kenobihater · 3 months
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goddamn, i keep finding issues with mtb that i need to complain about. one of the things that differs between my old writing and my current writing is the fact that i didn't write nearly enough paragraph breaks in my earlier works. like, this was one paragraph in chapter one, but i broke it down into 7 parts bc paragraph breaks should happen whenever there's dialogue from another character, or more relevant to this example, whenever there's a topic change or a new thought expressed. maybe my paragraph breaks are a little excessive, but i think it's MUCH preferable to the mishmashed ao3 version and it helps add emphasis where i need it to be.
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jihyoruri · 9 months
wonyn moments ??
BEST WONYN MOMENTS wow!yn x jang wonyoung
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— clip one ☆
“do you know your members well?” the interviewer asked wonyoung as she nodded her head happily, “I like to think I do.”
“okay..” the interviewer replies before looking back at their cards, “so, we’re gonna ask some questions and see how well you know them.” she says looking back up at womyoung who laughs nervously, “we have photos of your members and with your answers you’ll hold up the photo of the member.”
“okay, got it.” wonyoung says nodding her head,“I think I’ll do good.”
“okay let’s start.” the interviewer says before reading her cards, “which one of your members is the most popular among the female population of dives?” she asks raising a brow.
wonyoung let’s out a laugh, throwing her head back she mumbles a this is easy.
“uhh.” wonyoung says between her giggles, “I think the obvious answer is yn.” she says bringing up the photo of her member, “I’ve never seen this photo of her before, she looks pretty.”
the interviewer laughs at the comment before raising her hands towards wonyoung,“you are correct!”
wonyoung lets out a small cheer before bringing her attention back to the interviewer.
“how did you know the answer was yn?”
“yn is very pleasing to the eyes of our girl dives and the overall population of ladies.” wonyoung says still holding the photo of the playgirl.
“is she pleasing your eyes?” the interviewer asks slyly, “because you’re a lady as well of course.”
wonyounv laughs nervously before putting down the photo, “uh, what kind of question is that?”
“is she?” the interviewer presses.
“I think she’s pleasing to everyone’s eyes.” wonyoung replies, smoothly avoiding the question.
— clip two ☆
yn leaned against wonyoung as she proceeded to ask dives questions, “have you guys watched the first episode of 123 ive 3?”
wonyoung laughs at the comments that spam yes is in all caps, “did you guys a enjoy it?” she asks happily.
both girls laugh when the comments start talking about them being exs.
“that’s actually all true guys.” yn says, laughing when wonyoung side eyes her, “wony and I were dating but I broke up with her to focus on my career, but she still wants me though.”
wonyoung shakes her head but it’s no point once yn and dives team up on her it’s hard to stop them.
“what are you even talking about.” she laughs, shoving yn’s shoulder as her face heats up slightly.
— clip three ☆
“let’s go find yn and wonyoung.” rei says to the camera before.
she walks through the halls and into a room to finally find the two girls, she flips the camera to face them, showing yn sitting on a couch squinting up at wonyoung who stans between her legs with glasses in her hands.
“what are you guys doing?” rei asks walking towards them.
“I’m cleaning yn’s glasses.” wonyoung says to the camera before turning back to continue cleaning them, “she took a nap with them on and she never cleans them.”
rei then brings the camera extremely close to yn’s face who smirks lazily at wonyoungs jab.
“what would I so without you?” she flirts teasingly, smiling when wonyoung gently puts the glasses back on her face.
— clip four ☆
“I’m sitting with yn on the plane this time.” wonyoung whispers to the camera before turning it towards the girl who has the window seat.
“yeah guys, she wants to be with me all the time.” yn says jokingly towards the camera, “she’s obsessed with me.”
she laughs when wonyoung glares at her, “I’m joking, it’s the other way around.” yn says joking placing a kiss on wonyoung’s cheek who playfully pretends to wipe it off.
— clip five ☆
“I know you have it.” yn says as the walks towards wonyoung who laughs nervously, the girls were filming a game and wonyoung has something that yn needs so she can move on to the next round.
“I don’t.” wonyoung lies shaking her head rapidly.
“then why have you been avoiding me?” yn asks backing the girl into the corner, “why aren’t you looking at me?”
wonyoung continues to laugh nervously and sake her head, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” she repeats over and over again, her face heating up at her situation of being backed into the corner by yn.
“then why are you nervous?” yn whispers in other girls ear.
“I’m not!” wonyoung cries out.
“come on wonyoung…” yn trails off, backing the girl more into the corner if that’s possible, “I know you have it, just give it to me.”
“I don’t!”
“look at me.” yn says, grabbing the girls jaw turning her face towards her, “give it.”
if anybody could describe wonyoung’s face to something it would be a fire truck, she timidly brings her hand to her pouch and takes out exactly what yn need.
“thank you very much, now pass it over.”
she pouts slightly as she puts it in yn’s hand who puts her arm around wonyoung’s shoulder, “don’t pout.” yn groans, “we can have some type of alliance or something.”
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☆here’s part 3🤭
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tobybestupid · 8 months
Hey i read the taking care of motley crüe when sick and i thought it was really cute, would you be able to write a oneshot like that but with Izzy Stradlin from gnr? <3
Sick as a Dog
Izzy Stradlin x Reader
✨Summary✨ Izzy has gotten sick so you take care of him <3
(he's literally so handsome)
Tw: little cursing, mentions of vomiting, not too realistic cuz I don't know how high your body temp thingy gotta be to actually be sick, Izzy being sick? (Idk)
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"Hey Izzy! Are you gonna get up? Y'know axl bitches and whines when you aren't there...though he's late, almost everyday!" You asked as you walked into the room, looking at him and seeing him shivering and covered by all the blankets on the bed.
"Oh poor baby, are you okay?" You calmly asked as he sneezed and shook his head, letting out a sickly "nooo..."
"Okay, let me get the thermometer..and some Tylenol, and a bucket in case you can't make it to the bathroom...and, uh...you want a snack?- I'll call Axl for you don't worry-" you quickly said, putting a hand on his forehead.
"Jesus baby, your burning up.." You said, kissing him on the forehead and rubbing his back.
"Yeah.. snack-" He was cut off by a cough. "Please.."
"Of course baby, of course." You told him, getting up and walking off to grab everything.
You walked back into the room, looking back at Izzy and this time he was completely sweaty and all the blankets were off him.
"Here, out this in your mouth" You told him, sticking the thermometer into his mouth gently as you walked to the A/C and turned it on low.
"What's it say?" You asked, handing him a Popsicle to cool him down, taking the thermometer out of his mouth.
"Holy Izzy, your not going anywhere until your better. It's at 123." You said, kissing his cheek and rubbing his back as Izzy pouted.
"No buts I'm calling Axl and telling him you're too sick."
Izzy whined softly as you walked to the phone, picking it up and entering the number.
It rang a little until Axl picked up.
"Hello?" Axl's voice was gruff and low, probably pissed about something.
"Hey it's Y/N, Izzy can't go to band practice-"
"But I cannnn!" Izzy whined in the background.
"-he's sick and being whiny, I'm sorry" You contuined.
"Oh, no that's alright..uh tell him I told him to get better?" Axl asked.
"Okay, I will. Bye Axl" you said, hanging up and putting the phone down.
Izzy pouted as he slowly moved onto his side, "I got your snack" You told him, walking up to him and handing him a mini bag of pretzels.
"Hmp." He whined, snatching it from you and opening it up.
"Moody much..you still gotta take the Tylenol." You told him, sitting down next to him and grabbing the Tylenol from your own pocket along with a spoon.
"Here, open your mouth it's bubble gum flavor" You told him, pouring some into the spoon and putting it into his mouth.
"Swallow- I know it's icky but c'mon." You told him, watching him swallow it.
You put the spoon and Tylenol on the table, letting Izzy cuddle onto your chest and whine.
"I know baby, I know. It sucks, but eat your popsicle, and your pretzels." You told him, rubbing him gently as he calmed down.
"I love you" You told him, rubbing his hair gently.
"Nuh uh..I love you more."
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Tysm random for asking a question, I feel so honored I've never had a question before😻
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bratshaws · 11 months
through the hourglass 179.brb x oc
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a/n: finally its going to happen, the THING IVE BEEN STALLING TO WRITE IS COMING NEXT CHAPTER!! IM N ERVOUS BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO ACTION SCENES BUT I'LL DO MY BEST!(comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!! they make my nights they really do<3)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989
“How did we miss this?’ Mav asks as he fumbles with the notes Rooster handed over to him, ‘How did we miss it? It’s right there.”
Rooster,with his hands propped on his hips, looked like he just ran a marathon even though he never left this exact spot,”Because,” and he pulls another map, pointing to the area…it was covered with trees, “It’s full of trees but they are short enough for us to fly in and hit them before they notice us.”
Rooster's voice held a mix of exhaustion and excitement as he explained, "The trees provide natural cover and camouflage, making it difficult to spot the opening from a distance. Our initial surveillance might not have captured it due to the dense foliage."
Mav studied the map intently, his brows furrowed. "But how did we miss this during the reconnaissance flights? We should have spotted it from the air."
