#jacqueline's a damsel in distress in it >:)
safyresky · 1 year
Me: sorry, did someone ask for some older Fino, Fiera, and Jacqueline? Oh! Well here you go!
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Okok so these are kinda lil. BAD sketches lmao except for the top ones!! Practise makes perfect and I'll get them right eventually!! :3 Mind the cam scan watermark, I always forget to crop it out 🙄🙄🙄
anyway some hot facts about Fiera, Fino, and Jacquie when they are a weee bit older than they are now below the cut!
First up: Fiera!
BUNS. She has FIERY BUNS! On her head. And freckles, apparently
Absolutely VIBING ribbons
She causes a ruckus, a stir up, but in the most elegant of ways which nobody expected, least of all Fiera
She's become v good at summer sprite-ing. Her fire is RAINBOW sometimes, she's very proud of that!
She and Fino both have the same face shape, same noses, and same freckles funnily enough! V. similar twins
The second doodle is a bit of a better Fiera-Hair. She's not as spinelly as I drew her at the top!
What is she up to? No idea! Adventure is out there and she's an on fire ribbony mess. She's carpe dieming that SHIT
Both she and Fino got a lot of Winter's more angular (pointy) features, and are very lanky. they have no fluff or curves. They are also both very tall!
He's a very very VERY skilled warlock
And just as good as Fiera at fire manipulation--he's seen his Dad and Uncle and Fino went yeah, no, I'm gonna get real good at BOTH the summer sprite shit AND the warlock shit!
And then he did.
Smaller simmer of hair at the top; but it's pretty long! By Fino standards, at least. not quite a mullet but if you squint....
Spends most of his time in the human world cultivating the reputation of weird forest wizard, helping local kids and ordibeings down on their luck
he likes nature a LOT
Went to castor school in Crystal Springs, fucking ROCKED IT
And of course, last but certainly not least: Jacqueline!
Happily married to Dite (who has, at this point, forged her own identity and goes by her name: Hedone! Jacqueline calls her Donnie for short ;)
They have 3 kids!
They are just as unhinged as Jacqueline with all of the Frost crazy and bits and pieces of god power thanks to Donnie (Dite), and sass out the ass since their granpater (Cupid) is. well. like that lol
Jacqueline loves them very, very, VERY much
Jacqueline: My kids are so terrible and I love them soooo much for it 🥺🥺🥺🥺
She tries really hard to keep her hair up in a messy fat bun, but by the end of the day it's fallen down completely
Has smile lines like her parents do!!!!
She is out here Jack Frosting officially
Still cannot seem to leave behind poofy sleeves 🤔
Lives in ordibeing world with Donnie and the kids. Kids go to human school; they cause all sorts of shenanigans
The middlest, Bianca, has a tiktok devoted to her moms called magic moms. In it, Donnie and Jacquie just exist as their magical selves and Bianca gets a kick out of all the human commentors being like WOW THEY ARE SUPER GOOD AT MAGIC HOW DOES SHE GET HER HAIR LIKE THAT? HOW DOES YOUR MATER MAKE HER WINGS MOVE LIKE HANDS? And their insistence that Bianca's answer of "they're for real actually magical beings" is not true
Also has a smattering of magibeans following who like to cause problems with ordibeings in the comments and Bianca LIVES for this
Jacqueline also lives for this magic moms thing, she thinks it's funny. Her fave video is one where Bianca charges in and goes MOM SHOW THEM HOW YOU DO YOUR HAIR and Jacqueline goes WELL, I FREEZE DRY, AND IT'S VERY EASY. YOU SUMMON YOUR FROSTY POWERS AND JUST RUN YOUR HANDS THROUGH YOUR HAIR AND MOLD IT INTO THE SHAPE YOU WANT! BOOM! DONE! You can use snow or ice or mix it UP. sometimes a light dusting of frost is gr8 for when you wanna just. have your hair down but not in your face :)
Everyone trying to debunk the sfx after that one gave Bianca and Jacquie many fun nights in the evening chillin on the couch. watching the replies. just a Legend and her Legate bonding
Jack follows magic moms and is the BIGGEST shit stirrer in the comments
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holdoncallfailed · 5 months
can you do a longlist of the books about strong girl protags and female friendships, etc. that were really impactful/your favorites so i know what to gift/rec any young girls in my life?
aww!! i would literally love nothing more than to compile such a list ty anon. i tried to put them in an order vaguely representative of youngest audiences to older...i'm not sure how well some of these would hold up in 2023 but they're all ones i remember enjoying and having an impact on me somehow...
not one damsel in distress by jane yolen
the daring book for girls by andrea j. buchanan & miriam peskowitz
the whole dear america series!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the ordinary princess by m. m. kaye
the caddie woodlawn series by carol ryrie brink
walk two moons by sharon creech (i used to have whole passages of this book memorized because i read it so often...potentially the most formative one on this list)
because of winn-dixie by kate dicamillo
the scholastic encyclopedia of U.S. women by sheila keenan (my elementary school art teacher had this book in her classroom library and i remember flipping through it when i was hanging around after school while my mom was doing PTA stuff...it was the first time i'd heard of so many of those women and further stoked my interest in history. i remember being so disturbed [and also intrigued] by the entry about ethel rosenberg specifically. i'm sure there are more updated versions of the book but this is the particular edition i remember reading.)
