#it's a painful procedure with risks and benefits
semimole · 10 months
circumcision-is-genital-mutilation ppl getting on my damn nerves
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ihrindia · 1 year
Understanding Amniocentesis Test: Risks, Results, And Benefits
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Dr. Deepak Goenka, M.D Director, Institute of Human Reproduction IVF Specialist
What is Amniocentesis Test?
The amniocentesis test is a prenatal diagnostic test (test done during pregnancy) that involves taking a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus in the uterus during pregnancy. It is typically performed during the second trimester, between 15 and 20 weeks of pregnancy.
What is Amniocentesis Test for? Why is it done?
Amniocentesis is usually done to check for chromosomal abnormalities or genetic disorders in the fetus, such as Down syndrome or Thalassemia.
The procedure of the Amniocentesis Test
The procedure for amniocentesis is typically performed in a hospital or clinic by a trained healthcare provider. It is done with the use of ultrasound to guide the insertion of a thin needle through the abdomen and into the uterus to collect a small sample of amniotic fluid. Usually, no prior preparations are required. No empty stomach. No anesthesia is usually used as it is just a needle prick. The procedure takes about 5-10 minutes. Post-procedure, you are asked to rest in the clinic for a few hours and then you can go home. This is an outpatient procedure and does not require admission.
To read more, Click Here
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twinfools · 2 years
I’m 3 years post phalloplasty and I realized I’ve never really made a post about how things are going. Phalloplasty is a hard surgery to talk about because, bottom line, it’s not part of common conversation to talk about yo dick. That being said I think it’s really important for me to talk about this procedure to help break stigma and misinformation— both inside and outside of trans and non-binary communities.
I had ALT phalloplasty, glansplasty, scrotoplasty, no urethral lengthening (UL) with vaginectomy. This means that tissue from my thigh was used to create my penis, my urethra was not extended or moved (so I don’t stand to pee) and my vagina was closed. I feel like this detail is important because this is one of many variations for this procedure and what I opted for/out of were decisions made according to trade-offs between personal benefit and risk.
I opted out of UL because I do not tolerate catheters well and, due to my very active lifestyle, was not willing to risk longer term catheterization or bladder spasms which would impede my quality of life. This risk, for me, outweighed the benefit of standing to pee.
I opted for ALT knowing that I would likely need debulking (which I didn’t end up needing but opted for anyway out of preference). Debulking is a procedure to make the penis less girthy as ALT phalloplasty is more girthy because of the nature of tissue on the thigh. I chose ALT because, first and foremost, I did not want scarring on my forearm. My ALT scar is covered by clothing most of the time which I appreciate. I also chose ALT because I have skinny forearms, which wasn’t ideal for forearm phalloplasty (RFF).
Vaginectomy, for me, was a no brainer. I have never used or connected with that part of my body so I wanted it gone.
Glansplasty is a procedure to make the glans (head) of the penis and was a short procedure done after my initial stage of surgery. I may get it redone but I’m still undecided on that. Scrotoplasty creates a scrotum, I was ambivalent about this procedure but have grown to more appreciate it over time.
I am considering further surgeries: erectile implant (which creates the ability for the penis to “get hard”) and testicular implants (fills to scrotum with testicle implants). But I’m undecided and want a break from surgery while I finish my degree and focus on work. I’m also considering phalloplasty tattooing to help enhance the contour and coloring to make it appear more like a cis penis.
Whew! Lots of info, right? These are big procedures completed over multiple stages and are very unlike chest surgery, hysterectomy and other surgeries I had completed prior. When I was first considering this surgery I didn’t know there was flexibility in terms of tissue donor site and UL. I waited to have this surgery and am so happy I did because the information I gained from research and consulting with professionals and folks with lived experience was so valuable.
Was surgery hard? Yes. This surgery was the hardest thing I’ve ever been through. I’ve never been so uncomfortable for the first 2 weeks after recovering. I had to re-learn how to walk. I couldn’t sleep. Peeing hurt… but would I do it again? Yes. It was worth it for me but I can’t underscore enough that that doesn’t mean I didn’t have moments where I felt regret while recovering because post op depression is a thing and I was in pain while adjusting to a new body part that was also a healing surgical site… LOTS going on there!
3 years on I feel really at home in my body. Just having a penis is such a comfort to me in ways I didn’t anticipate. I’ve had a feeling my entire life that I was missing a body part and this was it. The quiet gender euphoria of just sitting and feeling my body and for once feeling complete in that is something that’s hard to articulate.
I’m thankfully back to full mobility and got back to full mobility about 3 months post op. I was grateful for this since a long term recovery wasn’t what I wanted. There are still weird twitches, pains and feelings, especially around my donor site (thigh) from time to time but nothing that inhibits me. Just interesting when it happens (usually when weather gets colder?).
What is one thing I would want to go back and tell myself before surgery? Well:
Your penis will feel HEAVY. Like it will fall off. It won’t fall off and your body will adjust to the weight in an area you didn’t have it before. Until then it will feel like you need to hold it at all times.
Hopefully this helps someone as an overview of what an experience with this procedure may look like. Again, my goal is to put information out there and have frank conversations— because it’s these same things that greatly benefitted me in my surgery journey.
Finally— my inbox is open for anyone that has questions. I am in a privileged position to feel safe talking about these things and I feel comfortable doing so. Not everyone does, so please don’t assume that this invitation applies to other folks who have accessed surgery unless they say so.
