#im such a gross romantic wOw
a-random-weeb · 7 months
Hello, I love your works and would like to request something (if it is ok with you)
So, imagine BSD charecters like Dazai,Chuuya, Fyodor and Nikolai (you can add other charecters if you want to) with a s/o whose eye color changes based on their emotions. Like red for anger, green for happiness, pink/ purple for love, grey/ blue for when they are upset and Brown is like a neutral color for them.
(you can choose the eye colors if you want to)
Im so happy you like my writing!
BSD men with a s/o whos eye changes color based on their emotions
I don't write for Nikolai, I don't trust myself not to make him too ooc... if you think the Fyodor one is ooc, you would also be correct
Also, before this starts I would like to share an image with you all
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idk who did this, but it's 100% accurate
"n-no! Pink eyes means- i'm- h-happy!'
"Oh? I thought green meant happy?" A smirk crosses Dazai's face as your whole face turns red.
"Pink is more like j-joy! Yeah! Joy!" You try to cover up the true meaning behind the color, sending Dazai an awkward smile.
"Oh? But I've never seen your eyes pink on any other occasion? And Why is your face so red?" Dazai takes a step closer and cups your face with his right hand, teasing you. "Perhaps pink means embarrassment? Or perhaps... Love~?" He whispers seductively in your ear.
"Y-you know purple is love!" You defend yourself, slapping Dazai's hand away as a pout crosses your lips.
"I was referring to romantic love, dear." He winks. You groan at the cheesiness of the situation, yet are incredibly flustered at the same time. Dazai's shit-eating smirk only gross as he hears your silence. "Not talking now are we? Why is your eyes turning a deeper shade of pink? It means joy right? Are you perhaps... Enjoying this?"
The your eyes start to turn yellow (yellow = embarrassment) as you turn your head to glance in the opposite direction of Dazai, not wanting him to see the redness of your cheeks. Dazai chuckles at this action, taking your face in his hands so your face is infront of yours before pecking your lips.
"Your face gives me all I need to know how you feel about me, and what pink eyes REALLY mean..."
𐦍༘⋆.𖥔 ݁ ˖+.*𐦍༘⋆.𖥔 ݁ ˖+.*𐦍༘⋆.𖥔 ݁ ˖+.*𐦍༘⋆.𖥔 ݁ ˖+.*𐦍༘⋆.𖥔 ݁ ˖+.*
•Is confused with slight suspicion of what it means
"Why do your eyes only pink around me? What do pink eyes mean?" Chuuya tilts his head slightly.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." your whole face turns red, "It means uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."
"How the fuck do you not know?!" Chuuya scowls
"W-well I know! It's just... I-its hard to explain..."
"Just tell me what emotion it is damn it!" Chuuya is pushy, praying to himself it means love. He's had a huge crush on you for awhile, and he hopes so damn much there's a reason your eyes only turn pink for him... If that's what it means...
"I-it means... L-love..." You mumble under your breath. Chuuya shoots you a glare,
"Speak up, idiot!!" He barks like a chihuahua at you. You look away, you're eyes a darker pink than they've ever been in your life.
"It's love! And I know purple is love... it's.. it's a different kind of love!" Now Chuuyas face was pinker than your eyes as he slowly approaches you... He captures your lips in his... Wow... That was unexpected
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩˚⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩˚⋆。°✩
I'm so sorry this took so long 😭 there's also a lot of other old requests, like a mermaid one and stuff. It'll all be out eventually, I just have no idea how I plan to do this. I'm trying to post everyday, I think in doing well. Also sorry I didn't write for Fyodor or Nikolai, I don't write for Nikolai and I can't think of anything for Fyodor so...
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rogueolight · 13 days
erzajane headcanons…. i have Many….
-Erza suddenly just Remembers that she is ripped and can carry literally anything sometimes. And whenever she does she immediately picks mira up without warning. miras more of the Literal manhandler in the relationship (because that’s how you manage people when u have 2 younger siblings u literally had to raise) but erza is just like …. pick up wife……….. soican carry Her…….. 😊😊and mira is like WAAAH! she gets startled everytime.
-grey is their NUMBER ONE HATER. He gets forced to take pictures of them being gross together and every single time he is DISGUSTED! despite the show giving grey and erza unnecessary weird romantic tension that made no sense i think theyre super siblings & it’s really like watching your older sister be in love type of disgust. Cana was their number one hater when they tore up the guild in fights but now she’s like Awwwwww … Leave them be grey! theyre Cute!
