna, I used to pretend I was an Old West outlaw, and wonder if I’ll ever grow out of pretending to be a cowboy from the movies…or if I I’d have the opportunity to. I had a couple beers, wondered for a few stupid moments why everyone was wearing green and shamrocks, and made idle small talk with the bartender while I stared blankly ahead and wondered how it could be a whole year, and also how it could be only one year, and how it is that all the world’s people let the rich and powerful shovel us by the millions into our graves.
when it started, they told us not to buy masks. everyone was panic buying everything else, and they wanted to make sure they didn’t run out for hospital workers and such. i was able to get some bandanas for me and Tyr’s kid before they ran out, while the TV was still discouraging us from buying them if they mentioned it at all, not to mention the current president’s rabid followers screaming at you in public for defying their leader’s lies that the virus is a hoax and the mass graves in italy and new york are fake news. he rolled his eyes at me at the time, but now the party line is that everyone ought to be wearing two masks if you can. no one seems to remember stuff like this; but then why should they, when the news is showing the last head of state’s supporters storming the capitol? panic buttons had been ripped out; someone refused to call the national guard over and over again, while the racist mob built a noose outside, breached the perimeter, and went looking for politicians to kill because they weren’t going to let their god-emperor stay in power. for aspiring revolutionaries, i must say they weren’t very ambitious; they killed a cop and got shot just to do nothing but take selfies once they got in and found no one inside to kill; they even walked obediently in line between the little velvet ropes on their way in. the only saving grace is that, since their god-emperor has spent 8 months telling them anyone who wears a mask is a pussy and a communist, they all left their hoods at home and many were identified. reports of off-duty cops being among the attackers trailed in. I worked customer service for 9 hours wondering if I was wasting precious time I’d need to look into getting a passport.
it almost worked, Wolf. Just like the nukes almost flew in the 80’s and the climate change is almost certainly going to reach the point of no return within a decade. how many almosts do we have left? Will we keep going from reckoning to reckoning of our own design, playing chicken with nature instead of trying to throw off these shackles and just live, until one day our luck runs out? I suppose that always was the plan on some scale, but I hoped we’d at least get to walk on another planet first. How can this be the end of history, with that great ineffable blanket of stars above us that we haven’t yet explored?
It was only a month or so ago that a blizzard hit Texas -not just where I used to live, where blizzards are rare but fierce and we build our houses to withstand them, but deeper south where a light dusting would make local news for weeks. the strain was too much for the grid; the politicians had made sure the state’s not connected to the rest of the nation’s infrastructure, so entire cities lost power…the poor parts of the cities, anyways. people were circulating infographics on how to resist hypothermia along with pictures of icicles forming on ceilings of their apartment buildings. then the stories started pouring in. children found huddled in their trailers around their younger siblings to try and keep them warm, dead of hypothermia. old ladies’ frozen bodies found by family who’d seen her alive and well mere days ago. families trapped in their houses, built to stay cool in the brutal desert heat, buried by the snow and unable to eat, stay warm, dig their way out, or call for help. some politician lost his job for telling people to stop asking for help because “the strong will survive”. the masters of our world, the ones that stand smugly guarding the gateways from this world to a better one and slaughtering all who approach, really think that surviving because you’re rich and powerful, because you struggle so little that life itself is something you take for granted, is the same thing as survival of the fittest. i saw my peers laughing and saying Texans deserved it for voting the wrong way, and I think something broke inside me, because when that rage erupted from that ugly hidden place that is always burning my hands shook and I wanted to howl until my throat started to bleed and I could’ve summoned you with all the hate that came over me, and who’s to say I didn’t, the way things are going? and this is the new normal, for the rest of my life if not for the rest of our species’. we are guaranteed so little time, and yet we throw it over our shoulders with both hands so we can make the numbers on our ATM screen go up. i feel like i would do anything to guarantee the survival of my species, but I can’t deny some part of me believes we deserve this.
because if this is really it, Wolf, people will blame you, but we are the ones who built this world. I wont bore you with more politics, but the scientists knew how to prevent the worst of it from day one. all we had to do was shut down industry for a few months -and oh, how I remember thinking I could almost hear you laughing as I watched them talk about it on TV as though they might actually try and save us, knowing deep in my bones that the movers and shakers of our species consider it no contest at all, between sacrificing billions in profits and millions of lives. they may be lying bastards, but their devotion to greed is as eternal and sincere as was your promise to make the ones who bound you pay -and they have no qualms about paying the same abominable price. My anger is making me reckless, and I know it, and I know that they always say you shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds you -and maybe it’s true, but it’s also true that they’re only feeding us at all because they know hungry people may swallow them whole. how can I blame the plague or the storms or the riots for our doom, when the extent of the death they’re causing are only the consequences of human actions? how can I hold my livid need to get back at the bastards with my duty to my own humanity in the same body, when they crash against each other like two asteroids headed in opposite directions?
we just heard that vaccines are available in our state, right when I was halfway through writing this. I’m sure it’ll be weeks until we can breathe without fear, Wolf, and even then, the storms and the riots, the coming famines and wars, means that reprieve will be small and bitter and filled with irony and dread. I’ll be sure to give you some raw meat and take a shot of that godawful whiskey so you can laugh at the face I make. sometimes I wonder if you’d be on my side, help me and my friends break their haughty power, reclaim the world, and start rebuilding the forests we squandered in our ignorance and greed, were you given the opportunity. I’d like to think so, and it seems like the kind of thing you’d be into -but then, we’ll never know, will we? Despite all I’ve said, I still hold out stubborn faith that one day humanity will learn that so long as one of us is imprisoned, none of us are truly free. We're not like you, so you'll have to take my word for it: humans need mercy like wolves need to hunt. Just because we can technically stay alive in these chains that force us to forget that the humans' only true strength was always only their cooperation with each other, doesn't mean it's good for us to live this way. If we can learn that we are strong enough if we stand together, we can take them down before they take us and countless other species down with them. People have been certain the world would end before; and they’ve all been wrong so far. perhaps it’ll take more than this to kill us.
-but that’s the thing, isn’t it? more is coming. it always has been.
