#i want her whole midnights era wardrobe
missegyptiana · 2 years
her outfits do be on point tho
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baileys-3 · 6 months
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Ahhh... I'm so excited today... and I'm so happy... and I have such good news for you!!!
I have a beat reader. The wonderful himynameiscookies wrote to me yesterday and offered to help me. You may remember that English is not my native language and I work with translation programs. They are great, but not everything is translated perfectly. And there are problems especially with the spoken language and idioms etc. But that's what himynameiscookies is now there for, correcting everything again and ensuring that you have the perfect reading experience. So that all the weird words and expressions disappear. And what should I say. She corrected until midnight yesterday and so you can look forward to the first chapter that was beta read. Ah, and it reads so much better now.
A little SneakPeak for you:
Lucy is woken by a knock on the door. She pulls a pillow over her head. Shit. What time is it? Where is she? What day is it today? But it doesn't really matter because she just wants to go back to sleep.
And then it all comes back to her. And a loud shit escapes her. A very loud shit. She throws the pillow somewhere and jumps out of bed. At the same moment, the door opens, and Tamara is standing in the doorway.
"I was just about to wake you up. You overslept, didn't you?"
Lucy almost falls over her own shoes. How the hell are they ended up lying around here?
She only mutters an "I hit the snooze on the alarm " and then storms into her bathroom. Shit. Shit. Shit. If she's late today, she'll be the laughingstock of the day. She can already hear Nyla and Angela. They'd tease her about it for the rest of her life. And then Tim-Mr-on-time-is-a-hour-earlier-Bradford. He will never let her forget that. Although she might be able to convince Tim in another way to forget that she's not on time. Nonsense, she can still make it in time. But in terms of Tim Bradford punctuality, she'll definitely be late. Forget it, Lucy. Don't think about how you can convince Tim now, step on the gas.
She turns the tap on. Too hard, of course so the water splashes everywhere. Great, now she can clean the whole sink.
She hears suppressed laughter behind her.
"It's not funny."
"Yes, it is. You should have seen the look on your face when I walked in the door."
She turns towards Tamara and raises her index finger. "I need support now, not a lesson. Make me some coffee, please. With looooots of caffeine."
Tamara is still laughing but crosses Lucy's bathroom and opens the connecting door to the living area. "All right. For one thermos? Or two?"
Lucy has finally managed to pour water into the toothbrush cup and put the toothpaste on the brush.
"Two. Two is better."
Then she puts the toothbrush in her mouth and starts scrubbing. And although she knows that multitasking sucks, she goes into the bedroom and opens her wardrobe in search of something to wear. Of course, the toothpaste is now dripping everywhere. What a mess. So back into the bathroom and over the sink.
Then she hears Tamara's voice again. "Must have been a long evening last night."
Lucy now tries to speak while brushing her teeth but fails. So, she takes the brush out of her mouth for a moment. "It wasn't that long. But I think I had a few too many shots."
"Ah. I see. Soooo. Who else was there?"
She decides to put the question to the back of her mind, at least until she finishes brushing her teeth. And since she is not answering right away, Lucy sees from the mirror that Tamara appeared in the bathroom again with raised eyebrows. She rinses her mouth and wipes herself with a towel.
"The usual ones."
She goes back into the bedroom and looks for something to wear. Showering is no longer an option. Tamara follows her to the room, of course so she can grill her more about last night.
"And who are the usuals?"
Lucy rummages through her things as she lists them all.
"John and Bailey, Angela, Nyla, Aaron, Celina and Tim."
"Ah. And did you have a nice evening with Tim."
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littlestivy · 3 years
Every canon Dramione moment
I have compiled here a list of every single time Draco and Hermione interacted in canon, talked about one another, or could have conceivably interacted for all your Hogwarts-era fanfic needs! 
If I left anything out, please don’t hesitate to comment or DM me! There are some really obvious ones I left out e.g. the fanfic classics: prefects’ bathroom, Astronomy Tower, Black Lake, Potions lesson...
I haven’t included page numbers because every edition is different and it would be confusing. This list is intended as pinpoint references for you to check out the scene in your own books, which is why they’re not super detailed.
Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 6: The Journey  from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters
Harry and Draco’s altercation on the train—Hermione isn't there at the time but comes along soon after (could have bumped into him in the corridor)
Chapter 7: The Sorting Hat
Sorting Ceremony
Chapter 8: The Potions Master
Hermione trying to answer a question in potions, Draco and the Slytherins laughing at her
Chapter 9: The Midnight Duel
Draco tries to steal Neville's Remembrall at breakfast
flying lesson
Draco inviting Harry to a duel, Hermione overhears
Chapter 10: Hallowe'en
Harry receives his Nimbus Two Thousand and Draco confronts him, overheard by Hermione
Ron says something mean about Hermione after the Wingardium Leviosa lesson, she gets upset and isn't seen in the next class (could have potentially run into Draco while upset?)
Chapter 11: Quidditch
in courtyard during break
Hermione sets fire to Snape's robes during the Quidditch match against Slytherin (could have run into Draco on the way there)
Chapter 12: The Mirror of Erised
altercation with Draco after Potions
Chapter 13: Nicolas Flamel
Draco sitting behind Ron and Hermione during a Quidditch game and provoking Ron, Ron eventually tackles him and a fight breaks out between Ron, Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and Neville
Chapter 14: Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback
Malfoy overhears the Trio talking about Norbert at breakfast
Malfoy took Ron's book, which had a letter to Charlie asking to get rid of Norbert (Hermione could have confronted him to get the book back)
Malfoy caught by Professor McGonagall while the Trio are under the Invisibility Cloak
Chapter 15: The Forbidden Forest
Hermione keeping her head down in class after contributing to Gryffindor losing 150 points (Draco could potentially notice this?)
detention, Hermione worried about Draco and Ron when red sparks are seen
Chapter 17: The Man with Two Faces
Gryffindor wins the House Cup over Slytherin
Hermione comes top of the year (Draco is presumably second)
Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 4: At Flourish and Blotts
brawl between Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley in Flourish and Blotts
Chapter 6: Gilderoy Lockhart
Draco making fun of Harry about signed photographs in the courtyard, Hermione has her nose buried in a book
Chapter 7: Mudbloods and Murmurs
Draco calls Hermione a Mudblood for the first time
Chapter 8: The Deathday Party
finding Mrs Norris and the "enemies of the heir beware" message
Chapter 9: The Writing on the Wall
Hermione sceptical about Malfoy being Slytherin's Heir
Chapter 10: The Rogue Bludger
Hermione researching Polyjuice Potion in the library
Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch match
Hermione wanting to know how Malfoy fixed the bludger
Malfoy being yelled at by Marcus Flint for not catching the Snitch
Chapter 11: The Duelling Club
distraction for Hermione to sneak into Snape's stores and steal ingredients (the distraction is fireworks into Goyle's Swelling Solution, Draco gets hit in the face and his nose swells up)
duelling club (Harry and Malfoy, Hermione and Millicent Bulstrode—which devolves into physical wrestling)
Chapter 12: The Polyjuice Potion
Malfoy talking about Hermione to disguised Harry and Ron
"I hope it's Granger."
Chapter 13: The Very Secret Diary
students trying to catch glimpses of Hermione in the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey puts up a screen
Valentine's Day, dwarves delivering cards
Chapter 14: Cornelius Fudge
Hermione was Petrified near the library
Chapter 15: Aragog
visitors barred from the hospital wing
"Pity it wasn't Granger."
