#i realize that Leos like 19 or so by this point but thats a hell of a thing to say to your kid at any age
blue-and-grey-yarn · 1 year
Hey. Hey Splinter I know you're forseeing visions of your death or whatever but I  would like to talk about what the hell you mean Leos going to have to step up as a parent after youre gone 
wHat the Fuck kind of thing is that to say to your kid.
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pokefanbri · 3 years
I got in touch with my 1st love a couple months ago..hes a half native American & white dude, pretty pudgy now like triple the size of himself in middle school lol. Doesn't have much time left on this earth I feel for him, im glad I know now cause if I hadn't it probably would've been alot more devastating. Doesnt have to wear a mask cuz really whats the point. We met for coffee, got to hang out at the mall & he visited my work, we did talk & clear the air..got some things out that were left unsaid & i gotta say it really did help & we're better for it 😊 we're now cool & no hard feelings.
We used to be on & off in hs but the last time I broke it off with him for good reasons & also due to my mother 😒 If it weren't for him & our own experiences, & then every guy since...I would've have known how much I really love or attached I can be to someone (which has been all of them really but does disintegrate over time & going into new relationships they become just a distant memory as the yrs go by & then ur all about the new guy 🤔 basically right) or how unattached I can get when I just dont love them anymore...(of which has only happened twice)
For the record I've had 5 relationships my whole life...not counting flings..out of 2 they broke up with me.. & they so happen to be the ones i fell hard & fast for...its a common theme but they are the best ones I've experienced & I think I have a confirmed type now that I think about it lol. Im thinking too much again, but..they're top tier unforgettable.
I fell damn fucking hard this time around just like I did Thomas..don't think I got enough of him either...😤 seriously wtf is it with these charming & hilarious, headstrong, smart ass, string bean, stoner, Leo men fucking my heart up after only a few months time! What is the universe trying to tell me! I swear to God in another lifetime they would've been friends its an incredible likeness. History repeated itself it seems..I was so in love with him too, we were only 19 but omg he was awesome & we were ALL OVER EACHOTHER 🤤. He was my coworker, a red headed skinny bobblehead tho, & lived in my apt complex his best friend Danny boy did too in his own, hard core Call of Duty players I remember they high jacked my tv for optimum experience...😒 walking the tv across the parking lot was super sketchy looking lol.
Anyway after Thomas broke up with me for saying the L word "too soon" it freaked him out I guess & my brain cracked from the devastation...doctors are convinced it was the weed 😒 and apparently I ODd on Tylenol...crock of bs btw but whatever...i couldn't sleep & for days I was in a haze til I finally called my aunt for help & all of a sudden I was locked away in a psych ward for 2 weeks so they could observe what was wrong & diagnose me. Had to quit pima college & stop working, put everything on hold for my health. After I came back, Tom admitted he wanted me back but he hated my 1st love with a passion. I confessed I was back with my 1st as he was there at my side & visiting..when Tom had no idea where tf I was, me missing worried him sick. I had no clue & for all I knew he forgot about me while I was grieving over us in the hospital (I couldn't have my phone..knew a select few #s by heart otherwise he would've been the 1st I'd call), I was still dazed & super fucked up from the hospital..just outright exhausted when Thomas came to my apartment wanting to try again....yea I messed that up though regretfully. I told him the truth...I know it hurt him, hurt me too. Never saw Thomas again 😔 he was my 2nd, wonder how he is.
After I broke up with my 1st there was like a 1 or 2 month relationship with a fat Irish dude named Patrick I met from college, he insulted my mom..kicked his ass the curb 😂 yea she chased him away too just like my 1st...but an Irish version..was kinda a deadbeat anyway good riddance. I was alone for about 5 years after that til eventually met my ex-husband matt & was with him for technically 7 years & then that ended.
