#jeongyeon scenario
soulkeeper801 · 7 months
Subtle - Yoo Jeongyeon
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Requested: what about the reader and jeongyeon dating in secret. No one in the group knows but they have their suspicions about it. Nayeon wants to get to the bottom of it so she decides to make the reader jealous
Jeongyeon x f!reader
Words 1.1k
(A/N: finally, first time writing for Jeongyeon!)
“Looks so pretty,” you said, taking two strands of hair behind Jongyeon’s ears and looking dearly at her through the mirror.
The girls were getting ready for a performance in an award ceremony and as usual you were the designated stylist.
“Everything you do, does,” she replied with a knowing smile playing on her lips.
The shine on her eyes became one with yours as your gazes locked.
“Girls, you’re on in 5 minutes,” a man with a headset and the list of performers shouted from the door of their waiting room, “please be ready!”
You nodded and took a look at the room. Nine girls were adjusting themselves in order to perform.
“Any last minute issues?” you asked, making sure no one would have a problem on stage.
They shook their heads and immediately made their way out, one by one.
“My issue is…” Jeongyeon whispered, making sure no one would hear, “that I’m gonna miss you while we’re gone.”
A shy smile danced on your face as she simply walked out.
A while ago, Jeongyeon and you decided to give it a try. It started out with her wanting to learn about makeup and you two started to spend a lot of time together in your apartment. Eventually, makeup wasn’t the only topic in your meetings. You shared so much with each other that became incredibly close. 
One night, there were too many glasses of wine, too many confessions and enough desire for you to end up making out furiously with her. The pent up crave that well up inside of you for so many weeks finally exploded when she stole a kiss from you.
There was no stopping after that.
Jeonyeon wanted to make it official immediately, so you did. However, the other girls weren’t informed about the situation. You both agreed to keep it for yourselves for now until you found the right time to come out with the news.
The thrill of sneaking glances and stolen moments added an exciting edge to your romance. 
You’d spend a lot of time doing her makeup and hair, leaving subtle caresses on her skin, locking your gaze with hers with the mere excuse of doing your job. 
Yet as subtle as you thought you were being, there was someone who was observant enough to detect something was going on.
And she wanted to know everything about it.
Nayeon was a little nosy. Everyone knew it. So when she noticed the subtle glances you and Jeongyeon shared, the way your eyes lingered a bit too long, and the private smiles that only the two of you seemed to understand, she needed to know.
“Ah, so beautiful,” she suddenly said, stepping up from her seat and pushing you aside to get a better glance of Jeongyeon. “Why are you so beautiful, Jengyeongie? Isn’t she, Y/N?”
Dumbfounded by the sudden act, you nodded. “She is,” you agreed, not failing to notice a hint of blush on your girlfriend’s cheeks, “now let me finish her makeup.”
Nayeon shook her head, “but she’s already so beautiful,” she continued, cupping the younger girl’s face with her hands, getting dangerously close to her lips for your liking.
“Stop that now,” you said harshly. The room went silent as no one had ever witnessed such temper on you.
You cleared your throat, feeling uncomfortable by her behavior. “Please let me finish my job,” you simply stated as Nayeon took a step back and you went on finishing Jeongyeon’s look.
Although you could feel their gazes on your back, all you wanted was to protect what was yours.
“You’re not mad at me, are you?” your girlfriend said when you two were finally alone at your apartment. 
You sighed. “I’m not mad at you,” you confessed, “I’m mad at the fact that they can be as affectionate as they want with you. Especially Nayeon.”
Jeongyeon chuckled. “She’s my best friend. Of course she’s going to be affectionate with me,” she said, sneaking her arms around you.
You pouted, crossing your arms.
“No one can be as affectionate as you are with me, though,” she whispered in your ear, her lips grazing your earlobe and quickly making you forget what you were mad about.
“Marry me, Jeongyeon, I love you???” Nayeon read off the comment section as they were streaming on v live. 
A big smile formed on your face as you sent the comment for Jeongyeon to enjoy. Your girlfriend’s face lit up at the mention of it, although you were behind the cameras with the crew, she knew you were still sending anonymous comments through the chat.
“No!” Nayeon replied immediately, “Jeongyeon is my husband!”
And your smile immediately faded. Once again, Nayeon was trying to make you mad. Purposely, you wanted to believe. Jeongyeon tried to pay no attention to such silly remarks but it had already been enough for you.
You stood up and left the room. The girls continued but Jeongyeon couldn’t help but let her mind wander towards you. She knew what Nayeon was doing and it had to be stopped.
After the camera was off and everyone was ready to leave, Jeongyeon called Nayeon to the side. “Alright now, stop what you’re doing.”
Nayeon feigned innocence, “Me? What am I doing, Jeongyeonie?” she asked, noticing you were stepping into the room. 
Jeongyeon threw a look at you. 
“I don’t get it,” Nayeon replied, with a fake pout. “What are you trying to say, Jeongyeonie?” she asked once again, this time her hands found your girlfriend’s and their fingers entwined. 
“That’s enough,” you said, raising your voice, “keep your hands off her!”
The whole room stopped at the loud order.
Nayeon smirked. “And why should I?”
Your heart was beating fast, the blood in your veins was rushing, you just wanted to shout.
“We’re dating,” Jeongyeon said, as a few gasps were heard. “We’ve been dating for a while and it’s disrespectful you’re touching me like this.”
Nayeon’s smirk didn’t fade. “I knew it,” she said, smugness drawn all over her face. “I knew it all along, you two thought you were being so subtle, huh?” she asked with a chuckle, “She’s yours, Y/N, we all know that”.
A faint blush appeared on your cheeks at the realization of the moment. “I’m sorry I shouted,” you told her. “I guess I got jealous”.
Nayeon chuckled again. “It’s fine. Just take care of her, alright?” she asked, patting your back.
Jeongyeon finally came to your side and embraced you in a tight hug as the other girls congratulated both of you remarking how good of a couple you were.
“So…” Jihyo commented, after a couple of minutes, “you really thought we didn’t notice, huh?”
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lustfultwicesnaps · 2 years
“Why don’t we just spend the day together?”
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room-yet-course · 1 day
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cry4tzu · 1 month
Can you be my distraction?
Mina x female reader
Synopsis-let me forget him by you becoming my distraction
Warning-smut,mentioned of a man(smh)
A/n-i need more ideas
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“ she can’t just cry in her room and hide forever”dahyun said looking towards the hallway, where Mina room is at. “if I see that idiotic ugly rat of a man again I will kill him”
“ I know that we all hate that man but killing him isn’t the option. We can only try to help Mina move on from him.” Jihyo said looking at every one of her members.
“But how would we do it if she clearly doesn’t even want to leave her room , let alone eat.” Sana said.
As they huddled together, debating their options, a thought struck Jeongyeon. She glanced at Mina room , her eyes sparkling with determination. "I know just what to do," a mischievous smile spreading across her face. "We'll take her out tonight. We'll show her that there are plenty of other people out there who would die for a chance with her." The others exchanged skeptical looks, but eventually nodded in agreement. They would give it a try.
As they approached Mina room ,and slightly went in. "Hey, Mina, we thought you could use some fresh air. So we were wondering if you would like to go out for the night. It would get your mind off of jakson." Mina looked up, her eyes red and puffy, but she didn't protest. She allowed them to get her ready and lead her to the club.
As they led Mina through the bustling streets, weaving their way past crowds of people, their laughter filling the air. The sound of it seemed to reach Mina's ears as if its from a great distance, and yet she couldn't help but smile in spite of herself. Something about the sound of her friends' laughter was infectious, and before long, a tiny spark of joy began to flicker within her chest.
As they arrived at the club, the members ushered Mina inside, where the music was loud and the lights were bright. Drinks were already waiting for them at their table, and as they sat down, Jeongyeon leaned in close to Mina, her lips brushing against her ear. "Just try to have a good time tonight," her breath warm against Mina's skin. "You deserve it."
Mina nodded, feeling a little more hopeful as she took a sip of her drink. As she sat there, trying to forget about Jakson and enjoy herself, she couldn't help but glance around the club, taking in the sights and sounds. she noticed a group of women sitting at a nearby table, all laughing together. Something about the way they were laughing, so freely and without any restraint, caught Mina's attention. She found herself staring at them, wishing she could feel that way again.
As she watched, one of the woman in particular seemed to catch her eye. Mina couldn't help but feel a spark of interest when their gazes met across the crowded room. She smiled shyly, feeling a flutter in her chest.
"Who's that girl over there who's got Mina all distracted?" Nayeon asked, giggling. "Maybe she should be over there with them instead of moping over that Bigfoot of a man .”dahyun reply going along with the teasing.
Mina blushed, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity. “ oh come on guys, it’s not like that…” she was going to finish her sentence but a little tap on her shoulder, made her turn around and look at that person.
"Hi, I'm y/n," she said, extending her hand to Mina. "I couldn't help but notice you've been staring. So I thought to come over and say hi." Mina felt a spark of electricity course through her as their hands touched.
"I'm Mina." She managed to get out, her voice sounding a little shaky even to her ears. Jeongyeon and jihyo exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying the unfolding scene. Y/N smiled reassuringly, their hand still resting on Mina's shoulder.
“ well, nice to meet you Mina”y/n responded with a heartwarming smile.
There was something about the way Y/N said her name that sent a shiver down Mina's spine. They were so confident, so sure of themselves. It was intoxicating. Mina found herself wanting to spend more time with her , to get to know her better.
As they continued to talk, the rest of the club faded away, becoming nothing more than a blur of colors and sounds in the background. The more Mina listened to Y/N, the more she realized how much she had in common with this stranger. They laughed at the same jokes, shared stories about their friends, and even had a few embarrassing moments they could bond over.
“ so you saying, that the reason why you are here is because of your ex boyfriend jakson cheated on you” Y/N said, her voice soft but firm. Mina nodded, feeling a lump forming in her throat. She couldn't believe how much she was opening up to this stranger, but there was something about Y/N that made her feel safe, like she could trust them with anything.
“Well then,he's an idiot," y/n said, her voice laced with sincerity, "to let someone like you slip through his fingers." Mina looked up at Y/N, surprise evident on her face. "I mean, you're beautiful, funny, and smart...why would he even cheat on you in the first place?" She shrugged, taking a sip of her drink.
“ if I was to ever dated you I would never let a beautiful woman like you go.” her cheeks flushing slightly. Mina felt her heart skip a beat. This was the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to her.
Before she could even respond,the music change . One of the girls started to play in the background. This is mina song. She couldn’t help but pull y/n to the dance floor before the girl even process what is happening. Y/n placed her hands on mina's hips and started to move her body with mina's. They danced together perfectly in sync.
The rest of the club seemed to fade away as Mina lost herself in the music and the feeling of Y/N's body against hers. Every touch sent a shiver down her spine, every movement seemed to be choreographed just for the two of them. She couldn’t help but feel so hot and bother by the way y/n touch her . Her touch felt so firm but gentle at the same time. The way her hands touches her body. She couldn’t take it.
She leaned in closer, their bodies flush against each other as their lips met in a passionate kiss. The kiss went from passionate to hunger in a few seconds. To the point Mina wanted more. No, she needed more.
Mina grab y/n hand. Basically dragging her out of the club. And into the taxi that was nearby . She told the taxi driver her house location. They didn't even bother to talk as they made out the whole way there. Once they finally arrived at her house. She lead Y/N to her room and slammed the door shut behind them. Where she slammed their lips together
"Mina..." Y/N panted, her breath coming in short gasps as she broke the kiss.
Mina let out a moan, her hands running through Y/N's hair, tangling in the soft strands. "I need you, Y/N," she whispered, her voice husky. "I need you so bad."
Without another word, she pushed Y/N onto the bed, their bodies tangled together. She felt Y/N's hands fumbling with her shirt, and then with her bra, finally freeing her breasts from their confinement. Mina arched her back, letting out a gasp as Y/N's warm mouth closed around her nipple. She could feel the wetness between her legs, the need growing stronger with each passing second.
Y/N moaned, her tongue dancing against Mina's sensitive skin, and then she sat up, pushing Mina's shirt off her shoulders. She tossed it aside and leaned down again, kissing Mina's neck, sucking gently before moving further down. Mina let out a low growl, her hips bucking off the bed.
As Y/N continued to kiss and nibble her way down Mina's body, she reached out to touch the other girl, tracing her fingers along the soft, smooth skin of her inner thigh. "Please, Y/N," she begged, her voice shaky. "I need you inside me."
Y/N smiled against Mina's thigh, her breath hot against her skin. She reached down, pushing Mina's dress and panties to the side, revealing her wetness. With a swift movement, she guided her fingers inside, feeling the tightness that surrounded her. Mina arched her back, her nails digging into Y/N's shoulders as she was consumed by the sensation.
"Fuck, Mina," Y/N breathed, her voice hoarse. "You're so hot and wet." thrusting her fingers deeper, feeling the heat of Mina's body against her hand. She could feel the muscles in Mina's thighs clench around her fingers, and it only made her want more. She leaned in, taking one of Mina's nipples into her mouth, sucking roughly as she continued to stroke her.
Mina cried out, arching her back off the bed. "Fuck , yes," she moaned. Her hips bucked upward, meeting Y/N's thrusts, desperate for more contact. "I need you to fuck me harder " she whispered, her voice shaking. The feeling of Y/N's fingers inside her, combined with the wet heat of her mouth on her breast, was driving her crazy. She could feel the familiar tightening in her stomach, the building pressure that told her she was close.
"you're so beautiful," Y/N breathed, gazing down at Mina's exposed body. She continued to thrust her fingers in and out of Mina's slick folds, feeling the smooth muscles grip around her. “My beautiful girl” She leaned in, kissing Mina's neck, sucking gently before moving lower to take a nipple into her mouth. She rolled the hard peak between her lips, teasing it with her tongue as she continued to stroke her.
Mina cried out, arching her back off the bed. "Yes, yes, that's it," moaning as her hips bucked upward, meeting Y/N's thrusts, desperate for more contact. She felt herself growing closer, the pressure building inside her.
Y/N looked up at Mina, their eyes meeting, and saw the desire and need in her gaze. She could feel Mina's muscles tensing around her fingers, and she knew she was close too. “Cum for me princess .” With one final thrust, she pushed her fingers deep inside, feeling the tight heat of Mina's body grip her as she came.
Mina cried out, her body shuddering as her own orgasm took hold. Her hips bucked upward, meeting the rhythm of Y/N's thrusts, and she arched her back off the bed, her nails digging into the sheets. As the sensation washed over her, she felt a deep, satisfying release that left her breathless and completely spent.
Y/N watched Mina's face contort in pleasure, her eyes squeezed shut and her lips parted in a silent scream. She could feel Mina's inner muscles clenching and releasing around her fingers, milking her climax. She slowed her movements, pulling her fingers out of Mina's body and kissing her softly.
Mina's breath came in ragged gasps as she tried to catch her bearings. Her body felt like it was still humming from the intensity of the orgasm, and she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment and closeness to Y/N. She reached up, running her fingers through Y/N's hair, feeling the soft strands against her skin.
Y/N smiled down at Mina, her eyes filled with love and desire. "Are you okay?" she whispered, tracing a finger along Mina's jawline. "Did I go too fast?"
Mina shook her head, her eyes still closed. "No, no, that was perfect," she gasped, her breath coming back to her in ragged gasps. "It was... more than I could have imagined." She opened her eyes, meeting Y/N's gaze once more. There was such tenderness in those eyes, such love and understanding. It made her heart swell.
Y/N smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at Mina's words. She leaned down, kissing Mina's forehead, her cheek, her lips.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," she whispered, her voice shaking slightly. "I've never felt this close to someone before." She rolled onto her side, facing Mina, and wrapped her arm around her waist, pulling her close. " even though we met a few hours ago. I want to be with you, Mina. I want us to be together."
Mina nestled into the crook of Y/N's arm, feeling the warmth of her body against hers. She sighed contentedly, her cheek resting on Y/N's shoulder. "I want that too," she said softly. "I want to be with you, Y/N."
Y/N felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Then it's settled," she murmured, kissing the top of Mina's head. "We'll figure everything out together. We'll make it work, no matter what."
They lay there in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's warmth and closeness. It felt so right to be here with Mina like this, their bodies entwined, their hearts connected. The air in the room seemed to hum with an electric energy that only they could feel.
Y/N traced gentle circles on Mina's back with her fingertips, feeling the softness of her skin beneath her touch. She wondered what the future might hold for them. They'd have to face some challenges, no doubt about that. But she had a feeling that as long as they were together, they could overcome anything.
She begins to feel her eyes getting heavier. The warmth of Mina's body and the rhythm of her breath lull her into a state of relaxation. As she drifts off to sleep, she was aware of Mina's hand moving up and down her back, soothing and comforting her. It's a gentle, almost hypnotic motion that sends a wave of contentment through her.
The sun is beginning to peek through the curtains. The sounds of clicking noises ( from taking pictures) can be heard from the room.
“Look how cute they are” chaeyoung said while showing the others the picture she just took of the new couple.
“Wait I can see Mina left boo..what the fuck Tzuyu why did you do that.” She said while rubbing her head that Tzuyu just hit.
“Stop being so inappropriate you snake”rolling her eyes as she walks away from sana. Smiling, sana follows Tzuyu “ oh come on you know you love me baby.” Which Tzuyu completely ignored her. Bitch this is not a satzu fic gtf
They all laughed at their friends antics before they decided to leave the room before the newly couple wakes up.