-happy tried. So Hard to do the “she loooooves you” thing to them after they get together but theyre just like yes I do :3 and he gets really pissed off he can’t make either of them mad anymore after the YEARS of pining. and then he extra torments lucy
-any time erza and mira have a nice moment during their rival era natsu jumps in and is like AWWW! GROUP HUUUG! and ruins it
-lucy is sooooo jealous. imagine u have 2 GORGEOUS beautiful friends u lowkey want & they GET TOGETHER. she’s hyping them up but she wants to be both of them. she’s like that one picture “I'm Finna just join somebody else relationship..Bitch scoot over.. I love y'all..” She also spills all her relationship drama to mira (about natsu juvia cana whoEVER (she’s moronromantic)) and since erzas there too she’s like WHAT?! HUH? because her autistic ass had no idea about any of this. she’s like “Guys can i just join your relationship instead im so tired” and miras like Awww silly lucy 😊
-& as an extension of this mira starts spilling ALL. the tea. to erza. mira is the type to stir the pot unnecessarily because she’s bored (i.e her messing with lucy by saying grey and natsu like her) even when she’s absolutely positive something is just a false rumor. she’s been holding all that REAL shit in to herself and as soon as lisanna gets back she EXPLODES with gossip she’s collected to lisanna and erza whenever they get together. she’s a good secret keeper mostly but her sister and girlfriend Will Know. erza starts teasing people (subtly) much more as a result.
-elfever & erzajane in-law shenanigans. They stay over at each others places often all together (with lisanna too. freeloading on either of their couches) and cook dinner together…
-grief made mira give a fuck sooo much less. especially initially after someone would playfully make a jab and instead of dissing back she’d be like Oh you! but erza would get pissed off that she was passive and start fighting people for her. and then mira would just be like wow<3
-for most of their earlier days erza was almost always in a full suit of armor as a coping mechanism. despite really loving to dress up, she never really did it outside of her own room because she didn’t feel safe enough to, so that leads to mira seeing an ankle and being filled with lust like it’s the 1600s. over time she grows more comfortable and stuff but like. jus imagine u see ur crush out of a suit of armor for the first time and she is just absolutely RIPPED. cmon now. you’d die too
-if mira gets notes from secret admirers or letters from fans erza will proofread them. She is a living grammarly. she also just gets jealous
-through mira’s transformation magic she starts hiding her scars from battles when she starts modeling. erza doesn’t say anything about it but it pisses her off so bad because she thinks mira is gorgeous just the way she is. mira just tryin to make that bank now that she can’t work as a wizard 🔥 let her be
-they both dickride each other when they fight other people. especially in the grand magic games arc mira was picking everyone up and spinning them around and screaming BEAT THEIR ASS ERZA!!!!!! n meanwhile erza is just like Heh…. this was only 2% of her power… She could’ve PULVERIZED her…. like okaaay i see u!
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jemmo · 8 months
to say im in love with the most recent ep of my personal weatherman would be a gross understatement bc my god, i dont think a show has ever pulled off two idiots that are in love and don’t know how to express it so perfectly. 
(put in a read more bc wow that got long)
and this ep is perfect for that bc it explains so well segasaki’s behaviors and attitudes up to this point, where we previously hadn’t got to see that much behind his curtain. we’ve seen yoh, we’re privy to his inner thoughts a lot, and we know why he’s in a difficult place with his feelings at the moment, and we know the way he perceives segasaki, which was complicated to begin with and has only gotten more so. but in this ep, we get to see this whole journey of where segasaki has come from, why he is the way he is, and how he found some kind of solace with yoh, and why he’s panicking at the idea of that solace crumbling.
and it’s genius bc it’s a backstory i never really saw coming, it’s one of the few times i could predict something in a bl. this idea of him not being an outright people pleaser, more so just a good observer of the status quo and acting accordingly to get by with as few problems as possible. and with his looks, his general demeanor and such, it means he can easily integrate with these ‘popular’ people who aren’t actually popular, they just act the way that they think gains them popularity, namely acting superior. it’s never that segasaki was like that, they were just his social security blanket.
(and no, it does not escape me that this set up is very much like utsukushii kare and I’d very much like to dive into how those shows take this same basis to establish in some ways very different and in other ways very similar relationships, and why so often with these dynamics we see these recurring themes of like… extreme obsession and dependency and a fear of being left, but another day)
I think what was a real breakthrough for segasaki wasn’t just first glance, but seeing those drawings of himself yoh did, seeing himself being that removed and void and emotionless and realizing that this random kid he didn’t even know and who’d only seen him for a moment could see that in him. and it’s this simultaneously realization in himself and these burgeoning feelings for yoh that lead to this change. he’s not dropping the mask, it’s more so that he feels this comfort around yoh that he’s never felt before and so he’s suddenly realizing how exhausting it is to put on the act. and he’s both treacherous and unsure and unwilling to expose himself in that way, but also feels this need to reject it now that he knows the weight of it.
