#ill miss you bev
cxffeereid · 6 months
Hello all! 👋
I have been working on some SFW scenarios with Father Paul recently, and currently drafting out some NSFW ones too alongside full fic too!
Like I just said, these are SFW scenarios with Father Paul. (Mentions of other characters too!)
P.S - Sorry if gramma is bad! I have dyslexia so it’s hard for me sometimes 😭
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Stormy Nights
On mild stormy nights, you both snuggle up on the sofa with your head on his lap. He loves to play with your hair as he reads out his bible passages or tells you stories from his childhood to comfort you through the storm. You never knew storms like this on the mainlands but it was to be expected as you were on a small island surrounded by sea. On nights that were practically violent, the bed was your safe heaven as buried yourself into his chest as he gently sang your favourite hymns whilst rubbing your back.
Lighten up your life
It was regular day at mass. Everyone came in and sat down, you were whispering to Erin about her blossoming relationship with Riley as Bev told you both to hush! Erin smiled as you bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing. Riley watched as you both tried to compose yourselves from the opposite side of the pews. Paul came walking down, smiling with slight amusement as he heard Bev telling you both to hush. After Mass, he practically rushed out to catch you both and started walking with you to ask what was so funny. You told him as he smiled and listened, looking at you with awe. Erin noticed the way he was looking at you and instantly telling Riley when she saw him later that day.
Missed Sunday Picnics
Now that unfortunately Paul can’t go out in the sunlight anymore, he misses your Sunday after Mass picnics a lot. Every other Sunday, you and others (mainly Erin and Anne) would cook and make food for anyone who wanted to join. It was mostly just you, Erin, Riley, Leeza, Warren and Paul, if Bev didn’t whisk him away from you all. Paul would always sit near you if he could, you would blush when Riley and Erin both gave you the look. These two would always gossip and smile at you both. One Sunday, you had to break it to everyone that Paul can’t join us as he has been quite “ill” recently.
You missed him and the others playfully teased you on the subject. You were thinking all day until you came up with a solution. You went over to Paul’s house that night and took him to the same picnic spot, only for it was different. The setup was more for watching the starry night sky whilst lying down. He told you how different everything looks now. You wished you could see what he was describing but you were enjoying a different view.
Stolen Words
Just before late night mass, you always tried to visit Paul but usually Bev would beat you to it. Not today tho, as you knocked twice then three times so he knew it was you before opening the door, smiling. It has been some time since you both seen each other. He had been trying to keep his hunger at bay so he asked you to not visit. Since the accident with Joe, he has been feeling better but another hunger took its place as he kissed your lips, forgetting to close the door after you entered.
Bev saw his door open from a distance and went to check it out as she got closer, she saw you both kissing with sinful hunger. She was outraged and threatened to cast you out of this town with nothing but the clothes on your back. You quickly ran out as she pointed a finger towards Paul, saying how could he be so careless and how she was going to tell everyone. Bev caught up to you and forced you to back towards the church, spitting hatful comments your way. Mass continued as any normal day but this time, you were under watchful eye of Bev Keane and Father Paul had something to say first.
“Before I start.. I want to confess something to you all. Today before mass, I was seen by Bev Keane kissing my love. We were caught as I was careless and forgot to close the door. Bev threatened to cast out them out and destroy my image. Now, yes.. I know i’m not your regular priest but I feel as god gave me this opportunity to find love and I have found it. So, that’s why I am telling you this as I wanted you all to hear from my own mind and mouth than Bev Keane” You blushed as Paul looked at you and smiled.
After Mass, everyone was praising Paul for being so brave and honest about what happened. Bev just looked unamused as she walked out without saying anything more.
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chyberriesss · 1 year
One shot!
First love
Bill denbrough x reader
The middle of fall season, leaves that owned the color of rust and spices fell from the trees as we stared into each other's eyes.
"how are you, william?" I simply ask although he did not answer. "W-w-what are you d-dd-doing here?" "Its stan's wedding, im his friend too y'know" i chuckle at his question with such an obvious answer "well i-i-m doing good and you?" He replied at my earlier question adding such sas.
"im glad you're doing good i have to go now before bev figures out im missing, see you around bill" i say and left not wanting to hear his reply. He was my ex y'know and is still my first love, will forever be. Im glad he's doing well although it stung how it seems that hes happy without me while i suffer every night recalling what i did to him...
"What are you doing exactly?" I chuckle as his attempt at painting "i-i-m obv-v-viously p-p-aint-ting you!" I says scrunching his nose covered with different colors of paint "thats suppose to be me??? I look like THAT??" I ask in horror "AHUH! Pp-p-pretty right" he exclaimed winking at me. I laugh at his actions when he suddenly stands up and hugs me! "Bill you're getting paint all over me!" "T-thats fine a-a-n a gr-gre-great artist is never cl-clean" he smiles at me as he hugs me tighter "i wish wecould stay like this forever" i whisper as i rest my head on to his chest "me too" he says before kissing my forehead.
"where are you taking me bill???"
"j-just trust me, we're al-almost t-th-there" he chuckles as he leads me up some hill i assume? Covering my eyes with his hands.
"t-t-tada!" He removes his hands exposing a picnic set up on. A hill near the outskirts or derry maine.
"i love you" was all i said as i admire his work and efforts.
We sat down and talked about random stuff for hours while eating the sandwhiches he prepared "extra c-c-cheese like you want" he says smiling as i eat the wonky sandwhich he made.
After eating i start reading a book he prepared for me to read as he lays on my lap "you're pretty" he says out of the blue "d-dont say that" i stutter, covering my red face with the book as i look away. He chuckles "i l-l-ove y-you" he says "i love you too bill" i smile "damn, y-y-yknow one day i-i-ill say i l-l-love you without st-st-stuttering he pouts sitting up crossing his arms making me laugh at his cuteness, making him laugh as well. We laughed like fools inlove for hours.
"lets break up"
"look bill, i cant stay here with you and being in a relationship while being far away from each other? I cant handle that" i say staring at him, as much as it hurt, it had to be done for me, and for him.
"a-after everything? S-seriously?!? You know d-d-damn well you can handle that s-stop with t-the ex-c-cuses [name]..." Bill said with an expression too sorrowful hard to describe "i have to focus on my studies i cant abandon everything i worked hard for bill!" I shout at him. I didn't mean to.
"s-s-so you're abandoning wh-wh-what we have?"
