#if i find it interesting. ill read it
stinkykittypet · 2 years
I find it really funny how some people are incredibly rigid with what type of fanfiction they read, while others will read literally anything
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humanmorph · 10 months
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"[high pitched and tinny] Let’s dive in. Let’s dive in. It’s time to dive in. Get ready to [audio distorts and slows] dive. Diiive. Diiiiie…" (The Road to PALISADE 20: City Planning Department)
so that's what i've been working on for the past 2 weeks! i wanted to draw something for this intro ever since i first listened to it (as a companion piece to my other gur drawing, though it of course ended up being way bigger in scale), but it only really gripped me about halfway through PALISADE ep 18. the next morning after that i listened to this narration on repeat for about 45 minutes and then made a big sketch on 4 sheets of paper at my desk at work.
anyways, i haven't listened to the new episode yet but i think i'm probably ready for whatever they're gonna throw at us with the next sortie. i'm gonna believe, against it all, in millennium break. for gur
(i recommend listening along while scrolling! + transcript btw. if anything is hard to read)
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cryptar · 3 months
yknow i say im a huge multishipper but i wouldnt actually consider myself much of a shipper at all. just open to the idea of trying everything once. the term has typically romantic connotations and follows the assumption that i think, and want, these characters to be good for eachother.
I'm, personally, less interested in the prexisting chemistry than i am in the puzzle of figuring out what differing circumstances could potentially cause two characters who have seemingly nothing in common to become eachothers everything.
This could explain my favorism towards rarepairs and more convoluted dynamics, and my aversion to popular, fluffy pairings that have already been explored a thousand times over, there's no work for me to do there.
Not to mention that when a ship becomes too popular it starts cannibalising itself, and lots of good, interesting characterisations are lost in the sea of people bending characters into pre-orchestrated, saccharine dynamics. alot of which are usually downright fetishy in nature, particularly in mlm pairings.
I mean i would say being able to get ooc and self indulgent is downright mandatory for making a good fic, but there's only so many times i have to read a fic about a big, overprotective, manly-man top who does all the work and the shy, small, swoony, softhearted femme-wifey-bottom before it starts to just be lazy.
I actively have to go out of my way to search 'switch' tags if i want true-to-the-character, mutual emotional reciprocation. which i really, really shouldn't have to do as an ace person who actively skips through nsfw.
And it's not that popular wlw pairings aren't guilty of these problems aswell, but those tend to lean more into the 'soft lesbians who can do no wrong' stereotype, which always completely (butch)ers all nuisance that makes the ship worth shipping in the first place.
As well as that's if they're even the focus of the story at all and aren't just shoved to the side by the main mlm couple. mlw pairings can be culpable of both these things, with the added risk that you find out the author made a twitter post with the characters in front of the 'super straight' flag.
Though i also wonder if me being aspec plays any part as again; im not as interested in the romantic aspects as i am in the possible hurdles they may face throughout the potential relationship.
Anyone else feel like this?
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penpenpencil · 4 months
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New Loz/Botw/Totk headcannons just got absorbed into the brain
[Tw: blood/dismemberment under cut(kinda- its just black ink but yk-)]
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lemondoddle · 10 months
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marble hornets- bones
[I.D. five screenshots and photos from marble hornets where the word "bones" appears in the following ways:
two images of the word spray painted in white vertically on the wall of a closet in brian's previous house from entry 16
the word written in black on a breaker box in a closet in alex's house in entry 46
spray painted in black across the entryway to the abandoned hospital in entry 56
spray painted in blue on the abandoned house that makes several appearances in the marble hornets comic
end I.D.]
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wonder-worker · 7 months
I heard that Edward IV and Elizabeth Widvile were known to be very beautiful. Were there any reports on their appearance at the time?
