#jenny brightmist
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You were a bright light
You were a fistfight
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Guys. I’m super hyped about this one, you don’t even know. I’m just sad I couldn’t work more shading highlights and backgrounds on this, but due to rising work piles, I had to shelf this one early. ^^
Thank @wethatkindoforc + @prfoundlysuperengineer for the idea and teaching Jazz great life lessons. Like how to hustle people at pool. Almost. She’ll get there...maybe.
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eldanseeker · 6 years
💭 💭 :3
Of Jenny: “I don’t know how she does it, keeping so aggressively optimistic through every shitstorm thrown our way. But I need that. I need her brilliant beacon to hold onto. In a way I hope she never realises how much she’s become to me, because I’m never going to be able to really push her away.”Of Vincent: “Fuck, I miss him. It’s only been two days since we last met, but I’m already going mad. I need to touch him, I need to feel him touching me. I hope he gets back soon.”
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stellaralchemist · 6 years
Come Fly With Me - A Summary
Or: The Gang Robs Protostar
The Starchaser let down amid the jungles of Celestion, the clouds above heavy with rain and rolling with thunder. It was a gloomy day, the jungles lightened only by the lights from the ship and the fires of a crashed ship just at the other end of their little clearing.
“Okay, but how come the ship is on fire?” Jeremy Murdoch asked, sensibly enough given the situation. He was reasonably pragmatic for an exiled Cassian who seemed to spend at least fifty percent of his time inebriated.
"Yeah... I thought it crashed last year or something,” Lady Starheart supplied, but it was too late. The back end of the ship was not on fire and despite the fact it was covered in tumbling vines that should suggest it had been here far too long to be on fire the gang was away.
It wouldn’t really do to be last on the ship, would it? Lady Starheart always ran freckled-face first into danger.
As the gang scrambled around like ants, trying to make hide or hair of this fascinating vessel the ever-sensible Morducai, with his oddly glowing pistols, waited down below. He was far too sensible to get caught in the trap, the trap which appeared to have sprung when rustling sounded from the side. Unluckily for Morducai he seemed to be wrong, and the little bot appeared to be harmless.
Bolo was a Chua, and Bolo was not wholly sensible. E excitedly poked around the little bot before announcing to the crowd, "Is just new Protostar bot. No bombs. Unless bombs come in original model." E couldn’t seem to stop irself looking just a little disappointed with this fact.
"Aww, poor buddy," Bron said, taking a step up to have a look. The granok was always sympathetic to robots, perhaps because (with proper maintenance and unlike the humans around him) they could live as long as he could. "Must'a gone down with the ship."
The granok scraped some mud away from the bot. “You look like an Isaac.”
The gang, with some intermittent bickering, and with the Isaac’s help discovered a door, its keypad indicating that it was even still being powered, at least a little bit. The red light waxed and waned over its face.
“Ooh, power! Good news for us, probably.” Bolo exclaimed. Bolo was relentlessly positive.
"Hopefully," Jeremy muttered to the chua. He was not as relentlessly positive. "Unless there's turrets behind the door or something."
“Is that likely, with Protostar?” Seeker asked, it was possible he was the least positive person in Celestion at the moment, given the current company this was also extremely impressive.
"One advertising bot and nothing else is a bit weird though, right? Protostar shit is usually so... you know, protected,” Lady Starheart pointed out helpfully. It was all a bit weird.
At the door, Jeremy was having trouble. He had a special eye that should have helped him get in, as it stood all he managed was to explode the panel. That made things rather difficult for Bolo, who tried to reconnect some wires. E managed the wires alright, they shocked the chua so badly e ended up rolling down the stairs, smelling of burnt fur.
Jenny Brightmist had a laser, and as the usual ways of opening a door didn’t seem to be working she tried that. Jenny Brightmist was an engineer, an excellent one at that, but even she couldn’t seem to do much more than put a little dent in the thing. Protostar was not fond of being robbed but they also weren’t immune to being blown up. The slightly weakened door coupled with a large number of explosives rendered the doors into pieces and revealed a treasure hoard of gadgets and gizmos, many of which were most definitely not for public consumption.