Long story short I was hit with another love bomb over the past year (T2.0 lol) & the fallout is taking forever to disapate lol...well good technically I don't want it to yet lmao, it feels good to love someone with a full heart except for the fact they ain't here 😔
I love genuinely & with a full heart, ive never had a problem with love, except for my abusive mother I sought approval for....never have I been with someone that didnt want it...didn't want me, until him. If someone shows that to me in a relationship it hurts me at the roots, u don't understand how much it brings out that little girl that just wants to be loved back..to be wanted. It hurts to think im not even worth that. I realize though that he may have his own issues to get past first b4 he can learn to give it back & its not my fault. I should on some things honestly but I don't blame him..not anymore. I blame my own trauma that made me so fucking sensitive & off-putting to him, going from 1 relationship to another without healing first, & not knowing how to function walking on eggshells around a new person trying not to piss them off...not knowing how to do a fresh relationship from the start again....when you've been with 1 person prior for 7 yrs.
I grew up being beaten as a kid, I have no father, my mother chose drugs over her own children, everybody in my family arent like a hallmark card far from it...its fucking tucson ok it's a hell hole. A good amount are notorious for causing trouble around the city, nobody talks to eachother..stays away & fends for themselves, or just killing themselves with drugs & selfishly hurting people around them. Very few of us are really trying to make it out & create life for ourselves but it's really hard to escape because we're all struggling. I cry because I've been strong for way too long on my own, I cry when I think im not good enough. Besides some relationships & friendships along the way for support guess who's always taken care of herself to survive, yours truly. It's a huge accomplishment that I've never been homeless, only a couple times have I had to rely on a friend or family member for a roof over my head & that was just 2020-2021,boy is it good to have connections during a pandemic phew, alot more tough to find someone willing to help. My big sis Lisa, my mentor assigned to me at 12 yrs old cuz my mom couldn't be a real parent lol...she says im a strong princess thats gone through hell & back, she's seen me do it countless times, she can attest to how much of a boss & survivor I am...she knows I deserve nothing but to be appreciated,respected, valued. I'm underestimated all the time because apparently people think they can read what kinda person I am just by looking at me or by word of mouth, hell no very doubtful screw u lol... i don't need anybody's belittling opinions of what kind of person I am ok, how about talk to me & ill see if u in the ballpark lol cuz I guarantee im a boss ass goody 2 shoes that can kick butt 😊. So listen here, I know my worth & I deserve a prince to keep me safe from the big bad world right? I need an actual shoulder to cry on not someone that'll walk away when I need them most 😔 Why tf do I feel like rapunzel & all I get is fuckin Flynn 😂 I'm a queen ok, hear me now.
This will be my 3rd own rented apartment. The 1st time I was a teen & imancipated...had that place for a few years 1st & 2nd love era, 2nd time was the escape from my mother as an adult & I moved away eventually got married. And now at another turning point in my life... escaping a very different hell & losing pretty much everything including the man that started it all, 3rd time is the charm right. Fuck my life sidewinder style. Honestly this is the best apartment complex I've found that I want as my home....its gated nothing can touch me from outside unless I say so, so at least im secure to a point.
Why am I talking and not sleeping 😐 I'm tired, it's 5am now. Yeaaaaa I'm done 💤
0 notes
11/19/2017 Horoscope
Aries: You have been shot. This has been your least favorite death so far. You just wanted to buy some ice cream while you were out (cough avoiding the shadow people cough) and of fucking course that’s when this asshole decides to attempt to rob the store. You didn’t realize he had a gun and tried to get him to just leave, he didn’t realize you were so close and put a bullet through you when you put your hand on his arm, mistake were made all around. The son of a bitch didn’t even try to help you when he realized what he did, he was too surprised. The horror is gratifying and all, and it’s great you apparently didn’t intend to actually shoot anyone, but seriously dude, you had to bleed out on the floor because no one was helping you put pressure on the wound and that was not fun. You’re hovering above your body, again, as you watch the would-be thief/accidental murderer run out of the store in a panic and another hysterical shopper call 911 for you while the cashier tries to revive you. Too little, too late, my guy. Guess you’re hanging out for a while.
