#if it feel fugazi
yuckpuudle · 3 months
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oof he just a lil guy fr ...
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feralchaton · 3 months
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
who do you think will win manchester city or real madrid? 🫣
WELL. tbf i think city has a real chance this year— they got the norwegian terminator plus pep's been extra bald lately, and i feel like he's tamping down the overthinking bozo genes this time around.. HOWEVER. rma ucl juju is insane especially in the santiago bernabéu (black magic) so they really need to take advantage of the first leg and statpad goals like crazy if they want to win this thing
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dorianepin · 7 months
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what is he cooking...........
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spicyprincezuko · 2 years
i started lifting recently and omfg why is sweating actually the worst thing in the world? i've never been so disgusted by one of my own bodily fluids
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stairs-feooff · 1 year
An Open Letter to White Emo Kids
When I was thirteen years old, I googled ‘how to be emo.’ The music, the aesthetics, the darkness of it all captivated me. There was transgression there, with boys in makeup and girls who weren’t ashamed to be bisexual. The online emo community on google plus (anyone else remember google plus? Just me?) took me in with open arms. I was allowed to be depressed, I didn’t have to hide my burgeoning sexuality or the starts of my struggle with depression, something I now know was caused by intense amounts of dysphoria and life in an abusive and queerphobic household.
Only, there was one problem. I wasn’t white. 
Certainly, nobody would say they had an issue with me being Latino to my face. Most people in the scene genuinely believed they were not racist. After all, they loved Latino people, they thought the guys in Pierce the Veil were so hot. They appreciated the culture too, sombreros and maracas were the full extent of Mexican culture, right? 
But to be emo, you had to be pale. I remember Onision saying that Black people couldn’t pull off emo, and while everyone I knew talked about how horrible he was for saying that, they all secretly believed it. The emo kids I knew stayed out of the sun, they wore long sleeves to stay whiter and some on the more goth side carried around parasols. It was just part of the gothic, to stay white and dead looking. I hid myself from the sun, my skin tanned quickly and well, we couldn’t have that. 
Every guide on emo aesthetics emphasized stick straight hair. Every emo kid I knew reinforced that idea. I begged my mom for a relaxer, she refused. It was alright, I figured out how to damage my hair well enough on my own. Pete Wentz kept his hair straight, spent his time with a flat iron to press down the curls that made him inpalatable to white suburban teenagers. I could too. The burns, the split ends, the fact that my hair didn’t start to return to its natural texture until I cut several inches off this year, that was the sacrifice kids like me needed to take to come into the scene. If not, you would be made fun of. You’d be compared to Ray Toro, everyone’s favorite ‘princess fro fro.’ He was Puerto Rican, just like me. No one talked about that, beyond whispering it around like a dirty secret. No one acknowledged his pride in his country, mirrored by my own pride instilled in me from my mother. Every piece of him, every feature identifiable as nonwhite was sneered at. His hair, his nose, his lips, the white kids said he was the ugly one because of them. I was too, I suppose. 
That was back in 2014. I remember it vividly, still.
Turn back the clock to the early 1980s. Dischord records has just signed seminal emo group, Rites of Spring. There is change in the humid Washington DC Summer air. A new genre would be born from it, branching from the existing hardcore movement. To say Dischord records created emo would be no exaggeration. Without them, the music all of us in the scene know and love would be nonexistent. Dischord was seminal in the scene, Dischord was also founded by Ian MacKeye, vocalist for Minor Threat and later, Fugazi. 
Minor Threat is not emo in the tradional sense. Musically, it’s similar to punk and hardcore groups of the time, lacking the distinct musical flourishes of MacKeye’s later emo group, Fugazi. Still, Minor Threat helped shape the hardcore scene emo was born from and created the record label that signed Rites of Spring, the first emo band. Fugazi is legendary in first and second wave emo circles, influencing bands like Thursday. MacKeye’s stamp on emo is inescapable, even in the third wave. MacKeye also penned the song: Guilty of Being White. 
Guilty of Being White is a minute of MacKeye complaining about systemic racism - or rather, being blamed for systemic racism. He’s sorry for being white, he’s so so sorry, don’t you feel sorry for him, a white man in the 1980s? Isn’t it horrible that white people are blamed for systemic inequality? Isn’t it horrible that he actually has to put work into allyship with people of color? 
MacKeye says he never meant for the song to seem racist. Surely, the fact that it’s become a favorite of white power groups is a coincidence. 