“They do know that their loud asses woke us up, right? We were having our moment here...” Mina groaned, burying her face into Y/N's neck as she mumbled her complaint. Y/N chuckled softly, kissing the top of Mina's head.
"It's fine, sweetheart. We've gotten enough rest. Let's go see what they're up to." She yawned, sitting up slowly and pulling the covers with her. Mina followed suit, stretching her arms above her head as she yawned as well.
As they emerged from the bedroom, they were greeted by the sight of their friends sitting in the living room, sipping coffee and chatting. The room was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, making Y/N's stomach rumble. "Hey, you guys," she said, yawning again. "Care if we join you?"
"Of course!" Chaeyoung answered with a grin. "We were just about to head out, actually. We were just waiting for you two." She gestured to a tray on the coffee table, which held a plate of croissants and coffee . "Breakfast?"
"That would be lovely, thank you," Y/N said, sitting down next to Mina on the couch. "We could really use some coffee." As she spoke, she reached for one of the warm mugs and poured herself a cup, inhaling the rich aroma deeply.
"You two look so cute together," Chaeyoung commented with a smile, nudging Y/N playfully. "I'm so happy for you, Mina." She glanced at Mina, who was currently playing with a loose string on the couch cushion, her cheeks slightly pink.
"Thanks, Chaeyoung," Mina replied, her voice soft and shy. “But if you hurt her I will kill you” momo spoke up making everyone laugh. "I'm just kidding, guys . You two are perfect for each other."
The room grew quiet as everyone took a sip of their coffee, lost in their own thoughts. Y/N glanced over at Mina, admiring the way the morning light made her hair look like liquid gold. She reached out and took Mina's hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. Mina looked up, her eyes meeting Y/N's, and the warmth that spread through her chest was indescribable.
"Well, we should get going," Sana finally said, breaking the silence. "We have a photoshoot today, remember?" The others nodded in agreement, finishing the last of their breakfast.
As their friends began to gather their things, Y/N and Mina exchanged a knowing glance. They knew that they would see each other later that day, but the thought of being apart for even a few hours made their hearts ache just a little bit.
" I'll see you tonight, okay?" Y/N said, giving Mina's hand a squeeze.
"Mmhmm," Mina hummed, already feeling a little bit down. "I can't wait to be with you again." Her voice was soft and longing, making Y/N's heart ache.
The goodbyes were exchanged, hugs and promises to text later were exchanged, and eventually, the apartment was empty once more. Y/N took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of emotions swirling inside her chest. She missed Mina already, but she knew that they'd see each other later. With a determined smile, she made her way into the bedroom, ready to start the day.
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nanawritesit · 9 months
Twice Headcanons: How They Act When They’re Jealous!
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on the outside, she’s completely calm. she gives off such calculated control, you’d never even know she was jealous
however on the inside, she’s having a complete downward spiral
her jealousy just validates the insecurities she already has; that she’s not pretty enough, not smart enough, not cool enough… not good enough for you.
she’ll start overanalyzing everything about her personality until she’s drowning in her own self criticism
all of this introspection makes her grow distant, which is your ONLY sign that something is wrong
the only thing that will snap her out of this is if you sit her down to her and explain in vivid detail how much you love everything about her, and how no one could ever replace her 💞
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scarily quiet
doesn’t like feeling threatened, so she gets insecure whenever someone seems to be making you happier than her
will start digging for dirt on whoever seems to be interested in you, doing a full background check
“hey Y/N, did you know they flunked out of college? no? oh, i just heard that through the grape vine.”
gives you a cold glare every time you mention their name
will protectively place a hand on your lower back the whole time you’re out with them
it’s not that she doesn’t trust you, it’s them she doesn’t trust.
if she gets pushed hard enough, she won’t hesitate to call them out on it in front of everyone
“why don’t you find your own girlfriend/boyfriend/ partner instead of chasing after mine? it’s honestly really pathetic.”
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the opposite of jeongyeon, she’s loud and fiery about her jealousy
not afraid to make a scene whatsoever
it’s kind of hot honestly
won’t hesitate to publicly humiliate someone for coming onto you
“Oh, you thought they were interested in you? That’s cute. Why would they want you when they already have me?”
would get violent if anyone put their hands on you
“get your filthy hands off of them before i break every bone in them.”
will kiss you in public if it makes people stop staring at you, and will smirk at them from across the room afterwards to rub it in their face that she’s the one who gets to kiss you
you would never even think of trying to make her jealous, she would be far too terrifying 😭
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her? jealous? no, never. jealousy is barbaric and petty, something totally beneath her!
at least… that’s what she tells you
if it’s just some average person, she wouldn’t care and just brush it off
but if it’s someone she perceives as more successful than her, she’ll start getting insecure
she doesn’t like competition, so if someone manages to shake her, she turns a little sour 😙
very passive aggressive
“why don’t you go hang out with them, since you two are so close?”
however, she’s adorable when she’s jealous, and has the cutest little pout… you can’t stop yourself from grabbing her face and kissing her, which 9 times out of 10 makes her feel better
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she doesn’t get jealous very often, she trusts you a lot and knows you wouldn’t run off with someone else just because they showed interest in you
she doesn’t see other people in your life as competition, she’s secure in the fact that she’s the one you chose as your partner
she would pretty much only get upset if she felt that you were blatantly disrespecting your relationship by shamelessly flirting with others
she doesn’t like to be controlling, but there are times when she’ll tell you not to associate with certain people anymore because of how they don’t honor your relationship. it’s not an ultimatum, more of a test to see how much you really care about her
but that’s only in the worst case scenario. most of the time she’s very open about her feelings. she’s not afraid to be vulnerable with you :)
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she doesn’t get jealous too often, but when she does, it can be intense
she doesn’t like coming off as insecure so she tends to keep it to herself
if it starts getting to her, she might start mirroring your actions
you start hanging out with your friends more than her? she can do that too. you have friends of your preferred romantic gender? she has some of those too
it will either go two ways: one, you’ll feel hurt and realize how you’ve been making her feel, and then the behavior will stop on both ends
or two, you’re perfectly fine with what she’s doing, and she realizes her jealousy was silly and lets it go
after this, she would FINALLY feel secure enough to have a talk with you about spending more time together 😑
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turns into a completely different person
she’s highly competitive, and will immediately double down and turn their little game into a death match
if you don’t seem interested in the other person, she’ll go to extreme lengths to secure your love by making extravagant public displays of affection
that person needs to know that she loves you more than they ever could
however, if you decided to play with her heart and act interested in this person? you’ll surely regret it
she has a ph.d in revenge, and will make you 10x more jealous than you made her 💋
she hates feeling replaced or forgotten, so if you start making her feel that way, she’ll immediately try and flip it back on you before it sinks in.
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she’s highly possessive in her relationships. you belong to her, and she belongs to you. that’s the agreement you both made when you made things exclusive
and she’s not likely to stay with someone who doesn’t honor that commitment, so if you think she’ll tolerate you flirting around and playing the field, she won’t 😬
however if you’re not actively trying to make her jealous, she’s way more calm in how she handles things
she won’t lash out on you, but rather explain to you that it bothers her how this person looks at you/ talks to you. that way, if you continue to let it happen, she can’t say she didn’t set clear boundaries with you 😗
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probably the least jealous member tbh
has a mindset of “if they want to, they will.”
i.e, if you want to cheat on her, you will. then she’ll leave you and move on with her life 💁🏼‍♀️
but obviously you don’t want to, because HELLO you’re dating chou tzuyu???
for real though, she’s super confident in herself, so she doesn’t get threatened easily
if you ever did manage to make her jealous, she’d probably just tell you straight out
and you’d apologize profusely because you’re WHIPPED for this woman as you should be
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darkstar225 · 7 months
Twice's 10th member is Aespa's Karina girlfriend ft protective J-line
A/N: Heyyy, I'm trying to make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that the anons who gave me these very similar ideas on Tumblr like it!
The requests: Hi I want to request where y/n is dating karina from aespa and the unnies especially ( the j-line) want to see how she handles y/n because she (playful, mischievous and childish) and karina did a great job and she also put y/n to bed and cuddle her.
Hi can you do where y/n is dating karina from aespa and where y/n brings karina to meet the members and they all gave her a warning especially the j-line and also some tips to take of y/n. Thank u 
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
It was a Friday evening, and the atmosphere at the TWICE dorm was vibrant with laughter and excitement. The reason? The 10th and youngest member, Y/N, was finally introducing her girlfriend, Karina from Aespa, to the unnies. The J-line, aka Momo, Sana, and Mina, were particularly thrilled, their mischievous grins already in place as they prepared to put Y/N and Karina through their playful inspection.
The doorbell rang, and Nayeon, mom number 2, skipped to answer it. 
Nayeon - Karina! Welcome to the TWICE dorm! *motherly smile*
Exclaimed the fake maknae, pulling the Aespa member into a warm hug. 
Karina grinned, her eyes glancing around the lively space. 
Karina - Thank you, Nayeon unnie. I'm excited to be here.
As the evening unfolded, Y/N and Karina were showered with warmth and laughter. Jeongyeon, the second eldest and mom number 3, took the lead in guiding them through the dorm, introducing Karina to the various rooms and sharing anecdotes about the group's time together.
Dinner was a boisterous affair. Momo couldn't resist teasing her little sister from across the table, throwing playful glances that made the youngest member blush. Sana, sitting next to Karina, joined in the mischief, making the atmosphere light and carefree.
Mina, on the other hand, observed quietly. Her sharp eyes didn't miss the subtle interactions between the couple. As the night progressed, the J-line's plan started to unfold. Momo, Sana, and Mina exchanged sly looks, plotting their next move.
After dinner, the group settled in the living room for a round of games. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, the other two members from the maknae-line of TWICE, joined forces with Y/N and Karina, forming a team against the unnies. The room echoed with laughter as the teams competed fiercely.
Amid the chaos, the J-line seized their chance to observe TWICE's angel and Karina's dynamics. 
Momo - Look at them, Sana. Our Y/N is completely smitten. *whispering*
Sana giggled, her eyes twinkling mischievously. 
Sana - This is going to be fun. Let's see how Karina handles our baby's playful side.
As the games continued, Mina discreetly pulled Karina aside for a chat. 
Mina - You're doing great, Karina. But be prepared. Our dongsang can be a handful. The J-line especially knows how to bring out her mischievous side.
Karina nodded, appreciating the advice. 
Karina - I'll keep that in mind, Mina unnie. But I can handle a little mischief. *smiles smugly*
Mina - We'll see about that. *smirking*
The night wore on, and eventually, the group gathered in the cozy living room. Y/N, visibly tired from all the excitement, leaned against Karina, her head resting on the Aespa member's shoulder. Momo couldn't resist teasing.
Momo - Look at our little Y/N. All tired out. *winking*
Y/N - I'm not tired! Just resting my eyes. *pouting*
Sana - Karina, you have your work cut out for you. Our little fireball is a handful, especially when she's pretending not to be tired.
Karina chuckled, wrapping her arm around her girl. 
Karina - Don't worry, I can handle her. She's adorable even when she's pretending to be tough. *kisses Y/N's forehead*
The J-line exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging that Karina was handling the situation well. As the night progressed, the members decided it was time for bed. Y/N, already half-asleep, was gently guided by Karina to one of the guest rooms since she was gonna sleep with her girlfriend.
Once TWICE's sunshine was settled in bed, the J-line took Karina aside for a serious talk. Momo, with a playful yet stern expression, spoke first. 
Momo - Karina, you seem great, but we need to make sure you can handle Y/N's playful and mischievous side. She might act tough, but she's a softie deep down.
Sana - And she loves to be spoiled. Don't let her fool you with her independent act.
Karina listened attentively, appreciating the unnies' concern. Mina, with a gentle smile, spoke next.
Mina - Just be yourself, and take care of our little sister. We trust you, but we also want Y/N to be happy... Which means we will end you if you hurt our kid.
Karina nodded, grateful for the advice. 
Karina - Thank you, unnies. I really care about Y/N, don't worry because I'll do my best to make her happy.
The J-line exchanged satisfied glances, convinced that Karina was genuine in her intentions. With a final round of warnings and advice, the members bid each other goodnight, leaving Karina to her thoughts.
Alone in the guest room, Karina smiled as she watched her lover sleeping peacefully. The night might have been filled with mischief and teasing, but she felt a genuine connection with the TWICE members. As she cuddled with Y/N, she knew that she had the support of the unnies and that, despite the playful warnings, the night had been a success.
In the end, the J-line's mischievous plan had served its purpose: ensuring that their maknae was in good hands, surrounded by people who cared about her. And as the members of TWICE drifted off to sleep, the dorm echoed with the warmth of friendship and the promise of more shared moments to come.
And this made them all have the same thought:
I'll love my dear chosen family forever.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors. English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3
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alcoholfreenayeon · 10 months
Could you do a Twice HC with their kinks? ~
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Nayeon is fairly kinky. She’s more or less open minded about trying out things.
She’s also a bit of an exhibitionist. She’s the eldest of the group, the members especially the younger ones look up to her and respect her. Yet the thought of them watching or walking in while she’s doing the deed with her partner just seems to her turn on. It makes her feel really naughty.
Praise and Degradation kink. Whether you treat her with love and tenderness, praising her actions and responses or if you treat her roughly, letting her know just how much of a slut she is for you and only you it doesn’t matter. This girl will feel extremely turned on in both scenarios. Moreover, she also is really vocal towards you and will also often praise or degrade you depending on the situation or what you like.
She likes role playing, teacher-student, any concept with royalty and even other ideas such as boss-employee. Although the sexual tension between her and her partner often disappears as Nayeon ends up laughing in the middle of acting it out.
While it’s fairly common to perceive Nayeon as a switch or even a sub, she can be unexpectedly commanding at times. It’s not unusual for her partner hoping for some sexy time to end up being ordered to eat her out till she passes out.
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Saying Jeongyeon is vanilla would just be wrong. Is she the kinkiest person in twice? Well, no….but in fairness to her she is facing quite a lot of competition and the standard is fairly high so while it may seem that she’s much more tame than some of her fellow members, you’d be quite surprised by what this girl is capable of.
While she is quite open minded her kinks don’t really go in any extreme direction. Like a jack of all trades, she’s fine with most things and catches on fairly quickly but has no interests that are extreme or niche.
Her favorite scenario while role playing is of a Police officer catching someone for speeding. She generally likes to be the officer but also doesn’t mind being the offender.
Although she’s definitely the dominant one especially in the bedroom, she’s more of a soft top, happy to let the her partner’s interests and kinks take priority.
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Momo will give you the whole deal, she’s hot. She’s confident. She’s also quite kinky. And she knows it. In fact, she’ll give you a list of exactly what she wants to do to you or you to her if it means she gets to have her desires fulfilled and experience euphoria.
Choking is something she’s really into, when she’s on top don’t be surprised if you end up feeling her hands around your neck while sensually whispering something that will send chill down your spine because whatever she said, you want it. You need it. Simply because she knows you and your kinks just as well as you hers.
Momo is really into lingeries, she’ll often end up surprising you with different ones either of you like. She also likes it if you dress up into something she finds sexy as well. Although you hesitate with it since she more often than not ends up ripping off your clothes despite your complaints. She then points out that you never seem to have a problem with it in the moment to which you have no reply.
Occasionally she is up for some BDSM but due to her busy schedule it’s not a common occurrence mainly down to her preference of BDSM being something that requires a good amount of time and effort which she cannot afford frequently.
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Sana is the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Everyone wants her. Everyone desires her. But no one really knows who she actually is. You see, Sana knows how desired she is and she absolutely loves it. She thrives off it. But she’ll never let you know that.
She’ll lure you in slowly, make you think or rather believe that the her kinks are very similar to yours and the two of you are extremely compatible. And perhaps that is true to an extent. After all, she is very open minded.
However her true kink isn’t anything that she’d lead you to believe, her real kink in having power. Power over you specifically. She’ll lure you in and keep you enchanted without you ever realizing it.
Now all that really matters for you is Sana and she’s so happy that you love her so much.
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Jihyo in bed has a similar demeanor to her on stage, confident, excited, and in command. This girl has been leading by example for the longest time and is the same in the bedroom. She’ll leave you on the floor, gasping and panting helplessly while seeing stars, feeling utterly exhausted and used. Yet, to Jihyo that’s just another day.
Like a good leader(or mommy), she doesn’t hesitate towards your wants and needs. Unsurprisingly it frequently involves playing with her boobs, which she is more than happy to oblige with since secretly she has a breast play kink and loves it when asked to play with them. She’d never admit it of course.
Jihyo also has a breeding kink, which her partner eventually understands why after seeing her during sex when she is in a feral and primal state. While her partner might get worried at times, she always reassures them that it’s fine or teases them that she is ready to be a parent.
Occasionally she yields and let’s her partner take the lead if they wish. But beware, she won’t let you rest until she feels satisfied when she subs and failing to live up to her expectations will result in her taking charge again and using you til she feels sated and could also possibly be much more rough than usual.
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Mina is really into all the aspects of BDSM. Whether it is being tied up or tying up her partner. Being dominated or dominating her partner. Being sadistic or masochist she is up for it all. The dual aspect of her in bed is quite reflective of whether she is feeling more Mina or Sharon.
She is into erotic asphyxiation, basically choking. She likes doing it to her partner especially when she’s on top. Hearing them whimper and breathless really turns her on. She also is very demanding and cold when she’s being dominant, expecting every word of what she orders her partner to be obeyed
When she’s the bottom, she likes being spanked but generally goes along with what her partner wants.
