#like i get no asks 99% of the time but then i make an UNTAGGED post about how i feel about the current state of dc and there they are
batfleckwayne · 1 year
the new dc slate looks amazing wym? dont assume its gonna be bad, give it a chance! one thing about gunn is he actually likes comics so i think theres hope here.
It's just my opinion, I mean I'll go through each thing and say what my feelings are on it. And tbh I'm not so assuming it'll be bad so much as I think most of it is just not things I'll enjoy. That's why I used the word underwhelming.
Also there is literally never gonna be a day I'm happy about Gunn being in charge at DC, you can try and convince me all you want, but it's never gonna happen. I'm sure for some people him there is a dream come true, for me it's a nightmare.
So to explain in more detail my feelings about each item on the slate...
Creature Commandos - Just not interested in this, won't watch it.
Waller - Love to hear Viola Davis is sticking around. I'll probably at the very least check this out. Not thrilled to hear it's being billed as a spin-off of Peacemaker though, since I didn't like that show.
Superman: Legacy - Hearing Gunn is writing this and may direct is enough to kill any interest I could have had in this.
Lanterns - First thing I'm actually excited for. I'll DEFINITELY tune into this. Hearing that Greg Berlanti is no longer attached and it's now gonna include John Stewart is great news to me.
The Authority - I have essentially no opinion on any of the characters and so I'm not particularly excited by this.
Paradise Lost - This is an interesting concept but it doesn't get me excited. Idk why because I think a show about the Amazons is a great idea. Maybe I'll get more excited about this as more details get released.
The Brave and the Bold - I'm...intrigued by this. The good is that we're gonna have a Robin right off the bat and that it's being billed as a "father-and-son story". The bad, the rest of the description does not exactly inspire confidence, and I absolutely despise the Morrison era of Batman comics. I can't imagine a world where I don't go see this though.
The Batman sequel - Very excited for this, I'll be there opening night.
Booster Gold - I've got nothing against Booster Gold, but do I really want to watch a whole show centered around him??
Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow: "Taking its cues from the recent Tom King-written miniseries" No thank you!
Swamp Thing: I'll keep it real this could be the greatest film ever made and I'll never know because I'm a little baby who can't handle horror scarier than The Haunted Mansion (2003)
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twig-gy · 5 months
figure out a name for me i’ll tell you if it’s bad - it/its
i don't have a dni for Reasons but please don't follow me if you have jashshippers on your dni and if you do you must answer my riddles three (the other post has my riddles three but if you want version with less talking: link)
on the path to become the most annoying person you’ve ever met about my hyperfixations, if you don’t like it then die mad <2
i write cccc fic - my ao3 is janSikepa - give me requests! there’s just no guarantee i will do them - i appreciate comments and compliments SO MUCH
i don’t reliably tag triggers, but self posts about self-harm/addiction or writing about gore will definitely be tagged (just the trigger, like ‘self harm’ or ‘addiction’) / faggot&dyke&tranny = untagged we ride free
i will always appreciate an ask or any form of human communication
if you don’t know whether i’m a minor or not, you haven’t read enough of the lore tbh
times i've been called homoerotic in some way: 1, somehow, despite the fact i'm aro
have been called “genuinely one of the most annoying faggots on this site” before
mutuals i have convinced to watch centricide: 4 :D
fellow jtoh mutuals: 1 (join the list!!!!)
"also like if i post abt things that make you uncomfortable you can leave! you aren't chained! i assume that anyone who is here would've left if they didn't like me saying things so i post recklessly n freely bc yes" - me 2024
“”mandatory”” listening: link
at all moments i will make inexplicable references. if you mention heart mind or soul then my cccc receptors will immediately go off. hope this helps!
cccc : my main hyperfixation. posts slightly related to it/less thought out are #brainrot.png and posts where i talk more are brainrot.exe
(list of drawing ideas i have but can’t draw cause i can’t draw: link)
jtoh : slightly my hyperfixation, i talk about it sometimes. its tag is #jtohposting
centricide : not a hyperfixation (yet?) but i like it en talk about it. its tag is #jreg.jpeg but that also includes other posts abt jreg
toki pona : i’m still learning it. sometimes i make posts in or about it (#tok.exe). i’m translating cccc into it, so far i have time machine reprise done and posted (ilo tenpo pi sin ala), and spring and a storm/storm and a spring have their lyrics finished. you can ask me abt how that is going if you want
#twig.txt is my tag for selfposts
#asks.png is my tag for asks
#amazing art!! is for art i like a lot
#holding onto these is for posts i find important to keep in my safe
#twiggy cites the classics is for posts i consider ‘classics’ somehow (stolen from @/virgils_muse)
#jtohposting is for silly posts relating to jtoh that none of you will get ‘cause i’m 99% sure i’m the only one on this webbed site who likes jtoh
#mi pali e ni is for when i make things
(#mi pali e kalama musi is for music and #mi pali e sitelen is for writing)
if i tag something with heartposting/mindposting/soulposting that's bc i think that they'd say that
#wholeposting is for my thoughts on whole which i have very occasionally
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[id: userbox with the toki pona icon on the left and the words "sona mi pi toki pona li ike." on the right.]
[my toki pona is bad]
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netherworldpost · 1 year
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How to Tumblr via atty whilst brewing coffee
NEW POSTS: Over 10+ years I have found a comfortable flow of blogging a piece of art, and immediately adding it into the queue. I mix rambling posts and jokes with artwork because I’m charming and weird and gorgeous and modest.
REBLOGS: I sometimes “Roger Rabbit Shave and a Haircut” posts, which is to say there is a core message and an obvious hook I’m looking for someone else to add.
When someone reblogs with comment, or comments (which I add in my own reblog via screenshot), I complete the joke / ramble / etc. It works maybe 1/2 the time. When it doesn’t work, I move on.
They are frequently extremely successful and (from what I can tell via note collection) very enjoyable by a lot of folk.
QUEUE: I keep my queue posting 3-6 things a day, set at a 24-hour window, and have 150-200 things in it at any given time, 99% of which is not my stuff. Just things I like that are reasonably related to what I make -- and/or just like, it isn’t strict, thems words ain’t physics laws -- very broad brush stroke stuff.
I check the queue about once every few weeks to see how it is doing and release / hold back more posts based on how thick that forest is. There is no science, just casual observance.
Occasionally the queue gets a bit thin so I’ll spend a specific 20-30 minutes thinking “okay what haven’t I filled it up with for awhile” and then search TAGS for that and fill it up.
Which is to say that I make a thing and blog it here. It appears instantly, it appears again somewhere between a few weeks and a month, or so.
Sometimes I’ll remember a random old thing and run it through this again -- search it out, reblog it, add it to the queue. 
NOTE GATHERING: When something starts picking up traction in notes, I throw it into the queue, so in a few weeks or a month or so it’ll appear on my blog. This takes advantage of the current attention-getting-reasons (almost always unknown) + gives it a shot at ringing bells once more in the future.
TAGS: When the shop was open, I tagged things more earnestly, and when the shop re-opens, I will tag things more earnestly, to assist in random discovery. Anything that goes untagged, I consider to be the cost of doing business -- which is to say it requires more effort to track down untagged things and apply a religious zeal to organization than is rewarded with new notes, followers, etc.
TRIGGER WARNING: The exception to my tagging non-system is trigger warnings, which I work hard to remember to do (”tw {comment}, {comment} tw”)
DISCOURSE: I do not participate. Once in awhile I’ll slip and get too deep into something because I Want to be Seen as Being Correct but the vast majority of the time I just roast a chicken and write about gay monsters.
