#i have this book but havent read it yet im excited that there might be anything new in it!!
corpsoir · 2 years
hi!!! do you have any books about archaeology you like? i’m a biology student and id love to learn more about your field :-)
YESSSS omg this is such a fun question!!
okay so! right now my absolute favourite book is Bog bodies - face to face with the past by Melanie Giles! the title gives it away but its about bog bodies, so if human remains freak you out that might be a little bit hard to read. its really good! giles breaks it all down into very understandable chunks and explains everything from what a bog body is to how the chemicals in the bog affect soft tissues and so on its so cool!
im putting the rest under a read more because this got a little bit long haha
one of my favourite books that was part of my first course in archaeology is The Human Past by Chris Scarre, its like a brick just filled to the brim with stuff. since its very broad in the way that it tries to encapsulate all of humanity's history i wouldnt say its the best if youre looking to read in depth about a specific culture or time period but it offers an okay sort of "way in" to archaeology as a field. a similar book which we also used in that first course is Ancient Scandinavia by Douglas Price. it is (as you could probably guess) about scandinavian history and archaeology. also really good beginners book about the history of scandinavia, lots of fun stuff to read there, but i know my professors have criticised it a little bit because of some errors here and there.
and then two other great books are Archaeology matters - action archaeology in the modern world by Jeremy Sabloff and Archaeological Thinking - how to make sense of the past by Charles Orser.
these are just some books that we used in our first archaeology course at uni (plus the bog body one im using for my thesis rn). since i study in sweden however i feel like its important to note that these books are mostly relevant for european archaeology, and we use this literature to complement the other things we learn about how archaeology is applied in the real world in sweden specifically. i am by no means an expert, i havent finished my degree yet (im finishing my bachelors in june!!), plus i only really feel comfortable with talking about northern european archaeology since thats what i study! i dont know a lot about how archaeology works in other parts of the world. just like us humans it differs quite a lot, which of course is very exciting and also a good thing! :) even in my neighbouring country denmark the archaeology works WILDLY different there, i was actually kinda shocked about how they handle cultural heritage and archaeology there lol
other than that i would honestly say that the best way to learn more about archaeology is visit local museums and talk to the people who work there and ask if they have any tips on literature, maybe check out their museum shop for books etc, and also most importantly!! read research being published today! if youre already used to reading academic research, archaeological articles are usually pretty easy to understand. the journal nature also often publishes popular science articles on their website, and these articles are pretty much shortened versions of dry boring research articles and slightly more digestible for the non-archaeologist HFDSGHSDGDS
as an end note; borrow books from your local library!!!
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maaaxx · 1 year
my wips are stressing me out so you guys have to hear about it
or not i dont care
literally fighting for my life out here with this new wip. I could have the first chapter (???) out in like a few days but like,,, i dont want to do that
but im also not getting any immediate dopamine from this so im having trouble working on it.
Im also scared of having a new audience because like aside from a set few people most of my mutuals know me from ihiap and yall are nice and new people scare me
I even gatekeep ihiap, like if you dont know me from ihiap your not allowed to know about ihiap
a lot more people read that fic than i thought and it stresses me out
off track
i do genuinely think cots is going to be better than ihiap because ive had like two years now to figure out how to interact with fandom and im friends with other writers not and have more of a grasp of my writing style than i did before.
so im really excited about this
but i have enough trouble updating ihiap idk about doing two fics at once
but if i wait until im done with ihiap thatll take like two more fucking years
and ill lose focus
and wont do this fic
again, getting off track.
theres still so much that im not sure about with this fic. Like Zuko I think is the main character
But Sokka is EXTREMELY relevant
so i think im going to split the povs
But theyre at opposite ends of the world at any given time and sokka isnt going to (physically) be doing much.
so im not sure how to approach that
also i have no clue what the fuck kataras doing
like miss girl has two options and what she chooses will DRASTICALLY change the story like SHE controls the plot not me.
Sokka and Zuko are just there for the ride
Azula is also going to be relevant
like the story is about them 4 no one else matters
except aang maybe but like hes actually the avatar in this so thats a given
my first story where aangs the avatar!!!
also outlines are hard
and prologues are hard.
Ill be back with more complaints later
I have a love/hate relationship with ihiap. The characters in it are amazing theyre my favorite people ever. Some might make a cameo in cots, i havent decided yet.
REasons i hate ihiap:
-I accidentally stole half my ocs i talk about this a lot and ive been reassured but im not going to get over it. I hate myself
-Its so badly written like half the time There are some parts that i absolutely love and some that make me want to delete the entire fic. Like ive actually considered it multiple times. I hate it so much, so much second hand embarrassment. Is it second hand embarrassment if I'm the one who wrote it???? -Zuko is so ooc he might as well be an oc
-I dont even know twf azula is doing Azula and Mailee is one of the plot holes that drives me nuts. Because like I wrote Ty Lee into a scene but miss girl is supposed to be in the circus by now. I forgot about that part. Also Theres a certain detail about Azula and MaiLee thats going to be very prevelant near the end of book 3 but i forgot to imply or write that in so thats going to come out of no where. -most major events were impulsive and had no value to the actual plot Examples: That stupid soldier dude, the islands thing. I hate these parts and im going to write them out eventually -PLOT HOLES Reasons why Ihiap is the best piece of literature ever written:
-Relationships and characters
So the thing is despite the fact that theres so many things im bad at doing in writing/havent had enough practice yet, there are things that I know that I am great at writing.
One of these things is delevoping relationships.
I'm really good at making people and relationships very complex and this isnt something that someone can change my mind over, like this is something that i love the way i do it.
This is one of the only redeeming qualities of ihiap.
-I love the plot.
I really want to redo this to do the plot justice because i do think it has potential.
Overall i think that ihiap has more good than bad but the mad really does bother me. If your ever rereading and there seems to be some stuff missing or changed its because im eventually going to go through and edit the shit out of it.
As of now the next chapter (chapter 14) has like 600 words. Chapter 15 has i think 445 and chapter 16 is completely done, chapter 17 had like half a sentence, then were done with twbb.
Chapter 16 is where stuff gets interesting.
Im perfectly aware that TWBB is boring but it was meant to be. I needed it to be for Zuko to not go insane and then also develop Tomnooks relationship (because believe it or not theyre not COMPLETELY self indulgement and they are important) and also Sokka and Katara and Zuko needed that sibling relationship. So i needed like a 17 chapter book in between the two main books for that stuff.
I'm so excited for the next book. Especially like the second half. Its also (most likely) going to be updated a lot more frequently than twbb. Twbb was a pain in the ass because there was very little actual plot and it was just day to day stuff. So i had nothing to go off us.
Like Book 1 was all about the crew and Zuko to kind of learn and build relationships and shit and Book 3 is going to be a lot easier because it has a lot of actual plot and a goal and shit.
" idk about doing two fics at once" miss girl you already are supposed to be doing two fics at once.
Im not even trying with this fic, if your invested, im sorry. I've thought about deleting it but i decided against it just in case i want to come back to it.
Its not looking good though.
This is what happens when i dont outline my fics
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slutdge · 2 years
hey dude have u checked out any of the new Beavis and butthead yet? there's 4 episodes of the new series now plus the new movie! (they haven't said how many episodes there'll be total tho, they come out Thursdays)
I havent yet! I really gotta get on that I've just been trapped in vampire chronicles hell re-reading some of those books cause im excited for the new series xncnncnx I might get to it this week though, im glad its good!
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mothlegs · 7 months
i am tired and cozy and in a good mood so i will talk about how i got all my books :)
tired cozy also gives me a bit of bravery so i am hugging all my mutuals. especially two specific ones because i see you doing badly but i am too shy to approach you directly so i hope you see this and magically know i am giving you the most caring hugs and i hope things are better soon
anyways books:) or well bookcase, not all reading books. im looking from my bed so i cant see all of them But
Sketch Books x2 (+1 smol ver)
i dont know how i got thes3 actually. maybe from tiger? i miss when tiger was t. uh. how do you spell that. tier..? ti'er?? idunno. the old name. i think these are all filled up, i think i got the first one when i was 10 :]
This is a book full of naked people that i guess i accidentally stole. oops. i borrowed it from a now ex family friend who is insanely good at art, when i was like 12 or 13, and then it ended up on my floor and i ended up telling people he was kinda Weird(bad) about me (regret! made everything bad despite being true) so now we dont talk to him anymore so he cant get the book back. bah
Uhh a connect the dots magazine(?) my grandma gave me. dunnno when. i dont think ive touched it since :( sad cause i love connecting dots
I Am Looking From My Bed So Can't See What These Are x2 + Some loose papers
Fancy journal/sketch book/idk my mom bought for me in the big city :)!!