Mina prefers sex to be rough and intense. Being lost in the moment turns her on. She often daydreams after naughty things she could do to her partner. She’s excellent in giving after care and never seems to be tired after sex.
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The charismatic, cheerful and the oldest amongst the maknae. Little do you know, she wants to be degraded mercilessly.
While you dominate this girl, she’ll want you to make full use of her flexible body. She also has a daddy kink.
Dahyun is also into getting her hair pulled. This pair’s extremely well with her other kinks like being degraded.
Dahyun while generally is a sub, she prefers to be dominant when role playing. She does her part surprisingly well as the dominant one and results in you teasing her with how serious she becomes while role playing
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Chaeyoung is, much to her partner’s surprise a power bottom. While she may seem all flustered, Chaeyoung actually planned for it to be that way. She’ll leave hickey marks all over her partner. Despite her calm demeanor, she becomes really possessive during sex and wants 100% of her partner’s attention.
Even though she has an excellent sense of fashion, Chaeyoung prefers her partner to be the one who dresses up. She loves the effort that’s been put up for her.
She is into wax play and does it really well. Inspite of her partner’s obvious nervousness, Chaeyoung manages to make it an extremely sensual and satisfying experience.
Orgasm control is something that Chaeyoung frequently does. Hearing you plead and beg for release really pushes her buttons.
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Tzuyu is a sub at first but eventually becomes more of a switch with her partner. She has a huge praise kink. Given her naturally cautious and somewhat shy personality it makes sense. Being praised during intimacy makes her feel closer with her partner and makes it easier for her to open up to them.
Although Tzuyu would rather she died before anyone other than her partner found out, she is into a bit of exhibitionism. She thinks it sets a good change of pace. The first time it happened she ended up blushing uncontrollably and backing out cause she got too nervous.
She likes to dress up for her partner and is open to role play. She endlessly teased you when you wanted Tzuyu to roleplay as a character from a show you liked.
Every now and then Tzuyu shows you her dominant side and takes complete control, doing all the work. You’d NEVER admit it but hearing Tzuyu speak such a commanding tone makes you feel somewhat weak.
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strawchaee · 7 months
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warnings: yandere!twice, stalking, obsessive attitude
summary: when you go on a blind date with them, you are not interested but for them you are the love of their life and they start stalking you
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N A Y E O N:
It had been two years since you dared to go out with anyone after your previous partner cheated on you. Your friend Yuna invited you to go on a blind date with a girl she knew. You accepted, thinking it would be interesting to meet someone new. But the date turned out to be disastrous, according to you. Nayeon and you had nothing in common, and she couldn't stop talking about herself, which you didn't like. However, for Nayeon, it was the best date of her life, and she thought she had never met anyone like you. That's when it all began. Despite your efforts to avoid Nayeon, she always found you "by chance." You tried to make it clear that you didn't want anything with her, but she couldn't accept that you didn't love her as she loved you. She kept insisting that you go out with her, as well as driving away your acquaintances and potential conquests. She wanted you to be hers alone, even if it meant pushing people away.
"YN, I just want to love you."
J E O N G Y E O N:
The first date you had with Jeongyeon wasn't great in your opinion, but you decided to give her a second chance. The second time didn't improve your opinion of her either. However, she thought it went well and started calling you every day to check on you. After days of constant calls, you decided not to answer them, which could be uncomfortable since she always asked where you were, with whom, and why you didn't pick up the phone. She demanded your attention even when you didn't want to be with her. One night, she showed up unannounced late at night just to hear your excuse for not answering her call. She continued doing this whenever you didn't answer, showing up where you were and confronting you in front of people.
"Why haven't you answered, darling?"
M O M O:
At the beginning of the date, everything was going well with Momo, but the evening took a turn due to certain thoughts and controlling behavior that didn't sit well with you. You didn't understand why you had to follow her little commands. At the end of the disastrous evening, you made it clear that you didn't like her and asked not to speak to each other again. Unfortunately, Momo decided on her own that you were her new partner. Days after the date, Momo showed up at your home without warning, even though you had never told her your address. She boldly tried to force you into a date with her but, seeing that you wouldn't yield, she entered your house and closed the door. She grabbed your shoulders and coldly threatened you, "You should listen to me if you don't want something bad to happen to your little sister."
S A N A:
The date with Sana didn't go well in your opinion, with minimal conversation topics due to a lack of common interests. In Sana's mind, the date was going perfectly, and she thought your silence meant she had left you speechless. After dinner, you rushed off, hoping to never see her again. However, Sana had other plans. She found your personal information within a few days and even more private details. She called you several times, but you never answered. Concerned, Sana took an unorthodox approach and entered your home, waiting for you all day until you arrived. She had prepared a romantic dinner. You were astonished and a bit scared, wondering how she had entered your home.
"YN, what are you doing standing there? Sit down, and let's start our date."
J I H Y O:
You liked Jihyo as a person, but her involvement in a dangerous line of work made you hesitant to continue seeing her. At the end of the night, with some regret, you declined to see her again, bidding her a small farewell. For Jihyo, it meant nothing. She's a tough and determined woman who works in a mafia. She's cunning and won't let you easily walk away from her. She initiated a plan she thought was romantic but could be seen as sinister. You received daily letters from her, talking about personal things you had never shared with anyone. Sometimes, these letters included photos of your home or even you sleeping. Jihyo wanted you to realize what she was capable of if you tried to leave her side.
"Have you liked the letters? They show how much I love you."
M I N A:
Mina was the only one who made it past the first date with you. She seemed like a responsible, intelligent person who had graduated from one of the best universities in the country. You were captivated by her charisma. Initially, everything went well, but over time, Mina displayed possessive and toxic behavior. You decided to end your relationship with her immediately. You thought you had gotten rid of her, but to your dismay, you encountered her "by chance" as your new boss at work. From that day on, the harassment became unbearable. Mina forced you to visit her office frequently and assigned you menial tasks just to see you.
"YN, what a pleasure to find you at my new job."
D A H Y U N:
Dahyun initially went on the date as part of her usual strategy to find new conquests. However, the date didn't go as she expected, and you noticed her big ego and behavior, which led you to reject her from the beginning. Dahyun was upset that her charms didn't work on you. She disappeared from your life for a while because she was busy investigating you. She's quite stubborn, so if she wants you to fall for her, she'll make it happen. If she can't, she'll try to make your life a bit harder. Dahyun started following you to your dates and clubs. Ultimately, you always ended up alone without a conquest, courtesy of Dahyun, who would disrupt your date and even lie about you to scare away your potential partners.
"Until you fall for me, I'll bother you day after day."
C H A E Y O U N G:
Chaeyoung is a successful businesswoman who worked hard to achieve her success, and she decided to indulge herself with a blind date recommendation. That's how she met you. It was love at first sight for her, even though you didn't share the same feelings. Since that day, Chaeyoung has been controlling you, claiming that you're her partner after just one date. Now that you're supposed to be her girlfriend, she expects you to be more careful with your actions. People are always watching you in her presence in case anything unexpected happens. The situation overwhelmed you because despite making it clear that you didn't like her, you were still under surveillance.
You tried to endure the situation until one day when you arrived at your apartment, you found that none of your belongings were there. Chaeyoung had decided on her own that it was a great idea to move your possessions to her house. According to her, if you were going to be her partner, you had to live in her house.
"YN, are you here already? Why so angry? Look at your new home."
T Z U Y U:
Tzuyu seemed like a normal person at first, but if she became obsessed with someone, her level of obsession would drive that person insane. Tzuyu became infatuated with you from the moment she saw you, as you were her
type. In your opinion, the date wasn't good, and Tzuyu didn't interest you as a partner. However, Tzuyu couldn't stop thinking about you, so she started following you everywhere you went. She took photos of you and sent them to you with small messages written on the back. You felt uneasy about receiving those photos from the start.
Things took a turn for the worse when Tzuyu began breaking into your house and taking many photos there. She left them on your bed, arranging them into a heart shape, with a letter in the center expressing her love for you.
"Darling, I love you more every day. I hope it's mutual."
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panda-writes-kpop · 7 months
TWICE - Reaction to S/O Cuddling A Plushie (Requested!)
A/N: We're back to two uploads a week since I'm trying to clear my WIP before December 1st! I want to take a small hiatus for the week before and of exams plus I can spend time with family and friends for a bit without having a bunch of stress and extra responsibilities.
Also, to the lovely anon that requested this since I no longer have that request - I am so happy that my works bring you peace and happiness. I know what it’s like to go through rough periods, trust me, I’ve been through my fair share. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and I promise the future will be so much better than your present. I can’t promise that the road will be easy, or that you won’t want to give up, but stick it out, okay? My writing will always be here for you to enjoy, and I’m so glad I could bring you some peace of mind during a rough part of your life. Wishing you all the love and joy that the world can possibly bring your way. <3
TW: None!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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100% teases you by pretending to be jealous
“Ah, well, I guess I’ll just have to find someone else to cuddle since you’re busy.” 
She blushes like crazy when you pull her into your arms along with your plushie
“Yah, I was joking, baby!”
Completely unbothered by the presence of a stuffed animal
Happily accepts the cuddles, and she gives your stuffed animal a boop on the nose in approval
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She may tease you about it if you’re okay with it
“Do you mind if I hold you as well, or are you a little too… preoccupied at the moment?”
Otherwise she’ll wrap an arm around you and stare at you lovingly as you hold your plushie
“You’re adorable, honey. Have I ever told you that?”
Definitely does not notice until she’s in your arms and feels the plushie digging into her back
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“What are you poking me fo- Oh, it’s your plushie!”
Will apologize to said plushie or the guilt will eat at her all day
“I’m so sorry! I really didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Will hold the plushie along with you as long as you let her do so
Immediately pulls out her phone and starts taking pictures
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“Smile, my love!”
And then she sets the photo as her screensaver and your contact photo
Will want to get in on the cuddles with said plushie
“You’ll let me cuddle with the two of you, right?”
It warms her heart to see you happy, especially if you’re on edge a lot or have been going through a rough period
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She won’t disturb you as you cuddle in peace, but she may check up on you if your plushie is a comfort animal for your rougher days
“Is everything alright, babe? Do you want to talk about anything?”
She’ll happily observe you and the plushie from afar unless you invite her to join… who is she to say no to that?
“Of course I’ll join you! I missed you while I was at work all day, you know, and I like when we can just relax like this.”
Her heart internally combusts as her face externally combusts
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You’re too adorable for her heart to handle sometimes, but she rarely admits it
“I like seeing you happy with your plushie… it makes me happy too.”
Will buy you matching plushies for your birthday if you’re a plushie fan
“I know you like the plushie you have… but I got matching ones for us so you’ll always be with me and I’ll always be with you.”
Definitely teases you a lot and/or makes jokes
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“It’s only been eight hours and I’ve been replaced… I see how it is, then.”
You know she’s joking by the way she grins and laughs when you scoff at her.
Settles by your side and lays her head on your shoulder as you hold her hand while holding your plushie
A sweet, toothy smile breaks out on her face.
“I love you so, so much, and I hope you know that.”
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You are simply too cute for her to handle!
She tries to sneakily take a picture, but you catch her in the act.
“Sorry, baby! You just looked so cute with that plushie…”
Enjoys just being in the room with you while you cuddle your plushie because the sweet, soft vibes cannot be replicated when Chaeyoung is by herself
She leans against the doorframe and just… observes with a lovesick smile.
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Your child-like glee really comes out when you cuddle your plushie, and if you rarely show that side of you off, Tzuyu just wants to enjoy that part of you while it’s present.
“Do you mind if I join you, love?”
You invite her to sit next to you, and you place one of her hands on the plushie as she plays with your hair with her free hand.
She’s mostly quiet while enjoying the moment with you, but she will talk to you if you want to talk with her.
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luxora · 7 months
Twice -> {Hybrid AU} -> Helping you through your heat
Requested: No
Group: Twice
Genre: Smut.
Warnings: Nsfw.Some body insecurities. mentions of abusive pasts. Mention of first times.
A/N: So I have decided that hybrids will kind of be like the omegaverse where hybrids do go through heats just as animals do if they are not fixed/neutered.
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Your grip on Nayeon’s shirt was tight, so tight that Nayeon would not surprised to find a tear at the end of it, but that was not the most important thing to consider now. You were the center of attention at the moment, and your comfort was more important than some material of a shirt which she can easily replace. Nayeon pressed a tender kiss to your sweaty forehead, tucking away some sweaty strands away from your face before pressing a kiss to the middle of your eyebrows.
“Shhh, shhh Y/N, everything will be alright.” She whispered against your skin, her words only making you whine as you released her shirt to instead claw at her shoulder, fortunately it being covered so that your nails didn’t dig into her too much.
Nayeon was aware that a hybrid’s heat was intense, but nothing could quite prepare her for the intense need of release you begged for, needing Nayeon to tend to you as it was only your mistress’s touch that could soothe the scathing heat of your body. Nayeon had you laying down on her bed, your body bare with a perspiration layer on your skin, making her taste a subtle saltiness whenever she pressed kisses to your body.
“Nayeon...” You whined, your eyes squeezed shut as you arched your body off the mattress, pressing it against her equally naked one, which immediately made you whine even more at the feeling of her naked body.
Nayeon pressed a kiss to your neck, your head immediately arching to the side to give her more space to kiss, which she took advantage of. While she tenderly kissed your neck, the one hand which was resting on your shoulder glided down until she was cupping your breast, giving it a firm squeeze which made your whine pitch in a higher tone.
“Please!” You all but begged, needing more than just the touches on your chest which Nayeon was giving you, which made Nayeon squeeze your nipple with her thumb and index finger in small retribution for trying to hurry her up, but she also understood where it was coming from.
Hybrids are known to becoming delusional with need when they were in their heats, and since you had no other hybrid to sooth your heat with, it was Nayeon’s responsibility as your owner to help you in it, not that it was much of a problem as hybrids were more than just pets to humans after all.
Nayeon moved her head down until she was at your collarbone, and she gave you a slight nip while her hand released your breast and instead glided down along your toned stomach until she was inches away from your core. She lifted her head to look at you, your half-lidded eyes always staring at her before she locked eyes with your desire inflamed ones.
“It will be okay Angel.” She said before she finally cupped you, your reaction instantaneous as you sucked in a harsh breath and then immediately arched your hips to press yourself harder against her hand.
You were already so wet, though it was not surprising. Nayeon experimentally rubbed you, coating her hands in your arousal while she kept her gaze on you, watching in slight fascination as you instantaneous reaction to her touches. Although her rubbing you did not seem to be enough to sate your fiery need, as you started rocking your hips clumsily for more friction, which Nayeon pursed her lips disapprovingly at before she stilled her hands, making you yowl in disdain.
“Shush.” She quieted you, fixing you with a firm look before she moved her fingers until they were aligned with your core, her fingers more than prepared enough by your arousal to provide you release. “Stop trying to rush me.”
While she was half tempted to leave you hanging for a few moments longer, she simply did not have the heart to do it, especially since you looked so close to tears in need. She slipped two of her fingers into you easily, her eyes widening slightly when you arched your body in relief, a long-guttural moan leaving your lip as you squeezed your eyes shut. Deciding not to wait too long, she began to set a steady rhythm, moving in and out of you with ease thanks to your slick, which was received with pleasured yowls and moans from you.
A spark of electricity shot through Nayeon’s body when you called her mistress, a certain fire of her own forming in her belly as you began to chant the name over and over, her name being replaced by the new title you hardly ever called her. Prompted to provide you with more stimulation, Nayeon leaned down and took a breast in her mouth, sucking at it which immediately made you wrap your arms around her head to keep her close as she continued to thrust into you with her fingers.
“Mistress! Mistress!”
Your rocking movements were beginning to get clumsy, and your claws began to unintentionally dig into Nayeon’s scalp, making her wince in pain as she tried to pull her head away to escape your claws, but to no avail. You didn’t want her to move. So Nayeon ended up biting your breast hard enough to make you yelp in pain in offer for you to release her head, but Nayeon immediately moved her other hand which was being used to keep herself propped up to tender to your abused breast, rubbing the spot tenderly as she sped up her thrusts.
Your climax was an eruption of pleasure, your body clenching down hard on Nayeon’s fingers as your body tensed up in its release, Nayeon slowly moving her fingers to help you ride it out. Nayeon waited until your body had finally stopped shaking before removing her fingers form you, the sudden emptiness making you whine in despair as you were still so sensitive and needy despite having been giving a round of please.  Nayeon moved so that she could press a kiss to your lips, one filled with tenderness and care before she moved her hand to grip your hip, squeezing it gently.
“Don’t worry Angel, we aren’t done yet. I will take care of you very well.”
And Nayeon intended to do that, albeit she will allow you a few minutes of recovery before she will start up again. After all, this is her first time having to deal with a hybrid’s heat, she was going to draw out this first time as much as she could in order to make sure the experience sated both you and her physically and emotionally.
The first time was the most important between an owner and their hybrid after all.
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Jeongyeon was taken aback when you had suddenly jumped on her during one morning, panting and clawing at her clothes in abrupt need that Jeongyeon nearly doused you with her sink tap to get you to release her. She has not had you very long and was still getting used to the fact that she was an owner of a hybrid and not just a hybrid sitter for her other friends. Her heart simply had gone out to you at that hybrid clinic where you were nearly wiped off the face of the earth, and so she adopted you, but she was still very vastly under-prepared for the responsibility that came with owning one.
Hence why she was kinda panicked during your first heat with her.