The hoard was enough to send Bolo into a dead faint but Yautja, the old draken, the clanlord of Mikros who was now the clanfather by default of the Starchaser, knew how to sort that out at least. "He'll come to. Watch this." He leaned down over the chua and said, lowly, "Morducai is touching your tools."
As the crew began to load up the goods, Bolo launched irself at the one-eyed man while Lady ran behind screaming,  "Bolo! Bolo no! Yautja was just trying to wake you up buddy! Don't hurt his face!" She hesitated and helpfully added, "Or his dick!"
It took the crew a few hours to load up the hoard of equipment, above the sky rumbled with thunder and below the crew sat on the ramp, sweating, as the last few pieces went away. Isaac, who had helpfully followed along and beeped cheerfully was nowhere to be seen, an oddity that the crew may have happily overlooked had a heart-rending and panicked mess of beeps not sounded from somewhere in the woods.
Bron was off already, that soft spot for robots would get him hurt one day, and behind him Lady Starheart, whose soft spot for idiots would get her killed. From there it was a domino effect of sorts. Yautja followed along with Jenny, and then Morducai and Jeremy. Seeker and Bolo were smart, they stayed back, at least for the moment.
Isaac was in a clearing, found smoking and injured, its front panels gouged away. It sounded as though something stalked the woods around and Bron, helpful as he was, focused on fixing the droid. Lady Starheart called for Bolo to bring them supplies, something she regretted when the Chua appeared and, beneath the clearing, a crude trap door sent all but Morty, Seeker, and Jeremy tumbling into a cage.
The trapped gang came to with numerous injuries, a snapped leg, cracked ribs, an injured shoulder… perhaps the worst was Yautja’s broken tail. Those were important to Draken, having it broken was a rather large tragedy. Still, none of them were in as bad a state as the bones around them, so there was still hope.
They lay in pain until helpfully supplied with medkits and a few beers from the safe men above. There didn’t seem to be anything to perform a rescue with, either inside the ship or outside. And so, after an hour’s work at the top the three men disappeared and the injured five below were left in the dark, to ponder what had happened to the bones around them.
It was six hours or so, before anything happened. When it did it came in the form of a J-X3 Protostar Shipping Protection Unit, its shoulder-mounted laser cannons were decorated with red and gold leaves tied together with vines and it communicated toward the cage in a series of beeps. It looked like it might be an Edgar, possibly a Francis. It came with five other protection units, these ones smaller and flying.
“This definitely how Chua expected to die,” Bolo observed. That was fair, now that it was upon them it seemed reasonable now they would all die this way.
Edgar/Francis tried to communicate, Bron tried to translate, they came to the agreement that what the bots wanted was the Starchaser and this was non-negotiable.
"Tell them they can get fucked,” Lady said after two abrupt a laugh. “Over my dead body and all of yours. Sorry Bolo, dude." She did sound apologetic about that but at least this way her mother would be wrong and she wouldn’t be dying alone.
"That's a no from the captain, friend. How about we work something else out?" Bron asked hopefully but this was not a negotiation on either side. But Isaac was there and Isaac was helpful. It tried to point out the power core in the corner and may have succeeded then if Seeker hadn’t appeared in another cave mouth.
The three men who had not fallen had been trudging all day, through miles of twisting caves, until they found a tunnel that opened here. And now, frustrated, Seeker has stepped out to try to negotiate. This may have been a poor decision given the jumpiness and unease of the bots, one fires and burns the man’s arm. It is not going well.
The bots descended into bickering, the one that shot Seeker even tries to offer him a pebble as an apology. It isn’t going well. The pebble clatters to the ground. The bot looks upset if bots can.
In the cage Bron is just excited to see Jeremy, they are good friends after all. A few pleasantries are exchanged, an attempt to understand what is going on. Edgar (or Francis) points to the power core, it lies dead in the corner beside a powerless bot. An examination of the others yields an indication that they’re all running low on power, their indicators are yellow and red.
