#i will try to get them (and the hand writing ask) done soon! XD
cutegirlmayra · 5 months
Prompt: The latest battle with eggman send Amy and Sonic deep into the wilderness. Communicators broken, trackers busted, and Sonic breaks a leg leaving Amy to find them food, shelter and protect Sonic. While they rest Amy asks Sonic questions about their relationship that she's always wanted to know but too scared to ask. They talk but are discovered and Amy has to fend off the robot until Tails finds them. After they're saved Sonic has a new appreciation for Amy and is happy she's in his life.
Prompts are on shutdown EVERYWHERE, posting on my other writing sites DOES NOT mean you get your prompt done XD It’s only through here, on Tumblr, when the GRAND REOPENING is announced, which it is NOT. Thank you, lovely Cuties~ I’m sorry it’s taking so long, I’m trying to finish Fanfiction TAT
A spinning, spiky blue ball revs itself up in the air at a high-pitched frequency, dropping down almost with an intense sense of gracefulness as it tears seamlessly through Eggman’s latest doom’s day device.
“NOOOOOOOOO!!!” Eggman grips his head with both his massive, puffy gloves and reels his head back, “I won’t let you get away with this! Not this time, Hedgehog!” Stomping around his large ship, he slams his hand on a button which triggers a lever he pulls down, thus activating a flipping panel on the ground that looks like a car’s gas pedal which he stomps on, and in turn lowers a dangling line above his head with a triangular grip that is meant to be tugged.
Still fuming, grinding his teeth against each other, he growls and reaches up like a train conductor and pulls it, “Take this! You spiny little cretiiiinnn!!!”
With a howling roar, spit flying from his agape mouth, Eggman’s ship lowered the tip of its nose, making the haul of its stomach ‘chin-dip’ and slam down to the ground.
Sonic, still well-within the confines shredding through the ship’s interior, suddenly found his once-smooth aerial dive now wonkily swerving before turning horizontal.
As Eggman laughed, Sonic’s spin ball started creating heat and pressure… Sonic didn’t stop the rotation, but soon was slowly breaking through the hard metal one more and popped out of a hallway, moving now like a spinning-top on his side.
Eggman’s face dropped, “WHHHAATT???!!!” He slammed his hands down, looking with horror and shock at the cameras and following the image as he sweated in fear.
The Cameras zoomed in, and it showed Sonic using a single toe, perfectly placed on the tip of his foot, to keep himself spinning at such high speeds while turned on his side.
“Curse that infernal-!” Eggman smushed his face with gripping fingers, before a robot tugged on his coat and made him look down, “Hmm?” He saw the robot pull out a crowbar, and point to it.
Eggman blinked twice… before smirking wickedly to him…
When Sonic burst through the doors of the control room, balancing out his spinning top self and wobbling to try and locate what to shred into next, the tiny robot by the side of the doors, hiding from sight, swung and hit his spinning leg.
There was a crack and Sonic unspun with a dramatic pose of spiraling in the air, his eyes squinted shut in pain before Tails’s X-Tornado dived and shot through the window, making air burst into the space and–as most vacuums do–thrust Sonic out of the room and be dragged by the sky out into the open space.
“Grr… Trying to get away that easily, eh?” Thinking he had the upper hand now, even though he was kneeling on the ground and having a hand bring down his goggles from the rushing wind, Eggman still tried to sound cocky and confident.
“You there!” He pointed to the robot who was on the ground now, his hands under him, surprised that plan actually worked and jolted with a spark at being addressed, turning to his commander and sovereign Eggman. “Don’t just lay about!” He swiped his arm out, “Do something!!!”
Realizing the Doctor was putting everything onto his tiny computerized brain’s hand to hatch another genius but simple idea, the robot waddled over a bit awkwardly to the cabinet.
Delicately, he opened it and flinched at the door swinging open, then pulled tenderly out a bazooka.
“Oh, I forgot we had one of those…” Eggman’s face looked a little like a man having forgotten where he put his keys.
Cocking it, the little metal and cylinder soldier began to try and walk towards the window before the wind began to pull him out as well.
His tiny little tin legs wiggled vigorously, but his firm grip on the large firepower he was wielding didn’t budge while he spun slowly during the drop into the air.
“TINY TIMMM!!!!” Eggman cried out, holding a hand out to him, “YOU BETTER BLAST HIM WHILE YOU’RE OUT THEEERREEE!!! This isn’t a vacation, you know! You’re still on duty!!!” He gripped that hand into a fist, showing that he was giving an order, not a moment of compassion.
The Robot, having oily tears in their eyes, realized that Eggman just gave him a name.
Even though the irony of breaking Sonic’s leg, and the christmas season didn’t quite register with the robotic soldier, he took that as a sign of promotion into Eggman’s steely, black heart and was determined to not fail him.
He turned his body toward looking to the earth, and watching to see where Sonic landed…
“Soooniiiccc!!!” Tails cried out, turning around the plane but Eggman was sure to grab at the controls and fire at him, making Tails unable to pursue Sonic’s descent. “Err..!” He squinted an eye, having to pull up. “I can’t reach him!”
“What?” Knuckles, on his communicator, looked down at it as Amy covered her mouth in alarm. “What do you mean..?” His eyes shook a second and looked up with Amy, as they each scanned the skies…
Amy then gasped, “Look!” She pointed one hand out towards the flaming blue speck in the sky, falling towards the jungle-like forest, and another on Knuckles’s shoulder to gain his attention to the detail.
“Grr..!!! That lousy-!” Knuckles shook a fist, but pulled Amy up over his head.
“W-Wah-Whaaa!!!” Amy shook out her arms, “K-Knuckles!” She wasn’t sure what was about to happen, but suddenly feeling like he was going to throw her, she summoned her Piko-Piko Hammer.
“Grrr… I can’t fly to him in time! You’ll have to reach him on your owwwnnnn…!!!” Just as her instincts had foretold, he launched her through the air and she curled, her little red and white-trimmed dressing making it look like a badminton ball flapped wildly as she spun while still keeping her dress on.
Her hammer rotated so profusely, that as her own spinball hit against the trees, bounced off the ground, or slammed against rock, it kept her momentum moving and propelling her ever closer to the falling Sonic.
Finally, soaring up with one final, hard hit to the ground, she unspun and reached for Sonic… noticing the pain in his face and braving through the flames of his burning body to catch him before a deadly fate.
She landed on a tree’s branch, but it fell and they both started to fall painfully through scratching twigs and leaves.
When Amy woke up… snow had begun to fall in the forest, and her little nose wiggled a second before her mouth wound-up twice and sneezed, pushing the small flake off.
“Emm… S-Sonic?” She rubbed her head, slowly getting herself onto her rear and sitting somewhat more upright. “That was a rough landing…” She groaned through the aches, but then gasped when she remembered, “Sonic!!!” She started to grip and throw up the leaves below her, searching frantically for him.
A bead of sweat ran down the side of her face, gritting her teeth as her eyes shook in loving worry, ‘His leg was just dangling kinda weirdly in the air, just then… Was it injured?’ She kept calling his name… to no avail.
Her chest fell and rose with cold air quickly icing her resolve, stinging at her heart already pumping with the warm adrenaline to save the man she called hero… whom she loved, dearly.
“SOOONIIICC!!!” She finally let out a single, elongated note of his familiar name…
Silence… the snowy forest…
Her breaths clung to the air like hot mist, pocketing that space before disappearing as quickly as blowing a bubble to pop. Scrambling, she got up to locate her communicator.
Pieces of the broken device were pulled out and held up to her face, making her look down as though her heart had sucken to that cold ground as well…
“No… Did I not…” Her shoulders bounced, tears unable to remain corralled in the pools of her lower eyelids. “Did I not make it in time..?”
Her hand shook with that open thought, as the pieces of metal slipped through her fingers, falling to the light snowy patches below her feet.
“Sonic…” she gripped her fists and felt herself faltering in being able to remain upright, hunching over. “Sonic…” She felt she was at blame, and slunk to her knees, freezing her even further to what could be the harsh reality of the situation…
“No… I won’t believe it.” She wiped her eyes with the back of her arm. “I… I gotta keep looking for Sonic..!” She bit her words as though to hold them fast to her heart, “Sonic…” She muttered once more, “Soooniiiccc!!” She reared herself up and began to charge about the area, searching everywhere, leaving no square foot unmarked by her own shoe’s print.
She could hear the sky battle above her head, and looked to see that Tails was still engaged with the now, downwards angle of the Eggman fleet’s main air-cruiser.
Her eyes couldn’t help but tremble, her body leaning away before her hands flung up and tightened around each arm. “I can’t… I gotta keep looking for him.” Her lips felt chapped and the cold only reminded her of the drying of her tears… before she quickly aboutfaced to keep looking for him.
Walking up a hill, treading through its piles of snow, she looked up to see the sky was now blanketed in the smoke of Eggman’s senseless war. “Guess I can’t rely on Tails or Eggman as a point-marker now.” She blinked through the chill of the wind, and sighed as she tried to figure out where she hadn’t looked.
“Could he have really been tossed from me so far..? OFFPH!” Tripping over some blue grass, she had scraped her knee and got up, shaking her head from having snow blanket it for a moment-
Blue… Grass?
Her eyes widened and she lifted her leg to see the gentle sway of the blue quills, just the tip sticking out from beneath the snow.
“SOONIICC!!!” Her heart about leaped out through her flailing to get back up, tugging on the quill and realizing it was fully stuck under the snow. She began to dig like her life depended on it, and… to a degree, he was.
“Sonic, breath! Speak! Wiggle! Do… something!” She tried to speak out before finally getting an arm and exclaiming loudly in surprised triumphant that she had gotten to him.
She tugged and began to pull him out, but he felt like dead weight.
Panic lit up her senses and now, she couldn’t feel the cold, but hoisted him up onto her back and began to run down the hill, hurrying to where they had last been, finding an open tree’s roots there and finding it a good, hollow den to at least try and wake Sonic up in.
Using the fallen leaves, she constructed a small bed for him, laying him down as saw that one of his legs fully detached from the bone.
She covered her mouth, “Oh no…” The pain must have knocked him out… he was probably passed out from the wind blasting by him on his fall anyway…
She gently touched the burnt ends of his quills and fur… Her eyes bunching up as though unable to see him in such a state.
“Oh, Sonic…” She brought his head up and tried to warm him, blowing lightly warm air out of her throat to his face.
“Please, Sonic… You have to at least show me you’ll be alright…”
After a while, Sonic woke up to find his leg was perfectly straightened by two twigs, and someone had put it back in it’s socket… “Ah… Glad I was asleep for that.” He twitched at the pain but tried to move to turn around. However, it was too much for the poor hedgehog, having endured firepower beyond normal mortal means, he couldn’t possibly stand for the fiery pain of a severely broken leg.
“Gahh…” He tried to lean up, “Who… Where am I?” He noticed a fire was burning, and looked strangely at the comforting glow, realizing he wasn’t alone.
“Tails?” He first questioned the thought, ‘But then… he’d just take me back in the X-Tornado… I’d be having warm soup by now…’ He squinted one eye down and finally was sitting upright, being careful to not move the lame leg, “Knuckles?” It was reasonable, but that echidna wouldn’t be foraging for berries or anything. He’d imagine Knuckles would have sat by the fire, the earth too hard to dig through during the winter seasons…
So that meant…
“Amy?” He raised an eyebrow, as though second-guessing that before hearing a bright voice exclaim in joy at hearing her name being called.
“Oh! Sonic! You’re awake!”
Waiting a moment, he smiled as Amy came rushing in, holding more firewood that she quickly just dumped to the side, some catching fire but she didn’t care at the moment. “SOONIICC!!! I was so worried about you!” she hugged him which made him have to hold back a cry, his banded leg with two sticks keeping it from twisting and turning further only moved slightly from Amy’s tackling hug.
She was warm, though… and her voice filled him with ease.
He hugged her back, “Thank you.” He calmly stated, “But what happened?” He looked to her face, then outside to the rain of explosions that sounded in the blurry, clouded sky… “Is that… smoke?”
“Em.” Amy nodded, letting him go and tilting her body in the same direction as the sounds, “The communicator broke on our fall, I don’t know how long Tails has been fighting in the air, but I’m pretty sure Eggman and our friends have lost sight of where he landed.” She lowered her shoulders a bit, then rotated one around to stretch it. “Hoo…”
“Amy? You okay?” He noticed she looked a little worse for wear as well, “You’re stone cold to the touch.” He placed a glove to her arm before reflexing off of it, then placing it there again. “How long were you out there..?”
She smiled, glad he couldn’t recollect how close to death he was while in the cold of the soggy snow he was buried under moments before.
“It’s nothing~” She chimed, “I’m a tough girl, as well as cute, after all!” She put her hands to the sides of her cheeks, trying to get him to not worry about her so much.
“I think we should probably move when the smoke rolls out… or when the gunfire finally stops.” She admitted, looking to the skies again and dropping her hands to her knees.
Sonic later asked her about how she got to him, and she explained the whole story… eeexcept the part about him almost suffocating under snow.