All that is to say, racism was baked into emo from the very beginning. The label that created the genre was founded by white men with very clear issues with racism, even if they did not see it that way. Pete Wentz flat ironing his Black hair and Tyler Joseph refusing to say he’s influenced by rap aren’t bugs unique to the third wave. Instead, they’re features of the genre. 
Now, I’m not writing this to ‘cancel’ emo. I love emo dearly, I still consider myself emo. It, in every wave, is my favorite genre of music. Rites of Spring, Jawbreaker, My Chemical Romance, these bands have shaped my life like no other. Through emo I have met some of my best friends, white and nonwhite alike. Emo allowed me to express my gender and sexuality freely. Emo changed my life for the better, and it continues to do so. No, I am not writing this to cancel emo, whatever that means. Instead, it is because I love the genre so much that I feel the need to point out its flaws, its shielding and harboring of racism since Dischord herself began. 
They say you should end essays like this with a call to action. Personally, I don’t know what I can say that hasn’t been reiterated a thousand times. Really, what am I supposed to say here? Stop being racist? I, like so many other people of color both in and out of the scene are tired of telling white people to do just that over and over. We are tired of seeing white people stop saying what isn’t acceptable anymore, not due to any sort of active unpacking of white supremacy on their part but simply out of a wish to not be ostracized. I am tired of going to emo spaces outside my friend groups and explaining to white thirty year olds what racism is, over and over and over again ad infinitum. I am tired of seeing white people try and take the lead on discussions of racism, whether it is to rapidly assert ‘im not racist but-‘ or to be on the opposite extreme, to jump the gun and form a dog-eat-dog circus, where the end goal is not to actually form a safe place for people of color but to prove how not racist they are. I am tired of watching white people jump on whatever they can to demonize people of color in the scene. I am tired of watching nuanced conversations about racism and complicitness in racism be overshadowed by people upset their pet white man isn’t going to kiss their other pet white man anymore. I am tired of watching children be called slurs. 
Perhaps my frustration is coming loose. It’s hard to be in the middle of all this and not be frustrated. At this point, I am disillusioned. These conversations are seemingly brought up every month, and yet, there is no systemic change. All I can say is I hope that one day, emo becomes actively hostile to racism and racists. Perhaps being aware that racism has been integral to the scene since the beginning is a good place to start. 
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fuckyeahsufjanstevens · 8 months
I don’t know if this is the right thing to say because English is not my first language, but some people fly too close to the sun. When I think about Sufjan Stevens or Ryuichi, Terry Riley, Frank Ocean, I feel like their music is great, but you love them because you can really hear their suffering, their agony, their pain. They have been given a role to filter not just their own feelings through music, but other people’s suffering and pain, too. I always feel so sad for them. Like, why them? Why do they have to bear that role of witnessing so much hardship and the difficulty of just being alive in this world and then translate it through music? I have endless respect and support for this type of artist. I went back to Japan for the first time since the pandemic and there were changes in my parents’ lives. I had to help my father change his living situation. It’s never easy to prepare them for the next chapter, the next chapter, the next chapter, and then you die. Yet I’m so grateful for that and to return to Japan and still feel like it’s my home. Sufjan and I share the same birthday, maybe one day apart [Stevens’ is July 1, Makino’s is July 2], so we’ve spent two birthdays together by his place in upstate New York. He made it so special. I was quite shy, and maybe being the same sign is why he’s just as shy as me, but I really appreciate his way of carrying himself. He wears super colorful clothes, he’s super different, and I love the way he’s not shy of being shy, like he just kind of stares at you and then doesn’t say anything. Everything about him hits close to my heart. He was obsessed with the fireworks then, almost like a child, and even though we didn’t talk much, I felt so much tenderness, intimacy, and warmth from him and his partner. Now I think about Sufjan and his surroundings quite often. His music has been helping me quite a bit: Carrie & Lowell, Call Me By Your Name, his recent piano work that sounds massive. I listen to him in the middle of nowhere in Japan, trying to clean up my parents’ shit. I’m amazed by his responsibility when dealing with very difficult stuff. He’s the type of person who flies quite close to the sun. I hope he’s doing alright, I hope he’s happy, and I hope he’s gonna manage. Because some people just have a very difficult role to feel things so intensely, and that’s not easy. It’s a big ask—even of someone phenomenal like him. - Kazu Makino (Blonde Redhead) on Sufjan
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eggyrocks · 2 months
whats da band lore how did they do dat
okay if i’m going to answer this question it’s gonna be LONG (also cannon does not apply here yall im making this shit UP)
noya and yn are childhood friends who kinda discovered punk music together at a very young age
like they were seven listening to agent orange together
yn liked how angry and passionate it is and noya liked how high energy and badass it is
yn’s favorite bands/biggest influences were skinned teen, gitogito hustler, and melt-banana
noya’s were sicilian blood, social distortion, and minor threat
yn was obsessed with learning guitar. she would take books out from the library and imagine she was playing on a fake one & would ‘practice’ and memorize as much of the technical terms as she could & this was how she learned to read sheet music
noya’s grandfather got him a guitar as gift one day and he let yn actually practice on it in exchange for teaching her what she knew
so they were self taught guitar players together 🥹
and they always knew they wanted to start a band but they were both guitar players and two guitar players does not a band make
yn was willing to learn bass too but even if she did they would still need a drummer
enter: tanaka
(influences: fugazi. that’s it. that man loves fugazi)
they met in middle school and the day they met tanaka it was like they were life long friends
like that bond was instant
and one day they were hanging out at noya’s house and tanaka saw his guitar was he was like “oh you play”
“yeah we both play guitar we wanna start a band but we can’t find anyone who can drum”
“oh i can drum. does that help?”