and just like that, as soon as it slips, as soon as he lets yoh in, my god he just becomes fixed. he just like yes, this one, he’s mine, end of story. but it’s insane to me that, despite all the undertones, none of it is romantic at this point, and even to where we are in the present, none of it is ever presented or established as a romantic relationship between them. it’s sexual and dependent, bc they both know they need each other, segasaki especially, but they just aren’t able to recognize that it is romantic. and it keeps coming back to this thing about smiling, that the other never smiles for them, or segasaki saying i can smile better than that, they just want to see each other happy, and they want that happiness to be because of them. but bc of the mental places they come from, my good they just cannot do that. it’s such a mental block for them both. yoh is coming from this place of having complicated feelings but all the way back in those early eps, he did all this stuff for segasaki and just got indifference in return and he just wants to feel like those efforts are appreciated, that he is appreciated, and when segesaki said what he did about his manga, that’s the clearest way yoh has got the message that segasaki doesn’t appreciate him as a person. meanwhile segasaki is just so dependent on yoh at this point but still has this lingering tendency not to show his true emotions and remain stoic and removed bc that’s just what he’s used to, and while he does try to communicate his feelings for yoh in some ways, they’re just not the best and yoh doesn’t register, hence the way he behaves, so uptight and on edge around segasaki, that when he sees yoh smiling or having fun or at ease around other people, he just panics and goes to extremes and you know… ties yoh up. he just can’t handle the idea of yoh finding happiness elsewhere bc then he’ll leave and segasaki will suffocate. literally, going back having that front on all the time, like when he’s at work, with no escape, it’ll stifle him so much he can’t breathe. but this is where segasaki needs to start unlearning what he’s used to and being honest and open, and equally yoh needs to speak up for himself if he wants something to change.
but also with yoh, and i wrote about this before when i said this show was like watching two people trying to reconcile with and navigate wanting a dom/sub relationship, or at least something with those undertones, and not just sexually (or even sexually at all), but in their dynamic. bc in these flashbacks we see the essences of that kind of relationship that they have shown up to now, and this is their first prolonged interaction, which shows this isn’t just something that’s been put on them or evolved into per say, it’s a way they naturally behave, their tendencies, that manage to sync up. yoh is instantly willing and eager to serve, to tend to segasaki, not just feed him but cook for him where he isn’t a proficient cook just bc segasaki said he doesn’t like convenience food as an offhand comment. like not many people would go and make a full curry in a guy’s house you’ve talked to maybe 4 times just for that reason, but he does. equally, he goes out and buys a whole range of drinks and puts them out for segasaki to pick bc he hopes that in those choices he picked the one that was right, and in that small interaction of segasaki saying he didn’t mind then picking one, the way yoh goes from disheartened to happy with himself. he wants to look after segasaki, to serve him, and his feelings get complicated when, as we saw with those drinks, he doesn’t get appreciated for it. so when he does the cooking and cleaning and laundry and segasaki doesn’t seem happy about it, that’s when he gets annoyed and angry.
and on the other side, you see segasaki immediately unleash this need to be the only person in yoh’s life, this obsession, to know him the most, and for him to be the only person yoh does these things for. he eats a curry and asks for the rest to be saved in tupperware for him to eat later solely bc he wants to be the only one that knows the exact way in which yoh’s cooking is bad. he wants the joy of someone asking yoh if he can cook, and yoh saying he can make curry, for only him to know he actually can’t, it’s awful. and it’s the way the underlying thing of it is seeing these bad points, these weaknesses of yoh, is what he enjoys as well as the want to see him happy only for him and only because of him. it’s wanting to be able to hold those extremes over yoh, make him overjoyed bc he appreciates him and praises him so much, but also squirm and feel bad bc he knows the ways in which he is imperfect, bc he doesn’t see them as flaws, he sees them as the intricate ways he knows all of yoh there is to know. if that does not scream dom, idk what does.
and what i hope for in this final ep is some kind of exploration in finding happiness in the exact kinda fucked up way their relationship works. i want segasaki to tie yoh up and say these things about him not being allowed to see other people, and for yoh to both stand up for himself but also kind of… like it. it’s such a hard line to tread bc you don’t want to present some of these things as ok, but I think it’s important to show that before you can behave these ways knowing it’s ok, and esp if you don’t have good communication, you have to kind of just… do it. and i think these people care enough about each other that it would never cross the line, but at least in this fictional space it feels like it needs to be there for them to explore it and find the ways they both enjoy it (and im saying this fully only commenting on this in fiction and the way the story is, not a real life situation) anyway, I just think it would be great to show how, in a roundabout, messy way, these two people manage to get on the same page and communicate better and enjoy the ways they are dependent on and obsessed with each other bc at the end of the day they are just so fucking in love with each other, and this is just the way that’s expressed. it’s not gonna be a case of oh I see I was too much I was wrong I love you let’s me a nice happy lovey dovey couple, it’s very much i love you I’m obsessed with you our dynamic is still our dynamic but now we just smile a lot more bc we know we are both happy with the way we love each other. it’s about removing that grey area of doubt for both of them, knowing yes I am appreciated and yes I won’t be left, bc they learn the ways to show their feelings to each other that removes those doubts.