Jenny voidslipped out of the cage, why she hadn’t done that hours ago was anyone’s guess but now she stood next to Morty, looking over the power core.
"Power core's fine,” Morty said “Just off. Looks like these bots tried to fix the damage to it and got themselves fried."
"Shame,” Jenny said without meaning it.
They got to work while the bots freed the caged group. They did look excited to be free at least, it was better than being in the cage. The bots seemed mostly curious about them, the bots hadn’t seen people in a while, not living ones anyway.
On the edge of the room Jenny, Seeker, and Bolo were at work on the power core while Jeremy and Bron determined whose fault this was (Bron’s) and Lady Starheart expressed her happiness that Morty had not “Stolen her ship and fucked off”.
Things, it seemed, had ended well for the gang. They repowered the robots (who still had a cage full of bones it was best not to think about) and said their farewells to Isaac, who sent them off happily. And then, well, they were up in the air. Back home and safe.
Well, except for Bron who had a bomb around his neck, but that was very much a different issue.
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fantasticfriends · 7 years
Shadow of the Empress - Update II
Yesterday was the seventh annual hoverbike race at Hellrose Raceway! Fantastic Enterprises took the spotlight in commercial breaks instead of Protostar this year, and it was a thrilling race to be sure! Out of thirty-four racers the favorites to win the year’s biggest hoverbike race were the Humans Grant ‘Gladius’ Williams, and Jenny ‘Firestrike’ Brightmist, Granok Mason ‘Avalanche’ Slater, Aurin Mimi ‘Sugarpop’ Dewdrop, and the Ekose Otis ‘Papa’ Beeko. The FE crew and friends joined Jet Hellmatite in the VIP booth this year. The race began with a clean start, and the racers were off with an impressive roar that thrilled the crowds packed into the grandstands. Jenny, thanks to her placement from her qualifying times, started the race at seventh, and quickly pulled ahead. It was a riveting race, with two crashes, and the final third of the race saw the two human favorites battling for first place. Nearing the final stretch Grant, who was pulling into the lead, risked an attempt to throw Jenny off course. It sent both racers into a dangerous spin, one that Jenny barely managed to use to her advantage to take the lead and win the race! Meanwhile, in the VIP booth Jet was a source of amusement several times as he scolded and coached the two racers that he managed. Near the end of the race it was Jeremy Murdoch who saw something amiss -- a sandy blond head and a flashy marauder’s coat that he recognized. The wanted Marauder Captain, Seth Blackstar who disappeared as quickly as he came. Shouting and cursing, Jeremy rushed from the booth into the wild, cheering crowds, he was followed by Rook, Seeker, Elrabin, and Lady. The remaining twenty-nine racers blazed across the finish line, and the bikes joined together to drive a slow cool down lap both for themselves and the enjoyment of the spectators. Too few seemed to notice the small aircraft appearing out of the head of the desert to the west. Suddenly not even a hundred yards from the track the sound of a cannon ripped through the happy chaos of the racetrack. A spiked marauder ballista bolt shot towards the track, tearing through the back of Jenny’s bike, and the resulting explosion threw a dozen riders. Lady Starheart fired a brilliant shot at the attacking vessel, killing it’s pilot and sending it spinning away to be finished off by raceway fighters. As emergency personnel rushed to the wounded bikers, Granok and Mordesh guards and attendants saw to the safety of everyone in attendance. Elrabin Lichengrove having spotted a marauder fighter slipping away in the distance, attacked with a keen use of espernetics, significantly damaging the fleeing vessel. He then took off after it in attempt to try and find where it was going. By then Jeremy was already demanding to be let through, and Rook Vlakovian certainly put the wills and loyalty of the guards keeping spectators from the burning wreck of bikes to the test. Seeker Eldanhand was the only one to slip through, using a surprising espernetic shove to force back a Granok guard and rush through the crowd of nurses, staff, and racers to get to Jenny just as the unconscious and wounded young woman was being whisked to the medical ward. Inarious Morovichi, the second of the raceway’s two owners appeared then to motion for the crew to meet him below. When the small group reached the ward, the medical bay was filled with wounded racers, and the waiting area filled with worried family and friends. The medical staff rushed about, and among the fifteen injured, two were pronounced dead (two gentlemen, one Human, one Grumple). Morovichi was nowhere in sight. Jeremy was allowed in (no thanks to the efforts of Lady), though much to Rook’s dismay and fury she was not allowed in for the time being. Jenny’ is currently unconscious. Somehow she sustained only minor lacerations and burns, road rash, several broken and cracked ribs, and a leg fracture, though there is a concern that she has internal bleeding. After her ruined helmet was carefully removed, the doctor delivered the woman’s necklace and a red, cracked FE pin to the watching Seeker and Jeremy, saying that she is very, very lucky to be alive.
