film-book · 4 months
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I DID IT MY WAY (2023) Movie Trailer: Andy Lau Tries to Stop a Violent Drug Network in Jason Kwan's Crime Thriller https://film-book.com/i-did-it-my-way-2023-movie-trailer-andy-lau-tries-to-stop-a-violent-drug-network-in-jason-kwans-crime-thriller/?feed_id=111137&_unique_id=65918241918c2
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tomorrowedblog · 4 months
First look at I Did It My Way
A new trailer has been released for I Did It My Way, which is set to release January 12, 2024.
As the secretive, complex world of online drug trafficking increasingly targets Hong Kong, the police launch a risky, top-secret sting operation to bring down one of the most notorious drug lords in Asia.
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bobaz · 2 years
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Данас подигао своју прву саобраћајну на својој општини Чукарица! 🎫🏢🥳😎®️ Сад је ту и последњи део слагалице 🧩 и све је у мојим рукама и потпуно моје! Ово ми је уједно био и први пут да возим кроз центар Београда и то у време јутарњег шпица, али супер сам се снашао, а ту је био и ћале на сувозачево место да суфлира кад мисли да треба, јер сам ја ипак тек новопечени возач 🫡 Долазећи из Кикинде, хтео сам да идем кроз центар и прођем сад колима тим путем где сам досад ишао бициклом, да упоредим и осетим разлику, а и да се прекалим за вожњу по нашој престоници! Ћале се нервирао што сам одабрао тај пут јер нас је доста временски коштало, али је за мене то била најбоља школа за вожњу и права прилика да се научим! Пошто је огромна гужва била нисам стигао ни са ким да се видим јер је требало скоро исто толико времена по Београду колико ми је требало до Београда од Кикинде, а ћале је имао заказано у болници у Новом Саду у 12ч, што је и разлог његовог поласка самном. Панчевачки мост, Бул. Деспота Стефана, Браће Југовића (овде ми се био угасио на подизању са семафора, али сам га брзо упалио - на овим узбрдицама треба много више гаса него по равници), Кнеза Милоша па доле поред Сајма и горе на Чукарицу! 🚘 После подизања саобраћајне укључио сам се на аутопут после Сајма - на Газелу и запуцао пун гас за Нови Сад где је било нешто лакше возити јер нема узвишења и падова као по Београду, али је саобраћај чак и гори него у Београду! Тамо сам 3 сата чекао да ћалету одраде захват у приватној клиници и онда сам возио назад за Кикинду! Све у свему преживели смо и стигли смо кућама без проблема, а Тојота је изгурала све то стварно мушки 💪 ..::.. #srbija🇷🇸 #beograd #toyotarav42005 #myfirsttrafficlicence #firstrealdrivingexperienced #mylifeinmyhands✋ #ididitmyway #trafficjam #ifnotnowwhen⁉️ #mywordsmythoughtsmyfeelings (at Cukarica,Beograd) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd9Ef5sIaYG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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djninaflowers · 2 months
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😎 It was time for a new shoot, so here's the first one of 2024. I've always loved photography and I'm spending more time in it so I look forward to evolving and improving my skills in this craft.
Hope everyone is having a great week 😘
#ninaflowers #djninaflowers #macproducts #maccosmetics #macpro #rupaulsdragrace #rupaulsdragraceallstars #dj #djlife #internationaldj #drag #dragqueen #dragdj #makeup #dragmakeup #ididitmyway @maccosmeticsusa @maccosmetics @macpro
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tranquildr3ams · 4 months
I Did It My Way (潜行, 2023)
I Did It My Way (潜行, 2023) #Action #Crime #Thriller #IDidItMyWay #ActionMovies #Film #HKFilm #Movie #Review @WellGoUSA
I Did It My Way (潜行 ,2023) Director: Jason Kwan Cast: Andy Lau, Gordon Lam, Eddie Peng, Yase Liu, Simon Yam, Suet Lam, Kent Cheng, Philip Keung, Hedwig Tam, Kevin Chu, Terrance Lau As the secretive, complex world of online drug trafficking increasingly targets Hong Kong, the police launch a risky, top-secret sting operation to bring down one of the most notorious drug lords in Asia. – Well Go…
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lautakwah · 4 months
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[ID: an anonymous submission, it reads, "not sure if u received this yesterday, so resending.
Glad you liked the tony vid ;-) Have you finished watching 'theDukeOfMountDeer'? Andy&Tony having chemistry the first time they worked together, so it's nice to see it being "officially" acknowledged/recognized. About 'iDidItMyWay', you should watch the other two MVs for the movie (they're on the same channel as the latest one).. Also, about "old man yaoi", I see it more between Andy&Gordon (iDidItMyWay, the bi-Lighting in some of their scenes & their IRL history) rather than Tony&Andy (Goldfinger movie, although they're deploying the trope for the promoting)..." /END ID]
hiiii yeah i did was just not online for most of yesterday! also just. you can use the anon function on ask too, it's much easier than sending me submissions but i digress fjdghjfdg
i have not finished the duke of mount deer (yet), mainly because i am actively retiming the subs for that drama as im watching it which does take a while every time i sit down and have time to do that ^^;; also it's lower on my list of priorities of stuff to finish :3!