the penderwick sisters series by jeanne birdsall
bloomability by sharon creech
everything on a waffle by polly horvath
the tracy beaker series by jacqueline wilson
the outcasts of 19 schuyler place by e. l. konigsburg (also extremely formative)
saffy's angel / the whole casson family series by hilary mckay (i used to carry these books around with me as if they were security blankets)
p.s. longer letter later and snail mail no more by paula danziger & ann m. martin
the secret language of girls by frances o'roarke dowell
the tail of emily windsnap by liz kessler
savvy by ingrid law
love, stargirl by jerry spinelli (idk if any book had more of an impact on me as a child tbh like this rocked my world so completely i still think about it/quote it all the time. i know a lot of people read stargirl in school and honestly i don't think it's that good but the sequel is so underrated. so read it.)
a perfect gentle knight by kit pearson
feathers by jacqueline woodson
habibi by naomi shihab nye
the anastasia krupnik series by lois lowry
criss cross by lynne rae perkins
ella enchanted by gail carson levine........OBVIOUSLY
esperanza rising by pam muñoz ryan
kira-kira by cynthia kadohata
the city of ember by jeanne duprau
bad girls by cynthia voigt (tbh i REALLY don't know how this one holds up but i remember thinking it was pretty edgy as a kid)
little women by louisa may alcott
hurt go happy by ginny rorby
persepolis by marjane satrapi (obviously for slightly older readers)
the aforementioned rookie yearbook, natch. (also older)
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snarkyskater · 2 years
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Como assim JACQUELINE SATO DAVIKA HOORNE foi vista em [cidade]? Quase acreditei. Esse, na verdade, é YUKI SONOZAKI CAULFIELD, que mora lá em [bairro]. Consegue se lembrar? Mora aqui na cidade DESDE QUE NASCEU, tem 24 anos e trabalha como PATINADORA ARTÍSTICA.
Filha única de um pescador local e uma imigrante tailandesa que abriu um restaurante pequeno de comida tailandesa, Yuki cresceu assistindo o pequeno, porém estável, negócio familiar. Apesar de ter nascido e crescido em [cidade], sempre sonhou muito grande: é esportista e conseguiu uma vaga no time regional de patinação artística. O time atualmente está treinando para as nacionais, e daí para o mundial é um passo. Ambiciosa, conseguiu conquistar sua posição com muito esforço, e ainda que sonhe em poder se dedicar exclusivamente ao esporte, ela ainda trabalha como ajudante no restaurante da mãe e no [bar] para conseguir um dinheiro extra. Por mais que ela pretenda sair de [cidade] um dia pra poder viajar o mundo, fica muito preocupada que esse [coisa de rico] novo vai estragar o comércio pequeno dos pais dela e da vila de pescadores na qual cresceu.
nome completo: Yuki Sonozaki Caulfield
apelidos: YuYu, Yu
idade: 24 anos
altura: 173cm
aniversário: 17 de setembro (virgem)
face claim: Jacqueline Sato
hometown: Waterbet, Inglaterra
orientação sexual: Panssexual
ocupação: Patinadora artística
label: THE DAMSEL OUT OF DISTRESS - a bit of an alternative to the action girl, this particular person doesn’t wait around for someone to come and rescue them, they can, and will, take care of themselves.
traços positivos: Determinada, pontual, focada, organizada.
traços negativos: Cabeça-dura, briguenta, rancorosa, bruta.
Nascida filha de um pescador britânico e uma cozinheira imigrante tailandesa, Yuki nasceu e cresceu no interior da Inglaterra a sua vida inteira e não conheceu outra realidade. Desde pequena era considerada mais um par de mãos para ajudar nas tarefas de casa, então cresceu ajudando com a limpeza do restaurante e ajudando o pai a separar o peixe pescado. Acostumou-se com o cheiro das salinas, a lidar com clientela.
E, no meio disso... Veio a patinação.
No começo foi só um par de patins (usado) que sua mãe a deu depois que seu pai a prometeu a levá-la para um lago congelado e ensinar a patinar. Mas aquele inverno fez com que uma paixão nova começasse a surgir, e dali para frente foi ladeira abaixo. Implorava por aulas de patinação, jurava que ia pagar com o trabalho. Com a idade mínima para trabalhar, até conseguiu outro emprego no Old Fishermans aos finais de semana para conseguir, enfim, dinheiro o suficiente para participar das aulas no ginásio. Fosse talvez por aquilo ser a primeira coisa que conquistava com as próprias mãos ou por realmente gostar, ou uma combinação dos dois, mas Yuki parecia viver para o esporte, e queria torná-lo sua profissão.