I regularly ignore my ASK box because I’m not a chatty person. I completely ignore the CHAT box thing for the same reason.
FOLLOWER COUNT: I don’t look at it.
BETA: I hate the beta editor. I have historically found it crashes a lot so I turn it off. This is a knob in the upper right hand corner of your screen, conveniently labeled “BETA”
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saveraedae · 2 years
why dont u draw yfm anymore? i saw you used to draw it a lot what happened?
Ok I never answer "Why don't you draw _ anymore?" questions because it just feels like a deja vu of my FNAF days...
But I'll answer just this one because some people probably want to know this one specifically considering one day I just kind of up and abandoned that fandom.
I don't entirely feel welcome there, I made some really stupid drawing as a parody/joke that I posted privately/untagged and people took it seriously and are using that to judge my entire person(??) Like yeah idc if they joke about it and meme on it because it was meant to be a joke anyhow because if someone drew what the art was about with that fandom and was serious then I'm gonna judge them. And like I posted it privately and untagged right??? Creepy imo how they found it. I'm 99% sure I know who 'leaked' (BAD PUN LOL) it, and I have NOTHING against them at all, but like- pls bro it's just a joke i hope you know that. I kinda get annoyed when I see it now because I stopped finding it that funny a while ago but if they still want to joke about it, like i said, i don't care. It was meant to make people laugh anyway.
ALSO before any of you ask NO it is not anything illegal, problematic, offensive, or taboo, in fact it's one of the stupidest things people can get mad about. From what I've seen it's just immature children being assholes to someone who made something they don't like. Like get to know me before you make an assumption about me as a person, seriously.
I can't really entirely leave that community though because of the whole YFM VEVO shit so nah my name is kinda immortalized within the community forever. I probably will never make any more fan art or animations of it. I do still like the characters and listen to some of the songs sometimes but I stopped supporting Ray recently because of his copyright abuse so there's really no point to go back. Like I'm still there but way far on the sidelines just observing. A lurker instead of a content creator if you will. I would be lying if I said that every time I see a YFM fan nowadays I can't shake the lingering thought in the back of my mind that they secretly hate me. :P
And either way, when I join fandoms (aside from MLP since that place has always been my home so to speak) it's usually always a obsessive phase I get into for a couple months that distracts me from working on TMS, which is always my main priority anyhow. I try not to be in fandoms now and just enjoy the media myself.
TLDR - Society.
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blueprint-han · 3 years
Dawn do u have any advice for people starting skz writing blogs?
Oh! I definitely do! I’ll put them under the cut uwu <3 These are all tips I wish I knew, ranging from garnering readers to how to deal with other happenings. <3
!!!; this is a fairly long post! also, I am no way qualified enough to be giving advice, these are just things I've learnt in my term of experience.
#1: Write what you want to see on this platform, basically build a niche for yourself.
So this is a pretty obvious and often said point, but write what you want to, and when you want to. If it's domestic AUs that you're the most comfortable with, write that! Of course, you can dabble into new genres to discover what your other interests are, but don't for yourself to write something just because it's a popular topic. When people find a fic of yours that they like, they'll most likely go to your blog expecting the same kind of stuff. <3
#2: Develop your own distinct style, be it in your blog, in your writing in your layout, etc.
Make your blog's aesthetic/layout as distinct as possible, so that it's identifiable. This just gives a sense of uniqueness to your blog, which oft attracts readers. Ofc by this, I don't mean you need to be a master at photoshop/editing to create amazing aesthetics — you can just use simple elements and blend them together in a way that stands out well. Personally, if I'm to be honest, aesthetics, general neatness means a lot to me. I usually wish for a blog to be de-cluttered have a good and efficient way of navigation without having to search through or dig in a lot myself.
#3: Use tags! On all of your posts.
Like I said in the previous section, I wish for a new blog I'm going through to have a good and efficient way of navigation. Use tags, not just on your writing, but all your posts. This can facilitate easier viewing of same posts grouped under one tag, plus if someone prefers to not view something in particular, they can choose not to by blacklisting. Untagged posts are honestly a huge pet peeve of mine dihfuyrharieuhr. That being said, use the correct tags on your post! This post has a good note on how to garner readers as well as tagging.
#5: It takes time for you to gain attention for your work, and it takes time for your writing style to develop into something unique.
This is honestly something I wish I knew when I started writing. I'd see all these blogs get so much interaction and anons and notes on their writing, and while I was happy for them, it made me feel insecure that maybe I wasn't as good enough for them...? fast forward to six months later, I had nearly the same amount of interaction as they did. So it's really all about working towards your way to create a distinct writing style, all whilst improving yourself. Don't be demotivated when you don't get interaction at first, because it takes time for your style to be recognizable and it takes a while to improve, so as and when you write, you'll get better and better! <3
#6: Interact with other writers' writings!
This is also something I wish I knew. interacting with other writers is a way to make new friends, plus give your blog some exposure. of course, that's different from clearly exploiting a blog's status for follows. Make friends with other writers, and reblog their writings (ofc, only if you read them and you liked them, don't force yourself to)! 99% of the time, whenever someone leaves feedback on my writing, I check their blog, and if their writing is something I like, then I follow them! So yeah, this site literally thrives off interactivity, so don't be afraid to interact with writers!
#7: When you're posting your writings, make them clean to look. They should be pleasant to the eye.
What I mean by this is that your layout should not be too compact, hard to read, or straight up painful to look at. Don't use those 𝓈𝓌𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓎 ass fonts, because half the time, they won't render on most devices, and they're often horrible to look at + impossible to read for someone who uses a screen reader. Don't use tinie font on your posts for the same reason.
And! Banners! They're a great addition to a fic, and make it attractive to look. I can't tell you how much a good, well made banner can affect my view on whether I want to read the fic or not. However, i have some negative points about it too. Don't make banners if you don't know how to, only for the sake of making them. This doesn't mean you shouldn't experiment, hell, my first banners were total crap. It of course takes time to learn editing (provided you have an interest in it), but my point is: a banner is used to attract attention to your fic, yet if you have a bad-looking banner, bad layout, bad presentation, (coming from me) I tend to not want to read the fic.
I think a lot of people don't tell new writers that layouts are very important. Most of the stuff is covered in that post I liked, but having a distinct, unique, neat (emphasis on neat — you don't need fancy banners and fonts, just make sure it's not painful to look at) layout really helps. Don't use overly contrasting color combos like this and make sure it is neat, and pleasant to look at. You want to attract attention to your fic, not make it hard to read. While banners and aesthetic photos are not very important, a neat lay!!!!!!out is very essential, to increase your reader count and actually ensure that your fic is readable.
#8: Just know that the number of notes your fic gets is all in your luck.
Just because you get less notes doesn't mean you're any less of a writer! Hell, I know so many phenomenal writers that deserve so many more notes. Your note count can depend on several factors, including (but not limited to) your posts not showing up in the tags, the genre you've written is not a very popular genre (that doesn't mean you shouldn't write it! There will be biases towards genres in the fandom, but write what you want), or the fact that this site is often treated like instagram. So if you get less notes on a fic, don't be demotivated! You have every right to ask for more interaction on your fics from your followers, but don't let it think you're any less of a writer.
That's it! If you have any specific doubts, feel free to send another ask, or a dm! <3
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firecooking · 2 years
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I posted 19,392 times in 2021
149 posts created (1%)
19243 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 129.1 posts.