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thatnamejeremy · 7 years
The holovision was on but he wasn’t listening. He kept telling himself he should turn it off but he wanted the glow. It made him feel less alone. Head nestled upon the lumpy striped pillow, he watched the flickering, desaturated blues dance across the ceiling. Fleeting faces played amidst the cracks. Jeremy blinked each one away.
He’d been holding the datachron for so long his hand had cramped. Long fingers still curved around it, he brought it up to rest on his chest. His eyes closed. If it vibrated, he would feel it. If he fell asleep, it would wake him up. It would wake him, and he’d see a message from her, and things would be okay.
In the shimmering darkness he let out a strained sigh. How the hell did optimists do it? How could Rook stand there and tell him not jump to conclusions? How could he not worry? With a restless flick he turned the datachron on, looking for the message that wasn’t there. For the twelfth time he reread the last few lines.
< 22:00 Firestrike to me: Give me half an hour and I will be. ;) Just making a quick stop. > < 22:02 Me to Firestrike: okay but if you’re late I’m eating one of your slices > < 22:11 Me to Firestrike: totally kidding by the way > < 22:11 Me to Firestrike: I’ll eat two > < 22:57 Me to Firestrike: okay you just missed the guy talking about the seven symbolic phalluses of the Cosmic Dragon Lord. you should feel bad it was amazing. > <23:23 Me to Firestrike: Jenny. Jenny. Hey Jenny.> <23:32 Me to Firestrike: right you are going to need to text me back or I’m going to start worrying > <23:40 Me to Firestrike: and we’re worrying. Jenny. Text me okay?> <05:07 Me to Firestrike: Hello - if Jenny has lost her datachron, please contact me. Offering reward.>
So this is what it felt like, when he did this to people. He would have laughed if his stomach wasn’t twisting around so much. Swiping over to the clock, he found himself wishing he hadn’t. 22:43. Well past the 24 hour mark. A terrible heat had begun to spread up his throat. He wanted to yell.
The only thing he had was that at some point she’d stopped in at Jinx’s bar. And then she left, and then she was gone. Memories tugged at his brain of the night Jinx had been ambushed out there. Had the crime syndicate come back? Had Seth? His teeth bit into his lip, hard enough that it hurt. He didn’t care. Tomorrow he would go to the warehouse. If Seth’s men were back around that would be enough to know who was responsible for Jenny’s disappearance. Not that he wanted that to be the reason. The only thing he wanted was to know she was alright. For her to be there, with him, eating crappy pizza and watching stupid public access channels while she occupied the concaves of his body.
He didn’t know when his eyelids had started to grow heavy. What would be better? Staying awake and worrying? Or falling asleep and potentially missing her texting back? But the vibration would wake him, he assured himself. And perhaps… perhaps sleep could offer him an answer. Distance. Clarity. A friggin’ vision, even. The last several months had been so full of weird dreams - the Seer had tried patiently to advise him on how to read them. He just hadn’t exactly listened… Though it felt ridiculous, for once as he closed his eyes he silently willed the dreams to come. If there was ever a time to prove the Seer’s words true, this was absolutely it.