Universidade? Aquilo era um luxo que ela não podia custear. Depois de completar o ensino médio, continuou ajudando principalmente a mãe com o restaurante, ficando com a parte de atendimento aos clientes e com a limpeza do lugar durante às noites, ficando dentro do lugar do meio dia à meia noite, e ainda trabalhando no Old Fisherman aos finais de semana. Todo o resto do seu tempo era gasto ou dormindo, ou patinando. Chegou a ganhar alguns concursos locais e regionais, sempre sozinha. O que por um lado era bom, pois o dinheiro do prêmio vinha para ela exclusivamente, mas só competir por si mesma não a rendia networking nenhum, e os patrocinadores nunca vinham.
Contudo, seu esforço foi bem recompensado quando venceu uma competição local que finalmente a rendeu um lugar no time de patinação regional que está até hoje. Não tem os patrocinadores mais gordos nas mangas, mas é o suficiente para não precisar trabalhar nos restaurantes todos os dias, a permitindo se dedicar mais ao esporte que ama. Ainda é auxiliar da mãe no restaurante e ainda tem alguns turnos no pub, mas agora o faz mais para complementar a renda do que por necessidade. Afinal, com essa história nova do resort... Sabe-se lá o que pode acontecer.
Completamente contra! Claro, a vida de Yuki é patinar, e ela quer participar de competições maiores, ganhar uma vaga no time principal da Inglaterra, então, teoricamente não afetaria em nada a sua vida. Porém, vinda de uma família de um pai pescador e uma mãe cozinheira em um restaurante pequeno, ela sabe que o resort afetaria (e muito!) a renda familiar dos pais. Acha que quem é a favor são única e exclusivamente riquinhos mimados que só olham para o próprio umbigo e não pensam na população a ser afetada com essa construção.
Gastou seus anos do ensino médio dando MUITO trabalho para os pais por ser uma aluna briguenta. Por ser filha de imigrantes e conhecer outros imigrantes também, ai de quem olhasse torto para ela ou algum de seus amigos. Ou a chamasse de burra, por não ter as melhores notas. Ou desse bom dia errado. Ou... Erh, era bem fácil de conseguir briga com Yuki, na verdade. Hoje em dia ela é consideravelmente menos agressiva, mas a fama de quem a conheceu nessa época a precede. Principalmente porque não é difícil vê-la se metendo em problemas.
Tem uma tatuagem muito brega de dois patins de gelo cujos laços formam um coração (escondida dos pais até hoje!). Ela é bem pequena e está pouco abaixo das costelas esquerdas, então quase nunca é vista e muito menos mencionada.
Muito muito muitoooo por debaixo dos panos, Yuki é uma geek escondidíssima. Adora tudo da cultura pop, viu um monte de séries, animes, escuta kpop quando vai patinar, volta para casa para assistir todos os dramas... Enfim, faz de tudo um pouco. Fala que quer voltar para a Tailândia um dia para se conectar com suas origens, o que não é mentira, mas também esconde sua outra vontade de poder consumir seus guilty pleasures à vontade.
Fala inglês e tailandês fluentemente por conta dos pais, apesar do tailandês ser muito mais falado e lido do que escrito apropriadamente. Ainda quer aprender coreano, mas não tem tempo na agenda (ou dinheiro) para investir nessas aulas.
Não suporta matemática. Não suporta qualquer ciência exata, na verdade, mas matemática é a pior delas, de longe.
Teve pouquíssimos namorados e nunca uma namorada, apesar de sempre ter tido a certeza que seu amor era independente de gênero. Não era só porque estava muito ocupada com a família e o esporte, mas porque seu gênio é muito difícil de lidar hoje-- na adolescência, era pior ainda!
Se não teve tempo para namorar, teve tempo para sair para festas, isso sim. Nunca foi do tipo que saía toda semana, mas se o treino não era tão cedo ou se não tivesse muito com o que ajudar em casa... Yuki com certeza dava um jeito de aproveitar a vida noturna de Waterbet. Relacionamentos e diversões em pílulas, de fácil consumo, sempre foram muito mais a cara dela.
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marvelheroperil · 3 years
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- Invaders v1 #19, 1977
((It looks ridiculous when Jim Hammond as Human Torch is flying around in a cramped space of the cage where everyone else are trapped inside it.))
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💬 for anyone from anyone
(I don't thing Azazel's given his opinion so, uh, apologies in advance for him being...him lol)
Azazel: *idly scratching his chin* bunch of fuckin' saps, falling for Jacqueline's "damsel in distress" routine. As if she needs protecting from anyone, least of all me. Guess it makes their egos feel better to save a "poor, defenseless little woman" from "the big bad demon". Fucking suckers.