Rooster nodded, acknowledging the valid concern. "You're right. It's possible that the dense foliage and the angle of approach during our reconnaissance flights obscured the opening. It might have been hidden from our view until we studied the maps in detail." he throws his hands up with a tired laugh, “Hidden in plain sight! And look here. This is the flight path we can take through the trees. It's narrow, but our aircrafts can maneuver through it. We'll need to be precise and fly low to avoid detection. Once we're through, we'll have a better chance of reaching our objective without alerting the enemy."
Mav's eyes lit up with realization as he traced the flight path with his finger. "This could give us the element of surprise. The enemy won't see us coming until it's too late."
Rooster nodded, a determined smile crossing his face. "Exactly. By utilizing this, we can bypass the their heavily guarded areas and catch them off guard. It's a risky move, but it's our best chance to succeed."
Mav looked at Rooster, almost beaming with pride. "I'm glad we discovered this. It changes everything."
“It does.”
“How did you figure this out?”
Rooster sighs out a laugh, then scratches his temple, “Would you believe that Beatrice helped?’ his uncle recoils in surprise, then furrows his brows with a confused smile, “Yeah,um…I remember something we talked about and it brought some ideas back.” he couldn’t explain to his uncle that it was Beatrice’s disembodied voice that helped him achieve this,right? 
It’d be weird.
“...huh,well, it’s welcome nonetheless.” he quickly turned his focus to the map and grinned, “This is great news,Rooster. I meant it, great news.”
Rooster nodded, grateful for his uncle's support. "I'm glad you think so, Mav. It's definitely a breakthrough for our mission. Like I said, it’s a risk, but it’s much better than what we had."
His uncle patted him on the back, a proud smile on his face. "You've done well, Rooster. Be proud of your work."
Rooster's fatigue started to fade away, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose. He looked at the map, feeling a surge of determination. "I am proud. I really am…I…” he inhales then shakes his head, “This won’t be a secret for long. We need to gather the team and finalize our plans. We'll need to coordinate the flight path, assign roles, and prepare for any contingencies. There's still a lot of work ahead of us, but this discovery has given us a solid foundation to build upon."
His uncle nodded in agreement. "You're right, Rooster. Time is of the essence. When will you tell the others?”
“In a few minutes.” he mutters, “Luckily we’ll be able to do it today.” he leans over the desk and leans on his arms, the wood supporting his weight as he sighs again, feeling like a huge weight left his shoulders. This was great news, like Mav said, “This will give them no time to recover.”
“Seems likely.”
Rooster chews his lower lip, “...what if we do more?”
Maverick’s brow goes up, “More? What do you mean?”
Rooster straightens up, holding his index finger straight. "I mean, what if we use this discovery as a starting point? We know the enemy base is well-hidden and heavily guarded, but now that we have a way to bypass some of their defenses, what if we use that advantage to plan a series of coordinated strikes on different key locations?"
Mav's eyes widen with interest and he crosses his arms "You mean hit them from multiple angles simultaneously? Catch them off guard at different points of their perimeter?"
Rooster nods eagerly. "Exactly! If we divide our forces and coordinate our attacks strategically, we can create chaos and confusion within their ranks. It will make it harder for them to respond effectively, giving us a better chance of success."
Mav leans back in his chair, considering the idea. "It's risky, Rooster. Coordinating multiple strikes requires precise timing and communication. We can't afford any mistakes, or it could jeopardize the entire operation."
"I know it's a risk, Mav," Rooster replies earnestly, "But I think it’ll work, we've already overcome one major obstacle. I believe we can do this. And if we succeed, it could deal a significant blow to the enemy's operations and give us a real chance to turn the tide.”
Mav studies his nephew for a moment, weighing the pros and cons, rubbing his chin in thought. He knows Rooster's determination and strategic thinking have brought them this far, but the risks are undeniable. After a moment of contemplation, he finally speaks, "Alright, Rooster. I trust your judgment. If you believe this plan can work, then let's go for it. But make sure every member of the team understands the importance of their role and the need for flawless execution."
Rooster's face lights up with gratitude. "Thank you, Mav. I'll gather the team and brief them on the expanded plan." and he laughs quietly, “They’ll never see us, you know that,right?’
“With how you are suggesting, I agree, they won’t know where we come from.”
Rooster scratched his jaw, “I’m going to write some stuff down then call the guys…so, see you in a few?” his uncle grinned, tapping him on the shoulder fondly before turning on his heel to leave the office and so, leaving Rooster to his thoughts. He stared at the maps a few more times, irises moving quickly. His chest was warm with confidence, deep inside he knew it’d work, it would definitely work!
But now he had to make sure they were unaware by that opening, the last thing he needed was them figuring out the trees were short enough for them to fly in. And so Rooster quickly grabbed a pen and his trusty notepad, his mind racing with ideas. He started jotting down key points, marking the flight path through the trees, and noting the specific targets for each coordinated strike. He wanted to ensure that everything was well-planned and organized to minimize the chances of any mishaps.
As he scribbled down the details, Rooster's thoughts drifted back to Beatrice. He couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards her, even though she wasn’t physically present. Her voice in his head had provided the crucial insight that led to this breakthrough. He owed her a debt of gratitude, but he knew it was something he couldn't openly acknowledge or explain to anyone else.
God knows how much they already teased him.
He finished his notes within a few minutes, then stood up and walked out of the office. He was the leader, he repeated inside his brain, he had a responsibility to each and every one of them, he was going to make sure they all got back home safely, especially the new recruits.
“Sir!” Faraday’s voice snaps him out of his thoughts, the young pilot saluting him.
“Faraday,brief meeting in five minutes.” he says as he walks past the short young man, who immediately follows him with wide eyes, “We have a breakthrough.”
“Yes, but I want everyone in the debrief room.” he looks back at him with his brows low, “Which means no one can be late.” and he was sure Faraday knows who he was talking about, “Go on now.”
“Sir yes sir!” another sharp salute and the young recruit turned on his heel to get everyone else.
Rooster looked at each face, new and old, within the area as he stood in front of the spread map, “This is what we have,” he hovers his open hand at the newfound opening, “We can use it. We know they’ll be getting new supplies in a few days, and our goal is to disrupt their operations and weaken their defenses. We have an opportunity to strike at multiple key locations simultaneously, catching them off guard."
He paused for a moment, scanning the room to ensure everyone was paying attention. "But let me be clear, this plan comes with risks. We are coordinating multiple strikes. We need to trust each other.” he sends a shifty look to the new recruits, “ and work as a team to ensure the success of this operation."
The room fell silent, with only the sound of shifting feet and the occasional rustling of papers. Rooster's gaze settled on each individual, his friends didn’t seem like they were worried, the new recruits however…not so much. "We've trained for this, we've prepared for this. Now is the time to put our skills to the test and show what we're capable of. Each one of you has a vital role to play in this mission, and I believe in each and every one of you."
“Gonna make us tear up Rooster.” Coyote teases from the corner, “Come on, don’t be so formal.”
Rooster laughs softly but doesn’t lose his intonation, gesturing to the young recruits, “You guys have anything to add? You’ve been all quiet.”
It was Raptor who spoke up hesitantly. "Well, sir, I...I guess we’re  just a bit nervous. The stakes seem really high…”
“That’s true.”
“So, um…what if we…mess up?”
“You won’t.” and he wasn’t being rude or menacing, he said in such a way that showed how much he trusted them. “You wouldn’t be here otherwise. You all just need to work together in this and I mean it this time,” he narrowed his eyes as he explained, “There’s no lone wolves in my team, the mission will only go south if someone tries something stupid on their own.”
“It's normal to feel nervous. But you are here because you have the skills and the determination to be part of this mission," Rooster said, looking directly at Raptor and then shifting his gaze to include all the new recruits. “Believe that.”
He saw his friends looking surprised and amused, throwing thumbs ups and silently whistling at him, which he promptly ignored because they had to make that funny,didn’t they? “Anyway…mistakes can happen, that's the reality of any mission. But we are a team, and we watch out for each other.”
"But sir," another recruit, Falcon, chimed in, "what if things don't go as planned? What if the enemy figures out our strategy and tries to counter it?"
Rooster smiled,albeit strained, appreciating Falcon's critical thinking. "That's a valid concern, Falcon. As with any mission, we have to be prepared for the unexpected. If something doesn't go as planned, we'll adjust, improvise, and overcome." he didn’t see it, because Maverick was behind him when he said it, but his uncle’s eyes shone with pride and he smiled.
Coyote, who had been silent until now, chimed in with a grin. "Yeah, we always have a backup plan for the backup plan."
“Agreed,” Phoenix adds, “And it’ll be okay, guys, you are all with us.” she smiles at the nervous recruits, “It’ll work.”
Rooster nodded at his friends in thanks, then cleared his throat, “Anyway, we’ll move in three days, until then I want everyone well rested and ready to move within my call. Dismissed.” there’s a scraping of chairs and boots hitting the floor while Rooster tidies everything up, looking back at the map with his jaw clenched and fists by his sides. Everyone left, now he was only left with Maverick.
His uncle stands next to him, looking at the map just like he was, “...that wasn’t bad.”
