#i pay only for welkin
mayullla · 11 months
I have moments like this too, where I just appreciate all genshin guys (>///<)♡ They are just so lovely looking! (*’∀’人)♥ I have all guys except Ayato and Childe... they are the only ones that don't want to come home </3 *cries in F2P*
OHHH nice to meet another fellow who mainly / only pulls for the male genshin characters 😂 or maybe it is a mix lol. Ayato!! Not gonna lie some people say that liking Ayato is like liking stale bread but it is fine, still love him anyway. 🥲 love him the most as he was my long time dps tho childe was my first 5 star limited banner char hehe~ I also have almost all the boys except Tighnari and Itto. Betting on Tighnari to come home if I either lose my 50/50 or standard banner... Itto... well uhh Ayato's weapon was just there... so... 😂
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My reasons for living one of them being to see handsome pretty faces.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
By The Fractured Altar.
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Yan Scaramouche x F Reader.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, codependency dialed up to the MAX setting, and Dottore shows up for a second so sorry about that in advance. Word count: 4.6k.
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The first time the Wanderer thinks he’s lost you, he learns that every moment of fear he ever experienced before paled in comparison.
He awakes with a start. Lying beneath a blanket of gleaming stars, his eyes are slow to adjust to the low lighting, the once roaring campfire calmed to a hush. Its surviving embers nearly rival the magnificence of the welkin above in their glow. An empty pail sits beside the concaving wood that once stood so proudly. From this, he assumes he fell asleep before you. You always made it a point to put out the campfire before you both turned in for the night. In the warmer seasons, the Wanderer didn’t mind; it wasn’t until autumn’s chill nipped at his cheeks that he questioned your reasoning.
“The forest provides blessings for us,” you had told him. “Clean water from the stream, plentiful fruits that’ll always grow back no matter how many we pluck, and shade to protect us by day. In return for the forest’s generosity, we must keep it safe. Ours is a mutual relationship. All it takes is a single gust of wind to disturb this balance. Still… it’s not good to be cold either. I know! Come, lay down next to me, and we’ll keep each other warm.”
So he did — and continues to, religiously at that, regardless of if the cicadas thrum their wings to a deafening hymn in the scorching summer, or if all is silent in a desolate winter. For the warmth you provided was unlike anything else he’d ever experienced.
The Wanderer takes note of your absence with frenzied glances and wide, doe-like eyes. It was here that a few hours ago you lulled him to sleep, his head resting on your lap, and your magical fingers threading through his fine hair. You whispered stories that, while intriguing, were not the primary subject of his adoration. He was far more preoccupied with savoring the sound of your voice to pay much mind to the rabbit who apparently takes residence on the moon. Hmph, what a silly notion! He hopes you don’t think he believes in such childish drivel. He only stilled his insolent tongue so that you might speak uninterrupted.
Still, he couldn’t help but draw a comparison between you and the rabbit this story centers around. Have you not, in your own way, offered yourself to him, a God? This is the last sentiment he focused on while drifting in and out of consciousness. How lovely it’d be if you both could reenact the tale. He, too, would like to take you someplace far away, where no one else could dare reach.
Whether it be the moon or anywhere else.
He calls out your name, gently at first, so as not to betray his inner panic. If you happened to be around the corner and overheard him crying out for you as a baby bird stuck in a nest would, you’d torment him for days with your teasing. He quiets himself and awaits your reply. Every second that follows stretches out for an abject eternity.
The Wanderer resolves himself to find you, standing on shaking legs, so absorbed with his mission that he forgets to don his hat woven of straw. His garments catch on low-hanging branches, tearing the fabric and scratching at his skin, yet he pays it no mind. He uses the sparse moonlight that sneaks past layers of thick leaves overhead as his guide. Navigating the verdure feels different compared to when you’re present, he no longer cares to behold its beauty. How could he, when his mind is in such disarray?
He searches and searches, longing to quiet the still little voice in his head that seeks to smother the fledgling hope you’ve nurtured in him.
The rest betrayed and abandoned you, it gleefully reminds. Why should she be any different?
The Wanderer shakes his head. That can’t be true. You’ve been with him the longest, contented yourself in his company, and welcomed him to do the same with you. Wherever you went, he went. Wherever he went, you went. It was a simple yet effective dichotomy that he derived great pleasure from. For all his suffering, all his humiliation, you have what it takes to be an antidote to his many woes. What patient diagnosed with a terminal illness would let such a panacea slip through their fingers?
Humans are not to be trusted, the sinister voice reiterates. You said so yourself. Now, you’ve gone back on your word, and look at the consequence: you’ve been tossed aside like dross yet again. When will you ever learn?
Up ahead lies a clearing in the woods. The Wanderer hasn’t stilled for a minute, though his construct of a body longs for rest and respite. It will receive nothing until his current mission draws to a close. You couldn’t have made it far, he’s sure of it. The past few days entailed traveling from dawn to dusk for reasons unbeknownst to him. You said the destination behind your journey would remain a secret until you both arrived. As always, he was inclined to snuff his curiosity out if it meant entertaining your many whims, he had hardly cared for the end result anyhow. So long as he had you, he cared little about anything else to the point of negligence.
She was hinting at her treachery, the voice hisses once more. It sounds more like his own with every passing word. You were willfully blinded by sentimentality, is it any surprise your creator foresaw this weakness and chose another to fulfill your purpose?  
Upon emerging from the forest’s treeline, he is nearly blinded by how bright the moonlight shines when unobscured.
Burn the forest down as you did the child’s home. Let flames consume all and incinerate her with it. Level the world until nothing remains, for if there is no one left, never can another being leave you behind again.
When his eyes finally adjust to the bright assault, what he sees nearly has him dropping to his knees in relief. You sit on the ground a few paces ahead, your back to him, gazing up at the night sky. Silvery hues surround your person, bathing you in an iridescent glow that both hypnotizes and lures him in. A branch crackling beneath his feet warns you of his oncoming approach. You turn your head in his direction, your countenance melting from uncertainty to recognition. Gentle lines form beneath your eyes as you smile, beckoning him closer.
“It’s a full moon tonight. The view from here makes all the walking we did worth it. I thought about waking you so you could join me, but you looked so peaceful,” you tell him. The shaky sigh he lets out is one of unparalleled relief. There was no nefarious scheme at play here — you were just being yourself. The damning voice echoing in his head falls silent. “What is it you were dreaming about for that infamous scowl of yours to depart, Wanderer?”
You. He never dreams about anything else. If he did, he’d consider it a nightmare.
“Wake me up next time,” he grumbles, despising how pouty he sounds. You must think so too, because you laugh, your voice light and airy. What he intends to be an order comes out more like a plea.
“Okay, okay, I will, don’t look at me like that.”
You then tilt your head, your eyes narrowing so that you can see him better. “Hm…? Wait, Wanderer, are you…?”
He freezes in place upon feeling deplorable wetness slide down his cheeks. Cruel, mocking. A testament to his shortcomings. For an instant, all is still, aside from the trembling of his hands and lower lip. He longs to hide the unsightly expression with the brim of his hat. The emotions that flicker over your face are unidentifiable, or rather, he’s too afraid to try and decipher them. Despondency latches itself around him like heavy chains. No, no, no, you weren’t supposed to see him like this, you can’t ever see him like this, weak and vulnerable and undivine.
His mother cast him off for his tears; it’s only safe to assume you would do the same.
He’s so lost in the twisting labyrinth of his decaying mind that he doesn’t register your footsteps padding his way. Soft hands press against his damp cheeks, gently wiping his tears away, your face mere inches from his. He observes with awe and wonder as you treat him with the utmost tenderness. There’s no furrow of your brow that hints at irritation or impatience behind your touch. When he finally finds the strength to make eye contact with you, he witnesses depths of benevolence unlike anything he’s ever witnessed before. His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows thickly. No bottomless bottle of sake could delight or inebriate him more than the look you’re giving him now.
“Hey, do you want to tell me about what’s wr— mmph!”
He covers your lips with his own, inexperienced and hasty, driven by nothing but a desire to permanently connect your bodies together. Throughout his travels, he learned that humans did this to express fondness for one another. Following this reasoning, there was nothing that felt more appropriate to him at that moment, when his mind and soul and whatever false mockery of a heart he has yearned for you to the point he aches. This hot, searing pain you inflict is a paradox of extremes. He should detest it, run from it, yet he cannot imagine a life without it. You make him feel. Undoubtedly, it could be a curse at times. And still, the potential blessings urged him to persevere through all the muck and mire.
The Wanderer tastes the saltiness of his tears on your lips. For once, he is too absorbed to pay it any mind. Your initial confusion fades into gentle reciprocation, pleasing him greatly. He barely knows what he’s doing, or why he’s doing it, but it seems right. As if everything was falling into place. You taught him the importance of balance, didn’t you? He thinks the two of you could encompass the belief perfectly. For all the bitterness that festered in his being, your sweetness could envelop and drown it out.
When he begrudgingly parts from you, sensing you need air to sate your mortal body, he presents you with a sacred covenant.