anon 😂
But yes, contemporaries and post contemporaries in the 16th century were pretty much unanimous in praising their appearance. I'll list some of the ones I could find:
'The most beautiful woman in England' ('la plus belle fille d'Engleterre') - Jean de Waurin
'Her very great beauty' ('sa tres grande beaute') - Jean de Waurin
"Her beauty of person and charm of manner" - Dominic Mancini
"None of such constant womanhood, wisdom and beauty" - Hearne's Fragment; its author was one of Edward IV's servants
"A daughter of prodigious beauty' - 1469 Continuator of Monstrelet's Chronicle
"Both faire, of a good favor, moderate of stature, well made and very wise" - Thomas More
Edward IV:
"The beauty of your personage it hath pleased Almighty God to send you" - James Strangways, Speaker of the Commons in Parliament
"The king is a handsome upstanding man" - Gabriel Tretzel, travels of Leo of Rozmital
"A handsome prince and had style" - Oliver De La Marche
"In the flower of his age, tall of stature, elegant of person" - Croyland Chronicle
"One of the handsomest knights of his kingdom" - 1469 Continuator of Monstrelet's Chronicle
"A handsome and worthy prince" - Pietro Alipranto
‘...Tall and strapping as the king’ - John Paston, Paston Letters
"He was young and more handsome than any man then alive" - Philippe de Commynes
"A man so vigorous and handsome that he might have been made for the pleasures of the flesh" - Philippe de Commynes
"The handsomest prince my eyes ever beheld" and "I don't remember ever having seen a man more handsome than he was" - Philippe de Commynes
"A very handsome prince" - Louis XI, from the Memoirs of Commynes
"He being a person of most elegant appearance, and remarkable beyond all others for the attractions of his person" - the Croyland Chronicle, referencing Edward a few months before he died
"He seized any opportunity that the occasion offered of revealing his fine stature more protractedly and more evidently to onlookers" - Dominic Mancini, writing shortly after his death
"He was a goodly personage and very princely to behold...of visage lovely, of body mighty, strong and cleanly made; howbeit in his latter days, with an over liberal diet, somewhat corpulent, but nevertheless noy uncomely" - Thomas More
I'm tagging @edwardslovelyelizabeth because I think you got a similar ask?
I hope this answers your question, anon! I don't generally pay a lot of attention to the physical appearance of historical figures (I find it pretty irrelevant), but in this case, it ultimately does play a role in both Edward IV and Elizabeth's historiographies for better and for worse, and seems to have actually been a personal prop of Edward's kingship, so I don't mind discussing it :)
#either anon is making rounds or someone else saw the ask and asked me something similar 🤷🏻‍♀️#edward iv#elizabeth woodville#ask#also (I wanted to make a separate post about this but fuck it I'll just rant in the tags):#Something I find very interesting (read: fucked-up) is how we have multiple independent accounts praising Edward IV as extremely#attractive at the end of his life#Yet for some reason (aka fatphobia) most historians simply assume that he lost his looks over the years because he put on weight#even though his actual contemporaries (sans Commynes who in any case didn't even see him after 1475) certainly didn't seem to think so#as we can see: Croyland Mancini and More all noted the fact that he had put on weight AND emphasized his attractiveness#because the two are not mutually exclusive in the slightest and assuming that they are is not only incorrect it's also deeply problematic#it's similar to how so many historians assume his health was failing towards the end of his life when we KNOW - we are literally TOLD -#that his illness was both unexpected and baffling to contemporaries#(there is a contemporary reference to his supposedly deteriorating health but as Horrox says this is actually an editorial interpolation)#and the thing that's *always* referenced almost synonymously with this alleged non-existent ill-health is his weight#and the thing is - even if both of these were true they still ultimately wouldn't (and SHOULDN'T) matter. But we KNOW they weren't#and so it's incredibly indicative that historians and general histories STILL automatically assume them - and this assumption#is almost always on conjecture with his weight. (I don't think I've framed this coherently but oh well)#I'm still not over Katherine Lewis's deranged and frankly extremely ignorant epilogue in 'Kingship and Masculinity'#she literally framed her entire perspective on him around his weight with some really ridiculous (read: fatphobic) speculations/assumptions#she's even worse than Thomas Penn who is also revolting (and AJ Pollard isn't much better)#though of course they're not the only ones - almost every historian and general history does this
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floweypilled · 8 months
im not really an au type of guy but horrortale fanart is always so good it makes me want to read more of it....... (has read like 10 pages)
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Dazai, smiling a little too wide at Charles: Underestimate me. That'll be fun.
#ikevamp#ikemen vampire#ikevamp dazai#ikevamp incorrect quotes#i gotta say dazai popped off in his main story route#like the way he reads charles for filth????#the way he deadass finds out about vlad after like 2 minutes of investigating#i know i joke around but he is more of a chad than most people give him credit for#honestly sometimes i think about the fact that vlad didn't go up against dazai because like#1. yes i don't think he was lying when he said he had no interest in dazai because his desire to live was low#and that basically gives vlad zero leverage because he can be like 'i'll end you' and dazai's like 'lmfao bet get in line after me'#(big mood king)#but i also think that part of it was that dazai cannot be swayed by vlad's hostility or his fabrications as to who he is#dazai is too sharp to be fooled; he was able to tell in seconds that comte bore no ill will to him and the mansion at large#and he was able to sense vlad's discordant and overbearing influence on charles in seconds too#for all that he has the flaw of overwhelming self-reproach#he has such a staggeringly clear view of others' flaws/shortcomings#which in its own way is genius--if he's that brilliant it's no wonder he's so hard on himself#he sees his own issues so acutely it weighs on him like an anvil#i didn't mean for that to become meta but tbh i am fascinated by the way he was written#will say i did also get hot under the collar when he gets cold and pissed/defensive#obsessed with his vibes lowkey#source: incorrect quote generator
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dayurno · 7 months
cuties i love talking about kevin day with you and this blog is mostly run on asks and kekeing with you all but i must ask that you don't send me any more asks doomguessing about tsc. i understand and sometimes i even agree but it's just not something i'm interested in talking about! the world is so beautiful and large and kevin day has the prettiest wettest biggest eyes in the world. send me asks about him instead ok
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Imagine if Telemachus looked a bit like Sinclair. Would retranslate all of Outis interactions with latter.