“I know, it was pretty good.”
“They all looked at you.” his uncle whisper, and somehow that sentence alone meant more than Rooster could imagine, “They never looked away from you, not even for a second.”
Rooster glanced at his uncle, eyes meeting briefly before he looked away. Honestly he knew they were looking but he couldn’t say they were all paying attention. 
"Thanks, Mav," Rooster replied, his voice quiet. "It means a lot coming from you."
Maverick placed a hand on Rooster's shoulder, offering a supportive squeeze. "Don’t go soft on me,kid." that makes both of them laugh, “I know you are good, you don’t need my opinion on anything.”
“It’s still welcome nonetheless.”
“Ah, you know,” Maverick shrugs, “I used to be a pain in the ass with such things.”
“Ah, yeah, used to.” his godfather only sent him an amused glare, “I’ll agree with that for now…I’ll clean everything up but I’m confident that everything will work.” he says softly, “I really am.”
And it was all thanks to Beatrice.
“I need,” Shells pulls out a slip of papers, “Two beers, one water and an orange juice,” she furrows her brows, ‘We still have that?’
Beatrice laughs, filling the two glasses immediately and handing it to her so she could put it on the tray, “The acid orange juice? Yeah, people love it for some reason.” she thanks Jessie when the girl hands over the water bottle, “It’s in the back though,I’m going to get it. Wait here.”
“It’s not like I have a recital to go to.” Shells teases, leaning over the counter on her elbows, ��I’ll wait for you,don’t worry.”
Bea turns around to go to the fridge, skimming every shelf until she saw the bright, almost nuclear orange bottle on the lower left corner. She hums happily before plucking it between her index and middle finger, shutting the door with her hip and adjusting the shirt on her body. It was one of her old, oversized shirts that she only wore on the first months of the bar, it was funny how it was a strange throwback from when she started there.
As she goes back to Shells, she notices Penny is talking to one of those guys from before, the suits from the other bar. She sees that Shells and Jessie are staring as well, and doesn’t move when she sets the juice on the tray, “What are they doing here?”
“I don’t know.” Shells mutters, “But auntie is mad.” Penny would never cause a scene at her bar, hence why they were talking outside of it. Penny would also never raise her voice when it comes to that, but the look on her face could easily murder someone.
“Will she be okay?” Jessie asks as she looks over, earning gentle laughing from both women. She blinks in confusion, ‘What?’
“Jessie,” Beatrice begins softly, “Penny is going to be fine. Don’t worry.”
“Yeah, those suits should be worried though.” Shells smirks, gesturing to her own face, “My aunt has the ‘i’m the manager’ look on her face.”
“Oh that’s bad.”
“It’s hilarious.” Shells smirks, “Watch, she’s going to come back inside and we’ll all laugh about it.”
As they continued observing from behind the counter, Penny eventually ended her conversation with the suited individuals and made her way back inside the bar. The tension on her face had eased slightly, but only so she could walk in and call now attention.
Penny walked with purpose, her steps measured and confident. She reached the counter where Beatrice, Shells, and Jessie were waiting, and as predicted, a mischievous grin spread across Shells' face.
"Here she comes," Shells whispered, barely able to contain her amusement.
Penny approached the counter, her gaze meeting theirs. She leaned on the counter, folding her arms, and raised an eyebrow at the trio. There was a moment of silence as anticipation filled the air.
Then, unexpectedly, Penny burst into laughter. It started as a chuckle that quickly escalated into full-blown amusement. Beatrice, Shells, and Jessie couldn't help but join in, the tension dissipating into a shared moment of relief.
"Oh, you should have seen their faces," Penny said between bouts of laughter, wiping away tears of mirth. "I had them scrambling for excuses and apologies. They won't be causing any trouble around here anytime soon."
Shells leaned closer, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "So, what did they want, Auntie?"
Penny's laughter subsided, and she sighed, her amusement fading into a more serious expression. "They were from the rival bar, trying to snoop around, gather information, you know. But I made it clear that we won't be intimidated. We've built something special here, and we won't let anyone disrupt that." she frowns, “But…”
“But?’ comes the three women’s voices joining in one question.
“They seemed annoyed by everything I said, which is funny,” her eyes travel back to the outside, where the men were marching back to their car, “...nothing, just,thinking about something silly. We don’t have time for that,” Penny grins, looking at Beatrice, “It’s your last night here, we need to make it a celebration since you’ll be gone for a few months.”
“Oh, Penny,” Beatrice immediately blushes, holding her hands, “You don’t have to, really. I don’t want some weird party because of my pregnancy, please.”
Penny smiled warmly at Beatrice, her eyes filled with genuine affection. "Bea, you're family to us. We want to celebrate this special time in your life. It's not just about the pregnancy; it's about you and the incredible person you are. We want to show our love and support."
Shells nodded enthusiastically, her mischievous grin returning. "Yeah, Bea, we've got to send you off in style! A memorable night before you embark on this exciting journey of motherhood." she pauses, “...again!”
Jessie joined in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yeah, you are amazing Bea! I’d never…be here if not for you!"
Beatrice looked at each of them, their faces radiating joy and genuine care. She couldn't help but feel touched by their words and the love they had for her.
"Oh,okay," Beatrice relented, a small smile forming on her lips. "If you all insist, just…nothing too out of the ordinary, the last thing we need is people asking why I’m leaving again, you know?” she wipes the bar top out of nervousness,”And as long I can stay behind the counter-”
“You are.” Penny says, much like a mother does to her daughter, “You aren’t leaving there are you crazy???”
Beatrice chuckled at Penny's motherly tone, appreciating her concern. "Okay, okay, I won't leave the counter. I never planned to." She reached out and squeezed Penny's hand gently. "Thank you, Penny. Thank you all for being so wonderful and supportive. I couldn't ask for better friends."
Penny smiled, her eyes brimming with warmth. "You're welcome, Bea. We're here for you, always. Now, if I may have everyone’s attention!” the patrons all looked over and Bea squeaked out in surprise, “Tonight, is very special, as you all know Beatrice is going on maternity leave and tonight is her last night…and such,we are here to celebrate Bea…and well,” she turns over to the brunette, “How do you think we should do that?”
“Oh…um…” Beatrice knew everyone’s eyes were on her and she wrung her hand, she wasn’t mad about it per se since she knew these people, but it was still a bit…overwhelming? “Maybe…free…drinks?” the cheers that erupted the second she whispered that almost deafened her, but all she could do was laugh, “For the rest of my shift that is!”
The bar erupted in cheers and applause, the patrons thrilled by Beatrice's suggestion. Penny raised her hand, trying to quiet down the excited crowd. "Alright, alright, settle down, everyone! Free drinks for the rest of Bea's shift it is!" she announced and the crowd cheered once more, their excitement palpable. Penny turned to Beatrice, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Looks like you've just become the most popular bartender in town, Bea!"
Beatrice blushed but couldn't help but smile at the enthusiasm of the crowd. She felt a mix of nerves and excitement, realizing that her last night before maternity leave was going to be quite memorable.
Penny leaned closer to Beatrice, her voice filled with playfulness. "You better get ready, Bea. It's going to be a busy night. But don't worry, we're here to help and support you. Just remember, no excessive dancing behind the bar!"
Beatrice laughed and nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for her friends and their unwavering support. "No excessive dancing, got it. Thank you, Penny, for everything."
Penny winked. "Anytime, honey
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21) Rainstorms of Joy
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Despite it being almost 3 am, a bright light shone from the iconic hole to the void in the middle of the boatem village. In a carved-out nook from within stood five of the six boatem members and discussed their current problem
their essentially non-existent restraint when it came to the apple of their eyes
"For the record, this is self-destructive," Grian said and watched as Impulse and Mumbo nodded 
"For the record, I'm aware of that!" Pearl dragged her hands down her face
"For the record, I've been picturing their body draped over the sofa wearing nothing but my hat," Scar piped up and covered his face with his hat with a blush spreading from his cheeks to even the back of his neck
"For the record," Impulse started but was cut off by Mumbo who muttered 
"We're screwed." 
The group groaned in union and turned away from each other to breathe and calm down. 
"So what do we do?" Pearl asked and looked towards Impulse 
"I have no idea," He admitted and shook his head "But we gotta say something before one of us bursts." 
"What if they are uncomfortable?" Mumbo spoke up, eyebrows furrowed in worry 
"That's a good point," Grian muttered "We don't want them hating us because we wanted to go faster." 
"I mean," Mumbp started "I wouldn't mind waiting for them... Ive been waiting since season 3." 
"Yeah, You could also wait because you got the first kiss from Y/n." Scar playfully griped at Mumbo as well as the rest of boatem agreed with passionate 'yeahs!' and Mumbo adverted his gaze as a flush spread on pale cheeks  
"That wasn't planned," Mumbo weakly 
"Yeah whatever-” Grian playfully rolled his eyes “Moving on, I think we should just hang back on what we want to do. Right now, this is all about Y/n and how they feel. We don't wanna do anything that will push them away.” 