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foodiefilms · 5 years
The Black Cat
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The Black Cat, directed by Edgar G. Ulmer (1934)
• This is the best Karloff/Lugosi movie from Universal. The direction is not just efficient, it is also creative and distinct. Ulmer had a vison and he did a masterful job putting it on screen. • The movie is an interesting mixture of psychosis, sadism, sensuality, the occult, and the macabre. Awesome stuff that is somewhat ahead of its time. I am surprised it was even allowed to be made. That was wild subject matter for the 1930s. It is even wild in the 2010s. • The visuals are a knockout. The design of Poelzig’s mansion is wonderfully modern and sterile. Also, the room with his incased wives is wonderful. The cinematography is stellar, as is the use of light and shadow. • The music deserves mention. On second viewing, I noticed more Classical Music call backs than Tchaikovsky. Heinz Eric Roemheld puts his own spin on works by Chopin, Liszt/Berlioz, Beethoven, and Schubert. Rad stuff. I would love to own the soundtrack for this movie! • The story is sinister, tragic, and engaging. What more can you ask for? • The finale of the movie is rad. A black mass followed by torture. I am there for it. Something cool happened during the mass. The shots of the attendees’ faces reminded me of the coronation scene in Eisenstein’s Ivan the Terrible from 1944. Very cool! • Unlike the other Karloff/Lugosi movies, this one has the strongest cast and most engaging characters. Let’s talk about some of them:     o Karloff is chilling as the quietly sinister and devious Poelzig. He is great in this part.     o Lugosi is magnetic as the vengeful and tormented Werdegast I like how this character is just as sinister as Poelzig… maybe even more sinister. He is a definite anti-hero. This is one of Lugosi’s best roles, for sure.     o Jacqueline Wells, as she was known at the time, is an alluring damsel in distress as Joan.     o David Manners is less of a dupe and more of a proactive and charismatic hero as Peter.
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getmemymicroscope · 2 years
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It's like the same thing, over and over and over again. Wanted, and Dabangg, and Dabangg 2 and 3 (both, admittedly, unseen), and Antim, at least, and many of the non-Salman 'masala' films too.
And despite what they might say, if anyone is actually saying it, this feels in so many ways to be a Wanted sequel. Same character name and clothing style, same character tagline, same plot of multiple gangs fighting, same cop (though, admittedly, Govind Namdev's character has a different name), same director, same characteristics of the main character... yeah, it felt like Wanted 2.
The problem with that is that while Wanted was something new and refreshing and entertaining, this really only retains - to some extent - the 'entertainment' part of that. It's now the same story, again, for the umpteenth time, and with each successive attempt, it seems like they take out a bit more comedy (the good part) and add in a bit more ridiculous violence and shit.
It felt overdone: the drugs; the suicides' the rape (they always find a way to throw this in, don't they?); the ridiculous numbers of stabbings, and equally ridiculous numbers of stabs per stabbing; Disha Patani's character, who is really only there to appear dumb and dance and, in the end, play damsel in distress; the stupidity of multiple characters; his "be brave" speech to a recently 'almost dead' character which encourages her to do something equally dumb near the end; the irrational killing, left and right, of anyone and everyone. Not that some of it isn't real and isn't happening in real life, because it probably is, but like ... damn.
Oh, and that song with Jacqueline Fernandez. What the fuck, in every regard possible.
The rest of the songs weren't bad, and Randeep Hooda wasn't bad aside from the obsession with over-stabbing. Luckily they didn't drag out the 'you kill people' drama as much as they did in Wanted, but they also seemed to severely limit the comedy in the movie as well.
Luckily, the movie is only like 1hr 40min long or something, so it doesn't drag too much: it starts, it gets to it's point, and it ends - even with various songs and irrationalities thrown in in between.
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infernorp · 6 years
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name: claude babin
age: thirty
gender and pronouns: cis male, he/his
loyalty: neutral
occupation: heir
criminal occupation: none
faceclaim: rhydian vaughan
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Some say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. You've found, in your experience, that it's quite the opposite. Offer nothing but the best intentions served on a platter handcrafted from the silver spoon which you were born with tucked delicately away under your tongue, and people will lay down their jackets on the pavement at your feet, offering their very lives in exchange for one good deed. Of course, that's not why you do it. No, you've always felt that you were perfect, and this was just a way to reflect that. Not a desire to be perfect, but a knowing that you already were. And on the occasions when you did muss things up, well. You were only trying your best, no one can fault you for that, and so you walked away from the wreckage without a scratch on you, not a single consequence on the horizon. You live in color and bright bubbling jazz, in polka dots and moonbeams. The purpose of your existence is simply to shed light on everything you touch. To save everyone. To fly, to touch the heavens, to walk on water. Maybe not so simple after all. You can't save them all, especially not the ones who don't want to save themselves, but that's a hard lesson to learn, and it's one that hasn't quite sunken in yet.
Your father was retired before you were in high school, but some of your most vivid memories are those of him coming home from the hospital at the most unusual hours, looking thoroughly exhausted but proud of himself. One morning his pager alerted the family of the hospital's need of him while you were all sitting at the breakfast table, and you looked at your father with wide eyes and asked, voice quivering, why he had to leave just then. He smiled and put his hands on your shoulder, kneeling to look at you in the eyes. 'If I don't save whoever needs me, who else will?' Your ambition was never to be a doctor like your father was, but those words stuck with you. You're perfect, yes, but this is the only thing you have to offer to the world besides a pretty face. Statues are nice to look at, but they serve no practical purpose. You want to do something, and if you cut yourself to shreds picking up the broken pieces of the people you meet as you become, then so be it.