Chapter 16: The Chamber of Secrets
Hermione had a ripped out page in her hand (popular fan theory that Draco ripped it out of a book and snuck it into Hermione’s things)
Chapter 18: Dobby's Reward
Hermione healed and returns to the Great Hall
Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter 5: The Dementor
Draco and co coming to their train compartment but Lupin is there
Malfoy elbowing past Hermione to make fun of Harry for fainting
Chapter 6: Talons and Tea Leaves
Draco does a swooning impression of Harry in the Great Hall at breakfast, Hermione tells Harry to ignore him
Hermione storming away after an argument with Ron about Divination
Care of Magical Creatures lesson
Buckbeak attacks Malfoy
Hermione nervously asking if he'll be alright
Chapter 7: The Boggart in the Wardrobe
Malfoy returning to Potions, bandaged (LOTS of interaction, go read the scene)
Hermione catching up after using the Time-Turner, her bag splits
Chapter 8: Flight of the Fat Lady
Hermione and Ron going to Hogsmeade without Harry (Malfoy is also going)
Chapter 9: Grim Defeat
Sirius Black attacks the Fat Lady, all students sleep in the Great Hall
Chapter 11: The Firebolt
preparing a defence for Buckbeak with resources from the library
Chapter 12: The Patronus
Hermione avoiding Harry and Ron (spending her time in the library) because they're mad at her for telling McGonagall about the Firebolt
Chapter 13: Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw
Hermione, Ron and Harry fighting after Scabbers disappears
Draco and co pretend to be Dementors at the match to spook Harry, he shoots a Patronus at them (Hermione was at the match, alone)
Chapter 14: Snape's Grudge
Hermione going down to visit Hagrid often, feeling lonely (helping with Buckbeak's case)
Chapter 15: The Quidditch Final
Hermione slaps Draco
thinking about Malfoy and lost track of things, forgot to go to Charms
Hermione storms out of Divination
Gryffindor/Slytherin tensions high, scuffles breaking out in the corridors
Gryffindor wins the Quidditch Final
Chapter 16: Professor Trelawney's Prediction
Draco lost his swagger after the Quidditch Final but regained it to brag about Buckbeak's upcoming execution
Hermione's fear is failure (potential fanfic scene where we learn Draco’s fear?)
Goblet of Fire
Chapter 8: The Quidditch World Cup
Malfoys and Weasleys encounter each other in the top box
Chapter 9: The Dark Mark
Death Eaters at the World Cup, Draco warning Hermione to keep her bushy head down
Chapter 11: Aboard the Hogwarts Express
overhearing Draco tell his friends about his father wanting him to go to Durmstrang
Draco comes to their compartment, hints about the Triwizard Tournament, Hermione tells him to go away
Chapter 13: Mad-Eye Moody
Blast-Ended Skrewts lesson
Draco taunting Ron with a Daily Prophet article about his father
Draco turned into a ferret by Moody
Hermione saying Malfoy could have been hurt
Chapter 15: Beauxbatons and Durmstrang
Hagrid puts down Malfoy during a lesson (something about making a good ferret)
Chapter 16: The Goblet of Fire
Krum decides to sit at the Slytherin table, Malfoy is smug
Chapter 18: The Weighing of the Wands
Malfoy mocking Harry about being the Champion
Potter stinks badges outside Potions, Malfoy offers Hermione one but says "don't touch my hand"
Hermione hit with Densaugeo when Harry and Malfoy duel (her teeth grow)
Chapter 19: The Hungarian Horntail
Hermione enduring taunts from Slytherin girls about being called "stunningly pretty" in Rita Skeeter article
Hermione and Harry (invisible) in Hogsmeade, people keep looking at Hermione, thinking she's talking to herself
Chapter 20: The First Task
Hermione watching from the stands
Chapter 21: The House-Elf Liberation Front
Draco and co hiding in Hagrid's cabin from the Skrewts, Hermione and co outside helping to wrangle them
Hermione going down to the kitchens to see the house-elves
Chapter 22: The Unexpected Task
Neville asked Hermione to the ball during Potions but she said she was going with someone (could have been overheard by Draco)
Chapter 23: The Yule Ball
Draco ridiculing Hermione, disbelieving she's been invited to the ball, she calls him a twitchy little ferret 
That scene... Draco can't find an insult to throw at her 
Ron and Hermione argument at the Yule Ball, she storms off
Chapter 24: Rita Skeeter's Scoop
Draco showing Harry and co the article on Hagrid
Chapter 26: The Second Task 
Hermione and Ron taken for Black Lake task
Chapter 27: Padfoot Returns 
Hermione tetchy about being teased for the fact she was Krum's hostage in the second task
Witch Weekly article, Pansy mocking Hermione, Draco part of the group 
Hermione smiles and waves sarcastically across the room at them 
moved seats by Snape in Potions, Hermione has to sit by Pansy
Chapter 28: The Madness of Mr Crouch 
Hermione receives hate mail, including one filled with Bubotuber pus, Slytherin table saw this at breakfast 
more hate mail and Howlers
Chapter 31: The Third Task 
watching Malfoy talk into his hand through the window 
Daily Prophet article about Harry fainting drops, Draco ridicules him across the Great Hall
Hermione realises Skeeter is an Animagus and runs to library to investigate 
Hermione in the stands for the task 
Chapter 35: Veritaserum
Harry comes out of the maze with a dead Cedric, the whole school is there
Chapter 37: The Beginning 
Dumbledore's speech about Cedric's death and Voldemort’s return, Malfoy and co muttering to each other 
Hermione caught Skeeter on the hospital wing window sill 
Draco overheard and mockingly congratulates her, says some foul things and the Trio all hex him at once 
pushing the unconscious Malfoy and co into the train corridor 
Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 6: The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
Draco on the Black family tree tapestry in Grimmauld Place
Chapter 10: Luna Lovegood
Hermione and Ron going to Prefects carriage (Malfoy there)
Malfoy comes to carriage to gloat, Hermione tells him to shut up and get out
Draco being foul to a first-year, Hermione there to witness it
Chapter 12: Professor Umbridge
Potions lesson, Draught of Peace (Harry gets his Vanished and Draco laughs, Hermione's is perfect)
Chapter 13: Detention with Dolores
Bowtruckles lesson, Draco imitating Hermione with her hand up
Draco talking loudly during the lesson about Hagrid, Hermione counselling Harry and Ron to ignore him
Chapter 15: The Hogwarts High Inquisitor
receiving marks back for their moonstone essay in Potions
Umbridge inspecting Care of Magical Creatures, Malfoy telling Umbridge about the Hippogriff attack
Hermione giving Harry Murtlap solution (must have procured it from somewhere, could have potentially run into Draco)
Chapter 16: The Hog's Head
Hermione still writing to Viktor, would have to go up to the Owlery (presumably, Draco writes home to his mother often)
hypothesising that maybe it was Malfoy who tipped off Filch that Harry was ordering Dungbombs, Hermione goes deep into thought
Chapter 17: Educational Decree Number Twenty-Four
Malfoy bragging about the Slytherin Quidditch team being allowed to play and makes a comment about St. Mungo's, Neville attacks him
Chapter 19: The Lion and the Serpent
Slytherin players trying to hex Gryffindor players prior to Quidditch match (Alicia Spinnet attacked in the library)
Draco imitating Ron dropping the Quaffle
Hermione had been close enough to Slytherin to see the 'Weasley is our King' badges
Malfoy composed the 'Weasley is our King' lyrics
Harry and George attack Malfoy after the match
Chapter 21: The Eye of the Snake
Hermione visiting Hagrid's cabin
Thestrals lesson
Umbridge ridiculing Hagrid, Hermione is furious
Malfoy and co taking a jab at Ron, Hermione saying to ignore them
Chapter 22: St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
Kreacher not answering Sirius' summons, probably already with Narcissa by now, probably telling her about “the Mudblood”
Chapter 23: Christmas on the Closed Ward
Hermione took the Knight Bus to Grimmauld Place (therefore was in the wizarding world, could have potentially run into Draco)
Chapter 24: Occlumency
Fifth-year students studying in the library for O.W.L.s
Chapter 26: Seen and Unforeseen
Malfoy and co in the library muttering after Harry named their fathers as Death Eaters in the Quibbler interview
Trelawney is sacked, the whole school is there
Chapter 27: The Centaur and the Sneak
Umbridge crashes the DA, Draco catches Harry and is sent off to catch others (could potentially catch Hermione)
Chapter 28: Snape's Worst Memory
Draco docks points from Hermione for speaking badly about Umbridge, revealing he's part of the Inquisitorial Squad
Calls her a Mudblood, Ron whips out his wand but Hermione stops him
Chapter 30: Grawp
Inquisitorial Squad stalking the corridors after the Weasley twins' exit
Chapter 31: O.W.L.S
Hermione worried after overhearing Draco bragging about how his father knows Griselda Marchbanks, the examiner
Chapter 32: Out of the Fire
Umbridge catches them in her office trying to contract Sirius
Malfoy leaning against the window sill, Hermione pinioned by Millicent Bulstrode
look of eagerness and greed on Malfoy's face at Hermione’s mention of a secret weapon
Chapter 38: The Second War Begins
Hermione in hospital wing having to drink lots of potions because of Dolohov's curse
Malfoy and co try to attack Harry on the train, DA members turn them into slugs and stuff them in the luggage racking
Half-Blood Prince
Chapter 6: Draco's Detour
altercation in Madam Malkin's, Draco calls Hermione a Mudblood to his mother
"Who blacked your eye, Granger? I want to send them flowers."
