okretrozone · 6 months
The Skeleton King Is Coming Alive
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I have tightened up the narrative beats of the story and while building out the first level I realized compositionally I was really happy with how I was able to separate the foreground and the background...But the scale wasn't right. The top image is 320 x 180 which can scale up to 1920 x 1080 but I wasn't happy with how limited was vertically and horizontally for player movement and enemies. I realized it was very tight. SO. I scaled up the play field to 480 x 270 which can also scale up to 1080 which you can see below.
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I'm a lot happier with this version compositionally and I'm almost back to where I was originally with mapping out level 1 and oooooooo buddy am I excited. The Skeleton King has set on an adventure and it is taking him through diverse locales and all over the realm. The first level here where we find the Skeleton King is an old abandoned crypt that has fallen into disrepair.
Why is a king in an abandoned crypt? Why is that king a skeleton? And why are we in an abandoned crypt? Hmmmmmm....mysteries.
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mackerelprime · 27 days
Week 3
This week I learnt how to use LDTK for tilesets and level design
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this-week-in-rust · 1 year
This Week in Rust 478
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Project/Tooling Updates
IntelliJ Rust Changelog #186
rust-analyzer changelog #164
This Week in Fyrox
clap v4.1
Fornjot (code-first CAD in Rust) - Weekly Release
Release of sphrs 0.2.0, a spherical harmonics library
Rails developers write some Rust: a review of Axum 0.6
Rust should own its debugger experience
The Hidden Control Flow — Some Insights on an Async Cancellation Problem in Rust
Fallible - The Lost Sibling of Result and Option
Folding arguments into the macro
Zero To Production book review
We Need Type Information, Not Stable ABI
Comparison of web frameworks written in Java, nodejs and Rust
This year I tried solving AoC using Rust, here are my impressions coming from Python!
Rust Walkthroughs
Create a Rust worker | Wasm Workers Server
Displaying Images on ESP32 with Rust!
Rust FFI and bindgen: Integrating Embedded C Code in Rust
Finding Nice MD5s Using Rust
2D game base with Bevy and LDtk (linked wasm)
Song search in Rust using OpenAI
Build a ray tracer, pt. 1 - 2D Image
Building an out-of-tree Rust Kernel Module Part Two
Using Rust to write a Data Pipeline. Thoughts. Musings.
[video] C++ vs Rust: which is faster?
[video] Everything You Wanted to Know About Rust Unit Testing (and then some more)
[video] Introduction to rust operators for Kubernetes
[DE] Rust-Framework: Turmoil testet verteilte Systeme
[DE] Rust: bis zu 2500 Projekte durch Bibliothek Hyper für DoS verwundbar
[DE] Ferris Talk #13: Rust-Web-APIs und Mocking mit Axum
[DE] Open-Source-Browser: Google öffnet Chromium für Rust
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is syntactic-for, a syntactic "for" loop Rust macro.
Thanks to Tor Hovland for the suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
Ockam - GitHub CI: use global default shell in documentation.yml workflow
Ockam - Modify clap command ockam start to set the node attribute's default value using attributes
Ockam - Add optional --identity argument to clap command secure-channel-listener create and modify its API handler
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
458 pull requests were merged in the last week
Initial #[do_not_recommend] implementation (RFC #2397)
LSDA Take ttype_index into account when taking unwind action
add checks for the signature of the start lang item
add log-backtrace option to show backtraces along with logging
add note when FnPtr vs. FnDef impl trait
adding a hint on iterator type errors
allow codegen to unsize dyn* to dyn
change flags with a fixed default value from Option<bool> to bool
check impl's where clauses in consider_impl_candidate in experimental solver
collect and emit proper backtraces for delay_span_bugs
consider return type when giving various method suggestions
const closures
deprioritize fulfillment errors that come from expansions
detect out of bounds range pattern value
detect struct literal needing parentheses
disable "split dwarf inlining" by default
emit a hint for bad call return types due to generic arguments
emit a single error for contiguous sequences of unknown tokens
emit only one nbsp error per file
enable atomic cas for bpf targets
exclude formatting commit from blame
feed a bunch of queries instead of tracking fields on TyCtxt
fix ICE formatting
fix aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu_ilp32 target
fix unused_braces on generic const expr macro call
fix bad import suggestion with nested use tree
fix help docs for -Zallow-features
fix invalid files array re-creation in rustdoc-gui tester
fix invalid syntax and incomplete suggestion in impl Trait parameter type suggestions for E0311
fix linker detection for linker (drivers) with a version postfix (e.g. clang-12 instead of clang)
fix misleading "add dyn keyword before derive macro" suggestion
improve fluent error messages
label struct/enum constructor instead of fn item, mention that it should be called on type mismatch
mark ZST as FFI-safe if all its fields are PhantomData
move autoderef to rustc_hir_analysis
new trait solver: rebase impl substs for gats correctly
cargo: nightly Fix CVE-2022-46176: Missing SSH host key validation
note predicate span on ImplDerivedObligation
only suggest adding type param if path being resolved was a type
prefer non-[type error] candidates during selection
provide help on closures capturing self causing borrow checker errors
recover from where clauses placed before tuple struct bodies
remove unnecessary lseek syscall when using std::fs::read
render missing generics suggestion verbosely
report fulfillment errors in new trait solver
specialize impl of ToString on bool
stabilize ::{core,std}::pin::pin!
