#ive seen people use that one alot recently
siriusly-the-best-bi · 11 months
Guys holy shit yk what i just thought of? What if like demons in the whole Good Omens universe also operated on a pentagram type of deal? Like imagine aziraphale tenderly kneeling on the floor of the bookshop that usually is covered with a rug and lighting candles to summon is dumb demon husband who’s been ‘napping’ for the past four years. Like its so sweet please tell me im not just high and that it’s cute.
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dunmeshi-darlings · 2 months
The fact ive been seeing people in the dungeon meshi fandom not understanding the life cycles and how that impacts ages of maturity among the various races, and using that as a means to attack or insult other fans is quiet disheartening.
Because they have been shown in the anime recently ive seen this alot with characters such as inutade and leed and more so when izutsumi appears. i cant be to upset because as much as i enjoy kui and her work, alot of major facts arnt in the story itself and are in the daydream hours and seperate content.
But people arnt realizing that the different races arnt like the real world, they dont grow at the same age and rate and have different life spans because of it and so people are getting aggressive towards others over character ages when in reality they dont know how it really is.
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Leed is one i want to talk about, orcs only live around 55 years. And they clearly grow at a much faster rate than races such as elves or gnomes. Leed is 14 years old, but at that point she is a fully grown orc woman. Yes she has only just become one but in orc society she is an adult, we see this when she thinks she is going to be wed off to laios later in the story when he becomes king. If she wasnt fully grown then i do not believe kui would have shown that scene. But because of orc aging she is in fact a grown woman.
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My other example being inutade, once more we see another race with a shorter lifespan who clearly age at a faster rate than elves or gnomes. Inutade being 16 actually puts her past what oni age of maturity is because they mature at 15. Tade is a fully grown oni woman. And if we look at daydream hour 88 we see this art of her. Whether you view it in a sexual light or not is up to interpretation and it could go either way. But because of the type of person kui is, i dont believe she would have drawn tade like this if she viewed her as underage.
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I have more photos of the race bios to show them off but what im saying is that there needs to be an understanding that because these fantasy races have varrying life spans, the ones who live shorter lives would make sense to mature in less time than the other ones. I want people to understand this because ive been seeing people saying truly despicable and mean things about other people and it breaks my heart to see.
Ive seen some people say that maturity ages are what they are becaus the shorter lived races die becaues it is like medieval times and so people died younger, but with magic healers and spells that really isnt something i think can be pointed to for why certain ages die at certain times.
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01zfan · 3 months
wow you guys…i hit 1000 followers sometime this week! im sorry for not noticing earlier but wow im so grateful!
i seriously didn’t expect this account to even break 100. i was just writing as a little escape from my normal life. i got into riize pretty recently after losing interest in kpop as a whole for a really long time. i was a carat and nctzen (a fan of many groups, ive been into kpop since 2014 ish) but lost interest and just kinda focused on myself for a long time. i finished school, made friends, started working, started going to school AGAIN, picked up hobbies, moved away from my hometown to pursue my passion, etc.
i kinda thought that part of my life was over but riize literally stole my heart from the moment i got into them. i havent felt this way about a group for a long time and one day it just got a little too much so i wrote about separate fics for my top two (eunseok and sungchan). and you guys liked it! and you guys wanted more! and you guys commented on it and sent me asks hyping up my writing! and you guys followed me! and reblogged my stuff! and now we are here!
seriously would’ve never thought i’d have so many receptive, sweet, and sincere interactions on the stuff i write. i was seriously expecting to speak into the void like i’ve seen happen with alot of writers for fandoms. i write screenplays and sometimes its hard to remember why i like writing so much. you guys reminded me why i want to write for the rest of my life. we fangirl and talk about it together and have built a community over shared love and words. isn’t that so wonderful? i want to repay it back with good alot of good writing ^^
if you’ve been here since third and/or bad idea, right i want to say i love you so much seriously. i remember the accounts of the first people to ever follow me and comment on my stuff. i recognize the users of people who silently support me and i love you guys too heh.
if you’ve ever sent me a request thank you for giving me inspiration! i’m a big believer that on this earth one of the few things that belong to us and us alone are our ideas. it’s something no one can take from you—so thank you for giving me something so precious and trusting me to do it justice. i hope to continue making you guys happy! and if you just followed me, welcome!! i have alot of stuff to read and i plan on releasing more!
i’m working on argue with you pt three (planning on that dropping on wednesday!) and other stuff, like requests and sacrilegious so i have alot of stuff coming! thank you for your patience and thank you again so much for following me and supporting this account. you are all so special and dear to meeeeee :3. lets continue to love riize and fangirl togetherrrrr.
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lustale · 9 months
Hello everyone! Thank you all for almost 50 followers!! :3c All activity has been on my main account @morguemaw, so if you want more direct content of Lusttale shoot me a ask about it!!!!
So, abit has changed over the few months and i have a update, coupled with info for all you new guys who found this blog!
1) AU is decided to be 16+. Its suggestive, no NSFW will be posted/shown as i want whatever content i MYSELF to post to be accessible to everyone within a comfortable range! There will be light sexual jokes, however if at any point it reaches too much, please tell me! I know the AU itself should obviously be considered a Explicit Rated AU, however i know there are people who enjoy the AU without the sexual aspects.
2) This AU is not a fan AU OR variant: This AU was made with the plan to 100% rewrite Underlust, i will explain below!!