The thought never really crossed her mind, but then again she was naive to think that you were sterilized due to you living on the streets your whole life, being the cub of an illegal hybrid breeding facility who managed to run away from the prospect of being a replacement of your mother. You certainly lived a better life on the street but it did not mean that you were used to kindness, and only recently had you been opening up to Jeongyeon, but you suddenly pouncing on her in the kitchen completely took Jeongyeon off guard.
You were so needy, so clingy, your face had a layer of perspiration which shined in the natural light while you stared at Jeongyeon with flushed cheeks and a panting mouth, small whines leaving your lips while you squirmed on your knees before her on the kitchen floor.
“M-Master.” You whined, your thankfully cut claws dragging down to her pajama shorts and beginning to tug them off, much to her shock. “N-Need you master.”
Jeongyeon literally had to bat your paws off her and sprint away into her bedroom with a locked door to try get some sort of space from you, you practically on her heels and whining at the door as you failed to open it. Your desperate wails sent Jeongyeon into a mild panic, her hands quickly searching for her phone to dial her friend’s number, she being the only one to explain to her what was happening to you.
“I-I’m supposed to do what?” Jeogyeon asked with flushed cheeks, anxiously picking at her finger cuticles throughout the conversation with her friend.
“Help them through it.”
“H-How...” Jeongyeon started, only to flush even deeper at her friend’s following words.
“Jeongyeon, you and I both know that you are not that naive. Just focus on their needs first, they are in a delicate state and for them to come approach you to help them, clearly they trust you enough to take care of them in all ways. Its quite a delightful experience, I assure you.”
Jeongyeon hanged up the phone with a bright red face, and she couldn’t help but contemplate her next actions for a few moments before nervously glancing at the door, your wails and whines have quietened down but she could still hear your pants the other side, along with a few groans. She knew that she could not stay in her room forever and from what her friend told her, your heat would go on for at least a week, and she knew that as your owner, she was responsible to care for you in all ways necesarry.
Even in this kind of way.
So eventually Jeongeon relented, opening the door to you and quite literally carrying you to her bed after she managed to unlatch you from her legs and your adventures hands as they moved for her pajama bottoms again. When she placed you gently on the mattress and moved to readjust your laying position, your surprised her once again with your hands on her collar and all but pulling her on top of you where you then pressed your lips to hers into a desperate kiss.
It was desperate and a bit sloppy, your mouth already open with your tongue trying to enter her own, taking Jeongyeon by surprise with your sudden aggression. Usually you were quite reserved with Jeongyeon, not openly distrusting of her but also not fully trusting. You have been through a lot and Jeongyeon knew that she was not exactly being owner of the year due to her under-preparedness for you; however, seeing you so desperate and needy for her her, Jeongyeon will admit that it somewhat eased some of her previous insecurities of her capabilities as an owner.
So getting a hold of herself, Jeongyeon pulled herself away from your lips, only for you to whine and attempt to pull her back by the neck, which prompted her to grab your hands and remove them to pin them to the mattress, forcing you to stare up at her with wide eyes as she propped herself up on top of you. Jeongyeon couldn’t help but smile at your stunned expression, eyes trailing over your features before eventually looking into your eyes.
“What exactly do you want Y/N?” She asked, her thumbs gently tracing circles around your wrist bone, the actions making you shudder and arch your hips up against Jeongyeon’s.
“Y-You master.” You husked, prompting Jeongyeon to lean down to press a soft kiss to your neck, making a sharp gasp break past your lips and prompting you to angle your neck towards Jeongyeon, offering your neck to her like some kind of holistic sacrifice.
“How do you want me?” She murmured against your neck, gently kissing the skin as she began to journey up the delicate column, giving a small nip to your pulse point. “Mmmh?”
“Y-Your f-f-” You began to stutter, unable to get a word out as you felt yourself succumbing to Jeongyeon’s touch, the owner knowing it as she almost felt your body trying to meld itself against her own, your feet curling around her legs to press themselves into her calves, keeping her in place. She pressed a kiss to your jaw.
“Yes Y/N?”
“F-F-Fi-ingers a-and m-m-mouth...” You stuttredd out, your panting increasing tenfold as Jeongyeon’s trailing along your jawline before pressing a kiss to your earlobe and then gently sucking it into her mouth. “A-AAAH.”
Jeongyeon felt your entire body jerk at her sucking action, her teeth barely grazing your earlobe. Your legs wrapped themselves around her thighs, trying to pull her closer into your body as you continued to arch your hips even more against hers, albeit with difficulty due to Jeongyeon pinning your top half down to the bed. It seemed that your ears were quite sensitive, because as Jeongyeon continued to experiment nibbling and succkling your earlobe, your whines were increasing in pitch and your hips began to thrust against her despite meeting no friction.
You were becoming so needy for her, Jeongyeon couldn’t help but flush at your blatent need for her. But at the same time, she couldn’t help but smile. She pulled away from your earlobe to instead hover above your face, nose touches one another.
“Promise to behave?” She asked, earning an frantic nod from you. She smiled. “Good kitty.”
She then pressed her lips to yours, this time taking control of it as she lowered her entire body against yours and pressed her tongue against yours, starting a passionate dance of tongues which continued until late afternoon when she finally managed to satiate your enough to fall asleep.
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Momo had done her research on the responsibilities of a hybrid owner, and of course she was willing to carry them out, but she will admit that she was astounded by the intimate needs required of an owner of a hybrid, especially during a heat. Momo held you close to her as you trembled, pants escaping your lips every few seconds as you remained in between Momo’s legs on the bed, head arched backwards to rest on her shoulder while her fingers delicately rubbed against your core, coating her fingers with your slick.
Momo couldn’t help but gaze in amazement as your supple body, so lean and delicate but so perfectly fitted with hers, legs parted to accommodate her welcomed hand, one hand interlaced with her own while the other dug into the mattress, claws tearing a hole into the sheets. Momo leaned in and pressed a kiss to the column of your neck, earning a whine from you and the further arching of your head to provide her with more access. She couldn’t help but smile against your skin.
“Are you okay, my sweet little kitty?” She cooed, slightly intensifying her rubs against your core which prompted a gasp out of you. Momo pressed another kiss to your neck. “Am I doing enough for you?”
You shook her head, turning it to instead smash your lips against hers, your hand on her sheets moving to clutch at her neck, lightly digging your claws into her skin but not enough for it to be painful. Momo easily allowed access to her mouth, entwining her tongue with yours as you desperately began to rut against her hand, hoping for more frictions from her. Momo grunted when she felt your fangs dig into her bottom lip, tugging it back slightly before letting it go with a pop, your dilated gaze locking with her own eyes as you panted in her arms.
“I need more.” You husked, making Momo smile innocently before she pressed a finger into you, making you howl and dive your face into her neck, shaking as your vody welcomed the digit, tightening and squeezing around it while Momo allowed you to get used to it.
It felt absolutely delightful to be in you, and Momo couldn’t help but feel even more deeply connected to you because of it. You were so snooty that one may mistake you for a pedigree, an incredibly proud creature, and yet you were trembling desperately in her arms, yearning for her to take care of you like a good owner should, and Momo couldn’t be anymore delighted than she already was. Momo removed her hand from yours to instead wrap her arm around your waist, keeping your back pressed to her front, forcing you to pull your face away from her neck and to instead face forwards.
Momo hooked her chin over your shoulder and gazed down at her hand, watching it as she slowly removed her finger before entering you again, prompted a desperate yowl from you as she tortuously moved her finger, testing your limits.
“P-P-Please...” You yowled, thrashing your head at the tortuously slow thrusts Momo was making.
Momo couldn’t help but smile and moved her head to press another kiss to your neck before adding a second digit, maintaining the same face but attempting to stretch you out, which easily occurred as you seemed to greedily try suck her digits back in, trying your best to keep her as intimately connected to you as possible. She kissed and nipped at your neck, giggling slightly as you whines and managed to pull away in time before your thrashing head connected with hers.
“Be careful Y/N, you might hurt yourself.”
“I don’t care!” you suddenly exclaimed, whipping her head to stare at Momo with heated eyes. “I just need you to fuck me!”
“Ah, such a dirty mouth for such a sweet kitty.” Momo scolded, smiling as she removed her fingers entirely front you, prompting a horrified yowl from you. “You know what I have said about that kind of language Y/Nnie.”
“N-No please!” You suddenly begged, your hand moving to grab Momo’s retreating one and snapping your legs shut to keep her hand captive, your eyes staring pleadingly at her with flushed cheeks. “I-I’m sorry. Please don’t leave me. Please.”
While Momo had no intentions to leave you unattended for during her heat, her heart couldn’t help but melt at your pleading voice, a usually so proud feline hybrid rendered helpless and needy for her touch. Momo did not see herself as a sadist, but she will admit she did enjoy the thrill that you begging gave her. So with cooing words, Momo moved her hands back to your core and inserted two fingers again, slowly moving them again before leaning in to press a kiss to your bottom lip, sucking its slightly before pulling back.
“Do you trust me to take care of you sweetie?” She asked, keeping her eyes locked with yours before she increased her pace just by a little, although your body immediately welcomed it as you parted your legs again and threw your head against her shoulder, mouth wide open with pants before you nodded.
“Yes! Yes! Yes master, I trust you!”
Momo smiled and pressed a kiss to your neck again before finally speeding up her fingers, hooking her chin over your shoulder and watching herself pleasure you with hooded eyes.
“Good kitty.”
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“Shhh baby girl, don’t worry, leave everything to me.”
Sana pressed a soft kiss to your jaw as she slowly began to trail down your face and neck, pressing sweet kisses along your skin while you clutched at her, arching off the mattress while Sana kept you pinned with her hands and body.
Sana understands that it was incredibly difficult for you to trust others, especially given your previous life on the streets and the constant abandonment you had experienced from past owners, but all Sana want to do was to wash away those bad memories and to replace them with new ones, ones which consist of her absolutely adoring you and showing you her love for you in different ways, particularly in a pleasurably way such as this.
Despite being naked before her before, whenever Sana came across one of the many scars which littered your body, a small fire of anger would light up within her. How could people be so cruel to someone as sweet and vulnerable as you. Some of the scars were from fights on the streets, and others were the results of the injuries inflicted upon you from past owners. 
She hated them, despite not knowing who they were, Sana hated them. They left permanent blemishes on her baby girl and to this day you still flinched at touch, even though Sana offered nothing but soft caresses and tender touches, proving time and time again that she would never hurt you, and yet your past has hurt you so horribly that you always anticipated it despite Sana never raising a hand to you. Sana’s heart truly went out to you and your flinches to touch only motivated her even more to care for you in a way no one has cared for you before.
Each blemish and scar she came across during her journey down your abdomen, Sana pressed a tender kiss to it as if she was capable of making it disappear with her lips. Obviously it could not happen, but she wanted you to know that she was not disgusted by the sight of your damaged body, but rather care for it even more. Each time she did it, your hands and legs clutched at her even further, your legs around curled around her waist and only moving upwards to her back as she moved down your body while your hands remained tangled in her hair.
Your chest was rising and falling rapidly, a layer of perspiration already evident on your body due to the incessant heat of your body. You always dreaded your heats because you had no idea of the kind of surrounding you would find yourself, most often needing to defend yourself from unwanted hybrids and people who noticed your vulnerable states. Often you would hide in some abandoned buildings or wooded areas in an attempt to deal with your heat on your own, but most often you simply suffered because you did not have anywhere safe to nest and tend to yourself without the possibility of danger.
But Sana provided you a safe haven. She ensured that you were cared for and she absolutely did not mind littering your body with love and affection, moving down to press a kiss to your mound before finally settling between your legs, hands parting your thighs to accommodate her presence and to keep you in place as she gazed at your core.
You were desperate for her, Sana could tell but the amount of slick coating your thighs as well as the sheets. Despite Sana seeing you naked and needy for her touch before, you always got embarrassed whenever she was so close to you intimate area. But Sana knew that the main cause of your embarrassment was not because of her presence to your intimate area, but rather of scars that littered your inner thighs, reminders from past owners who believed they needed to leave a permanent mark on you to show others that you were owned.
You were ashamed of your scars, but Sana did not see the shame in them. Instead she saw them as reminders of your strength and resilience. She did not want you to be ashamed of them, she want you to understand that despite of them, you were still beautiful, hence why she  moved her head to kiss at the burn scars on your inner licks, tongue trailing along your skin to taste your sweet nectar, moaning at the taste.
She felt your legs flinch at her ministrations, sending her heart thundering but she continued as she felt your heels push into her back before eventually curling around her body to keep her enclosed and close, not wanting her to leave you so desperate. But Sana would never do that, she would never leave you abandoned with your natural desires and instincts. She promised you that she would take care of you in all the ways possible, and tending to you in a period such as this was only her honor.
After kisses all scars on both thighs, Sana raised her head slightly to look at you, your head arched into her pillow, body twitching as you waiting in anxious anticipation for her mouth. She smiled at you, removing one hand from your thigh to reach out and to caress a breast before squeezing it, thumb and index finger gently twisting one of your nipples.
“Look at me.” She softly ordered, your response almost instantaneous as you looked down at her, cheeks flushed bright red as you locked eyes with her as she lay between your legs. Sana smiled “I love you.”
She always told you those three little words. She has lost count of how many times she has said to you throughout the day, no matter the context the two of you were in. Sana has never been one to hide her feelings and she is not ashamed to admit them, her having developed such a strong love for you ever since she saved you from that accident. You knew of her feelings, and you responded in kind, but Sana couldn’t help but constantly remind you in moments like this because she wanted you to know that she was not simply physically tending to your needs like an owner should, but that she was making love to you like a woman would to her love.
“I-I love you too.” You whimpered, your eyes reflecting your adoration for Sana, making her smile.
“Thank you baby girl.”
And then without further prompting, Sana pressed her mouth to your core, eagerly pleasuring you as you body thrashed and twisted on the bed, yowling in pleasure and screaming out her name as she made love to you.
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All Jihyo wanted was a moment to herself, for at least ten minutes, but it seemed to be an impossible ask from a puppy whose stamina and energy seemed to increase tenfold due to the natural reaction within their body that is released during their heat.
Jihyo knew that you would never purposely harm her, but it seemed that during your heat that you forgot your own strength and naturally allowed your instincts to take control over your body, resulting in your apparently staking your ‘claim’ over Jihyo in multiple ways and multiple times, the shower water stinging slightly as she washed herself, her shoulders and neck littered with bite and scratch marks, remnants of their continues activities to try ease your heat.
When she had snuck out of her bedroom, you were fully passed out in her sheets, a blanket half covering your lower body while your face remained pressed into her pillow, the most important object in your previous nest before Jihyo arrived home from work. Jihyo did not realize that you heat had started until she was being tackled to the couch by her over energetic puppy, your hands groping at her body at such a fast pace that her defensive instincts kicked in for a few moments until she finally learned of your condition, judging from your desperate whines and pleas for her.
She had half the mind to kill her sister for never getting you fixed, but then again it would have been against the norm as most get hybrids as companions and their heats are only natural instances which deepen the bonds between the hybrids and their owners.
And so she could not really be angry with you simply following your natural instincts to deepen your bond with Jihyo, albeit she will admit that she did not expect her care for you to be so...intensive.
Jihyo has never been more spent in her life, the love making going on for hours as your boundless energy only seemed to become more limitless, and Jihyo was certain that she was going to pass out alongside you due to your insistence to constantly return the favor to your owner, resulting in Jihyo reaching the peaks of pleasure several times due to your rapid techniques.
She thought for sure that she was going to have few minutes of peace in the shower, to simply relax for the first time since arriving home, but it seemed that fate had other plans for her when she suddenly felt arms wrap tightly around her waist and a warm body press itself against her back, hips grinding against her back side in a desperate tandem while sharp teeth nipped at her neck.
“Maaaster.” You whined, nibbling and sucking at Jihyo’s neck while you joined her under the shower, your shaggy gold locks instantly getting soaked with water. “Why did you leave me?”
Jihyo opened her mouth to answer but gasped when she suddenly felt your hand cupping her, your thumb immediately twirling around her already sensitive nub while your other hand moved to cup her breast, giving it a rough squeeze. Hearing her gasp, you pushed your body against hers until she suddenly felt the cold tiles pressed to her front, making her gasp at the sudden temperature change while you sandwiched her against the wall with your own body. Panting in her hear, you began to rut your hips against her backside, sloppily seeking frictions against her body while groaning
“Maaaster.” You whined again, this time hooking her chin over Jihyo’s shoulder and panting openly against her ear. “I need you so badly.”
“W-We have just finished.” Jihyo said pathetically, biting her lip hard to try combat the pleasure you wee providing her with your fingers, but to no avail as she groaned as you entered your fingers into her, roughly moving them inside her.
“I need you master. I need you so badly.” You confessed, rutting against her backside a bit harder, only to let out a frustrated growl. “I can’t get enough of you.”
Jihyo opened her mouth to say something, although she was not quite sure what she was going to say, only to groan in dismay when you suddenly removed your finger with her, filling her with an emptiness which didn’t  enjoy at all. But then she felt your hands on her hips and then she was suddenly turned around so that her back was pressed against the tiles instead, prompting a hiss out of Jihyo before her eyes widened at the sight of you.
You were directly under the shower head and you looked feral. You eyes were so dilated that they were practically black, and your body similarly littered with marks courtesy of Jihyo during moments of passion. But instead of feeling ashamed of her seemingly lack of control, Jihyo couldn’t help but feel a hint of pride in her actions. You were her hybrid after all, and so to see some sort of mark of possession did fill her in satisfaction, albeit not as much as you as you traced the most significant bite mark you left on her neck, at exactly the point her neck and shoulder met.