“Promise me that I’ll always have you,” he implores. Even he is almost embarrassed by the unexpected boldness, his fair skin turning red. “You have to promise. I’ll do anything, agree to any condition… so long as I have your word.”
You consider him, weighing his words on your mind’s youthful scale. He gnaws impatiently on his lower lip while you contemplate your response. You have to accept, don’t you? You must enjoy traveling with him, or else you wouldn’t do it. There’s a home tucked away in a little village for you to return to if that were the case. The insecurity he must often fight when considering this reality is nowhere to be seen. The Wanderer feels as if a fog has been lifted from his mind, a clearer path lying ahead. You’ve sung him to sleep, wiped away his tears, and returned his kiss; that has to mean something. He knows it.
“I want to see the world past this archipelago. If I can do that with you, then you have my word. I promise to always be with you.”
He smiles at you. Such a pure expression, devoid of any underlying scheme, hasn’t graced his face in some time. You return the gesture in kind. His hands fall so that they might intertwine with yours. He swings his arms ever so slightly, basking in your ethereal presence, content that he’ll never have to know loneliness again. Those painful days and boring emotions could be put behind him, never to be spared another glance.
“We don’t have to stop at just seeing the world,” he hums, something akin to pride swelling in his chest. His eyes radiate a violet hue. “I could give it to you in its entirety, should you ask.”
You giggle at what you presume to be a joke and shake your head. “Always aiming for the stars, are we, my Wanderer? I’m not nearly as ambitious as you. Seeing it is enough to satisfy me.”
“Then it’s a promise.”
The second time Kunikuzushi thinks he’s lost you, he learns madness will be his companion until you return to your rightful place by his side.
Presently, you lay down on a crude examination table. Your vibrant gaze is hidden beneath closed eyelids, your lips downcast in a permanent frown, and your hair loose beside your stationary form. The blankness of your physiognomy is unbecoming of one as lively as you. Kunikuzushi considers running his fingers over the softness of your cheeks, but ultimately decides against it. With that charlatan lurking about, he can’t risk displaying his affection so blatantly. He stands by your side, faithful as a bridegroom, never quitting the room for an instant. The absence of sound torments him.
“It won’t be much longer,” he whispers, unsure if the reassurance is for you or himself. The latter is more likely. “I’ll see those pretty eyes staring back at me again soon enough.”
Every trace of delicacy on his features evaporates the instant the door opens. Kunikuzushi meets his new colleague with a look of barely suppressed impatience, whereas The Doctor presents himself in an amicable fashion. He extends his hand for Kunikuzushi to shake, a gesture which has the latter scoffing and rolling his eyes. The Doctor plays off the blatant disrespect without a care, choosing instead to focus on the main reason for his being here today. Kunikuzushi tenses when his fellow Harbinger strides past him, toward your vulnerable form, an inquisitive air encouraging the bold act.
Under normal circumstances, Kunikuzushi would obliterate anyone who dared approach you without his express permission. Fortunately for this copy of The Doctor, his potential benefits override Kunikuzushi’s proprietorial behavior. He is the one who called upon the heretic, after all.
“So this must be my patient,” The Doctor gives you a perfunctory glance, which Kunikuzushi assumes is more for show than anything else. Your condition had been painstakingly relayed through numerous written correspondences. “What an interesting solution you’ve arrived at, temporary as it may be. To prevent the spread of madness associated with prolonged tatarigami exposure, you’ve placed her into a stasis-like slumber. Would I be correct in assuming the knowledge of this technique is owed to your unique background?”
“Is my answer necessary in aiding you with your job?”
“No,” The Doctor replies, his tone facetious. He examines the sheen of arcane energy that engulfs your form closer, then gives an off-putting smile. “It’s for curiosity’s sake that I ask, since I am a researcher, first and foremost. And this level of perfection transcends human capability.”
It is immaculately applied, as The Doctor surmised — (naturally, since Kunikuzushi is the one who applied it) — the very same technique his creator used on him once he was deemed worthless. In recognizing your rapidly deteriorating state, he didn’t know what else to do. He fed you his divine energy to keep your life force from succumbing entirely to tatarigami’s malaise; it just wasn’t enough. Your feeble human constitution could only handle so much, you weren’t made to withstand such extremes.
One night, he promised in a cryptic manner to fix this malady, no matter what. You have yet to regain consciousness after hearing his solemn vow. With Kunikuzushi’s newfound Fatui connections, he came to hear of a certain madman capable of performing feats that spat in the face of Teyvat’s ‘laws’. It was desperation that drove him to swallow his pride and ask The Doctor for help.
“Then I’ll leave my answer to your twisted imagination.”
The Doctor chuckles at that, his chest rumbling. “You’re as temperamental as they say.”
Kunikuzushi’s face almost splits in two from how wide he grins. “And you’re every bit as insufferable, wasting my time with all this idle chit-chat. I held up my end of the bargain and procured the materials you need for your heretical ends. Now do your part.”
“Gladly! It isn’t every day I get to tinker with assistance from the divine. I hope to learn much from your tutelage. Although…”
The Doctor places a hand on his chin. “While I can guarantee her physical condition’s improvement, her mental state is beyond my purview. Forgive me, if it isn’t my place to say this, but… waking to the news she’s now immortal will serve as quite the shock. What contingencies have you set into place for this?”
It takes all of Kunikuzushi’s self-restraint to prevent himself from calling down lightning from the heavens to smite this audacious quack. The Doctor might be feigning compassion, yet given his bloody track record, Kunikuzushi doubts he cares in the slightest. He’s trying to wring reactions out to delight his sadistic machinations. There’s an underlying malignant current to The Doctor’s inquiry that threatens to spark electricity in Kunikuzushi’s clenched fists, a test of sorts. The Doctor must be wondering how far his care for you extends. Kunikuzushi would rather no one knew about this exploitable weakness of his.
It’s for your sake — and your sake alone — that he manages to reel himself in. He won’t jeopardize your well-being due to some provocative statements. He would endure anything, do anything, so long as he could have you to himself again. The wait is almost over. A few low blows to his ego is the least he could sustain for your recovery.
“Whoever said anything about telling her?” Kunikuzushi returns The Doctor’s question with a question of his own. This should serve to put the dog off his trail, Kunikuzushi isn’t technically lying, yet the callous delivery belies his inner feelings. The less The Doctor knew about his attachment toward you, the better.
At this, the reprobate breaks into a fit of laughter, as if he’d been graced with the funniest joke ever told. His fangs gleam beneath the sparse lighting in the room, bemusement radiating from his being. “So that’s how you intend to handle things. Very good, very good.”
The Doctor straightens out the recently sterilized tools on a nearby table. “I’ll delay the procedure no longer. Shall we get to work, Balladeer?”
It won’t be much longer, [First], he thinks, the desperate thirst for your presence soon to be quenched. I’ve seen to it that you could keep your promise.
“Just tell me what you need me to do.”
“With pleasure.”
Kunikuzushi is so caught up in his own designs, he fails to notice a single tear that drips down the expanse of your otherwise serene face.
The third time Scaramouche thinks he’s lost you, he learns that his patience is not what it used to be.
There were certain parameters you were to adhere to — he’s remiss to call them rules, but he supposes the word fits — all for your safety and his peace of mind. The Fatui lackeys that trail after him like a dog are useless in everything besides your surveillance. They hide in the shadows, observing you from afar, dutifully reporting every change down to the slightest fluctuation in mood. From his vantage point, you’ve adapted well. He’s gently guided you, covering your eyes when necessary and encouraging you to look at what he thinks you should see.
Still, you had your rowdy bouts. This particular episode just happened to necessitate his involvement.
“Not intending to come back in for the night, [First]?”
Your legs dangle over the edge of the dilapidated castle the Fatui happened to be inhabiting for the moment. You keep your back to him, despite undoubtedly hearing his approach, your gaze locked on the heavens hidden behind a curtain of thick clouds. Your hair billows in the unforgiving Schenzayan breeze, some strands occasionally getting caught on the fluffy fur of your winter coat. He bends over to free what got caught on your collar. Your prolonged silence is unusual and unwelcome, he hoped that the open-ended question would serve to stoke the flames of conversation, even if it meant getting burnt. He’d rather you incinerated him to the bone than leave him to waste away in bitter-cold silence.
When he moves to pull away, only for you to stop him, twisting your torso around and catching his hand in yours. His breath lodges itself in his throat the moment your eyes finally meet. Though it appears to be the same hue as always, when the light hits it a certain way, there’s the faintest trace of violet. A testimony to the deep connection that binds you to him forevermore. Your beauty is so awe-inspiring, that at that instant, if you asked him to lay down his life for you, he wouldn’t hesitate to concede.
You whisper a name he forgot he ever went by, the very first of the identities he assumed when traversing this world. After gaining his devout attention, you go on to say, “I need to ask you something. May I?”
He breaks himself from his reverie long enough to reply in the affirmative.
“What… what am I, exactly?”