The group nodded in agreement. They would hate to push Y/n away because of their own wants 
“However,” Impulse spoke up “Relationships are a two-way street. If it's really desperate and they need to hear it then tell them. Right now, communication is key. Especially now since we’re trying something completely new for all of us. We will make mistakes but we have to trust each other and be willing to talk it out and be there.” 
The group gave each other a soft smile and crowded each other into a hug. 
“We’ll get through this.” Scar muttered “and we’ll start by including Y/n in the next conversation.” 
The group soon dispersed and scattered into their homes and bases so they could get some sleep before the sun rose 
As the sun was beginning to set, however, Y/n had gotten a letter from Scar. 
A smile bloomed on their face as they read it 
To the Angel Next door, 
You are cordially invited to a candlelight dinner at these coordinates
[125, 123, 625] at 7:30 pm
Dress is something warm and nice. 
Forever yours, Scar 
Y/n had to hold back a squeal as they read the letter 
Scar was a romantic, which was always obvious, but a handwritten letter asking them to rendezvous made Y/n’s heart race, and had a dopey grin spreading on their face. Y/n set down the letter and moved to pick out something warm to wear before going to take a shower and packing for anything that could happen. 
Two hours later Y/n was flying through the air and made their way through a mountain range when they realized the coordinates listed were close and saw a dim light flickering in a cave. Swerving suddenly, y/n headed toward the light and saw Scar at the entrance looking nervous. 
"Y/n!" His grin was brighter than the flame of the candles behind him as he rushed up to them and lifted them up in a hug as he spun "Welcome!" 
"Scar!" Y/n laughed lightly in his dizzying grip "Thanks for inviting me!" 
"I'm so glad you could come," Scar murmured and gently placed Y/n down his hand trailing down from their ribs to their hips, sending shivers down Y/n's spine 
"So glad I could make it," they said and looked towards the inside of the cave
the cave was not man-made, but Scar did cover up and roll rocks to cover up the part that lead to deeper caves and monsters. Vines and mossy cobblestone lined the walls as grass lined the floors with a paved path leading to the table which stood on stone bricks. Flowers were obviously planted in the grass but it was hidden by the long blades of green. Fairy lights hung from higher jagged stone that was smoother as it went down. The table was wooden but handmade and decorated with wonderful-looking food and candles.
all in all, it looked like Scar did everything himself
oh how it made their heat swell knowing someone would do this for them 
Scar guided Y/n to one of the two empty seats allowing his hand to gently hover over the small of their back and pulled out their chair for them
"Thank you," Y/n smiled up at him as they sat down and he pushed their chair in "So... What's all this for?" 
"I can't spend a nice with the person of my dreams?" He replied smoothly and grabbed their hand to press a gentle kiss to the back of it 
"You charmer," Y/n smiled and Scar pointed out all the food and little munchies that Y/n could eat 
An hour and some conversations later, Y/n and Scar were talking when Y/n playfully threw a grape at him when he said something silly only for it to bounce off his arm and hit the torch behind Y/n. The torch fell from its perch and on the way down lit the vines and grass below it on fire. 
"Oh my gosh!" Y/n exclaimed and stumbled to pull out their water bucket when Scar stood up and rushed toward t 
"No, No, Stay right where you are, I'll put out the fire my love!" Scar said with a panicked look on his face as he grabs a bucket of water and throws it on the fire successfully extinguishing it while making Y/n laugh out of relief "I wanna make you swoon Baby! I want to rock you with my righteous romance!" Y/n is dragged up by scar who dips them down, their laugh echoing through the cave where they were having dinner 
This smooth motherf-
"I wanna make a move darling!" Scar spun Y/n around and into their seat before sitting down himself with a cringe "But I sweating through the seat of my pants!" 
"Are you okay?" Y/n asked leaning forward, their cheeks hurting from smiling so much 
"Yeah," Scar giggled breathlessly "Do you wanna get out of here? I'll come to clean up tomorrow." 
"Okay," Y/n said softly, silently groaning. They didn't want to leave just yet "Hey... Do you remember Season 7? We had a ball to see if we could come to terms when dealing with the resistance and we danced?"
"Yeah? What about it?" Scar asked turning to look at Y/n from the mouth of the cave
"Do you remember what you said?" 
"I do," Scar said 
"Want to remind me?" Y/n asked, a smirk playing on their lips 
"I said 'One day I'm gonna take you dancing'," Scar walked towards them and grabbed them by their hips to pull them closer before he murmured into Y/n's ear 
"And I replied ' Then in my future builds I will try to make a courtyard so we can dance in the rain," Y/n replied smoothly putting their hands on his chest and staring straight into his eyes 
"Well, one day when it rains we will go dancing." Scar promised "Let's head home. It's getting late My beloved." 
"Okay," Y/n sighed and stood at the mouth of the cave with him before spreading out their wings 
Scar did the same, mechanical wings that matched his starter base and all of the wagons attached to it stretched out and began a mechanical whirring as they began to flutter and scar took lift off. 
Y/n took off as well and flew circles around him as he was taking off but once he was off the ground he rushed towards Y/n and they ran away with a shriek and thus began the chase back to boatem village where they discovered tiny droplets of rain began to fall from the heavens. 
how convenient 
"Well look at that..." Y/n trained off as they landed in the courtyard of their cathedral the quartz floor coated in a light sheen of water "I guess that's something I have to fix."
Behind them, Scar landed and looked up with a smile and silently thanked whatever god was out there before looking down at Y/n was beginning to soak through. 
"My Love?" Scar asked and held a hand out to Y/n as they turned around "May I have this dance?" 
The smile that spread across their face made scar's heart melt. It was wonderful and as big and as bright as the moon. He loved it
"I thought you would never ask," Y/n said and stepped toward him, taking his hand in theirs and placing their other hand on his shoulder while Scar placed his extra hand on their waist
He led them in a quiet song, humming with the quiet pitter-patter of the rain behind him. The two were so close to each other that their breaths mingled and Scar had whispered something Y/n couldn't hear. 
"Come again Honeydew?" Y/n asked and they felt Scar's grip on them tighten just slightly 
"Can I kiss you?" He asked softly
His eyes were so unsure and kind and Y/n could feel their heartache at the thought of him not kissing them. The rain fell around them as their gentle swaying stopped and Y/n reached up to gently cup his face and say 
"Of Course Scar. Even if you didn't ask I would love a kiss from any one of you guys." 
Scar lit up and pressed a gentle kiss to Y/n before slowing pulling back, his breathing shaky as if trying to restrain himself but after two seconds he smashed his lips against Y/n's again as he quickly dragged his hand up to cup their face, a longing sigh leaving his lips as he kissed the life out of them. When they finally pulled apart, they were gasping for breath as their foreheads leaned against each other. 
"Holy Shit do that again," Y/n whispered and Scar laughed before indulging Y/n to their hearts desire  
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laylakeating · 11 months
i don’t understand why portwell is rooted for so much. ive seen people say that she was happier with ej than with ricky. but i raise you this: gina’s happiness during 2b was a weird bubbly version of herself that came out of nowhere and honestly baffled me. good for her for moving on and easing the pain, but i triple dog dare you to compare the scenes, the dynamic with ricky vs ej. the happy buildup: with ej in 2b, she’s gina “2.0”. happy and sacrificing her goals, her aspirations, wants, and even the tough side of her personality for her friends and “crush” turned bf. however with ricky in 1b and somewhat a with the end of homecoming, it somehow feels a thousand times more real, authentic, passionate and mature. sofia herself told us the difference: acting as girlfriend-y as possible vs strictly platonic banter, and while that was probs for all of s3, it also applies here and of course, there. she’s happy, but it doesn’t feel over exaggerated, like she’s pushing for something to happen, like she’s not trying to fit in and be a sweeter version of herself with ricky, unlike ej. ive seen people comparing her facial expressions between her interactions with both boys but honestly? with ej she does giddy and bubbly. with ricky it’s edgy and real and serene and exciting and warm. she can banter with ricky, and not just the typical giggly flirty banter (which they have) but you can see her competitive side come through in episodes like 303. in that scene it’s not giggly and sweet, but it’s not mean, either. it feels more authentic, compared to the “race you there 🥰” moment that ej and gina have in 302. like idk im not sure how pws can possibly justify gina changing around ej however with ricky she looks the same as she did in s1. she has the balance.
hard agree on everything you've said here anon !!! i have nothing to add, but i will say this: lots of pws are former rinis. (former being the operative word) most of the time we're dealing with people who just don't want ricky and gina together bc of reasons OTHER than just not liking them as a couple.
also this set by @ginaricky perfectly encapsulates gina's growth !!! (which is tied to her relationships, esp her romantic ones) also in one gif nat managed to capture my hatred for 123 (ps read her tags she just GETS IT)
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pub-lius · 1 year
Goreg Washesaton for richie my beloved
so you may have noticed that this ongoing series of my research of "every historical figure" (/t) for @thereallvrb0y has been on pause for a few weeks and thats bc ive been STRUGGLING to find the rest of them, and i cant. so if anyone needs information on those people, i might just post the bullets from my notes bc im not doing all that work again FKSFKSH they still exist somewhere within my 3000 posts, but i cannot find them bc tumblr sucks <3 anyway, now for
George Washington (pt one)
Georgie was born at his family's plantation, Popes Creek, in Westmoreland County, Virginia, on February 22, 1732, a date that I have memorized for some reason when I don't even have my dad's birthday memorized (sorry dad). His parents were Augustine and Mary Ball Washington. Augustine was a very prominent plantation owner in the area, and also a justice of the county court, so he was a big deal. His first wife, Jane Butler, died and left him with two sons, Lawrence and Augustine Jr., and their daughter Jane.