Your eyes stared at it intently before pressing yourself against Jihyo’s body to press an open-mouthed kiss to it, growling possessively before you moved your face until it was directly in front of Jihyo’s.
“My master.” You growled before smashing your lips to Jihyo’s, easily dominating her before your tightly wrapped your arms around her, forcing her to be directly pressed against you, feeling every single curve and surface of your body.
Jihyo had no choice but to submit to you, unable to fight you off but also unwilling, as she couldn’t help but admit that she adored the absolute worship you seemed to have for her despite being your second owner. Her bond with you was only second to her sisters, and yet you seemed to worship her as if she was your absolute savior. And worshiping her was something you adored to do during your head as suddenly you were kneeling before her and shoving your face into her core, eagerly pleasuring her while she struggled to keep herself upright.
She slammed her head back against the tiles and couldn’t stop her cries of pleasure escaping, the sounds only motivating you to continue in your ministrations until you finally pushed her over the edge, which prompted you to scoop her into your arms and carry her to the bedroom where you continued to lavish her in attention.
She had no idea how she was supposed to survive an entire week of you like this. Her body simply was not going to make it.
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Mina couldn’t help but notice how perfectly fitted your and her bodies were with one another, you serving as a perfect smaller piece to Mina as she held you. You were still trembling from the after-effects from a strong release, but Mina tended to you gently, peppering kisses along your shoulders as she held you from behind, your and her sweaty bodies sticking to one another.
Despite being in a state of post-bliss, your tail was still tightly curled around Mina’s thing, hoping to keep her as close as possible despite her making you well aware that she had no desire to be separated from you. Mina loved her precious little kitty, you filling the entire space within her heart. Mina never thought she would become so attached and reliant on someone, and yet you have proved to her just how much she was able to love, and it only continued to grow with each passing day. She gently squeezed at your breast while her other hand steadily rubbed up and down your sides and legs, her finger trips ticking your skin and bringing you back to reality.
“My pretty little kitty.” She cooed against your neck, kissing it and trailing up towards your ear, while she pressed a delicate kiss to it. “Such a good kitty for me.”
You whined at the compliments, your flush traveling to your shoulders. You have always been weak for Mina’s compliments and it made her smile due to her awareness of her effect on you. You were so responsive to her and Mina loved it. She loved all of your expressions, be it giddiness, embarrassment, feisty frustration or desire, she adored all of them. And seeing you so flushed despite having already been tended to in so many ways, it just made her giggle.
As your trembles eventually died down, your body fully relaxing against her, Mina decided to slide her hand between your legs again, sucking as your shoulder as you jumped at her cupping hand, a shaky growl leaving your lips.
“M-Mina...” You stammered, voice rough from the previous screaming and yet having a lull of lust in it, making Mina respond with a kiss.
“Shh, don’t worry pretty girl, you don’t have to do a thing.” Mina whispered before she pushed against your back until you were half-laying on your stomach, Mina hooking her leg over your waist to keep you pinned before she removed her hand from your core, prompting an immediate whine.
“Shhh, let me love you.”
Once she fully moved you onto your stomach, she then began to descend down your back, pressing kisses along your spine, hands grazing their fingertips along your side. You immediately fisted at her sheets, claws digging holes into them and yet you did nothing to stop Mina as she kept moving until she was finally near your back side, your slicked core peering at her, making your desire for her most obvious. Mina smiled before she grabbed one of her stray pillows and tapped at your waist.
“Hips up pretty girl.”
You immediately lifted your hips and Mina slid the pillow under you before she moved back up your body to press a kiss to your shoulder, keeping herself up on all fours as one of her hands returned to cup you, coating her fingers in your slick.
“Who is a pretty kitty?” she murmured in your ear, prompting you to turn your head around so you could face her, your cheek still pressed into the mattress.
“I-I am.” you answered, your bright flush still so obvious. She smiled and pressed another kiss to your shoulder before she finally slid two fingers into you, immediately being welcomed by your warm wall.
“That’s right. My pretty kitty.” Mina murmured, thrusting into you with a passionate pace, her lips immediately meeting yours to swallow your moans and squeals as Mina pleasured your over sensitive core, the sound of her hand smacking against you echoing around the room, your tail wrapping itself around her waist to keep tugging her back.
You were such a good little kitty for her.
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When Dahyun told her hybrid sitter to call her during emergencies, she did not mean to call her for emergencies such as this, but then again, she did not want anyone else to deal with you in such a ... delicate state.
Your yowls of desire and pleasure were coming from her locked bedroom, the hybrid sitter explaining the occurrence between you and her with flushed cheeks that eventually Dahyun wavered her off to spare the girl from nearly having a heart attack from embarrassment. Apparently during the start of your heat, you had opted to approach the hybrid sitter for a possible source of relief; however, it only led to you getting soaked with her glass of water before getting chased into the bedroom where you have been for the last few hours.
She appreciates the fact that the hybrids sitter did not opt to entertain your desires because such things should only be dealt with between owners or other trusted parties, not some strangers who were paid to take care of you. After dismissing the hybrid sitter with extra pay, Dahyun sighed before she took off her jacket and loosened her collared shirt before prepping herself to enter her room, blushing at the sound of your desperate calls.
This is not the first time she has had to deal with your heat, but it is the first time she was called back from an important business trip to essentially rock your world. From how the hybrid sitter called her, she had assumed that you had gotten into a terrible accident and that was how she had phrased it to her colleagues and boss, which was met with great understand. But now this was a different colleagues and she did not think that they would be as understanding, especially since Dahyun was in charge of the project they were covering that weekend.
Well, what they don’t know, won’t hurt them.
But nonetheless, Dahyun had smooth her features before she unlocked her bedroom door and stepped inside, being greeting by the spectacular act of  you sniffing one of her shirts while one of your hands was trapped between your thighs.
“Dahyun...Dahyun...” She heard you muttering, obviously not realizing that she was in fact in the room with you.
You had made some kind of nest on her bed with various articles of her clothing, and as Dahyun stepped more into the room, she could smell her favorite perfume, which indicated that you had in fact sprayed it either in the room or on the clothes in order to increase her scent, which brought a small smile to her face. As she got to the foot of the bed, she cleared her throat, which made your face snap in her direction.
“Hello Y/N.” She greeted, which instantaneously triggered you to leap for her, your arms wrapping around her shoulder and her lips meeting your in a hard, vicious kiss.
Dahyun winced at your teeth clashing with hers, you not having full control over your movements. But soon the pain became forgotten as her tongue met with yours and become enveloped in a passionate dance which prompted her to push you backwards onto the bed and to follow after you, her elbows propping herself up as to not crush you under her weight. You weren’t phased by the sudden movement and instead pulled your lips away from Dahyun’s in order to smother her neck with open kisses, teeth threatening the surface of her skin which caused Dahyun to grab you by the hair and tug it back firmly, forcing you away.
”What have I said about your teeth Y/N?” She asked with a mildly annoyed tone, albeit she was not being serious although during you daze, you couldn’t help but whimper at her tone.
“T-To be careful.” You responded, which Dahyun responded with a hum.
Dahyun released you hair and instead leaned down to press her own open kisses to your neck, traveling down to your shoulder point before biting down hard, the pain making you squeal but then moan at the possessiveness and the pleasure it imposed on your body. Dahyun pulled away with a smile, her hand moving to tracing the bite mark in some sort of soothing motion.
“I need to go out in public sweetie, but you on the other hand...it sounds liek I need to remind you who your owner is.”
Dahyun knew that she could not entirely blame you for seeing the hybrid sitter for a sense of relief to your vulnerable state because hybrids in their heat tend to lose their logical thinking and tend to look for the closest warm body to help them during their moment of need, but still...the fact that you were her hybrid but sought after someone else did affect her pride a bit; which in turn, motivated her to remind you who you belonged to.
And it seemed to understood where she was coming from, albeit you were instilled with a sense of fear as you gazed at Dahyun’s slightly hardened eyes.
“P-Please Dahyun, d-don’t leave me, I-I didn’t mean to-”
Dahyun didn’t let you finish as she instead cupped you, immediately greeted with your slick which had been procured by your own hand since being locked away. You immediately moaned at the touch, your words becoming lost in your throat as Dahyun experimentally rubbed against you, but her thumb immediately sought your hardened nub, circling it teasingly as she lowered her lips to your ear.
“Don’t worry sweetie, I won’t leave you. I am just going to show you what it means to be mine.”
You moaned at the possessive edge of Dahyun’s words and eagerly responded to her kiss as she entered two fingers into your warm cavern setting a steady pace to satiate your immediate desire while also asserting her own dominance over you.
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Chaeyoung honestly did not know how much luckier she could get in this moment, especially since anything she ever thought she needed faded in comparison to the opportunity to show you how much she loved you.
Chaeyoung couldn’t help but stare at you in memorization as you rocked against her thigh, whining and moaning in pleasured while her finger tips dug into your hips, forcing you to move fasted against her while she sat on the living room couch, both of you naked as the day you were born. Both of your bodies were coated in a layer of sweat and had flushed cheeks which highlight your respective excitement and overheating from the intense session the two of you have been having.
Whenever you were heat, an entirely new side came out of you. While you were usually reserved and at times snooty, whenever you need Chaeyoung, you became so reliant on her touch to get anywhere. Despite wanting to have nothing to do with her in the beginning, you have easily fallen into rhythm with Chaeyoung and accepted the love and adoration she had for you.
And the fact she was a passionate lover was so helpful for you during your heats, as she did not stop until you were fully satiated no matter how many hours it may take.
Your claws dug painfully into her shoulders but Chaeyoung did not even react to them as she instead leaned forward to suckle at your chest, causing you to moan twice as loud before one of your hand ministrations cradle the back of her head, keeping her close and encouraging her to continue with her ministrations.
“H-Harder!’ You yowled, or demanded, which Chaeyoung immediately obeyed as she hollowed her cheeks as she sucked at your nipped, twirling her tongue around it before lightly biting against it, prompting another sharp gasp and moan out of you.
“C-Chaetoung!” Yous creamed, your hips moving even more sloppily against her which she only encouraged, tensing her leg to try provide you more friction which was nearly instantaneously. Your slick was already coating her leg and your head was thrown back in pleasure while you kept chasing that peak of pleasure until Chaeyoung released on of your hips to pinch your hardened nub, finally pushing you over the peak of pleasure.
You screamed as you came, thrusting yourself forward on Chaeyoung to cling at her, teeth immediately going to her shoulder to bite down hard. Your teeth pierced her skin and Chaeyoung couldn’t help but hiss at the sensation, albeit she couldn’t help but smile at the action as it was a sign of marking from a passionate hybrid who waited to stake their claim on the one that they deemed at theirs. You have given her the mark plenty of times during intimate session, but during her heat, it seemed your possession of her only increased tenfold due to your instincts begging for you to be ravished by a partner.
However, the only one who would ever be able to ravish you again would be Chaeyoung, as she wanted you and planned to be the only one to care for you, not that you minded as any life filled of pain and suffering that you experienced before was all but forgotten ever since Chaeyoung brought you into her life.
You trembled in her arms, the aftershocks of such an intensive session getting the better of you, causing Chaeyoung to coo and gently rub at your ears as you attempted to recover.
“Awww my sweet little baby. Are you feeling alright?” She teased, knowing how fabulous you felt since your release.
You didn’t give her a verbal answer, but judging from the bright flush which embarrassed down yo your shoulders told Chaeyoung that you were immensely pleased with her efforts but were too embarrassed to thank her, which prompted Chaeyoung to laugh before moving the two of you until your back was pressed against the couch and she was on top of you. You moved to look at Chaeyoung in confusion but was instead met with a pair of lips which insistently moved against yours, causing you to close your eyes and meet Chaeyoung tongue as she entered your mouth.
Yo absolutely drove Chaeyoung crazy and she was quite surprised with herself with how intensely she craved you. But then again, she practically fell in love at first sight of you, and just being able to have you in her arms like this was such a blessing. A blessing she was thankful for repeatedly, as highlighted through her kissing down your jaw, throat an chest until she was reaching you abdomen, where she pressed a ticklish kiss to your hip bone.
“You are so needy my baby.” She teased, smiling at your lack of rebuttal as you knew it was true, She winked at you as she parted your still trembling legs and moved towards your core. “But it makes me glad that you are needy for me.”
You didn’t even bother to try say anything as once Chaeyoung’s mouth was on you, your legs immediately enclosed themselves around Chaeyoung’s head, your head getting thrown back in pleasure while you clutched at the back and armrest of the couch, hip moving along with Chaeyoung’s tongue thrusts, attempting to get as much pleasure as she could from Chaeyoung’s ministrations.
Chaeyoung absolutely loved it whenever you went into heat, because it gave her a weeks-worth of opportunity to show how much she loved you, both physically and emotionally. And she would make sure that the both of you were sated every hour, every day until the end of your cycle. And judging by how loudly you were screaming her name, she can assume that you are appreciating her efforts.
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Tzuyu couldn’t help but feel nervous because it was her first time having to be intimate with someone, and yet she was giddy due to the fact that it was with you. It has been difficult for her to be able to connect with others, and yet you were someone who offered her infinite love and loyalty that you managed to make the most recent move much more bearable.
And now you needed her. Badly.
Your whines for her echoed around the room, making Tzyu flush as she crept closer to her bed dressed in nothing but her underwear. You were completely naked, having been for the past while as you tried to tend to yourself, not wanting to push Tzuyu and yet craving her so badly.
It was only natural for hybrids to seek out their owners or other hybrids to be able to be tended to during their heat, but you did not want anyone else but Tzuyu. She was your master, your mistress, your owner, your everything. Tzuyu always felt your boundless love for her, and even in moments of such extreme vulnerability, your love for her was more obvious, such as the slick which was messing on her sheets.
Eyeing the sheen on your thighs, Tzuyu couldn’t help but swallow nervously as she crawled towards you, your honey colored eyes locking with hers, prompting your tail to wag excitedly at her approach, but at the same time you whined and twisted your body into yourself, seeking a energy of release despite Tzuyu being so close. Tzuyu paused when she was close to you, unsure what she was to do first, but then she slowly reached out and laid a hand on your thigh, which prompted you to immediately swing yourself on your back and part your legs for her, making Tzuyu yelp at your obvious excitement.
“M-Master.” You panted, your golden ears propped up excitedly, making Tzuyu’s nerves increase tenfold.
She has tried her best to research the best course of action, both through books, the internet and some of the friends she managed to make due to bonding over the ownership of hybrids but nothing really prepared her for the real thing. But then again, she was willing to do this, since she declined her friends offers to allow their hybrids to tend to your needs instead since Tzuyu was still a new owner to a hybrid.
While it would have been easier to simply let you be tended to by another hybrid, she did not like that idea. You were currently experiencing your first heat and it should not be dealt with by someone who did not know or have a close bond with. You deserved to be treated with love and gentleness, just as you would treat someone due to your compassionate nature. And the only one close enough to you to do such a thing was Tzuyu.
Tzuyu adored you with everything that she had, becoming so connected to you that it was almost as if the two of you had known each other all your lives. Hence why Tzuyu motivated herself to crawl closed to you, settling between your legs in order to prop herself on top of you, her face hovering above yours.
“Y/N.” She whispered your name before pressing her lips to yours in a kiss, it triggering the start of many more as your immediately went to clutch at her neck, fingers tangling themselves in her hair while your legs went to wrap around her waist and tug her body down.
Tzuyu yelped into the kiss when you tugged her down, her body getting pressed to your entirely bare one, eliciting a pleasurable spark through her body despite the newness of the sensation. You seemed to melt under her body, clutching at her tightly before you suddenly began rutting your hips against her own, seeking for some type of friction while your sweet arousal began to smear itself on Tzuyu’s lower stomach, making her blush.
She attempted to pull away for some air, but you held firmly onto her, moaning against her lips while your tongue sought hers. You were so excited that Tzuyu was tending to you that you have forgotten your own strength, to the extent that Tzuyu eventually had no choice but to grab at your hair and tug your head back in order to give herself the chance to breathe again. But instead of feeling hurt but the sharp pain, your whined in pleasure at the sensation of your hair being pulled, your mouth open in pants as you stared at Tzuyu lustfully.
You called out to her so needily, so desperately, so...lustfully, it made Tzuyu flush brightly, but also prompt her to lean down and press a kiss to your pulse point, a sweet tender touch while one of her hands ventured your body.
Her fingers glided down your collarbone and sternum before hesitantly moving to one of your breasts, where she cupped you, prompting a sharp gasp out of you which made her flinch away but then return when she realized it was a gasp of pleasure. Tzuyu bit her lip as she squeezed and groped, experimenting with the touching pressure before alternating to your other breast, her eyes fixed on your face as she watched your expression with fascination.
“Master...master...master.” You continuously repeated, speaking as if you were in some kind of trance and praying to some kind of deity. A smile was constant on your face, albeit it would be removed from the gasps that kept escaping from you in response to Tzuyu’s touch.
Suddenly feeling an urge to be close, Tzuyu removed her hand from your chest to instead slide under your body and embrace you tightly, her face going to your neck to nuzzle against it. Your arms automatically wrapped themselves tighter around her body, lightly digging your claws into her back to give the threat of pain and yet not following through on it. You would never hurt Tzuyu and it made Tzuyu smiled as she pressed another kiss to your neck before moving to kiss your jaw.
