#john hoynes
I think a lot about how so much of hoynes and jed's relationship was influenced by the fact that Leo kept hoynes' confidence about being an alcoholic for all those years.
except--hoynes didn't realize until Leo told him that jed's gotta know
and you can just see that hoynes looks gobsmacked--because all those times jed has offered John a drink, he probably thought wow, this guy is such a sonnofa bitch, he knows I'm sober and it's been years of working with him as his vice president and he is STILL trying to get me to drink
but all this time. jed was just trying to be polite. Leo kept his confidence and God how it would have influenced a lot of antagonism John would have felt for jed bc yeah that would have been fair to hate the guy.
but jed didn't know
bc Leo never said anything. this was his president and his best friend and he never said anything. you can tell that if it was John, he would have said something esp with how surprised he was
Leo McGarry is a better man than John hoynes and I do wonder after he died how many times does John hoynes think the same thing
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onekisstotakewithme · 7 months
Summary: Election Day, 1998. As the votes come in, the staff of Bartlet for America waits with one question in mind: Who will be the next President?
Words: 3302
Happy anniversary to "The West Wing" which first aired on this day in 1999.
Thank you all for reading! 💜
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writer-at-the-table · 2 years
This time through, I'm really enjoying Hoynes as a minor antagonist and sometimes ally.
The contradictions in his behavior make him interesting.
The way his political maneuvering is at odds with his genuine concern for Leo, and his extension of compassion and an invitation to his super-secret AA meeting, in Five Votes Down, for instance, is fascinating.
I also love all of the different layers that go into his resentment of Leo and Bartlet for his political situation.
One the one hand, Hoynes bears some responsibility for his own loss in the primaries - he didn't listen to Josh's advice when he had it, and he admits as much to Josh. He made choices that hurt his own campaign, no outside influence involved.
One the other hand, there are genuine (if not all entirely fair) reasons for him to resent Bartlet and Leo.
Bartlet never would have run without Leo's prompting, nor could he have won without Leo and Josh's political acumen. And Leo did recruit Josh away from Hoynes' own campaign to work for Bartlet. (But Josh still made his own choices, and Hoynes' own behavior at that time made it easier for Josh to leave. And Hoynes doesn't seem to feel for Josh the resentment he does for Leo and Bartlet despite Josh leaving Hoynes' campaign for them. See, complicated!)
And that's not even getting into the MS thing, for which Hoynes has completely valid reasons to be pissed off, but not to take it out on Leo and the senior staff generally, who weren't involved and don't even know.
And it's not all one sided, either. The President being an ass to Hoynes in a cabinet meeting because of his own personal resentment of Hoynes' behavior during the campaign is childish, and causes problems none of them needed.
And it's not unfair that Hoynes is a little resentful at the way everyone assumes he's the leak on that, because as it turns out, he's completely innocent! And he denied the entirely true rumor when Danny asks him about it, thus protecting the administration! But it's also not unreasonable that the staff all think he is the leak, because there's precedence for that sort of behavior from Hoynes!
It's all so complicated and intertwined and petty and entirely believable on all sides. And it's much more fun, and interesting, to watch than an alternate version of the show where Hoynes is just a one-note asshole all the time.
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By season 6, Josh Hoynes and Josh’s relationship, working and otherwise, has been a rollercoaster ride to say the least. There have been feelings of frustration, betrayal, animus, sorrow, and misunderstanding pointed at each other. Yet despite all of this, Josh Lyman is the first person that John Hoynes goes to when he wants to run for President.
It could be that Hoynes is just being practical about who it takes to win, that he’s trying to butter Josh up by mentioning him so many times in the book, that Hoynes is a good politician. But the mentions of Josh aren’t just in relation to work, but the bulk of them are Josh’s time working in Congress, Golf, Debates they had, A time when Josh went on Family Vacation with them, playing Golf, Josh’s father dying.
Regardless of their journey, Josh Lyman is someone that Hoynes doesn’t want out of his life.
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
I do not feel like digging the post up so I'm just going to make it again but Hoynes absolutely knew Leo wouldn't like Josh saying getting the pilot back alive would boost approval ratings and told him on purpose to get Josh in trouble because he was pissed about the "no sir, I know it for sure" thing. Also he was pissed because he knows Josh was right and Josh is the one that got away. Also he does feel bad about it when Josh gets shot like nine hours later.