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acquaintances: christine daae, lea jammes, and xavier carmen
friends: baylen moreau and zhu lau
disliked: dulce vilaro, edmond ledoux, erik destler, jacqueline mifroid, and madalene giry
You grew up alongside the Chaney family, and while Raoul and Philippe are some of your closest friends, part of you can't help but wonder how Annabella and Philippe can stomach being so stoic all the time. Still, it was fun making the occasional trip out to see Raoul during his travels, going barhopping all over the world, though you can't say you entirely approve of his lifestyle choices either. All things considered, though, they're both like your brothers, Raoul considerably moreso, if only because it's much easier for you to be a guiding hand on his shoulder to at least attempt helping him navigate his life with as few drunken stupors as possible. But you do appreciate the whole family, for all they're worth to you, now and the childhood memories you keep so fondly tucked away.
You were raised to be charming, not sincere, and yet somehow you ended up both. It's for these reasons that Lisette confuses you. She's charming, sure. Charismatic and beautiful, but cold. Talking to her is like admiring a porcelain doll on a shelf. It's nice to look at, but gives you an uneasy feeling and it's altogether utterly inhuman. Dealing with her is an unfortunate necessity for your time with Meg since Meg sadly refuses to see you off the books or the clock, so you try and keep your dealings with Lisette as short as needed. You can't shake the feeling whenever you speak with her, though, that she'd like to sink her hooks into you. You don't know her story, but you certainly have the money and status that you can tell she craves. It makes you shudder to think of, and you're certain you can't hide the way your lip curls when she comes onto you.
You were born a lover, not a fighter, but what if the one you love demands that you fight her before she'll believe you truly want her for who she is? You look at Meg like she put the stars in the skies, like she has the stars contained right there in her eyes, and she can hardly meet your gaze. The only time you get to spend with her is when you're paying for it, but somehow you don't mind. It's incredible, really, that you don't see anything wrong with it. You'd throw all the money you're worth at her just for one night to call her your own, but Meg isn't one to be owned. Maybe she was once upon a time, but back then, before the world ripped her to shreds, before she needed to be saved, would you still have wanted her? Is the appeal in Meg herself, or in a girl who you look at and see a damsel in distress, a maiden who needs to be rescued? 'You're not my knight in shining armor,' she tells you one night, pushing you away with tears in her eyes, 'I can save myself. I don't need you.' It should be enough to make you leave, but it only makes you want her more. You choose to believe that she's lying, that she can't save herself, because it's easier than thinking that maybe she needs someone but just doesn't want you.
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Jackie O's granddaughter is basically her twin
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In recent years, Rose has made a name for herself due to her brains, talents, and jaw-dropping resemblance to her grandmother.
In March 2016, the Internet flew into a tizzy after catching the web series End Times Girls Club, which co-stars Rose Kennedy Schlossberg. Schlossberg is the daughter of designer Edwin Schlossberg and Caroline Kennedy—the only surviving child of President John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. In fact, the two look so much alike that major publications such as the New York Post have dubbed her "Jackie 2.0." Let's learn more about this rising star.
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According to the New York Post, Rose was named after her great-grandmother, Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. The actual name was reportedly selected by Jackie, which many thought ironic, considering Jackie and the elder Rose supposedly hated each other. "The old bat's about 100 years old, so let's give her some respect," Jackie reportedly told press secretary Pierre Salinger at the time of Schlossberg's birth.
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Grandma Jackie would go on to play a very large role in Schlossberg's upbringing, accompanying her to Central Park, museums, and even a school field trip. "Jackie, who lived just a few blocks away from the Schlossbergs on the Upper East Side, saw Rose basically every day and doted on her," Kennedy biographer Christopher Andersen revealed (via the New York Post). "Jackie knew it was important to sow the seeds of good behavior early on, and she tried to do that in the final years of her life. It was a mission for her."
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Like millions of Americans, the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr.—who died in a plane crash alongside his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, in 1999—had a profound impact on his niece. In fact, she took her uncle's death so hard, it reportedly began to take a toll on her health. "Rose withdrew after John's death," a Kennedy family member said, according to the New York Post. "He'd been like a father to her. She went into a six-month depression during which she barely spoke to anyone. She stopped eating—she must have lost 30 pounds." The family member went on to say that Schlossberg's "saving grace" was the trust funds that made her a millionaire by the time she finished high school.
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Although she's part of one of the most famous political dynasties in U.S. history, Rose doesn't appear to be aspiring for a career on Capitol Hill. According to the New York Post, she barely engaged in politics while at Harvard. "I'm sorry to say that that Rose has not been an active member during my time here," a spokesperson for the Harvard College Democrats told the paper. Rose reportedly even advised her mom not to run for the U.S. Senate, telling Caroline, "You're above it. You ought to quit," she said, according to the Post. Rose did dip her toe into political waters by donating $350 to Barack Obama's 2008 campaign and by volunteering for Democrat Alan Khazei's losing campaign for U.S. Senate in 2009, reported Good Housekeeping. CCM reported in November 2012 that both Rose and her mother, Caroline, were sued after a car accident in Los Angeles. The man who filed the suit claimed Rose crashed her Chevy Impala into his Honda Civic in August of that year. According to CCM, the purported victim claimed "he suffered serious physical and mental injuries as a result of Rose's 'negligent' and 'careless' actions behind the wheel," and asked for more than $25,000 in damages. Caroline reportedly wasn't in the vehicle at the time of the accident but was named in the suit because she owned the car. The victim's lawyer told CCM a settlement was reached before the case went to court, saying, "Everybody, including the Kennedys, and their insurance company, were very caring, understanding, ethical, and honest."