They talked and ate some of the wild onion grass she had collected, finding not a scrap left on the trees or bushes, figuring the other little critters had stored up for the coming winter anyway.
Not really liking the taste of it, Sonic just tried to see if he could hop on one leg, but Amy refused to let him go out to fight again.
Reluctantly, Sonic decided it was only polite to thank his brave rescuer by waiting it out.
But all the while… they worried about their friends well-beings… as the canons kept going off relentlessly.
“... You think they’re winning?” Amy asked, “Or… Eggman is at least… missing?” She flinched as a large blast seemed to hit the ground a couple long miles away from them.
Sonic, with his hands behind his head, and a blade of onion grass sticking out of his mouth, took a frustrated breath in and sighed out just as quickly. “We can’t hide out here forever, Amy… My leg isn’t gonna heal that quickly.” He tried to reason with her, and she knew that was probably right… but…
“Just… a little longer… let’s believe in Tails and Knuckles… to solve this on their own, okay?” She looked back with a forced smile, her hand gripping her heart. “Seeing you like this… it makes me… unable to let you go… right now.” She admitted, lowering her head and not having the courage to look at him in shame.
He eyed her with a turn of his gaze, not moving his head, before closing his eyes and not saying anything more about it.
The wind howled… before a foot fall was heard and Amy perked up, her ears twitched and she rushed out from the intertwined roots, “Knuckles!?” She exclaimed, more than expecting to see he had found them… before…
“... Sonic! Roll! Now!” She threw herself back to him as he looked to see a large missile fired into the hole.
Crying out in pain, he rolled as the blast sent the two flying to the back of the hollow tree.
Amy picked up Sonic’s spiky spinball, “Don’t uncurl! Whatever you do!” She cried out, as Sonic also–through immense pain–called her name but she was already grabbing a stick from the fire, the rest of the roots on fire from the blast anyway, and charged out of the large space.
She gasped as she noticed a small Eggman Robot, cocking the bazooka which had smoke slithering out of its mouth.
“You…” Amy’s eyes narrowed, her anger giving her the needed heat throughout her body, ready to fight.
“He’s already injured! Leave us alone!” She shouted out, but Sonic couldn’t help and voice his concerns as well.
“Amy! Your back!” She could feel something cool drip down in different areas from her exposed back… but it was already frostbitten and she didn’t dare think about what he was referring to.
“I’m fine. You just stay put and in your ball, Sonic.” She breathed through the pain that was now burning from her back.
However… this sting was like when she first lost Sonic, it moved her forward, adrenaline coursing through her like Sonic moving through a winding course.
Amy set Sonic down, “Amy!” he cried out again, moving in wobbly attempts to ‘roll’ after her as she stepped up to bat.
“It’s okay, I’m your strength too, Sonic!” She pulled the hammer up behind her shoulders, “Ready…” she narrowed her eyes, skidding a foot forward as though truly a baseball pro up for bat.
Sonic tilted his rolled body against her other, back leg, “Amy…” He couldn’t argue with that.
“... Aren’t I..?”
Uncurling, Sonic groaned out as the leg–the wooden beams now snapped and bent–was forced back into a straight position. His own problems meant nothing to him right now, though.
He looked up at Amy, seeing the wavering belief in her eyes, remembering that for a moment… she may have been the ultimate end for Sonic The Hedgehog…
Her memory went back to having no sign of him… and that haunted her… Was she really able to be there for Sonic… the way he was always there for her?
A shadow rose to meet her own on the ground, lightly shaded, as the clouds of smog were starting to clear out.
She gasped, looking down to see Sonic’s silhouette was on one leg, his arms then trailing up to her own around her hammer.
She could feel the warm and comforting breath he spoke by her cheek, telling her to wait on his signal.
The robot fumbled a little getting the bazooka back in order, but then went to fire.
“... Now.” Sonic’s voice was light, but his grip held stronger around her hand.
She swung with everything she had while Sonic fell back to the ground, unable to hold himself up much longer due to the crippling pain.
The missile fired but Amy heard Sonic say, “Now let go!!!!” In a ripping sound that shredded through her heartstrings… realizing how much he was suffering, but how that simple act showed her that he did trust in his friends–especially her in this moment–to get through it.
She let the hammer go and balanced herself, her dress spinning to one side of her body before the hammer’s top plugged and jammed itself into the firing bazooka.
The Robot made computerized noises of horror before exploding along with the gun.
Sonic and Amy fell by each other’s side in the blast, and Amy gripped onto Sonic.
In the cold of falling snow… the two breathed through great pain…
Shared pain… as Sonic’s and Amy’s eyes looked up to each other’s… and a smile greater than pain emerged upon both their faces.
“We… erk… did it.” Amy’s back jerked from the tortuous mix of frost and burn mingling upon its bare skin…
“No, Amy.” Sonic also couldn’t keep both eyes opened, but squinted one. His charming smile never faded though, “You did it… You’ve always got my back.” He gritted his teeth, but tried to make it look like a bright smile. “Thank you… again… A-Amy…”
Knuckles soon found them, Tails flew them home, and they ended up resting on opposite couches from each other.
While she read the insisted book about King Arther, the one Sonic kept trying to convince her had happened to him being pulled into it, making him miss one of their planned dates, he also reached over and held her hand, pretending to fall asleep.
She smiled as she read more of the book… wondering all the while…
“... Sonic?”
She knew he wouldn’t answer.
“If I am your strength… why do I feel like… I’m not?” She put the book down over her chest, turning to the couch’s spine to avoid looking over to him. “If I was your strength… I wouldn’t have shut you into that tree hole den… I would have trusted that I could get you out of there… carry you to safety, and reunite with Tails and Knuckles again to save the day.”
While she spoke, Sonic pretended to be asleep, but listened closely.
“... Then… When you braved the pain of your leg to stand beside me..? I knew then… that while you were down, so was my strength.” She teared up, “But when you got up…” Her voice began to wane and take on a higher tune, as she wiped her eyes with the back of her glove. Her lips trembled, but she continued, “I… I need you more than I think you need me, Sonic… And that… That worries me.” She sniffled, “Cause… Cause what if I’m needy? What if… without you… I’m nothing short of a useless girl?”
Sonic made a loud snore, then. It cut her off as she said ‘useless’.
She turned to see his head straight up at the ceiling, his mouth open wide,... “Ammmy…” He lightly spoke, as though asleep. “Ammmyyy…” His hand acted as though reaching for her hand, but it was already there…
That’s when she noticed, her grip on his hand had slipped somewhat, and she held it tightly but gently once more.
Sonic’s breathing went back to normal… and Amy smiled till her cheeks hurt.
“Oh, Sonic…” She giggled through her light tears and wiped them all away this time. “Even if I don’t understand what strength I give you… Just knowing… that together, we’re stronger? That’s enough for me… Cause right now, you getting better is all I care about.” She sighed and went back to the book.
She gasped when she looked at her hand and saw Sonic had tugged it closer.
“A-ah… Ow, ow, Sonic!” He was dragging her off the other couch. “Sonic! Ow! I’ll fall!”
He started to turn, as though in his sleep, snoring again and making Amy stumble out of the couch as he wrapped her arm around his waist.
She pouted a cute blush, but then sighed, “I know you’re not asleep, silly… Your actual snore is totally different.” She gave in, moving her bandaged self to lift up his head and place him on her lap, patting his shoulder and humming a tune.
Sonic closed his mouth, the jig was up, and he just smiled as she tried to actually lull him to sleep.
Though he had to let go of her hand for her to do that, he reached under his body to get at the hand that was resting just by his neck… and she smiled at how sweet that was…
“... You are my strength, Sonic.” She leaned down, continuing to hum.
When she had actually fallen to sleep, Sonic placed her laying on the couch he was momentarily on, replacing her, and before hopping to the other one, placed a hand on her head and lightly whispered, “You’re more than my strength, Amy… You're my whole heart, entirely.”
In the morning, Amy woke up to find Tails in a tissy, worried sick as Sonic had somehow miraculous snuck out of his workshop home and was nowhere to be found.
A moment of panic did course through Amy, before thinking to herself, ‘... If he’s strong again, then I’ll be strong too.’ and went back to not worrying about him… resting… as she smiled at feeling secure again in that–as long as Sonic was up and about, she’d be pretty soon as well!
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skyward-floored · 1 year
i don't know if you're willing to take even more requests, so if not, please feel free to ignore this ask ^^ but if you want to, maybe wild's family dealing with the aftermath of him becoming an amputee just a few days ago (totk whump)? thanks!! 💜
I saw “whump” and blacked out and wrote this lol. It’s been too long since I purposefully gave Wild a hard time. Going back to my roots XD
This was supposed to be more focused on his entire family (...and his arm), but I half wrote out a scene and it just didn’t work so only a few of them are there, sorry 😓 I hope you enjoy anyways though! I had fun writing it hehehe.
...And this oneshot is especially ambiguously canon, since we don’t know if Wild truly loses his arm or it just gets it messed up or what in totk. Speculation yay!
(And in case anyone was worried, there are no totk spoilers present in this fic :)
Twilight sat at his brother’s bedside in silence, watching his chest go steadily up and down.
The doctors had done everything they could (as had Hyrule) and now all there was to do was wait for Wild to wake up— truly wake up, not just break into the feverish mumbling that had so far marked every time his eyes had opened.
Twilight sighed, and pressed his wrists to his eyes. It was late, ridiculously late, and almost all the rest of his family had gone home to sleep (despite much bargaining and pleading on his younger brothers’ parts), except for himself and his parents.
And Time and Malon had stepped out to talk privately with each other.
Which meant Twilight was left alone with Wild, watching him lie pale and still in his bed, trying not to think about the fact that his brother was missing an arm.
Wild’s face twitched in his sleep, and Twilight ran a hand over his head, brushing a few loose strands of hair from his little brother’s face. He’d known Wild was on a dangerous mission, but he’d been rather busy with his own work, and while he always worried about his family, he knew that Wild could handle himself.
He’d been concerned when it had been almost a week since he’d had any contact with his brother, but he’d kept his worries at bay, rationalizing that the mission was merely taking its time, and Wild would soon be back with a crazy story and a grin to match.
And then he’d gotten the call that his brother had been found half-dead and missing an arm.
Twilight swallowed and looked down at Wild’s bandaged arm, feeling sick.
The few days since Wild had been found had been a blur of terror and waiting and Hyrule pushing himself until he dropped, worries and questions of “what had happened” overcome by the fear that they would never know because Wild might not make it.
They were out of the worst of the danger now, but his brother was still so still, so lifeless. And he looked small where he was laying in the bed, much smaller than any teenager had any right to, and Twilight almost drew blood as he bit his lip.
Wild hadn’t been able to tell anyone where he was going when he left, only shrugging and saying it was “highly confidential”. He’d admitted to Twilight that it had to do with Flora, but that was the only thing any of them knew about his mission.
Whatever it had been though, it was the reason Wild had gotten an extremely private hospital room the moment Time had found him and brought him here, and Twilight couldn’t be more thankful for the privacy.
The door to the room opened, and Twilight watched his parents come in, both with wearied expressions, though Time was hiding his better.
“Any change?” Time asked as he sat down in a chair at Wild’s bedside, and Twilight shrugged.
“Resting a little easier. But... still not great. His arm seems like it’s bothering him,” he admitted quietly. “He woke up a little earlier, but didn’t say anything. He’s been lying still ever since.”
Malon put an arm around Twilight as she sat down next to him, and he leaned into the small hug his mother gave him, no words needed.
They were silent for a minute, but then Wild suddenly twitched in his sleep, a mumble escaping his lips, and Twilight and his parents both leaned forward hopefully.
Wild shifted, and Twilight held his breath as his brother’s eyelids fluttered. Then Wild opened his eyes, the lids heavy with exhaustion, and Twilight smiled, and heard his parents exhale in relief. They hadn’t seen Wild awake barely at all.
Twilight carefully leaned over Wild and took his hand, and his brother’s eyes opened a little more, looking more lucid than Twilight had seen so far.
“Hey Link,” he said softly, and his brother’s gaze moved to his face. “How are you doing cub?”
Wild breathed out slowly, and closed his eyes for a minute before reopening them, a bit wider this time. He looked around the room, taking in Malon and Time and Twilight as well, and the slightest hint of a smile pulled at his lips.
“Tired,” he admitted in a raspy voice, and a strained chuckle went up from Time. “Really tired. And...”
He shifted a little, and glanced down at his arm, then fell still as he stared at it.
“...oh. Right,” he whispered.
He seemed to pale a bit as Twilight looked at him, and experimentally moved his arm just a little, face lighting up with a wince.
Twilight awkwardly cleared his throat.
“Does it hurt much Wild?” he asked in a gentle voice, but Wild just kept staring at his arm and didn’t reply for several long minutes.
“It feels like its still there,” he said in a low whisper. He didn’t elaborate.
The room fell still for a moment, but Malon didn’t let it last, coming forward and hugging Wild for a long time. Wild returned it as best as he could, and Malon kissed his head before she pulled back and gave him a steady look.
