#it! makes the most narrative sense and i am DYING that they haven’t done it yet
thornpixie · 9 months
I am Team Jeremiah, but that doesn’t mean I hate Conrad. However, I find it very hard to feel any sympathy for him: an essay.
I truly hope Conrad finds happiness. I just don’t think he and Belly are right for each other. And no, I haven’t read the books (you can read my feelings on that argument in another post I’ve done lol), so I’m just going off the show.
I am Team Jeremiah, I make no secret of it. But that’s because he is just the better choice for Belly. Not because he is better than Conrad, full stop. They both have their flaws. Should Jeremiah have made out with his brothers ex girlfriend like that, without at least talking to him first? Hell no. But come on - the guy tried to resist. He tried so hard. Belly kept pushing. And let’s remember what Conrad said to Belly at the start of the season after they kissed - ‘Do you want to be with him?’ ‘Being with you is all I’ve ever wanted.’ ‘Okay so be with me then.’
Belly choosing Conrad over Jeremiah was all that mattered back then, not how it affected anyone else, even though she was quasi-dating his brother for most of the summer. He didn’t give a fuck about Jeremiah and if it wasn’t for Belly saying no, he would have flaunted her immediately, even knowing she had kissed Jere a few times. When he asked Jeremiah for his blessing, I don’t believe he did that for any other reason than Belly would continue to distance herself from him until she believed Jere was over it. Conrad did not go to Jeremiah to make sure he truly was okay. He was ticking a box for Belly. Jeremiah was quite obviously not okay with it but Conrad chose to ignore that because he wanted Belly. We saw that in what he told Belly about it afterwards. He took the parts of the conversation that suited his narrative and the outcome he wanted, and he ran with it. And it worked. Jeremiah got hurt, and Conrad didn’t care, because he had Belly.
Their relationship wasn’t this epic love story. I still don’t understand where it came from. I understand Belly’s crush. But when and how and why did Conrad start loving her? The writers of the show seemed to just say ‘he just does’ and we are supposed to say ‘okay yeah sound makes sense.’ I just don’t understand the timeline. Besides that though… Look, I understand and empathise with the fact that his mom was dying while they were dating, and that he was struggling with his mental health. It was a lot for an 18 year old to deal with. (Of course, Jeremiah was dealing with it, too, but Conrad stans conveniently forget that). But Belly suffered in that relationship because of it, and no one should have to do that. To me, it seemed like she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting for him to pull away. Scared. Maybe Conrad wasn’t going to break up with her at prom, and she jumped the gun, but it says a lot about how she was feeling that she immediately assumed that. A relationship shouldn’t be like that.
Jeremiah, though… from day one he was open and honest with her. He asked her straight up if she could ever love him like she did Conrad and she said YES. Belly said herself - Jeremiah is always there when she needs him. That’s what you need in a life partner. And fuck me, the passion they have. A perfect blend of supportive and passionate. Tie that man DOWN. He is supportive, he defends her, he speaks his mind, he is honest and reliable (the only time we saw him ‘let her down’ in any way was when he missed the dance at the Deb Ball and jeez, he had a damn good reason so no one can blame him). He makes her laugh. They can have fun together, but can also have the serious conversations. I married my best friend and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s honestly amazing to know you have that person who truly sees you, loves and supports you. Who is your comfort. Jeremiah is that for Belly. Honestly, I could go on and on about how Jeremiah is the perfect match for her - and the chemistry between Gavin and Lola definitely adds to it, but it isn’t the only factor - but everyone has probably given up reading by now…
Both boys have been dealt a shit hand, losing their mother. Both boys have made mistakes and have flaws. But they both have incredibly good qualities, too. Personally, I just think that Jeremiah is more suited to Belly, and they will have a happy, healthy relationship.
Also, the way she kissed him back in that episode… I’m sorry but there’s no way she’s not jumping his bones when they start officially dating. It wouldn’t make sense to me. She was smiling against his mouth and knotting her fingers in his hair, and it was ‘Wattpad level hot’, as Taylor would say. Considering she’s already done the deed, I can’t see any logical way for the writers to incorporate a ‘no intimacy’ storyline for them. Especially after that scene in particular, but also their first kiss in the pool back in season one, and the booby fondling in the car - WHERE BELLY STRAIGHT UP SAID SHE WAS NOT NERVOUS BECAUSE IT WAS JEREMIAH. Sorry, but let’s be real - there’s not a chance in hell those two are not banging the brains out of each other. And good on them. So I hope that is a change made to the books. Furthermore, show-Jeremiah cheating? I cannot see it happening. I really really hope it doesn’t.
IF Bonrad must be endgame, then please, Jenny Han, I beg of you to right your wrongs and not assassinate Jeremiah’s character to reach that ending. There are better ways to do it. But I maintain that the better choice for Belly is Jeremiah. And Conrad should meet someone new who is more emotionally mature and able to deal with his very obvious mental health problems. Someone he feels he can open up to about them. Because, as a sufferer myself, you need that support. Belly doesn’t provide that for Conrad and, as a result, Conrad doesn’t give Belly what she needs either.
One last parting thought - what the fuck happened to Jeremiah and Steven’s friendship? Jeremiah told Steven how much he cared for Belly in season one. Why did literally no one listen to him? And how did no one see it in the way his entire personality seemed to shift in season two. He’s lost his sparkle. YES most of that is because of his mom, but is everyone really that blind to him? No one notices that poor guy. He’s completely overshadowed by Conrad in every aspect. Everyone just expects Jeremiah to roll over and let everyone else have their happy ending while he gets trampled on because he’ll ‘just get over it’. Come on. WRITERS - DO BETTER. There is too much phenomenal acting talent in this show to let bad writing and tropes ruin it.
In conclusion, I haven’t written this much on one topic since I did my degree and I am obsessed with this show. Goodbye.
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I keep putting off writing about my Chill Season experiences so far because I want them to reach a satisfying narrative conclusion (something that is totally normal to want and possible to achieve) but I’m starting to forget them so I should probably just write them down in some rambling fashion.
I’m having fun. I tried out the nova for way too long and was inkcredibly awful at it, like so absolutely terrible and bad, setting records for number of times I can die in a match while getting zero splats, and for whatever reason I kept using it, hating it the whole time, demoralizing myself, wondering if I was just terrible at everything forever.
My housemate watching me tells me I am ‘too brave for this weapon’ and like, they have a point, god, no matter what weapon I play I have the single brain cell of a sploosh main and just want to charge recklessly into every situation.
I tried hanging back but god I just felt like I wasn’t doing anything even though it did work, I guess, in the sense that I survived more. But my aim is so bad that I felt like I was just being dead weight most of the time. I mean I was being dead weight charging in and dying all the time too but at least I felt like I was doing something!!
And then I switched to the new dapples and like. got 11 splats and top ink points the very next match. So it really is just that I’m extra atrocious at long-range anything, and not necessarily the entire game, at least.
Anyway, I really like Brinewater. I like how you can drop down to the side and get up to mid so quickly. I like how you start up so high and can see everything as you descend into the center. I have .... mixed feelings about Flounder Heights which is basically the opposite. It’s certainly a challenge I’ll need to adapt to, but right now it’s just fun in a novel way.
And the new (old) salmon run map, whoof. That is an interesting beast. It’s so ...long. I had an overall positive rotation but I’m sure grizzco splatana (a goddamn hot knife through butter, that thing) helped a lot there. Otherwise I mostly just kept getting lost and I have no idea how to effectively do grillers on that map. We didn’t even get glowflies once. I don’t know what we would have done.
But it’s so fun to have new places to run around, new mechanics to get used to, even though it’s hard. Maybe even because it’s hard, but it doesn’t ever really feel unfair. At least not at whatever level I’m at.
I bob between feeling like I do actually want to get better at this game and that maybe I would enjoy making a focused effort towards that, and fearing that if I start taking it too seriously I’m just falling back into the very trap this game pulled me out of (my tendency to take everything way too seriously and ruining my own fun for it). But logically it should be possible to aim to hone a skill while not staking anything meaningful on it. I don’t know that I’m capable of not being super intense about anything that I get involved with, but, I dunno. I’m probably overthinking it.
Like, I still haven’t tried ranked modes yet, and that’s really silly, three months in. Definitely overthinking it. Definitely need to just throw myself in there, like, yesterday, and make the best of the situation. Where is my splooshy brain cell when I need it!
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resilientlids · 1 year
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*Top two photos were taken in June 2019. Bottom two photos were taken in Dec 2022.*
My name is Izabel, I am 27 years old and if I’m completely honest I don’t know what the hell im doing with my life. So I decided what best way to get it all out in the open and be honest with myself than to share it on a platform that no one in my life knows about.
Besides the chances of this page going viral are slim to fucking none. Nobody cares about this shit, and I’m okay with that. Also, if you haven’t already noticed, I cuss a lot. So if by some chance you come across this post/page and it bothers you that I do, then move the fuck on, because that’s not going to change.
Something about me is I’m a pretender. I act like everything in my life is going fucking well, that I have all my shit together and I know what I fucking want. Truth is I’m a liar. I’ve made the people in my life-scratch that, I’ve made myself believe that the things I say I want are what I actually want. I have no fucking clue what I want.
I’ve been saying that I want to be a doctor and I’m willing to be in school for 8+ years to fucking get a degree that I’m not even sure I want. The only reason I think I want it is because it sounds appealing and I think I’ll be making a difference in this fucked up world. I mean that’s the goal right? To make a difference. I’ve also been telling my loved ones that I’ve been going to therapy and taking care of my mental health, lie. I haven’t stepped foot into a therapist’s office in my life. Although, maybe now after all this I will. Lmao life is funny man.
I used to say that my biggest fear in life was dying before I completed all of my goals. Fuck my goals because they aren’t really mine. They are some made up shit that I think I should want in order to be happy. My biggest fear is dying pretending to be someone I’m not. For the most part I love who I am. I am compassionate, kindhearted, loyal, I stick up for what’s right, I’m strong, Brave (most of the times) and I love helping people. But I can also be ugly hearted, I could lack empathy, dishonest, undisciplined, mean, uneducated and the list can go on if I let it. I shouldn’t love myself “for the most part” what kind of bullshit is that? I should genuinely love myself. I don’t and I want to change that shit. But in order to love myself, I need to be proud of myself. I haven’t done ANYTHING worth being proud of. Despite what my loved ones tell me, I really haven’t.
You have to be careful with what your loved ones tell you about you because just like they can tell you negative things about yourself sometimes they won’t tell you the whole truth. What I mean by that is they love you so they won’t see what you have to live with everyday. They will say “You should be proud of yourself” but they are made to see the very best in you, so they won’t hold you down or hold you accountable to the real you. I’m not saying that them saying you should be proud of yourself is a bad thing especially when you earned it. But if you know, and I mean DEEP down you know you don’t deserve it than those words can hinder you more than help you. You’ll start to believe it and then you will believe it so much that you will create this narrative of yourself that you are fine just the way you are and don’t need to change. I’m only speaking from experience.
I want to be proud of myself. I want to be true to myself. I want to stop being so fucking scared all the damn time. But mostly, I want my life to mean something. I’ve felt so fucking lost my whole life. I don’t belong anywhere, I don’t fit in. I never have. I’ve always been the one that gives all of me, in relationships, at jobs, to my family and in all areas of my life, except for myself. I want too change that. In fact, I will change that.
I recently made the decision to join the USAF and when I made that decision it just made sense to me but I couldn’t understand why. I knew I would be better off in the military than where I am now, I mean I get the benefits, the education, the travel, and experiences I won’t ever have In my life. Yeah there’s the probability of going off to war but for some reason that doesn’t scare me. You know what scares me? Staying in the same spot for years, in this town and in this same fucking cycle of living not knowing who I am. I haven’t understood why this decision felt so right until recently. Here’s the thing, I have no real life experiences, I have no real education, I have WASTED my years thinking that I want some bullshit degree that I’ve change probably like 10 times. I’ve been wasting away at jobs that are so fucking unfulfilling, and I’ve given my all to them too. I’ve wasted money on bullshit and I’ve let my health, mentally and physically, take a huge plunge and to top it all off I have 0 discipline. In other words, I’m a fucking mess and I fucking suck. If I’m being honest right? Joining the military won’t solve my problems I know that’s up to me. Joining will make me a better person, leader, give me qualities that I lack severely to help change my life. I know it. I know I haven’t been very truthful with myself about a lot of shit but this? This I feel in my bones that I’m right.
I’m a tough ass bitch, I know I am and when I want something I’ll put my whole mind to it in order to achieve it. I told myself that once I’m in BMT I’m going to be the best one there. I’m going to OUT PERFORM everyone. Even the men. They’ll know my name. The instructors and MTI’s are going to be in awe of me. I’m going to graduate with Honors. I’m going to be the top of my fucking class. I’m not going to be some bitch that rubs it in their faces though, I’ll be humble and if I see anyone in my flight struggling, I’ll offer my help. My goal is to thrive in the Military, and I will, starting with basic.
The reason I posted the 4 pictures is because it’s a reminder of where I used to be, who I am now and hopefully I’ll be able to share who I turn into in the next 6 months to a year. I have a lot of work that I need to do before swearing in and going to BMT. I have to change my habits, my mental and physical state as well as recover from my injury. Yes, injury. I somehow hurt my back and have been in constant pain for 2-3 weeks. I have been going to Physical Therapy and trying to recover. I know this is going to be strange to say but I think I was supposed to get hurt. As I lay here on this couch I can’t help but feel useless. This injury doesn’t let me do much. I can’t walk, stand, or sit for long periods of time or I start to be in agonizing pain. I will say though, this injury has taught me about mental strength and patience with myself. A part of me feels frustrated because I should be out there getting myself ready, going to the gym, just doing more for myself, but I’m limited. Honestly it’s made me angry. I can honestly deal with the pain, what I can’t deal with is feeling like I’ve been falling behind. That’s where the patience comes in. I know I’ll recover, I know it just takes time.
Something you’ll see me say a lot is “Stay Resilient〽️” because resilience is the key in life. At least to me it is. That little 〽️ reminds me of mountains, and what more resilience can you have than that of a mountain. They are unwavering and stand tall and strong even in the midst of a storm. That’s what I plan to do and I plan on documenting everything, every step of the way.
Stay Resilient Friends 〽️
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toomuchsky · 3 years
if kuroko doesn’t enter the stupid fucking zone at least once before this series is over i will Scream
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stxleslyds · 3 years
I will start by saying that I haven’t been able to watch the show, these are my thoughts after reading a very well-written and detailed review of the last episode. The review is also written by someone that enjoys the show, this is important because my thoughts don’t align with theirs.
