#look at my man pee mak
wraith-of-thiodolf · 5 months
ghosts are tricky, but it can be managed
0 notes
angelbaugh-writes · 4 years
Game Night {Steve Rogers x Reader}
Request: could you uhm 😳😳 do dialogue prompt 10 with steve tysm ily
Warnings: maybe a few curse words, implications of sexy times
Author’s Note: I hope you guys like this! It ended up a little longer than anticipated. Please show it some love. Thank you so so much for reading. I love you all! Xox Angel Baugh
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     Your life purpose was to fluster Steve Rogers until he broke. Flirting with Captain America started by accident, but it quickly became your favorite thing to do. Between the cheesy pick-up lines and suggestive comments, Steve’s face would turn bright red. What got to him most was the less-than-holy touches you started doing. It’s not that you did anything risque, the farthest you’ve gone was scoot past him in a very tight place, but he knew that your lingering touches had a deeper meaning behind them.
     But Steve Rogers still couldn’t get the hint that you were interested. It frustrated you to no end. You couldn’t just sit him down and tell him you were madly in love with him. How well would that go? Sure, the worst that could happen would be that Steve rejects you. You would know that it was time to get over him, but that would also end in humiliation. He would tell Bucky or Sam. Sam would spread the embarrassing let down to the whole team and then some. That man could not keep a secret to save his life. The only option was to not tell Steve until you were sure of his feelings. You just had to hope that you wouldn’t out yourself before that.
     The sun was just rising when you woke up. It was the start to a -hopefully mission free- weekend. Although there was no reason you should be waking up so early on a Saturday, it had become a habit to spend the quiet time talking with whoever else was awake. 
     ”Good morning, Sweet Cheeks,” you greeted Steve as you entered the kitchen. You made sure to say hello to Sam and Bucky as well.
     “Morning, Y/N. I poured you a cup of coffee just like you like it.” You smiled at the blond, thanking him before picking up the mug that sat next to his. 
     Sam feigned hurt, “Buck, why doesn’t Stevie make our coffee? When I asked him to he said no.”
     “Yeah, that’s a dick move. Maybe if we seduce ‘im like Y/N does, we’ll be able to convince him to do whatever we want!”
     You jumped up to sit on the counter next to where Steve was standing. You watched as the grown men in front of you dramatically told each other what they would make the man next to you do.
     “Do you think they’ll notice if we sneak off,” you whispered. He let out a small chuckle.
     “I think we could start kissing and they wouldn’t even look our way.”
     You smirked, “Want to try out that theory?” Steve shook his head, a small smile adorning his lips as he took a sip of his coffee. “Fine, then. You can make it up to me by being my partner at tonight’s game night.”
     “I was going to be your partner either way. Neither of these goons are helpful. Unlike them, we’re a force to be reckoned with.” He lifted his mug towards yours, offering a cheers. You obliged.
     A buzz from your phone pulled you from your conversation. Natasha had sent you a text requesting your company in the training room. You sighed.
     “I’m sorry, my love, but I must go. Until tonight?” you spoke dramatically. “I’ll think about you every moment until I see you again.”
    “Okay, Y/N. I’ll see you later,” Steve chuckled.
     You rummaged through your desk. You could not find the damn thing you were looking for. The game night was starting in ten minutes, and Tony hated it when anybody was late. There was no time for this. A gasp left your mouth as you finally felt the familiar thread. It took you three minutes to run to the living room. After tripping more times than you’d like to admit, you finally slid into the already crowded room. 
     “I’m here! Suck it, Tony!” you spoke excitedly. 
     “It took you long enough.” Shaking your head, you made your way to sit on the arm of the chair Steve was sitting in.
     Natasha rolled her eyes, “No need to get angry already. So what’s the game for the night?”
     “I am glad you asked.” Tony stood up as he spoke. “I came to the conclusion that Monopoly and Poker can only be so fun for some of us. So I took it upon myself to get a new card game for the team game nights.”
     “Get on with it already,” Sam interrupted.
     “I’m getting there. After scouring the web, I found a game perfect enough to get the old men more acquainted to today’s culture. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce Cards Against Humanity to the team.” Tony held up the box proudly. You shook your head at his dramatic antics. “Like usual game night, You can be in pairs or by yourself. I’m pretending that somebody other than Steve and Y/N is going to want to work together. The first to ten points wins. Let’s play ball!”
     You turned to Steve as the cards were dealt and everyone got situated, “I brought us good luck charms.” The friendship bracelets were black. A small, four-leaf clover charm was positioned in the middle of each. Steve couldn’t stop from smiling.
     “You are such a dork,” he spoke, allowing you to tie the bracelet on his wrist.
     “You love it. Besides, you’d be losing every game night if it wasn’t for me.”
     “I can’t say you’re wrong.”
     The game was full of laughter and disgusted faces from Steve, who would occasionally have to ask you what one of your cards meant. His face would turn a cherry red when you whispered the licentious answer in his ear, mumbling a timid ‘oh’ in response. Natasha was winning so far, with you and Steve close behind. 
     “I vote we take an intermission,” Bruce said, “I need a break for snacks.”
     “I second that. I’ve needed to pee since four rounds in,” Sam exclaimed before rushing out of the room.
     The room dispersed as everyone went their own ways for the time being. You stood up and stretched. Turning, you reached your hand out to Steve to help him out of the chair.
     “This game is...fun?” he laughed. Your heart fluttered at the sound.
     “I could think of a few other fun things we could do. We’d just have to go to my room to do it,” you flirted with ease. “I’m sure Sam would love to take our point for us while we sneak off.”
     “Oh, really? Care to elaborate?” So he was going to play along now?
     You leaned in closer to him, your lips barely grazing his ear, “I think you know exactly what I’m talking about, Captain. I’ve told you plenty of information tonight that we could work with.”
     “Which on do you plan to start with?” With that, your facade broke. Steve never flirted back like this. He smirked down at you, “Cat got your tongue, doll?”
     “Date me, coward,” you couldn’t stop the words spilling out of your mouth. “I’ve been flirting with you for months, and I don’t think you quite understand that I’m in love with you. Just fucking ask me out already before I implode. Please don’t talk to me like that if you don’t mean it.” 
     Now the secret’s out. Your face heats up as the realization dawns on you. 
    “Are you free tomorrow night, then?”
    “Pardon?” your brows furrowed in confusion.
     “I’d like to take you on a date. Is that okay, love?”
    You smiled, “That’s more than okay.”
     “Game time!” Tony yelled as he walked into the room.
     You frowned, “I never got a snack, though.”
     “You should’ve thought about that before you and Cap decided to smooch while everyone was out of the room.” You rolled your eyes at him, flipping him off in the process.
     Everyone returned to their spots quickly. You took your seat on the arm of the chair, but Steve pulled you down onto his lap. A gasp fell from your lips. His arm wrapped around your waist as you lean into him. Game night became a little bit better.
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willow-salix · 4 years
Isolation Update
Day 77 of Isolation on Tracy Island and Alan wanted hotdogs. Not so crazy a thing you might say, but apparently the hotdogs came with a request for beach time, bonfire and spooky story telling before camping on the beach for the night. I was unaware of this little ritual, I had simply wandered along with them in the quest for food. 
I like beach time, being a city girl as I am, I’m used to going to the seaside being a strictly once or twice a year event, a day out, a big deal, so to just be able to walk out of the house and down some stairs and find yourself on the beach is pretty magical. 
Hearing the constant sound of waves took some getting used to, they kept me awake at first, but now it’s just part of the normal ambiance of the island. Quiet evenings curled up on the couch with a book or some other hobby and soft music courtesy of one of the boys, usually Virgil but sometimes Scott or Gordon, were the norm now. Or a movie night where we all piled on the couches together. Everything we did was accompanied by the sound of the sea. Of all the things I’d had to get used to in regards to living on the island, that was by far one of the easiest and most pleasant. 
Blankets and pillows were dragged down to the sand, logs and kindling was taken from storage, hotdogs and buns were collected along with long metal toasting forks on which we’d spear the sausages and toast them over the flames, apparently we were going full on rustic. 
Someone had brought along beers and flasks full of cocoa for those of us who weren't in the mood for a drink and tents had been pitched on the sand, although Jeff and Grandma were refusing to camp out. I debated doing the same because I am not a dude and I do not possess the same equipment that they had which allowed them to not need to sit down to use the bathroom, but I was beaten down and made to promise I’d last the entire night.
“OK, I’ll camp, but there had better not be any crabs that will invade the tent in the middle of the night and if I need to pee one of you has to come with me. Promise you’ll come to protect me from creepy crawlies and things that might attack me.”
“We promise we’ll come with you to the bathroom,” Scott assured me.
“And you promise that the toilet in the hangar still has toilet paper?”
“Yes, there is toilet paper,” Virgil promised.
“And you promise that we’ll be camped far enough away from the water that we won't get washed out to sea?”
“Seriously? You actually think we’d let that happen?” Gordon asked.
“Well, I don’t know, you might be sick of me by now,” I shrugged. 
They all looked at me.
 “Well don’t all deny it at once,” I grumbled. “I might start to think that you like me!”
“We didn’t answer because we weren’t prepared to dignify your blatant need for validation and attention with an answer,” John informed me. 
“And frankly we’re slightly insulted that you’d even say it,” Scott sniffed.
“Good try,” Alan hugged me, “but you’re sleeping on the beach with us tonight.”
“Joy,” I muttered. “A night on hard, cold, damp sand when I could be in a soft bed, however will I contain my excitement?”