Taurus: They’re held down by living cloth as you gently take their hand. You grab their index finger and slowly pull it. The bones pop and creak and the flesh stretches past the point it should, you will not let it tear. You break and crack the bones and then continue to pull, until the finger is 3 times longer than it was. You squeeze it, tight, and it’s burned black, the tip hardened into a sharp point. They’ve been screaming, this is not your fault. Their chest heaves for air, eyes wide, as you experimentally bend the joints, two more than there was originally, and test the claw with a poke. Sharp enough to draw blood with only a little pressure, you smile. They’re being so pretty. You lick away your blood before moving onto the next finger. 9 more to go.
Gemini: Frederick and you take turns wearing the hair accessory, since you can’t agree on who wears it better. 
Cancer: Today is game day. Y’all are in the locker room, everyone but you and Ridali shaking in terror and despair, and at this point you’re a bit sick of it. You suddenly snap out that you’re all gonna die. Yeah, you said it, y’all are gonna die and the entire damn city is gonna fucking watch it happen because it ain’t them, but you know what? Fuck it! If this is gonna be the last thing you’re gonna do, then you are going to have fun while doing it! Fuck the city, fuck the field you’re being sacrificed to, fuck putting on some sort of entertainment for the fucking masses, you’re the ones dying and you’re gonna at least go out with a fucking smile for the bastards. You’re gonna go make a fool of yourself and have a shit ton of fun playing fucking bocce ball, like thats some common fucking sport, and you don’t give a shit anymore. You last fuck has flown, it don’t matter now! Ridali laughs out that that’s the spirit, and apparently the other poor bastards on your team agree. Or at least think this nihilistic last laugh is better than moping. They’re in. Y’all wear the wrong jerseys for a laugh and dance out onto the field, grinning barbed wire smiles. The chick that broke down did a cartwheel for the hell of it. Y'all completely ignore the fucking rules, shouting when you knock your balls farther away from the goal, cheering when you get it just a smidgen closer than it was, and generally overreacting to everything. Y'all are utterly terrible and make fools of yourselves. Y’all have a great time. Then the field swallows you.
Leo: Your hair is getting a bit long, you look shaggy. You tell the foot to remind you to get a haircut soon. 
Virgo: You work. This isn’t healthy and you recognize that, but you refuse to acknowledge it. You need to be productive, because maybe if you prove yourself- 
Scorpio: I only mentioned it because you seemed uncomfortable when you had to respond to people. I’m sorry I upset you, it’s obviously a touchy subject.
Sagittarius: The old woman is back. She thanks you all for watching Buster. Buster doesn’t wanna go to her, put she plucks him up. Then she makes him hover in the air in front of her, spinning slowly. She turns about-face and walks off, Buster bubbling after her. You’ve put your face in your knees but you hear someone quietly, but distraught, go, “Buster, no”. You giggle a little hysterically.
Capricorn: You’ve taken up quilting in your free time. You needed something to do, and Fluffy loves watching you work. Punchy, as you’ve started calling the newbie hero, doesn’t quite get it, but you can practically feel the points it puts towards you being seen as the “Eccentric but wise veteran” character. It also makes the script bend and twist itself even more, which is always a funny thing.
Aquarius: Today, when you reach the empty time in your routine, you use the time to take the broken pieces of furniture out behind the building. Then you burn them. Watching the fire fills the rest of the time you needed to waste quite nicely. You go clean the gym, then head home. You wrap yourself in your fluffy blanket and try to sleep. You don’t sleep, but you relax more than you did. Progress.
Pisces: You weave more, today. You gather more, tonight. You listen to the wind telling you stories as you work. Histories of the lands she’s flown over and fables she’s heard told over the years.