I understand that Titans is known for being garbage, I know their writing is messed up, and I had no hope whatsoever for them to actually write a good Jason Todd/Red Hood story. I would also like to make clear that this post is in no way hate towards the actor playing Jason, this post is just my thoughts on Jason’s characterization.
What I really don’t like is these shows/movies taking the names of loved characters and making an “original character” out of them. Yes, there are different takes of the character and you can build their story differently but I do feel that what they did with Jason is beyond all that. They twisted every concept from his origin and his story, nothing really fits, but someway, somehow, they still managed to push all the wrong narratives when it comes to Robin Jason.
Two of the most horrible narratives that DC has decided to push are “Robin Jason was reckless and a troubled kid that never did what he was told” and “Jason Todd is to blame for his death”.
The show does push the one where Jason is reckless. Jason is consumed by fear, and Bruce Wayne pays attention to that but he doesn’t only do that, he also offers comfort and help, he tries to make Robin Jason go to therapy.
This is huge, they build up the perfect scenario for Jason to not become the Red Hood. But for some reason, they decided to make Jason reckless and too eager to prove that he didn’t need that kind of help. And then they didn’t help Jason’s case because they wrote their Bruce as a caring father that does not want to see his son get hurt or end up dead.
This Bruce Wayne is doing everything that comics Bruce Wayne didn’t. This Bruce cares, so once more, one would think that this Jason wouldn’t become the Red Hood. But, surprise! Jason Todd doesn’t take well the news of him not being able to be Robin anymore.
Here is the thing, if you were Bruce in this situation, would you let this Jason continue to be Robin when he is a danger to himself? I know I wouldn’t.
Here is where Titans’ terrible writing reaches its peak. They have a vulnerable and reckless Jason try to prove that he can still be Robin by working on *something* that can take his fears away. Jason Todd wants to make a drug, let that one sink in.
Jason Todd wants to make something that is basically a drug. Did Titans really erase the fact that Jason’s mother overdosed? Because that’s one of the most important things in Jason’s life and that built up his hate for drugs and what they do to people. His mother was in an abusive relationship and that led her to do drugs and later led her to her own death.
This might not sound too important to other people but to me, it’s something that has always been important to Jason’s character before and after his death.
Going back to the actual show, Jason goes to Scarecrow, willingly, and asks him to make him a drug that will make him don’t feel fear. I know that this Jason is vulnerable and that he probably thinks that therapy isn’t working for him, but why on earth would Jason think that making Scarecrow make a drug for him would be a good idea?
How does that make sense? The show is basically telling us that Jason had a support system and that he was going to therapy because Bruce wouldn’t want to lose his SON. Why does this show go far and beyond to make Jason look reckless and dumb?
This is not me comparing Comics Jason to Titans Jason anymore, this is me finding Titans’ logic unnecessarily stupid, they really went out of their way to write pure stupidity.
Why would they write Bruce as a caring father and as actively working so Jason can be in a better mental state so he won’t lose him as his son if they are also going to write Jason as an incredibly reckless man? Are we supposed to be on Bruce’s side? Because as of now, Bruce is the only one with brain cells.
There is absolutely no way to compare that to comics because in comics Bruce neglected Jason’s needs and refused to see that Jason had different morals even back then, and that neglect was key in Jason jumping onto the idea that he needed someone that he could call family and actually care for him. He wanted love and attention from a parental figure because he didn’t feel like he had one. Robin wasn’t everything that Jason was, he was also a kid with normal needs.
So, you build that completely different and actually give Jason the support that he also wanted in the show but for some reason, he is fiercely attached to Robin even though his fear comes from the fact that he almost died for being Robin. There is no logic to this Jason’s actions and that isn’t on Jason it's on the writers’ incredibly garbage writing. It is like they come up with ten different ideas and they put all of them but none of them are actually solid and well-developed concepts.
And you can’t tell me to get over it because “Titans has always had bad writing, there were two seasons of bad writing”. Listen, if you are happy to consume media that is badly written then that’s on you, Jason is one of my favorite characters, I don’t want him to be written badly just because that’s the show’s style. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with me wanting writers to actually care about the characters they are writing for, all three seasons have had different writers, is it really so far-fetched for me to want one of these people to write something that makes sense?
Jason's death was tragic in both comics and the show, and he was a victim in both of them, yes. But the show really pushes the limits of that, Jason wanted to take something to make him not fear, he looked for Scarecrow (not Dr. Jonathan Crane, Scarecrow, and he was an already established villain) to make him this drug when he couldn’t make it himself. He trusted Scarecrow (for some weird reason) and then as a test he went to fight Joker? It’s tragic because it ended with Jason dying but it's also tragic because the writing is just bad. It just is, and that is a problem for me.
From then on, we have the “big connection” to comics, the Lazarus Pit! Wow, you guys did it, yeah, everyone loves the Lazarus Pit, every time I think about Jason, I only think about that one time in which he was thrown in a Lazarus Pit to recover his mental injuries or all of his injuries after he came back from the dead.
This Jason has no training, there is no Talia, no League of Assassins, no Ducra or All-Castle, there is only Scarecrow and his new puppet, the Red Hood.
It changes everything and I don’t like it. Once again, I understand and know the concept of the multiverse, the various earths, and the Elseworlds, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like this take on Jason Todd/Red Hood along with its horrendous writing.
I don’t have to like it, just like I understand that others do like it because it is their first contact with the character or because they are fine, as fans of the character, with a new take. I am not gatekeeping Jason Todd or Red Hood; I am just saying that my being angry at this version and absolutely hating it is just as valid as liking this version of Jason.
Red Hood in Titans is just Scarecrow’s puppet, that’s how things are, and I just think that it is too big of a change from the original reasons for Jason to become Red Hood. And I will never get tired of saying this, Red Hood wasn’t only all about the Joker killing him and Batman not killing the Joker. The Red Hood was Jason’s way to make things work, to prove to Bruce that Batman wasn’t enough for Gotham. Red Hood came back to Gotham to stop bad people from introducing children to drugs and to make Gotham’s people feel safe.
He thought that Red Hood was the better version of Batman for Gotham and its people.
But I am not blind, I can see how Titans can twist it again to give us Red Hood as a protector of children and Gotham in general. I can see the “I used to do drugs and now I will fight so no other person goes through the same”, I see it and I am aware of it but it does also bring me to my other problem with Titans and DC in general: story swapping.
Story Swapping is something that DC loves to do, they thrive when they make change people’s origins for others and when they take character traits from one character to another.
And Titans’ Jason Todd is just that, he has characteristics and plot concepts from Dick Grayson and if what I just predicted happens then he will have some of Roy Harper's characteristics. And that is exactly what Lobdell did, but somehow, they managed to get different results. I cannot praise Titans for giving us a new Red Hood origin because they made his characterization with the help of other character’s origins and/or stories.
This is the first time that we see a live-action Jason Todd/Red Hood, was it really that hard to just stick to his origins as both Robin and Red Hood? There is so much to explore from Jason, there is so much between his death and him becoming Red Hood, from both before and after New 52.
Jason becoming Red Hood under the influence of Scarecrow in moths is lazy, bland and an insult to Jason’s character. They could have done things by the book and then explore things that we have never seen before in a show or movie.
Jason has had so much training outside of Gotham, why did Titans think that they could do acceptable work at bringing this amazingly complex character in a show that has nothing to do with him.
They could have had him killed in the Titans show and then wait and make a Red Hood show to actually tell a good story. What is Jason Todd doing in a show that is called Titans? Where are the Titans? They chose the most recognizable Titans’ line-up and they are not using it. They butchered Garth and Donna and for what?
DC gets away way too much with selling their stupid shows and movies by telling us that x character will appear but then when you watch the thing for that x character, they are nowhere to be seen. That’s exactly what they did with Cassandra Cain and what they are doing with Red Hood.
I don’t know how this tv show is doing, I only know that as a non-American that pays the same money for an HBO Max subscription, I don’t get to see any Titans content, not even a miserable trailer.
But I know that if non-comic readers are watching it, they will love it and if they actually were to start reading comics because of the show, then they wouldn’t find that Jason there. So, either that leads to Jason’s characterization being messed up even more within comics or it does nothing for Jason or comics.
To end this post, I just want to bring up the animated movie Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010).
That movie was widely praised and loved by critics, comic readers, and non-comic readers. It was fantastic, the story was amazing (even though it had differences with the comic, one might say that the differences improved the story), the voice acting was phenomenal, everything was done beautifully. Do you know what made it that way? The writing.
And you know who wrote the animated movie? The same person who wrote the comic the movie is based on, Judd Winick.
With that I am not saying that Titans should have had Judd write for them, what I am saying is that given the fact that they are using a pre-existing character they should chat with the Red Hood’s creator or even the writer that wrote for him for ten years after the character came back to comics.
This show obviously didn’t do that though, they preferred to write Jason Todd/Red Hood as if he were a Titans original character, but the thing is, from where I see it Titans didn’t give us an OC, they gave us an OOC.
So, to sum it all up, I hate Titans’ version of Jason Todd/Red Hood, I think that it is not only badly written but there is also no real logic to what they are trying to do so far. I am also tired of their bad and lazy writing in general. And I would have liked the Titans’ writers to actually respect the Red Hood lore because if they had I would have actually been excited about a Red Hood spin-off show.
Using the material that is available to you isn’t a crime, building from that material is the best thing that they could have done, but all they really wanted to do was use Red Hood’s name to get more money from a dying show.
It makes the show look cheap and actually not interested in giving us good stories, and no, I wasn’t expecting Captain America: The Winter Soldier levels of good writing or good changes to a very loved story/characters, I was actually expecting some Lobdell writing level and the way I see it we ended up getting something worse.
These are all my opinions. You can like, love, or dislike this version of Jason and the show as much as you want but you won’t find any form of love towards the show in this blog, at least not right now.
Well, I will start this part by saying: Sorry. I am sorry that I believed that Titans’ Red Hood was bad, it is actually worse than bad.
I was so wrong on many things, that review really made me think that things weren’t that bad but I still hated what I read. Now that I have watched the episode because I wanted this post to be extra honest and to stop myself from saying stupid stuff, I can also say that I hated what I watched.
This show really validates the two most horrible narratives that DC has been pushing for Jason: “he was a reckless Robin that didn’t think about his actions” and “he was to blame for his own death”
Jason Todd wasn’t a victim of Scarecrow, this Jason Todd took every single bad decision that he could, and those decisions led him to his death. No sympathy for this man.
Also, this Jason is like 19? He doesn’t look younger than that, but that’s not the point, what I am trying to point out is that this Robin is extremely underprepared, he lacks training and the mental capacity to stop acting like an edge lord every time he opens his mouth. He is annoying.
And I was wrong about Titans erasing the plotline of Jason’s mother dying of an overdose, she did die that way and this Jason spoke of her as if he hated her. What is going on? This Jason really doesn’t make me feel an ounce of sympathy for him. This attitude of “no one understands my pain” when everybody is trying to help you doesn’t make you look cool or anything of the sort, it makes you look annoying.
It is even worse because this Jason is so immature and reckless that he made his friend Molly (that is just a normal teen with no training) go after a thug with him, while he was not mentally well. He made that decision for them and put himself and her in danger. If that scene had gone any other way, then Jason could have been guilty of getting his friend injured or killed.
Jason Todd is so incredibly dumb; he is not a child but he acts like one every step of the way.
Nothing makes sense in his whole ass interaction with Bruce in front of the theatre, it’s like Jason refuses to listen to what Bruce tells him, well not that he refuses to listen it is more like a “Telefono descompuesto” I don’t know if you guys have that game but you basically have to tell something in someone’s ear and then the person repeats what they understood to the next and so on, what you said is heavily distorted by the end of the game. In this scene that is exactly what happens but it’s between two people.
When Jason accuses Bruce of not taking away Robin from Dick, Bruce says something along the lines of “I learned from my mistakes” and Jason says “so, I am a mistake now?”. Jason, use your ears, if Bruce says that he learned from his mistakes when talking about Dick, then his mistake was what he did with Dick. The writing is so bad, it's actually painful and it is even worse because the acting is bad, but I can’t blame the actors, it must really be hard to make a scene work when the writing is that bad. (Also, the unnecessary pauses, and the sounds that they play after they say something stupid, it is too funny).
Do you know what made me cringe? When they were having the chat in the theatre, in my mind all I could hear was “if you are nothing without the suit then you shouldn’t have it”, not me quoting Tony Stark in my head! I haven’t even watched that movie! But it fits perfectly for that scene.
The interaction with Scarecrow was more than dumb, if Jason was already acting like a child, now, he is basically acting like a toddler. Scarecrow saw right through him in seconds and just as fast decided that he was going to have fun with his new toy. He gave him a formula that wasn’t quite correct even though it looked like he knew exactly how to make the reverse version of his fear gas. This Jason has zero detective or survival skills but we already knew that when he made himself get captured and tortured by Deathstroke.
Anyway, all the interactions with Scarecrow were allowed to happen because this Jason can’t put two and two together. He convinces himself that everyone is out to get him, dude, Bruce is a detective and he also has eyes, Leslie didn’t tell him anything. If I were Bruce, you wouldn’t be able to be Robin anymore either.
I understand that Jason is not in a good mental place and that he wants to make his fears go away, but he had support, people around him were trying to get him help, trying to make him understand that he was hurting himself. His over-the-top anger and recklessness are unjustified when you refuse to take the help that is being offered to you.
He made terrible decisions for selfish purposes and that got him killed.
This is one of the last things I want to say, Scarecrow either didn’t need Jason at all to get out of Arkham or the writers made an oopsie because at the end of the episode he had someone helping him put Jason in the Lazarus Pit and then he was out of Arkham and he had a suit ready for Jason and everything. How did he manage all that? No idea.
The Lazarus Pit, yeah, I am sorry to be that person but the Pit can’t bring back people from the dead, it can only restore or heal physical and mental injuries (however grave they were), but Lobdell messed that one up already and Titans really didn’t have time to write a single good scene so what was I expecting?
Anyway, the last thing I wanted to say is that I know why Jason or Red Hood seems to not be affected by the drug when he sees Molly at the end of the episode, it is because the executive producer of the show is Geoff Johns! He loves making Jason fall for girls and get all mushy and dumb, do you guys remember how dumb he got when he left with Rose?
Jason being written as the kind of guy that acts like a love-sick puppy with a girl but also screams at her when he gets mad is peak Geoff Johns. So, if you were wondering where that came from, well, there it is.
Yeah, that is all I had to say, honestly if you have read this whole post then you are one strong individual, I am sorry I put you through all my thinking and rambling. You didn’t really deserve that.
