#idk. I have things to do is what I'm saying! many many coping mechanism. I will use them all
spade-club · 2 years
I cant eat tonight so I cant take my meds. I really should have thought this one through. I guess we're just going to have to keep on with mental breakdown week. Today was good though, spent time with the roommates* so I wasnt alone. I feel like 3 days have passed today but I've been okay and thats the important part.
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imsoquarky · 5 months
Hi, Hello, I need to talk about Bruce
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This beautiful man right here <3
IDK how much of this to consider spoilers for Trolls Band Together, so I'm doing all of it!
♠️ - ♣️ - ♥️ - ♦️ SPOILERS FOR BAND TOGETHER ♠️ - ♣️ - ♥️ - ♦️
Y'know, Branch's purple haired brother who's my favorite of his brothers for a few different reasons that I'm about to spew onto Tumblr at an unreasonable hour?
Okay so, Bruce is my favorite, and I think it's bullshit that the wiki calls him Spruce despite that not being his name anymore.
Trans headcanon? Maybe. Anyways!
I love how Bruce is written for many different reasons, I also love how he's handled when it comes to his body type.
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1 minute before going on stage, JD says he expects 100 more crunches before show-time, which is insane considering Bruce (I know that's not his name at this point, but that is what we're calling him) has already done over 500, and 100 crunches in 60 seconds? I don't think that's even possible.
Ofc this is who JD is as a character, BUT THIS POST ISN'T ABOUT HIM, he's just a walking ick.
I can't imagine this kind of treatment, which is implied to have gone on for quite some time...
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...would give anybody a positive view of their body. I'm not going to add things on to make JD a worse person, even if I don't like him, but from what bits and pieces we do see, he puts more emphasis on Bruce's physical body than any of his other brothers.
For his other brothers, it's more about their clothing and personality presentation. Bruce? The emphasis was his body, abs specifically.
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It's not like he wasn't proud of them, but I feel as if they were another thing that still connected him to JD. All the brothers changed things about themselves that JD put emphasis on (Except Floyd, ig?).
But I'm straying away from the point I was trying to get to.
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By the time we see Bruce again, he's lost the abs and put on some weight. However, this is not treated as a bad thing. Which I absolutely adore.
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He's still perceived as attractive!! No jokes about "letting himself go" or even any jokes about putting on weight because he got married or whatever.
He's not muscular anymore, he's more laid-back and lives on VACATION ISLAND FOR FUCKS SAKE! He doesn't appear to have such a rigorous work-out routine anymore... Except his kids. I'd say having children 3 times your size would be intense.
Speaking of his children...
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But I digress.
Also, not only is him being plus-size not treated as a joke or a negative thing, but
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Genuinely he makes me so happy, you guys have no idea. I love him.
Anyways, some smaller tid bits that I love about Bruce~
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THIS MAN'S HAIR <3 <3 <3 <3 I will explode. ALSO THOSE BANGS AAAA
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Him and his wife ughhhh <3 They're so goddamn cute.
Also we have a similar taste in women, which is "tall".
There are too many screenshots of his kids I could share, but I love dad Bruce.
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This fucking quote.
It lives rent free in my brain and I laugh like a child every time I hear it.
Probably my #1 favorite quote from the entire movie I laughed so hard
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Look at how cute he is here
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Him looking so proud of his baby brother
Anyways it's 1 am and my alarm is set for 7 so ima go to bed. I have negative points about Bruce too that I do wanna touch on at some point, but I just needed to dump all my love for him.
This is my coping mechanism for finals week.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
u have a no nonsense perspective i appriciate. am i being overly sensitive if i'm kinda triggered by those adhd comics where the protagonist gets diagnosed/accepts themselves and says something along the lines of "i get to forgive myself?!"? because my brain automatically injects "unlike those other people who don't have a reason to fail and cant/shouldnt forgive themselves". im neurotypical so im not the target audience but my friends keep putting that stuff on my dash and idk how to deal
A lot of "my minority is so great" art is kind of implicitly saying so at the expense of others. Dwelling on it is oversensitive, but I think you're right that there's a bit of weird subtext sometimes. (My personal most hated flavor on tumblr is Smug Asexuality Comics, but there are many versions.)
Lots of people can run into Executive Function, What Executive Function? problems, both from other neurodivergence and from things like situational depression, anxiety directly caused by stress, etc. If life throws a lot at you at once, you won't necessarily escape all these symptoms just because you don't happen to have a specific diagnosis of neurodivergence or chronic mental illness.
A lot of shit overlaps and so do a lot of coping mechanisms that can handle it. The named problems are just a specific constellation of symptoms that are particularly long-term, particularly intense, and that don't relate as much to changes in environment. So perhaps some people deserve extra help coping and extra understanding, but the building blocks of all these problems are things that everybody could use a helping hand with.
I doubt most of these comics are trying to say "nobody else deserves nice things", but one does sometimes come away with that impression.
What you should do next depends on whether your problem is that your friends are posting things you find annoying or whether you feel like you are not allowed leeway and forgiveness (by your own brain, by your friends, by your family).
One of these should be ignored. The other...
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honeyfizzly · 11 months
I feel like some people think what makes the prisoners case nuanced enough for it to be possible to decide wether to vote them guilty or not is purely dependent on the murder itself but I personally don't agree?
I should probably say this isn't me talking about any certain person or trying to be mean or anything, these are just thoughts I have on milgram and how it uses many factors to try and sway the players' votes.
Basically what I mean is that how the prisoners act in milgram should affect our votes as well. Like the game was *made* for metavoting.
Like if you saw Shidou's triage and felt that what he did (A. Pressure people into pulling the plug on their families or B. Medical malpractice) was unforgivable, you may have still voted him innocent because you wanted mahiru to survive.
Or how people who hated Muu may have still voted her innocent because they didn't want Haruka to attempt.
Same rule applies for Amane. In my personal opinion Amane did nothing wrong because she was litterally groomed by a cult. Like her entire life she never had to true control over her life cause she was born into a cult.
And that's pretty unnuanced to me by itself, you can't blame a child for being born into an environment that abused them and put them in a situation where they were forced to kill someone.
However, it's the fact Amane is still in her cult mentality that makes it harder to vote innocent. We learned that guilty was terrible for Amane, but I'm sure it would've been a lose lose situation either way.
Innocent reinforces her cult was in the right, making her guilty forces her to lean into her cult mentality even harder as a coping mechanism.
And right now, I'm worried about what I should vote her. She's pissed against shidou and giving her an innocent may run the possibility of her attacking her- but also she's an child and he's a grown adult so what's she going to do? But what if she gets a weapon and manages to strike a bad spot before getting stopped? Ect ect
It isn't her murder itself that makes things complicated, it's how she's currently acting that does.
