#larry h/c
track-five · 1 year
i'm torn
Harry had Louis positively swooning. That whole interview, Louis truly struggled to keep himself in check while his angel of a husband sat perched delicately on the arm of the sofa. Even while terribly ill, he was so irresistibly perfect. The way his dimples lit up his cheeks, how his eyes sparkled with a subtle fever-brightness, there was something so addictive about the pure sweetness that his medicine-doped self radiated. Voiceless as he was, everything about him was still so charming and endearing and fucking intoxicating that Louis was torn between maintaining professionalism and kissing the fuck out of his lips right then and there. If it wasn't for the risk of catching the flu, which he felt was inevitable at this point anyway, he might have lost control of himself.
Words: 8867, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Sick Character, Sick Harry Styles, Caring Louis Tomlinson, Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Established Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Married Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fever, Caretaking, Pet Names, mitam era, louis is a sweet husband, and harry feels awful
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lornasaurusrex · 20 days
I miss you Lorna… this is such a mess
This is an old message and I had several other similar messages, but I miss you guys and hope you’re all doing well!! I’m sorry to see nothing has improved.
I saw I was kindly mentioned by @awesomefringey and some other commenters the other day, so just wanted to log in and say hello and log back out for a few more months. 💕
Sending so so much love to all of you. Take care of yourselves and each other, please.
The video is still on YT.
#Anywayyyyy#The fandom added a whole lot more C to my C-PTSD#So a nice random message every few months instead of a freshly posted death wish is LOVELY.#Don’t fret. On meds and therapied but fresh tf out of money from it so @ L and H… lornasaurusrexx at g*ail is the PayPal if ur bored 🙃#I hate to be like this but protect your hearts. They’ll never be able to look out for you guys and they feed these trolls ammo for snacks#and it seems to have only gotten worse. Gotta keep them hets hetbaited for their money whilst actively encouraging them to bully yall? Why?#STILL!? At this point it feels like they’ve both chosen that path deliberately now and I find it quite gross. but I’m also very far removed#So don’t worry about my opinions. Keep trusting your own intuition!!! You all see it. I love you guys and your beautiful hearts and empathy#But I hope they can sleep at night knowing the absolute fucking genuine WRECKAGE they left across the Big Gay War generation/era of Larries#Don’t worry guys I’m just as dramatic as ever. None of this has anything to do with them coming out or anything. Just how we were treated.#But trust I fuckin mean that shit from the deepest darkest pit of my Demon Larrie™️ heart. They encouraged this. 🤷🏼‍♀️#Anyone who cares about my actual life updates: I’m a school nurse now and will be working at a bougie summer camp over break#Had a surgery I needed. Got new tattoos and piercings. In a happy and healthy relationship with the best dude for almost a year now.#OH and I went to New Zealand last year with Prettytruthsandlies!!!! We made a pact back in our Big Gay War/college days to go. And we DID!!#I got overstimulated and overfed and puked in Hobbiton. 🤣 (It was the best time of my LIFE GENUINELY🥰🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹)#Okay BYE LOVE YOU GUYS#There are better and more humane ways to maintain a closet ..like literally STFU entirely. Ignoring it and not exploiting a kid is FREE#🇵🇸
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oh-hawkeye · 1 year
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You mean this isn't a nurse?
M*A*S*H, "Major Fred C. Dobbs"
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sipped-lapped-swilled · 4 months
In my worst nightmares I'm being haunted by the Howard Stern mash parody with Hawknose as breast implant surgeon
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putadohs · 3 days
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hold on, little bunny ² | oneshot larry
“cuidar da sua princesinha se tornou parte de sua rotina. mas o que acontece quando esses cuidados extrapolam demais os limites? ainda mais quando harry decide testar a paciência de louis com tantas provocações quando descobre que talvez não fosse a única que recebesse seus cuidados?”
⤷ h!inter • dacrifilia • cock warming • squirting • daddy kink • harry18|louis30 • dirty talk • spanking • exibicionismo • praise kink • cnc.
clique aqui para ler a primeira parte de “hold on, little bunny”
Harry passou as férias de verão na casa de sua mãe. Voltou com saudades de sua casa, do seu verdadeiro lar. E claro, de uma pessoa em especial.
O tempo tinha mudado, o outono tinha feito abrigo. As árvores com as folhas laranja e amarelo, o ar úmido deixando a terra molhada e fofa, muitos dias seguidos de chuva fraca e um friozinho gostoso. Harry amava essa estação do ano.
— Jennie, pode me fazer um chocolate quente? — Harry pediu educadamente, sentada na cadeira da mesa posta. — Tô com vontade de tomar algo doce.
— Faço sim — a senhorinha sorriu de bom grado. — Acho que vou fazer para todos… está frio e todos gostam de chocolate.
— É mesmo — Harry estava distraída, puxando os fiozinhos da toalha que cobria a mesa, balançando os pés descalços pra lá e pra cá. Seu rostinho estava deitado em seu braço.
— Vou esperar Louis chegar antes de fazer, você espera, querida?
— Espero sim, mas… onde ele tá?
— Fiquei sabendo que foi para a cidade natal da namorada — a última palavra fez Harry se sentar ereta na cadeira. — Seu pai deu uns dias de folga a ele, talvez volte hoje para a fazenda e amanhã comece a trabalhar novamente. Mas não sei, pequena, apenas ouvi dos outros.
— C-como assim ele tem namorada, Jennie? — a voz de Harry se fez muito aborrecida, estava pasma.
— Ele tem, claro que tem — Jennie disse numa confiança… — Um rapaz tão bonito daqueles é difícil não ter nenhuma bela moça ao lado.
— É… — estava aérea demais, fixou seu olhar num ponto aleatório da cozinha. — Impossível não ter mesmo.
Harry não quis esperar na cozinha o seu chocolate quente. Foi andando um tanto paralisada para o seu quarto, pensando que Louis sentia outra pessoa além dela, pensando que outra pessoa recebia o carinho e o cuidado tão gostoso dele. Que absurdo! Como deixou isso acontecer?
Chegou no seu quarto com o punhos cerrados. Sentia raiva. Quando decidiu se olhar no espelho, encontrou em seus olhos um mar querendo inundar suas bochechas. O choro entalado na garganta era de rasgar seu coração. Ficou tão frustada que precisava botar para fora.
Harry enfiou seu rosto já úmido pelas lágrimas no travesseiro e gritou tão alto, mas tão alto, que sentiu sua garganta doer pelo timbre fino e arrastado. Debatia suas pernas contra o colchão a medida que tomava fôlego para gritar de novo, de novo e de novo. Estava muito tristinha.
E estava com raiva de Louis. Muita raiva.
Uma manhã gelada se iniciava!
Os trabalhadores da fazenda tinham iniciado um novo projeto, novos carros rurais tinham chegado e a fazenda inteira estava no mais alto barulho possível. Buzinas, motores barulhentos e muitas vozes masculinas gritando pra lá e pra cá. E somente uma voz chamou atenção de Harry.
Mas ignorou totalmente. Fingiu não saber que Louis tinha chegado ontem à noite, trancou a porta de seu quarto quando ouviu os passos do mesmo indo para o banheiro. E sinceramente, Louis não ia para o quarto de Harry.
Desceu as escadas toda saltitante. Mesmo com o frio considerável, isso não impediu Harry de usar uma mini saia, a mais curta que tinha, toda plisada e rosa bebê, e somente um casaquinho com um botão segurando seus peitos, o tecido bem curtinho no corpo e com mangas longas. Parecia uma boneca.
— Harry! Não vai para o colégio? — Jennie disse assustada, vendo a garota se aproximar da cozinha aos poucos. — Querida, está cheio de homens aqui, eles estão tomando café.
Harry entendeu que Jennie estava falando da forma como estava vestida. A senhora já estava acostumada, não via problema para ela, mas sabia que aparecer daquele jeito podia atrair muitos olhares.
— Tudo bem, vó, ninguém vai me incomodar! — disse carinhosamente, seguindo caminho para o tal cômodo abraçada em Jennie.
E bem, assim que entrou na cozinha, todos os quatros homens mediram Harry de cima a baixo, e um deles sendo Louis, que quase se engasgou no próprio café na xícara. É claro que eles se olharam, e é claro que o olhar de Louis foi mortal, delicerando por todo o corpo de Harry.
— Quer seu chocolate quente, querida?
— Uhum — fez sim com a cabeça, se encostando na mesa de costas para todos os homens. — Quer ajuda, Jennie?
— Pode pegar as xícaras? Eu deixei em cima desse armário.
Harry olhou o tal armário e percebeu que teria que pegar um banquinho para alcançar. Uma pena que o banquinho não estava ali. Parecia até combinado, não é? Ainda mais quando um dos homens, moreno de cabelos cacheados, decide ajudar Harry, pegando as quatros xícaras duas em cada mão.
— Obrigadinha — e a forma como disse tão educadamente, tão sorridente, fez Louis fechar sua mão por baixo da mesa, apertando sua coxa.
— Qualquer coisa, pode me chamar — o rapaz ofereceu.
— Pode deixar — Harry sorriu com as bochechas saltadas.
E Louis observou como Harry se portou naquele momento. Ficava em volta de Jennie ajudando com coisas inúteis, como pegar um açúcar que já estava perto da senhora, se agachar para pegar o chocolate em pó só para levantar e empinar a bumbum, e quando achou que não podia piorar, Harry apenas se sentou na mesa de frente para Louis com os peitos apoiados na mesa, de tão gordinhos e empinadinhos que eram, sabendo que eles se balançavam a cada mísero e pequeno movimento.
Ouviu os homens cochichando enquanto olhavam para Harry.
— Não vai para o colégio mesmo? — Jennie questionou. — Se não for, tenho que avisar seu pai.
— Vou só no segundo turno — Harry disse.
Louis ouvia a conversa delas sem parar de encarar Harry. Mas tinha uma vontade de pular naquele pescoço e descontar toda essa provocação no corpinho que adorou tanto ficar mostrando, como se estivesse precisando de tanta atenção. Como se sua atenção não fosse o suficiente para Harry.
Mesmo com o frio considerável, sentia um calor irritante a medida que ia trabalhando no celeiro. O celeiro estava de cabeça para baixo, tinha passado pelos ventos fortes e deixou o chão sujo, com os equipamentos todos um pra cada lado e sem falar no cantinho das coelhas de Harry.
Harry foi fazer sua contagem diária. Enquanto esteve fora, Jennie quem fazia a contagem. Estava morrendo de saudades de suas pequenas! Mal podia esperar para vê-las.
— Oi, meus amores! Sentiram saudades de mim?
Harry se fazendo de sonsa, fingindo não saber que Louis estava olhando bem para mais onde queria.
— Lolinha, meu Deus, que sujeira é essa? Ninguém cuidou de você? — Harry estava apoiada naquela portinha, brincando com os pés enquanto via todas as pequenas pulando com os focinhos inquietos. — Oh, Tina, deixe Dentuça em paz!
Louis não estava se aguentando. Soltou a enxada no chão e foi até Harry em passos pesados e largos, parou para um instante para olhar o bumbum empinado de Harry em na sua direção, e não bastou nem mais um segundo para abraçar sua cintura e puxa-la bruscamente em seus braços.