see Draco skulking on the street through the window of Fred and George's
spying on Draco in Borgin and Burke's
Hermione goes into the shop after Draco left in order to investigate
Chapter 7: The Slug Club
Hermione not super interested in talking about Draco compared to Harry
disbelieving that Draco is a Death Eater
Hermione and Ron have to go to the prefect carriage
Ron and Hermione saw Malfoy in the Slytherin carriage as they walked past (he gave them the finger) 
hypothesising about why Malfoy wasn't in the prefect carriage
Chapter 8: Snape Victorious
Hermione and Ron would have noticed Harry was missing when they got off the train
Dumbledore's speech about Voldemort, Malfoy playing with his fork
Chapter 9: The Half-Blood Prince
Hermione weighing in on Malfoy's overheard boasts about his standing with the Dark Lord
Malfoy sniggering at Snape ridiculing Hermione in DADA (implying Slytherins now share the class with Gryffindors)
Amortentia in Potions, Malfoy and Nott snigger when Hermione tells Slughorn she's Muggle-born
Draco really wants the Felix Felicis
Chapter 11: Hermione's Helping Hand
Prophet article about Malfoy Manor being searched for Dark objects
Chapter 12: Silver and Opals
Hermione rebutting Harry's instant assumption that Malfoy gave Katie Bell the cursed necklace
Chapter 14: Felix Felicis
Malfoy "ill" and can't play the Quidditch match
not going immediately to the Gryffindor celebration party because she got in a tiff with Ron
Lavender and Ron kissing, Hermione runs away to an empty classroom
attacking Ron with the birds, storming off and crying
Chapter 15: The Unbreakable Vow
Hermione refuses to be in the common room while Ron and Lavender are there, spends most of her evenings in the library
Hermione disproving Harry's theory that Draco snuck the necklace in to school
leaving Transfiguration quickly after the bell to go cry, forgetting her things
taking Cormac to the Slug Club Christmas party and then running away from him
Draco lurking in upstairs corridor and being pulled up by Filch for gatecrashing
Chapter 17: A Sluggish Memory
Hermione got back to Hogwarts a few hours before Harry and Ron after Christmas (visiting Hagrid, but could have potentially crossed paths with Draco)
Hermione sceptical about Harry's overheard conversation between Snape and Malfoy
Chapter 18: Birthday Surprises
Hermione moving as far away from Ron as possible in Potions
both Malfoy and Hermione furious about Harry's bezoar stunt
Hermione researching Horcruxes in the restricted section
Malfoy and Crabbe having a whispered argument during Apparition lessons
Harry watching Malfoy on the Map (could lead to some awkward scenarios with 6th Year Dramione lol), but Draco can’t be seen when in the Room of Requirement
Chapter 19: Elf Tails
Hermione rushing to the hospital wing to see Ron
Draco and co (disguised with Polyjuice Potion) skulking around castle
Chapter 20: Lord Voldemort's Request
Hermione repairing the "little girl's" (Goyle) dropped scales
Chapter 21: The Unknowable Room
Hermione achieved Apparition twice in lessons
Kreacher and Dobby giving their Malfoy update
the Trio discover Malfoy's been going to the Room of Requirement
realise that Draco stole Polyjuice Potion and is feeding it to Crabbe and Goyle
Hermione again sceptical about Malfoy having the Dark Mark
the Trio discover Draco visits Moaning Myrtle in the boys' bathroom and cries (although, Myrtle specifically didn’t mention Draco, as it’s a secret)
Chapter 22: After the Burial
Hermione telling Harry to forget about Malfoy
Chapter 24: Sectumsempra
Katie returns to school and says she got the necklace in the ladies loo of the Three Broomsticks (Rosmerta was under the Imperius Curse)
Sectumsempra, Snape appears and heals Draco
everyone in school had heard about the incident from Moaning Myrtle, including Hermione
telling Harry off for using the spell
Chapter 25: The Seer Overheard
Hermione researching the Half-Blood Prince
Trelawney being bowled over by Malfoy, who was celebrating the cabinet being repaired
Harry giving Hermione and co the map, Felix Felicis etc in order to see why Malfoy was celebrating (he's going off with Dumbledore)
Chapter 27: The Lightning-Struck Tower
Dark Mark over Hogwarts, meaning the Death Eaters are in
Draco and Dumbledore in the tower
Draco got the coin idea to communicate with Rosmerta from Hermione, and also overheard her talking in the library about poisons (implying he’s been eavesdropping on her conversations)
Dumbledore offering to protect Draco and his family, Draco’s wand lowers
Chapter 28: Flight of the Prince
Snape and Malfoy running away, through the fighters
Chapter 30: The White Tomb
Harry has a bit of pity for Malfoy, probably shared it with Hermione and Ron
Deathly Hallows
Chapter 9: A Place to Hide
Draco being made to torture other Death Eaters who displease Voldemort, Harry may have told the others
Chapter 15: The Goblin's Revenge
Ron abandons them
Chapter 23: Malfoy Manor
Draco positively identifies Ron and Hermione (somewhat reluctantly) but not Harry
Bellatrix tortures Hermione, Draco was presumably in the room or taking the unconscious men outside like Bellatrix asked
Bellatrix offers Hermione to Greyback
Bellatrix threatening to slit Hermione's throat
probably best to just read the entire chapter
Chapter 30: The Sacking of Severus Snape
Hermione and Ron rush off to the Chamber of Secrets (could have crossed paths with Draco)
Chapter 31: The Battle of Hogwarts
Room of Requirement
Malfoy stops Crabbe from destroying the Room so they can find the diadem before Harry and co
Malfoy pulls Crabbe out of the way of Hermione's stunning spell
Crabbe shoots a Killing Curse at Hermione
the Trio save Malfoy and Goyle with broomsticks (Malfoy with Harry, Goyle with Hermione and Ron)
revealed that Crabbe is dead
Chapter 32: The Elder Wand
Draco pleading with Death Eaters that he's on their side, Harry stuns the Death Eaters, Ron punches Draco in the face
Chapter 33: The Prince's Tale
reprieve from battle, tending to the wounded and the dead in the Great Hall (no mention of where the Malfoys were)
Chapter 34: The Forest Again
Harry goes to the Forbidden Forest (left behind, Hermione and Ron are likely beside themselves)
Chapter 36: The Flaw in the Plan
"dead" Harry brought into the courtyard
Hermione, Ginny, and Luna duelling Bellatrix
Malfoys huddled together in a corner of the Great Hall
Nineteen Years Later
the Trio see Draco on the platform
but... Epilogue? What Epilogue?
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pacifyara · 3 years
Assassins, First Loves, and Blondes
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(via Pinterest - credits to unknown) 
Last night I watched the cult classic: Fallen Angels (1995) directed by Wong Kar-wai. The film was originally imagined as part of Chungking Express (1994) but grew into its own body of work.
Fallen angels is less of a film and more of a collection of photographs highlighting nineties Hong Kong at night. Throughout the movie we experience varying filters (resembling that of disposable cameras), quick cuts, and odd angles as if taken by someone relatively inexperienced.
The characters flit around in typical nineties’ fashion with a mixture of grunge and sleek looks. The film easily encapsulates the era with notable amounts of slip dresses, leather, quintessential nineties hairstyles and a cigarette in every character’s hand.
Plot wise the film is broken into three stories from three main characters’ perspectives: Wong Chi-Ming, his partner in crime, and He Zhiwu. I liked this storytelling choice, because it allowed us to follow the individual characters through their hazy nights. The film has little dialogue, what we know about the characters we piece together through their actions and their personal narrations. We never even learn the name of the main female lead. 
To me there is no real overarching plot to the movie. The threads that connect each characters stories are feelings: love, loneliness, abandonment. The main characters cross each others path during the film, sometimes barely acknowledging each other. Ultimately making this film feel more like a dreamy peek into the lives of young loners.
There are many aspects of this film that could be dissected. However, I would like to focus on my personal interpretation of Blondie’s characters and the parallels she displays with He Zhiwu.
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We are first introduced to “Blondie” in an empty McDonalds. She gleefully joins our favorite assassin Wong Chi-Ming for a midnight snack, even though he has no recognition of her. Blondie is an eccentric character. She’s erratic and unpredictable. If she isn’t at her standard state of child-like happiness her emotions are all-consuming. In my mind I picture her swaying, as if teetering on the line between real and fiction. 