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Former Kennedy speechwriter and family friend Arthur Schlesinger Jr. has referred to Rose as the next Kennedy family matriarch. "Rose was and is the leader of the pack—her opinion counts. She is highly regarded within the ever-expanding circle, he said (via the New York Post). "In many respects, she is the face and future of the clan." In 2014, Washington Post reporter Ed O'Keefe tweeted that Rose was appointed by President Obama to serve on the board at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, which was named after her family. "My grandparents believed that American civilization had come of age, and they transformed the White House into a stage for our nation's greatest performing artists," she said at a 2014 event commemorating the center's expansion project. "They recognized that in order to demonstrate our full commitment to freedom, democracy, and the human spirit, our nation's capital needed a world-class performing arts center. After my grandfather's death, my grandmother, and my great aunts and uncles worked tirelessly to build and sustain this Center, and my generation is proud to continue their commitment to excellence." From their dark, wavy hair and signature red lips to their large eyes and gentle smirk, the resemblance between Rose and the former first lady is undeniable. "Rose looked like Jackie, perhaps even a bit sexier looking, though not as refined," a former school teacher told Kennedy biography David Heymann (via the New York Post). She has the dark good looks of a Bouvier and the sensibility of a Kennedy." Some suggest she even inherited her grandmother's understated spunk as well. In August 2009, while riding in a motorcade to her Uncle Ted Kennedy's funeral, Rose reportedly flipped off the paparazzi from the limo. Plenty of pundits saw the gesture and dissected its meaning, and some drew a direct connection to Jackie O. "It could have been simply a 21-year-old's reaction to the glare of media scrutiny at a difficult time," said the New York Post. "But it was also a subconscious nod to her grandmother, who had been in the habit of grumbling, early on in her marriage, about riding in limos with her campaigning husband."
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As one would expect from a Kennedy, Rose is a total brainiac. She enrolled in Harvard University in 2006, where she earned a bachelor's degree in English, attended film courses, and took up an interest in fashion, according to the New York Post. After graduating from Harvard in 2010, Rose went back to school to earn a master's from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University in 2013, reported Good Housekeeping. "She did extremely well in school, evidenced by the fact that she wound up at Harvard," a teacher at the posh Brearley School in New York City said of Schlossberg (via the New York Post). "Although I suppose you could argue that every Kennedy winds up at Harvard—or its equivalent." The names "Lindsay Lohan" and "Harvard University" may go together like oil and water, but apparently, there was a time when the troubled actress was actually considering going to the top-ranked university. According to the New York Post, Rose was spotted giving a tour of Harvard to Lohan and her then-girlfriend, Samantha Ronson, in 2009. After the tour, Rose went on a double-date with Lohan and Ronson at a high-end Boston nightclub. Schlossberg's date was Incubus guitarist Mike Einziger. "They all came in together, and they all left together," a representative for the nightclub told the New York Post. "Samantha was spinning, but Lindsay hung out with Mike and Rose. I couldn't tell if were together, but it seemed like they were pretty close." Despite the celebrity fanfare of that night, the tab said it was a rare night out for Rose, who otherwise kept a very low profile while attending Harvard.     Rose made headlines in 2016 when she launched a web series called End Times Girls Club. The project, in which she co-stars, offers funny takes on what girls should do if the world comes to an end. "It came up as a response to seeing the way that New York responded to Hurricane Sandy, and how people were grossly underprepared—specifically, girls in damsel in distress mode," she told Mashable. "I thought it would be interesting to create this world where girls have to be survivalists without compromising their cute factor." The series' episode titles range from the likes of "Apocalypse Makeover" to "Compass in a Cocktail" and "How to Make Fire."         Read the full article
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foulplayhq · 4 years
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FULL NAME ► Jacqueline “Jack” Alice Jones AGE ► Twenty GRADE ► Junior MAJOR ► Biology ROOMMATE ► Maya Matlin
A B O U T:
+ analytical, docile, cultured -  defensive, selfish, gullible
► THE DAMSEL OUT OF DISTRESS -  this particular person doesn’t wait around for someone to come and rescue them, they can, and will, take care of themselves.
H E A D C A N O N S:
Jack enjoyed life at Degrassi, but her home life was extremely messy. Her parents were gone most of the time and she hid behind a mask of always being fine. 
Her freshman year was rough, mostly due to some wild nights and romantic ventures that ended badly more than once. Being demisexual and panromantic, she also explored some poly relationships. 
Biology wasn’t her first choice as a major, she actually switched over from writing early on her second semester. 
Jacinta’s death rocked Jack more than she admits. She often has nightmares related to seeing other friends pass. 
Jack fell in love with Clare Edwards at Degrassi and still harbors feelings for her, just not as strong.