How could i ever recover from what he said?
"answer m-m-e [name]"
"i can't let go of my dreams bill" i simply stay
"am i the easiest t-t-thing y-you could throw -a-away?" He asks me, choking on his own words, holding back his tears
He stares at me
"you're the only thing....i can throw away"
I walk away, tears going down my cheeks not stopping, how could i say that when i know its all a lie?
I stop for a second when my keys dropped from my hand
"i love you..." I heard him say, not stuttering for the first time
If i looked back i know i would run back to him and abandon my dreams, my future, i cant do that so i picked up my keys and left.
Leaving my first love standing in the rain.
Hurting him was the only way for him to move on, a person like me who prioritizes their future over the person they love doesn't deserve anyone specially bill.
This is super super!! Rushed so im really sorry if there are any grammatic errors i wrote this at 3am so yeah my mind is not working properly, anyways i hope you guys enjoyed it!!<333
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I may shock some of you with this review but , I can only share my honest feelings
MAJOR SPOILERS/ hints below including mystery reveal and character death information.
Jack is a weapon to a major degree, but the way his own father handled that felt ablest to people with mental illness in a way and as some one who has a physical disability, I was not amused as an ally. It also further fuels Jack rage and makes him disregard his mother. So great
That said, Jack also treats the Borg Queen like his mother in a way as he confronts Beverly with the fact that it’s the queen’s voice he hears not Hers and he can’t harm the Queen but he can run from Bev. He also says he’s not the queen’s child but then gives in to her. Great. She talks to him like a son too which is so creepy and gross and such a disservice to Beverly. Like she is not your mom, you dufus. Shoot her in the face. You’re not assimilated and you only found out you were a tiny bit Borg like 30 minutes ago, yeah you can hear the collective, whoopeedoo, shoot her in the face. But nope full on identity crisis /mommy Borg cuddle nap of death. Nice job hunny bunny.
Oh and he got Geordi’s kids assimilated and Shaw killed. So awesome.
P/C still refuse to even talk to each other beyond the basics, and the only P/C love we get is Jack remembering a song from his father that his mother loved which was about being miserable because the singer missed his love. How the bleep anything ends up happy for them is impossible. Their son is a super weapon who says really crap things to both his folks and basically could kill them. Happy Thursday.
I have a feeling Jean Luc is going to die saving him and I will be SO mad because honestly he might not be saveble the way they set this up. Even if his dad gives his life. But Jack guilt tripped him so we’ll likely lose Jean Luc for this kid. Before today, I could accept that. Now nope , although Beverly might actually still choose having Jack alive over Jean Luc, which is sad.
Again P/C is written like hot garbage, he tries to talk to her and nada. They offer no comfort to each other. At all. So OOC
It is SO emotionally dark and depressing this episode that I can’t even describe it without massive spoilers and explanation. It’s terrifying and sad and not fun for like 35 of the 42 minutes.
There is a nice blink and you’ll miss it Saffi moment , but it gets overtaken by the death of Shaw. Who does in the end get a last moment of respect to Seven, but he is dead and I am not pleased. I felt he could have grown further but nope. Dead.
The few things I do like which I will only hint at so as not to spoil. I watched this part twice
1. A Jerkhole got her final lesson in why Starfleet is sometimes wrong, right in front of the person who tried to teach her that in a similar situation the first time. I was not sad.
2. There is something to be said for being the oldest crew in the fleet. A little boomer super armor, which made me kind of smile lol.
3. Home, aka the lights work now and Airdrop does not
4. “Wherever you go, we go”
“Thank you Number One”
5. A field demotion/ right voice
6. Alice
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eternally-smitten · 1 year
Store-Bought Cookies
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summary: Natalie visits Father Paul very late in the day after hearing he wasn't feeling well. A late night conversation ensues.
word count: 995
content warnings: religion mention, religious talk, slight spoilers for Midnight Mass
author's note: oh gosh, I've finally posted something. I'm so sorry that I've been so inactive! I've been so busy with a lot of work and stress lately. I missed you all!
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Father Paul sat at the edge of his bed, resting his forehead against his hands. He’d been feeling ill all day to the point where he couldn’t lead his daily mass. He couldn't leave his room at all, actually. The sunlight hurt him too much, so going outside wasn't an option for him. It’d been difficult having nothing to do except stare at the wall, look out the window, or re-read the same few Bible passages he knows by heart by now. Today just dragged on for him. An hour felt like years to him. He sighed and contemplated going to bed earlier than usual tonight since there really wasn't much else to do. He got up from his spot and stretched his arms before going to his dresser to find a pair of pajamas when a soft rapping at his door stopped him in his place. A visitor? At this hour? Paul lived in solitude with very few friends on the island, so to have someone at his door was usually a surprise. He straightened his cardigan before making his way to his front door. When he opened it, he found Natalie. 
She grinned at him, "Good evening, Father."
"Natalie, hello." He moved a strand of hair from his face, "I'm quite surprised to see you."
"Well," She held up a plastic container of cookies, "I heard you were under the weather, so I wanted to drop by to give you these. I didn't have time to make anything homemade, so hopefully these are just as good."
"Why, thank you." He took the box from her hands and returned her smile, "I appreciate you keeping me in your thoughts."
"Oh, it's no problem! I mean, you've been so kind to me since we met so I thought I'd try to return the favor."
Paul stepped to the side, "Would you like to come inside?"
"Oh, that's alright! I wouldn't want to impose." Natalie looked at the scenery around her, "Besides, it's so nice out. It's not usually this warm here. I want to enjoy it while it lasts."
Paul examined the outside world. It was pretty late in the evening, and it was almost completely dark. There was very little sun and even then, it was slowly changing from orange to a very dark purple. If you listened closely, you could hear the faint but very distinct whirring of the cicadas. 
"Alright," He stepped out and shut the door behind him, "Let's enjoy each other's company out here."
"Are you sure, Father? If you're feeling unwell, maybe you should-"
"Please," He interrupted, "Just call me Paul. And I am very sure. It'll be nice to have some company after being so isolated today."
"If you're sure, Fa-" Natalie caught herself, "I mean, Paul."
He nodded and sat on one of the porch steps. He patted the spot next to him and Natalie happily took it. 
The plastic box crackled as Paul opened it, "It's lovely seeing you. It's very kind that you kept me in your thoughts." He handed the box out to Natalie, offering her a cookie.
