#lol I think this is one of the first questions about Alistair haha
arcanusarchieves-if · 2 months
Helping us with our condition…protecting us from Solaine…is Alistair on the table 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺??????
Anon I have a piece of horrible news for you…well two pieces actually…
“Aw MC! Alas despite our limitless love for one another and fantastic chemistry, it was just not to be. My heart lies with another - my dear wife Helena. Luckily my wonderful baby brother Caspian is still on the table so if you could get to working on that…”
“Alistair has a point. The sooner you and Caspian are wed, the sooner you can have hot in-law sex with my husband. That type of video will make a killing in the porno world, you know?”
“Wha- Helena!”
Oracle Translation: Alistair loves you very much as a friend but he is happily married (and as of the main story he’s erm…dead) but luckily his wife is very supportive of your relationship.
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shivunin · 11 months
For the edgy meme - #1 and #10 for your whole crew? Please? 🥰
Brave to ask about all of them haha!! Thank you for the questions, Lilou c: These questions are thought-provoking for sure. That first one was a doozy.
(Edgy OC Ask meme)
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
Arianwen: Ooh this is a tough one. I think Wen would often like to wipe the slate clean and start fresh, so to speak. It would be easier and less painful in some ways. If she were to pick just one, I think it would be going back to Ostagar and having to watch Alistair find his brother's body. I think it was the first time she could admit to herself she really cares about him and there was nothing she could do to help. That's a hard place to be if you're used to not caring about people and acting before thinking.
Maria: The sound Bethany's back made when the ogre snapped it. Not her whole death---she wouldn't want to forget her sister's last moments---but the sound haunts her.
Adahlena: The moment she realized her father had been made Tranquil. She could handle losing him and she could handle helping him settle in to his new life, but the moment she realized he was never really coming back is the singular most painful moment of her life.
Elowen: None. The idea of forgetting anything terrifies her. She keeps meticulous notes just in case.
Emmaera: Halamshiral. She despised the experience and now that it's done with and she knows she'll likely never have to interact with the Orlesian crown again she'd rather wipe the whole experience from her mind (except the balcony. She'd hang on to that dance on the balcony)
Salshira: Watching her best friend die as a child. She has always felt responsible, and for a long time would never have given up the memory (it's her fault; she owes it to Saeris to remember), but I think once she comes to terms with it as an adult she would rather put the memory to rest and stop having nightmares about it every night.
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
This is a really funny question because all of my Lavellans were originally written in AUs. Emma, who is my actual canon Inquisitor, has an extremely flimsy timeline because the first fic I wrote for her was an AU haha.
Arianwen: I am working on a sort of spy vs. spy one with her and Zevran right now that's been really fun, but I am playing with the idea of Wen being stuck in a time loop and (entirely separate) a soulmate au inspired by that *strangles you with the red string that ties us together* post
Maria: I just finished the only AU I had planned for her so far (the magician au) but I also was playing with a circus au before that...but I'd have to find a way to make it distinct from the magician au so I need to think on it more.
Adahlena: Her entire existence is an AU, so none.
Elowen: I have an avvar au and a love triangle au for her more than half written, I just haven't felt like coming back to them lol
Emmaera: The mermaid au I'm currently working on! She is an archaeologist at heart and would be out there exploring Elvhen ruins if it hadn't been for the Inquisition. I'm enjoying writing this one because she gets to be in full archaeologist mode (and finds a mysterious man on the beach etc etc). (I want to finish this but I keep getting distracted by Maria). I've also toyed with some kind of vigilante au with her (but let's be real, she spends the greatest swathe of her time in Kirkwall clearing out Darktown and it's not that much of an AU)
Salshira: I also just finished an AU for her! I do think a princess/bodyguard AU would be fun with her (because she would be climbing out the window constantly) but I don't currently have plans to write one. Oh, also the various Josiemancing fics I have for her I guess? They're not really AU but they are alternate to her main timeline.
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theendofeverafter · 4 years
My personal Ever After High ships
No one asked but I’m doing this anyway. Here are my own EA ships. Maybe I’ll make a separate page or something on my tumblr to list them (idk the lingo here haha). I’ll include my anti-ships at the bottom because there are some I’m personally really opposed to. 
In no particular order:
Darling Charming x Holly O’Hair - This is probably my one of my all-time favorites. Was there sufficient interaction in the show? Hell no, they spoke to each other one (1) time on camera. But they’re perfect for each other, I swear. Darling is a knight in shining armor, and Holly has always dreamed of the whole Prince Charming thing or whatever. She writes fanfiction about it, for chrissakes. Darling can be that for her. Plus, I’ve always pictured Holly as liking girls (no matter what she said in Thronecoming lol). Appling/Dapple is nice, but I think Darling can do better than Apple.
Raven Queen x Dexter Charming - One of the only canon ships, but a good one nonetheless. I really like them together. I forgot which post spelled it out on here, but someone else said that Dexter serves as the privileged, down-to-earth guy who feels misunderstood by his family, while Raven is the rebellious girl from the “wrong side of the tracks”. Even though Raven is still wealthy as the daughter of a king and queen, she’s still an outcast. I love that kind of pairing! Dex is one of the only non-Rebels to treat Raven like a real person. Raven teaches Dex how to color outside of the lines. I think they’re a good match for each other.
Lizzie Hearts x Daring Charming - No, I will not be swayed on this. Lizzie and Daring were the OG ship and another CANON pairing. Let’s dissect: Daring is dared by his friends to get a date with her. She has high standards (as she should) and doesn’t give him the time of day. He has to prove himself to her, not use cheap tricks to get her attention. After he takes her on an adventure (getting her out of her comfort zone), she warms up to him. Then she asks him to keep their date a secret, and he does! He takes the dare’s consequence on the chin to protect her reputation. This is honestly out of character for him, which is why I’m hyping up this otherwise bare-minimum act. This friendship continues into the books, as they interact a lot in A Wonderlandiful World. Lizzie and Daring complement each other, too: she’s a responsible, dedicated princess who never loses sight of what’s important. He’s a fun-loving prince who revels in public admiration. Lizzie can teach him to be more responsible while Daring can teach her to relax and have fun.
Ashlynn Ella x Hunter Huntsman - Not much needs to be said. Ashlynn has a vegan cheerleader significant other and you don’t. Jealous? I know I am.
Kitty Cheshire x Ramona Badwolf - She was a werecat, she was a werewolf.  Can I make it any more obvious? They’re both snarky and mischievous. Plus, Kitty would have a chance to redeem herself after almost outing Cerise and her family.
Briar Beauty x Hopper Croakington II - I’m so sorry for all the straight ships :( I promise the sequel to The End of Ever After will NOT be as straight as EAH. Anyway, Briar and Hopper have so much potential. You can tell that Briar has warmed up to him throughout the series. First it was her turning him down and being grossed out by his frogginess. Then she enlists his help with the True Hearts Day dance (though I have a hunch that this was all thanks to Cupid). Then she tolerates his existence at Spring Fairest (and even saves him from being blown away on the Fairest Wheel). Then she enlists his help again with the recreation spell in Epic Winter. She likes him, people! I think Hopper is a really nice guy and a perfect love interest for Briar, who deserves everything in the world.