Why the rewrite?:
I've loved Underlust since i joined the Undertale community, and others have too! However, the owner WAS involved and DID create content involving fontcest, a nazi Chara, Frans content, and was friends/mutuals with others who also created gross content like BlogTheGreatRogue and Lizherubones. This disgusted me and made alot of others feel the same. The AU was left off on a confusing as shit note, from the disgusting writing of Lust MTT to the messed up relationship between the brothers. I want to erase this the best i can. Alot of characters have also 0 content (Such as Lust Alphys) and although i will mostly focus on Sans/Papyrus/Frisk still, i WILL be creating content for mostly every character to again ensure the AU is fully fleshed out for as much enjoyment as possible.
Wheres the creator/owner?:
Awhile back, the owner, NSFWshamecave/Niel, left the internet and the AU for personal and mental reasons and bounced between owning and not owning the Au. They have since been MIA(Missing In Action) from the internet and AU, i doubt they will return or be involved at this point. The AU is considered fandom owned, which if you prefer that i support it, but do not interact with my blog as im basing everything on a rewritten POV with the entire intent to overhaul the AU without being too different or too similar.
What about the Underlust domain name?:
Lusttale CAN be called Underlust, BUT i prefer Lusttale to separate it as its alot easier, HOWEVER i have no issue with it being called Underlust! (Just still please credit/tag me, id love to see any content!)
What about fan AUs or others who make their own Variants?:
Keep going! I support these ten fold. Ive seen so many creative AUs overall, including a recent aroace one that has such adorable designs and is why i want to refresh myself and explain this blog to anyone new who might mistake me as a fan account. If you want to consider your variant a version/variant of my Rewritten AU, please tag me! Id love to see your AUs, your Varaints, EVERYTHING!!
HOWEVER. I do NOT support a single soul who ever uses my AU for Frans, Fontcest, or akin. Dont tag me OR interact with me, its public knowledge how the community feels about those, and im one of the many who don't like that content and wish for my AU to not be used in it. Self inserts, OC/Y/N x Lusttale, or etc is the same, id love to see it!!
What about Swaplust/Lustfell/AUs?:
Swaplust is also inactive: I have had my own interpretation of Swaplust since i found the AU when it was first made, Lustfell however i dont know, if its requested i will create something but i dont want to just claim every Lust AU out there. Not saying im claiming ownership of Swaplust, im saying that the Swaplust i want to make will be considered canon AU and it will be the ONLY Underlust AU i will ever claim, Swaplust has the same exact permissions. (Swaplust too had a very close Frans suggested ship, that is my reason for it)
To clarify if needed, im not forcing the view of me owning the AU onto every Underlust created content, im just saying if you yourself, the community, support what i do, i will continue, hence why i say tag me! I love to see it!
What about headcanons/outdated info like Sans being shorter?:
RN, Sans is the same size as Gaster Sans (i think 5' something?) however im fine with people drawing him short! ^^
Head-canons are also fully fine!!! Tell me any you think of, id love to hear. As long as you respect that i have my own plans, id be overjoyed to read whatever you guys think of or have.
So, to sum it up, Underlust has had a MIA owner since 2019/2020. Because of the history, and the way its loved, its a massive honor if i could step up and help give the community a AU with a solid backstory, solid characters with fleshed out personalities, and a structured plot that will replace something that was/is beloved. The best i can explain it, is my goal is to structure the AU but still keep support for the community as the AU was indeed considered Fandom Owned, again, you do not have to support me wanting to claim it, just do not bash me for it, as im absolutely not considering Lusttale a variant or AU, im considering Lusttale canon.
Questions are welcomed, if you have any concerns i can also explain! (Anon/Off Anon preferred so i can have it be public accessible incase others have the same questions)
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trashworldblog · 1 year
puppet history theory time!! whats gonna happen this friday???
okokokokok there some stuff to unpack here
(disclaimer! i will be posting about this ep and the finale right after i watch it right when it comes out!! so please avoid my blog until you have seen the most recent episode)
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so next week is a BIG episode, i honestly was expecting the finale to be The Big Episode but its possible that both of these episodes are Thicc with lore. Makes sense, theres alot of elements to the story that needs to be wrapped up (minus whatever cliff hanger that shane will leave us hanging until s6).
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I thought that we would have to wait for the finale to see this scene, but since the disclaimer, i think we'll be seeing shane in ryans chair on friday! super excited to see what deal/meeting he's having with the devil. Ive heard of a ton of good theories (if you want to read my whole breakdown of the photo look here). now that i know that it has to fit with what we know now, im assuming its Executive Producer Shane Madej™ having a serious talk with the devil. I think the hologram is going to fail, revealing the devil to be somewhat responsible. The details to How he's responsible (or if we're gonna get a nod to demon shane) are pretty unclear, which is exciting!!
my main ideas are
1) shane made a deal with the devil in order to keep the show running. He may be a demon, but it will be subtlely implied for the people who Know™
2) shane just learned that the professor was never really here and is kinda pissed that he has to deal with this bullshit. he has to finish this show and deal with the logistics of having the devil on your payroll. In this one i imagine Executive Producer Shane Madej isnt super attached or passionate about the show and is there just to get his job done (funny becuase obviously irl shane is very passionate about puppet history :) )
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I think ryan's fate isnt looking very good so far. Its good that he clearly knows that something is up, but he isn't sure what it is, and seems to be getting involved. He's tried to buy the genie lamp, he's been testing and pushing "the professor" at every turn and continues to get weird and Not Correct vibes from "the professor". i think all this meddling will probably get him caught or hurt. I think theres two ways ryans fate can go he either
1) is caught red handed or off guard by "the professor" (or whoever is behind "the professor") and is hurt in some way. being turned into a puppet, meat suit, or to be eaten are my top 3 picks. If i had to choose, meat suit ryan being controlled by a puppet who doesnt know/remember how human bodies are controlled would be really funny. hijinks, office shenanigans, everyones confused faces, 10/10
2) ryan actually figures it out!! (yay beef boy!) I just can't stop thinking of this line from the professors funeral song. I know shane is always foreshadowing stuff so it Feels like that but, it could be nothing.