He is quick to school his expression, ensuring that his countenance gives away nothing just yet. “What do you mean by that?”
You pause as if you weren’t entirely sure yourself.
“Ever since I’ve woken up, something… no, everything… feels slightly… off. As if every piece of furniture in my home that I’d been familiar with my entire life was moved an inch to the side. The change is so subtle, so elusive from my understanding, that I can’t tell if it’s real or a product of my overactive imagination.”
Your grip on his hand tightens. “I think I should’ve died, but I didn't. I've seen the tall stone peaks of Liyue, traversed the vineyards of Mondstadt, and slept beneath the canopies of Sumeru’s rainforests. You’ve held your promise to me and mine to you. So why does my existence feel so wrong? So unnatural? I know you must’ve done something to me. Please, tell me what it is. I don’t think I can know peace until I know why it feels wrong to live.”
“It isn’t wrong,” he’s quick to interject, too quick, likely far from the placating comfort he intended it to be. You’re gracious enough to allow him time to recollect himself, precious being that you are. “If any tongue dared to claim otherwise, I’d cut it out and throw it at the dirt by your feet, where it belongs.”
“Even if it’s mine?”
“Of course not,” he scoffs, made incredulous by the notion. “Similar to myself, you have surpassed god and man alike. You are above them both. If the false heavens look down on you, I’ll gouge out their eyes; and if man voices complaints, I’ll slit their throats. There is no one who can judge us. Don’t worry your pretty little head over it.”
What he intends to be a plea comes out more like an order.
You heave a heavy sigh. “Thinking that way must make you awfully lonely.”
His fingers twitch against your skin. “... Not anymore.”
Your arms fall limp by your side and your body relaxes. Much to his chagrin, you turn back around, facing any direction but his own. A frown carves itself onto his face. From this vantage point, he is a hawk, and you, his little mouse who tires from trying to scurry away in vain. He thinks to sit beside you or pull you up to his level yet decides against it. He rests his hands on your shoulders, giving them a squeeze, reminding you of his presence.
As if you could ever forget.
“I thought I’d hate you when you confirmed what I already knew, deep inside,” if you feel how his body goes tense at the word hate, you don’t mention it. “For some reason, that doesn’t feel right either. If what you said is true… and I am like you now… then I think it might be for the best.”
“You do?”
He is unable to mask his surprise by how easily you acquiesce. He anticipated a myriad of issues upon the day you learned the truth, everything from shrieking to denouncement and even violence. His mind kicks into overdrive, raking through every word that left your lips for inconsistencies or potential falsehoods. Deception was never your strong suit, you wore your heart and your sleeve. He was dutiful in studying it and committing the various nuances to memory. Even the slightest hint of falsehood wouldn’t slip past his radar undetected.
A sliver of the moon peeks out past the tightly knit together clouds, encasing you both in its glory.
“Though you speak of your loathing for the gods, you’re set on becoming one yourself.”
This comes out as more of a state than a fact.
“No matter the outcome of this goal, I have a premonition that many will be hurt in your path to glory,” your voice is firm, albeit tinged with melancholy. “I will stay by your side, as promised. I will love you more dutifully than a wife would her husband. You will love me back, and in doing so…”
Finally, you rise to meet his astonished stare, pressing your forehead against his. His lips are slightly agape, eyes as wide as saucers. He thinks you might be more of a deity than him, and for that, he deems it sacrilegious not to worship you. Your warmth has never failed to pacify him. His rage born from innumerable betrayals burns hotter than the sun, yet your willingness to reach out and become ash eclipses it all. You lightly press your palm over the left side of his chest, where nothing beats.
“I will never let you forget that you have a heart, no matter how hard you try to scrub the knowledge away. I’ll write it down over and over, carving it into your skin if that’s what it takes to immortalize the truth.”
He’d gladly hand you the blade if it meant prolonging the ecstasy of experiencing your touch.
“You’re sacrificing yourself to me, then? Your happiness, your dreams, your future… if you make such a tempting offering, I’ll have no choice but to accept. I’ll take them all and demand more. I won’t be a merciful god, not even for you. Knowing how bitter it’ll taste, you’ll still accept my love without spitting it out?”
“I’ve always found it to be bitter,” you confess. An expression of wistful nostalgia settles on your face. “When you were a nameless traveler, the Wanderer, Kunikuzushi, and now, the iteration others refer to as ‘Scaramouche’. I’ve tasted the bitterness so frequently that my tongue is now numb to its flavor. If anything… having subsisted on it for so long… I might not have an appetite for anything else.”
The puppet of many names smiles at that from ear to ear. How lovely, that a millennia of wretchedness could be mended so easily when you held the needle?
All along, he thought that whenever you were lost, departing from the path he so meticulously laid out for you, he’d need to redirect your course. What an unnecessary overexertion! He sees it now, a reality that he thought was too good to be true. An oasis in the desert is not always a mirage — this serves as proof.
For no matter how far from the main road you deviated, you’d inevitably always return to him.
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rosemxze · 7 months
about the 10/19 update:
reminder: criticism is okay but do not be hateful, or send PB or anyone hate.
so, apparently a lot of players are really mad right now. the CN players pointed out PB's lack of transparency in their emergency maintenance notice. they pointed out that they were reducing store benefits while increasing exchange prices. to some players, they feel like PB is turning WHB into a cash cow.
additionally, allegedly some people have lost money from the shop passes where if you had previously made a purchase, you would have to pay again since PB had made adjustments to the rewards 😭 also they've also hidden the old levelling reward in shop passes according to this tweet. overall, it's super confusing so i'll just leave this topic as it is.
honestly, i do understand that PB needs to earn money to pay their employees but i think the way they package their bundles and paid gems are terrible and just doesn't seem to be worth the money.
for their 113+7 gems pack i can't even afford 1 lesser key, whereas for around the same amount of money i can spend it on arknights's monthly card which gives 11 pulls or genshin's welkin pass which gives 16 pulls.
so i just come to the simple conclusion that i'm going to stay f2p. it's just not worth it if i can spend it on a different game and get more. it's not a big deal for me as long as banners eventually get rerun ahahah
some were also upset about no maintenance compensation which i think is fair because the maintenance would usually have some sort of compensation in exchange for their player base not being able to play/grind during that time period. i feel like PB could have gave guilty gems, lesser keys, or solomon's tears. or even gold/books or jelly or any of the upgrade materials that is difficult to farm for right now. or even pies which is even more difficult to collect than tears atm.
there should also be compensation for those who have lost their money through this update :')
there were also some criticism regarding how they "fixed" the store instead of the bugs. not only that but more bugs appeared such as some units are now unable to be deployed after the update or how the secret shop's vortex will appear every time you log in but the shop itself never appears.
the more common topic at hand is the solomon tears. some players have argued that this is what you're supposed to expect when you are an f2p player. however, i would like to also argue that it shouldn't take months to fully max a single character— which includes promotion, skills (2 for most, 3 for L-tiers) and unholy board (for L-tiers).
reminder that this game is eventually going to have 80 casts (or more if they add the angels and humans like obey me has done) in the future. that is a lot of characters and they will each have different copies and versions of each of them in the future too.
using arknights as an example, that game is farmable for f2p players like myself. i never spent money on arknights but i was able to upgrade multiple characters much faster which is good for tower defense games where you need to strategise with different characters. albeit WHB is easier in that aspect of strategy, it still doesn't change how it is definitely a little more challenging in WHB to build characters.
though, i can also go on the other side and argue that perhaps PB didn't mean for us to speedrun the content either.
i'm personally okay with grinding and being patient as long as the event stages are reasonable and can be cleared without very high difficulties.
also i'm also personally okay if their gacha banners have a reasonable pacing and pity system. since that is my personal main concern as a gacha addict :p
though, seeing all the others' feedbacks also kind of influenced me a bit and made me skeptical of PB. this single update kind of made me look at them in a different light and not the positive kind 😅
but!! they still have another update on 10/25 so i guess we'll just have to see how that one goes. maybe there will be improvements? who knows. i'm just praying for the better because i do enjoy this game so far and want it to do well in the future too 🙏
reminder: again, it's okay to criticise and give feedback but please do not be malicious and hateful 🙇‍♀️
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expired-lemonade · 2 months
hi! :D my name is Tab and i like to draw. in exchange for a welkin moon on genshin impact, i will draw (almost) any character you want! kind of like a commission, but paying with a welkin. they are 4.99! ill put all info underneath the cut
since i only need one welkin, there is only one slot available!
all you need to send me is a reference of a pose, a reference of the character, and any special instructions! i may ask questions if i need to clarify details :,)
i will send you a photo of the sketch before coloring to ensure it looks good before i continue! during this time i’d prefer for you to send the welkin because i have heard stories of people completing commissions and never being paid :,((
what i WONT draw:
-backgrounds. i will color the rest of the image but i unfortunately am not great at drawing backgrounds lol
-nsfw. i’m a minor so no
-suuper complex designs. self explanatory
if i cant draw something i’ll let you know! :))
to buy the welkin moon you can use https://www.codashop.com/en-us/genshin-impact , i’ll send you my uid and server!
here are a few examples of my style
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i think that’s all, if you are interested please message me here!