Duchess Swan x Sparrow Hood - I will die on this hill. They’re together in the *show* and I can prove it. After they “break up” in True Hearts Day (they were just friends then), you see them in the background together all the time. In Epic Winter, they were together when they were spying on Grimm. Why do they spend so much time together? Are they just friends? Or is there something going on between them? I think the second is much more likely. I love their dynamic and wish it was explored more in the show. Also, someone has pointed out that Sparrow’s necklace is the same shape as Duchess’s earrings. This can’t be a coincidence.
Chase Redford x Justine Dancer - I’ll admit it, this ship came out of nowhere for me. It is entirely based on the fact that I think they’d look good together. Ramona/Justine shippers are entirely valid.
Jillian Beanstalk x Lilly-Bo Peep - My final wlw relationship, unfortunately. I feel like Lilly-Bo is a girl who wants to go on adventures, but can’t because of her needy sheep. Seriously, those animals are constantly crying for her attention. Jillian is freewheeling and can help Lilly-Bo chase her dreams.
Alistair Wonderland x Bunny Blanc - The two most boring Wonderlandians deserve each other. Mattel screwed ‘em up badly. Chase/Alistair shippers are valid as well b/c I don’t even know with these two. I guess I like that they’re such close friends? And that they can’t tell that the other person has a crush on them? Who knows.
Nina Thumbell x Humphrey Dumpty - This is another wtf ship. I headcannon these two as being a year younger than the main EAH characters, and I think they’d be cute together, so it’s a ship. No questions please.
The rest of the characters will either find people outside the school to date or not date anyone at all (yes, I’ve headcannoned Cedar as asexual and aromantic, even as a “real girl”).
Raven Queen x Apple White - I think @rebelliouslyeverafter had a great post on this. I’ll link it here.
Rosabella Charming x Daring Charming - This is a personal preference since I’m a hardcore Dizzie shipper. I cringe every time I watch Epic Winter because the show pretended like Daring and Lizzie weren’t romantically involved. There’s nothing wrong with the ship inherently, but I much prefer Daring being the Beast but not in love with Rosabella.
Cerise Hood x Daring Charming - Same reasonings as above, but there’s even less material to refer to with this ship (in my opinion).
Duchess Swan x Poppy O’Hair - Why.
All other ships are fine to me, even if I don’t agree with them myself. And of course, you’re free to ship whomever you like. These are just my preferences.
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I want to know your answer to question 43, 54, 60 and 63 from the 101 dragon age questions list.
Heya! thanks for the ask!!
43. Favorite romance overall so far?
hmmm good question.. Thing is my first answer would be Fenris because I feel that he and Liam have the best chemistry out of the romances I did, and because the thought of them actually finding some happiness and peace with one another makes me very sappy. But the thing is that the actual in-game romance I have quite a few gripes with, specially with the pacing /timing of some things? Idk it just felt a little off to me. And anyways the reason I like them so much together is because of the relationship they already have regardless of romance or not. That's also where the problem lies in general because that's kind of the case for all my romances x'D Plus there's the fact that I've only done 5 romances so far anyway (and one not even complete yet lol).
If we're going by the romance related content we get in game I think I'd say out of the ones I've done so far Alistair is my fave. I just love how genuine and sweet he is and you really get the feeling that he has a deep admiration and respect for the Warden.
54. Fluffiest headcanon ever?
I don't think I have any one headcanon that stands out, but in general I am always weak for any sort of daily life and "domestic" sort of headcanons - just the characters being intimate in a casual, familial sort of way. Like how I HC the Kirkwall crew making themselves at home in the Hawke estate, how everyone goes about their day in Skyhold, how the Origins party interacts and bickers during their travels... that sort of thing
60. Who do you wish had been given more story?
Knowing me I'll probably end up thinking of a proper character for this once I'm done answering lol, but I can't think of anyone I absolutely want more story for of the top of my head. It's more that there are characters like Briala or Cole or Loghain who I wished had gotten more story in the games themselves instead of in bonus material.
63. Best story moment?
There's a bunch that really love. The battle of Ostagar always gets me, same with that section before the Battle of Denerim when all your companions give you a little "speech". In DA2 it's got to be Leandra's death I'd say just for how hard it hits every goddamn time, and the final battle with Meredith is pretty epic too. In Inquisition (or Trespasser rather) that final section where the anchor starts getting really bad and blowing up every so often really had me clenching my buttcheeks haha. Though I also love that Wicked Grace scene because I always love the companions just hanging out and bonding and having a good time together.
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sundogsandrainbows · 3 years
If you don't mind me asking what's your writing process? Your work is awesome to read and I'm curious how you make your writing come to life
Thanks for the question and praise, nonny. It is a surprising one given how i have written and done exactly zero writing and tumblr-ing for about three months. All the more welcome, of course <3 
My writing progress... hmm. It is a bit of a mess, and it is a moody one at that, tbh. Everything has to align right so i am really able to focus on writing and make progress in a chapter etc. I cannot write when i am too tired or there are other things on my mind (such as my daily workout or other chores) So I need to clear space and dedicated time for it. I tried writing while i was not at home at my desktop and on my phone instead, but i really don’t like it outside for maybe google doc editing. It is too distracting. This applies also to how everything in a chapter has to be “perfect”, meaning the wording has to be on point, same for the flow of the sentences, dialogue and characterization, or else i am unable to move on to another scene. Needless to say it is not the most efficient process to write that way, but to just write and leave everything to edit later would bother me too much, haha. Honestly? Everything in a chapter needs to be how i would love to read it, were i not the writer of the story. Dunno if that makes sense, but yeah. I am very perfectionistic in my creative endeavors, that is for sure lol.  
This oddly stands in contrast of me not the most organized person who has an extended outline for any of my stories, though. With my rewrite of Of Elves And Humans (Redux) I think from chapter to chapter while having the overarching plot, developments and conflicts in the back of my mind. It is easier for me due to the sheer enormity of that project (950k in the og version, hello), helps me to stay sane y’know, haha. I know my story and where i want to go, but i don’t have a painstakingly detailed outline for it, as it is important to me stay flexible in a way, since the characters have their own head anyway. Giving them more rein instead to stubbornly follow a “plan”, often leads into an unplanned dynamic and direction in the story, which tbh is what i love about writing. It gives the story more authenticity and a better flow, for the lack of better terms, to take the road less travelled instead. And well, many roads lead to rom.. denerim endbattle as they say ;) 
After all, the overarching plot still remains intact even if Lenya (and Alistair not to forget, oh god, this dude never shuts up xD) is running amok around in my head and my small scale plans to flip off another character than to have a serious conversation or something. But that is Lenya for you and a known and often even wanted consequence when giving her free rein xD It makes and keeps it interesting for me, tbh. 
Oh, ofc I keep notes for the current wip chapter (and one or two beyond that), aka the plot points and scenes i want to include but how i get there or the exact content is up to the characters. I do have dialogue in mind, but again stay flexible if there is another development coming thru while writing it. As said, it is messy, but making shit up as i go and relying on my very solid grasp of characterization and general idea where i wanna go (be it an one shot or epic-length story such as oeah:r,) well, it works for me.    
