kuro93 · 5 months
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Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch ~ Princess Café Collection Extra Bromides ~ Official Arts HQ ❤
Scanned by KuRo93
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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j-uurikuran · 7 months
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Haruka x Juuri and Little Yuuki x Young Kaname
Setting: When Yuuki is just a little Vampire.
Status: Complete
Type: Standalone
Disclaimer: All related Vampire Knight names and characters are copyrighted © by Matsuri Hino. The plot line for the story though, belongs to myself.
••●───── 🕸️⋅🕷⋅🕸️ ─────●••
"Brother!" Kaname stirred from his seat on the couch where he was enjoying a book, his chocolate brown eyes peering over the top of it as little Yuuki ran over to him and clambered up to be seated next to him, her small hand tugging at his brown jacket.
"Is something the matter Yuuki?" Kaname asked his facial expression never changing though Yuuki could detect his concern and she giggled into her stuffed rabbit.
"No Kaname, nothing bad," Yuuki's eyes brightened when Kaname placed his book on the floor and patted his lap to get her to sit there and she gladly scurried on and cuddled into him, "Kaname, what's a kiss?" she tilted her head to the side so innocently that even Kaname couldn't stop the light blush that appeared on his cheeks.
"Surely you know what a kiss is, after sharing many with me?" Kaname asked gently stroking his thumb across little Yuuki's cheek, a small angelic smile on his lips as he leaned down and brushed his lips across her cheek making her gasp and giggle again.
"That's a kiss?" Yuuki asked and beamed excitedly when Kaname simply nodded, amused by her reaction and jumped a little when a grinning Yuuki threw her arms around his neck.
"But Yuuki," Kaname started shuffling the girl in his arms so that their eyes met, "why did you want to know?" he asked gently brushing Yuuki's long brown hair out of her eyes.
"I read it in a book Mother left on the couch," Yuuki explained blinking a couple of times before she cuddled into Kaname again, smiling happily when he wrapped his arms around her protectively and lay his head against hers.
It was only a draft of cold air that broke the pair apart and Yuuki gasped loudly again as she hurried down from Kaname's lap to greet their parents, their scent filling the young Pureblood's nose like a comforting cuddle.
"Mother, father!" Yuuki squeezed her toy rabbit in between her arms as she cuddled against the legs of her mother, Juuri while under the smiling eyes of Haruka who shuffled the umbrella in his hands and gently placed it down against the wall.
"Ah!" Juuri smiled bending down, grabbing Yuuki around the waist and sitting the little girl upon her hip, "and how is Yuuki today?" her mother's smile was beautiful at that moment and Yuuki couldn't help but stare in awe, her little fingers reaching out and touching those lips that had placed loving kisses on her forehead.
"She adores you," Haruka's deep voice sounded from behind the two females and Juuri looked over at him with a blush on her cheeks, giggling when Yuuki squealed upon seeing Kaname arrive in the entrance to greet his parents.
"Did you travel safely?" Kaname asked a little too seriously for his age and Juuri placed Yuuki on the floor before tapping Kaname's head in a playful manner.
"Oh Kaname I wish you wouldn't be so formal with us," she then cuddled him into her arms with an adoring smile on her face before swaying Kaname from side to side making both her and Yuuki laugh whilst Haruka gazed upon the sight of his perfect little family.
"Formal?" Kaname sounded a little confused, but it went unheard as Juuri then pulled away from him and wrapped her arms around Haruka's arm, beaming up at him as he just smiled silently as usual.
"Mummy, today I learnt what kisses are!" Yuuki tugged on her mother's white and pink dress trying to get her attention and it worked as both Juuri and Haruka were now looking at her curiously.
"Oh really?" Juuri asked bending down until her hands were on her knees, her face level with Yuuki's, "and what did Kaname say they were?"
Behind her, Haruka moved to Kaname's side and placed a hand caringly on his son's shoulder, smiling when the brunette looked up at him.
Yuuki didn't reply and simply leaned over and kissed her mother's cheek sweetly, giggling straight afterwards and blushing a bit when Juuri straightened up and cupped her cheeks, swaying from side to side.
"Oh I just got a kiss from Yuuki, Haruka you must be so jealous of me," a little flirtatious eyebrow lifted on her beautiful face and a deep chuckle sounded from the man behind Kaname.