— Sua puta desgraçada — Louis disse quase rosnando, ao que simplesmente jogou o corpo de Harry contra a parede de madeira do celeiro, fazendo ela bater a cabeça e as costas dolorosamente. — Ficou uns dias seu meu pau e já foi procurar por outro, né? Precisa ser tão puta desse jeito, Harry?
Ficou toda assustada, nunca tinha ouvido aquelas palavras saindo da boca de Louis para si, naquele tom ríspido com os dentes cerrados, os olhos da mesma forma que tinha olhado para ela mais cedo. Puramente raivosos.
Louis sempre a tratou com carinho. Sempre. O que tinha acontecido?
— Você testa minha paciência de um jeito… — Louis sorriu de lado, muito cavajeste. Estava gostando de ver Harry respirando fundo e com os olhos de uma cachorrinha sendo reprimida por mal comportamento. — Não me faça querer estragar esse seu rostinho.
Quando Harry decidiu abrir a boca para dizer algo, Louis não deixou que concluísse com um tapa estalado em sua bochecha, fazendo a garota virar o rosto e voltar com os olhos marejados, tão arregalados que seu medo chegava ser lindo de ver.
— Eu tenho pena de te marcar — Louis confessou. — Mas você pede.
— Lou… — foi quase inaudível aos ouvidos de Louis, e ele percebeu que Harry estava se tremendo.
— É atenção que você quer, bebê? — ao perguntar, Louis fez Harry se ajoelhar na sua frente com as mãos nos ombros. — É atenção que o papai vai te dar — brevemente fez uma carícia no queixo de Harry, erguendo seu rosto para olhar em seus olhos. — Abre a boquinha e se acaba no meu pau.
Harry não conseguia parar de choramingar. Parecia uma garotinha mimada birrenta.
Suas mãos desabotoaram os jeans surrados de Louis, ficou assustada só pela semi ereção do homem, teria que aguentar todo seu tamanho sem reclamar, e se caso reclamasse, seria pior, estava muito ciente disso.
Tinha sido mal criada, precisava sim de uma punição. Só não entendia por que não estava recebendo carinhos. Louis nunca tinha sido desse jeito com Harry, e sinceramente, mesmo que não estivesse entendendo, aguentaria tudo de boca calada.
Harry começou a punhetar o pau de Louis com precisão e lentamente, já sentindo um incômodo entre suas pernas. Não podia tirar os olhos do cacete grosso e dos olhos de seu papai, tinha que olhar bem em seu rosto para se certificar de que estava sendo uma boa garota.
E então, sua boquinha foi parar só na glande avermelhada de Louis, os lábios inchadinhos bem ali, a sua língua dando leves lambidinhas, ainda se acostumando com o tamanho. Harry ficou sentada nas próprias panturrilhas, os cabelos preços em duas tranças só facilitou para Louis não precisar tocar nela, já que ficou com os dois braços ao lado de seu corpo, solto e de certa forma, despojado.
O celeiro estava aberto dos dois lados, as portas altas e vermelhas estavam praticamente mostrando todo o local caso alguém passasse por ali. Talvez fosse essa adrenalina de serem pegos que mais gostavam de tudo aquilo.
Harry tomou seu tempo para conseguir ir até o fundo de sua garganta com o pau de Louis, nisso que ele permitiu ela fazer isso. Porém, foram os últimos minutos de Harry praticamente beijando o pau de Louis, fazia questão de arrastar seus lábios por todo o comprimento, como se estivesse querendo distribuir seus beijinhos naquele cacete quente e grosso. Não estava se aguentando, gemia rouco e baixinho, só para sua garotinha ouvir, e então, começou a fazer estocadas rápidas usando o movimento de vai e vem de sua cintura.
Achava lindo olhar para baixo e ver Harry chorando com a boca no seu pau.
Harry teve que se segurar nas coxas de Louis, sentindo seu maxilar doer sem nenhum alívio, a cabeça no solavanco forte que enquanto o homem projetava tudo na sua boquinha pequena, bem apertadinha com aquelas bochechas prendendo o ar e fazer a sucção perfeita.
Os tapinhas começaram a se fazer na coxa de Louis ao que Harry já sentia uma necessidade de recuperar o fôlego. Louis começa ir muito rápido, sentindo a cabecinha de seu pau roçar no céu da boca da garota, e mal conseguiria parar nem se quisesse, o pré gozo escorrendo de seu pau só mostrava o quão excitado estava e que meu Deus! Não podia parar!
Harry fechava seus olhinhos com força, só derramando mais e mais lágrimas, e quando achou que não podia sentir mais dor, seus joelhos começaram a se queixar, o maxilar simplesmente travou e sua garganta já estava ardendo.
— Eu mandei você parar? — e um tapa foi desferido no rosto de Harry, logo suas mãos pegando suas bochechas num aperto forte, a boca toda inchada e babada, Harry mal conseguia abrir seus olhos direito. — Continua. Você só para quando eu quiser.
E já que Harry não tirava da cabeça o fato de que Louis tinha outra pessoa, iria fazer a valer a pena e sem reclamar.
A sua boca foi preenchida novamente pelo pau de Louis, e ela fez questão de ir fundo, não se importava se sua garganta já estava doendo e se seu maxilar ainda estava um pouco travado. Harry ficou balançando sua cabeça até encostar seu narizinho na virilha de Louis, e isso só causava a fricção certa para sentir seu gozo pingando toda sua boca.
Louis jogou suas duas mãos a sua frente e se apoiou na parede do celeiro, não tinha que fazer mais nada, mesmo com toda a sensibilidade de sua glande e mesmo que estivesse gozando, Harry não parava, ela por contra própria estocando a cabecinha daquele pau no céu de sua boca, esmurrando tanto que o barulho molhado era alto.
— Harry… — saiu como um gemido doloroso, a barriga de Louis se contraia pelo ofegos e pelas tentativas falhas de gemer devidamente. — Porra…
E Harry engoliu toda a porra de Louis, respirando fundo para se recuperar de tanto que se asfixiou no pau dele. A boca toda babada, os olhos vermelhos pelo choro e o rosto marcado, Louis observou tudo isso e sorriu sujo, dando mais dois tapinhas em sua bochecha, não muito forte.
— Levante e fecha o celeiro.
Que pena. Os joelhos de Harry se mostraram machucados, levou alguns segundos para ela realmente sair e fazer o que lhe foi mandada.
Louis ouviu uma porta fechar. Contou na própria cabeça quanto tempo Harry demoraria até chegar a outra porta.
— Lou… — Harry choramingou, ali parada com o cadeado nas mãos. — Eu posso ir? Tenho aula daqui a pouco…
— Não, não — Louis negou até com a cabeça, indo até ela em passos rápidos e pesados. — Você fica, mocinha — Harry foi bruscamente afastada da porta pelo empurrão de Louis, ele mesmo fechando de uma vez por todas. Pegou Harry pelos cabelos, trazendo ela até sua boca para sussurrar em seu ouvido: — Não queria atenção? Não estava sendo um putinha bem na minha frente horas atrás? Não sei do que está reclamando, bebê.
Harry foi arrastada até onde estavam, foi jogada no chão aos choros, só conseguia pensar na drástica mudança de personalidade de Louis, na mudança de tratamento e principalmente do carinho que recebia.
E quando Louis foi fechar a portinha da parte que estavam, Harry achou uma ótima ideia se levantar e tentar escapar, sendo interrompida no mesmo segundo, pois Louis a agarrou pela cintura e conseguiu jogá-la sobre seus ombros, suas costas sendo estapeadas a cada segundo por Harry.
— Me solta, Louis!
— Para de birra, sua pirralha! — Louis a colocou sentada em cima de uma mesa de ferramentas, lutando contra as pernas de Harry na sua barriga. — Você vai se arrepender tanto disso…
— Você tem outra! — e Harry simplesmente soltou, berrou na cara de Louis, era nítido sua raiva. — Você… me abandonou.
Louis teve seu olhar atônito sobre a figura de Harry, apertando tão forte seus pulsos que sentia os próprios dedos doerem. Não podia falar nada naquele momento. O que adiantaria? Era a verdade. Louis tinha outra que recebia todo seu carinho. O carinho que Harry se apegou tanto e que era necessitada. Mas isso não significa que não poderia lhe provar o contrário.
Harry se revoltou pela ausência de palavras de Louis. Começou lutar contra o homem de todas a formas, gritos, choramingos, chutes, tentativas falhas de tapas… E nada resolvia.
— Fica quieta! — Louis berrou na sua cara, desferindo um tapa ardido em sua bochecha. Harry voltou com o rosto mais vermelho do que antes, finalmente quieta.
Havia dois ganchos grandes ao lado de Harry, do lado direito e esquerdo, na altura de seu quadril. Louis não pensou duas vezes em abrir suas pernas e colocar uma em cada gancho, deixando sua buceta tão aberta que parecia brincadeira o fácil acesso ali. Harry estava encharcada, no fundo amando toda essa mudança drástica daquele homem. Não ousou em interferir, mas estava possessa.
— Então, me fode — Harry soltou, as mãos atadas para frente, dando um sinal para que Louis a prendesse. — Me fode o quanto você quiser. Só, por favor, papai, não me deixe ficar sem você.
— O quanto eu quiser? — a pergunta foi retórica. Louis queria que Harry repetisse, enquanto isso, rasgando o tecido molinho de sua saia, arrancando um pedaço.
— Uhum… — Harry já estava toda manhosa, conseguia contrair quase nada de seu quadril, se dando conta do quão imobilizada estava. Louis amarrou seus punhos para trás. — Eu senti tanta sua falta, Lou… se você soubesse-
— É, mas eu não quero saber. Você fala demais — apenas interrompeu, passando o tecido rasgado da saia de Harry em sua boca. — Só quero ouvir seus gemidos, seu choro… nada mais que isso.
Nem se Harry pedisse pra parar, Louis pararia. Podia chorar, berrar, fazer birra, fazer de tudo, Louis continuaria.
Bastou mais nada. Louis tinha aquela bucetinha só para ele, ela estava tão abertinha que podia ver ela pulsando, cada vez mais expelindo aquele melzinho que vagamente relembrou do gosto. Louis deu três tapa seguidos na buceta de Harry, deixando um beijo na bochecha úmida da mesma.
— Você gosta disso tudo — falou bem perto de seu ouvido, a voz rouca num tom sujo. — Tá vendo? — desceu dois dedos seus até a grutinha apertada de Harry, mostrando a ela como ficaram molhados. — Essa é a prova de que você é minha putinha, que ama ser meu depósito de porra.
Louis passou os dedos pelos lábios de Harry, deixando ali em sua boca o rastro do seu melzinho.
Que visão mais linda que estava tendo. Harry somente com seus sapatinhos e meias longas, a saia nem se fazia mais presente, e o seu casaquinho justinho com os botões abertos deixando a mostra seus peitinhos, os mamilos rosados bem pontudos.
Louis desceu vários tapas nos peitos de Harry, até que ficassem vermelhos e com as marcas de suas mãos. Estava amando ouvir os choramingos histéricos de sua garotinha.
— Você é a coisa mais linda, meu amor — Louis a elogiou, pelo bom comportamento, sendo devota a quem realmente devia ter sua devoção. Louis só se flexionou para frente, ficando com seus rosto bem na xotinha de sua garota. — Ainda mais desse jeito.