Same rule applies to Kotoko. Kotoko killed an child serial killer which idk pretty based if you ask me but she's 100% getting an guilty this round by the fandom cause of her actions in the prison. Like cool murder and all but you can't go around beating up all the guilty prisoners.
Idk these are just my thoughts, but I think we should also pay attention to how the character acts when we make our votes as well.
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smokee78 · 9 months
This is such a vague question but how did you do it? I'm assuming therapy helped a lot but like. Idk did you have to unpack all of the trauma or like. Idk. It sounds like a whole lot of effort and honestly congrats. I'm just curious how you managed to achieve it
Yes thank you so much for the question!
So I started EMDR therapy in April 2022, which is a type of therapy that helps process and desensitize trauma memories, and negative beliefs held due to trauma. You don't need an exact clear image/memory of the trauma for this to work, and in my experience it worked really well for my complex/ongoing traumas (ex. neglect and long term bullying) as well as for our "one time incident" more PTSD-like traumas.
shortly after beginning EMDR, a lot of our DID symptoms began to fluctuate, some weeks they were really bad, some they were noticeably much better. this is because EMDR doesn't only happen during sessions- your brain actually continues the reprocessing being the scenes in the background, which can cause extra stress in the meantime! but the end result is worth it.
of course, EMDR comes with a lot of safety measures and checking in before starting the therapy to make sure you are safe, and have a plan if things get to be too much.
I'd say maybe a few months in, we had a big even we dubbed "the fusening" in which many of our fragments "gave up" their form as they no longer felt it necessary to stay separate. some "larger" and more dominant parts fused at this time too, some 1:1 with another part, and others just seemed to dissipate.
I'd say by 4-5 months in we'd gone from over 90 identified parts down to a nebulous 30-50. We were also nearly (80% of the time?) always blurry, so it was hard to identify who was left.
we also identified some new parts at this time, who had been dormant and stuck behind a layer that previously was not able to contact us before processing trauma.
we stuck around 10-20 parts for a whole, working our way through traumasostly chronologically, and hit some big targets. it was hard and exhausting work, and left me on edge almost 24/7. but I could tell despite the exhaustion, I was getting better. I was still getting amnesia, but switches and headaches were much less noticeable, we were no longer finding new parts or splitting new parts, and it felt like I had the control to find healthy coping mechanisms on my own with out my brain trying to cope for me (by splitting).
these past few months I've actually been on a break from EMDR- my therapist noticed my avoidant behaviours to dealing with a lot of the trauma I faced from my parents, and I have a big school exam coming up. so we left it for the summer, to reconvene in October after my exam.
at that point I'd had about three alters left, two nearly identical, the current host and a similar alter, and in the process of trying to meld, and one of the earliest alters and most developed, and distinct we'd had.
in the meantime, I started regular talk therapy with a new therapist, less intense but to hopefully get some help with non trauma processing based issues, maybe try to grapple some of the parental issues without trauma targets.
We focused a lot on identity, as, despite having over 90 at one point, I felt completely lost! I didnt know who I was, what I wanted, and who I could be if I let myself. I was trying my best to "go along with the flow", but I didn't realize that didn't mean I had to like *everything*, even if I was open to new experiences!
I learned how to be on my own and still have fun in the absence of other people. I started broadening my horizons and going to local punk shows and learning it was okay to not be mainstream and still be safe! I came out to more people about my gender identity and started the process to transition medically, and started being more open socially about being gender non conforming. I learned I really, really, hate cooking, and that's okay.
about a few weeks ago, I had a falling out with my parents. I won't go into detail because I don't think it's relevant, but I decided our relationship wasn't healthy, and I cut them off for good. I'd previously done this two years ago as well, but we reconciled and tried to make it work. but this time, it was clear the only person that was interested in changing to make things work was me, and after finally getting a taste of figuring out who I could be, I was done sacrificing myself for the sake of making them happy.
stem, the last part to fuse with beau, held pretty much all the resentment for sacrificing ourself and not getting to be ourself. she held all the bitterness, the teenage and adulthood angst, all the rage. she'd been very stubborn about it all. to the point where beau as the host (this is getting confusing to type- I'm both sten and beau now. I'm one. but I'm trying to talk from beaus perspective about stem), had finally said "look. I know we wanted final fusion. but I'm okay if you want to stay stem and we'd changed our minds. we don't have to final fuse to still be an advocate for compassion towards those who choose final fusion, and we're not betraying ourselves or anyone else if we stay separate."
stem said "thank you" to this, which was the first time she'd shown any genuine positive emotion towards beau or the rest of the system. (she was a persecutor at one point, turned to no role/sort of protector ish role).
beau was shocked, as he never thought stem would let go of the bitterness she'd held to the rest of the system, the fact that she'd gone dormant and lost the host role at one point, and many other traumas.
there was genuine understanding and compassion towards each other as individual parts.
that night, stem was around and feeling list and hopeless about the reason we'd cut off our parents again. we vented to our friends, they listened, validated our feelings and... we felt better. the feelings laid to rest a little, though the grief was still fresh.
we left the conversation, and noticed we had a headache+foggy feeling we usually associated with a split. we commented to a friend we may be splitting, which hadn't happened in a while, but was understandable with the stress we were dealing with
except. it wasn't a split. we fused. stem was heard by herself and her system, and validated and respected by her friends. despite losing her adoptive family (not blood- we were adopted at birth), stem had found acceptance and love from our new chosen family and friends. that was enough to let go of the hate and bitterness and rage and let herself be one with the full range of emotions and personhood final fusing could give us in this way. I also use Stem as a preferred name in addition to Beau now, which I feel is fitting. I'm them, they are both a part of me even though we're all one now.