I added 751 tags in 2021
#the fire burns - 606 posts
#burnings - 26 posts
#sex mention - 20 posts
#teen beach movie - 20 posts
#ok ko let's be heroes - 16 posts
#frog - 16 posts
#ok ko ernesto - 14 posts
#ok ko - 12 posts
#asks - 11 posts
#art - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#i like coffee but i love the silly fucking iced coffee death traps coffee places have [30000 grams of carbs are so evil but so good]
My Top Posts in 2021
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30 notes • Posted 2021-11-11 03:33:44 GMT
you...... CONTAIN corpses?
Minor content warning for description of surgery and death
I am the proud recipient of 5-8 donor ligaments [doc won't tell me how many so that's my best guess]! They where used in my knees to reconstruct torn and unrepairable ligaments that where affected by my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Because of my EDS, I frequently minorly dislocated my knees for years [which actually is very common in normal knees too! Everyone dislocates there knees at one point in there life while going through growth spirts!] and all the connective tissue in my knees became less elastic and stretched out over time due to it being genetically wrong, resulting in major dislocations that compromised my ability to walk!
So, my doctor deconstructed my knees and removed almost all my major ligaments, replacing them with donor parts that aren't affected by eds and Tightening them tighter than a normal person's to add security, he also drilled a Zig zag channel through my knee caps and threaded extra ligaments through them for more support, just in case my body did ever manage to stretch out my knees!
That all being said I'll say it again-
Also! Please NEVER take how Hollywood protrays organ donation as true!!! I've seen so many episodes of Grey's Anatomy that show organ donation as bad, and the doctors as organ thrives which is FALSE! My grandfather was an organ Donor when he passed! You HAVE to die a brain death to donate, which they double, triple, and dectuple check before they proceed! You can also request certain Organs not be donated, either because of health issues or just personal preference! [Ie, you may know you have a genetic predisposition for liver cancer and choose not to donate it, or you may just feel weird about donating your eyes!]
I can walk thanks to organ donation! One of my best friends in highschool was born with a heart defect and lives because of a heart transplant! You can help burn victims! Folks with rare diseases! People who where injured! People who are trying to get there lives back together after addiction! Please look up how to register as an organ Donor in your area!
35 notes • Posted 2021-05-23 06:22:58 GMT
I didn't want to go here AGAIN, but engines-and-gin [new username and I have them blocked so I can’t fully tag them] is making posts about the situation
They've been harassing me and others for *months*, this whole situation started in early to mid 2020.
It started with this person following me and several others [@merciresolution included] and when we investigated there blog initially [as one does when followed by someone you don’t know, you take a few glaces at there blog], we found it full of spam about Thomas characters being age changed as infants and this person obsessing over them to a very high degree, including reblogs of posts that where not clear if they where from age play or agre sources [and this whole situation was taxing on me enough to begin with to do any further digging], there where also untagged posts with nsfw and major triggers [blood, needles, violent situations]. We talked to them about agre and asked them to a.) Keep it out of the main tags due to it being super sensitive and triggering to many people, an b.) To please stop refollowing people to spam there accounts with notifications, we THOUGHT the situation ended there but the person started posting on the main tag after a few weeks on a new blog, and with that they started spamming asking others to do agre role play with them while claiming they needed it for mental health reasons [they’ve claimed they have depression, severe enough they are in fear of hurting themself, but that they also refuse to talk to a mental health professional for it for various reasons]
After these events, and several attempts at reaching out to them through different channels, asking them to stop spamming other, they took a break for a few months. However, these behaviors started up again in last 2020 early 2021.
They once again started following, unfollowing, and refollowing me on my main account [this one] and @\logging-locos  every day for almost a month while I sent them several asks for them to PLEASE stop doing so, before they deleted the account in question and started up again with *another* blog, at this point I blocked them for the second time [the first time being on the first account earlier in the year]
In the interim between early 2021 and this latest, they made several new accounts, I repeatedly blocked after realizing it was the same person *over and over*
Are latest follwing was a final straw for me. Opening this persons blog and seeing Agre, untagged nsfw, and many untagged common triggers is finally taking enough of a toll on me that I cannot handle it anymore. 
Seeing them and there content is constantly putting me into bad spells of intrusive thoughts, and seeing agre not only is affecting my mental health with intrusive thoughts but ‘Age Regression’ is often a technical term used in courts or by law firms that is used against autistic adults and teenagers. Being Autistic and Neurodivergent in other ways I’ve seen ‘mental age’ and ‘age regression’ both used in the context of abusing autistic and other neurodivergent peoples. Forcing them into situations where they lose there rights as adults. It happens more than you think, and age regression and mental age are both terms that are touted by anti autistic organizations as ways to de power autistic’s and spread misinformation. Any information I’ve found about Agre as a form of therapy is either from unsourced materials on tumblr and other blogging platforms, or very specific mental health practices that I have not found to be a general consensus. As far as I’m concerned, the content I’m seeing from this blog is not a major therapeutic practice, I cannot find any research papers on the concepts, and the blurry line between Agre and Age play is very large and not one I have the mental capacity to deal with
I have a backlog of information screenshots of interactions with this person and I’m willing to share them, but I’m really exsaughted right now
39 notes • Posted 2021-04-02 15:02:09 GMT
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I think they are all friends and nothing bad happens and they have a pet bear
43 notes • Posted 2021-09-10 03:42:26 GMT
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Teen Beach Movie fandom is fucking coming after me on Ao3 lmao
Gave'em a reply of course
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48 notes • Posted 2021-11-21 23:23:00 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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nomattertheoceans · 4 years
There have been so many new people following me this last month omg
Thank you so much to everybody, I’m so so happy you stumbled upon my blog and decided to stay!!!!!
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Since I think most of you followed me for my Feysand fics, I thought I would make this post to let you know a few general things about me and my blog :)
I’m French, so my English isn’t always great. I’m 25, and I live in South America, so I’m not on the European time zone, I’m closer to the US time zone (GMT -5). You can always come talk to me, about anything, in my DM’s or in my ask box, anon is always on.
Things I blog about, mostly:
- Sarah J Maas, mainly her ACOTAR series. I ship Feysand (I think this is obvious from my fics hahaha), I do not ship either Elriel nor Elucien, and I don’t really have strong opinion on Nesian. I want Mor to find the love of her life really soon, and I want Azriel to stop feeling entitled to her affection. I also wish Nesta going to the Mountains won’t turn her into a warrior because I want her to read books and drink tea all day long. Although, I’m really critical of the sisters’ general behaviour so I’m not always positive about them.
- Leigh Bardugo, mainly the books from the Grishaverse. I would die for Kanej and Zoyalai. I have many, many feelings about them and can’t wait for King of Scars 2 because I can’t wait to have my heart destroyed. I think Alarkling is an abusive ship and I do blog about that, I also think the Darkling is just an entitled abuser and I hate him. So... yeah no Darkling love here ^^’
- Brooklyn 99, mostly Peraltiago but really the entire show is gold and I blog about it often. Often without tags so... sorry x) If you ask me to tag it I will try to be better :) 
- His Dark Materials, the show AND the books. If you haven’t read the books, but are watching the show, my blog isn’t safe because I am talking about the books a lot!!!!! BUT everything that relates to the books is tagged #hdm books so you can avoid spoilers in my blog if you filter this tag. ALSO these books are a personal obsession, and my favorite book series, since I was nine so I.... have a lot of feelings. About a lot of things.