But the night passed by dreamlessly. By the time Jeremy woke himself up the holovision had long since turned itself off, coating the apartment in darkness. He hadn’t felt his datachron go off. Even before he flicked the screen on he was chastising himself for fostering any degree of hope. The message he wanted wasn’t there - just a concerned text from Bron and an ad from a hoverboard polish company that he most definitely never signed up for. For his second regrettable move he once again looked at the clock. 03:19. She’d been gone for so long.
For the thirteenth time, Jeremy reread their last span of texts. There was nothing new to be found. He knew that she wouldn’t be texting him back. He just wanted the glow.
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shipsidescuttlebutt · 7 years
For Jenny!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: ingenuityworst quality: recklessnessship them with: Not Jeremy because he is sketchy and suspiciousbrotp them with: Seeker needs to stay away from: JEREMY, THAT SLIMY BASTARDmisc. thoughts: “I wish Jenny would take my seriously, sometimes.” 
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pleasantcowboykid · 7 years
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It’s JENNY. Here you go, @prfoundlysuperengineer. For yer WSRP bio ‘cause ilu.
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retromissile · 6 years
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Finally! It's a shame to see Wildstar go, but on the other hand it is amazing to see how the community sticks together. We had hopes till the end, and it's so nice to see that we still have, now with the news about the museum preserving abandoned games. Who would have expected that so many people would gather and put so much effort into this farewell collaboration for this awesome game. I can't describe how overwhelmed I am about all the amazing art of you guys. :D BTW feel free to upload your artwork now, if you haven't already. ;-D
In case I didn't place your character near someone else, I'm deeply sorry. In the end, time pressure was real and I probably forgot one or two requested placements. It were just too many entries and I don't want to start about the technical difficulties on this. ^^; Using brushes was impossible, which is my excuse for these weird shadows. XD
This is only a very small JPG in bad quality, since the original one is way too big to upload. You can get the original sized one here:
Anyway, here are all characters from left to right.
Berry - by Punmonster on tumblr
Kuneho - by Kunehokun on tumblr
Akisa - by PepperDraig
Caelith - by Klaisen on tumblr
Avestrus - by Tales-of-Nexus on tumblr (drawn by Catbat)
Perseus - by FredrickDavis on tumblr (drawn by Catbat)
Jenny Brightmist- by prfoundlysuperengineer on tumblr
Bron - by Chris (drawn by wethatkindoforc)
Jeremy Murdoch - by wethatkindoforc on tumblr
Shilov Zhope - by Xetoset
Breezi - by Destroythecore
Blinky - by Yinis
Jack shade and Antimony Stibine - by Mmostuff and twinflamable on tumblr
{{ Hayden - owned by bluemoon9628 on DeviantArt
Anima - owned by rain-11 on Tumblr or rain847 on DeviantArt
Tonka - owned by mustanglegends on Tumblr and DeviantArt
Sana - owned by firewolf-anime on Tumblr and DeviantArt
Ruvin - owned by nythlyx on Tumblr and nythero on DeviantArt
Aerglo - owned by grace-winters on DeviantArt
Zadinel - owned by chibicreates on DeviantArt
Kinari - owned by niawolf15 on Tumblr and DeviantArt }} (collaboration of them all)
Kibwe - Alpestris-Flowers on tumblr (drawn by Catbat)
Jarekai - by Jarekai on tumblr (drawn by Catbat)
Shiron - by Shiron
Dremik Velore - by Dremmie
Zynrell Warpvale - by Wilder-Weave on tumblr (drawn by hkluterman)
Zero Skyweaver - by hkluterman on tumblr
(floeating above them) Zlatzi - by Kristi L
Arseniy Bogatir - by Kiiwis
Cubix - by Alcube51
Siri - by Siritheaurin on tumblr
Thiira - by Fusspot on tumblr
Zurije Psiankowa - by Felroki
Payne - by Payne (drawn by Siaindas)
Clown Granok "who's name I don't know" - by Siaindas
Bootsanna - by Funky Bacon
Naletevski - by Epic-loot on tumblr
Drav Palkan - by Techmarine Reylen on Deviantart
Zero Halcyon - by Retromissile
Rahibe - by Schatten-Phoenix on Deviantart
Luna Muenster - by Luna Muenster on twitter
Zerrlik - by Lurluu
Zaari - by Wyrmforge
Kintallo - by Kintallo
Guy - C.E. Bennet
Sly Shadeleaf - by Straycatsketch on tumblr
Marco Eclypsebane - by Chaudown450
Sweetysour - by Dulceybot on tumblr
Mordesh (who's name I don't know) - by sir_pinche_victor on instagram
Nord - by Wild-Di
Noonie - by Autodi
Nika Belaascht - by NikaBelaascht
Veronica - by Ler (drawn by Cyberella)
Macia Mystgrove - by Dakota J.