Harry se derreteu inteira. Inteirinha.
Os beijos sortidos por toda sua buceta, a barba de Louis fazendo uma cócega gostosa nos lábios gordinhos. Passou só a pontinha de sua língua naquele clítoris, bem devagar. Não deixava de olhar para Harry, só conseguindo achar linda a cena de vê-la com os dentes mordendo o tecido em sua boca, os olhinhos numa confusão de ficarem abertos ou fechados, e as sobrancelhas sempre bem unidas.
Ela remexia o quadril pelo extinto, algo que não podia controlar, e por esse motivo, Louis a segurou firme pelas pernas, com muita força, tanto que seus bíceps se mostraram definidos. Tudo deixava Harry mais insana. Ver os dedos tatuados de Louis sobre sua pele, a tatuagem do peito toda suada e as do braço naquele tom bronzeado.
Era de tirar o fôlego. Literalmente.
E quando Louis percebeu que Harry estava perto de gozar, parou com o que estava fazendo. Deixou a garota um pouco confusa. Tal confusão que acabou em instantes.
— Sabe no que eu mais gosto de te foder? — Harry fez que não, só sentindo a cabecinha de Louis roçando na sua buceta, provocando adentrar a qualquer momento. — Que nunca e nem ninguém vai saber o quão apertada você é. O quão gostoso é te fazer chorar quando goza.
— Mhn… — Harry gemia cada vez mais alto, de propósito, só para Louis ter a certeza de que estava a deixando louca. — Mhn!
— É minha garotinha? — mais um tapa naquele rostinho lindo, dessa vez, o mais forte até então. — Fala.
— S-s-sim, papai… — a voz embargada e toda atrapalhada de Harry foi o suficiente para Louis.
Harry não parava de chorar. Por mil motivos.
Louis a segurou pela cintura, e sem mais nenhuma palavra e sem demoras, afundou todo seu pau naquele bucetinha, bem devagar, bem devagar mesmo. Isso fez o corpo de Harry estremecer sobre o toque de Louis, era o que deixava aquele homem perder totalmente a noção.
Chegava a ser patético. Era fodidamente gostoso estar dentro de Harry. A buceta tão apertada, era notável que podia ser considerada como virgem ainda, já que Louis ainda via dificuldade de estar nela sem machucá-la. Tinha ido com todo cuidado do mundo todas as vezes, ia lentinho, fazia carinho no rosto de Harry até que sua garotinha se acostumasse com seu tamanho e grossura. Mas, dada as circunstâncias, não dava a mínima se machucaria ela naquele momento.
Queria que machucasse.
Não tardou para que Louis fizesse suas estocadas, a sua boca entreaberta para soltar os gemidos roucos e baixinhos, ao contrário de Harry, que misturava seus gemidos com seu choro, balançando a cabeça negativamente para Louis, pedindo aos céus que parasse por conta da dor, que desse alguns minutos a ela para que pudesse assimilar tudo.
Por mais que estivesse extremamente molhada, tanto que Louis deslizou seu pau em sua buceta, isso não era o suficiente. Harry era realmente muito apertada.
Com tamanha força, Louis só conseguia empurrar seu pau dentro daquela xotinha inchada e vermelha, era a melhor sensação do mundo quando voltava bruscamente. Louis era viciado naquela buceta. Tão quentinha. Tão fácil de marcar.
O som das estocadas inebriou todo o local, molhado e alto. Harry gemia tanto que o seu próprio corpo não conseguia mais se queixar pelo tanto de estímulo que estava recebendo. Tudo piorou - melhorou - quando Louis teve a brilhante ideia de espalmar uma mão na barriguinha de Harry, e então, seu dedão começou a massagear lentamente o seu clítoris. Um grande filho da puta. Tinha uma coordenação motora dos infernos. Enquanto a fodia com força sua entrada, enterrando seu pau a cada estocada, dedava com tanto carinho e lentidão seu clítoris que confundia seus pensamentos, sentidos e mente.
Louis sabia que Harry estava perto de gozar, pois sentia em seu pau a bucetinha dela piscando, pulsando muito forte.
— Se você gozar, eu não vou parar — Louis alertou, quebrando o contato visual só para olhar para baixo, e puta que pariu.
Harry estava muito aberta. As coxas tão separadas só possibilitando para Louis. Todo seu pau se afundando gostoso naquela bucetinha de lábios gordinhos e vermelhos, o seu dedo fazendo movimentos de vai e vem para cima e para baixo em seu clítoris, bem onde Harry soltava gritinhos histéricos, sem poder dizer uma palavra, não conseguia.
Muitos estímulos, muito prazer e muita dor. Harry tinha a sensação de fogo se aflorando no seu interior. Como se ela fosse um pequeno rastro de fogo, e Louis, a maldita gasolina.
— Olha pro papai… — Louis sussurrou, entre gemidos baixos e arrastados, encontrou um fôlego para falar. — Esse seu rostinho de putinha… — era inacreditável a visão que estava tendo de Harry, conseguia tanto focar em seu rosto quanto nos seus peitinhos, que iam para cima e para baixo devido os solavancos. — Minha princesa.
Louis fodia Harry com um sorriso cavajeste. Ele sim era inacreditável.
E tudo começou ir mais rápido quando Louis notou indícios de um squirt. Isso o motivou mais ainda. Harry estava se debatendo, gritava contra o tecido que prendia sua boca, estava conseguindo somente mexer seus pezinhos.
Louis arrancou de Harry um gemido longo e manhoso quando seu dedo foi tão rapidinho que finalmente aquela buceta estava esguichando contra sua barriga, tanto que nem o pau de Louis se mantéu dentro de sua xotinha. A cada movimento no clítoris de Harry, mais ela esguichava, mais ela chorava e mais ela gemia.
Decidiu provocar mais ainda. Louis deu um tapinha na buceta de Harry, em resposta, ouviu um gemidinho como “uh!” escapando da sua boca. Um atrás do outro. Louis soltou uma risada gostosa de ouvir.
— Deixou o papai tão orgulhoso, princesa… — e então, deixou um beijo nos cabelos de Harry, ouvindo ela choramingar. — Vai deixar mais ainda, não vai?
Harry não fez nada, só encostou a cabeça no peitoral de Louis, como se estivesse descansando.
O aperto em seu pescoço foi o sinal para que dissesse que sim, que precisava deixar seu papai mais orgulhoso.
— Não vai, Harry? — as três palavras foram como aumentar a força de seu aperto no pescoço pequeno e frágil dela. Harry fez que sim. — Boa garota.
Harry sentia uma necessidade de se provar para Louis. A todo momento. Por tal fato, apenas acatou. Sentiu, então, mais uma vez aquele pau se afundar dentro de si. Depois do squirt, todo e qualquer toque era sensível demais. E por algum acaso, Louis tinha seu pau bem posicionado no pontinho de Harry.
Cada vez que voltava com tudo, entre uma estocada e outra, Harry sentia a urgência de ser estimulada no clítoris. Louis lia seus pensamentos, e não demorou muito para que seu desejo fosse realizado.
Aquele corpinho tão pequeno, frágil e delicado, era literalmente o paraíso de Louis, era o vício e o depósito de porra dele. Era onde cuidava e maltratava. Livre para usar, para cuidar. Harry era propriedade dele. Não era o que ela mais queria tempos atrás? Pois bem.
Louis se colocou um pouco mais para frente, selou seus lábios na testa de sua garotinha, enquanto seu quadril ia para frente e para trás, com movimentos mais precisos e fortes, intervalos curtos. Ouviu baixinho a voz machucada e manhosa de Harry o chamando de papai.
— Goza, meu amor… — Louis estava tão perto quanto ela, já tinha deixando o rastro do pré-gozo. Tudo tinha virado uma cena extremamente erótica, a barriga de Louis molhada por conta do squirt e Harry completamente suada. — Goza pro seu papai, uhn?
— Uhum, uhum… — Harry fez que sim frenética. — Lo… Lou! Mhn…
Estavam gozando juntos. Louis grudou sua testa na de Harry, os dois gemendo tanto que parecia uma melodia cheia de harmonia para quem ouvisse. O pau de Louis sendo todo babado pelo gozo de Harry, e aquela bucetinha toda encharcada da porra do seu dono.
— Você me encheu de orgulho — Louis não saia de dentro de Harry, só para sentir seu pau bem aquecido por ela. — Aprendeu que não precisa chamar atenção dos outros para ter a minha? Aprendeu que só pode ser uma putinha pra quem te fode?
Harry fez que sim, revirando os olhos. A sensação de abrigar aquele pau era a melhor parte. Harry gozava gostosinho só por isso.
— Pode falar, bebê. Você aprendeu?
— Sim, papai! — que libertação era finalmente poder estar sem aquele tecido na sua boca. — Eu aprendi. Você me desculpa?
Louis fez que sim, deixando beijos por todo seu pescoço.
— Agora você pode ir pro colégio — Louis disse, pegando as pernas de Harry com cuidado, as deixando juntinhas na mesa. Seus punhos foram soltos. — Quando voltar, ainda estarei aqui.
— Posso te beijar? — Harry ignorou tudo o que Louis disse, só prestou atenção nos lábios finos do homem enquanto falava. — Por favor, Lou.
Não precisou pedir. Louis ainda permanecia com seu pau dentro de Harry, e então, apenas a colocou em seu colo e selou seus lábios. Era fofo como Harry espalmava suas mãozinhas pelo rosto de Louis, a diferença de tamanho dos dois era notável, bem notável. Amava receber os selinhos no final de cada beijo, amava sorrir preguiçosa depois de gozar com seu papai.
Louis a colocou no chão, e só se afastou depois de ter certeza que estava firme em seus pés. Harry recebeu um beijo no seu pescoço, nos ombros, nos braços, mãos, peitos… recebeu vários beijos de Louis. No final de tudo, o homem a agasalhou no seu casaco pesado, vermelho e xadrez, ficando grande o suficiente na garota para esconder o que devia ser escondido e somente visto por ele.
E antes que ela saísse, Louis a puxou contra o seu corpo, finalmente dando a ela o carinho que tanto sentiu falta.
— O papai te ama — e Harry foi a loucura. Não precisou retribuir, só de abrir um sorriso de orelha a orelha, Louis sabia que estava sendo correspondido. — Vai lá, amor.
Harry foi. Foi correndo até sua casa, bem rápido só para colocar a roupa do colégio e passar o resto do dia com a porra de seu papai vazando pela buceta, e com a voz do mesmo ecoando em sua mente “papai te ama.”
A noite tinha chegado para dar boas vindas para o frio que já estava pertinho. A fazenda estava como devia estar naquele horário, os animais todos em seus lugares e os carros também, não havia nada fora.
Harry chegou tarde em casa por conta da grade de horários do colégio. Estava terrivelmente cansada e distraída. Não conseguiu focar em nenhuma aula. Por isso quando chegou em casa foi correndo tomar um banho.
Todos já estavam em seus quartos. E Jennie daquela vez não estava, somente mais duas empregadas. Desmond, como sempre, muito longe.