Undertale art book <333
I got it as a very late christmas present when i was 11 or 12 years old as well as some other undertale stuff and i literally started crying
I think this ones a diary i never really used that my mom got me and my grandma years ago. oop
Dear Evan Hansen !!!
i love this book. it is better than the musical. i love miguel and they had a perfect opportunity to put him in the movie but they didnt so i hope the movie goes to the movie version of hell
i got it when i was 14 i think? the week before it came i was actively suicidal in a "i feel a burning need inside me that is screaming at me to die" and that book might just be the only reason i didnt attempt then
Salmon Coloured Book From Tiger. cant see anything else about it and i have no memory of it
Skammeren's Datter
i think my grandma found this being given away for free at the library? one of my favourite books as a child my mom used to read it to me before bed when i was 11:)
Fængslende Tanker
book about intrusive thoughts my mom borrowed me at some point within the last 2 or 3 years
also my moms it is fiction i remember nothing about it oop
The Song of Achilles
i saw it on tumblr and liked it so got it as a gift at some point. i dont remember when, i still havent read it :(
Books my grandma got from a library giving them away x6
i havent read any of these:( also dont remember when i got them
Skammeren's Datter 1-2 & 3-4
the full series im p sure!! wanna reread themm
i got it for my last birthday!! i havent gotten very far in reading but it is very good and i am learning and developing curiousities
The Unofficial Ghibli Cookbook
also for my last birthday!! havent made anything from it yet but it is really cool and i am so excited to make food from my favourite movies:))
Fever Series x3 (+1 in my nightstand)
currently rereading these, i havent read the 4th book tho
i found the first book at the library when i was pretty small, definitely less than 10, but i was too scared to read it. i think i gave up on reading it like 3 times but i kept thinking about it and eventually i read it and fell in looove. i love these books so much:D they are about everyone in sweden dying of fever except some kids:)
The Witch Boy
i first saw this book in sweden when i was 13 years old. it was in the basement of a game store, which is also the only store i have bought my own dice from. it also had a life size alien from the movies
i dont remember when i got the book myself though :( ive read some of it some years ago but dont think i finished it
More books my grandma got for free from the library x6
Wreck This Journal
my mom gave it to me when i was like 11 but i never really got to wrecking it u.u
IT IS ABOUT A TRANS SUPERHERO :D her name is danny and i read some of it a summer in a tiny bedhouse (1 room building with 2 beds and nothing else. didnt even have a real door!!) at my aunties summerhouse (they are rich) i think i heard of it on tumblr. i love this book a lot but i havent finished it u.u
Extra Room No Books
d&d stuffs, some small toys and plushies, uuuh i see a small cardboard box but i dont remember whats inside:)
Shelf Below My Fancy Clothes
BNHA 1-17 i think?? also some Vigilantes, Black Butler 1+2, Bungou Stray Dogs 1, iii think thats it? i cant see it from here so idk
all of these were gifts from my grandma :)
"Nightstand" (chair thing i use as a nightstand)
First fever book
Killing Stalking 1+2 (bought at a comic store myself!! i was literally jumping around the store i was so excited to be there there was so much cool manga and there was stuff by neil gaiman!!! this is where bsd and the cookbook are from too)
The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy (given to me by a mutual actually :3 but like. mmmany years ago and i still havent read it >_o im sowey but i appreciate it a lot and i treasure it forever)
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archaeolitikum · 7 months
hello yesterday i was thinking about bog bodies for some reason and realized I don't have my english literature professor's contact to ask him about book recommendations on the topic. And then i remembered you (im pretty sure it was you?) being excited about it, so could you maybe recommend books or videos or any media about bog bodies? Any kind is fine!!
hi!! yeah thats probably me! ^_^
i have a ton of recommendations! the articles might be behind paywalls, but if youre enrolled at a university you should get free access through your student account, otherwise theres other ways to work around it or you can go to your local library and probably get access through there!
some of the books i'd recommend:
Bog Bodies - Face to face with the past, by Melanie Giles (2020)
Grauballe Man - An Iron Age Bog Body Revisited, edited by Pauline Asingh and Niels Lynnerup (2007)
The Bog People - Iron Age Man Preserved, by P.V. Glob (1969) [link to archive.org!]
Bog Bodies, SXacred Sites and Wetland Archaeology, edited by Bryony Coles, John Coles and Mogens Schou Jørgensen (1999) [this one might be tricky to get a hold of]
especially Giles' book is phenomenal, she goes through everything from the chemicals in the bogs that make bog bodies possible, to bog formation, ethics of displaying these bodies at museums etc, easily my favourite book on the subject and is a really really good read with lots of references to other articles and books that are worth looking into. Asingh & Lynnerup offers a fantastic closer look at the danish bog body Grauballe Man, with a lot of really interesting insight into how the preservation and tanning of the body was done during the early 50's. and lastly Glob's book which could be considered a classic in this subject! he was an archaeologist in denmark who was an expert on bog bodies. you cant read any book about bog bodies without encountering some kind of reference to him.
heres a few articles ive collected for my dissertation, but i gotta say its been a while since i read these so. hehe
Ticca Ogilvie (2019) Conserving Bog Bodies: The Key Questions, Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 19:1-2, 67-88
Christina Fredengren (2018) Becoming Bog Bodies Sacrifice and Politics of Exclusion, as Evidenced in the Deposition of Skeletal Remains in Wetlands Near Uppåkra, Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 18:1, 1-19
Van Beek, R., Quik, C., Bergerbrant, S., Huisman, F., & Kama, P. (2023). Bogs, bones and bodies: The deposition of human remains in northern European mires (9000 BC–AD 1900). Antiquity, 97(391), 120-140
and lastly, i really need to tell you to read Seamus Heaney's beautiful bog poetry if you havent already! a lot of archaeologists and authors ive cited here will often mention him and his work :) heres my favourites about Tollund Man and Grauballe man
i hope this helps! again most of these sources will cite others for further reading if youre interested :) and personally i havent found a good documentary or video or anything on bog bodies yet, i have a hard time finding good informative videos about archaeology and bog bodies in particular that arent making bog bodies into this weird creepy thing, and i tend to avoid youtube videos about archaeology as a whole for a variety of reasons fdhgjkdf
anyway, happy reading! ^_^
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paralianprince · 4 years
The Crown Prince of Sealand gives an exclusive glimpse into life on the off-shore platform
AS A principality, it doesn't quite have the glamour or style of Monte Carlo. There's no castle for the Royal Family and even basic luxuries, such as soap, are in short supply. Sealand is, in truth, a rather ugly, lonely pile of concrete and rusting metal which rises above the choppy waters of the North Sea some seven miles off the coast of Suffolk.
Yet the “hard as nails” Bates family have put their lives on the line on more than one occasion to remain the undisputed monarchs of their self-styled kingdom since 1966. For them it’s certainly not just two giant concrete legs rising out of the sea to support a thin metal platform measuring 120 feet by 60 feet – roughly the size of two tennis courts. “There is a very powerful family bond with Sealand which is difficult to explain but it won’t be broken,” says ruling monarch Crown Prince Michael Bates, 68, in a rare and exclusive interview.
He is currently involved in discussions with Hollywood filmmakers planning a movie about Sealand, and a book is published this week chronicling its fascinating history. Suddenly, Sealand is attracting an awful lot of attention, mainly because of a public yearning for wild tales of English eccentricity.
Built in 1942 by British engineer Guy Maunsell, it was one of a handful of his so-called Maunsell naval forts put up off the East Coast to stall a German invasion force which never arrived. Marines occupied the forts to pound enemy aircraft with 28lb anti-aircraft shells, destroying 22 planes, one submarine and 33 doodlebugs, a record which justified the cost of building them.
However, at the end of the war the forts were abandoned. Their purpose had been served and nobody knew what to do with them. For years, they lay empty and unloved, convenient rest stops for passing seagulls.
Then former soldier Roy Bates, Michael’s father, had a brainwave. Injured in fighting in Italy in 1944, Roy hadn’t adapted well to life in civvy street.
After literally hurling his bowler hat and briefcase into the sea near his home in Southend, Essex, he told his wife Joan, a former beauty queen he married in 1948 – six weeks after meeting her at a dance hall – he wanted to lead a more exciting life.
He bought a boat and adapted well to the rigours of North Sea fishing but found it difficult to make a good living. The couple also tried running a chain of butchers and an estate agents, but neither business satisfied Roy’s yearning for adventure.
While sailing off Essex, Roy became fascinated with the naval forts. When he learned that one, Knock John, was being used as a base for a pirate radio station he decided to set up his own.
With the help of some Southend musclemen, Roy turfed off Radio City and claimed Knock John as the base for his pirate station, Radio Essex, which began broadcasting on October 27, 1965.
As the listenership grew, advertisers started coming on board but the authorities took a dim view of his activities on Knock John Fort and successfully prosecuted him for broadcasting illegally.
Paying the £200 fine meant genuine hardship, so, undeterred, he decided to take over another fort, called Roughs Tower, which was further out in the sea and did not come under British jurisdiction.