George was the eldest of the kids from the second marriage. His other siblings were Elizabeth, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles, and Mildred.
The family eventually moved to another one of their properties, Little Hunting Creek, which would become Mount Vernon. They moved again four years later to Ferry Farm.
Augustine Sr. died when George was 11, leaving most of his property to the eldest sons from the first marriage. The remaining income maintained Mary and her children, and George would have been responsible for helping manage their plantation.
George never received a formal education since the funds for that were used on his older brothers. He only received instruction from private tutors. He would have studied reading, writing, basic legal forms, geometry, trigonometry, manners, penmanship, and comportment. I already made a post about his rules of civility, which was a big part of his education.
Mount Vernon, where I got most of my sources from on Washington, of course, has a lot of information on slavery, but I'm not really qualified to talk about all of that since I think it deserves its own separate research, but here's the link for that.
The Washingtons were, however, deeply entangled in the global "institution" (that phrasing makes me uncomfy, it sounds like a business yk). Washington inherited 10 enslaved people from his father, and went on to "inherit/purchase/rent/gain control of" more than 500 enslaved people.
Washington expressed racist sentiments up until the Revolutionary War, which greatly changed his perspective on the definition of liberty and who it applies to. He expressed wanting to free the enslaved people he was responsible for, but couldn't because of the backlash it would cause from him being an international celebrity. He would end up freeing the 123 enslaved people he was able to in his will (that's a whole complicated legal system designed to keep people and their families enslaved for as long as possible and it's honestly exhausting).
Anyway, back to the white people history. Washington got his first job as a surveyor, and it was the only thing he got formal training in. In the mid-1740s he got two surveying jobs (one of which was for a They were going to lay out lots within a large tract along the western frontier of Virginia, and into indigenous territory. He learned more surveying and gained important knowledge of the frontier (*foreboding dramatic movie sound effect*). At the end of the first day, he was shown "a bed of straw with one Threat Bear blanket with double its Weight of Vermin such as Lice Fleas etc. (sic)" He made a promise "not to Sleep so from that time forward chusing rather to sleep in the open Air before a fire. (sic)" This experience ended up being very important to him and getting him out of that cushy rich kid life (*another foreboding dramatic movie sound effect*)
His professional career began in 1749, and recieved a commission for the new Culpepper County (*insert Turn: Washington's spies theme song*), which was probably by the recommendation of Fairfax, who was working on the Governor's council. By 1752, he had completed nearly 200 surveys, totaling more than 60,000 acres. Honestly, I think that if he lived his entire life as just a surveyor, he wouldn't have gone gray in his 40's.
in 1753, Governor Robert fucking Dinwiddie that was this man's NAME in REAL LIFE learned that French troops had moved south from Canada to construct forts in the region south of Lake Erie, which was declared British territory. The area had commercial potential, and Dinwiddie was concerned that the French would fortify the forks of the Ohio River. So, he sent Washington, who was a major in the Virginia militia, to deliver a diplomatic eviction notice to the French in 1753. If that date sounds familiar its bc Georgie is about to have a few major fuck ups that you learned about in middle school. This was known as the Allegheny Expedition, but I have never called it that. It is and will always be the Ohio Eviction.
The expedition was aided by Christopher Gist and local indigenous people. They were escorted by O-non-dowa-gah (also known as Seneca) chief Tanacharison, two Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), and one from the Lenape (Delaware Nation).
This trip was rough. During the trip, Washington hiked for days through snowy woods, fell off a raft into the icy Allegheny River, nearly drowned, and had to spend a freezing night on an island without shelter on the 900 mile journey. I hate to say it, but this dad could beat up your dad. They reached Fort Le Boeuf on December 11, thank fuck. Washington's account was published by Dinwiddie in Williamsburg and London, giving him a reputation at the age of 22.
Despite all that effort, the French just ignored them lmao, bc like what's this little freak gonna do??? So, Dinwiddie dispatched Washington, now a Lieutenant Colonel to assert Virginia's claims a few months later with around 150 men.
They ended up skirmishing with French soldiers on the way, and killed 10 men, including the French commander, Joseph Coulon de Villiers, Sieur de Jumonville. The English under Washington (that's fun to say) retreated to a makeshift fort called Fort Necessity. Washington was forced to surrender when the French surrounded the fort with their indigenous allies. In those surrender terms, Washington accidentally admitted to assassination. This was the start of the French and Indian War, or the Seven Years War for my European fanbase (im so funny).
Washington resigned after that bc his dick was small and he was embarrassed. But, don't worry, his dick regrew and he returned to the frontier in 1755 to serve as a volunteer aide-de-camp (foreshadowing) to General Edward Braddock, who was kind of serving. Braddock had been sent from the King to drive the French from the Ohio Country.
A battle started near the Monongahela River (none of these places have easy names). There was a lot of confusion and troops fled in confusion back to Virginia. Washington was attempting to rally the troops, and had two horses shot out from under him and four bullets shot through his coat. Also Braddock died whoops.
Washington was given command of Virginia's entire military force. He was ordered to protect the entire 350 mile long frontier with a few hundred men, bc everything that happens to this man is fair. This provided him with very necessary experience in commanding troops in stupid ass situations. Eventually, the British took the forks of Ohio in 1758 and Washington retired.
He married our iconic queen Martha on January 6, 1759 and they kissed a lot. He spent 1759-1775 overseeing the farms at Mount Vernon. He constantly worked to improve and expand the mansion and surrounding plantation.
During this time, he established himself as an innovated farmer. In the 1760s, he switched from tobacco to wheat as his main cash crop. He experimented with new crops, fertilizers, crop rotation, tools, and livestock breeding. He actually had some hot takes, but I'm literally the only person who cares bc that shit is actually boring (in case you were wondering, chicken shit doesn't make good fertilizer).
He also expanded the planation to include flour milling and commercial fishing. THEN he built a gristmill, and then began making whiskey, producing over 11,000 gallons of rye whiskey at its peak. Mf slayed.
This era is referred to as the golden years, which I mentioned in Martha's post and everything is wonderful and fine and Washington is happily retired with his family :)....
SIKE time for part 2
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thesunsethour · 2 years
my official ranking of (basically) every song by The Killers
(excluding remix versions and non-officially released covers. i treat live versions as separate entities to their studio counterparts)
(only the first 20 or so aren’t good. almost every song here is an absolute banger)
158. Goatsucker (objectively odd song, don’t think it was ever officially released)
157. Enterlude (wasn’t needed on the sam’s town album)
156. Exitlude (read above)
155. Get Trashed (”why is the beat made of sandpaper?” - my brother)
154. Who Let You Go? (repetitive)
153. Where The White Boys Dance (dull)
152. Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love To Town (too country)
151. West Hills III (prefer the first version)
150. Mr Brightside - Original Demo (only so low because it’s in direct comparison to the actual Mr Brightside)
149. The Getting By IV (the killers released 5 versions of the getting by. this is the least best)
148. Replaceable (again, not sure if this was ever officially released)
147. I’ll Be Home For Christmas (feat. Ned Humphrey Hansen) (very emotional but very long)
146. Waiting For Love (sounds flat)
145. C’est La Vie (not tonally linked to the rest of the album)
144. Change Your Mind (probably the weakest song, lyrically, on Hot Fuss)
143. Under The Gun (now we’re reaching songs that are good. great bridge)
142. All The Pretty Faces (nice harmonies)
141. The Getting By V
140. Christmas in L.A. (feat Dawes) (this should be higher up but god the killers have so many good songs)
139. Leave The Bourbon On The Shelf (mention of the name Jennifer which I take to be the same Jenny as in JWAFOM)
138. Sweet Talk (people should listen to the sawdust album more)
137. The Ballad Of Michael Valentine (unfortunately this reminds me of P!ATD)
136. On Top (brandon’s voice sounds so young on Hot Fuss it’s mad)
135. I Feel It In My Bones (feat. Ryan Pardey) (more fun christmas charity song)
134. The Cowboy’s Christmas Ball (SO country it’s actually funny. bop)
133. Show You How (experimental)
132. ¡Happy Birthday Guadalupe! (feat. Wild Light and Mariachi El Bronx) (also featuring brandon speaking spanish! kinda)
131. Dirt Sledding (feat. Ryan Pardey and Richard Dreyfuss) (the killers have banger christmas tunes)
130. Move Away (”take your skin off when you listen to me” is an incredible line)
129. Ultraviolet (Light My Way) (U2 cover) (minus points because it made me think of bono)
128. A White Demon Love Song (this was on the twilight soundtrack)
127. Believe Me Natalie (mommy issues)
126. Four Winds (Bright Eyes Cover) (thumbs up from me)
125. Mona Lisas and Mad Matters (Elton John Cover) (bonus points for elton john)
124. Hotel California (Eagles cover) (banger)
123. Oh Yeah, By The Way (again, not sure if ever officially released)
122. Why Don’t You Find Out For Yourself? (fab guitar)
121. Questions With The Captain (bonkers)
120. A Great Big Sled (feat. Toni Halliday) (please listen to this for the HO HO HO’S. very funny)
119. My List (i love the pre-chorus of this song)
118. A Crippling Blow (cool vocals)
117. Joy Ride (the lyrics of the verses are fucking brilliant. chorus less so)
116. Peace Of Mind (slow and beautiful)
115. Why Do I Keep Counting? (daddy issues)
114. Goodnight, Travel Well (lyrics mention “flesh and bone” which is a song on the next album. insert coincidence, i think not! meme)
113. Joel The Lump Of Coal (feat. Jimmy Kimmel) (surprisingly emotional for a children’s christmas song)
112. Daddy’s Eyes (class vocals)
111. Zombie Hands (banger halloween song)
110. Spaceship Adventure (written for a kid’s show. still a bop)
109. The Getting By III
108. Joseph, Better You Than Me (feat. Elton John and Neil Tennant) (bonus points for elton john again)
107. Midnight Show (many Flowerisms in this song. Flowerisms = typical brandon flowers lyrics that i love)
106. The Getting By (why are there so many versions of this one song)
105. A Matter Of Time (worst song on Battle Born but still incredible)
104. When The Dreams Run Dry (i love the format of the verses)
103. Tidal Wave (great vocals again)
102. Running Towards A Place (i feel like i should apologise to Imploding The Mirage for the whole album being ranked quite low but theres just so many good songs)