- Harry Potter. I hate Snape with a passion, I can rage about him for hours on end, and I do share anti Snape stuff. I also hate Dumbledore for forcing Harry to leave with his abusive family for 17 years. I ship Hinny and Romione, I LOVE Ron and I will defend him from the haters always, I identify 2000% with Hermione, and Ginny is my favorite character. Harry is bisexual and no you cannot change my mind. I do not consider The-Play-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to be canon, and I have very mixed feelings about the Fantastic Beasts series. I also have a very love/hate relationship with JK Rowling because I love what she created but she doesn’t seem to understand her characters, she doesn’t seem to care anymore, plus she’s a TERF and probably a homophobe so yeah... I hate her and I talk about it.
- Random stuff: A LOOOOOT of it!! Stupid jokes, cute photos of animal, art that I like, movies, books, TV series I like,..... Sorry my blog is not well maintained hahaha
- Other people’s fanfic: Okay so I have a job that takes up most of my time and energy. So I have very little spare time to read and write, and most of the time, I chose to write. Which means I am very bad at keeping track of what’s happening around me in the fanfic universe. BUT I am always willing to check out someone’s writing!!!! I might not do it right away because of lack of time but I would love it :) I’m really bad at recommendations though because I have so little time hahaha
The things I write
Here’s my masterlist :) You can also read all of it on AO3 !
- Original story: I don’t blog much about it, but I’m developping an original story that is basically sci-fi/apocalyptic. I looooove it and I am always open to answer things about it!!!! I might try to share more about it in the time to come ^^
- Non-Feysand fics. I don’t write a lot of these hahahaha but I do sometimes write some Peraltiago, some Kanej, and I have a few Jily/Wolfstar/Marauders projects, but I don’t think I will post them any time soon.
- Feysand fics. aka most of what I write hahahaha I love them and their relationship is an endless source of inspiration for me. Here are details of what’s happening right now, and what’s coming hopefully soon.
Current projects:
Feysand Holiday Fluff Fest: The reason I think most of you are following me ^^ A series of fluff prompts I’m writing for this month, it’s really fun for me because I have a tendency of writing very long stories and it’s a fresh feeling stopping at one-shots.
If you hold me close: It’s a modern fake dating AU, Feyre doesn’t want to go alone to her sister’s wedding and invites Rhys, but then they end up faking being in a relationship. I was thinking I would tag everyone who asked me to be in the tag list for the holiday fluff, but you can always ask me to untag you, I will not take it personnally I swear!!! Your personal experience is what matters :)
Staying Afloat: My baby, I love this fic so much it’s impossible to explain how much I do. I want everyone to love it and tell me what they think. This fic tackles some tough subjects though, mainly domestic abuse (Feyre is dating Tamlin for a good part of it). It’s also very angsty, and a very long slowburn hahahaha @tonystarksbish is my amazing beta reader and general main supporter, she’s honestly the reason I write that many things now. Go check her writing blog ( @somanyshipsss )
Future projects:
A Feysand college AU, mostly written from Rhysand’s point of view. I’m planning for it to be around 15 chapters, maybe? But it might get longer hahahaha
Some one-shots, some canon campliant, some in modern AUs, but all of them being published at an unknown date, depending on when inspiration strikes hahahaha
A project that is basically dumb and silly and that I started TODAY with @quakeriders (if you don’t know what she writes, go to her blog right now), we might post it and tell you more but basically Rhys is canon!Rhys and Feyre is a dumbass human from modern time who’s chilling around in a Stitch onesie. It’s really silly but we LOVE it!!!!! I can’t wait to share it with you guys it’s gonna be so fun ^^ (But not before the end of the month at least!)
Completed projects:
I made you a promise, it’s basically a mostly fluff modern AU, Feyre and Rhys meet at a bar and start dating! It’s been complete for a while now but sometimes I still post random headcanons or short or less short snippets of the story, generally according to request from people (well, from @quakeriders really hahaha) so you can send me requests if you want extensions or headcanons!!
I am ALWAYS open to prompts!!!!!!!! I love them and I will love you if you send me some. BUT I might not answer right away because inspiration is a bitch hahaha
Anyway, I think that’s it, I hope you all are having a great day, and I love you all so much for liking what I write, you bring me so much joy that I could hug all of you and it still wouldn’t be enough ^^
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itsreigns · 6 years
The Stranger - Part 1
Baron Corbin x reader
(Y/N) is a bartender at a music venue, and one night a misterious stranger walks in, changing her life.
Tag Squad: (if you wanna get tagged or untagged, let me know)
@caramara3 | @wwe-smutfics | @xfirespritex | @wwesmutdonedirtcheap | @wrestlewriting | @tryingtofindaplaceinthisworld | @oreillyskyle | @shadow-of-wonder | @heelsamizayn | @heygargano | @helluvawriter |
(A/N): This is my writing comeback after a long long time. Please, let me know what you think. Leave comments, constructive criticism, or even more ideas or what you’re expecting on Part 2, on my inbox. I’ll definitely appreciate it. Hope you enjoy this.
Ugh, Monday.
You loved your job, you really did, and normally you were in a good mood. But occasionally, you had those days where all you wanted to do was lie down on your comfy couch and watch some rom-coms while scarfing down snacks.
Today is one of those days.
Anyway, it could’ve been worse. One of the perks of working in a bar is attending some awesome concerts for free, and today a really awesome rock band would be there. You were really excited to hear them again. They’ve been at the bar a couple of times, and they’re great; the clients love them, and you even became friends with them.
You loved the bar where you worked, even though sometimes you hated the drunk men and their stupid slurs. But it’s a chill, cozy and warm place, the real good old-fashioned and intimate environment. And you absolutely love your coworkers, well, your friends. Kayla, Jonathan and Joanne are the best, and literally the best friends ever.
You just got to the bar, ready for your shift. Jo, Kay and Jon arrived seconds later.  Kay knows you as the palm of her hand, so once she laid her eyes on you, she knew you were on one of those days. The other two quickly caught up on it, exchanging knowing looks before attacking you with a group hug, instantly making you smile and feel better.
“Girl, c’mon, cheer up!” Kay grins, punching you playfully on the shoulder. “Soon that hot drummer from the band will be here making heart eyes at you.”
She winks at you overdramatically and you roll your eyes at her. “Nicholas does not make heart eyes at me, stop it.” You reply, but you’re unable to stop your dimple-showing smile from forming on your lips. “We’re friends. That’s it.”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll pretend I buy it.” She chuckles, but then her face grows more serious, and she opened and closed her mouth right away, as if she was unsure of what she wanted to say. “It’s just… You should really let someone in. You deserve to love and to be loved, (Y/N).”
“I know, Kay… I know.”
You had been working for a couple of hours when Nicholas approached you. There weren’t many clients there yet, so you had some spare time, and you always had interesting and fun conversations with him.
Turns out that Kay was partially right, not that you’d ever tell her so or you’d have to listen to her ramble about it forever. There was no need to tell her though because she definitely noticed that Nicholas had come to catch up with you before he had to do some sound check with the band.
He was definitely sweet, and so talented. You loved watching him play the drums. And well, he’s pretty easy on the eyes too. But you just don’t… feel that click, that instant spark.
Well, yet. Maybe you will.
The concert had barely started when a group of very well-built and attractive, yet low-key and casual looking guys entered the bar. Immediately one of them caught your eye, you weren’t exactly sure why. He was tall, so damn tall. He wore a blue button-up that he had paired with some black skinny jeans and a black beanie covering his head. The sleeves were rolled up, exposing what appeared to be tattoos covering both arms, but you were too far away to tell.
He looked tough. His whole demeanor and physique practically demanded respect and authority. And yet, he had this sweet, protective, and caring vibe emanating off him.
Somehow, he must have sensed that you were staring because his gaze wandered around the bar stopping once it found yours. You quickly averted your gaze, silently cursing yourself.