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clavissionary-position · 10 months
Leon x Reader, Welkin Blues
tags: angel au because his new bday card is real nice, slight angst, fluff, Leon spoilers
Leon turns and you jump behind his wings to remain out of his view. This is the third time you've done so in the last minute. It's not that he doesn't know that you're there or that you're playing around with him. He's just also having to weigh some serious news about a possible traitor in his inner circle. Perhaps it was a selfish thought on your part that being the bearer of said news would mean he'd let you in instead of worrying all on his own.
But that's just not the type of man he is. You've known that from Day One when he kept stealing you off on his adventures only to ditch you in someone else's care, with excuses that seemed gallant on the surface but always left you a sinking premonition. Not that you blamed him. Entirely. Everyone goes at their own pace. It's just that angels not only go but they fly. Away. A lot. No matter how charming Leon is, seeing him grow distant in the blue sky will never not twist your heart and leave you wondering what would have happened if you had refused his hand.
And he knows that. He knew that from Day One. Today he's doing his best to indulge you, but his steps are listless because his mind is definitely elsewhere. You could pluck one of his feathers and he'd still be in his troubled daze, too surly and too defenseless. And honestly, he was owed that. Suddenly not being able to trust a friend isn't an easy pill to swallow.
"I'm all ears. Human ears, but I'm all ears," you declare with a bright smile after finally popping up directly in front of him. The hands on your hips might be a little overkill, but it makes you feel cute and that kind of thing always catches Leon off-guard in a delightful way.
But maybe your tone's wrong here. It doesn't match the gravity of his predicament. You don't want him to think you're being dismissive. Or that his attention to you is what matters most. He knows that. Right?
The sunset this high up in the atmosphere rolls out over the top of a mile-long cloudbank. If Leon's not gonna watch the thing he called you up here for, and if he's not gonna watch you, you're well within your rights to write this off as a bad date. Or so the Old You Before Leon would have said, a little too callously. Because callous is what it would be for you to leave everything in Leon's hands when you have two perfectly good ones of your own. Though only one is necessary for this.
Leon stares at the slip of paper in your outstretched palm. You tuck it right up against the tip of his nose because that also makes you feel cute. But right now, it's a way for you to anchor Leon with the familiar: he did the same thing on your first date.
"What is it?" he asks when several long seconds go by without any explanation from you. The corners of his lips twitch upward as you tickle his nose, that very twitch carrying to his wings in a quirk that is particular to Leon. He finally relents and wraps his arms around you while taking the slip of paper between his lips. His eyes seem to pull the sunset into their brilliant gold. It makes his smile seem almost hyper-real, and seeing that makes your chest flutter with something heavy and light at the same time.
You pray he knows what you do to him. How far his careless charm has fashioned you into a genuine, caring, adoring, loving...
"I just happened to remember how much you liked that restaurant we went to the last time you visited me down there." You chuckle and blow on end of the paper that's still sticking out from his mouth. "Don't get too much saliva on it or I'll have to pay for those steaks out-of-pocket."
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unaplays · 7 months
Is it worth it to get the concert bundle?
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So as you guys know, Genshin has just released their concert bundle which includes 1000 primogems, a glider, a namecard, and a furniture. This was first offered during their musical concert a couple weeks ago. So if you came to the concert, you could immediately claim this bundle.
Thankfully they decided to make this accessible for everyone, only we had to wait until October 30th to get it. The bundle is on discount for 1280 genesis crystal until December 30th, and then (as far as I know) it'll go back to its original price.
So the big question is, is it worth it?
To be honest it is, mainly because it gives you 1000 primogems cashback. So you only have to pay 280 primos to get this bundle which is less than 2 pull. But then again, not everyone has the money to buy genesis crystal. I myself even stocked up welkin for 5 months so my money can get its worth rather than just getting the genesis crystal. I get 1500 genesis bonus from 5x welkin and I even still have some spare to add to my saving. In the long run, I think it's more beneficial this way.
But at the end of the day it's just an accessories bundle. You don't really have to get this if you don't think you don't like the design. I'd recommend getting battle pass instead cuz with battle pass comes resources which you can later use to develop your characters further instead of just some accessories.
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Neuvillette and Alhaitham try on with the new glider. I believe this is tailor made for Neuvi.
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this was so FUN THANKS @i-know-how-my-story-ends
i'm over 5'8” // i wear glasses (sometimes for reading)/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don't often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
Hobbies & talents:
i play a sport (or used to) // i play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can do a handstand
i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have had a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs (4 xD)
@cyncity2000 @otherwiseromantic @perspicacious-dragon-of-welkin play if you want to, no pressure if you don't
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wri0thesley · 1 year
(the kafka wanter) im so undecided on whether i wanna take hsr as "seriously" as genshin😭 like i am a moderate spender in genshin, i only ever get welkin from time to time and i had 2 bps but idk. so far hsr is rly fun and its saving me from genshin burnout and esp with summer vacation coming i will have time to enjoy both but like. is it worth investing in? idk idk bestie
on the other hand: hot men collection. hot men collection is such a valid endeavour
i am unfortunately a plump little goldfish in genshin! i have already spent money in hsr but not on jades so i am considering myself a Low Spender (FOR NOW)..... i think if you can 1) afford to pay money for it without it affecting anything 2) will get a lot of joy out of it it is worth it to spend a little, at least on the express pass (combined with everything else the express pass sometimes feels like 'a free warp a day', same with welkin!). but i am not going to encourage you to make bad decisions! it is in the end your money! <3
but yeah. the husband and wife collection is pretty important to me too
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Do you pay for Primogems?
Once in a blue moon. I do welkin though. Frankly I’m just incredibly lucky or plan ahead of time on who I want. I’ve only ever bought crystals for three characters.
Considering my Keqing is C0 and I only got her after losing the 50/50 on her own banner, I say it was money well spent because she’s never shown up once in two years. I’m also an OG Ganyu haver as well as a Shenhe enjoyer. No regrets. Cryo is my favorite right next to Anemo.
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sidney-zangwill · 24 days
Maximize Your Gaming Potential with Genshin Top Up Strategies
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As an avid video game player, having sufficient in-game currency can make all the difference in unlocking your full gaming potential. For the popular open-world game Genshin Impact, that currency comes in the form of Genesis Crystals. Converting Genesis Crystals into the more commonly used Primogems allows you to unlock new characters, weapons, and other upgrades to enhance your adventure. If you want to maximize your Genshin Impact experience, read on for top up strategies to give you that competitive edge.
Understand the Currency System
Before devising your top up strategy, it’s important to understand Genshin Impact’s dual currency system. The common currency is Primogems, which are earned through normal gameplay like completing quests, opening chests, and ascending World Levels. Primogems can be used in the in-game Wishing system to potentially unlock new characters, weapons, and items.
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The premium currency is Genesis Crystals. These can be purchased with real-world money and then converted into Primogems. Genesis Crystals also have some exclusive uses like replenishing Resin and purchasing the Battle Pass and Welkin Moon Blessing. Understanding these currencies will inform the best way to optimize your top up strategy.
Take Advantage of First Purchase Bonuses
One key top up strategy is taking advantage of first purchase bonuses. Genshin Impact offers bonuses like extra Genesis Crystals when you top up for the first time on a new server. As LootBar notes, “The top-up process is simple and fast, ensuring players can enjoy their gaming experience without interruption.” This first-time double bonus can give you a solid boost right out the gate.
“Even if I only save $1 every Welkin, I still get 1 free at the end of the year with the savings. Wish I knew about this before spending over $200 in-game!” – U1070835721
Focus on the Best Value Packs
It’s also important to focus your spending on the packs that give you the most bang for your buck. The standard Genesis Crystal packs are:
$0.99 for 60 Crystals
$4.99 for 300 Crystals
$9.99 for 680 Crystals
$19.99 for 1,280 Crystals
$49.99 for 3,200 Crystals
$99.99 for 6,480 Crystals
Based on the Primogem conversion rate, the $99.99 pack provides the best value per dollar spent. Targeting this or the $49.99 pack can maximize your Primogems earned for every top up.
Stack Bonuses with Daily Packs
Besides one-time packs, Genshin Impact also offers daily packs with attractive bonuses:
Welkin Moon Blessing: Provides 90 Primogems per day for 30 days. This comes out to 2,700 Primogems total for $4.99.
Gnostic Hymn: The Battle Pass with various rewards across 50 tiers. Yours for $9.99 per 6-week battle period.
Stacking these daily-reward packs on top of your normal Genesis Crystal purchases compounds your bonuses. The Welkin Moon Blessing alone can grant you enough for nearly 17 wishes per 30-day period!
Have Patience in Spending Primogems
When it comes to actually using your hard-earned Primogems, patience is key. It can be tempting to spend them as soon as you get enough for a wish, but consider saving them for the banners featuring rate-up characters you really want. Planning your wish strategy around new character release calendars will pay off in the long run with better 5-star and 4-star drops.