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transssexualheart · 7 years
Hey b I know you like asks so answer all 200 because I'm just that nice :^)
200: my crush’s name is:as if you all don’t know at this point. it’s sarah
199: i was born in:2002
198: i am really:gay
197: my cellphone company is: i’m so fuckin stupid i’m not sure what the question is asking
196: my eye color is: brown
195: my shoe size is:eight and a half/nine
194: my ring size is:i don’t wear rings
193: my height is:5′5
192: i am allergic to:nothing
191: my first car was:never had a car
190: my first job was:never had a job
189: last book you read:hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy
188: my bed is:small
187: my pet:is a beautiful orange cat named danny and i love her
186: my best friend:is lovely
185: my favorite shampoo is:i don’t care 
184: xbox or ps3:i’ve never played a ps3 so i guess xbox
183: piggy banks are:ok??? why are we trying to start piggy bank discourse
182: in my pockets:are trash
181: on my calendar:i don’t use a calendar
180: marriage is:alright?? i’d get married if my partner wanted to
179: spongebob can:?? exist??
178: my mom:is not very nice
177: the last three songs i bought were?uhhh i havent bought music in a while idk
176: last yt video i watched:for him.
175: how many cousins do you have?fuck dude. so many. i don’t know.
174: do you have any siblings?two, a brother and a sister
173: are your parents divorced?well my parents tried to get divorced but my dad died before it actually got worked out and my mom and my stepdad aren’t married and have never been so
172: are you taller than your mom?i believe so  
171: do you play an instrument?yeah, piano
170: what did you do yesterday?not much, just sat around and then walked in circles around my house for hours and then hung out with my siblings in the yard
[do you believe in]
169: love at first site:no, what if that pretty girl u saw on the street is an asshole?? what if she’s racist and homophobic dude u don’t know her
168: luck:sure
167: fate:yeah i guess
166: yourself:haha no
165: aliens:ya
164: heaven:idk
163: hell:idk
162: god:idk!! 
161: horoscopes:idk they’re fun to look at 
160: soul mates: i’d like to believe in soul mates
159: ghosts:idk
158: gay marriage:gay marriage isn’t a fuckinhg cryptid, yes i believe in it i’m gay and i’m gonna probably get married
157: war:god fuck i don’t know
156: orbs:??????????
155: magic:could be real, might not be, who knows
[this or that]
154: hugs or kisses:kisses
153: drunk or high:never been either so
152: phone or online:phone, can text my friends whom i lov
151: red heads or black haired:black haired i guess
150: blondes or brunettes:someone’s gonna get sad when i answer this but brunettes
149: hot or cold:i don’t know actually
148: summer or winter:summer, it’s better than having seasonal depression added onto my normal depression
147: autumn or spring: spring
146: chocolate or vanilla:vanilla
145: night or day:night
144: oranges or apples:apples
143: curly or straight hair:curly!!!!!!!!!!!!!
142: mcdonalds or burger king:don’t really eat at either but if i had to choose, mcdonalds
141: white chocolate or milk chocolate?white chocolate
140: mac or pc:pc
139: flip flops or high heels:high heels
138: ugly and rich OR sweet and poor:wtf 
137: coke or pepsi:don’t really drink soda
136: hillary or obama:man i don’t know too much about politics all i know is that i’d choose hillary over trump any day
135: buried or cremated:man i’m not sure,, i guess i’d prefer to be cremated Please Rid The World Of My Horrible Body
134: singing or dancing:singing
133: coach or chanel:i have like fifty cents do you think i can afford that shit
132: kat mcphee or taylor hicks:who
131: small town or big city:i love the city, maybe that’s because i live in a small town but i love the city
130: wal mart or target:target
129: ben stiller or adam sandler: idk
128: manicure or pedicure:well i don’t want anyone touching my feet i don’t even like taking my socks off around friends unless i very much trust them
127: east coast or west coast:well i live on the east coast so
126: your birthday or christmas:my bday bc we go on vacation for it bc it’s over the summer
125: chocolate or flowers:flowers
124: disney or six flags:never been to disney so six flags
123: yankees or red sox:sport???