I didn’t want to delete the first part of the post because I talked about so much more than the show and my thoughts before watching the episode still stand. I hope this post isn’t too confusing. As always you can think the complete opposite of me about the show or anything, I am just writing my thoughts.
Having said all that, I hope all of you, Titans’ lovers, haters, and people that simply do not care, have a wonderful week!
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dylanobrienisbatman · 3 years
comparing everlark and malina you are going to make my cry. they are both so good and it totally explains my idea to rewatch thg movies shortly after finishing tgt books (i haven’t done that yet though). i always thought they were similar but so many people compare malina to everthorne and it chips away at my soul. anyway, just wanted to say i love the malina/mal posting you’ve got going on. i am very comfortable with the energy you’ve created in the studio. <3
AUGH thank you!!!! I’m glad the energy I’m putting out is a good vibe! And now I’m gonna rant because you gave me an inch and I’m taking the mile here.
When it comes to the everlark/everthorn/malina question, i think it’s yet another example of people misunderstanding Mal and Malina and what Leigh was trying to do with the story. In THG, peeta represents peace and safety and a comfortable “boring” life, whereas Gale represents war and fighting, and forever being in a space of conflict. The “choice” for Katniss isn’t about them as men, it’s about what they’re supposed to symbolise. As with all well done YA books, the message of the story in total is supposed to be reflected in the “choice” of romantic partners. The heroine will end up with the person who best fits with the overarching themes of the story, because in the end she will choose the path that best fits with those themes. THG did it extremely well, and I think TGT did too, but people seem to lack the ability to actually understand what it means.
In TGT, Alina has three “choices” in both her life, and in the men who are presented as options. The Sun Summoner, Sankta Alina, or just Alina. The Darkling, Nikolai, or Mal. As usual, the romantic plot is meant to mirror and help solidify the thematic choices the heroine has to make. Each man represents a different path for Alina, and a different outcome in the story.
The darkling is a path of darkness and power and a corruption of the self. Throughout the story it’s made extremely clear that he is and always has been a monster, and in the narrative he represents the main overarching theme of the books: absolute power corrupts absolutely. That’s why Alina can never be with him, because choosing power over everything else takes away her humanity. He represents Alina giving up on humanity in pursuit of her own power. He also represents control, over and her and her gifts. He wants to claim her power for himself, so to choose him would be to choose to give up her agency.
Nikolai represents another kind of power, and I think he’s less of a real thematically driven romantic option. She never really considers him as an actual romantic choice, which makes sense because Alina never wanted what he represents, which is political power and fame and glory. His offer to marry her makes that very clear. He doesn’t love Alina, he wants to be married to Sankta Alina, so he can claim that name and the political influence it holds for himself. He is another man who wants to claim her, and even tho he more wants to claim what she represents, it still shows that he values what she can give him rather than Alina herself. Alina choosing him would be choosing to live a life as a false “saint”, which we see clearly throughout the story that she’s not interested in, as well as once again giving up her agency and allowing herself to be used. She doesnt like being paraded around or made to put on a show. She doesn’t want what Nikolai represents, even before he shows up, which is why he’s never truly an option to her, in the romantic sense.
And then there’s Mal. Mal represents humanity and peace, and exists to ground Alina, and Mal is continuously the only one of the men who values Alina herself, rather than what she can do or what she represents. There’s a reason she always thinks of him at the Little Palace and why he always shows up in moments where the Darkling is starting to corrupt her or when Nikolai is being too much of a smooth talker. He steps in to remind Alina that power and influence mean nothing if she looses sight of who she is on the inside. Mal exists to keep the narrative themes of the story in Alina’s head. He is there to show her, and the audience, when she’s letting things go to far, or when she’s starting to become someone she’s not. I think it makes him unpopular because people think he’s trying to limit her, but he’s not. He’s trying to keep her from becoming someone she can’t come back from. He’s trying to keep her human. He represents home and peace and safety for her, but he is also her guide star. He keeps her on the path to becoming a hero, and in dying for her shows that he was the only one truly willing to allow her to achieve her own destiny, no matter the cost to himself.
Mals sacrifice is another way he mirrors the themes of the story. Alina must achieve a power too great to hold in order to defeat the darkling and banish the fold, and in so doing she must then loose that power. To save the world, Alina must sacrifice her power as the sun summoner. And Mal’s sacrifice mirrors that. For the world to be saved and evil to be defeated, Alina must give up the man she loves. He symbolises her putting the world above herself, which is then mirrored by her power being given to the world. But in the end, it’s not this wonderful life affirming moment. To lose something dear to you can be traumatising and horrific, and just because it was for the greater good doesn’t make it any awful for her. To be forced to kill Mal is HORRIBLE for Alina, but because she is the hero of the story, and because Mal has helped to remind her time and time again that she must choose humanity over herself and her own power, she does it. And in doing so, she then looses her power and
I think that’s why Malina and Everlark have the same vibes, because in the end Mal and Peeta are both the character in the plot that helps to ground the heroine and remind her of the thematic intent of the story. That peace is what we should strive for. That humanity and kindness should always prevail. That sacrifice for the betterment of the world can be noble, but it’s still devastating and traumatic. That love should be a soothing balm on your pain and troubles, and home should be where you’re safest, and where you’re most yourself.
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succession-thoughts · 2 years
not that i wish my life (or any type of abuse, really) onto anyone, but it's sometimes So Obvious that the things the Roys go through is just a story to some people. That they've never had any comparable experience in their life. And again, I am so happy that people get to be this, well, happy, but someone oblivious maybe shouldn't be righteous about their opinions...?
You hit the nail right on the head. It is extremely frustrating, to say the least. If someone has never experienced any kind of abuse or never been part of a toxic family structure, there is a language that the show speaks with its characters that they can’t comprehend. Of course, like you said, I am so glad that there are people in the world who haven’t had to go through this, and it was realizing that not everyone’s childhood was like that that helped me realize that what was happening to me was abuse and to then be able to break away from it. But people really shouldn’t talk about what they don’t understand. When people ask “why don’t the Roy kids just leave?”, that’s some victim-blaming bullshit. I am not excusing some of the terrible things those characters have done, but it doesn’t change the fact that they are victims of abuse. It’s not as simple as “telling their dad to fuck off”, both from an emotional standpoint as well as a practical one. What I have seen in my own life is that people often hear stories about emotional abuse, real life or in fiction, and they try to conceptualize what that feels like by taking their issues with their family/partner/friends/whomever, and like dialing it up to 11. If someone watches Succession with that lens, I can see how they could be like “how could anyone just put up with that? The Roy kids must be stupid or pathetic or unrealistic/badly written” which just, REALLY misses the point, to say the least. Abuse is an entirely different beast, especially when it’s from parents starting at an early age before a person has a chance to see who they could become without it being a presence in their life. I also think that it’s hard for some people to see past the wealth, not to mention the straight, white, and in Kendall and Roman’s case, male, privilege that the characters have, and refuse to acknowledge them as “victims” of anything, but I think that’s a very shallow read on the characters, and honestly of real people as well. The cliche “money doesn’t buy happiness” is bullshit when it’s used to gloss over inequality and when a politician is trying to convince you that “paying through the nose for basic healthcare is a good thing, actually”, etc., but I think people forget that it’s also TRUE, ya know? And I would like to point out that this is coming from someone who did “just leave”, and it was the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my life. I am not projecting my own “excuses” onto the characters; I know from experience how almost impossible it can be and how it feels, and also what it’s like to live in that mindset of denial and fear. Additionally, while I didn’t grow up in insane or even close to Roy-level wealth, I was pretty comfortable, and I could have stayed that way if I had continued letting my parents abuse me, and now I’m barely getting by financially and I’m at the best I have ever been in my life, so when I say money isn’t everything, I fucking mean it. (And before you say “but the Roys would never end up poor no matter what”, yes, I realize that, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make.) Even more to your point about it “just being a story” to some people, I felt that really really deeply with the whole “they should have killed off Kendall” discourse. It makes my blood fucking boil. I heard people saying shit like “it just makes the most narrative sense for him to die.” Characters in stories who have been crushed and manipulated and trapped and abused and suffer from addiction and depression end up over-dosing or committing suicide or dying in horrible accidents. That’s just what’s supposed to happen, it makes sense, in stories. Kendall Roy is a fictional character in a story, that’s true. But the people who have actually dealt with those things, people who have looked their abuser in the eye and begged them to let them out, people who have become so disconnected from themselves and other people and feel like they are “blown into a million pieces”, we are real fucking people. To witness people be so unaware of that reality via online discourse over a television show is very strange, but it was actually pretty eye-opening to me. I’ll end this by saying that I am so sorry, anon, that you’ve ever had to go through abuse, no one deserves that, just remember that you are not alone.
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palimpsessed · 3 years
I have a question for you because you are SO GOOD at analyzing awtwb. Can you explain the “is this what people do?” Thinking that Simon is going through? Most of the things he goes through I see reflected in myself or people I know, but I haven’t seen that before. I would love to know all your thoughts on that?
Hi, Anon! Thanks for sending this ask and for your kind words about my analysis. ❤️
I would love to talk about "is this what people do"!
I'm going to give you my take, and then I'm going to include some thoughts from a friend who isn't on tumblr. Let’s dive in!
Simon asks "is this what people do" because he truly doesn't know what people do. He knows how to be a Chosen One, but he doesn't know how to be a person. He's spent the bulk of his life up until this point as a weapon. He understands how to fight, how to protect those around him, how to sacrifice himself, but he doesn't really understand living for the sake of living. In my answer to another ask, I talked about how Simon doesn't know how to be at peace. I think that's applicable here, too.
Part of what Simon struggles with so much in the time between the end of CO and the beginning of WS is how to live without having a defined purpose, a "mission". He's lost a lot of things that he allowed to define his sense of self, and now he has to sort out who he is without all of that. We see him start to make progress with living for the sake of living in WS: going on a roadtrip to a place he's always wanted to see; being silly and flirting at the Renaissance Faire and walking around with his wings out; flying over Utah, getting to feel the wind in his face and under his wings. But most of the time, he's still struggling with being at peace—living without a mission. Living for himself.
The WS epilogue tells us: "This is what happens if you try to hang on after the end…the pages go blank...Simon Snow's [story] is over." There's no established arc for a hero post-final battle—there's no set narrative or expectations for this point in Simon's life and he's struggling in the uncertainty of it all. He's also struggling with the lingering trauma from years of neglect, exploitation, and violence.
There's a reason the gang literally goes off the map in WS—there is no guide for this part of their journey, and, at least for Simon, doing the "normal" expected thing at this time (getting a flat, going to university, making new friends) isn't working for him. He doesn't have any idea what to do with his life now—this part was never planned out for him. As a child in care and then a boy soldier, Simon never had agency over himself. He was responsible for the fate of the World of Mages and saving all of magic, but he wasn't ever allowed to be responsible for himself. I don't mean that Simon doesn't know how to take care of himself—I'd argue he's the most self-sufficient and practically-minded of the gang because of all the time he was left to fend for himself. But Simon is going out into the world as an adult and there isn't someone else to tell him what to do anymore. (This is something we all face at some point growing up, but it's definitely more extreme in his case!) Don't get me wrong. Being in control of his own life is a really good thing for Simon, but it also leaves him without any idea of how to navigate through life. Someone else has always been there to give him orders or to give him a plan, but we see all of the plans in WS fall apart.
In AWTWB, Simon tries move forward with a new plan—one he thinks is best for everyone—fracturing his relationships with the two most important people in his life while also attempting to make a clean break from magic. It's the wrong thing to do, even if it's something that needs to happen. From the end of CO to the start of AWTWB, Simon chooses to do nothing, because he's afraid. Then he does the wrong thing, also out of fear.
Instead of fighting, which is what he's always done before, Simon allows fear to keep him from acting, allows fear to drive him away from what's important. Simon didn't fear dying as a child in the course of his heroic deeds, but he does fear a future spent with the people he loves (it's "frightening"). He fears it because it’s “uncertain” and he doesn't think he can hold onto it (“I never believed I’d get to keep you”). He doesn't think he has a right to try.
"Is this what people do" is Simon trying. It's him trying with Baz, specifically. Simon is scared because he and Baz are in unknown territory, and he cares so much about making things work between them. He knows how much there is to lose. He just doesn’t know what he needs to do to hold on to Baz. He doesn’t really have any idea what a healthy relationship looks like. I know I’ve seen discussions about how Simon never had proper relationship modeling. (@mostlymaudlin has addressed this and other aspects of Simon’s previous relationship experience with Agatha in this post that is highly relevant and I also just recommend it.) Yes, Simon has prior experience with Agatha, but he didn’t know what he was doing in that relationship either and he tells Baz that his experience with her doesn’t come anywhere close to his feelings for Baz. With Agatha, Simon saw a nebulous “happy ending” without knowing what that happy ending was going to look like, nor how he was going to get there. He has no idea of the reality of a healthy relationship or how to do the hard work to maintain it. This is what both Simon and Baz are learning in AWTWB.
When the refrain comes up, it's always in response to a milestone that Simon and Baz have crossed in their relationship, from (practically) moving in together to being intimate.
Simon is mentally taking a step back and looking at his relationship with Baz. He's looking at the things they're doing, as a couple. Things they've not managed to do before, or things they have done that he hasn't given himself the space to process—something he admits he never did with Agatha. Simon asking the question "is this what people do" encapsulates so much: Is this what life and love looks like for other people? For us? Is this what I'm supposed to be doing? What we're supposed to be doing? How do I feel about what’s happening now? What do I want to happen? Is this how two people love each other?
The ways in which the refrain shifts over the course of the book show us how Simon's thinking shifts as his relationship with Baz progresses. And at the end, the refrain has changed from a question into a statement. Seeing the first and last occurrences next to each other tells so much of the story of Simon's growth.
Chapter 38:
Is this what people do when they're in love? Do they just keep touching and talking? And then what? Like what is it all leading to? I don't mean sex, I mean…
If I knew what I meant, it wouldn't be so frightening.
I'm living second by second.
Chapter 82:
This is what people do.
They get close and try to stay there.
They stay.
They keep trying to hold on to each other...this is what they do. They keep trying.
…This is what people do. This is what we'll do. Baz and me.
…"Stay with me."
"I will."
This shift in confidence is subtle, but it is such a big deal! Simon has gone from not being able to think about the future at all to promising Baz that he will stay with him and keep trying in their relationship. He's answered the question for himself!!! He’s figured out how to try for Baz. The thing is, in the end, it really doesn’t matter what “people” do. It matters what Simon and Baz do, because they’re the ones who are doing this together, for each other. They have plenty of time to figure out how “what people do” is going to look for them.