Link Accounts for Cross-Platform Flexibility
Linking your Genshin Impact account across multiple platforms like PC, mobile, and PlayStation also offers more top up flexibility. You can take advantage of first-time bonuses when hopping on new devices, building up your currency reserves. Cross-save support means your progression carries over anywhere.
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Use Third-Party Top Up Services
Rather than buying Genesis Crystals directly through the Genshin Impact client, consider using third-party top up services like LootBar. They frequently offer discounted currency rates, letting you stretch your spending power further. LootBar emphasizes “competitive prices and discounts,” along with perks like “24/7 support and a full refund guarantee.” This can give you more bang for your buck compared to standard in-game rates.
As the above tips show, optimizing your Genshin Impact top up strategy involves both how and when you spend your premium currency. Understanding the currency system, capitalizing on bonuses, targeting high-efficiency packs, exercising patience in wishes, linking accounts, and using third-party services can all maximize your Primogem output. That translates into more wishes, more new characters and weapons, and ultimately a richer adventure in Teyvat!
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boris-huggins · 25 days
Get Ahead in Genshin Impact: Top Up Your Genesis Crystals Today!
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As one of the most popular RPG games today, Genshin Impact offers an immersive open world for players to explore. With regular updates bringing new regions, quests, and characters, there's always something exciting happening in Teyvat.
To fully experience everything Genshin Impact has to offer, topping up your supply of Genesis Crystals is essential. Genesis Crystals allow you to obtain powerful characters, weapons, resources, and more.
What are Genesis Crystals?
Genesis Crystals are the premium currency in Genshin Impact used to purchase the Battle Pass, Blessing of the Welkin Moon, and to convert into the non-premium currency, Primogems. Primogems can then be used in the game's Wishing system to acquire new characters, weapons, materials, and other loot.
Key Benefits
Obtain new 5-star and 4-star characters
Unlock powerful 5-star weapons
Replenish resin to take on more domains and bosses
Purchase materials, mora, and other supplies
Without enough Genesis Crystals, progress can feel slow. Topping up gives you the resources to quickly strengthen your party and access more content.
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Why Choose LootBar for Genshin Impact Top Up
LootBar is a trusted source for getting Genesis Crystals at great prices. As an online marketplace catering to gamers, LootBar emphasizes:
Secure transactions and delivery
24/7 customer support
Competitive Genesis Crystal pricing
Regular discounts and promotions
With instant delivery, you can top up your Genesis Crystals and immediately put them to use in Genshin Impact. Their reliable service minimizes disruption to your gaming experience.
Topping Up Made Easy
Select your desired Genesis Crystal bundle
Proceed to checkout and pay securely using your preferred payment method
Enter your Genshin Impact UID to receive the Genesis Crystals directly in-game
Enjoy your topped up crystals and redeem them for wishes, supplies, resin, Battle Pass, and more!
In just a few minutes, you can gain a big boost towards your Genshin goals. No matter what Adventure Rank you are, LootBar has Genesis Crystal bundles to fit your budget.
Player Testimonials
"1st time buying here and extremely pleased. Even if I only save $1 every Welkin, I still get 1 free at the end of the year with the savings. Wish I knew about this before spending over $200 in-game!"
- U1070835721
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Other Recommendations for Genshin Players
In addition to Genesis Crystal top-up, here are some other tips to save money and maximize rewards in Genshin Impact:
Take Advantage of Promo Codes
Redeem all active Genshin Impact promo codes for free Primogems, materials, and other goodies. Check the game and official social media regularly, as new codes are frequently released.
Complete Events and Daily Commissions
Participating in limited-time events and completing daily quests nets you more Primogems, materials, Mora, and experience books. Don't miss out!
Explore the Map Thoroughly
Invest time unlocking Statues of the Seven, opening treasure chests, clearing domains, and discovering other points of interest for one-time Primogem rewards.
Saving up Acquaint and Intertwined Fates for carefully chosen Wishing sessions can also help you get more bang for your buck.
Take Your Genshin Impact Game to the Next Level
Don't let lack of Genesis Crystals slow you down. With secure and affordable Genshin Impact top up services from LootBar, you can supercharge your gaming experience. Top up your crystals today and step into exciting new adventures in Teyvat!
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thefurbyddenfruit · 5 months
The reason people dont like genshin isnt because of story despite how much its talked about. Thats because the story is only talked about by players who have already decided they will keep playing.
People who tried the game and decided to leave usually stop because they hate the gacha system/rage quit when they didnt get a character they wanted, grinding for materials and artifacts, their world got to difficult for them to keep up with, and their moral dilemma of playing a game that does things they disagree with.
1st reason cannot be helped. Some people just need to change their mindset about things and something else ill say for reason 4
2nd reason is valid HOWEVER you do not need to level your characters all the way to max to be able to get through the story. There is a minimum yes but you dont need to max your characters
And that all ties in with reason 3, YOU DONT NEED TO KEEP ADVANCING YOUR WORLD LEVEL. IF YOU WANT TO YOU SHOULD MAX YOUR CHARACTERS TO THEIR CURRENT LIMIT AT THE LOWER LEVELS AND DO THIS FOR EVERY WORLD LEVEL. This way you arent struggleing for 20 mins trying to fucking fight the oceanid with your low lvl characters with shit talents (happened to me) in general your gaming experience goes alot smoother if you take your timelvling your characters AND WORLD LVL which is optional after a certain point but even before then you dont have to rush archon quests.
And lastly for reason 4, you do not have to agree with the buisness practices of mihoyo/hoyoverse to like the game. You do not need to spend money on genshin to enjoy the game. And you dont have to agree with how they handle content in the game to like the game in general. Alot of people got really mad with how they handled the skin tones of the people from sumeru
It was mostly americans
But you still have to keep in mind this is a game company in china. They had to perma change some characters outfits for CN players because of chinese laws. China is also their main and largest userbase. They will cater towards what the majority want. This goes for everything not just skin colors. Is this right? In america, no. But personally I don't speak about what's right and wrong for other countries. What's okay here isn't okay elsewhere and sometimes you have to respect that decision even if you don't personally agree with it.
Ultimately its your own decision to leave the game for these reasons, but to say its trash is unreasonable. Genshin on its own is a good game. Its a high quality game for free. The characters you want arent unobtainable. None of them are payment locked it just means youll have to be patient if you dont want to spend money.
Grinding mats and artifacts actually isnt that hard it just gets boring and repetitive if you do it alone. But if your patient with lvling it shouldn't be hard to get through
These are the real reasons people stop playing and honestly no point in arguing with them because obviously this isnt the kind of game they would be interested in in the first place if they are struggling.
You bring a lot of good points to the table but many people I know who stopped playing Genshin was actually because the story was getting boring. A close friend of mine hasn't even played past AR15 because she found the tutorial quests to be boring af. My bf is stuck in Inazuma rn because the story can drag a bit there. Inazuma was my least favorite as well. That's what my post was originally about.
I'm also semi f2p aka I only pay for the battle pass occasionally and the welkin moon. Sometimes not getting a character after man pulls can be frustrating but I also love the gacha mechanic
Tbh mihoyo lost that "We're just a little ol company in china and the laws say we can't have any black people in our games" when they literally made a playable Honkai character black. It's not that they can't. They just didn't want to.
I've been playing at word level 6 for a while cuz I don't make enough damage. (I hate grinding alone) It really hasn't bothered me that much when it comes to general gameplay but it does come to bite you in the butt when doing for example certain events or the abyss sometimes
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alchemiclee · 8 months
when people complain about games like genshin and star rail trying to push you to spend money, I laugh because that's just them being bad at self control if they give in and feel the need to spend. you can play completely free and be absolutely fine. I was f2p on genshin for 2 years before I got the welkin to help while streaming on twitch to get a few more pulls to do at the end of my streams for entertainment. before that, I got every single character I wanted and a few weapons f2p (just from simply playing the game!) even with horrible luck (my average pity was 78-80 per 5 star. i think only 2 so far in my whole genshin career were under 75. and a handful of loses as well) so don't complain if you can't resist the urge. that's on you. they don't force you to spend. if you play the game normally and aren't trying to get every single character/weapon, then you don't need to spend.
but ALSO. the reason you can even play the games for free and we get such great high-quality content is BECAUSE PEOPLE PUT MONEY INTO IT. if no one did, you'd have to pay like idk, $80 or whatever games cost these days to buy, PLUS probably pay for every update like it's a DLC, so another, i don't know, $20 every couple months? or have to subscribe monthly to play. the fact that you get it all for free is because other people pay for stuff. so stop complaining about things costing real money and the fact that other people even pay for it, and start thanking the people who put money into it so you others who can't afford it don't have to!