But I really, really want to thank you for dancing 'til the end You found a way to break out You're not afraid to break out
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I'm sure many people have questions around what the president getting covid means, so allow me to outline a few of the more likely outcomes, because this certainly is a wrench in the flaming wreck of our country.
1. He’s asymptomatic
Probably the most likely outcome is that trump will be asymptomatic. He was tested because of exposure to a confirmed vase and not because of symptoms, so this feels like the most likely scenario. He also has access to the best medical care in the world arguably. Personally, I'm betting he'll use his easy recovery to further push his narrative that covid is a hoax. While this will garner support for his base, it probably won't do much else otherwise. Overall, could pass within the week out of the news, and since we're still a month from the election, it wouldn't effect the outcome too much.
2. He's hospitalized
This one is a bit more of a flux on what could happen. Seeing the presuming on a ventilator could have several effects on the American people. It could make some deniers realize covid is real, which could have some backlash for the GOP. It could also make trump seem sympathetic, which would boost trump numbers like Reagan surviving the assassination attempt. This could effect the election.
3. He dies
While cosmically just, this outcome might actually not be the best for the election. We've never had a candidate, let alone a sitting president, die after the deadline to be on the ballot. The GOP can't exactly nominate someone new. Early voting has already begun, and there are almost certainly already votes cast for trump. The decision would likely be tossed to the courts, who would probably rule that the trump/pence ticket is now just a pence ticket. It also might martyr him in the eyes of some undecided voters and pence would get sympathy voters, and also maybe some of the defecting republicans who have sided with Biden over trump.
Overall, this thing is not likely to have a lasting impact on the electorate. People have already made up their minds about covid, and unless something serious happens, I doubt this will change the polling numbers permanently before the election. We'll probably see a bump one way or another, but it won't last till the election.
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angelictaehyun · 3 years
I love you, but didn't Biden say, "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.", and "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent." also, saying if you don't vote for him you ain't black? Pretty positive he called Mexico corrupt too. I'll let it pass anyways since he's old and probably forgot 💕
Hi. *cue awkward finger guns*
Biden (as well as Harris) has a racist history as most congressmen/congresswomen—democrat and republican—do and it is not excusable. It is important that people educate themselves and acknowledge their history so they can make an informed decision. Their past is not forgivable nor should it be forgotten, but they are currently trying to correct their mistake(s) as they both seem aware of their past and are actively trying to do better. The same cannot be said of the current president. Biden and Harris consistently educate themselves and attempt to repent for their past by creating a better society for the United States and the world. They have openly discussed their plans for the future, and I agree with most, if not all, of their ideas. As I stated, no one is forgiving or forgetting their history, but they are actively trying to correct their past which is all one can do when they have done something wrong. 
Furthermore, if you would like to talk simply about the past, President Trump has raped, assaulted, and sexualized multiple women, and has participated in the molestation of multiple children with his close friend, Jeffrey Epstein. He had called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five and has committed housing discrimination against African-Americans attempting to secure a home under his business. He has committed tax fraud and evasion, and when questioned about it, has refused to comment. There is quite a bit more, but this is just a couple of examples since you bring up the past (understandable as the past is very important, but he has made no effort to change his behavior and hasn’t apologized nor will he). 
As for his term, he’s done quite a bit—and I don’t mean that to commend him. Firstly, we have the creation of the border in the South as well as the isolation and separation of children from their families. There’s also the climate change sector, in which he has completely disregarded basic science and has refused to join the Paris Accords because he’s hellbent on the idea that global warming and climate change is a hoax. Speaking of lack of scientific understanding, he’s also responsible for the abhorrent mismanagement of the Coronavirus, causing the deaths of nearly 235,000 people, on top of his refusal to join Covax, the global cooperation initiative that would invest financial, scientific, and technological resources from each participating country to create a vaccine for the virus. He has implemented not one, not two, but three Supreme Court judges, one of which is a rapist, and the other is not only unqualified to be a judge but is also actively seeking to overthrow Roe v. Wade and Griswold v. Connecticut, but I digress. His management and disregard of the Black Lives Matter movement is disgusting, and he has supported police brutality against the African-American community by refusing to incriminate those responsible and showing support of white supremacists. He has allowed a multitude of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation to pass, and he has shown discrimination against the community.
The list goes on but if I listed them all out, I’d be here all night. 
Lastly, I am very aware of who I voted for in this election. I am educated and informed, and I continuously strive to learn more. I participated in our democratic society, and I made my vote, and I don’t feel any regret. This message, although possibly unintentional (but that’s not what I’m thinking), is extremely condescending and rude; I don’t appreciate it in the slightest. 
Have a great rest of your night/day.
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taramaclaywasaterf · 3 years
you aren't a supporter of victims of sexual assault and harassment, just so you know. you're willing to disregard their experience and let the offender go free the moment it benefits your politics. no excuse.
I AM a victim of sexual assault and harassment you stupid fucking piece of shit. You have to be like next level evil to tell a woman who was raped and forcibly impregnated as a teenager by a grown man that she’s “~not a supporter of victims.”
And what the fuck are you even talking about? I think all rapists/pedophiles should be shot dead on the spot, I really don’t give a shit what their political affiliation is.
But lemme guess...this is about the fact that I think people who refuse to vote for Biden are spineless assholes, right? I could simply point out the fact that you’re a coward hiding behind the anonymous button and just stop there with no need to prove my point any further, but I’ll go on anyway.
“No excuse” lmao fuck off. There’s no excuse for letting Trump get another four years in office. Voting isn’t supposed to feel good. It isn’t supposed to be about you. It’s supposed to be for the betterment of the country. Right now, we have 2 choices, both of them are rapists, but only one of those rapists is responsible for over 200,000 deaths from a virus he pretended didn’t exist until he caught it himself, is currently giving forced hysterectomies to immigrant women who are kept in cages in the concentration camps he's built along the boarder, gutting all environmental protections we’ve once had, doing everything in his power to strip healthcare from millions of people at the same time he was getting free healthcare on the people’s dime when he was sick with the same virus he claimed was a hoax, and appointed a Supreme Court judge who will very likely overturn gay marriage and abortion rights, among about a million more atrocities that would take me a lifetime to write out entirely.