“Are you okay hon?” she asked in a tone that suggested she wouldn’t settle for anything less than the truth. “How much do you remember?”
Wild hesitated, and licked his dry lips, looking uncertain on what exactly to say. He was silent for a long time, eyes on his lap, and Twilight exchanged looks with his father.
“Link?” Time asked softly, and Wild’s face crumpled, his eyes squeezed shut. He breathed in shakily, and Twilight took his hand again, giving it a comforting squeeze while he got ahold of himself.
“I failed,” Wild finally whispered.
What was left of Wild’s arm twitched, and Twilight continued to hold his remaining hand, gently running his thumb along the back.
“I let her fall Twi,” Wild whispered, voice distraught. “I let her fall, I was so close to grabbing her, I...”
He swallowed, and looked at his arm, eyes staring blankly at the stump.
“I failed her.”
Twilight felt something in his stomach churn at the wilt in Wild’s voice, grief sharp in his eyes. He didn’t know what had happened, but for his little brother to come back so wounded and with such utter defeat in his voice...
...what had happened?
“Wild, you did your best,” Time said sternly, putting his hand on Wild’s chin and gently tilting it so that his son was looking at him. “I know you did. I don’t know what happened, but I know for a fact you did all that you could.”
“I was too slow,” Wild croaked, and Twilight could see his eyes starting to water, “I was too slow and she’s gone.”
He squeezed his eyes shut again, trying to keep the tears at bay, and Twilight sat on the bed next to him and pulled his brother into his arms. Twilight felt him swallow, and squeezed him even tighter, Malon leaning forward and running a hand through his hair.
Twilight didn’t have to ask who “she” was.
He had a feeling he already knew.
“Twi, she’s gone,” Wild choked into Twilight’s shoulder, and his brother began to cry, silent sobs that made his whole body shudder.
“It’s not your fault,” Twilight whispered as he rubbed his back, but Wild only pressed his face into his shirt, grief overwhelming his exhausted body and mind.
All his family could do was hold him.
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blueberry-writer · 2 years
(i don't think i asked this yet but i have a horrible memory so pls ignore this if i have T^T)
heyaa im here to haunt your ask box again hehe <3 TYSM FOR THE LITTLE SISTER HCS I LOVED THEM!! and honestly i cannot blame you about the trailer i got so excited about nikolai
I'd like to request the same (nikolai's little sister) but with her being comforted/looked after by nikolai, sigma and potentially fyodor if he's not to hard to write this for, after having been like taken for ransom/hurt by a group who's like enemies with the doa (her having been taken bc she's nikolai's sister so she's like a weak point)? and like they just got her back and the person comforting her having been the one to find her
shdhfjf thank you! you can change any bits up if you think something else would fit better im not too fussed, i just love hurt comfort xD
Notes: Heyyoo! haunt my ask box as much as you want, don’t worry😩🙌
Anyway,  i’m so happy that you liked the hc’s!!  I hope you will like this hc’s as well!💙
And for the trailer, i define myself as a nikolai simp
TW/CONTENT: fem!reader, hurt/comfort, platonic relationship, dark content??, sfw, pt.2 of reader as nikolai little sister , sigma,nikolai and Fyodor after nikolai’s lil sister!reader have been taken for ransom/hurt by a group who's enemies with the doa
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When he found out they took you hostage, I think his thoughts are divided into two sections: "bold of them to think that the doa will fall into their hands so easily" and "could they have already hurt her? I doubt it, they wouldn't dare stand against Nikolai's unpredictable mind... or mine"
surely he and Nikolai have already devised an infallible plan
Of course they will be able to save you without too much difficulty, I mean, hello?? doa is composed of masterminds and crime geniuses
But still, Fyodor’s gonna feel a little guilty and maybe get mad at himself
How did he not think about it before? It was logical that you would be the perfect hostage and anyway he had not thought of some suitable prevention
to avoid feelings of guilt at first he will be a little more gentle and 'relaxed' with you.
He will give you a few pat pat (I hope you understand what I mean) on your head and give you more attention I repeat, possible childhood  crush energy
If you play your cards right, he might even take you for ice cream during his free time
Nikolai will be dramatically jealous that his little sister is spending more time with Fyodor than with him
from now on he will have a plan to protect you in every eventuality
Oh and after they have saved you he will probably be genuinely worried about you...i mean, in his own way
“oh my.. malýshka, don’t worry you’re safe now. They committed a grave mistake in underestimating the doa. I’ll never let them hurt you again”
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this man would feel SO guilty
At first he didn’t understand why their enemies should capture an innocent girl like you but after Fyodor figured out that maybe the enemies thought you were their weak point, he felt the world fall on him.
He thought it was all his fault because he actually showed himself to be very vulnerable at your side, I mean, you’re a child, of course he could feel comfortable with you-
And of course he’ll be part of the plan to save you
But once they save you, he’ll try to stay away from you
This behaviour is unusual on his part and you really were afraid that you had done something wrong
He’s just afraid that if he gets too close to you like before, new enemies will come along with bad intentions towards you
Every time he sees you feel bad because he has avoided you or he has responded coldly his heart breaks
That's why as soon as he sees that he has exaggerated so much to make you feel very bad or to make you cry, he will immediately lower himself to your height to comfort you. 
He will hug you too, but only if you two are alone
He felt like a fool for not understanding everything that was causing you before, he just wanted to protect you and yet.......
Only then he did realize that being the little sister of an  albino terrorist clown a dangerous criminal, you certainly can’t have many friends and maybe he is one of the few people you can trust.
“hey,hey i’m sorry!...gosh, i didn’t mean to make you cry..look at me, y/n please i’m sorry. I only wanted to protect you b-but now i’m here allright?”
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Someone want to go against the doa Nikolai by hurting his little sister? Well, THIS SOMEONE SERIOUSLY WANT’S TO DIE PAINFULLY
Of course he will come to save you but he will also take hostages of the enemy organization that has dared to kidnap you to obtain information and torture them heavily
He’s a good big bro isn’t him?
After saving you he’ll be more concerned about your health than you think
Nikolai can be a serious and responsible big brother if he want to, I believe in him
Unlike Sigma and Fyodor, he wouldn’t try to keep you hidden for a while making their enemies forget about your existence
on the contrary, he would try to make you have fun and forget about that bad event by taking you to the amusement park, the cinema or whatever place you want
you will spend great quality time together with your favourite big brother and also the only
If someone tries to annoy you or some enemy will try again to kidnap you while you are with him at the amusement park ( or the cinema etc..) this someone will find himself suffering the pains of hell😇
You’re probably one of the very few people that Nikolai really loves, for him you’re practically his family, you help his last slice of sanity, or rather, his humanity, to stay intact.
He wouldn’t let anyone hurt you, especially himself.
He will protect you at any cost
Oh and this man is also very good with words, surely he will comfort you once home
“Oww, my lil sis... did they dare to hurt you? Don’t worry, i will make them pay for all they did to you.”
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That's it! i hope you liked you hc's!!💙
𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙/𝙤𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙! 𝙊𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜<3
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minevn · 10 months
OMG WAIT what if MC goes under anesthesia and the LI’s are there when they wake up (separately ofc lol) and MC just start GUSHING apart their partner not knowing that they are their partner 😭🫶🏻
(The separately is so funny to me cause it immediately made me think of them together and that's like my worst nightmare LMAOOOOO I don't want these people near each other ever XD Thank you for clarifying though, I am the type of person that would write them together if I didn't get any clarification
Minato: Is so happy to see you, he'll hold your hand, you try to. You pull away saying how you have a boyfriend before commenting on how sweet, caring, and gentle Minato if with you. He definitely wasn't expecting that reaction at all but isn't upset by it. On one hand he wants to hold yours, but on the other at least he knows you'll defend yourself if anyone other then him tried to make advancements towards you, plus he got compliments and no matter how long you two have been dating it feels nice to hear you call him your boyfriend :3
Haruto: Haruto is there asking you questions about how everything went, if you feel okay, if there's anything he can do for you. You say you want your boyfriend next to you, not some stranger. It takes everything in Haruto not to start laughing. He'll pull out his phone and start recording as you start gushing about him. "I've known him all my life and throughout all these years he's taken care of me and loved me and I plan on spending the rest of my life with him and-" You just keep going and going and Haruto loves it. He shows you the video as soon as the anesthesia wears off.
Jun: Runs in the room and hugs you! She's so happy you're okay! She wasn't expecting you to push her off though. "I have a girlfriend, don't hug me!" Jun is SO confused at first, trying to explain that she IS your girlfriend, but you just keep gushing about how cute and perfect Jun is for you. Jun gets the biggest smile as you gush about him, his face also turns extremely red. When the anesthesia wears off she'll brag all about it to you.
Hoshi: He’ll walk into the room and laugh at your state. He decides he’ll ask you all about how the procedure went once the anesthesia wears off, for now he enjoys listening to your senseless babbling. His eyes widen when you start gushing about Hoshi. He listens silently to every word you say and holds them close to his heart. Once the anesthesia wears off he'll try to use the situation as a way to tease you and pouts when you don't believe him.
Habiki: Is happy and relieved that everything went well, he just can't wait for the anesthesia to wear off so he can talk to the normal you. Still, he doesn't mind this version of you, he thinks you're cute loopy. Is surprised when you start talking about how much you love him as if he isn't right there. He might even insult himself or say anything to get a reaction out of you and gain more praise. Never mentions it when the effects wear off but he'll never forget every word you said :3
Kage: Was so nervous for your procedure and heading to the hospital, he's glad you're okay. He's pretty quiet, mainly waiting for you to talk while he listens to you, he's just observing you. Throws him for a LOOP when you start complimenting him. He might start crying from the compliments even if you didn't know he was right in front of you. Wants to ask if you meant it once the anesthesia wears off but is too nervous, so they'll just hold onto to the precious memory forever.
Kei: When he walks into the hospital room he looks you over for any abnormalities. He knew you would have to be put under anesthesia so your loopy personality wasn't too surprising for him, and other then that you seemed well. He'll sit down and pull out any drinks or soft snacks if you can have them. Then you start gushing about how your boyfriend would've done this if he was here and how you don't want handouts from a stranger. He looks at you surprised before chuckling and putting the water and soft snacks away. He'll just watch you, waiting for you to sober up.
Yani: Yani happily screams her love for you as soon as she enters the room, she'll run up to you and hug you before surprisingly getting pushed off. He'll worry that he may have hurt you but then you start talking about how only your significant other is allowed to hug you and start talking about how caring and sweet Yani is, how Yani always remember everything about you and how they're just perfect. Yani's façade falters because you don't know who this person is in front of you, so it sees no reason to keep it up. Their heartbeat rises and their face flushes the brightest red, thy can't fight off the giant smile that appears nor stop the tears from spilling out of its eyes. Yani never talks to you about it otherwise they fear they'll cry in front of you. it's okay though, Yani will always remember.
Aki: Aki enters the room and asks if you're okay, checking up on you before lightly teasing your loopy state of mind. She instantly pulls out the phone and starts recording, just like you two have talked about ever since watching all those funny videos about people under the effects of anesthesia. It all starts out pretty normal and funny before Aki grabs your hand just for you to smack it away. You start talking about how disrespectful it was to hold a taken persons hand. Aki is so confused and is awkwardly chuckling before you start going on and on about how much you love Aki and how perfect she is. She isn't expecting it at all and she happily teases you about it and shows you the video when you don't believe her. She watches the video every night and whenever she's feeling insecure.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 1 year
Any hcs for what it would be like being best friends with each of the papas?
Oooooh, this will definitely be super interesting! We don't get enough friendship dynamic with them, so this was very fun to write! :)
Also with the emphasis on BEST friends, because being close to them would unlock a more deeper side of them. So this ended up being more platonically focused than fun. Hope that's ok! I accidently brought real emotions into this! XD
Being Best Friends with the Papas
Papa Nihil: It really depends on when you are friends with him. His younger years are so much more wild and superficial than in his state now. Younger Nihil didn't have many close friends. He had acquaintances, party buddies, people whose name he has no idea but knows they know where the fun is! Being his best friend back then either meant one of two things. One, you were the friend of the week he loved to hang out with until he was bored and moved on. You still got to hang around, you just weren't his focus anymore. Or two, you were his ACTUAL friend that eventually had to cut him out because he was selfish and irresponsible.
But in his later years, he's much more settled and lonely. You weren't expecting to be his close friend, it just kinda... happened. You were trying to volunteer to help assist the Grandpapa and he just latched onto you. You don't mind. Despite being a raging dick to many people, he is courteous and happy to speak with you. It started out asking about your day and wanting to chat about life. You found he loves to chat! Then he asked if you would watch movies with him. Not as a date but he doesn't have anyone to really watch them with. Soon you were a regular guest and not just his assistant. Often times you suspect he views you as a deeper friend than you feel about him.. and that's fine for you.