about the other mvs for i did it my way, i saw them, like, within minutes of the videos being uploaded 🤡 like i prommy even if i'm not actively posting about andy i am most likely up to date on the stuff he/his team are promoting :') unless im asleep, in which case i find out about it a few hrs afterwards, but yeah LOL there's something wrong with me etc <3
as for the old man yaoi comments, they're just jokes FGKJFDG also i do think i did it my way seems much more generic action film compared to the more layered narrative of the goldfinger, although maybe the marketing for it is also part of why it seems more intriguing? the hype surrounding the latter is also way bigger which is why i post more abt it rather than abt i did it my way and andy & gordon's chemistry! i loved that video they did of reenacting the scene from dance of a dream (2001) where they were cheering together hahaha it was very sweet <3
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stastrodome · 2 years
Mi Spice Girl favorita es Sporty.
A balm I bought in Needleburg Would leave a ghastly scar I eased the pain at Tex McSquirrel’s A Brazos cowboy bar
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#TX #IDidItMyWay #HTX 
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eric-sadahire · 3 years
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To all the people who said I couldn't do it #fuckyou
What are you doing? Just hanging out
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theempiricist · 3 years
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adjstyling · 5 years
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#IDidItMyWay #MenWithClass #MenWithStyle #Sophistication #Focus #BeardedMen #ClassicLook #ClassicMan #Tailored #TailoredClothing #DapperlyDone #HighFashion #Sharp #Dandy #Suits
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laxink · 5 years
Famous Teddy BYKE! It is time for celebration! . . . He wanna hit a nerve. Tell that boy, "Ion see HA!" You might be bad, beta— Promise, yeen Teddy Alpha! #Alpha 💋🤙🏼 Inspired by Famous Amy ~ "I'm Back" #Director 🎬 #Barz #Summer19 #LetTheGainzBegin or #Shredz Idk 🤷🏿‍♂️ #IAmJustOutchea #FriBae 💛 #SaturBae now. #FatOneDayFatterTheNext 😥 Sooo, #NiggaImJustFlexin And #iDidItMyWay #Sinatra See, #iCanDoBoth 👨🏿‍💼🕺🏿 #GotALittleBetter 🎶 😭😭😭 #FammyAmy #BuildABooty #PutYourMuscleWhereYourMouthIs #WorkoutMoreTalkLess #SmileMoreTalkLess #IAmTrulyLivingLifeLikeIAmRunningOutOfTime #LetsGetReadyToSummer #Orlando #SeeYouAtTheTop #Gainz #GainzGang #BeardGang #Gaymer #GottaCatchEmAll Oh, and for good measure: #Yeen ☻ (at Traphouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvnnzUbgePa/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14gd0bqomlpg6
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“The record shows I took the blows and did it my way.” Damn powerful lyrics. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ see my smile? Well it’s my birthday week and I’m playing a @steinwayandsons #piano accompanying this amazing singer who was season 15 finalist in #nbcthevoice @nbcthevoice I know life is about to get amazing. #manifest #birthday #femalepower #riseofthefeminine #artists #singers #musicians #ididitmyway https://www.instagram.com/p/BqacUzBhKYs/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=oxgl4hr23j7j
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valhallamusic · 5 years
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#followyourownpath #ididitmyway #integritydriven (at Nashville, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqivz8rFSnd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19cwig0lq286z
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ecogreenlux · 2 years
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“Everything worthwhile in life is won through surmounting the associated negative experience. Any attempt to escape the negative, to avoid it or quash it or silence it, only backfires. The avoidance of suffering is a form of suffering. The avoidance of struggle is a struggle. The denial of failure is a failure. Hiding what is shameful is itself a form of shame. Pain is an inextricable thread in the fabric of life, and to tear it out is not only impossible, but destructive: attempting to tear it out unravels everything else with it. To try to avoid pain is to give too many fucks about pain. In contrast, if you’re able to not give a fuck about the pain, you become unstoppable." ~ Mark Manson The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by @markmanson #ididitmyway #unfuckwithable #painisthegain #onwardandupward #believe (at Westmount) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXECsPYuDeh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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giolopezarte · 3 years
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Una de las pausas de publicidad más impactantes del mundo de los espectáculos sucedió durante un concierto de Frank Sinatra en Barcelona... A mitad del show Sinatra hizo una pausa, pidió que le llevarán un whisky, delante del audotorio lo bebió y al terminarlo dijo "solo tengo un amigo que no me ha fallado nunca, su nombre es Jack Daniels" Las ventas de Jack Daniels se dispararon más de un 4,000% después del anuncio. #franksinatra #newyork #newyorkcity #newyorknewyork #sinatra #artecontemporaneo #contemporaryart #arteguatemalteco #artelatinoamericano #myway #ididitmyway (en Guatemala City, Guatemala) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU1CIyCsLCK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tayzs-world · 3 years
#omg #haha #ididitmyway https://www.instagram.com/p/CThz-oDDJTR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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