“???? yes???”
and so tanaka became the drummer and that’s when they started having practices
at first they were so bad
so so bad
yn tried to play bass but was not the best at it and yn and noya kept arguing over who did vocals bc neither one of them wanted to do it
until one day yn said “you know if you’re the frontman and the vocalist you’ll get the most attention from girls” and that did it for him
only problem was tanaka wanted to be a vocalist after that too
they mostly just played covers at first but noya was writing his own songs too
he’d mostly write lyrics and yn would mostly write music but most of the time neither were very good until tanaka came in and edited what they were working on
their sound was extremely sloppy and unrefined but by the time they entered high school their technical skills had improved a lot
except for yn’s bass playing. she hated it and practiced as little as she could
so one day during their first year of high school the band made a ton of posters asking bass players to come try out
enter: yachi
(now yachi did NOT like punk music. her influences were more like: the strokes, pixies, elliot smith)
yachi plays A LOT of instruments
clarinet? she’s a pro. cello? of course. girl can even play the harp.
she’s an extremely technically gifted bass player
post-high school yachi has really come into herself and gained a ton of confidence but high school yachi was still timid as hell
she saw the flyer and though it would be a lot of fun to put her skills to use in a creative way
but then she showed up to their after school practice spot, flyer in hand and shaking like a leaf
two scary looking dudes and perhaps even a scarier looking girl? yeah no. she’s out
but she couldn’t get away. yn was so excited at not just the prospect of having a bass player finally join them but also another girl? she dragged yachi back there lmao
and even though yachi was so visibly anxious that all sort of melted away when she started playing and she became the coolest most confident person alive
they were actually sort of blown away the first time they heard her play. like the band was like !!! you might be too good for us to tell you the truth
yn was on her hands and knees begging her to join
so she did! and was very happy to feel so wanted and included
and then with the addition of yachi that’s when they really started to get good
while noya and yn were self taught and though still pretty knowledgeable, yachi had a lot of technical knowledge that really helped them grow
and they started practicing more and more
like too much maybe
their grades suffered
but they really improved a lot and halfway through their second year, they played their first show
it was a disaster
so extremely chaotic
they had nothing set up right and they kept having to stop their set to fix shit and they got heckled and yn threatened to skin the person and from there they were politely asked to stop the set early
it was bad
they realized they needed more help
enter: kiyoko
(she doesn’t play any instruments but her favorite musicians/bands are mazzy star, fiona apple, and the cardigans)
they had met kiyoko before
they were all hanging out together when tanaka tried to talk to her and yn got so embarrassed to be seen with him she hit the back of his head and apologized on his behalf
kiyoko kinda got attached to yn from there; she didn’t have a lot of super close friends & she appreciated her consideration of her feelings
and they started to grow closer and yn, yachi, and kiyoko started to hang out a lot more
it was really good for all of them
yn didn’t have a lot of friends and she was really grateful to be with people who didn’t judge her for her more alternative persona
yachi kept getting more and more confident and felt like she was discovering herself
kiyoko was always very timid and was not the best at initiating conversations or being part of a group but she felt no pressure hanging out with yn and yachi and talking to them was so easy for her
so they got really close
so naturally after the disaster performance yn and yachi were complaining to kiyoko
who said without really thinking much of it “i can help you guys out”
so she did
it was super overwhelming at first because there’s a lot of things to keep track of and a lot of technical things to learn
but kiyoko really loved helping them out
and the more she learned the more she started to offer input or take initiative
tanaka and noya of course loved this
their natural instinct was to act like freaks around her but yn kept that in check
with a lot of threats
and occasionally following through on the threats
and kiyoko started to feel like a member of their band
and they always practiced with her and listened to her critiques and followed her advice
her input and guidance are extremely valuable and half of the reason they’re still a band
tanaka was so in love with her from the start and the more dedicated she became to the band the worse it got