I do think my style has changed quite a bit over the past years and my voice got stronger ever since i stopped relying on filter words (such as think, feel etc, more about it here ) in my writing. I like to live directly in a character’s head, learn what makes them tick and portray their experiences and thoughts as such, without filtering it thru a lens or other needless fluff. I am, after all, a character focused writer first and foremost and all the more important it is to show not to tell, then. This shift in my writing approach has helped me a loooot to get better and more descriptive (without overuse, bc boring) over the years. 
Oof, this got loooong, sorry, but that is how i roll when writing in general. Or talk about writing. I just love it and i hope it shows in my stories <3 
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lunafeather · 4 years
Writer Asks!
tagged by @hereliesbethboland and @foxmagpie
AO3 name: Lunafeather
Fandoms: Good Girls(Brio), Wynonna Earp (Wyndolls), Rizzoli and Isles (Rizzles), Dragon Age (Solavellan, Alistair x Brosca, Tethraghast), Gilmore Girls (Java Junkie)
Number of fics:
18 on AO3, I think like 10 on ffnet?
Fic I spent the most time on:
I’m gonna have to say These Are a Few of My Favorite Things and Remix, both of which I’ve been working on since July ‘19 and are still very much works in progress (I haven’t abandoned either of them).
Fic I spend the least amount of time on:
If Kisses Could Talk. I saw the finale and literally stayed awake until the next morning writing it -- it just poured out of me in about 6 hours. It was my catharsis. Sal’ethast (Dragon Age) is a very close second, and it the most words I’ve written in the shortest time: 25k words in maybe 4 days? It was a Reverse Big Bang and I had a strict deadline. I work well under pressure! Who knew!
Most hits: 
Retribution (Solavellan) is first, followed by These Are a Few of My Favorite Things. People REALLY LOVE Retribution, it is by far my most popular DA fic. I still get new kudos to this day. And then obviously people love TAaFoMFT :)
Most Kudos:
TAaFoMFT, by a bit of a margin. Second place is One Question Left.
Most comment threads:
Again, TAaFoMFT hahaha I actually tend not to get very many comments on my stuff, which sucks, but this fic has twice as many comments as the runner up (Remix).
Most bookmarks:
Would it surprise you if I said TAaFoMFT? It also has the most subscriptions as well.
Highest total word count:
Sal’ethast. Remix is second with 11k.
Fave fic I wrote:
I’m gonna be weird here and say I tend to love everything I write?? At least, for the last few years. My ffnet stuff was terrible, but I was 16 so it makes sense. I’ve improved a ton. If I had to pick just ONE thing, I would probably go with These Are a Few of My Favorite Things. I’ve basically created my own little canon divergent universe with it’s own rules and guidelines, and I really like writing in it. I like using that world to explore angst and fluff and smut. Some of my best writing and prose is in that story. Plus, I love a shameless opportunity to explore two characters I am unbelievably attracted to haha
Runner up is Cake Break (Solavellan), cause like.... I love fluff, I love it, I would marry it if I could.
Fic I want to rewrite/ expand on:
I don’t know of any that I would rewrite. There are a couple I reread where I would change things based on where they’re at now/what we’ve learned about Brio, but it isn’t anything huge and so I leave it. Reminds me of better times lol
As for expanding, I am still obviously expanding TAaFoMFT and Remix, but I kind of also want to write other, more linear stuff for the former? Like how they get from “you’re just work” to them falling in love. I dunno, other stuff would probably pop up in my head. It’s my comfort blanket universe. I actually write a lot of prompt fills with that universe in mind.
All of my other pieces are relatively insulated (and most were canon fixes).
Share a bit of a WIP or story you’ve been working on:
My main priority right now is the next chapter of TAaFoMFT, I have it outlined (most of the next 16 chapters are outlined as well) and am slowly adding to it.
I have a lot of prompts I am filling here or there just for the sake of writing, because I like it.
There’s a prompt fill I’ve been working for almost a year that is incredibly self indulgent, that’s centered around Danny’s birthday pool party and it’s just... chock full of Brio being sexy fluffy, Annie x Nancy goodness, everyone being a big, weird family, Dean only showing up to be openly mocked and derided. I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it, but it’s there waiting!
And I have a nebulous idea for a post S3 multi-chaptered fic (gasp! I know! A linear fic with more than one chapter??) but I am like.... really worried that everyone will be writing these, and that mine is gonna be too much like someone else’s, and that mine will suck in comparison, and that gets in my head and makes me all flustered and anxious and unsure, but then I’ve already written 2000 words of JUST outline/ideas, trying to piece everything together. I dunno, I really want to write it, but also I don’t?? But I think about it as I’m falling asleep and have written so many notes in my phone before i pass out. Also, I have done SO MUCH research about pool and spa places, you guys have no idea. I am a FOUNTAIN of knowledge now. (Maybe they should get stuck somewhere, and there’s only one bed?!?)
Aaaaand I have a few ideas I still have a little interest in working on, like the fic inspired by a prompt fill I wrote that was inspired by a theory @cpt-falcon had about the S2 finale, where instead of breaking up with Rio, Beth tells him what Dean is doing and they hatch a plan to undermine him and get her kids back, and someone gets shot but for a different reason.
And another that was inspired by a long discussion with @johnisntevendead about Rio accidentally saying te amo to Beth one night and him freaking the fuck out about it cause you don’t say that unless you really fucking mean it, and he does, and that’s scary as shit, and Beth takes his reaction the wrong way.
So yeah, there’s a lot going on in my head lol
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local-thembo · 4 years
Hey handsome! Love the heart on your belt, very cute! I have a question for you, I hope it lets you think about nicer things for a while. If you could read one book again for the very first time, which one would you choose? And if you were to name 3 books I'd to read to get to know you and your favourite stories, what would you pick? If no books come to mind, use games, series or movies. Thanks and you're awesome!
Hi! This is a really nice message, thank you for sending it! I’m ages late because I avoid all sorts of tasks when I’m not feeling well, oops... Okay, here goes:
One book I’d like to read again for the first time: I don’t think I really have an answer for you here tbh, because my favourite stories tend to be my favourite because they’re familiar and cosy? Not to mention that I have a very poor memory, and that if I wait just a few months I’ll probably be able to read it again and be surprised haha
3 things to consume get to know me:
The Noughts and Crosses series by Malorie Blackman is very dear to my heart. I started it when I was around 12 and it’s still my favourite for so many reasons... I think it had a big impact on who I am as a person and as a writer (also I still haven’t bought nor read the latest one that came out a few months back, arggg) The series takes place in an ethnically segregated country, and it can get pretty heavy tbh, but it’s such an impressive universe and I still refer to it in my head to compare to real-life systemic oppression, micro-aggressions, etc.
The Lou! comics, although I’m not sure they even exist in a language that isn’t french lmao... There’s like 8 of them and they follow a young girl growing up and being sweet and dramatic and angsty and it’s always been such an important story to me... The last few tomes have gone off-the-rails psychedelic shit, but it’s pretty topical tbh. 10/10.