I hope this answered your question! one other thing to note, through a lot of hard work and cooperation, we were previously able to fuse a fragment and an alter together before any therapy, with a lot of help from those who'd already experienced fusion. it's not impossible to fuse some alters on your own. (though I would say it would be very unlikely to final fuse without outside help)
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sunnysduet · 4 months
@not-siri i really hope you don't mind me responding to your comment here instead of in the replies since there's a character limit and i have a lot to say---
so in general, here are my thoughts on why exactly omori is symbolized so much with "red hands" and why they're a huge theme of red space, one of his if not his BEST attack in the omori route, and in general why they are the way they are :] it might not make total sense but it's just what i've come to the conclusion of!
heavy spoilers for the ending of omori (both routes, sorta) ahead!
so my take on it is that omori is the sort of ugly manifestation of what the trauma has done to sunny, encompassing guilt and lifelessness and emotionlessness; he's what sunny doesn't want to be, but what he also fears that he is, if that makes sense? that's why omori is so content to sit back and let his friends live under the over saturated, too happy delusion of what headspace is. headspace is sort of them, frozen in time; their best moments. omori is content to keep it that way because he believes that covering it up is better. letting it be the way that it is, having things stay the same, it's better if no one knows the truth. sunny, at the beginning of the game, also believes that.
but as the game progresses, the true route makes sunny begins to diverge from what omori thinks and believes. it's really difficult for me to put into words exactly what i believe omori is and what he represents. in general, in sort of basic terms, i believe omori is sort of a coping skill, too? a bad one, though, obviously. he's overly violent on purpose (probably to try to block out the guilt of hurting someone sunny loved more than anyone by accident), he's constantly emotionless and never gets afraid (unlike sunny who's terrified of so many things), and in general, omori seems to always be in control, for the most part. he leads the party (unless you manually change it, but he's the default), the's the one who has to be there before the adventures begin, whereas sunny let the world pass him by for four years. he lost total control over his life in one split second mistake.
obviously omori is meant to be a parallel, a perfect opposite; but he is also what sunny needs, or what he thinks he needs. all that being said, it brings us to the topic of red hands.
much like how omori's purposeful violence is a way to take back sunny's mistake and take control of the situation and be the one to choose when somebody dies instead of by accident, the red hands are also sort of like that. they're a sort of reminder, but also i think that the symbolism of omori sitting atop the throne of red hands is another sort of self-destructive coping mechanism. omori controls the red hands. he controls when people get hurt. omori owns the red hands as a way to absolve the guilt of the first time red hands occurred, which was sunny to mari.
red hands is, in my opinion, sort of just omori's "something". it's a metaphorical reminder of what happened. but only omori learned how to deal with it, admittedly through an awful way, and get it under control. overall i think omori just has a lot to do with the concept of taking back control of your trauma the only way you know how, sort of just like aubrey did and how she became angry and violent. omori just takes it to other levels.
idk if this makes much sense at all but that's my take on the whole thing! i'm trying to do this kind of quickly so this reply doesn't come through out of nowhere like an hour later haha and i'm sorry if this is weird, i just feel really strongly about omori's (as a character and as a game in general) symbolism :] but either way i hope this is sort of somewhere coherent and makes sense!!!
thanks for reading, anyone who did! :D
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kaddyssammlung · 1 month
SH - related Sleep Token lyrics part 2
Part 1
TW: SH ( I get graphic sometimes)
Let me throw in
The Way That You Were
before I forget it.
“And I am so ready to tear that knife from what once would have been dead fingers lying blue against the floor”
This makes me tear up because I feel like someone said this to him once.
I got similar things thrown at me.
That misconception that you should just stop hurting yourself and then everything is okay again. Yeah sure. Of course you can't just stop. It's an unhealthy coping mechanism. One that was established over many years. You don't just stop even if you want to.
Even when someone does take that knife away from you then you will find other ways to hurt yourself. I had liquor bottles taken away from me. That did not help.
I was aware of what I was doing and how I was hurting everyone around me with it but I could not stop. It took me years to really be able to stop.
“Come on, tear off the bandage … will you show me the damage”
This is such a painful song!
Well Vessel....I like hiding. I really do and no I don't feel like tearing off bandages.
There was a time where I used to date a lot. I do have visible scars on my left forearm but they are kind of thin and I can hide them. But when you meet someone new I always think about what to do. And then when it came to getting undressed and sleeping with someone it was even more weird because I could not hide anymore. It's kind of embarrassing when you get undressed and someone looks at you and is like “oh....so those are the rest of your scars then....?! Well.....okay.....” Not really. That and the question “Can I touch them....?” No! But it will happen because when you sleep with someone you end up touching them everywhere more or less, anyway.
(I'm sobbing right now....I want to mention this because it's still rare for me to even be able to cry)
“bandage up the trenches”
Atlantic is just so damn sad, too. Idk what to write. I mean you know that you should go to a medical professional when it comes to taking care of your wounds...sometimes when they are deep. I should have done that. But I did not. It did not heal well. So....idk what to say.
“how it's a pain they know they don't understand”
Okay. So yes he means this probably in a different way but you can also see this in relation to self-harm. It's really hard to explain all of this someone. I can understand when someone just does not understand or can not relate to these feelings.
“wash away the blood on my hands”
Reminds me of feeling guilty. That or actual blood.
“sink, sink your teeth split my skin, no just make me bleed”
Again this feeling of being in so much emotional pain that you just want it taken away from you. Even if that means that physical pain is inflicted on you.
Like That
“creating a slow dissection”
So...idk what to do with this. I don't think I have to lay this out for you. You kind of get it. Not that I'm not capable to write down gross details about self-harm but I don't want to trigger myself by just writing about this.
And also the “talking with braces / razors” on your tongue because I'm sure that he sings braces and not razors. I mean even if it was razors...I mean he mentions blade in Say That You Will and razor would just fit to the blade. Right?!
The Love You Want
“Too many swallowed keys will make you bleed internally someday”
Well...bleed...again. Just that.
Fall For Me
“And through echoing futures are the buckling sutures that hold shut the wounds of the past”
This is really graphic. I'm just realizing this.
Makes me think about some scars that I have that just stick out in a really strange way. When I wear really tight jeans and you know what to look for then you can see those scars even through my pants. They just stick out in such a weird way.
Other than that. The image this creates “hold shut the wounds”. Yes that's what they do. But that does not mean that you are healed or that it stopped hurting.
“I can tell I'm falling further, again”
That damn feeling of slipping away. Drifting into addiction, aware of what's going on but unable to stop yourself from falling.
“I am driven to distraction”
I get that. But it does not help to “distract” yourself. It backfires. I know that from experience.
“it's too late for me”
No, it's not!
“create, release”
Just reminds me of what self-harm urges feel like. Like I said, for me it's a feeling of wanting to peel of my skin. And then when you give into those craving it feels like a release. But that does not last very long.
“she just don't feel the same”
Makes me think about reasons for self-harm.
For me it was mostly to punish myself or to fill the big void. The emptiness that comes along with BPD or that feeling of being dead inside. Or when I was so dissociated that I did not know if I was still alive or not. I wanted to see blood as a reminder that I'm still here.
High Water
“of what all of these scars on my arms are for”
I don't think this needs anything.
“if I can hold myself together”
It's a feeling that I had often or still have every now and then. “Just hold yourself together”....easier said then done sometimes.
“wash me clean before I pull myself beneath the waves”
To me this is about a feeling of giving into your cravings and just doing it again. I like the image of “keeping your head above water” when it comes to addiction cravings / urges. And when it gets to much you “pull yourself beneath the waves” and do it again. And “wash me clean” because you feel guilty for giving in again.