Alan choked on his hotdog, his eyes wide as Jeff finished up his spooky story about the ghost of a cowboy who haunted the back roads of Kansas who had a habit of stealing horses and running them until they collapsed and he could keep them for himself. 
Jeff lowered the torch from under his chin and held it out handle first, slowly revolving it around the circle until someone claimed it.
John nudged me. “Go on, you’re good at telling stories.”
I shook my head. “No, I don’t think so, ghost stories don’t really scare me, humans do.”
“Then tell us a scary story about a human then,” Gordon pushed.
“Fiiiiine,” I groaned, “but don’t blame me if it’s pants.”
I took the torch and flipped it around, almost blinding myself in the process.
“Emily squinted through what little the windscreen wipers managed to clear, peering at the road ahead. Her headlights barely made a dent in the oppressive blackness that was all around her. No light from the moon spilled through the trees that surrounded the road on both sides, no streetlights to ease the darkness. Just herself, her car and the radio playing quietly in the background. She had always hated travelling alone at night, hated that she was forced to drive from one town to the next, never knowing when it would all end,” I began.
“Is this a boring chick story?” Gordon groaned. I smacked him lightly with the torch.
 “Shut up, I’m talking here, do you want a story or not?”
“Continue,” Jeff insisted, “I apologise in advance for my rude children.” I nodded and carried on telling the story.
“She just wanted to get home, having been away for far too long. Circumstances were always getting in the way and preventing her from completing her return journey. But this time she would make it, this time she was determined to get home, no hick-ups, no disasters, nothing. At least, not if she had her way.”
Scott snorted. “That never happens, the second you think that all the disasters are over another one comes along to wreck your plans.” The others nodded sagely.
“Peering through the arches in the rain splattered windscreen she tried to look ahead to the bend in the road, checking for oncoming traffic. There shouldn’t be anything at this hour, she glanced at the clock on the dashboard, at almost eleven on a quiet Sunday night. Flicking her eyes back at the road she screamed in shock as a figure emerged from the darkness and stepped out in front of her car. Slamming her foot on the brakes, knuckles white on the steering wheel, she wrenched it this way and that in a total panic trying to swerve away from the figure.”
“That’s how she dies,” Kayo commented. “Her complete lack of ability to drive.” I ignored her and continued.
“With a squeal of rubber on the wet, slick road she came to a stop no more than a foot away from the figure, her heart pounding in her ears, breath coming out in sharp pants as she struggled to regain her composure.”
“She’d never be good during a real situation,” John muttered.
“Guys, I’m trying to set a scene here,” I sighed.
“Sorry,” they all chorused. 
“Needing something to focus on she looked ahead at the figure, her windscreen wipers still battling the heavy rain. All she could make out was that the person was tall, he, she guessed it was a he, was wearing a rain soaked parker, the hood pulled up obscuring his face with a beaten up rucksack over one shoulder.
She closed her eyes as her breathing finally began to return to a semi-normal state only to jump out of her skin, giving a little yelp of shock when there was a rap on the passenger side window. She dived for the door lock but her reaction was too slow. The man opened the door and climbed straight into the car, dumping his bag in the foot well.”
“Oh, hell no!” Kayo huffed. “Kick his butt out, don’t stand for that! You’re a woman, you are powerful!”
" 'What the hell do you think you are doing?' Emily gasped.
The man shook off his hood and ran his fingers through his wet hair.
'You almost ran me over, I figured the least you could do was give me a ride into the nearest town. I’ve been trying to get a lift for three hours and not one person stopped. People these days never stop to help someone in need anymore' 
Spluttering with indignation, Emily managed to choke out.
‘Well you won’t be getting a lift from me. Get out. I don’t pick up strange men at the side of the road.’
The man shook his head splattering rain drops in her direction and turned to look at her, his deep brown eyes boring into hers, making her shiver slightly.
 ‘Not gonna happen, I’m not moving. You almost killed me out there, it’s not safe’ He turned in his seat and brazenly pulled the safety belt over his upper body and clicked it into place.”
“How dare he?” Alan gasped. “That’s not how you ask for a ride.”
"Yeah, he wasn't very polite." 
I lowered the torch and leveled a glare at them all. They shut up.
“She stared at him, dumbfounded. He just grinned back at her. Almost egging her on, daring her to argue or just drive. Never one to show her fear she growled under her breath, gnashing her teeth, before turning the keys in the ignition and starting the car, jamming it into gear and peeling away down the road. 
Refusing to make the journey a pleasant one she barked out. ‘Just to the nearest town.’  Not wanting to have to make conversation or invite him to start one, she turned up the radio, refusing to talk anymore. ‘Don’t worry Emily,’ she told herself. ‘Just get to the next town and you can drop him off, no big. Then you will be home before you know it.’ Feeling a little calmer after her inner pep talk she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, studying him.
He was handsome enough in that rough and ready kind of way. His hair was a little too long and his nose a little big for her tastes but he was pleasant enough to look at, not that she would be doing much of that, she wasn’t that kind of a girl. An air of danger seemed to roll off of him as he casually leaned back in the seat, his gaze travelling up her body, taking in her legs, up to her chest and finally coming to rest on her face.”
“She shouldn’t trust him,” Gordon said wisely. “I wouldn’t trust him.”
"Don't tell me she fancies him," Kayo groaned. 
“He’s a creep,” Virgil agreed.
“Women always go for the bad boys,” Scott nodded. “They like a man with a wild streak.”
“Emily tried to ignore his scrutiny, blocking out how uncomfortable it made her feel, like a prized piece of meat in the butchers shop window. She tried to concentrate on her driving, focusing on the music coming from the radio, singing along softly to the song that was playing.
The music ended and she heard the familiar jingle of the station’s news program start to play. Always one for keeping up with current affairs she turned the volume up a notch more and listened intently, one never knew what might come up in conversation and she liked to be prepared, especially if she did make it home tonight, as was her plan.
She listened through the usual football results, political scandals and celebrity breakups and was just reaching out to change the channel when the next bulletin, this time national news, stopped her short.
‘The back roads killer has struck again, leaving another mutilated body to be found abandoned on the side of the road, this time in the county of Essex. Police are urging all road users to be aware of the potential danger of driving alone at this …’
The man reached over and flicked the radio off plunging them into silence. His hand was large, yet his fingers were surprisingly slim, it was a strong looking hand. ‘I hate the news, it always depresses me. I would much rather talk to you.’ He swiveled sideways in the seat to look at her again.”
“Noooo,” Gordon yelled. “He’s going to kill her!”
“Get out of the car, get out of the car!” Virgil yelped.
“I’d kick his butt,” Grandma proclaimed, folding her arms.
“Emily barely heard him, paying his words no attention, her mind was racing, going over and over the news report, they had found another body, drivers had been warned, she felt a wave of panic wash over her. She was jolted out of her thoughts by his hand landing on her thigh and squeezing.
‘How about you and me go for a little drink when we get to town humm?’ She slapped at his hand and spun round to face him.
“Don’t get a drink with him!” Grandma ordered, like it would do any good. 
“Get off! What the hell do you think you are doing? How dare you. You have no right to put your hands on me.” For the second time that night she slammed the breaks on and skidded to a halt, stopped again on the deserted country road.
‘Oh come now, you know you want it. You keep looking at me with that look in your eye. I bet you pick up all kinds of men for a quick romp in the back seat.’
“Boy, he’s a nasty one,” Jeff commented. “She’s not done anything wrong, she was just driving home.”
“Emily glared at him, seeing red. Here was yet another man who thought the worst of her, who thought that all they had to do was cock an eyebrow at her and she would come running, putty in their arms. Well he could think again.
Reaching down the side of her seat, her hand closed around the handle. Giving him no indication as to her intentions she lunged at him. She had taken him completely by surprise, he never had a chance to react, to defend himself.
Slashing at him in a blind rage, she stabbed him twice in the stomach before he doubled over in pain and shock, her blade cutting his hands as he lifted them to protect his face.”
“Oh, snap!” Kayo yelped.
“She un-clipped her belt and slipped out of her seat, climbing astride his lap, she entwined her fingers in his hair and wrenched his head back, slicing his throat in one swift move. Panting, she shifted back into her own seat and looked at him. His eyes were glassy, staring at nothing. Blood was beginning to pool in the foot well, soaking into his bag, running down to stain the seat covers.
‘Well crap,’ Emily started the car again and drove on a little further, talking to him the whole time.
‘Just had to do it didn’t you? You were just like the others. Couldn’t just let me get home like I wanted to. Oh no, you had to try it on. You took one look at me and just saw nothing but an attractive body. You didn’t care about my feelings, my brain,’ she sighed deeply. ‘And now I have to steal yet another car and find somewhere to leave you. Bloody fantastic, I’ll never get home at this rate.’ She leaned over and playfully smacked his cheek. Pulling over to the side of the road she stopped the car.
‘You my friend should have left the radio on,’ She pocketed her trusty knife and began to walk. One day, she was sure, things would go right, things would go her way, she would find her way home.”
I sat up straighter, clicking off the torch, looking round at the shocked faces staring back at me.
“So she was the killer?”
“No way!”
“She’s the one that was going around murdering people and dumping them on the side of the road?”
“Never underestimate a woman,” I shrugged, accepting the high five that first Kayo then Grandma offered up.
“That wasn’t scary at all,” Alan huffed. I stuck my tongue out at him.
“I think that’s enough for me tonight,” Jeff declared, getting to his feet. “I’m going to bed, don’t you kids stay up too late.”
“I’m going to head back too,” Grandma added, getting up to follow after Jeff.
We all broke out more beers and hot chocolate and told a few more stories before bed, each trying to outdo the other in the scary stakes until we gave up and called it a night, Gordon and Alan declaring that they hadn't been scared at all and that we had all failed.