Tudo isso não importava. Harry passou um dos seus cremes favoritos, que na verdade, era o favorito de Louis. Colocou duas meias longas e brancas, uma calcinha justinha com desenhos de lacinhos, e somente um roupão cobria seu corpo. Foi assim seguir o caminho para o quarto de Louis.
A porta estava só encostada. Louis estava deitado na cama assistindo um jogo na televisão, a coberta cobrindo somente da cintura para baixo, o peitoral desnudo fez Harry juntar seus lábios num biquinho manhoso.
Sentia saudades de Louis todo segundo quando estava longe. Torturante.
— Lou? — cuidadosamente, Harry sussurrou. Olhou mais uma vez para trás antes de entrar no quarto e fechar a porta.
E ela foi correndo até a cama quando viu Louis abrir seus braços para receber sua garotinha. O abraço dele era tudo o que ela mais queria. Ainda mais sentindo nos peitinhos o contato apertado contra o peitoral de Louis.
— Oi, meu bebê — Louis deixou um beijo demorando na boquinha de Harry, logo desligando a televisão. — Como foi o colégio?
— Normal — disse, graciosamente, se sentindo pequena por conta do abraço de Louis. — Mal consegui fazer uma lição! Mas tudo bem. Fiquei pensando em você o dia todo, papai.
— É?
— Uhum… — Harry se virou contra o corpo de Louis, pegando a própria mão dele e colocando em seus peitos, se aconchegando ainda mais seu bumbum no quadril do mesmo. — Tô cansadinha. Papai pode me fazer dormir?
— Posso, amor — Louis deixou uma série de beijos em seu pescoço, sentindo o perfume doce e gostoso de seu corpo, daquele creme em especial, apertando de leve seus peitinhos. — Feche os olhos.
— Fechar os olhos?
— Isso. Tenho uma coisa para você.
Harry fechou. Ficou na dúvida do por quê Louis se afastou milímetros de seu corpo. Sentiu algo gelado no seu dedo anelar da mão direita.
— Pode abrir.
Oh, meu Deus! Harry tinha em seu dedo um lindo anel, prata e fino, somente uma pedrinha de diamante no topo.
— O que você ouviu, era mentira — Louis disse, bem perto de seu ouvido, fazendo um carinho na mãozinha de Harry, que sorria tanto até mostrar suas doces covinhas. — É você quem eu quero. Você é minha e eu sou seu. Sabe disso, não sabe?
Harry estava explodindo de felicidade, mas…
— Eu sei. Pode me explicar, então?
— Desmond não ia me dar folga nem se eu me ajoelhasse no milho, Harry, por isso inventei que tinha namorada na minha cidade natal e que era aniversário dela, que eu precisava ir por que seria o segundo aniversário que eu não estaria lá caso não fosse. Eu só precisava de um descanso.
— E para onde você foi?
Louis bufou, com um pressentimento estranho.
— Eu vou sair dessa cidade, amor…
— Louis! — Harry praticamente saltou dos braços do homem. O rosto que antes estava tão cheio de risos e graça, se fechou num olhar choroso. — Como assim, Louis? Você vai embora pra onde? Como eu vou… como eu vou f-ficar sem v-você?
— Não chora, Harry — Louis se apoiou em um braço para tocar nas bochechas dela, realmente ficando com o coração amolecido. — Eu vou comprar uma casa. Mas enquanto não consigo encontrar uma que me agrade, que era o que eu estava fazendo, irei ficar aqui.
Harry ficou revoltada. Se grudou nos próprios joelhos e começou um choro baixinho, muito abatida. Louis tentou puxar seu braço para ver seu rostinho, falhando miseravelmente.
— Isso não é justo.
— Olha pra mim.
Harry só deixou um olhinho seu amostra. Louis teria que se contentar somente com aquilo.
— Eu cometo loucuras por você toda vez que estamos juntos. Você sabe que Desmond nunca aprovaria isso — enquanto falava, tirava os cachos achocolatados de Harry da frente de seu rosto, ganhando a atenção da garota aos poucos. — Então, imagine que sempre estarei aqui na fazenda. Sempre estarei aqui quando você perder umas das suas coelhinhas…
Harry soltou uma risadinha, finalmente colocando seu queixo apoiado em seu braço, deixando Louis ver todo seu rosto.
— Quando você quiser só chorar no meu colo, desabafando sobre seus problemas, sempre estarei aqui. Quando você quiser o meu colo para desestressar, também estarei aqui. E quem sabe, em anos futuros, podemos seguir sem nos esconder. Entende o que quero dizer, meu amor?
— Uhum… — Harry parecia uma bonequinha prestando atenção em Louis. — Então, eu sou sua namorada?
— Você é tudo pra mim.
Ficou toda vermelhinha só de ouvir Louis dizer que era tudo para ele.
Harry se jogou em Louis, tendo seu corpo sendo abraçado pelos braços do único homem que a importava.
E as condições eram simples. Sabia que somente alguns anos poderiam dar a eles uma certa liberdade, e tudo bem. Louis não deixaria Harry por nada nesse mundo. Se passou um ano desde que se conheceram devidamente.
Construíram uma relação muito gostosa de ser vivida. Muitas das vezes, Harry só ia no quarto de Louis para ficar abraçada a ele, e muitas das vezes, Louis ia em seu quarto para deitar com sua garotinha, pelos pedidos manhosos da mesma. Ambos contaram inúmeras histórias de suas vidas, Harry admitiu as saudades que sentia de Desmond, e que boa parte de sua vida, nunca teve uma atenção que realmente merecia. Bem, isso ficou nítido para Louis.
Harry se entregava de corpo e alma. Louis a recebia de corpo e alma. E quem sabe, em uma casinha que finalmente agradasse Louis, não podiam iniciar uma outra história?
Muitas coisas se fizeram incertas naquela montanha russa de sentimentos e acontecimentos. Mas de uma coisa eles sabiam: Harry sempre vai precisar de Louis, e ele sempre estará lá por ela.
[…] Afinal, todo bichinho precisa de seu dono, não é mesmo?
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seeingstarks · 6 months
weight of two souls
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summary : it's thanksgiving and neither you or phil want to leave each others arms to go and meet the family. does it even happen? pairing : cm punk x afab!reader cw : pure fluff, cuddling, kissing, hip/thigh squeezing, cursing, nose nuzzling, babygirl/good girl & king/queen nicknames, innuendos "sound proof walls" / "taking his scepter" a/n : can you tell how much i've been missing the old man? x) i've been working on this for about a week or so and put my entire heart & soul into it. please reblog!! keep rude comments to yourself. <33 there may be a few spelling/grammar errors. word count : 1,291 words tag list : @harmshake gif credit : @adamjf
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once the leaves started to fall your mood did the opposite, haunting month passing by in an instant.
calender flipping to november, the days went by agonizingly slow, this being one of your least favorite months of the season.
thanksgiving was soon approaching and your family always wanted to make it this huge get together. no being anti-social and locking yourself away, wishing you could every year. atleast they allowed you to bring a friend from work, if you could call him that.
the chicago native was more than a friend to you, he stayed up with you through your worst nights, steeping you both fresh cups of tea and/or coffee even if it meant catching up on sleep the next day, as long as he knew you were okay.
ever since he laid eyes on you, he made a best friend with just a simple hello and allowing you to pet his dog, larry. restless nights sharing deep dish pizza and mindy's eventually lead to cuddling, his inked arms wrapped around you, placing a kiss to his scruffy cheek.
the alarm clock chirping as sun peaked through your blackout curtains, neither of you wanted to get up for the morning - well afternoon.
you were the first to wake up, groggy eyed with phil having his arms snug around your waist, sleeping soundly except for his snoring which could wake up the entire neighborhood. larry decided to seek slumber at the foot of your bed, his head propped up on the chicago native's leg.
managing to shift away from his grasp, you hit the alarm clock with a clenched hand in hopes it would stop the commotion.
"rise and shine sleeping beauty, one hour 'til we meet my family. much as i don't wanna' go.. you promised to tag along for the torture."
phil didn't budge until you deciding to smack him with a pillow, "i'm up! i'm up!" he half-yelled, removing his hands from under the warm covers in an attempt to shield his face.
"a simple g'mornin' kiss would've woken me up too, y'know."
yawning and stretching his arms out, phil took his sweet old time getting ready while you on the other hand began to brush your hair out. bristles making contact with the h/c strands, they untangled after a few more brushes, setting it to the side and entering your closet.
luckily, you prepared your ensemble a night beforehand, slipping out of your clothing from the previous evening and stepping into a pair of black underwear with white polka-dots.
lifting your arms up to put on a shirt, you were met with a firm pair of arms which wrapped around your curvy frame, his lips placing gentle kisses along your neckline.
"mm, phil- could stay like this forever but we gotta' finish getting ready." you informed and looked up into his light brown hues with a playful smile.
"not complaining but i'm more ready than you are- atleast i have pants." shaking your head at the chicago native who indeed had pants on, but no shirt.
you raised an arm up to trace his pepsi tattoo, almost lost in a trance - simply enjoying the moment and his warm embrace as you remained standing still, being held close.
glancing over at your alarm clock, ten minutes seemed to pass by swiftly. spending all day in with your love would usually be no issue, but today you both had plans.
pouting softly and burying your head into the crook of his neck, you debated staying in and bailing on family dinner.
"so cozy.. don't wanna' move." you peeked up at phil, removing your head from his shoulder as he kept his arms securely around your waist, giving your hips a slight squeeze.
tongue darting out between his lips, the chicago native licked them, "i know babygirl... but think of all the cuddles we can get in afterwards. you're my favorite little spoon."
"i better be your only-" before having the chance to finish your sentence, phil captured your lips in a deep kiss one which you returned happily, "you're the only person i want to wake up next to every morning, binge watch horror movies with and much more. i'm so fuckin' lucky to have you in my life, y/n - but we truly should get goin' soon if we don't want to be late." he spoke sincerely although a half-chuckle escaped his lips, a few noticeable smile lines showing.
nodding, you captured his gaze only looking away when blinking - "you mean so much to me, phil. i felt as if there was a missing puzzle piece in my life.. and no matter how hard i tried nothing seemed to fit until you came along. we're the perfect match." placing your forehead against his, the two of you nuzzled noses briefly prior to pulling away from one another.
phil finished getting ready by throwing on his t-shirt which read i'm a collision girl in white letters across the back, tying up his sneakers. you did the same, sporting combat boots and a pair of black pants.
it was a miracle you and phil managed to make it out of the door in time, grabbing your keys and starting the engine up as larry sat buckled in the backseat pampered with dog treats.
"first time i'm officially meeting your family. do they know what to expect?" the chicago native asked, you had told your family about phil countless times.
the fact he was your boyfriend going on six months now and how he treated you perfectly. his queen who could hold a throne all on her own, independent but yearning for a partner. someone to feel safe with - who wouldn't hurt you like past partners. phil was your king - protecting you from harm, trying his best to keep the dark thoughts at bay, you doing the same for him.
"haven't shut up about you ever since we met. if my father heard the words cm punk or phil leave my mouth one more time they may have tried to disown me." you laughed, keeping your eyes on the road.
"ah, well it's a good thing we have sound proof walls - ever since the neighbors complained and when my babygirl gets needy, isn't that right?" you nodded, cheeks a bit flustered as phil placed a hand to your thigh, giving yet another squeeze, while you reached a stop light letting out a whine.
