#it has kaito doing magic
airu27-rkgk · 2 years
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unrelated (?) kaishin fic rec: Tomorrow, and the Next Day by cuethesun
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puppyeared · 7 months
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im so predictable
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friendrat · 3 months
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On April 10th!
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faynke · 5 months
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Happy New Year!
extra doodles
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please pretend you didn’t see the previous version of this drawing
Just in case anyone wondered exactly how Shinichi missed his personal encounter with aptx4869.
On one hand, now Kaito has to *shudder* pretend he likes a detective, because he has to keep consistency. On the other hand, now he's Ran's favorite, which gives Shinichi endless grief.
(Text in the drawing transcripted under the read more!)
Shinichi, desperately trying to shake Kaito off before Ran can catch up and give him hell for ditching her: C'mon, I'll be right back! So be a good boy and stay with Ran-neechan, okay?
Kaito, wobbly, about to make full use of the tantrum card bc he's not letting this teenager he just met chase after two shady guys and get himself killed like a DUMBASS: But I want to go with you...
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raifuujin · 1 year
It’s done!
The directory of all the various DC related books (that I own) has been completed!
Not all of the scans are mine, when other people have shared for the main series and spinoffs over the years, but a very solid chunk are my scans of all the ‘unimportant’ material. (If other people had good scans, I opted to save my own time, even if I could scan my own copies, basically.) And now it’s all fairly organized in one easy access list!
Includes: Conan, Kaito, Yaiba, the novels, movie manga, educational manga, activity books, tokubestuhen, archives, game guides, etc.
Now that it’s caught up, I’ll try to keep it up to date when I get more books in the future.
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daydreams7567 · 2 years
What I really want is a story where KID just casually mentions that time he got kidnapped by a mad scientist. I kind of want him to mention it to Conan thinking it wasn’t a big deal especially since he knows a little of what Conan has been through. Meanwhile Conan starts to freak out just a little much to KIDs growing confusion.
Conan talking about that time when he was stuck in a game because of a rouge AI
KID: That reminds me of the time I was kidnapped by a mad scientist. He was trying to create robots to replace people.
Conan: ☉_☉
KID: He was experimenting with transferring the memories from a person to the robot. That machine really gave me a headache but for some reason I got much better with coding afterwards.
Conan: o_O
Conan: What happened to the scientist?
KID: Oh the robot went crazy killed him then went on a rampage until I managed to trick it into blowing its own head off.
Conan: WTF
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arl-the-beloved · 8 months
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Yes i got this from tiktok
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akai-anna · 1 year
the identity porn in DCMK is so absolutely delicious... and the sheer amount of it. gosh. no wonder i like this so much, so delicious.
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dropespeon · 1 year
i truly think that if ginzou learned how to do magic it would do sooo much good for him
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ludoka · 2 years
My brain short-circuited while watching Moriarty The Patriot where I actually believed that James Moriarty shared VA with Hakuba Saguru. It was a lapse of 5 minutes where my imagination ran a little.
I read somewhere an AU with Hakuba having eternal life and my brain just took it. So imagine how ironic it would be if in a past life Hakuba was Moriarty or at least the source of his inspiration. There it remains for him to take Sherlock as his detective reference because he found the irony funny or he liked the idea of ​​Holmes twisting in his grave.
Context that gave my head:
Hakuba was born between the third century BC and the sixth century AD. (Because I am loved to the tale of Excalibur. So yes, he is King Arthur. Only he got to be King because he and a young Merlin were doing stupid things with magic. Nothing serious. Until Hakuba became king and they realized that, MAYBE, they shouldn't play with unknown things.) His mother took him to a magician when he was 4 years old to have his illness cured. But magic is capricious And the next thing Saguru knew is that every time he dies, he emerges from the ground where his previous body was located or the last place where his blood was spilled. While his former body turns to ashes (in true Jackie Chan style in that magic talisman movie)
I like the "immortal guy who hates immortality and has a shitty attitude about it" theme. But I feel like Hakuba passed that stage of her life a couple of centuries ago. So he's in a state of "I am afraid of death. 'Cause all I've ever known is this underworld. But, shit, I really want to know what's in the afterlife." It's funny that it only exists sometimes. But when he's particularly bored he lives big. Poor mortals who must live with him at that time.
PS: no, they do not share VA.
P.D 2: he always revives with four years. Not at the age he died.
Pd3: This is really inconvenient sometimes In the second world war, in some country in southern Europe, he died 6 times as a child because of a stepmother. The woman was crazy and didn't realize she was killing him. It may or may not have set fire to the house where she lived with her and her husband inside. He may or may not have done so after learning that there were 8 other children before him and the husband covered up all evidence. (Apparently the husband chose children with a similar face to pretend they were all the same child.) (Hakuba doesn't regret anything.)
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tsubasaclones · 1 year
only a few days until i get to see my bestie akiho again
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puppyeared · 2 years
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I put too much effort into drawing this stupid joke
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kayunivy · 2 months
It's strange to think that Kaito is the only one in this story who shouldn't have anything to do with any of this. He's not like the other Gosho Boys, who always wanted to be a detective or also, he doesn't have a relative who works for the police. A normal boy with a normal life, who thought his father had died in an accident and tried to move on from it, but ends up discovering that he lived a lie for 8 years, that his father was an internationally wanted thief and was murdered when he refused to look for a precious stone.
So Kaito enters this world of police and criminal organizations just to find out who killed his father, prevent someone bad from finding Pandora and take revenge by helping the police capture the criminals. But even if he treats it like it's nothing, he's slowly breaking down, it's exhausting and progress is almost minimal. I'm looking forward to film 27 precisely because Kaito won't be as positive as always, he's reaching his limit...
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Kaito knows that Pandora might actually just be a legend but he keeps searching for why his father 'died' because of this. He devises complex plans, constantly risks his life and handles everything alone. Shinichi got support, he has Heiji, Agasa, Haibara, his own parents and everyone who knows his secret identity but Kaito has no one but Jii, not even his mother helps him (even though she knows more things than him) quite the opposite, she rarely shows genuine support, barely talks to him and is always distant and beyond that (it seems) in the last episode of Magic Kaito 1412, it was she who disguised herself using Toichi's image to shake Kaito, no matter what kind of intention did she have... That was cruel.
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He's already gotten too involved to give up and pretend that nothing happened, that he doesn't know any of this, it's complicated and Jii can't stop him from putting himself at risk. Kaito doesn't like stealing, he says that sometimes but he's someone who is very stubborn and unaware of the danger, when he gets it into his head that he has to solve all this, he won't stop until he succeeds.
And even though a lot of people hate him, he never lowers his head or stops helping, he helps the police, prevents people from dying and always tries to put a smile on someone's face regardless of who they are. It's ironic to think that this pervert is such a pure-hearted person, that he feels guilty for not being able to save someone who had tried to kill him moments before...
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faynke · 9 months
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the eepies
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moldyselene · 27 days
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Some thoughts on the fem au
Even if kaito went off the radar after getting injured, I still like to imagine her sending out doves to check on shinichi (she’s not doing well)
Looking down at the shattered monocle, shinichi can still smell the blood spreading out on the once pristine white cape, can still see the still form of KID before it disappeared in a flash.
Kaito barely made it with the help of akako, with the help of magics and potions, she’s able to at least walk again under a year. Although some injuries still has a permanent effect on her, so returning as KID is an impossible task.
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