and finally, both bc i forgot earlier and bc i loved it so much and it made me cry a lot (it’s been a long week, spare me), I wanna talk about that prolonged head pat. the way segasaki does it, not just a pat but playing with the hair and down to his ear, more like the actions of an inquisitive baby than anything else, bc that’s what he is in that moment, inquisitive as to why this boy makes him feel this type of way, and the way yoh keeps glancing to it and doing that small laugh that you do when something seems awkward and you wanna draw attention to it hoping someone will see it’s awkward and stop, or at least acknowledge it, bc he’s uncomfortable, but segasaki doesn’t do anything, doesn’t stop or acknowledge what he’s doing, he just carries on, and it’s almost like he looks at yoh as to say no I’m not stopping I’m gonna do this yes it might be weird and kinda awkward but I want to do it so I will and i won’t be the one to stop myself just bc you’re signaling that you’re a little uncomfortable. and ultimately yoh does nothing, doesn’t move the hand, doesn’t even move away from the touch, he just lets it happen, let’s the moment be weird and uncomfortable but also feels that weird joy from it. and like… at least for me, that’s the spark of someone finding out they like that weird idea of being praised and appreciated, and it’s magical that segasaki ignites that in him bc of the specific way he is at his core, not the mask but instead letting feeling out and acting on impulse, being brazen and forward and not backing down when he does something. I just thing it’s beautiful that you see in these flashbacks all these small ways in which they discover the dynamic of their relationship and how it proves that there can be a future where they’re both happy in it after they get over their own doubts and learn to communicate better. honestly this show is just such a treat to pick apart and explore lenses to read it from and god i don’t want it to end
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roachemoji · 10 months
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Stranger Things - Season 3 thread 03 01
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LETS GO GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay okay okay starting off strong 1984 i see you i see you all these bald men are so sweaty and shiny and exhausted looking.
So El isnt the one who opened the gate OG?? Really sick that they needed that much power to do it only forit to backfire and some little girl could do it with ease - OUFH SORRY TO THE BITCHES WHO JUST GOT EXPLODED
i understand why the bald men are sweaty and exhausted looking
is this like ....... wanting to win the coldwar type shit??? because we're past the space race and into the 80s.... (<- guy who doesnt know much about this specific subject of history tbh)
EL LOOKS SO GOOD - fucking hate seeing them kiss im so sorry it makes me so uncomfortable - FEELING REAL HOPPER THOUGH LIKE ITS ICKY but also damn KING GIVE UR KID SPACE
i fucking LOVE THE shift in colours in this season !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIKE ITS SO BRIGHT I LOVE IT!!!! AND STEVEEEE!!!!!! AND I FINALLY GET TO MEET ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh this movie is foreshadowing some shit i can feel it. labesq SHIT!!!!!!! AND THEN THE POWER GOING OUT!!!!!!!!!!! this means things my brain is too small to make proper connections
YEAH SEE Lost smoke monster !!!!! somethings thers i just know it
"im not gonna fall in love" "ok"
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thought it waas gonna be gay forgot Billy existed
HOPPER IS ACTUALLY A FUCKING INCEL IM CRYING ITS BEEN LIKE 20 MINUTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KING OH MY GOD SHUT UP rooted for you but nah youve really always been like this
A Heart to Heart? What is that? <- man whose never been shown compassion???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW WHAT THAT IS shut up
ngl tho me n hopper shaking hands how to you approach people about things without people helping you write shit out word for word
Nancy is. trying so HARD and girl i am so sorry
Steve. i got nothing to add he just. wow
Its romantic <- jealousy
Its gross <- somehow not jealousy tho sorry
Its bullshit <- jealousy
LUCAS AND MAX mAKE me so happy and MAx is still transmasc coded in my heaRTTTTT
oh now we have shit with MAGNETS and the spaceship space race cold war babbeyyyy
HOPPER ASHING ON HIS FACE KING????? OW?????????????????????
This is so uncomfortable bro my dad did this to me once and it was horrifically misguided on his part and he was making some wild ass assumptions about my relationship with certain people and oUGADHADKAJSHAKSJH this isthe season of second hand embarassment and its PAINFUL
BRO THIS fucking entire season is gonna be so fucking painfULLLL STOP STOP STOP like the. BROOOOO stop stop stop whose got a link to a breakdown of the family dynamics between everyone and how fucked up everyone is i cant even put thi sinto words im just losing my mind hopethis makes sense
i literally cant handle this weird Billy fucking Milfs arc and i cant even begin to stress how much i fucking hate it and him. I have literally no room in my heart for that piece of shit
im SORRY to KaREN WHEELER THOUGH LIKE DAMN GIRL your mariage is in shambles and you really want to be fucked by THIS GUY ?
HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDIOT FUCKING GET ATTACKED BY FERAL DISEASED RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CALLING ALL RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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justablah56 · 1 year
Ask games normally oak swallows garcia, my bby boy
normal my beloved <3
First impression - wow that is a weird little kid shdjjdnd but also wow he just like me fr . I thought the mascot thing was weird and he was too outgoing ngl
Impression now - wow he just like me FR FR also I would kill for him , beloved little guy , he needs someone to be proud of *him* . he's just very dearly beloved to me
Favorite Moment - the whole pride layer thing wbjdjekdke it's so funny , that with the whole but I thought it was you bit ? amazing , top tier normal <3
Idea for a story - normal introducing the other kids to Bluey shjdjdjd just , him inviting them all over for a sleep over and being like guys im gonna show you my favorite show ever and they just watch bluey lmao
Unpopular opinion - idk if this counts , but like . he's a gross boy . lots of people I feel like just ignore that or try to come up with reasons why he's like that but no . he's just like that . bcs I like projecting on him and he's just a disgusting little guy who forgets to shower and do his laundry and rarely changes his sheets . he's just gross . theres no oh he just uses the dryer and never actually washes them nO . he's just a nasty nasty little guy .
Favorite relationship - the scary & normal relationship is so interesting to me , they're besties , they're worsties , they see the good in each other and point out the worst , I just love them dearly . not even in a romantic sense , they're just worsties and I love them so much
Favorite headcanon - transmasc Normal my beloved <333 no thoughts , just transmasc normal <3
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irondefendersart · 7 months
unpopular opinion but a lot of online aro/ace spaces have lost their way from actually discussing topics surrounding said communities to just shaming or outright insulting people for no reason who have or enjoy romantic / sexual relationships or related in general and it makes me deeply uncomfortable as an aroacespec who is in a relationship where the aforementioned is frequent.
these people will outright call others "creepy, gross or even outright predatory" for experiencing romantic / sexual feelings like an allo will see it and be like "wow, why didn't i think of that?? they're so right!! sex / romance is bad!! i'll stop doing it right now!"
add the extra ableism of calling anyone a psycho, psychopath, mentally ill, ect and "joking" to throw folks in psych wards just for experiencing romantic / sexual attraction and you've got many a reason as to why i no longer feel safe in aro or ace centric spaces.
it feels like im walking on eggshells with these folks around and the sad thing is is that it never used to that prominent, then it seeped onto reddit, then tumblr then very slowly creeping into other aro / ace centered spaces
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tavvattales · 2 years
hi!! you seems so sweet ahdbdjejdn— could i please get a romantic genshin matchup? i’m bisexual & use she/her pronouns :)
for my personality, im an enfp & my zodiac is cancer! id say i’m fairly optimistic and bubbly, at least i try to be! im also fairly energetic, kind of like im always on a massive sugar high, but i think it’s fun! with the people i care about im really clingy and affectionate, like i tend to hang off their arms or hold their hands— it’s just how i love!! i love anything soft or cute, like fuzzy blankets or animals! going for walks and petting dogs is lowkey one of the best underrated things ever. i also really like dressing up & doing makeup, both on myself and anyone who will let me op. for my hobbies, there’s reading, baking, skating, walking, yoga, makeup, and singing. i also really like to compliment people!! seeing others smile is the wonderful because i think everyone’s more beautiful when they’re happy :) i don’t think there’s much i dislike, probably hypocrites or overly cruel people, like, ones that think being mean is fun :/. like being nice is so easy?? why?? oh!! i also don’t like tomatoes, they’re just gross in my opinion.
please & thank you!!
Hello sweetie pie~ Thank you for choosing Rebby's Matchmaking Services!
Let's see here. . .
I match you with~
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Arataki Itto
Oh gosh, this man finds you to be the cutest one there is! He's constantly hyping you up and putting a smile on your face. He just adores you and loves you unconditionally. While he may be gruff and not at all cute, some even find him intimidating; you don't, rather, you find him absolutely charming.
"Wow! Look at you, babe. You look beautiful; I must be the luckiest Oni there is!" Itto exclaims excitedly as you come out of the room, giving him an adorably tiny twirl of your dress.
You blush furiously and fidget with your hands, "Am I really that beautiful to you?" You ask shyly
"Only the most beautiful! The cutest, prettiest, most gorgeous girl there is. Not even Ms. Hina compares to your beauty," he says, a matter of fact, nodding his head as he agrees with himself.
You can't help but giggle and run up to him in a comforting embrace.
He loves how clingy you are, proudly showing you off to his other gang members, purposefully making them jealous. He loves being close to you, whether it's cuddling, hand-holding, or even being in proximity of each other.
"Boss, no fair you got a girlfriend before us! I'm totally a better catch!" Genta says loud enough for you to hear and with a mighty smack, Itto slaps the back of his head.
"No way, she chose me and I couldn't be more grateful, isn't that right, Y/N?" Itto says defensively.
Huffing at Genta you turn your face away from him, "That's right! Besides I think Itto is great, handsome, and strong!" With each compliment Itto smiles wider and wider, with pride, as you cling to his arm.
"Y-yeah, YEAH! See?! She agrees, now stop trying to hit on her, or else!" Itto says gruffly, glaring daggers onto Genta, who takes a step back.