"what's the matter?" phil asked with a smug smirk along his face, causing you to roll your eyes over at him.
"best behavior, daddy-" words betrayed you while squirming under his touch, desperate for more. a loud horn halted you from any obscene thoughts running through your mind, the light turning from red to green as you began to drive again.
the ride wasn't too much longer, a brisk breeze going throughout the car as you cracked the window open for larry, he would let out the occasional bark when stopping by his favorite restaurants, one bakery in particular catching your own eye.
"want to make a quick stop for some sweets?" you asked already entering the parking lot.
"hell yeah, but won't be be late?"
"exactly my point." phil took your suggestion, wishing to spend the rest of the holiday with him only and not your family.
bell dinging as you two entered the bakery hand in hand with fingers linking together, a variety of treats on display behind glass.
"let's get some muffins to go. 'wanna spoil my queen," he leaned closer and whispered against your ear, "while you take my scepter like the good girl you are."
mr. and mrs. best in the world has a nice ring to it, don't ya think?
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wishingicouldfly · 4 months
Why I Believe Larry Is Real
It’s been a long time since I’ve done one of my opinion essays. This week I was asked to justify my belief that Larry is real, and that Harry and Louis are together. It feels like it’s time. 
::cracks knuckles::
I’ve thought about how to reply to the demand, which came from someone on X (formerly Twitter). I cannot compel someone who isn’t inclined to believe in Larry to suddenly change their mind. If someone doesn’t want to interpret the signs the same way I do, that’s their prerogative. But that said, I decided to give some thought about how to answer the question. 
I’ve been inspired by IndiaAlphaWhiskey and her recent reply to a similar question. I loved the way she answered by talking about long term love and how it’s steady and doesn't need to have a lot of fireworks visible from the outside. It’s hard to put that into words that make sense to someone who hasn’t witnessed it. Here’s her original reply:
The reality is we do not have solid proof that they were or - as I believe - still are in a relationship. Nor should we. H&L are closeted celebrities who keep their private life private. They are closeted, so you won’t see them admitting to being in a relationship in interviews; that would defeat the point of being closeted. In fact, you may think you’ve heard them outright deny being together. Again, if you’re not looking at the clues, and you only want to take this at face value, you’re not going to see any other possible narrative. Full stop. If that’s the case, you’re not going to agree with me, and that’s fine.
If you really want to go down a rabbit hole, my friend @bkatie617 keeps a running spreadsheet on perceived coincidences in the current era. 
I can list out a hundred things that, to me, are coded messages H&L have signaled to either us or to each other. You can debunk/deny/laugh-out-loud at all of them, if you want. You might call something coincidence or debunk one or more of these pieces. And yes, there are things out there that aren’t true, that are completely coincidence or debatable – or wildly unbelievable.
I get that. In fact, I have a whole thread of debunks on my Twitter bio. My debunk thread focuses on factual, hard-proof debunks to help veterans and newcomers keep the story straight.
But there are a hundred more things that are real. Or at least open to interpretation. At some point, it becomes really, really unlikely that everything is a coincidence over the last decade, and you have to admit that H&L are in collaboration with their messaging. For me, once you admit they are in collaboration in their messaging, it doesn’t take a huge leap to believe they are together romantically. Why else would their teams coordinate messaging to the media and the masses?
Harry even said, in 2022, “There’s not many [clues and tidbits] that get left behind. Most of the time, they usually pick up on pretty much everything, along with a couple of hilarious coincidences that were never meant to be, never meant to be kind of clues in the first place that happen… end up being clues.”
Source: Harry Styles talks to the Morning Mash Up about his new single, 'As It Was', Coachella, and more (siriusxm.ca)
You don’t have to believe any of it. I’m fine with that. But because you don’t believe it, doesn’t mean I’m not completely, unwavering, solidly adamant in my own belief that it’s real. Especially if you’re not providing any evidence to sway my beliefs.
Here’s what I think: I think Harry and Louis met and fell in love during X-Factor in 2010, began dating, and continued to fall while on the X-Factor tour and the recording of the first single and album. I believe they made it official in 2011. Over the years, they went through hard times through career changes, loss of family members, solo career ups and downs, differences in career trajectory, doubts and fears, and then the pandemic. I believe they weathered all that and are together and committed to this day. 
I think they live a private life and have no intention of coming out or going public any time soon. Harry said to Rolling Stone last year that he hasn’t publicly “been with anyone.” I also think, even though they are determined to stay private, they like the idea of some fans knowing and supporting them. Seeing their true, authentic selves. So, they’ve gotten good at messaging their truth to fans who want to see it and support it. 
Due to industry pressure and 'image' clauses in their contract, I think they were encouraged by record execs and management to keep their relationship quiet, but rebelled (as teenagers, young adults, and fools in love will do) by insinuating double meanings in interviews and signaling to those in the know ever since. 
I think the signaling started in One Direction days when fans began to pick up on the signs they gave each other - the secret looks, the thumbs up, their complementary tattoos. 
When they saw fans remaining loyal, despite the idea they might be gay/queer and together, the signals turned more outward and louder, with Harry’s blue bandana, lyrics, the rainbow bears, and more. I think it continues today with graphic t-shirts, even more lyrics, matching merch, intentional mirroring in stage lighting and costumes, and more. 
Evidence Larry are together Now
Understand that there’s no solid “proof” that H&L are together now. So, if that’s what you’re here looking for, you won’t find it. They are closeted still, both portraying a heterosexual narrative in the media.
My lens (admittedly biased) is that they are together and hint to us, but that most of what they do these days is for each other. Little inside jokes from across the world or across the room to show they are together. Despite them being separated for work a lot, I believe these little nods to each other helps keep their connection healthy and strong across the time apart.
What follows is a small sampling of what I think is intentional messaging from H&L, meant to suggest to those following that they are still together. Nothing is a proof. Nothing by itself is anything more than coincidence. But taken together, these along with other examples, show two men who are speaking through their actions, in my humble opinion.
They have strikingly similar patterns in their merch for FITF and HSLOT. 
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Harry’s merch looks like it would be comfortable at Louis’ show.
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Harry drew H and L on his trainers on May 10, 2022 on a pap walk in Italy. 
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Both Harry and Louis used some of the same songs for their pre- and post-show playlists. https://www.tumblr.com/bluewinnerangel/702446259292831744/do-you-see-any-commonalities-between-harry-and
They both had really intentional blue/green stage lights at their shows. For anyone who doesn’t know, blue and green were their respective assigned colors when they were in One Direction. Certainly not a proof on its own but coupled with other things adds to the intentionality.
Complementary stage outfits. See this whole thread by @grete418 on X. It’s tongue in cheek, but it demonstrates what I mean about outfits matching/complementing each other. https://twitter.com/Grete418/status/1536453046611369989
Harry dressed as Danny Zuko at Harryween 2022 (coincidentally, Louis’ one and only lead role in a high school musical). https://twitter.com/UpdateHLD/status/1587297649572585473
Louis namechecked his unreleased song “All Along” in September 2022 (here at about 5:20), which strongly references Harry and a concert they attended together.. https://youtu.be/D9NjoMuz5-s?si=eRB-FwLI9JveMK3N
Louis wearing his 'dancing man' top when the 'dancing Harry' figure is so well known.
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Similar visual themes like this. Same assignment, different execution. (Harry’s House/Silver Tongues):
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Louis’ new tattoos (2023) appear to be images already seen on Harry’s journal cover and eye motif from HSLOT, plus they add to the existing traditional nautical motif they share. 
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T-shirt in Music Video for Music for a Sushi Restaurant reading LT Seniors. 
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Louis used fan images of Harry’s tattoos as Spotify cover art in February 2021.
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Lyrics that seem to respond to each other, and/or have similar themes
Louis wears a rose (like Harry’s tattoo) on his shirt on 6/26/23…next night Harry wears a very phallic shaped rocket ship that looks a lot like Louis’ dagger tattoo. Seems like a call and response.
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Louis singing 7 by Catfish and the Bottlemen, on both his tours. The song begins, “Larry call a load of smoke in…”
So there you have it. I could obviously go on for quite a bit, with many more examples, but I think this is a pretty good sampling. If you’d like to know more, or talk about it, feel free to DM me here or on X (@Rosann_1986). I don’t do this to try to change anyone’s mind. If you don’t believe they are doing these things intentionally, and aren’t curious or approaching this with an open mind, nothing I say will change that for you. 
If you’re new here and you’d like to learn more, there are a lot of places to find master posts. Understand that you have to take everything with a grain of salt and come to your own conclusions. Here are a few places to start:
(2) Be a lover. Give love. Choose love. on Tumblr
It’s a beautiful war 🌈 (tumblr.com)
Great lyric analysis here: it's subjective - My song analyses Last edited December 22nd 2022,... (tumblr.com)
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
The Campbell Boy
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Sal Fisher x Male Reader (Ashley’s Twin)
A/N: This was requested to us over on our Wattpad! Sorry, the first 200 and something words are just Sal falling for Ash, the other 1000 words are about Y/N tho I swear. Sal is so ooc omg, I haven't played the game in a hot minute so he's not at all accurate lmao.
Sal's POV:
I knock on Todd's door, I hear muffled words before he opens the door. He greets me as he opens the door. "Sorry it took me a minute to answer, I was wrapping up a tutoring session with Ashley, have you two met?" "Hey I'm Ash" I turn to see a beautiful girl, I feel my heart thump as she continues. "You must be Sally Face. I've heard so much about you!" I cough before responding "I.. Um.. me? You have?" "Yeah! All good things I swear. I'm glad I finally got to meet you."
"Me too. Er, you too. Um, I mean, it's nice to meet you as well." She sends a sweet smile my way. "I'd love to stay and chat more but I have to get going. Thanks for helping me out today, Todd." She walks to the door. "Enjoy the weekend, boys!" The door closes as I reply "You too".
"You alright Sal? You seem a bit anxious." "Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm good, I'm cool." I turn back to the ginger boy. "Okay so what brings you this way?" I completely disregard his question "Ash seems nice, is she a freshman too? What's she like?" "Her full name is Ashley Campbell. She's a freshman, like us, she also has a twin brother. She's overall a nice person." I don't seem to hear anything after that, until Todd asks "You didn't come here to talk about Ashley, though, so what's up?" "Oh, right..."
I was on the way to the basement, letting the elevator take me down. Larry had let me know Todd was over and asked if I wanted to hang out. It had been a while since the three of us hung out so I obviously accepted, what I didn't expect was to open the door and see Ashley sitting on a beanbag in the corner. My eyes trail from her to the figure standing beside her, his (E/C) eyes somehow more beautiful than Ash's. I felt like time had stopped.
"Sal?" I hear Larry call from beside me, I turn his way, clearing my throat. "Uh, I- yeah?" I hear the others chuckle before the taller boy walks over to me, hand out. "I don't believe we've met, you must be Sal. Larry and Ash can't keep their mouths shut about you." I look up at him, 'God, he's even more attractive up close'
"You.. Er I'm- Yeah, That- That's me."