The only problem was the pirate radio station Radio Caroline was using Roughs Tower as a base. But that issue was resolved when Roy and his mates arrived with iron bars on Christmas Day 1966. Unsurprisingly, the Radio Caroline crew agreed to share the platform.
However, the first chance he had, Roy took the opportunity to seize full control and ejected the competition.
“I was a 14-year-old lad at a private school in Wales at the time, but I loved visiting Roughs Tower in the holidays,” recalls Michael.
Roy certainly needed him to shore up their defences, especially when Radio Caroline unsuccessfully attempted to retake the tower. To deter them Michael tossed molotov cocktails down from above.
A later attempt was foiled when one of Michael’s petrol bombs started a fire on the invaders’ boat. His sister Penny, who was three years older, was also on hand to brandish weapons at any aggressor trying to land on what had now become the self-styled Principality of Sealand.
“One of the guns we had was taken from a German soldier my dad shot while he was fighting in Italy,” says Michael.
“The other was a 9mm Beretta Dad brought back from the war.”
There is a famous picture of Penny brandishing the weapons on Sealand, sending a clear signal to anyone else thinking of muscling in. Force would be met with force.
Other weapons in the Bates’ arsenal included a flamethrower and shotguns. Old gas canisters were strategically placed to drop on unwelcome vessels arriving with the intention of scaling the dangling rope ladder, the only way to get to the platform.
The defiance of 6ft 3in “hard as nails” Roy Bates was drawn to the attention of then Prime Minister Harold Wilson, who instructed the armed forces to switfly reclaim the fort.
But when Royal Marines arrived, Michael and his mother armed themselves with weapons and made it clear they would not leave without a fight. Rather than risk bloodshed, the Marines beat a retreat.
On another occasion, when the crew of a navigational installation boat came a bit too close and made cheeky remarks to a sunbathing Penny, then 19, Michael fired a couple of warning shots across their bow.
However, by then Penny was tired of holding the fort and wanted a more normal life back in Southend.
“My father was very demanding,” admits Michael. “I don’t blame my sister for not sticking with it. It was a strange kind of upbringing for sure.”
Penny told Dylan Taylor-Lehman, author of the new book, that life as a Princess was not all it was cracked up to be. Just getting to the principality was gruelling.
“It was hours and hours on the boat going chug, chug, chug. I used to sit there in a blanket and think, ‘For God’s sake will someone kill me please’. It was horrible, horrible.”
While Michael kept himself busy securing defences and fishing for lobsters over the side, Penny survived on rationed tin food and biscuits made from flour and distilled sea water. When the water tanks ran dry, they had to rely on rainfall.
In the late Sixties and Seventies, Sealand stamps, passports and coinage were produced to satisfy the curiosity of an increasing number of people.
There were also plans to go into business with some Germans who wanted to build a casino, a heliport and duty-free shops.
But while Roy and Joan were discussing the options in Salzburg, the crafty Germans teamed up with some Dutch allies and staged a coup. “I was on Sealand when I heard a helicopter approaching,” Michael recalls. “We had a big mast to stop helicopters landing but they came down on a winch and said my father had signed a contract with them to sign the fort over to them.
“I knew my dad would never do that. I kept telling them I needed to speak to my father. I was armed but I didn’t really know what to do.”
By now, effectively kidnapped, Michael was locked up in a room for several days. When he was finally let out there was a physical fight.
“They tied my ankles together and my wrists and I heard one say they were thinking of throwing me over the side.”
He was forced off the platform and dispatched back to land. But after regrouping with his father and friends, they vowed to take back Sealand and, appropriately, employed a helicopter pilot who had worked on James Bond films to assist them.
“When we took the fort back it was the biggest adrenaline rush in my life,” Michael says. “Sliding down a rope with a shotgun around your neck is very exciting.”
After he fired one shot in the air, order was restored and Sealand was back in the hands of the Prince of Sealand, Roy Bates, who died peacefully in 2012, aged 91.
After the death of his mother Joan in 2016, Sealand was pretty much run by Prince Michael, although Penny, now 70, takes a close interest. Michael’s grown-up sons Liam and James spend time on Sealand, along with caretakers to deter potential invaders.
Through the Sealand website, knighthoods can be purchased for £99.99 and dukedoms for £499. England cricketer Ben Stokes was given an honorary lordship, along with the singer Ed Sheeran. Founder Roy has become a revered figure among Sealand supporters who see him as a patriotic ex-serviceman who fearlessly realised his swashbuckling dream to create his own kingdom, complete with its own black, white and red flag.
When a journalist once asked him why he took over the fort, Roy replied: “I’ve asked myself that question many times and I’m damned if I know the answer. But it was a challenge, and I can’t resist a challenge.”
Michael spends most of his time in Southend with his Chinese wife Mei, who served in the Chinese army. Last year he faced the rather more pleasurable challenge of judging a beauty pageant in China, just one of the many perks of being a Prince.
“Life is a lot quieter now but we’ll never give up Sealand. You never know what will happen but we’re ready for anything,” he says with a laugh. If the movie version of Sealand is made, the scriptwriters certainly won’t be short of material.
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alfredolover119 · 3 years
I looooove your zukka rec lists! I recently became Avatar-obsessed, never got a chance to watch it as a kid and only just got through it all! I was wondering if you'd consider doing a specifically angst rec list? I love fluffy zukka everything, but sometimes you just gotta have your heart ripped out of your chest and put back in after being thoroughly blended.
thank you! i relate heavily to “recently became Avatar-obsessed” haha. as for the angst list, i sure can try! warning: all of these have happy endings because im a crybaby who can’t read unhappy endings. also, p much all of the fics in the completed section were featured on my other lists but this is specifically the ANGSTY ones >:^)
angsty zukka wips
first, most obviously, feels like we only go backwards by @oldpotatoe
-currently at 102k with 19/27 chapters posted; rated teen
-the amnesia fic. the amnesia fic. the amnesia fic. you know. i haven’t actually read it yet because, as previously mentioned, i’m a crybaby and am waiting for it to finish up but, from my understanding, this fic will murder you in a dark alleyway with no remorse. if u like zukka angst, you’ve probably already read this, but just in case!
An injury leaves Sokka with amnesia. His last memory is of the failed invasion, of leaving his father behind in enemy territory on the Day of Black Sun. Of hopelessness. Rage. // But then he wakes up, and the war is over. Suddenly, he must come to terms with the fact that years have passed, and that he's somehow the Southern Water Tribe Ambassador to the Fire Nation. He is also supposedly friends with banished-Prince-turned-Fire-Lord Zuko, of all people. Close friends.
Yeah, nah.
and i’ll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) by @goldrushzukka
-currently 38k with 6/8 chapters posted; rated mature
-holy shit. holy SHIT. modern au based on the “my cat likes my fuckbuddy and i am falling in love” trope(?). maybe it’s just because of how the last chapter ended, but oh my god. this one made me cry. made me want to commit violence. when it’s not angsty as hell, it’s pretty funny, but holy shit. ao3 user nebulastucky please.
It’s supposed to be a one night stand. Pick up some guy at a bar, barely remember his name and never learn anything real about him, send him packing in the morning with a thanks for the ride and a cup of coffee to-go. That’s how it’s supposed to go. // But then it’s the best sex Sokka has ever had, and he thinks he’ll hate himself if he never gets to have it again.
Violet Blossoms and Celestial Objects by @hollypunkers
-currently 15k with 2/? posted. rated teen.
-this is the sequel to blue (an angsty, zukka rewrite of book 2-- go read it if u havent!)! !! this is a book 3 rewrite. only two chapters in and mrs hollypunkers is really abusing the miscommunication tag, as zukka writers seem to enjoy doing. im excited to see how the world and story develops with the changes to the story! you should be too!! its very good! obviously spoilers for blue lmao
Having sided with the Avatar in Ba Sing Se, Zuko not only must navigate his new relationship with Sokka but returning to the Fire Nation as a banished enemy. His own journey of self discovery and personal growth must now coexist alongside the personal struggles of every other member of the Gaang as together they blaze a treacherous path toward an unsure victory against Zuko's own father and nation.
breakable heaven by @fruitysokka
-currently 71k with 9/11 chapters posted. rated teen
-swt ambassador zuko! soon to be chief sokka! fake dating ur best friend to get out of an arranged marriage! what could go wrong!!! i also haven’t read this one ((see: i’m a crybaby who is being hurt by too many zukka wips already)), but it has been hanging out in my marked for later for months. from what i understand, this fic has: angst.
With his twenty-first birthday looming just around the corner, the Southern Water Tribe Elders have decided that Sokka, next in line to be Chief, needs to get married. Sokka does not want that, but he does need to get them off his back until he can figure his way out of it. What better way to do that than to pretend to date his best friend (and newly minted Ambassador to the Southern Water Tribe) Zuko? // Seriously, this is a foolproof plan. Maybe one of Sokka's best. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.
angsty zukka fics (completed!)