What’s wrong with you? He’s just another guy in the bar.
You kept on serving drinks for the next couple of hours, and the group still sat there, chatting, drinking and enjoying the music. Your gaze traveled to their table for hundredth time, and you found yourself wondering what was it that seem to draw you to the stranger man.
Once again, you found yourself struggling to stop wondering about the man, and more importantly, to stop staring at him like a total psycho. You glanced again slightly, and bam! Locked gazes again. Once again, you quickly moved yours. What the hell.
“Hmm… Finally something, or should I say, someone caught your eye.” Kay acknowledges, smiling as she bumps her hip against yours. You can’t give her anything else but a shrug.
“Jeez Kay, I don’t even know the guy.” You shrug it off, adjusting some glasses that stood on the counter.
Suddenly, Kay clears her throat. “You will soon.” She mumbles under her breath, a smirk crossing her face.
Before you had any time to figure out what she meant and collect your thoughts, there he stood, right across the counter, staring at you. He sat down on the stool, his lips shaped in a small smile.
He starts tapping his fingers on the counter, and you wonder if it’s some sort of nervous tick. “How you doin’?” He asks, trying to break the ice, with a grin on his face.
Your mind wandered back to one of your favorite TV shows and, of course, Joey Tribbiani and his well-known catch phrase.
You shake your head lightly, trying to gather your thoughts. “Busy, thank you.” You mumble, quickly.
You can see his frown through the corner of your eye, before he speaks up again. “I can see that. I meant, how are you?”
“Look, I get it. I’m used to this and I’m not interested.” You sigh in defeat. He’s obviously drunk, as are 99% of the guys who hit on you.
As you finally faced him completely, you realized how confused he looked. Now you’re worried that you might have overreacted.
“Used to this? This what?” He asks, a frown on his face, giving you the confirmation that he was indeed confused.
You took a deep breath, silently cursing yourself. “Never mind. I’m sorry.”
Just as he was about to speak again, you walk away, letting Kay know that you need to go to the bathroom and motioning her to serve the tall-tattooed guy. And she did.
“What can I get you?” Kay asks the guy.
“Is she... uh, is your coworker okay?” He questions, looking slightly ashamed. Kay furrows her brows, urging him to explain himself. “I don’t know what happened but I think I might’ve bothered her with something I said.”
Kay is at a loss of words, she’s intrigued. She has a lot of questions, but she can’t exactly ask the costumer if he’s drunk or if he hit on her friend.
“What exactly did you do?” She finally says.
“I just asked her how she was doing. I was just trying to be nice, and do small talk... and she started this odd talk about how she was used to this and not interested. I didn’t really... understand.” He explains calmly, but clearly confused.
“Oh?” The guy asks, but quickly saw in Kay’s face that she was scared to actually tell what was on her mind. “You can tell me, it’s okay. I promise.”
“Look... in our line of work, we are used to... you know, drunk guys making moves on us.” She confides.
He scratches his head through his beanie, chuckling lightly. “Uh, I’m not drunk. I had a couple of beers and that’s it. And I just thought she seemed nice. I wasn’t trying to get her to bed or anything.”
Kay is definitely surprised with this guy. Positively surprised. Which might as well be a first since she ever started working here.
There’s an awkward silence between the two for a few seconds. He seems to be lost in thought, staring into the counter intently, so Kay decides not to bother him. But suddenly, he sighs for a brief instant, before standing up, catching Kay’s attention again.
“When your friend gets here, tell her I’m sorry. I’ll let you work now.”
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marvel-lously · 6 years
Kiss Of A Shadow
Genre: angst
Warnings: there is some cussing and some violence, but nothing major
Pairing: Peter Parker x enhanced!reader
A/N: So I got this idea today and I was really afraid you all aren’t going to like it, but then I was like you know what f*** it and just posted it. I still hope you’ll like it as much as I do and if you do, please reblog, comment,... Also notice that both reader and peter are in their twenties in this one. Tell me if you want to be tagged, untagged. Also tell me if you want to see part two. Enjoy!
Tags: @supersoldierfreak @camibirdieboo @skymoonandstardust @ughjoekeery @okaythor @parkeret @parkerscupcake @zendmylife @falseosterhollandfantasies @sserpente @tbholland @screamholland @phyriite @supertrxsh @princessunicorn13 @itstomsdarling @champagneholland @peterincorporated @honeynutholland @curiouspeterparker @str-spangled-banner @fandomyimagines @cuteparkers @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @fwmholland @slut-for-fandoms @goodnightwife @hazjosterfield @hollandorks @blackfandomtrashandproud @tomshollandss @tomsh0lland
You were in his hotel room. The sight itself had your stomach turning. Empty beer bottles everywhere, clothes trashed around the place and the smell of a girl who was there before you was still hanging in the room. but you had to keep your act up. You had to act drunk and oblivious.
“Wow, it’s a fancy room you’ve got here.” you slurred your words, your voice like a melted honey.
“Yeah, it’s one of the perks of having a lot of money.” he chuckled. 
“I see.” you laughed. Keep up your act, that’s all that matters, you have a mission. 
“C’mon, I wanna dance” you said, giggling stupidly.
“Well then dance sweetheart, no one is stopping you.” he said back in a deep voice.
You nearly lost your composure at the nickname he gave you, but you had to remember why you were doing this.
You played a song on your phone, swaying your hips to the beat. You stripped your black jacket, now only wearing a skin tight black dress and high heels. you proceeded with dancing, nearing the man who was now sitting in the chair next to the bed. When you neared him you straddled his lap, bending slightly to bite a way from his neck up to his ear. you bit his earlobe slightly. Then with a sharp whisper said into his ear.
“Leylah De Pont” and those were the last words he heard.
“Another victim in the Plazza Hotel. This is the third one this month.” Tony sighed.
“Okay, but what does this have to do with us? Isn’t usually the police who investigates the murders? Why do they suddenly need us?” Nat asked.
“Yes, I am wondering the same. I thought we were supposed to kinda lay low for a while with the Sokovia Accords still in the air and all.” Bucky asked worriedly.
“We are, but the government called. There’s something particularly unusual about this case.” Tony explained.
“Unusual how?” Peter asked.
“The men who died, there’s no sign of any weapons used on them, no poison, they haven’t been suffocated, nothing, only their lips seem to be black.” Tony answered.
“Are there any witnesses to who it might be?” Steve asked.
“Actually yes, all three of them were seen entering the room with a young woman, seemingly in her early twenties, but no one was seen leaving the room, ever, only a dead body in the morning. The police believes she’s an enhanced individual, who I don’t know seeks some kind of revenge?” Tony looked a little puzzled about the situation.”
“Great, so now it’s our job to find her and bring her in. Great, just great!” Clint almost yelled. 
“Hey, calm down man, what got into you? It’s not like it’s the first time we’re doing this.” Sam shouted back.
“Guys, we have absolutely no idea what kind of powers this girl ha and what she can do with them, now I don’t know about you, but some of us have a family to go back to!” Clint retorted back.
“You can calm down about it Clint, you don’t have to get anywhere near her, that is spiderling’s job, you’ll be the one covering his back from the distance, making sure to stop the possibility of any catastrophe happening.” said Tony.
“Oh yeah, ‘cause sending a kid after her reassures me so fucking much.”
“Hey, don’t say it like I am feeling easy on doing this, I just deem it necessary, since they’re close in age and if anyone has any chance on finding out anything about her, then this is Peter. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think it was our absolutely best option to get her.” Tony raised his voice.
Clint sighed.
“How are we going to find her?” Wanda spoke for the first time.