"Yes boss, sorry boss!"
Itto would worship the ground you walk on if you let him, but you don't because his happiness is equally important to you. You make sure to bring everything to the table when it comes to your relationship with him because he does so much for other people that seeing his smile means more to you than anything else.
"Hey, Itto. . .you've been overworking yourself lately. Don't you think it's time to take a breather?" You say with a worried expression, uncertainty lingering in your voice.
"I'm fine; I'm fine, buuuuttt if you wanna help me, there's one thing you can do," he flashes a flirty grin, a mischievous glint in his ruby eyes.
"Ohhh hoho~? Is there now? And what might that be, pray tell?" You say just as flirtatiously.
"How about a kiss?"
"Oh, I think I can manage that much~," you say, beaming him a smile. Standing up on your tip toes, he leans down, and the two of you meld your lips together with a soft warm passion as he snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
Pulling away first, Itto smiles, "I love you."
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some reviews now that ive watched all the futurama movies
overall: i found the movies to be lacking... something. like i cant quite tell if its the pacing or the inconsistent characterization or their almost admirable dedication to keeping up their refusal to adhere to continuity in style of the actual show. but having these movies sort of tie in with each other plot-wise (or at just the one time between bbs and bwabb. idr) and then not letting the characters remember what happened in the movie that Just happened. well it just feels very strange and makes for an overall wonky story.
bender's big score: i think its not a surprise if i say that this one has the strongest plot. it's been built up throughout the fox run and it does tie it all together in a neat bow. i loved the time travel plot. the antagonists were kinda... eh but i could accept it because at least the character dynamics and conflicts felt fleshed out.
i still prefer to view the plot as part of an alternative timeline because it kind of weakens some of the greatest episode in the original run (the luck of the fryrish and jurassic bark. dont tell me they "coulve still missed him when he disappeared the second time" because no. stfu) and fry's character in general - him feeling so out of place in the 20th century and not spending a single second mourning his past life when he wakes up 1000 years later feels like a crucial part of his character. but alright.
sometimes i wonder if i read more into leelas character than the thoughts the writers have put into her character because to ME her being so easily swayed by romantic gestures and being superficial as well as being quick to run into serious commitments is a great reflection of her character and her insecurities and i love exploring her through that. but also then they depict these really outdated and honestly shallow ideas of what romance should be whenever they have an ep in which fry pursues her (time keeps on slippin, the farnsworth parabox) which makes me think these writers dont have a clue. this imo wears down their dynamic in into the green wild yonder too
still... i think out of all the movies ill probably (only) rewatch this and grow to appreciate it
the beast with a billion backs: so when i heard about the concept i was a bit weirded out but not in a gross way which is a good sign because getting this kind of reaction out of me is difficult LOL yeah but well. the movie could not handle the weight unfortunately i think the plot couldve fucked soooo bad. they couldve done a good take on scifi horror and get all existential but idk we just got this. bender jealousy plot is always good no complaints. you could kinda tell that in its heart it was meant to be just a singular episode. wouldve gone crazy tbh.... also fry's pope fit FUCKED im obsessed.
continuity.... ermmmm so going from bbs to THIS? who approved this. this was the last movie i watched of the four and wow it does not live up to the cliffhanger at all. fry being heartbroken over colleen was kinda? ig?? i feel like they couldve much more weight/tension to this movie by just cutting her out and making leela the cause. wouldve added more organic character conflict. but also maybe they thought they already did all of that in bbs so what do i know.
bender's game: guys i got nothing to say on this one. i barely remember the first half. i only remember the second half because i hated it.
into the wild green yonder: i liked the character dynamics and honestly i wasnt too offended because i feel like the movie wasnt striving for much. the plot is kinda ehhh the conflicts feel a bit contrived and thats saying a lot considering its futurama. benders just doing whatever... who gaf tbh. leela had a great start but honestly the more i think about this movies plot in particular the more i dislike it. wong gets away unpunished and this just never gets addressed. like not even in a satiric way which i found strange.
considering how this was - at least for a limited amount of time - the series finale it was really mediocre. fry and leela saying their i love yous right then and there felt sooo unearned and i love these two truly. which is why the writing makes me so mad sometimes.... but yeah i dont know if i particularly mind that they keep the characters apart (it certainly didnt help the plot) but reuniting them right at the end when the overall confrontration felt so anticlimactic kinda ruined the vibe...
end review: futurama has better moments and you can reeeally tell these guys are tv 20 min sitcom writers. yeah
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galaxygrv · 5 months
ahh hollow being close to front and influencing my (spyte) own emotions towards things is certainly,, Something. its not like its out of the ordinary for us to bleed over neutral or positive opinions + emotions + etc. but like.. this is more negative stuff (which is a little more uncommon, but not rare). its mainly bcuz they dont like any ship content between them and their sourcemates. this is not good bcuz a good 50% of the fan content we see is ships w either quirrel or grimm (and another 50% of those ships arent fucking tagged w the ship names so theyre almost unavoidable). they Do Not like either of them for almost the same reason. theyre repulsed by most people (irl + in source) and they esp dont like romance. quirrel is okay as a person (boring + annoying but not the worst to sit in silence around), and they just dont feel anything towards him and they feel disgusted when they see the fan content. feelings r the same w grimm, they dont like him (boring + annoying again !!! how wonderful) and think hes off putting in the worst way possible.