(i’ll put these in wc order)
lighthouse beam by @incorrectzukka
-7k, rated g
-a modern college au!! zuko’s inner-monologue is very angsty in this fic. typical zuko. also per usual, theyre both fucking dorks. they sort themselves out in the end, but not before The Angst. zuko is semi-deaf in this fic and also he has a bit of internalized homophobia.
Sokka’s breathtakingly beautiful and he’s smart and makes other people laugh. Zuko has a half-burnt face and a deaf ear. It’s not rocket science. // Or, Zuko falls in love with the boy in his Philosophy class.
This Isn’t My Idea of Fun by @khaleeseas
-9k, explicit
-moon spirit/nwt prince!sokka, no war to be found here! admittedly this isnt THAT angsty but like. the angst IS present. zuko is still the prince. a lovely childhood friends (though they hated each other for a minute haha) to lovers story. 
If you asked Zuko, he and Azula saw far too much of Chief Hakoda of the Northern Water Tribe’s children growing up. It wasn’t until they were older, and Azula pointed out that - duh - their families were trying to set them all up, that he realized why. // He was told by his mother to be polite. These people were their friends and allies, and though their nations were as different as they came, harmony between nations was the most important thing. // It wasn’t his fault the Chief’s children were so annoying.
put your lips close to mine (as long as they don’t touch) by @celestialceci
-9k, teen
-modern au! zuko and sokka are college roommates. zuko goes to spend the summer with sokka. again,, not really that angsty but-- its there!! the detail and feeling of Home in this story make me happy. zuko is insecure as hell here too. if ur into that. 
Zuko hates his home. He likes college alright, but he likes Sokka even better, his assigned roommate turned best friend. Spending the summer with Sokka will be fun, a welcome change of pace he desperately wants. It probably won't awaken anything in him... right?
the thing about dancing by anodymalion
-9k, teen
-yes. this one right here officer. it makes my heart ache. also trans sokka! which is cool. but the zuko angst in this one. hurts me. not so much relationship angst as it is zuko learning he deserves happiness angst. i’m sure u know The Type.
The first time a attendant spills Zuko’s tea and doesn’t immediately fall to her knees, begging the Fire Lord’s forgiveness, it is not anger but a resounding warmth that fills his chest.
i could (never) give you peace by @zukkababey
-10k, mature
-OUCH. OUCH OUCH OUCH. boys please learn to communicate im begging u. also zuko.. zuko, dude. as the tags of the fic say, hes “really going through it” in this one. YOUCH. post-canon.
Zuko almost said it. He almost said the words I think I’m in love with you, but he choked them back down at the last second. // Zuko would never be able to be what Sokka wanted. They might have needed each other during the summer, when two boys with too much weight on their shoulders found comfort in each other in the only way they knew how. // But now Zuko was Fire Lord, and Sokka was leaving.
this love burns so yellow (becoming orange and in its time, exploding) by @meliebee 
-18k, teen, major character death 
-i lied. THIS is the one, officer. found family.. good mai and zuko and toph friendships.. . ozai escapes prison and tries to overthrow zuko. OBVIOUSLY angst ensues. poor boy. he Does heal in this but it gets worse before it gets better. angst angst angst angst.
Ten months after Zuko is crowned at seventeen, he faces his first coup.
Anything for You by beersforqueers
-23k, explicit
-istg. this is probably one of my favorite zukka fics. its PAINFUL. modern au where theyre broken up but sokka hasnt told his family yet so zuko goes home with him for kataang wedding. a bit smutty, but the plot oh my god ohgm y fuvk. made me cry the first time i read it. (see: crybaby!me) insert that one picture of the horse with the caption PAIN. 
In which Sokka and Zuko have broken up but Sokka hasn't told his family yet. So when Katara and Aang's wedding weekend rolls around and he doesn't want to break Gran-Gran's heart, he asks Zuko to pretend to be his boyfriend for one last weekend. // Things don't go as planned.
Moving Mountains by @thefangirlingdead
-64k, mature
-so. when i read this the first time it was in one sitting. soulmate au set within canon era / the comics, to an extent. soulmates can hear each others thoughts. i will happily say this is slowburn, jesus christ. champagne without the cham. 
Soulmates are chosen by the spirits and can hear each other’s thoughts. Sokka thinks it’s cheesy and dumb. Zuko thinks it’s poetic justice that he doesn’t have one because he doesn’t deserve it. Cruel irony is finding out that the prince of the Fire Nation (and the person currently hunting you) is your soulmate.
In the Soft Light by @voidcenturyscholar and @romancedawning
-83k, teen, graphic depictions of violence
-moon spirit!sokka living in the northern water tribe. zuko is sent to the northern water tribe as a cultural liaison. iroh is the fire lord but while he is away taking care of lu ten after his injury ozai steps up. i cannot express how many emotions this fic made me feel. background yuetara. i would almost say found family?? but. anyway. plenty of angst to spare here with a healthy dose of enemies to friends to lovers.
As the newly appointed cultural liaison to Northern Water Tribe, Zuko is the first Fire Nation Citizen to step foot inside the city's walls in nearly a century. He's determined to prove himself—to the Fire Lord and to his father—even if the Water Tribe's spirit-touched prince seems to want nothing to do with him.
That Midnight Sky by @zukkababey
-103k, teen
-now now now. tms... modern college au where sokka agrees to tutor zuko in physics because zuko has to maintain straight a’s and physics is just not doing it for him. so. thats cool but THEN azula moves in, randomly, with zuko. to hide the fact that sokka is tutoring zuko, they fake date! what could go wrong!! the mutual pining in here combined with the angst... wonderful, tasty. everyone read it rn. also SLOWBURN 
In Zuko’s strict family, needing a tutor is just about the worst thing you could do. Failing a class, however, is even worse. The only rational solution? Take up Aang on his offer to find him a physics tutor and have Sokka—beautiful, smart, handsome Sokka—tutor him in secret. // When Azula’s arrival threatens to reveal Zuko’s secret, it’s up to Sokka to convince her this definitely isn’t what it looks like. See, he’s actually… Zuko’s… boyfriend? // Hmm. There’s no way this could get complicated, right?
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ot3 · 3 years
hi so i read orv a while ago and i’m still not fucking over it so u have any other like webnovel or rly any kind of recommendation of something i could read that would invoke a similar feeling cause i’m gonna go insane i’m reading the orv webtoon atm but like sjsjsj i just love it sm
Nothing Else Ever has made me feel lke orv has, truthfully, so adjust your expectations accordingly. but here's what i've got for you.
recommendations i got from other people that i havent gotten around to reading yet are 'the earth is online' and 'kill six billion demons' so you might want to try there
a book i personally enjoy very deeply is 'the gone away world' by nick harkaway which, i dont want to talk about too much because i think the less you know going into it the better, but if you enjoy absurdism, interesting worldbuilding, and stuff that makes you Think About Humanity, i'd recommend that.
if you're interested in more stuff that's sort of edgy and cringe in a self aware way, with characters that are very obviously dealing with a lot of mental illness and the ennui of poverty, with some really funny crass humor, and you enjoy Horror, i'd recommend 'john dies at the end' by david wong. he doesnt stick the endings well on his novels but this series has meant a lot for me to a long time and has some really unique characters and setpieces that make it an absolute blast.
if you enjoyed orv thematically for it's commentary on the cyclical nature of tragedy in narrative i am of course going to recommend my dear friend, shoujo kageki revue starlight. this may seem like an out of left field comparison to make. but trust me on this one.
in terms of video games, i have played neither of these, but from what i Do know about them they seem pretty likely to hit: pathologic and disco elysium are both on my list, and games im very excited to get around to
EDIT: wait i’d also like to recommend nimona in terms of stories that start out feeling like one thing and end up feeling like a completely different thing
hope this helps your post-orv struggles, anon. congrats on joining the club !