So I’m not sorry I don’t give a shit about anyone whose selfish enough to not vote to get that man out of office, regardless of how much I may sympathize with their reasons for not wanting to do so. Do you think I wanted to vote for Biden? I mean, really? What the fuck? I just know that this country genuinely will not survive another four more years being run by a man who thinks of nothing but himself.
Not voting doesn’t mean you’re not participating in the system, it means you’re doing exactly what the system wants you to do. Voting for a 3rd party doesn’t mean you’re cheating the system or making some sort of radical statement, it means you’re doing exactly what Trump wants you to do. Not voting Biden doesn’t mean you’re refusing to vote for a rapist, it means you’re by default voting for a different rapist- a rapist who is also racist, misogynistic, told white supremacists to “stand by” on live television, has already said he will not leave office peacefully if he loses, and is responsible for 200,000+ deaths that could’ve been avoided.
So no. I don’t want ANY sex offender to be free. I want them all 6 feet under. But that’s not the world we live in right now. And we can’t make change by doing nothing- which is exactly what not voting is: nothing.
So. Fuck off, you evil piece of shit. Women’s lives, refugee’s lives, immigrant’s lives, people of color’s lives, gay men’s lives, lesbian’s lives...none of them are collateral damage in your quest for moral purity. Your feelings are not more important than human lives. No excuses. VOTE.
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alarawriting · 4 years
Inktober 2020 #3: Bulky
The entity scowled, tapping his (its? Their?) foot impatiently. “I told you, you get to bring one thing.”
Sara smiled brightly at him. “This is one thing. My garden.”
Ganymede looked down at her, his expression even more supercilious than usual. “Do you honestly think I’m going to allow an entire garden as one thing?”
Sara sat down on the tree stump. Part of her still couldn’t believe she’d lost the house, that all of this – the tree stump her father had cut down to prevent the wind from knocking it onto the house, the tire swing he’d put up for her, Mom’s rose trellises all around the house and the herb patch she’d had Sara weeding and tending from the age of 5, the screened-in porch, the attic bedroom – all would be gone in a matter of weeks. The bank would take it, and sell it to someone who would probably destroy everything her parents had built to make the place special and unique, and she would never see any of this ever again.
She’d thought Ganymede’s offer would allow her to take at least a part of her home with her, but he was balking.
“When you think about it, can we describe anything as just one thing?” she asked. “Everything we have is made of molecules, which are made of atoms, which are made of quarks. We’re all a multiplicity. We all have legions contained within us. So how is a garden not ‘one thing’ but, say, if I wanted to bring a bicycle, that would be ‘one thing’ even though it’s made of so many things?”
Ganymede’s expression went from deeply irritated to reluctantly amused, and he chuckled. “A nice argument, but no. Your garden’s too bulky. It can neither transport you, nor can it be carried around with you.”
“You never said there was a weight limit.”
“It’s not a weight limit. If you wanted to bring a car, you could. I don’t advise it, but you could.”
“Are any of the others bringing a car?” Sara asked.
Now Ganymede laughed. “Tsk, tsk. I told you I wouldn’t tell you anything about what the others are choosing.”
Ganymede – who appeared to be a tall, slender man with pale skin and curly green hair, like he was some kind of comic book character, and who claimed to be a very bored alien with godlike powers who was taking human form so that he could interact with Sara – had showed up at the café Sara waitressed at, three weeks ago, and was apparently very impressed with Sara’s ability to put up with entitled idiots and even get them to calm down and do what they were supposed to do. He’d ordered cherry pie and asked her if she’d ever wanted to travel into the past, and when Sara had pointed out that in the past, she would have had her rights severely curtailed because she was a woman, he’d asked, what if she could bring one thing from this time, one thing in her possession?
Sara’s master’s degree in the history of plant cultivation in Europe and how it impacted society had never done her a damn bit of good. It had resulted in crushing student loans that a job as a waitress couldn’t keep up with and still pay the mortgage her parents had left to her when they’d died in a car accident, and it hadn’t resulted in a good-paying job in academia like she’d expected when she started college. She was about to lose her parents’ home, the only place she’d ever considered home in her life. And before her boyfriend had dumped her last month, he’d turned most of their friends against her with lies and distortions.
Sara didn’t want to die, but she had lately been seriously reconsidering how badly she actually wanted to live.
So she’d agreed to Ganymede’s offer. Go back to the pre-Renaissance medieval era – or something very much like it – with one thing brought from the future. He’d explained that she wouldn’t actually be going to her own world’s past, so she couldn’t create a paradox by changing the future – she could freely do whatever she wanted without worrying about making her grandparents never born or something. He’d also told her that he was making the same offer to several other people, but that she wouldn’t necessarily get to meet them unless they happened to run into each other by chance in the past-world. And she had a month to get the thing she wanted to bring to the past.
Sara had spent the last three weeks digging up her garden and potting everything in ceramic pots, figuring ceramic wouldn’t be an issue in the past like plastic would be. Sadly, she’d had to abandon the apple trees, the peach tree and the grapevines – she couldn’t exactly dig out trees and pot them – but she’d gotten everything else. The potatoes had been a challenge – exposing potatoes to light while they were growing would make them inedible, so she’d had to dig them out on a cloudy night with no moon, more or less digging by feel instead of sight. Carrots, potatoes and onions had needed very large, deep pots. She’d wound her zucchini around a tomato cage in the large pot she’d put it in. The small fruit bushes – the blueberry bush, the raspberry bush – were already in pots. She had her peppers, her tomatoes, her tiny soybean bush, her arugula.
And now, after she’d done so much work to pot everything, Ganymede was telling her she couldn’t bring it?
“Look, if I had a caravan wagon and a horse, I could definitely carry all of this.”
“But you can’t bring a caravan wagon and a horse back with you.”
“No, but I could get one there.”
Ganymede chuckled. “You think I’m sending you with money? You get period-acceptable clothes, the ability to speak the language, immunity to all the local diseases, and the thing that you bring with you, and that’s it. If you appear in the middle of a field, or a town square, surrounded by potted plants, how are you going to bring them with you to whatever shelter you need to take?”