He lightly laughs, 'I wish I could listen to that forever' he slightly tilts his head as he responds. "I'm Y/N," he quickly gestures to the brunette girl. "Ashley's twin." I nod slowly. "It's-Uh, It's nice to meet you." I finally shook his hand. "Nice to finally meet you too, Sal" I feel my face turn hot and I'm suddenly thankful for the mask covering my growing blush.
An awkward silence fills the room before Larry cuts it. "Okay, you two weirdos can stop shaking hands now." He lets out a hearty laugh as I quickly retract my hand from his warm ones. The (H/C) boy walked over to his spot next to Ashley as I sat next to Larry on the bed. 'I can't seriously be feeling this way for another boy, not that there's anything wrong with it. I'm just not gay.. right?'
It's been a few months since I met Y/N. I really expected my feelings for him to die off as easily as they did with Ash but I still feel just as strongly, if not more for him. 'I should probably talk to someone about this.' The first person that came to mind was Todd. He's had the most experiences with these sorts of feelings.
I quickly make my way to the 2nd floor, walking in, I greet his parents and bee-line for his room. I didn't bother knocking, the ginger boy sat in front of his computer. "Oh, hey Sal. What brings you here?" He turns the chair to face me. "Todd, I need some advice." His eyebrows furrow. "What sort of advice? What did you do?" I shake my head. "I haven't done anything. I need help figuring out some feelings." "Feelings? You're better off talking to Ash about that." I immediately shut down the idea. "Definitely not." He starts to smirk as questions me. "Why? Is she the one you have these 'feelings' for?"
"No, Um. Actually, I think I'm into her brother."
Todd's eyes grow to the size of saucers. "Y/N?!" I meekly nod. "I didn't know you liked boys." Todd laughs a little. "I didn't either." I exclaim. "That's why I need your help." Todd nods a few times before asking. "So what exactly do you need help with?" I go to respond but then pause, "I'm not sure. I guess I just wanna understand these feelings. I've never really felt this way for anyone before, and especially not for a boy."
"Sit down" He brings his arm out and gestures to the chair. "Let me help you out."
Yesterday's talk with Todd really helped me out. Though the idea of liking a boy is still pretty new to me, I think I'm ready to at least give it a shot. He told me that I should ask him out, that he thought he was pretty obviously gay. I couldn't be a hundred percent sure but I trusted Todd, and Y/N. I was sure that even if he were to reject me, he wouldn't make it a big deal, and would let me down slowly.
I take a deep breath before sending Y/N a text, almost instantly getting a response.
'want 2 hang?'
'ye whose place?'
'lemme grab ash'
'hoping itd be jus u?'
'k all gud sys'
I stuff my phone into my back pocket before glancing up at the bathroom mirror. I fix up the pigtails before waiting in my room. It doesn't take long before I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in." The door is slowly swung open, Y/N walking in and greeting me. "Hey man, why'd you call me over?" 'I really had to do it now, no backing out.' I shrug. "I kinda needed to talk to you." His wide smile slightly dropped. "What's wrong?" I shake my hands. "Nothing's wrong, I just.." I pause as he walks over to me, sitting on the bed, beside me.
He looks at me like he's waiting, not impatiently, just curious. I can't control the loud beats fastening, the loud thumps making their way up my throat. "Uhm-" my voice cracks, my head turning away in embarrassment. "You're all right, take your time Sal." His hand lays on my own as he gives it a reassuring squeeze. It wasn't the first time he had comforted me like this, it always made my heart jump but it really wasn't helping right now.
I don't know how long I was thinking before his gentle voice cut through my thoughts. "Sal?" My head turns back to his, quickly spurting out, "I-think-I'm-in-love-with-you!" I close my eyes tight as I wait for his response. It takes a few seconds before his thumb starts massaging my still held hand, his other resting on the porcelain mask at my cheek. I slowly open my eyes to see him grinning. "I feel the same, Sal."
My eyes widened. "You do?" He chuckles before nodding. "Have for a while. I was planning on asking you out too. Guess you beat me to it though." I lightly laugh as I lean in for a hug, his arms wrapping around my torso. "Does this mean we're- y'know?" I feel him nod against me, "If that's something you want?" "Obviously" I reply. We both share a laugh before he kisses my covered forehead.
A/N: After reading through it, it feels a little rushed, sorrryyy.
- Written by Owner 1
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elliot-needs-sleep · 2 years
hi! i would love it if you could do a fluff alphabet for larry johnson if you haven’t already! the whole alphabet would be great, but if it’s too much you can pick your favorite ones to do! thank you so much for all your works!!
Anon, if you're new, you will know that Larry is my absolute favourite, and thank you for this
I did every letter except T, U, X, Y, X
Fluff Alphabet: Larry Johnson
A - Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He likes to just do random things, whether it's playing video games, listening to music together, painting, napping, or taking walks. He just likes your company!
B - Beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He thinks your kindness and courage are very admirable.
C - Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc
If you're okay with being touched, hugs and cuddles to help keep you grounded. If you aren't, he'll do whatever he can to help distract you (like making jokes and listening to music, watching movies)
D - Dates - What's their ideal date?
Skatepark. Just chilling after dark at a skatepark. Can he even use a skateboard or roller skates? Absolutely not. Can you? Maybe. He will definitely try, but its just for the fun of being in a space that's really weird to be in after dark. That or like, being super high and going to an art exhibit.
E - Emotions - Did they hide the fact that they had a crush? How do they act around their s/o?
He didn't, actually. That's not really how he does things. He figured it out, didn't outright tell you, but he definitely wasn't hiding anything (Sal connected the dots and told you with his permission). He treats you pretty much like he treats everyone else, but with a whole lot more affection
F - Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? Why are they fighting?
He doesn't like holding grudges against people, especially his partner, so it's pretty easy for him to forgive you. Fights usually stem from Sal's mystery whatever (the meat freezer, as an example) because he doesn't want you caught up in what they're doing, because they could get in a whole lot of trouble for it
G - Goals - What's their goals for the future involving their s/o?
Honestly, its as simple as getting to be happy with you (and his friends)
H - Hugs - How do they like to give hugs?
I feel like he gives hugs like he'll never see anyone again. Bear hugs for a solid minute, probably does the thing where he picks you up and spins around
I - Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Honestly, yeah. After being with you, he started dealing with his emotions a lot better (and healthier). He's a lot happier
J - Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
It honestly depends. If you're with his friends, absolutely not. If you're with someone hes doesn't like, even then probably not. I don't think he would really get jealous.
K - Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like? Where's their favorite place to kiss their s/o
Your first kiss was just a bit awkward and I feel like it happened during a movie and he definitely was not expecting to kiss you. He likes giving kisses to your temples, forehead, and the top of your head (he's tall)
L - Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He would not, no way. He's definitely not hiding that he likes you but he wasn't about to tell you. Oh no, he got Sal to connect the dots with you
M - Marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
It's not on the forefront of his mind. Sure, he'd absolutely think about it if you brought it up, but he doesn't really think its that important
N - Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Dear, hun, sunshine, a shortened version of your name, babe
O - On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He's really cheesy. Dumb pick up lines, flirting, dumb jokes. Its so obvious (Sal likes to make fun of him alot) to literally everyone
P - PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He is very open about your relationship, he's not really one to brag per se, but he's always up for pda
Q - Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Has an innate ability to tell if you're feeling bad
R - Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Bout as romantic as you can expect a teenage boy to be, he's 100% cliche
S - Secrets - Do they keep secrets from their s/o? If so, what are they?
He'll keep secrets if its about the whole ghost hunting/mystery solving thing
V - Value - What do they view as important in a relationship?
Honesty and communication
W - Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon
He talks in his sleep, and by that I mean he says the funniest pick up lines ever in his sleep and he has no clue
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daily-creampuffcutie · 2 months
so you're a palatean pokemon? are there other pokemon that also have different palatean forms?
[♪] [[ More than you could possibly perceive! Planet Palatea houses millions of saporous species baked into every corner and crumb of the world. It is a biosphere brimming with bonbons! ]]
[[ Depicting every species here would exceed this blog's scope, so Connee has invited a few guests today to showcase a slice of our extraordinary ecosystem. ]]
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[[ Our first guest is Madison, a Palatean Buneary! Cotten candy coneys like Madison are local to Doughnut Delights and tend to be a tad timid. They often stay together in groups and conceal themselves within the forest foliage. Their fur is also superbly soft! ]]
[[ Madison is a bit camera shy, so Connee gave her a helping hand! ]]
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[[ Next up is Frederick, a Palatean Macargo! This molten mollusk is a visitor from Choco Challenge looking for a cool climate getaway. Frederick's study shell and fiery fudge are the results of his ancestors, who spent millennia lounging in lava cake volcanos. ]]
[[ Also, do not panic, macargo are not actually 18,000°F! This is a misconception that tabloids spread to create sensational stories. If this was the case, Connee would have been instantly vaporized! ]]
[[ For our final guest, Connee fetched her friend Lu- ]]
(C R A S H !!)
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????: Howdyhoodles, ladders and gentlesnakes! How rawr you all doing on this tacotastic Tuesday? X3
[[ O-Oh gosh, Connee! Are you alright?! ]]
Connee: @w@
[[ LUCA!! You were supposed to wait for your cue and walk carefully onto the set, not head charge straight into the host!! ]]
Luca: I wanted to make a grand entrée! Besides, you guys were in despacito need of some high-larry-ness that'll shatter everybob's boneless spare ribs! And I'm here with that digiorno delivery. UwU
[[ First off, the phrase is "make a grand entrance," not "entrée." Second, the word "hilarious" is an adjective, not a...never mind. ]]
[[ Anyway! This is Luca Lemonloaf, another Doughnut Delights denizen and one of Connee's bestest buddies. Luca is a yamper-fidough crossbreed who inherited his mother's citrus style and father's doughy disposition, resulting in a well-baked bowow. ]]
[[ He is brisker than a breakneck bullet! He is peppier than a megalopolitan power plant! ᴴᵉ ᶦˢ ᶦⁿᶜʳᵉᵈᶦᵇˡʸ ᵘⁿᶠᵘⁿⁿʸ ᵃⁿᵈ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵇᵉ ᵉⁿᶜᵒᵘʳᵃᵍᵉᵈ ]]
Luca: Heckie freaking yeah I am!! I can do tony's tricks too, watch me flip-flap all over these sandals!! XD
[[ At least get off of Connee first!! ]]
[[…thank you for the prompt anon! ]]
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track-five · 1 year
stay another day (or two)
“Baby, no. I’m sorry, I just…I don’t want you catching this off me,” Harry insisted, and Louis removed the hand to lace their fingers together.
“And I don’t want your lips goin’ without kisses.” He gave his best puppy dog eyes, but Harry was still unconvinced. “S’me birthday, I get what I want.”
“You want a cold?”
“I mean, not particularly. But s’fine if it’s yours, darling,” he crooned, kissing all over Harry’s wary face again, “me sweet, sniffly baby boy. Besides, you jus’ been sharin’ me fork the last ten minutes anyway.”
harry catches a cold just in time for christmas...and louis' birthday. despite his best efforts, he can't help sharing it with his husband. at least they have their families around to brighten up the holidays!