Thank you for reading :)
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rad-polls · 7 days
What are your feelings on breast reductions?
Fully support for any reason
Support for any reason except aesthetics
Support for proven and presumed physical benefits only
Support for proven physical benefits only
Support for only life-saving medical care
Fully against, regardless of reason
Nuance/Depends largely upon context
"Any reason" includes life-saving procedures (such as in cases of breast cancer), preventative measures against lethal issues (such as someone with a family history or breast cancer minimizing risk of breast cancer), presumed but not necessarily proven physical benefits (helping with back pain, making exercise easier), presumed but not necessarily proven psychological benefits (body dysmorphia, "gender dysphoria"), and purely aesthetic reasons
"Any reason except aesthetics" includes everything listed in "any reason" with the exception of purely aesthetic reasons
"Proven and presumed physical benefits only" includes all of what is listed in "any reason" with the exceptions of aesthetics and presumed but not necessarily proven psychological benefits
"Proven physical benefits only" only includes life-saving medical care and preventative measures against lethal issues
What are your feelings on breast reductions?
"Any reason" includes life-saving procedures (such as in cases of breast cancer), preventative measures against lethal issues (such as someone with a family history or breast cancer minimizing risk of breast cancer), presumed but not necessarily proven physical benefits (helping with back pain, making exercise easier), presumed but not necessarily proven psychological benefits (body dysmorphia, "gender dysphoria"), and purely aesthetic reasons
"Any reason except aesthetics" includes everything listed in "any reason" with the exception of purely aesthetic reasons
"Proven and presumed physical benefits only" includes all of what is listed in "any reason" with the exceptions of aesthetics and presumed but not necessarily proven psychological benefits
"Proven physical benefits only" only includes life-saving medical care and preventative measures against lethal issues
Thanks for the poll Nona!
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this might be a touchy subject and you don’t have to answer but, as one myself, how would Yves act with a chronically ill/physically disabled person? or even someone who constantly deals with chronic pain that is debilitating for everyday life? btw i love your writing, no matter how cursed. 🤍
Yves feels his heart wrench whenever he sees you break down in tears, frustrated at yourself for not doing as well as other able-bodied people, frustrated that you have to surrender your autonomy at times to Yves. He truly does, he hates to see you in such a state. While he doesn't mind, even prefers you to be dependent on him due to his strong caregiver personality, Yves doesn't want it to be at the cost of your happiness.
He will read up on all the papers published about your illness or disability. Past and modern ones, there must be a pattern or some sort that he could identify. Yves will try his best to find a cure or at least something that will improve your symptoms greatly.
But the first thing he will get done is to talk to you. Discuss what you ultimately want; is it freedom you seek? His undying support? The unyielding truth that Yves will stay by your side no matter how bad it gets? Do you want to keep fighting for yourself, or do you want Yves to do it for you?
You will have the latest, cutting-edge prosthetics if you're struggling with an amputated limb or body part. All the helpful, relevant, accessible gadgets will be installed in the house in hopes of making your life much easier and giving back the level of independence you need to maintain your mental health. Yves will remember all your appointments for you, that fills his planners up. Your dosages, your medication, and the procedures of your treatments.
He will remind you, pre-pack your pills, and help you with your IV drip. Yves is very careful with his tone and words, he knows the stress, humiliation, and pain that come with living as a chronically ill person can easily set you off. Everything can be overwhelming, he does not want to see tears of anger or hopelessness in your eyes. It's not your fault, you never wanted this and it just happened to affect you.
Yves spends nights perusing through all experimental treatments, weighing between the risks and benefits. He will present his carefully curated selection to you, but he makes sure to pace it out appropriately. Because if he were to show you thousands of pages of medical reports, chances are you're going to be upset, overstimulated, and angry at him. You have very limited energy and focus, he needs to get his words as concise and accurate as possible.
Watching him kneel with you on the bathroom floor, as you experience your seventh vomiting tonight, truly shocked you. Understandably, you're in such a terrible state, that you've barely gotten any sleep for the past month. But Yves sleeps even less, he is always awake, always looking after you. Ready for any emergencies and constantly preparing items or foods that will ease you. Yet, he looks glowing, as if he wasn't caretaking a bleeding ball of misery. His hair is always silky and brushed, no bags under his eyes, and his movement is still crisp. And he always knows what to do, much better than you or your practitioners.
He knows your body well enough to administer his own dose of painkillers, going against doctors' orders and obtaining drugs that fully alleviate your pain. Strategically timing your doses so it won't be too hard on your liver. Taking your blood samples himself and ran them through his own trusted pathology lab, potentially proving that your doctor might have misdiagnosed you. Maybe you wouldn't need to suffer, Yves could find a cure.
You were very apprehensive at first when Yves suggested that he does his own testing. He has no credentials, why should you trust him? The doctors have much more experience than him and they went to school for this. You're not trusting a random to cut you open either, he's a mathematician, not a medical doctor or a surgeon-
You were dumbfounded when he produced his own certifications and licenses. Proving that he worked in hospitals, researched institutes, and even published his own medical papers that universities used as teaching material for decades. Everything he presented is legitimate, he even demonstrated the validity of them by your request. You could call his universities and they will all confirm his contributions, You can confirm with the government and the relevant boards, you can search for him anywhere, and early pictures of him will resurface.