“They’re plants. If I have to leave them out in a field for a few days while I carry them all to wherever I end up going, nothing bad’s going to happen to them.”
“And what if you appear in the middle of the town square?”
“Then I prevail upon some good gentlemen to help me move them someplace safe.”
A deep sigh escaped Ganymede. “I’m almost tempted to let you. Just to let you find out first hand how much your plans are not likely to work. But no. An entire garden is too bulky, and I’m quite certain that most humans would define a garden as a collection of things, not one thing.”
“Come on! I did a lot of work to put all these plants into pots! Doesn’t that count for something?”
“Sadly, no.” Ganymede walked around the garden of pots, randomly touching most of the plants. “You did do quite a lot of work. I tell you what, I feel bad for you. Pick something else to bring and I’ll make sure all your plants get donated to people who like to grow things and are good at it.”
“And aren’t racists,” Sara insisted.
“It’s interesting that that matters to you; aren’t you part of the dominant ethnic group in this nation? Racism doesn’t affect you, generally speaking.”
It was true that Sara was white, and therefore, racism rarely directly affected her, but she had an answer for that. “Racist people in this country have been brainwashed into believing that climate change is a hoax, that gay and transgender people are some kind of terrible threat, and that it’s more important to make sure the government doesn’t tax rich people than to put any accountability on big corporations. Everything bad that we can’t get solved in this country and we can’t even begin to start solving it, because people won’t let us… it’s because rich people have figured out how to use racism to brainwash white people into voting against their own interests.”
“Oh, I understand.” Ganymede grinned broadly. “You’re a hippie, aren’t you?”
“Uh… not really? That was sort of my parents’ generation? I think of myself more as solarpunk. But if what you’re trying to get at is that I’m someone who cares about the environment and wants people to be happy and healthy and to care about each other, then yeah.”
“All right, very well. I’ll hand them over to people whose political beliefs generally track with yours, who are good with plants, and who have space to grow them. Now, pick something else.”
“A big sack that I can carry on my back, maybe 50 pounds, and I get to fill it with seeds and bulbs and anything else plant-related that I can fit in the sack.”
Ganymede raised his eyebrows. “You’re really dedicated to this bit, aren’t you?”
“I know how to use plants to change history. I don’t know how to change history with anything else – not in a way I might want to. I mean, I could bring a gun, but after I was out of ammo, what good would it do me? And also, I don’t like guns.”
“All right,” Ganymede said. “I’ll allow it. As long as you can carry the sack on your person, you can stuff as many seeds into it as you want.”
Sara smiled at him with her best customer service smile. “Thank you, I really appreciate that.”
“One more week,” he said, and vanished.
One more week and she’d leave all this behind. One more week and she wouldn’t have to worry about the foreclosure and impending eviction anymore, because she’d be in a whole other world.
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blushdressshop · 3 years
God Made Scots A Wee Bit Better T-Shirt
That Essential Work so That All of Us Can Keep Moving for Even When It All Feels so Overwhelming Working Parents Are Somehow Piecing It All Together with Our Childcare Features and Didn’t Created so That Our Kids Can Still Learn and Grow Our Young People I’d Desperately Fighting to Pursue Their Dreams and When the God Made Scots A Wee Bit Better T-Shirt Horrors That Systemic Racism Shook Our Country and Our Consciences of Americans in the Background Rose up to March for Each Other for the Release Are Shipping Your People Whose Fortunes Are Bound up with One Another As Well past Time for Our Leaders to Once Again Reflect Our Troops so Our Voices in Our Votes to the Course of History and Going Heroes like John Lewis Who Said When You See Something Right You Must Do Something Is the Truest Form of Empathy Is Feeling and Doing Not Just for Ourselves or Our Kids Everyone for All Our Kids If We Were to Keep the Possibility of Progress Alive in Our Time Would Be Able to Look like Children in the Selection We Have Got to Reassert Our Place in American History. A national effort to expand access to convalescent plasma donated from the blood of those who of recovered from the virus the blood of these donors contains antibodies that can potentially reduce the severity of the illness and those who are sick and frankly those that are very sick nearly 3000 patients are now enrolled in the expanded access program receiving transfusions nationwide and I want to thank all of the people that recovered for what they’ve done is I said yesterday they raise their hand when they barely can walk in there saying I want to donate blood I want to donate whatever it is that you want because we want to help people really quite incredible convalescent plasma will also be used to manufacture a concentrated antibody treatment that does not have Debbie match with a particular blood type this concentrated antibody treatment could be used as a preventative measure to keep healthcare workers and other high risk pop populations from contracting the virus in the first place very big deal clinical. Suburban women to see what be watching for tonight I’ll start with MSNBC’s international course on presenting Alanna and Chris again is about is a claim there undecided and a lot of us i
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This country because America uniquely holds the promise of a God Made Scots A Wee Bit Better T-Shirt place where everyone can belong we know that for too many and for too long that promise has been denied but we also know America is at its best when we make that circle of belonging wider just over 10 years ago I joined the military where firing me because of who I am was just possible it was policy now in 2020 is unlawful in America to fire someone because of who they are or who they love the very ring on my finger away we celebrated here where I’m standing reflects how this country can change love makes my marriage real but political courage made it possible including that of Joe Biden who stepped out ahead even of this party when he said that marriage equality under the law of the land there is a long way to go but if this much can change between 2010 and 2020 imagine what could change between now and 2030 imagine what we could achieve this coalition we are building this very season gathering progressives and moderates independents and even what. Tony catfight theory meets up with themand Bruce Banner black widow continue to have a bit of a romance that is destined to fail is the both very damaged in different ways anyway in South Korea Ultram is building the perfect library embodied himself with the my stone from Loki scepter in its head over the twins find out Ultram is planning on killing everyone in the world not just Tony Starks that I like well Tony Stark is probably better than the entire will be destroyed so they team up with the avengers even just vital Tron in South Koreaand let us get away with that perfect body he made stuck in banner try to put Jarvis into this perfect body all the avengers alike K you try this beforeand this happened so maybe don’t but they do it anyway what’s alighting from Thor’s hammer the body comes to lifeand becomes the vision where she is a good guyand is also kind of invincible he proves his intentions by lifting Thor’s hammer saw speak plan is to lift up’s cobiaand drop it like a meteor onto the earth killing everyone the venture shopping fight with help from war machine who actually got the