“I love you Y/N.” She confessed, the words needed to be said before she continued any further, which prompted your tail to wag excitedly underneath the two of you as you moved to press an excited kiss to her forehead.
“I love you too!” you exclaimed before you suddenly spun the two of you around so that you were now pressing Tzuyu to the mattress, your tail wagging constantly as you stared into Tzuyu’s shocked eyes. “I love you! I love you! I love you!”
Tzuyu had read that words would have a strong impact on your even more so during your heat, but she did not realize that it would be this impactful. But despite of it, Tzuyu couldn’t help but laugh before wrapping her hands behind your neck and tugging you down into a kiss, immediately opening her mouth to allow you entrance as you eagerly responded. While she was still nervous, your jolliness just settled her a little bit, and Tzuyu couldn’t stop the small sense of pride as she wrapped her legs around your waist and experimentally rocked her hips against yours, making you suddenly growl in pleasure at feeling her clothed core against your own.
With a bit of effort and confidence, Tzuyu twisted her hips to knock you off balance and give her the opportunity to be the one on top again. But instead of being shocked, you instead pulled her into another kiss, rutting your hips against hers against for friction, which prompted Tzuyu to press her lower half against yours in some sort of pinning, but not for longer.
She pulled away with a gasp for air, but instead of stopping, she instead moved to kiss along your neck, experimenting with your different reactions as she kissed different area, smiling at the times you reacted the loudest. She was still learning, but something tells her that you will be a quick study to figure out what you liked. Hopefully she will be able to please enough, although judging from your reactions, she thinks that she will able to tend to your properly.
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fish-building · 10 days
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nanawritesit · 5 months
Twice Enemies to Lovers Imagines/ AUs
TW: making out (momo and tzuyu) corruption themes (momo) mentions of killing (sana) revolutionary themes (sana) mentions of daggers and knives (sana and dahyun) reader is kidnapped and tied up (dahyun) sharing a bed (tzuyu) partial nudity (tzuyu) neck kissing (tzuyu) light swearing
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Nayeon: Former Best Friends
Your jaw hit the floor as your next applicant walked into your office for an interview. It was Im Nayeon, your high school best friend who ditched you freshman year to become a cheerleader with all the popular girls. To make matters worse, you had always secretly been in love with her. Not that you would ever admit that to yourself.
“Nice to see you again, Im.” you said flatly, flipping through her resume as she sat down in front of your desk.
She looked confused. “I’m sorry sir/ma’am, but I’m not sure what you…” You glared up at her with ice cold eyes, and suddenly she remembered. “Oh, Y/N… I’m so sorry. I didn’t recognize you…” she stammered meekly.
“Doesn’t surprise me. You hardly acknowledged me after you became the ‘it girl’ of our high school.” you resigned, folding your hands together on your desk. “So, what have you been up to since high school?”
She chuckled uncomfortably, eyes shifting to the ground. “Well, I was at university, but… things didn’t work out this semester.”
“So you’re looking for a job just until the end of the semester?” you asked, trying to sound as professional as possible.
“I’m not sure… But I’ll at least need a job until the end of the year. I’m living back home now.” she explained. “I need a job in the worst way, and to be honest I’m really relieved that you’re the owner of this place.”
You cleared your throat, closing up her resume and looking at her sternly. “So you think that just because you were super popular in school and I wasn’t that I’ll immediately hire you at my restaurant?”
“No, no! Not at all!” she insisted, eyes widening. “It’s just… you’re a very kind person. And you’ve always had a way of making me feel calm. I always remembered that, even if I didn’t recognize you at first.”
You winced. There she went again, making you feel special. It scared you how easily her praise still got to you.
“Oh… sorry for jumping to conclusions.” you mumbled.
“No, it’s alright…” she reassured you, seemingly okay with taking all the blame. “I’m really sorry we drifted apart. I never meant to hurt you. You were actually the person I cared about more than anything. I just thought you wouldn’t want to be friends with a cheerleader given how much we used to make fun of them.”
You glanced at the ground nervously. You were kind of a pick-me in high school. Not that it was your fault, you were just conditioned to be that way. In high school, you were either popular, or you hated everything related to being popular.
“I understand.” you told her. “It was quite a long time ago.”
“See… I’m not doing well in my classes, and my parents said I can’t move back home unless I find a job first.” she explained, eyes locking in on yours. “Please, consider me.”
Her pretty eyes were sparkling with need the way they always did, and your last reserve finally cracked at the sight of them.
“Okay, okay, the job is yours.” you told her, a reluctant smile appearing on your face.
“Really?” she asked, a huge grin breaking out on her face. “Oh, thank you so much!” She stood up to shake your hand making you laugh.
“No problem. Can you start tomorrow?” you asked, still sitting at your desk.
“Yes, I’ll be here!” she chirped, grabbing her bag. “You won’t regret this, I promise!”
Once she shut the door behind her, you plopped your head down on your desk, releasing a huge sigh. “Oh, I most likely will.”
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Jeongyeon: Bad First Impression
You were running horribly late for your first day on the job. You had gotten an internship at a high end company, and were expected to bring everyone coffee in the morning. So now, you were carrying a carrier full of four huge iced coffees while sprinting down the sidewalk. You could see your building in the distance, all you had to do was turn one corner and you would make it to work on time!
That was, until you actually turnt the corner and slammed straight into a girl who was walking while on her phone. All four of the iced coffees splashed between the two of you, ruining both of your outfits.
“Oh my gosh, watch where you’re going!” she screeched, wiping coffee off her face.
“Me?” you questioned, fixing your hair. “You’re the one who wasn’t looking where you were going! Maybe if you weren’t glued to your phone, we wouldn’t be covered in coffee right now!”
She scoffed. “Well maybe if you weren’t running with a carrier full of coffees…”
You both stopped what you were doing as your eyes locked in on each other. She was absolutely gorgeous, the kind that makes your heart stop beating. She seemed to be caught off guard by you as well, the two of you just staring at each other blankly for a moment.
“I’m sorry, this was totally my fault.” you chuckled, adjusting your bag. “I shouldn’t have been running down the sidewalk.”
“No, you’re right, it was stupid to be on my phone while I was walking. I’m sorry for not paying attention.” she refuted, laughing along with you. “I’m Jeongyeon, by the way.”
“Y/N.” you told her, shaking her hand. “I’m sorry I covered you in coffee. I’m just running horribly late for my first day on the job…” you sighed, shaking your head in disbelief. “Although I’m sure I can kiss it goodbye now, as I’m either going to show up soaked in coffee or an hour late.”
“I’m really sorry about that…” she said sympathetically. “Where’s the job?”
“Right behind us, actually.” you laughed, gesturing behind you.
“Oh my gosh, I work here!” she told you exasperatedly. “In the administrative department!”
“That’s where I’m interning!” you gasped, a hopeful smile making its way onto your face.
“This is perfect. I’ll just call the office and say that someone ran into the two of us while we were walking in, and that we had to go change clothes.” she suggested.
“Thank you so much, you’re a lifesaver!” you sighed in relief, placing a hand affectionately on her arm. “Are you sure they’ll accept that as an excuse though?”
“Oh please, everyone here loves me. My word is law.” she giggled, putting an arm around your shoulder. “Now, let’s go get you some fresh clothes and new coffees, okay? I’ll even buy my own, since I’m pretty sure one of them was.”
You laughed along with her, letting her lead you down the sidewalk in the opposite direction. Somehow, you had made an enemy, ally, and crush all in the same day. Lord help you in navigating this relationship.
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Momo: Angel/ Demon AU
You bit your tongue in anger. Things were not going well with your latest assignment. You were trying to be a guardian angel to a certain human to improve their life. However, this human also happened to be under the influence of a demon. Not only a demon, but one of the most powerful demonesses in your department. Momo Hirai.
“Something wrong, angel?” a sultry voice asked. You whipped around to see her standing at the entryway of your human’s living room. You could see them, but they couldn’t see you. She was absolutely captivating, with her dark hair, ruby red lips, and tight black dress.
Remembering yourself, you looked away. “As a matter of fact, yes. You are.” you spat, crossing your arms across your chest.
“Oh, I didn’t know you thought about me so much.” she grinned, stepping closer to you. “I wonder what twisted little fantasies are running through that pretty little head.”
“You wish.” you groaned, rolling your eyes. “I happen to be a being of purity.
“How boring…” Momo sighed, stopping in front of you, who was leaned against the wall. “I figured someone like you would feel really repressed. Nothing causes the mind to wander more than being cooped up with a bunch of puritans.”
You swallowed hard. How had she known that you’d been having sinful thoughts lately? You wondered if she also knew that she was the subject of some of them.
Deciding you had to stand your ground, you held your head up high. “It’d be none of your business if I did.”
“Oh, I know…” she glanced down at your lips momentarily, then met your eyes once more. “I just can’t help myself. Seeing you, who’s so bright and clean… it makes me think about how much I’d like to corrupt you.”
Your heart stopped. Every part of your brain was screaming at you to resist her.
“L-like how?” You could barely control the words coming out of your mouth.
She grinned a sinister smile, brushing some of your hair behind your shoulder and playing with it. “Well, for starters, I could run my fingers through this pretty hair…”
Your eyes squinted shut at the feeling of her doing so, hating how good it felt.
“I could gaze into these sparkling doe eyes…” she purred, tilting your chin up to look her in the eye. Her own dark eyes were locked in on yours, pupils dilated but squinted slightly like a siren’s.
You allowed her to push you further against the wall, showing absolutely no sign of displeasure at her actions. “Then what?” you whispered.
“Then… I could kiss these beautiful, delicious lips…” Momo finally leaned down and connected her lips with yours, pressing her body up against yours with a fiery passion.
You moved your arms up around her waist, hands gripping onto her for dear life. The pleasure was so great, you almost forgot why you vowed to resist temptation in the first place.
Her hands snaked up into your hair, tugging slightly and making you whimper into her mouth. You could feel her smirk at this, and with the knowledge that you were enjoying yourself, she slipped her tongue into your mouth, letting it explore slightly before pulling away.
“I hope you know what you’re doing.” you muttered breathlessly, forehead still pressed against hers. “Both of us could get fired if anyone found out about this.” Demons and angels were not allowed to have relationships. “Besides, how do I know you’re not just using me to win over my human?”
“You can have the human.” she told you without hesitation. “I don’t need them. Right now, I only want you.”
You looked at her closely, studying her expression for any sign of dishonesty. If this was a trick, or one of her lustful schemes, she wouldn’t have been so upfront about it. She would’ve been sneakier.
“I want you too, Momo…” you sighed, crashing your lips into hers once again.
Maybe you would lose your angel status for this, but you knew that no amount of purity would ever feel as good as Momo on your lips would.
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Sana: Royal/ Assassin AU
You grunted as you scaled the wall of the castle with a dagger in each hand. One of them would momentarily be used to kill the princess in her sleep. You winced as you thought about what you had to do, feeling your stomach turn.
You were a member of a rebel legion who was planning on overthrowing the palace during a coup. While you weren’t too thrilled about having to kill anyone, you believed the king and queen deserved it. They were incessantly cruel to their subjects, denying them any assistance and punishing them when they took matters into their own hands. Your people were dying of starvation while they were having extravagant parties, and something had to be done about it.
There really was no reason to kill the princess other than your leader feared it would be unwise to leave the only rightful heir to the throne alive. You didn’t think it was right, but the suffering you and your people endured overcame that.
As you reached Princess Sana’s bedroom window, you carefully crept inside and over to her canopy bed. As the moonlight graced her features, your breath hitched in your throat. She looked so peaceful, so content… not to mention, she was positively breathtaking.
You sighed defeatedly, realizing you couldn’t possibly harm this innocent girl. You stepped back and dropped your daggers on the floor, startling her awake.
“Hm? What’s going on? Who are you?” she asked, clutching her blankets to her chest in fear.
“Sh, it’s okay. I’m here to help.” you tried to reassure her. “There’s a rebel legion that’s going to assassinate the king and queen momentarily, and they want to kill you too. If you want to live, you’ll have to escape with me right now.”
She gasped, throwing her blankets off of her. She looked so adorable in her long white nightgown and pink hair bow. “Oh my, let’s go then!”
You grabbed her hand and led her down the hallway and out through the back of the palace. You knew your legion would only be using the front entrance.
The two of you ran off into the night, ducking into a nearby forest for protection. Luckily it was a warm summer night, and the weather was mild.
“I’m sorry about your parents.” you finally spoke as you both caught your breath. It hadn’t dawned on you that Sana might not take the news of her parents assassination very well until just now.
“It’s alright. To be honest, I’ve always hated them. I was hoping to become a better leader than them one day, but they were only interested in marrying me off to a nearby kingdom. I’m just glad the kingdom will be heading in a better direction.” She sat down by the riverbed, taking her hair out of its bow and letting it fall over her shoulders in loose waves. “Thank you for rescuing me.”
“I don’t deserve any thanks.” you sighed, sitting down next to her. “I was the one who was supposed to kill you.”
She gave you an unfazed expression. “Well, you didn’t. And I never really liked being a princess anyway. I’ve always craved a life of adventure.”
“Well, you’re certainly going to get it.” you chuckled, stretching out to lay down in the grass. “We’re going to have to flee the kingdom, or at least go to the countryside. They’re going to wonder where the lost princess is, and why she wasn’t executed.”
She laid down next to you, curling into your side. “But… you’ll protect me right?” Her eyes were so big and twinkling with innocence. She looked as if she would shatter into a million pieces without you.
“Why do you trust me so easily?” you asked her genuinely. Any other princess wouldn’t have even believed you, let alone followed you into the woods.
She smiled cutely, brushing some of your hair back. “I had a dream once that someone came into my room and saved me from being a princess.” She traced your features with your finger. “They looked just like you.”
Your mouth fell slightly agape. You were never one to believe in fate or destiny, but this girl was making you second guess yourself.
“Now, are you going to take care of me?” she asked again.
“Of course I will.” you told her, running a hand through her long hair. “Now, let’s get some sleep. I’ll find us some breakfast in the morning.”
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Jihyo: Idol Rivalry
Park Jihyo was the bane of your existence. The two of you had hated each other for years, and for good reason. For one, you were both under different companies that constantly compared artists with each other. Two, both of your groups debuted around the same time, and since then it felt like every time your group got a moment in the spotlight, Twice would come along and upstage you. And three, you were both leaders, so everyone expected you to get along due to your similar roles. However, all that meant was that you were both extra protective of your groups, and even more hostile when someone threatened their success.
Today, however, your rivalry was coming to an eruption as both of your groups were performing at the MAMA awards. Luckily, they were spaced apart enough to where it wouldn’t look like one of you was the opening act for the other. Both of your groups put their absolute all into the performances, and everyone agreed that you both owned the award show.
Your members somehow all got along. It was just you and Jihyo that couldn’t seem to find a common ground.
You were thinking this over as you walked up to her dressing room after the show. You decided it was time to be a grown up and hash things out with her. You took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.
“Come in.” she chirped from behind the door. You walked in, seeing her at her vanity, still in her stage outfit. You lost the plot for a bit as you took in her features. Her beautiful skin, her pretty eyes, her perfect smile… wait, when did she get so gorgeous?
“Oh… hi Y/N.” she interrupted your thoughts with genuine surprise. “What are you doing here?”
You shut the door behind you and walked up to her. “I’ve come with an olive branch.” you began in a serious tone.
She glanced behind you, furrowing her brows. “Really? I don’t see one.”
You bit your tongue to keep from laughing. Damn, she was funny, but you were trying to have a serious moment!
“A metaphorical olive branch.” you sighed, pretending to be annoyed to save face. “We’ve been fighting for years because of stupid reasons. I think it’s time we sort out our differences.”
She smiled warmly, inviting you to sit down on her sofa. “So, what exactly are our differences?” she asked, starting to remove her makeup.
“Well for starters, you guys have always overshadowed us.” you told her. “Every time we’d start getting attention, you guys would immediately do something even better, and then it was all anyone could talk about. I guess I was sick of the company always telling us how much better you guys are.”
She paused, making eye contact with you in her mirror. “Are you serious?”
You nodded. What did she mean ‘are you serious,’ of course you were serious! It wasn’t that hard to comprehend.
“Oh my god, that’s so funny…” she laughed out loud, shaking her head. She spun around in her chair to face you. “Y/N, ever since we debuted, all our company does is compare us to you.”
“You’re kidding…” you marveled, eyes widening in shock.
“No, I’m serious! I especially get compared to you a lot. You’re super mature and have killer visuals, not to mention you’re one of the best dancers in the industry.” she praised, leaning back in her chair slightly.
“Oh please, I would commit arson to have your vocal skills! You light up a whole stadium with them!” you told her enthusiastically. “You’re so bright and energetic, and you’re absolutely stunning. I mean, who wouldn’t hate you?” you joked, slapping her on the knee playfully.
The two of you laughed for a moment, then sat in a comfortable silence. It was probably the most pleasant interaction you’d ever had.
“Did we just compliment each other?” she asked suddenly, cocking her head to the side.
You shrugged. “I guess so. Maybe we’re not so different after all.”
She smiled affectionately, moving to sit next to you on the sofa. “I actually think I quite like you now.”
The way she was looking at you made you feel butterflies. You didn’t know if you were seeing things or what, but she looked as if she was absolutely captivated by you.
You shrugged cheekily, a sly smirk making its way onto your face. “I kind of like you too. See you around?”
She nodded enthusiastically, a hopeful glint in her eyes. With that, you turned and exited her dressing room, pressing your hands to your warm cheeks.