he was so in love with her he didn’t even notice that she eventually started to show signs that she might feel the same way
it only took 6 months for them to start dating and the only person who was surprised was tanaka
it took a LONG time for them to record their first album
it was a mess
a lot of arguing
a lot of clashing opinions
but after writing and rewriting and recording and rerecording
they finally put together a full length album
12 songs, 39 minutes
it’s a little rough and sloppy but hey
that’s punk
and they were all really proud of it
they’ve since put out one ep with 6 shorter tracks
they’re working on their second one now but hey. albums are a lot of effort to make
but tanaka keeps saying it’s going to be the greatest album of all time (it won’t be)
and that’s the freaking band lore
if you made it to the end. you’re a real one
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sugar-coat-it · 26 days
hi belle! what do you think body piercer is like as a bf 👉👈
also would you do an alphabet or something for him? lowkey dying for more content for him
Hiii!! <3 
Omgggg wait wait let me tell you some details
He’s very much into punk rock (Fugazi, Rage Against The Machine, etc.) and lives in his band tees. Much like the back room of the parlor, a lot of his stuff is covered in stickers for his fav bands. So I think he’d really like to introduce his girl to his music if she’s willing to try it out, it would mean a lot to him!
Whenever he picks her up, he’s always blasting music LOUD so she knows when he arrives 
Big fan of CDs. You can bet your ass that he’s burning CDs for her for all sorts of things. Songs that remind him of her, songs he wants to fuck her to. Some of them are stupid too, like “Good Shit” scrawled in black Sharpie on a disc. Sometimes he’ll scribble little drawings on there too. His handwriting is shit and she loves it.
Also music related, he's an amazing concert bf, always making sure she can see and no one is getting too close to her. He'd be SO PROUD if she went to a punk rock show with him
Now… if she ever did say she was interested in getting another piercing of any kind, he is begging her to let him do it for her (for free, with princess treatment). He’s very much like “fuck yeah, do it” whenever she brings up a tatt or piercing of any kind
Quietly cuddling, he’s tracing her features with his finger, he comes to the bridge of her nose and he’s suddenly like “You have a good nose for a septum piercing” and she’s like “???”
He remembers everything about her, and he makes a point to, even if he has to write sticky note reminders to himself sometimes (ADHD brain as hell)
This man SMOKES. My god his marijuana tolerance level is ungodly. If his girlie is into it too, it would be the joy of his life to roll spliffs for her.
Big fan of getting baked with her, putting on music, and then going off about the album’s impact on the music world because he knows she likes listening to him talk, and none of his boys let him ramble on nearly as much
The late-night diner visits after hotboxing his car go CRAZY (side note, don’t ask me why, but I feel like he has a rubber duck on his dashboard)
One time after a smoke session they built a fort in his room and made out for close to an hour, all giggly and hazy
I think he’d like to let his girl paint his nails. He prefers black, but he wouldn’t mind painting his nails the same shade as girlie’s so they can match
He also let her braid his mohawk once… lol
Tea had sent me an idea about this, but he’d absolutely buy her engraved jewelry. Like… barbells with hearts that have little M’s engraved on them??? Holy shit 
He keeps a Polaroid picture of her both in his wallet and at the desk in the shop 
If anyone asks about it he’s like “THAT’S THE LIGHT OF MY FUCKING LIFE”
Veeery possessive. Not to a toxic point, but she is his, and he makes sure that everyone is aware in his own little ways 
He likes to be touching her almost all the time. Whether it’s an arm lazily slung around her shoulders or lacing their pinkie fingers together
Really likes love bites. One time he left hickeys in the shape of a heart on her collarbone 
Y’all remember that hip pouch thing he wore during the 2020 era? That but it’s filled with his girl’s things like her lipstick or her wallet so she doesn’t have to carry them
Teenage boy humor. Hella “that’s what she said” jokes
He forgets stuff at her place constantly. She’s starting to wonder if it’s on purpose at this point. Maybe it’s his own way of feeling like a more permanent part of her life
Finding his jewelry on her dresser, his lighter on her coffee table, a hoodie hung by the door
Sometimes he’ll leave his keys and come running back into her place just to end up messily kissing her against the wall
Overall, I think he probably looks a little intimidating to people because he has a mohawk and wears chains and platform boots but he’s such a sweetheart oh my god anon. He just loves her so so so much, and he’s so gentle with her. I love him. So much. That’s my baby.