C O N N E C T I O N S:
► Jacinta Morley (rival) — Jack and Jacinta had been pit against one another since before either of them could walk or talk. In a Capulet and Montegue-eqsue war, the Morley and Jones families have feuded for years, all stemming back to an apparent bout of betrayal between their parents that neither party is willing to discuss in explicit detail. Despite the reasons for their feud being concealed, it was understood in both families that Morleys and Joneses don’t mix.
► Grace Cardinal (childhood friend) — It’s easy when you’re young, you share your shovel in the sandbox, sit next to the new kid at lunch and you’re the best of friends. It’s how things started with these two girls, dating back to grade school when they were practically inseparable. However, as they got older the two girls started to drift apart, falling into separate cliques and taking up different hobbies until it seemed they were too different to stay close. 
► Fiona Coyne (summer fling) — Summer sun, something’s begun. Or so it seemed for the unlikely pair. Fiona and Jack crossed paths while traveling during the summer vacation and after getting over the initial hurdles that come with meeting someone so distinctly different from you, the girls fell for one another and spent every waking moment together. However, they knew it couldn’t last, and peacefully part ways at the end of the holiday.
► Vijay Maraj, Dave Turner (radio show co-hosts) — Dave revived the campus radio show his freshman year, and with a few semesters work his was able to cultivate it into an entertaining segmented show with a good listening audience. The radio show was his thing until his faculty supervisors suggested he add some different perspectives and hosted auditions for co-hosts. Vijay and Jack were picked from amongst the bunch for their strong opinions and unique personas, and while Dave can admit that it’s nice not having to do all the work, he can sometimes feel possessive over what was supposed to be his show. 
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shirewalker · 7 years
🎴 hey i'm jacqueline! hope u get ur 2.5k soon xx
hey! thank you sweetie
😊 character tropes: teen superspy / the storyteller / knight in sour armour / adventurer archaeologist / lady of war / the paragon / the chessmaster / noble demon / classy cat-burglar / deadpan snarker / the herald / damsel out of distress / accidental hero / the ferryman / the high queen / magical barefooter / rebellious princess / lady of adventure / the trickster
👑 fairytale locations: hidden tower / big fancy castle / the lost woods / magical library / forbidden attic / the ballroom / a lake at midnight / mysterious cottage / private garden / crystal cave
📚 book: magical standalone / duology of feels / the perfect trilogy / neverending series / short and sweet novella / the first manuscript of legend
🎨 colour: café noir / malachite / gamboge / cerise / chocolate kisses / byzantium / lust / gainsboro / rose quartz / periwinkle / ashes of rose / sarcoline / coquelicot / mikado / smaragdine / eburnean / amaranth / zaffre / sang-de-boeuf / gingerline
🍂 autumn aesthetic: colourful scarves / hot chocolate / cappuccino / soft blanket / rainy days / fall leaves / pumpkins / knit sweaters / thunder in the distance / snuggles / fuzzy socks / comfort book / purring cat / cinnamon
🌌 space: comet / starry night / mini black hole / milky way / pluto / full moon / meteor shower / supernova / nebula / constellation / black hole / sun / asteroid / spaceship / antimatter / dark matter / quasar / zodiacal light / cosmic dust
🎼 sounds: rain falling outside / ocean waves / thunderstorm / owls in the night / crackling of wood in the fireplace / train in the distance / wind through the trees / rustling pages of an open book / blissful laughter / birds at sunrise / music from another room / wind chimes / howl of a wolf / purring kitten / footsteps in a cathedral
name edit: HERE
want one?
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toxiereads · 5 years
‘Twelve Slays of Christmas’ by Jacqueline Frost
Rating: ★★★★★ 
First book of 2019!  First Christmas cozy mystery ever!  It was great!  I had forgotten how much and why I loved cozy mysteries.  This one definitely reminded me.  This is the first in the ‘Christmas Tree Farm Mystery’ series.  I can’t wait to read the next one.  The characters were wonderful!  Cookie and Cindy Lou Who, the cat, were my favorites!  The main character, Holly, is also wonderful.  She’s not annoying like some main characters can be.  Sometimes I feel like I’ve just had enough of the main character.  But, not Holly.  She’s not helpless, but not too independent either.  That’s usually my problem.  I feel like people try to make their characters fit into a certain place.  Like, making someone too much a ‘damsel in distress’ or ‘bad ass.’  I like characters that are independent but know when they need help and can’t do things alone.  I felt that I got that from Holly.  She likes to do her own thing, but knew when she needed the support from her parents and everyone else.
::Spoilers Below::
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Holly just moved back home after her soon-to-be husband calls off the right around the corner, Christmas Eve wedding.  But, it’s just in time for her to make it home for the Reindeer Games at her parents tree farm.  Unfortunately, a very uptight member of the historical society is pissing off everyone in town.  So, what does one town person do?  Kills her.  Holly just so happens to be the one to hear her scream and finds her dead at her parents farm.