Blondie has one of my favorite wardrobes. Including this blouse, pin-striped cigarette pants, wedge combo that I found myself surprisingly into.
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I find that her styling over all was a lot more subdued, and less “sexy” than the female lead (who’s styling I ADORE by the way). Still her short blond hair, red lipstick, and child-like aura reminds me a bit of Marilyn Monroe. This is interesting given that Blondie’s character embodies the “other woman.” 
After their first meeting Blondie and Wong Chi-Ming return to her apartment a begin a no-strings-attached sexual relationship. She is then positioned as default as a “love rival” to Wong Chi-Ming’s business partner. Before they sleep together she tells Wong Chi-Ming that they knew each other in the past and that she dyed her blonde so that she won’t be forgotten. However, when his business partner catches a whiff of his perfume on Blondie, Wong Chi-Ming and her meet. Although Wong Chi-Ming doesn’t return his partner’s affections he still symbolically chooses her in the end by leaving Blondie and going on to complete his final assassination. 
Blondie is distraught as he tells her he isn’t going to return to her apartment. Her worst fears are being realized. Despite her fun flirty attitude, and her unforgettable blonde hair, she was being discarded.
The name Blondie is used to reference another love rival in the film as well, although this Blondie is never seen on screen. It can be deduced that Blondie on the whole is supposed to represent the other woman, always the side never the main. Doomed to be forgotten.
Parallels can be drawn between Blondie’s character and He Zhiwu.
He Zhiwu fell for Charlie, a girl pining over a man that has cheated on her with “Blondie.” As he falls in love with her his dark hair lightened to an ash blonde. However, Charlie did not share the same affections. She abandoned him. The next time he meets Charlie, she appears to have forgotten him. 
All the characters in Wong Kar-wai’s Fallen Angels have an air of loneliness. This is seen most clearly in Blondie’s character as more than anything she wants to remembered by someone, she wants to be loved. A feeling that is evoked by this stunningly aesthetic piece. 
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 5 years
28 Oct 19
Mood of the day has been TICKET STRESS! With LT tour ticket sales upon us with little time to prepare and much confusion about what the hell is going on, tensions are running high. But the pre-sale codes were finally sent out to most places and fans in the first countries to go on sale successfully got tickets so it's slightly calmer now. To everyone trying tomorrow: may the odds be ever in your favor.
Louis has added another performance! He's playing the Phoenix AZ Jingle Bash on Dec 9. Video of fans from the WMI listening parties has been posted. WMI is Amazon song of the day! And in interviews: he says that WMI is the second of FOUR singles, so we can expect another after DLIBYH (which he said will be out in Nov) and probably the video series is four parts. He says he spends AN HOUR A DAY reading fan messages and that he'd like to find an unknown/unsigned band to open for him for the UK or US legs of tour to give them a boost. We found out why Noel Gallagher is credited on Walls; as suspected it's because of a melody similarity and not any work he and Louis did together. Louis said it was ironic cause he's a Liam Gallagher fan mostly but that they asked if it was ok and Noel said yes, "I thought it was fucking cool, I was expecting him to just say no." Late Late Show is tonight and early reports make it sound fun and that's all, no big drama. Ben Winston got everyone riled up teasing something exciting on the show tonight but, spoiler, it isn't anything exciting. Build interviewer Kevan Kenney tweets that he has Louis news tomorrow. Louis took fan pics and hung out a little bit outside the LLS taping.
Liam's anime lyric video was mysteriously reuploaded to YouTube, so all the previous view counts were lost, and even more mysteriously the description included A LOT of lyrics from the upcoming album, just a massive dump of song lyrics. WTF happened over there?? MTV is teasing a Liam interview for tomorrow with some cool clips of a fun looking photoshoot (that white suit and Panama hat! whoa) and an interview clip in which he talks about the difficulties of dating in the public eye. He also shows us through his shoot wardrobe, stopping on a patterned suit to give a little wink to Harry ("I feel like I know someone would wear it better.")
Niall congratulated Lewis Capaldi on finally making it number one in the US, tells us to "smile all the time" because "it's good for ya," and says he's been listening to his own album at the gym because he's working on mixes currently. He posted and quickly deleted a dimly lit selfie making a weird face OOPS.
We got a picture of Harry in his stage clothes from the Jools Holland taping- it's the FOURTH (4th) iteration of the same outfit in a different color scheme, amazing! The high waisted button trousers, glittery blouse and wide braces combo was in soft purples and pinks on this occasion. The similarity to a certain David Bowie era was again noted.
And in the most unexpected revelations of the day, a Julian Bunetta podcast casts a familiar song in a whole new light. He talks about nearly leaking the entirety of Midnight Memories by accident but does not mention the time he actually was responsible for No Control leaking and talks about writing for 1D at great length without ever acknowledging them having participated in songwriting, but the big story is about the writing of She's Not Afraid. He says the house next to the studio they were working in was being used for a porn shoot and they "didn't want to be creeps" so they were sneaking around in the bushes peeking through the windows because they felt that would be "more respectful" to the female actress, hmm yes that sounds about like Julian's idea of respecting women, and then they wrote the song about a made up version of her in their minds. Respectful is... definitely the word is have chosen for all that, YOU BET. Anyway he also says the Calabasas house was bought by Liam and that's who lived in it.
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tothedarkdarkseas · 4 years
If you could give a celebrity's closet to each band member, who would you chose for who and why? (Like... Ziggy's wardrobe for Murdoc, etc)
I’m very sorry for the delay on this ask! Truthfully, I just don’t have a very good answer to this! I have strong responses to fashion when I see specific outfits, but I never had what you would call “style icons” or any specific celebrity I followed the fashions from closely. I really tried to muster up a good answer for you here, but I’m afraid I can’t offer much!
Stu’s quite easy for me because he’s just Blur Damon, but I realize that’s a cop-out answer! Funny you mention Ziggy on Murdoc because I’d actually favor the plain 60′s era Bowie on Stu, I think the mod hair and the mod suits would-- well, suit him. Any suited singer with skinny ties and colored blazers, like Ian Svenonius, would work well. But truthfully, when I think of Stu’s style through a celebrity lens, I sort of picture an amalgam of every young breakout actor in the 90′s and their out-on-the-town/less prestigious award show looks from the era (specifically I think young Ewan McGregor and young Dicaprio, as well as the late River Phoenix.) I’d also like the whole band to do a Dexy’s Midnight Runners thing and all wear the same outfit, at least for one album cover. (Stu reckons he pulls it off best; in reality Noodle does.)
Ziggy on Murdoc would be fun to see! I don’t mind Murdoc’s Keith Richards/Lemmy look, but much like with Stu I do think it would be fun to see him go in either one extreme or the other-- by which I mean dialing it back to an even simpler wardrobe of dirty ill-fitting clothes lifted from the donation bin, or turning it up to an extravagant extreme ala Elton John. There’s only one thing I know for sure: he’s short enough to borrow Brian Molko’s infamous Stunt Girl shirt, so why hasn’t he, eh?
Noodle is challenging, as she already has such a varied and experimental style, I don’t feel there’s much she hasn’t covered! I do think more of Noodle in smart-casual suits is a must-- a lot of Stu’s sharper looks would work equally well on Noodle. Beyond that, I really just want her to wear some Vivienne Westwood pieces, though allowing a designer to count as a celebrity is probably cheating. Hmm! I think a few Lady Miss Kier outfits (singer of Deelite) would be a lot of fun on her as well, I’m very fond of those retro patterns and color palettes and just want to see even more Gorillaz art with it.
I fear Chuck Barry is an easy answer for Russel, but I’d like to stipulate not just his slick suits of bygone decades, but his more recent fashion choices of loudly patterned or textured shirts and bolo ties, fun hats, pops of color and whimsy he’s well-earned after being the classiest guy on stage for his entire career (Russel can relate.) Russel would also pull off the trendy and highly-tailored modern cowboy look better than Diplo and Post Malone, let’s be real. (See: X, X-- now imagine them on Russel.)
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shadowslackinglight · 4 years
#2 - The Interview
This is Victoria Winters. Friends and family had warned me prior to my fateful interview with the Collins family that they had a reputation of being eccentric. Of course, with the excitement of the opportunity coursing through my veins, I dismissed the concerns out of hand. I quickly came to realize, however, that this particular family was shrouded in dark secrets and motives. No person residing at the Collinwood Estate was without an internal struggle hiding just under the surface.
From the diary of Victoria Winters.