“Oh, I already found her. now we just need to go and get her.”
You were wearing your black jacket again, tight lather pants hugging your legs like a second skin. Your long sleeved black jumper protecting you from the cold. It was long past midnight and the street you were walking through was quiet, the only thing disturbing it, was the quiet clattering of the chains wrapped around your boots. 
But you felt a presence somewhere near you. You almost wouldn’t notice it, if not for your enhanced abilities. You turned left at the next corner.
“Guys, I think I just lost her.” Peter whisper yelled into his com.
“Looking for me?” you asked, with a voice you could only describe as the one of a deadly nymph.
“Why yes.” Peter almost fell of the roof.
“Why?” you whispered, suddenly appearing next to him. He could feel your cold breath behind his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
“Well I’ve been meaning to ask you some questions.” He said, with a shaky voice. 
“Then ask and leave.” You now appeared in front of him, your sharp voice cutting through the air. 
“I... I.... I was wondering... what are your powers.” he stuttered.
“My powers?’“ You seemed to be wrapping yourself around him like a snake. You were everywhere and yet nowhere. You were like a python wrapping its body around it’s pray suffocating it. That’s exactly how Peter felt in this moment.
“But you’re already witnessing my powers are you not?” your voice was luring him, sending him like into a trans. He was paralyzed.
“Yes, but how did you kill those men without using any weapons?” he pushed his luck. You stopped reappearing and looked him straight in the eyes.
“Men?! Men?! No! I never killed a man, those were monsters. It is an insult to any other male on this planet to call them men!” you hissed.
“What makes them monsters?” Peter didn’t stop asking.
“What they did and would still be doing if i hadn’t stopped them!” you answered.
“You know if you kill a monster, their number will still stay the same.” he said.
“But kill hundred of them and their number will go down by 99.” you quickly retorted.
“I should’ve seen that one coming.” he sighed.
“Indeed you should.” you chuckled at his silliness,
“Well, seems like your friends are finally coming for you. It was a lovely chat, but I am afraid I have to leave or else I’ll be in handcuffs. Not willingly of course.” you winked at him.
“See you around spider man.” you whispered into his ear, before throwing yourself off the roof, disappearing into the shadows.
“Wait, I didn’t even catch your name!” he yelled into nothingness. But he knew one thing. He was gonna find you again.
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buckyy3s · 7 years
I'd Fight The Flames That Surround Your Heart ch. 2
A/N : Thank you so much for the amazing response to my posting my first chapter! I will hopefully have chapter 3 up in the next couple days. I'm gonna be posting it as it comes. On another note, the WiFi is getting fixed at my house!!! Triggers: cursing? (Maybe?), implied small spaces, a cliffhanger. 《Terminology》 •Box is a term used by large fire departments to more easily dispatch crews to emergencies in that area. •"The Tones drop" is also a term used in fire departments to notify a particular station that they have a call coming in and to listen up. •By the way, if you mention having a call or it being "really quiet" 99% of the time you will get a call. •SCBA is the air pack and full face mask that firefighters use. •A PASS device is an integrated distress signal unit that goes off if the person using the SCBA is stationary for too long. •I'm basing the truck and station numbering off of the model the local fire department uses for simplicity sake. •Masking up term used to describe the putting on of the face mask of the SCBA. Tags : @itsgreatestlie, @xo-snowy-footsteps-xo, @hockeyjock011, @marvelatthepeople, @buckyywiththegoodhair, @gaybybirth If you wanna be tagged or untagged, please let me know. Thank you so much for reading! ___________________________________ You both sit still snickering at the joke, you at the front of the desk facing him as he reached into a nearby cabinet and pulled out a medium sized file with a name badge and an access card, handing it to you. “So in this folder are your credentials, shift schedule, chore schedule, partners, and your truck assignment. After this meeting, you need to go into the bay and set up your gear next to your assigned vehicle. Then, if you’re lucky,  you can settle in better and claim a bunk. You may even get to watch something.” With the last statement you speak up, a slightly confused and concerned tone taking over. “What do you mean ‘If I’m lucky’? Do we get dispatched that often? Isn’t there a station like a block and a half over?” About halfway through your question, your uncle started laughing so hard you thought he was going to fall out of his chair. His laughter would calm down a little and then look at your confused and slightly irritated look and it would go back to the gleeful chortle that had been erupting from his mouth and chest. He was able to slow it down enough to say, “Down at Headquarters, they call this station the Avengers 13 because we basically only respond to emergencies at or near Avengers Tower. Because everybody knows about it as a joke, dispatch started calling it the Avengers Box and now it’s just kinda stuck. Heck, I’d be surprised if we got all the way through this meeting without a dispatch.” As soon as he finished the sentence, the tones dropped. You glared at your uncle and Captain before glancing down to see where you are for today before you both leave the office to go to the bay. You grab your gear and suit up quickly as you listen to the call as it was called out over the PA system. “There is a fire at box Avengers on the 50th through 52nd floors,” said the dispatcher with a tired, almost bored tone before continuing in a more worried tone, “And three severe injuries on the 53rd floor.” The crew was piling into their assigned vehicles as the dispatch ended. You got into the shotgun seat of the ambulance with your partner. You looked over and saw a smiling Rebekah. “You ready to go save some lives?” She asked with a smile gracing her lips and a sparkle in her eye that you knew was reflected in your own. All rescuers had it even after they retire. As the ladder truck in front of you pulled out, Rebekah followed suit, careful not to turn on the siren until you cleared the bay. She drove the ambulance around the block to what was essentially the EMS entrance. She pulled into one of the five spaces reserved for ambulances on call at the tower and you both got out of the cab of the truck and pulled on your SCBA and put on your helmet. You both entered the building into a stairwell with what could only be described as a stair lift for stretchers. “Ambulance 13 is in the southwest stairwell. We are proceeding to the 45th floor for staging,” you radioed, holding the button on the side of the radio mic that is attached to the strap that comes across your body from your left shoulder to your right hip. Your head is tilted to the side, as you have become accustomed to doing when you feel the weight of the SCBA gear on your shoulders. You both begin your ascent to the 45th floor for the staging area. Your quick, excited paces soon giving way to a steadier trudging up the stairs. Your footsteps echo in the otherwise quiet stairwell. The regular fluorescent lights periodically interrupted by the bright LED flash accompanied by the fire escape doors on every floor. With every floor, the voices and orders from the staging area permeated through the door to the 45th floor. As you reached the correct floor, you reported to command. You both walked up to Captain O’Keefe, the Incident Commander, ready for your orders.  “Proceed to the 53rd floor for patient extraction,” he said, before patting you on the shoulder with a tight smile. Before stepping back into the stairwell, you both masked up and Rebekah turned on your air pack before turning around so that you could do the same for her. She opened the door and you both started making your way to the 53rd floor, readjusting the med pack that you carried on your right shoulder. As you are making your way upstairs, pausing from the sudden realization of the heat. You glance at the floor number and realize that it’s labeled 49. You then notice the smoke clouding the air the floors above you. You radio back to control that the fire has spread to the southwest side of the building and continue up to the 53rd floor. As you heading up the stairs to the 50th floor it gets hotter and hotter. You both pass it, the sweat beading and rolling down your body. You flip on your headlamp to cut through the thick smoke that has otherwise blacked out the air around you. Finally you make it to the 53rd floor and you both pause to take a quick breather before proceeding into the door. You go to the door, checking it for heat and determine that the fire has not spread to that floor, you start to enter. As you open the door, suddenly the floor shake and hear a loud crash. You look at your partner, who asks, “What was that?" Your radio crackles before you hear, “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday! Firefighter down! There has been a collapse! I’m trapped!”