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kuri-crocus · 3 months
Results: A David Tennant bf/gf for a Michael Sheen character
I made a result post for the GO3 wishes. So here are the results for the Good Omens Extended Universe shipping polls as well. These are the results for Michael's characters. Here are the results for David's characters. It doesn't mean to be the end: I am still open for requests for other characters...
1. Aro -279 votes-
Most popular match: Peter Vincent (35.8%)
2. Barty Crouch Jr. (30.5%), 3. Crowley (11.5%), 4. Giacomo Casanova (8.6%), 5. Richard II (7.5%), 6. The Doctor  (5.7%) 0.4% voted for other characters (not specified)
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2. Lucian -262 votes-
Most popular match: Peter Vincent (43.1%) again!
2. Barty Crouch Jr. (18.3%), 3. Crowley (9.9%), 4. Kilgrave/Kevin Thompson and the Doctor (9.5% each), 5. Giacomo Casanova (6.1%), 6. Campbell Bain  (2.3%) 1.1% voted for other characters (not specified)
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3. Miles Maitland -241 votes-
Most popular match: Campbell Bain (43.1%)
2. Ginger Littlejohn (22.4%), 3. Phileas Fogg (15.4%), 4. The Doctor (11.6%), 5. Crowley (10%), 6. Peter Vincent (5.4%) 7. Jean-François Mercier (4.6%) 8. Hector Heldane (0.8%) 2.1% voted for other characters (not specified)
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4. Martin Whitly -190 votes-
Most popular match: Alec Hardy (33.2%)
2. Kilgrave/Kevin Thompson (22.1%), 3. Cale Erendreich (17.4%), 4. Harry Watling (7.4%), 5. R.D. Laing (6.3%), 6. Tom Kendrick (5.3%) 7. Will Burton (2.6%) 8. Edgar Fallon (2.1%) 3.7% voted for other characters (not specified)
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5. William Boldwood -157 votes-
Most popular match: Phileas Fogg (49%) 
2. Arthur Eddington (12.7%), 3. Davina (11.5%) 4. Crowley (10.2%) 5. Giacomo Casanova (7.6%) 6. The Doctor (7%) 7. Piers Pomfrey (0.6 %) , 1.3% voted for other characters: Alec Hardy
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6. Thorne Jamison -129 votes-
Most popular match: Peter Vincent (28.7%) again, again!
2. Crowley (17.8%), 3. Ghost of Christmas Present (16.3%), 4. Campbell Bain  (13.2%), 5. John Helm (11.6%), 6. Peter Carlisle (4.7%) 7. Arthur Eddington (3.9%) 3.9% voted for other characters: Brendan Block and Roderick Peterson
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7. Joe -117 votes-
Most popular match: Campbell Bain (58.1%) also again!
2. Davina (18.8%), 3. Alec Hardy and Crowley (11.1% each), 0.9% voted for other characters (not specified)
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8. Roland Blum -97 votes-
Most popular match: Aiden Hoynes (26.8%)
2. Alec Hardy (19.6%), 3. Kilgrave/Kevin Thompson (15.5%), 4. Harry Watling (12.4%), 5. Cale Erendreich (8.2%), 6. Will Burton (7.2%) 7. Walt Jodell (5.2%) 5.2% voted for other characters (not specified)
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9. Bill Masters -90 votes-
Most popular match: Alec Hardy (47.8%) again...