anyways im neutral towards the ships on a day theyre not bleeding over to me but the days they are,,, wow. okay. hatred and disgust vibes x500
(this is not to say the ships themselves r gross, its perfectly fine to ship them lol. these r just our hollows feelings abt it)
below the read more is in depth stuff abt their dislike of a lot of people cuz they want to talk abt it but its gnna make the post too long lol. also ⚠️ cw for calling people/relationships unreal in a serious way? idk what to call that so its not tagged but heres the warning ⚠️
our mom is okay in their opinion, shes interesting to them and likes us and doesnt get mad at us that often and almost never argues w us. our father though.. he argues with them all the time. anytime he speaks theres always a problem and hollow does Not have a filter so they end up getting pissed and arguing and then its a whole Thing for a few hours and our dad just starts screaming at a point etc. etc. they also generally dont think hes interesting and theres nothing to benefit from interaction w him. sooo 0/10 for dad, 7.5/10 for mom bcuz she does get after us for our arfid and thats beyond annoying.
also, our friends piss them off regularly. they often feel like snapping at them and getting mad but hold back most of the time cuz they know i would cry my eyes out if we even had a minor disagreement. the only times they dont stay quiet abt it is when i agree w them (typically out of confusion on my part).
they also seem to b the main source of our whole "we are the only real people. everyone else doesnt actually exist. no one has real emotions or lives, we're the only ones who actually exist." thing. so thats a bit telling of one reason why they dont like many people. this happens especially with our brother and most people we see once and never again. they also feel this when they see others in sexual, romantic/romance adjacent, or generally affectionate (?) relationships.
its.. very strange to see others be in love and then only have the thoughts and vibes of "thats not right! why are they doing that? thats disgusting, i cant believe thats something they would do in front of us! what the fuck! that looks/is so unnatural!" etc. etc. its like.. x20 strength when we witness someone we're close to doing it. we've been in relationships before, and the feeling only gets worse as time goes on while we were in the relationship.
it also happens to ANY physical touch. handshakes, fist bumps, hugs, kisses (platonic or not), hair touching, cuddling etc. is all disgusting to them (and whoever is close enough to feel it too)
its. also very difficult to get their approval. i think i understand what "they dont like many people, so dont be surprised if they dont like you" means now. they even have neutral feelings towards the other members of the system, and they only like me moderately enough to talk to me.
so uh. i think its safe to say hollow is our main holder/source of repulsion towards people and any sort of relationships. i was wondering where the feelings would come from because they seemed to come and go at random, but i think i got it now :P
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conways · 2 years
well i mean! it would depend i think on how it’s being written? i’m not a proship but i would think that if elesa wanted to be with both of them & they just go with it? it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re all ((together)) at the same time? she could spend more time with ingo but have a more romantic connect to emmet or vice versa? and you’re right like, situations ARE weird but irl IF i had a sibling and we happened to both really like the same person and bi/polygamy was a suitable option ?? but it’s not like I’m going to sleep with my sibling because we’re married to the same person!!
OK WOW. WOW. NO? hang on im putting this under a readmore so that i dont subject my mutuals to more of this LMAO
anon thats super weird! i promise! i understand that you dont have siblings but its super super weird! like. redefine it in the context of a different family member. a parent or someone else very close in relation. does that not weird you out at all? does that make it make more sense?
i assure you that 1. it cant be written in a way thats not fucked up and 2. irl it would be incredibly fucked up! extremely even! i cant believe i have to go here but like. i have 10 siblings ok. im not exaggerating. my brother is the same age as me, and the idea of dating the same person as him is like. actually horrific. completely.
again not only is it Literally Disgusting To Even Think About, but it would end up Abusive As Hell! Siblings have an inherent power dynamic, one that would 100% be abusive even in this sort of relationship. this is not a type of relationship that can ever be responsibly considered healthy.
you also have to take into consideration that. and idk how else to put this. couples... have sex. its really really really fucked up and weird and gross to back-to-back put your dick in the same person your sibling did. even kissing the same person your sibling did like that is... eugh.