Now I want to add some thoughts shared by RooBadley in the conversations we've had about "is this what people do". I always appreciate getting Roo's take on things, and I completely agree with them on this. (Do yourself a favor and check out Roo's AO3 if you haven't already.)
"the subtlety of [is this what people do is] a reflection of [Simon’s] queerness/a touchstone universal queer youth experience (is this what it's supposed to be like? I dunno, I've never seen A Person Like Me get to have a happy/healthy/normal relationship). Is this what (queer) people do? Am I doing it right?"
"I've ruminated more on that statement as reference to the queer experience and I feel like there's more evidence to support that reading. we know he's had sex with Agatha (and he's woke/attentive enough to know about peeing to prevent UTI's, so clearly he knows what straight, penetrative sex is) and there's that lovely line at the start about Dr Wellbelove giving him the birds & bees talk, but leaving some things out (I love that bit) And he's so confident when he's talking with Baz about having had sex with Agatha, like, he knows what they did. It's just with Baz that he's suddenly in self-doubt "is this..." Land"
Reading this take from Roo about a universal queer youth experience definitely hit home for me. I think Rainbow did a superb job of speaking to multiple experiences with Simon’s journey and in treating that journey with so much care. I think it’s amazing that we get to see this part of the story, this aftermath and healing, because it really isn’t part of the established story arc we’re used to and it really should be. Like you said in your ask, Anon, we’ve all had lived experiences that help us see ourselves in these characters, and to watch them struggle and persevere and succeed is incredibly important.
If anyone has anything they’d like to add on, or another question to ask, as always, please feel free to do so! I will never get enough of talking about this book! ❤️
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roulettefeel · 3 years
Sorry if it's already asked, but I am wondering why Keiji put so much faith in Sara. I have this question when I was rewatching chapter 1 at the beginning and recalling what I've played the from the game, it was when I noticed FROM THE BEGINNING that Keiji is willing to listen to Sara despite having just met. Can you give your two cents on it? Btw, I'm not sure if I do recall correctly, but it something I had in my head for awhile.
The long and short of it is that we do not know what motivates Keiji to zero in on Sara the whole game. Asking her questions like if she'll be an angel of salvation or death, among other things, sure does make it seem like he knows more than he's letting on.
I have a difficult time getting a sense of what's going on with Keiji's character because I can't tell if the narrative wants us to see him as some shady guy or for us to follow Sara in her trust in him. I haven't forgiven him for presenting the first card trade in chapter 2 as him personally protecting Sara when he actually stole safety from someone else's hands (most likely Kanna's, who Keiji will later vote in favor of killing and there's been speculation on whether he was involved in convincing Kanna to take Sara's sacrifice....) But from the Sara perspective just the thought of him dying snaps Sara out from her darker thoughts. Gin and Keiji are the last anchors to Sara's sanity and it would be overwhelming if Keiji turned into some type of antagonist when we're heading into the end of the story and Sara's up against Asunaro as a whole, everything the person she considers a father has done in his association with the company, and route depending whatever Shin has up his sleeve.
I would consider Kanna and the Yabusames finished as far as character development goes, Shin is basically finished he just has to follow through on attempting to get his revenge (and if Nankidai wants to do anything more with Shin's past with Sou, 3-1 didn't really end on Shin having closure there). Gin is the youngest cast member so I'm expecting nothing too complex is going to happen with him if his character has any more filling out to do.
Keiji had his backstory revealed, which could have marked him for death, but since Nankidai wont give the option for Keiji to die yet it's pretty clear that there is something about Keiji that needs to be resolved before his character arc is completed. I think it would simplify things if Keiji's attitude towards Sara were tied in with his first trial with Megumi in some way, since Megumi feels to me like a character that probably deserves a little more than a couple of flashbacks that weren't really about her.
But again, in short: I don't know, and I don't have enough of a grasp on what the narrative is doing with Keiji to guess.
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unforth · 3 years
A Non-Definitive and Certainly Incomplete List of the Differences Between the Qianqiu/Thousand Autumns Danmei Novel and the Donghua
@blacktigersprings commented on one of my Thousand Autumn Liveblog posts, asking about the differences between the donghua thus far, compared to the book - they'd seen the 16 episodes, but hadn't read it yet. After I wrote down what I could remember I was like...ya know what, I should just make all this into a post.
This is non-exhaustive. I am a tired person with a bad memory and a lot going on, so I am sure I forgot things. I'm gonna ping @baoshan-sanren since they're the main person I know who is in Thousand Autumns fandom also, and I'm willing to guarantee they will think of things I didn't, and also probably be able to correct me if I mixed anything up. I'll try to edit this based on new info, if I have the time, and I might post it as meta on AO3? I did that with my list of differences between CQL and MDZS and people found it helpful so...yeah. I'll add a link if a do.
Note that all posts like this rely to some extent on interpretation; what I write reflects my interpretation and understanding of events (...to the extent I remember them...) and others may have read/watched the same sequences and reached different conclusions. I've made specific notes where I think I'm raising a point that's more subjective than others.
This contains spoilers for all 16 episodes of the donghua, and for the equivalent parts of the novel. I did my best not to put in novel spoilers for past when the donghua ends, but there are allusions to subsequent events.
Anyway - vaguely in chronological order of when they happen?
(read more)
Overall, the basic premises of the donghua and the novel are pretty different. In the donghua, there are several primary conflicts - the intrusion of the Beimi/Tujue, the competition over access to the Solarity, the competition between different sects' top masters, and the search for that ring that Yan Wushi has. In the novel, these are all things that exist, but they're not the primary plot, and they're all at least somewhat difference. While the novel has multiple plotlines that focus on different things, looking at it as a whole, the main plot is a political one about control of the Empire, and how different sects are pulled into that conflict as a result of how the Emperor relates to Confucian, Daoist, and Buddhist sects. Which tradition each sect follows is much more important and relevant in the novel. The Beimi/Tujue plot is still relevant and involved, but it's just one thread in the political milieu. The Solarity, which has different and long name in the novel that I never remember - it's like, "the complete works of (some master who's name isn't in my brain" - is in six volumes, and it's definitely still important, but it's importance kinda fades as the novel progresses (though it's still a main piece at the point where the donghua leaves off). The ring is basically non-existent in the novel - instead of it being in Yan Wushi's possession, it's in the possession of the woman who's birthday party Shen Qiao goes to (...Madam Su? Might be her name? I'm sorry, I'm not great with names, and I usually rely on fandom wikis but this one is sparse) - in the novel, she was a disciple of Hulugu, and then she stole the ring and returned to the Empire. That other Beimi/Tujue disciple (...Dong something??) takes it back and returns with it to his clan, if I recall correctly, so it can be used to unify those clans to make war against the Empire.
In the donghua, Yan Wushi is just...generally portrayed as pretty nice, and the YanShen vibes start pretty early - there's an early sign of playful flirting from Yan Wushi that actually seems sincere? At least it did to me. As a result, the YanShen vibes feel a lot stronger than they do in the novel at a similar point in the narrative. In the novel...I'd personally say Yan Wushi has zero interest, romantically or sexually, until well after where the donghua left off, and their relationship isn't canon until nearly the very end, and is always left more implied than...outright. I would personally say that in the novel, Shen Qiao has some feels for Yan Wushi pre-Sang Jingxing, but Yan Wushi doesn't reciprocate (except maybe at a deep level he refuses to acknowledge). It's not until he's healing post-almost-dying (as in, during the time immediately after when the donghua leaves off - I'm trying to be vague to avoid giving spoilers to people who haven't read it) that there start to be some real clear signs that Yan Wushi may have caught some feels, and even then it's complicated. They're complicated. They're also complicated. It's part of what I love about them, lol.
In the donghua, the fight between Shen Qiao and Kunye is shown "on screen" instead of only being described afterwards, and it's revealed almost right away that Shen Qiao was poisoned. Also, a lot of people help Kunye and they all fight Shen Qiao together. In the novel, this fight is off-screen. It's strictly a one-on-one battle between Shen Qiao and Kunye, and the reader doesn't learn that Shen Qiao lost due to poisoning until Shen Qiao goes to Mount Xuandu to confront Yu Ai.
In both the donghua and the novel, when Yan Wushi is trying to turn Shen Qiao evil, he sets up a mission for Shen Qiao and Yu Shengyan, The object of this mission is to kill a family that serves the Hehuan Sect. Shen Qiao refuses to participate, and helps them escape. In the donghua, they don't actually escape, and the "they serve Hehuan" thing turns out to be a ruse; they actually serve Yan Wushi. In the novel, they're actually Hehuan spies, and Shen Qiao still helps them, and they actually escape.
(RAPE MENTION TRIGGER WARNING) In the donghua, Chen Gong betrays Shen Qiao when that jerk noble whose name I can't remember right now (and it's not in the wiki, god the wiki is so slim, I wish I had time to help with that) hunts him for sport, and he doesn't want to die. In the novel, Chen Gong betrays Shen Qiao when that same jerk noble, who as a reputation for using pretty boys as sex slaves, tries to kidnap Chen Gong as a sex slave, and Chen Gong is like, "no no you don't want to fuck me, I know someone WAY prettier for you to rape." (The fall out remains the same in both - Shen Qiao beats up the guy, nothing bad happens to him, and he and Chen Gong part ways).
In the donghua, Shen Qiao goes to confront Yu Ai at Mount Xuandu by like. Literally walking up to the front gate. And then all the disciples for some reason get mad that Yan Wushi comes, even though he...also walked up to their front gate. Why do they even have a gate??? In the novel, Shen Qiao uses a super sneaky back way, only known to disciples, and so it actually makes some kind of sense when Yu Ai et al are like SHEN QIAO WHY ARE YOU SHOWING THE EVIL GUY OUR BACK DOOR?
(NOTE this one relies more on subtext and thus is very open to interpretation. What's written here reflects my personal interpretation, and others may disagree). In the donghua, when Yan Wushi hands Shen Qiao over to Sang Jingxing, they have a chat that heavily implies that Yan Wushi is kinda-sorta-not-so-secretly thinking that Shen Qiao could win a fight (and is probably expecting Shen Qiao to do so by using the demonic core that has been implanted in him). Sang Jingxing also says things that indicate that he thinks that Yan Wushi is setting a trap for him. In the novel, while it's never all that clear what Yan Wushi's motivations are, it becomes pretty clear by the point of the Sang Jingxing fight that Yan Wushi was serious when he said he didn't care about Shen Qiao, didn't consider him worthy, and doesn't care what happens to him. He definitely handed over Shen Qiao with every intention of Shen Qiao getting tortured and raped, and had no interest in saving him. Shen Qiao only becomes interesting to Yan Wushi afterwards. Yan Wushi is never only playing one game, so he may have thought that being pushed into a corner would force Shen Qiao to use the demonic core, but it also seemed to me like he genuinely didn't care - he'd gotten bored, and was done playing with the "new toy" that was Shen Qiao.
In the donghua, there is a shot of someone - the clothing is pretty unmistakably Yan Wushi's purple robe of ultimate purpleness - pulling Shen Qiao out of a river after he plunges to his almost-demise in the fight with Sang Jingxing. In the novel, Yan Wushi doesn't pull Shen Qiao out of the water, after Shen Qiao destroys his meridians in the fight against Sang Jingxing. Instead, Shen Qiao collapses in the mountains, where he is found by Shiwu and brought back to the monastery for treatment.
In the donghua, Yan Wushi is fighting the four masters who have it in for him, and before the end of the fight, Shen Qiao arrives and tries to help him; he fights the four masters solo to try to keep Yan Wushi from using his powers and harming himself, and when he's about to lose, Yan Wushi...uses his powers and harms himself. In the novel, Shen Qiao doesn't arrive until after Yan Wushi has been defeated; he finds Yan Wushi almost dead and brings him to a small village nearby, where he stays with a nice girl and her...grandfather, iirc...and tries to keep them safe while nursing Yan Wushi back to health.
In the donghua, it's kinda implied that Shen Qiao goes to rescue Yan Wushi because, like...he likes him? There's not really a reason given, just that he wants to, or maybe to keep the ring from going to the Beimi/Tujue? In the novel it's pretty explicit that Shen Qiao goes to save Yan Wushi because he believes Yan Wushi's position in the Empire is critical to the stability of the world - and he wants the world stable, so that there won't be more refugees, starvation, etc. That he also may like Yan Wushi is the case but is almost incidental; Shen Qiao is focused on doing the most good for the most people, and that means saving Yan Wushi, because Yan Wushi is critical to the Empire, and the Empire is critical to the common people. (this is a major part of the political themes that are more prominent in the book than in the donghua).
I can't actually remember when Bian Yanmei was introduced in the novel? But I was pretty sure it was around when Yan Wushi sends Shen Qiao to that birthday banquet? Anyway, Bian Yanmei isn't in the donghua at all thus far; in the donghua, Yan Wushi's only apparent disciple is Yu Shengyan.
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elyvorg · 3 years
Hi... I just wanted to say that Kaito is one of my biggest comfort characters and my top kin, and that’s mostly because of the fifth trial— as an actor and as a mecha anime fan, Kaito is the most relatable character I’ve ever seen.
I found your blog recently and all the amazing Exisal Kaito content just brought this amazing warmth in my heart.... considering the lack of Kaito content out there, and especially the lack of Exisal Kaito content out there.... I just wanna say I genuinely appreciate your work and I’m glad there are others who appreciate Kaito as much as I do ☺️
Oh man, you are so welcome. I am more than happy to have done my part in making up for the utter dearth of Exisal Kaito content out there.
I don't even have any personal investment in acting or mechas like you do, and I still find Exisal Kaito to be the obviously best thing about trial 5! It's such a compelling part of the narrative that I cannot grasp why more people haven't latched onto it and thought about it more.
It's bewilderingly as if, when most people are rewatching trial 5 and should know the truth of things, they still just passively assume it's totally Kokichi in there, and then he just magically transforms into Kaito at the end or something. Like Kaito had no meaningful agency in this case whatsoever and it somehow wasn't him who was doing every single bit of that. Like this doesn't blow a gigantic hole in any kind of claim that he’s “useless”, even one that's meant in a purely practical and action-based sense rather than an interpersonal emotional-support sense (in which he's already indisputably the most useful person on the cast). Just look at what Kaito's capable of! Look at him doing things and making a difference and being a central player in the most pivotal case of the story, through actions and not just his words!