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In this theory I'm imagining ryan finally pulls back the curtain on the hologram live on puppet history and the person behind the hologram is left exposed and suprized, making it so ryan (and the crew) can put a stop to the hologram. Ryan has been building up his courage to touch "the professor" or the box and its possible that he'll finally get fed up enough that he just does it. After that they might jump to Executive Producer Shane Madej meeting with the devil.
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Now, I know its sad, but we have to talk about it.
What will be the fate of our favorite dino family?
I would love to think that that star that just keeps getting brighter is anything other then a meteor that is going to kill all the dinosaurs.
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unfortunately,, this lines up so we can assume,,, this is what killed the dinosaurs. (sorry!)
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and if we look closer at this photo, you can see a t-rex and a pterodactyl next to the adorable lil hat and glasses. :(
does this mean i think the dino professor is dead?
He has the knowledge of his past, and he has his satchel. He probably stayed as long as he could, left his hat and glasses behind, and faked his death so he would be off the genies radar for a while. Then he time traveled to current times and has been sneaking around the puppet history and watcher set trying to stop the genie/devil.
The biggest piece of evidence for this is in episode one where theres some noises in the background while "the professor" is on stage teaching and ryan asks
"yo is this place haunted?"
I think the noise they heard is from the dino professor moving around trying to piece together what to do next. It would be best for the dino professor to do all that moving while "the professor" is busy teaching, so that he's less likely to be caught.
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I know it has to be important. It has to. Im on board for the dino professor to be in the box. Im not as confident in my theory about the box, but! thats ok!
my thoughts are, if the dino professor is going around the set loudly in ep1, i would expect that to continue to happen more and more throughout the season. However, that has not been happening. So I think the dino professor made it to the puppet history set, made too much noise, escaped to watcher HQ where he was caught by "The professor" and was locked into the box.
Episode 2 started with ryan pointing out the chains on the box. At first i thought the box would progressively get more and more locks and chains, but it didnt. Making me feel like putting the dino professor in the box wasnt part of the plan, but "the professor" added a lock and chain and thought "that'll do".
I think in episode 1 the box was powered on jelly beans, coveted cups, and whatever other magical professor stuff was lying around. After "the professor" caught the dino professor, he needed a place to hold him. Why not this box? i got a lock and chains, that should hold him in the box! And from then on, the dino professor has been stuck in there. All those glitches? might be the dino professor trying to escape the box so he can save and forgive his favorite beef boy.
(a fun idea supporting this is the end song that is usually the backup vocals and instrumentals has been replaced by what sounds like the song playing in another room, possibly becuase the real professor is in the box, barely able to hear what is happening on stage? credit goes to the wonderful max for figuring this theory out with me, truly genius level thinking going on there)
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I think i can see either see
1) the dino professor saving beef boy by cutting off the power in the box, leaving the person in charge (probably the devil, maybe the genie) exposed. this either happens live durring puppet history, or the professor escapes the box, and saves ryan from being killed/puppetified just at the last minute. The jist is, the professor saves ryan.
2) or.. ryan breaks the box or touches "the professor" exposing the hologram, and saving the dino professor from being stuck in the box. aka, beef boy saves the professor.
I can see this whole arc taking place over one or two episodes. If the dino professor is saved before the finale, the finale might be a reunion and celebration of the real professor finally coming back and teaching again. and ryan will be relieved when he doesnt win.
ANYWAYS thats my theories!! ill be sure to update yall after the episode on friday! im so excited to see if this is the path shane decides to go down. i feel like theres so many cool ways this shows lore can go and this is just a few of them. knowing shane, its gonna be crazy and entertaining the whole way through.
Super excited!
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podhouse · 4 months
does anyone else have difficulty to let go some parts and people of their childhood? i always dream of some kids that i was friends with in elementary school. i’m too attached to three of them and i got my eyes on one of them when i was kid hes a guy. i domt know what to call it because ive never been in love and dont know what it feels like. i dream of us meeting and talking and having so much fun. but in my dream we are both kids and my brain doesn’t seem to accept the fact that we are both grown up now. we are no longer seven or eight. i have seen his recent pics and he has changed alot lookswise and we didnt talk since i changed schools which was when i was ten. im eighteen this year. i love that version of him. hes the only good highlight of my childhood and the only one i remember. i really wish i could dream of both of us for hours.