the type of relationship described is incesty as hell, its absolutely in proship-zone, and im really not comfortable thinking about it much considering, again, i have 10 siblings, including ones im close to
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tiredrobin-scooted · 3 years
help help like 3 of my favorite artists have started shipping bkd/k in slow succession (but near enough to one another tht i recognize the growing trend) i weep and wail
#robin rambles#‘robin ppl can ship what they want’ yeah well i can scream and cry when ppl i look up to have Bad Lame Ships#‘robin why do u hate b.kdk’ WELL YOU SEE. I JUST DONT THINK THEIR DYNAMIC IS HEALTHY WRT ROMO RELATIONSHIPS#BKG AND DK ARE LIKE. NOT EVEN THERE YET. CANONICALLY. all of bkgs character growth has been At The Cost of dk and its not healthy#bks biggest growth factors outside of dk are like. the class and villain encounters but that only makes up like 30% of it canonly#everything else has been dumped on dks shoulders#its a common narrative ppl use when writing abuse n im sick of it#also. u can tell canon sucks at abuse narratives in general when u look at ndv and how much he hurt his children#(and u can tell the fandom is hell dumb shit for shitting on eldest son 4 wanting 2 kill ndv when Actually He Has The Right. i hate ndv and#i dont like ndv stans lol. and i dont like ppl who demonize my mans tya. and this includes horikshi. lol)#TRYING TO AVOID TAGS LIKE.#anyway lmao i think dk and bkg can be friends. Good Friends even. i think they can rly develop into smth strong together#but not romantically eheheee and its weird and kinda gross to me tht so many ppl see it in a romantic light. like hhhhuh. what r u On#thats like. shipping ms rabbit w the bird man. thts a lesbian and a gay man. but its w bkg and dk and yes bkg is the lesbian in this scenaro#JGJDKJDKGLSGKJFF#b and d relationship is way more like brothers. siblings.#ultimately ppl can ship what they want#but wow. wish i knew what was wrong w ppl#THATS SO MEAN OF ME LMAO IM TRYING SO HARD NOT TO BE AN ASS. HOLDS HEAD. theyre just Brothers to me. i get so grossed out#cant help being so sexy and big brained :pensive_cowboy:
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youareunbearable · 3 years
Thinking of fucking around and maybe projecting my ace feelings onto my current fav ships
Like exploring how sex feels like a chore but one that makes your partner happy so ud gladly do it while only feeling minor discomfort? ✔
How open mouth kissing feels weird and gross and unpleasant but closed mouth ones are nice and romantic? ✔
How the thought of someone, even a partner, imagining you in a lustful way makes you feel gross and used? ✔
Yet also conducting yourself in a manner and are comfortable acting/saying/dressing in sexual tones because its a societal norm? ✔
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griimhilde-a · 4 years
Tumblr media
this   is   just   a   general   post   as   i’ll   elaborate   more   on   a   dynamics   study   later,   but   i’d   like   to   point   out   that   i   don’t   ship   evie   with   mal   !!   i’ve   always   written   evie   as   fandomless   so   the   concept   didn’t   mean   much   to   me   other   than   f   /   f   representation   and   i   love   my   girls,   but   that   means   nothing   if   the   ship   is   toxic   and   borderline   gross.   this   is   nothing   personal   to   any   of   the   mals   here,   i   simply   just   can’t   see   it   after   consuming   the   canon   material   over   and   over   again,   on   top   of   really   thinking   about   what   the   dynamic   means   to   evie.   
mal   was   extremely   abusive   to   her,   tried   to   kill   her   multiple   times,   and   just   overall   wasn’t   a   good   friend   /   acquaintance   until   much,   much   later.   not   to   mention,   in   d1   they   refer   to   each   other   as   sisters,   solidifying   the   core   four’s   bond   as   family-like,   as   evie’s   referred   to   carlos   as   a   brother   in   the   books.   though   in   my   canon   i   don’t   have   evie   close   with   mal   in   the   books/movies,   it   doesn’t   erase   the   fact   that   it   was   the   core   four   against   everyone   else   for   quite   a   long   time,   so   there   is   a   bond   of   some   sort,   regardless. 
mal   and   evie   as   a   ship   carries   incestuous   undertones,   and   quite   frankly,   i   just   can’t   see   evie   falling   in   love   with   someone   that’s   hurt   her   in   the   past,   both   physically   and   emotionally.   it’s   extremely   detrimental   to   her   development,   so   pairing   her   with   someone   that   actively   tried   to   hurt   her   and   never   apologized   for   it   (   other   than   a   half-assed   one   that   was   mentioned   in   passing   in   the   books   )   feels   so   disrespectful   and   inconsiderate   to   evie.
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flowerymoonlight · 4 years
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wordsandrambling · 5 years
oh, you know those kinds of people who are friends-but-not-friends, who know more about you than the people you consider ‘friends’ but have never really required the title. like. yes maybe we only see each other once a month, sometimes more. but doesn’t he also know things about me that even i have forgotten. i used to see him all the time and now he’s just. gone. he’s younger than me but it’s sorta like he’s a brother off at uni. i mean, i still know the name of his first crush and he knows what my dad is really like and we tried to make a film together more than once. but he wasn’t a friend, exactly
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otomates-a · 5 years
the otome fandom’s fascination with infidelity/cheating is so gross and so ooc for all of the characters i’m crying
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