Nor is it remotely true that it doesn't actually matter that it was really Kaito in there because he was just mindlessly following instructions and reciting Kokichi's script the whole time. First off, imagine how Kaito must have felt to force himself to pretend he didn't give a damn about his friends and their suffering, and to act like the kind of insincere asshole that goes against every fibre of his principles (to say nothing of the whole murdering someone and faking his death part). That is huge and must have felt awful for him. This was so hard for him to do, but he made the choice to do it anyway for that tiny chance at saving his friends, and that matters. This is some emotional suffering that he definitely canonically went through, even though we never saw it on the outside (just like almost all the rest of Kaito's suffering). That deserves to be acknowledged and explored.
And secondly but no less importantly, only like half the lines Kaito said as Exisal Kokichi were even scripted! Everything regarding the events Maki set off couldn't possibly have been added to the script by Kokichi, because he didn't have time to do so when he was dying from the poison, so Kaito ad-libbed all of that. That’s like half the trial! And that's not even getting into the many lines he said during topics that Kokichi should have scripted that still aren't actually something the real Kokichi would ever say if you stop and really think about it, meaning Kaito was ad-libbing sometimes even when he didn't necessarily need to. I love how much it is possible to tell that it's still Kaito in there, being Kaito, even as he's trying to pretend to be somebody else.
Noticing all the signs that Exisal Kokichi is actually clearly Kaito and thinking about what must have been going through Kaito's head as he said and did all of that stuff is my favourite thing to do while rewatching trial 5. I did one hell of a lot of analysis on this front in my coverage of trial 5 during my V3 commentary, so if you - general you - are here in part because you're interested in Exisal Kaito but haven't read said trial 5 commentary of mine, please go do so, it would make me (and probably also you) very happy.
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starkerintheparker · 4 years
starker reclist - canon based fics
Hi Starker fam! To celebrate my 900 followers I decided to finally start posting my humble and very personal reclist. I’ve been planning to do it for a while now but it got way bigger than I anticipated so I decided to split it in 4 parts and will share the first one today. I’ve been around for less than a year and there’s a lot I haven’t read yet so my plan is to update this list as I go. 
Under the cut is part I, solely is dedicated to canon-based fics. I’m a sucker for angst so most of my recs feature guilty!Tony, miscommunication, porn with feels and all that jazz. Hopefully you’ll be able to find something interesting according to your preferences. Oh and don’t forget to leave kudos, comments and spread the love for these authors :) Cheers!
Last updated: 2020/04/18. All new fics added will be marked with ***
• 10 Ways to Woo Your Boo by @darker-soft-starker (NR, 6k, completed)
Summary: By twenty-one Peter Parker had graduated college, scored himself a post-grad job and was a full-fledged member of the Avengers. He had his own apartment, paid his own bills and juggled his time between being a superhero and working enough to cover his rent. So long as Peter was armed with his ID, he was a full-fledged adult in the eyes of the law. Perhaps foolishly, he’d assumed it would make him an adult in the eyes of everybody else too. Keen to be seen as worthy of Tony's heart, Peter enlists the help of his friends and the internet in courting his former mentor.
Review: We all love Ash’s fantastic AUs but this lovely canon-based fic may be one of my favorite works by her. I will never know how she manages the fine balance between angst, humor and romance, I just know it hits me good and takes my breath away. Oblivious!Tony and Peter being a bisexual disaster at wooing, what do you mean this wasn’t in the movies? Sounds canon to me.
• 100-Point Restoration by Destina (T, 8k, completed)
Summary: Tony needs a happiness upgrade; Peter wants Tony. These goals might be compatible. (This story is set roughly five years post-Homecoming).
Review: I just realized this was the first Starker fic I’ve read, and it was back in 2017! I didn’t ship Starker at the time but this author must have done something right because for some reason I couldn’t take my eyes away. This fic is gorgeous. Tony’s voice is amazing, his dynamics with Peter are spot-on and organic - but nothing’s better than watching their feelings unfold, like a soft and warm humming just awaiting for disclosure.
• adult supervision by doveslayer (M, 20k, on hiatus)
Summary: Peter Parker should not keep drunk-dialing Tony Stark after midnight. But more pressingly, Tony Stark should not keep answering. In which Tony tries to convince himself he's doing nothing wrong. warning: underage!Peter tho pretty vanilla imo                                                                                        
Review: My favorite “everything is happening while nothing is happening” fic. Their voices are spot on, the dialogues are clever, and you can almost touch the tension with your fingertips. It’s been a year since the last update but even if this fic never gets finished I promise the read will have been worthy!
• Attached by @paspleurer (E, 7k, completed)
Summary: Tony gets it, he really does. As far as rebounds go, sleeping with your childhood hero isn't half bad. And if what Peter wants is this— just sex, with no strings attached— then Tony will give him this.
Review: Pleurer and Learned Foot have seduced me with the rebound trope. This is a lovely Tony POV with the good old pining + miscommunication combo, plus enthusiastic sex and sweet domesticity. What else could I ask for?
• Covet by RTC anonymous (E, 34k, completed)
Summary: Peter has a new boyfriend. Tony starts drinking again, for unrelated reasons.
Review: I read this fic when I was still warily lurking around the Starker fandom and it blew me away. The sexual tension is so palpable you can almost taste it. There is jealous, guity Tony failing at mentoring and a vulnerable, smitten Peter Parker trying to make sense out of it. RTC anon is a religion.
• Ephemeron by @ramblings-from-elsinore (E)
Summary: "Being around Ned, Peter's reminded how out of place he is. For Ned, the second ever appearance of aliens over Manhattan is the stuff of excited hallway chatter, of where were you when—? Ned’s world wasn’t blown apart and stitched back together. Because Ned doesn’t remember. No one does, except the ones who were there, who fought." AKA, "Tony's relationship with Peter may be unconventional, but they’re unconventional people who have had some pretty fucking unconventional experiences." In which Tony can't stop touching Peter to make sure he's real, and Peter dreams of being in Tony's arms and not disappearing.
Review: I started reading this fic before I joined the fandom and man, what a way to get pulled into this ship. Brace yourself for hardcore guilty!Tony being all over the place plus unhealthy codependency and touch deprivation, all the good things. Reading this is a spiritual experience but fair warning: this is not a happy story, at least not for a long while, so please mind the tags.
• Expiration Date by @learned-foot​ (E, 12k, completed)
Summary: Tony knows exactly what this is. First big breakup, go for a fling with a completely inappropriate person. It’s basically a cliché. He kind of thought Peter was better than that, but apparently being brilliant and one of the bravest people on the face of the planet doesn’t mean he’s immune from being a stupid college student who makes stupid college student mistakes. AKA Tony is sure this is just a fling, and he deals with that about as well as you’d expect.
Review: Ahh my beloved rebound trope and my first rec (out of many) by LF! Between a pining, insecure Tony making all the wrong decisions and a young and confident Peter unwilling to let him go, this fic makes your heart ache in the best ways. Good thing LF only works with happy endings!
• From Thy Bounty by @ibby-writes​ and feyrelay (E, 31k, completed)
Summary: Tony’s eyes are always dark, but now there's almost no iris left. He looks hollowed out. There’s something terribly hungry there, despite the feast they've filled themselves on.
Review: I’ve lost count of how many times I reread this insanely hot and ridiculously well written fic. Besides the A+++ characterization, there is delicious food porn foreplay followed by a breathtaking cat and mouse game that culminates with no less than 13.5k of intense and unapologetic sex with feels, my favorite kind. Enjoy the meal! ;D
***Gift of Choice by tuesday (E, 12k, completed)
Summary: Tony Stark had a thing about giving Peter stuff.
Review: This is my favorite fic by tuesday and the PERFECT rendition of our beloved sugar daddy trope. Great pacing, amazing dialogues and a breathtaking build up that makes you both smile and sweat in anticipation. They’re so in love I almost can’t handle when they finally get together. Sexy, hot and very sweet.  
• here is my hand, my heart by belatrix (E, 16k, completed)
Summary: Mostly, Tony had tried not to look. He still does. Try, that is. It’s just― it’s getting a little bit harder every day.
Review: I have a HUGE soft spot for this beautiful masterpiece, because it was the fic that finally made me join the Starker fandom. I’ve reread it so many times and it never fails to amaze me. Through an atmospheric non-linear narrative, this shows a guilt-ridden Tony Stark trying and failing to resist one determined Peter Parker who won’t take bullshit for an answer. Hot, and angsty, and breathtaking.
• I know that you got Daddy Issues (And I do too) by feyrelay (E)
Summary: The one where Peter’s blue balls save the world. Because, yeah? That meandering, blooming thing between him and Mr. Stark? That relationship that continues to be maddeningly legal, platonic, and above-board, but still somehow haunts Peter’s wildest wet-dreams? That might just be the key to Strange’s endgame.
Review: This fic is a love letter to those who appreciate an angsty and nuanced slow burn like me. Possibly the best character study I’ve ever read combined with a clever, well researched and intricated plot. Reading this will make you fall even more in love with Tony and Peter as individuals, before wanting them to be better together. Make sure to also check all related fics under the tag DIEU (Daddy Issues Extended Universe) - the Starker verse we fucking deserve.
• if I am the river, you are the ocean by sadonsundays (E, 7k, completed)
Summary: The one where Tony can't sleep and Peter can't stop his hands from shaking.
Review: This is a gorgeous recovery fic, painful and heartbreaking, yes, but still very gentle as Tony and Peter’s relationship quietly unfolds. Pepper is an absolute treat which was refreshing to me. I just love the quiet and angsty undertone that guides their journey until they finally find home in each other.
if you’d grant my love a pardon by belatrix (M, 2.5k, completed)
Summary: The first time, it goes something like this: “No,” Tony says, but it’s tired, half-hearted, not quite a denial.
Review: One of the reasons why I love this ship is that there’s always room for angst, even when they’re already together. This lovely yet heartbreaking fic mirrors Tony’s fragile heart as he realizes that as much as he should, he just can’t let go of Peter, not quite yet. Belatrix writes guilty!Tony’s headspace like nobody else and I just can’t recommend her writing enough.
• in the light of a dying star by @areiton​ (M, 6k, completed) fix-it
Summary: Extremis isn't a guarantee. That's what Pepper told him, as they took him off the bloody, dusty field. It was just a chance. A desperate gamble.
Review: I’m so glad I read this right after Endgame because this is the fix-it Tony and we all deserved, this fic is so comforting and beautiful. I really love the quiet, ethereal atmosphere and how it shapes our perception of time and character development. Peter is beautifully written and their get together made my heart ache in peace.
• In the Morning by @cagestark​ (M, 6k, completed)
Summary: Peter's pretty stressed. He isn't understanding physics despite all the extra time he is spending with Bruce. And underneath it all, something is wrong with Mr. Stark.
Review: Heart wrenching and painfully honest fic, where Tony is a jealous mess and Peter is his usual earnest, sweet and good self. They meet in the middle, and it’s quiet, beautiful and sad.  
• Kiss Me by @ironspi​
Summary: Five times Peter and Tony almost kiss and one time they did.
Review: This fic was such a lovely surprise! It begins unpretentious and it builds up to quality pining and unresolved sexual tension. Chapter 4 is particularly awesome, so charged and intimate. Kudos to the author for exploring Peter taking the lead and making Tony melt in his arms.
• Landslide by spqr (M, 8k, completed) fix-it
Summary: Peter jumps into the quantum realm with his heart in his throat. He steps out in 2018, on the edge of a lake he still has nightmares about. A hundred yards away over the water, the lights in the lakehouse are on.
Review: Morally ambiguous characters + angsty time travel? Count me in. This fic has a very interesting (and darker) take on Peter post-Thanos, in his raw and desperate grief over Tony. Bonus points for amazing dialogues and a fix-it plot so clever and believable I’m surprised I didn’t see it on screen.  
• lean on me now by @areiton​ (G, 9k, on hiatus)
Summary: He’s so tired, and he hurts, the kind of screaming pain he’s struggling to ignore now, and he wants to go home. But he can do this. He can sit and watch, and keep them safe. A wry smile tugs at his lips because he knows how ridiculous that sounds--a kid keeping Avengers safe.
Review: One of the best canon divergence fics I’ve ever read. It’s quiet, angsty and Peter’s voice is simply amazing. My heart breaks for Tony, but I’m so here for Peter & Rhodey’s brOTP, the fandom deserves more of it.
• noticing by @areiton​ (NR, 2k, completed)
Summary: “You deserve to be happy,” Rhodey tells Tony once, when Tony is drinking and conflicted and Peter is sleeping unaware on the couch. Tony watches him, eyes bright.
Review: How could I ever resist seeing Tony and Peter’s relationship development through Rhodey’s protective and thoughtful gaze? Any Tony stan should read this fic because this is the kind of love, friendship and support he deserves. Reading this put my mind at rest, knowing Tony’s cared for, and safe.
• Obvious by @learned-foot​ (M, 14k, completed)
Summary: When Peter wakes up, several things become very clear all at once: he’s underground somewhere unpleasant, something is messing with his powers, and his entire body hurts. A lot.
Review: WHUMP WHUMP WHUMP *victory dance* god this one is brutal, but we can trust LF to bring on full angst with an intriguing plot and A+++ characterization. I’m so here for protective!Tony doing whatever it takes to keep Peter safe, including all the confusion and heartbreak his problematic decisions may bring.
• Permission by @cagestark​ (E, 16k, completed)
Summary: During drinks with the Avengers, Peter admits that he enjoys orgasms more when someone is giving him permission, though since he's single, there isn't anyone in his life to offer it. Generous Tony offers to offer it.
Review: This fic is unique and so very hot, but don’t let the smutty summary fool you. There is also tenderness and FEELS in capital letters. Despite their arrangement, pining!Tony is so vulnerable and so completely in love with Peter it kinda breaks my heart a little, but thankfully Cage is a big fan of happy endings like me, so we’re all safe in her hands.
***Post-Endgame NYE by @darker-soft-starker (M, completed)
Summary:  Five years after the events of endgame Tony is resurrected. Months after that, he's still trying to find equilibrium
Review: Hands down the loveliest ‘flirting on a bench’ I’ve ever seen, and my top favorite NYE Starker fic. I love to see Tony facing an existential crisis while he navigates his new life post-resurrection, including the violent realization of ‘oh no, Peter’s an attractive adult now’. Gentle and gorgeous get together, kudos at Morgan for being a little devil and playing matchmaking.
• Proxy by @cagestark​ (E, 11k, completed)
Summary: Peter wants to know if Mr. Stark knows, like, anybody who’d be willing to make out with him. Things escalate from there.
Review: I have such a big soft spot for this fic because “by proxy” is one of my favorite tropes and Cage explored it masterfully. Again, this is pining!Tony at his best and Cage just has this ability to transform what once started as a sexy little thing into this soft and gentle love story, the kind that gives you butterflies in the stomach.