This one’s a game, but I think I’m gonna have to mention Dragon Age... Especially Dragon Age Origins. Especially because I can point at Alistair and go “that’s me lol”. Dragon Age is just part of my personality by now I think u.u
Thanks again for sending this! <3
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imlostinsantacarla · 5 years
Tumblr media
Dating Alistair Would Include:
(I really liked writing this. My perception on Alistair has totally changed and he literally needs all of the love in the whole entire world, okay? I think he deffo needs more love in this fandom. Idk usually I don’t make my would include’s so soft, but he just provokes it in me haha! Enjoy reading and thanks so much to the person who requested this! - Admin Kat 🌙❣)
- Let’s be honest here, you’re the ONLY being that he really loves and enjoys the company of. You’re the only one that he actually tolerates.
- He totally makes jokes all the time about how he only tolerates you, but if he was being truthful (which he isn’t used to having to voice to others unless it’s totally pessimistic) he doesn’t just tolerate you, but loves you immensely and values your opinions, companionship, thoughts, feelings, etc.
- Boi respects you ™
- You’ve become an expert on soothing his paranoia and pessimism with your calmness and steady nature. It took a very long time, but he’s a lot better since you’ve basically become the whole light of his existence holy shit i’m sobbing
- You always understand him and the reason behind why he is the way that he is. You never judge him for it which earns you extra brownie points from him.
- Alistair melts at your touch, your voice- just basically you alright?
- At first he tried to avoid you entirely when he found out you were his mate. He had a whole plan in his head that he was just meant to spend the entirety of eternity wallowing away in a dark cave, never to be within anyone’s company (the only exception when he must feed).
- lol, then your beautiful/handsome ass came along and ruined his entire plans ™ and I swear he was mad as hell at first. Yet the energy to resist the mate pull was far too tiring for him and he gave up, very indignant to begin with.
- He confides all of his fears, hopes, dreams, etc. in you and trusts you to keep them secret. And you do so because you’re loyal to him and only him.
- You both being on the run constantly, though you manage to miraculously persuade him to stay places for much more than a couple of months at a time.
- Honestly, your heart breaks when he opens up about his back story.
- “Well, I’m not leaving so get used to it.”
- He often seems cold and aloof but he shows his love for you in more subtle ways that speak volumes to you. Can you blame him after what he’s been through?
- Saying “I love you” tends to be your job. He prefers to show you that he loves you through actions. But he does say it on rare occasions.
- When you look at him you can see his loving gaze SCREAMS I LOVE YOU MADLY AND IRREVOCABLY OKAY?
- He’s so intensely protective of you, especially when you both appear at the Cullen’s house to be witnesses for Renesmee. He wouldn’t let anyone or anything harm you. He’d never forgive himself okay?
- Is angsty™ 25/7.
- Boi get’s jealous and sulky FAST.
- Gives you the silent treatment but can’t stay mad at you for long.
- He’s a total sucker for your puppy eyes. You get pretty much anything you want, with exceptions.
- Very romantic behind closed doors and isn’t a big fan of PDA. He believes that others don’t have the right to see such intimacy, as it’s reserved for just the pair of you.
- Arguments only happen when you go against his ways of being or when he lays down the law about not being reckless because he’s so paranoid of losing you. These arguments can last for years and Alistair is very stubborn.
- He has a fascination with skimming his fingertips lightly over your skin. The shiver that erupts from your being is delicious to him and he can’t help but smugly simper in response.
- Alistair loves to plant kisses on your bare shoulders, the rear of your neck, forehead, hands, knuckles, just all over okay? He lavishes you in his love behind closed doors.
- You love running your fingers through his hair. At first he would flinch at your contact - and sometimes he does when he’s in such deep thought - but he’s learnt to lean and melt into your touch. Now he cannot go without it.
- Everyone always commenting on how you’ve brought a better side out of him. He doesn’t necessarily socialize a whole ton, but he’ll be present in a room full of vampires for more than two minutes. So it’s progress.
- You’re respectful of him also, never attempting to change him. You love him for who he is and that’s all that matters really.
- You’re very protective of him. Probably would kill the whole damn Volturi or anyone who came near him and caused him any discomfort.
- I think that it’s a genuine compliment when others grin at you about how Alistair isn’t always wallowing in the dark attic any more, talking to spiders and all.
- Alistair always has his eyes on you. If you ever manage to be out of his sight, he genuinely grows intensely panicked. I think that he’d definitely have separation anxiety when you both are apart. He uses his tracking ability to find you.
- Will envelope you in a bone crushing hug, which startles everyone because he’s always so reserved in front of them with you. You’d literally just gone hunting with Bella because you’re curious about her diet for Christ sake!
- Totally see him as being the little spoon when you both cuddle. He’s got to be held and he’s just a spoiled brat for it.
- Always jokes about how you’re such a brat because you always get what you want.
- I think you both comically bicker a lot, but it usually turns playful and lighthearted. He’s never like that with anyone else.
- You never get jealous tbh. He never shows interest in anyone else other than you; it’s only when others show interest in him that makes you start throwing hands.
- Running your hands through one another’s hair. Y’all m e l t !
- Soft love!
- Alistair isn’t very experienced in the bedroom so you often take the reigns.
- You both prefer to make long sensual love, as opposed to an exhilarating quickie. It’s more meaningful that way to you both.
- Besides, he worships you nonstop and vice versa.
- But let’s be honest, he’s a tease without meaning to be.
- Get’s a thrill out of when you end up begging for him.
- You just literally get him off okay?
- Alistair literally drags you away from staying with the Cullens. He knows what the Volturi is capable of and will not allow you to succumb to being murdered by them or discovered by them either.
- You both softly tease one another.
- His  s m i r k  is to die for okay? He knows what it does to you!
- Definitely having the mainstream diet of a vampire. He’s not a fan of the vegetarianism.
- Mumbling tender sweet nothings.
- “I love you more than you may ever know, my love.”
- “You are the light of my eternal life.”
- “There’s no questioning what I would do for you, love.”
- He’s sappy asf okay? You love it.
- “Don’t leave.”
- “I’m never going anywhere.”
- “Promise me you’ll be here forever.”
- “I promise, my love.”
- Romantic as hell but not in the typical modern sense.
- Definitely old school and wants to be married before y’all do the frick frack.
- You’re so fascinated about everything with him, especially his gift.
- He’s so breath taken by you that sometimes he just cannot focus on anything else. Your gift is remarkable and sometimes he feels inferior to you, but you assure him that his gift is just as wonderfully useful and brilliant.
- Supporting one another through thick and thin. He honestly needs someone like you.
If you enjoyed, please like, reblog and follow for more! ❣
Where I found the gif/gif credit: ❣
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the-redlion · 5 years
A Question Game!
I was tagged by @ladynyxeris! Thank you! so much!!! I love reading your.
Rules: answer the questions and then tag 20 people (probably not gonna do that ^^: Most people I know have already been tagged aaaaand I am so weird with bothering people).
Name: Kelsey. 
Nickname: Well... at my job they call me Mako. It started in school because I loved sharks so much... kinda made its way into my job. ^^;
Star sign: Taurus.