"Only those of true beauty get kisses from our little girl," Haruka pointed out with a wispy tone that made Juuri blush slightly and she watched as Yuuki then went to both Kaname and her father, kissing their cheeks just so that they knew that she thought they were true beauties too wanting everybody to be equal in her family.
"Come Yuuki, we'll read together," Kaname said gently as he held his hand out to her, which she gladly took and padded after her big brother as they walked back into the room and over to their favourite spot on the couch.
"Oh look at them," Juuri sighed and cuddled her husband's arms lovingly, her free hand lifting and running her nails across his cheeks gently as she gazed at his handsome face, "they act closer than we ever did," she chuckled and grinned when Haruka smiled again and placed a kiss on the top of her head.
"You were even more stubborn back then," Haruka teased in a gentle tone and Juuri's face flushed before she gently pulled her husband's face down to hers and kissed his kips tenderly, "Juuri," he whispered when they pulled away from each other, his hand squeezing the one on his cheek lovingly as he gazed into his wife's eyes.
"Oh don't look at me like that with those eyes," Juuri playfully pushed her husband in the chest and laughed when Haruka grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back against him so their lips could meet again.
"Then don't tease me with such short kisses," Haruka replied quietly, aware that his children were in the next room and he captured his wife's lips in a sweet, almost delicate kiss that made both of them swoon against one another.
"What's snu-snugger-ling?"
Both Haruka and Juuri pulled away with a smile at the sound their young and curious child and walked into the room to find Yuuki pointing at the book Kaname had been reading a little while before the kissing explanation had taken up his time.
"Snuggling is when you grab a hold of somebody you love very much," Juuri started and then wrapped her arms around Haruka's waist, "and then get all close and squashy with them like this," she then buried her head in her husband's chest and cuddled up into his body, sighing at the scent of him.
Yuuki stared at them as if she was taking mental notes and started to do the same with Kaname who was blushing darker by the second every time Yuuki's head nuzzled against his chest.
"They are so sweet," Juuri sighed quietly to the much taller man she was still snuggling with and closed her eyes as Haruka began to pet her long hair gently.
It was times like this that Haruka and Juuri truly loved being a family, being this close to each other just seemed to fuel them completely even though they were having hard times at the current time. The sheer innocence of seeing their children play and learn together was the thing that both of the adult Pureblood's practically fed off of.
"Hey…what's sex-uo intercus?"
However, they still wished their daughter was a little less curious when it came to words she didn't know.
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scenefromthesidewalk · 7 months
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by Juuri
Tokyo-born Juuri commonly uses Japanese patterns, motifs, and flora to enhance her portrayals of delicate beauty. In 2020 Juuri painted this well known kabuki character in Tullahoma, Tennessee—site of of one of the WW2 internment sites for those of Japanese descent—for the Walls for Women project. Walls for Women was created by DMA to celebrate the centenary of Tennessee's role as the final state to ratify the 19th Ammendment, and to facilitate the ongoing conversation concerning the rights of women "in all facets of life."
LOCATION: 123 S Wall St, Tullahoma, TN, 37388
IG: @juuriart83    IG: @muralseverywhere/
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airu27 · 1 year
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Photos from Hetamyu FW Day 1!!!
~ 7 April 2023
Source: [1, 2] [3, 4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
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lulufangirl · 8 months
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I was testing some brushes I found on clip studio... it was fun :)
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tumangaonline · 2 years
😍Nuestras hermosas nietas😍
C https://pin.it/1emu54D
Hasta los finales de los tiempos solo unos pocos permanecen de pie, éstos son apenas un puñado de nobles seguidores de amistad hacia los Kuran. Ai y Ren Kuran son nuestro, legado, queremos, verlas sonreír, hasta el final de sus, existencias nuestras queridas nietas.