• Radar by @intoxicatelou​ (M)
Summary: Peter could say that he’s officially approached desperation, but he wants this, wants Tony, and he’s willing to do everything it takes. Or the one in which Peter tries to become Tony's celebrity crush from 2009 in order to seduce him.
Review: This is one of my favorites self-indulgent fics, I just can’t resist the good old “Peter’s seduction handbook” trope and intoxicatelou delivers it beautifully. This story is sweet, super fun and relatable af. There’s A+ pining, Peter being a bisexual disaster and MJ being the queen we all stan, shocking absolutely no one.
• Revelations by RTC anonymous (E, 127k, completed)
Summary: “I still don’t get it,” Ned says. “How you just... keep being ordinary in spite of all the craziness you’ve lived through. You were in space. You helped Iron Man save the universe. And nobody knows it was you.” His tone softens, becomes almost sad. As though he realizes that what he’s saying is so completely alien to him that he will never be able to understand this part of Peter’s life. “Peter, don’t you want people to know you for who you are?” An AU where they get the Gauntlet off of Thanos that first time, on Titan.
Review: I feel like I don’t need to justify this choice – almost everyone in the fandom has either heard of or read this masterpiece, it’s safe to say this fic is part of the Starker Training Wheels Protocol lol. If you have just arrived or is just exploring the fandom and enjoys slow burns I suggest you start right hee because it doesn’t get any better than this. There’s A+++ characterization, breathtaking pining, insane sexual tension and a very satisfying ending if I may say so. Definitely among my top 3 Starker fics. RTC anon, wherever you are, please know you are loved and appreciated. I’ll literally build an altar for you.
• Reversal by @learned-foot​ (E, 4k, completed)
Summary: Sometimes, Tony is the one who needs to be praised.
Review: For once Peter makes Tony just lie down and take 😊 the fucking 😊 praise 😊. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this fic all my life. This is the praise kink Tony (and we all) deserve, genuine, gentle and powerful. If you’re a big sap for their love like I am, you’re in for an emotional ride because this is overwhelmingly sweet to the point it brings tears to your eyes. LF is such a gift to this fandom.  
• Settling by @cagestark​ (E, 5k, completed)
Summary: Peter really wants to be taller than Tony. Heels help.
Review: One of my favorites by Cage, I still remember how happy and giggly I felt when I first read it. There is A+++ characterization, amazing dialogue, Avengers domesticity, praise kink, the hottest blow job and my favorite Starker first kiss. Oh, did I mention Peter in heels and Tony loving every moment of it? You’re welcome :D
• Stipulations by RTC anonymous (E, 70k, completed)
Summary: Peter Parker’s long term dream recently went from ‘get into MIT’ to ‘afford going to MIT’. As the time approaches, it’s dawning on him that he won’t be able to pay his tuition and afford the move to Cambridge all at once: he’s out of money, his secrets are beginning to pile up, and desperation has started creeping in... And then one night, he saves Tony Stark’s life.
Review: Another fandom classic by our irreplaceable RTC anon, this fic is SO GOOD I keep coming back to it and just recently I realized I’ve built all my personal Starker headcanons out of it, lol. A+++ characterization and hot, delicious pining is a given with this author, but I’m really here for that senses-dialed-to-11 trope, and RTC delivers it masterfully.  
• subtle by @areiton​ (T, 1k, completed)
Summary: Peter is not subtle. He wears his emotion, his excitement, like a flag waved bright red and teasing for a bull—impossible to go unnoticed, impossible to ignore. It’s adorable and it’s Peter, and it’s—in hindsight—why Tony misses the context clues.
Review: This fic is like reading poetry, a balm to the heart. Peter wears Tony’s colors and by the time Tony finally gets the context clues they fall together in the gentlest, softest way.
• Take it slow by tuesday (E, 13k, completed)
Summary: There were a ton of reasons dating Peter was a bad idea. Tony loved bad ideas. He was going to do it anyway. In which Tony thinks they're dating, and then they're dating undercover.
Review: This fic is so endearing it’s basically impossible not to cheer for these two, despite their usual infuriating communication issues, lol. But I promise all the angst and wait are worth it, because there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing how they (finally!) get to be on the same page.
• the record spins on the trails we blaze by @darker-soft-starker​ (NR, 5k, completed)
Summary: Years after the events of Homecoming, Peter thought all of the bad memories were well and truly behind him. After all, so much has happened since then - and he's happy now. Everything is kinda perfect.Turns out nothing stays buried.
Review: Hell yes! I agree HoCo’s events were particularly traumatizing and this trope is not as explored as it should be. To put it simply, this fic is something I didn’t know that I needed and Ash delivered it beautifully. It’s incredibly gentle, cathartic and honest, not to mention the lovely domesticity and understanding between the characters that will make your heart swell.
• Under Someone Else by @learned-foot (M, 7k, completed)
Summary: Peter realizes he’s just a rebound. And he’s okay with that, really. Or at least, that’s what he keeps telling himself.
Review: FEELS, FEELS EVERYWHERE. It’s so hard to choose a favorite fic by LF but this is the first that comes to mind because it introduced me to the amazing rebound trope. It’s so refreshing to see this ship’s potential for angst and miscommunication playing into the “fuck first, talk later” scenario. Warning for vulnerable boys being idiots and breaking our hearts but P.P.P.S they do eventually get their shit together and it’s glorious!
• Up for Anything by tuesday (E, 8k, completed)
Summary: When it came to Tony Stark, Peter would take what he could get. In which Peter believes he's just a rebound. (Not Endgame compliant.)
Review: Of course there’s yet another gorgeous rebound rec because I can’t get enough of this trope. Honestly, LF and Tuesday writing for each other have provided some of the best fics this fandom has, God bless them. This is another treat featuring pining!Peter and the usual “I can’t communicate properly how much I fucking love you”, but there’s also bantering, delicious dirty talk and so much affection that you’ll read it all with the biggest smile on your face.
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huntresswarlock · 3 years
Belated on the ask meme but do them all or all the ones you haven’t done give me content BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
i haven't done any of them so... a-all of them it is ;;v;; puttin under a readmore because long
1: Summarize your WIP in 10 words or less.
The price, responsibilities, and benefits of second chances.
2: Post a line from your WIP with no context.
Make it stop, he strung the words together in his head as they burned away on his dried-out tongue, please, I will do anything, I don’t want to die, not here, not like this, this wasn’t supposed to happen, please, please, please...
3: Does your WIP have a title? If so, explain its significance. If not, what are you calling it for now?
and if you fall, the sun will catch you
It was a suggestion by @z-nogyrop when I was kicking around the initial idea for the main character. Given that said main character's name is Icarus, and another major character is the god of fire... I think the significance is pretty obvious lmao.
4: Describe the setting of your WIP.
Small faux-friendly village with a dark cult underbelly.
5: Search for the word “knife” in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context.
"Somehow the sight of those pathetic little things twisted a sharp knife in his gut harder than if his wings had been completely bare."
Icarus tried to use fire to burn away his past, and it got out of hand and ended up nearly killing him. His life was saved, but his wings were not salvageable, and are now only bare flesh, like a plucked chicken.
6: Search for the word “dream” in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context.
"His nights offered nothing but dreams of a vast field covered in flames beneath an orange sky."
In exchange for saving his life, the god of fire charges Icarus with preventing other people from using fire irresponsibly like he had, as well as helping those who have been hurt by fire. To give more specific orders, the god manifests in Icarus' dreams as described above.
7: What are you most proud of?
I'm really proud of my beginning, which opens with Icarus nearly burning to death and explores the immediate aftermath before closing on a slightly more hopeful note. I think it sets a tense tone and communicates a lot about Icarus, as the first thing readers see of him is his close brush with death.
8: What is your biggest challenge?
Pacing! Also weaving character thoughts into the narrative. But mostly pacing. I am on a wickedly self-indulgent chapter right now, and it's hard not to just linger here.
9: How would you describe your writing style?
According to you, it's Ray Bradbury-esque. ;;w;; I use a lot of imagery and metaphor, and short-to-medium length sentences.
10: How would you describe your WIP’s narrative style? (1st person, 3rd person, multiple POVs, single POV, alternating chapters, etc.)
3rd person limited
11: Which character do you have the most in common with?
That's a hard one, because there just aren't that many characters in this story. I suppose Apollo, the tiefling love interest to Icarus?
12: Which character do you have the least in common with?
Icarus himself, I think.
13: Your characters are stranded on a deserted island. What happens?
Icarus would be very miserable and go back and forth on whether he can overcome his fear of fire to light a rescue beacon. He'd also probably hate the idea of having to forage for his own food and water.
14: Have you chosen birthdays for any of your characters? If so, when are they?
Icarus was born on a winter solstice, but I haven't nailed down anything further than that.
15: Do you know your characters’ MBTI personalities?
16: What would your characters be for Halloween?
Icarus - something subtle, since he's never participated before and doesn't want to get it wrong; some kind of animal, probably, since he can just put on/take off ears and a tail
Apollo - a chef!
17: Does your WIP have any themes or motifs?
Birds/flight and fire.
18: What’s easier, dialogue or description?
They're both hard DX writing is really hard... if I had to pick, I'd say dialogue is easier.
19: Post a picture or gif that describes your WIP.
I... I have this moodboard I made for Icarus... does that count...
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20: Post a brief excerpt.
To him, it resembled nothing less than an animate pile of dry kindling. Hardly a threat, even if it had startled him when it began moving. The voice had told him only to collect information about it, that he wasn’t ready to face it... but the voice had also said it couldn’t tell exactly what it was, either. It was entirely possible that Icarus could kill or destroy it, especially since it didn’t seem to have noticed him. If he did so, then surely he could prove that he wasn’t taking his second chance for granted, and the voice would be happier with him.
He had to try. The voice had mentioned that he was equipped with further magic, now, and he could feel it thrumming in time with the heat in his chest. How much, he couldn’t precisely tell, but it was more than likely enough to handle a pile of moving sticks. Icarus held his breath, one hand curled around his locket, the other clenched into a fist. If he shifted his focus just right, dim light began to seep from his closed fingers, but he held back from fully channeling his magic until the entity was just about to round the edge of the doorway.
When he whirled out from behind the barn wall and flung his hand away from him in a way that felt right, a bolt of sunlight arced from his outstretched palm and straight into the creature’s spindly shoulder. Not exactly where he’d wanted to hit it, but the explosion of dry wood as the limb fell away and it stumbled put an updraft beneath his spirit. Icarus shouted and pulled on his magic again, drawing more sunlight to his palm. One more good hit like that, properly aimed, and–
The dismembered arm thrashed against the ground and swung into his calves and that soaring energy vanished, replaced with a free falling sensation, almost literally as he staggered and tried to regain his bearings before it swung again. A desperate kick only gave it an opening to twist, ropelike, over his ankle, digging searing hot splinters into his skin as it clawed into the ground to keep him from moving.
The searing wood hurt, but he couldn’t afford to keep his attention on it, not while the rest of the entity hissed and twined its remaining arm into a whip that lashed a burning wound straight through his shirt. He fought down the rising panic in his throat and hurled another spear of sunlight at it as it advanced on him. It barely noticed or paused as it continued to drive him back, further into the barn, forcing him to drag the detached limb with him. He pulled on his magic again, willed a third well of light to his palm.
But no sunlight rose to his fingertips. Whatever had been fueling his magic, it was now entirely spent, and its absence felt unnaturally cold in his chest. He had never been much of a fighter, had never been one to do more than avoid attention by sticking to the sidelines. His one great act of recklessness, trying to burn away the parts of himself he hated, had gone horribly for him. And now he had done it again, and there was no stern but careful voice to save him. How could he have been so stupid, to not listen to it?
He had to run, had to make a break for the barn door and the field beyond. Maybe he could run back to town, get help, get the guards, something, anything to avoid dying here. Another kick at the wood wrapped around his leg managed to crack it enough that it lost its grip on him for long enough that he could get away, skirting around the creature and towards his escape. It stopped moving and tracked him with sunken, eyeless sockets, turning its head on a swivel almost all the way around with a sickening crackling.
Dense, dry underbrush sprouted beneath his feet, catching him by surprise and sending him tumbling to the ground. It grasped at him and slowed him down as he tried to keep crawling forwards. He kept pulling himself hand over hand, inching ever closer to the door – until burning hot tendrils of wood wrapped around his neck and ripped him from the entangling plants, holding him high above the ground. It did not move for a long moment, letting Icarus struggle to draw breath and watch, helpless, as its detached arm reconnected to its ruined shoulder, the fractured wood smoothing over until it looked as if it had never been broken. A jagged seam split its head with something that was almost a smile as it brought him closer, reaching with its free hand towards his chest.
Towards his heart? No–
His locket.
Icarus clawed and kicked at the wood around his neck hard enough to give himself splinters, to no avail. It hissed at him, like dry grass rubbing against itself, begging for a spark. A spark like the one contained in the golden pendant, because surely that would be more than enough to set it ablaze, if it wanted to burn. But he couldn’t let that happen, he couldn’t let himself and this barn and field and town go up in flames–
The only warning he had before the entity dropped him was a brief flaring of the heat in his chest. No, no it hadn’t dropped him – its grasp had passed right through his neck as his body... dissolved, burst not into flames but smoke, his limbs going from solid to vague impressions. The creature’s hissing cut off with a choking noise, and though he could no longer see anything, he could sense the dull heat of it scrambling away from him.
He gasped – or tried to, at least, even as his thoughts and body swirled in chaotic air currents left in the creature’s wake. It was leaving, getting further away with every moment he spent huddled on the barn floor, and he knew he ought to follow it to figure out where it went to recover, but he could not will himself to move. Even the slightest twitch seemed liable to separate his limbs from his body, and he wasn’t sure he could ever get them back if he lost them while he was like this.
Calm, calm, he had to stay calm, there had to be a way to reverse this, if he just thought hard enough and didn’t let himself panic. Icarus forced himself to pretend he still had lungs and go through the motions of breathing, the insubstantial matter of his chest rising and falling. He didn’t have eyes to squeeze shut but he tried anyway, pressing his face to the ground and blocking out the flickering warmth of distant animal bodies. With every fake breath, the smoke that his body had burst into coalesced more, until he had lungs and eyes again, until he could curl his fingers into the dirt and feel it wedge beneath his nails. Until he was, for better or for worse, back in his usual, solid form.
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langdxn · 4 years
the night we met | jim mason x reader
WARNINGS: Expect tears, that’s all I’m saying.
A/N: I finished watching 13 Reasons Why recently and this is my way of getting out all those emotions without turning to actual 13RW fics that nobody would read. Thank you to the anon that suggested writing this with Jim, it suits him so well! Italicised lyrics from Lord Huron - The Night We Met.