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versadies · 2 years
i got zhongli on the LAST DAY of his banner and omg hes so good. im so happy i got him. but like im no longer f2p bcs of him 💔💔 HE LITERALLY ONLY CAME HOME WHEN I SPENT MONEY 😭😭 the wish i spent money on, he came home. im crying. i was at like 80 pity dude and he ONLY came home when i bought welkin.
istg my mom was SO dissappointed when i asked her to put in the info so i could buy it (i payed for it myself) 💔💔
also could i be 🧸 anon please? thanks 💗
CONGRATS ON GETTING ZHONGLI ANON 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 and im sorry to hear youre no longer a part of the f2p gang 😩😩😩 and ofc, welcome to the adventurers’ team 🧸 anon !!
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takirasu · 3 years
me before 1.7 stream, seeing Gorou through leaks: i’m not into catboys and gorou just makes me think of akechi
me after 1.7 stream hearing his voice & how he’s part of the resistance: guess I LOVE CATBOYS???
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aribeez · 2 years
Forever Yours
read part two here
pairing: xiao x fem!reader
theme(s): enemies/lovers, jealousy, SFW
synopsis: tasked with watching over xiao at the inn, you two argued like cats and dogs. was this relationship doomed from the start?
Warnings: childe makes an appearance (mans is my number one i don't wanna hear anyone complaining), ganyu shows up for a hot second, reader is blunt, slow burn, violence (swords, weapons in general), blood, NOT PROOFREAD
notes: SORRY IT'S LONG LMAO. i modeled the reader after my own personality because i'm funny. also idk how i feel abt this fic but i love angst. storytime: xiao decided to come home 77 pulls AFTER i lost the 50/50 at deadass hard pity. i'm not f2p but i only buy welkin and bp so primos are still scarce:( now i'm saving for my boy kazuha (still mad at myself for starting genshin after his banner). ALSO SORRY BUT I LOVE A GOOD JEALOUSY TROPE SO I USE IT OFTEN... anyways, hope you love our little tsundere guy. <3
"I don't like you." Xiao spat, glaring into your eyes. For a man who barely talks to anyone, he sure isn't afraid give you the most piercing stare ever. It even made you uncomfortable.
"You tell me everyday." You sigh, placing the plate of almond tofu on the little wooden table beside Xiao. You didn't really like Xiao. You don't want to say hate, as he is an Adeptus, but you strongly disliked him.
He didn't really like you either. Since Verr Goldet and Huai'an were off doing some business for the Liyue Qixing, she instructed you to watch over Xiao to make sure he gets his food and to get whatever he needs. This abode was built for him, after all. That was three weeks ago.
Xiao hated being watched over, especially with someone as talkative as you. You really only see him for a few minutes a day, but the ice cold stare he gives you drains you of any happiness you had. The rest of your day is ruined.
You push your hair behind your ears as the wind glides along your body. It was freezing. "Do you really have to make me bring your plate out here? How aren't you cold?" You scoff, crossing your arms together to attempt to bring a little warmth to your frame.
Xiao didn't even react. He continued looking off onto Liyue, one knee up to his chin, the other hanging off the railing. He didn't even move his hair from his eyes. What a weirdo.
"Verr does not pay me enough for this." You mutter to yourself, looking down at your bare knees as they become red with the cold. Working for the Qixing did not have "take care of Adepti" in its description.
Verr instructed you to wait until Xiao was at least done eating so you can take his plate back down. Could the man really not bring his own plate down?
You sigh as you look at the food, untouched. "I'm going to wait just outside the porch," You started, your hand already opening the door back inside. "The least you could do is tell me when you're done so I can grab your plate." You wait a beat, hoping maybe Xiao will actually mutter a word to you other than 'leave me alone'. Alas, nothing.
You huff angrily, closing the door a little too loudly. You didn't know much about Xiao, only that he is an Adeptus and that he is the conquerer of demons, but not much else. Verr just warned you to be gentle with him, but your stubbornness couldn't allow you to do that. He was just so cold!
Minutes pass as you watch the grandfather clock tick in front of you. How slowly time went when there was nothing to do. Growing rather antsy, you open the door, peaking an eye out onto the porch. On the table lied an empty plate, and no sign of Xiao.
"Seriously." You groaned, pushing the door past you so you can collect the plate. "Couldn't even bring it inside." You huffed, trudging back into the inn.
And the cycle repeated for weeks.
Xiao didn't like to talk. The mortal act of 'conversing' seemed rather insignificant to him. However, every time you complained about him or your job in general, he couldn't help but open his mouth. No one, in the thousands of years he's been alive, has ever been as foul mouthed as you are towards him.
"Have you mortals no respect for your Adepti?" He asked through gritted teeth, still not even giving you the decency of looking at you. He just stares off, though his facial expression is that of disgust.
"I will give you the same answer I give you everyday, Xiao. No!" You threw your arms up angrily. You didn't mean it, you did have respect for the Adepti in general, just not this one.
"Adeptus Xiao." He snarled. "Absolutely despicable. You are much too insignificant for me."
You slam your hand on the table, causing the almond tofu to shake. "I can't do this anymore!" You shout, brows furrowed right at him. "How can I respect you if you don't respect me?!" You run your fingers through your hair.
And of course, no physical reaction from the mighty conquerer of demons. "Then leave." Xiao said, as monotone as ever. "I don't get why you're still here." He didn't understand how his words gave you such a reaction. All he said was that you were insignificant, which is the truth! A mere mortal is not special in anyway, especially in the eyes of an Adeptus.
"Maybe I will leave! Who will bring you your precious tofu then?!" You scoff, tearing the plate away from the table. You're not a violent or angry person, but Xiao brings this fire into you that you just can't seem to shake off. The way he ignores you only fired you up even more.
It's like he liked pushing your buttons.
You turn around so quickly, you didn't see the rare occurrence happening just behind you. Xiao was looking at you, and he watched as you stomped away with his full plate of tofu. He never quite understood why he felt the need to argue with you. Was it maybe because no one has treated him like this before?
People seemed to be scared of Xiao if they ever had the chance to cross paths with him. He was intimidating and not that friendly. Most stay clear of him, which he preferred anyways as to not infect them with his karmic debt. Not you, however. You aren't afraid of Xiao, you actually are so unafraid that you even yell at him. He's not saying he likes getting yelled at, but the fact that you were so brave around him made his stomach jump.
He didn't like to dwell on these confusing feelings, because if he did, he might accidentally admit to himself that making sure he was back at the inn by five wasn't just for routine sake, but to make sure he saw you.
Xiao knew you would come back. You had the same fight everyday, and the next day you always returned.
Until you hadn't.
Xiao grunted to himself as he watched the Liyue sky turn to nightfall. His eyes glazed over the empty table with no plate attached to it. Where were you? He rested his chin on his knee, his anxiety slightly heightened. You were never late.
Maybe his karmic debt had finally gotten to you. Why have you not listened when he requested you leave him alone? Human souls are weak and fragile, it could not keep up with the physical and psychological torment that has tortured Xiao for years.
He sighed, removing himself from the railing and into the inn. A wave of heat brushed Xiao as he entered, not even realizing he was cold from the snow outside. He looked down when he walked, but snuck little glances inside each of the rooms looking for you as he made his way to the front desk.
It's been a while since he has been at the front desk. The whole front was decked out for Lantern Rite. Was that today?
He grunted to himself as he made his way into the kitchen, hoping you were there waiting for his tofu to be made. Maybe the chef was just late?
"Adeptus Xiao?" Chef Yanxiao questioned, almost freezing up at the sight of Xiao. "Is this about your almond tofu?"
Xiao stared at the kitchen, no sign of tofu at all.
"Apologies, but Y/N never requested it to be made. I assumed you didn't want any." Yanxiao continued, placing the plate he was just cooking down.
"Where is she." Xiao demanded, a growing worry becoming prominent on his face. Would you even know to call his name if you were in trouble? He never told you he could do that. He silently cursed at himself for withholding such information.
"Y/N?" Yanxiao tilted his head, thinking it over. "Umm... I haven't actually seen her today at all." He walked toward a button on the side of the kitchen. "This button alerts when I need someone to come downstairs to grab food when it is done. Let me see if she comes down."
Xiao anxiously awaited your footsteps, but the only footsteps heard was that of another worker, coming down to grab the food Chef Yanxiao prepared.
"Apologies, Adeptus Xiao." Yanxiao frowned. "It seems she is not in today."
Xiao simply walked back up the stairs, his heavy footing causing dust to fly down from under the staircase. He was angry. Angry you just disappeared without telling him. Angry that he was angry about you not telling him. What was wrong with him?
Hours passed as Xiao watched the outside from the railing, hoping to catch you, hoping that you were okay. He listened attentively to the wind, searching for your voice calling out for his name. Maybe if you were in trouble, you would think to call for him, even if you hated him.
Xiao had never given you much thought until this moment, and his mind wandered to his fellow Yakshas who would look down on him for a mortal consuming his thoughts. You weren't all bad, though annoying, you still had a caring bone in your body. You made sure Xiao was fed, and even during one of his karmic debt episodes, you brought him extra tofu. He didn't realize it then, but it was your way of comforting him.
Did you even know of karmic debt? Xiao had a million questions swarming through his head, that he almost didn't hear the sound of laughter- your laughter- downstairs at the front desk.