Papa I: Many find Papa to be intimidating or assume he's very intense all the time. It's thanks to his dedication to his position and how intimidating he can be. But you're one of the people who took a chance and got to know the eldest Emeritus brother. Your friendship started off as a polite yet strong working relationship. But when you spent more time with him and engaged in more conversations you found he was an incredibly intelligent and thoughtful gentleman. Many kept their friendships with him as a strictly academic or professional one, but you two were able to bloom something personal.
You have confided many personal troubles and thoughts to him, and he has guided you. But there came a time you were able to speak as emotional equals... and he never forgot that. You find friendship with him is very calming and stable; something you both craved. While you are invited to parties and other celebrations, you are more called for for a cup of tea and bird watching. Or a stroll in the gardens as he asks you to keep him company as he tends his succulents. Many assume you were intimidated into staying his friend, but you love talking to him. You always laughs and walk away feeling seen and heard. And he hasn't admitted yet, but he's very grateful for a wonderful person to share his friendship with. You also get many small gifts from his garden and ritual supplies he prepares himself!
Papa II: You are one of the very very very VERY few people this man would actually trust. Even as a Papa, Ministry life is dangerous. And he also has a duty to guard his bloodline's secrets and magic. What's more, to him you are a confidant. Someone he knows he can rely on during the best and worst times in life. You have done everything with him from the heavy partying to helping through a hang over. You've seen him at his peak and at his very lowest. While he doesn't exactly give you more praise or some type of platonic shows of affection, you have his respect. And that's an honor only a handful of people ever have.
You are someone he can work close with, so he often comes to you for your opinion on matters. Both personal (though rare) and through ministry life. Papa likes your company so you get invitations to dinners, parties, and the high honor of joining him for a drink and some jazz records. You get to see Papa at his calmest and see the personality of his actually get to shine through. Some might confuse your friendship as very casual, but you two have an unspoken strong bond that no one can compare. There's always that knowledge of this is a man who would fight for you because he knows you would do the same thing.
Papa III: Like many things with him, your friendship was a whirlwind happenstance that you still aren't even sure HOW it happened. It started as him literally adopting you as a casual friend to being one of the closest people in his life. It started with how most of his friendships do. He just starts talking to you and when you have enough in common and entertain him in some way, he decides to keep you. You were invited to sit with his posse, parties, and then outings and lunches. The more he spoke to you personally, the more he found he adores you and how you think. That, and how authentic you were. For a while it was tons of good times and trips. But it grew to be more.
It's no surprise eventually you got his guard down with years of honesty and undying loyalty. That's how you came to learn how very complex of a person Papa is. He's vulnerable, self conscious, selfish, and very very lonely. But he doesn't feel that with you. What made it hit how much he trusted you was when he was forced to retire and you saw him.. cry. He never cries in front of others, never drops that princely image. But with you? He feels safe. You've spent countless nights helping pick him off the floor or just sitting together. Talking through the turns of life. Papa trusts you deeply and feels he can very much tell you anything.
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: You wouldn't exactly say Copia DIDN'T have friends. But he's never been a man that needed very many. You have been one of his best friends for years, before he became Papa. Hell, you were friends before he was ever considered for Ghost! Copia's circle is... was very small and intimate. So you got to experience all of his authentic self. Every dorky moment, every time he got a promotion, and every time he had a spare moment from work to come have lunch with you. Likewise, he was fiercely loyal to you. You were each other's rocks. If it wasn't finding a book or a new cheesy horror flick you both liked, you were holding each other up from the difficulties of life.
While you wouldn't describe the changes as terrible, they are just that. Change. You see him less but you are so proud of him. And Copia still makes time to show you how much you mean to him. When he's free and needs to sneak away, he calls you. Papa still makes time to do all the fun things you love. And above all, you are who he trusts in this new fickle sea of admirers and people who want to use him. He also tries to make it up to you with lavish gifts for being his friend. But you don't want that... You're just glad he hasn't changed for the worse.
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+opens the door+ GREETINGS. IT IS I, ONCE AGAIN.
I just saw your requests are open and who am I to resist sending my weird, nonsensical asks. Which you are free to put aside if they are too much, of course. Your writing is simple and sweet.
And about the ask:
The characters I personally have in mind for this are Byakuya, Kyoraku and Urahara! Feel free to include or exclude anything as you deem appropriate.
Now, the reader, for whatever reason, is turned chibi sized! (An experiment gone wrong, enemy powers, weird things Urahara has in his shop,..)
Which, if we reside in somewhere as soul society, it only makes everything worse since people are always coming and going. We might get stomped!
Imagine helping Byakuya with his paperwork, getting him things, pushing the ink bottle with those smol hands.
I shall leave this to you, if you wanted to write it. Stay safe!
+closes the door+
I decided to go with Urahara with I have a few Byakuya requests already so XD
Anyway! I hope you enjoy!
Tsuki's note: I may, or may not have been inspired by an accident… I may have a bump on my head.. maybe…
You were taking care of the shop one day, on your own. Urahara was literally cooking something in his lab, so you were up to taking care of it.
When he was done, he took you as a guinea pig. Now you must be thinking what a cruel thing to do with his s/o, but he only asked you to do things when he knew they were harmless.
He said he was trying something to make it easier to have a large quantity of soldiers.
So safe right? Well, it looked like a gummy bear. You took one without a second thought when Urahara started saying it was supposed to shrink the … user.
You looked at him a little pissed, but it was too late. Suddenly your stupid husband started to look taller and taller and clothes heavier and heavier.
You could hear him gushing about how cute you looked so tiny, but you couldn't see much - the clothes made a maze you couldn't quite leave.
He did help you though, you ended up being the size of a small child. He grabbed you as if you were, indeed, a child and you were severely pissed:
Y/N: Kisuke! You should have told me sooner!
Urahara: Hahaha sorry! Sorry! But look at you, so cute!
As he held you for a while you started feeling cold. That's when you realized you were naked. You screamed at him to put you down and find something for you to wear while trying - and failing miserably - to cover yourself:
Urahara: What are you doing? It's not like I haven't seen this before…
Y/N:.... Kisuke! I am cold!
Urahara: aaah, I wonder if our chi-
Upon hearing you so frustrated he obliged to your pleas. While you covered yourself with what was once your clothing, he went to grab something you could use.
He grabbed one shirt of Ururu's closet for you, but it still looked a bit big. You folded the sleeves and tied a knot on the base so you would drag it:
Y/N: darling… How long will this last?
Urahara: Hmmm… maybe a few hours?
Y/N: Maybe?
Urahara: 4 hours tops!
You sighed. You had around 3h and 30 minutes like this… your husband seemed ridiculously happy about your new appearance:
Urahara: You know, like this you could help me look for the pills of the modified souls that I lost-
Y/N: You lost them?
Urahara: They fell, I am too old to crawl around so-
You sighed again:
Y/N: Well..m at least time will pass by faster.
Urahara: That's the spirit!
You went around looking for those pills. According to your husband he lost 3 of them. You were small, so it was easy to crawl around, but that also meant you got horribly dirty.
By the time you found two of them 3 hours had passed. You had around 30 minutes to find the last one. Time enough now that most of the area was already covered.
You soon layed eyes on the small pill under a piece of furniture. As you stretched yourself to grab it, you heard Urahara warn you:
Urahara: Hey, baby, the time is running, don't crawl there!
Y/N: It is very quick! I am almost-
You saw your arm growing in size and you started to crawl backwards, but you were not fast enough and ended up hitting your head on the furniture knocking everything that was on top of it:
Y/N: Own!!
Urahara:... I told you it was running out.
Y/N: You said 4 hours!
Urahara: I said 4h tops…
You lowered your head to rub the bump that was raising. You sighed and opened your eyes to realize that… the shirt you were wearing was now completely ruined:
Y/N: Kisuke! Get me something!
Urahara: For your head?
Y/N: To dress!
Urahara: Hmm… I don't know I think it's best you take a shower while I find some-
You opened and closed your mouth at him. You were dirty, sure, but did you need to walk naked to a bathroom? Seriously?
you heard your husband shallow what seemed like a lump. He did lent you his coat to reach the bathroom:
Urahara: You know, I have seen you a million times and no one is here besides me, you know?
Y/N: I know! But I don't… ugh…
You gave up on arguing and went to take a bath. When you returned to your room to change, you found an ice pack and hand written letter that said:
" Thank you for your help~! Please use the ice pack while I fix some dinner…. Sorry, btw"
You sighed again. You got dressed and grabbed the ice pack and walked towards the living room.
Your husband was quite something, he always put you in trouble like this, but you wouldn't change it for nothing in this world.
He is quirky, but he means we'll. You love him dearly, alas, it doesn't mean that today he is not getting an earful. Not all. How dare he even come up with something as weird as that? How is that helpful?
You knew you wouldn't be mad for long. But a good old lecture…
Thank you for reading !
I hope you have enjoyed what I had to offer!
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delirious-donna · 2 years
I'm so so glad that you are taking requests, now I got plenty plenty ideas! But unfortunately, I don't wanna scare you lol. So I'm just going with the one running on my mind for a while-
Since you want the requests to be precise, here you go!
Pairing : Natsu/Lucy(cause they're the best duh)
Prompt : We all know that Lucy has somehow gotten the idea that Natsu is incapable of romance so in this story, Natsu somehow learns about her misconception and it makes him feel uncomfortable for some reasons. But he doesn't quite realise what he feels so he chooses to not think much about it. Meanwhile Lucy decides that she needs to put some boundary in their relationship since it's painful for her to confine her own feelings. I'm implying the regular physical contact between them(cuddles, sleeping in one bed, close proximity). She doesn't wanna ruin their precious friendship for the sake of her supressed emotions. Hence she slowly starts trying to move on, which she can't. Natsu finds it all too confusing and frustrating. He can't bring himself to imagine someone else with Lucy.
And I'm a big Gratsu brotp fan, Gray gets what's going on and helps out Natsu. You can write their convo as per your choice! Finally Natsu understands and in the end, talks to Lucy.
Hope you can finish it soon!
Time To Talk [NaLu]
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an: Hi Anon! Firstly, I am so sorry it has taken me this long to get around to writing this for you!! Secondly, this is my first ever ask on tumblr so I hope I've done okay? I didn't anticipate it would turn out this long, and to be fair I probably could have made it longer but I reined myself in! XD
pairing: Natsu Dragneel x Lucy Heartfilia
warnings: SFW, fluff, angst, Natsu is oblivious, Gray is a good friend, just wholesome feelings being discovered, lil fight between ice and fire, injuries and a lil blood
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A dull ache added to each beat of his heart. He didn’t understand it, why did it hurt? Rubbing the spot on his chest where his heart lay beneath, he frowned and replayed the conversation he had overheard, although he was sure he was not meant to.
“You don’t get it Mira, Natsu, he – he just isn’t capable of feeling the way I do. It hurts but I have to put a halt to this before I drown in my own misery.”
Natsu had pondered those words for the past few days, puzzling over what exactly Lucy had been trying to say and coming up with a big fat nothing. True indeed that the Fire Dragon Slayer was more than a little dense, but when it came to matters of the heart, he was simply inexperienced.
Entirely unaccustomed to emotions more complex than happiness, sadness, anger, fear and familial love, it was not surprising that he chose to ignore the pang in his heart whenever his hand brushed against Lucy’s. Oblivious to why his stomach flitted nervously with enormous bat-like moths whenever they were parted, which gave way to ticklish wing strokes of dainty butterflies when they were finally reunited.
He knew that Lucy meant more to him than the rest of his beloved Fairy Tail family, but when he tried to define it, he couldn’t. It was like the words were stuck fast in his throat, choking him until he was blue in the face and it was maddening for the poor boy.
It was dragging him down, making him grumpy and abrasive to those around him.
His callous roughened hands curled into tight fists, eyeing the prominent veins that stood proud against his tanned skin and wished for a good brawl. A fight with someone that could take his intensity, absorb his flames and throw back an equal amount of power. Something, anything to take his mind off this problem that he had no idea how to even start to unravel – let alone resolve.
Ruffling his vividly pink hair, he grinned his signature toothy grin but it was not full of good humour this time, oh no, he had come up with a plan to hopefully squash all thought of Lucy’s words out of his head. If he could not solve the problem, he would knock it from his head and who better to engage in a physical smackdown than Gray Fullbuster.
He just had to go find him…
Lucy sighed.
This was harder than she had anticipated. She had meant what she said to Mira, it was more than time that she place some boundaries on her ‘relationship’ with Natsu. Could you even call it a relationship? Honestly, she didn’t know at this point.
It felt wrong to say it was only a friendship; it wasn’t normal for a male and female to share a bed more often than they slept separately. To wake up in the mornings entwined in limbs that did not belong to their own body, basking in the bodily heat that the other provided in a way that spoke much more than a platonic friendship.
Lucy felt the safest when she was physically touching Natsu, innocent enough with hands that brushed against one another until that alone had not been enough. The contact evolved into quick hugs and then into arms that remained draped around shoulders and waists long past the point that would seem appropriate.