She gingerly took one, "Well, you were the talk of the town today. Everyone was worried about you when you didn't come for your daily morning sermon. So, I wanted to come by and check."
"That warms my heart." He gently shut the box, trying his best not to make it obvious he did not have an appetite.
Natalie shrugged, "You're adored here, Fa- I mean, Paul." She giggled at her small slip-up, "I'm sure others have come by to see how you've been, too. I'm not too special!"
"Actually, I must confess that you're my first visitor in…a long time." He smiled at her. This was a half-truth, Bev had come by to see him earlier. Multiple times, actually. But, Natalie was the first visitor he's been happy to see in a long time. 
"Really? I'm shocked. You're such an inspiration to everyone here. I'm sorry no one came by."
"No, no. Don't fret." He placed a hand on her shoulder, "It's more than alright. They have their lives and I have mine. And please, don't praise me too much. It embarrasses me."
"I can't help it, it's true! The entire island loves you."
"Does that include you?" He smirked.
Natalie's eyes widened and she turned her face away from him out of embarrassment, "Of course."
Paul chuckled softly, "I'm just teasing, my dear. You're very kind to say that about me."
"Are you tired at all? I don't want to bother you. Especially if you're not feeling well."
"No," He gently grabbed her hand, "Please, don't assume. I'm very happy to have your company."
Natalie’s hand wavered a little before placing it on top of Paul's, "If you insist."
"Believe me, I do."
The rest of the night was spent talking about whatever they could think of. The weather lately, recent town gossip, sermon plans, work schedules, weekend fun, anything. 
"Oh my," Natalie took a peek at her watch, "Look at the time. I have work tomorrow, so I'm afraid I'll have to say goodnight."
"I understand." He released her hand, suddenly realizing that he's been cradling it this whole time, "Thank you again for this lovely visit."
"Of course, Paul." She leaned in and gave him a small kiss on the cheek, "Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow if you'll have me."
He paused, dumbfounded, "I will. I look forward to it."
Natalie smiled, "Me too." With that, she left. Paul watched her walk down the pathway until she was nothing but a small speck. He couldn't remember the last time someone visited him as a friend. Or, maybe more? Paul shook those thoughts from his mind. He can't think like that, his thoughts have to lie with his creator. He couldn't act upon these feelings, not again. But, with how kind Natalie is, Paul confessed to himself that she would make sinning worthwhile.
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Tag list: @frozenhi-chews @bobmckenzie @connor-roys @fallen-for-them @speedstershipping @timothymcgees @obscureotter69 @gideongrovel @olivierslovebug @fates-theysband lmk if you want to be added/removed!
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Heart of the World:
Campaign finale!!!!
The Titans of Boobs travel to the Court of Gods to fight Thiala!
Hardwon does 297 damage in one turn and a total of 1,082 damage through the entire fight, and he did miss a round or two from being knocked out. He also gets to fight Galad for a third time.
Bev takes on his Elder Champion form and at one point bonus action casts revivify on Hardwon. It’s gorgeous.
Handy Andy is used to free Erlin from the necklace on Thiala’s neck.
Balnor wrecks some angels and it’s honestly dope as all hell.
Moonshine turns berserkers into elephants and has pixies cast fly on the elephants. Emily says to Murph “If you want to leave me, I’ll understand” when she conveys this plan. Later, she uses Shapechange to turn into a gold dragon and eats Thiala.
Once the fight is over, they return the divine heart to Telaine and Melora. Alanis, the Traveler from the future, returns and takes Balnor back to his timeline.
Hardwon gets to talk to his dad and moves to the Crick, Moonshine gets to take custody of a dragon (who participates in and helps win the fight in the episode this episode is facing in the poll!), and Bev gets to enjoy being a kid again.
They return to Moonstone for a Jamboreen, and read Balnor’s contingency letter. Our story then ends where it began, and the Hungry Trout Tavern.
Ill Luck Henry:
The Third Mates take on the Green Tweens (forty-year-olds) in the Spring Ring.
The Green Tweens are a bunch of rogues, and they all annoy the hell out of our beloved Two Crew. Things get absolutely brutal at the end of the fight because of how mad the players are.
Once they are defeated, and Walter Madison is annihilated, the flower faction, led by Sir Captain Teenypetals (the secret prince), marches on the tree house to free Leonora.
We finally learn about the extent of Henry’s curse, and that this is his 69th life. If he saves Irina/Allete/Cerenysus, the curse will be broken and his promise will be fulfilled. The main difference this life? Zirk and Fia.
They spend some time studying in books, level up, and head to the Summer Ring to see Callista.
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Monster Au but next gen plz?
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Monster Au/ Beatrice design belongs to @daisythecomic
Chase is @ninjastormhawkkat 's amazing cheese fankid
These were fun to scribble. Ill finalize their designs a bit more later :3
Between chatting with @ninjastormhawkkat @liloskull343 and a few peeps on discord I have a few ideas.
Blu's a wraith. Pretty friendly and bubbly. Was very sick as a toddler before she passed away. Loves to play hide and seek.
Chase is a clone child of Steven and amazo/Adam in this Au too. And also shares the same were mouse curse as steven .
Ruben takes more so after his mom, miss question in looks. Except when you look at him you can't look away. He's very shy tho and tends to hide.
Liam is pretty much half of both of his parents - imposter Angel miss power and amazing rope guy who is just a regular human. Also reclusive. Knows the world will end someday, just doesn't have the energy to care much
Beverly and Simon are Seymour's adopted kids. (He adopted them around 50 years ago and turned them into vampires) Simon is a lol gremlins and loves to play pranks on people. Bev is more relaxed and calm tho she does try risky stuff like seeing how long she can stand in the sun without bursting into flames.
Rhea is an ice gargoyle type monster (can't remember what rhyme and reason were in this Au so I took some liberties) still has ice powers tho more concentrated
Paperjam is basically flat stanely. Or at least a mini version of him. He got created by accident after a copy machine went haywire. He calls Beatrice mom and the butcher dad (they dont mind)
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reddie-fangirl24 · 2 years
Proposal (A Reddie Fanfiction)
Eddie groaned very loudly, stomping back and forth around the run-down truck Bill lent to them to drive in for the wedding. It had been a full hour of fighting because Richie locked the key in the car. They missed out on getting a ride because they had to pee getting a ticket for the illegally parked car. And now they were going to miss their best friend’s wedding. 