stabilize abi_efiapi feature
stabilize f16c_target_feature
stop probing for statx unless necessary
suggest is_empty for collections when casting to bool
suggest making private tuple struct field public
suggestion for type mismatch when we need a u8 but the programmer wrote a char literal
tweak E0277 &-removal suggestions
tweak E0599 and elaborate_predicates
support eager subdiagnostics again
libcore: make result of iter::from_generator Clone
add AtomicPtr::as_mut_ptr
leak amplification for peek_mut() to ensure BinaryHeap's invariant is always met
fix mpsc::SyncSender spinning behavior
futures: fix panic when Unfold sink return an error
futures: fix FuturesOrdered
cargo: cargo metadata supports artifact dependencies
cargo: support codegen-backend and rustflags in profiles in config file
clippy: cast_possible_truncation Suggest TryFrom when truncation possible
clippy: expl_impl_clone_on_copy: ignore packed structs with type/const params
clippy: needless_return: remove all semicolons on suggestion
clippy: unused_self: don't trigger if the method body contains todo!()
clippy: allow implementing Hash with derived PartialEq (derive_hash_xor_eq)
clippy: move unchecked_duration_subtraction to pedantic
rust-analyzer: add basic tooltips to adjustment hints
rust-analyzer: assist: desugar doc-comment
rust-analyzer: comment out disabled code
rust-analyzer: derive 'Hash'
rust-analyzer: make unlinked_file diagnostic quickfixes work for inline modules
rust-analyzer: fix panicking Option unwraping in match arm analysis
rust-analyzer: fix ty should query impls in nearest block
rust-analyzer: check orpat in missing match
rust-analyzer: don't generate PartialEq/PartialOrd methods body when types don't match
rust-analyzer: make inlay hint location links work for more types
rust-analyzer: interior-mutable types should be static rather than const
rust-analyzer: remove hover inlay tooltips, replace them with location links
rust-analyzer: remove recursive Display implementations
rust-analyzer: split out hir-def attribute handling parts into hir-expand
rust-analyzer: unconditionally enable location links in inlay hints again
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
Nearly all flagged regressions are likely noise, except one rollup with minor impact on diesel that we will follow up on. We had a broad (albeit small) win from #106294.
Triage done by @pnkfelix. Revision range: 0442fbab..1f72129f
(instructions:u) mean range count Regressions ❌ (primary) 0.4% [0.2%, 1.7%] 39 Regressions ❌ (secondary) 0.5% [0.2%, 1.8%] 23 Improvements ✅ (primary) -0.4% [-0.6%, -0.2%] 7 Improvements ✅ (secondary) -0.4% [-0.6%, -0.2%] 6 All ❌✅ (primary) 0.3% [-0.6%, 1.7%] 46
4 Regressions, 3 Improvements, 3 Mixed; 4 of them in rollups 50 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: close] use implied bounds from impl header when comparing trait and impl methods
[disposition: merge] rustdoc: change trait bound formatting"
[disposition: merge] Make ExitStatus implement Default
[disposition: merge] Allow fmt::Arguments::as_str() to return more Some(_).