The last thing she wished to do was jeopardise the friendship that they did have, she would box up her own swelling feelings for her precious Salamander, and swallow them down. A bitter pill indeed, but it would be for the best. How long she could have gone on pining for someone that she was confident would never return her feelings, she wasn’t sure, but it was best not to find out.
Yet, it was like dying a thousand deaths when she bore witness to the mixture of hurt and confusion that etched upon his face when she denied him entry to her bed. Forced him to curl up on her sofa instead, a sofa that was much too small to contain his hulking mass but it was either that or the floor.
The scrunch above the bridge of his nose, sharp eyebrows drawn low into a frown and his lips tipped down as if he had tasted something unpleasant on his tongue. It hurt, every intimate detail that she noted was an individual agony, but she resolved to follow through.
It’s for the best…
Lucy tried to remind herself of this fact in the dead of the night; listening to the ferocious draconic snores of the Dragon Slayer in the next room. Sleep refused to come to her, dancing around her restless form that was much too small within this bed. Her fingers grabbed for the pillow that Natsu used, dragging it to her chest and nuzzling her face into the downy soft material. Inhaling that all too familiar scent of campfires that tickled her nose in the most addicting way and letting the tears fall freely.
Why couldn’t you love me like I love you, Natsu?
“What you staring at Ice Princess?”
Gray turned to spot an agitated looking Natsu. He cocked an eyebrow, watching intently as the pink haired idiot smacked his fists together until they ignited. The flames wreathed his hands, dancing their ritualistic war dance along his skin until they reached his muscled shoulders.
This was getting excessive now.
The Ice Mage was used to bouts of aggression with Natsu, the pair of them always keen to square off and prove who was the better mage, but this smacked of something else entirely. Barely a day went by without the two of them being dragged apart by Erza, and on one occasion, even Master Makarov had intervened.
Something was wrong, he could sense it like an approaching thunderstorm. The air was as thick as molasses, sticky on the skin and dragging the oxygen from the lungs until they burned.
His eye twitched as Natsu bumped into his chest with his own, their forehead inches from colliding and then he noticed it. The faint purplish colour under the Salamander’s blazing obsidian eyes, the near-constant grind of his sharp jaw and the sadness that he was trying to mask with his aggression.
Gray had known that Lucy was not her usual self either. Similar to how Natsu appeared, she was tired and often close to tears over apparently nothing. He was a smart man and putting two and two together, the answer was clear enough. Things were not as rosy as they normally were between the princess and her dragon. He would get to the bottom of this, but first, a good beat down sounded like fun.
He played along with the pathetic lure that Natsu had baited him with, knowing that the fiery male would be more willing to open up if he were to be physically exhausted.
“Staring at a pathetic piece of shit, that’s what!”
The fists flew in a flurry of movement; connecting with steely jaws and hardened stomachs. Ice met fire, the opposing elements engaging in a battle of their own. Fireballs flew in every direction, Natsu was getting sloppy in his technique and it worried Gray. He had to bring this to a close quickly.
“Ice Make – Ice Geyser” the raven haired male roared.
He leapt back as the ground around Natsu erupted with deadly looking ice spikes. His opponent managed to dodge the worst of them, as he had predicted he would, but he was not at his best. Ice wrapped around his left ankle and quickly coursed up his leg until he was immobilised from the waist down on one side.
Natsu panted heavily, his chest heaving with every breath he took and a nasty swelling already blooming over his right eye from an uppercut that Gray had landed earlier in the fight. A trickle of blood oozed from his cut brow and bathed the side of his face in blood. Cuts around the eye always had the worst way of making it look so much worse than it actually was.
“Feeling better?” Gray asked as he slowly melted the ice to free his friend.
The pink haired male fell to his knees and then back onto his butt. He pulled his knees up to his chest and linked his arms around his thighs whilst his cheek rested atop. Gray dropped to the dusty ground, giving Natsu enough space to not feel crowded but close enough to reassure him that he was willing to listen.
“Not really man,” came the quiet reply.
Manifesting a small lump of ice, he wrapped it in his discarded top and offered it to the Dragon Slayer.
“Something wrong with you and Lucy? I was sure you guys were as solid as a rock…”
Natsu scoffed as he pressed the makeshift icepack to his swollen eye.
“You tell me, I – I just don’t know what has changed. If I’ve done or said something that I shouldn’t have. Fuck, I wanted to forget about this but I overheard a conversation between Lucy and Mira. I still don’t understand it but it won’t leave my head. I thought that beating it out would be best, but you can see how well that has worked.”
The words poured from his mouth like a dam bursting its banks. He pounded his bloodied fist against the ground, kicking up dirt and small pebbles under the intensity of his strength.
“What did she say?” Gray asked tentatively, not wishing to interrupt but needing more context than he had been given so far.
Natsu reiterated the words he had heard and Gray understood immediately. This was just like him, he couldn’t see what was right in front of his face. Oblivious wasn’t the right definition, for he knew it was there, more like overwhelmed and uncertain.
“Fucksake… Natsu.”
“What?! What the fuck am I missing here? Will someone just tell me?! I cannot stand the not knowing, it’s killing me and Lucy is drifting away from me and I don’t know why,” he yelled, his voice raw with pure unfiltered emotion.
Gray huffed through his nose as he pinched at the bridge to stem the headache that was fast blooming.
“Is Lucy your friend?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Of course she is!”
“Do you think that she could be more than a friend?”
A look of confusion descended on the portion of Natsu’s face that he could see, and Gray would swear he could see the cogs whirring and grinding in his brain as he scrambled to understand what that meant.
“Let me put it this way flamebrain, how would you feel if you were to walk in on me kissing Lucy? Like passionately kissing, my fingers tangled in her golden hair, pressing my-”
His words were cut off as the Dragon Slayer lunged from his throat.
Gray chuckled darkly as he managed to avoid being grabbed and shackling the enraged male with ice once more.
“Don’t like that thought do you?” he smirked.
“Bring your fucking face here right this second, I want to knock your damn teeth out!” Natsu roared like a feral beast. His face was as vividly pink as his hair, veins popping on his forehead as he strained against his bitterly cold restraints.
“Natsu, calm yourself.
“Listen, man, Lucy thinks that you do not see her as anything other than a friend, but given how you just reacted, I think it’s safe to say that your feelings are more than simply born of friendship. You need to talk to her, she is pushing you away to save her heart. I bet it is killing her to do so, and you need to stop it before it becomes irreparable. Understand?”
The dawn of comprehension was amusing to watch. The metaphorical light bulb moment seemed silly to imagine until it was basically happening in front of his eyes.
The walk along the canal that led Lucy towards the Fairy Tail guildhall was no longer a comfort, instead, her feet felt leaden. She knew he would be there, Natsu had left her apartment earlier in the morning and had not yet returned. Part of her wished to return to bed, to wrap herself tightly in the lingering scent of him on her bedsheets and stay there forever.
Her morose thoughts were interrupted as a blur of motion came barrelling towards her.
As if summoned by her thoughts alone, Natsu stood in front of her, out of breath and looking badly beaten up. The blonde gasped at the wound on his eyebrow and the eye that was practically swollen shut.
“Natsu! What happened? Do you need me to find-”
Time stood still as he interrupted her words to pull her into a tight bear hug. Her feet dangled and for a moment she didn’t know how to react. It didn’t last long as her arms hooked around his neck and she squeezed him in return.
A wealth of tears sprung from her eyes as she lost herself within his embrace, how she had missed this. Lucy buried her face into the soft fabric of his scarf, the intense scent of him filling her to capacity as she let the barricades come tumbling down.
Her heart was in ruins, and she knew right then that she would never be able to stuff these feelings down ever again. She didn’t know what this would mean for their future, and it hurt her to think of having to physically move away to find any semblance of closure or peace.
“Luce,” he mumbled into her hair.
She gasped as she realised he too was inhaling her scent, one hand spearing into her blonde hair, holding her to him as the other crushed her torso to his own.
At long last they parted, her feet once again kissed the ground and she hesitantly met his gaze.
“We’ve gotta talk Luce, let’s go home.”
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popcorn1989 · 2 years
If you want the Vikings Boys to pull a tooth for you
😱 I don't know about you, but there are candidates I would be afraid of. Tell me who you would go to and what you think :D
Note: These are all my Thoughts, the crossed out is my thoughts that my brain tells me to write down. xD You can see how my brain thinks while I write. (Hard, but with such funny things it's okay) Oh, if you have any ideas for something like this, please let me know. I don't bite!
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Okay, let's face it, we know what happens. No? I'm telling you:
You're trying to tell Hvitserk what's wrong, because your cheek is so swollen that it's hard for you to speak.
With two fingers, you hold your mouth apart and show him the tooth with the tip of your tongue. He looked attentively and nodded. Everything should be clear so far, if you are not so afraid.
He got (of course) pliers from the blacksmith.
Tell you things like: "quick and gone" or "done this many times before" Does this sound familiar to you?
But before you both start, he hands you a beer to "numb" you. From now on, you should know what is happening
Of course, it wasn't just one beer, but hey, you feel better.
When you were finally so drunk, you point to your cheek, you are ready to start. God forbid, you should never…. Well He was ready too.
The tooth, despite beer, was only after a lot of pain outside. But you immediately feel a little lighter, and it doesn't hurt so much anymore.
Of course, the wound is washed out with beer. But it didn't stop at washing it out. And it certainly wasn't the last.
The next morning you wake up with a sharp toothache, feel your teeth with your tongue and realize that Hvisterk pulled the wrong tooth. Definitely a candidate I'm afraid of, but only because more teeth are pulled.
Well, so you look for someone else and find someone quickly.
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Bjorn Ironside
I'll say it upfront, no I wouldn't go to him, but now we are here
First, he looks at you like you're the dirtiest thing he's ever seen. Thanks for That
Of course, he also gets the pliers from the blacksmith
Says things like "I'll do it quick, just close your eyes, and he's out there" Well I don't know!!!!
No anesthetic, but tells you he's ready to smack you to knock you out. You say it's okay the way it is.
Try to grab the tooth with His fingers and pull it out. Apologizes when he realizes how much it hurts you, but continues to fumble, Bacteria? Hello, where are you? *1 Oh did I say bacteria? Look at the end, I left a little fact there.
Back to Bjorn, he soon takes the pliers, which are way too big, but he tries to grab the tooth. Pains? So he says breathe them away. Should help, right?
Since he can only use the corner of the pliers, he breaks off some of the tooth.
He let go of you and glared around before pointing at you.
When he comes towards you again, you stand up and thank him for the nice try.
He looked at you confused, but slowly calmed down, he's more suited to the rough stuff. Get out of there quick
Yes, since it's still early, you'll soon have found someone else.
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Ivar the Boneless
Huh? Should I say something? Ok, yes it will be nice....
He says he doesn't have time, but you were able to persuade him to make time for you.
Now you sit in front of him and tell him everything, but he doesn't ask you which tooth or if you can show him.
You ask him if he has any ideas and if he can help you. Why did you ask him that?
Anyway, you get a long lecture on how to take care of your teeth. *2 Oh, got an interesting fact here, see end.
Ask You why you eat so much honey and fruit. (Whether it came from that, you weren't so sure).
He meant that the gods punish you, you should ask yourself what you have done. Nothing so far, but you weren't sure if you were about to commit murder.
Gives you the tip to drink alcohol so that the pain was less. Maybe we should go back to Hvitserk, with luck it will be the right tooth?
Suddenly he changes the subject and asks you what you think of this or that he has done or commanded
Now that he doesn't want to help you, and you can't concentrate on any of his things, thanks to the pain, you get up and leave. Before you commit murder after all.
You will meet someone who is willing to help you. Namely …
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Floki the Boatbuilder
Yes, I would go to him voluntarily, I believe he knows and can do a lot!
First of all, he will take a close look at every tooth, yes, every tooth!
Ask you how the pain is. Is it the tooth, or maybe just the gums? Ohhhh love him
But it turns out to be the tooth, and you think briefly of Ivar, maybe the gods are punishing you after all? pfff never!
First, he gives you a root to chew on. Of course on the side where the tooth is, and soon you will notice how it numbs the area.
In the meantime, he cleaned the small pliers he uses to pull nails out of the wood.
Says something like "Soon the pain will be gone" or "Be calm, you'll hardly notice anything" I believe him!
Took the tooth out in one go, sure there was some pain, but you were really relieved when you saw the tooth in his hand.
Gives you herbs to put in the hole. We'll, huh… we'll overlook the fact that he chewed them first, okay?
He asks you if he should make a pendant out of the tooth, then you can wear it around your neck. Huh? No, thanks
In return, he wanted nothing from you, except to have dinner with you. Helga had prepared his favorite meal today.
You would always go to him as soon as you had problems with your teeth. But thanks to Ivar, you now knew enough about how to take care of them.
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*1 Fact: In the past, there were no accurate ideas about the causes of toothache. It was often believed that a tooth worm gnawed at the tooth and caused the pain. The true cause, bacteria, was unknown.
*2 Fact: Dental care was not necessarily common, people had other problems. And treatment was usually given only after the tooth was already painful. But when they did, usually, wooden sticks were used for this purpose, sometimes sprinkled with ash, ginger or other medicinal herbs.