memo this timeand experience Ella carrierand if he all Tronand all is all shallotsand save the day now without any repercussions though Pietro maxima dissecting Hawkeye also a kid who’s in Segovia doing charity work is killed in battle as is the family of helmets IMO a succumbing soldierand not terribly nice guy Simon was so angry over the avengers indirectly killed his family is planning on how to get revenge he realizes he can’t defeat them directly as if a robot army can do that I was a sad strange little maggot to do it instead takes a page out of the Loki bookand decides to tell them apart from the inside also during the battle Bruce Banner hoax outand decides to fly off the Quinn jet which eventually ends up in space somehow after while it crashes in the planet of scar that junk plaintiff before because being a form planet is pretty stressful banner staysand hope for him he’s done by Valkyrie who remember is now a drunk who scavenges stuffand she brings into the Grand Master this very weird eccentric guy whose brother is actually the collector from earlier he runs in arena gladiator fighting thing on this planetand the whole becomes his number one champion over the next two years Houck fights in the arena learn some basic speech becomes closer Valkyrieand overall is really just loving life after all this store still weirded out positionsand goes up to look for the infinity stones goes around the universe for two years looking for them which for the record is a marvel one shot I would love to see but is completely unsuccessful the managers back on earth now set up base in New Yorkand move away from ledgers tower with this big new fancy facilityand Blackwood are going train scarlet which falcon war machineand vision to become real avengers why the indestructible laser shooting hyper intelligent robotic in the Thor’s hammer needs training I’m not entirely sure on Tony’s also there but he’s a little preoccupied with the relationship problems he’s now having with pepper which leads to them taking a break while in space status is getting real sick of everyone failing to get his stones so he decides he’s gonna do it himselfand by that I mean he’s going to wait three years to do it but he start planning now which most in getting a bigger glove called the infinity gauntlet that would let them hold the stones once he finds them unearthed the shield team gets to the human campand shield was to register all been humans on a big list so they’re all accounted for something like a human’s version of the Scobee Accords which will get you over the humans at the camp predictably don’t like this also people start realizing that Daisy’s mom is kind of evil so a big fight ensues in the war which is really more of a battle between shielding humans he follows his nonskilled anklesand loses his arm also those chargingand human crystalsand up in the oceanand spend the pillsand also to stuff so now in human start popping up moreand more around the world also Mays ex husband Garner egrets in humidified enter into this horrible monster called flash also grant one was to try to start by Dragon even though the avengers just fishing that Daisy also says about her dad who wasn’t such a bad guy after all he gets his memory erasedand start a new life may decides to take a break from shieldand Fitzsimmons finally start dating however risingand going Simmons is in the same room as the monolith which shield has occasional memory that’s the portal through which you go to this terrible ugly planet with an original inhuman monster hive lives she was the inspiration for Hydra away quick positive video here I really hope it doesn’t feel like I’m talking down you guys by saying in case your memberand that’s her stuff a lot I genuinely does make this as easy to followand not confusing as possible is especially for people who are defense of the stuff that haven’t washed all this already of this information is slightly hard to keep track of you a second thatand gets into that placeand he said last night was abandoned there a long time ago they become friendsand survive together after many years of service Frank S returns home to his family from his militaryand shady servers daysand it’s super niceand emotional however around this timeand Cerberus leaks with Cerberus was actually about including the video that it is a guiding shot to this guy called David whose nickname micro will be back in a sec agent orange transfer for doing this because he’s not a big fan of Frank’sand so with the help of the Cerberus squad including Frank supposed best friend Billy Russo he sets up a three way gunfight between three gangs in a park to kill Frankand his family Frank’s wifeand children are brutally murderedand Frankish on the head but survives after this Frank is enragedand devastated answer decides take matters into his own hands he uses his military trainingand pure anger to hunt downand kill everyone in the gangs involved with his family’s death he does this under the vigilante guys of the punisher first just make a plan though so that takes a little time now micro is a hackerand NSA analyst these to help a Daisy when she was working as a hacker’s analysis info that Cerberus doing legal stuffand he starts leaking it so agent orange triesand killed his men shoot microand think they killand really the bullet his phoneand so survived because phones are bulletproof in this world Michael doesn’t hidingand pretends to be dead even from his wifeand kids who he watches from security cameras Scott Lange has finally finished serving his time in prison for his crime that really was not badand is released going to stay with his old cellmateand pal Luis he wants to see his daughter but his life is moved on to another guyand so that’s difficult in its with Luis his new friends Kurtand Daveand try to get a job at Baskin Robbins but Baskin Robbins always finds out tech is having run by Darren cross hang pencil protégé along with Hank’s daughter hope while Hank is on the world they some old tales of Hank’sand process about his own version of the suit called the yellowjacket only this one is way deadlierand fliesand shoots lasers cross also plans to sell this tech to Hydraand the 10 ringsand just the worst people thanks not too happy about thisand try to think of a plan to stopand even where Scott Lange ever since the very public Vista quick job I think Scott could be a good choice to take on the object stuff before gets into the wrong hands through a series of people think it’s got a tip about as mentioned Rob Casillas to see how good Scott really is what Scott eventually does only to find the entrance to he takes it tries it onand is terrified by the experience Hank is impressed with the skill cc but when Scott tries to return the suit he’s caught by the policeand cost breakdown in jailand tells of his pregnant with cross help is not awfully happy with how things are developing as she was to wear the MS student takedown cross but Hank does a letter because of how her mother died all those years ago so they trained Scott until he becomes great at the shrink tricky stuff even to friendsand called Anthony very good Scott also starts to get romantically involved with hopeand Hank reveals to help our mom diedand she is all well I totally understandand forgive you know dad even though you really could is only sooner I’m an adult you know they’re good now Scott needs advice from an old avenger space to steal the yellowjacket suit is there only to discover that it’s been renovatedand it’s now the new venture space is not by falcon who fights in man is defeated but also impressed by Scott’s abilitiesand less just called Scott’s good fortune that it wasn’t patient who was on patrol that day also by the way crosses going crazy because pen particles mess with the brain after all this Scott goes in to steal the yellowjacket suit but gets caught so him across FIFO while in a helicopterand