Vicky winters stood slightly damp from the rain in the foyer of the new Collinwood Estate. Although citizens of Collinsport referred to the current residence of the family as the “new” house, it was hardly a modern construction. The house was originally built during the Spring and Summer of 1860, just over two hundred years after the original house was built. It appeared to Vicky, who had a keen eye for these things, that much of the furniture in the modest-sized entryway was originally from the Victorian era. The floors were made of finely-preserved wood, part of which was covered in a large rug. The walls were covered in a dark red wallpaper with black flowers. Directly in front of Vicky was an elaborate wooden staircase, complete with a polished banister. To her left was a large set of double doors leading into another room. The wall opposite those doors held two more doors leading to other rooms. Between them hung a large oil painting of a tall, pale man with dark, black hair. The man was donned in what Vicky believed to be the traditional wardrobe of a gentleman from the seventeenth or early eighteenth century. 
“Miss Winters,” said an elderly man who had descended from the second floor of the home when  Vicky entered the house, “Ms. Stoddard-Collins will be with you shortly. Would you care for something to drink?”
Vicky looked at the man, attempting to make eye contact and convey a confidence that she did not feel in her heart.  The man’s face was gaunt and because the room was dimly lit, partially covered in shadow. What she could see of him did not appear to be in great health.
“No thank you, Mr...” came Vicky’s response in a semi-whisper. 
“Sorry,” he said to her, “How rude of me not to introduce myself. I’m Roger Collins, Elizabeth’s brother.”
The man motioned to his right where the large double doors stood. Vicky followed him to the doors and entered once he opened them.
“Who is that man in the picture?” she asked him, motioning to the picture on the wall.
“Oh, that old thing?” Roger replied, “He’s a distant relative. When this house was built, all of the art was taken from the original and put into storage here on the estate. Elizabeth has always loved all of the portraits, ever since she was a child. When she took over the house after our parents’ deaths, she wanted to add them all to this house. Unfortunately, the shed they were in allowed a bit too much of the weather to intrude. All of the artwork was destroyed except that one. Peculiar, really.”
“Peculiar, indeed,” Vicky said.
“Please, Ms. Winters, have a seat anywhere in this room. I will summon my sister, presently.” Roger left the room, closing the double doors behind him.
Vicky stood in the massive drawing room and took it in. The room was dimly lit by a fancy chandelier dangling from the center of the ceiling and several lamps placed at small tables arranged strategically around the room. The effect cast interesting shadows in every corner. The floor was wooden, polished extravagantly. There were a couple of old, green, leather couches and chairs in the room as well as a large piano. Each of these items stood atop very old, expensive-looking rugs. The walls were also made of wood paneling with various pieces of art hanging from them. On the wall directly across from the entrance to the room was a very large, elaborate fireplace that was outlined with a decorative, wooden hearth. The aesthetic of this room appeared to be untouched from the time in which the house was built. Vicky was sure the furniture was new, but it was clearly ordered custom to match the style of the rest of the house. The wall pointing to the outside of the house held a massive window. The storm was really picking up, now. Lightning and thunder struck again, illuminating the whole room for a moment before subsiding. 
Vicky chose one of the leather couches facing a small table with a matching chair directly across from it. Perfect for an interview, she thought. After a few minutes that crawled on like hours to Vicky, Ms. Collins Stoddard finally entered the room. 
“Apologies for the wait,” she said in a monotonous voice, “There was a bit of family business to address that ran longer than I had hoped. 
Vicky stood, turning to face the woman, “No problem, at all,” she replied, offering her hand to the matriarch.
Ms. Collins Stoddard walked to the chair opposite her and sat. Vicky wasn’t sure if she had seen her hand or had simply ignored it. Vicky sat back down on the couch, making sure her posture was perfect.
Looking at Ms. Collins Stoddard, Vicky could tell the woman was trying to put forth an air of superiority, but she wasn’t quite pulling it off. Her dark, brown hair, while put up in a bun, had a few strands that indicated it was done in haste. Her midnight blue dress was just slightly disheveled, and her green eyes looked weary. She looked stressed. Vicky was not surprised. The public relations nightmare that was this project had to have been taking its toll on Ms. Collins Stoddard. Daily protests and weekly articles about what Vicky assumed had to be a very difficult decision couldn’t have helped the situation, either. Vicky felt a bit sorry for the woman, but that empathy would quickly disappear as the interview started.
Ms. Collins Stoddard began leafing through the copy of Vicky’s profile that Vicky had mailed ahead of her visit. The woman’s face displayed no emotion as she did. Finally, after taking a look at every sheet of paper in the folder while Vicky waited in silence, Ms. Collins Stoddard finally made eye contact with her and spoke.
“Apologies for not being fully prepared,” she began, “Normally, I would look over your dossier in advance of our meeting, but to be completely honest, I did not fully expect you to come for this interview.”
“Pardon me?” Vicky stammered.
Ms. Collins Stoddard gave the slightest smirk, “Well, it’s just that you must’ve known that you are only getting this interview as a favor to a member of the family. A project like this takes experience and know-how. I don’t believe you to have either of those things. It’s a big responsibility that cannot fail.”
“I see,” was all Vicky could manage to say. Again, thunder cracked loudly outside. Vicky jumped at the sound. Her interviewer did not.
“But, here you are, aren’t you, girl? You should know that yesterday, alone, I interviewed three world-renowned architects itching to get their paws on that house,” Ms. Collins Stoddard continued, “However, I did promise to conduct this interview, and your work does look quite impressive for someone so...young. Therefore, in order to fulfill my familial obligation, I will give you five minutes to tell me why I should even remember that I met you. Why do you think you can do this project? What, if any vision do you have for my ancestral home?” she paused, “If nothing else, consider this a practice for your next interview at some low-rate firm in New York that has time to waste showing you the ropes of being a professional architect.”
Vicky looked down to her hands in her lap for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. If nothing else, she considered, at least the Collins family matriarch was honest. Vicky, however, considered herself to be an overachiever. She was not going to give up and let this opportunity pass her by. In truth, this project was the only thing, at this moment, that she wanted. 
She took a deep breath and looked up. Her eyes met Ms. Collins Stoddard’s. She tried to show determination and grit, but there was no visible response from the person across from her to indicate whether or not she had succeeded. “Very well,” Vicky said calmly, and then she dove in.
For the next five minutes, exactly, Vicky outlined everything she had gathered during her time researching the estate and during her time today in Collinsport. She spoke intently about her initial ideas and plans for a remodel of the original Collinwood house that would turn it into a bustling hotel and tourist attraction while maintaining what made it appealing in the first place: its history. She did not pause. She did not invite Ms. Collins Stoddard to interject. This was her five minutes, and she used every single second of it. She left nothing out because if she had, she knew she would regret it for the rest of her life. She may have been gifted this opportunity, but she was going to make the most of it.
The moment the five minutes ended, the double doors to the drawing-room opened with a creak, and Roger Collins walked through them. Ms. Collins Stoddard tore a scrap of paper off of the corner of Vicky’s resume, wrote something on it, closed the portfolio, and thanked Vicky for her time. She then stood up abruptly and exited the room, handing the scrap of paper to Roger as she walked past him.
Vicky felt tears welling up in her eyes. She had given it everything she had and, apparently, it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough for the job, and it wasn’t even enough for a response. She stood quickly, eager to leave the house before her emotions got the better of her. If she got to the station soon, she thought she might be able to catch the last train out of town, and if not, she would stay at a local hotel. There was no way she was going to stay the night in this house after that interview. The embarrassment would be too much.
As she began to make her way out of the drawing-room, she passed Roger who was looking at the scrap of paper in his hand. Her presence near his person startled him to attention, and he turned to her, “Where are you going, Ms. Winters?” he asked.
She turned on her heels and looked at him, exasperated. “I’m going to try to catch a train back,” she replied.
“That won’t be necessary,” Roger told her.
“Mr. Collins, I appreciate the opportunity and your family’s hospitality, but...”
Roger stuck the note out to her, “Here,” he said.
She hesitated, confused, then took the piece of paper and read it for herself. There was a dollar sign on it, followed by a number. A large number. A number that was at least twice as big as any she’d expect to get at a firm. 
“What is this?” she asked.
“Your salary,” Roger replied, “I know it’s a tad low, compared to what you may have expected, but we will be providing you room and board here at Collinwood, which will significantly cut your costs. I’m afraid, however, that the offer is non-negotiable.”