As predicted, I’d only been asleep about an hour before I was woken by my protesting bladder. I extracted myself from the mass of sleeping bag, blankets and long Tracy limbs in the form of John who is not the most compact of sleepers and crawled out of the tent.
I had taken the torch with me to bed, knowing I’d need it. Soft snores rang out from the ring of tents, everyone was asleep. I wouldn't bother waking anyone, I could be brave. The moon was glowing quite brightly and the fire hadn’t completely died out so there was enough light to see by. The hangar was just there, not a three minute walk, I could do this. Its not like anyone or anything could get onto the island without anyone knowing and any creepy crawlies would be more scared of me than I should be of them. That's what I told myself anyway but I still felt uncomfortable. 
Determined to do this alone, my need growing quite desperate, I pointed my torch beam at the ground, looking out for crabs that might be lying in wait to nip at my toes as I made my way across the sand.
Everything was quiet, the only sound was that of the sea and the insects in the greenery around us. It was actually quite eerie, I wasn't used to such silence, almost always surrounded by Tracys that came in two volumes, noisy or deafening. John was the only quiet one of the bunch and that was debatable when he got annoyed by them.
I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. It had actually grown quite chilly, especially since I’d just left the warmth of the tent. I was definitely wishing I’d dragged a blanket with me to use as a shawl.
I made it to the hangar and did my business and was soon on my way back.
I quickened my pace, wanting to hurry and get back to bed to warm up and  I didn't hear the noise at first. Not until a shadow separated itself from the darkness and stepped out in front of me.
“Gahhh,”I screamed, immediately dropping into the defensive pose that Kayo had drummed into me.
“Well, at least you learnt something,” she muttered.
“You crazy moo! What are you doing out here creeping around in the dark? You almost gave me a heart attack!” I hissed, beyond annoyed.
“What was that?” I heard Alan yelp in the distance.
“Ghost?” Gordon answered. “Do you think the island is actually haunted?”
“No, maybe some prehistoric monster is roaming the caves?”
Kayo slapped her hand over my mouth when I went to call out to tell them it was OK, an evil glint in her eyes.
“I thought they weren’t scared?” she whispered. “Maybe we could have a little fun?”
Oooh, fun sounded good. I nodded. They had pranked me enough times that I was more than ready to turn the tables on them.
Diving into the undergrowth we dragged out some ferns, branches and big palm leaves that had fallen and, with much suppressed giggling, managed a rough and ready monster costume each.
We crept up to their tent, seeing a light on inside and the two boys sitting up in their blankets.
She took one side, I took the other and using a branch we scratched lightly on the canvas. They froze. A light shined out at us. I moved closer so they could see the outline of my disguise.
Kayo did the same on the other side. She looked at me and nodded, holding up three fingers, she slowly counted down. When she got to one we both screamed at the top of our lungs and drummed our hands on the tent. 
The boys screamed too and scrambled. We ducked down behind the tent as they burst through the flap and took off like a rocket towards the house.
Scott stuck his head out of his tent just in time to witness us popping back up and our high five. He grinned, gave us a thumbs up and vanished back inside.
We stripped off our adornments and hid them back in the undergrowth, kicking sand over our footprints before we retired for the night.
I crawled back inside my tent, still giggling to be met by John’s best 'I'm judging you' face.
“What did you do?”
“Nothing,” I answered innocently, dropping down beside him.
He reached out, plucking a leaf from my hair.
“Evidence begs to differ.”
“I blame Kayo.”
“Unfortunately that’s so believable that I can’t think of a valid argument right now,” he yawned, flopping back down. “I knew you’d be nothing but trouble.”
I shrugged and got back under the blankets. “Admit it, without me life would be so much more boring.”
“I admit nothing,” he grumbled, but I could hear the smile in his voice. “Shut up and go back to sleep.”
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katieamazeballs · 6 years
MVP Recap
Ok, guys.....sorry this is late but I 100% waited until today to do this because #1 It’s faster to type it on the computer than on the phone and #2 I’m now getting paid to do this.  (Who’s the real winner here).  Also....I can post this with a fancy page break so it doesn’t hog everyone’s feed.  But before the break....have a pic......
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(As per my now usual.....I will post about my experience more than the dances, because you can find those online or will be seeing them yourselves.)
To start off the day, I finally got to meet My Girl and it was AMAZING!  We met at her hotel then went to dinner.  As we predicted, the girls were instant besties and so were we.  (I love it when a plan comes together).  When we got to dinner the girls sat with My Girl and I sat with her hysterical mom, Nonna.  We had good food and good conversation and it was really nice to have a meal with “my people” and discuss DWTS the entire time.  The best part, however, was Nonna telling me no less than 7 times “I don’t like-ah that Maks.  He’s a jerk”.  (read that in a thick Italian accent).   
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(Abbie killed it with this selfie)
After dinner, we found our way to the theater.  I was no help, of course, because I don’t do downtown even though I’ve lived here for 34 of my 38 years.  As we were looking for parking we saw the buses straight ahead, lining both sides of the street.  We saw Ivan outside smoking (wtf dude) and JT.  Once we parked, moved the car to a different spot, and took selfies, we made our way to the theater.  As we were walking up we saw a guy with big girly hair standing by Val’s bus talking on the phone. We were all like “OMG....is that Val?!?!”.  The girls and I started booking it and got closer, that wasn’t Val but OMG HOLY CRAP he was right there in front of us!!  We attempted to approach him and the worlds grumpiest security guard stopped us in our tracks. 
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(Seriously.....look at her looking at me like I’m gonna rush him or something!  Trust me when I say she plays a theme throughout the night and imagine that face any time I mention “Bitchy Security Guard” or “BSG”.)
Well.....Val didn’t take too kindly to his fans being treated that way and told us to come take pics but that we had to do it quick because he needed to get inside to get ready.  I have to say....much like Brandon, pictures do not do this man justice.  He is really really really good looking in person.  I mean REALLY.  Gahdamn, Valentin. 
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(Notice the guy in the red flannel who is NOT Maks and will not be Maks at any point in the evening no matter how many times we thought he was)
Y’all be proud of Abbie.....she was given strict instructions of things she was banned from saying (I hate Jenna because she STOLE you from me.....and You used to be my favorite but now you’ve been replaced because Jenna STOLE YOU).  Girl handled herself like the sane fangirl we all knew she could be and didn’t even cry. 
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(Notice the death grip she has on him)
She showed him her purse and “may” have scared him a tad.  He went “Whoa!”
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(She keeps shirtless Val in the center.....because Mama ain’t raising no fool)
After we met Val.....and I failed to remember that I was lugging his book around in my damn purse and forgot to get it signed (I win at life, I swear), we were told exactly where we were allowed to stand and if we so much as took a deep breath, BSG reminded us that we weren’t allowed to move from that spot.  Then she would sigh and roll her eyes at us.  We tried to see other cast but it was getting chilly and windy (scroll back up and look at the chick’s pony in the pic of BSG) and it was getting closer to show time so they were all inside.  Before we left we did get to see Katie the Nanny taking Shai from the venue to the bus.  He is freakin adorable!  His little curls and his little wave to his adoring fans were on point!  I do not have a picture of this because #1 It happened super quick and #2 It’s not my baby and that’s kindof weird and intrusive and BSG was still side eying us and I’m pretty sure she would have taken my phone and deleted all the pics or something in retaliation.  She was seriously bitchy and hated her job. 
We got inside the venue and hit the merch stand.  We all got our shirts (to my surprise, Abs picked the white tour tee instead of the Team Val tee).  We found our way upstairs, got drinks, and found our seats.  They were pretty decent seats except for we had to sit forward to see the very front of the stage if they laid down (a few times) and couldn’t see them picking the people out of the audience.  The show was, of course, amazing.  In my opinion, it was better than the DWTS show.  Those Chmerkovskiy’s can dance!!!!  I’ve heard that Peta is amazing live, but that doesn’t do her justice.  She truly is the queen and literally commands the stage when she’s on it.  There were moments of great group numbers, moments of hilarity (the dad dance and the stripper section), and gut wrenching serious moments.  It really does tell a story through dance and we all loved it.  What you probably don’t see in the YouTube videos of the dad dance is Kiki has twins.  Abs is still laughing about those twins and when the baby sneezes and Maks yells “It got in my eye!”.  During the Chippen Val/Magic Maks section they pull up the lady out of the audience.  Let me tell you.....that lady was living her best life.  She was so funny!  Throughout the show we were annoyed by the group behind us.  There were about 8 or 10 of them and they talked the entire show.  I’m not talking quiet respectful whispers.....these bitches were straight up chit chatting.  I did giggle at one point because the oldest of them was totally Team Nonna.  They were doing their first talking section and this chick pipes up with “I’ve always hated Maks.....he’s such an arrogant jackass”.  During the super emotional break up section....it was so quiet in there you could hear a pin drop.  I had been annoyed the entire show, but at this point I started to get a little concerned that because it was so quiet in there (that section is riveting) that Maks and Peta would actually hear these bitches trying each others wine in an attempt to figure out which one had the tastiest.  Seriously y’all.....they were SO LOUD!  At this point, I turned around and said “PLEASE stop talking!”.  They shushed to heated whispers through the rest of the show but if one of us so much as looked at each other they’d say “NO TALKING!”.  At the end of the show they got up and left during the final bows (seriously the rudest group of drunk bitches ever).  I booked it out after the show to pee.  Abs didn’t have to so she went to stand outside of the bathroom to wait for the rest of our group.  I hear “That’s HER!” and look over and these bitches were WAITING for me to come out of the theater!  They start yelling “We are at a concert!!!  Talking is expected in this type of situation!  And you were rude too!!!”  (of note....no one ever said they were rude)  Abs is looking at me with huge eyes and I was like “Wait...how was I rude!  You know what...never mind....Abbie get over here!”.  I drug her into the bathroom still completely appalled at their behavior.  Be proud that I was an adult and didn’t engage.  Once all of our group was done, and these bitches are still standing there waiting, we just kind of grabbed the girls put our heads down and booked it out of there. 