then a briefcaseand in Scott’s daughter’s room to save his daughterand kill cross Scott go subatomicand saves the day but is temporarily trapped in the quantum realm where Hank’s wife Janet was left however he manages to get outand it’s all good after all this Hank believes that hope is finally ready to become a heroand so gives her the lost barber Scott is back his familyand his daughter Anna’s dosing hopeand never once happy now go back to the moon real quick a place we haven’t been for a while where the go inhumanand potentially the most unlikable character in this entire universeand human arguing about this American flag I am only mentioning this to see him forget that there’s an entire inhuman civilization just living on the moon while all this is happening back on earth the tomb salvaging company shows up in the area were scurvy’s to beand picks up small font Exceland some of this ends up in the hands of Hydra uses it to build a giant robot called ultimo but the manager show up at least those are leftand defeated now were getting into the Netflix world for a while first off Jessica Jones gets new job from Joy Meacham the sister of one Meacham was running red Enterprises will be manipulate it by’s dad was being controlled by the hand I give it a second to sink in again anyway she is Jessica to investigate the people around so she can blackmail them later if need be also Wilson Fisk is stilland by his he I mean jail because he such a big crime boss he start making connections there that Frank Castle has finally gotten all the resources he needs to kill the gangs he thinks were solely responsible for his family’s murder so starts going around doing that in the most brutal way possible starting with the Irish Mafiaand a gang called the dogs of hell is all happening in or near Hells kitchenand that Murdoch starts noticing the stuff so he starts investigating eventually as daredevil in a newand improved suit by the way he comes face to face of the punisher which ends with a bullet to the face that is seriously injured but survives fighting keep fighting that the vigilante stuff while Cassidy is going around the city killing pedophiles in such an entry castle manages to kidnap daredevil Jenny into a chimney where they learn about each other’s pastsand ideologies Castle takes a gun to daredevil’s hand pulse of the criminaland hasn’t had to shoot the criminal or he’s can do it because castle things killing your enemies is the way to go hello I thought a lot of the people daredevil Scott daredevil to try to kill anyway daredevil breaks outand has to fight through some angry bikers Castle unleashes on them later on Frank it’s kidnap by the Irish who brutally tortured him but eventually he gets out with their troubles help explain the situationand himand daredevil cool now but that is arrested that the craziness is now over but nope just now Electra shows up his old girlfriend then ninjaand potentially secret weapon for the handand she’s like a let’s find together because I see her doing that nowand so they do if I think he was a mainly with franking space to Karen what happened to his familyand the bondand become best is so daredeviland Electra are going around fighting the accuserand ultimately come across this giant pit the hand is digging in order to get Dragon bonesand to become immortal that still going on their tax by handand just until state shows up to save the day meanwhile on the lower side of things the punisher trial happensand during that Frank saw like an Angus into jail where he meets Wilson Fisk Fisk is like Frank nothings working everything but my biggest rival this person helped kill your family soand Frank Sykes say no more so he takes a that guy that this double crossesand try seven killed by Frank is just too good for that so Fisk lets them goand Frank tells Fisk to kill him when if he sees them again Frank it’s a geland mean wild animals like snow but again then ninja he thought he go before was brought back by the hand also their little kids being drained of their blood also for resurrection purposes through similar shenanigans the punisher keeps going around killing guys involved with his family’s murderand I will still have conflicting ideologiesand punish ends up killing an old Marine buddy of his Electra stick have a falling outand cystic trust tablets are killedand she didn’t like that so she tries to kill him will saves the dayand sticks kidnapped by the hand so Matt goesand save steak but while he’s doing that nobody reveals that Electra is a black skyand should be leading the hand she almost does but ends up joining their double insteadand the five images together real lasted I’m on right there after a hostage situationand Electra go up against like an infinite supply of hingesand Electra ends up sacrificing yourself for daredevil the punisher also shows up at the last minute to get daredeviland assist which is a pretty awesome moment not to lie no booze killed for real this time by stickand the good guys win except the hand takes Electra’s bodyand uses their Dragon magic to bring her back to life so she can work for them one of the five leaders of the hand the main one Alexandra comes to oversee her resurrection fog equatesand hours for Hogarth from Jessica Jones reveals he’s daredevil to Karenand the punisher goes off to kill everyone was involved with his family’s murder micro also wants answers about the whole Cerberus thing as a goes into Frank’s houseand puts the disk there with the video on it Castle’s unit in Afghanistan tortureand killing that innocent guy which Frank findsand takes with them tiny little break from the granite stuff here a witch just straight up which shows up in Londonand steals a magical artifact called the dark scepter however long case aliasand more masters of the Mystic arts show upand stop her a reminder that there’s magic in this world back to the streets now the gauge is now working at Pops barbershopand I know people disagree on what years these Netflix shows in particular take placeand they are confusing but based on the research I did this seems to check out anyway Luke also works of the barand one evening because he such a player he starts floating with detective Misty Knight the club Lucas working is also my cottonmouth now is a big shot crime boss’s cousin Mariah is a City Councilmanand is also pretty shady just more low key than enough strike is a hammer check from Justin Hammer for some good money but the operation goes wrong look secret half brother Willa striker is also involved here at the highest level is a big criminal now is now called diamondbackand is cottonmouth’s boss basicallyand so he sends in his body shades to make sure everything is running smoothly godmother still cool because these be friends back in the day but because the guy because the deal to go wrong is involved with pop one of cotton’s goons goes against disordersand shoots at the barbershop killing pop through this link in contrast to fightingand looks all like I really care for but not my radar so stop doing illegal stuffand calmness like know so we can start messing up his operation Luke also teams up with Claire Temple daredevil hotel buffet crimeand start a romance energy gets his hands on some bullets I can actually penetrate Luke’s impenetrable scan forand use them thoughand up having an argumentand so she murders him with a mic standand because the new big crime boss with shades help diamondback decides to team up with their setting out a plan to run the crime will do Harlem well Mariah does all the boring political stuff diamondback also shoots a cage twice with those magic bulletsand reveals that he’s actually his brother Claire takes her to the doctor who originated the experiment on themand they send an asset or boiling water something painfuland basically he’s restored to full strength while diamondbackand Mariah are running like a spear campaign