[here’s what i think about]
122: war:didn’t another question p much ask the same thing
121: george bush:idk??
120: gay marriage:p much already been asked bud
119: the presidential election:not my president can’t believe u fuckers let trump win
118: abortion:if someone wants an abortion, they should be able to get it. no one else should have a monopoly over that, not even the father, because their body does not belong to him.
117: myspace:never used it
116: reality tv:eh
115: parents:some are good, mine i am not fans of
114: back stabbers:i don’t think i’ve ever really been backstabbed
113: ebay:it’s ok?
112: facebook:don’t really use it
111: work:don’t have a job
110: my neighbors:i don’t talk to them much but everytime we go near their dogs on the otherside of the fence they call the dogs back or pull them away one of the kids went “haha you can’t touch our dogs” and?? idk why??
109: gas prices:i don’t drive
108: designer clothes:can’t afford them
107: college:haven’t been 
106: sports:Throw Ball
105: my family:my sister is lovely, my brother is really mean, and my parents are also p mean like i don’t realize sometimes until i tell something they said and they’re like “??? that’s really not ok??”
104: the future:hasn’t happened yet how would i know
[last time i]
103: hugged someone:earlier today i hugged my aunt because she’s over for easter
102: last time you ate:just ate a tootsie roll a lil bit ago
101: saw someone i haven’t seen in a while:i guess the only person i haven’t seen very recently is spence and the last time i saw him was a few weeks ago
100: cried in front of someone:long time ago
99: went to a movie theater: went to see beauty and the beast a while back but i don’t remember exactly when that was
98: took a vacation: last summer
97: swam in a pool:last summer at my aunt’s probably 
96: changed a diaper:many years
95: got my nails done:i painted a clear coat on them a lil while back does that count
94: went to a wedding:year or so ago?
93: broke a bone:never broken any bones
92: got a piercing:when i was like five
91: broke the law:idk
90: texted:a few mins ago
89: who makes you laugh the most:hahah. u
88: something i will really miss when i leave home is:oh man. all my friends, hubbard hall, the school playground, as much as i wanna leave this town i’ll probably cry leaving it behind
87: the last movie i saw:moana!
86: the thing that i’m looking forward to the most:death
85: the thing i’m not looking forward to:school starting again
83: the most difficult thing to do is:tell someone you’re in love with them
82: i have gotten a speeding ticket:never??
81: my zodiac sign is:leo
80: the first person i talked to today was:probably my mom
79: first time you had a crush:seventh grade
78: the one person u can’t hide anything from:apparently you because u always figure me out
77: last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday, spence was talking about how his bf had big hands and i said “u know what they say” and i was about to say “big gloves” but he beat me to it
76: right now i am talking to:i’m not talking i’m typing
75: what are you going to do when you grow up:idk
 74: i have/will get a job:i don’t?? know??
73: tomorrow:is easter
72: today:is not easter
71: next summer:??
70: next weekend:idk man??
69: i have these pets:one cat, two fish
68: the worst sound in the world:chEWING
67: the person that makes me cry the most is:haha
66: people that make you happy:my friends
65: last time i cried:about a month ago
64: my friends are:the best!!!
63: my computer is:alright
62: my school:is the fucking worse
61: my car:is non existent
60: i lose all respect for people who:support trump
59: the movie i cried at was:i cried over the shitty mario movie when i was seven
58: your hair color is: dark brown
57: tv shows you watch:i don’t really watch tv
56: fav website:i dont kno
55: your dream vacation:to go to the beach with friends
54: the worst pain i was ever in was:emotional
53: how do you like your steak cooked:well not burnt
52: my room is:alright
51: my fav celebrity is:does dan avidan count? he still holds a special place in my heart
50: where would you like to be:my answers for these kinds of qs are always so gay 
49: do you want children:used to not want them, but i guess depending on the person i’d have them with i MIGHT
48: ever been in love:ya
47: who’s your best friend:asdgkjgf
46: more guy friends or more girl friends:many of us are nb
45: one thing that makes you feel great is:being loved
44: one person you wish you could see right now:u know, u all know who
43: do you have a five year plan:???????