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chikkou · 3 years
ok i had to sleep on it after playing deltarune cause i was absolutely shooketh and needed time to gather my thoughts but now? I Am Ready. Prepare Yourselves
(spoilers below the cut)
ok im just gonna do this bulletpoint style cause its still too soon for me to coherently write any deltarune thinkpieces LMAO but heres my thoughts:
fucking LOVED the music in this chapter. ngl i had no clue how toby was gonna top deltarune chapter 1 but he fucking DID?? cyber fields may actually be one of my top 5 favorite songs now between undertale AND deltarune chapter 1. it is just genuinely phenomenal. i also really love the song in the queens castle and B I G S H O T
speaking of big shot, idk abt yall but the only parts of the game where i felt genuinely disconcerted were whenever spamton was on screen. hes very similar to jevil but while jevils motif is KIND of based in something human, spamton feels distinctly inhuman by comparison... like proper uncanny valley. its really really creepy fkjlsdfs (in a good way tho LMAO)
the queen is 100% my favorite villain as of yet. her character reminds me a LOT of roxy from homestuck and i wouldnt be surprised if there was a bit of homestuck influence there (cause like... her typing quirk is literally kanayas typing quirk sdkfjsdfs). i was fucking DYING every time Kris Get The Banana popped up. shes also a pretty good parody of the villain redemption arc too given how quickly she flips upon finding out that the world would be destroyed if they opened more dark fountains LMAO
i was at the edge of my seat throughout the entire ending sequence, just waiting to see what the fuck was gonna happen - it was paced super well and was really really suspenseful. its clear to me now that kris is the one who keeps opening up the dark fountains as a form of some kind of escapism, and may be the knight themselves, but WHAT theyre escaping from is what really interests me. whatever it is, i believe it definitely has something to do with their family situation
asgore being a former police officer who was forced to resign is REALLY fascinating, but also somewhat concerning to me. i dont think toby would try to get too Real World Subtext with it, but i am sincerely hoping this doesnt end up being a thinly veiled allegory for some version of police brutality, especially given that asgore in undertale was just killing every human that fell into the underground because it was “his duty”
in chapter 1 i was thinking that the bunker at the south of town could maybe be the original entrance to the underground, but the conversation you stumble upon down there strongly suggests its something else, and whatever it is, i think it caused kris some pretty severe trauma since monster kid mocks them for being a “scaredy cat” after they saw what was inside. this actually supports my personal theory that the game is not a direct sequel, but rather some kind of timeline-adjacent alternate universe in which monsters were never pushed into the underground
like in undertale, kris being the only human is still notable here - theres a book the player can read upstairs called something like “how to care for a human,” which the flavor text notes that toriel has apparently checked out dozens of times over the years. so when toriel calls the police after finding her cars tires slashed, i wonder if she was able to be so calm about it because it had happened before.
and my last thing (for now) is that i am extremely curious about kris’s ability to rip their soul out, seemingly at will, and to put it back in when they want. i havent yet figured out what the correlation is - what we know is that both times weve seen them do this, they have drawn a knife (to steal slices of pie LMAO), and, presumably, slashed the tires of their mothers car. their reasons for doing the latter are still pretty unclear to me, but perhaps theres some sort of ritual-type steps a person has to take in order to open up a dark fountain, and cutting things up is a part of it? i truly have no idea but this is my best guess atm
these are all the thoughts i have rn but man... tl;dr deltarune chapter 2 FUCKS and im genuinely so fucking excited for the next chapter, whenever it comes out... really hoping toby pulls a homestuck epilogue and drops it like a week after saying it “might be a while” fgkjdfd
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sun-stormz · 3 years
Genshin Impact Visions & Gods
This has been bugging me since i started playing in mid november, but what makes a certain Archon give a Character their Vision. Considering i couldnt find any official info, I decided to do some research on each Archon and then on the player Characters we have of each element as of beginning of December 2020.
This will contain spoilers on characters & story!
Note: The travelers will not be included due to them not having Visions and having more then one Element.
I am basing this on overlaping themes and not on anything related to the actual Archon. I did add some info on the archons tho, due to this being about Visions and archons
“It is unclear whether Visions are directly granted by its element's corresponding Archon or by the nation's Archon. There is also the possibility that granting a Vision requires approval from both Archons. Yet another possibility is that they are granted by neither, and are instead given by the gods on Celestia.”
-Genshin Wiki on reciving Visions
Starting with my Favourite Element, Electro.
Electro wise, We have five Characters as of right now: Kequin, Razor, Beidou, Fishl and Lisa. The Electro Archon, God of Eternity, Baal, is the ruling Archon of the Area, Inazuma, whitch is the area we are getting in the 1.4 update in 2021.
To start off i read into any info i could find on Baal and i gotta say, she is a interesting Fellow. As of right now we know that Baal has locked Inazuma down and has initiated a Vision Hunt Decree, due to her thinking Visions should be under the sole domain of divinity. She also hasnt handed out any Visions since this decree which means all Electro characters we know have gotten theirs before this drastic change.
Now, why did these 5 characters get their Visions? Well each character has a different reason, from Razor wanting to protect those he calls friends to Lisa simpley saying it would be of use to her and just getting it. From what I've found there isnt really a big overlap in the reciving of the characters, but what is overlaping is their fixation on something.
Razor recived his vision due to him being fixated on getting stronger to protect his friends after he failed to while being dragged away by an abyss mage
Kequin was fixated on sharing her beliefs, that the people of Lyiue shouldnt rely on Rex Lapis and have their Pride and that their views are of Equal importance
Fishl was so fixated on a book series she changed herself to be like the main character, fishl and her Vision manifested in the form of Oz, one of the characters from said book
Beidou was fixated on killing Haishan, a sea monster, from a young age and recived her vision when she did so
Lisa is pretty much fixated on understanding magecraft and the cost of reciveing a Vision.
Now onto a easier Element, Geo
The Archon of Geo and Contracts, Morax, Archon of Lyiue.
Morax or Rex Lapis, was one of the oldest gods, defended Lyiue in the Archon war, the Currency in Teyvat, Mora, is named after him and as of Chp.1 Act 3 we know that he has taken the form of Zhongli and has retired as the Geo Archon.
Morax, Along with Barbatos, are the only two Archons of the Original Seven that havent been replaced.
Now, who are our Geo Characters? Noelle and Ningguang, two dedicated powerhouses! This one is fairly simple, thanks to voicelines we have of Zhongli since he came out as a player character (Bless the pity pull for giving me this man)
In his “About Ningguang” Voiceline he says: ”Despite the multitude of affairs she deals with in a day, Ningguang always continues to press on. A rare gem indeed. I'm reminded of the time that she used to walk barefoot from Yaoguang Shoal to the south wharf, trying to sell her wares as she went. Time is cruel to humans.”
Noelle recived her vision when Jean Acknowledged her hard work when she tried to get into the knights of favonius. in her “Vision” story it states: This was a lucky day that she would always remember, for she would receive recognition from two all-important sources this day: once from Jean, and the other from the gods. Her hard work has been remembered after all.
So for short: Hard working and dedicated = Geo Vision
Next up we have Anemo
Our wonderful Tone deaf bard, Venti or otherwise known as the Archon of Anemo and freedom, Barbatos, the not really ruling Archon of Mondstadt.
Barbatos is a freedom loving guy and refuses to rule over Mondstadt, the city of freedom and is by far the weakest of the Archons, despite this the people of Modstadt still love and adore their windy God.
I went into this one thinking “Oh this is easy, itll be love for freedom or something!” Nope, it surprisingly wasnt. Jean and sucerose recived their visions through their Determination it seems. Sucerose from doing her 159th Dandilion seed Simmering experiment and Jean seemed to be determened to be a good grandmaster and to protect Mondstadt.
That aside, i couldnt find many overlaps with the two, they are both free spirited and love what they do.
Now on to Pyro
Pyro, the Element of the Archon Murata who is also the god of War, is wielded by the fan fav Diluc, as well as Klee, Xiangling, Amber, Bennett and Xinyan.
Not much is known about Murata, Venti describes her as a “ wayward, warmongering wretch” and thats about all we know. She presides over Natlan.
Now to the characters, this was acually the easiest of them all: Passion.
Every Pyro user has a huge amount of passion that a rolemodel or Loved one ignited within them.
This one definitly surprised me the least and i am really excited for when we meet Murata and Natlan.
Diluc has the same passion his father had
Klee has a passion for Explosives that her mother ignited
Xiangling has a passion for food and cooking she got from her father
Amber got her Passion for Mondstadt and the outriders from her grandfather
Bennett got the Passion for adventure from all the old adventurers he calls dads, yes Dads as in plural, that raised him
Xinyan has a passion for Rock, tho i havent found out more of her story due to her being so new.
Now heading onto Hydro
Hydro, along with Dendro, is the only element where we do not know the name of the Archon. All we do know is that they are the Archon of Hydro and Justice and rule over Fontaine.
So straight to the Hydro characters: Barbara, Mona and Xingqiu.
I dont really count Childe due to the only thing talked about is his dilusion and i am rather confused on if he even has a real vision but i still love him lots
Im going to be honest this one really had me running the brain gears for a while.
All three recived their Vision as an extension of the self.
Barbara  got hers after helping a sick boy by singing to him to help him sleep through a fever, Mona rekindeled a learning aid to her vision, to aid her with her search for the truth of the rules of the world and Xingqiu got his after he explained the principles of his clans martial arts anew, litterally saying that martial artists should see Visions as a extension of the self.
Last but definitly not least, Cryo
Cryo, the Element of the Archon know as the Tsaritsa. We acually dont know her corrisponding ideal nor her acual name and this one was just as geargrinding as Hydro.