2. Davina (16.7%), 3. R.D. Laing (13.3%), 4. The Doctor and Crowley (7.8% each), 5. Campbell Bain (2.2%) 4.4% voted for other characters (not specified)
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10. Robbie Ross -81 votes-
Most popular match: Giacomo Casanova (40.7%)
2. Phileas Fogg (24.7%), 3. Arthur Eddington (21%), 4. Crowley (8.6%), 5. Jean-François Mercier (4.9%)
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11. Malcolm Howe -62 votes-
Most popular match: Cale Erendreich (32.3%)
2. Harry Watling and Barty Crouch Jr. (21% each), 3. Davina (11.3%), 4. Brendan Block (6.5%), 5. Peter Carlisle (3.2%) 4.8% voted for other characters: 10th Doctor
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12. Harry Jones -45 votes-
Most popular match: Peter Carlisle (31.1%)
2. Davina (28.9%), 3. Walt Jodell (15.6%), 4. James Arber (13.3%), 5. John Helm (11.1%)
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13. Wesley Snipes -42 votes-
Most popular match: Chris and Peter Carlisle (23.8% each)
2. Doug McLeod (21.4%), 3. Walt Jodell (16.7%), 4. Kilgrave/Kevin Thompson (9.5%) 4.8% voted for other characters (not specified)
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14. Tony Towers -39 votes-
Most popular match: Ghost of Christmas Present (28.2 %)
2. The Doctor and John Helm (20.5% each), 3. Roderick Peterson, and Donald Peterson (15.4 % each)
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15. Steven Arthur Younger -34 votes-
Most popular match: Jean-François Mercier (29.4 %)
2. Kilgrave/Kevin Thompson and Cale Erendreich (23.5 % each), 3. Barty Crouch Jr. (17.6 %), 4. Brendan Block (5.9 %)
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16. Tony Blair -32 votes-
Most popular match: Aiden Hoynes (40.6%) again
2. Will Burton (25%), 3. Rex Alexander (21.9%), 4. Roderick Peterson (9.4%) 4.8% voted for other characters: Alec Hardy and Peter Vincent
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17. Colin Lawes -32 votes-
Most popular match: Peter Carlisle (25%) again No. 2,5
2. Donald Peterson and James Arber (18.8 % each), 3. Walt Jodell, Doug McLeod and Simon Yates (9.4% each) 9.4% voted for other characters: Campbell Bain
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18. The Bat -31 votes-
Most popular match: Piers Pomfrey and Barty Crouch Jr. (35.5 % each)
2. Cale Erendreich and Roderick Peterson (12.9 % each) 3.2% voted for other characters (not specified)
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19. Austen Blume -29 votes-
Most popular match: Simon Yates (24.1%)
2. Walt Jodell and James Arber (20.7 % each), 3. John Helm (17.2 %) 4. Emmett Carver (10.3 %) 5. Roderick Peterson (6.9%), 6. Alan Hamilton (0%)
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20. Slavkin O'Hara -21 votes-
Most popular match: Dave Tiler (28.6%)
2. Simon Yates and Donald Peterson (23.8 % each), 3. James Arber 14.3%), 4. Doug McLeod (9.5%)
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If you scrolled until here you deserve this fact: Until now we have 6 mutual couples where the character won the other ones poll and vice versa: Aro x Peter Vincent, Alec Hardy x Bill Masters, Campbell Bain x Miles Maitland, Roland Blum x Aiden Hoynes, Giacomo Casanova x Robbie Ross and Peter Carlisle x Colin Lawes!
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thestarwarslesbian · 9 months
How my west wing AU is coming along-
So Far so good.
I wrote the chapter 1 summary yesterday.
The entire White House staff bristles with activity when it’s learned that the President (Breha Organa) injured herself during a bicycle accident, and her absence becomes a factor as chief of staff Mace Windu must juggle a host of impending crises, including a mass boat lift of Cuban refugees approaching the Florida coast and the reaction of conservative Christians to a controversial televised comment by deputy chief of staff Padmé Amidala. Meanwhile, Cody Fett, the trouble-prone deputy communications director, unknowingly spends the night with a call girl (Satine Kryze) and then makes another critical error during a children’s White House tour. 
I just finished assining characters.