Vicky looked down at the number written by Ms. Collins Stoddard’s hand, again. After a moment, determined to keep a professional face, she looked up and replied as calmly as she could, “Mr. Collins, I believe this will suffice.”
“Excellent!” he said, “You begin tomorrow. Planning for this project must be underway at once!”
“But my things,” Vicky stated, “I’ve only brought enough for one night. I need time to gather my belongings to move.”
Roger looked at her incredulously, “Nonsense. Provide me with a list of your personal belongings, your address, and a key, and I will have someone fetch them for you. If you have them at breakfast, we should have the job done by tomorrow evening.”
Thunder and lightning crashed once more, but this time when the bright flash retreated from the room, all of the lamps and the chandelier had gone out. The two were standing in complete darkness.
“Drats,” Roger said.
To be continued...
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5hining-aus · 5 years
Midnight Musings AU - Halloween Musings (Taemin X Reader)
Well, we’ve reached the final part to the Arranged Marriage AU Halloween scenarios. Despite being the last posted, this one was actually the first one I finished and also (possibly) the one that I’m most fond of. Anyway, I hoped you all enjoyed these little updates to the series, let me know what you thought. Happy Halloween!
Wow, these fangs feel really weird. Maybe I should’ve gone with the normal kind instead of these tooth cap ones. Oh well, at least I can talk normally. I wonder how long-
You jolted out of the way just in time to avoid being barreled into by a little pirate and a little doctor. Taemin’s brother had convinced you two to take his twins, Yewon and Jaewon, out trick-or-treating and of course the two of you, not thinking about how difficult it would be to manage one six year old, let alone two, agreed without hesitation.
Please, please just let us get through the night without one of them getting broken or lost.
“What does everybody think?” Taemin asked, stepping into the room wearing a matching vampire costume to yours.
Yewon turned her head towards Taemin, then back to you, then back to Taemin, then back to you again, and then to Taemin one more time.
“You and Aunt Y/N match!” She exclaimed, looking as though your matching costumes had made her whole day.
“Fu-Heck yeah we do!” Taemin responded, managing to catch himself before he introduced a new, age-inappropriate word to the twins’ ever-growing vocabulary...Again. “What do you think, Jaewon?”
In complete contrast to his sister’s loudness, Jaewon simply showed his approval with a thumbs-up and a quiet “You look cool.” Taemin returned the thumbs-up and then proceeded to turn his attention to you.
“And what does Aunt Y/N think?” He asked, slightly wiggling his shoulders.
You gave your husband’s costume a quick once-over, and were rather impressed by it. He really went all out with the whole “Victorian-era vampire” look. He even slicked back his hair and wore heeled boots (which you were about 90% sure were already part of his wardrobe.)
“I think you look very handsome,” you said with a smile.
“Oh really?” He asked, stepping closer to you. “Then perhaps you would be so kind as to give this handsome vampire a taste of your blood later. Just a little nibble?”
Honestly, you would have been much more flustered had he not done a bad imitation of the stereotypical vampire accent. However, he did do a bad imitation of the stereotypical vampire voice, and it took all of your willpower to not start laughing in his face.
“Remember Dracula, there a little ears here,” you chided.
Taemin placed a lingering kiss to your jaw.
“What? I’m not being bad, I just asked for a little snack.”
He said one thing, but the way he wiggled his eyebrows at you said another.
“Later...maybe,” you whispered to him, causing an eager grin to spread across his face.
“But Uncle Minnie, you can’t drink Aunty Y/N’s blood, she’s a vampire too!” Yewon piped up, thankfully remaining oblivious to the true meaning of her Uncle’s proposition. Taemin, on the other hand, went white as a ghost.
Hmm, should I say nothing and let Taemin deal with her inevitable questioning, or should I save him the embarrassment?
You chose to be nice to your husband.
“I think your Uncle is just being silly, sweetie.”
You could practically see the panic leave Taemin’s body as he shot you a grateful look.
“Really? Were you just being silly?” Yewon questioned, looking over at Taemin.
Your husband began nodding quickly.
“Yep, just being silly. Hahaha!”
Wow, that laugh didn’t sound forced AT ALL, Taemin.
“Who’s ready to go get some candy?” Taemin asked excitedly, probably eager to change the subject. And of course, at the mere mention of the word “candy,” the twins were back to bouncing off the walls.
“Can-dy! Can-dy! Can-dy!” Yewon started chanting.
Jaewon joined his sister’s chant, though he was, as per usual, a bit calmer.
“Can-dy! Can-dy! Can-dy!”
You and Taemin shared a look, as if to say “should we?”
Eh, what the heck.
You and Taemin joined in, and pretty soon your little quartet was strolling out the door chanting.
“Can-dy! Can-dy! Can-dy!”
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The night was a rousing success, so much so that the twins didn’t want to stop once they finished going through the neighbourhood. You weren’t sure how many houses you guys had hit by the end of the night, but you were pretty sure it was somewhere in the hundreds. That’s what it felt like at least.
We should’ve brought the car, my legs feel like jelly.
You looked over to Taemin, who looked just as tired as you felt. Even the twins, with their boundless energy, had called it a night. Yewon had decided to hitch a ride on Taemin’s shoulders, while Jaewon, the little trooper, was clutching your hand and fighting his exhaustion in order to keep walking.
“You know guys,” Taemin began, breaking the comfortable silence, “Aunt Y/N and I will have to check your candy before you can have any.”
Yewon and Jaewon may not have noticed the mischievous grin that Taemin had when he spoke, but you sure did, and you sent him an equally mischievous one back.
“But whyyyyy?” The twins whined in unison.
“Well, sometimes people accidentally give out treats that are meant for grown-ups,” You stated matter-of-factly. Like the good chocolate bars, and full-sized treats, you thought to yourself.
The twins were shoving their candy bags at you and Taemin pretty much the second you all got in the door. Shooing the duo into the living room to prevent them from witnessing your “heist,” you and Taemin immediately dumped the contents of the bags out onto the kitchen table and started divvying up the haul.
“Ooh, Skittles, obviously very dangerous for small children, I’ll just take those,” you said, sliding the package closer to yourself.
“And what kind of monster gives a child Snickers?” Taemin said, mimicking your little sliding move.
“Probably the same kind of monster that gives children full-sized peanut butter cups,” you replied, smirking at your husband’s jealous expression.
A few minutes later, Taem began giggling and passed you a bag that was labelled “FOR GROWN-UPS.” Inside it were two small bottles of candy-infused vodka, a container of gummy candy, and a note that read “No tricks, here’s a little treat for the people who said no to partying so they could be the Aunt and Uncle of the Year. Love, Minho and M/P/N! P.S. The gummies also have alcohol in them.”
You started giggling as well. Of course those two would have something special prepared for you and Taemin. Making a mental note to try those gummies once the twins left, you and Taemin continued “inspecting” the candy, finally finishing about fifteen minutes later. You finished just on time too, since only a few moments after you and Taemin had stashed away your pilfered candy, the front door opened and in walked your brother-in-law, there to relieve the two of you from your Aunt and Uncle duties.
After bidding your final goodbyes to the twins, you and Taemin changed out of your costumes and collapsed on the couch, completely worn out.
“You know, it isn’t that late, we can still make it to Key and K/P/N’s party,” Taemin muttered, but you could tell he definitely wasn’t enthusiastic about the idea.
“No way,” you mumbled back, equally unwilling to go to a party after hours of trick-or-treating. “Besides, I thought you mentioned wanting a little snack.”
Taemin appeared confused for a moment, but he soon realized what you were talking about and developed an almost devilish grin.
“Ahh, yes,” he began, using that horrendous voice once more, “just a little nibble, if you don’t mind.”
“I will mind if you keep using that voice,” you teased.
“Right, sorry,” Taemin replied, this time using his regular voice. Leaning in, he whispered to you before capturing your lips.
“Happy Halloween Y/N.”
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afinefashionfrenzy · 6 years
The Girl Who Stole The Moon
Ashlee Marie wasn't looking for love. Nor was she planning on falling in love. By the time she was twenty-one she had decided that love was not in the cards for her. She may have been four years older now but if love hadn’t found her yet, it most certainly wouldn’t any time soon. Love was not high on her priorities list. In fact she had practically benched love. “Ashlee Marie!” Her mother would say with her highly upper English accent, “Darling you're only twenty-five! You have a lifetime ahead of you to find love.” To which Ashlee would cry out in frustration, “Mother if love hasn't found me yet it most certainly will not change its mind on me now!”