We got outside and went to stand by the buses again.  BSG was still manning her post and was quite possibly in an even worse mood than before.  She seriously hates fans.  She should probably look into different employment.  Thankfully we had a different security guard posted to our standing area.  He was funny and nice and roughly the size of a mountain range.  He didn’t seem to be that huge of a guy but he had a chest and shoulders that somehow blocked the entire sidewalk.  He also must know us (is our picture up in these venues or something) because dude kept a super close eye on Abs.  She must have looked shifty to him.  He’s a smart man and I wish I would have taken a pic with him.  We stood there and stood there and stood there some more.  We had met Val, but wanted to talk to him again (because my damn book) and Makayla really wanted to meet Peta.  My goal was to meet Val (for Abs of course....ha) and meet either Maks or Peta to personally give them Shai’s hat.  Peta came out loaded down with bags and went to the bus.  She came back out and headed our way to go into a different door (probably to get food, they all went in there) and said she’d come back.  While we were waiting, we saw quite a few of the dancers coming out.  Ivan was standing there talking to a crew member and since no one else would pipe up I yelled his name.  He waved and I asked for a picture.  He was super nice and came over (Mt. Everest was amused by this).
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After meeting him, both girls (and the rest of the small crown of about 15-20) were oohing and aahing over how good he smelled and I realized that my damn sinuses are still acting up and I didn’t smell anything.  I thought back to meeting Val (when both girls had the same reaction) and I thought my lack of smelling him was just because we caught him before the show and he wasn’t freshly showered.....apparently my inconspicuous deep breaths when I was standing with him were just fail. I’m super salty about this.  Seriously.....I may not ever be ok with the fact that I didn’t smell Val.  Shortly after we met Ivan, we saw Emily standing there.  She also came over when I got her attention and asked for a picture.  Mt. Everest was again amused by me while the others were plotting how they could always manage to be by me at bus meets because I not only recognized everyone by name, but was brave enough to call them over. 
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I think it was at this point that My Girl’s girl was attempting to convince her mom that they should come to Jax to do all tours with me and Abs.......I don’t think she was successful.  Lol.   At some point in this process, we saw JT a few more times.  I really wanted to get a pic with him.  I yelled his name and he threw a half hearted wave, then looked over and said “Oh Hey” and waved harder.  He did not come over for a picture.  He must actually have recognized me....he was like “Yep...that’s a nope all day long, that bitch is cray”.  He has since been relieved of his best friend duties....but it’s ok because Nicole and Alyssa (Serge’s gf) have agreed that they are better choices anyways. 
Finally.....the queen emerged and came right over to our group.  She is strikingly beautiful in person and so so so tiny.  She could probably share clothes with Abs!  I gave her a hug and told her I had made a gift for Shai for his morning inspections.  She laughed and then peeked in the bag.  She awe’d and thought it was adorable!  (Totally winning at life here). 
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She chit chatted with our group for a bit and talked about how they had had to adjust and reblock that day because the stage was a tight squeeze (which explains all the rehearsal stories) and lamented the weird lights outside that went from normal to pink to red (which is why the pics are kindof weird).  Abs asked where Maks was and she laughed and said she had no idea and that she hadn’t seen him since bows.  As she left she thanked me again for the hat and said she’d post it on insta.  I’m really hoping he’ll wear it (toddlers are iffy on hats....and all things really) but I’m pretty sure she’ll post it some how if he won’t wear it. 
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(Of note....I could smell her.....she smells like a girl.....flowery lotion.  It makes me more salty)
We waited a bit longer and still no sign of Maks or Val.  It was getting late and even more chilly and windy and we decided to call it quits at 11.  The time came and after me having to snap at Abs (she is a determined fangirl), we made our exit with the agreement that one of the remaining group would watch us until we got to the corner and they’d yell Maks’ name real loud so we could come running back.  Mt. Everest thought this was hysterical and kept waving to us while we walked off looking back every 5 seconds.  We made our way back to the hotel, I was again no help because while I can confidently get myself home from downtown....the hotel was on the other side of the river and I had no idea how to get there.  The girls were passed out approx 37 seconds into the drive home.  When we got there Nonna popped out of the van and looked down and saw her shirt button was undone.  She goes “Oh look at me, all naked!”  I died.  She is the best and I might steal her.  We sadly said our goodbyes and Abs and I headed home.  After I got home (about 11:45) I went to check and saw @loveisstatic was the lone hold out and got to meet Maks.  I bet she really got the wrath of BSG for waiting so long.  (Girl...you gotta vouch for me on BSG....she was serious!)  All in all, we had the absolute best time and I can’t wait to do it again.....next year.....after my wallet stops crying.
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glassesstories · 4 years
The Helps (2011)
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The story starts with Aibileen Clark (Viola Davis) interviewed by someone and asked about What does it feels like to raise a white child where her baby raised by other people? She was silent. Aibileen starts to narrate her life looking after little Mae Mobley Leefolt (Emma and Eleanor Henry) from the Leefolt family. Elizabeth Leefolt (Ahna O'Reilly) as the mother of the child but, Aibileen thinks she is not ready to have a baby yet.
Then Aibileen starts to narrate the other character which is Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan (Emma Stone) as no man, no baby. Skeeter just graduated from the University of Mississippi and applying to Jackson Journal as a stepping stone to become a writer. She got the task to do a column about cleaning advice called Ms. Myrna column because apparently, she died overdose from hairspray.
Aibileen then narrates again about Mrs. Leefolt having a luncheon with her friends and introducing another character, her friend Minny Jackson (Octavia Spencer) fellow maid for Mrs. Hillary "Hilly" Walters Holbrook's mother-in-law (Sissy Spacek). Hilly (Bryce Dallas Howard) is the leader of The Women's Socialite group and also president of the city's Junior League chapter. At the kitchen, Aibileen and Minny talk about their employee and Minny go to the living room to prep Mrs. Walter TV. Skeeter comes to the scene as also a friend of Hilly and Elizabeth.  They talk and Hilly is in need to pee but she holds it because Elizabeth's bathroom also being used by Aibileen. Then, Hilly purpose to the other ladies to build a separate bathroom for the helper or colored people. Skeeter is uncomfortable and tries to change the subject by asking Elizabeth's permission to lend Aibileen time for her Ms. Mryna column. Elizabeth asked why not go to Constantine, Skeeter said she quit. Along with the conversation, there is a phone call from Celia Ray Foote (Jessica Chastain) asking for Elizabeth but Elizabeth again but never get through her because Hilly hates her.
Skeeter goes back home and her mother, Charlotte Phelan (Allison Janney) tries to makeover her to be presentable for the family dinner. At the family dinner, Skeeter asks why Constantine quit which turns out she is fired and Skeeter having a flashback after leaving the dining room. In the morning, Skeeter called Elaine Stein (Mary Steenburgen) the editor in Harper & Row publisher about the story she wants to write. She wants to write about The helps point of view about raising white children who become their boss after they grow up. Skeeter tries to approach Aibileen first but got rejected and Skeeter can't have Aibileen helps anymore.
On the same day, the storm hits and Minny is in the house and wants to go pee but, Hilly insist Minny to go using the bathroom outside of the house. Minny lied and use the guest bathroom but Hilly knew and fired her while Aibileen is given a separate bathroom outside but, she is all sweaty inside due to there is no ventilation. Elizabeth talks about how Aibileen should be grateful for the separate bathroom. After Elizabeth has gone, Mae Mobley said the Aibileen is her real mother and Aibileen protecting Mae Mobley from the storm.
Minny is unemployed and returns to the Walters residence after bumping to Aibileen and Yula May Davis (Aunjanue Ellis) at the bus stop. Skeeter then approaches Aibileen again but, Aibileen refused her again. Skeeter then goes to the Missippi Council (I think) to acquire a copy of African-American rights and law. At night Aibileen got a phone call from Minny talking about how she lost her employment and her anxiety about what his husband going to do with her. In the morning after church, Aibileen finally decides to help Skeeter with her story, and the first scene of the story repeat.  
One day, Yula asks a loan to her new employer, Hilly but Hilly refused to give her and mock her decision while Minny prepares her daughter to be a maid also because her husband made her quit school to help pay the bills. Minny then goes to the only white that not gotten with the lie that Hilly made for her, Mrs. Celia Ray Foote. Celia is a very lovely and cheerful lady who bad at cooking. She is so happy that Minny accepts the position but, it was supposed to be behind her husband back. Hilly later held another society meeting for the charity ball progress while asking about the initiative she asks Skeeter to put on the newspaper she worked in.
After that day while Skeeter is writing with Aibileen, Minny shows up and mad about it but later comes around and tells Skeeter her side of the story. Later, Skeeter got a date with Hilly's husband's friend, Stuart Whitworth (Chris Lowell) that turns bad. Minny on the other hand teaches Celia how to cook and they have meals together. Later, Elaine asks Skeeter to give a dozen more interviews for the book with the help of Aibileen and Minny but none show up. Skeeter tries to approach Yula later on but got rejected and Hilly found them and forces Skeeter to write her initiative on the news. Skeeter did write about it but later give Hilly a prank by replacing old coat to old commodes which Elizabeth angry and spank Mae Mobley for misbehaving. Meanwhile, Skeeter watches the news about Martin Luther King's motion, Aibileen has to walk home because there's been a shooting. She walks to Minny's home and then Minny got so worried about Skeeter's story.