He looked so different. Yves looked unremarkable in them with short hair. He looks unhappier and more exhausted, though. Makes you wonder how old he really is.
But that was all. You cannot find further information on Yves other than the ones he allows you to know about.
So you reluctantly let him stick a needle in you, only to realize that he's done. You blinked multiple times and darted your eyes from your arm and his gloved hands holding vials of blood. Unlike the usual nurses or doctors, you can't feel the needle going in or out. Yes, you saw it, but it was unbelievably fast.
Your jaw dropped as he didn't even need to palpate your arm. Yves just calmly inserted the syringe, gathered what he needed, and finished. You didn't experience any bruising later, which was astonishing with the speed he was working with.
He labeled them and packed them in a plastic bag with a biohazard symbol on it and into a padded envelope. Yves disposed of his gloves and washed his hands.
You expected him to enlighten you. Tell you stories while he was in the field, brag about his accomplishments, complain about difficult patients, anything! You needed to know more! Just who the hell is he?
But all he did was smile, give you a kiss on the forehead, and help you back to your room.
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I saw one of uyr most recent posts, and a thought occurred to me. (I know it was about more of a trans Masc experience but my question regards what could b describedas the opposite so i hope i dont trigger anybody). Can fat be transferred To the breasts? Cause I don't want plastic or silicon in my chest if possible. thans for reading
Lee says:
Yes, it is possible, but fat grafting can carry risks (necrosis, infection, lumps) and most of the fat that is grafted doesn't remain there and is reabsorbed by your body so it often requires multiple sessions.
As a result, fat grafting wouldn't be able to provide a comparable increase in breast size compared to implants.
Fat grafting might be used to correct small divots and smooth out the contour after someone has had a double mastectomy for top surgery, for example, but it wouldn't be used to increase the breast size by a cup or more as is typical in a breast augmentation.
Solid silicone and saline-filled non-textured breast implants are typically your best option for breast augmentation if estrogen does not create the breast growth you had hoped for.
A plastic surgeon can tell you more about the risks of implants, but risks may include:
Capsular Contracture: This is a condition where the scar tissue around the implant tightens, which can cause the breast to feel hard and may result in discomfort or changes in the breast's appearance.
Implant Rupture or Leakage: Breast implants can rupture or leak. A saline implant rupture will lead to deflation and an obvious change in breast size, while a silicone rupture may go unnoticed (silent rupture) but can cause pain, breast shape changes, or even local complications.
Infection and Bleeding: As with any surgical procedure, there's a risk of infection and bleeding. In some cases, the implant may need to be removed and reinserted after the infection is treated.
Changes in Sensation: Some people experience changes in nipple or breast sensation. This can be an increase or decrease in sensitivity and may be temporary or permanent.
Breast Pain: Some individuals might experience pain in their breasts following the surgery, which can be temporary or chronic.
Asymmetry or Unsatisfactory Cosmetic Outcome: There might be dissatisfaction with the aesthetic outcome, including issues like asymmetry, unsatisfactory size, or scarring.
Cancer: A rare but serious risk associated with certain types of textured breast implants is a type cancer.
Need for Additional Surgeries: Implants do not always last for your entire life. Over time, they may need to be replaced or removed due to various issues like cosmetic concerns or complications.
Interference with Mammograms: Breast implants can interfere with the detection of breast cancer during mammograms, requiring additional, specialized views.
Systemic Symptoms: Some individuals report a variety of systemic symptoms known as breast implant illness, including autoimmune diseases, joint pain, mental confusion, muscle aches and chronic fatigue.
While all of that sounds scary, and you may feel like the risks aren't worth the benefit for you, many folks undergo breast augmentation without complications. It's a choice each person has to make in consultation with a plastic surgeon based on their own needs, goals, and medical history.
Shared decision-making with a surgeon can help you decide whether breast augmentation is right for you. They can also help put the risks in context and can tell you the percent of patients that typically have those complications-- often it's pretty low.
So if you may be considering undergoing a breast augmentation, the potential for complications are something you should discuss with a surgeon-- they can also tell you more about what techniques can be used for augmentation.
Followers, anything to add?
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acti-veg · 2 months
Hi I don't know who to ask but I wanted to ask a fellow vegan since anywhere else id be told to eat em. So I have two chickens they are my pets, ones a male ones a female. They're both bantam(?) chickens and so the female lays an egg every 26 hours or so, I've tried leaving eggs in there, fake eggs, taking them away etc but she keeps laying. I re-feed them to her but then she just pops out another, is there any way to make her stop without destroying her lifespan, and causing her pain or future problems? Everywhere I read it says that sometimes procedures or shots to reduce egg amounts can be bad for them so I'm a bit lost on what to do. Shes my baby so I need her safe and happy, and laying an egg half her size must be painful I imagine. thank you!
The best thing to do is to prevent them laying using implants or injections. This is a pretty painless procedure, and lasts about 12 months. Hens implanted reportedly live longer, which makes sense since they aren’t as likely to suffer from the health defects associated with excessive egg production, which presents a far higher risk than any potential side effects from implants or injections.