“We ruined Ben and Bev’s night! Now they’re not going to have a fucking cake! That’s the most important part of a wedding! We can’t call anyone because our phones are locked in the fucking car that you locked! And it’s too dangerous to hitchhike. Who knows what psycho is out there ‘cause I’m not sleeping out here in this shithole!”
Out of frustration, Eddie kicked the tire, but it hurt more than he anticipated. Richie walked over to calm his boyfriend down. They sat down in the back of the truck. Despite how furious they were, either about the situation or with each other, that all went away as they enjoyed the silent night air as they held one another.
“We’ll think of something, baby. Haven’t we always?” Richie asked him, kissing his head.
Eddie sunk into Richie’s embrace, his worries diminishing. That hot feeling disappeared in his stomach. “I’m sorry, Rich. It’s really not you. I just...”
Richie waited for him to continue. He could feel the lingering fear from Eddie, embarrassed. He stroked his hand lightly down his back. “What’s a matter?”
The man shook his head, listening to the crickets. “It’s silly.”
“Do you have any idea who you are talking to?”
That made Eddie laugh. “You got a point.”
“Hey, this is not an ‘insult me’ time! I’m just trying to make you feel comfortable!”
“I don’t know... I guess I’ve just never liked weddings,” Eddie admitted, some weight lifting off his shoulders.
Richie’s stomach fell, his insides panicking. He faltered from their cuddle a bit. “Oh, you don’t?”
“I guess I used to until my own... with Myra.” He didn’t have to say her name, but as soon as it left his mouth, Richie could sense all the distaste. Maybe he should have had this conversation with him before going through with the decision.
“What was it like?” Richie asked, massaging a hand up and down Eddie’s back.
“The cringiest thing you’d ever see. None of what I wanted to do. Or even wear! It was all so fake. Plus, it was all of Myra’s friends and family. Just my mom came. But... her illness was bad at that point. I didn’t even want to fucking get married!” Eddie covered his face with his hands, shaking his head.
Richie kissed his head again, sniffing the scent of his shampoo. A little breeze swept through the area. Subconsciously, he pulled his boyfriend into his warmth a little closer, ignoring his own anxiety. “What would you do differenty?”
“Huh?” Eddie looked at him funny.
“I mean...” Richie struggled a bit. “If you were in charge, how would you have done it?”
Eddie’s eyes sparkled. “Well, I wouldn’t have it in a church for one thing. I’d rather have a wedding outside. Nothing in public, just a private space.”
“Like a view overlooking the ocean?” Richie asked with a smile.
Eddie nodded vibrantly, like a child. It made Richie giggle, his insides warming. This man was so adorable. God, he was so lucky! “An ocean or a gazebo in a park! And it would only be a small group of people.” Eddie’s face fell a bit. “I wish I knew you guys when I was with Myra. I was so lonely at the wedding.”
Richie snorted, his bellowing laugh echoing, interrupting animals from their slumber. “You’d really want to have me at your wedding to Myra?”
Eddie burst out laughing. Hearing Eddie laugh was enough for Richie’s ears. All he needed to hear was Eddie laughing and he was satisfied.
“Oh, she wouldn’t approve of that! Neither would my mom!”
“I probably wouldn’t have been allowed to come,” Richie nudged him. “What day was your wedding again?”
“June 1, 2001.”
“Really?” His eyeballs skyrocketed.
“Yeah, why?”
“You had your wedding the day I had my first comedy routine?”
“No fucking way!”
“You know, I think I recorded that,” Eddie told him, holding Richie’s hand. He smiled brightly at Richie which melted the man's insides. “I didn’t know you, but deep down I remembered you. Once we were at our hotel, Myra was so exhausted that she passed out in bed. I turned on the TV and I watched you. That was the best part of the day.”
Richie nuzzled their noses together. “Glad I was part of your wedding in some way.”
Eddie kissed him, deepening it by swerving his tongue through his mouth. This was not the right place but they had the urge to rip off their clothes and have the most romantic sex ever. Plus, there was this big cake.
“I think you’d look good in a purple suit,” Eddie said after a good minute of silence.
“A purple suit?” Richie asked, amused.
Eddie looked at him with the most loving smile he’d ever seen. “I don’t like traditional weddings.”
“How about a song?”
“‘You’re my Everything!’” Eddie answered without hesitation.
Eddie’s eyes never shined so bright. Richie swore that the moonlight made him look sexier, casting his smile, and the twinkle in his eye. “The song I sang to you in the hospital. I was just humming it. And you were asleep.”
“I still heard. It helped me fight.”
Richie kissed him. “Wow, Eds,” he uttered through the kisses. Eddie tussled his hand through his curly hair, bringing him closer, and sending wet kisses down his neck. Before this could really get out of hand, both heard a car engine stop.
“Richie? Eddie?” It was Beverly. In her wedding dress! And the other Losers!
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asked, relieved. Beverly ran up and hugged both of them.
“We thought something terrible happened to you!” she cried.
“No, this stupid car broke down!” Richie explained, pointing towards the vehicle.
“And then you locked the keys in the car!”
“Well, I told you to stay in the car!” Richie confronted him.
“Who doesn’t take the keys with them when getting out of a car?”
“If we were all Eddie Kaspbrak, then would you be happy?”
Ben broke up the lover's quarrel, knowing that it would go too far. “Guys, we really hate to interrupt, but we have everyone waiting at the wedding.”
“You didn’t start yet?” Eddie asked, again relieved.
“Of course not. How could we start a wedding without our best friends?” Beverly asked, waving her hands in the air.
“Let’s get the cake and head back,” Stanley insisted as he and Mike went to take it out of the trunk.
“Sorry about the car. Didn’t know it was almost out of gas,” Bill apologized, embarrassment written all over his face.
“Trying to figure out that ending has definitely gone to your head,” Richie smirked, patting him on the shoulder.
Beverly shook her head, hugging Richie. “Please, tell me that you didn’t go through with it, Rich. You know we all want to be together to see it!”
“See what?” Eddie asked, his brow turned up, startling Richie. Realizing what she said, Beverly threw her hand over her mouth.
Sweat pooled Richie’s forehead as he stared into his love’s eyes. Richie felt complete. The first time he saw Eddie again, standing in the restaurant, Richie felt like he melted into a puddle. Eddie was so handsome, and supportive, and kind, and brave, and wonderful... this could go on forever.