And as for an alphabet, maybe! I’d be happy to if that’s something you guys would want to see
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scorpiobabylon · 27 days
So I’m very autistic about music and I loved how succession made Kendall’s music taste have so much character and be so accurate to who he is and who he thinks he is, which made me start thinking about the other siblings listening to music. I just cannot imagine it. I can’t imagine Roman putting on his little AirPod and opening up a Spotify playlist or putting on posters in his room for a certain thing. The idea of shiv being into drill and grime is extremely funny to me. I think connor tells Alexa to put on slow old Spanish ballads blasting (at an appropriate volume) through every floor of his desert house and Willa wears noise cancelling headphones constantly. I just can’t decide if Roman has an obscenely normal man music taste (like what plays in gyms) or if he actually cares about music. And then I listened to horse foreplay again and I need to make a playlist for it so basically: what do you think Roman would listen to?
incredible message. oh man. for one, connor genuinely seems like a music lover because that’s in line with his situation being the only sibling to genuinely enjoy the spoils of wealth and just stuff generally. he also has that fleetwood mac line at tom’s bachelor party, and famously karaokes a fucking leonard cohen song. love him.
kendall’s music taste is central to his character, we all know what ken’s taste is (or at least i think we do, i have seen some very funny “ken listens to this” mixes. they should resemble the intern-curated obama end-of-year picks LOL). shiv i have no idea about, but i wouldn’t be surprised if she had some appreciation for whatever dad liked if dad ever bothered to point something out. i don’t think she listens to florence + the machine though be serious you guys just see a girl with red hair…………….
my personal read on roman’s whole Deal is that he has the least “life of his own” of the siblings. even his reputation / the rumors about him (that he’s a playboy who loves coke) are the least accurate to his actual behavior and preferences (esp when contrasted with ken’s public takedowns which hurt his feelings precisely Because they’re often true). it’s difficult for me to imagine roman having strong personal taste in….. pretty much anything, even when he sees his choices symbolically (“i want steak” speech in america decides). in the end, roman is most interested in cultivating an image of himself that is going to be the most protective of his true desire for authenticity and connection, but we know that he has no idea what to do with himself when he is confronted with an opportunity to actually “express himself”.
all this to say, it is very difficult for me to imagine roman sincerely enjoying music/art without a level of detachment, irony, or jokey judgement. if he likes certain sounds, i couldn’t see him singing along like kendall in the backseat. maybe a handful of songs are nostalgic for him, maybe some post-hardcore (…. fugazi….. honestly……) or even MAYBE some britpop or eurodance from the european half of his childhood. he wouldn’t allow himself true sentimentality with it though. he certainly knows all of the lyrics to a few songs bc he’s very In the World, esp culturally impactful songs, but he just seems like a guy who fucking hates bohemian raphsody. he knows who the pinball wizard is but i can viscerally feel his frown at hearing the baba o’reilly opener in a shop. he simply would never admit to loving a band, let alone buy a t-shirt! (i think i get a little annoyed generally with assumptions about roman that cast him as even a little bit twee just because he’s silly. look at how he actually dresses. this man would not paint his nails or have a charm on his phone. you’re thinking of kieran culkin!)
anyway this is my fav horse foreplay fanmix by @gotouda just bc it’s bursting with songs that are simply About Romtom. full of stuff me a young millennial gay person listens to so i play it a lot lol. there’s also an unsettled/upsetting undercurrent to some of these choices that matches the tone of the fic PRECISELY!!!! i have no idea how someone would go about building a mix based on romtom AND character taste just bc it is nigh impossible for me to picture roman roy listening to a song BECAUSE it reminds him of tom.