Zackie Fox - by Zackie Fox (drawn by Aelith-Earfalas)
Seeker - by Eldanseeker
Ryska, Asper and Toadie - by Quartervirus, Rhylin and friend (all drawn by Quartervirus)
Captain Yaedra - by thedovahcat
Ran - by Ranavos
Neer - by Neoneer on tumblr (drawn by Deeafrotailmisstress)
Alala - by Moo
Rilk Duskrunner - Sidhevicious on tumblr
Mei Lei - by Badaxefamily (drawn by Aelith-Earfalas)
Rook - by Aldridge-Asset on tumblr (drawn by Deeafrotailmisstress)
Sevena Ashtail and Remarus Locke - by rhiowroleplay and Remarus on tumblr (collaboration between both)
Skjaldr Thorvaldson - by Windrider Shiva
Gina Gutrot and Ceze Gutrot - by Wormcurse and friend and tumblr
Kuro - by CuteMilee
Jazz - by Deeafrotailmisstress
Beebe - by RurushIchi
Rysk Sandsinger and Katsu Wa - by Croo-Chan and friend (drawn by Zeniart)
Staxyn - by Stendra
Kelinarik (floating) - by Adhara
Vyzura - by Angiebeast
Elkhan and Kitty - by Elkhan Albright and friend (drawn by Aelith-Earfalas)
Cheiron Melchorius - by Titaniumsnail (Lines by Fusspot)
Butter and Dash - by Malicioustaste and Deagz (drawn by Malicioustaste)
Cryosia and Desai - by Cryosia and Faeforge (both drawn by Faeforge)
Chihiro Roseheart - by NoodleRyuu on tumblr
Jelena Arikin - by Nexusmoon
Cinder - by Bluecrysto
Nick Skytracer - by Ixorthion
Majro Skyfern - by majros-mishaps
Croix - by Cryosickness
Oliver - by Htg17
Foley - by Catbat
Cyberella Hellspree - by Cyberella
Bun - by Bun (drawn by Stendra)
Valerian and Rufus - by DE4THPUNCH and Vladibear (drawn by DE4THPUNCH)
Taren - by Datela-vodenit on tumblr
Bird - Straycatsketch bae (drawn by Straycatsketch)
Roda (floating above) - by Roda Smash
Lolyta - by Jenny626
Lorelei and Xallius - by Agentlex and Axis-Pheydra on tumblr (drawn by Retromissile)
Valil - by Aelith-Earfalas
Tai Treza - by Serbaki
Fluffy - by wildstarfan
Jellifer - by Fangsofamber on tumblr (drawn by Catbat)
Varyt - by Wild-Blades
Grexxa - by Breir-Blueleaf on tumblr
Calean Astertail - by Mike W. (drawn by Fusspot)
Luna - by nesquidlydoodles on tumblr
Lady Starheart - by Stellaralchemist on tumblr (drawn by Deeafrotailmisstress)
Kim - by FridaDz
Veneann - by Kell, mire-inheid/Harrarke on tumblr
Wyr Esprithardi - by IfreannMutsou
Mordesh, who's name I don't know - by Rudsnr
Aedan Marandei - by Midge
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datela-vodenit · 6 years
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OCs in your style challenge for Fantastic Enterprises!