against the cage to turn the people filed against them they do this through politicsand super shock loves Lucas backand FaceTime back in the police eventually diamondback shows up in a terrible super suitand even the punch each other for a bit is the end against diamondback partly with helping New York Spiderman style despite all his heroicsand proving himself a good guide to the policeand the people Harlem Lucasand back to prison because been discovered as Carl Lucas back in the day with your call despite being innocent broke out of prisonand so still needs to service time however one of Luke’s barbershop friends is a file that proves his innocence so he’s getting out soon also diamondback is taking them but I doctor who did this experienceand Luke so he’ll probably have some modifications the next time we see them there is a little bummed out that Luke is in jailand that they can’t get a cup of coffee for a while but she keeps itself occupied by starting martial arts training with help from Colleen way that martial artist to statically buy land but doesn’t really know that the hand is evil a bunch of little stuff happens here now firstly that kid who Iron Man said a while back Peter Parker is bitten by a radioactive spider which gives in special abilities like superstrength the ability to climb the wallsand having a dead uncle because he’s a genius kid he also designs web shooters that shoot superstrong webs also because he’s a good kid he realizes if you help people using his new powers he’s responsible for one bad stuff happens so he designs a pajama looking costume takes a living Spidermanand starts fighting little crimes in Queens now over with the Masters of the Mystic arts page 1and Margot find a group called the Dragon Raiders just FYI also falcon is still pretty impressed by thatand I guys a while back I think she could be a valuable asset to the team so he finds a way to contact with them through Luis about potentially joining the avengers Scots like well I cannot stay with my daughter right now but if you really need me yes give me a call we had about the shield team in a while but they’re still doing stuff around these husband Andrew turned into an inhuman call mile he did that is now a giant monster whose sole purpose really is to hunt other humans with humans popping up around the world now shields main mission objective is protecting in humansand training them is made harder because the government treats a group called the ATC you which is designed to track down superpowered people like humansand take them then basically they’re designed to replace yield now that shield has had to go underground in the ATC you is this guy called Malik once again is a big secret Hydra guy said he thought we were done with Hydra you were sorely mistaken the reason this ATC you exists is so Hydra can get a hold of all these in humansand use them you guessed it to make a super soldier army is not getting that seriously 99 of Hydra’s plans so shield in the ATC are fighting for to try to get Simmons off at alien planet which eventually doesand what is still working on rebuilding Hydra I guess Marilyn Stucker’s weightless cool son Werner to join him in a nutshell the main thing is shield us to start up a team of humans the inhuman hunting monster is out there going after them thing of lash is like a less strong or cool version of the book he changes in this monster at different times Olson is asking pretty close to one of the higher ups at the ATC you who isn’t actually evil but then worksheets are in the throat cycles is like I just have to crush discussed just Hydra also wants to get to the matter because they want to bring Benjamin back because they think will be a big secret weapon for them so word fits in Colson end up on an alien planetand cousins like mandatory wordand he crushes Ward’s chest with his robot handand then goes back to think that’s the end of Ward but then the superpowerful clinical human eye possesses corpseand then makes its way back to earth I was now leading Hydra through Ward’s bodyand he’s observing people for strengthand you know typical evil villain stuff so that any rent is still in and now going to basket CCI festand that’s what the iron fist does ever he starts missing homeand gets bored because he’s kind of a spoiled brat so just ramp runs away when the pass is open his eyes to go back to New York to take packs company because that’s I think it works because he’s also kind of a thundering dumbass doesn’t work focuses old friends join Ward Meacham if it were just go with it think is a crazy homeless person understandably wards think that that Harold is still kind of running the company while being controlled by the hand which he started to get kinda sick of becomes friends with Colleen at the dojo he also meets Claire Temple bananas put in a mental hospital he breaks out there with the power of the iron fist stocking 30 with Colleenand Bruce’s friends that it actually is an is coming back with the help of Jerry Hogarth he kinda sucks a business though because he’s been living among city in another dimension for the past decade ends of meeting Harold whose IK we should work together can sometimes take a controlling me so you can go kill themand I like gathers the main purpose in life I had to hand them gal the hand is still selling heroinand Denny’s unhappy about that science of beating herand agreeing to a series of challenges the loser has to pack upand get out of the city anyways but Manga breaks the promise but she’s got ancient society superpowers so there’s not much you can do about it Danny keeps consistently sucking a ring’s company so he’s married now by the board along with the Meacham’s words also super pissed at is that Harold is he took all of his money so he tells Harold bio comes back thanks to the hand Danny Colleenand Claire go to Chinaand take them gal realizes that Ward killed him so he frames them for drug possessionand so Ward gets locked up in the asylum Harold of its joy to be his new number two Danny also made potato Colleen so teacher was also secretly when the 5 m of the handand find out about thisand is in the fan now this guy called divers who isn’t that Dallas is days old friend from and he shows up to help Dannyand Colleen Joyce into saying that the hand probably his neck in the end after helping Dallas is like take the path to come on is open right nowand you’re supposed regarding it what the hell manand I was like well you know is boringand decides to team up with Haroldand joy to take on handand the Kudo but the kudos now working with wordand long story short is defeated but runs away Dallas is not a Danny but they work it out kind of data gets frame for drug stuffand goes in the runand Harold is the bag on the endand tries to take over the company Danny Lord in the big final battle team up kill Haroldand burn his corpse so he will come back to life now Ward is running the companyand Dallas teams of joyand maybe not out to kill Danny down the lineand then sends a team led by lecture to come on which again has no iron fist protecting it they kill a bunch of the monks there it’s pretty brutal the entrance is then close for safety so no one knows when it’ll open up again because back to check out the passand find the city is goneand some abilityand he realizes he probably should state to protect it also Luke Cage sends Claire letter from prison because there still thing overand cover Taj at this point Casillas is starting to get kinda pissed with Angel on it if you like his training isn’t getting him what he wants to start having some friction with most the Masters there also finds out that the angel on his drawing power from the dark dimension which he thinks is pretty have a critical because he must use the dark dimension to see his dead family againand to gain immortality but the angeland told him no because a bunch of people that the ancient one is