101. Money On Straight (the word shit is uttered in this song, scandalous)
100. West Hills II (doesn’t hold a candle to the proper version of this song)
99. The Getting By II (feat. Lucius) ( i think this is the last version of TGB)
98. Blowback (i once thought this was a metaphor for a blowjob. its not)
97. Caution - Wasatch Style (not as good as Caution on its own)
96. Fire In Bone (I FELT UNKNOWN!!!!!!!!)
95. My God (feat. Weyes Blood) (brilliant chorus)
94. The World We Live In (this SHOULD be higher only for the live version is so so so so so so so much better)
93. Neon Tiger (i love the way brandon says reDEEM)
92. Blowback - Acoustic ( i love the piano at the end)
91. Imploding The Mirage (banger ending)
90. Boy (only released a few weeks ago and already a new favourite of mine. SO MANY flowerisms)
89. Shadowplay (Joy Division Cover) (again, this would be ranked higher but the live version is vastly superior)
88. Sam’s Town Live From Abbey Road 2006 (i hadn’t listened to this version before compiling this list and its lovely)
87. Boots (brilliant vibes, almost haunting)
86. Runaway Horses II (not as good as the first version)
85. Dustland (feat. Bruce Springsteen) ( @arcmonkeys may kill me for ranking a song with bruce springsteen so low but alas. there are better versions of ADF)
84. Dying Breed (incredible bridge)
83. Don’t Shoot Me Santa (feat. Ryan Pardey) (NO ONE ELSE is doing christmas songs like the killers. NO ONE)
82. Land Of The Free (beautiful & haunting protest song about gun violence and white supremacy in the US)
81. My Own Soul’s Warning (BUT MAN, I THOUGHT I COULD FLY)
80. Pressure Machine (feeling small from the vastness of the universe, brandon? same.)
79. Life To Come (just really beautiful)
78. Have All The Songs Been Written? (spoiler alert: no! flowers goes on to write two more albums and another is in the works)
77. Run For Cover (such a 2017 song)
76. The Man (brilliant to hear live but not my favourite on the WW album)
75, Out Of My Mind (bonus points for a paul mccartney mention)
74. Forget About What I Said (franz ferdinand vibes)
73. Bones (overflowing with flowerisms!!)
72. Just Another Girl (diana agron is in the music video. bonus points)
71. Smile Like You Mean It (you can tell how high the quality of the killers’ music is when a song this good is still quite far down)
70. Everything Will Be Alright (underrated as hell. this song got me through lockdown a couple years ago)
69. Andy, You’re A Star (brandon flowers wrote a song from the perspective of a gay teenager and yet somehow this song is still more gay)
68. Glamorous Indie Rock and Roll (not as good as the Sawdust version)
67. Caution (sad las vegas vibes baby! but upbeat this time!)
66. The Rising Tide (any mention of neon lights is a win for me)
65. Lightning Fields (feat. k.d. lang) (best song on ITM by a country mile)
64. I Can’t Stay (better live but still great)
63. Prize Fighter (i mean this with so much affection: the lyrics of this song are so stupid <3)
62. Carry Me Home (the morning dove sings with two broken wings...)
61. From Here On Out (jam)
60. Here With Me (we’re on a Battle Born roll at the moment)
59. In The Car Outside (INCREDIBLE lyricism)
58. Somebody Told Me (has a bisexual aperitif or whatever damon albarn said)
56. Deadlines and Commitments (extremely underrated)
55. Quiet Town (so sad and haunting)
54. Bling (Confession Of A King) (perfect lyrics but far better live)
53. Runaway Horses (feat. Phoebe Bridgers) (bonus points for phoebe bridgers)
52. In Another Life (basically perfect from start to finish)
51. Uncle Jonny (banger)
50. Sam’s Town (once again, only ranked so low because the live version is so superior)
49. Some Kind Of Love (brandon sings with his kids at the end and its so precious)
48. Shot At The Night (oh god, our home has long been outgrown...)
47. Flesh And Bone (love the talking at the end)
46. Heart Of A Girl (daddy kink)
45. I Can’t Stay Live From The Royal Albert Hall (the encore at the end is so beautiful)
44. Somebody Told Me Live From The Royal Albert Hall (the whisper voice at the start of the second chorus oh yeah baby)
43. Be Still (slow and poetic and beautiful)
42. Battle Born (UP AGAINST THE WALL!!!!!!!)
41. Human (VERY iconic)
40. Human Live From The Royal Albert Hall (brandon flowers screams LONDONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN and it changed lives)
39. Mr Brightside (how can a modern day classic be down so low? because the killers are just THAT good, alright?)
38. Cody (brandon flowers is such a good storyteller)
36. This Is Your Life (acab)
35. Romeo and Juliet (Dire Straits cover) (this cover is better than the original and i will never stand down from this opinion)
34. Glamorous Indie Rock and Roll - Sawdust Version (the superior version. also bonus points for the beatles refrence)
33. Runaways (”like a stumbling ghost i haunt these halls” is one of my favourite lyrics of all time)
32. Smile Lime You Mean It Live From The Royal Albert Hall (just a million times better than the studio version)
31. Sleepwalker (IT DOESN’T COME FROM WITHOUT, IT COMES FROM WITHIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
30. Miss Atomic Bomb (worthy sequel to Mr Brightside)
29. When You Were Young (full of flowerisms + he doesn’t look a thing like jesus)
28. Losing Touch Live From The Royal Albert Hall (far prefer the pitched down instrumentals and the outro is fantastic)
27. Desperate Things (this song being so highly ranked must put me on an FBI list. but songs about murder are brilliant!)
26. A Dustland Fairytale (just incredible storytelling)
25. This River Is Wild (flowerisms + the way he says “i SHAKE a little”
24. Tranquilize (feat. Lou Reed) (all around fucking brilliant song. cain & abel reference, creepy children’s chorus, wonderful harmonies)
23. For Reasons Unknown (such emotive lyrics its stunning)
22. This Is Your Life Live From The Royal Albert Hall (you gotta be stronger than the story!!!! oh god, the narrative)
21. Tyson v Douglas (WW is such an underrated album this song is a banger)
20. Terrible Thing (possibly their saddest song... “barbed wire town of barbed wire dreams”...)
19. The Way It Was (i will fight anyone who says BB isn’t a strong album)
18. Shadowplay (Joy Division cover) Live From The Royal Albert Hall (WAITING FOR YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU)
17. All These Things That I’ve Done (flowerisms + the iconic “i got soul but i’m not a soldier”)
16. Mr Brightside Live From The Royal Albert Hall (better live)
15. Wonderful Wonderful (when i saw the killers live for the first time they started with this and i ascended into heaven)
14. The Calling (bonus points for woody harrelson)
13. West Hills (every single line in this song is perfect)
12. Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine (first song on their first album and already SO good)
11. Read My Mind (probably the best song in the world, actually. flowerisms galore!)
10. Spaceman (just fucking incredible lyrics)
9. The World We Live In Live From The Royal Albert Hall (DAVID BRENT KEUNING ON GUITARS EVERYONE !!!!!!)
8. Bling (Confession Of A King) Live From The Royal Albert Hall (WHEN I OFFER YOU SURVIVAL, YOU SAY ITS HARD ENOUGH TO LIVE)
7. A Dustland Fairytale Live From The Royal Albert Hall (it feels so personal, so beautiful, and brandon’s voice sounds so much better live)
6. Spaceman Live From The Royal Albert Hall (call and answer bitches!!)
2. Sam’s Town (Acoustic) Live From The Royal Albert Hall (the best change from studio to live. slow, soft and quiet and beautiful before the tempo builds up to absolute jam. I SEE SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM’S TOOOOOOOOOOOOWN NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW)
1. Read My Mind Live From The Royal Albert Hall (the perfect version of the perfect song)
bless you, thank you. this better not crash my tumblr
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SCREAM VI (2023)
Starring Melissa Barrera, Jenna Ortega, Jasmin Savoy Brown, Jack Champion, Mason Gooding, Liana Liberato, Dermot Mulroney, Hayden Panettiere, Courteney Cox, Devyn Nekoda, Josh Segarra, Tony Revolori, Samara Weaving, Henry Czerny, Thomas Cadrot, Andre Anthony, Max Laferriere, Frank Fiola, Skeet Ulrich and the voice of Roger L. Jackson.