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v-anrouge · 8 months
I love vil so much as a character because I love that he use あたし (atashi) because I use atashi I love all vils so much because it makes me feel seen ??? if that makes sense like the 'not like other girls' was really pushed onto me as a kid and I couldn't have "those intrests" and dress like stereotypical girls and it really messed me up I repressed my femininity and love for girly stuff like pink and frills and it was just so icky :(((
idk the fact that vil is so feminine as a boy is just comforting especially bc he uses atashi it just makes me feel seen as a gender fluid person who finds alot of comfort in feminine and 'girly' things
im so eepy I'm getting sad but I though u would appreciate this ramble
NO EXACTLY RHIS IS WHY I LOVE HIM TOO! As a trans man that has struggled with gender my whole life and has only come to accept himself almost fully recently vil is such an important character to me, and i know it's not just for me, ive met several trans folk and non-binary people that get comfort from vil and his gnc rep, representation like this doesn't come by often, especially one that has stated his dislike to gender roles explicitly. vil means so much for people that don't follow society's views of gender, everything about him brings me immense happiness. im not joking when i say that when i feel dysphoric i go to search for content about him and it immediately cheers me up
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mariahmarie13 · 6 months
i’ve been feeling quite anxious recently, my meds are not working as strongly as they usually would, so i have started relying on myself to make myself feel better. here are some things i’ve done recently to make myself feel even a tiny bit better. 🪴
• i’ve started journaling ATLEAST once a day. wether that be morning or night, i try not to force myself to write positively but just let whatever thoughts flow on the page. sometimes i draw cute little pictures. sometimes i doodle. it gets my mind off things.
• deep breathing. i’ve been doing this ALOT recently and it really helps push those anxious tummy tuning feelings away. it feels like i can finally catch my breath again. close your eyes. breathe in, then out. picture something peaceful too, or something comforting.
• don’t deprive yourself of snacks. if you don’t have an appetite but haven’t eaten anything all day but your craving some chocolate, then eat that chocolate!it’s better than not eating nothing. don’t feel guilty, you deserve a little treat!
• going to bed at a reasonable hour. do not stay up into the ams.. that is literally my motto. going to bed before 12 you are more likely to get at least 7/8 hours of sleep. my thoughts tend to get worse at night so I prefer to sleep earlier and then feel refreshed tomorrow.
• watch your comfort tv show or movie. watching something we have seen before usually can bring us a sense of comfort, because we know what’s going to happen and we know how it’s going to end. this will stop us from watching anything possibly triggering to us.
• unfollow people online that don’t reflect your life. wether that be appearance or body wise, financial and budget wise, etc. we tend to compare ourselves to others online so it’s much better to have them be people that can positively impact our lives instead.
• adding to the reading - put your phone away at bed time, pick up a book instead, ive found recently that reading helps me fall asleep a lot quicker than scrolling online.
• reply to people in your own time. don’t feel obligated to respond to texts and calls straight away.
• i will read atleast one chapter of a book, even if I don’t want to, sometimes i find pushing myself to do this i can really get stuck into the book and finally let my mind rest while i read.
• it’s okay to have a bad day. don’t punish yourself for feeling down. it’s normal, it’s not the end of the world. you’ve gotten through days like this before. remind yourself that this too shall pass.
• take yourself on a date. wether that be to a coffee shop for your fave drink and desert, to your local thrift store with your headphones and podcast on or even just to the beach to watch the waves and journal. spending time by yourself is so important.
• stay hydrated. make sure your drinking plenty of water. i drink sparkling flavoured water because it makes drinking water more enjoyable for me so it doesn’t feel like this awful task.
• stuffed animals and teddies are a lifesaver for me. specially one that smells like someone i love. inhaling that scent and cuddling when your loved one isn’t there is so comforting, and makes me feel so at ease and comforted.
• get outside. atleast once a day!wether that’s on the way to work, to walk to the shop, anything!being outside, letting the sun hit your face or even the breeze on your skin, is so uplifting..put on some music or a podcast and just walk.
• pick up a budget friendly hobby. something that’s fun that doesn’t cost too much money, preferably something that doesn’t involve screen-time. ex: knitting, painting, journaling, colouring, upcycling old clothes, etc.
• light an incense & some candles. turn off the big light in the room & leave only the lamp on. this usually relaxes me whilst reading, watching tv etc. i get overstimulated a lot, especially when it comes to lighting. soft lighting really helps.
• clean your space. i feel absolutely awful if my space is a mess. i try and set a target for myself to do at least one act of cleaning a day, that way i’m not overwhelmed, im doing it at my own pace & i can feel accomplished and proud of myself.
• eat atleast three meals a day. do not skip breakfast! even if it’s only a little bowl of cereal or a granola bar and some coffee, trust me you will thank yourself later when you actually don’t feel like passing out.
• learn to appreciate the things you already have, such as clothes, gadgets, games, etc!you have so much to be grateful for, you really don’t need anything else. you’re so lucky to own a tv to watch your fave show or a laptop to play your fave game. remember that.
• put a positive podcast on in the background whilst doing other tasks. i find this actually helps me think positively even when I’m not actually focused on the podcast. i was shocked at how well this actually works.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 6 months
Im not that same anon, but i will say the way you jokingly talk like a taekooker can sometimes be triggering and hurtful to people like me who really love jimin and thought they curated their spaces to jimin focused accounts. Ive even seen taekookers use your blog posts in their arguments bullying jimin.
I’ve followed you long enough to know you’re being sarcastic but i do get sometimes triggered by how you try to prove Taekook in the exact way Taekookers do, a joke or not. but that’s our problem and you’re allowed to say whatever you want, and we can obviously unfollow you. Just adding my perspective.