tom on the other hand…………….. that’s elton john, that’s ABBA, that’s broadway original cast recording, that’s george michael, that’s adele. ok
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utilitycaster · 6 months
forgive me if i don’t make sense bc i don’t really know how to articulate this, but taliesin talked a lot about “trying to figure out what punk means in exandria” and wondering what’s there to be angry about. and after the last string of episodes i feel like that it’s a question that he baked into ashton’s character. like yes ashton is punk and they have justified anger but the Rest of their anger is deflective to stop them from interrogating themselves and their decisions further. idk it’s really interesting to me
It is! It's something I really love about Ashton and it's something I think Taliesin was very thoughtful about in his character creation. I think Taliesin is extremely strong in character creation in general, and it's a rare person who can make a character based on a philosophical premise who also feels very real.
That really is the core of Ashton, and I think it's a great commentary. I do still intend to watch The Decline of Western Civilization Part III (winter break perhaps?) but I am broadly familiar with the gutter-punks on which Ashton was based, and again, the punk movement as a whole. There have always been politically-minded punks; but I advise you look up the backgrounds of, say, the average Fugazi/Minor Threat, Bad Religion, Dead Kennedys, or Propagandhi musician because they are, by and large, middle-class white guys with relatively stable and happy childhoods, and the idea of Ashton as someone dedicated to the Tumblr uwu kindness is punk "look at this perfect baby who doesn't steal pennies how kind and generous to only take literally everything else" archetype was always a massive projection. They've always been far more in the model of the Break Shit, Get Wasted punk than, well, the straight edge and veganism of the above.
(I also think that while it's true that a lot of punk houses did take in anyone and were something of a refuge for many a la Color In Your Cheeks, there was also a lot of Missing Stair Fallacy shit going on in the punk community even then. Ashton is in fact an example of the flaws in that sort of subculture: the Nobodies were there until they really, really weren't, and that's not unusual for that kind of punk friendship. It's found family until you're too inconvenient and dangerous to make it worth it. Taliesin explores this a lot, incidentally; that was very much what he was doing with Molly, and I would love to hear him talk about that kind of surface-level closeness that isn't strong enough to stick because as someone who both participates in fandom and loves to observe and analyze fandom as a phenomenon itself, it's a very real dynamic.)
Ashton has had an awful life. That's the premise. Nothing good has happened to them. There are plenty of valid reasons for them to be angry. Some are people who deserve it (their parents for the fucked up ritual; the Nobodies for abandoning them; Jiana Hexum for exploiting them), some are people who don't deserve their anger but to be fair haven't done anything to deserve their respect either (Percy, the gods), but many have been perfectly kind and reasonable and Ashton has rejected them because they're in a position of authority or seemed too nice. And there's plenty of stuff he's mad about that isn't easily pinned on anyone; the chronic pain is a shitty side effect of one or both of his traumas but no one person is responsible.
Ashton is an incredibly cynical person, and this extends to himself. As I've said before, I think they absolutely mean it when they say that they would have done the exact same thing the Nobodies would do, and this has been used to both cover up the intense hurt that came from their abandonment, but also, I think part of Ashton's own self-loathing comes from the fact that yeah, they are the kind of person who'd have done the same, and that isn't a very good person, and being angry at the Nobodies and Jiana and the world at large has allowed him to avoid looking that truth in the face. Ashton has always bounced between "I'll be the best broken thing I can be" and "what if I could be more? what if I could be what I could have been if things went well?" and also "who the fuck cares" and the reveal, that when the chips are down, he will make an ill-advised and self-destructive choice from that place of pain and anger has really rattled them. He can't keep just being angry and using that to shield himself from difficult questions. It won't just kill them, but it will hurt everyone around them too.
A really ugly truth of life is that even when something is completely not your fault and even when you have been dealt a rotten, unfair hand, often, you do have some degree of responsibility to deal with it ("And if it isn't my fault, I certainly didn't do anything to deal with it," as Ashton says.) The mere act of being angry is cathartic but doesn't actually solve anything. I think that's Keyleth's message to Orym, actually; it's not fair, and you're angry that it's not fair, but you need to use that anger to do things yourself instead of letting it consume you or passing the buck because it sure as hell isn't your turn. Ashton has, since the solstice, been playing tug of war with the idea that this anger has perhaps not been serving him, and he finally lost. Initially they realized a lot of this anger had been self-pity, but then, as they said, one week of thinking their parents actually were something led them to do the exact same dumb cult shit. Instead of stopping and listening to Evontra'vir and Allura, he said "no, I'm special, actually." And to be clear I think their motives were incredibly complicated and well-thought-out on Taliesin's part. It's not just because of his parents, it's not entirely selfish or out of heroics but those certainly did play a part, he did genuinely think it would help but he also ignored a number of warnings that it wouldn't. Again, I think the parallels between Ashton and FCG are glaringly obvious this episode, except Ashton hid their feelings with anger and FCG with a focus on everyone else's needs.