“when the mouth of infinity buries its teeth in me I'll smile through the agony for you”
I still don't get this. But it fits the topic.
“I can't hold myself together”
I get that but Vessel you are still here and so am I. Despite having felt like that very often.
Missing Limbs
“'Cause it still makes my blood run cold”
“and I live like I've got missing limbs for you”
Tear my arms off.....tear my body and then missing limbs.
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kurjakani · 2 months
FOR THE CHARACTER ASK THING!!!!! Im quite curious about your peter lucas thoughts, whats goin on with that old man?
PHEW THANK YOU I LOVE TALKING ABT THIS MAN. I'm gonna say. I definetly have a bit of a version of him in my head - it's been ages since I listened to MAG and he's kind of taken a life of his own. Also sorry i got so rambly here man i. Ill b real im lik3 right abt to fall asleep but i got exited abt him so here i go nevertheless..m
Sexuality Headcanon: HMM like. Bi. I dont think i can imagine him call himself that tho.
Gender Headcanon: old man. Like thats a part of his gender identity, being old.
A ship I have with said character: w MEEEE. My mag self insert. Lol. But yeah i am not that into the lonely eyes ship, just. Bc i do not care abt Elias all that much! I don't know many ships that include him otherwise. I haven't seen mary keay and plukas shipping but I'd love to. Idk. Awful vibes i think it could be great. Salesa maybe??? But I feel like its more like. Plukas likes looking at Salesa and Salesa kinda forgets hes even there sometimes.
A BROTP I have with said character: martin please. Please martin hang out w him tricking him into thinking ur getting more into the lonely but ur actually occupying his space and u are drifting away from the lonely TOGETHER. Also if u guys have heard the tim & plukas behind the scenes jokes abt cayacking and train documentaries. Yeah that too theyre """"buddies""""
A NOTP I have with said character: haven't come across anything that bothers me !
A random headcanon: i am really split on weather he barely eats or if he's like, a lowkey foodie. Idk why.
General Opinion over said character: For me I do view him as someone HURT by his loneliness, though in the show, if I recall right, he seems quite content? With his existance. Or says he is, and how he's drawn to it.
I will say- I partially mirror some of my own experiences of loneliness onto him. I was so afraid of opening up to people at one point that I convinced myself that I WANTED to be all alone. I used to want to move into a little cottage in the woods and cut off all contact to people. But it was a self destructive coping mechanism. At points a survival mechanism. Maybe canonically Peter Lukas is a reliable narrator?
I recall him talking about the warm glow coming from the windows of houses though, and the loneliness it made him feel- if i'm attributing this right. And i have a really hard time contributing that to anything but YEARNING. And reveling in yearning. I also have experience w that. Yearning is a DELIGHTFUL feeling.
So yeah I think I do find a lot of comfort in the version of Plukas I have in my head.
Honestly he's burrowed a little nest into my head abd become something beyond a little blorbo from my shows.
Like i have thought about marrying him as a performance art piece. But i dont think rustied featherpen would like that.
Anyways hes the hands. I reach out to the old hands with swelled joints and paper thin skin almost translucent yet the palest veins i ever did see like they'v been drained. Bro. He is the medival manuscript where the sun orbits the earth and that's his eyes and where they land on me. He is so far away and like honey 2 me bro
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ladygoth · 4 months
tbh another thing that bothers me about the whole situation is like some of those people i followed for a while when i first joined the fandom on tumblr and to find out they support and encourage that :(
and like everyone gets mad at you saying kys and focusing on that but not the other actual important shit and main point (for a reason id assume) and like just the defense of you have written dubcon and noncon like, its very diff than literal rape and thats the stuff thats used at the coping skill not actual rape itself. you never said anything is wrong with coping with it using dubcon either like ? idk its just im angry but more-so just sad and disappointed people i admired for their work romanticizing something that ruined my life as well as many others
idk like everyone says you’re stupid but they’re getting mad about one post and i get some people being triggered and having diff opinions about that and jokes etc but missed the complete main point and continue to miss the main points youve made and taking it out of context putting words in your mouth? maybe im rambling and makes no sense i usually just sit back and let shit happen when its online but like i just had to say something. plus them saying youre just a troll and a hater for your responses like, when you keep trying to tell someone something and they are adamant or just cant listen or recognize your points plus keep harassing you you’re just gonna stop trying at a certain point?
and the whole thing about you like not supporting victim’s coping mechanisms confuses the ever living shit out of me because you speaking up about the rape (not noncon/dubcon) fetish which is literally standing up for that and speaking against it? idk. lot i wanna say but wont cus people on here clearly lose their shit but tldr you haven’t done anything wrong, thank you for speaking up and keep trying and for just being a good person and advocator, it means the world and warms my heart to see 🫶
sorry people are so mean and hateful (ironic they say you are yet look all they are doing and saying) and i hope you’re doing okay from it all❤️
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mwah <3
yes, me and my friends were laughing at how bad they were missing the point when they were crying in my comments and asks. they can call me stupid all they want, i'd rather be an idiot than be someone who plays into SA culture, and it was intriguing how they said i was writing about dub-con when both characters were both still heavily aware of their surroundings and what they had wanted with each other. and i know that because i was the writer, the way they speak you'd think they were with me in my room when i was writing it, but oh well.
and them doing that either way still is a win for me because that means they agree with what my main perspective was LMAO. they were doing essays with my writings, and i'll give them an U for how bad their assumptions were.
glad to know that i got middle aged broke back women who will barely know what it actually feels and means to be loved and doesnt need to turn to SA culture to feel something panties in a twist. and thank you for this ask, i'm doing well and have been focusing on my future projects! <3
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kociepierogi · 5 months
Hello! I’m your LOST secret Santa! Could you tell me about your favourite character and why you like them?
Hi, I'm sorry for late reply but I'm out on a trip rn!!
So, I could say that I have three fav characters; Sayid, Mr Eko and Ben.
I like Sayid bcs he's both so perfect and imperfect. He's literally the most beautiful man on the whole island who respects women and always has right opinions (let's ignore his past, okay 🤪). What is fascinating for me in his character, that I can very easily read him from his face and body language and as an autistic person, most of the time I find it incredibly hard. (Maybe it's time to slap another autism headcanon on my fav character 😆).