The "Tooth worm" was really treated in the past. They tried to smoke him out. Quote: "But if a worm gnaws a person's teeth, the person affected should take equal parts of aloe and myrrh". The smoke should drive the worm away.
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But there was also a very beautiful method, I think Hvitserk would have liked it. One should take good wine and boil it with wormwood and verbena. Then add a little sugar and let it taste good.
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Ok I just have very adorable adorable idea for tall player so imagine batter was overworking himself and the player is worried . They told him to take rest but he always said that he will do it later . Then they decided to take the matters in their own hands and just picked them up like and goes to the shop which was empty fortunately and nobody is there except for zacharie. They went there and set down in a corner and just cuddle them . Batter was confused about it and was going to ask until the player falls asleep and he finds that he is struck with the cuddle monster XD.
Bonus if zacharie comes closer to have a better view the player garbs him and cuddles him alone with batter . All of them fall asleep together
You can ignore the request if ya want
How could I ever possibly ignore a request where I get to bully Batter with Zacharie, love and cuddles! This is brilliant! I had fun writing this, plus it made me sleepy as well, haha!
Tall Player Cuddling with Batter and Zacharie
“Batter, take a break, right now.”
“My Player, I appreciate your concerns, but I must finish off this foe before any more harm shall be done.”
Needless to say, you were entirely unimpressed by Batter’s excuse. Beaten and bruised, panting and pained, even a warrior like him had his limits, a blind person could see that. No matter how stubborn he may have been, you cared about him. He was more than just a puppet. Friend? Lover? That was yet to be seen, but what was important is that he would - and may god himself give you the strength needed for that task - need to be put to sleep. Sighing, you crossed your arms as you watched this absolute buffoon get hit by a standard spectre. Naturally, he defeated it, eventually, but he had gotten more injured than he should have.
Having returned to you, his half open pair of eyes gazed upon you, emotionless as always, clearly expecting something. Whether it be your praise or simply your being in motion was unbeknownst to you. Even so, what he expected he shall not get, for you had other plans. Even at his tall height, you still towered over him, and with that difference, you hoped it would intimidate him into doing as he was told. But alas, he had faced meaner foes. Perhaps it was time for him to see just how mean you could be yourself.
“Batter, go the fuck to sleep.” If looks could kill you hoped he would only have been knocked out.
“No, we must-” But alas, he was cut off by his own surprise upon being hoisted over your shoulder as though he was a sack of potatoes. “A-ah? My Player, what is the meaning of this?” Whether he was aware of this or not, Batter’s voice contained some form of shock he had never felt before. Truly, as much as he loved you, he had underestimated you when it came to pure strength. He may have been lean, but was muscular enough, after all. Where did your muscles come from?
“Batter? Shut up for once, will ya.” In spite of his early struggles, although it was obvious there was no intention of him actually desiring to leave your grip on fear of hurting you, Batter soon gave in to your will, as he usually would, and simply watched the world pass him by as he was carried as though he was a little child. From afar, it seemed as though even the spectres were chuckling at him.
What seemed like thirty minutes of pure surprise and shame had finally passed and he was put down on your lap. Stiff as a board, not knowing how to react or what to properly do, he simply looked around. No spectres, no Elsen, just an empty building.
And someone’s chuckling.
“My, my, if it isn’t the Player and their cohort. However may I serve you, even in a moment like this?”
“Zacharie, shut it. Or - even better - why don’t you come here? Take a gander at this tired fella.”
Batter felt as though he was an animal at an exhibition, but what was he supposed to do? Still, something in your voice was weird. It seemed as though there was playful danger in it. Were you teasing Zacharie at this moment? Pulling down his cap a bit, Batter did his best to try and hide his embarrassment, which, in turn, only made him more susceptible to Zacharie.
And, just like you told him to, Zacharie approached the two of you, crouching down to see eye to eye with Batter. What the merchant did not anticipate, however, was you suddenly reaching out to grab him. Another well planned surprise of yours. While Zacharie may have been quite a bit shorter than you, he never expected you to be able to pull him down that easily either. In the end, both boys were sprawled all over your lap, with you holding them close to you. Zacharie was nice and toasty, with Batter being the opposite, but neither of them seemed to openly protest.
“Hmm, that will cost you extra, I’m afraid.” You could literally hear the cocky grin in the merchant’s voice.
“Yeah, yeah, you can get one cookie from me, and that’s it.”
Zacharie was the first to snuggle into you and Batter. How long has he gone without any friendly touch? Well, that wasn’t a question you had ever considered up until now. Either way, he wrapped his arms around both of you, while Batter rested his head on your shoulder and Zacharie’s forehead. The warmth of two people was a lot to take in. But for some reason, it felt so nice. Feeling your heartbeat where he had put his hand, it was… pleasant. Even so, he couldn’t bring himself to stay asleep for too long. What if the ghosts and ghouls were to attack?
Ever so gently, Batter tried to slide out of your grip once he was certain you were asleep. Yet, there was one thing he failed to consider: your massive strength. Truly, he was trapped in an embrace of yours and Zacharie’s. No matter how much he struggled, he was only met with hushing and shushing, there was no end in sight to this cruelty. All he could do was forfeit and give in to his fate of snuggles and cuddles.
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ogdoadfates · 1 year
May I ask for “don’t be such a baby, it’s just rubbing alcohol.” for Vaxleth? ^_^ Thank you!!!
XD always! I’ma go college au for this one! This has to be one of my more silly writings but tbh I love it for that lol. “don’t be such a baby, it’s just rubbing alcohol.”-taking care of a lover’s injury
Keyleth really was trying her best not to laugh and judging by Vax’s pouting face she isn’t doing a good job of it but she can’t help it this entire situation is just too funny. Vex and Percy had gone to Whitestone for one of Cassandra's events but had to leave poor Trinket in her and Vax’s care due to him recovering from a surgery. Vex had warned them that Trinket had gotten a fair bit restless recently due to him not being allowed to run around but even with that warning they still ended up here. When her and Vax went to go pick up Trinket the large dog couldn’t contain his energy and tried desperately to get them to play any sort of strenuous game they could with him. Keyleth remembers even commenting to Vax they should probably use his more heavy duty harness in case he pulls too hard when they go on his walk but Vax said it’d be fine. It was not fine. But by the gods it was hilarious. As soon as they left the door, Trinket bolted, sweeping Vax off his feet but to Vax’s credit he didn’t let go of the leash. Instead Trinket dragged Vax for a good quarter mile across the field Keyleth had drove them too. It was like something out of a cartoon. Of course she ran after them to help, laughing the entire time. She was still chuckling when she finally got Trinket to stop dragging her boyfriend across the park. Luckily despite the mad dashing Trinket was completely fine, Vax on the other hand wasn’t as lucky. He was covered head to toe in grass, dirt, scraps and all other sorts of things. When they got home he immediately fell onto the couch with a loud groan which leads them to now with her trying to contain herself and him pouting. “Alright, we got to get them clean.” She says helping him sit up. Keyleth sits next to him grabbing the supplies she had placed on the table. As soon as Keyleth presses the cloth to a scrape on his forehead he squirms and tries to pull away. “don’t be such a baby, it’s just rubbing alcohol.” She laughs as he playfully swats at her. He’s chuckling as well, sticking his tongue out at her but he moves back and let’s her get back to cleaning his wounds. It takes but only a couple minutes before Vax is all patched up, once done Keyleth gets up to put the supplies away. When she returns Vax greets her with an adoring smile. “Thanks, Kiki.” He says and she just smiles, shaking her head at him with a chuckle. “Maybe next time listen to me and Vex.” She teases as she joins him on the couch, leaning against him. Vax just rolls his eyes, slinging his arm around her shoulders to let her cuddle into him further.
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eirenical · 1 year
sooo… tell me more about that heiping smut. that sounds relevant to my interests for some reason. (yes, yes i just want to hear more about it bc i love it a lot. SO WHAT. DON'T JUDGE ME.)
(what if i put this one on anon! WHAT IF.)
Why, I can't imagine why a WiP titled "Laire fic heiping smut outtake" would be relevant to your interests! 😁 (And I have a feeling I would have known this one was you, too. CALL IT A HUNCH. XD)
[The WiP Title List, if anyone else would like to ask about one. ^_^]
ANYWAY, about a year ago, @laireshi wrote this AMAZING Heiping fic, Exploration, that had this line in the second paragraph:
It wasn’t as if he was actually expecting an answer, between Yaba’s inability to speak more than one sentence a week—and Xiazi was rather sure Yaba had used up all his words for the month begging in bed last night, and yes, he was very proud of himself for that one—and this having to do with the Zhang family’s Super Secret Stuff.
And that bit between the em-dashes caught me by the fucking THROAT and wouldn't let go. So I asked Laire if she would mind if I took a stab at writing that night before when Xiaoge used up his month's worth of words begging in bed, and her response was basically "YES PLEASE". ;D So I did. 😁
It's a bit under 3300 words now and I have maybe... one more scene to write plus some snuggling? I also have quite a bit more begging to get in for Xiaoge to fill that quota. XD So far most of his begging seems to be some variation of Hei Xiazi's name, but Xiazi doesn't seem to mind. ;D
But basically this has become an exercise of Hei Xiazi trying to figure out exactly how much soft pampering, how much teasing, and how many orgasms he can get away with giving Xiaoge before Xiaoge actually starts begging for real and not just screaming his name. 😏😁 So far we're at... three teases and two orgasms with Xiazi already planning round three?
It'll be a wonder Xiaoge can even WALK by the time the fic takes place. XD
(And yes, I just got distracted rereading the fic for the nth time while I was taking that tally. I really do need to finish this one and post it. MAYBE AFTER GRADING HELL WEEK IS DONE. AS A TREAT. 😁)
In the meantime... snippet behind the cut? Yeah. I think a snippet behind the cut. ^_^
Showers, Hei Xiazi had always thought, were a revelation.  They'd not been common place when he was born, but they'd been installed in the house as soon as they were available.  Xiazi had reveled in them then and continued to do so now.  The pounding of hot water on sore muscles, the buildup of steam opening pores and congested breathing, the speed with which the grime fell from his overworked body… yeah.  Still a revelation.  But sometimes, just sometimes, there was no replacement for a nice long soak in a hot bath.
Especially with the right company.
Xiazi slid his fingers back into Yaba's hair, massaging his scalp as he lathered, then letting his hands drift lower to the tight column of Yaba's neck and shoulders.  Did those muscles ever relax?  Sometimes Xiazi wondered if Yaba even knew the meaning of the word.  Digging his thumbs deeply into the muscles at the base of Yaba's neck, he slowly dragged them upwards to the knobs at the base of his skull.  Steady pressure, deep strokes, coaxing those muscles to unwind, to let go of their knots, to ease the headache that surely must be forming from all that tension.
After barely a minute of those gentle ministrations, Xiazi was rewarded with a subtle, barely-there shiver and a long, low moan.  Moments later, Yaba's head fell back to rest against Xiazi's shoulder, his body quickly following, settling softly into the curve of Xiazi's body.  Exactly what he'd been waiting for.
Xiazi rinsed his hands in the bathwater, then filled the bowl he'd left aside for just this purpose.  Shielding Yaba's eyes with one hand, he lifted the bowl and slowly rinsed the shampoo lather from his hair.  Bowl by bowl, the lather washed away into the tub to mingle with the water, leaving Yaba's hair sleek and soft, his body growing heavier against Xiazi with every bowl full of water that sluiced over his skin.
It wasn't often that Yaba let himself be taken care of like this.  It was weeks, months, sometimes years, after their each reacquaintance before Yaba would let his guard down enough to let Xiazi do this for him—before he could even begin to understand why Xiazi would want to.
After all, you maintained your tools, certainly, but you didn't buy them sweets.  You didn't hold them close while they slept.  You didn't coax and caress them until they agreed to let a day go by when they wouldn't be used.  You didn't show them affection.  And Yaba, Hei Xiazi had long since learned, viewed himself as nothing more than a tool, unless someone taught him otherwise.  And that was the worst thing of all.
But today, when Hei Xiazi had drawn a bath for himself, had teasingly invited Yaba to join him, Yaba had surprised him.  His expression had softened, those too long fingers drifting through Hei Xiazi's hair as their gazes met—one shielded and one guarded, though not so much as it had once been.  He'd left the bathroom, then, puttered around in the hotel room for a while, turning off lights as he moved.  He left only one lamp lit, softly reflected light the only illumination once he was done. 
"Admit it, you just want to get a gander at my gorgeous eyes, don't you?" Hei Xiazi had said, as Yaba returned and slipped the black glasses from his face.
Yaba had shaken his head, a smile so fond crossing his lips that Xiazi's breath caught in his chest like a lovesick teenager's.  Moments later, Yaba was peeling out of his clothes and slipping into the tub, and here they'd been ever since.
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lewdligu · 9 months
Finally Time at Home
Figured I should get a story up here. I don't know how many I'm gonna post since I have like four other places I post my writing. XD I will probably use this space for shorter things though, fantasies or thoughts.