New and Updated RFCs
[new] RFC: CARGO_TARGET_DIRECTORIES, parent of all target directories
[new] RFC: (Re)standardise error code documentation
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2023-01-18 - 2023-02-15 🦀
2023-01-18 | Virtual (San Francisco, CA, US; São Paulo, BR; New York, NY US) | Microsoft Reactor San Francisco and Microsoft Reactor São Paulo and Microsoft Reactor New York
Primeros pasos con Rust: QA y horas de comunidad | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror | Sao Paulo Mirror
2023-01-18 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2023-01-19 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; San Francisco, CA, US; New York, NY, US; Stockholm, SE) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Reactor New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco and Microsoft Reactor Stockholm
Crack code interview problems in Rust - Ep. 2 | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror | Stockholm Mirror
2023-01-19 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2023-01-23 | Virtual (Durham, NC, US) | Triangle Rust
Online Code and Chat
2023-01-23 | Virtual (Linz, AT) | Rust Linz
Rust Meetup Linz - 29th Edition
2023-01-23 | Virtual (New York, NY, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust - Condiciones con expresiones if/else en Rust | San Francisco Mirror
2023-01-24 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; New York, NY, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Reactor New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust - Uso de bucles para iterar por datos en Rust | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror
2023-01-25 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond | Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust: QA y horas de comunidad | San Francisco Mirror
2023-01-26 | Virtual (Charlottesville, VA, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Rust Lightning Talks!
2023-01-26 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; San Francisco, CA, US; New York, NY, US; Stockholm, SE) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Reactor New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco and Microsoft Reactor Stockholm
Crack code interview problems in Rust - Ep. 3 | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror | Stockholm Mirror
2023-01-30 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; New York, NY, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Reactor New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust - Control de errores en Rust | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror
2023-01-31 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2023-01-31 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2023-01-31 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; New York, NY, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Reactor New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust - Compresión de cómo Rust administra la memoria | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror
2023-02-01 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2023-02-01 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; New York, NY, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Reactor New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust: QA y horas de comunidad | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror
2023-02-01 | Virtual (Stuttgart, DE) | Rust Community Stuttgart
2023-02-06 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; New York, NY, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Reactor New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust - Implementación de tipos y rasgos genéricos | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror
2023-02-07 | Virtual (Beijing, CN) | WebAssembly and Rust Meetup (Rustlang)
Monthly WasmEdge Community Meeting, a CNCF sandbox WebAssembly runtime
2023-02-07 | Virtual (Buffalo, NY, US) | Buffalo Rust Meetup
Buffalo Rust User Group, First Tuesdays
2023-02-07 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; New York, NY, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Reactor New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust - Módulos, paquetes y contenedores de terceros | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror
2023-02-08 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; New York, NY, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Rector New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust: QA y horas de comunidad | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror
2023-02-13 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; New York, NY, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Rector New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust - Escritura de pruebas automatizadas | New York Mirror | San Francisco Mirror
2023-02-14 | Virtual (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn
2023-02-14 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; New York, NY, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Rector New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust - Creamos un programa de ToDos en la línea de comandos | San Francisco Mirror | New York Mirror
2023-02-14 | Virtual (Saarbrücken, DE) | Rust-Saar
Meetup: 26u16
2023-02-15 | Virtual (Redmond, WA, US; New York, NY, US; San Francisco, CA, US) | Microsoft Reactor Redmond and Microsoft Rector New York and Microsoft Reactor San Francisco
Primeros pasos con Rust: QA y horas de comunidad | San Francisco Mirror | New York Mirror
2023-02-15 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2023-01-15 | Tokyo, JP | Tokyo Rust Meetup
Property-Based Testing in Rust
2023-02-01 | Kyoto, JP | Kansai Rust
Rust talk: How to implement Iterator on tuples... kind of
2023-01-20 | Stuttgart, DE | Rust Community Stuttgart
OnSite Meeting
2023-01-25 | Paris, FR | Rust Paris
Rust Paris meetup #55
2023-01-26 | Copenhagen, DK | Copenhagen Rust Meetup Group
Rust Hack Night #32
2023-02-02 | Hamburg, DE | Rust Meetup Hamburg
Rust Hack & Learn February 2023
2023-02-02 | Lyon, FR | Rust Lyon
Rust Lyon meetup #01
North America
2023-01-20 | New York, NY, US | Blockchain Center
Rust Tuesdays: Near Workspaces
2023-01-26 | Lehi, UT, US | Utah Rust
Building a Rust Playground with WASM and Lane and Food!