Nex day, while Minny was cleaning the house, Celia suffers a miscarriage and reveals to Minny about the other two and buried the miscarriage fetus in the garden. While Yula got arrested for pawning Hilly's ring that she found while cleaning. After this incident and Medgar Evers's assassination many of the help willing to share their story with Skeeter. Hilly makes another gathering in Elizabeth's house which Celia comes uninvited and brought Minny chocolate pie but later laughing at by the other ladies. Celia wonders what makes Hilly hates her so much and Minny reveals it that Hilly and Celia husband, Jonathan "Johnny" Foote (Mike Vogel) used to date and when they broke up Johnny married Celia due to, she is pregnant. Celia reveals that she has a relationship with Johnny after the break up not before. Celia also treats Minny's wound says that she should leave her husband.
Following the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minny fear the maids' stories will be recognized. Minny reveals the "terrible awful" she did to Hilly. Minny brought Hilly her famous chocolate pie but revealed that she baked her own excrement into the pie after Hilly had finished two slices. The inclusion of this incident in the book would prompt Hilly to crusade in denial that the book is about Jackson. On the night of the charity ball, Celia shows up and tries to make amends with the ladies and Hilly. She tries to make sure Hilly won Minny's Chocolate Pie but it only makes Hilly angrier and dismisses Celia.  The next morning, Celia is going to go back to Sugar Ditch and leave Johnny but Minny stops her and tells her the whole truth. Meanwhile, Skeeter confronts her mother about firing Constantine, and Charlotte reveals that during a Daughter of America luncheon, Constantine's daughter Rachel disobeyed Charlotte's orders to enter through the kitchen, embarrassing her. To save face, Charlotte fired Constantine; Rachel took Constantine to Chicago, where she later died.
The book is published anonymously and is a success. Even Mrs. Walters read and tells Hilly about it. Celia who finally sees what a manipulative bully Hilly is, and writes a check to one of Hilly's charity groups, made out to "Two Slice Hilly". Incensed, Hilly threatens Skeeter with legal proceedings, but she reminds Hilly that she would have to admit the pie story was about her in chapter 12. Charlotte intervenes, letting on that she knows about the "terrible awful", and orders Hilly off the property. Charlotte and Skeeter reconcile when Charlotte tells her how proud she is of her courage, the book, and her job offer in New York City.
After Minny does some grocery shopping, Minny got scared because a man follows her who later reveals as Johnny. Johnny then tells her that he knows everything and Celia told him also how Minny being around helped Celia to cope with life after losing their babies. Johnny then takes Minny to the house and turns out Celia has been cooking everything that Minny taught her and give her a permanent job. Later Minny got the courage to take her children and leave her husband and Aibileen got a little surprise from their church and give the book that full of 2 church society of the colored people to Skeeter and encourage her to take the job at New York and leave them to take care themselves. Apparently Hilly has a plan to get her revenge by framing Aibileen for stealing silver cutlery and she stood up to Hilly and bit her goodbye to Mae Mobley, ask Elizabeth to gives Mae Mobley a chance, and did her last narration that she find closer and looking forward to her future as a writer.
 Huh, the story really did get me or my emotion into a twist. The actor and actress are so good at what they do because I cried seeing Aibileen and Mae Mobley scene every time and what mother who needs to be asked to give her children a chance to feel her love. No mother should be told to do that. I also so pissed at Hilly but man Bryce really nailed the antagonist character. I also like Chris and Mike they really got the look and do act well based on their character. Emma Stone also did great at portraying Skeeter, she is really Emma stone style, I think. My favorite would be every scene of Minny and Celia. Jessica Chastain really gives me the vibes of Celia the young gal that married her husband for love. The story is not failing me at all, it was wrapped nicely and I feel like I intrigued every scene. For me, this movie really enters my movie list to watch over and over again especially a part where Minny play by Octavia Spencer told Hilly that she just eats her shit. It really makes me wonder if Minny always bakes her pie that way?
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shelbertforever · 7 years
*Music Keeps Memories:Part 1*
~There’s something ‘bout yesterday How fast it all flies away I don’t know what it is about a Goodbye kiss That makes you want to stay We were crazy, then we were over   We were breaking up, making love a Runaway roller coaster ~
“This can’t be it… it can’t be over.” Sharna whispered to Val as he sat next to her on her couch in her home in LA. They both let tears fall fast from their eyes making their visions blurry. “Val please, I can’t let you go.” Sharna said gripping the hands of the man sitting next to her.
             “I have to go, I love you more than anything but I can’t be what you need right now.” Sharna let more tears fall from her eyes, Val stood up bringing Sharna with him.
She immediately threw her arms tightly around him as she cried into his shoulder soaking his t shirt with tears.
             “I’ll love you forever Val no matter, what your family to me.” She said pulling away from him standing in front of him feeling more insecure and more vulnerable than she had ever felt.
            Val smiled as tears fell from his eyes “I’ll love you forever too.” He whispered pulling her back into his arms as she cried even harder. He ran a hand gently through her hair as his tears fell into her hair.
          “I love you Sharna, forever and always. We just can’t hold on any longer, maybe in a few years we will find our way back to one another.” He felt Sharna nodded into his chest, he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead.
         Sharna let go once again locking her eyes with his “Can we have one last kiss, a goodbye kiss?”
Val nodded bring her back into his arms as he pressed his lips against hers, a moment later she pulled away wiping away her tears.
“I love you” she said leaning up kissing his cheek “I love you too” Val said pressing a kiss into her temple.
          She watched as Val grabbed his keys headed for the front door “Goodbye Val” she whispered watching as he turned back to her “Goodbye Sharna” he said before turning and walking out of the front door.
        Sharna watched as he disappeared before falling onto the floor as the memories rushed back to her. The first time they meant, what a memory that was.
           Today was Sharna first stop on the Simply Ballroom Tour, she was excited and extremely nervous at the same time. She was only twenty one and she was now apart of an amazing Tour, she couldn’t be anymore grateful. 
        She was backstage and lost looking for the bathroom, she turned the corner only to collide straight into someone’s chest. She fell to the ground with the person she ran into falling right along with her landing on top of her.
          “Oh my goodness I’m so sorry” Sharna heard the person say immediately standing up off of her. She looked up at person who was holding his hands out for her to grab. She took his hands apologizing to him “I’m so sorry for running into you…literally” the man laughed shaking his head.
           “I believe I was the one not watching where I was going. I’m sorry again, I’m Val.” Sharna smiled shaking his hand “Sharna, it’s nice to meet you.” She said looking into his beautiful eyes as a smile appeared on his face. “Sharna what a beautiful name.”
       Sharna blushed almost immediately “Thank you, I’m sorry but I’ve been trying to find the restroom… I really have to pee.” She said giggling as Val laughed at her comment, “Its only a few feet away” Val said pointing in the direction of the woman’s restroom.
        Sharna smiled thanking him “Thank you so much Val. Right?” Val smiled “Right.Are you here to watch the show?"Val asked Sharna "Actually I’m in the show as a dancer.”
Val smiled nodding “Well it was lovely meeting you Sharna, maybe we will meet again one day.”
         Sharna smiled “It was great meeting you too Val. Yea hopefully we will see each other again.” She said before she headed towards the restrooms with a huge smile across her face, she didn’t know Val at all but she wanted to get to know, that she knew for sure.
             It was now the end of the show Sharna grabbed the hands of the two dancers beside her as they did their final bow.
That’s when she heard really loud whistle, she turned towards the sound of The Whistles. That’s when she noticed that it was Val making the loud whistling noises.
            She turned to walk off stage with a huge smile and a little blush across her face as she waved goodbye to Val who was still in the audience.
She hopes to meet him again one day, he was mysterious and Sharna loved that and his eyes they were just to die for.
-End of Flashback-
              Sharna moved from the floor to the bathroom, she grabbed her phone. Quickly dialing her best friends phone number praying she’d pick up.
“Sharna?” Peta asked questioningly “Shar are you okay? You do know the time right?” Sharna looked down at her phone just now realizing that it was almost three am.
             “Peta… I’m so sorry” “Sharna what’s wrong why are you crying?” Sharna tried to take a deep breath before she spoke to Peta again. “I…I..” “What? What happened Sharna? Should I send Maks to your home? Are you home?”
          She questioned desperately trying to figure out what happened to her best friend “Sharna is Val with you? Where’s Val?”
Sharna sobbed into the phone not being able to keep her emotions in check. “Babe please tell me what’s wrong?” “We broke up…” Sharna whispered into the phone. “Who broke up? What are you talking about?”
              Sharna wiped away at her tears as they fell quickly down her face. “Peta, Val and I broke up.”
Peta didn’t talk for a moment trying to think of something to say “Babe, what happened last time I spoke you two were doing fantastic together.”
Sharna cried even harder, “I don’t know, Peta. I let the love of my life walk out my door. What do I do?”
              “Babe, I don’t know what to tell you. I wish I did but I don’t have the answers to this one. Do you know why you two broke up?”
            “No I don’t he said something along the lines of he wasn’t what I needed right now and we kissed goodbye and he left…Peta I feel like I can’t breathe." 
Peta sighed into the phone "Babe if Shai wasn’t asleep and I wasn’t in New York I’d be there in a heartbeat. Babe just take a few deep breaths.” Peta said in hopes of calming her best friend down.