Characters left to right:
Guy Fantastic - @pleasantcowboykid
Seeker Eldanhand - @eldanseeker
Jeremy Murdoch - @wethatkindoforc
Jazz Abernale - @deeafrotailmisstress
Rook Vlakovian - @aldridge-asset
Jenny Brightmist - @prfoundlysuperengineer
Avo - @neonneer
Kris Dunnock - @sombersunshine
Elenia Volescu - @stellaralchemist
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A week of Drawtober!
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A strawberry surprise cake for a strawberry shortcake! ;3 @prfoundlysuperengineer
(psst Jenny, the surprise is Jazz left a measuring spoon in the batter, so you may have to watch out for what’s in the slices >->’’)
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eldanseeker · 6 years
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Long-overdue screenshot dump, featuring @prfoundlysuperengineer‘s Jenny, @neonneer‘s Neer, and @pleasantcowboykid‘s Farid. Captions on the pictures! Have I mentioned how much I love this game and the people I play it with?
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fantasticfriends · 7 years
Shadow of the Empress: Update III
Official condition of Jenny ‘Firestrike’ Brightmist: Deceased Only alive thanks to the young woman’s ingenuity and forethought to wear a pin that created an invisible protective shield around her, the doctor left the unconcious Jenny alone with Seeker Eldanhand and Jeremy Murdoch. Courtesy of the privacy of her hospital room, Jeremy was able to use his Primal abilities to almost completely heal the young woman. Later joined by Elrabin Lichengrove and Lady Starheart, the small group decided it was best that, for the time being, the public should think the engineer to be deceased. This would both ensure Jenny safety from the Marauder, Seth Blackstar, and give them an edge whenever they would move to take him out. Planning to take out the Marauder was one thing, finding him was another. Elrabin, Jeremy and Seeker made their way to the boarder between Malgrave and Southern Grimvault in attempt to find the broken thruster Elrabin had discovered days before. Distracted from their course, the trio were forced to return empty handed after Elrabin was injured. Meanwhile Jenny and First Mate Rook Vlakovian had a meaningful discussion and it was agreed that Rook would come with them when the time to strike at Blackstar was at hand. The following day the crew was thrown a surprise when Peter Crowe, relation to the Algoroc gang, Seth’s right hand man, and Jenny’s ex showed up at the front gate. Asking for Jeremy, he was cornered by the crew and threatened. Motivated by looking down the barrel of Jeremy’s pistol, Rook’s Stalker claws, and the sudden appearance of the Granok Jak behind him, Peter revealed that he was washing his hands of Seth Blackstar. The Marauder captain dealing in human trafficking, and Strain experiments planned to be tested on some of the prisoners, Peter wanted no part of it and warned the crew to steer clear of the man.
Meanwhile Jenny, who had heard Peter was near, was forcibly detained by Elrabin who had intercepted the enraged young woman with his espernetics before she could blow her cover. 
Peter was escorted away by Rook. Once out of sight of the Valley, the Mordesh knocked the man unconscious, and disposed of him in an undisclosed, remote location.  Back in the Valley a heated argument took place, and tensions only lessened after the crew moved to the Crash House and began planning their next move. Jenny shared the layout of the Starship, Empress. With their new knowledge it was no longer a mission to merely destroy Seth and his ship, but a rescue and containment mission. Thanks to an espernetic tracking bug placed on Peter by Elrabin, the man would be apprehended by Rook, potentially paralyzed by Elenia, and be detained in the holding cell to for further information.
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Masquerade It was just going to be a sketch, then colored lines, then I GUESS I had to draw her shoe, and some rendering later here we are. Jenny’s ready for every intention and intruige ;3
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