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
Common arguments against Rust's safety guarantees:
The library you're binding to can have a segfault in it.
RAM can physically fail, causing dangling pointers.
The computer the Rust program is running on can be hit by a meteorite.
Alan Turing can come back from the dead and tell everyone that he actually made up computer science and none of it is real, thus invalidating every program ever made, including all Rust programs.
– Ironmask on the phoronix forums
Thanks to Stephan Sokolow for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
Email list hosting is sponsored by The Rust Foundation
Discuss on r/rust
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oracleexperience · 9 months
Spooky Scary Dungeon
Yeah, not very productive in the last few days… But at least I reproduced the spirit grave map in LDTK. Take a look.
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Talking technical first.
Does what worked on the Maku path work here ? Yes. And the rest ? Absolutely not (ou can see in the screenshot above, a lot of game objects are missing). And to be fair, it won't work for quite some time, as I need to help Cam with the LDTK importer. The multi-world import has some issues that need to be fixed first.
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Now. Spirit Grave… Not the best, but he is clearly not one of the weakest ones. There is something that I discovered while remapping this dungeon. See this room? Well, I never realized that the floor of it is a full map of the dungeon, with the mini-boss, boss, secret room, and final room displayed. And a freaking statue for where the player is. That would be quite awesome if you didn't find the map just before coming here.But still, nearly 20 years after I got my hands on this game, I still find things hidden in plain sight… I don't know if I should be fascinated or ashamed… Maybe both.
Like all the dungeons in the Game Boy's Zelda, the layout takes the form of something related to the dungeon - a spirit here - which allows for an interesting structure where you turn in the dungeon anti-clockwise until you're back at the start (where you take the teleporter and go directly to the boss). The pacing is excellent.
There isn't much more to say about this dungeon, except for one thing I don't like : how you get the boss key. I have two issues here that are, to be honest, contradictory.
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The first is that the game does the backtracking for you. As you learn to use the bracelet, the dungeon brings you back directly to the room where you get the dungeon's boss key, so you don't have to think to much of where to use this dungeon's item. But for a first proper dungeon, I would say this is okay, because this is a smart way to say to you, "Hey, you needed to go back to this room, we are showing it to you now, but we won't be so kind in the future." (Or do they? We will see in the later dungeons.) Also, if you remove that backtracking part, the anti-clockwise structure I talked about earlier doesn't work.
The other issue is, if you remember the room with all the pots and the chest where the boss key is, you can entirely skip this small puzzle with the pot and the button in the bottom left corner of the map. Which is a shame, because it's a quite simple introduction to how some buttons may require staying pressed. By the way, I like the way Minish Cap removes the ambiguity between buttons that need to be pressed once (which are square buttons) and the ones where you need to stay on them (which are round buttons). If I take time to do some changes, I guess this one could be a good one.
I will take a look to see if it's possible to improve that skip issue later. Now that I think about it, in many dungeons, the way you find the dungeon's boss key feels trivialized… Half of them at least : this one, the next two, and the final one. Still, a pretty good dungeon. 7/10.
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truck-fump · 2 years
<b>Trump</b> Accidentally Confesses in Stolen Docs Case; Biden's Marijuana Pardons: A Closer Look
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DcdZlnz-lDtk&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw0XDvWnFHFXP2O3TOJs661k
Trump Accidentally Confesses in Stolen Docs Case; Biden's Marijuana Pardons: A Closer Look
Seth takes a closer at Republicans fully embracing Trump even as the federal criminal investigation into his stolen classified documents …
0 notes
crashynews · 2 years
Airumu: Crash Dungeons Demo Download (WIP 'Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back' Mod)
Airumu: Crash Dungeons Demo Download (WIP ‘Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back’ Mod)
You have to reach the goal before you run out of the energy! Mod Download – LDtk Project
View On WordPress
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lmanberg · 3 years
this was several asks ago but to clarify on the “ratparty founded the doxx”: anon meant ratparty, not rat city, and they meant found, as in discovered, this was either a typo or a grammar issue. rat city did not start the doxx.
Yup! That’s why they’re private rn, they were being harassed by the doxxers. They’re currently celebrating their blocks rn
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pixelartitude · 3 years
LDtk (Level Designer Toolkit)
Alors là je suis ultra fan !!!