He's beautifully soft, caring and emotional, very intelligent and knows his shit about things. I very much have instinct to protect this man at all cost, though I know it would probably be the other way around 😆😆😆
I also very often find it fascinating when a character has a dark past although clearly being a good person and still struggling with some horrible stuff (let's ignore what they did to him in season 5/6 😭😭😭). It's like... the nuance, mixed emotions and lots of space to do some tasty psychoanalysis 👁👁 In the end, we see what his character is about and it's very much about how sOFT and caring he is to people he loves, he just wants to protect them ;u; But he was forced by war to go to extreme measures to survive and he is stuck with this survival mode and trauma for a long time, as people with pstd are.
He's a lovely friend, partner and ally to have and I like to headcanon him to be on the ace spectrum, like demisexual and biromantic (just my personal little headcanon 🤭). Idk, he's just neat 🤲💖
When it comes to Ben, I love how horrible he is, it fascinates me without the end 😆😆 He's clearly someone who has ptsd and might be autistic with some absolutely horrible coping mechanisms and jealousy problems. He's pathetic in a way that makes me hooked, whenever we find some humanity behind all of that and someone yET again gives him another chance (as they usually shouldn't, but I would do the same because I am delulu). The part in the finale in afterlife, when he was in this ridiculously adorable teachers AU with Locke made me love him even more, bcs it showed what kind of person he could be, if all of this bad stuff with island wouldn't happen. I love to headcanon him as autistic and gay aroace or asexual gay or just gay. He clearly would have many little passions if he wouldn't be occupied with the island bullshit and his ptsd. He's clearly a father at his very core, the one that is not rotten with fear and jealousy. He seems to just care sm for others in this AU. (And he clearly would have some interesting close friendship with Locke with nice sprinkle of gayness 👀)
Normally he's a horrible person with tragic story but I am a Benjamin Linus apologist 100%, love that he got his little redemption arc at the end and got domesticated by Hurley 😆 He might as well get it after all this mess and trauma with island and Jacob vs Black Smoke bullshit, like wHY not
The third option is Mr Eko and his incredibly relatable struggle with religion. Again, another character that I headcanon as autistic, like VERY much. The way he perceives world and communicates 🤌 I'm always weak for character whose stories are about survival, trauma and like in this case, religious trauma. Even though myself I came out in the end to be agnostic, I admire his strength to stay spiritual and become a priest. He's someone who's strong and someone to look up to for advice. Though, he shouldn't have to be forced to be so strong by awful trauma he went through.
I absolutely LOVED the way he perceived his spirituality and concept of sin. The way he said he asks for no forgiveness, because he only did what he did to survive. And that struck me, I was like WOAH, THAT'S IT. I am really sad that his character was killed off and we never saw where they would go with it, it would be so sO interesting. A badass priest with awfully dark past 🤌 His attachment to brother is very relatable to me too. And yet again, another aroace headcanon 😆
Anyway, sorry for long ramble, hope that helps a bit!!!
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croakings · 6 months
breaking my loz silence to be a hater but also, here's how totk can still win
i will preface this with the thesis but also bear with me, ok, so: let it be known that in most circumstances, like most people probably, i hate when stories go "And It Was All A Dream!!!"
however. under some certain conditions. it is So Tasty. and i think totk is like. i'm sorry i think this is the only thing that can redeem the story of that game even somewhat. to me. this is all obviously just going to be my own personal opinion if you liked totk you are valid etc and so on and so forth but this is probably not the post for you
a minor point i want to start off with is that we were promised majora's mask vibes and they did not (imo)(this will be the last qualifier/clarification as far as that goes just stick "imo" everywhere in your brain for me please. thanks) deliver on that so much...... UNLESS MY UPCOMING TINFOIL HAT/COPING "THEORY" APPLIES! (there is absolutely no evidence or support for any of this whatsoever.)
i know people have come up with theories and Themes Analyses as to why the totk ending is good and makes sense and i did like a lot of those, and those people are very smart, however what they do not take into account is that i do not like it. if there's one thing i hate more than It Was Never Real In The First Place, it's And Actually None Of That Mattered That Much At All!..........
unless! It Was Never Real In The First Place!!!!!!!!! (<- IWNRITFP)
SO many of my personal gripes with totk are solved by making "the primary impact of these events is just like. emotional there aren't a lot of other consequences if any" follow the caveat of Because IWNRITFP!!!
"but bug" you might say, "what the fuck are you talking about". that's fair despite all those paragraphs i've said very little. i understand.
i am team "pissed off about the arm". team "ZONAI??????? AAAAAAAGGHHHH". team "AND WHY DOES IT ALL DISAPPEAR IN THE END ANYWAY COME O—". team hater. if you will. zelda doesn't even get to have any dragon features stick around like come. ON. ok anyway
also. we have the Monarchy Good Let's Keep Doing That Actually. despite. gestures at all of botw and the info we get of link and zelda post-botw pre-totk. where they're like. really not so much doing the monarchy. is the thing. and that seems really great for them in fact. and this seems really kind of silly outside of it really being needed to continue The Cycle. of loz games. and in loz games. which is that there is a princess and link punches things. and monarchies are a little necessary for point one. there.
but also some of you know me. you know what my favorite activity is. it's Making Up Lore To Explain Mechanics/Whatever i know this is not mechanics it's like. Video Game more broadly. franchise continuity. and that too. put that after the slash idk how to phrase that. so here's the thing.
they go down to the castle murder basement. right. gloom is there. it's spooky. things Go Wrong. tale as old as time.
this is a reach but cope with me. bear with me. what if. the murder basement. is the last real thing that actually happens. (until the ganon fight)(i think)(disclaimer: i have played only like 35 hrs of totk and the greater portion of that was mapping out the depths. so please understand i hate this game and this essay is based on information i gathered trying not to be doomed to hate this game/attempting to gain motivation to like. actually play it.)(if you notice i barely succeeded. if at all. rip)(one of the first things i did was collect the dragon tear memories and that INSTANTLY made me tap out. iykyk y'know.)
here's the story of totk: link and zelda go down to the catacombs. neither of them come out. like. link does. sort of. i guess. if you ask some people. but like. nothing he does seems to matter or affect people. or. most things. with a few direct Plot Related exceptions. no one recognizes him the famous Savior Of Hyrule (the sword one)(not the princess the other one) who has spent literal multiple years scurrying around speaking to without hyperbole every single person in the country probably multiple times in insane circumstances pretty much every time. everyone is just Have You Heard The Legend Of Press Down B To Slash Fancy AND I SOLVE THIS TOO. with Game Theory.