 You see, everyone in her inner friendship circle were practically married, and if not they were either engaged, in a relationship or regulars on the dating scene. Tinder in her mind was a nightmare she most certainly did not wish to enter into. In fact she couldn't imagine anything shoddier than having someone (most likely a bald fifty year old disguised as a cute twenty-something) swiping left on her.
 No, Ashlee Marie was an old soul trapped in a twenty-five year old body, living in London, forging a career in publishing. Screw love she had all that she needed right in front of her. Or so she thought. 
 It all changed in the summer of that year. June arrived on her front door with that fresh summer fragrance in the air. Yes, you could instinctively tell that change was in the wind when the seasons transferred over to the next. You could almost taste it on your tongue. She had been in a rush that gorgeous evening almost never making it to Darcy’s house. Darcy was, well in Darcy’s own opinion, Ashlee’s BFFL. She often spoke in way too many abbreviated terms than Ashlee cared to understand.
 Hastily, she moved out of the door in her little Givenchy LBD that she had bought second hand from a vintage store downtown. She definitely looked captivating in the twilight sky as her dark brown hair tousled down in an effortless fashion behind her. Forever blind to the stares of strangers she never gave herself too much credit when it came to her beauty. As her Uber pulled out from her quiet, suburban street she looked up to the sky. Dusk had settled earlier than usual that evening. She pondered on the change as her car drove her towards Darcy’s apartment.
Looking up towards the sky she searched and found him there nestled behind the clouds. Oh, there you are Mr Man on the Moon. Today has been manic. I’m so ready for a big glass of wine and an even bigger gossip session with Darcy over the new American Bachelor.
Ashlee regularly talked to the Man on the Moon. He was her closest confidant. He never seemed to fail her. Each evening there he’d appear. Stationary, he was trustworthy that man up there, holding her biggest secrets and sometimes her biggest insecurities.
A vibration in her faded black handbag jumped her back into reality. A text from Darcy:
Change of plans honey, Eddie’s here.
Her fingertips were as if out of a fast paced action movie replying back at a speed her mother could not cope with. She could barely find the ‘send’ button on Ashlee’s hand-me-down Blackberry. Yes, she was still stuck in the noughties. It had been an upgrade from her previous Nokia 3310.
What? Why?
Just get here as soon as you can. Something to do with Flo.
Oh god. Is he okay? She typed back.
Edward Ascott had been a long time friend of Darcy’s. Edward and Ashlee weren’t merely even friends. The only time they were ever seen in the same room was if it involved Darcy.  In no way was he Ashlee’s type. Besides, even if he were, Eddie had been in a long-term relationship with Florence Bishop, a well known socialite who ran in the most exclusive of circles but somehow managed to put up with Eddie’s long running tab of bullshit. All in all, they were how everyone would describe, including Ashlee’s mother, as a ‘picture-perfect’ couple.
Ashlee had never really given Eddie much thought compared to the other women who constantly cooed over him. Yes, he was classically good looking by most books. What with those green eyes, a few scattered tattoos (which if her mother knew about she would not approve, though Ashlee doubted it would actually change her perception of him), dark hair and towering height. Ashlee kept herself distant from men like Eddie. First and foremost he was taken by Flo and she had rules when it came to boys with girlfriends. Secondly, she secretly prided herself on being the only girl possibly out there in the world that wasn’t attracted to him or flirted with him when he gave them a chance.
If she had had the foreknowledge of what was to occur that evening before entering into Darcy’s South Bank apartment she probably would have never left home. She’d have made up an excuse that she felt sick or her anxiety was playing up. Unfortunately, she did not have the ability to go back in time nor did she have a crystal ball that could tell her the future. Well, there was that magic 8 ball hiding somewhere at the back of her wardrobe but that was an entirely different story.
Eddie looked awful when she walked in. His eyes were rimmed red and he couldn’t make eye contact with either of them. Her very words were, after embracing a concerned looking Darcy, along the lines of, “Shit Eddie, what happened?”
He looked dire. No, more than dire. His composure was sullen as he sat bent over on the couch. His cheeks were tear-stained and he looked as if he hadn’t showered in three days judging by the amount of stubble protruding from his face. Well so much for a girl’s night, she thought.
“Flo left,” Eddie whispered looking up at her.
“Oh Eddie, I’m so sorry. God that’s awful. What’s it been? Six years or something?” she said placing herself on the arm of the couch next to him. She was unsure whether to touch him in case he might crumple in a heap under her.
“Or something,” he said with a disbelieving grin. “God, I feel like an idiot.” He hung his head in his hands.
Ashlee and Darcy looked at each other. Neither one of them had any words. Ashlee had never seen Eddie like this before. Darcy, springing up off her seat into action, went to go fix them all a glass of wine or something stronger. They both knew that this could be a long night.
Placing her hand gently on his back she said with a concerned expression, “Look Eddie, I know we’re not very close but I’m here if you need to talk or not to talk. Whatever you need I’m here.” He reached up for her hand holding it in his over his shoulder his green eyes locking with hers. In that split second, something changed.
After an outpouring from Eddie – Flo had finally left him to move to Argentina. She had said she needed ‘space’ to find herself. Personally, Ashlee thought it probably came down to the fact that Florence probably had had enough of Eddie’s constant partying. It wouldn’t have been the first time Flo had caught him with another girl over Snapchat. They may only last ten seconds but people, especially the elite, thrived off gossip.
If only she had looked up to the moon as her driver pulled out of Darcy’s driveway at two in the morning, she would have heard him say, Oh darling, don’t be a fool for love with this man.
The next day against her better judgment she picked up her phone and called Eddie. Normally, she had boundaries when it came to calling guys, however this was different. Well, she convinced herself it was different. Eddie was a friend in need. Even if they weren’t very close her heart ached for him. She hated seeing people down. Eddie’s response to her reaching out was not what she had expected at all. He seemed overly grateful for her support. It seemed peculiar to her that he was this approachable as they had barely spoken before his breakup with Flo. Dismissing her suspicions she allowed him to pour his heart out to her. Besides, she insisted to her lecturing conscience. He is probably telling all his friends the same things as he does to me.
What happened next was not what she had intended. The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into two months. Slowly, between the texts, the late night calls and the crazy nights hanging out in the pub down on the corner from her house, her feelings towards Eddie began to change. Before she could even stop herself she came to the realisation that her heart had altered towards him.
It’s just a crush, she told herself. I don’t want to be the rebound girl.
Yet, crushes felt like you were rocketing a thousand miles into outer space with no helmet on and before you could even gaze back at the earth you would realise that your whole world was consumed with the galaxies and stars. A rush of excitement came every time she saw him. His goofy grin when he talked about his job working for a corporate consulting firm or the old man, who lived upstairs, that dressed like he was out of the Gatsby era who never failed to say ‘Good morning son’ to him with a brief head nod whilst picking up the morning paper. There was more depth to him than she had seen before. Perhaps she had misjudged him after all.
Maybe it was her sixth sense but deep down she could not deny it. I am becoming the rebound girl, she told herself one night in the midnight hour. Tossing and turning under her sheets she debated over her dilemma. Well, not yet. But I could be. Why is this so difficult to let go? I cannot allow myself to be the rebound girl.
She knew it deep down. You could not be the rebound girl and not know it. It was this sense of knowing that even if you tried your hardest and fought against it with every fibre of your being - you were being depended on. It was a fine balance of caring and yet, not caring too much. What do you do if you’re the rebound girl?
Well, you run very, very far away. 
You see - the rebound girl never won in her books. She gets worn-in in the story. There for a moment, then blown away with the next wind that comes his way. So, the question was, how does one stop being the rebound girl?
You assess the situation. You smile but hold him out at arm’s length. You don’t want to be the rebound girl Ashlee-Marie!
Maybe she was a bad liar. Or the truth had finally caught up to her. The only truth was this:  People needed time -
And time heals all wounds.
Because one thing she knew deeper than ever before, she was not the rebound girl, she was the girl. However, she found herself slowly waking up each morning yearning for him. How did she end up like this yearning for the one thing she really shouldn’t want?
One evening she crept up the exit stairs towards the rooftop of her apartment. Above the sky was dazzling in all its glory before her. Millions of stars twinkled in the night sky. It was the most beautiful sight she had ever gazed upon. You never saw the stars like this in London. There he was, so stable, so still shining down on her like he always did. Oh hello Mr Man on the Moon, she whispered. I think I’m falling for him. Like real tumbling down a rabbit hole kind of falling. Oh Mr Man on the Moon, I never ask for anything but please if I can ask one thing, please let this be!