Main cast 
Cody Fett [Sam Seaborn], Deputy White House Communications Director 
Luminara [Mandy Hampton], Media Consultant 
Thorn Fett [Charlie Young], Personal Aide to the President 
Fox Fett [C. J. Cregg], White House Press Secretary 
Riyo Chuchi [Toby Ziegler], White House Communications Director 
Mace Windu [Leo McGarry], White House Chief of Staff 
Padme Amidala [Josh Lyman], White House Deputy Chief of Staff 
Breha Organa [Josiah Bartlet], President of the United States 
Bail Organa [Abbey Bartlet], First Lady of the United States 
Recurring cast 
Anakin Skywalker [Donna Moss], assistant to Padme 
Ponds Fett [Margaret Hooper], Assistant to Chief of Staff Windu 
Depa Billaba [Dolores Landingham], President Organa's executive secretary 
Yan Doku [Danny Concannon], senior White House correspondent for The Washington Post 
Leia Organa [Zoey Bartlet], the youngest of the President's three daughters 
Calab Dum [Mallory O'Brien], Leo McGarry's son 
Adi Gallia [Admiral Percy Fitzwallace], Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 
Shaak Ti [John Hoynes], Vice President of the United States 
Satine Kryze [Laurie], law student and part-time high priced call girl Sam sleeps with in the pilot. 
Hera Sendulla [Gina Toscano], the Secret Service agent assigned to Leia 
Bo-Katan Kryze [Joey Lucas], a Democratic political consultant 
Thrie Fett [Andrea Wyatt], Congresswoman from Maryland's 5th district and ex-husband of Riyo Chuchi 
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The West Wing: "17 People"
Toby is sitting in a chair throwing his rubber ball against the wall.
MAN [on TV]
That’s an incredible one in 500 Americans afflicted with this disease, which leads me to part two of our question.
Toby stops throwing for a moment.
MAN [on TV]
Senator, how is it that, despite the prevalence of this disorder, autism has received less than 15 percent...
Paper crumpling.
Toby is throwing crumpled legal pad paper into a wastebasket already full with other papers. He sighs heavily and throws away another page.
Toby is typing on his laptop. He stops suddenly, looking through the screen and into the hallway. He gets up and walks to LEO'S OFFICE.
Hey, I didn’t know you were still here.
What’s going on?
I’ve been thinking... about why Hoynes volunteered to slap down big oil.
It was his polling information.
Yeah, but why did he put the poll in the field at all, is what I’m saying.
John Hoynes is an egomaniac who needs to be told what people think of him.
[chuckles] Well, that’s pretty unusual for Washington.
[comes closer] Leo, has there been a discussion in some room, some place, anywhere on any level about Hoynes being dropped from the ticket in 2002?
You sure?
‘Cause I thought maybe it was an Eisenhower-Nixon...
No, Toby, I wouldn’t give it a lot of thought.
Okay. [walks out]
Sound of Toby’s rubber ball hitting the wall.
Toby is in his chair, throwing the ball against the wall. Throws with the right hand, catches with the left.
Leo walks in, picks up his mail, walks into his office, and turns on the light. Toby is sitting on his couch.
[raises his head, terrified] You scared the hell out of me.
The poll that Hoynes put in the field...
Hoynes is going to run for President one day. Why shouldn’t he do his own polling?
[gets up] He’s going to run for President six years from now, what good does last week's do?
I really don’t know. [walks by him]
        THAT NIGHT
It’s never happened before, right?
Toby is pacing in the office.
A Vice President would never challenge a sitting President for the nomination.
‘Course not.
You see his itinerary for the weekend?
The Vice President.
I don’t keep tabs on John.
He’s giving a speech at a semiconductor plant. The title of the speech is, "Clean air industry in the high-tech Corridor of the Industrial Northeast."
Nashua. New Hampshire.
Leo takes off his glasses and sits back in the chair. Toby stares at him.
Toby, nobody, and particularly not Hoynes would be naïve enough... what I mean to say is if he’s going to New Hampshire for the reason you’re thinking he would mask it with something. It wouldn’t be an official trip. He’d make up a benign excuse to be up there.
I know.
So why are you concerned about the speech?
Because it comes in the middle of a three-day camping trip to Killington. [beat] Why does Hoynes think the President isn’t going to run again?
A beat, while the sound of Toby’s ball, slamming into the wall, is heard.
What’s going on, Leo?
Leo doesn’t answer. Toby continues staring at him.