Gender: Female. (as I was typing this, it autocorrect it to Feral... what are you trying to say computer?)
Sexuality: Um, I honestly don’t know. I know that’s odd. I have always been sexually attracted to men... BUT, I did date a woman for three years. I fell in love with her, then it kinda migrated into a sexual attraction. Never felt that way for another woman since, and I married a man. So... yeah... idk... Do you know?
Favourite Colour: RED!
Time right now: 7:55 AM CST.
Average hours of sleep: I have no idea. my job tends to make that go all over. Though I try to get to bed at the same time.
The last thing I googled: Some research content for a new D&D Character. We are playing in the “real world” this time, but it takes place in 800 BCE so I had to do my research on the time period. I know... pretty nerdy.
Number of blankets: One.
Favourite fictional character: Omg, I can’t choose!! I honestly think I have a top three... and that would be Cullen Rutherford, Kaidan Alenko, and Paladin Danse... but I am gonna still name more... haha.
Cullen Rutherford - Dragon Age.
Alistair Theirin - Dragon Age.
Zevran Arainai - Dragon Age.
Paladin Danse - Fallout 4.
Kaidan Alenko - Mass Effect.
Reyes Vidal - Mass Effect Andromeda. 
Marcurio - Skyrim.
Thaletas - Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.  
Alkibiades - Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
Darien Gautier - Elder Scrolls Online.
What are you wearing right now: my uniform... I kinda just got home.
Favourite book: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
Favourite musician: B.B.King. I love the Blues, and I love playing it on my guitar. 
Dream Job: Honestly, my current job. I am a Firemen. It was a hard ass journey to get here... but I am loving it. ( I just made LT too at 27! ^^;)
Number of Followers: 14... hehe, but they are the most beautiful and amazing 14 people!!!
When did you create your account: Well this account is maybe only a month old. My old account I had since I started playing Dragon Age Inquisition... so like 2014. I left that account due to harassment. >_>
What do you post about: Id say about 90% Gaming related content.... then the other 10% is kinda just mood stuff, lol.
What made you get an account: Gaming content really. I found a lot of the stuff I was liking on Pinterest was linking me over to Tumblr
When did your blog reach its peak: lol... well my old one did really well when Dragon Age Inquisition came out... after that it kinda mellowed out. This one is a baby, so it hasn’t done much. Plus, I have been more into the Fallout Fandom on here. 
Do you get asks on a daily basis: No ^^; Though I am pretty new to this fandom. it took me a long time to get outta my shell with the last fandom too... haha
Why did you choose your URL: Well this is a kinda deep story. I was pregnant when I was 22, with a set of twins. I lost them at 26 weeks. When we got pregnant again, this time with my son, we called him “Our little Lion” because he was a fighter. My son’s first name is Rory, which means Red King... so we started calling him Red Lion. my gamer tag is named in a similar fashion.
Now, the tagging part: Well I am kinda shy about this... gaming stuff is okay, but I feel weird with more personal content... so if you wanna go for it, consider yourself tagged! I honest would love to see it.
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legendofsim · 5 years
Replies I’ve Been Piling Up
Sorry, I’ve read them all but I’ve just been reeeeeeally busy trying to hire people for my new game, trying to finish Holiday Helpers up and getting my life together in general. But I do read and appreciate all the comments!
amuhav replied to your post “Drabble Writing Events”
That actually sounds pretty cool, and could be good for people that don't reblog drabble prompt posts because they're think people won't ask them any.
Thanks! I see some people from my server posting their drabbles on here anyway, so I figured it’d be a nice idea to branch out. 
dandylion240 replied to your photo “You just HAD to light illegal explosives, didn’t you?” From my...”
Hmm that's one way not to make friends
Brandon is just looking for Alistair to slip up. he never liked him and now that he’s back to MF, Brandon is watching the whole family. 
dandylion240 replied to your photo “ “All I have left is this photo.” Requested by @dandylion240!
Sniff so sad sniff!!
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I know, poor Caleb can make more memories but his old ones are lost to time. 
dandylion240 replied to your post “One more the the ask me things 1, 17, 23, 30, 49, 52, 86, 98, 101 for...”
That last question XD
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dandylion240 replied to your photoset “That face though”
Aw my poor boy!!!
It’ll make sense when you read the newest Holiday Helpers chapter! 
keynekysims replied to your post “All odd #'s for the "Ask Me Things," for Eleven.”
This was so funny!
Haha, thanks! Eleven is quite the character.
phyrcracker93 replied to your post “YOU GUYS! IT'S HAPPENING! I'M WORKING ON MY FIRST COMMERCIAL GAME!...”
Oh my gosh! Congratulations!!! I'd like to know what it is when you guys release it!
dandylion240 replied to your post “YOU GUYS! IT'S HAPPENING! I'M WORKING ON MY FIRST COMMERCIAL GAME!...”
Wow congrats!
justasimthing replied to your post “YOU GUYS! IT'S HAPPENING! I'M WORKING ON MY FIRST COMMERCIAL GAME!...”
awesome :D Congrats
justasimthing replied to your photo “Anyone know where I can find some sci-fi/cyberpunk CC for my boy over...”
I don't know much about sci fi stuff, but I reblogged a world that looks sci fi to me lol
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dandylion240 replied to your photo “My new favorite boy, Eleven. I’ve got a lot of plans for him. ”
Oh I want to know who this guy is!
You’ll be seeing where he shows up in the distant future (unfortunately) but I have to finish some of my current projects first! 
wannabecatwriter replied to your photo “I was just trying to help.” Daniella felt the wind rushing out of...”
Yep, she's all attitude.
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dandylion240 replied to your post “I get a little depressed when I can't work on things due to health...”
Sorry things are rough right now. If you need to talk you know where to find me.
wannabecatwriter replied to your post “I get a little depressed when I can't work on things due to health...”
It's always good to let it all out. And sometimes, it's just easier to write it out than to say it.
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wannabecatwriter replied to your post “Getting to Know Tag”
He's so into Kenzie!
Haha, he can’t deny it anymore! Being in Cadbridge, he’s known everyone his whole life. Now, someone new comes into the picture and she electrifies him. 
princessdejamars replied to your post “I've been debating this for a long time. Should I do a (short) side...”
I like that idea
I always felt like Moonlight Falls had too big of a story to fit into the main legacy. I’ll definitely try to do it! 
keynekysims replied to your post “Can you guys link me to some of your favorite challenges to do (like...”
I enjoy the Random Legacy Challenge
I actually really want to try that one!  Thanks for the suggestion!
dandylion240 replied to your photo “Requested by @dandylion240 “I still see your shadows in my room” It...”
Not as sad as I expected from the pic
Not everything with Gracie is angsty lol
cawthorntales replied to your post “Can you guys link me to some of your favorite challenges to do (like...”
Differences In The Family Tree
Everyone keeps telling me about this one. It’s popular- I should look up the rules lol
Thanks for the suggestion!
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elevanetheirin · 6 years
1, 27, 35, and 37?
Thank you for the ask!
1: Which origin did you first choose? The human Mage origin was my first but for DAO my favorite so far is the Human Noble. I just like the Origin story.