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jenjidaii · 5 years
You can call me Brooke. She/her and 22. I’ve roleplayed since November of 2013 under different aliases. I work part-time and am a college student. Currently I am studying to receive a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Theology to become a missionary.
 You can also find me here on Loki Frigguson.
On a recurring note, if you think by some ridiculous means that I condone the actions of the First Order or Kylo Ren, and that I am a nazi, you are clearly mistaken. Mun does not equal muse. If you would like to kindly and respectfully discuss this then please do and I’ll be happy to oblige, so long as respect remains in play. I will not tolerate abusive asks over my character choice.
This is a roleplay blog. I do not OWN this character, though I do claim my own personal portrayal.
I am Selective, Private and Exclusive, technically I will only roleplay with mutuals and can be exclusive to certain characters if requested. This blog is multiverse, but my main verse may extend towards other threads if requested.
I will take my time on threads, so don’t pester me much. However, if I haven’t replied in a while feel free to nudge me. Sometimes things get lost! I also do ask that you do not steal my icons and work/headcanons. 
If I follow you it’s likely because I want to write with you and be your friend. There is a 99% chance that I have read your rules before following you except for the off-chance that I followed you on mobile intending to read your rules when I come online. I can be a shy bean sometimes… so if I like your posts and things it’s a secret message that I like you and want do things with you. If you IM me and we become friends I can give you my kik and/or discord and we can become bffs.
Safe-mode is enabled on my accounts for personal reasons, this makes it difficult for me to follow back blogs that are strictly marked NSFW.
I am NOT open for shipping. My blog is exclusive to Cnuasach’s Rey.
And I will try to tag reylo but it’s not a big concern for me, cause I don’t throw it everywhere like obnoxious confetti. Yes, I ship it hardcore, but I’m not here to shove it down your throats.
Because I am exclusive to one Rey it, unfortunately, may mean that I am not likely to write with other Rey blogs. Though if I follow you and you are a Rey, I won’t mind exchanging memes and friendship. :)
I am also smut and porn free. (& I unfollow if there is untagged &/or excessive porn on your blog PLEASE TAG ALL PORN and SUGGESTIVE MATERIAL if you’d like to keep me around) 
There ARE triggering themes which will be tagged accordingly. Most triggers are depictions of violence. If there is anything you, as a mutual, would like tagged specifically, don’t be afraid to ask! You are encouraged to let me know if I have missed something as well.
Now I will also be inclined to ask that you tag anything referencing child death or abortion, thank you.
I rarely allow AUs, and don’t really have a wishlist. AUs are only WITH a main partner or exclusive within a closed verse. Even inside of an AU, I will not ship. 
This is MY OWN personal portrayal of Kylo Ren and would encourage you to create your own! Each one is unique and deserves to be represented that way. I may be open to interacting with twins, but this must be discussed beforehand.
Concerning threads, I prefer para or say multipara/novella, and expect that if you attempt to match my length, then I will give you the same respect. I like details, so I find it difficult to keep things short. If you would like to write, please come to me personally for plotting. I don’t do open starters and will rarely continue off of ask memes. Given the nature of this character, I prefer not to ‘wing it’ and would rather have something plotted. Please don’t be afraid to approach me. If we are mutuals there is a high chance I’d love to interact with you.
 Please do not reblog asks, I prefer it if you would create a new thread if you wish to continue a meme. Though I am private, my inbox is actually  OPEN to ALL. Which means, you can send me near anything unless a meme states “mutuals only.” However, I will delete profane and inappropriate asks, particularly sexual ones or excessive cursing/swearing. 
As per usual, no godmoding or meta-gaming. Do keep in mind, however, that Kylo Ren is force-sensitive and will use this against your character. I will do my best to try to discuss things with you as not to accidentally step on toes. Thank you. Have fun!
0 notes
archivederedblog · 6 years
timestamp post (verse page)
verse: text
By default I’ll label online interactions simply: text unless it’s specifically for an rp. Keep in mind that Ered is more liable to chat online than she is in person, as that tends to be the case with a lot of people acting differently between online and irl. And keep noted that Ered with anyone she interacts with online, she will be sixteen after the events of and series: Camp Camp. And will be aging in real time as the years go by. Turning 17 on december 31st.
verse: my rule of cool.
Rps for default verse will be labeled: my rule of cool. These don’t take place in any set timeline, mainly to just free myself up for wiggle room. Keep in mind that if it takes place at Camp Campbell that Ered will most likely be younger, but older outside or after Camp Cambell by at least a few years. Mostly likely 13-14 for how I hc her inside the camp, then 17 going on 18 outside of it.
Sub-verse tied into default canon verse: too cool 4 school.
Just light-hearted school-verse stuff, triggering things won’t be a main theme unless asked or plotted for to avoid uncomfortable situations for people. Feel free to have muses as teachers, counselors, tutors, or faculty, etc, if they’re adults!
Secondary sub-verse tied into default canon verse: too cool 4 highschool.
Basically it makes use of older Ered in the school verse but for highschool will always cut off for 18 on her real-time age, since she does graduate on time. Still all the same stuff applies, though my canon-verse icons will still be used, granted her body-type and height along with looks will be drastically different to how she actually is in her picture. Same aspects apply to it basically as the pre-high school verse.
This time a Flowerscouts verse: the coolest flower.
I say verse instead of AU (still deciding whether or not to make this an AU instead of having it line up since it’s like… takes a lot of adjustments on both parties to make it work) as I decided I’m going to tie it into Ered actually being in the Flowerscouts after the summer ends and her stay in Camp Campbell due to her dads’ busy schedule. It works and lines up with a lot of interactions I’ve had with Flowerscout blogs on why they still talk and now a Miss Priss blog and future ones. But also for how I headcanon her journey into adulthood as she is a model on the side of being a pro-skateboarder but eventually retires after a life of trashing other pros and makes extreme sports and skateboarding a hobby she does now, wanting to still enjoy her extreme passions rather than have it be a job. And thus becomes a super model full-time instead.
So Ered doesn’t conform to the Flower Scout’s agenda and rules but has a great sense of fashion and personal beauty, albeit the verse begins with her having the sleeves ripped off her uniform to wear her jacket over the shirt, then redesigning the skirt to be more akin to a toga with legs bared. So with a sudden burst of popularity on her arrival, it’s up to one of the Trio or Miss Priss to somehow handle or have a rich, bratty, and spoiled teenager come to their side to prevent her ruining the camp in the most outrageous and fabulous ways possible.
verse: tides of cool. (This is a heavy gore, death, and blood verse. I suggest black listing this verse as I will tag any gore, but just in case you have a problem with it. I suggest you read all of this before clicking on any links for this. Ered’s age ranges from canon unconfirmed age to 16)
This is a monster AU with Ered based around being an Orca Siren due to her high charisma and overall what I felt was interesting and fit her personality. And overall this AU began after I saw it be a thing in the fandom which makes sense considering ghosts and actual magic exist in the canon Camp Camp universe, though Ered being an Orca Siren is my idea. This AU will be selective as you need to communicate with me on what’s going to happen. As I write monsters with horror and gore in mind with bits of comedy thrown in as this is Camp Camp, as well? I guess I’m just a girl who likes cute, horror and gory things. Regardless, keep in mind even child Ered in this AU is extremely dangerous to a group of normal humans or even to abnormal beings. I suggest blacklisting this verse or avoiding it as it will contain heavy gore, death, and consumption as Ered will try to eat or entrance your character if they’re not a monster, though in rare instances and me being highly selective, she can befriend others that are just plain humans in this verse. And as a disclaimer: I don’t rp vore before anyone interested in this verse that is seeking it: asks me for it as I don’t do fetish eating, as I write monsters as monsters. And if Ered ever swallows someone alive without crushing them, they WILL most likely die 99% of the time? Ered’s internal systems are supernatural in nature and hardy like the rest of her, but Ered will have to be in a lazy mood enough to not provide mercy killings or it’s on accident when feeding. Sometimes they’ll probably be limbless from mutilation and it’ll be to torture them, though that’s rare.