Screenplay by  James Vanderbilt & Guy Busick.
Directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin & Tyler Gillett.
Distributed by Paramount Pictures. 123 minutes. Rated R.
Just a couple of years ago, the Scream franchise was pretty much dead in the water. The most recent film in the series, Scream IV, had been something of a disappointment when it was released in 2011. And even that film was a bit of a reboot of the series, coming 11 years after the original trilogy ended. (The first three films were released from 1996 to 2000.)
Now, suddenly, with the release of the second Scream movie in just about a year, apparently they are all in with the series again. It’s up to debate as to whether the series was that in need of another reboot after all this time (let’s face it, only the original 1996 film was truly special), but Scream VI does what it can to make the old formula palatable for a new generation.
In the horror franchise parlance, this film would be the Ghostface Takes Manhattan chapter of the saga, where the kids from the small town move to the big city, only to find the violence they are trying to leave behind has relocated as well. (Although the story is supposed to take place in New York City, Scream VI was actually filmed in Montreal, a difference which is somewhat noticeable throughout.)
As with most of the previous films, Scream VI is a mix of old and new characters. Although the production made the gossip columns last year when original Scream star Neve Campbell refused to appear in the new film (apparently, she was not offered enough money to make it worth her while), there are a few character returns from the older films to mix in with the new blood… so to speak.
Courteney Cox – who is the only actor who has actually been in all six of the Scream films – returns in the role of Gale Weathers. Hayden Panettiere also returns in the role of Scream IV survivor Kirby Reid, who is now an FBI agent on the trail of the latest Ghostface killers. Also Skeet Ulrich has a few short cameos as the spirit of original killer Billy Loomis.
However, the characters from the past are not really what Scream VI is selling, it actually works pretty well because the two new lead characters are so interesting and well played. (I say new, but they both appeared in the fifth Scream chapter last year, as well.) Melissa Barrera (In the Heights) and Jenna Ortega (Wednesday) carry the film with confidence and charm as two sisters who survived last year’s slayings and moved to New York to escape (and for the younger sister to go to college), only to find that the evil has followed them.
Both are terrific – particularly Barrera – and they make Scream VI one of the more intense and intriguing chapters of the saga. (Well, at least until the sort of stupid and unlikely reveal of the identities of the latest Ghostface killers, but that isn’t their fault.)
Scream VI is more violent than many of the previous films. (In the series’ normal postmodern snarkiness, it is pointed out that later films in a franchise always do everything bigger.) It’s actually also one of the funnier episodes, and suspenseful, too. (At least until that silly climax.)
It has all of the normal Scream problems. The whole idea that the kids try to evade the killer due to horror film rules rather than real life rules still seems a bit too smug and post-modern. And the Ghostface killer is actually kind of a ridiculous bogeyman (although there have been multiple Ghostfaces over the run of the franchise). He (or she, or they, or it… I’m not telling…) is clumsy, easily knocked off balance and fairly regularly defeated. And yes, I get that is sort of the point, these are just a bunch of normal insane people playing copycat, but it makes the character a bit clownish as well as scary. Which, again, is probably part of the point.
But, okay, Scream VI, you’ve got me. As long as you keep following Barrera and Ortega around, I’m in for another chapter or two.
Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: March 10, 2023.
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inkovsky · 9 months
U.S. bond yields and the U.S. dollar index both rose, and th RMB weakened. Hong Kong stocks HSI opened slightly lower yesterday at 12 points to 18,437, which was already a day high , the decline slightly recovered in the late market, and finally closed at 18,202, down 247 points, setting a new closing low since August 28. The high and low fluctuations throughout the day were 264 points, with a cumulative gain of 642 points in 3 days. The HS technology index closed at 4,091, down 85 points. The main board's full-day turnover was HK$86.8 billion, a daily decrease of 6.6%, the lowest since August 25.
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The positive effect of the mainland supporting the property market is gradually being digested, and the market is dominated by the negative atmosphere of rising US interest rate hike expectations. After falling below the short-term upward trajectory the day before yesterday, it closed lower than the 10-DMA(18,360) and the 20-DMA (18,357) yesterday. There is no major moving average support. If there is no new good news, the market will continue to decline. The first hurdle is to focus on the bullish zone at 17,900 points, and then try the August 22 low of 17,573 points. If the rising gap of 17,364 to 17,536 points on November 29 last year is fully covered, the potential will continue to find a bottom, and the next support level is 16,600 to 16,800 points. Since the Hang Seng Index fell below the double top neckline, the target for the measurement is 16,198 points .
European stock markets developed individually, with British stocks rebounding by 0.21%, French stocks rising slightly by 0.03%, and German stocks falling by 0.14%.
The market is worried that China plans to expand its ban on iPhones, and Apple continues to sell off, triggering a sell-off in the overall technology stocks. Daniel Ives, an analyst at brokerage Wedbush, believes that the market is overly concerned about the ban, and it is expected that iPhone sales in China will only decrease by 500,000 units, which is negligible compared to the estimated total sales of 45 million in the next 12 months.
U.S. stocks came under pressure on Thursday as international oil prices continued to rise, pushing up inflation and concerns over U.S. interest rate hikes. After opening 92 points lower, the Dow hit an early low of 34,351, and then stabilized repeatedly. It bounced 117 points in the middle, reaching a market high of 34,560. The S&P fell as much as 0.78%.
The U.S. stock market closed. The Dow rebounded 57 points to 34,500, ending the decline of the past two days; the S&P 500 dropped 14 points to 4,451; the Nasdaq continued to drop 123 points to 13,748, marking the 4th consecutive day of losses.
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housefreak · 1 year
What fabric do you use for your cross stitch? I literally got into cross stitch after seeing you post the heart sampler and I'm about to attempt it finally but I'm not a fan of the 14ct aida I've been using unless it's for a full cover piece. I've experimented with a high thread count scrap linen I had from dressmaking and liked the look a lot more and I'm curious if thats what you're using.
omg have fun with all your stitching !! ive been using/really liked working on both 40ct and 46ct linens (stitched 1 strand over 2 threads), and i tend to get mine from 123 stitch :) like bad vibes sampler was 46ct parchment by fiber on a whim and heart sampler & move forward in love were both on 40ct blush by zweigart :)!
ive also done some things on noncross stitch specific linen i found that happened to be square from fabrics-store (1C64) and i just dye it myself
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theexpatbrickie · 2 years
Get them before they are gone people, Lego has announced the models they are retiring in the very near future, so make sure you watch the video and head to your nearest store to pick one of these up before they are gone. This video covers the models that are being retired in the UK market - other videos will cover other markets worldwide.
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Stay tuned for more news and update videos coming soon.
Video Transcript:
Hey welcome back to the channel, this is Andy the expat brickie
Today we are going to look at the models Lego is retiring in the coming weeks in some of the key markets worldwide.
But before we start looking at this, don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and like and send me your comments, feedback helps the channel grow and not only that I would love to hear your thoughts on the models that they are retiring.
So, without further delay lets look at the models that they are retiring in the US.
There are 12 sets in total being retired in the US in the coming weeks. First up we have the Bugatti Chiron – a 3,599 piece model with model number 42083 – I think this is a pretty cool model – it’s not one I would really consider getting personally as I am not a big fan of the car models but still it’s a very detailed build from what I can see and if you are a big car fan then I would get a move on to get this before it goes.
And now for the Disney Castle – wow what a model, this is a 4,080-piece set with model number 71040 and is a huge centre piece model – again surprised me that they are retiring this model but maybe its to make way for a another large building model.
A Lovely holidays theme set is next up and this is the Elf Club House from the Lego Icons range – with 1,197 pieces and model number 10275 this is s superb little set and would be a wonderful thing to build ahead of the holidays and have as a part of your Christmas decorations.
Next up we have the 1989 Batwing from DC Comics Batman, this is a 2,363-piece set with model number 76161 – I am not a huge fan of DC Comics so none of their kits have never been on my wish list nor do I own any of them so whilst I am sure this is a big loss for DC fans for me I am not so bothered.
Here we see a scene from Seinfeld from the Lego Ideas range, this is a 1,326-piece kit with model number 21328 and including 5 mini figures – Ive not personally built or looked at any of the TV sets such as this, the friends set or the new office set but for Seinfeld fans I am sure this will be a big loss.