WHAT IF. what if. ganon's last hurrah. ganon who like. constantly loses. and is repeatedly killed by teenagers at best and children not infrequently. is to see these guys who pretty well won. because they lost. who have a pretty good chance of doing things differently. where he can't. and/or won't. who can set hyrule in a different direction, if they're allowed to continue on. does not let them continue on. "lol they're traumatized young adults," he might say, "i am The Scourge Of Millennia and HERE. is how i can still win." (<- loses)(inevitably)(of course)(BUT HE CAN TAKE THEM DOWN WITH HIM.)
what. if IWNRITFP. maybe we can say the zonai in some capacity WERE real idk. this is irrelevant to my essay but i do like the thought they're just Early Hyrule and we know nothing more about them that's true than we did in botw. i think it would be incredibly good soup if ganon just made EVERYTHING about zonai and the Ancient Times that we see and learn of in totk. just. completely up. this also solved how ganondorf (and also rauru and sonia like character-wise) kind of sucks in this game tbh: because he's The Villain. he's MADE himself THE villain. what are his motivations? you may ask. what the hell is he trying to do? what on earth is even going on with zelda and co in the past? irrelevant. you see if he is as cartoonishly evil as possible and makes zelda and co (The Good Guys)(So Good Guys Wouldn't It Suck If Something Like Killed Them Mercilessly Or Whatever) completely miserable and sets up the perfect, most unassailable dichotomy in her mind of Me Evil, Monarchy (You) Good then zelda and link who are already traumatized can just be pushed more firmly into The Cycle if he just. makes them live out a nightmarish reality he constructs of "nothing that they are or have been matters and they have to cast it all aside to be The Princess and The Hero" and keep that going forever. because without them(The Princess and The Hero) there is only Him (The Villain). they HAVE to be in the cycle to keep him from winning the cycle by default. don't they. right. sure they do don't look at the man behind the curtain what man. who said that.
also the sages!!!! Bloodlines!!! Of Course It's About Bloodlines!!!!!! it's the cycle!!
and see the thing is link and zelda come out of the catacombs with Dragon Ganon Defeated and that can be real. that's the story. link and zelda come out of the catacombs. they have experienced once again a bunch of things that no one else had anything to do with or could be reasonably aware of and there is nothing they can do about it, and they can try to talk about it but everyone else really truly it cannot be emphasized enough was just doing other things.
also!!!! this makes the depths like. less. [picture so-so gesture here.]
i mean. they're still like. more should have been done with the depths. more (or less) should have been done with all of totk but i'm exhibiting favoritism here. the depths make sense if IWNRITFP. the yiga are down in an empty inverted-ish Ghost Monster Hyrule doing loony toons. they are also. cartoonishly. evil(?). do the yiga have a point? in totk? like. really? do they. (other than Mechanics.) well. do they NEED one? link loots stuff and knowledge from them. as in: you have to know things in dreams. somehow. sometimes. what i'm trying to get at here is aren't the depths and the yiga so much more funny if ganon is literally just making them up. like "here is Evil hyrule (look at the ghosts of all those you've failed) with my Evil minions (evil)(like me)(cartoonishly evil and bumbling)(this is a dry joke sarcasm HUMOR. if you will.)(what if ganon is like "oh yeah the yiga my doomsday death cult in botw what was going on with— did link throw that guy down a hole. that's hilarious. i'm going to make a whole thing about that.) and my Evil loot here have relics of past heroes. this doesn't mean anything btw don't worry about it just put them on. yes Put The Tunic On no don't think about it i'm not even here. what. who said that"
like. OH of COURSE no one recognizes you or says much of anything that doesn't somehow give you instructions or tasks to do if IWNRITFP. like. ganon doesn't care. link doesn't care!!! that's something people do. when he is running around trying to save the world. that makes sense..... DREAM SENSE.
do you all see my vision. is this anything. had i played more than 5% of the game or read more stuff i could probably expand on this or be at all coherent but DO YOU GET IT. am i communicating. please take this and run with it THIS is how we can still get majora's mask and. COSMIC DOOM AND HORROR also again justice for ganondorf (and zelda)(and link) on this one WHAT IF. he was evil. what if he was FUNNY. what if totk were good.
ganon with the last vestiges of his Evil Power from his corpse under the castle sealed for There Can Still Be A Good Story There: if two guys were on the moon and one guy killed another guy with a rock would that be fucked up or what. also wouldn't it be cool if i were a dragon. i’d like to be a dragon. i can make that happen and sort of kind of make sense. as a treat. while also doing that to the princess while tormenting her with (More) Visions.
welcome to his twisted mind...... mine.......... minecraft server. hey gamers have you ever THE CYCLE THE CYCLE GET BACK IN THE CYCLE
life could be a dream. IT COULD BE A DREAM
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idk if ur gonna see this or anything but i fully relapsed pretty bad into my ed about two months ago. I've had god knows how many recoveries and relapses and I always seem to end up back in. i want out this time and i want out for good, i don't want to spend the rest of my life doing this. any advice?
Hi there, anon! I did see this. I get to everything in my askbox eventually, if it's something I'm able to put on my blog.
I'm sorry to hear you've been having so much trouble staying well. I don't know exactly what you've tried so far, but here's the advice I can give:
Are you surrounded by supportive people? If you can, find friends you trust to confide in about the issues you've been having. Think about what they can do to be supportive, whether it be reminding you to be soft about your body image or reminding you how they hope you are healthy and eating well. We all need to learn to love ourselves, but outside support from the right people can give us a big, big boost when we find ourselves needing it most. Building a support system also gives you people to reach out to when you're struggling. That can be hard and scary, but it can also be a resource.
Speaking of resources, is therapy open to you? I don't know if you're able to access therapeutic resources, but a therapist might be able to help you develop coping mechanisms for the issues you might be struggling with that keep you coming back to your ED. I'm also going to preface this next statement by saying that I am not an expert on DBT, and that what I'm going to tell you next is just something I heard during a brief overview of DBT during a training we had at work recently. However, apparently a big premise in DBT is about learning coping strategies to get through those moments of crisis we experience without resorting to the destructive impulses we may have. "Whatever you do, don't make it WORSE" is an excellent thing to remember in crisis. Sometimes you can just...do nothing, and ride out the feeling until it passes, and then work through it later. Or use a coping strategy. Once you've practiced that, maybe you can learn positive responses to your moments of crisis to help you deal with them productively. That way you may learn to better resist urges to relapse - or to pull yourself out of a lapse before it becomes a full relapse. (Be honest but kind to yourself when doing this - shame may only make the lapse worse! Those of us with EDs are often prone to using shame as a motivator, which can sometimes work well in the short term but is terrible for us in the long term.)