If that isn’t an option (it’s illegal in the US) the eggs can also be fed back to the birds as you said, they’ll still produce more but at least it helps them regain some of the calories and protein used to lay it, and they can benefit from their own production, rather than us taking it for our own gain. Any excess could potentially be donated to a food bank or used to supplement the feed of other companion animals as well.
I’d advise speaking to your local vet and checking that they are happy to register and discuss options with you, if you haven’t already. They’ll be able to talk you through what is involved and help you make an informed decision. Best wishes to all three of you anon!
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 10 months
I'm not necessarily pro-circumcision, but there ARE studies done on the safety and benefits of circumcision. In fact, in areas where STIs are very common, circumcision shows a marked negative impact on infection rates, including diseases like HIV. It also decreases incidence of genital herpes and penile cancer. I work in a NICU. I see circumcisions every day. Is it a perfect procedure? Not at all. It can be quite uncomfortable and no procedure is without risks. But it's not done without anesthetic and the babies almost always heal very quickly. I can't convince you in an anonymous ask on tumblr and I don't want to try, but you should look into some peer reviewed studies on circumcision on both sides of the argument.
Yeah anon. I’ve looked at peer-reviewed studies. And no amount of “oh well it SOMETIMES decreases risks of transmitting HIV” is going to justify the permanent mutilation of infant genitalia. As someone said in the replies on my first post, removing finger and toenails from infants can keep them cleaner and help prevent them from scratching themselves, but we aren’t going around removing those are we?
For any instance you can pull up of someone having a lower infection rate of HIV I could pull up an instance of an infant circumcision being botched to the extent the penis is lost or disfigured beyond just loss of foreskin.
It’s a matter of bodily autonomy, not a matter of if the infant remembers it. There are studies to show they do experience long term pain responses during recovery and psychologically it may impact how they react to contact with their genitals later in life. There’s also loss of sensation and less pleasure for partners because a circumcised penis head will generally displace lubricant and cause more friction that isn’t necessarily pleasurable.
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sci-fi ▼ cyberpunk ▼ synthwave/neo-80s queer rep ▼ disability ▼ mental illness abuse ▼ addiction/recovery Darkspace Portent Series spin-off ▼ takes place before Thriving: Rebirth
▷ Guetry Sympa is a livewire and an adrenaline junkie, a musically talented hero with lawful blindness, so having a government-funded AI implanted in his brain to control most of his bodily systems after nearly dying isn't exactly an easy adjustment to make.
▷ Of course, there's no better way to cope with a hard breakup and recover from a five-month-long coma than by being forced by the Consortium to enlist a team of fellow contract agents for a covert operation...
▷ ...To solve a centuries-old cold case involving the mysterious disappearance of the Milky Way's enigmatic savior.
Playlist: Precious Gems and Reaver Rock
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GUETRY DANON SYMPA ▼ French-American ▼ scorpio ▼ human ▼ Earth ▼ a gifted musician and elite member of a special forces task unit working for the Consortium, aided by an AI in his brain that keeps his quality of life ideal after an overdose that left him otherwise brain-dead for five months. wise-cracking smartass unafraid to tear the system apart for what's right.
SUBCUTANEOUS OPERATIONAL and TACTICAL SYSTEM (SCOT) ▼ "Scotty" ▼ artificial intelligence ▼ NodeSource ▼ prototype embedded in Guetry's brain to undo most of the damage from his overdose and keep him functional. added benefits of enhancing his eyesight and aim, providing intel on missions, and overall companionship.
ALECTURA WU ▼ Chinese ▼ aquarius(?) ▼ human ▼ Consortium Node ▼ talented spaceship mechanic and other half of the band Skywaste, co-founded by Guetry when both were in high school. doesn't like going out into the field, will also fight tooth and nail for justice where there is none.
OREN ALTAVIAN ▼ capricorn ▼ human ▼ the Himalaya ▼ self-proclaimed "entrepreneur of seedydom" and known around the Milky Way as the "Kingpin of the Node." slings the hard stuff around the galaxy and gets paid handsomely for it. endlessly charming but willfully manipulative. tends to get his way no matter what, especially at the expense of those around him who think they care for him.
ADAM "MERCURY'' LYONS ▼ scorpio ▼ human ▼ Earth ▼ also an operative for the Consortium with his identical twin sister Quincy "Mars" Lyons. a bit more by the book, but willing to do what's right even if it means risking his job. a fiery complement and challenge for Guetry both personally and professionally. 
TUXTH ▼ Rotangan ▼ Logoryt ▼ a child of a Rotangan and a biracial Rontangan/Morrite, born on the seedy planet of Logoryt. in order to combat the rough upbringing she endured, she makes a name for herself by taking on missions for the Consortium, doing her part to chip away at the Morrite Blue Prince Hyret's goal to completely overrun the Milky Way.
DAZIA FOURTEEN ▼ sagittarius(?) ▼ human ▼ Consortium Node ▼ it's unknown what Dazia's origins are other than her birthplace of the Node, though it's alleged that she's of Hispanic, Slavic, and Middle Eastern descent. used to work for Consortium security until she witnessed corrupt activity within the ranks. tough as nails but all heart.