I also do a thing where I write based on the gacha game pulls I do, that'll be coming soon.
But for now enjoy this cute little thing involving a sweet couple and some tickly shenanigans.
If you want to read more writing, hit up my DeviantArt.
“I wonder where she is…” I question the walls as I mull about the kitchen. It’s not really that I’m worried; she can take care of herself against whatever might be around her little forest, but usually her mushroom gathering is pretty quick. She has her particular favorite little patches of shrooms she floats between.
Plus, I’m about ready with this sauce and it needs the key ingredient!
Ahh well, I’m sure she’s just being extra picky about which ones she collects, since it’s been a while since I’ve made her favorite dish. Been so busy in the castle lately that I haven’t had this kind of opportunity to spend time at home for an extended period. I’m happy to be so busy, but I miss the ability to just be with her, like before.
Wisps of purple smoke erupt from the large pot bubbling away on the stove; the timer spell telling me that the spaghetti is done! I quickly grab my strainer and swirl it through the boiling water, giving the pasta a little gathering twirl before nabbing it all in one scoop. With a bobbing flourish (archmages always have a flare for the dramatic), I drain the nest of spaghetti before laying it on the large plate I have prepared, letting it steam itself out. Its ordeal is not yet over, but it needs to cool while the sauce is being finished up.
Speaking of the sauce, it can get my full attention once more. I play with the stove a little, tweaking the flame in the most subtle way. This sauce is so amazing, but it does take quite a lot of effort to get right. The heat has to be perfect, the order of the ingredients has to be correct. Even the amount of spices has to be pretty exact or else the entire sauce goes bad.
I take the small bowl of pre-measured Uhilian vinegar…
I take a sniff of the bowl just to make sure I have the Uhilian vinegar.
“Hork!” Yeah this is definitely the stuff…
It mellows out in the sauce, I promise. As I rub my nose and toss it in, the thick simmering sludge absorbs the liquid and it turns from a deep crimson to a lighter flame red. Just as planned. But now we’re at an impasse… The next ingredient is not yet–
“I’m hhhHHOOOOOME!” A shrill voice escalates as its owner comes barreling into the house through the open window.
Literally barrelling, why is she flying so fast!? And so erratically; the basket she’s carrying is flipping all over the place, I can see the mushrooms nearly falling out!
“E-Enelily!” I exclaim as I scramble out of the kitchen, rounding the shelf and putting my hands out to grab the basket just at the tipping point before any of its contents can escape. When I stop the basket, the little fairy’s momentum carries, and she begins swinging on the handle like a goofy kid at a playground. Her magic allows her to be pretty strong at this size, but considering she’s not even a foot tall and I’m almost six, physics wins over magic there.
“WheeEeEEeEEEeeeh~” The minigirl squeals as she flips around and around the basket handle, slowing to a stop after a couple rotations until she’s just dangling from it. Her four translucent wings twitch, spread wide like she were flying, but I can tell she’s not. She’s got a silly look on her face, and her little coat is only half-on her body. The top of it is stained with a dark liquid.
Oh, I get it.
“‘Lil, you got into the Nightwish again, didn’t you?” I ask with a sigh as I start back toward the kitchen with our star ingredient (and the fairy dangling above them).
“Nnnnnn–.... Nooooooo,~” she replies, not at all trying to hide the goofy smile on her face. My walking makes her sway back and forth, her body pretty lax as she looks like she’s just enjoying the movement.
As I set the basket down on the countertop next to the stove I can finally get a good look at her. Her normally sapphire-blue hair is also darkened to a deep indigo. I shake my head lightly and offer my finger to her. “What did I tell you about flower-diving?”
“You shaid…. You shhhhhaid…” she slurs adorably, reaching a tiny hand out to my finger to monkey bar climb her way from the basket handle to dangle in the same way from my finger. “You said to have fun!”
Gods she is so cute, I can’t help but smile. “Yes, but I meant with me, silly.” I twist around and wiggle my finger, which makes her giggle and bounce, trying a little pull up–unsuccessfully thanks to her inebriation–but it’s an adorable attempt.
“I knooooow~ I’m sorry it’s just that the plant is growing so well, and it looked so inviting and I was thirsty and…” ‘Lil continued to ramble, but started talking so fast that I couldn’t comprehend her. Nightwish affects different fairy species in different ways, and she’s never really been able to hold her substances of any kind well, so I’m not surprised she’s so discombobulated. At least she’s an adorable drunk.
“Well, it’s fine, you’ll be good by the time dinner is ready.” I say–from very much experience– as I dangle her over the counter next to where the spaghetti is sitting, now pleasantly warm.
“Yeaaaaaaaaah!” she cheers, and lets go of my finger. I expected her to drift down to the countertop–she likes to float back and forth slowly like a falling leaf, it’s just the cutest thing–but instead she just hovers exactly where she was.
Drunk brain is a funny thing.~
I give her a smile and poke her cheek (my fingertip is nearly as big as her cheek), to which she puffs her face brattily, before I turn around and start going through the mushrooms she’s selected.
“Wow, you really went all out with these,” I say, rummaging through the caps in the basket. Each mushroom is plump and tight, with gills perfectly formed. It looks like she’s chosen all of her favorites, and just the best specimens of each. I knew that she would grab good ingredients–it is her job after all–I guess I forgot just how good she is at this.
I’m glad she found these before she dove into that pitcher plant.
Well, I don’t need all of these, so I begin the process of selecting two of each type that I think would be best in the sauce. The largest Purple Hearts. The ugliest Sprinkle Caps. The greenest Box Tops.
As I hold two of the Baggund mushrooms, one circular and one square, I can’t remember which was better…
“Hey, do you remember what Baggund I usually use?” It’s been a really, really long time since I’ve made this recipe…
“Tha square one!” She calls back, though her voice is a little muffled. The shift in tone makes me perk up, setting the mushrooms down and turning around with a curious eyebrow.
My face falls as I step to the other counter. “Enelily…” She’s not sitting where I thought she would be. She’s not sitting at all.
A leg poking out of a nest of noodles, a wrist wrapped up in a strand, a tiny foot shibari’d in a pasta knot.
“I’msorry it was so waaaaaarm,~” she says with a drunken groan, the noodly mountain shuddering as she squirms in spaghetti until her head pokes out. The sticky noodles cling to her hair and her pale neck. All her limbs are sticking out now, as is a bit of her torso and her collarbone. But the rest is just noodle; I can’t even see her wings.
How long was she in there for? She must have dove in and squirmed around for the entire time I had my back to her…
“Well now I need to make another batch of spaghetti…” I say with a deep, exasperated sigh.
‘Lil looks up at me with pleading eyes. “A-are you mad at me…?” she asks.
My face lightens, giving her a soft smile. “No, silly,” I reply warmly, leaning down to rest my elbows on the countertop on either side of the plate.
Honestly, it’s impossible to be mad at her, ever. I fell in love with her because of her pure heart, her kindness; and yes, her silliness. It’s been so long since we’ve been able to get so comfortable and casual like this that I’ve forgotten just how much of those things she is, and just how much I love her because of them. We lock eyes for an eternal second, as I lose myself in them all over again. Her smile grows sheepish as my lovey gaze weighs on her, making her blush deeper and shrink into her noodly cushion.
“But, I do need to punish you for ruining this batch,” I tease. With a swift motion I lean far to the side–so much so that I’m nearly tipping–as I reach out for a nearby tall jar that still has its lit off.
“P-punish…?” she says apprehensively, trying to twist herself around to watch where my hand is going. But as she tries to stretch, the noodles around her constrict; she can barely move! “A-ah’m s-stuck!” she exclaims, some of her Sirilian accent coming through.
I smirk and let out a playfully evil chuckle–as I am wont to do when I am getting into mischief. I reach into the jar and feel around with two fingertips, grabbing what I’m looking for, and slowly pull out a hard, uncooked strand of pasta. I flip it around my fingers ostentatiously and let it rest; holding it like a quill as I bring it in front of her.
Finally able to see it, the confusion is clear upon her face. I let the situation linger in the air, letting her mind wander with possibilities. What the heck am I doing with a stiff stick of pasta? Why am I holding it like a chopstick that I’d use to poke a piece of…
Her eyes widen.
“W-wai–YEEP!” As she opens her mouth to beg, it is swiftly cut off with a yelp as I prod her exposed left sole with the stick. I am no stranger to her body–we’ve been together a long time–but I know that in her small form my fingers are too big to tickle her.
But this? This thin, stiff, barely sharp stick of pasta? As I start to poke it around the plump curves of her tiny fairy sole, it works perfectly to make her descend into adorable giggles.
“NYooHihIIIYee-EEheEe! NYaaHaha–I’m sorry I’m sorreeEEEhhEE~!” She trills through her giggling, trying to form words as she writhes about in the sticky pile of noodles. Every time she twists or pulls, she knots herself up a little tighter, the spaghetti constricts a little more. And as it pulls at her, I notice that it’s making her little green blouse ride up on her midriff, exposing her milky, smooth stomach. Gods, she’s so beautiful.
But she’s also so ticklish, and ruined dinner, so the punishment must be performed. I move my implement of torture up to her belly, beginning to poke and prod around her skin there. Her laughter pitches up as she tries so desperately to curl up and protect herself, but the noodles are the most complete bondage, preventing her from doing more than writhing back and forth as my poking tickles make her jump.
“NYA-NNee–EE-EEEHeeEHIIIIII~!” It’s been so long since I’ve gotten a chance to tickle her that I forgot just how amazing her reactions were. Her laughter is high pitched, a little shrill; halfway between a buzzing beehive and a fluttering hummingbird. And every now and then–especially when my noodle finds the extra ticklish spots around her tiny hips–she erupts with a squeal like a birdcall. No orchestra in the world could produce music I would enjoy more than this ticklish laughter that I’m conducting from her.
The blush on her face makes her pale cheeks practically glow red, and even though her smile is forced, I can see the pure enjoyment behind her eyes as she alternates between squeezing them closed while shaking her head, and looking up at me amorously. I can tell that she’s wanted this as much as I have.
But she can also tell that I’m not going to go that easy on her, thanks to her indiscretion!
With my free hand I reach to the middle of the long uncooked spaghetti noodle, and snap it in half. With another showy spin I’m now dual-wielding pasta, and she knows I know how to use them. I move the noodles to each of her helpless, tiny bare feet.
“HYAAAAAHEEEEE~!” Her body stiffens in her noodly bondage as I prod the pointy noodles around her soft soles with swift, fast movements. Probably about as big as her toes, I am surprisingly dexterous with my torturous poking. She can shake and paddle her feet around quite a lot, but the spaghetti around her tiny body makes it so she can never shift away enough. Her right foot especially, since it’s bound at the ankle rather than the thigh like her other, is particularly helpless to my tickling.
I admit, I’m losing myself a little in the situation; I just love watching her squirm. The way her itty bitty toes are flexing and scrunching to each poke, the way her soft soles wrinkle and stretch with each of her pulls. The way I can make her yelp every time I poke the ball of her foot, but flutter in laughter every time I trace around her arch.
But as I’m tickling her, as the seconds pass and I fall more and more in love with her giggly torment, I can hear the exhaustion setting in. Her small form doesn’t have a whole lot of stamina, so as much as I would love to tickle her until the sun sets, I know soon it will switch from being enjoyable torture to being legitimately upsetting, and I couldn’t bring myself to do that.
At least, not without her prior agreement.
So after a few more pokes around her perfect soles (now a lovely shade of red), and a couple more prods around her belly (I just had to see her try to curl up one more time), I finally remove my tools, setting them down on the countertop. She giggles through heavy breaths, lingering tickly sensations still shooting through her body. ‘Lil has the cutest post-tickling afterglow; she lets out little twitches and shudders, and continues giggling for minutes without any touching even happening. Normally I would deeply rub her skin to get some of the electricity out of her nerves, but when she’s small like this, that usually just ends up overwhelming her, so I give her a few long seconds to let the fire across her skin burn itself out.
As she relaxes into her noodle bed, I think it’s time to get her out of there.
Plus, it’s now impossible for me to resist touching her amazing body.~
I lower my head, softly pressing my mouth to the noodles that bind her legs. With a masterful motion I slide my teeth across them, and a bit of her skin, taking a few bites to free her lower body. I move myself up to her midriff, unable to resist giving her stomach a lustful kiss (and eliciting just the hottest little moan) before navigating my teeth to the thick cords of cold noodle binding her chest.
I move to free her arms, but my lips are greeted with her hands instead; it seems like she already freed herself there.
…I wonder if she could have done that at any time.
I don’t really care, of course. I feel her arms guide me up towards her small, beautiful face, and she gives my upper lip just the sweetest little kiss. Tired, but very sweet.
“Take all the time you need, ‘Lil,” I whisper as I pull away. She’s sprawled out on the noodle bed, just enjoying the lingering exhaustion and our mutual presence. We gaze lovingly at each other for who cares how long, and each second solidifies my dedication to her more and more.