- Allow me to give a honest opinion. I won't say you're a tkkr or anything because i know you're a ex jkkr and you don't ship jm with anyone. But from the way you write it definitely seems like you have alot of pent up anger towards jk and tae individually as well as together and that definitely reflects more into your writing when it involves those two. I think it's because you're an ex jkkr so it might be because feels betrayed by both of them on jm's behalf, like their behaviour towards him etc. Yes i myself recent the two guys the most and don't think they're worthy of jm's friendship too. Idk how long you have been on this blog but since the time i have followed you if i didn't know better i would think you're a jkkrs' hater more than of Tkkrs. It's one thing to to recent shippers it's another thing to turn it more towards just one group of shippers that is jkkrs. I remember you saying something like you felt betrayed or something about ITS tk talk cause even tho they said they're awkward it didn't show in their actions or something along that so i think you hate them both alot.
personally idc who you're calling husband or what cause all pjms call them husbands but they also think both of them are straight, would have unfollowed you long ago. I only replied cause i saw anons calling you tkkr. Anyways tk husbands married in Vegas currently with 3 kids and 3rd or 5th anniversary according to tkkrs. If you don't know they also has a shared apartment in japan jk brought for taehyung and he was staying there while jm was in hotel. Such a bad friend jk didn't even invite jm to come to their tk house 😔
Well, that I understand because taekook as a ship used to bother me just as much. It was annoying and sometimes it still is, tho it's become more of a dislike towards them as people rather than the ship itself.
In late 2019, there was some random poll in some irrelevant online magazine (like soompi and stuff) about "which member is the closest to Jungkook?". Jin won. Army voted for Jin and not Jimin, who was without a doubt the closest to Jungkook that year. At that time, things like that also bothered me and made me sad. Now, I guess it's been so long since I got over it and it's a joke. Besides, I understood that most of the information army picked up on was coming from the members themselves, and I couldn't spend a lifetime getting angry about things Taehyung, Jungkook and even Jimin himself weren't going to change.
That vminkook live in November 2021? Watching some parts of it felt terrible. I got over it quick, but at the time I didn't like it. A lot of taekook stuff bothered me, but what is anyone going to do about it lol. And I learned that, and I accepted it. Jimin literally posted taekook with their faces smashed together on his Instagram some weeks ago and pjms were laughing and rejoicing about him giving something to taekookers.
"Ive even seen taekookers use your blog posts in their arguments bullying jimin." Sorry but I don't believe you, like you just made that up.
Yeah but the thing is, I'm not trying to prove taekook lmao. I'm just making fun of the way shippers in general talk. Like, it would've meant the world to jikookers if it was Jimin with bam, right? They actually spent a lot of time trying to prove that Jimin is with bam often, but because it's Taehyung that has actual proof of spending time with Bam at Jungkook's house, they get annoyed at it and talk about conspiracy theories. Or ignore it. Now, Bam it's irrelevant. But if it had been Jimin, they would've also said the same thing I said about Taehyung spending time at Jungkook's.
And that's the whole point... call it satire if you will.
Before this discussion started, I was going through my blog, right. I reblogged some old posts. Remember when Jimin went to NYC and he wore shorts and jikookers were making viral sex jokes about how he'd shaved for Jungkook (Jimin is clean shaven in every BTS content btw, and so are the other members). Well, while going through my posts I saw this one where I said Jimin shaved and moistuzed his legs for Eunwoo like...
That stuff sounds out of pocket to me, and I will make fun of it. if people are missing the joke it's really not me. Or maybe they haven't been in shipper spaces as much as I have been. I'm sorry if I come across as too convincing??
Mind you, there were people who got angry because I talked about minimoni, or even about Saeon and Eunwoo. Someone literally came up once and told me that liking minimoni was weird because Namjoon talked about Jimin in a creepy and predatory way. Some people are just deranged, and I know that.
I honestly have no respect left for jikookers after face, or rather after this year, the way I have no respect for taekookers. They've become an easy punching bag with how delusional they were since 2021, and most of my jokes are me just saying the same things they say about jikook, but using it for different ships because it's all so ridiculous. And the most delusional ones are always Jungkook biased jikookers who thought Jimin was undeserving of support and talk about the two of them like Jimin is the lesser one in talents, ambition, or achievements.