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A soft tone swirling in the waves of dark gray and flashes I couldn't decipher. Purple pulsing light. A haze, more flashing images. White lights, gloves, whirring, thumping, squashing. Hot white stars. Burnt umber pain. Scorching pink fire. Numbness in muted blue. Sparking stings. Another soft tone. A smooth yet mechanical voice right inside both of my ears at once. Hello, Guetry. I am your Subcutaneous Operational and Tactical system. What. You have suffered a great deal of neurological damage and I am going to attempt to repair as much as I can. Your next of kin has given full consent to this procedure. The fuck. I am only a prototype as of yet so I must be transparent...there may be some functions I cannot fully restore, but I will do my best to make sure you are healed well enough to wake up and are able to do the remaining recovery yourself. Is this.
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rainbownomja · 1 year
So I’m sure this is a long shot since I make pretty much no original content/don’t talk about myself on here much if I ever have at all. I am through and through simply fandom and general meme trash here for the vibes this hellscape (affectionate) provides.
But if there’s a chance that it’ll make even a small difference I’m gonna do this anyway.
Long story short, my cat (Soup) needs emergency surgery for a reason that surprisingly has nothing to do with any of the chronic illnesses that he has. This procedure is happening this Friday, March 10th, 2023, and will cost between $1017-$1215 as long as there’s no extreme surprises, and that payment has to be given at the time of service (or at least I have to agree to a specific payment plan at that point. But my life situation stuff means I can’t be sure if I could cover it in that amount of time either by myself (and thus know if I would be able not to incur the interest fees. This clarification was added after original posting, I apologize that this wasn’t mentioned to make clear the most accurate amount of times-sensitivity originally)
If that is all you’d like to know/need to know and you would like to help, here’s the link (if you’re particularly squeamish, skip the summary there. It’s not graphic in any way, but does provide more specific detail of what’s going on):
For those of you who’d like some more context, here it is:
In theory had this happened/had I known even a month earlier, I would’ve probably been able to afford the cost on my own, but it didn’t, so I can’t (for a lot of reasons out of my control that compounded pretty much simultaneously.)
Soup is such an essential member of my family. I am not the type of person to throw money at a battle that would only cause him pain and suffering just because I’m scared of what life will be like if (hopefully very distantly, when) I lose him. I will never be willing to harm him like that.
But this is a situation thankfully in which the risk of complications because of surgery are pretty low even with his preexisting conditions, the benefits of the surgery are very high and the probability of losing him if this doesn’t get treated at all and soon is pretty much 100% certain.
Besides what the surgery is treating, his chronic illnesses are being managed and he has many more years of happy quality life ahead of him.
So, if you happen to have anything to spare and would be willing to help me cover the cost of this surgery, and/or share this, I would be extremely grateful.
(And if you can’t or just don’t want to, know that there is no judgement here. I appreciate anyone just for reading this. And hey, if you happen to have solid memes to share please do, I honestly could use some distraction)
Here are some photos of the boi, as a treat for making it to the end.
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demondamage · 3 months
dont answer this if you feel like its too much info, im just genuinely curious and interested!
im the anon who asked about the hyserectomy a few weeks ago, and i just wanted to check in and ask how your recovery is going? ive been really thinking about getting one myself but im really scared i will lose sensation *down there* and have issues with recovery. ive had multiple surgeries before and some of em caused lasting nerve damage and i dont know if its a thing with hyserectomis. ive heard it might make you get reduced sensations and if thats a risk i couldnt do it. online they mostly avoid the topic and i dont know anyone else who had one recently. its a huge decision and surgery and as much as i love the benefits of it, it still scares me:///
Hey! I am an absolute open book about this sort of stuff so no worries about asking! For my hysterectomy I got my uterus, falopian tubes, and cervix removed (left the ovaries for hormonal reasons!)
I had the surgery just over 6 months ago and by now I am fully recovered! The only nerve issues i have had is occasional pain along the internal scar, but this is a common thing for me with scars. The 2 weeks after were difficult in the "cant sit and body feels incorrect" way but that goes away. I also had a bit of a rough recovery due to things in my life but even with that I was fine!
Heads up- under the read more is going to be some "sex talk" in the sex ed sort of way!
I can still have orgasms exactly how I did before my surgery. The important thing to remember is that the main cut will likely be internal (where your cervix is) since going through the abdominal wall is a BITCH. So if your orgasms really require you to have your cervix being hit then-- consider that. But if you prefer clit or other stimulation, those were totally unaffected for me!
There is definitely a difference. It might be a "mindset" thing but it feels less deep? Depth is a little less comfortable and feels different (the cervix cramping sensation of that being hit is replaced with more like what hitting a vaginal wall feels like) but I have always preferred width over depth so for me this is not an issue. You can always leave your cervix, but I can not attest to how that heals.
All in all- I am SO GLAD I got my hysto. I was having cramps from hell and now I never have to worry about pregnancy again. Surgery is never risk free and it would probably be best to bring this up with a trusted doctor (and depending on your area- finding a doctor in a sex/trans positive and pro choice area. I got my recommendation through planned parenthood! They dont do this procedure but they had lists of doctors who they trust! I am also in CA and our public health department is V liberal. I got my uterus removed by a woman with a pronoun sticker on her badge lol). Also- everyone's body is different and I think if sensation is something very important to you (i know it is to me lol!) Consider all of your options! But- hey it worked for me so there is that!
If you have more questions you can absolutely slide into my inbox. I am sometimes bad at responding but I will do my best! Good luck!
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ihrindia · 2 years
Hysterosalpingogram (HSG Test) Procedure: What To Expect?