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dontsteponsnek · 1 year
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sims 4 HUGE midwest (ish) emo post hardcore punk band posters cc! hi! these are my first cc's so they are pretty sloppy but i was so excited to do them tbh. this one is with 50 albums! here they are: 1. the get up kids – something to write home about 2. jets to brazil – orange rhyming dictionary 3. fall out boy – take this to your grave 4. archers of loaf – icky mettle 5. jawbreaker – 24 hour revenge therapy 6. fugazi – red medicine 7. rilo kiley – take offs and landings 8. sunny day real estate – the rising tide 9. team dresch – personal best 10. death cab for cutie – you can play these songs with chords 11. saves the day – in reverie 12. sunny day real estate – diary 13. moss icon – complete discography 14. the used – the used 15. fall out boy – from under the cork tree 16. jimmy eat world – clarity 17. the juliana theory – understand this is a dream 18. penfold – amateurs and professionals 19. panic! at the disco – a fever you cant sweat out 20. dag nasty – can i say? 21. brand new – your favorite weapon 22. brand new – deja entendu 23. sunny day real estate – how it feels to be something on 24. the promise ring – nothing feels good 25. brand new – daisy 26. brand new – science fiction 27. hawthorne heights – the silence in black and white 28. orchid – orchid (gatefold) 29. my chemical romance – i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love 30. mineral – the power of failing 31. braid – frame & (and) canvas 32. saves the day – stay what you are 33. rival schools – united by fate 34. pretty girls make graves – good health 35. brand new – the devil and god are raging inside me 36. texas is the reason -  do you know who you are? 37. la dispute – somewhere at the bottom of the river between vega and altair 38. q and not u – no kill no beep beep 39. fall out boy – (fall out boy’s) evening out with your girlfriend 40. one last wish – 1986 41. american fooball – american football 42. taking back sunday – where you want to be 43. taking back sunday – tell all your friends 44. cursive – (cursive’s) domestica 45. jawbreaker – dear you 46. bright eyes – i’m wide awake, it’s morning 47. the get up kids – four minute mile 48. farside – the monroe doctrine 49. saves the day – through being cool 50. rites of spring – rites of spring https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XfLUIRiJKz1D3YHdG629N1ro0Z3D0-Zw/view?usp=sharing
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weedpoop · 4 months
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listen here
track list below the cut
1. beverly hills - weezer 2. noise in my head - spookyghostboy 3. i was just a kid - nothing but thieves 4. cold cold cold - cage the elephant 5. all is known - king gizzard & the lizard wizard 6. still feel - half alive 7. blast doors - everything everything 8. social cues - cage the elephant 9. imagination - foster the people 10. the dreamer's hotel - enter shikari 11. in the garden - red vox 12. elephant - tame impala 13. what you know - two door cinema club 14. little talks - of monsters and men 15. in the aeroplane over the sea - neutral milk hotel 16. apocalypse - cigarettes after sex 17. i want to be buried in your backyard - nightmare of you 18. oblivion - royal blood 19. crush - pendulum 20. alien - dead letter circus 21. break - fugazi 22. meet me in the woods - lord huron 23. float on - modest mouse
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mywifeleftme · 2 months
327: XTC // Black Sea
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Black Sea XTC 1980, Virgin
XTC’s discography has a very organic flow to it. Andy and Colin’s voices aside, it’d be tough to guess the same band was behind the albums that bookended their career (convulsive 1978 New Wave speedball White Music and the lavishly arranged psych pop of the turn of the century Apple Venus tandem), but if you follow the band over time, from one album to the next there are few radical departures. Each link in the chain contains elements of the record that precedes it and the one that follows it. Still, you can clearly divide their discography between their early years as a hard-touring New Wave act and their second act as a pastoral psych pop studio project—and, in that light, the albums that straddle that transition (today’s album, Black Sea, and 1982’s English Settlement) could be considered the “definitive” XTC records.