Next we have the Imperial Star Destroyer from Star Wars; this is model number 75252 and this one makes me really sad that this will be disappearing from the shelves. This is a 4,784 model and I have had my eye on this one for a while – hopefully I can persuade my wife to get me this for Christmas. This also surprised me that they are getting rid of this one.
Now let’s look at 123 Sesame Street, this is a Lego Ideas Kit with 1,367 pieces and model number 21324 – I’ve not seen this available here in Switzerland – but then again if I am honest, I have not looked specifically for this model – but what I am seeing here is the sesame street mini figures available in the shops and you can see some of these figures starring in shorts videos on my channel.
Now, we have the Central Perk set from Friends – another Lego ideas set with 1,070 pieces and model number 21319 – quite a cool set for friends fans and pretty detailed.
And now for another Disney set and this is the mickey and Minnie mouse buildable characters – a 1,739 set with model number 43179 – this is a cool retro styled model – again with the Disney theme I am surprised about this.
I have to say I am quite pleased about this next one – as a lifelong fan of Liverpool football club I would never buy this model anyway – but for detail this is a 3,898-piece set with model number 10272 of the very famous Old Trafford football stadium the home of our big rivals Manchester United. I am hopeful that they are retiring this model to replace it with a proper football ground like Anfield the home of Liverpool FC.
Next up is another car model and this is this iconic Fiat 500 – with 960 pieces and item number 10271 this is actually a really cool little model and even though as I said I am not a big fan of the car models I think this one would be quite a cool retro addition to my Lego collection.
So I am a big Adidas fan and in particular their classic shoes and I really like this one – this is a 731 piece kit with model number 10282 and I can see this sat alongside the Fiat 500 in my retro collection!
So that’s it for the US market and the items being retired.
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athomeenergylife · 2 years
Sonic 2 style sonic mugen old version
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MvC Tails | MvC Amy | MvC Espio | MvC Blaze | MvC Dark Sonic Sonic | Tails | Knuckles | Espio | Shadow | E-123 Omega | Metal Sonic | Mephiles | Scourge | Silver Sonic | Tails | Knuckles | Amy | Espio | Mighty | Shadow | Rouge | Metal Sonic | Super Fang Sonic | Tails | Knuckles | Amy | Big | Espio | STF/EX Espio | Charmy | Mighty | Ray | Shadow | Rouge | Blaze | Chaosįang | Nack/EX Fang | Bean | Bark | Sally | Bunnie | Rotor | Manic | Sonia | Scourge | Ashura/Glitch Sonic Tails | Knuckles | Amy | Cream | Rouge | Blaze | Silver | Tikal | Chaos | Shade | Cosmo - Artur's UpdateĮ-101 Beta | Super Sonic | Super Tails | Super Knuckles | Super Shadow Sonic | Tails | Knuckles | Amy | Shadow | Metal Sonic | Classic/Young Sonic | Cosmo | Perci | MvC Sonic | SvK SonicĭarkLuigi's Edits of Sonic, Amy, Shadow, and Metal Sonic Available Here Tails | Knuckles | Cream | Espio | Charmy | Vector | Mighty | Ray | Classic Ray | Modern Ray Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai.If this thread's title or the logo above wasn't any indication, it contains content from SEGA's Sonic the Hedgehog series.Īlso, I won't be accepting fan characters, fan characters have their own thread here. I mainly want to stick with things from the games, cartoons, and comics, though some exceptions may apply (Examples: Time Flux Sonic, Ashura/Glitch Sonic).
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Pocket Monsters Best Wishes: Season 2 - Episode N Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku wo: Yōkoso Tsugumi Ryō eĪbiru's father (ep 4), Director B (ep 11), Employee (ep 6), Policeman (ep 8), White haired person (ep 9) He also welcomes guests for free talk, live streaming of new releases and enthusiast games, and membership-only streaming.įilmography Television animation Yearīotrovski, Hanada (eps 21-22), Moretti, Vasilinov (ep 24)įriend A (ep 2), Kazushi Iwai, Male student A (ep 1) As a double personality with Mafia Kajita, he uploads videos of various genres such as unboxing, gaming, and valuable possession showcasing. In April 2020, Nakamura launched "Washagana TV" on YouTube with manga artist, Bukubu Ōkawa, as a composition writer. In 2016, he was awarded the Voice Actor of the Year in the Person Category of the 3rd Yahoo! Search Awards. In 2008, he won the 18th Best Male Voice Actor Award in Nonko and Nobita's Anime Scramble. In the same year, he starred as Tomoya Okazaki in the TV anime Clannad. In 2006, he won the role of Rufus in the game Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, and the following year in 2007, he won the role of Takaya Abe in Big Windup!. In 2001, he made his voice acting debut in the OVA D+VINE, and in the same year, he made his first regular TV anime role as Griffion and Ligeron in Dennō Bōkenki Webdiver. After moving on from Yoyogi Animation Academy, he worked at Production Tokyo Drama House, Toritori Office, and Sigma Seven, and is currently a member of INTENTION. While enrolled, he played the role of a waiter in the drama CD Taishō Roman Zakkichō starring Takehito Koyasu. At that time, he wanted to be a movie dubbing artist, so he entered Yoyogi Animation Academy and started living in the dormitory. He is also the famous dubbing roles for Chris Evans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as well for Liam Hemsworth in Hunger Games film series.Īfter graduating from high school, Nakamura moved to Tokyo to become a voice actor. On video games, he voiced Hazama and Yūki Terumi in BlazBlue, Sakon Shima in Sengoku Basara 4, Ryoma in Fire Emblem, Cid Raines in Final Fantasy XIII, Flamebringer in Arknights, and Fei Long in Street Fighter IV. Stone, Hawks in My Hero Academia, and Shigure Sohma in Fruits Basket (2019). He has a wealth of experience in narration, but has also been active in animation and dubbing in many productions, such as Gray Fullbuster in Fairy Tail, Mumen Rider in One Punch Man, Gai Tsutsugami in Guilty Crown, Tatsuya Shiba in The Irregular at Magic High School, Karamatsu in Osomatsu-san, Graham Aker in Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Alto Saotome in Macross Frontier, Tomoya Okazaki in Clannad, Kyōsuke Kōsaka in Oreimo, Yoshiki Kishinuma in Corpse Party, Hotaro Oreki in Hyouka, Bruno Bucciarati in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, Tetsurō Kuroo in Haikyuu!!, Satoru Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen, Tsukasa Shishio in Dr. He is characterized by his calm and clear voice, and mainly plays roles ranging from teenage boys to men in their 30s. He is affiliated with the agency INTENTION as of October 1, 2020. Yuichi Nakamura ( 中村 悠一, Nakamura Yūichi, born February 20, 1980) is a Japanese voice actor, narrator and YouTuber.
Boruto: Naruto Next Generations as Koji Kashin.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind as Bruno Bucciarati.
The Irregular at Magic High School as Tatsuya Shiba.
Shinmai Maou no Testament as Basara Tōjō.
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aziraphales-library · 4 years
Lost fic post #42
1. Hi, I've lost a fic. Good Omens human AU, Crowley is an uncle to Warlock and Aziraphale is a dad to Adam. They meet at the boys primary school. Warlock and Adam game together chatting through their headsets. Can anyone help? I have fb, Twitter and now tumblr looking for it. Thanks ~ @darknessandfyre
2. I'm looking for a Touch-Starved-Aziraphale fic, may have also been a wing grooming fic but I am not sure. I know for sure it was on a03, but I've combed through the tags and can't find it. I remember one quote to the effect of Crowley holding Aziraphale and thinking how Aziraphale was paying people like barbers and manicurists just to feel touched. Thank you so much for everything you do for the community!!! ~ @warcats-cat
3. Hi I read a fic like ages ago n obviously forgot bookmark it, n I wondered if you can help me. It's hurt/comfort n I don't remember much other than azi was hurt n he and Crowley stayed in a hotel where the staff kept refering to az as a swan because they saw his wing when they came in n couldn't physically say angel. At one point Crowley does his monster head thing to scare some assholes away from the front desk. Idk ik it's not a lot to go on lol. Thanks for all ur hard work! ~ @ive-moved-123
4. hello!! i lost a fic a while back that was about crowley and aziraphale eden to present and how they grew closer throughout the years? there was alot of mutual pining and i think 11 chapters??(could be wrong there) at one point theyre in a smoking bar and azi gets handsy. thank you!! ~anon
5. Hi! Could you help me found a fic in Ao3? I remember that Aziraphale wrote a journal about crowley snake behavior, and she Crowley founds it he gets mad, becouse he thinks he's only a pet for Aziraphale. Thank you! Your blog is a life saver 😊 ~ @aria1209
If you know one of these fics, please use the number in your response!
~Mod P
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moonchair · 6 years
ur cat is beautiful omg :')
yeet he’s my flatmate’s cat! sadly im allergic to cats so i cant cuddle him ;O;
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
sorry i know its really annoying that i remade twice but there was no point in using that blog anymore when I had literally just remade precisely to get away from that like I might as well have just gone back to my old blog. I don't like remake every single time theres drama but getting harassed by meninists like 3 days after remaking it's like ok yeah i could just ignore it but whats the point if I just remade anyway
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