Now, there is an investigation to find out who did it.  Since the body was found on her parent’s farm, the farm can’t open for the Reindeer Games just yet.  Not until they can rule out anyone working at the farm.  But, instead of leaving it all in the handsome Sheriff's hands, Holly wants to take matters into her own hands so the farm can reopen.  When the murderer finds out that she is asking questions about the murder, they leave her a warning on her front porch at her parent’s guesthouse.
She TRIES to take the warning to heart and stay out of it, but she can’t.  She really wants to help her parents.  She knows the money from the Reindeer Games is how they are able to make it through the year until the next Reindeer Games.  Once she starts asking questions again, she gets a new warning.  This time the murderer leaves the message in her house while she is sleeping.
That’s why she has had enough and decides it’s time to move out of the guesthouse and into her parent’s house.  Better to not be alone right now.  But,  I’m not going to tell you how it ends.  You’ll just have to go read it and find out for yourself!
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marvelheroperil · 3 years
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Pete Wisdom, Spitfire, Tink the fairy and John the Skrull are captured by the Skrulls.
- Captain Britain and the MI-13 v1 #4, 2008
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cartoonnonsensegirl · 7 years
Introducing Carmen Sandiego Headcanons!!!
Most of these will be Where in Time-related, and a good 90% of them will probably be Jacqueline Hyde-related, but here’s a Medeva one to get the ball rolling...
Headcanon: Medeva has two alternate forms; old hag and dragon. The old hag form is what she uses to trick fair princesses to their demise. The dragon form is to roast charming princes from rescuing their damsels in distress. While her dragon form is most powerful, there is a chink in her armor. If stabbed in her weak spot (on her shoulder), Medeva reverts to her original form.
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uniboss · 7 years
Jacqueline Fernandez: If I Could Be A Superhero, I Would Love To Be Captain Planet
Jacqueline Fernandez: If I Could Be A Superhero, I Would Love To Be Captain Planet
Actress Jacqueline Fernandez played the damsel in distress in the 2016 superhero film “A Flying Jatt“. Now, she wants to take a step forward and be a superhero herself. She wants to gain powers of Captain Planet to make the environment “safer, greener and cleaner”.
“If I could be a superhero, I would love to be Captain Planet. He is one superhero I have grown up watching and always loved the fact…
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avaliveradio · 3 years
'White Knight' by Selena Victoria is a look into a brighter future
There’s no better time to look to a brighter future than summer. Canadian independant artist Selena Polutnik just released a charming summer vibe with catchy sweeps and lyrics that make you feel empowered to walk forward to a brighter future filled with adventure.
Artist: Selena Victoria
New Release: White Knight
Genre: Rnb, Pop
Sounds like: : Olivia Rodrigo, The Weeknd, Khalid
Located in: : Hamilton, Ontario Canada
My brand and overall goal for my music is to be able to reach others on a personal level. I believe authenticity and vulnerability is how artists can connect to their audience. My newest single White Knight is just that: Honest, vulnerable and raw. The title portrays that of a Prince Charming and or Knight in Shining Armour sweeping a fair maiden off her feet, but truly the song tells the opposite. The song in itself isn't about a damsel in distress being rescued by her prince, but instead her being her own hero and saving herself from what was a toxic relationship. Being her own Knight in Shining Armour. That alone, I believe many people will be able to connect with. My music influences recently have been Taylor Swift, Khalid and Harry Styles among many others.
 I believe this release is very crucial to the direction I am taking in music because its stepping out of my comfort zone. Trying new sounds, experimenting with many genre's, expanding my style in music to the new and different. For this track specifically, my music influence was The Weeknd. A fellow canadian artist whom I admire, and look up to. I'm hoping that the message that people will be able to connect to in this song is that we don't need anyone to save us. We're all our own hero's. Be your own White Knight and seize the day.
Coming up
What I'm most excited about in the next coming months is the music I will be recording and releasing. Each song telling a different story with a different style. I want to branch out as much as possible with many genre's and I believe White Knight is just the beginning of that. I do love Pop and EDM, however I am open to more and wish to experiment more being able to show the diversity in my music and artistry. An album is definitely in the works, and hopefully a tour within the next year!
Selena Victoria Polutnik
is a singer/songwriter who stems from a working class family making her the first in her family to achieve and chase such a dream from her hometown of Hamilton, Ontario Canada. My inspiration comes from many different things. Be it an experience, or a dream. Could be a quote, one's own story. I draw inspiration from everything and everyone around me. Constantly coming up with new lyrics and melodie's to new songs. I find the best work comes out when I'm truly authentic and fully immerse myself in the project I am working on. That is when the magic truly happens.
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A post shared by White Knight Out now! (@selenavictoriaofficial)
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Jacqueline Jax AVA live Radio Host wrote:
“Selenas new single is refreshing and inspiring. I hear a strong young woman who is unapologetic in her vision for the future. She’s a wonderful roll model for all women. Congrats on the new single.”
Indie Music Spin wrote:
“'White Knight' by Selena Victoria took us by surprise. We love her spin on a theme that is no stranger to music, making the listener feel inspired to forge on no matter what they have been though.”
American Pride Magazine wrote:
“A real win for this young new creator. Selena encourages us all to become our own Heros at a time when self isolation and finding inner strength have become the norm. Well done. “
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