It’s easy to forget what a spectacular live act XTC were in their early days, something like a combination of ‘60s bubblegum, Devo, the Residents, and Wire, but with cardio that would’ve put most of those acts to shame. As a guitarist, Andy Partridge scorned anything that smacked of blues, slashing out hiccupy riffs way up the neck, hurling himself into head-spinning rhythms that often wouldn’t be out of place on a Fugazi record (if he didn’t have such a sweet tooth). He surrounded himself with collaborators whose ability as players was such that they were able to make their own marks on the band’s sound despite Partridge’s dictatorial tendencies—not only minority songwriter and exceptionally melodic bassist Colin Moulding, but ultimate utility man Dave Gregory (who flitted with ease from lead guitar to keys) and their gem of a drummer Terry Chambers, a non-writing / arranging member who would be lost when the band’s studio transition reduced him to a glorified session man. Chambers was an absolute machine, and many of the band’s most memorable early statements rely on his power and precision behind the kit.
Black Sea is their last record to be dominated by the quirky sound-over-sense rhythm workouts on which they built their name, and they go out with a bang: “Rocket from a Bottle,” “Burning with Optimism’s Flames,” and especially “Paper and Iron (Notes and Coins)” are fine reminders that new wave was as much Body as Head music, while the tribal stomp of “Travels in Nihilon” feels like a hint at what XTC would’ve sounded like as some kind of Swindon krautrock band. But the songs that are best remembered from this one are those first stirrings of their burgeoning reinvention as basically the attention deficit disorder Kinks.
By his own admission, Colin Moulding’s early songwriting efforts had aped Partridge’s style, but here it seems Partridge was inspired by Moulding’s sardonic kitchen sink satire “Making Plans for Nigel” (from the previous year's Drums and Wires). “Respectable Street” reads almost like Partridge proving to himself he can write his own “Nigel,” while the chiming psychedelic pop of “Towers of London” scales its social commentary to the Empire itself. His finest moment though is “No Language in Our Lungs,” one of the band’s first genuinely emotional statements. The wordy lyric is typically “clever” (“I would have made this instrumental / but the words got in the way”) yet it captures the feeling of being overwhelmed by the intensity of…well, a feeling. The credit lies mostly with its arrangement, which heaves and stumbles behind Andy’s inconsolable howl like someone dragging their feet in exhaustion.
Black Sea usually sits somewhere between third and fifth in my personal XTC rankings, but it’d be the place I recommend a new fan start with the band (or would be, were the record available on streaming services). Between Andy’s peculiar voice and a smartass quality that can get a little cloying, XTC’s not for everyone—but for those on the wavelength, their catalogue is one of the greatest of the rock era.
For the hell of it, my personal XTC discog rankings.
Skylarking English Settlement Black Sea White Music Drums and Wires Apple Venus Volume 1 Go 2 Wasp Star (Apple Venus Volume 2) Oranges & Lemons Mummer Nonsuch The Big Express
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effemimaniac · 2 months
I feel like that guy from fugazi rn
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rei-comfort-zone · 3 months
Epilogue Kyle‼️‼️🗣🗣🗣I don't have any idea if he got worse or better in a 10 year skip + James and Kyle cut their long ass hairstyles (they still look gay)
Kyle cut any contact with Jess while still living in Eltingville in such a cruel way (There's a soon to be Valentine's panels that will explain it🗣) and after those events he will try to live the life of a "rockstar", getting wasted, going to concerts and way worse.
His song:
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In a one night stand when he was 26 he didn't had any idea that he left the chick pregnant at all so he went for cigarettes with his van and never came back (being that the result of his non-recognized son, Victor) and in a indirect way leaving the kid without a father for a long while (Like Kyle's father did to him). Kyle's life was way more shitty than Ash's and he cut any contact with her since he didn't wanted to be a burden for his little sista + along that he was way too dependent on reliving his rockstar lifestyle even if it was making him feel worse
He got to a conclusion that he couldn't keep like that when he hit his 30's and reunited with Jess again, after trying to heal past problems ofc. Jess felt bad for him and after giving him a last chance he let Kyle live with him in his apartment and later on they opened a tattoo/piercings shop together, everything was fine until Kyle got called back by the girl from the concert to let him know that he haves a son.
+ (Kyle doesn't wants legal problems with the mother so he choosed to try his best to repair all his damage and try to be present on the kid's life, he is sucking at it way too much. Jess so far is doing great as a step dad for the kid by feeding Victor's passion for dinosaurs and being there for him <3)
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