Juuri & Haruka
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neroushalvaus · 3 months
"Tällasta ei voisi tehdä enää tänä päivänä" on kommentti, joka sanotaan joko vitseistä, jotka eivät olleet koskaan hauskoja, tai vitseistä, jotka ehdottomasti voitaisiin tehdä tänä päivänä ja ainoastaan sanojan päässä elävät mielikuvitusliberaalit pistäisivät siitä pahakseen
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oocmuumit · 6 months
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ooc-sohvikset · 5 months
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hiidenneiti · 10 months
Siitä on yli kolmekymmentä vuotta, kun Korpilahdella eräässä torpassa satoi verta. Kun syksyllä eräänä torstai-iltana torpan väki oli illallisella, alkoi laipiosta eli sisäkatosta tippua verta pöydälle. Kun torpassa hyyryllä asuva mies pisti kätensä sille kohdalle, mihin verta tippui, alkoi sitä tulla yhä tiheämmin. Tästä säikähtäneinä miehet nousivat vintille katsomaan, olisiko siellä jokin josta verta tippuu, mutta laipion päällys oli tyhjä ja ihan kuiva. Tupaan jääneet naiset alkoivat huutaa: "Joutukaa, täällä sataa verta!" Kun miehet tulivat sisälle, oli veriläikkiä permannolla, seinissä ja muurissa. Verentulo lopulta taukosi sinä iltana, ja torpan väki sai viettää unettoman yön kauhun vallassa. Saman viikon lauantai-iltana, kun torpan väki oli kylpemässä saunassa, lähti emäntä viemään lasta sisälle tupaan. Laskettuaan lapsen kehtoon alkoi verta sataa lapsen päälle ja vakun ympärille. Emäntä juoksi saunaan takaisin ja huusi lauteilla oleville miehille: "Joutukaa, verta sataa lapsen päälle!" Isäntä hyppäsi lauteilta alas ja alkoi laittaa paitaa päälleen, mutta emäntä huusi: "Nyt sataa verta päällesi!" Isäntä tämän huomatessaan lähti juoksemaan sisälle, verisateen seuratessa mukana. Hän sieppasi mennessään koivusta viikatteen. Sisälle päästyään hän alkoi huimia viikatteella ympäri huonetta karkoittaakseen verenruiskijan. Viikate osui muuriin ja meni tuhannen sömöksi ja verentulo äityi. Lattialla oli lehtiä kuivamassa, ne alkoivat kuohua verisuihkusta. Isäntä sieppasi seinällä olevan pitkän hevosentappopuukon (isäntä oli vanha hevosentappaja) ja alkoi lyödä ja kirota siihen paikkaan, missä lehdet verestä kuohuivat. Tämä olikin pätevä ase, sillä verentulo lakkasi, eikä sitä enää sen jälkeen näkynyt. Sillä aikaa yksi lauteilla olleista miehistä oli lähtenyt juoksemaan kirves kädessä naapuritaloista apua hakemaan. Naapureille, jotka olivat juuri nukkumaan laittamassa, oli tämä kauheata, kun pimeänä syysiltana kauhusta vapiseva mies seisoi ovella kertoen, mitä tänä iltana oli tapahtunut, edellisestä olivat jo kuulleet. Naapurit lähtivät miehen seuratessa juoksemaan torppaan. Kun tulivat sisälle, olivat siellä ihmiset kauhuissaan ja verta joka paikassa – eniten pöydän alla, saunassa ja saunatien varrella. [...] Tapaus on tosi, juttu oli Jyväskylän lehdissä.
Korpilahti 1936. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kansanrunousarkisto, siteerattuna teoksessa Pieni kummituskirja. Tarinoita vuosien takaa. Kati Lampela (toim.). SKS, 2006.
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anime093se · 7 months
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airu27 · 1 year
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Photos from Hetamyu FW Day 12!!! [Part 3]
~ 23 April 2023 <<< <<
Source: [1] [2, 3] [4] [5, 6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
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peacesmith · 1 month
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(click for better quality)
Thank you so much to @frankenbridez for doing my commission! I love how it came out they’re so cute 😖 please go commission them when you have the chance!
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pupucino · 9 months
palasin lomalta töihin. oon typottanu teamsissa ihan sairaita typoja ja vastannu kaikkeen et en mä muista enkä tiedä mitään. en vaikuta yhtään siltä et oisin yhä loman jäljiltä kännissä.
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tumangaonline · 2 years
Nuestro hijo, nuestro dulce niño nunca quisimos verte en ese frío ataúd. Te amamos y te observamos desde tus recuerdos.
C: Pinterest
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