42: have you made a list of the things to do before u die:1. kiss a girlthat’s it
41: have you prenamed your children:no
40: last person i got mad at:probably my brother
39: i would like to move to:nyc
38: i wish i was a professional:animator
[my favs]
37: candy:sweedish fish and jolly ranchers
36: vehicle:idk
35: president:i only remember obama
34: state visited:idk
33: cellphone provider:also idk
32: athlete:don’t pay attention to sports
31: actor:i don’t freakin know
30: actress:well,
29: singer:wELL,,
28: band:not sure
27: clothing store:idk
26: grocery store:hannaford??
25: tv show:no idea
24: movie:so many good movies
23: website:i think this was already asked??
22: animal:not sure
21: theme park:only ever been to like one
20: holiday:xmas
19: sport to watch:uhh i guess soccer?? i’ll actually understand whats happening so
18: sport to play:also soccer
17: magazine:don’t read them
16: book:carry on
15: day of the week:saturday
14: beach:no specific one i just like the beach
13: concert attended:only ever been to one, it was a top concert
12: thing to cook:grilled cheese
11: food:not sure
10: restaurant:idk
9: radio station:don’t really listen to the radio
8: yankee candle scent:??? idk???
7: perfume:don’t really wear it
6: flower:roses or tiger lillies
5: color:blue
4: talk show host:i don’t know??
3: comedian:bo burnham
2: dog breed:shiba inu
1: did you answer all of these truthfully?ya
i didn’t move the whole time i answered all 200 help me
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m-oonkitten · 6 years
1. Last drink? -sugar cookie tea 2. Last phone call? - tia  3. Last text message? -tia  4. Last song you listened to? - all she do - dizzy wright 5. Last purchase? - arizona and hot cheetos  6. Last time you laughed? - really laughed.. earlier when i was driving 7. Last time you cried? - this morning 
8. Gotten back together with someone you broke up with? - feels like thats happening this week.. i hope not. 9. Been cheated on? - no 10. Kissed someone and regretted it? - yes  11. Made out in the rain? -no  12. Been depressed? - yes all the time 13. Lost someone special? -yesterday 14. Thought about suicide? -yes 15. Been so drunk you threw up? yes
16. pink 17. white 18. grey
19. Made a new friend since new years? - no 20. Fallen out of love? - yes 21. Laughed until you cried? -yes 22. Embarrassed yourself on a date? -yesss 23. Met someone who changed you? - yes  24. Found out which of your friends were real? -yes 25. Kissed any of your Facebook friends? -yes 26. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life? -most 27. How many kids do you want at this point? - 1 28. Ever been called a whore? - yes 29. Ever been stalked? - i think so 
30. Ever gotten into a fight? -yes  31. Do you have any pets? - cat and fish 32. Would you change your name if you could? - no i really like it  33. What did you do for your last birthday? the fair 34. What time did you wake up? 7am 35. Do you use an alarm? -always 36. What were you doing at midnight last night? -writing 37. Name something you CANNOT wait for? - peace of mind 38. Something you’re not looking forward to? - work on monday 39. Last time you spoke to your parents? - dad 30 mins ago, Mom 2012
40. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? - to stop over thinking  41. Name somebody you lost all respect for - people who take advantage of me and my kindness and good. 42. Are you listening to anything right now? - juke jam - chance the rapper 43. Last person to get on your nerves? - work people 44. Someone you wish you were still close to? - j
45. Most visited webpage? - netflix or insta  46. Favorite store? - nordstrom 47. What’s your real name? - meow 48. Nicknames?- meow 49. Relationship status? - single  50. Zodiac sign? - Leo 51. Male or female? - female 52. High school? -in a rich ass white town 53. College/University? - i want to go back
54. Eye color? - brown 55. Hair color? - brown 56. Tall or short? - 5’5" 57. Biggest flaw? - trusting too easily, too nice
58. Do you have a crush on anyone? - I'm trying not to 59. Any piercings? - septum 61. Right-handed or Left? - right