Girl is living the 'harsh emotionally distant dad' life vicariously through her 19 year old coworker who is probably the same age as her son who she probably hasn't seen ever since he was a tot. To Páthos Máthos or sumthin
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puppyeared · 6 months
Helloooo popping in to say I love your art! It’s cute and feels soft (reminds me of when you’ve got a really smooth pencil and it just ghosts across the paper) but your poses and anatomy also give it a good feeling of realism :D
classic question here; do you have anything you’d say is a big influence on your art? I love seeing what people answer and trying to connect it back to the kind of thing they currently make :]
!! thank u!!! i do wish i could get more creative with angles, but im happy knowing my art gives u that feeling ^_^
I really enjoy comics!! I like poking thru graphic novels and webcomics, so I've fallen into the habit of exposing myself to lots of different styles over time that I'm fairly explorative with my art. It gives me a lot to study, especially since different artists have different strengths and preferences
I also think of myself as a simple person, so I'm not strongly attached to anything in particular... I notice a lot of artists find their ground in certain interests or aesthetics. But since I'm not really like that, I try to put a bit of myself in whatever I draw to connect with my art better. Its probably why I like taking creative liberty when making fanart lol
im also drawn to indie creative work like games and animation! they tend to be extremely varied and unique from each other, which is great since I work from my own sense of curiosity. I also hate repetition, so having things that set themselves apart visually or otherwise is something I like to look for.
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sunblazes · 8 months
I could talk for a whillee abt how good I think family in flames was in fh s1
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davejadedaily · 3 months
do u happen to have any good davejade fic recs :3c if not that is ok. ik not everyone is a fic reader
um noooo im sorry :( im not really a fan fiction finatic per say and um. im also very pick when reading fan fiction and. tbh if jade isnt being written by a furry then idrc (sorry. i know that sounds mean)
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kaiserin-erzsebet · 2 months
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mossflower · 1 year
finished homestuck!! and adding it to my ever growing list of ‘media near-universally labelled as cringe that actually kinda slaps’
#like i won’t lie parts of it? terrible. i can’t even begin to piece together half of the lord english plot#but i think a lot more of it was actually really really good. especially act 4 and act 5 they were my favourite hands down#act 6 not so much. like separately? i loved the alpha kids and the dancestors and the concept of the cherubs was really interesting#but somewhere the execution fell short. it’s gonna annoy me cause i can’t figure out why#i think it might be the retcon. which i didn’t hate as an idea!! but it occurred closer to the end than i thought it would#i feel like if they’d explored the impact of the retcon more it might have flowed better?? idk#idk. act six as a whole i’m split on. i either loved what it did or was massively confused and exasperated by what it did#it’s like half of the comic and i got through it in about a week when it took me like a month to do acts 1-5#and it doesn’t feel like that much happened it’s weird#but yknow. it is the act that sold me on vriska!! like i liked her before but i really liked her ghosting it up in this act#the bit where ghost vriska and ghost terezi found each other nearly had me in tears#vrisrezi as a whole. what a concept. easily one of the best dynamics in the entire thing#i really hope terezi finds vriska post-canon. however i’m not sure if i want to read the epilogues and homestuck 2 or not yet#ooh ooh also!! john fulfilling his quest slapped!! that’s probably one of my favourite bits in homestuck ngl#and omg. did not see davekat coming i won’t lie but i was v happy about it#k ill stop now bc i will end up listing half the characters and my favourite bits about them. and as fun as that would be#i really need to sleep haha#homestuck
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bbqhooligan · 3 months
its so cringe when discussing raskolnikov irl almost EVERYONE is like "yeah i saw myself in him" and then follow it up with his pessimism and crooked ass views on humanity which are literally the parts of him he changes and abandons by the end of the book youre enthralled by his self righteous arrogance and self importance while im awed by his metophorical rebirth by the hand of love and god we are NOT the same
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