Eyes widening, he quickly jumped down from the railing, rushing inside. You were laughing, so you had to be okay, right?
"You're too funny, Y/N." Another voice laughed. Xiao stopped in his tracks, only steps away from being in view of you. Who else knew of your name? This wasn't a voice Xiao recognized.
"Am I now?" You laughed back. "Well, thank you again, Childe. For taking me to the Lantern Rite festival. I know the Fatui and Qixing have their... Differences, but I'm glad it didn't stop us from hanging out."
A strange pit formed in Xiao's stomach, one he is not accustom too. His eyes glowed as his expression changed from worry, to anger. Pursing his lips together, he made his way back to the porch, not wanting to hear more of your conversation with... Childe.
"Mortals..." Xiao scoffed to himself, picking at the snow with his finger, lightly bringing some of it to his tongue. The cold soothed his hot tempered reaction to you and Childe together. No longer will his thoughts be plagued by you, a mere inconvenience, but instead by the duty bound to him. Protect Liyue.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door opening, and mistakingly, he looked over.
You froze at the sudden eye contact. Usually, Xiao wouldn't even bat an eye when you walk onto the porch.
"Yanxiao said you were looking for me." You stated, slowly walking over to the railing. "He said you looked worried." You placed your hand next to his, silently hissing at the cold that radiated from the railing. "Were you?"
Xiao swallowed hard as he saw your hand so close to his in his peripheral vision. "No." he stated coldly.
He expected you to lash out again, but was wrong when he heard a slight chuckle escape your lips.
"Normally I would yell at you, but right now, I'm happy." You smiled to yourself. Seeing Childe always made you happy since you don't see him often. You've been best friends for years. "So instead, I will just apologize for not telling Yanxiao to bring your tofu up. That is why you sought me out, correct?"
Xiao wasn't stupid, and quickly moved his hand to his side when he figured out why you were so happy. "Yes." He lied, being more cold than ever towards you.
"I figured. I shall bring some up for you now, if that is what you request." You turned around, already prepared to have to go back downstairs to get Xiao's tofu.
Xiao closes his eyes, thinking back to when he thought you were in trouble. He felt sick at the fact that you would not call for him to protect you.
You froze in your tracks, your blood running cold. Never, ever, has Xiao said your name before. You turn back around only to be met with golden eyes staring back at you. They were not angry, like they usually were, but concerned. You were honestly a little freaked out.
"I lied."
You swallowed as you linked your fingers together, fiddling with anxiety. "Lied?" You questioned.
Xiao bowed his head down in response. "Yes. I did not look for you because of the tofu." He confessed, his eyes not leaving yours. "I thought you were in trouble."
Your heart sank a little as you realize what has happened. Xiao was worried about you. Guilt ate your insides as your gaze left Xiao, unable to look him in the eye now. You would have never imagined he was worried about you, you honestly thought he would be happier if you were dead.
"I'm sorry." You mutter shyly. "Next time, I'll tell you if I leave. I didn't mean to make you worried."
"I wasn't worried." Xiao corrected. Ah, there was the Xiao you knew. "But if you ever are in serious trouble, just say my name, and I'll be there."
You chuckle slightly. "Is that it? Just say your name?"
"Yes." Xiao cocked his head to the side in confusion. "What is so funny about that?"
"Nothing! I just never thought you would bestow such a privilege onto me."
Xiao looked back past the railing, onto Liyue. "Well, I am. Unless you don't need me, that is." He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, thinking back to how you're friends with a literal Harbinger. Not that Xiao couldn't crack his skull into two, but maybe you prefer his saving over his own.
"Not like I have an abundance of Adepti waiting to save me." You laugh. "Thank you... Adeptus Xiao."
Xiao straightened up at the name, his face becoming red with embarrassment. "D-Don't think you can just call me whenever you please!" Xiao stuttered, slamming his hand onto the railing, turning back to you. "Only if you are near death."
You simply giggle at the sight of the conquerer of demons being bashful towards you. "Of course not, see you tomorrow."
His eyes widen as he watched you go. "W-Wait!"
You turn around. "Yes?"
Xiao looks down, almost disappointed in himself. "Tofu." Was all he said. "Please."
You really did think for a second that Xiao had changed, especially after your conversation that night. But boy, were you wrong.
Xiao has been even more distant, giving you one word answers for everything you say, not even meeting your eye anymore. You grew tired of it, and simply, you couldn't deal with it anymore. He almost made you feel unneeded, even if he didn't outright say it.
"Xiao." You say, pausing for an answer, even though you know you won't get one. "I can't do this anymore." You state, looking down. The bags under your eyes were proof of how tired you were.
Sleepness nights haunted you every time you tried to get some shuteye, your thoughts consumed by why Xiao hated you so much. Yeah, you admit you could be annoying, but ever since that night he seemed to really hate you. Truth be told, you wanted Xiao to like you, even if your relationship was a bit strained.
Xiao was in the same position as he always was, and this sudden confession did not change anything. He continued to look out onto the mountains.
You sigh sadly. You were exhausted. "I told you I would tell you if I was leaving, so this is me keeping my word. However, I will not be back." You look up at Xiao, hoping for even a little reaction.
You slug your shoulders down. "Verr Goldet will be back tomorrow, but I shall take my leave tonight. I told Yanxiao to bring your tofu up at five." You wait again.
Nothing once more.
"Goodbye, Xiao." You say softly, closing the door of the porch for the last time.
Xiao waited until he knew you were back inside to relax his being, taking in all the words you just said.
All he wanted to do was bring you back, to argue like you did before he found out about Childe. Though it has been weeks since Lantern Rite, Xiao could not shake this feeling of you laughing with another guy. You never laughed with him. It made him so... So... Xiao couldn't even think of the feeling he was feeling. So he did what he knew best, and shut everyone out.
Xiao also knew his karmic debt would plague you sooner or later, and he didn't want that for you. It hurt him to let you go, but he knew he had too.
That night, Yanxiao brought up Xiao's almond tofu. Xiao did not eat. He only sat, watching as you rolled your suitcase out of Wangshu Inn.
His heart hurt, and it wasn't karmic debt this time.
"Xiao!" Verr smiled, opening the door onto the porch. "Didn't think you would be here. Are you okay? Having an episode?"
"I am fine." He states coldly. Verr always thought the worst above all else. "Was your trip satisfactory?"
"Yes, the trip was good, though I did not mean to be gone that long! Apologies, both to you and Y/N." Verr looked around, confusion arising on her face. "Where is Y/N?"
Xiao's face sank at the sound of your name. "She left."
"Back to the Qixing already? That girl is a hard worker." Verr opened the door back up to head inside. "Let me know if you need anything!"
Xiao bowed his head down in response.
Alone again. Just the way the archons intended it to be.
Days pass as Xiao fell back into his normal routine before you arrived. Now, he doesn't feel the need to make it back by five. He slays demons, battles out his karmic debt, and eats almond tofu. Granted, that's exactly what he did when you were there, but the differences was he actually had something to look forward to: seeing you.
Now, he thinks of you often. Were you okay? Were you happy? Though thoughts of mortals should be shunned away, Xiao couldn't help it. He wanted to see you, just one last time, even if you yelled and screamed at him.
You fell back into routine too. You quickly made it back to the Qixing to start normal work once again. It felt good to be around people who actually want to talk to you, though every time someone brought Xiao up (to be fair, it was mostly Ganyu and how tough of an instructor he was to her), you felt sadness creep its way into your emotions. Did you... Miss him?
You shook that thought quickly away.
You did not miss Xiao.
"And then, he told me my aim was still bad!" Ganyu groaned. You nodded in response, trying to do both your work and listen to Ganyu's ramblings. "Honestly though, I feel bad for him." She sighed.
You stop your work and look up at her in confusion. "Why? Because he's like a demon conquerer?" You sounded a little stupid, but you've never heard anyone say they feel bad for Xiao.
"Well- yes. But no. Did... Verr not tell you?" Ganyu questioned.
You shake your head no.
"Oh. Well Xiao is succumbed to karmic debt for slaughtering demons. It's pretty brutal. It's a mixture of physical and psychological pain that extends to people he hangs out with as well. It's kind of why he has no acquaintances."
You stare at your paperwork, swallowing back sadness. Is that why Xiao pushed you away? So you wouldn't be brought into his world of pain?
"Y/N? Are you okay?" Ganyu brought a hand to your forehead. "You feel fine, no fever." She breathed out a sigh of relief.
You suddenly stand up, startling both Ganyu and yourself. "I-I have to go." You say quickly, gathering your things. "Please tell Lady Ningguang I'll be back tomorrow!"
"W-Wait- Y/N!" Ganyu shouted, though you were already out the door.
You don't know why now you decided you had to see Xiao now, but you didn't care. You were always an advocate for following your heart, so even though you were confused as to why you wanted to see Xiao, you didn't run from it. You ran towards it.