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vampiremilfs · 1 year
hiiii <3 big ask big answer is what i'm expecting would LOVE to know your top 5/faves across various media that are new(in release or just new to you) this year! so: shows, movies, games, books, songs/albums, new artists you've discovered etc
brief comment i wanted to make, but this was the year i finally took control of my mental health and went to go see someone about it so congratulations to me for finally breaking down the wall of "im fine" and allowing myself to admit that i could use some help. that aside, lets get into it! beware, possible spoilers
1. Nope (dir. Jordan Peele) - this movie surprised me so much and reflects a LOT of my views on performative/spectacle-like behavior in front of the Camera and the effects things like hollywood or social media could potentially have on people...not going to get into that but i just liked the movie alot okay
2. X (dir. Ti West) - love me some camp. love mia goth. i also really liked Pearl and cannot WAIT for MaXXXine, i am so ready
3. Cruel Intentions (dir. Roger Kumble) - i dont think 2022 was the first year i watched Cruel Intentions but everytime i watch it, it feels like something brand new...i am so compelled to read the book that its based on like seriously
4. Turning Red (dir. Domee Shi) - this is the only Disney movie that exists to me...the mother-daughter relationship portrayed here is just so personal
5. Kiki’s Delivery Service (dir. Hayao Miyazaki) - yeah im extremely late to watching this lol. i watched literally every other ghibli film growing up but somehow, in some way, skipped over Kiki. so i watched it over the summer as an adult and needless to say...yeah i missed out as a kid asjashd
6. American Psycho (dir. Mary Harron) - this is the funniest film ive seen this whole year. im not even kidding
1. Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul - never thought id enjoy a show about a middle-aged white male turning to meth production to make ends meet and becoming the most annoying character ever created, but here we are. loved it, and literally EVERYONE around walt deserved so much better (jesse, gus, johnny/saul, mike, skylar, marie, hank)
2. Ranma 1/2 - ive taken a break from watching new anime this year and started diving into older ones. i love ranma simply bc its a bit ahead of its time and is just so easy to digest. just a fun little show!!! a great way to take my mind off of shit
3. The Sandman - just found out recently that this was a DC comic so congrats to DC for successfully infiltrating my anti-superhero visual barrier LOL. anyways i am in dire NEED of the next season
4. You - PENN BADGLEY. thats all im going to say. im a huge fan of Gossip Girl (2007) and as soon as i saw him playing the lead character i RAN to watch the first season when it dropped. was not disappointed
5. The Witcher - ive never played the game lol but the show is so good...im not a fan of GoT (and therefore will never watch HotD) so this show p much fills the dark fantasy void for me
6. Bridgerton - im so glad i got over my weird distaste and finally gave this show a try...i see the hype, i see it!! and the show itself is so beautiful to look at, despite being historically innacurate or whatever
7. Gossip Girl (2007) - ive watched and rewatched this show a grand total of maybe like....20 times in my life total. rewatched it again this year. all six seasons. it never gets old despite being the most ridiculous insipid shit ever. im also currently watching the new version, and while i love the cast and maybe the soundtrack, it doesnt match up to the campy and fun vibe that the first one had. it takes itself way too seriously and the plot is almost nonexistent lol
but anyway, lets move on to music!! im skipping over books bc i have currently finished NONE from the book haul i had back in october.
just gonna list out a bunch of songs that have carried me thru the last half of this year :]
ass like that victoria monet / bang (my body) chase icon / meta angel fka twigs / wish i never kehlani / king for a day pierce the veil, kellin quinn / pass the nirvana pierce the veil / antagonist nova twins / gibson girl ethel cain / like a tattoo sade / the perfect pair beabadoobee / so it goes tamino / daybreak’s bell l’arc-en-ciel / colors flow / distant tevomxntana, cayo / grapefruit tove lo
sorry if this is extremely long. thanks for asking!!!!!! ❤️
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pinocchiozee · 1 year
HIII TUMBLR!! SORRY FOR THE LONG TIME I NEVER SPOKE :[ I just got these things finally and i wanted to talk about it!! I hope after this ill be able to become more active, i wanna start using tumblr now! :]
Also i wanna show my GDT collection one day, its mostly just Pinocchio but i got this Fake leather Guillermo Sketchbook i draw in from a few months back and recently got the art book for Shape Of Water!! [My favorite live action people movie ive seen him make so far!]
Anyways have this very long story because the only thing i can talk about is myself😭😭
I have really old art ive never shown past the eyes of Discord😭😭😭
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I CANT WAIT FOR THESE TO COME!! Ill give an extensive review of these and post it on here! Also another very big reason on why i also got them is to repaint them!! :] they need a repaint so badly😭😭
So the lore...
A very long time ago, at the movies official release like 5 months ago.. a few days after that i went looking for cool stuff because i needed to know if there was any news🥺🥺🥺
And i did! The first line of toys they produced was the Mego Corp GDTPinocchio toy line, which i was very excited to get since i had the money, albeit i wasted all of it before on the books and the pop figures that just came out, then along came the limited edition Pinocchio Maquette replica one month after..
(Also i might get the timeline wrong, i have a problem with remembering and the understanding of time)
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[which costed 10 times less than the actual handcarved limited edition WOODEN PUPPET😭😭 Id have to be a millionaire to get THAT ONE! Ill work hard to get that once i start my summer job]
Sooo i decided to save for that instead, pushing away the one thing that i was able to get in favour of the Maquette, each month i kinda got forced to waste alot of my money on things i never wanted to get, so it was a very slow rise, i never got to my goal before they already got sold out, i was 100 dollars away because of the SHIPPING, THE SHIPPING COST 100 DOLLARS TO GET TO SWEDEN, I ACTUALLY ALMOST HAD ENOUTH😭
This gave me a money complex that lasted for about a few months, i used to be a compulsive buyer but i completely shifted because of that, i mean im still very compulsive but now i get so shameful every time i get anything and i avoid the shops like the plague.. because i dont need it!! [Also to get the maquette replica]
Okay thats my story, Ofcourse ill only talk about GDTP and every other single Pinocchio adaption, and Guillermo Del toros every other movie and series, this is why i got tumblr LOL
[and maybe some other things!! I have other interests as well, but not as intense as this one]
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[i like all adaptions lol]
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adamjagger · 2 years
So time for a random thought i had the other day. funny enough this thought was the spawn of a meme i seen a few days earlier of girls during fall and boys during fall. Today is a quick post showing how my edc changes with the seasons. Its something ive been doing subconsciously for years now.
What i mean by this is big edc pistols in the winter and smaller pistols during the warmer months. if you do this as well leave a comment that way i know im not as weird as i think i am lol.
Lets start with summer and the warmer months, for a few years my go to concealed pistol choice for this has been a gen5 glock 19. I find that the glock 19 has the perfect grip length for me to concealed in t-shirts and shorts type of clothing. I often change my carry position between the appendix and the 3 o'clock depending on what I am doing. I have never been to picky about holsters. I know now days with the amount of different kydex holster companies out there everyone has their preffered clips and wings and whatever else they can market. personally I dont really care if my holster has one of the wing bar deals on it and as for the belt clips, the generic wide paddle style clip that used to come on every holster is just fine with me. Also dont forget it never hurts to throw a extra mag of your favorite carry ammo in your pocket too.