Grabbing a rock, Richie aimed it at the passenger side window. “Bill, may I?”
Shrugging, Bill nodded, confused. “As long as you’re not hitting yourself.”
Richie threw the rock, smashing the window. Hopping in as he scrambled to get the ring out of the glove compartment, Richie felt his heart racing. When he walked up to Eddie, the world disappeared. Only he mattered. Slowly, his knee popping, Richie got down onto one knee.
“Eddie, Eds, my Spaghetti-Eds, where do I start? I’ve loved you since kindergarten when you wrapped a bandaid around my finger because I had a papercut. You are an amazing man. I have been the happiest I have ever been with you these past five years. Waking up next to you, spooning you, or seeing a little drool hanging off your mouth is the definition of beauty.”
“Oh, fuck you, Richie!” Eddie sniffled, smiling so big. Tears prickled in his eyes.
“Jeez, I never expected to hear you say that when I’m proposing to you!” Looking at Eddie’s handsome face was enough to make his insides melt like ice cream on a hot day. Tears leaked from Eddie’s eyes. Clearly, he was seconds away from collapsing into tears.
“Eddie, you have made me so happy. I don’t know what my life would be like without you. I’ve learned so much about myself in the last year that I should have known but I’m too much of a self-pitying dumbass.”
“Would you stop?” Eddie swatted him.
Richie took another moment to look up at him to study all of his beautiful features. This was the man who made him feel better right after he read his first hate comment when he came out as gay. Eddie, the man who adored every inch of his body. Eddie, the first and only person he ever loved.
“Eddie, will you marry me?” Richie presented the ring.
Tears streamed down Eddie’s face as he burst into tears. “Yes! Yes, I will!”
There wasn’t a dry eye in the Losers Club as they applauded their best friends. Now they had two exciting events to celebrate tonight. 
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toontowncreepypasta · 2 years
how would you rank the It medias?
Chapter one - 2017
The Miniseries - 1990
The book
Chapter two - 2019
there are a lot of reasoNs why i rank them like this and it doesn't just boil down to "Writing" or how good it is. Or how much I like it. the book is probably my favorite version of the losers, theyre the ones i knew the first and the ones i latched onto as a kid aand they mean the most to me. but god is the book HJORRIBLE ITS SO BAD ITS SO BAD. its written extremely poorly, the fact that stephen king was on a binge is extremely obvious and its extremely gross and sexual. like. it genuinely makes me uncomfortable reading it now as an adult because its like its every pagge. every single page. the narration is so insanely horny it rubs me really the wrong way. that being said its still my favorite
chapter one is the most tollerabale medium of It , i actually think its realkly well written! it deals with its topics really well other than the topic of racism (ill talk about that in a second) but as a movie its pretty solid AND a fun watch! it has so many references to the book which makes it confusing to new watchers but as a book lover i REALLY enjoyed all the tiny tiny tiny background details or references
where chapter one falls flat is the fact that they sort of... its one of those movies that has the issue of none of them seem like fgriends. THEY DONT ACT LIKE FRIENDS. THEYRE CONSTAANTLY BICKERING AND BEING MEAN AND BITING EACHOTHER METAPHORICALLY AND IT SUCKS! it really sucks. i miss when they were friends! when theyd laugh at richie or stans horrible jokes or richie takes bev out to the movies for teaaching him how to yoyo or richie caalling eriddie cute and "my love" and. ok a lot of how i feel strongly ab the friendships is connected to richie, i feel like they BUTCHERED his character to make him a smart moputh jackasas and ignored how sweet and friendly he genuinely is. they also doubled down with the racism, jesus christ. like genuiinely, its really gross to watch mikes role given to ben, have mikes scvreentime cut in half, and then boil him down to "outsider homeschooll kid" instead of giving him actual friendship with the losers. my friend sent me an article title that said "how mike hanlon went from a victim to racist violence to a racist story line" and i couldn't agree harder.
the mini series is ok. i have no strong feelings towards or against it, ive only seen it about 4-5 times? which is a veryu pale comparison to me watching chapter 1 every single day for a month, and chapter 2 evvery day for a month, and reading the book over and over as a akid. i just... dont feel very strongly towards it. its ok! its good, i guess.
chapter two.... wow. ok. talk about shit film. even IGNORING ALL OPF THE OTHER VERSIONS this movie on a technical level fucking sucks. the cgi, the writing, the fucking flashes??? during violence??? i dont... its like the equivalent of jangling keys infront of the viewers face. i have NO idea what HAPPENED FROM THE FIRST MOVIE TO THE SECOND BUT ITS LIKE IT CHANGED TONES COMPLETELY. it focused on being an IN NYOUR FACE COMEDY first and a horror movie second, as well as retconning a lot of the choices they made in chapter one, which, also sucks! im GLAAD THEY AT LEAST gave mike his role back but then they DOUBLE DOWN ON THE FANTASY RACISM WITH TRHE WHOLE SHIT WEITH MIKE STEAALING AN ANCIENT INDIGENOUS ARTIFAACT WHEN I THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING TO CUT ALL THAAT SHIT TO BEGIN WITH BECAUSE EW. EW?? EW???? EW?????? ALSO IT WAS LIKE. MAYBE IM MISREMEMBERING BUT I DONT REMEMBER MIKE BEING THAT GENUINELY AWFUL. the second moviue is also completely useless because it seems like people dont understand thata you can't have the adult and the child scenes happening at two different times because then you have two movies that are the same. they go through the same exact arcs, the same exact beats, because in the book the adult and the kid scene sare happening simultaneously back to back, so it happens more cohesively, its not like rereading the same story twice because theyre being told at the same time. the second movie also doubles down with the same problem i had with the first, none of them seem like they love eachother or care about eachother at all other than a few scenes. really annoying!
i really dislike the fact they made richie the "gay one". i dont know if thats an unpopular take but eddie is very much meant to be the internalized gay one considering his entire hypochondriac shit is related to the aids epidemic and has correlations to that and thats why adrien mellon has so many connections to eddie, and why eddie has that weird relationship with his wife that hes unhappy with and calls her a male nickname aand all that shit, while richies NEVER been the character to sit there and HIDE himself or hate himself for who he is, his ENTIRE charaacter is basaed on the fact that he has unadulterated confidence and then LOSES THAT when he stops being connected to the losers and moves away from derry like COME ON HIS WHOLE THING IS HES TRASHMOUTH!!! HES NOT AFRAID TO SAY WHATS ON HIS MIND. HE CALLS EDDIE CUTE AND IS OVERLY TOUYCHY AND SUPER AFFECTIONATE, NOT EVEN JUST WITH RICHIE BUT WITH EVERYONE!!! WHY DID THEY MAKE HIM SOME REPRESSED OVERLY JADED ASSHOEL IM JUST SO. whateverrrr WHATEVERRR
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crohno · 3 years
SCREWED. ❜ [ Sheriff Hassan x Reader ]
Summary:  You’re as much in my control as I am in yours, Sheriff. Warnings:  18+, blowjobs and general sexy vibes.