withholding informationand they should bring tomato from the dark dimension to earth to golf it in eternity forms to rise up against the ancient one they break into the libraryand cover tiesand steal some pages from the ageless book about the dark dimension one tries to stop them but they get away in the end one point Rogers well the shielding goes to Mexicoand meets the human called yo yo who has superspeed who eventually joins the ranksand eventually becomes next girlfriend also Bobby Hunter leave the team because they were so staff spent off but that didn’t happen somewhere venturesand Sue Shield has an inhuman team but highest the inhuman Hydra God takes control of Daisy’s mind because he can do thatand turns against the team just as a vision of the future where one of them diesand other important detail there’s this group called the watchdogs which is basically inhuman racist who are going around killing humans as they plan by the way is to make every human in the worldand in human goes against Dr Ratcliff a scientist who he thinks can help them re create the original Cree experiment that native humans in the first place he realizes he needs actual Cree blood to do it so he sends a signal to the Creed to get some to come downand they do in a fight ensues they’re both taken out but also rendered useless however some Cree blood from daisies used from when she was saved without original Cree corpse long story doesn’t really matter experience go half rate asand it turns peopleand these gross disfigured mindless things meanwhile Scott laying after successfully cross job is still training is at man with Hankand hope that at some point here he upgrade to suitand test out new tech that allows him to become giant he tries it onceand passes out but hey it works Peter is continuing to Spiderman around the city at one point stopping a car crashand getting caught on camera the footage is uploaded to YouTubeand catches the eye of Tony Stark who keeps it in his watch later until he really needs it he’s got bigger stuff to think about right now is right around this point people are starting to take more notice of how much damage the superheroes have actually caused in their superheroand the guy who’s all over this is unsurprisingly general Ross from the days he needs of the presidentand his appointed Secretary of Stateand start talking about how they can keep the stuff moreand check the start of on the ideas for the Segovia cords basically a way of regulating superheroes with more oversight by forcing them to register with the government while this is happening Frank Castle continues his killing spree of people who were involved in this family’s murder going from truck murder to sniper murder to the bathroom murder is getting what he thinks is all them in a decides to move all of his life is the whole point the punisher was to avenge his family so that’s done now or so he thinks also after lectures not has stopping daredevil for a few months now because he’s just too sad things are not bad though foggy Nelson get some helpand I got in the barbershopand clears the cages nameand Lucas at a prison loop is up with Claireand they get that coffee they’d wanted Jessica Jones comes across lecture during one of her cases is still doing whatever the hand once rememberand objective Dragon bones under New York immortality the only problem is those Dragon bones are essential foundations for the city so the removal of them is causing serious earthquakesand could eventually to the whole city collapsing is also hiring a bunch of Harlem kids to help them kill and or clean up the mess is left behind by their enemies cages about this news like I got to protect the people of Harlemand Danny Randy is about this is like I gotta take a hand saw this lease to them crossing pathsand having a bit of a fight every day become friends because of their mutual friend Claire through fortuitous circumstances Jessica’s tracking guy connected to the handand that Murdoch ends up being her lawyerand also gets interested in the case so all four of them end up at the hands buildingand start fighting their ninjas electro sent into daredevil surprise but doesn’t remember him remind you of anyone but they all managed to get out of thereand go hide out in a Chinese restaurant where the become more acquainted state gets kidnapped by the hand but gets out of there by cutting off his own hand get itand goes to talk to the team Alexandraand had followed to see Alexandraand the hand is a whole knee iron fist alive because his iron fist is the key to open the gate to the sweet sweet Dragon bones if I happens electro starts remember who she isand that offenders get their hands on one of the hands main leaders also have their superhero team name is the defenders this guy is not of much help thoughand so stick to set off is not happy about this because they’re running out of there immortality juice the defender starting though because they’re like if the hand need you Danny we should probably had your wayand then he does what he does bestand is a whiny baby so they’ll punch him for a whileand then time however stickand typical stick fashion thinks that he might in the world so I’m getting kill him but lecture shows upand kill stickand tasty on fist to the hand she also kills Alexandra as she wants to be in charge I guess Jessica Jones find out more about that whole get it will found a while back with hands digging for Dragon bones after Lilith over the police that offenders minus Danny fight the hand plus the got Colleen to help Danny accidentally opens the gates of the Dragon bones because of course he doesand other defenders are fighting to hand in a lecture while also trying to block building so the hand can destroy New York the kudos guild Misty Knight loses an armand the offenders whenand get out of there butback to talk to Bucky I mean Electra yesterday heard the building collapses on the master kissingand that he saved by some nuns think look that they savedand that doesn’t actually die thank God it’s time to introduce another very important character very late in the game a Stephen strange is an amazing surgeon but he’s also super arrogantand kind of addict’s ex girlfriend also works with him called Rachel McAdams one day he’s drivingand textingand he crashes his car crushing his amazing surgeon hands in his life because he can’t be an awesome surgeon anymoreand he somehow even more awful to sex than usual really his life is just falling apart he starts to find ways to heal himself however ridiculous eventually he comes across Jonathan born the guy who trained with the ancient oneand was cured so strange has two Taj is there more to one of the masters takes into the ancient one because of all the crazy ultra dimensions there are at least the trip used ones he’s like help me learnand she’s like no your grossand sad in a terrible person but he pleadsand stays her door so she reluctantly changes her mind so strange that’s learning how to control the Mystic artsand other dimensionsand make hologram shieldsand whatnot with the help of Moto the ancient oneand the bookkeeper Wong who he befriends is about the different symptomsand how they protect worldand trains for several months along the way he also stumbles upon the times done sitting in a handy necklace the INI tomato figures out how to been time with it more unwanted like you don’t do that you could get stuck in a time loop anyway at one point you stuck to Mount Everest restraining just while all this other stuff is happening remember Stephen strange is getting great a magic this whole time so U ventures all trained upand going on missions also still looking for Bucky the next hydrogen in Lagosand think it might finally be Bucky but as they get there they realize it’s actually Brock Romo crossbones who understoodand is planning on suicide lineup himselfand Capt. 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