Figurez vous que Mr Sébastien Bénard le monsieur Motion Twin “Dead Cell” et développeur ultra productif de mini jeux en 48h lors de divers Gamejams propose tout simplement un éditeur de niveau gratuit.
Rien que ça....
Voici quelques infos sur ce logiciel
Une UI des plus efficace pour permettre une prise en main facile.
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Définition de règles pour que l’éditeur fasse le travail le plus embêtant à votre place.
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Choix de Layout entre “Grid Vania” “Linear” ou “Free” et réorganisez vos niveaux par un simple drag and drop
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Pas d’isometrique ici mais un focus sur les vision de “side” et “top down” un choix radical mais que j’apprécie car en faire moins pour le faire mieux est une philosophie qui me convient parfaitement.
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Mais également
Un système de backup
Un export vers l’outil Tiled
La gestion d’entités
Une API HAxe
Il est disponible sur Windows, Mac et Linux donc aucunes excuses :)
Et tout ceci gratuitement....Cependant vous pouvez (et franchement vu le travail accompli ce serait super) le soutenir en donnant ce que vous souhaitez.
 foncez c’est par là LDTK
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Imagine The Reagans Running Into You and Jamie Making Out (Teen Jamie)
"Thank you so much for dinner, Jamie. It was amazing." You said shyly, as you got inside his car and sat on the passenger's seat.
"Sure. You deserved it, it's your birthday!" He was sitting in the driver's seat and turned on the engine of the car before continuing his speech. "You want to come over to my place?"
"Oh, uh.... I don't know if that's a good idea. I mean, your family doesn't know we're dating yet." You felt a bit hesitant although you did want to go to his place. Hanging out with Jamie was your favorite thing to do ever since you quit the soccer team at the high school both you and him attended. And just having dinner with him just didn't feel like it was enough for you.
"Oh... they're not home."
"They're not?" Your turned your head to the left to look at him.
"Nope, they all went out to a dinner party at a family friend's house. Their son is leaving for college this summer." He explained as he turned his head to the right to look at you.
"Okay, well... then yeah sure. Let's go to yours."
And there you went. Jamie had his driver's license for a few months now, and thanks to the nice guides from his father and brother, he revealed himself to be a great driver. At least, better than you.
* * *
"Do you want anything? Water, soda?" He politely asked. You were sitting on the couch while he was hanging your coats.
"Uh, no, I'm fine."
He smiled and went back to the couch and sat down next to you, putting his hand on your thigh.
"I had a really great time tonight, Jamie." You confessed with a content sigh as you laid your head against the crook of his neck.
"Me too." He leaned in, turning your head slightly to his side, your lips now only a few inches away. You knew what was about to happen - he kissed you. His lips met yours and sent what felt like thousands of fireworks throughout your whole body. You had butterflies in your stomach and a tingling feelings in every nerve of your body.
"You want to, I don't know, watch a movie?" He asked when both of you pulled back from the kiss.
"Sure, whatever you wanna watch." You replied while licking your lips discretely.
He got up from the couch and with one knee on the ground, near the wooden furniture that held the TV, he went through the large collection of VHS and picked a cop movie. You didn't even know the title, but you trusted his choice and didn't say anything about it. You just wanted to be with him, no matter what movie you watched.
He set up the movie and went back to the couch, sitting down and holding you close... closer than you were before. And not even twenty minutes into the movie, you were already laying down on the couch, your hair looking a bit like a mess from pressing against the cushions, with Jamie on top of you. You were only kissing at first, but then he touched you here and there and long story short you were in the middle of a massive make out session.
You could call it the Netflix and Chill of the older days.
What you didn't expect was for his whole family to walk in on you.
"Well, well, well... Look who we have here!" Danny was the first one to walk into the living room and looking at you two. You under Jamie, Jamie on top, your hair looking like you were a slob, his hair also looking very messy from your hands running through it during the heated make out session... Anyways, as everyone could see, you were more than embarrassed and you were living your worst nightmare. And Jameson was too.
After sighing and sitting up in a quick and swift movement, Jamie spoke up. "Danny, please shut up!"
Luckily, the only two other people you heard coming closer to you were your boyfriend's other siblings - Erin and Joe. They laughed along with Danny and seemed pretty amused to see Jamie looking embarrassed, but all you could be thankful for now, was that neither his dad or granddad were near by.