Perhaps, it was the recent eclipse that foreshadowed what was to come, but Ashlee couldn’t deny that her feelings towards Eddie had changed. Oh Mr Man on the Moon, she whispered looking up towards the sky. Why now? I cannot deny these feelings but I can’t have them. Take them away from me Mr. Man on the moon. I cannot fall in love with Eddie.
The man laughed back at her, Oh what a child, oh what a fool! Always running away from love and then thinking that I am the one who is cruel for placing it right in front of her!  
In all his frustration at the girl down below, the Man on the Moon realigned the stars in her favour. He watched as their story unfolded in the night sky. He bore witness to Eddie and her that final summer evening, with the bonfire glowing, where finally after three months they kissed. His eyes misted as their hearts intertwined in the South of France. The stars worried about him as they sat in the expanse seeing his sorrow grow as he gave the girl over to the man down below. They tried to gleam even more so just to keep his shine up at night for the lovers down below.
Two years passed in a blink of the eye and Ashlee Marie soon forgot about the moon as well as the man that lived on it. In the autumn of that year a new breeze blew. It was whispered in the wind as the leaves began to sway down onto the dimly lit side streets. She had a longing in the deepest part of her soul. It was a sound and song that only she could hear. There was a wrestle in her soul that had been ongoing for some time. No, it was deeper than that. It went far beyond both body and soul.
She hated not feeling adequate. For the most part – that daily grind – she was fine. However, something had to change. Standing on the veranda in the dawn of night wide awake she looked up to her old friend, the Man on the Moon. Please, let something change, she begged the universe. Looking to the stars and inhaling her final cigarette she pleaded to whatever god ruled the world to let something break. I need a change, a second chance. I don’t want to be this girl anymore.
That was the problem that came with being strong for too much time. Darkness would creep into the cracks like a thief in the night, leaving the ceiling in the room open to a sky full of damage. Inhaling a deep breath, she closed her eyes. Please, I beg of you. I’ll do anything. I’ll change. I’ll be the girl you want me to be. The woman I know I should be. Just help me find her again. Her walls had been high for long enough. Now they were slowly crumbling around her. Looking to the moon she tried to find some closure in its basking grey light. Tugging her dressing gown tighter onto to her now willowy frame she put her cigarette down and crept inside. That was the problem with silk; it never kept you warm enough.
He looked so gentle lying there in the white sheets. Breathing softly he was at his stillest when asleep in their second hand bed that they had bought at a garage sale on Bathgate Street that one summer. She would never forget that summer two years ago. My god, how has that much time passed? She thought to herself as she looked at him. I love him. I swear I do. But...
Stopping herself she placed herself quietly onto the chair near the window where should could still view the moon. The Man on the Moon must have been jealous of her shine all those years ago when he aligned the stars for her on her old rooftop. Because, ever since the night her eyes had finally glimmered with Eddie’s as one under the night stars with the music playing only loud enough for them to hear and the lights twinkling just enough to help him see her sparkle, she had been a fool. Oh how I’ve been a fool for love, she whispered to the man. I couldn’t help myself. I tried for so long not too and then I surrendered myself completely helpless. Oh I’m a fool Mr Man on the Moon. Oh how I am a hopeless romantic fool!
Just ‘friends’ that was all they were supposed to be. It was that summer that Flo had left him. Young and careless, she had found her emotions tumbling down like a field of dandelions. One blow and you’re flying away. Days of yearning for each other turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months, then finally one night she had plucked up the courage to say how she really felt. Somehow despite all odds - ‘the favour of the universe’ she had put it down to at the time; he felt the same. Their first kiss had been as if it was written by the author of the stars. She had completely forgotten how she had begged the Man on the Moon to turn the stars in her favour.
Magic, that’s what it had felt like. Absolute magic. They’d been in each other's pocket ever since that evening. Together they had explored the world drinking rosé in small Italian bars and boomeranging right back to the arctic colds of London. No one could deny that they were two lovers destined to collide. If not then, the universe would have intertwined them onto the same path at some point. Her mother called it ‘destiny’ when she finally admitted her and Eddie were an item.
Destiny, she thought. What the fuck is destiny? Is this destiny? She thought looking at him lying peacefully in the bed. Oh how she loved him. She loved his smile and the way when he had too much to drink he became like a little kid. She loved how his lips would turn into a slight grin when he was nervous. She loved his strong hands that could make her weak at one touch but also could be so cruel. She loved how he was so protective of her remembering how he had shielded her from those drunken boys that one night in a German pub. It was a trait she had noticed in him long before they’d ever – oh I wish we had never!
Slumping down into the seat she pulled her gown closer to her body. Her walls came crumbling down; she hung her head in her hands. Oh Mr Man on the Moon I can’t do this anymore! I love him and yet I hate him! I hate the way he makes me feel both completely beautiful and tormented at the same time. I hate how I am a fool for his green eyes and his quintessential Cambridge charm. Darn you Mr Man on the Moon! Darn, you!
She looked out the window. Above the skyline with its smoke puffing out of the chimneys, she could see the moon. It shone brightly that night much like that first night when their story had started. It was as if she could almost feel the moon teasing her. She knew that you couldn’t change the past. She gasped for air, wishing that she had more time.
I don’t want to be this girl. I never wanted to be this girl. Oh please, oh please help me!
Gathering up the little strength that she had left she crawled into the bed. How many times had he sneaked in at a godforsaken hour while she had lain wide awake waiting for him to come home? How many times had he said he was sorry when she knew he wasn’t? More than she could count. She was tired. Tired of the drunken and drugged up nights. Tired of the stories she heard of him with wild, pretty girls. No more. I promised myself no more.
Pulling the blankets up to her chest she lay still listening to his breathing. How could you want something so badly but at the same time want nothing at all? I don’t want him. Not anymore. Tomorrow I am gone, she said to herself. She could feel the man on the moon laughing down at her inability to stick to a promise. I swear Mr Man on the Moon tomorrow I am gone!
Watching the pale moonlight shadows through the window pane, she slowly closed her eyes with the knowledge that when she woke up the next morning she would have enough strength to change, to leave, pack up what little she cared about and finally go.
Eddie woke up as daylight began to break in between the curtains, a cold breeze blowing. She’s still here, he thought. After all this time she is still here. Oh how I have been a fool Mr Man on the Moon. Oh, how I have been a fool for her! He brushed the hair from her eyes a she laid there gently next to him. I love her, I love her. She has stayed somehow after all this time even when I have been a fool. Oh how, I have fallen for her more and more with each breath she takes.
He was fiercely protective of her. He would shield her from all harm if he could. At time, it was too much and it would end in heated arguments, with tears, slamming bathroom doors and bruises. Despite all this time – How? He wondered. How did I get this lucky? I’ll do anything for her. I always have. From the very moment I saw her. The most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Oh how she shined! That twinkle that led me closer to her, the courage that made me finally tell her I felt the same that day.
He knew he had taken his time in courting her. She was too beautiful to be taken for granted and yet he knew that he had at times. Ashlee-Marie had been the girl men wanted but could never have. There once was a time he thought she would never even give him the time of day. Everything had changed after that night at Darcy’s. Funny how one moment, one touch, could change everything.
I love her, I love her. He whispered to himself all over again. He needed her more than she needed him. But he couldn’t let her go. Too much time had passed. There wasn’t a world to him without her in it.
In that quiet wake of dawn the man grimaced down on them. Silly children, he thought. Both absolute fools for each other and me the Man on the Moon caught in the middle! Asking me to help her leave and him asking me to make her stay! Both absolute fools! If only she knew! If only he knew!
Ashlee didn’t want this life and she knew deep down she didn’t want him either. She wasn’t built for the ensemble of wild nights and pretty girls. Yet, she also knew she wasn’t built to be the girl the man up above wanted her to be. She could give neither what they truly wanted.
As the Man on the Moon looked down below at her incredulously, she walked out the front door with her packed bags away from a bewildered Eddie with a Tiffany engagement ring in his hands. The stars, still jealous of her shine, sighed pitifully. Perhaps this is how it is meant to be, they whispered. Two star struck lovers and a girl who stole the heart of the moon.
   Dear Frenzies,
If you have gotten this far, well done. This short story I wrote over a year ago and thought it was about high time I published it. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did I’d love to know your thoughts via my ask box. I hope this story aids you in your adventures in love and lets you know your worth. May you never settle for anything less than you deserve 
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