How did that just happen?
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Mina: Fake Dating
“I can’t believe they actually fell for it!” Mina marveled as you both exited the party into the cool night air.
“I know right! Like, are they really that stupid?” you laughed, leading her back to your car.
You wondered how everyone had set aside all their memories of you two absolutely hating each other when you walked into the party holding onto her waist. Anyone with eyes could see that you and Mina despised each other before. You guessed that the two of you were just really good at acting.
What led to your truce was that both of your crushes weren’t paying any attention to either of you. You were trying to win back your ex, whereas Mina’s crush had totally friend-zoned her. So, you came to an agreement that you would pretend to date each other in order to hopefully make your crushes jealous.
You were worried that it was going to be hard to sell your affections for Mina, but it turned out to be surprisingly easy. From spending time with her, you were able to see that she was actually really funny, incredibly bright, and sensitive. Not to mention, she was a perfect ten. That was part of the reason you hated her so much.
As you drove off to drop Mina off at her house, you kept glancing over at her with an amused smile.
“What?” she asked, giggling slightly.
“Nothing, it’s just… you’re so different from what I thought you were.” you answered, eyes focusing back on the road.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she interrogated you, crossing her arms with a smirk.
“Well, to be honest, I thought you were incredibly stuck-up. I mean, you hardly paid any attention to me, and whenever you did, it was to disagree with something I said.” you chuckled.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that…” she apologized, shifting her body to face you more. “I have a tendency to close myself off when I find someone intimidating.”
You scoffed in disbelief. “Intimidating? How could you find me intimidating?”
“Oh come on, Y/N!” she rolled her eyes, hitting your arm lightly. “You’re like the coolest person ever! When you talk, everyone pays attention to you. It makes me so jealous the way you command a room.”
You shook your head in amazement. “I had no idea you felt that way…”
“Yeah well, I do.” she laughed. She ran a hand through her hair as if to calm herself down.
The two of you enjoyed a comfortable silence for a moment until you spoke again. “You did a really good job today.”
“Thanks, so did you.” she complimented you, nudging you slightly.
“I’m sure your crush is still thinking about how good we looked together.” you pointed out.
“Oh yeah, them…” she resigned, looking out the window absentmindedly. “Well, I’m sure your ex felt the same way.”
You glanced over at her. Why did she seem to shut down when you brought up your love interests? Isn’t that what she had wanted out of this?
“Well, there you are ma’am.” you announced as you pulled into her driveway.
She snapped out of her daze and grabbed her purse, turning to you with a smile. “Thanks again, Y/N. You make a wonderful fake partner.” Suddenly, she leaned forward and planted a brisk kiss on your cheek. You looked at her in disbelief, feeling your cheeks heat up. “Just practicing. You know, for the next time we see them.”
“Oh, r-right…” you stammered, shifting anxiously in your seat. “Well, see you later!”
“Bye bye!” she waved, cutely scampering away into her house.
You sighed, slamming your head against the steering wheel. Suddenly, a relationship with Mina was sounding a lot better than getting back with your ex. Why did you think this was a good idea again?
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Dahyun: Hero/ Villain AU
You struggled against your restraints, rocking the chair you were tied to back and forth. You were previously on a mission from the hero agency to retrieve a stolen artifact from a well-known villain, but something had went wrong, and they ended up capturing you. Now, you were tied up and didn’t know what awaited you.
You screeched into the cloth around your mouth in frustration, feeling hot tears prick at your eyes as you realized there was no way to get out of these ropes. Damn it all. Was this going to be how you were going to be taken down?
Suddenly, you heard a rustling coming from the window in the corner of the room. You furrowed your brow in confusion, until it opened and in tumbled Kim Dahyun, your arch-nemesis.
“Dahyun? What are you doing here?” you asked, although it just sounded like a bunch of muffled syllables to her.
“Sh, I’m here to get you out of here.” she instructed you. She then came over to undo the cloth around your mouth and slice through your ropes with her knife.
“Why are you helping me?” you asked, massaging your wrists from their rope burn.
“Because, you’re my enemy.” she smirked, crawling back through the window she had previously entered in. “If anyone’s going to take you down, it’s going to be me.”
You scoffed with a smile, getting up to follow her. “I won’t go down so easily.”
“Oh I know. I’m looking forward to it.” she cockily winked. “Now, are you coming or not?” She extended her hand to you, face illuminated by the soft candlelight of the room. God, she was devastatingly beautiful. Perhaps in another universe, the two of you would’ve made a great couple.
You brushed the thoughts away, knowing they could only lead to heartache, and instead just took her hand and fled with her by your side. Maybe you didn’t need a relationship with her. This game of cat and mouse was too damn fun anyway.
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Chaeyoung: Forced to Hang Out by Mutual Friends
You walked into the restaurant, face twisting into a scowl as you realized only one person was at your table: Son Chaeyoung, whom you could not stand. However, you had to get along with her because she was a part of your friend group. You knew she didn’t really care for you either, but also agreed to keep the peace for the sake of your mutual friends.
You took a deep breath to calm yourself down, then walked over to the table to sit across from her. “Hi Chaeyoung.” you said, flatly but still politely.
She looked up from her phone and cracked a forced smile. “Hey there, Y/N.”
“I wonder why everyone’s so late.” you commented, trying to make small talk.
“I’m not sure.” she replied. The two of you shared an awkward silence, save for your repetitive tapping on the table. After a while she coughed uncomfortably.
“Hi there! Are you two here for the couple’s special?” the waitress suddenly asked as she arrived at your table.
You both looked at each other horrified. “No, we’re definitely not a couple…” you insisted.
“Yeah we’re just waiting for some of our friends.” Chaeyoung explained to her, chuckling nervously.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” the waitress apologized. “I’ll come back in a few minutes, okay?” You both nodded, and she scurried off to the other end of the restaurant. Wow… you thought, the two of you were so uncomfortable it was spreading to other people.
“I’ll text them and see what’s keeping them.” Chaeyoung announced, picking her phone back up. However, her eyes widened as soon as she looked at the screen. “Apparently Rosè is sick.”
“Really? That’s odd. She seemed fine yesterday…” you replied, grabbing your own phone. You too already received a text, but from Yeoreum.
yeoreum 🌻: “hey, sorry to cancel last minute, but i forgot i have a doctors’ appointment :( say hi to the girls for me!”
You sighed, setting your phone back down. “Well, Yeoreum bailed too.”
“Are you serious?” Chaeyoung asked. “Well, at least there’s…” However she never got to finish her sentence, because both of your phones rang at the same exact time. You were getting a call from Somi, and she was getting a call from Jinsol. You both snatched up your phones again and slammed the answer button.
“Hey Y/N!” Somi chirped on the other end of the line. “I gotta cancel today. Forgot I already made plans with my sister!”
“No, Somi please-“
“Have fun! Give my love to the girls!” she responded, hanging up.
You squinted your eyes shut and sighed, setting your phone down to see Chaeyoung doing the exact same. “Jinsol too?”
“Yep.” she nodded. “Something about a family reunion.”
It was obvious that all your friends had planned this in an effort to get you and Chaeyoung to spend time with each other and hopefully sort out your differences. However, right now that seemed like a lost cause, as both of you were consumed with irritation and discomfort at the situation.
“Great…” you grumbled, putting your head in your hands. “Guess we’re stuck with each other.”
“I don’t get what your problem is with me.” she snapped, crossing her arms across her chest.
“Me? You’re the one with the problem!” you responded defensively. “You’ve always hated me for no reason. I can see it in the way you talk to me.”
“That’s not true!” she replied angrily, furrowing her brow in frustration. “I was just upset with you because you threw that huge party a year ago and invited everybody but me! I had to hear about it from Bangchan of all people!”
Your jaw unhinged in disbelief. You had totally forgotten about that event, and how you never invited Chaeyoung. To tell the truth, you couldn’t even remember why you didn’t invite her in the first place.
“I didn’t know it bothered you so much…” you marveled, leaning back in your chair as if backing down from your anger. “I guess… maybe I assumed you wouldn’t want to go? You don’t really seem like the type to enjoy a huge party.”
“That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have want to be invited.” she retorted, glancing down at the table nervously.
You blinked, straightening yourself up. “You’re right. That was really rude of me. I’m sorry I didn’t invite you.”
She smiled genuinely for the first time since you had known her. “I appreciate that.”
“If I have another party and invite you, will you stop hating me?” you chuckled.
“I wouldn’t say I hated you…” she replied, softening even more. “There were still things I really liked about you.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?” you asked, trying not to be too enthusiastic with your curiosity.
“You have a really pretty smile, you’re super passionate about what you do, you’re really sharp and witty…” she listed out with a bright grin. “You’re really cool. I guess that’s why I was so mad you didn’t invite me.”
“I understand why you were mad, and I’m sorry again.” you replied, looking at her sympathetically. “But it didn’t come from a place of malice. I actually think you’re really cool.”
“You do?” she inquired perplexedly.
“Of course I do! You always make everyone laugh, you’re super nice to everybody… and you’ve got a really cute face.”
She grinned, and you swore you saw her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. “You think I’m cute?”
Now it was your turn to blush. You cleared your throat, then glanced away with shifty eyes. “I mean, like objectively. You have bright eyes or whatever.”
She giggled quietly to herself, then as soon as your eyes were focused back on her, she spoke again. “I think you’re pretty cute too.”
You couldn’t help the smile that crept it’s way up your expression, looking away again bashfully.
“Do we still need a few more minutes?” the waitress asked, suddenly appearing again.
“Nope, I think we’re ready.” you replied, glad to be changing the subject. “I guess we will take that couple’s special since it’ll just be the two of us.”
“Oh, well it’s actually only for real couples…” the waitress told you sympathetically.
“What if this was our first date?” Chaeyoung asked her. Your eyes widened as you whipped your head around to look at her. She was just looking at the waitress with a confident grin. You had never seen her so bold, and you had to admit, it was really attractive. You were starting to kick yourself for messing things up with her in the past. You could’ve been around her best self this whole time… well, at least you were seeing it now. And you couldn’t get enough of it. You loved the excitement about where things were going with her.
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Tzuyu: Only One Bed
You frowned as you realized who had just walked into your hotel room. “What are you doing here Tzuyu?”
“Believe me, this wasn’t my choice.” she groaned, shoving the door shut behind her. “Apparently the hotel booked up their last room by accident. And since you’re the only one who doesn’t have a roommate yet, I’m going to have to room with you.”
“Are you serious?” you asked, sitting up in your bed. “Aren’t there any other hotels in the area?”
“I went all around the neighborhood looking for one. Why do you think I’m soaked? It’s pouring down rain right now.” she complained. “They’re all booked up too.”
You took in her appearance. “Where’s your suitcase?”
“Airport lost it.” she replied, an angry sarcastic smile on her face. “This is a really great vacation so far. None of my things, and I’m stuck with you.”
“Yeah, well I’m not exactly thrilled about this either.” you sneered, shuffling your way out of bed. “Here, you can have one of my big shirts.”
She looked amazed. “Wait, are you actually being nice to me?”
You glared at her. “I may not like you very much, but I’m not heartless. Now go change.” You threw the shirt at her and got back into bed. You thought you caught a glimpse of a smirk on her face, but she turned the corner to the bathroom so fast you couldn’t be sure.
You got settled in bed again, then stared up at the ceiling. You were currently on a group vacation with all of your friends. Well, Tzuyu wasn’t your friend, but she had come along because she was close with some of your friends. You did kind of feel sorry for her… it had to suck losing all of your things. You shook your head. There was no need to feel sympathy for her when she had never made any effort to be nice to you. However, your thoughts were interrupted as she re-emerged from the bathroom, wearing nothing but your shirt. Your heart stopped. She looked really cute, with her wet hair and bare legs.
She chuckled cockily. “Like what you see?”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” you scoffed, rolling over in resignation.
She laughed at you again, walking over to the other side of the bed and crawling in. “Try to control yourself Y/N, we’ll both need some sleep for all the stuff they have planned tomorrow.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me.” you laughed, curling up in displeasure. “Rosè and Chaeyoung were way too excited about going downtown.”
“I know right? Like, how many shops can you go to before you get bored?” Tzuyu joked, making you laugh even harder. “And Elkie and Shuhua want to go to that museum…”
“Oh my god, what a snooze-fest.” you rolled your eyes, making her cackle even louder. You started chuckling again too, and soon you were both consumed with laughter.
“Do you realize this is the first time we’ve had a conversation without arguing?” you asked, leaning over to face her with an amused smile.
“Yeah… it was pretty nice.” she responded, looking at you and resting her head against the pillow. You both just stared at each other affectionately for a moment, taking in each others’ features. “Well, I guess we should go to sleep.”
“Yeah…” you agreed, moving to turn off the lamp. “Goodnight Tzuyu.”
“Goodnight Y/N.”
You lied awake for a moment, glancing over at her every so often. You couldn’t help the giddy, flustered feeling that crept up in your chest. You never knew Tzuyu could be so pleasant, and you were excited you got to share a room with her for the rest of the vacation. And you were even more excited to share a bed with her. Your mind started to wander about holding her, touching her, kissing her…
You shook your head, shuffling a bit. You couldn’t think these things while she was asleep next to you. Unless… maybe she was thinking them too?”
“Y/N?” she suddenly asked, rolling over to face you.
Your heart stopped. Holy shit, was she reading my mind?
“Yeah?” you asked, mirroring her actions.
You both stared at each other in desperation for a while, until she dove forward and kissed you passionately. You were taken aback for a second, but soon brought your hands up around her neck. She shifted to straddle you, kissing you more intensely. She pulled away for a breather just as your hands were going up into her hair.
“I hate you.” she smirked evilly, gasping for air.
“I despise you.” you retaliated, yanking her hair slightly and making her whimper a bit. You used her moment of weakness as an opportunity and pushed her over to straddle her. You began kissing her again, then moved down to nip at her neck and chest. “Let me show you just how much I do.”
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cry4tzu · 2 months
Through each other’s eyes
Im Nayeon x female reader
Synopsis: she sees the good in you with or without eyes
Warning- Nayeon is blind , best friend reader. Mention of surgery, donor, Jennie from bp, momo, jeongyeon, jihyo and Irene from red velvet , also mention of death.
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Nayeon had been blind since birth. She had never seen the beauty of the world, never experienced the colors and the light that everyone else took for granted. But she didn't let her disability hold her back. She was strong and independent, with a positive outlook on life. And she had her best friend, y/n, to thank for that.
Y/n had been with Nayeon since they were kids. They met in elementary school and had been inseparable ever since. Y/n was Nayeon's eyes, describing the world to her in vivid detail. They were each other's rock, always there for one another through the ups and downs of life. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn’t hear her father coming into her room.
“Nayeon,i got some news for you. Dr.Bae told me they found you a donor . You gonna see again Nayeon.” Her father said as he breaks down into tears.
Nayeon was in shocked, she couldn’t get the words out. She was excited, nervous and curious. She wants to know who her donor is . And she wants to meet them. She wants to see them before the surgery. And most of importantly, she wants to tell y/n about this.
Her father assured her that she would get to meet them soon, and together they made their way to Y/N's house to surprise her.
As they arrived, Nayeon's heart raced with anticipation. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach as she knocked on Y/N's door. When Y/N answered, her face lit up with a smile that was almost as bright as the sun.
"Nayeon! I was hoping you'd come over," she exclaimed, pulling her inside. The two friends caught up, laughing and reminiscing about old times, completely oblivious to the fact that their lives were about to change forever.
Y/N's father, who had accompanied Nayeon, excused himself to make some tea. As he busied himself in the kitchen, Y/n finally mustered the courage to ask Nayeon about the donor. "So, have you figured out who it is yet?" she inquired, her voice laced with hope. Nayeon shrugged nonchalantly.
"Well, I'm sure they'll come forward soon. Why, is something wrong?" she asked, tilting her head in confusion. Nayeon hesitated before admitting that she had been feeling a bit down about the whole thing. "I just wish I could meet them," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N nodded understandingly. "Me too," she said, squeezing Nayeon's hand reassuringly. "But you know what? Whoever it is, they must really care about you to be willing to give you the gift of sight. And you'll get to meet them eventually. We'll make sure of it." Her words were comforting, but they didn't dispel the nagging feeling in Nayeon's heart. She knew that Y/N was keeping something from her, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was.
Just then, Y/N's father emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray with tea. The two friends thanked him and began to chat about mundane things, their conversation punctuated by occasional laughter. Nayeon couldn't help but feel as if there was something else going on beneath the surface.
Besides her cautiousness , she continues to ignore it. And tune into the conversation with y/n and y/n father.
“ Nayeon, do you mind spending a night here it’s already late and i don’t want your father to drive all the way back here. I will just tell him that I will be dropping you off at the hospital .” Y/n father said to her. Nayeon just nodded in response.
With the help of y/n , she was guided to y/n bedroom. When she laid down, she couldn’t help but think about what it will be when she gets her sight back .
Will everyone treat her differently now that she will have it? Will the beach be as sightseeing as y/n describes it? Her thoughts had erupted when she heard y/n asking her something.
“ Nayeon, are you okay.��� She asked. After noticing Nayeon mumbling to herself. “Yeah , I’m okay . Just thinking about stuff.” Nayeon immediately said.
“Is it about the surgery? if so you have nothing to worry about. I’m sure the surgery going to be successful. And you will see in no time.” Y/n said . “ You should go to sleep nayeon, tomorrow is a big day for you .” She quickly added.