            Sharna listened to peta’s instructions and take a few deep breaths calming herself down “Peta, I should let you sleep. I didn’t even realize it was 3 am. I love you and I’ll hopefully see you soon, tell the little munchkin that Auntie Nana loves him so so much.”
          “Shar, are you going to be okay?” “Maybe not tonight, but I will be babe.” “Okay I love you so much babe! I’ll talk to you soon.” “Goodnight P, love you” “I love you too Sharna, goodnight.”
            Sharna waited until peta hung up phone before she did, she eventually made it back into her bedroom. She went to her dresser pulling out a large t shirt go through over her tiny frame to go to sleep in.
             Shen then walked into the bathroom to wipe her tears and clean off her now ruined makeup that was running down her face. She was pulling her hair into a top knot when she noticed the t shirt she through on was Val’s old t shirt that she may or may not have stolen.
             Tears started to pour down her clean face, blurring her vision. That’s when her breath was taken from her again as she gripped onto the large t shirt in her hands as the memory came to her, causing laughter with her tears that were still pouring down her face.
Sharna was now on tour with Val, Maks and Karina and a ton of other fantastic dancers. There in the middle of doing Ballroom With A Twist, Sharna was so blessed be a apart of this amazing group of people. It funny how life works because not only was she did she come to know Val but she was dancing wth him as well.
They were on their bus for the night, Sharna, Val, Maks and Karina were in the middle of a movie. Sharna was still in her dance clothes not realizing until Val had said something to her.
“Shar, your still dressed in your dance outfit. Why don’t you go change and you I will walk to the nearest 711 that’s just a mile and a half away?” Val asked as she sat next to him taking a sip of her water, she nodded yes standing up heading towards the back of the bus to go change quickly.
Sharna found her suitcase, she quickly grabbed a pair of black leggings. She was looking for her shirt that was a little large, but she couldn’t find it in her suitcase so she started to look around on the floor since their were some articles of clothes lying around.
A moment later she found the shirt she thought she was looking for until she realized looking into the mirror in the room that it wasn’t her shirt. It was way to big to be her shirt, so it was more than likely one of the guys. She already had it on so why take it off.
She picked up the scent of the shirt that smelled exactly Val so she figured it was his. And he always had the most comfortable clothes, it was unbelievably soft. She quickly found her black Uggs and Nike gray hoodie throwing it over that shirt she was wearing to keep her warm.
“Babe, you ready?” Val asked walking into the back room where Sharna was at, “Yea lets go. Are you sure you want to walk three miles tonight?” Sharna asked following Val, “I don’t mind plus we deserve some snack founds and slushes after tonight’s show.”
They walked pat Maks and Karina who were still on the couch watching the movie “Goodnight guys” Sharna said walking past them with Val still in front of her.
“Night, be safe you two.” Maks said watching as they left the bus “We will be.” They both said at the same time laughing as they did.
They had been walking for a few minutes talking along the way about family and Dancing with the Stars. Sharna didn’t know how but she really wanted to thank Val for being here for her.
After moving from Australia, missing her mom, grandma and dad, it had been really rough on her. Their friendship though was making things easy, she really wouldn’t know what to do without him. He had really become her best friend, they literally talked about everything.
They talked about other small things until they saw the light at 711, Sharna squealed “Thank goodness! I really need that slushee!” She said twirling in the parking lot of 711, Val laughed before pulling her back into his side as they walked into the store.
They got their slushes first, Val grabbed the cups handing Sharna one “Thanks V” “Welcome, what flavor are you getting?” “I honestly don’t know.” Sharna said looking at all the flavors that were in front of her.
“What about you? What’s your favorite slushee flavor?” Val looked over at Sharna laughing at her concentration looking at the slushee machine. “Why all the questions?”
Sharna giggled finally deciding on a flavor moving her cup underneath the Orange Cream-sickle flavor. “I don’t know…. I guess I want to know more about you… is that okay? I mean I know you a lot but not enough.” She said sticking a straw into her slushee taking sips from it.
Val finally decided on the blue raspberry flavor filling his cup up before sticking a straw into his cup taking a few sips as well. “Well I guess my answer would be blue raspberry, Sharna may. I think you know me enough already, maybe a little to much.”
Sharna rolled her eyes “Okay I have another question for you. Is it alright if I ask?” Sharna said grabbing a bag of Cheetos, while Val grabbed a bag of Doritos, nodding his head yes to Sharna’s question. “Why do you always call me by my first and middle name sometimes my last name. Why?”
Val laughed grabbing a pack of starburst, while Sharna grabbed some skittles. “Well Sharna May, no one else in the world has a name like yours. It’s just a beautiful name that’s goes with the beautiful owner of that name, which happens to be you….Sharna May Burgess.”
Sharna blushed as they made their way to the register, “Your far too sweet, Valentin” Val laughed rolling his eyes as he payed for their snacks and drinks.
“Have a goodnight” they said to the cashier who checked them out “You too, thank you.” Sharna and Val both nodded before walking out of the store with their snacks in their hands.
“Do you want to sit on the sidewalk for a little bit and snack on our chips?” Val asked Sharna waiting for her answer, she nodded sitting next time on the sidewalk. “So,do you like doing these tours?” Val opened his bag of Doritos eating a couple of chips before answering her question.
“Yea it’s fun to see all the fans, it’s nice to see how many connect with our dances.” They sat in silence eating their chips and sipping on their slushes, Sharna got a little chilly. So she threw her legs over Val’s lap cuddling into his right side, she leaned her head into her shoulder as they sat in the silence .
“Sharna May, I have a question for you?” Val said looking down at the girl curled up into his arms, she looked up at him smiling “What’s your question Valentin?” This made the both of them laugh before Val asked his question.
“How’s your relationship with Paul?” Sharna stayed quiet for a moment before she spoke “Its okay, we are figuring it all out. I mean with me being on tour and all it’s kinda hard.” She said taking a sip of her slushee, “I mean he’s a great guy. I just don’t know how long everything will actually work out for. You know how awful I am at relationships.”
Val agreed with Sharna before he decided it was time to head back to the tour bus, Sharna agreed with him standing up flowing him back to the tour bus. They kept talking to another about relationships and everything under the sun well, moon since it was almost one clock in the morning.
Val noticed that Sharna kept yawning so he decided to help her out so they could get back to the bus faster. He came to a stop making Sharna hit straight into his back “V, what the heck!” Sharna said rubbing her nose"I think I bruised my nose!“ She squealed slapping his shoulder.
"I’m sorry Shar, just jump up onto to my back and I’ll give you a piggy back ride back to the buses.” Sharna stood with her hand still rubbing her nose “Really, Val we aren’t five.” “Who cares plus I can tell your really sleepy. So just please do it.”
Sharna wasn’t going to argue with him, it was literally one fifteen in the morning and they were standing in the middle of nowhere. Val was right she was exhausted and her legs and feet were starting to hurt.
“Okay” she said jumping up onto his back as his hands pushed her up higher onto his back as he held onto her beginning to walk back to the buses.
“See, if you who’d have just listened to me.” Val said waiting for a smart response out of Sharna’s mouth only to have nothing. He looked up at her face realizing that she was almost asleep, he just laughed walking them towards the bus that they were sleeping in.
He opened the door walking up the stairs still holding up Sharna’s body on his back. He noticed that there was only a small light on and Maks and Karina were no longer on the couch watching the movie. So he quietly laid Sharna down on the couch trying not to wake up anyone.
“Babe, we are back…” Val said brushing some of her hair away from her eyes, he noticed her eyes staring into his “V? Are we back?” Val nodded helping Sharna into a sitting position.
Sharna took of her hoodie that she had on throwing it onto the couch, standing up almost tumbling to the floor only to have Val catch her before she face planted into the floor of the tour bus.
“Are you okay?” Val asked standing Sharna back up, she nodded trying not to laugh “Yea I’m fine just terribly sleepy.” Val nodded before he took a notice of the shirt she had on.
“I have one last question to ask you. Why do you have my shirt on?” Val whispered trying not to wake up everyone else. Sharna giggled falling into Val’s chest “I’m sorry, V. I was looking for my t shirt earlier and couldn’t find it, I thought yours was mine.”
She giggled standing back up looking at him smiling “I see, why didn’t you take it off?” “Valentin, your the one asking all the questions now?” Val nodded trying hard to not laugh “I’m sorry it was just so soft and comfy I couldn’t tell myself to take it off.”
“Well you make it look much better than I do. So just keep it.” Sharna looked up shocked"Really?“ Val nodded laughing at Sharna’s excitement over a t shirt that was old and worn down. "Yea it’s yours now.” “Thanks V.”
Val nodded as they walked back towards the bunch beds, Val heard Maks snoring loudly. Val went to get in his back which was the bottom beneath Sharna’s. “Wait Val, I never sleep good on these buses. Will you lay with me?” She asked looking into his eyes as he nodded yes.
He helped her up into the bed before climbing up after her, she laid against the wall. He shut the curtain laying down next to Sharna, she immediately cuddling into his warm side. “Thank you for tonight Val.” Val smiled losing Sharna’s forehead as he gently rubbed her back “Your welcome it was nothing.”
“Thank you for everything though, thanks for being my best friend.” Val smiled Reston his forehead up top of Sharna’s “Of course thanks for being mine to. You’ll forever be my partner in crime, Sharna May.”
Sharna smiled hearing Val say that before she slowly drifted off into a deep peaceful sleep as Val rubbed her back in gentle circles. She was lucky to have him as a best friend or as he said partner in crime forever.