If you’re down with this verse and what I’ve stated in it and want to rp in it on here on my main blog? Then follow my sideblog: sirens4life and read the important info for it to show me you’ve read this where I will post gore, au drabbles and other Orca Siren info related things as the information and relation pages for this AU will be on that blog. Warning: heavy gore and dark themes will be untagged on that side blog. If you follow that blog, I will pm you to plot things out as this au requires communication if you’re character isn’t a monster and you’re okay with them dying. With all of that being said, you have been warned.
sirens4life blog link for info.
Verse: cool pool. (Not actually solely like Dead Pool, just had the most catchy name) Basically a superhero verse, though Ered is an artificial human mercenary contracted by the USA government and currently resides at Camp Campbell. This AU has darker themes such as blood, gore and violence due to the intense fighting that can and will occur.
Sideblog for more detailed info: https://mercenaries4life.tumblr.com/
tag verse: satan is pretty metal.
Before I begin, why are you rping with a Jen but not Daniel!!!11! Jen didn’t really do anything on screen to the campers and Daniel’s main thing with me is brainwashing combined with some other things I associate stuff is why? I would be down rping with him otherwise if it wasn’t just a oddly specific combo.
This Au was specifically for a Jen that has long since disappeared and I no longer have contact with! But this verse far more popular than I thought it’d be, so it’s staying.
Other Jens that have joined the AU as Ered’s mom: @reformedjensearchistory @vilevogue
More under the cut.
This AU will be making use of the fact that is Ered is adopted in canon along with showing a lot of abnormal abilities/traits. In this darker AU (Though Ered will still be relatively the same personality wise, a laidback, fun loving girl for the extreme and cool stuff, just chill with murder and eating people along with a few darker things), Ered’s blood father is Lucifier and Jen her birth mother as the willing vessel. Though Ered was separated from her at near birth due to being hunted by zealots, having Ered be with (My Ered’s previous blood parents as just adoptive abusive parents which is later her loving dads that save her) Jen actually being her birth mother with the explanation of: they didn’t kill Ered as a baby out of fear of the consequences, Jen’s execution was interrupted by the police who followed up on a report of a woman with a baby being chased through the town, gunning down her attackers, but not before Ered was kidnapped by her adopted parents until her FBI dads rescued her once they tried to flee after it was found out her papers were forged by them.
Taking years to track down Ered, killing people even to get her files in order to locate her baby: Jen discovered that she gave birth to a daughter, thus making her realize why she could never find her due to my Ered being transgender. Which I explain that she merely molds her body subconsciously as grows, not needing outside aid, due to her demonic nature.
Click here for the https://antichrist4life.tumblr.com/ blog for more info.
Subcategory verse: make me pretty.
It’s a subcategory tag to the main tag ‘satan is pretty metal.’ au considering how much our plotting and how much it’s starting to deviate from the original idea/relations, though overall is still the same au in the core concept. The new tag is called ‘make me pretty.’ as Jen is more of a teacher, along with other aspects in the au while still her blood mother in this au
Tag: wittle - Mainly for @puddlechild but I am open to others interacting with Ered as a younger child. Though it’s going to highly revolve around hc to reflect her in canon. I am near private with this tag, so do feel free to request rping with kid Ered, but be aware I might reject you if I’m not familiar with you. This tag will be used in AUs as well if she’s a kid currently in the thread. Her age will be 6-8.
Then the ‘alt.’ tag has been added, basically meaning a what-if scenario as an alternate timeline that somehow conflicts with my portrayal subtly yet not enough to warrant an AU: so it takes place in a separate timeline. It’s mainly to just make interactions easier since I’m flexible and go off canon for the most part for her camp verse, then kinda build off her traits and personality/actions in others.
Ered’s dads tag: gay dads.
Tag: older ered
Exactly what it means basically, it will make use of the oldest and the present version I have in a real-time aging timeline. Which right now is 17 going on 18 and currently makes use of Hillary Duff as a fc for a semi-accurate representation but overall, not correspondent to what she actually looks like face-wise or body wise. As I might commission that one day when I get enough money scrounged up.
Tag: gore and other dark tags (In general how I tag gore and what’s a common tag.) Mostly I tag gore or any associated body part as: tw: gore - tw: consumption - tw: death.
Tag: facts - thots (meaning her thoughts. i thought it was funny and I got meme’d into it through voting) - suggestion - conversation - selfcare - If you want to look at Ered messing with people online when she’s bored and occasionally being sentimental.
Tag: twin - Will be used for duplicates and WILL be acknowledged in the default verse if the topic is tread upon. Ered out of anyone would probably like herself, aka her twin sister the most compared to most people.
Tag: selfpromo - It’s pretty self-explanatory, decided to just put the info here for it. Mainly regarding the frequency the ic and ooc ones will be reblogged as I know some people dislike ooc things on their online blogs. I’ll probably reblog the promos near the end and beginning of the month.
Tag: timestamp - Basically my timestamps to show when I made these headcanons if they’re blatantly stolen.
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consultingdetextive · 7 years
Why don't you tag? Just for like organizing and searching?
hi there anon, thanks for the ask! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ actually, i do tag some of my stuff like #personal posts and stuff like that. i don’t really see the need in tagging my other posts because 99% of the time they’re just sherlock graphics/edits. since my posts generally consist of just those that i mentioned, i don’t really see a need to organise lol idk i havent had people tell me that they go onto my blog to search for specific tags??? if there are then sure i’ll make a conscious effort to tag my stuff. (o˘◡˘o)with regards to tagging season 4 spoilers (because i feel there’s a need to address this since there has been so much controversy about blacklisting blogs/tags that posts spoilers) um i’ve been watching the new season rather timely, basically within the couple of days that the new episodes are released. and personally, i feel if i don’t really get the chance to be as timely in watching the episodes, i’d legitimately avoid all social media as best i can until i can get to the show to avoid any spoilers. with that context in mind (and yes, please unfollow me if you disagree), i don’t feel the need to spoiler-safe my blog. again, it’s my blog and i feel its really tedious to continuously tag ‘s4′ ‘s4 spoilers’ ‘spoiler alert’ etc onto every season 4 post that i’ll be posting onto the tumblr feed (which is generally quite a bit). if you’re really uncomfortable with that then seriously, just unfollow me, i totally understand. i’m all for making tumblr a safe and happy space for fandom but i also believe that this whole issue is a very relative thing - not tagging my posts makes my blog a safe and secure space for me but in relation to others that might not be the same. it’s hard to please everyone tbh, so i’ll just stick to whatever i’m comfortable with --- unless of course by not tagging my posts with regards to the season 4 spoilers, i’m putting someone’s health/wellbeing at risk, then yeah obviously i’ll get to tagging my posts and all. but atm, no one’s mentioned anything to me with regards to that, so i’ll just continue on with how i’ve been on tumblr - designing graphics, reblogging other people’s edits and designs and whenever i feel necessary, tagging relevant posts whilst leaving the rest untagged! i hope you’ll understand. ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
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