It's hard for me to give specific advice without knowing what your ED is like, but perhaps you can use timed reminders to hold yourself accountable to consistently practicing self care before, during, and after eating. Especially when you're going places like - out to a restaurant with friends and family, event where surprise food might be offered, holiday party, etc. Self-care can be whatever works for you - writing down positive affirmations, meditating, taking a long hot bath, taking a little walk and moving your body, gently reminding the bully in your head that what they're saying to you is not helpful to you in the long run, doing some stretches, creating some art...literally whatever self-care looks like for you, but create a self-care regimen around eating properly. Create a self-care regimen for lapses, too. Hopefully you won't need it, but understand that self-care means investing in resources and safety nets for yourself in the event that you might have a hard time, rather than punishing yourself by letting yourself fail. Think about it in advance so that you are not struggling to come up with a self-care plan when you're already in crisis: what are you going to need in order to help gently pull yourself out of a lapse? Failing is human and struggling is common in eating disorders. Learning to be kind to yourself when you fail and growing from your mistakes is a huge part of ED recovery, since we tend to be big self-punishers.
Hope this helps! You can tell me a little more about your ED for more specific advice if you want to, but you don't have to. I hope you find your way back to your own healing path, anon. <3
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trlvsn · 8 months
ok id didn't have any coherent thought either just. jfa is such a game yknow. so many complicated emotions just underneath the surface... and they're so strong too. they control the flow of the narrative even. i'm gonna try my best to put some of phoenix and franziska into words (and fail miserably)
after edgeworth chose death... they were both "betrayed" by him (recall the poisoning and betrayal line). they're just... they're both in court to prove a point to themself. they're both trying to get closure.
and they very clearly both look down on each other. phoenix is just very aggressive in jfa in general... but something that makes me feel some way is the way they both criticize each other for running from their past
phoenix thinks she's running from the fact that her father is dead and franziska thinks he's running from edgeworth's "death" (and they're not wrong... although one is more obvious than the other)
i think it boils down to what point they're trying to prove to themself... and idk how much this goes into speculation territory cuz i'm not exactly coherent rn sorry
with franziska i'm pretty sure she's trying to convince herself that she's worthy of being a von karma/a prosecutor by being perfect aka winning against phoenix wright. the ending of jfa is evidence
with phoenix though... a running theme of jfa is suspicion. in the first case phoenix is so skeptical about maggey (yeah he's lost his memories but still) and in the second one yeah he will always defend maya, but mia had to give him that final puch to believe in her fully. big top is just... idk how to interpret that cuz i didnt trust anyone in that case while playing it. farewell my turnabout? speaks for itself
and maya's case being the first one he took on after edgeworth choose death (im pretty sure) even the gap between aa1-4 and aa1-5 says a lot
what im saying is... i think he was trying to prove to himself that there was a point in being a defence attorney even though the guy he became a defense attorney for was dead. and that the point was to "defend those who had no one on their side/innocent people" like maya. having said that... the last case suddenly looks kinda different
a lot of people tend to ignore that a significant part of his crisis in the last case was him having to defend someone guilty. he WAS having a crisis on what the point of being a defense attorney was (edgeworth wasnt just ignoring the main issue he was addressing another one) cuz he'd spent the first half of the game telling himself it was something that was crumbling down around him
i think if he had been in franziska's place in jfa, by which i mean that if he had lost those two cases against her, he would have lost faith in himself as a defense attorney like she did. which is what i mean. theyre so similar, it's just that one of them won and the other one lost
also jfa is a good game
(i know this is long but i would love to hear your thoughts even if theyre really just in general. i need to organise my brain.)
anon i'm so sorry it took me this long to answer you asks. in my defense i was reading umineko and couldn't think about any characters from outside that universe
but yeah, i still very much agree with a lot of points?? phoenix and franziska aren't really obvious mirrors of each other like edgeworth and gant or franziska and adrian but they do still share some similarities and end up teaching each other huge lessons. I really need to talk about the significance of phoenix giving edgeworth the whip by the end of aa2-4 in a separate post, but other than that, some things i can point out are:
- anger as a coping mechanism and a method to keep going, in both cases directed outward when in fact they are more angry at themselves
- expanding on the point you made about phoenix trying to understand how to be a defense attorney and franziska finding her way as a prosecutor - edgeworth coming back does end up teaching a lesson to both of them
- they both have a very... wrong understanding of each other. phoenix immediately assumes franziska is there to get revenge for manfred and franziska villianizes phoenix for the completely wrong thing too
- also they kind of get angry at each other as a substitute for getting angry at edgeworth?? phoenix loooves to win against the prideful von karma child and franziska loves to whip the man who's the reason her father is in prison. you know
- ugh it's mainly about the whip and i don't want to talk about the whip without relaying aa2-4 first. no one say anything about the whip i will say it myself later pls
also the dynamic they have in aa3 is like balm for my soul. top ten things that heal you
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infuschia · 8 months
hi guys i am so sorry for totally ghosting :/ i know that's the worst feeling with a fic you love and i'm so so sorry. i'm gonna be so straight up, i have had a WILD life from even before i started this fic up until right now - and although things are finally starting to take shape and calm down to say the least, i lost a lot of myself during that time. i grew in many ways as well, but i think there's just been a lot that happened to me over the past year or so that held me back from goals i have or the type of person i wanna become or whatever, and without going into detail, i cannot lie alot of it has been really really hard. i definitely used writing as an escape/coping mechanism of some sort for the negative feelings i was experiencing - and that can be super helpful for real plus i've BEEN in therapy lol, but i also still found myself retreating away from parts of my life that would have been good for me and my growth to pursue, and i can't be doing that anymore. as much as i fell in love with writing all this for you guys, it ended up taking up a lot of space in my mind as more of a distraction from my own setbacks and issues instead of being something wholly good for me, if that makes sense. unfortunately - THE MOST PAINFUL MIC DROP iamsosososorry - that distraction has had to end. some lowkey rock bottom moments forced me to take a better look at my life for what it really is AND for what i want it to be, and at this time i do need to step back from the false life i created in this story and step back into my real one. not that i was like living in my bedroom on my laptop or nothin LMAO i'm just sayin there have been some things i know now i can't continue with in the same way that i did before, in terms of what i spend my time and energy on. i can't say for sure that i'll never be back but i don't wanna be making any promises i can't keep. I LOVE AND APPRECIATE ALL OF THE LOVE SO MUCH OVER THE YEAR I SPENT WORKING ON THIS FOR YOU ALL i NEVER EXPECTED like anyone to read it so just every split second you even spent CONSIDERING this fic was just music to my soul and i again can't begin to describe how wonderful it's been hearing from you all and knowing that at least in some small way i was able to add a bit of joy to your lives. it's not goodbye, it's see you down the road - LMAO IGNORE MY MELODRAMATIC ASS SO SILLY but fr. over the summer i fell in and out of love and back again (MAYBE I SHOULD NOT SAY LOVE LMAO maybe lust and some feels LOLOL BUT MAN IDEK AIFSHJABJHD) with an old potential guy of sorts (have talked on and off for the last three years bruh hometown crush), and after all this time of never actually being upfront about what we thought of each other we were FINALLY honest with each other about how we felt on things, just before having to go back to school in different parts of the country - with a hope to see each other again down the road #romantic? #idek. i hope it works out with him, maybe my romantic ass is just bein delusional asf but i also just have that feeling that we'll find each other again when the time is right. and maybe just maybe i'll be back at this when the time is right - but all i know for sure is that, just like with this man-whos-not-my-man-but-may-just-be-one-day, right now i gotta focus on loving myself above all. THIS IS CRAZY SO MUCH WRITING I KNOW but i know how it feels to have a fic you like just drop off the earth so i guess better something than nothing, better late than never. SO so so much love forever and always. you guys all have my heart no matter who you are, where you are, or whenever you're reading this. LOVE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH YOURE AMAZING AND KEEP ON BEING YOU CUZ THATS INCREDIBLE ON ITS OWN <3 <3 <3 see you down the road my friends xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
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Tumblr media
I just made a new logo to replace a old one from last year, used to be a fan of RCH and Superbendys' GF but now I've lost them because of myself. It's a horrible Spring to me and I feel like I could do some updates for the blog
(Before you ask: What "update" you're doing?)