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Dr. Tanya Das Fellow Infertility Specialist Institute of Human Reproduction
What is an HSG Test?
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is an important female fertility test. HSG test is an X-ray procedure that is used to view the inside of the uterus and the fallopian tubes. HSG was first performed by Rind Fleisch in 1910 and was considered to be the first special radiology procedure of that time.
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Why is HSG Test Done? What are the benefits of an HSG Test?
An HSG gives information regarding the structural anatomy of the uterus and fallopian tubes. HSG helps in the diagnosis of uterine anomalies such as congenital malformations, uterine synechiae, endometrial polyps, submucosal myomas, etc. It also helps in assessing the patency of fallopian tubes (tubal blockage) and also gives us an idea of various tubal pathologies.
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harmonyhealinghub · 6 months
Birth Doulas: Empowering Support for Expectant Families
Shaina Tranquilino
December 12, 2023
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Bringing a new life into the world is an incredible journey filled with joy, anticipation, and sometimes, uncertainty. During this transformative time, many women seek additional support to ensure a positive birth experience. Enter birth doulas – compassionate professionals who provide continuous physical, emotional, and informational assistance before, during, and after childbirth. In this blog post, we will delve into what birth doulas are and explore their invaluable role in empowering expectant mothers.
Understanding Birth Doulas: A birth doula is a trained individual who offers non-medical support to expectant mothers throughout the entire childbirth process. These dedicated individuals are typically experienced in various birthing techniques and possess extensive knowledge of the physiological and emotional aspects of labour and delivery.
Their Role: 1. Emotional Support: Birth doulas provide unwavering emotional support during pregnancy, labour, and postpartum periods. They assist expectant mothers by actively listening to their concerns, fears, hopes, and dreams surrounding childbirth. By offering empathy and reassurance, these caring professionals help alleviate anxieties while fostering confidence.
2. Continuous Physical Comfort: Doulas employ an array of comfort measures to ease discomforts associated with labour pains such as massage techniques, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, positioning suggestions, and more. Their presence ensures that the mother's physical needs are addressed consistently throughout the birthing process.
3. Advocacy & Communication: One significant aspect of a birth doula's role is to act as an advocate for the mother's preferences and desires when communicating with healthcare providers or medical staff. This may include discussing pain management options or ensuring the mother has access to accurate information about procedures being performed.
4. Informational Support: Birth doulas empower expectant mothers by providing evidence-based information on various aspects of childbirth like different birthing positions or breastfeeding techniques. They ensure that the mother is well-informed, enabling her to make educated decisions regarding her birth plan.
5. Partner Support: Birth doulas also extend their support to partners or other family members involved in the birthing process. By guiding them on how best to assist and comfort the labouring mother, doulas help create a harmonious environment where everyone feels included and informed.
Benefits of Hiring a Birth Doula: The advantages of having a birth doula during childbirth are numerous:
1. Increased Satisfaction: Studies have shown that women who receive continuous support from a birth doula report higher levels of satisfaction with their birthing experience.
2. Reduced Interventions: Research indicates that with the presence of a doula, there is often a decrease in interventions like cesarean sections and epidurals, leading to more positive outcomes for both mother and baby.
3. Emotional Well-being: The emotional support provided by birth doulas significantly reduces stress levels for expectant mothers, promoting overall emotional well-being throughout pregnancy and beyond.
4. Lowered Risk of Postpartum Depression: Women supported by birth doulas tend to have lower rates of postpartum depression due to the consistent guidance and nurturing they receive during the vulnerable post-birth period.
Birth doulas play an essential role in ensuring positive experiences for expectant mothers during childbirth. Their unwavering support, knowledge, and advocacy empower women to navigate this transformative journey confidently. By providing physical comfort, emotional reassurance, informational assistance, and acting as an advocate, these dedicated professionals contribute significantly to creating fulfilling and empowering birthing experiences for all involved.
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essincny · 11 months
The Benefits of Using Endoscopy in a Veterinary Practice
In recent years, veterinary medicine has seen significant advancements in diagnostic and treatment technologies. One such advancement that has revolutionized veterinary practice is the use of endoscopy. Endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a flexible instrument called an endoscope to visualize and examine the internal organs and structures of animals. In this blog post, we will explore the numerous benefits of using endoscopy in a veterinary practice.
Accurate Diagnosis
Endoscopy allows veterinarians to get a clear and detailed view of the internal organs and structures of animals. This enables a more accurate and precise diagnosis of various conditions and diseases. By directly visualizing the problem area, veterinarians can identify abnormalities, such as tumors, foreign objects, ulcers, strictures, and more. Accurate diagnosis leads to more effective treatment plans and better outcomes for our furry friends.
Minimally Invasive
Compared to traditional surgical procedures, endoscopy is minimally invasive. Instead of making large incisions, endoscopy only requires small incisions or natural body openings, such as the mouth or anus. This results in less pain, discomfort, and a faster recovery time for animals. Minimally invasive procedures also reduce the risk of post-operative complications, including infection and excessive scarring.
Reduced Patient Stress
Veterinary visits can often be stressful for animals. However, with endoscopy, the stress levels are significantly reduced. Instead of being put under general anesthesia for invasive surgeries, animals undergoing endoscopy typically receive sedation or local anesthesia. This reduces their anxiety, minimizes the risks associated with general anesthesia, and makes the overall experience less traumatic for both the animals and their owners.