You quickly sat up too, and fixed your hair and your clothes that, to be honest, did look like they were on the way to be somewhere laying on the floor. Erin looked at you and was able to put the big sister role aside and helped you out. She had been a teenager and she too had been in embarrassing situations like this.
"Why are you already home? I thought you were gonna be there all night!" Jamie asked while he was arranging the cushions and pillows on the couch.
"We were, but it ended! Like all good things do." Joe teased while taking off his coat and throwing in on top of the couch.
"I didn't know about you two... Wow, when were you planning on telling us, Jamie? When I become an uncle?" Danny also teased. You had to admit, they were a fun gang. You just weren't feeling it right now. Especially right now.
"Well, now you know. Happy?" Jamie looked at the driveway through the window. You followed his gaze and saw Frank and Henry making their way out of the car to the house. "And not a word about this to them, okay?"
Shorty after, Henry Reagan and his son, the Police Commissioner, walked into the living room and couldn't help but notice you.
"Oh, well! Look at who we have here. It's the birthday girl!" Henry pulled you in for a hug and Frank simply shook your hand.
"Oh, hi! I-I am sorry to interrupt and I am sorry for-" Jamie cut you off and continued.
"Pops, Dad... (Y/N) and I went for dinner like I told you, to celebrate her birthday, but afterwards we came over to finish our History project." He did try.
"And ended up watching Starsky & Hutch?" Frank questioned after glancing at the screen, with his hands in his pockets.
"Huh...Yes...?" Jamie was lost. He did not plan this lie right.
"Alright, sweetie, do you need a ride home?" Frank asked you, a smile now showing in his face.
"Oh, huh... No, it's okay. I can walk home, it's not that far anyways."
"No way a family of cops is going to let a girl walk home alone in the middle of the night, especially in this temperatures." He turned his head to Joe and continued. "Joe, you can take (Y/N) home."
And just like that, you were driven home by your boyfriend's brother after being caught making out with Jamie on the couch, by his family.
Wow... what a night! What a birthday!
Author's Note: Hi everyone! Okay, I must admit this was a tough one to write because if I'm being completely honest, the show doesn't give us that much info about how it was like in the past but I guess that's what imagination is for, right? I hope you liked it! Like always, while you wait for the other requests to be published, I'd love for you to check out my Jamie Reagan fanfiction Little Did They Know and once you finish that one you can start Love Battles (book two to LDTK). Comments and reviews are highly appreciated, I always love to hear from you! Have a nice summer!
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okretrozone · 7 months
Skeleton King Progress: Tile Sets & Building the Game
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The Skeleton King is happening. I love making pixel art but realized I tended to make tile sets in isolation from other tile sets and the project. So I went back and to my Notion/Game Design Document/Game...or in this instance...maybe Necronomicon? Or My Game Dev Enchiridion? Anyways.
I went back and referred to the game progression and kind of blocked out what colors I thought would be the most useful in conveying the mood and environment and from there I started re-establishing the tilesets. Which for much of it was just a palette swap/ refining.
But in doing so I also realized that the Skeleton King needed more legibility on the various backgrounds. I was already worried about his legs popping off the background when it was mostly black but continued to worry about it haha.
This was a really difficult problem for me to solve because of the color palette and the size of the sprite I was trying to articulate with a limited color palette. I'm trying to adhere as closely to the NES system specifications without sacrificing what I want to achieve. I chose the NES to limit my color palette in order to avoid decision paralysis. But I am finding where the palette is limited and have been debating adding a few more colors to flesh out what I want. I recall Yacht Club Games talking about this very instance.
So while I want to adhere to these system specifications, since it is self-imposed, I'm just trying to define a rule set to justify or determine if augmentation is needed and if I do proceed how do I do it uniformly and intentionally throughout the game instead of haphazardly and inconsistent.
But I'm close to the point where I can really start building things out. I have a few more animations I'd like to rough out just for my sanity, but I can restart the demo build and chunk away at that. I already have the skills the Skeleton King acquires on his journey fleshed out. I just have to incorporate them into the FSM more fully. But I feel like...I may not be at the tipping point...but I feel like I may be close to the point where I can really start seeing some stuff come together.
So be on the look out for more fun stuff coming up. Will be sharing some more Skeleton King animations and enemy sprites soon.
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hydralisk98 · 2 years
What is this?: CC0 (public domain dedication) SOFTWARE TOY ASSETS PACKAGE
Also heavily Work.In.Progress
Aesthetics= Grunge, retro, soft dark yet cute, symbolic, mundane, furry, cozy, mindful headspace...