27: What does your Warden think about the Mabari war dog? How did your Warden name the Mabari that joins you when you head for Lothering?  Elevane helped raise the Mabari and her name is Granite so she LOVEs her! Tabris likes the Mabari, because it’s a status symbol for humans and SHE has one lol.
35: Is your Warden a warrior/rogue/mage?  Elevane is a rogue, although she’s been a warrior before haha. Kallie is also a rogue. Typically if I don’t play a mage it’s a rogue since I take Alistair everywhere. When I do play a warrior it’s a duel wielding warrior which is why I don’t like warriors in the later games.
37: What are your Warden’s specializations?  Kallie is a duelist and assassin, Elevane is a duelist and a bard 
Origin Questions Ask!
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dave-meowstaine · 6 years
All of the asks
Knew this was coming!
1. What is you middle name? - Alistair, after my dad
2. How old are you? - I am currently 19 
3. What is your birthday? - 27th of September
4. What is your zodiac sign? - Libra!
5. What is your favorite color? - My favourite colour is red. I would say black, but people get picky about black not being a colour so…
6. What’s your lucky number? - 7. Very generic, but I like it
7. Do you have any pets? - I have a dog named Jesse, and two cats called Mossy and Jasmine
8. Where are you from? - I was born in London
9. How tall are you? - I haven’t measured myself in a while, but last time I was around 6ft
10. What shoe size are you? - Size 6 
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? - Two: pair of black Dr. Martens, and a pair of black Converses. The converses are pretty beat up and have a hole in the side where I’ve been skateboarding.
12. What was your last dream about? - I was in America with Lizzie and we were chilling watching movies and stuff and for some reason my dad was there in her apartment as well. It was weird lol. Reality felt really distorted for some reason but then I woke up
13. What talents do you have? - Guitar, bass, and video games
14. Are you psychic in any way? - I can always tell how Lizzie is feeling, even if we aren’t talking or anything. I can always just tell
15. Favorite song? - This changes all the time. At the moment, probably STFU by Pink Guy lol
16. Favorite movie? - John Carpenter’s The Thing. Lizzie bought me a print of the original film poster signed by John Carpenter himself for Christmas and if that doesn’t show you how fucking perfect she is and how well she knows me, I dunno what will
17. Who would be your ideal partner? - Lizzie 
18. Do you want children? - I didn’t use to for the longest time but then I met Lizzie and… yeah
19. Do you want a church wedding? - Nope, Lizzie and I are planning a castle wedding!
20. Are you religious? - Nope
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? - I mean, for injections and stuff when I was a kid, but never for anything serious
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? - No. I’ve been threatened to have the cops called on me and shit, but nothing serious
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? - I’ve met a lot of famous band members but never any like “celebrities” that I can remember
24. Baths or showers? - Definitely showers, although a nice bath is very relaxing
25. What color socks are you wearing? - Black with the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil monkey emojis on. They’re cute af
26. Have you ever been famous? - I mean, literally everyone knew who I was in my old school because of my hair and stuff. I did a performance in our school’s battle of the bands sort of thing and I headbanged my ass off and I was known as jellyfish boy for months after because of the way my hair bobbed up and down. It was great
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? - I don’t think so. I would like to be well known for the right reasons, but I wouldn’t want to be a big celebrity
28. What type of music do you like? - I honestly like a bit of everything. I’m very diverse, although my blog doesn’t show that at all
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? - Not that I can remember
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? - I have a double bed so four, two on either side
31. What position do you usually sleep in? - On my right side but sometimes on my left side
32. How big is your house? - It’s average size. It used to be a lot smaller but we had an extension done about 10 years ago
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? - Either just toast, or a full cooked breakfast
34. Have you ever fired a gun? - Not a real gun but air rifles and stuff
35. Have you ever tried archery? - I did once when I was a lot younger and didn’t know what I was doing
36. Favorite clean word? - Don’t have one. Does Lizzie’s name count?
37. Favorite swear word? - Definitely cunt. It’s just so satisfying and fun to say
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? - Like over 48 hours but not over 72 hours. Somewhere between there
39. Do you have any scars? - Yeah, I have a shit ton of self harm scars to be honest
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? - I’ve had many
41. Are you a good liar? - I wouldn’t like to think so, but I’m sure I could lie and get away with it if I really needed to
42. Are you a good judge of character? - For the most part, I would say so
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? - Eh not really. Not seriously, anyway
44. Do you have a strong accent? - Lizzie says she would say so but I’m not so sure
45. What is your favorite accent? - Don’t have one. I do really like Irish, though
46. What is your personality type? - INFP
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? - I really don’t know. Probably my Dr. Martens
48. Can you curl your tongue? - I can
49. Are you an innie or an outie? - Innie
50. Left or right handed? - Right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? - Nope, I love spiders! 
52. Favorite food? - I love loads of different food, but probably pizza tbh
53. Favorite foreign food? - I have no idea
54. Are you a clean or messy person? - Messy and my OCD fucking hates it
55. Most used phrased? - I say “lol rip” a lot when something goes bad haha
56. Most used word? - Legit when I agree with stuff
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? - If I take a shower and then get ready, probably around 30 minutes. If I just need to get ready to head out, then around 10
58. Do you have much of an ego? - The biggest in the building lol
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? - Suck then bite towards the end
60. Do you talk to yourself? - All the time
61. Do you sing to yourself? - All the time
62. Are you a good singer? - People say I am but I dunno
63. Biggest Fear? - Being truly alone. Never being loved
64. Are you a gossip? - Not actively, but I won’t pass up the opportunity to hear some good shit lol
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? - I have no idea
66. Do you like long or short hair? - I like both, but for a partner then long hair
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? - If I sat down and really thought about it, then probably
68. Favorite school subject? - I’m taking a level 3 IT BTEC but music was my shit back in the day. I miss it a lot
69. Extrovert or Introvert? - Ambivert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? - I haven’t but would love to, especially with sharks
71. What makes you nervous? - When people are like “we need to talk”. NOPENOPENOPE
72. Are you scared of the dark? - It unsettles me, but I’m not scared of it
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? - If I think it needs correcting or they could learn from it. I’m not an asshole who corrects everyone for the sake of being right
74. Are you ticklish? - Yeah but not as much as I used to be
75. Have you ever started a rumor? - Not that I cam remember but honestly I probably have
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? - I used to be a school counsellor at my old school
77. Have you ever drank underage? - Yep
78. Have you ever done drugs? - Yeah but nothing hardcore
79. Who was your first real crush? - Can’t remember
80. How many piercings do you have? - I have three in my left earlobe and my septum
81. Can you roll your Rs?“ - I can. Lizzie loves it
82. How fast can you type? - Pretty damn fast. People get pissed at me in class because all they can hear is a high speed “CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK”
83. How fast can you run? - Again, pretty damn fast. I haven’t ran in a long time but I used to compete and shit
84. What color is your hair? - Dirty blonde
85. What color is your eyes? - Dark blue
86. What are you allergic to? - Nothing that I know of
87. Do you keep a journal? - Nope. I used to record my thoughts on memos on my phone but not anymore
88. What do your parents do? - My mum is a teacher and my dad is a border security dude at the airport
89. Do you like your age? - I mean, it’s my age. Not sure what to like or dislike about it
90. What makes you angry? - Ignorance and hypocrisy 
91. Do you like your own name? - Yeah, it’s rather unique. Don’t know too many Tylers
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? - Nova Lynn, Lara Mileena, Anri Sophia, Raiden Alden, and Furion Axel
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? - I want both
94. What are your strengths? - Hard working, good at multitasking, intelligent, compassionate, loving, kind, caring, and I’m sure plenty more (Lizzie agreed with these so I’m allowed to say them)
95. What are your weaknesses? - None I’m perfect (Lizzie also agreed with this lol)
96. How did you get your name? - I’m sure there is a story behind it but I can’t remember it
97. Were your ancestors royalty? - Not that I know of
98. Do you have any scars? - This question was already on here lol
99. Color of your bedspread? - Grey and blue
100. Color of your room? - Mostly white with one light blue wall
Thank you for all of the asks! Sorry for any mistakes, it’s currently 2am 
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cactuarkitty · 7 years
Random DA:O Thoughts - Part 3.