Have a request for this guy?  Drop it in my ask box!
“I think you should swing by when you have a moment, Sheriff.”
“I will do.”
It was an empty response, one that he delivered with the sole intention of getting Wade the fuck out of his office.  There wasn’t a chance that he was going to trawl around the neighbourhood looking for some ‘’wayward youth’’, as he’d phrased it, not even in a blind effort to appease the people of Crockett.  So the kid didn’t attend church this week…  so what?
This place was starting to worry him now, if he was being honest.  The locals had always clashed with him on a belief system front, but their intensity towards the church--  particularly Wade and Sturge, and he wasn’t even going to mention Bev Keane in this particular equation--  seemed to be increasing these days.  Their reasons escaped him  -  and he didn’t care to know.
“I hope you do.  Oh, and…”   He paused by the door, giving Hassan a cursory glance.   “You’re still welcome at Mass.”
“... thanks,”   he said dully, not keen on him sticking around any longer.  He knew not to say ‘I’m not a Christian.’ anymore--  not because it wasn’t true, but because nobody listened regardless.  It was a waste of his time, of his breath, and he was growing tired of reminding people.  Mercifully, Wade left a moment later, the door’s soft click making the sheriff release a huff of relief.
His large hand smoothed over your head, stroking your hair gently.  Beneath the desk you knelt, tucked neatly between his legs like a box he’d yet to kick underneath and out of sight.
“Maybe you need to attend church,”   he remarked facetiously, watching as you took his entire length without so much as a gag, your throat delightfully full.   “Couldn’t even wait a minute for the guy to leave?  What am I gonna do with you?”
This was a common occurrence--  a habit that you’d both adopted in direct retaliation to the fiery chemistry between you--  but nobody else had ever entered the office before.  Sheriff Hassan’s post was a quiet one, given how small the island was.  Trouble didn’t often arise in such a pervasively Catholic environment.  Still, the opportunity had been too good to resist…  there wasn’t a chance in hell that you were going to stop, not when there was the chance to make him stutter in front of somebody who was none the wiser.
To his credit, he’d held it together pretty well--  but his grip on your shoulder had been like a vice, fingers digging in with enough pressure to hurt, and you hadn’t missed the slight quaver in his voice when he’d told Wade that he’d see to it.
As if to offend him, you pulled up, letting him go with a satisfying pop!   “Would you rather I stop?”
“Fuck no,”   he replied, a wolfish smile curling across his face as his fist tightened in your hair, guiding you back to your rightful place.  Without complaint, you dragged your lips along the underside of his cock, delighting in its pleasant weight, eyes glued to his face as you followed its curve back up.  You pushed your lips taut around the tip, though did not go any further, a wicked glint in your eye.   “Don’t tease,”   Hassan said darkly, the force of his palm growing harsher, pushing your head further down.  If you’d been able to smirk, you would have, but all you were really capable of was letting your eyes roll back in pleasure, sinking into that wonderful oblivion once more.
Hassan needed this.  He needed it so badly that he hadn’t thought to say no the first time that things had played out like this.  It wasn’t just the sex;  it was the company.  There was exactly one person, not counting his own son, that respected him in this God-forsaken pit of a town and it was you.  You’d never once addressed him poorly, nor spoken ill of his faith.  You were warm, receptive, safe--  and fucking gorgeous to top it all off.
“Fuck…”   His head fell back, a candid moan leaving him as he felt his pleasure mounting, something feral and ugly twisting inside of him like a knife.  This sort of release was a sin, that he could acknowledge, but it wouldn’t stop him.  In fact, he actively chased it--  abused your mouth and between your legs every damn week, sometimes multiple times a week despite your prior agreement that you wouldn’t spend too much time together for fear of getting caught--  and the consequences could be damned.  He was sure that after he died, all the good he’d tried to do in his life would atone for the few times he’d gotten his dick wet.   “I’m…  I’m close, [Y/N].”
You knew what was coming  -  but it was still the sweetest thing in the world to you when he lost control of himself.  He barely managed to manoeuvre you from under the desk without having you bump your head before he stood up, dragging you up onto your knees by your hair.
“Stay still,”   he ordered, his voice stern and hot.  Even without him telling you to, you knew to keep your mouth open, a thin string of drool dripping from the corner of your mouth as you stared up at him with bright eyes.  He was large, and though you’d adjusted to him by now, he was still a lot to take.
When he first slid himself into the warm wetness of your mouth, it was difficult for you to fight the urge to lock your lips around him and suck.  By the fifth time, you were blissfully accustomed to the breakneck pace at which he was fucking your mouth with, your lips remaining obediently agape, tongue flat and welcoming.  Your eyes said it all, hazy and smouldering:
I’m so happy you can take your frustrations out on me, Sheriff. You’re as much in my control as I’m in yours, Sheriff. Cum for me, Sheriff.
“Ngh, [Y/N]...”   His hips stuttered to a sudden stop, a guttural growl released as he came.  It was thick and heavy on your tongue, and had you liked him less, you might have thought twice about swallowing it.  This was Hassan, though…  your beloved Hassan, and you couldn’t say no to him, didn’t want to either.   “Le’me see…”   he panted, his thumb hooking onto your lower lip and dragging it down as he observed your now-clean tongue with hawk-like precision.   “Good girl.”
Smiling up at him felt a lot like baring your teeth, a sick sort of triumph roaring to life in your chest.  He may have been overpowering to you, physically stronger without a doubt, but the power you had over him was visible too.  It showed in the rapid rise and fall of his chest, in the labour of his breath, in the trembling hands and the spent cock that was still half-hard.
Without you, there was no pleasure quite like this.