Words: 17658, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, and their families :)
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Established Relationship, Married Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Caretaking, Sleepy Cuddles, Christmas, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are Saps, Sick Harry Styles, Sick Louis Tomlinson, Mild Sexual Content, harry's got a cold which means louis does too, they're gross and in love, louis turns 23, December 2014, this makes 3 fics with pancakes as a major plot point, i think, happy 31st to louis!!
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secretsonicshowdown · 11 months
The winner of the Secret Sonic Showdown is... Competitor 5, Ebony!
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Congratulations to her, and thank you to everyone who participated, be it by entering characters, sharing this tournament, or voting in polls. This tournament wouldn't have happened without you
Second place went to Saffron Bee, third to Simpson the Cat, and Thunderbolt the Chinchilla followed up in fourth
Here is the full bracket, with names:
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Now to answer the big question...
What's next?
For tournaments:
If you would like to follow Ebony, @sonicuniversesmackdown is a tournament pitting the winners of 64 Sonic tournaments against each other, including this tournament! As Sonic Universe Smack-down (or SUS as I like to call it) can't begin until all of the tournaments have found their winners, it will be a bit until it begins, but you can give them a follow to make sure you see when they start
I'm also hosting another tournament, @bestfakesonicshowdown. The goal is to find the best Sonic copycat (think Metal Sonic, Scourge, etc.). If that sounds interesting to you, head on over! Submissions are closing Wednesday night, so get any entries in soon
For this blog:
As there are still many characters who need their doodles, this blog will continue posting art until I've gotten through all of them. Aside from that, I'll be a lot less active here, though I'll still answer asks and promote other tournaments. I might also reblog other posts related to our competitors
If there is enough interest, I may run a second Secret Sonic Showdown at some point. It would probably be at least a few months out, maybe even next year. If that's something you'd like to see, be sure to let me know!
If you're curious about your host here, you can find my main @eldritchgriffin. It's not a Sonic specific blog, but I do post about Sonic a fair bit
The bracket for the bonus round, and links to all the character reveals, are below the cut
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Bonus round winner: Madge
Second place: Veg-Heads
Third: Dive the Lemming
Competitor 1, Speedy/Battle Kukku XVI
Competitor 2, Saffron Bee
Competitor 3, Jani-Ca
Competitor 4, Zonic the Zone Cop
Competitor 5, Ebony
Competitor 6, Simpson the Cat
Competitor 7, Pyjamas
Competitor 8, Lara-Su
Competitor 9, Shortfuse the Cybernik
Competitor 10, Gold the Tenrec
Competitor 11, Filch
Competitor 12, Larry Lynx
Competitor 13, Tommy Turtle
Competitor 14, Cyrus
Competitor 15, Captain Metal
Competitor 16, Has Bean
Competitor 17, Regina Ferrum
Competitor 18, Amadeus Prower
Competitor 19, Extra Life
Competitor 20, Thebes
Competitor 21, Chaos
Competitor 22, Pseudo-Sonic
Competitor 23, Princess Alicia
Competitor 24, Thunderbolt the Chinchilla
Competitor 25, Fabian Vane
Competitor 26, Princess Alucion
Competitor 27, Forelock
Competitor 28, Walt Wallaby
Competitor 29, Bartleby Montclair
Competitor 30, Princess Undina
Competitor 31, Cam
Competitor 32, Spectre the Echidna
Competitor A, Porker Lewis
Competitor B, Gae-Na the Echidna
Competitor C, Jade the Jade Wisp
Competitor D, Veg-Heads
Competitor E, King Solomon
Competitor F, Madge
Competitor G, Dive the Lemming
Competitor H, Racecar Driver Danica Patrick
Competitor I, The Wienerville café waitress
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alarrytale · 2 months
It´s the Lewis Capaldi anon again. First of all, if you find the picture of Lewis and H in that bar, please please please share it!
And so do you think Lewis is basically a dark larrie who knows about them very well and they are even open to him knowing he will keep it as a secret? Something similar to Ed Sheeran who once even spilled the tea and we have the whole ass We saw Ed in Manchester, I held you while he played? Because that´s just super cute and I love it. And knowing this, it just brings new perspective to a) that kiss and loooong hug at Brits, b) Lewis tweeting he "can only dream" to kiss Louis (probably he´s very aware H is a jealous bitch haha), c) his cute friendship with Niall, the captain of the larry ship.
Hi, anon!
I'll let you know if i come across it!
I think H and L are pretty open about their relationship outside of the public sphere. I think loads of other celebrities know. They all keep each others secrets, and they don't want to out anyone of course. I think Lewis is friendly with them. I can see them all get along. Lewis seems like such a genuinly good guy!
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
Lmao about to jump on your bbg discussion here. My issue with the scenario of ending with a paternity test has always been that GP will always still believe that he at the very least, slept with a woman. I was under the impression during 1D years, particularly the later years with RBB, that H and L wanted to eventually come out as a couple, thus the hinting about Larry. Obviously things can change over the years and perhaps they don't want that anymore, but if they do, then the only way to actually do that and have it make sense is to literally tell the truth as the ending. Like a legit tell all about being forced into the closet, the beards, the fake pregnancy, everything. Because he can't logically say "I thought this hookup gave me a kid for the past 8 years" and "H and I have been together since 2010" and not have people be ??? But do you think coming out with the legit truth is ever possibility at all? Or no matter what, will people always think some aspects of the stunts were true? As I said though, maybe H and L don't really care at this point, they know larries know the truth? Just something I've thought about a lot!
Helloooo anon! Lovely to hear your thoughts and thanks for joining in the discussion! I’ll try and break this down a bit into main points so I don’t ramble about everything all at once and it ends up illegible hehe.
Alrighty, so I think that the GP always thinking louis had slept with a woman because of bbg ending in a paternity result is what it is. As long as it stops the stunt, that’s what matters to him and to us. This is a Step 1 of the coming out process, and once those headlines die down about it, then it’s deciding how H and L come out. In my opinion, there are a few ways this could go after bbg ends:
a) harry comes out first, Louis comes out months later (long enough for it to not be immediately connected by gp), then they start being seen together and a “new” relationship between them is seeded and say they’ve never been together until now
b) louis and harry come out together in a relationship, say they’ve never been together until now
c) louis and harry come out together in a relationship, say they’ve been together since 1d, and expose all the stunts by breaking their NDAs
Now… all 3 of these options work with the narrative of a paternity test. In all options, they are still able to define their sexuality as whatever they want it to be when they come out, but will obviously lean towards both of them at least having previous interest in women. Louis could be like “yeah I always thought I was straight but I did some soul searching and realised I’m gay” and harry could stick with the assumption held by the GP already that he is bi, or say something similar to the above.
I assume option A is how things are gonna go, because B links too closely to C and doesn’t line up with the current narrative of them being weirdos on opposite sides of the planet to each other at all times lol. Ideally, option C would be extremely satisfying and would give both of them incredible PR, and bring S*mon and co to their knees, but that truly depends on what H and L think they wanna do, and how big of a war they wanna keep fighting.
Hear me out here now… I’ve talked about multiple ways to end bbg in the past, but what if Louis was just like.. a sperm donor? Very early on in bbg there was a theory that B was a surrogate for H and L, but that definitely doesn’t add up. This theory, however, would require louis to come out at the same time as bbg ending, all in one go, and it also keeps F as his son which isn’t ideal, but separates him more from it in terms of sexuality. But hear me out… what if there was a headline that looked like this?
“Louis Tomlinson announces he donated his sperm in generous act for good friend B whose long term partner struggled with fertility issues”
While this headline looks a bit funny to us, I think the GP won’t question it thaaaaat much. His direct non larrie fans would, because they have seen AOTV, they’ve seen louis call F his son multiple times, but… in this narrative, he IS his son, he’s just not having sex with women because he’s gay lol, and he’s just a sweet guy, ya know? And things could be broken down a little like:
“Tomlinson, 32, says that he loves F and was happy to help B out as he’d always wanted to be a father himself, but has announced to the world just this morning, that he is in fact gay.”
It’s frustrating because in a way, it ends bbg, but it also keeps F connected to Louis to a degree. Ugh. Idk. But that is how you would ensure that the GP don’t have proof that louis has had vaginal sex anymore.
To your point about harry and louis doing a tell all, it would rock the music industry like crazy. Imagine it!!! There would be a million other celebs wanting to come out and share their stories of how badly they’re treated too, and people would be on Larry’s side. It would be powerful. It would help stop what happened to them, happen to other young gay kids. And it would ruin S*mons life, which I love. But… I think a tell all will happen, but not for a long time. I would love it to happen now, trust me I would, but I feel they’re still in too much of a sticky situation with bbg and Harry’s stunts.
I think larry see what we say, they love that we know, and they care a lot about us. But truly I think they’d love to show the world their true colours. Harry’s dancing with pride flags and is MUCH more free now in expressing himself, and I think he would actually wait for louis to be in a position where they can come out together, to take the heat off just one of them doing it. I think they’d love to walk down the street and hold hands and be cute, because they were told for so many years they couldn’t. And being told you can’t, makes you really want to. So I think they’ll do it together, and I think they want to. In saying this though, I do agree with the theory that they decided to put coming out on the back burner for a little bit while they enjoyed their tours and let the dust settle a bit after so much happening, and are just enjoying their private love life while they’re older and have a bit more freedom. But they’ll come back with a vengeance, and they’ll come out together. I’m sure of it xx
(Also sorry I totally rambled)
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the-worst-bracket · 1 year
The Worst Bracket Begins!
Polls are going up starting Wednesday, April 19th, 32 per day! Bracket and list under the cut.