-End of Flashback-
Sharna turned off the bathroom light walking to her bed, she crawled under the covers hoping that the blankets would do a good job keeping her warm since Val was longer here next to her.
Goodness the smell of Val was embedded into her sheets, everything smelt like him.
God she wished she wouldn’t have let him walk away like that, after everything they had been through. This couldn’t be the end, it just couldn’t. She wouldn’t let this be the end of them. She was almost asleep when she heard her phone go off, she jumped up grabbing it looking at the screen praying it was Val. It wasn’t though, it was Maks. Why was Maks texting her at almost four in the morning?
“Hey Shar, I don’t know what happened. I know it’s none of my business but Val came in with tears streaming down his face. I asked him what was wrong, he mumbled something about you and him. I hope everything’s okay, I love you like a sister and always will. I’m going to talk to him tomorrow. I love you Shar, goodnight”
“I don’t really know what to say I talked to peta tonight so she’ll probably inform you tomorrow. I love you like a brother to Maks, goodnight.”
Sharna smiled, but not long after the smile the tears fell down her face again. Would the pain ever stop? Would she and Val find their way back to one another? Would she be able to live without her partner in crime next to her?
She prayed that the pain who slowly disappear, and that she Val could be friends no matter what. If not she wouldn’t be able to go through life knowing she watched her best friend and the love of her life walk out. She just couldn’t.
~There’s something 'bout yesterday How fast it all flies away I don’t know what it is about a Goodbye kiss That makes you want to stay We were crazy, then we were over We were breaking up, making love a Runaway roller coaster ~
* Yay! The first part is finished! I really trying to make it into a OneShot but my brain had way to many ideas for this story. So I decided to make it into a two or three part story! I really really loved writing this one, there’s just so many emotions to put into it! I can’t wait for you all to read the next part! Hopefully I’ll have it up by Sunday!! Thanks for all the love and support! You all are the best! -Tori*
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sarahjane0886 · 7 years
The Road to Us 22
Book 3 - Til the End of Time - Chapter 10 - Strip It Down
The end of this comes with a Mature rating, you'll know when it starts if it makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to skip or ignore if it's not your thing. : )
"I'm stealing you this weekend." Maks announced after they came home from another round of wedding things. The wedding was next weekend so their lives had gotten extremely stressful the past few days.
"I'm already yours sir. I'm pretty sure stealing isn't necessary." Peta said as she sat down on the couch. She was over it and really just didn't want to go up to their room.
"No, no, that's not what I mean. I think we need a break." He said sitting beside her and pulling her legs into his lap.
"Babe, you do realize our wedding is next weekend, we have twins on the way in less that 4 months, and all our families are going to be here in a few days." She said looking at him like he had grown 2 heads.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know all that and what I know also is that this is completely stressing you out. And I feel like it's losing it's fun for you. Plus this next week is going to be even crazier. So I'm stealing you this weekend. No phones, no wedding stuff, no baby stuff, just you and me and relaxing."
"Babe, I love you and I love this idea but there's no way it's going to work. Do you realize how many of the little details need finalized for next weekend?"
"Two days aren't going to hurt. Please?"
"Maksssss." She whined.
"Sharna can help and Rumer and Val. And our parents plans are set. What else do we need to do?" Maks bargained.
"That's only one thing dear. We have to check with the caterers, check with the florist, double check my appointments and the girls for our final fittings and for the stylist the day of the wedding, finish the list of pictures that we want, finalize the place settings, finalize the table arrangements, finalize the djs list, figure out how to get me out of being away from you that night, and about a thousand other things." She said looking flustered just thinking about it.
"Holy hell." He said as his shoulders slumped.
"I told you." She said reaching for his hand.
"No, I refuse to believe this won't work. It's only Wednesday, do you have a list of everything?" He asked as he started rubbing her feet making her groan in appreciation.
"You're cheating but yes I do have a list." She said.
"Okay, well then tomorrow and Friday before 5 we're going to get through that list. I'll talk to Sharna and Val and they can help with the final stuff that we don't get to. You need this, we need this." He said looking at her sharply.
"We can't hand off our entire wedding to your brother and my best friend goof."
"We're not, we're going to accomplish as much as we can and then they'll help with what needs done over the weekend and we'll pick it back up Monday. However, from Friday at 5 until we wake up Monday, you're mine."
"You're not going to give this one up are you?" She said looking at him.
"No, I'm not. Like I said we both need this."
"Fine, if we can get at least half the list done, you can steal me. We aren't handing everything off to those and we aren't leaving it all til next week. It'll make the whole weekend pointless. That's my deal handsome." She said as she closed her eyes letting his fingers continue their magic.
"Deal. Now let's get you to bed, Miss Sleepy." He said he finished her feet.
"Will you rub my back when we get upstairs?" She asked quietly.
"Sure pretty girl." He said slipping her legs off his lap and then pulling her up with him as he stood. They headed up and got ready for bed before he rubbed her back, loosening all the tight muscles and spots she had going on.
The next day and a half was filled with the hecticness of wedding planning. They managed to get through half her list. Some things had to wait til next week though. Sharna was checking with the florist, dress shop, and stylist while Val was taking care of the DJ and caterer.
"Just us." Maks said when it hit Friday at 5 and he reached over and shut his laptop.
"Now what?" She asked smiling at him.
"You give me your phone." He said holding his hand out.
"But....Maks." She protested. She couldn't just abandon Val and Sharna when they gave them both jobs to do.
"They know babe, our families know, everyone who would or could text us knows. We'll check them before bed and in the mornings." He laughed as she realized she wasn't going to win this one either.
"Fine.....if one of them needs us...."
"They know where we live if it's an emergency." Maks smiled as he walked the phones to the kitchen and stuck them in the junk drawer.
"Now what?" She asked again.
"Now we relax. Come on, I have a surprise for you." He said holding his hand out to her.
"A surprise?! Maksim." She said as she let him lead her outside. Out in there backyard off to the side near the fence under the trees they had was a hammock.
"Surprise." He whispered as she stopped in her tracks.
"Oh my god, how in the world?! We were here all day? I've been with you nearly all the time these past few days!" She said as she turned to kiss him.
"I have helpers." He said winking at her.
"I love your helpers." She said as she kissed him again. "Do we get to use it now?"
"We do, I'm going to go get us drinks though. What do you want?" He asked.
"My tea please." She said as she was tempted to get in the hammock without him but decided to wait just on principle that her balance had gotten slightly worse over the past few months with her growing bump.
"Here ya go pretty girl." He came out holding two of their thermos drink containers.
"I don't know how to get in." She said laughing at him.
"Me either really but I did look it up because I didn't want you flipping straight out of it. I didn't think that would be safe for you, Ella, or Joe."
"Umm, probably not." She said skeptically.
"Okay so they say to back up to it, wait til it's parallel with your back and then sit. After you're sitting and it's not tipping then you swing your legs up  and lay down. I would assume we do the same with two of us. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten you this while were pregnant." He said slightly nervous now.
"It'll be okay. You try it first tho without me so you can get the feel and then I'll try it before we do it together. That was we can also see how to get out without tipping ourselves over." She winked. He handed her his drink and tried it. He did it pretty simply and she was able to see what he meant. It was her turn next and she managed to be just as graceful.
"Okay, we got this." Maks said.
"Wait, I'm going to pee first. If we get in there and I have to pee I'll yell." She laughed as she scurried into the house. She returned a few minutes later. "Now I'm ready."
"Alright, hold my hand just in case." He said reaching for her hand. They both slowly moved back to the hammock and simultaneously sat down and on Maks's count flipped their bodies. They both held their breaths as they waited to make sure they weren't going to tip.
"We did it!" She said as she snuggled into him, the hammock allowing her to cocoon against him.
"We did. Do you like it?" He asked finding their drinks and laying them against his hip as he wrapped his arm around her.
"I absolutely love it. Thank you baby!" She said pressing a kiss to his chest as her arm looped around his waist.
"You're welcome pretty girl." He said pressing a kiss to her head. They laid there for awhile just in the silence of the evening enjoying the time together and the new addition to their yard.
Suddenly Peta felt some movement in her belly. She had been able to feel the babies for a few weeks now but the movements weren't hard enough for Maks to feel and he had been waiting. She felt a harder kick on Ella's side and gasped slightly.
"What's wrong?" Maks asked alarmed.
"Give me your hand. Quick." Peta said reaching for his hand. She pressed it into the spot where Ella had kicked a moment before. "Come on little one, kick for daddy."
"Babe, it's okay it'll happen....." Maks trailed off as he felt a sharp jab under his hand.
"Meet Miss Ella." Peta said sweetly.
"Oh my goodness, hi sweetheart." Maks said letting his hand rest there for a few more moments. Peta then took his hand and moved it to the other side. It seemed that they usually followed one another when they were active and that so she thought this was his chance. Sure enough a few moments later there was a little tap under that side as well.
"Did you?" Peta asked looking up at him. The look on his face was enough to give her the answer. She leaned up and kissed his cheek quick before snuggling back into him and letting him enjoy his moment.
"Hi little man. You didn't want your sister to out do you did you?" Maks said laughing.
"I guess they like the hammock too."
"I would say so." Maks responded as he kept his hand where it was but laced his fingers with Peta's. They spent quite some more time out there before they headed in to do dinner and movies for the evening.
"So what are we doing today?" Peta said as she laid tucked into Maks after they had woke up the next morning.
"It's a surprise." He replied kissing her.
"Maksim Chmerkovskiy." She said trying to sound stern but really it just came out adorable.
"Yes Miss Murgatroyd?"
"That's soon to be Chmerkovskiy to you sir. Now you know I don't like surprises."
"Did you like last night's surprise?"