He was just as screwed as you were.
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Father Paul Comforting the Reader HCs^
For @star-spangled-man​ who requested:
Ayo bestie, I know you mentioned that you are busy studying for finals but I have a request for a father paul piece. You know how you did a hurt/comfort for paul - what about turning the other way around and how he would comfort you. Ya know taking your hands and holding them while he tells you that you are okay and safe, holding you, but also trying not to be too much and respecting boundaries. Literally anything will do 🙏. Pls I just need something to look at if I am having a rough day - I think we can all relate with that. Just when you have some free time to whip another masterpiece something up 💞
^warnings for mentions of illness, injury, chronic illness, depression & panic attacks
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He’ll kiss every injury you get, from a little bruise to a broken arm, which makes you laugh regardless of if you’re in a cast or hardly noticed running into the table.
He’ll want to call Sarah for any injury that’s bad enough to make you bleed, even if it’s a tiny scrape that you can easily take care of yourself. You’re his miracle from Heaven, so he’s a little over-protective sometimes, but in the best way.
If you wake up not feeling well, Paul’s very tempted to cancel Mass so he can stay with you. If you insist that he go, he’ll race back as soon as he can and spend the afternoon telling you about everyone who was there and how much he missed seeing you out in the audience. He’ll also offer to wrap you in one of his cardigans so it still kind of feels like he’s with you while he’s at church.
He’s a pretty good cook, so he’ll make you soup and toast and whatever else you may want. Even if you don’t feel like eating, he’ll make a bunch of soup anyway so there’s something ready when you get hungry.
He’ll spend all day in bed watching movies with you. If all you can do is sleep, he’ll either fall asleep with you or let you use him as a pillow while he sits up reading and working. Even if you tell him not to, he’ll cancel confession for the day so he can spend more time with you.
He makes a really good cup of tea with honey, lemon, whatever you want. He keeps a wide variety of tea in the rectory.
If you have a chronic illness, Paul’s chronically with you. He’ll be there for doctor’s appointments and days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed or feel so awfully sick to your stomach. He makes sure you eat when you can and wishes more than anything that he could just make the pain go away. 
Have a service animal? They’re best friends now, no question about it. He can make friends with almost any animal... after all, he’s practically a Disney prince. A vampire priest Disney prince, but you call him a prince all the same.
He’ll sing you hymns or some of the old songs he knows if you’re in pain. Even if he can’t make the pain go away, he can try to make you a little happier.
He knows what it’s like to be depressed. He won’t quote scripture at you and tell you to “just smile” like Bev would. Instead he’ll keep you company even if you don’t feel like getting out of bed. He’ll make sure you manage to eat something and he’ll make the trip to the mainland to pick up something special if you want it. He’ll gently get you up so he can wash the sheets every few days - after all, having nice clean sheets is extra nice if you’re in bed all day. He’ll make you shower with him and help wash your hair and find you nice warm pajamas afterwards. Taking care of you never feels like a chore. He only wishes he had someone to take care of him like that after Millie left.
He’ll reach for you very gradually if you’re in the middle of a panic attack. He’ll ask if he can hold your hand, and carefully loop one of his fingers around one of yours. He’ll talk to you in that calm, gentle voice of his, telling you all sorts of stories to distract you or just reassure you that he’s here, and he’ll be here no matter what, and he loves you so much.
If you can’t bear having anyone in the room with you, he’ll sit on the opposite side of the door. He’ll still talk to you if you want, but if not, he’ll slip notes under the door with things like “I love you so much xoxo” written on them. Maybe he’ll even draw a stick figure portrait of you two holding hands.
No matter what, he’s extra gentle when he knows there’s something wrong. He’ll ask to hold your hand. He’ll ask to hug you. He’ll ask to kiss your cheek. He’ll ask to hold you. He’d love nothing more than to engulf you in his arms and block out the rest of the world, but if you say no, he’ll be okay with that too. You feeling safe and loved is so much more important than anything he would want in the moment. 
He’ll let you cry with him as much as you want. He’ll ask if he can hold you, of course, and he’s a wonderful shoulder to cry on. Even if it doesn’t fix everything, it always makes you a little happier, a little more calm, and a little more hopeful.
He’s more than willing to talk about what’s bothering you if you want. If not, he’ll let you sink into his arms and hopes that you know you’re perfectly safe with him and that he loves you infinitely.
No matter how long you don’t feel good or don’t feel quite like yourself, he’s not going to give up on you, even if it takes years. Whenever you ask him why, he just smiles and quotes one of his favorite lines from Corinthians about how love “always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” He loves you so much that he’s not going to give up. Ever.
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allfrogsmatter · 2 years
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One afternoon there was a knock at the front door. Irene went to answer it, finding Beverly.
“Oh hello Beverly!” she said cheerfully, “won’t you come in?”
“Oh I’m not here for long Mrs. Paige,” she answered back with a smile, “is Dave around?”
“I’m afraid you’ve missed him, he and Joe went down to the lake for the afternoon, but I’m sure they’ll be back before long if you’d like to wait,” Irene offered.
She always loved to visit with Beverly. She was a charming girl, and Irene had always enjoyed her company ever since she was a small child.
“I wish I could, but I’m running late as is,” Bev sighed, looking disappointed, “I’m going out of town for a while”
“Oh really? Well that’s too bad, he’ll be sad to miss you”
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“If it’s not a bother, could you explain to him that my grandmother is ill and I’ll be staying with her for the next few months until her health improves?”
“Of course dear,” Irene smiled warmly.
“Thank you,” Beverly said, “I really should be off, but congratulations on the new baby, Dave makes him out to be quite charming”
“He certainly is,” Irene laughed, “take care Beverly, and wish your grandmother well on our behalf, I do hope she recovers quickly”
Beverly smiled one more time in thanks, then walked off down the street towards her own house.
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kincalling · 2 years
hey! im kin with richie tozier from stephen kings it! my canon is an amalgamation of the book, miniseries, and remake as well as some noncanon deviancies. i wanna talk to anyone but esp bev. miss her she was my best friend 😔🤘 int with this and ill check you out. no minors im 24
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canoncalled · 2 years
hey! im kin with richie tozier from stephen kings it! my canon is an amalgamation of the book, miniseries, and remake as well as some noncanon deviancies. i wanna talk to anyone but esp bev. miss her she was my best friend 😔🤘 int with this and ill check you out. no minors im 24
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findinyourkin · 2 years
hey! im kin with richie tozier from stephen kings it! my canon is an amalgamation of the book, miniseries, and remake as well as some noncanon deviancies. i wanna talk to anyone but esp bev. miss her she was my best friend 😔🤘 int with this and ill check you out. no minors im 24
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sorin-sunchild · 3 years
I know I've talked to death about this but God the relationship between the Losers in the movies is awful, to the point of being actually quite sad.