Round 1
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Bracket A (4/19-26)
Mineta Minoru (My Hero Academia) v  Anglerfish from Dark Bramble (Outer Wilds)
Iago (Othello) v Barbas (Skyrim)
Brendan (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald) v Mimic (Dark Souls)
Dan (Dan vs) v Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
Jurgen Litner (The Magnus Archives) v Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Lonnie Byers (Stranger Things) v Zeus (Greek Mythology)
Lemongrab (Adventure Time) v Steve Cobs (Inanimate Insanity)
Alex Eggleston (Yiik) v Larry Butz (Ace Attorney)
Jerry (Undertale) v Po (Teletubbies)
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things) v Old Man Who Snitches on Haru (A:TLA)
Kai Winn (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) v Ashfur (Warrior Cats)
Mr. Burns (The Simpsons) v Boscha (The Owl House)
Octavian (Heroes of Olympus) v Makoto Teruhashi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
 Robbie Valentino (Gravity Falls) v Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Walter White (Breaking Bad) v Guy Mortadello (Papa Louie)
Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater) v Snowball (Pinky and The Brain)
Bracket B (4/19-26)
Rohan Kishibe (JJBA) v Jin Guangshan (The Untamed)
Agravaine (Merlin) v Michael (Wii Sports)
Scout (TF2) v Mitsuhiro Higa (Danganronpa)
Creek (Trolls) v Berdly (Deltarune)
Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney) v Jeff Winger (Community)
Nazeem (Skyrim) v David (Animorphs)
Simon Laurent (Infinity Train) v Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach)
Kikimora (The Owl House) v Cronus Ampora (Homestuck)
Michael Tritter (House MD) v The Director (Red v Blue)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) v Lila Rossi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Skadge (Star Wars: The Old Republic) v Lord Henry Wotton (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
Claptrap (Borderlands) v Jodie Foster (Dungeons and Daddies)
Bill Hawks (Professor Layton) v Carcer (Discworld)
Bender Bending Rodríguez (Futurama) v Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)
 Corrin (Fire Emblem) v The Dark Lord (Miitopia)
Cybelle (Carole and Tuesday) v Jasper (Steven Universe)
Bracket C (4/20-27)
Gul Dukat (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) v Admiral Zhao (A:TLA)
Hordak (She-Ra) v Rachel Berry (Glee)
Book (Battle for Dream Island) v Darth Maul (Star Wars)
Jessica (The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself) v Lester Papadopoulos (Trials of Apollo)
Pong Krell (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) v Aaron Burr (Hamilton)
Armand (Vampire Chronicles) v Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
Dorodoron (Futari wa Precure Splash Star) v Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Christopher Taub (House MD) v Tate Landon (America Horror Story: Murder House)
Izzy Hands (OFMD) v Princess Daisy (Super Mario Bros)
Spike (MLP:FIM) v Atlas May (Lackadaisy)
Clutch Powers (LEGO Ninjago) v Orin Scrivello (Little Shop of Horrors)
Thanos (MCU) v Minecraft Skeleton (Minecraft)
Frank Burns (M*A*S*H*) v Lieutenant Nolan (Star Wars: The Bad Batch)
Carter Pewterschmit (Family Guy) v Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Miyo Takano (Higurashi When They Cry) v Borsolino (One Piece)
Hiyoko Saionji (Danganronpa) v Pennywise (IT)
Bracket D (4/20-27)
Pierce Hawthorne (Community) v Ren (Ren and Stimpy)
Whirlpool (Wings of Fire) v Cinder Falls (RWBY)
Thaddeus Campbell (Dishonored) v The Grabber (Black Phone)
Takumi Ichinose (Nana) v Heimskr (Skyrim)
Gale Weathers (Scream) v Lee Kiyoung (Regressor Instruction Manual)
Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb) v Alvin Marsh (IT)
Director Ton (Aggretsuko) v Angelica Pickles (Rugrats)
Pencil (Battle for Dream Island) v Odalia Blight (The Owl House)
Kyubey (Madoka Magica) v Newman (Seinfeld)
Jacob Hill (Abbott Elementary) v Gregory House (House MD)
Rachel (Tower of God) v Monkey D Luffy (One Piece)
Dame Alina (Keeper of the Lost Cities) v Miki Kawai (A Silent Voice)
John Winchester (Supernatural) v Kyouichi Saionji (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Magikarp (Pokemon) v Hippeux (Animal Crossing)
Elmo (Sesame Street) v Saint Charlos (One Piece)
Melli (Pokemon Legends: Arceus) v Dr. Janet Lubelle (WTNV)
Bracket E (4/21-28)
Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) v The Blue Border (Scott the Woz)
Calico Jack (OFMD) v B.E.N. (Treasure Planet)
Doogal (Doogal) v John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Crawlings (The Mysterious Benedict Society) v Liza Lotts (Scott the Woz)
Zolf J Kimblee (FMA) v Baron Draxum (Rise of The TMNT)
Kaito Momota (Danganronpa) v Nandor the Relentless (What We Do In the Shadows)
Logan Roy (Succescion) v Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Fermet (Baccano!) v Seymour Krelborn (Little Shop of Horrors)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House) v Taylor Kelly (9-1-1)
AM (I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream) v Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars)
Stuart Little (Stuart Little) v Vinsmoke Sanji (One Piece)
Bibble (Barbie: Fairytopia) v Dennis Nedry (Jurassic Park)
Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa) v Grima Wormtongue (LOTR)
Moe (Calvin and Hobbes) v Balloon Boy (FNAF)
Felix (Red vs Blue) v Klorgbane the Destroyer (Regular Show)
Bro Strider (Homestuck) v Jughead Jones (Riverdale)
Bracket F (4/21-28)
Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events) v Mort (Madagascar)
Mantle (Dr Stone) v Phillip Anderson (Sherlock)
Eisuke Hondo (Detective Conan) v Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu)
Hiram Burrows (Dishonored) v Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) v Prince Diamond (Sailor Moon)
Marty (Steven Universe) v Hibiki Shikyouin (PriPara)
White Diamond (Steven Universe) v Norman Osborn (Marvel)
Stregabor (The Witcher) v Cedric Jeanne Elmir (I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss)
Barney Stinson (HIMYM) v Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
Griffith (Beserk) v Chloe Valentine (Be More Chill)
Scott Pilgrim (Scott Pilgrim) v Lionel Luthor (Smallville)
Lydia (Skyrim) v Shadow Weaver (She-Ra)
Rand Ridley (Inside Job) v Jun Kawanakajima (Ultra Maniac)
Krusty the Clown (The Simpsons) v Fire Lord Ozai (A:TLA)
Joseph Sugarman (BoJack Horseman) v Huey Emmerich (Metal Gear)
Anti - Pops (Regular Show) v Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Bracket G (4/22-29)
Ross Geller (Friends) v Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Henry Bowers (IT) v Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Winner Sinclair (Chibi Vampire) v Evil Do-er/Dark Blue (Animation vs Minecraft)
Clint (Stardew Valley) v Luke Castellan (Percy Jackson)
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa) v Colin Robinson (What We Do In The Shadows)
Spy (TF2) v Ghetsis (Pokemon)
Billy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) v Queen Vanessa (A Hat In Time)
Doofus Drake (Ducktales) v Servantis (Ben 10)
Elias Bouchard (The Magnus Archives) v Francisco Guerra (Paranatural)
Tingle (The Legend of Zelda) v Hawt Saus (Chikn Nuggit)
Trishna (Papa Louie) v Mark Brendanawicz (Parks and Recreation)
Unparalleled Innocence (Rain World) v Morgana (Persona 5)
Lady Gisela Sencen (Keeper of the Lost Cities) v Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)
Suzy Johnston (Phineas and Ferb) v Kaidou Shun (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Souichi (Junji Ito) v Dr Hotti (Ace Attorney)
Morgoth (LOTR) v Sarah (Ed, Edd, and Eddy)
Bracket H (4/22-29)
Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) v Barney the Purple Dinosaur (Barney)
Andy Bernard (The Office) v Lars Barriga (Steven Universe)
Dio (Zero Escape) v Caillou (Caillou)
Gideon Gleeful (Gravity Falls) v Balgo (Burn the Witch)
Joshu Higashikata (JJBA) v Toby Flenderson (The Office)
Touga Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) v Teledji Adeledji (FFXIV)
Chairman Rose (Pokemon) v Donnel Udina (Mass Effect)
Father (FMA) v Harumi (LEGO Ninjago)
Akio Ohtori (Revolutionary Girl Utena) v Richard (Requiem of the Rose King)
Miranjo (Ranking of Kings) v Kray Foresight (Promare)
Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) v The Worst (Ben 10)
Hisoka Morrow (Hunter x Hunter) v Doc Scratch (Homestuck)
Tony Stark (MCU) v Sakura Horuna (Naruto)
Sir Tristan the Cold (Penumbra Podcast) v Clay Puppington (Morel Orel)
Bling Bling Boy (Johnny Test) v George Constanza (Seinfeld)
Quiche (Tokyo Mew Mew) v Enji Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
32 notes · View notes
misterah13 · 1 year
All SpongeBob characters
SpongeBob SquarePants
Gary The Snail
Shelley The Scallop
Patrick Star
Squidward Tentacles
Sandy Cheeks
Mr Eugene H Krabs
Sheldon J Plankton
Karen Plankton
Mrs Penelope Puff
Pearl Krabs
Larry The Lobster
The Flying Dutchman
King Neptune
Queen Amphitrite
Princess Mindy
King Neptune’s Mother
Mermaid Man
Barnacle Boy
Pyrite Ponderer
Miss Appear
The Elastic Waistband
Captain Magma
The Quickster
Madame Kassandra
Madame Hagfish
Squidina Star
Bunny Star
Cecil Star
Herb Star
Margie Star
Grand Pat
Uncle GrandPat
Inga Star
Ed Star
Sam Star
Silly Star
Confused Star
Hungry Star
Ice Cream King
Elephant Snail
Moose Snail
Squilliam Fancyson
Man Ray
Dirty Bubble
Harold SquarePants
Margaret SquarePants
Grandma SquarePants
Grandpa SquarePants
Todd SquarePants
Burger Beard
Craig Mammalton
Rosy Cheeks
Kenny The Cat
Doctor Marmalade
Professor Percy
Lord Reginald
Atomic Flounder
Jumbo Shrimp
Sinister Slug
The Octopus King
The Moth
Kelp Thing
Clam Head Candy Cad
Jeff Tentacles
Kevin C Cucumber
Gordon Plankton
Mama Plankton
Betsy Krabs
Redbeard Krabs
Krabs Senior
Mrs Tentacles
Jeff Tentacles
Plankton’s Ancestors, Cousins and Family
Grandma Plankton
Spot The Amoeba
Chip Plankton
Lighthouse Louie
King Poseidon
Tony The Sea Turtle
Sea Turtles
Anchor Man
Wonder Whale
Robot Mantis
King Jellyfish
Queen Jellyfish
Blue Crested Blaster Jellyfish
Speckled Squirter Jellyfish
Two Fisted Jumper Jellyfish
Gold Throated Singer Jellyfish
No Name/Friend The Blue Jellyfish
Ol Bessy The Jellyfish
Dopey Dick The White Jellyfish
Jellien Leader
Sea Urchin
Jennifer The Sea Anemone
Comb Jelly
Stan The Manta Ray
Gulper Eel
Professor Percy
Dr Marmalade
Lord Reginald
Fuzzy Acorns
Mystery The Seahorse
Sea Whelks
Sea Snails
Penny Pinchers
Alaskan Bill Worm
The Sneaky Hermit
Hermit Crab
Yeti Crab
Federico The Waiter
Brine Shrimp/Sea Monkeys
Johnny Krill
Sea Slug
Stanley S SquarePants
Captain Blue SquarePants
BlackJack SquarePants
Bubbles The Talking Dolphin
Janitor Bots
Ancient Warrior
Manatees/Sea Cows
Earless Seals
Bubble Buddy
Karen Plankton 2.0
Abominable Snow Mollusk
Mermaid Teenager 1
Mermaid Teenager 2
Mermaid Teenager 3
Mermaid Teenager 4
Mermaid Teenager 5
Mermaid Teenager Incidentals
Mermaid 1 (The Cosmic Shake)
Mermaid 2 (The Cosmic Shake)
Mermaid 3 (The Cosmic Shake)
Sir Urchin
Snail Fail
Tooth Fairy (Character)
Narlene Narwhal
Nobbert Nobby Narwhal
Mr Eugene Krabs’s Three Nephews
Captain Of The Sea Ship Atlantis
Lord Royal Highness
Atlantean Royal Guards
Worm Hogs
Sea Tiger
Sea Elephant
Sea Giraffe
Sea Bunnies
Sea Bears
Sea Rhinoceros
Sea Baboons
Sea Hippo
Sea Snakes
Sewer Snake
Sea Monsters
Sea Monster
Atlantean Citizens
The Greek Chorus
French Narrator
Goofy Goober
Mr Sun
Patchy The Pirate
Potty The Parrot
Stephen Hillenburg
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