The Tsaritsa, Ruler of the fatui and the one that gives them their Dilusions, is one interresting lady. We get a description of her from Childe: “Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa is actually a gentle soul. Too gentle, in fact, and that's why she had to harden herself. Likewise, she declared war against the whole world only because she dreams of peace. Her gaze was cold but pure, arrogant yet sharp. She was not only the sacrosanct Cryo Archon but a true warrior also.”
Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona and Qiqi, our current four Cyro userer, all have rather interesting storys when it comes to how they got their Vision.
All dont accept something
Kaeya felt guilty about hiding who he was from the family that adopted him after his father abandoned him to be a spy in Mondstadt, and told Diluc, someone he used to be very close with, the truth, since then he sees his vision as a stern reminder that he must live his life under a heavy burden of Lies. He pretty much doesnt accept the truth of his situatin and would rather live with that heavy burden
Chonyun is surpressing a part of himself, the condition he has, and as Xiangling says in Chongyuns stories, is denying a part of him. He trys to work around his condition and wont accept it as the way to go about how he practices exocrism.
Diona wont accept the truth about her father being a Alcoholic, and places the blame on the Alcohol industy instead of accepting that he isnt as high and mighty as she thought. She wont accept that her fathers bad control over his drinking habits is the reason he acts as he does and instead blames the alcohol industry.
Qiqi didnt want to accept her death nor does she really accept her Zombie like traits and only uses them when she needs to defend herself.
My theory is the Cyro Visions are recevied when you wont accept the grim reality as it is, if this is positive or negative variates
When it comes to the last element, Dendro, we sadly know nothing nor have we seen any dendro character in action. So that might be a addition later on.
I’m really interrested if we find out the actual criteria for reciving each Vision one day
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nextstopparis · 3 years
I am also procastinating umm what's your favorite book or if you read fanfic favorite fic or author?📘
omg hello fellow procrastinator OK SO. OMG. THIS GOT ME REALLY EXCITED.
so ihave three main books that i love beyond all else, and they're the only ones that ive been able to actually reread:
1. pride and prejudice by jane austen (bc ofc... i cannot express my love for this book. id also just like to say that the aunt and uncle were the best characters!!! i know this isnt part of the question but the best scene in the book is after darcy proposes (like. the proper time kejfrj) and no one knows yet besides them and bingley and. basically theres this part thats like. mr bingley takes elizabeths hand in such a warm and happy handshake or whatever and i just. it made me SOB like its such a tender and wholesome moment please i adore bingley OK OK ANYWAY)
2. the promise by danielle steele (SO THIS ONE has a lot of sentimental value behind it as well as like. being good/interesting. because when i was in elementary my mom and i would walk to school and she'd spend the entire walk there and back telling me about her favourite books she read when she was a kid and. this was one of them. and i really adored the explanation she gave so iread it an d it was AMAZING . its really nice being able to talk about it with her now (same thing with p&p!). its a romance book but they're literally not together for like. 80% of it i think? lol? its amazing though)
3. the song of achilles by madeline miller (so in another of these asks i said that i havent read this in a few years, so i dont remember much, but i DO remember adoring it more than anything. i first read it bc of some lines i found here and there which i thought were lovely and like. it was SUCH a good fucking book. god. the "name one hero who was happy" scene fucks me up to NO end to this day and i just. idk. there are so many small details that fuck me up. "what has hector done to me?" and "there was still much to say but for once we did not say it. there would be more time" like. FUCK OFF. you know? gosh ok im gonna stop here or i might start to ramble skdcjslj)
some honorable mentions: the maze runner trilogy, ruby red/sapphire blue/emerald green (i dont remember much abt this trilogy but i remember feeling v hollow after finishing it lol).
im trying to like. read gone with the wind bc my mom keeps bugging me about it but its an absolute MONSTER of a book so. we'll see if i ever do, lol.
so i have so so so so so many favourite fanfic authors. one is seperis; i am absolutely obsessed with their works. "Tintagel" and "The Tale of the Sea Serpent" are two of my favourite merlin fanfics ever. theres also the author of "Dower the Stars" and "Visiting Hunith" that i love. "L'Interieur" is a stunning piece of work. "Nine Weddings and A Funeral" as well as anything by that author is GORGEOUS (i think they also wrote "Round and Round We Go Again Tripping Across The Stars" although idk if thats the proper name of the fic). ummm.. "Watch it all melt away" by emjayelle is one of my all time favourites. ANYTHING by rageprufrock. anything by ingberry. so so so many by tonightless. OHHHH ALSO an author that (was? is?) oh lj: minor_hue THAT WROTE ANOTHER FAVOURITE FANFIC OF MINE "the good times are killing me" .... and there are ENDLESS MORE i think i might reread this and get annoyed with myself for not mentioning a few but. those are the ones that come to mind.
honestly if i listed all of them id be here all night. i think ive made two pre long fic recs before? i cant find them unfortunately:(
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sockpansy · 4 years
Accidents happen
Rudony ( tony x rudolph)
@rudolph-sackville-bagg. I finally posted it
Nights with tony were lively.
Rudolph loved the feel of the warmth his hand had when they flew over the tops of trees and over ponds. He loved seeing him cheer in excitement as he did a loop. He enjoyed the way his voice would change on the calm nights they sat under the moonlight on the rooftop, Tony reading a few books from the castle library. Rudolph loved how being with Tony, in any way, always felt alive.
Nights with Rudolph were adventurous.
Tony would jump in delight when Rudolph offered his hand for a flight from his window at sunset. He loved the way he would tease him reminding him to close his mouth before he caught a bug. He loved holded his hand as they walked beside the river, jumping in and splashing each other until they were soaked. No matter how small it may be, there was always an adventure with Rudolph.
It was no wonder the boys had fallen in love with each other. If only they both knew it.
Tony walked up a small hill on the way back to the castle, Rudolph flying after him. 
" I never knew turtles could bite so hard." Tony laughed as he turned to face Rudolph, walking backwards, 
" I told you it was called a snapping turtle. You're lucky it only got the stick you poked it with and not your finger."  Rudolph only laughed at the recent memory.
" I'm a vampire, I'm sure a small bite wouldn't have caused that much damage." 
" Well i still think vampires need their fingers,"
Tony smiled and shook his head, he started to turn back around to continue the walk up the hill. Rudolph flew over him and appeared in front of him upside down. He went to say something when Tony had turned his head forward to face him.
Tony had been stepping up and forward, not knowing how close he was to the boy until his warm lips met his cold ones.
In all his 300 and 13 years, Rudolph had never felt a moment so long and so short all at once. He faintly thought "warm and soft" before he flew backwards at realizing what happened.
Tony on the other hand, had jumped back almost a second later blushing. He touched his lips with one hand, and even though it was brisk, he could still feel how cold and chapped Rudolph's lips felt against his.
Both boys stared at the other, neither being able to come up with an excuse or reason or even a word.
Tony managed to find one first.
" i didn't know you were so close...that um..wasn't...on purpose." But he really wished it had been. He wanted to kiss him again already.
Rudolph had turned right side up and had the back of his hand to his lips, trying to hold the feeling of the kiss there. He nodded as he observed Tony, looking for any sign he might have been ok with it, but quickly dismissing all the obvious signs as just nervousness or surprise or tony being...Tony.
" Ah yes. I'll be a bit more careful next time." He completely planned to not do that.
The boys stayed there another minute quietly. Rudolph cleared his throat first.
" The sun will be coming up soon. Uh...how about I fly us home?"
 The flight there was silent, even as they both had the same thing screaming inside their heads.
Rudolph dropped Tony at the front door. Said a quick good day and flew to his window. Tony waved as he left and headed inside to have breakfast with his family.
As Tony zoned out eating cereal, Rudolph was having trouble sleeping. He kept touching his lips and imagining what it would feel like to feel them again. If he even could feel them again. 
After agonizing over it for far to long into the day, he gave into the only thing he knew to do. 
He went to Anna and Gregory for advice.
" it is 11 am in the morning. The sun is glaring down outside those curtains...and you wake me up. Drag me all the way out of my room..for this. " Gregory crossed his arms as he stared at his little brother. He brushed lips for half a second and now he can't even face a mere mortal?
Anna, on the other hand? She was also upset at being woken up but she was not happy about what happened either. 
" It's not fair that you got to kiss Tony first!" 
" that is not the problem here! I don't even know what to do and it wasn't a kiss on purpose!" 
Anna huffed crossing her arms " well if it had been me i wouldn't have let it end so quickly." 
Rudolph held his head in his hands " why did i think going to you two would be any good advice." 
Gregory yawned " let's hurry up so I can get back to sleep. I had been having a nice little daydream before you rudely interrupted." 
Rudolph let himself float as he tried to think " I mean..it..it wasn't even on purpose..we just gotta little close is all...but i don't even know how to face him!" 
Anna chimed in" upside down apparently," Gregory nudged her and she let out a puff of air, then floated up to Rudolph. 