Inspirations: Hypnospace Outlaw, TIS-100, Exapunks, Shenzhen I/O, Portal 2 + Portal Stories: Mel, Ken's Labyrinth, Ion Fury, Ken's BUILD2 engine, FROGBLOCK, MRMOTEXT, HexKit, Paradise, ZealOS, FreeDOS, Windows 3.1, Microsoft Bob w/ Great Greetings, sok-stories, sok-worlds, Dwarf Fortress, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Nethack, Hackmud, Dungeon Crawl Soup...
Tools= Blender, Unity, Crocotile, Paint.net, Paint 3D, GIMP, Aesprite, Brave, Librewolf, DLS?, Kenney's Asset Forge Deluxe, LDtk, Tiled, Tape, veadotube mini, Godot, Qodot, Trenchbroom, Mosi...
Mechanics= Social simulation, programming game + spiritual affirmations style of level editing, multimedia rich map editing, first person perspective, much exploration & achievements...
Themes= Curiosity, escapism, optimistic realism, visualization, empowerment, preservation of memories / history / old technologies, mindful inclusivity, progress, honesty, kindness, fairness, intellect, creativity, playful-ness...
Elements= { Win3D-fork GUI, environmental tilesets, 2D character spritesheets, chess pieces, props, typefaces, world map, tutorials, GPlates & QGIS workflow to make hyper-immersive worlds... }
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mackerelprime · 11 days
Week 4
This week I worked on integer layers on LDtk.
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I set up LDtk integer layers to use a tile set I downloaded from itch.io, this has allowed me to streamline level design on future projects.
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reemstore · 3 years
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‏‎أبل إيربودز ماكس سماعات فوق الاذن، فضي بسعر 989 ريال فقط متاح الشحن لجميع مناطق المملكة العربية السعودية ‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ7en5-LdTK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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oracleexperience · 10 months
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As I already said in my first post, for this project I'm using the game engine Unity, and there are multiple reasons for this. First, it's the engine with the most complete documentation and the biggest community. If I have an issue with the engine, I'll find my answer quite easily on the web. And if even Google can't help, I have multiple colleagues who know the engine well, have used it in various ways, and could help with my ultra-specific issue. Second, it's certainly one of the engines the most adapted for 2D development. A lot of games and prototypes with a 2D view are done with Unity, I don't think I'm teaching you anything here. Third, this is the engine I'm the most accustomed to, I know the interface, I know the component, I know C#, and I know a lot of stuff. Yet, there is something that I really don't know how to use in Unity, it's the tile map. They seem ridiculously complex to manage. So I used another tool for that.
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Enter LDTK, a level editor for 2D games made by Deepnight (you may know him for his work on Dead Cells, or the various jams he was part of). The main advantage of this tool is that it's really user-friendly. You set up a tile layer, an entity layer, and maybe more if you need more, and you can start to paint your level. But then, things get a little trickier. By default, an LDTK project is a JSON file, and this needs an importer to create the level in Unity as it was painted in LDTK. When I first started this project six months ago, I thought I would have to do such an importer, and I just gave up. But a month ago, the motivation kicked back, I retook interest in the project, and I found out that someone, Cammin (thank you), had already started to do what I needed, and it works marvelously. It's not perfect by any means, I still need to do some workarounds for some of the issues I have, but this helped A LOT.
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First, we have Git with Gitlab which I use for source control. Many people use source control because it helps them share it with others, but the main reason to use this kind of tool is for version control. This is the best way to have a backup of what you did and to roll back to something stable if you mess up.
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And then I also use Trello. My memory for what I have to do is absolute sh*t. Trello helps me keep an eye on what I did, what I should be doing, what's coming next, and what I need to do. This may be the most important tool if I want to keep up until the end.
This post is already pretty long, so I'll keep it here for now, and I'll make a post tomorrow about what is already done.
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hackernewsrobot · 3 years
LDtk: A modern and open-source 2D level editor
https://deepnight.itch.io/ldtk Comments
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sethbogi964-blog · 4 years
Flyer present stand
Organizations utilize these cheap pamphlet display screen racks to present their business details on counter tops, in rates, or in 2, 3 or numerous pockets and desk tops. These leaflet holders can be found in solitary, revolving and also multi-pocket screens.
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