Good question!! I'm doing some focus on stories I haven't share any of them yet and instead of posting some cringyass self-inserts that nobody wants to see this, no worries that I'm still doing it!! I don't wanna annoy everyone with those hideous self-ships(I'm always worried about the Cringe Culture thing) and maybe focusing on OC stories are okay. Y'know what's the secret update? I'm gonna do some coping mechanism blog!!
("Hold up! Are you gonna make a coping vore blog?? That's so coo-")
Wait what?? Nah, but I'm not against those "extreme cuddling" blogs I have discovered. If you don't know what that is then it's a word for a SFW vore community, id-even-k why it's called "Extreme Cuddling" but I prefer not to ask those people because they'll find I'm against those fetishes. I'm not gonna make a coping mechanism blog which it involves vore but I might able to make one for many stuff instead of those like
Self-inserts, I do think people are getting seriously uncomfortable with my self-shipping with freaky creepyahh unhinged deranged men(Like Night Master, Edward Hyde, and The Moaner) so I might gonna move them in the future blog, so it might be better if you stay away if you're against it
Vent/gore/body horror art, the new future blog won't be fetishize vent/gore/body horror art I've made but they just need triggering warnings for everyone's safety. Don't enter if you're scared as hell, I might be venting/yapping about something scary or sad-
New coping sona, I believe I have seen people having "coping sona" in their coping mechanism blogs and I might be thinking to myself: "Maybe I should be doing it" and maybe if she will appeared then y'all should love her. She may not be related to my persona Bridgette, but they're really good friends. No you cannot ship them.
Yapping and silliness!!! I should might be yapping nonsense that seems annoying but that's what silliness does to the person like me! If you think I'm being so goddamn annoying in the future coping blog then get the fuck outta my blog. Sorry for saying this but I don't feel safe people who are against me doing this but I ain't no doing anything wrong.
Coping blog won't be a vore blog. I know!!! Terrible!!! But at least it would be a SFW blog, with silliness joyfulness freakiness and more! I know I'm against those fetishes but I don't wanna get myself involved because it's extremely uncomfortable with me to do this. You might have end up seeing me yapping my ass off or some weird self-inserts but at least they're not hurting anybody. Proshipers isn't allow on my blog too.
("Is this gonna be a yandere blog?") Idk but not, I have heard what Yancore is but I don't really think of this through. All you can see soon will be tons of weird self-inserts and me yapping some bs but you might not gonna see yandere stuff(I know!!! Rude!!!) But for Bridget's Coping Blog, it will be tagged as #BridgetsComfySpace
That's all for the future updates!! You might see some strange shit but they're for the better! It's not a vore blog but you will see some interesting things like what's happening in my Wonderful Land! Thank you for reading this!!
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sluttyhenley · 12 days
4, 15, 18, 19!
a story idea you haven’t written yet
there are so many i have floating around in my head that i haven't written yet, but ummm, i'm gonna go with the mavnix soulmates au i floated a while back where neither of them have soulmate marks. and this is a fact that affects them both differently. for phoenix is relief, there's no one out there who's her match, who she will get so attached to that it will kill her when they leave her. and for maverick it's a gutwrenching disappointment, because that man has spent so much time chasing love, so like. he doesn't even get a soulmate mark?? and anyway. they're not soulmates but they choose each other anyway. yeah. that. it'd be fun to write that some day.
15. favorite weather for writing
god idk. probably rainy because then i'm not sitting there like, but what if i were doing something else, because i don't like going to do stuff when it's rainy
18. If you keep them, share a deleted scene or paragraph from a published fic
huh, they mostly just kind of get deleted since 99.99% of the time i edit the same document i wrote in rather than a copy. (the exception being #NotDating). i know i've deleted whole paragraphs before, but i can't remember any of them to share. so uhhh, i'll idk cheat and go with the bit that i know i won't write that would technically belong in this mota voyeurism fic i'm trying to write:
gale has to go into work (he used up his fucking leave when he went hitchhiking (???) after the war) but bucky is still in casper visiting. so it's just him and marge in the cleven house. and here's the thing. marge is trying to make this work, because she Loves gale so much. and gale and bucky have a love that is so deep that she doesn't want to break that. and she's falling in love with bucky. but bucky (giant fucking messy king of unhealthy coping mechanisms) is being so weird around her that she comes to the inevitable conclusion that he doesn't even like her. so she confronts him while he's sitting on their couch reading, like 'do you like me, bucky?' and he just kind of looks at her like ...... and she clarifies all that. how she can see how much he loves her husband. how she loves them both. and she's not going to do anything to disrupt the two of them and they'll figure something out but it will hurt like hell if he doesn't even like her. and he just blurts out 'i do! i do like you, marge' to which she says, 'don't you dare lie to me john egan,' and he promises her he's not, but he doesn't deserve them, either of them, doesn't deserve this. and blah blah blah, conversation happens, and uhhh she makes him help her with dinner, and that's how gale comes home to find the two people he loves most in the world actually enjoying each other's company in the kitchen.
how's that for a deleted scene?
19. The most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic.
ok so you remember that spuhura fic that like technically finished but also definitely didn't because it definitely deserves more work? i spent a lot of time researching specific linguistics topics for that, and that was genuinely so much fun. i was basically out there being like, this is the paper i'd write if i were still in an academic setting, because it's so interesting and compelling To Me
ask me about my writing!
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