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Jim Mason left echoes wherever he went.
His unbridled laughter reverberated against the rocks in the bay, his ecstatic cheers bounced from every tiled roof, his beaming smile reflected in the sun rays gleaming on the shore.
Everywhere in Palos Verdes held a piece of him.
Some more painful than others.
“You’re the new girl,” a kind voice called above the hubbub of the house party, approaching you in your assumed position of safety in the kitchen. Steering yourself away from the established crowds of friendship groups and awkward first meetings, you anchored yourself beside the mountain of solo cups and the half-empty drinks chiller.
It almost worked. Almost.
I am not the only traveler
“Fascinating observation,” you replied with a disgruntled huff before turning to see the sun-bleached blonde standing behind you, tousled beach curls framing his tanned face. “I concede, I acquiesce to the mundane introduction of awkward teenage boy to equally uncomfortable teenage girl.”
“Way too many big words, babe,” he sighed before swooping beside you to grab a beer from the icy depths of the cooler. “I’m Jim, by the way.”
Who has not repaid his debt
“Nice to meet you, ‘Jim by the way,’” you proffered a sarcastic hand which he happily shook. “I’m ‘the new girl.’”
Jim’s brows furrowed, eyes widening as he slowly processed your wordplay.
“That’s a hell of a sense of humour you got there,” he chuckled nervously, cracking his beer open and taking a deep swig. “What brings you to PV?”
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
You leaned an elbow on the nearest kitchen counter as if settling down for a long drawn-out narrative to explain what brought you to this moment — your new house filled with total strangers, your new kitchen almost entirely destroyed by high school demolition drinking games, preppy kids wading past your cardboard boxes, varsity jacket-clad football players sneaking into your new bedroom and a particularly gorgeous surfer dude trying to chat you up.
This bizarre situation called for brutal honesty.
“My last boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend, I couldn’t face seeing them both every day so—“
Take me back to the night we met
“So you came to PV for a more complicated life?” Jim interjected, his warm smile lighting up the whole room. In an instant, it was as if you and he were the only two at the party. The commotion around you muffled to a dull roar as you gazed awkwardly down at your feet.
“I assume so,” you nodded, taking a gentle sip from your cup while maintaining eye contact with your new friend. “What’s so complicated about PV? Can’t be much worse than I went through in DC.”
And then I can tell myself
“Yeah, you say that,” Jim scratched his neck, his attempt at diverting an uncomfortable truth. “You haven’t met the Bay Boys yet.”
“The Bay Boys? Sounds like a horrendous tribute band,” you sighed through a subtle pout. “You’re not one of them?”
“Hell no,” Jim scoffed with a grin. “I’ve got a life, believe it or not—“
What the hell I'm supposed to do
“Jimmy!” A booming male voice swooped toward you before two big palms landed square on Jim’s shoulders. A stereotypical high school jock had just invited himself into your quiet conversation. “Who’s the hot chick?”
And then I can tell myself
“This is... the new girl,” Jim smiled that same innocent smile that captivated you not moments earlier. “New girl, this is Danny, king of the Bay Boys.”
The heat prickling at your cheeks wasn’t a response to meeting one of the supposedly fabled Bay Boys, nor to his reference to you as ‘the hot chick,’ but to Jim. The guy who sauntered into your life and actually gave you the time of day. The guy who smiled like the first rays of sun across the ocean in the morning.
“Come with me, babe,” Jim snapped you out of your daze, his fingers suddenly entwining with yours and pulling you across the room. “I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
Not to ride along with you
“Come on, babe,” he pressed as you lay together on the beach, gazing up at the glistening stars in the PV night sky. A sharp elbow jabbing into your ribs indicated his impatience. “You know… you know I’ll look after you, just give me a chance?”
I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you
“Jim, you’re too drunk,” you sighed, a playful tap landing on his wetsuit-clad chest beside you. “Ask me when you’re sober.”
“I’ll be sober in the morning and you’ll still be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he smiled to himself, scooping an arm under your head and cinching you into his chest. “And the only one that understands me. Definitely the only one that would lay with me and watch the stars like this.”
Take me back to the night we met
“That was shockingly coherent for your state of inebriation, Mason.”
“Fuck me, that was one too many big words,” Jim chuckled heartily. “You’re still avoiding the question, princess. I’m not like your ex, you’ve known that since we first met last year. Why not just see whether we can be happy together?”
I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you
You sighed wistfully, turning on your side to gaze at the beach-tousled blonde laying beside you, the moonlight bathing his features in an angelic glow.
“It’s just,” you stuttered. “What if we didn’t work out? What if we fought and fell out? I couldn’t lose you, Jim, I’d be a mess without you.”
Oh, take me back to the night we met
“You won’t lose me,” he cooed gently, drawing you in to plant a peck atop your hair. “I love you too much to let you go.”
Slowly pulling away, Jim’s gaze locked with yours. The sparkle in his eyes as the moonlight beamed down on you both, the sweet grin tugging at the corners of his lips, the hopeful hitch in his breath; his words held so much sincerity, so much meaning, that he hung on every syllable that left your tongue in response.
When the night was full of terrors
“Jim, please,” you pleaded reservedly, clenching your eyes shut as if to dismiss all thought of returning his affections. “Don’t say that unless you really mean it.”
He leaned in to hover his lips over yours.
“Baby, I’ve never meant anything more—“
And your eyes were filled with tears
Suddenly, frantic footfalls slipping on the sand approached from behind you, startling you both to attention.
“Mason, get your ass back up here,” called a male voice, no doubt one of the Bay Boys. “The party’s dying without you!”
When you had not touched me yet
Jim stuttered weakly, caught off-guard and unprepared to stand his ground for fear of looking flaky in front of you.
“Uh... yeah, sure,” he shouted back, nervously clearing his throat and weaving his hand from beneath your neck. “I’ll be right there.”
“Jim, wait—“
“Babe, I gotta go,” he insisted, staggering to his feet and helping you up to meet him, cupping your face in both trembling hands. “Look, I’ll tell you when I’m sober, just like you asked right?”
Oh, take me back to the night we met
You couldn’t conceal an eye roll as you nodded contentedly, swallowing hard as he turned to leave. A few paces across the sand, he turned to gaze at you once again.
“I’ll tell you when I’m sober!”
Not every echo recalled happy times.
“Jim, I’m worried about you,” you sighed, watching him sweep together another line on the bathroom counter.  
I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you
“Well quit it, okay?” He hissed, a snarl skewing his once radiant smile as he looked at you in the mirror. “You’re not my mom, you don’t get to tell me what to do.”
“Babe I know I’m not, I’m just trying to hel—“
“You’re not helping anybody! What is it with you, huh? You got a crush on me or something?!”
Take me back to the night we met
His hands balled into fists atop the counter, puffing furiously like a bull about to charge.
“You? I don’t even know who you are anymore, Jim,” you spat furiously through gritted teeth, arms gesticulating in the tense air between you. “You’re so out of your skull all the time, I don’t even recognise you.”
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
“Oh thanks very much, babe,” he mocked your tone, swinging around and pushing past you to leave the bathroom. “It’s nice to know how you felt about me this entire time, and it didn’t even come out with big ridiculous fucking words! That explains why you were so goddamn evasive whenever I tried to make a move on you.”
Racing behind him as he stormed through the bedroom, your vision clouded with hysteria, words you needed to say but couldn’t find, sentences you couldn’t bring yourself to form, phrases that pained you to produce into sounds.
Haunted by the ghost of you
“Jim, you only made a move on me when you were drunk or high on some fucking substance you shoved up your nose with the Bay Boys!”
“Yeah? Well you won’t have to worry about that anymore,” he paused at the front door, hand clasped around the doorknob and turning to face you. His face scrunched into a scowl, his bottom lip trembling frantically. “I’m done here, I’m done with PV and I’m fucking done with you.”
Take me back to the night we met
In a blink of an eye and a slam of the door, he was gone. Hours later, the beach sweeper found his body, face down in the sand where he once lay beside you.
Jim died thinking I hated him. He died not knowing I loved him.
I’m leaving Palos Verdes today.
Because Jim Mason left echoes wherever he went.
Some infinitely more painful than others.
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astrologista · 4 years
jason stop dying
ooooook i just watched ditf. it was PRETTY GOOD.... i only wish there was MOOORE! watching this REALLY brought me back to 2011 times to see it and i think they did a good job with most of the character design and animations insofar as matching it to the original. (maybe i’m totally wrong but i thought it looked good for the most part... also i just really love these character designs in particular). obviously the budget is not what it would be on a feature, so there are a LOT of places where animation gets recycled and many still frames. some parts are basically a slideshow lol. but i only sort of came to that realization awhile after watching, so i think they did a fairly good job of masking this... ymmv
so let’s get into it!!! 
SPOILERS a-head! do not read until you’ve watched it because i’ll spoil everything
now obviously the thing to be aware of if you are not is the fact that this adaptation is not a panel-by-panel adaptation of the original death in the family comic. all references to jason’s mother (save one mention of her dying of illness) are completely removed, they go to bosnia instead of africa, and the circumstances around jason leaving are also heavily altered to fit the new narrative. this adaptation does slot perfectly into the universe established by the under the red hood animated movie from 2011 though, without which one would be pretty confused when watching this. it’s kind of a mystery as to why they didn’t just package this with utrh and release the entire thing as a collectors edition. instead they package it with like 4 or 5 unrelated dc showcase shorts which makes absolutely 0 sense but go off i guess. anyway
i liked that they took the time to adapt the scene from the original ditf where bruce is talking to alfred about jason! (i do not like that alfred didn’t get any lines. bad choice). tbh i can’t understand why they bothered showing us alfred, barbara and dick if they weren’t gonna give them any lines..... like come on........??
HOW INTENSE BRUCE LOOKS WHEN HE FINDS JASON IN SARAJEVO and just. grabs him lol. hes smad :)
ok so one two skip a few and we get to the first branch. instead of calling 1-900 we now get to choose whether jason lives or dies. there are 7 possible endings i think i got em all so let’s see what we got here.
“Hush” Route - Robin cheats death
hgrgdggr. i definitely think this is one of the more interesting endings, if not the most interesting one. this is also the only ending in which both bruce and jason survive the bombing. bruce is still too late, but this time jason barely clings to life and survives. as a hurt/comfort fan i was 100% on this shit from the word go but then jason? runs away from home lmao lmao i thought that was SO funny because 1) hes super messed up, how is he able to just literally run out the house that is SO funny to me and 2) implying that bruce would ever not be keeping an eye on him after that is just, lmao. it’s so zany. i call this the “hush” route because of the bandages but there are no other references to hush so ok. that’s fair. so anyway jason is now angsty for loosely explained reasons but the most fun part is yet to come.
when talia showed up, i really thought / was terrified for a second that they were gonna bring up certain “events” regarding damian’s parentage / who damian’s father is but then she mentioned bruce and i was like OH THANK GOD WE CAN STILL GO TO HEAVEN. i am so so grateful to the writers for NOT going there. cuz it was damn close ok. im not sure what the implication of this route is in terms of talia, jason and damian being a family unit but i want to believe talia sees jason as a son and damian’s brother (which is how she refers to him, damian’s brother) and not... yknow. i mean. jason raising a baby is kind of like a baby raising a baby...
no actually the reality of this scene is really dfuckin interesting like. they actually go with the “birth of the demon” (forget if it was birth of the demon or bride of the demon. one of those.) explanation for damian and that is something i’ve NEVER seen adapted so whoever wrote this can have a cookie and i kNOW this is something a certain someone will appreciate :)
not only that but the implications? are interesting? so talia’s claim is she miscarried so bruce won’t have to “choose” between damian and jason and idk if she’s supposed to be all on the-up-and-up in this universe but. i’m sitting here like GIRL YOU DON’T GOTTA DO THIS HE HAS A PRIVATE JET HAVEN’T YOU HEARD OF SHARED CUSTODY and BETTER YET HE HAS A MANSION JUST GO ON MAURY AND GET THIS SORTED OUT RIGHT NOWwwww
i’m also LAUGHING at the implications of jason thinking theres anywhere on earth that he’s going to go and hide damian’s existence from bruce. because you already know he’s just going to be tearing the planet apart looking for jason so this is actually hilarious. imagine he finds jason in one piece and also a baby. his baby. he’d be like (@ talia) “OMG WHY WOULD YOU THINK I WOULDN’T WANT THEM BOTH u are tearing me apart talia......” BUT THEN HE WOULD BE SO FREAKING HAPPY BECAUSE HE HAS TWO ALIVE SONS AND HE THOUGHT THEY WERE BOTH DEAD / (lost to crime)!!!
please lord imagine all of jason’s angst probably just originating from the fact that he has a brain injury that hasn’t fully healed and the trauma of going through all those surgeries probably gave him a lot of fear / paranoia about bruce and associating him with the joker because his neural pathways are all messed up but after he leaves he starts slowly healing back and regaining some of his lost sanity and thats when he realizes he misses bruce so much... but hes also raising his child... and every day it gets more difficult for him not to just take damian and bring him home and i ;v;
anyway i thought this route, while it had a few inconsistencies in it, was really freaking interesting and it gave me feels and plot bunnies and is probably the one i want to write about the MOST despite the fact that baby damian looks like a character from one of those web flash games in this lol
“True” End - Jason Dies
now if you select that jason dies the route basically defaults to the canon of under the red hood and the fact that utrh does not come packaged with this movie is a rather mystifying choice to me as i don’t think this adaptation would stand on its own very well. like you need quite a bit of background to really get anything out of watching this on its own, which is probably why it’s classified as a “short” and not as its own movie.
instead of showing all of utrh, it seems they took the opportunity to give a ~30 minute recap of utrh with basically entirely reused animation but they allow bruce to sort of. give his dvd commentary over it.
the biggest feeling i have on this is that it’s sad that they had to waste 30 minutes like this that could’ve been used to do something new and much more interesting, but honestly i’m not mad. it seems kind of obvious that this choice was probably made for budget and/or runtime reasons because a short does not get the same budget set aside as a full length feature film does. so they basically took the option of recycling 30 minutes of animation from the movie and dubbing new audio over it.
in evangelion they ran out of budget and that’s why the last two episodes consist of nothing more than still pencil drawings and frames while the characters engage in philosophical debates concerning the nature of reality and human connection. and i really enjoyed that. and for the same reasons, i also really enjoyed this.
i enjoyed seeing the clark kent of this universe. i enjoyed that he was basically out on a date with bruce. i enjoyed that bruce was willing to open up for once and tell clark all of what happened with jason. but what really makes this segment shine bright are bruce greenwood’s line reads. there are SO MANY good line reads in here. and i LOVED how many times he said the word “son”. very wholesome. the way he describes how he felt during the final fight with jason? probs my favorite FUCKING part.
and then him and clark joking together about contingency plans and then they’re going to work together to find jason and i ;_; this is probably the closest thing to a “good” ending but as a continuation of utrh i thought it worked really well. i really want to believe that bruce and clark did find jason in this route and that there was some closure in the end even though we didn’t get to see it.
including clark in this was DEFINITELY the right move as well, considering that he played a rather large role in the original ditf so it’s a welcome nod.