Endoscopy is a versatile procedure that can be used in different areas of veterinary medicine. It can be employed in various specialties, including gastroenterology, urology, respiratory medicine, and more. With different types of endoscopes and specialized instruments, veterinarians can examine and treat a wide range of conditions, such as gastrointestinal disorders, urinary tract issues, airway problems, and even perform biopsies.
Lower Costs
While the initial cost of purchasing endoscopy equipment may be higher than traditional diagnostic tools, such as X-rays or ultrasounds, the long-term benefits can surpass the investment. Endoscopy allows for more accurate diagnoses, reducing the need for additional diagnostic tests and surgeries. This not only saves money for the pet owners but also minimizes the stress and risks associated with unnecessary procedures.
In conclusion, the use of endoscopy in veterinary practice offers numerous benefits. From accurate diagnosis and minimal invasiveness to reduced patient stress and versatility, endoscopy has transformed the way veterinarians approach diagnostics and treatments. By embracing this cutting-edge technology, veterinary practices can provide the best possible care to animals while ensuring their well-being and comfort.
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
What's ur thoughts on the break up? Should Tim have broken it off?
Personally if Tim did break up with Ashley then he'd have to face his feelings for Lucy and I dont think he's ready to just yet.
Thanks for the question! People might be surprised by my answer - especially since I have been anti-Ashley (I call her Voldie in most other places, but not today) for awhile now.
I have mixed feelings about “the break up”. Turns out I have quite a lot of thoughts on this (and some tangents), so this might be long.
First, on the surface the manner in which Ashley broke up with Tim was harsh - a total dick move. She couldn’t wait until he was coherent, she had to dump & dash the instant he was opened his eyes? She couldn’t wait until he was clear of anesthesia? Completely heartless. Rude.
And yet, on another hand, she had an epiphany at some point that a life with Tim where he stays in his job and doesn’t retire is not a life she can lead - so she swiftly takes action and goes. I am all about action, deciding or recognizing what works or doesn’t, what you want and going after that?! Fuck yeah, I support that big time. That said, I would have waited - because that was the more compassionate, empathetic way to do it. The way Ashley has been written, neither of those two things would be considered her top qualities. Lucy? Yes, definitely. Ashley? Not so much.
I think there were clues from the beginning of the episode that this could happen.
1) Tim mentions being on Whole 30 - it was Ashley’s idea in reaction to her dad having some health issues. Ashley and her Dad are wickedly close - I bet she is freaking out that his health could be at risk- so she’s desperately trying to control her life. Tim is part of that world - so he gets controlled to.
2) Ashley got WAY too excited about the possibility of Tim retiring. I felt like she was on a game show and the host had just said, “if he retires, tell her what she’s won Bob!” For a first time conversation on the topic she just barreled through all the possibilities and benefits like it was a done deal. Which made me think that she’s had this conversation with her Dad on more than one occasion and Dad regrets not taking advantage sooner - or he says he does.
She then brushes off Tim’s idea of traveling to see a MLB game in every stadium - which first, I raised my hand and volunteered to go with him, and second I think she does that all the time with Tim. The few scenes we saw her in were about Tim changing to meet her wants and needs instead of them growing together in a new direction.
3) Neither Tim nor Ashley asked any questions about the surgery. Granted because of their jobs as first responders, they’ve have some trauma training and advanced first aid classes. But this is major surgery, major not because of method - the fact they can do a minimally invasive procedure is fantastic, but major because the spine is involved. Like the brain, there’s so much unknown about the spine and the nervous system and LUCY is the only one who asks about the dangers involved the surgery. No one asks about side effects, or lasting damage, recovery times, PT, pain management, etc etc. I get being shocked, but this is why you take someone with you to ask questions while you sit there and freak out about knives being near your spine.
4) Ashley just stood there. She wasn’t holding his hand, or sitting next to Tim in the bed providing comfort and care before during or after the doctor’s visit. She was facing him like an adversary as opposed to sitting next to him as a partner or team member. Without knowing how she and Tim interact when alone, I read this as she was starting to distance herself from him. With him, but not.
She’s not overtly affectionate, she’s very reserved, hesitant almost and I think insecure. She rarely looks Tim in the eye for any extended period of time, and she’s not aware or open to Tim. I don’t think she loves Tim as he is. I think she loves the version of Tim that she’s created in her head, if he changes x, y, z then he’ll be perfect. A confident person loves and accepts themselves, I don’t think Ashley does. She kept looking to Tim for validation, that’s not confidence.
I said it in another post, but I think Ashley’s relationship with her Dad really shapes her relationship with Tim. She’s the apple of Jerry’s eye. I am sure Jerry doted on her and always let her have her way. So she manhandles her relationship with Tim to recreate that type of relationship where she’s the focus, and she controls everything.
Because things with her most important male (Jerry) are taking some hits because of his health, Ashley’s relationship with a Tim is receiving the backlash of that. She’s going to want Tim to provide her with a life that gives HER happiness - a lifeguard in Bali, living with Tim off his free money. When she realized that wasn’t going to happen, she bailed and ran.
I don’t think Lucy ever really entered into Ashley’s mind about the break up other than as a passing thought that Tim has a large cop family to support him.