So my character wears a boob tube bra thing lol.
I quite like Flemeth; she’s very sassy as well. Every character in this game seems to be sarcastic haha!
The bandits made me laugh. Especially when he said “go back to your King killing” haha. I didn’t intend to fight them but I opened a chest then suddenly it was a fight. After the fight, I told them to piss off! Now I’m paranoid before I open locked chests and save beforehand.
Doggo killed three bandits, brought me a tattered soggy book, and a damaged cake. Good boy.
Must have spent about 30 mins talking to Alistair and Morrigan. I had to load and re-do Morrigan’s cause i picked a convo dialogue I shouldn’t have and lost 10 approval points. Oops!
Some pretty flirty lines with Alistair. He keeps joking to avoid questions, he then asked what I dreamt of, so naturally I picked the “dreaming of us together in bed” option. That got his tongue tied haha. It was amazing! He reminds a bit of Carth. He used to use humour to redirect.
I have Leliana in my team now. I quite like her. She helped me beat a bunch of guys who were recruited by Jerkhain to kill us. Not today fools! I sent a message back to him: ��I know what you did!!”
Met Sten. The priest lady wouldn’t agree to free him. I googled, found out if you have Leliana in your team she agrees. So did that.
I also had to google how you can change party members haha. 
It’s cool having her in my team now cause I can open locked chests.
Sten seems interesting. I’m curious to know why he killed the family. Guess he’ll tell me later.
Everyone in the village seems to think the grey wardens killed the King. That bastard advisor!
I have a cute lil will ’o’ wisp following me now ^_^
I love Alistair’s puppy talk towards Rufus (doggo). It’s super cute! He just makes me laugh so much.
I laughed a lot when I was talking to him and pressing for info, he said: “poke poke poke, tell me about your liiiife Alistair!” hehe.
Him and Morrigan keep passing insults at each other haha.
In one convo Morrigan insinuated that Alistair was staring at her boobs.
Haven’t died yet but almost did. My whole team was dead, I was running away from two bandits going around in circles then stopping to hit them with magic. Managed to survive haha. That was a hard fight. Maybe ten bandits, plus one of them was the leader.
I love Rufus so much! He’s adorable! hehe
Also I played as him for a moment to pee on a tree. Not too sure what that’s about.
He brought me something of value, I can’t remember what it was now.
Was sad the little boy’s Mum (with red hair) died.
Have I mentioned how much I love Alistair? <3
I met my first Dwarves. OMG they are super cute!
At the camp now. I had a freaky dream about the dragon. o_O
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circles-finest · 7 years
About Me
Thank you @roguelioness for tagging me (In two of these actually so I’ll just compile them into one post 👍)
1. How tall are you? 5′4″
2. What colour and style is your hair? It’s a light brown/dark blonde toward my roots and it grows black around the ends. And when my hair isn’t in a messy bun it’s just a mess of waves lol
3. What colour are your eyes? Hazel (though they do almost look more brown)
4. Do you wear glasses? I have reading glasses.
5. Do you wear braces? No.
6. What is your fashion sense? Whatever is comfortable.
7. Do you have any siblings? An older brother.
8. What kinda student were/are you? Lazy….I would do my work but it would just take me longer to complete and I was on pretty good terms with teachers.
9. What is your favourite subject? English.
10. Favourite TV shows? Bob’s Burgers, Game of Thrones, Orange is the New Black, American Horror Story, and Law and Order SVU
11. Favourite books? Bram Stoker’s Dracula and the Fallen series.
12. Favourite pastime? Video games, drawing, writing, and reading.
13. Any regrets? Too many.
14. What is your dream job? Author and/or tattoo artist.
15. Do you want to get married? Actually, a fortune teller gave me a tarot reading and told me I would be married only once. So maybe someday.
16. Do you want kids? How many? Yes, I do. And to go with the previous question she told me I would have 3 boys (I want to believe that will happen, but it still could haha) and I’ve grown attached to the idea.
17. How many countries have you visited? Only one. I don’t travel much.
18. What’s the scariest dream you’ve ever had? Drowning in a muddy swamp. It felt far too real for my liking.
19. Do you have any enemies? Not that I know of…?
20. Do you have a datemate? I just had to google what a datemate is haha, but no I don’t.
1. Who are you named after? Apparently after a character on the Young and Restless.
2. Last time you cried? I think a few days ago? I was watching a heartwarming video.
3. Do you like your handwriting? Its legible so yes, I like it.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Salami….?
5. Do you have kids? Not yet.
6. Do you use sarcasm? In every sentence if possible.
7. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
8. Would you bungee jump? If I was either getting paid or doing it with someone, sure.
9. What is your favorite kind of cereal? Fruity pebbles…
10. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No lol I just slip them off.
11. Do you think you are strong? Like physically? To an extent I guess.
12. What is your favorite ice cream? Coffee.
13. What is the first thing you notice about someone? Their eyes, being windows to the soul and all.
14. Football or Baseball? What are sports.
15. What is the least favorite thing about yourself? I’m not confident in how my body looks given my weight. Never have been.
16. What color pants are you wearing? Blue/Gray.
17. Favorite smell? Sage.
18. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My grandmother.
19. Favorite sport to watch on tv? Nope. No. Noooo.
20. Favorite food to eat? Chicken caesar salad.
21. Scary or funny movies? Scary, but comedies are pretty good.
22. Last movie you watched? Leap Year
23. What color shirt are you wearing? Dark gray.
24. Favorite holiday? Halloween!
25. Wine or Beer? I don’t drink beer often, but I’d prefer it over wine.
I don’t know who to tag, so I’ll tag whoever comes up first I guess? (I’m just going by the alphabet and I’m sorry if you’ve been tagged already!) @alistairs @broodywolf @commandercullen @dai-banter @elvhen-apostate-hobo @feylen @general-uptight @imthedreadwolf
Sidenote: You don’t have to do this, so don’t feel obligated to 😊
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ponticle · 7 years
Characters Ask
I was tagged by @draco-illius-noctis. This looks fun! I hadn’t seen this one yet. :) 
Number your favorite characters from one fandom (in any order you want) 1-12
Fandom Choice: I’m doing DA, since that’s my primary (and kind of only) fandom... 