" this is really bothering you that much?" Rudolph nods
" yes anna...i don't quite know what to do...and i don't want to avoid him...and i want to kiss him again but i'm not even sure he would be ok with that. Let alone like to be romantic." 
Anna tapped her foot in the air, making no sound, but she sighed defeated.
" if he says no, then i get him. No take backs!" 
Rudolph turned to face her better, " what do you mean?"
" I mean tonight when he wakes up, ask him to go flying, and talk about the kiss. Ask to do it again. But if he says no or if you don't do it. He is mine." Rudolph didn't quite know what to say to that,or where to start either. Luckily- or unluckily- she went past him and into the hall, heading to her room.
Gregory yawned " she has a point rudolph. You won't know until you ask him. I'm sure it will all turn out fine." And he followed Anna out so he coule grt bsck to sleep. This wasn't his problem. This left Rudolph to deal with the advice he did not want and a deal he didn't agree to or ask for. 
Waiting for Tony to wake up was misery. To keep Tony from sleeping all day. His parents set his bedtime from 4pm to 11 pm and he could stay up the rest of the night and day. Sadly this also meant a few hours of the night were spent without Tony, and tonight those hours ticked by like years.
Finally. At 11pm on the dot. Rudolph flew into Tony's room from the open window. 
Tony hadn't been able to get much sleep himself, and had gotten the same advice from his parents as Rudolph had from his siblings. But in a much less challenging way, although that didn't make it any easier. 
He sat up when Rudolph came in and yawned. 
" goodnight Rudy." He waved a bit nervously. Rudolph took a quick breath and did his best to act as normal as vampirely possible as he held out his hand.
" ready for your wakeup call?"
 Tony couldn't help the grin that spread over his face as he took Rudolph's hand and they flew into the night.
It wasn't long before the two were sat on top of the tower rudolph had left Tony on once before, neither filling the open with words quite yet. 
" hey about yesterday-" 
" about the kiss-" 
They said at the same time. Then Quickly went quiet, waiting for the other to finish. Stars. They are so awkward.
Rudolph remembered anna' s decree over Tony, even if tony wasn't a prize to be won ( unless rudolph won, that doesn't count), he didn't like the idea of her stealing him away. 
" Tony, i apologize if this comes out...rash." He started. He kept talking, hoping that if he didn't stop he wouldn't back out," but yesterday, I admit I didn't plan to be so close for that to happen. That is to say i didn't plan it but i- i may have - perhaps it was-" he stumbled over his words.
Tony took over quickly,``I haven't kissed someone before!" 
Rudolph fell quiet " huh?"
The mortal continued, rubbing the back of his head as he did to get some nerves out,``I um..mean that..since i havent kissed anyone before that would have been my first kiss. But um..i was..wanting a proper kiss. " 
Rudolph felt his heart sink, he didn't mean to accidentally take his first kiss! 
" I apologize Tony, I didn't mean to take that from you." 
Tony was wearing the same red his hoodie had on his face by this point, " i'm not saying that it was..bad..i..am saying." He took a small breath and took one of rudolph's hands.
" kiss me again?"
Rudolph stared at Tony for a bit. Unsure what to say or even do. Did this mean that Tony liked him? Or did he just want a proper kiss and it happened to be Rudolph who kissed him on accident, so he was asking him to do it proper this time?
Tony bit his lip and looked away quickly 
" im sorry, that was...a selfish request...i was um..just hoping maybe you...wanted to kiss me too." 
Rudolph had to say something. Anything. Something at all!
"Your lips are very warm." 
Not that!
" -and i'd like to kiss you again!" 
That's better!
Tony blushed as he faced him and nodded, holding one hand and putting the other gently behind his neck. Tony pulled Rudolph into a soft kiss.
Rudolph had been right. Tony's kiss was very soft and warm. He could stay like this for hours if he would let him. 
Rudolph put his free hand on Tony' s cheek. Pulling him closer, and he swears he could taste strawberries on him.
It only lasted a few seconds, before both boys pulled back from the kiss, still holding onto each other. Tony laughed a little bit.
" so um..does this mean you like me?" 
Rudolph looked offended, " you mean i can kiss you and you think I would only just like you? Tony, I love you." 
Ok, Rudolph did not plan to say that tonight.
Tony did not expect to hear that tonight either.
But Tony just kissed him again quickly, and mumbled against his lips the same words he just heard. 
When Anna heard the news in the morning, she was sure to remind Rudolph she would grab Tony if he let him go, and Gregory just gave him a pat on the back as a congratulations, but no one was surprised they had gotten together. Just glad they finally did. 
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violasmirabiles · 3 years
got tagged by @panwriter, thank you xx
1. what do you prefer to be called name-wise? ali. pronounce it however you like i dont really care lol
2. when is your birthday? march 26. so just a few weeks from now. oh boy
3. where do you live? joensuu, finland babey
4. three things you are doing right now? pretending im reading the essays i shouldve read for methodology class weeks ago, making a list of things i need to get from the university library (and where those books are exactly - i dont actually go to the uni library very often at all but for some reason rather many of the books i need arent available as ebooks), trying to drink the second bucket of coffee of the day without spilling it everywhere
5. four fandoms that have piqued your interest? re-animator; stephen king multiverse (was gonna just say the shining and doctor sleep but we all know its more than that); saw franchise; the godfather. though with sk and godfather im basically just playing in my own little isolated sandbox and im more than fine with that thank you
6. how has the pandemic been treating you? ah well. its been treating me. got my ba degree and generally have been able to study more so thats good. spent five months with my family in tampere last year and itd probably be good for me to go there again but as it is im stuck in my apartment because of doctors appointments. like thats the only reason i cant just Go. also i recently realized i havent seen my grandma in over a year and cried about that. choir stuff is obviously all fucky and uncertain. also having time to think about things and stuff means ive been figuring out gender stuff so thats been.....interesting....and energy consuming.....and crisis inducing
7. a song you can’t stop listening to right now? täällä on joku by absoluuttinen nollapiste, its finnish weirdness hours in my head 247
8. recommend a movie. i mean, yeah, re-animator
9. how old are you? 25. 26 in a few weeks
10. school, university, occupation, other? university of eastern finland, babey! english language and culture major, literature minor. did my ba thesis on the shining. the novel, fuck the kubrick film, and wouldnt have been allowed to do my thesis about a film anyway. so right now im a masters student and will start working on my ma thesis next year, trying to get as many classes out of the way before that as possible. dont know what im gonna be once i graduate and id really rather not think about that but i do like studying in spite of everything
11. do you prefer heat or cold? heat. but, like... thats relative, isnt it? what i consider warm is Definitely Not warm to someone who lives in, like, texas. and i Tolerate cold and, christ i dont know. my favorite season is spring.
12. name one fact others may not know about you. once came second in a school skiing competition! i was ten. we didnt get medals, we got like pins/brooches and i still have my silver brooch somewhere
13. are you shy? sometimes. often. im anxious
14. pronouns? they/them. like i said ive been trying to figure out gender stuff and the only thing im Very sure of is that i am Not Cis, and im scared, and i get easily defensive about it all, and i have a lot of internalized issues i need to work on. gendered pronouns are like my number one personal enemy, i need the sort of....neutrality, ambiguity, yknow. finnish does not Have gendered pronouns, we have hän for he/she/they/every neopronoun - and we dont even fucking use that one, everyones just se (it) and thats all fine and dandy when you dont want to Think about your Gender every time someone refers to you and im rambling because i am once again getting defensive for no reason sdfdsfs yeah theres still a lot to unload here i swear were getting there
15. biggest pet peeves? on a bad day? everything. but to give an actual answer, people not realizing their experiences are not universal and that their actions can and will have an effect on others
16. what is your favorite “-dere” type? glad to say im temporarily illiterate so i dont know what this says
17. rate your life from 1 to 10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be im afraid i cant do that luv i dont want to have a breakdown
18. what’s your main blog? this one babey
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for. i have @ihmekukkavesi for my photography and @shineondoc for university hell and occasional doctor sleep/the shining yelling. im not gonna call it my studyblr cos it....its really not....its not. im not a good student. im not organized, i dont feel like im Doing This right. im definitely not exemplary. everything becomes a crisis and i need to let it out somewhere and thats what shineondoc is for. 