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maverickcalf · 6 months
West wing au where John Hoynes shots Jed Bartlet
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dil-ibaadat · 1 year
I haven’t started watching the West Wing yet but came upon this clip on YouTube and squealed because I understood the reference in your AU Bridgerton fic with @folklauerate
Can’t wait for your next update!
you got the reference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much for dropping this my way, i adore it. you’re so sweet <3 
and yes, in this AU, when i first started writing it: 
kate -> jed
tom -> leo
anthony -> an amorphous blob of senator john hoynes/abbey (i wanted to include a tag “imagine jed bartlet and john hoynes fucking” but then i realized that might put people off -- although if anyone wants it i will WRITE IT THEY HAD CHEMISTRY)
but the senior staff may or may not change!!! @folklauerate has some incredible things coming up for y’all and you should be SO EXCITED. 
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onekisstotakewithme · 9 months
sometimes watching the west wing is like. maybe they'd build more political goodwill and relationships if they didn't actively and openly disdain every vice president they have...
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John Hoynes redemption arc? It’s unlikelier than you think
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thebreakfastgenie · 2 years
Currently riled up about the absolute disrespect shown to Hoynes as a character in the post Sorkin seasons.
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kuri-crocus · 4 months
A Michael Sheen boyfriend for a David Tennant character Masterpost
Peter Vincent (Fright Night)
Alec Hardy (Broadchurch)
Phileas Fogg (Around the World in 80 days)
Kilgrave/Kevin Thompson (Jessica Jones)
Barty Crouch Jr. (Harry Potter)
The Doctor (Doctor Who)
Campbell Bain (Takin Over the asylum)
Davina (Rab C Nesbitt)
Peter Carlisle (Blackpool)
Giacomo Casanova (Casanova)
Roderick Peterson (Nativity 2)
Simon Yates (The She Goes)
Aiden Hoynes (The Politican's Husband)
Walt Jodell (Camping)
Donald Peterson (Nativity 2)
James Arber (The Decoy Bride)
Arthur Eddington (Einstein and Eddington)
Cale Erendreich (Bad Samaritan)
Jean-François Mercier (Spies of Warsaw)
John Helm (You, Me and Him)
Bonus: Crowley
Michael's masterpost
This is not supposed to be the end! Make a request which character to do next ^^
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vickiabelson · 2 years
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Today, Live @11am PT/ 2pm ET Tim Matheson!
The voice of Jonny Quest, appearances on Leave it to Beaver, in Yours, Mine and Ours, a regular on The Virginian, and Bonanza, appeared on My Three Sons, in the film Magnum Force, and with Kurt Russell in the series, The Quest, it’s Tim's Otter in Animal House that changed his trajectory, recognition, visibility, and won the heart of every woman, and man, I know. Followed by Speilberg’s 1941, Mel Brooks, To Be or Not to Be, Fletch, and loads of other TV and film appearances, Tim had a recurring role as Vice President John Hoynes on The West Wing, where he garnered two Emmy nods, and more recently, This is Us. He’s directed episodes of said show, Third Watch, Ed, The Twilight Zone, Cold Case, Psych The Good Guys, White Collar, Criminal Minds, Suits, and Burn Notice, where he had a recurring role, to name some. He’s done loads more film and TV, working steadily since his very young start.
Tim, along with his business partner Dan Grodnik, bought National Lampoon in 1989 when the magazine was facing financial decline. They took the stock from two dollars to over six dollars and sold it in 1991. Where was I? Playing opposite Ryan Reynolds, Tim played the father of the title character in Van Wilder, inspired by his own character in Animal House. Fun!
Starring as Doc Mullins in the Netflix series Virgin River, Tim’s done double duty directing, and is where you’ll currently find him. I’m binging the just dropped 4th season. Hold my calls! 
In spite of his incredibly jammed calendar, and two last-minute additions to his Wednesday, this humble, sweet, real, wonderful, accessible, iconic actor/director is making the time to chat with us. Communicating with Tim the last many weeks to set this up, he’s exceeded all my expectations and is just as fun as that suave, gorgeous Delta frat boy I (we) fell in love with. 
Very special thanks to Mark Metcalf for making the introduction and opening this door that I can’t wait to open! We're hitting the interweb early-coffeetime! 
Tim Matheson Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
*** Wednesday, 8/3/22, 11 am PT, 2 pm ET***
Streaming Live on my Facebook
Daily by Toni Vincent & @peter_and_paul_ Cartoons
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jurassicpark1990 · 2 years
i'm a simple person; i see vice president john hoynes and i floor it
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