And with that Nayeon nodded. Y/n made all her worries go away. She’s very grateful to have a best friend like her. She thought as she drifted off to sleep.
“Nayeon,Nayeon wake up” y/n said tapping nayeon lightly. “ nayeon come on , don’t be lazy . Today is an important day for you.”
Nayeon slowly but surely got up with the help of y/n to get ready for the surgery. As they got ready . They went downstairs where y/n parents were there waiting for them. they got into the car and drove to the hospital where Nayeon family and friends will be there.
“YO, NAYEON ARE YOU READY FOR UR SUR-OW WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR” jeongyeon said as both Jennie and jihyo hits her. “Stop being so damn loud, and hi nayeon.” Jihyo said while going up to Nayeon along with momo and Jennie to hug her. Who hugs back with a smile.
a nurse emerged from behind the desk, smiling warmly at them. "You must be Nayeon," she said, offering her hand. "I'm so happy for you today. Your donor is a very special person, and I know you're going to do great." Nayeon beamed up at the nurse, her face glowing with anticipation. "When do I get to meet them?" she asked eagerly.
The nurse glanced at someone,then back at Nayeon, her expression gentle and understanding. "Well, your donor has asked to remain anonymous until the end of the surgery , but I can tell you that they're very excited for you too. They've been following your journey and are so happy to hear that you'll finally be able to see." Nayeon nodded, her lips pursed in thought. She turned to Y/N, who put an arm around her shoulders and gave her a reassuring squeeze.
"Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "Thank you for always being there for me, for supporting me through everything." Y/N returned her embrace, feeling tears well up in her eyes. "You're my person, Nayeon," she said, her voice shaking. "You've always been my person, and nothing will ever change that. Now go crush that surgery.” She said trying to hold back her tears.
“I love you Nayeon”she said. As the nurse wheel Nayeon to the operating room. When Nayeon was out of her sight . She looks back to where she can see nayeon family and their friends looking back at her with sympathy. She just let out a big sigh . And pull out something from her pocket and gave it to momo.Then walks away.
As nayeon enter the operation room, her heart began to race with anticipation. She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders, preparing herself for the biggest moment of her life as she went under anesthesia.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dr. Bae appeared at the waiting room . "Everything went perfectly," she announced with a reassuring smile. “If y’all want y’all can go meet her now.” She said walking to the room Nayeon would be in. As everyone followed her.
Dr.bae returned into the room. "You can try opening your eyes now," she said softly. Nayeon took a deep breath and slowly opened her eyes, feeling a rush of cool air against her face. At first, everything was fuzzy and indistinct, but as her vision began to focus, she saw her parents, her friends. “Damn her friends look just how they act” she thought to herself, silently giggling.
Nayeon then looks around. She felt as if something or someone was missing. “ Where's y/n? Why isn't she here?”
They all exchange looks of concern, until jihyo finally spoke up. “Nayeon, there's something we need to tell you. Y/n...y/n didn't make it.”
Nayeon's heart dropped and she couldn't believe what she was hearing. “What do you mean, she didn't make it? She was supposed to be here with me. I mean she was here before I went into surgery.” she said, her voice trembling.
Momo handed her a letter with y/n's handwriting on it. “She left this for you, Nayeon.”
Hey Nayeon,
I hope this message finds you well. I just wanted to say a huge congratulations on your surgery! I am so proud of you for going through with it and showing such bravery. You're amazing, seriously!
I know I'm not there in the hospital room with you, but I wanted to let you know why. It's because I was your donor. When I found out I was a match, I knew deep down that I wanted you to have the chance to live your life to the fullest. I want you to experience everything you've always dreamed of and more.
And, um, I have something else to tell you... I really like you, Nayeon. Not just as a friend, but in a deeper way. You've become such an important person in my life, and I can't imagine it without seeing you happy.
But hey, please don't be sad about it. Even if I'm not physically here, I will always be in your heart. Our connection is something special and it will never fade away.Take care of yourself, Nayeon.
Sending you lots of love and support,
Sincerely, y/n
Sobs racked through Nayeon's body as she realized the incredible sacrifice that y/n had made for her. She was filled with immense guilt for not telling her best friend that she loved her, for not expressing her gratitude for all that y/n had done for her.
Jeongyeon and Jennie surrounded her, while jihyo and momo hugging her and comforting her through her grief. They told her stories of y/n's bravery and kindness, and how much she had impacted their lives. Nayeon couldn't stop crying, but she felt a sense of peace knowing that a part of y/n lived on through her.
As she slowly adjusted to her new life, she realized something else. She had been in love with y/n all along. She remembered all the little moments between them, the way y/n would touch her arm when they were walking, the way she would brush back her hair, the way she would always make sure she was included.
But she would never be able to tell y/n how she felt. She could only carry the memories and the love in her heart.
For the rest of her life, Nayeon would cherish the gift that she had been given. She would never forget the selfless act of her best friend and the love that they shared. And every time she saw a beautiful sunset or a field of wildflowers, she would know that y/n was there with her, experiencing it together.
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ghostykapi · 1 year
TWICE and the ways to say i love you
im nayeon
morning neck kisses
lingering kisses almost any time of the day when she’s with you
what? she likes smothering you ok so deal with it
will wear a piece of jewelry that reminds her of you everyday, loves to flaunt it to her members
“my gorgeous baby, god i love it when you look at me like that”
“won’t you kiss a pretty woman? :(((“
yoo jeongyeon
kinda obvious but loves to clean and cook for you (you have to fight her on the chores so she can rest)
snuggles in the afternoon by pulling you on the couch
slow dances at night before you sleep
holds you close when you sleep with you head tucked into her neck and her arms wrapped around you
“it's ok, i'm here. you're always safe with me"
"go rest my love, i'll wake you up when dinner is ready"
hirai momo
smothers you with affection of all kind. you aren’t safe :D
cooks for you and all the meals you crave
piggy back rides after work
loves to be a lil shit and fluster you at any place at any given time
"come dance with me, i'm mesmerized with the way you move with me"
"come home with me, the babies miss their other momma"
minatozaki sana
:D you mean minatozaki “affection is my passion” sana?
always compliments your outfits and how you always looks so pretty, so gorgeous, so lovely for her
physical contact of any kind is a must
soft kisses in hidden places that the eyes can’t see when you’re out together
“stay close to me lovely, i want you safe”
“trust me, i can’t get enough of you”
park jihyo
cuddles and kisses in the morning before work
spamming your phone every time she has a break with anything that gets into her head
also spams your phone to remind you to eat, rest and hydrate
LOVES being the big spoon no matter what
"come sweetheart, i want to drive around with you"
"i wish you were here, it would make my day even brighter"
myoui mina
requests for you to stay beside her every time she plays games or does her lego sets
frequent glances with shy giggles in between
let’s you win games (loses on purpose every time)
if she isn't in her home she's in yours
"hi. i brought some lunch"
"you make me feel so safe no matter where we are"
"move in with me"
kim dahyun
plays the piano to help you go to sleep on your restless nights as you let her snuggle into you to help her sleep after a grueling schedule
barely any pda when you are out together but she's all over you once the doors close
sorry her teeth found it's way to any skin that's exposed :D i hope you're good at makeup to hide them
"come, i'll teach you my favorite songs"
"can i bring some of your clothes with me aboard?"
son chaeyoung
loves to kiss your hands, especially your knuckles and palms
has a tattoo that reminds her of you
frequently goes to thrift stores with you just so she can dress you up
physical contact is a must all the time. if she doesn’t feel you anywhere near her then she’s already pouting
draws you even if she doesn’t realize it
“let’s go make strawberry snacks together”
“mi amour, you always have a wonderful smile”
chou tzuyu
sorry she's to busy staring at you at any given time to actually do a lot of things she wants to do with you
so you have to be the one who always makes the move
learns a lot of new hobbies with you
shy kisses before you go to sleep
"i might be late tonight, so call me when you get home? i want you safe"
"i want to bring you back to my hometown one day"
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alcoholfreenayeon · 10 months
How would twice react to their s/o wearing a revealing outfit?
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Nayeon entered your room without warning as she had grown impatient while you were getting ready. She wasn’t expecting you to look like that at all. Her jaw drops and she even blushes a little.
“W-what are you wearing!”,She squeaks. This causes you to smirk, it wasn’t very often that Nayeon was lost for words.
“Do you like it?”, you ask her smugly as you twirl and give her the whole view. Though she’s still stunned, Nayeon manages to regain some composure and nods with a proud smile.
“You look absolutely stunning”, she declares. You smile satisfactorily and continue brushing your hair. You put the comb down and turn around to see Nayeon right next to you, still checking you out. Then without warning she grabs your chin with one hand while the other goes on your hips and whispers with authority, “Y/n, a lot of people will stare at you when you look this hot you know. But you are mine and only mine.”
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“Mmm…tell me already! What’s the big secret? I’ve a long day, I don’t want to wait much longer.”, Jeongyeon complained as you dragged her by the arm to the bedroom.
“You’ll just have to!”, you scold her. “Now, close your eyes, it’ll take a minute!”. Jeongyeon nodded impatiently and closed her eyes, racking her brains to think what could you possibly be up to.
“Don’t open them yet!”, you reminded her as you quickly changed your outfit. You then glance at the mirror and fix a prong of your hair and take a deep breath. “You can open them now.”
Jeongyeon slowly opens her eyes and lets out a quiet gasp. “You-what are you wearing?!”. You smirk, “didn’t you say that one of us should dress sexy and the other cute so we are 50% sexy and 50% cute.”
“I didn’t think you’d go for the sexy look though. I mean look at you! This isn’t the cute girl I fell for!”, Jeongyeon teased as she grabbed your shoulders and shook it dramatically. You giggled and pushed her off, “stoppp teasing me or I won’t show you!”.
“Show me what?”, she asked tilting her head. You smugly shook your phone, “I took some pictures in other clothes to see which I liked best, some of them styles might be your type.”, you finish teasingly knowing you’re asking for trouble as Jeongyeon loves to have pictures of things she loves and of course you are on top of that list.
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Your watching Netflix when your phone vibrates, it’s a text from Momo, she’s asking you to open the door as she’s arriving in a minute. You quickly get up and rush to the mirror, putting on Momo’s favorite shade of lipstick.
A few months ago, Momo had temporarily moved in with you because the other members had all gone back to their families or on vacation but she wanted to spend time with you. But when she went back, she left a lot of her stuff behind. Clothes, make up products, even a cute teddy bear which you now claimed but Momo doesn’t accept it and said that she can’t believe you stole one of her children. She stated that since she visits so often it’s not an issue for her and you didn’t mind either.
While you did rummage and try on some things here and there, for some reason today you had an urge to try on something bolder, something riskier. And of course you wanted to see how Momo would react to that. Smiling to yourself you go out to open the door to see Momo had just gotten out of the car. She saw you, froze, and then quickly walked over to you and dragged you in asking you why did you do this. Feeling hurt ,you apologize weakly and say you will go and change when she stops you.
“Y/n! That’s not the problem. The problem is that…it’s too good. You look so good, way too go-these are my clothes! No one else can see that!”, she stares at you for a few moments more before taking out her phone. “I want to take some photos of you darling. You look so beautiful like this.”
You finally find your voice back, “what’s up with these reactions Momo! I still can’t tell whether you are angry or happy.” She makes a face at you, “it’s not my fault, you look so good like this, I don’t want anyone else to see you like this because they’ll fall for you.”
“Who falls in love that quickly!” You counter, Momo makes a face at you again. The two of you continue to bicker like a married couple but with each point both of you sat closer to the other. Within a minute you both were practically cuddling.
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You were making sure your hair looked fine when you heard the door creak open. Not paying any further attention to it upon seeing it was just Sana walking in, looking at her phone. Just as you finished putting on your lipstick you heard a quite gasp. “Oh!….. my!”, Sana stared at you, her mouth open.
You smirk and wink at her before turning back around towards the mirror calmly. Despite the fact that your heart was dancing happily. It was quite a feat to get this sort of reaction from your Sana. You began to hum happily while putting on your earrings when you realized Sana hadn’t said anything else yet.
Curiously you glance towards her through the mirror and see that she was….staring at you. But differently, like she was checking you out or something. You then notice her subtly bite her lip. Was…was she eye-fucking you???
“H-hey, my eyes are up here!”, you protest suddenly, feeling a bit shy now. Sana ignores what you said and says something that makes your heart pound, “Hey, listen…your friends wouldn’t mind you being late would they..”
Before you can answer, she pushes you on the bed, you look up to see her towering over you, biting her finger. She hands you your phone as she unbuttons her shirt. “I think you better tell them you won’t be able to make it now….because your mouth might be too busy for it later”, Sana says seductively.
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“No no no and no! I can’t wear THAT!”, you defiantly stated. You couldn’t believe Jihyo not only wanted you to wear but also go out while wearing it. It’s not like you hadn’t worn crop tops before, you obviously had this particular one basically was more like a bra than a top. Not to mention the shorts Jihyo wanted to go with it. It was just too much for you. Yeah sure, Jihyo had a better sense of fashion than you and sure, her advise had always been on point but….ugh fine you’ll JUST try it on.
Jihyo pouted and accepted your decision and was about to put the clothes back when you stopped her. “Fine I’ll try it out for you but I’m NOT wearing it outside.” Jihyo smiled and agreed, “fine I won’t force you, that’s good enough for me.”
“Slayyy!”, this was the reaction of Jihyo when she saw you. You tried to act nonchalant but a satisfied smile took over and you ended up giggling a bit. It was hard not to feel proud, especially with the way Jihyo seemed to be ogling at you and praising you. “Now you look like my eye candy”, Jihyo teased, “let’s go out now”.
“Hey!”, you playfully protested before giving her a quick peck.
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Mina was mentally preparing herself to perform. All the members were going for a solo stage. Right now Momo had left so it meant that she still had some time left to spare. Deciding it’s still too soon she slumped onto the sofa to rest for a bit. Just as Mina was about to lose herself to her thoughts she was interrupted by her stylist who entered her room, “Oh! Mina, Y/N is here, she said she wants to talk”.
Mina nodded and got up, looking at the mirror to make sure she looked ok. “Mina! How do I look?”, you interrupt.
“You look pretty”, Mina answered absentmindedly before turning to look at you. “Eh!”, Mina exclaimed in shock, her eyes widening as she realized what you were wearing.
“I guess you like it!”, you declare cockily. You approach Mina confidently and sit next to her. Putting your hand on her thigh, you speak with suggestiveness “You know, since there still is a bit of time before your stage, I think I should show you my outfit properly. Don’t you think?”
Mina can only manage a quick but desperate nod before you sit on her lap……
(Good thing concerts are so loud🤭)
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Dahyun was deep in thought in the studio. She had taken the task of writing for the next Twice album but it seemed like her creativity had abandoned her. She had tried everything she usually does but for some reason nothing was working. Frustrated, she went out thinking maybe a coffee break will give her time to reflect and hopefully give some inspiration.
Before she could get out, she yelps as the door opens in her face and you squeal too as you are surprised too. “Dahyun!”, you whine, “why did you shout?”. “I only screamed because you shocked me-what is this!”, her eyes widen as she notices your dress.
She covers her mouth her one hand and puts the other on your tummy, staring which you like and it starts to make you feel a bit fuzzy when without warning she pokes yours stomach causing you to gasp and giggle and immediately protest. Dahyun smirks and then laughs, “sorry that was a bit mean but I couldn’t help it, it was so such a good opportunity.
“But seriously you look nice in this”, She said sincerely. “Does it look nice because of me or because of that character you like who dresses the same”, you cheekily ask while raising an eyebrow. Dahyun, adjusts her glasses and clears her throat, “I don’t know what you are talking about”.
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You stepped out of the room, dressed up like Chaeyoung wanted and waited for her to comment. “Wow! You look so pretty and cute in that!”, she cooed happily. “Hey!, Atleast call me hot or sexy or something! What’s up with cute!”, you protest with a pout.
“Mmm, no. With that pout you can only be cute.”, she said playfully. “Ok fine”, you sigh in defeat, “so why did you want me to wear this?”.
Chaeyoung suddenly stood straight, put on a serious face and deepened her voice, “I wanted to draw you like one of my French girls”. Although you did think it was quite sweet of her, you suppressed a smile and asked her, “shouldn’t I be the one asking you to draw me?”.
“Uh….”, Chaeyoung started to giggle. “ANYWAY, do some cute pose so I can make a doodle of you”.
“Wouldn’t you rather make a mess of me”, you say cheekily with a wink. Chaeyoung sighs and smiles with a little blush, “Ahhn, you are so annoying”.
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You rang the doorbell, feeling a bit nervous but also excited to show Tzuyu your new dress. She opens the door, gives you a once over and sucks in her breath, her cheeks reddening.
“Tzuyu? What’s going on! Your face is red.”, you tease while looking at her innocently. However, Tzuyu being stubborn refuses to submit, “oh, no-nothing, I just…nothing.”. You smile to yourself and nod, happy with the effect you are having on Tzuyu.
“Do you want something to eat?”, Tzuyu asks seemingly already back to being composed. “I can see something I like so sure”, you say while glancing at her. Tzuyu looks around confused, “there’s nothing except the pasta”. You sigh in defeat and sit across her at table, “it’s fine, forget it”.
Tzuyu then smiles coyly, “y/n I actually understand what you meant but it’s a waste to say that to me when you look this beautiful.” She then giggles as you look at her, dumbstruck by her sudden bluntness. She then leans in shyly, prompting you to kiss her but when you lean in, she pulls back showing you the fork she grabbed from your side and smiles with a wink.
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