62. First broken bone? - ankle  63. First surgery? - wisdom teeth  64. First crush? - Brian  65. First best friend? - olivia  66. First sport you played? - softball 67. First vacation? -Canada 68. First funeral? -mom
69. Do you want children? just one and if i like being a mother two more 70. Do you plan on getting married? - i think so, i have to meet someone extremely comparable with me. 71. Career? - kindergarden teacher. 72. Somewhere you plan on going before you die? - travel
73. Lips or eyes? -eyes, eye contact 74. Hugs or kisses? - hugs 75. Shorter or taller than you? taller  76. Younger or older?  older but not by much 77. Romantic or spontaneous?: romantic 78. Long or short hair?- short 79: Abs or nice arms? nice arms  80: Tanned or fair-skinned? - fair  81: Water sports or Land sports? -land sports  82: Hook-up or relationship? - relationship
83. Kissed a stranger? - yes 84. Drank hard liquor? -yes 85. Stolen anything? - yeah 86. Had sex on a first date? -no 87. Broken someone’s heart? - i think so  88. Been arrested? -no 89. Felt threatened by a stranger? -yes 90. Turned someone down? -lol yes 91. Been led on? -yes 92. Fallen for a friend? -yes
93. Yourself? - working on it   94. Love at first sight? - yes 95. Heaven and hell? - heaven  96. Santa Clause? - yes 97. Kiss on a first date? -yes 98. Angels? -everywhere 99. God? - yes 
100. Had more then 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time? -no  101. Did you sing today? -all the time 102. Done something illegal? - yes 103. Got caught in a lie? - yes 104. What were the results from the previous question?  lol  105. That moment you’d choose to relive? - the last time i saw my mom, that morning, get some better advice on how to survive and be more self reliable and independent  106. If you could go back to a different time in your life, when would it be? -2008, focus in school, not worry about other people.
107. Ever made out while watching a movie? - no i want to
108. Are you afraid of falling in love? -yes everyday
109. When was the last time you lied? - today, i lie to myself all the time. working on it.. lol 110. Most surprising change you’ve experienced? - becoming manager and realizing I'm powerful than i thought in a sense of being able to manage people and money and customers… 111. Last comment that hurt you? - fucking everything, but you can't take those words to heart.  112. Most encouraging person you know? - surprisingly j, he knows me better than anyone. 113. Are you usually late, early or right on time? -usally early, but sometimes right on time. 114. Do you attend church? -i used to lol 115. Ever felt alone? - all the time 116. Gave into peer pressure? - yes  117. Said no to someone trying to force you? - sometimes
Deep thoughts..
118. How is your relationship with your parents? - my mom was amazing, then she passed. dad nothing really there. were just buddies kind of. 
119. If you found out you had less than 6 months to live, would you tell people or wait? - wait. they don't need to know that pain. sudden is worse i agree… but knowing that you only have this time with someone over the course of 6 months is horrific.
120. Would you rather spend your life alone, or stuck in a loveless marriage? -alone  121. What’s your opinion on abortion?- if you need to you need to. 125. Would you give your life to save someone else? -yes 126. What kind of girl/guy is ideal? - 
Ouside:   tall, dark, handsome, muscular, long hair or no hair lol no in between. either i can pull it or i can't :p
Inside:    someone who sees life for how wonderful and beautiful it is, Someone who sees past the instagram, someone who sees a photo on the wall of pain and recognizes it as pain. Someone deep too. Someone who is free of worries. Someone grateful for being alive. Someone at peace for their own mind. Also smart, kind, honest, loyal, giving, grateful.
127. Would your answers have been different a year ago? -yess 128. Do you think these answers would change a year from now? - yes
129. Is there anyone you would want to read this? - yes j  130. Did you answer these question truthfully? - yes 
0 notes