Christien Hawke (my hawke)
Bella Surana (my warden)
Icis Lavellan (my inquisitor)
If you wrote a fic about Four, what song would you use to inspire yourself?
Oh... well, I’ve done this... and there is a whole playlist of misery associated... but the song that is going to remind me of the Cullen I write for the rest of my life is “Such Great Heights” by the Postal Service.
One/Nine and Six/Ten. Which pairing is happier?
Well, 6 and 10 is impossible... so I’m going to go with 1 and 9. Alistair and Bella Surana were lovers... but if you’ve read my story, Boyish and Brave, you already know that it’s more complicated than meets the eye. I think of them like so many first loves: They were important to each other. They taught each other lessons...but it wasn’t meant to last forever.
Have you ever read a fic about Seven/Twelve?
I have not... I can’t imagine how that would work out. Although I’m sure it exists... fic writers are resourceful! :)
FMK, but with extra options (to finish off the remaining numbers). The choices are: Fuck, Marry, Kill, Become, Live With, and Fight. Choose from numbers One, Two, Three, Five, Eight, Eleven.
LoL... this is great. I’m changing one, though. Instead of ‘Adopt’ I’m doing ‘Become’.
Fuck - Anders--I’m pretty sure he has skills
Marry - Morrigan--she’ll keep the marriage interesting with sarcasm, wit, and secret devotion
Kill - Christien Hawke--don’t worry, he’ll die heroically
Become - Alistair--he’s me in every fic I’ve written (even the ones that are not from his perspective)
Live With - Isabela--I think we’d be awesome roommates... with occasional sex...
Fight - Fenris? I’m very likely to get into a heated debate with him--we don’t agree about anything.
Any favorite fic moments for Four?
I have many... I always shipped the secret affair idea between Cullen and my Surana in DAO... and I liked the idea that he was doing all this templar stuff under duress--because of something tragic in his past. And then I’ve made up a LOT of favorite things for him to do in my fics. :)
What tags/warnings would be included in a One/Twelve fic?
LoL... well, Merrill and Alistair would NOT be in a romantic fic. Like, I’m sure someone has written it, but I can’t imagine what that would be like. So let’s say it’s a roommate AU where they are having a dinner party. We’d need: #cheese #roommates #theoddcouple #90sSitcom 
What would Eight say if they saw Six and Nine kissing?
Well, clearly Surana and Dorian would be kissing in a non-romantic way... so let’s say they’re doing it because they’re undercover somewhere. Eight (Hawke) would say, “you’re not fooling anyone!”
Last Question! Make up a summary for a fic including Two, Three, and Eleven.
haha. This is going to be great:
Despite her better judgement, Morrigan has agreed to help Anders with his freedom fighting, following the events of DA2. After facing innumerable trials together, they forge a tenuous bond of friendship. Unfortunately, their plans are thwarted when someone from Anders’ past (Fenris) joins the templars in their crusade for a return to magical normalcy. 
Tagging: @teamblueandangry @earlgreyer1 @dragonsandfields @fuckingnonions @misterwiggums @dorian--rutherford @emotionalmorphine and anyone else who wants to play. (please tag me so I can see what you say!) 
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frostiron81 · 7 years
Tag Game!
rules: you must can answer these 85 statements and tag whoever:))
i was tagged by @lordpeteyb<33 
i tag @redlibrary @jellybean3393 
the last…
1. drink: Tea
2. phone call: My mum
3. text message: 'The crabby puppy is so cute he makes me want to die!’
4. song you listened to: Rebel Rebel by David Bowie
5. time you cried: Sometime in March I believe
6. dated someone twice: Heavens no. Leave them in the past. 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: Yes
8. been cheated on: Yes
9. lost someone special: Countless
10. been depressed: Constant mental state
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: No, but I have been drunk... 
favorite colors
12. Dark Green
13. Dark Grey
14. Black
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: No
16. fallen out of love: Yes
17. laughed until you cried: Oh yeah!
18. found out someone was talking about you: What people say about me is none of my business.
19. met someone who changed you: I do not think so.
20. found out who your friends are: I do not have many in the first place.
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Yes
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: About 75%
23. do you have any pets: I have 5 Guinea pigs. Sherlock, Watson, Moriarty, Amelia, and Alistair
24. do you want to change your name: No
25. what did you do for your last birthday: I hung out with my mum and dad.
26. what time did you wake up: To wake up, that would mean one has to go to sleep in the first place. 
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Reading a fanfiction
28. name something you can’t wait for: When my nephew comes to visit hopefully in a few months!
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 1 hour ago
31. what are you listening to right now: Human by Rag’n’Bone Man
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: Probably. Obviously did not make a major impression though!
33. something that is getting on your nerves: Donald Trump and religion 
34. most visited website: Facebook + Tumblr
35. hair colour: Dark brown
36. long or short hair: Short
37. do you have a crush on someone: Yes
38. what do you like about yourself: My eyes, wit and sense of humour
40. blood type: Why...?
41. nickname: Don’t have one
42. relationship status: single as a pringle
43. zodiac: Leo
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: Orange Is The New Black, Lie To Me, and Criminal Monds (the good ones with Hotch)
46. tattoos: One regrettable one. I plan on getting 2 more between now and next year. 
47. right or left handed: Left
48. surgery: Yes
49. piercing: 3 ear piercings
50. sport: football, swimming. I used to be a runner until my knee blew out. 
51. vacation: HA! I wish! If I could leave, I would go to England, Scotland, or Russia
52. pair of trainers: i have a few
more general
53. eating: pie
54. drinking: water/tea
55. i’m about to: read
56. waiting for: Damn... this question has me thinking HARD! Lol
57. want: Happiness 
58. get married: Is that a proposal?? Lol! (J.K,no)
59. career: I work with animals, also would like to get paid for my photography
60. hugs or kisses: depend on the hugger and the kisser
61. lips or eyes:  eyes
62. shorter or taller: taller
63. older or younger: GIVE ME MIDDLE AGED MEN
64. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach
65. hook up or relationship: depends who, again
66. troublemaker or hesitant: Depends on the situation
67. kissed a stranger: yes
68. drank hard liquor: yes, fantastic night!
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Not so much anymore. ‘If they are not on your face, they are in your case’, is what my mum used to tell me when I was younger. I hated wearing my glasses. Haha!
70. turned someone down: Yes
71. sex on the first date: Depends on the person and how the date went
72. broken someone’s heart: I do not know. 
73. had your heart broken: I do not have one to break. 
74. been arrested: No
75. cried when someone died: I don’t cry, my eyes sweat.
76. fallen for a friend: Unfortunately, it happened, yes.
do you believe in …
77. yourself: ...
78. miracles: no
79. love at first sight: no
80. santa claus: no
81. kiss on the first date: yes
82. angels: no
83. current best friend’s name: I am more of a loner... unless my mum counts??
84. eye colour: Black like my soul
85. favourite movie: Probably Labryinth. Now You See Me 1 & 2, Kingsman; The Secret Service
tag game
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Jul 9th, 2017
tag game
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