I think if we had waited for Tim to break up with Ashley, we would have been waiting a long time. Tim liked Ashley. He cared about her. I think he was stung when she left him - more proof he’s unlovable, that people who love him, leave him. She was safe. Tim knew what to expect in his relationship with Ashley.
Being in a relationship with Lucy is wholly overwhelming for Tim. Like space, it’s undiscovered territory. He’s been in love - but Isobel didn’t know him as well as Lucy does. He has female friends - but he does not long for Angela like he longs for Lucy. I believe Tim doesn’t think Lucy likes him likes him or more importantly doesn’t think she loves him loves him. Yes, she’s attracted to him and yes, she willingly invited Tim into her home for a night of sexual pleasure. But she said it was biology. He doesn’t yet know it wasn’t just that for her.
IMO Tim never would have broken up with Ashley unless Lucy broke up with Chris and she told Tim that it wasn’t pretend for her. That she loves him and wants to be with him. Lucy, however, is waiting for Tim to do the same thing. She’s waiting for Tim to say he wants her, that he desires her, that he loves her. They are both waiting for the other to make the first move.
Right now, Tim’s overwhelmed with feelings. Feelings about Ashley and their break up. Feelings about Lucy. Feelings about her spending the night in the hospital with him. Feelings about surgery, retirement, marriage, babies, his sister, selling his childhood home, his dad dying, etc. He’s got more feelings on top of feelings, intertwined with other feelings that he doesn’t know which way is up. Before he can do anything, he has to untangle them all, acknowledge and name them and accept and process them. I bet he deals with Lucy first because SHE is the most important thing to him.
Thankfully, Tim is much more adept at dealing with them now. He’s strengthened his emotional intelligence muscle (thank you Lucy), but he’s not a talker - unless he talks to Lucy. He’s an avoider - and he’s going to avoid Lucy because it hurts him not being able to fully connect like he wants to. As he realizes how in deep the connection is with her, I don’t think he’ll be able to do it half way. Unless, there’s an imminent threat to losing her, I don’t think he’s going to be able to let her back in not all the way- his struggle with wanting to be near Lucy vs letting her in all the way, will play out on Tim’s super expressive face.
Tim is in feelings overload- so I expect Tim to revert back to TO Tim or try to at least. I loved that version of him. I’ve loved Tim since day one. He was in self-preservation mode. A hard shell and big time walls preventing people from seeing the anguish and heartbreak over losing his wife. Imagine it - you are married and one day your spouse disappears. Gone. How would YOU handle that? What would YOU be like in the world? Would you put up walls so you could cope? Or would all your emotions be on display 24x7? Or somewhere in between? Tim likely will distance himself emotionally with extreme professionalism as a way to keep his feelings hidden and in check. Without Ashley he now has no protection from Lucy, his feelings are going to be more obviously on display. He will probably make some bad decisions along the way. Until he opens back up and let’s Lucy back in.
Anyway… my 25 cents on the topic.
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parvej121 · 9 months
Discover the Future of Knee Health with ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing.
Discover ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing, an innovative by Dr Bhanu Saluja for knee pain relief and joint health. ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing is non-invasive, reducing recovery times and discomfort.
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Are you tired of living with chronic knee pain, restricted mobility and the limitations it imposes on your daily life? ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing offers a transformative solution to these problems, setting a new standard in knee joint restoration. With cutting-edge technology and a patient-centric approach, we're reshaping the way knee pain is treated.
Key Features of ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing:
Interactive 3D Visual Interface: ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing employs an advanced interactive 3D visual interface for precise treatment planning. This technology tailors the procedure to each patient's unique needs, enhancing accuracy and effectiveness.
Saves Operating Time and Reduces Infection Risk: One of the key benefits of ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing is its efficiency. The surgical process typically takes just 10-15 minutes, reducing operating time and lowering the risk of infection by minimizing exposure during surgery.
Superior Performance for Higher Success Rates: ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing offers superior performance, potentially leading to higher success rates in knee joint restoration. The procedure's precision and personalization contribute to improved outcomes for patients.
10-15 Minutes Surgical Process: This groundbreaking technique offers a remarkably short surgical process, typically completed in just 10-15 minutes. The swift procedure minimizes discomfort and reduces the time patients spend in the operating room.
No Drilling of Thigh Bone: ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing is a minimally invasive procedure that eliminates the need for drilling the thigh bone. This approach reduces the complexity of the surgery and promotes a faster recovery.
Walk Within 3 Hours of Surgery: Patients undergoing ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing can often walk within as little as 3 hours after the surgery. This rapid recovery time enables patients to regain mobility quickly.
Climb Stairs From the Next Day: The procedure's effectiveness allows patients to resume normal activities sooner, such as climbing stairs, often from the day after the surgery.
No Use of Urinary Pipes: ROBO-3D Knee Resurfacing does not require the use of urinary pipes during or after the procedure. This contributes to patient comfort and reduces the risk of complications.
No Use of Drainage Pipes: Similarly, the procedure eliminates the need for drainage pipes, simplifying the post-operative experience. Patients can often experience a smoother and more comfortable recovery.
Near to No Chance of Infection: The combination of non-invasive techniques, reduced surgical time, and meticulous attention to infection control protocols leads to a significantly reduced risk of post-operative infection.
For more Information visit → robot3dresurfacing
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