20. is there something people need to know about you before becoming friend? oh boy. uh. im not good at keeping a conversation going. yet at the same time i cannot fucking shut up if were talking about something im excited about. i dont know how Real this is but i feel like i might come across as like...arrogant or something but i swear im just scared and trying to keep myself from Rambling(tm) and. well. trying to sound like a normal fucking person. 
tagging @nowendil @appelssiini @librarytraveller @sailonacrossthesea @stokoetopia @kirsikkaprinsessa and anyone whos bored and wants to do this
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kittytishers · 3 years
reasons why i think the kyoshi novels wont be adapted to animated television-
its mostly just one actually- violence. (there are other reasons but this is the biggest one)
something i noticed when reading the novels in comparison to watching the shows is that theres blood in the novels... a lot of blood actually. compared to not a single drop of it in either of the shows.
something else i noticed? people might die in the shows... but the death is ALWAYS off screen.
all this is to say... kyoshi’s story COULD be adapted... but a lot of things would have to change. the icicle skewering amak. the scene with father glowworm. kyoshi killing xu. yun killing jianzhu. the scene with yun and hei-ran. the scene at the very end where kyoshi and rangi paint their daofei makeup with their blood. and im sure im missing a few!
to be honest most of the scenes ive listed can change to be more “pg” and still be just as powerful. but the final battle with yun with the painted blood makeup would just.. feel different if the blood was taken out of it.
PLUS the challenge of adapting a book format to visual format and possible censorship regarding kyoshi and rangis relationship (wlw representation in cartoons have a tradition of just being “hinted” at until its confirmed at the very end).
there are a few “options” in this regard then. make an animated cartoon thats pg-13, marketed towards adults. but then you hit a roadblock. unfortunately cartoons are just associated with children unless the jokes are raunchy and gross, which is never going to happen in the atla franchise. so make it live-action. that one is hit or miss. we all know of what happened with The Last Airbender, and we havent yet seen the live action remake of ATLA on netflix, but... i know a lot of people are skeptical. its hard to match the grandeur and beauty of a world designed for a 2D format in a live action format. especially with a TV budget. maybe the kyoshi novels could work as a pair of movies, one for each book. that, i would be more excited for perhaps.
or... they keep the animated format we’re used to and just trim some of the blood out of it. if bryke is heading the project i have no doubts that they could do it and still tell kyoshis story authentically. the question is only will some of the important scenes cheapen?
idk man i just want SOME kind of adaptation, i just also want it to be good, thats all. its what kyoshi deserves :’)
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moonav · 3 years
Tagged by the sweetest @happyendingsong aaa thank you so much😆😆💖💖💖
5 songs currently on repeat
• dark side - blind channel, our esc entry this year and i rly like it 😆 takes me back to middle school haha😆 i think we might have a chance of getting to the finals this year but like lol ppl always say that and we rarely ever do 😹😹 2019 esc had every nordic country except us so :/ but im wishing the band so much luck, at least we are not sending a boring ballad 😆💕💕
• el diablo - elena tsagrinou, another esc song, this time from cyprus 🥰 super catchy pop song, sorta reminds me of lady gaga a bit? 😆i havent listened to the live performance of it just yet, i want to save that for the semis 😆 i hope it’s a good show c’:
• fallen angel - TIX, okay last esc song on the list and like the singer himself said, it might not be everyones cup of tea but i kinda like it 😆 sorta generic pop song but hey, i like pop so 😆 im kinda sad that keiino wasnt chosen to represent Norway this year bc spirit in the sky shouldve won esc 2019!!!!!! But TIX’ live vocals are so good and omg i love the costumes so esc-esque (haha😆) i absolutely loved how he switched from english to norwegian during one of the live performances and i rly rly hope he does that in the semis too 🥰
• you belong with me - taylor, yea i like taylors music a lot c’: i started listening to her around 2014 or so, so like most of her older stuff is still new to me, im rly excited for the rest of taylors versions 🥰 the song is very much ’im not like the other girls’ type of song and thats rly cringey but it’s still too catchy im sorry 😆😆😆
• one last kiss - hikki, aaa her newest song and it’s so so so good 😭💖💖💖💖 it was released a while ago but i still put it on a repeat a lot, i could never get tired of her music 😭💕💕💕 also the newest remix of ’beautiful world’ is so hauntingly beautiful, i love listening to kind of a new version of an older classic 💕🥰
last movie you watched
• i think it still was my rewatch of howls moving castle in like february???? 😹 i dont watch movies that often anymore, more shows and youtube c’: bit easier, ive been having a hard time of focusing on anything tbh 😩 (shhdjdjdkd i say this but then i watch youtube video essays that are hours long 😆)
currently watching
• sarah z’s homestuck video 😹😹 all my years online ive never understood what homestuck is about or anything about it rly so maybe ill know after im done with the video 😹 (tho im about halfway there and im still very confused 😹)
currently reading
• not yet but i should start reading color theory/other art books just in case any of the schools i applied to choose my portfolio for the entrance exams 😭🤞 oh also im rereading coraline by neil gaiman 🥰 i used to read tons of books but i havent been able to do that in ages thanks to my health ugh but im hoping that by rereading old favs, it’d be easier to get back into it 🥰
im tagging @ventusu @angelnamine @thekingdomofourhearts @floreil @viviun @nebuvoid @pichiblossom and everyone else who sees this and wants to do this!!🥰 and of course, only do this if you want to, no pressure at all!!😆💕💕
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k9zuha · 3 years
DUDE ONLY $20 IS RLLY GOOD FOR THE AMT OF 5* U HAVE AND UR HIGH AR OMGGGG BUT STOP I THINK THAT TOO 😭😭😭 like i price things in terms of boba 2 determine their value
AAHHHH I STILL HAVENT GOTTEN DOWN 2 DOING HER QUEST YET but apparently there r spiders and a trippy time loop which . I am not rlly down for 😭😭 but that’s fr so hu tao
YEAHH FEEL THAT LIKE I need a pyro coz xinyan is not cutting it but I wanted xiao Sm more than hu Tao so I’m glad I got him even though I have 2 anemo now LMAO
Her butterfly trail IS THE ABSOLUTE CUTESTTTTT n the way she has the flame blossom mark enemies... love her
YEAH I HEARD AB THE CAMERAS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR but I just checked this article on cb testing procedures n apparently they got rid of the clause w cameras but the “no returning to prev answers” is still there 😭😭
RIGHT but the tests r just as hard as normal years rn and my memory retention is SHIT for online class
BUT DUDE LMAOOOOO THATS NOT JUST “headed easier” u have to be rlly good 2 just prep a week b4 the exam I think I’m “self studying” I@ng this year except i actually haven’t done shit so 🤔🤔🤔🤔
PLEAJSNNES I WILL GLADLY SAY THAT IM A H8R like if ur offended by it that’s ur problem 😕😕👎👎 but YEAH OMFG I watched 2 eps of hq before getting bored even tho I was so hyped for it in July or smth 😭😭 same w bsd wan
RIGHT 😭😭😭😭 like idgaf about everyone else I just want SHINYA back 😕😕😕 so I might just read catastrophe n that’s it LMAO
Dude the biblical allusions 😭😭 reminds me of that one tweet that was lkke “I snuck into my m*m’s room to steal her bible so I could make ons theories but she came back n saw me reading the Bible and got so excited she almost cried bc I haven’t touched the Bible in years” 😭😭😭 OVER ONS THEORIES IS WHAT MAKES ME LAUGHHGGG
DW AB LENGTH BAE ITS A LONG FUN CONVO HEHEHHE But dude omg UVE ALWAYS WON THE 5050 WTFFF UR LUCK >>>>> ive only had the 5050 once and lost it LMAO hoping I hit it early for hu Tao 🤔🤔
YEA I ALWAYS USE BOBA i used to use shirts but they’re like $20 and boba is better it’s in increments of 5
PLEASW SLFKDDLF I WAS STUCK IN HER QUEST FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES BC I DIDNT REALIZE THERE WAS A LOOP i was like god this quest is a bit repetitive huh 😕 when am i going to be done
i wanted her so bad but i hate using healers like my xiao team has no healer he’s always on life support =_= AND TWO ANEMO IS GOOD i also have that i play xiao venti albedo and zhongli so usually he has a shield and there’s no room for a healer i want jean so bad
THE BUTTERFLY IS LITERALLY SO CUTE LIKE WHAT THE HECK and when she disappears when she runs like foskfkflwlrn they really went off with this character design
thank god cameras are off i hate having my camera on for anything but i turn it on in class bc i feel bad for my teachers 😭😭
cb literally needs to be abolished like why are the ex@ms hard this year 🤬🤬🤬 makes me angry
AND MAYBEEEEEE tbh l@ng essays are kinda easy bc even if ur claim is wrong as long as u defend it u can get the points and my class only did mcqs and i always got high scores bc mcq is very intuitive just like i be guessing on that it’s all abt context and stuff that is my advice to u 👍🏼
I AM A HATERRR but one time i was talking to my friend and i said i didn’t like kou from blue spring ride and she said i was a hateful person and that i didn’t understand kou bc im not a decent person who feels an obligation to be kind to others i was like 😦 so now i am wary of being a hater ☝🏼
I ANSWERED THIS BY ACCIDENT LOLL let me finish what i was saying 🙄
i read catastrophe it might be the only book i’ve ever read in the past 6 years... kidding i actually like to read I DONT RLY REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED but FRRR SHINYA BAE COME BACK the religious allusions confuse me i don’t even bother i just read other people’s theories 😭
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