The rest of the branches exist under a separate option where Bruce makes it in time to save Jason from the warehouse... but Bruce dies......... :O
let me tell you bout it... bruce’s fucking DEATH SCENE i don’t know WHAT my man bruce greenwood is on, but the freaking LINE READS in this dialogue had me making INHUMAN NOISES. LIKE NOT ONLY WAS THE DIALOGUE GOOD, NOT ONLY DID HE SAY “I LOVE YOU, SON”, but this man is just an amazing actor. not just voice actor, but actor. he really really really really gave it the most i don’t know how else to say it....... it was very very well done and punched me sideways in the heart and i haven’t recovered and i’m not going to recover. and
ok so once we get past that.... scene.... u have to choose whether you’re going to catch the joker or kill the joker. bruce asks jason to promise not to kill the joker but technically jason doesn’t promise so........
Let’s start by choosing to kill the Joker. Jason attends Bruce’s funeral and various members of the Justice League show up to talk with him and just generally hang out. He has Alfred, Dick and Barbara as his support system, but Jason has some other plans.
This leads to a scene in a cafe where Jason meets with a man who... something something Killing Joke, flashlight, more Barbara being used as a plot device when she deserves better, Jason kills the Joker with a butter knife.
Once you do this you can choose to surrender to the police, or retaliate and escape.
Jailbird Ending
basically if you surrender to the police jason ends up in prison where he can actually attack even more criminals so.... ya
If you retaliate and escape instead you go to the Red Robin route where Jason becomes a vigilante who kills people much like the Red Hood and you get a further choice in a fight with Two Face where you can control how Harvey’s coin lands. 
Tim Ending!
If you choose the coin to land clean face up, the thing rewards you by having Tim show up and I forgot what happened (wasn’t really paying attention lol) because i was so focused on TIM!
Prolly they felt sorry for him what with Jason stealing what is essentially his outfit (ok I know it was Jason’s first, but Tim made it cool) so they let a little baby tim have an appearance :) he’s very smol
I guess in this ending Jason gets reintegrated with the family somehow and Tim becomes “Bat-kid” which is hilarious to me but you know what it’s cute. CUTE.
The one ending where the coin lands scarred side up
i honestly forget what happens if you choose to have the coin land scarred side up but let me just say this is a FUCKED route to take, not only have you had jason survive and bruce die, you’ve now chosen to kill the joker against bruce’s dying wish, you’ve chosen to attack the police, and at the end of that you really are gonna choose harvey’s coin to be scarred face up???? choosing this made me feel like a DICK because here i am supporting jason’s whole fall to madness and villainy thing the way it wants me to and now he’s gonna die HERE? i hate it here.
interestingly enough he doesn’t actually die in this route. he ends up at home with barbara and dick while dealing with the fact that he killed the joker but the route ends with jason saying “i promise” so i guess this is supposed to be kinda sad. im so confused lol ok
So that is all the options if you choose to kill the joker, I believe. You can also make the choice to just catch him instead of killing him but amazingly enough, those routes are even more FUCKED up. 
If you do this option Jason goes home, mourns Bruce with Dick, Barbara and Alfred, and becomes Red Hood BUT with a twist, he’s entirely on a bloodless operation in line with Bruce’s wishes. OR.... IS HE?
Things then follow the events of UTRH until the scene on the bridge with the van and the guys. Jason finally confronts Joker, who reveals the truth. 
Apparently in this route Jason has actually been killing and decapitating his victims just like in the original movie, but he’s repressed it so as to not even realize to himself that he’s doing it.
that is FUCKED. also. i wanna cry because jason doing all of that stuff but not even realizing it ;------; jason blocking it out, because he wanted to honor bruce’s wishes for him not to kill anyone ;______; but he’s doing it anyway ;_____; he’s actually hearing voices telling him to kill ;____; like it’s a very cheap twist in a sense and also really quite cruel but.... damn, son.
There is a branch here where you can choose to spare or kill the Joker at this point (UNDERTALE???) but from what I can tell it seems to be totally meaningless what choice you pick because you end up at the exact same point either way, I think there’s a small variation in what happens after you make the choice but after that they just coalesce back together into the following two endings. Which seems incredibly cheap to me, I mean making a choice like that should alter Jason’s path completely but, it doesn’t! So... ooook....
Either way Jason ends up on the Wayne building and Talia shows up with a re-animated Bruce from the pit. Here’s another fun blast from the 2011 past with more gratuitous Grant Morrison dreck, remember that shit? Well, they’re gonna jam it down your throat here, too.
The reanimated Bruce is the Zur En Arrh Bruce and he’s already dead so this is all meaningless but basically Jason fights him and you get to choose whether everybody lives or dies.
Zur En Arrh - Everyone Lives!
if you pick this, jason actually gets the re-animated bruce back to the batcave and they lock him up down there because he’s still pit-mad and the prognosis is not great. but i’m not sure what they expected, he is the zur-en-arrh guy so I don’t think he’s getting better. 
Zur En Arrh - Everyone Dies!
pretty much there’s an explosion and all three of them die and that’s it
I think that should be all the possible endings there are.
By the way the different ways in which black mask dies in this was actually a fairly clever running gag lollll. let that mf burn we don’t need no water.
overall there are a couple of things i would have done to SIGNIFICANTLY improve this adaptation beyond some of the obvious ones.
- the fact that all of the branching options are branched exclusively under the “jason lives and bruce dies” branch is a huge wasted opportunity. imo this is the most egregious problem with this, i was really looking for a more balanced tree / explanation of different things. i am probably super biased though being a fic writer and used to fic, we’re the ones making huge ass trees every day lol.
- the fact that there is no “good” ending here is something i kind of expected but given the context of this is lackluster. i sort of get it though because granted, the original ditf ends in an unresolved manner but it’s distinctly unsatisfying here. i secretly wanted an ending where bruce, like, figures out about the different endings and hacks reality to try to find a good ending where jason lives and everything is fine lmao. like a bat mite ending.
- i was disappointed in a sense that the narrative given in here is so basically simplistic? maybe i’ve been spoiled by games like 999 and undertale where shit gets messy and that’s not what this is supposed to be but when i play something with multiple endings in this day and age, at least play with the concept a little bit and connect some of the branches together narratively. use different devices. i was also hoping some of the choices would be a little bit meatier like you could choose to “forgive bruce” or something cool like that lol. but it looks like the majority of choices have to do with who lives or dies. and i felt like they couldve been a bit more creative with that ya know? being able to control harvey’s coin was a GREAT example of having some more fun with this.
- it is a huge missed opportunity not to have a “secret ending” on something like this. like where. the fuck. is my secret ending for completing everything. come on. and in a similar vein there should’ve been at least something in terms of bruce and jason interacting in a “true ending”. even if very brief. the closest thing to an ending this has is the “jason died” route and then the ending where he’s talking to clark which i feel like was a REALLY nice good optimistic ending as far as this goes, but it comes off as kind of disappointing i guess
there were SO many interesting nuggets locked into this thing though. i can’t deny it bugs me how many wasted opportunities there were with how they chose to structure things but i guess it’s the best you can do with limited runtime. i thought it was really well done though, makes an interesting companion piece to the original utrh, and is definitely something that i will be re-watching again soon!! overall i give it a 7/10 and some parts an 8/10+!
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gascon-en-exil · 4 years
So I've heard the parley scene in AM is really bad. Can you explain what's wrong with it?
This sounds like a good time to use that handy event gallery feature to transcribe the conversation so we can talk about it. I haven’t done a full line-by-line reading of anything in a very long time.
Incidentally, Hubert is also present in this scene although he has no lines, which is highly unusual for the way this game handles who appears in story cutscenes. I just thought that was worth remarking on.
Dimitri: Professor. Do you think Edelgard will show up?
Byleth: “She will.” or “I doubt it.” Choice leads to...
???: “Well, well. It’s been a long time, Professor. And hello to you too, DImitri.” or “Sorry to disappoint you, Professor.”
This is Byleth’s only line in the scene, and I love how it reinforces that Edelgard is hung up on them even in the route where Byleth matters least. She acknowledges Dimitri, the leader of the army with whom she’s holding a parley, second - and not at all if you doubt her and she gets pouty about it. Also, imagine a Byleth-less AM where it would Dedue at Dimitri’s side instead, and how much better that would have been.
Dimitri: Edelgard. I did not think you would actually accept my request.
Edelgard: Call it a whim. Well then? What did want to talk about?
Call it an OOC whim, because she never so much as suggests any such thing on the other routes even when she’s losing.
Dimitri: I will get straight to the point. Why did you start this war? There had to a way change things in your territory without the need for so many senseless casualties.
Edelgard: It may be hard to believe, but this is the way that leads to the fewest casualties in the end. Don’t you see?
Dimitri: How could I? Countless people have already lost their lives in this conflict.
Edelgard: The longer we took to revolt, the more victims this crooked world would have claimed. I weighed the victims of war against the victims of the world as it is now, and I chose the former. I believe that I have chosen the best path, the only path.
Dimitri: Even after seeing the faces of those who have suffered the ravages of war, you would still force them to throw their lives away for the future? You are obsessively devoted to this war and deaf to the screams of its victims. You cannot change the cycle of the strong dominating the weak with a method like that.
Edelgard: You’re wrong. That very cycle is exactly what I have devoted my life and my power to destroying. If after all of this you believe the weak will still be weak, that is only because they are too used to relying on others instead of on themselves.
This reinforces three concepts central to Edelgard’s character: the ends justify the means, dependence on others makes you weak, and it’s acceptable for her to make life-or-death decisions for an entire continent because she has the power and (allegedly) the understanding to do so.
Dimitri: Yes. Perhaps someone as strong as you are can claim something like that. But you cannot force that belief onto others. People aren’t as strong as you think they are. There are those who cannot live without their faith...and those who cannot go on once they have lost their reason for living. Your path will not be able to save them. It is the path of the strong, and so, it could only benefit the strong.
Dimitri remarks that Edelgard is operating from a place of extreme privilege as emperor, but he also means strength in a different context which he’ll expound upon later. I’ve seen people cherry pick the line about people who can’t live without faith as evidence that Dimitri thinks religion is necessary, but that’s ignoring what he says below.
Edelgard: Heh, so you consider me strong, do you? 
Of course, because Edelgard makes a big point of never showing her emotions to anyone but Byleth and projecting an image of strength in place of them. This is markedly in contrast to Dimitri who allows himself to be publicly vulnerable in ugly and unsettling ways. It’s inverted gender coding twice over.
Edelgard: Even if one clings to their faith, the goddess will never answer them. Countless souls will be lost that way. Living without purpose. And I can be counted as those who have died that way as well. But that’s why I must change this world, on behalf of the silent and weak!
So now she claims to speak for the weak. This implies some interesting things about why Edelgard is an atheist (or as much as one can be in a world where your deity is living inside your teacher), although it falls a bit flat when one considers Dimitri’s Goddess Tower event where he essentially admits to being a deist himself. They’re actually about on the same page there, but this conversation doesn’t indicate it.
Dimitri: And do you intend to become a goddess yourself? Will you steal the power to take action from the broken-hearted masses you claim to defend? The ones who can truly change the way of the world are not the rulers, but the people. Pushing your own sense of justice and your own ideals onto even one other person is nothing more than self-righteousness.
Edelgard: Maybe it is self-righteousness, but it doesn’t matter. Someone has to take action and put a stop to this world’s endless, blood-stained history!
Proto-democracy alert, and I don’t mean from Edelgard. I’m a bit shocked that Edelgard is willing to admit that she’s being self-righteous, but she immediately pivots back into her usual spiel and refusal to compromise her beliefs even the slightest.
Dimitri: Do you not believe in the power of the people to join together and rise up? Humans are weak creatures. But they are also creatures who help each other, support each other, and together, find the right path. I have learned that humans are capable of all that from the professor...and from everyone in my life.
I hate that Dimitri singles out Byleth here and not, you know, any of the numerous other people who’ve been at his side supporting and loving him for much longer and with more than just irrelevant dialogue options and vacant smiles. Nevertheless, Dimitri understands the value of community on account of his experiences and his own development. That’s some solid, thematically cohesive writing there. See what the other leaders miss out on by never changing during their stories...and no, having the hots for the self-insert does not constitute changing.
Edelgard: I doubt a highborn person like yourself could know how the poor feel or what motivates them. This is nonsense. Though, I’m finally starting to understand how you feel. But that makes it even clearer to me that we can never fully understand each other.
Dimitri: I feel the same. I finally understand...what you believe is right.
An obnoxious moment of the pot calling the kettle black that also ignores that Dimitri spent most of the timeskip homeless, spending time in the slums of Fòdlan, being hailed as a (frightening) hero of the common people. Dimitri doesn’t argue the point though; he sees that Edelgard is set in her (demonstrably incorrect) beliefs and that further discussion is useless. Do note who shuts down the conversation first though, after sidestepping Dimitri’s point about the value of supporting each other.
Edelgard: Good-bye, DImitri.
Dimitri: Wait, Edelgard. There is something I must give you.  This is for you. Use it to cut a path to the future you wish for. And I will rise up to meet you there...El.
Edelgard: ...
I left this bit in for the transition as well as to undercut the irony of what Edelgard ultimately does with this dagger. The future she wishes for is to stand on her own - even if it means killing an old friend and dying herself.
After this the scene cuts to a flashback of Dimitri giving Edelgard the dagger before she left the Kingdom, followed by Edelgard admitting that she had forgotten that memory and the two of them reflecting on it briefly before parting. I’ve cut this part as it’s not relevant to the parley.
Now that I’ve written it all out I have to say that the scripting of this scene is not inherently terrible. It works if you assume that Edelgard is metaphorically sticking her fingers in her ears through the whole thing and spouting her rehearsed, blatantly flawed rhetoric about human nature and assumptions about Dimitri’s character that prove that she doesn’t know him very well at all and doesn’t care to. I’ve read that several lines are markedly different in Japanese, although not necessarily better? Either way this is a scene of two people talking past each other repeatedly that accomplishes nothing except to set the stage for the final cutscene, underscoring that AM was never really about politics so much as people at its narrative center.
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