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I recently picked up a Glock 43x and a Safariland schema holster and have been really digging this setup. This will for sure be next years summer carry. At the time of writing this i have carried the 43x for the last few weeks and it is literally a ed setup that you dont even realize you are wearing. Plus when i seen this Safariland holster had just released i thought it was super cool and had to get one.
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Now on to my favorite Fall/ Winter ed pistol setup. The Glock 45 is my go to for this task. It doesnt have to be a G45 either, since the G45 is a full size 17 grip length this would work with all of the full size glocks and still have pretty much the same outcome. My current G45 seup consists of a Trijicon type 2 rmr with a 3.25 moa red dot, a Streamlight tIr7a and some Ameriglo suppresor height iron sights all from the awesome people over at Brownells. Also i cant forget to mention the DNC Ranger Wraps on the rmr and tIr7a. When i had the slide cut for the rmr a few years back i had the slide cerakoted noveske bazooka green as well which has become my absolute favorite cerakote color. Just like before the holsters dont really matter to me. The one that has been my go to is a od green hilliker holster company rig and it has been just fine for me. Same thing applies as before, throw a extra mag of your carry ammo in your pocket and call it good.
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I am genuinely curious to hear if anyone else does this sort of thing throughout the year as well. Let me know what your go to edc pistol is as well. If you somehow are reading this thank you for checking it out. Go check out my socials where i post alot more interesting things than this lol.
Happy shooting!
Adam Jagger gun blog post #4 10/5/22
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sparrowinkk · 2 months
1, 3, 17, 25 and 26 for the ask game 💌
ty for the ask!! Sorry im answering it so late D:
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
hmm id have to say:
I moved to Scotland from the US when i was 10. This has resulted in me having a bit of a identiy crisis lmao
Probs my friend group in high school. We were the gay weirdos and if I had not been able to find a group like that, idek where I'd be
horse games! Ive played alot of horse games growing up and they helped me realise that that was what i wanted to do with my life :3 (get a career in horses)
3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Twilight. Ive seen it a billion times, i could a watch it a billion more
Avatar (blue people). Its just the world building man THE WORLD BUILDING
LOTR triology. Somehow, put all 3 extenaditions (wow i cant spell) editions onto 1 cd and id be set.
17. 3 things that make you happy
My cat, his name is Pastel! He screams at me to wake up every morning and hes a big cuddler
Horses! I love horse riding and horses are just like my main special interest.
andddddd spending time with people :3 I've recently realised that humans are indeed social creatures and socialising is v valuable.
25. fave season and why?
Def fall! The colors are just so stunning. So many amazing holidays in fall, youve got Lammas, Mabon, Halloween, and thanksgiving. And the tempature is usually quite nice!
26. fave colour and why?
When i was younger my fav color was pink. Then as i got older, it was purple. And now its blue. Ig ive just worked my way through the bi flag lmao.
Why blue? Its just v nice, and you really cant go wrong with it. The sky is blue, and the sky is one of my fav things to look at. My eyes are blue to.
ty for the ask again!!
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hopefullyababe · 2 years
hey! ive seen a few people on here screencapping tumblr posts and adding additions to them recently, and i can only assume yall are new- thats okay! but im just gonna tell you, reposting instead of reblogging is a dick move here! ill repeat for the ppl in the back
dont screencap tumblr posts and repost them.
i can understand if some of yall have discomfort at the idea of being in someones notes- but i assure you. no one gives a shit. and if they do, theyve already turned off notifs for that post. if you have a comment to make for your followers and mutuals to enjoy, you can add it onto the post! thats fine! you can do that! if you want to be more discrete about it, add it into the tags instead.
the reason reblogging is better than reposting is because, for one, it maintains credit to the original poster, with a built in link to their profile. it means less crediting work for you, and less work for anyone trying to track down the original post or original poster. it's also just. cleaner. it keeps the post all in one place (with all it's information attached) instead of scattered as a screenshot across a million different accounts all with separate information. reblogs of textposts are also more accessible to people with screenreaders! adding an alt description to an image isnt too hard nowadays, but its still alot more effort than just reblogging the post that was ALREADY in text form.
so uh. yall start reblogging, okay? its good for the community, and its good for longevity. keepin the history, you know? we love our oldies here. we have posts from 2012 that still circulate, and they are dear to us. id love if some of you newbies could participate in that.
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doberbutts · 2 years
Theres such a weird shift of energy towards transmascs recently on tumblr and idk why it got so volatile. Recently a some chick with a radfem following screen capped my profile and stuff from a comment i made and people are reblogging it making fun of my selfie from 5 years ago lmao? Like who has the time and why do they just think its fun to bully us? Ive also noticed alot more positivity too and my dash is quite small so i can keep it that way but oof.
I would say it looks particularly bad right now because there's a surge of bad actors who are getting loud, but it's been bad for a while. Back in the mid-2010s I was getting a lot of aggression on my main blog and more than one person had the audacity to tell me that I don't know what it's like experiencing transphobia because I am a trans man and thus I never experience misogyny and I was born with male privilege and when I brought up that I didn't pass it became "oh so you're saying that trans women are men is that it" and "people treat you like a man even if you don't pass" (lol what) so this particular type of nastiness has been around sadly for closing in on a decade now.