A gurgle from behind me catches my attention, and I peel my eyes away from my love while stepping to the other side of the kitchen.
The sauce is as black as night, and is giving off a sickly green vapor. Like I said; this sauce is temperamental. With a sigh I grab the lid and cover the large pot, turning the flame off. It’s a really good thing I didn’t actually put those mushrooms in; I have plenty of the other ingredients, but those would have been horrible to waste.
As I am lamenting the fallen sauce, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my middle. A chin rests upon my shoulder, and I’m given just the warmest squeeze.
“Let me help you,” Enelily says, still in a bit of a daze. As she’s hugging me, I can feel that she has a fist full of spaghetti in her grasp.
“I would love that,” I reply, reaching back and running my hand through her sapphire hair.
Gods, I love this fairy, in all her forms.
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
https://www.tumblr.com/dekusleftsock/695078067814776832/httpswwwtumblrcomdekusleftsock69506168940042?source=share Well it's good you don't mind then, because I can ask questions for quite a while, believe me. In my experience, repressed emotion is hard because you have to learn to actively express your emotions. For Izuku, this will be especially hard because he feels so ashamed of himself whenever he does express selfish/ugly emotions. However, in order to be healthier, he needs to learn to be selfish sometimes. I've always loved Izuku's character, but I while admit the idea of this kind of arc is too fun to resist. The story seems to be building towards an event that breaks his walls the same way the kidnapping broke Katsuki's walls. However, the story is ending soon leaving the rest of Izuku's arc up to our imaginations. That's when I got the idea for a bkdk post war fic, which is why I've been analyzing Izuku. Izuku is usually characterized as the more affectionate/open minded partner of bkdk, so it's interesting to see that canon is going the opposite direction. I figured canon bkdk post war would probably be a shy slow burn. Katsuki is getting better at expressing things, but he still seems scared of messing up. Izuku seems to find relationships and intimacy overwhelming, and has been frequently rejecting Katsuki the closer he gets. I saw a post that described my vision perfectly: Bkdk post war being shy about holding hands. Like, one reaches out and then retracts their hand, only for the other to grab it last second. It was an adorable image, and captured my idea of them. In canon, all of these changes happened quickly. They only recently became friends, going from that to realizing they're attracted to each other is a big leap. Especially with the revelation that Katsuki's actually the more willing and open minded of the two when it comes to relationships XD. What do you think bkdk's relationship post war would be like? Also, how would you write/imagine an Izuku who is trying to express selfish/unpleasant emotions more instead of repressing them? He's spent so long putting up a front that it is hard for me to picture him letting those invisible walls down, so I wanted another opinion.
Hmmmm, interesting question.
To be honest with you, I really do think most of it will be getting over the communication problems. Ofc the shyness and first time being intimate for either of them will be a thing, it’s always hard when you’re having your “first relationship”.
I’ve read a couple of fics that rely on Izuku’s intimacy issues. Something that I’ve seen in common with all of them is Izuku running away somehow (which is what he’s already done during vigilante arc) and also learning to comes to terms with your emotions; but I think the main theme of them as teenagers post war will be about understanding yourself and each other. Izuku is gonna have to learn how to analyze emotions and ALSO process them. To be honest with you, I think everyone emotionally is way farther ahead of izuku; developmentally wise at least.
I hope that Izuku is able to identify his emotional/trust issues after fighting shigaraki. He’s gonna be a key player in, one, Katsuki’s confession, and two, Izuku’s understanding of his emotions. He’s honestly been running away from romantic feelings and deep down has known what they are this whole time, and I think when he points out that shigaraki really DID care about his family/father, he’s gonna have that revelation.
So what do I think they’ll be post war arc? Izuku is gonna be an idiot in love and Katsuki is gonna have to help him identify those emotions. The ugly and pretty ones. Since Izuku has never taken a step back to analyze or process any of his emotions or reactions, Katsuki is gonna be the one to make him slow down and ground himself. And when Katsuki is going too fast and needs help then Izuku will do the same. They’re gonna be lumity in the way that they’ll act like cringy middle schoolers and I think horikoshi is gonna bless us with at least ONE page of that dynamic and I’ll love every second of it shusnsisnidjd
ALSO, the more you or I talk about them the more and more they act/seem like togachako lol. The difference is that ochako/toga are processing and identifying emotions solely having to do with love (femininity) and Katsuki/Izuku are processing emotions having solely to do with anger (masculinity) And my GOD I could talk about why kirishima is an amazing character for Katsuki because of the way he expresses and experiences masculinity, while simultaneously letting him get away with doing shitty things (indirectly, not that he’s actually doing anything to indulge Katsuki’s shitty behavior, rather just existing)
Something I’ve always loved about horikoshi is how he is able to express queer love and relationships as different than heterosexual ones. I talked about it in this post, that the duffer brothers don’t understand queer relationships and how they are different from heterosexual ones. Compared to how horikoshi is able to show the differences in being defined by femininity or masculinity in gay relationships.
Ah, I rambled again lol susbidndhdb
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wolfclaire · 1 year
ask game ig? (i dont write fics but i like yours :D)
"Somebody tried to cut her wings off.
Somebody was purposely trying to keep her from getting away."
the foreshadowing tho.. the vibes
Hi, thank you for your ask! Aww thanks anon :')
The foreshadowing was strong with this one, ngl XD
To be honest, Etho didn't try cut Pearl's wings off, or was pruporsely aiming at them. He just wanted to hit Pearl to stop her from running away with his and Joel's stuff... But when she had her back turned on him, well...it was hard to miss them, you know? He did wanted to apologize to her after that, but in his clouded Red mind he didn't find the reason or the need to do it. If he was still Yellow, he would try to offer something to help Pearl heal and be able to fly again soon...as Red, he doesn't even consider that.
Grian, on the other hand? Oh, he certainly knew what he was doing and why. Making an example out of someone, you want everyone else to see it. You want them to see what happens to those who wont stay in line and follow the rules.
Etho? Just an accident. Grian? Because he could.
Also, you only know the "reactions" of Gem and Cleo about Pearl's wings being hurt/gone (should I count Grian too?...Yeah let's count Grian too, he had a grin on his face when he did what he did)... I still have 3 characters you will see "more indepth" reactions of, one of them being Pearl (because no, we aren't done with the Pearl angst yet! >:D ) and the other two will be in the next chapter ;)
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justyoursicanon · 2 years
{another one of these huehue. prompty 6 with Bing and Google(romantic/platonic either suits) and prompt 9 with Dr.Iplier and Dr.Henrik(romantic)}
Ohhh! Looks like I'm gonna do alot of writing rn! xD
Let's start with prompt 6! ^^
Prompt: 6. "Do you want a hug? "...." "I'm gonna hug you now, just push me if you don't like it."
Google harshly brought it's meta fist onto the wooden desk again out of frustration. The request that it received from Dark earlier was to hack into a certain folder and file that someone stole from their security files. Whoever stole it must have been a real smartass if their making Google hack into it for more then 5 hours and still not getting in.
Google sighed while threading its fingers through its hair and stared at the laptop screen in front of it, it's extensions had asked it if it needed help but Google denied and replied this was its job and did not want its extension having a hard time as well.
Just then Google heard his door crack open, he turned and glanced at its door and saw someone peaking through the crack. Their face was unable to be seen from a far but Google easily scanned them and found out it was Bing. It rubbed it's forehead and turned its chair in the direction of the door and asked. "What do you need Bing?" Google asked and Bing fully opened the door and closed it behind him. "You alright Googs?" Bing asked with his hands in their pockets. Google sighed again. "Not well at the moment. This wall that the file is hiding in has given me such massive impact of what is called frustration and is only getting worse as I still not succeed into breaking in." Bing nodded and watched as said frustration was now visible to the android's body posture.
Google's fist tightening, its fingers rubbing their forehead every once in a while, and the distant beeping. Bing thought for a moment then removed itself off the door. "Do you want a hug?" Bing asked and received no answer from Google, who was trying to figure out why they asked that. Bing walked forward and softly took Google's hand and made it stand up. "I'm gonna hug you now, just push me if you don't like it." And proceeded to hug Google.
Google mostly stood still, hands slightly away from Bing's sides as it felt Bing's soft arms around it's body. The hug was... nice, which was unusual to Google. This feeling was odd to it but not in a bad way. Google felt it's fans slow down and it brought it's arms to wrap around Bing as well and tried to hug back. In which led to Bing hugging him a little tighter.
When they parted Bing smiled at Google, and Google felt something near its face heat up. It can discover that another time but it felt relieved after the hug. "Now, let me help you with that wall." Bing offered and Google nodded. A possible smile crawling up to its lips but faded as soon as it sat back down.
Now for prompt 9!
Prompt: 9. "Come on it'll be fun!" "*sigh* if you say so."
Henrik watched as Dr. Iplier hurried but gently organized the last mess from his desk, Henrik can already feel the excitement from the other just vibrating off of him. "Slow down Edward, you could possibly make another mess if you hurry so much." Henrik said but by the time the words fell the other doctor was already done. Edward wore his coat again and passed by Henrik to grab his cardigan and gave it to Henrik. Leading him to chuckle and accepted it.
As soon as Henrik took it Edward dragged both of them out of their offices and the hospital and back home. Along the way Edward kept happily talking about how this surprise would be amazing. But Henrik just gazed upon his lover. Barely listening to whatever he was saying. "I'm not sure Edward, you sure the others won't barge in on us again?" Edward chuckled. "don't worry Love I promise it won't happen this time. And this surprise will be the best!" Henrik smiled but scratched his neck nervously. They arrived back at their shared home and Edward gently took Henrik's hand and smiled. "Come on it'll be fun!" Edward said and kissed his hand. Henrik sighed but smiled back lovingly. "If you say so."
And as promised, Henrik was greeted with a smooth music playing and scented candles around the kitchen and dining table, on the table was lightly covered in roses and the amazing smell of food was currently cooking. Henrik didn't ask about how Edward planned all of this but he was so happy he had a lovely partner like him.
and that is done! Go ahead and ask more if you like, I do enjoy writing these ^^
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altschmerzes · 1 year
first let me say that i adore your writing; i've read your TL fic so many times. it's the reason i'd love your opinion. i'm working on my own fic and it's my first multi-chapter work. i'm debating whether to post what i have or wait until it's complete. on one hand, i'm worried it i post it in progress, people will get annoyed or lose interest if i take too long between chapters. on the other, i'm so so excited about this and just really want to share it and get feedback. as someone with multiple wips, what made you decide to post? have you found most people are kind about waiting for updates? is there a tipping point for you when you decide that NOW you have enough done to start posting? i know everyone's different, but i'd really love your take on what works for you. <3
ahhhhhh you are so sweet i'm so???? thank you so much i'm so flattered both that you enjoy my fic that much and also that you value my opinion on this sorta thing
SO let's see. this is tricky because i am a simple beast and i have a great degree of difficulty resisting the instant gratification urge of Post It As Soon As It Is Written, To Hell With Restraint. but i so totally get all the same concerns that you have here.
the vast, overwhelming majority of people are absolutely positively indescribably lovely in waiting for updates. i've had a few people get rude with me about it but interestingly enough the people who've gotten weirdly demanding or impatient have mostly done so within a pretty short time of having posted a chapter? so many more people are exactly the opposite - wanting to be encouraging and express interest in the continuing story but also being really clear about not wanting to be impatient or pressuring. it's absolutely wonderful, especially since i've got a couple of fics i haven't updated in about one million years, though i am still actively working on and intending to finish all of them.
at the end of the day, the best answer is gonna be what works for you and your schedule and is able to keep your interest level up at the same time! your interest and investment in your own work is so much more important than a reader's for so many reasons - and if that means you gotta post what you've got when you've got it to enjoy The Thrill Of Posting, and then have a long break between chapters, so be it! but i also totally get how the opposite can be true - how posting right away no matter what can be disheartening because then you get stuck and have no runway.
so my genuine, sincere advice is: post when you have stuff ready to post WITH the caveat that planning ahead is extremely helpful and has been vitally necessary to me in posting wips and then continuing to work on and udpate them. not necessarily in writing out everything ahead of time fully, but in planning it, outlining if that's your bag, at least listing a sense of like. what your chapters are going to probably be, and where in the arc of the story you are. sometimes this changes - it does for me a lot - like when a thing needs more space to breathe or you suddenly realize you have a character with a subplot that needs some attention or resolution, but having that scaffolding to work with has been indispensable to me. my 'tipping point' as you put it at this stage is when i have a full and complete first chapter, usually a couple more scenes down the road written out, and a good idea of the shape and size of the story. with bigger projects, i usually try to build up more before i post, with varying levels of success XD.
also, having buddies to bounce ideas with and encourage you and get jazzed for your writing is another huge plus. i can't more highly recommend it, and i love to chat about people's work so my door's always open for that (feel free to ask for my discord as well!). this is especially helpful when you start getting down about feeling like you haven't updated soon enough or w/e - having friends to remind you that this is first and foremost about joy and having joy in creating is everything.
good luck with your fic, that's huge and so exciting!!!
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