The Qixing was a little far from Wangshu Inn, so you knew you were bound to see a few monsters. Nothing you haven't seen before, though it was best to keep away from them as you were visionless and not the best at wielding a weapon.
Though Hilichurls tended to not bother you unless provoked, treasure hoarders were a different story. They actively hunted people, especially people alone.
So it really should have came to no surprise when five strong treasure hoarders surrounded you.
"Just give us your bag." One sneered, his weapon now coming closer and closer to your chest.
You felt like you were going to faint. Everywhere you turned was another hoarder about to pounce on you. You quickly grab the dull blade you carry just in case, though you knew you were no match for the very skilled people about to hurt you.
"Please..." A tear rolled down your cheek. "I need this bag. I-"
Red quickly stained your clothes as one of the hoarders brought a blade to your arm and sliced it. You breath hitched as all of a sudden, hands grabbed you and brought you hard to the ground.
Your back hurt as you cried out in pain. You shakily hold your blade out, though that was discarded right away as another hoarder kicked it from your hands. They laughed in your face.
Tears fell hard as they towered over your frail frame, weapons gripped tightly.
Was this the end?
"No..." Was all you could whisper, fear encompassing your thoughts. Your eyes widen as the biggest hoarder brought his shovel up, right above your head.
"Xiao..." You say softly, nothing more than a quiet whisper escaping your lips.
As if in the blink of an eye, a figured appeared by your side, startling the treasure hoarders, and you.
"What the..." One said as they all faced Xiao.
Xiao, spear in hand, looked down at your injured body, a fiery explosion bursting in him.
A piercing gaze washed over all the hoarders as Xiao quickly sped towards them, hurting them in every way possible.
They had no time to escape.
Your attention was quickly brought to your arm as Xiao fought. You were losing a lot of blood. You attempted to put pressure on the wound but winced in pain, dropping your arm to its side.
"Ah!" You yell as you felt strong hands lift you from the ground. Your vision was hazy, but you were sure it was him. "Xiao?" You asked softly. It was the last thing you muttered before passing out.
Waking up to a room that wasn't yours brought along quite a scare, but feeling your injured arm startled you even more. You wince in pain as you attempt to bring yourself up, but fail to do so when a force pushed you gently back down.
"Stop getting up." You look up and see none other than Xiao.
"W-Where am I?" You stutter, your anxiety heightening.
"Wangshu Inn."
Xiao gestured to your bandaged arm. "You called for me."
"I did...?" You look over and see your arm neatly wrapped up, a little red staining it. You look down in disappointment. "I'm sorry, I should have-"
"Why didn't you call earlier." Xiao interrupted, his sharp tone making you widen your eyes.
"Excuse me?"
"You called for me only after you were injured. You should have called for me as soon as you saw the treasure hoarders." Xiao was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and eyes closed. "You should know how fragile humans are. You could have died. What were you even doing alone?"
You were speechless. "I-" What do you even say? "I didn't think you'd want to see me." You admitted, your voice dropping. "I was... Coming to see you."
Xiao turned his head sharply at you, almost as if he heard incorrectly. "Why." Why come to see him if you thought he didn't want to see you? Humans were odd.
You shifted uncomfortably in your bed, another sharp pain shooting into your arm, causing you to wince.
"I said stop moving." Xiao growled. "You'll only make the pain worse. Now, why were you coming to see me? Did something happen? You could have just called for me."
"Y-You said not to bother you unless near death. My situation for coming to you was not life or death."
"Then what?"
Xiao didn't mean to sound so cold, and he felt a little bad about it, but it's just how he is.
"I don't know." You admitted. Xiao looked at you, obviously not satisfied with that answer.
"You... Don't know?"
"Well. I guess I missed you. So... I was going to come just to ask Verr Goldet how you were. I wasn't actually going to bother you." You sigh, turning your head to face Xiao, who was now as red as a tomato.
"I... See." Xiao looked away embarrassed, bringing a hand to his mouth. "I do not understand. You dislike me. How do you miss me?" Xiao was really trying to comprehend the feelings a human has, but it's so difficult when they're so complex.
"I don't know."
Xiao sighed. This was going nowhere. "I will take my leave now." He stated, opening the door into the hallway.
He turns his head to face you.
"Thank you."
The next day was much easier for you. Though your arm was throbbing with an uncontrollable pain, you could actually get up. Verr checked on you every once in a while, bringing you soup and pain killers, but no sign of Xiao.
You trudged your way up to the balcony the next morning, hoping he was there.
You stopped in your tracks as you opened the door to the balcony. Though you always brought it up for him, never have you seen Xiao actually eat the almond tofu. This was probably the happiest you've seen him.
Xiao stopped chewing as he looked up at you, mouth full. He kinda looked... Cute. You quickly wipe away that thought. Xiao would actually kill you if he heard you say that.
He coughed nervously as he placed the plate down. "Y/N. What are you doing? You should be resting."
"I wanted to see you."
"Hmph. Mortals. For what service could I be to you?"
"No service." You walk up to the railing he sat on, looking up at his glowing eyes. You smile to yourself as you watch him burn up. "I just... Want to apologize."
"A-Apologize?" Xiao asked, flabbergasted. Have you done something wrong?
You nod. "I'm sorry for making your life difficult. I didn't know you were dealing with such... Demons."
"I am the demon conquerer. I always deal with demons."
"No. I mean inside." You point to his heart, the sudden affection making Xiao stiffen up. Never, has anyone touched him. "I didn't know you were plagued with such pain..." You hold your hand flat on his chest, feeling his heart rate quicken.
Xiao could only stare at your hand touching him, his breathing becoming rapid. He was too stunned to speak.
"I know you don't want to see me, but I still want to thank you for helping me... So..." You look up at his face, and him to you. His lips were slightly parted as a feverish blush wore itself on his cheeks. "Thank you, Adeptus Xiao."
Xiao swallowed nervously as you removed your hand from his chest. "Y/N." He breathed out, still not recovered from the touch he received. "You're wrong."
You cock your head to the side in confusion. "Wrong?"
"I-I-" Xiao breathed out heavily as he looked away from you. "I do want to see you." He finally choked out, though he could not face you when he says it. "I have felt weird since you left, and seeing you hurt like that..." He swallows. "I'm mad at myself for being unable to protect you."
You frown. "Xiao, you did protect me. It's not your fault I called for you after the fact." Nothing you say will make him think otherwise though.
"But, how can you want to see me? Do you not have another?" It hurt Xiao to ask about Childe, but he couldn't help himself. Why should he even care? He honestly doesn't know why he does.
"Another?" You question. "Xiao, are you asking me if I have a boyfriend?" You slightly tease.
You see Xiao physically tense up. "N-No. Well... I saw you. Talking to a Fatui member. Laughing. I assumed..." He huffed before he could finish his sentence, his face becoming an even deeper shade of red. "N-not that I care..."
You blink a few times before you let out a laugh. Xiao looked at you with straight confusion.
"Oh, Xiao..." You laugh, wiping tears with your non-injured arm. "Of course you don't care."
"W-Well, I mean I do- Kind of-"
"It's okay, no need to explain yourself. Childe is my best friend. Nothing else." You bring your hand down onto his, causing him to jerk it away on instinct.
"S-Sorry." You hug your hand back. "I didn't mean to..." Why did you just do that?
Suddenly, you see his hand slowly fall back down to the railing, his face completely opposite of you. "It's okay." Was all he said, not wanting to sport the permanent blush on his cheeks.
You smile warmly as you gently grab his hand. You didn't want to make him uncomfortable, but you knew he secretly liked being touched.
"You know, you could be infected with my karmic debt if you continue coming to see me." Xiao faces you once again, looking down at you with sad eyes.
"I know." You say softly. "I don't care."
Not letting go of your hand, he slowly brings himself down the railing to stand next to you. "I do."
"Xiao..." You whisper, letting go of his hand and bringing yours to his face slowly. "I don't want to leave you again, even if we argue, I..." You became lost as you stared at his face. He truly was beautiful.
His breath hitches as you trail a finger along his jaw line to the strands of hair falling over his eyes. You gently bring them behind his ears, cupping his cheek.
"Y-Y/N..." He stutters slowly, his gaze not leaving your face.
No more words had to be spoken. Xiao gripped your hand on his face gently as he bent down to your lips. As if by instinct, you started to move up to him as well.
Xiao ignored every fiber of his being telling him this was a waste of time. He did not think of you as a waste of time. Not after you almost died. It brought a realization to him. He wanted you by his side. He didn't care how selfish or how out of character it was for him.
He needed you, even if he didn't know why.
Your breath hitches once your lips touch. You wait a beat, seeing if Xiao wants to move away.
You yelp when he is the one to close the gap harder between you two, kissing you as if it were your last. You close your eyes, melting into his kiss as he strokes your hair and brings you closer.
The two of you gently part, still feeling each others breath on one another as a string of saliva connects your lips.
"Xiao..." You whisper. "Please don't push me away." You plead quietly. "Let me help you..."
He grips your hand, touching your forehead with his.
"If that is what you desire." He breathes out.
"I am forever yours."
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