Especially with Richie. I dare say this kid is what held the glue of that gang together. The original, true Richie, is a high energy optimistic genuine weirdo who is charming in a way none of them can place or understand. The kid they made a roadrunner joke about because he can't stop talking which became an inner joke, i.e. beep beep Richie (affectionate). The kid who realised Ben was lonely, so invited him to the movies whilst barely knowing him. The kid who saw Bev as being cool and attractive and really loved and appreciated her in every way. The kid who believed Bill about the moving photos even if he didn't want to and pretended not to and was the only one who wanted to check them out. The kid who, despite being scared of being perceived as gay, still gave Bill a hug because he wanted him to feel better. The kid Eddie has the fondest memories of as an adult, in fact who all of them think about and feel warmth and light. THAT is Richie Tozier. Not the kid who makes nothing but sex jokes, barely ever smiles or shows high energy and who everyone is annoyed by and that annoyance is why they tell him to shut up. Not the kid who makes mom jokes and pushes his friends into being uncomfortable all the time. Not 'beep beep Richie' (derogatory) used by Pennywise and then randomly as adults in chapt 2 despite having nothing come up before for them as children. Not the kid who is pessimistic, fights with his friends and never seems at all happy or uplifting for his friends. Not the kid who slut shamed Bev and (just look at their body language and listen to their tone to know it's not banter) called her Molly Ringwald (derogatory) because he genuinely didn't want her to be there. And people think Mike barely wants to be there because he's just slotted in because he should be there when he should have fit like a glove into the Losers circle and become a smart and interesting member. Bev kinda seems to only be there because she likes Ben and Ben is there, and vice versa. Ben is also actually liked by everyone, not just there because he has some useful information. Stan isn't stoic and borderline cowardly. He's smart and came up with the idea of cleaning Bev's bathroom and doing the blood oath and doesn't mind getting dirty and has a weird sense of humour. Eddie is not always mad, or annoyed by Richie. He can snap and get fiery and worked up, but they like him because he's sweet and soft and bubbly, a genuine nice kid who despite his worries about getting ill genuinely comes up with ways to protect and care for his friends. He loves Richie's jokes and is always laughing at them and playfully bantering whilst laughing. Bill is a genuinely good leader, he comes up with great ideas for play, rode to get Eddie his medicine but only after Ben was there to watch Eddie because he cares about everyone and that's why they follow him. Everyone has good things to say about how he's treated them, not just 'oh I guess we'll go with him because his brother died'. Like, I have no idea how movie Bill, Richie, Eddie and Stan made friends because they always seem annoyed by each other in some way. They had time to build chemistry above the short bits we get in chap 2 because they missed it in chap 1. Anyway, this is why I have a hard time enjoying fanart and fanfiction and roleplay. Those of you out there combining true personality with movie looks or even making your own character designs are heroes in my eyes lol.
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the-gay-trashmouth · 3 years
If you had to pick one name/alias/moniker to go by, fandom-wide, what would it be?
Where, besides Tumblr, can people find you doing fannish things? (Obviously only mention sites and usernames you actually want to be found at. Don’t expose your secret identities on my account.)
What other names have you gone by on these platforms, including Tumblr, if any?
When did you join the IT (and ST) fandom(s)? And what got you into fandom, to begin with?
What are your favorite ships, or characters, if any, and why? What do they mean to you?
In what ways do you participate in fandom? (ex. Posting memes, reblogging/commenting on content, writing fanfic, making fanart, creating fanmixes, etc.)
Do you have any in-fandom inspirations? Other members of the community that drive you? (And if you have the time/energy, in what ways do they inspire you?)
Name and link some of your favorite works (by others,) please!
Do you have any works of your own that you feel particularly proud of, or wish more people would’ve consumed? Please provide links if possible.
Have you ever participated in a fannish event (ie. IT Week, a fic Big Bang) or applied to be a part of a fanzine? If so, which ones, and can you please link them?
Without any form of bashing or lashing out, what is something you feel this fandom is missing?
I know ive let this sit forever but executive dysfunction got me out of it.
1) i go by Stari/Stars or even Jo Jo if you want. I dont really mind.
2) im on A03 @ Starinights and on insta @ stari_arts
3) for a while i went my allthenewsiesaregay_bitch or something of that sort but that was before i was in the it fandom :)
4) ive sorta been lurking since i was like... 12 because i saw the og movia with my dad and said "oh this is amazing i love it" but didn't really start creating until quarantine last year
5) my favorite characters are 100 percent tie between Richie (because hi yes i am ADHD and i relate), Beverly (I am gay and in love with her) and Mike (country boy i love youuu).as for ships i love reddie, mike/stan, mike/stan/bill, and really poly loser in general. Benverly is one of the only m/f ships with full rights on my blog lmao.
6) i draw and write fanfic (though ive been dealing with a lot of writers block so thats a thing) and i reblog a bunch of content from other it fans.
7) BOY DO I! @tiredluidraws22 and @fuji09 are two really awesome people who i adore.
8) hhhhhhhh links.. Difficult. Check out the above blocks for skme Good Content tho.
9) i wrote a Deer in the Deadlights, and fic that was basically just what if Rich got taken instead of Bev and its the only fic ive felt comfy enough to put out there for this fandom. It didn't end up getting a lot of attention but im still really proud of it and i reread it a lot for myself lmao.
10) i did losertober last year but Never Posted Any Images lmao. Ill prolly do it this year instead of inktober because for some reason inktober stresses me out.
11) i👏want👏more👏mike👏content👏👏👏
I want a day in the life of him working on the farm and being soft on animals. I want stories about him staying behind to protect a town that never treated him right and watch as his friends forgot him, i want mike/stan, mike/bill, mike/ANYBODY. I want him to be LOVED DAMMIT
That and neilbolt kids aus. I love those a lot lmao.
Anywho, thanks for the thing i had fun and maybe this can help me find more It fandom friends :)))
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