I've been around long enough to safely say that it's the same regurgitated biphobia, panphobia, acephobia, enbyphobia, etcetc that's sadly circulated the LGBT community since before I was born. Every once in a while the loudest voices jump to a different letter of the acronym and hone in on that for a while. The good news is, when it's over people will be like "man that was nuts can you believe" and they will mostly leave you alone. But right now it's trans mascs that are on the receiving end of it, and I think everyone who was fighting this type of behavior before sort of knew that it was going to hop targets as soon as the main target stopped being a fun punching bag.
The best thing that has come of this is that many trans mascs have banded together and are lifting up each other's voices to ensure we are no longer invisible and that we can finally be heard. It can be very scary, going from invisible to visible, and it makes people feel threatened that suddenly a group that's mostly existed on the sidelines is getting attention. They often feel it takes away from "their" attention to recognize another group's needs. Again very old hat, this was the exact logic of white moderates when the civil rights era was going strong be it in regards to black people gaining literally any rights at all or specifically black women being allowed to discuss problems specific to black women, and the logic of abled but marginalized people when disability advocates asked not to be left in the dust.
I am sorry people are making fun of you. People also like to make fun of me. I get all manner of filth in my ask box and I'm frankly surprised it's been so quiet recently though I've blocked a large number of bad actors I've seen so likely that's part of it. We will get through this.
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soldier-poet-king · 2 years
well no way home was actually kinda good????? 
despite everything with brother 1 today, we had pre-booked tickets we couldnt exchange bc covid, and brother 3 is little and loves tom holland and spiderman so we still went
many and various thoughts below, but dont worry i am not about to become a mcu blog bc i am marvel fatigued and most things they’ve put out in the last half decade or so have been....bad....and also propaganda and i purposely havent seen much of their stuff in the last 3 years anyway
it’s not into the spiderverse, dont expect it to be or you’ll be disappointed
yes some of my love for it is definitely nostalgia, i wont pretend it’s not, i grew up with the tobey maguire movies and watched them SO MANY times as a kid, EVEN THE THIRD ONE, and the andrew garfield ones came out when i was in highschool and first getting into ‘big fandom’ and also i was a little in love with him\
yes it still suffers from too much cgi and witty-one-liner-marvel syndrome, HOWEVER, i am willing to forgive these grievious sins bc the movie has heart to back it up, heart that all the other tom holland spidey movies sorely sorely lacked
honestly most of the stuff at the beginnign with dr strange sucked, i dont care about it, and the magic-y multiverse intro WAS dumb and poorly handled, even for a comic book adaptation
the ending was even more stupid with the mass memory wipe HOWEVER it had some redeeming qualities and i will return
once the spidey rogues gallery shows up???? all my childhood beloveds??? ALFRED MOLINA??? A REAL SOLID MAN????? FORMATIVE TO MY YOUTH???
yes this movie was wish fullfillment but not in the way most marvel movies are straight white man wish fulfillment, this one was MY wish fulfilment because it looked us in the eye and said over and over and over. yes. people deserve second chances. everyone should have a chance to heal and atone and try again. yes. yes even them. giving a person that chance, choosing to do right. that is always always worth it. and i MAJORLY FUCK WITH THAT
like ive been talking alot lately about having read books recently to do with my Fave Themes like Duty and Obligation and Goodness and doing all these things in the face of a complete absence of hope, simply because they are good
and sure its a marvel movie, it’s not THAT deep, but there was this wonderful core that was there
speaking of themes, this was the first time holland spidey movie that actually felt like a spidey movie
tony stank’s influence was very little
no spiderman being manipulated into international war crimes
it’s ABOUT the friendly neighborhood spiderman
it’s about second chances, and kindness, and of course, duty and power and responsibility
aunt may takes the uncle ben role, and i liked it? i cried ofc bc i am soft. but the emphasis on goodness for its own sake. that making that choice is the right one, always. that yes, yes it IS your responsibility, it IS your duty, no matter how unpleasant and painful and terrible, it is what we as people, what each of us, what we owe to each other
part of what made the themes work is the return of the two previous spideys who had been much more in character in their movies
i liked that they had grown, in a way, this movie gave their spidey’s closure as well
maguire gets to save green goblin, he gets to spare osborne and fix the greatest regret of his own time as spiderman
he can forgive himself, and osborne
garfield cant bring back gwen, but he can save this MJ
literally i was crying, he was crying when he saved her and i love andrew garfield and i was also very much cryign
i mentioned the memory wipe mumbo jumbo shit was dumb af at the end, and it is
it’s ONE redeeming quality is that it essentially presses a ‘reset’ on holland’s spiderman
he’s not an avenger anymore, he’s not tony stark’s protegee, he doesn’t have all the fancy stark tech
he’s a teen living in a shitty NYC apartment, making ends meet, creating homemade suit on a old sewing machine, and just like.....being the friendly neighborhood spiderman....this is what it’s SUPPOSED to be
i Do Not Go For a lot of cheap marvel banter, hoWEVER all the dumb jokes between the three spideys???? i loved it
perhaps bc, to me at least, it felt like these silly moments were not cheap laughs or gotcha moments (gestures to the entire infinity war/endgame nightmare) but they were made from a place of love? a place of love toward the older spidey movies, a place of love toward the source comics, a place of love on behalf of the spidey actors themselves
nostalgia? perhaps. but i really really really am in love with garfield’s peter parker
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