"Well yes but that doesn't count, you knew I wanted since I was on tour 2 summers ago."
"Okay, well I know you'll like this one too. Come on, I'm taking you to breakfast first. Just dress comfy, okay pretty girl?" He explained as he untangled himself from her grip and got out of the bed.
"Fine, but I want your jacket then please." She winked.
"Okay. Come on." He said as he headed into the bathroom to do his thing and get ready.
Two hours later they were pulling into a spa.
"Maks!" She said excitedly.
"See, I told you, you'd like this one too." He said leaning over to kiss her before he got out of his side and went to open her door.
"I suppose you're right. And you're coming right?" She asked just to be sure. He had gone with her in the past but it wasn't something that was his number one favorite thing to do.
"Of course, this is us weekend. We have pedicures, facials, and massages booked. I didn't do manicures because you're doing them with the girls at the end of this week right?"
"Right. Thank you." She said kissing him once more before they headed in. They spent the next 5 hours enjoying their time at the spa and just relaxing and doing them. Eventually they were done but Maks didn't go straight home.
"Wait, now what are we doing?" She said when she realized they weren't on the route home.
"Picking up dinner." He said pulling into her favorite Italian place. "Wait here, I'll be back."
"Okay." She said smiling while she waited. Not that she shouldn't be shocked but she kinda was. She thought this had been a last minute throw together weekend but it seemed like he had been working on this for awhile. She loved him for it though. He came back out and they headed home. Peta was in for another surprise when they walked in the door.
"I can't believe.....oh Maks." She said stopping dead in her tracks when she saw that the kitchen was lit up with candles as well as a bouquet of lilies were sitting on the table.
"Surprise." He said pulling her back into him with his free arm. Her hands came up to grip his and she leaned back into him as he held her.
"I can't believe you did all this all day. You've had to have been planning this for quite sometime." She said turning to look at him.
"Well, the spa yes, the rest no. I could just see you getting more and more stressed as the week went on and I wanted to do something to help. I didn't want our wedding week to be miserable for you. So I talked to Sharna and Val, who both agreed, and we figured out a plan."
"I love you." She said as her eyes were full of tears.
"I love you too pretty girl. Now come on, let's eat before it gets cold." He said as he guided her over to her seat and got her situated. He plated their food and got them both drinks before they sat down to enjoy the romantic meal.
Afterwards, he led her upstairs to their room. He had her sit on the bed and then disappeared into their bathroom. She had a good idea of what this one was going to be and she was thoroughly pleased with what she hoped was coming next.
"Would you want to join me in the bath?" He came out in only his boxers and leaned on the door.
"I think I'd be mighty crazy if I didn't want to." She said laughing as she stood up and let him lead her into the bathroom. She just smiled when she saw all the tiny candles lit around the room and the bath full of bubbles.
"I believe you have too many clothes on." He said as he reached for the hem of her shirt lifting it over her head. He slowly undressed her, taking care of her along the way. Then he helped her into the tub before following himself. He situated himself in the back and then helped her settled her body against his. His arms coming around her and resting on her growing bump as her fingers laced with his. She rested her head on his shoulder while his rested slightly against hers. They sat there for a long time just enjoying the quiet and each other.
"I know we said no wedding talk or no baby talk but I just I can't believe this is us right now. We're 20 weeks pregnant and a week away from our wedding and I wouldn't change a thing. I know our road to get here was crazy as all hell but it's what got us here. I love you." Peta said breaking the silence after a bit. She tipped her head sideways catching his lips with hers.
"I wouldn't either. I mean I would have preferred not to have hurt you in the process but I'm not sure we'd be here, right here if all of that didn't happen." He said kissing her once more.
"I think I'm over the bath." She said with a hint of suggestion to her voice.
"Is that okay?" He asked as his fingers grazed her belly and she knew what he was asking.
"Perfectly safe handsome." She said as he helped her up and out of the bath. He wrapped a towel around her and then himself before pulling her into him, connecting her lips with his. She held tight to his towel and kept him close to her as her tongue slipped into his mouth and she could feel her body heat up instantly.
"Bedroom." He said breaking their kiss for a second before slowly backing her to the bedroom. She knocked his towel off his body just as he did with hers making sure that they both didn't trip in the meantime.
She pulled her body closer to his as her fingers trailed lightly up and down his back. His hand traced up and down her sides before coasting over her bottom lightly. He grinned as he felt her shiver. He tipped her back onto the bed before sliding her up to the top. He laid next to her letting his hand coast up and down her body, stopping where he knew was important. His lips moved down to her breasts as he paid attention to them, enjoying hearing her tiny whimpers and moans as he slowly took care of her body.
Suddenly she had enough and pushed him backwards deciding it was his turn. She was a feisty little thing and he loved it, especially here. Her lips made their way down his body as he tensed up realizing exactly what she was about to do. She stroked him a few times before taking him into her mouth. He felt his whole body get hot as she slowly let him build up. He realized quickly that he wouldn't last much longer if she continued and reached for her.
"Stop, come here." He said managed to get out. She gave him a sultry look before taking one more pass and coming up to meet him. Their lips coming together as she pushed her body onto his. His fingers slipped down and entered her, making her thrust into him quickly. He tipped them so that she was on her back again and worked his fingers in and out of her as their lips and tongue continued their own little dance.
"Maks...I'm close." She panted, groaning in complete frustration when he removed his fingers from her. Her hips raised up trying to get the feeling back but she whined in protest. He moved over top of her and used his knee to spread her legs apart slightly so he could slip into her.
"Better." He whispered as his lips nipped her ear and that sensitive spot on her neck. Her back arched in pleasure which was his answer as she pulled his lips back to hers needing that connection as well. He found a slow and steady pace for them, taking his time and letting it slowly build between the two of them. He felt her getting closer and closer and sped up just a little arching his back to get slightly deeper. He felt her body start to shake as hers came quickly triggering his release as well. He slide in and out a few more times letting their bodies ride out the waves before he collapsed next to her. He slid out of her and pulled her into his chest as they both slowly calmed down.
"I think you can steal me anytime handsome." Peta whispered as her eyes closes in complete contentment. He felt her breathing even out and knew she was asleep. He pulled her in just a little bit tighter before allowing himself to drift off as well.
*Hope you all enjoyed this one. The next update in this one will be the rehearsal/night before the wedding. Hope you all love it. Don't forget to like it up and comment what you thought. Thanks for reading. I love you all!
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sarahjane0886 · 7 years
The Road to Us 20
Book 3 - Til the End of Time - Chapter 8 - Bringing It All Together
"Maksssss...." Peta called out in a half singsong voice and a half I need you voice. She was sitting on the couch while he was doing something in the office.
"Yes......" He said as he appeared in the living room.
"Are you almost done?" She said grinning at him.
"Almost, what's up pretty girl?" He asked as he leaned against the wall, knowing if he sat down next to her he was never getting back up.
"I'm bored. I want you back please." She said as she gave him a cheesy grin.
"I thought you were watching your show?" He said laughing.
"It's over." She shrugged.
"You had 4 episodes!"
"I'm over it." She said finally cracking up.
"Give me 15 minutes and I'll come back." He said moving over to kiss her before he went back to finish up the contracts he needed to do from the meeting he had went to last week.
"Okay, I'm back." He said appearing in the doorway again.
"Now what?" She said as she sat up and looked at him.
"You're the bored one pretty girl you tell me."
"I don't know, come sit with me pretty please?" She requested.
"That I can handle." He said as he sat down next to her on the couch and let her settle into him.
"Did you get all the paperwork done?"
"Basically. I need to sign a few more things before I throw it in the mail for Eugene tomorrow. So do you want to work on the wedding?"
"In a bit. I want a non-wedding moment. I feel like the wedding has consumed us. Which it needed/needs too but just a moment."
"I get it, it has been hectic. We can work on it later. We have food next huh?"
"Yeah, which I have an idea, but half an hourish...k?"
"Alright, so you want to just veg or talk or what do you want to do pretty girl?"
"I don't know." She shrugged. She literally was just bored.
"Well I believe we need to start talking about names for these two." Maks said as he rang his fingers across her bump.
"We do!" Peta said getting excited.
"Wanna do that?" He said laughing at her.
"Yes, but can I lay on you please? If I'm not too heavy?" She said softly.
"Babe?! You're.....I"m not even going there. I'll lose no matter what. Come here though, you'll never be too heavy for this, okay?" He said flipping them so he was laying on the couch and she was resting on him.
"Even when I'm 40 weeks and huge?"
"Even then, and you won't be huge, you'll be pregnant and carrying our babies and keeping them safe and healthy." He said as he moved a pillow to under his head before wrapping his arm around her.
"We'll see. But okay so these little ones need names. Any ideas?"
"I like classic or simple names. We are already going to kill our kids with our last name."
"We are, we can stay easy on them. What do you want to start with?"
"Let's do boy first. I like Liam, Matthew and Marcus." Maks said as he had already thought about this a few times. One of them being when he had been trapped on that damn plane.
"That was quick. Okay, I like those. Matthew is my favorite though and then I've always loved Joseph." She said as she began to play with his shirt.
"Joseph huh? I never thought of that one but I like it."
"Yeah, I mean as he grows he can be Joe or Joey. It gives him options, well Matthew does too."
"I know but I kinda like Joseph better, do you have a middle name?"
"Joseph Adam Chmerkovskiy, I like it." Maks said as he pressed a kiss to her head.
"Are you sure? I just took over that one." Peta asked as she snuggled into him a little more.
"I'm positive. I like it alot pretty girl."
"Okay, so Mr. Joseph's sister needs a name now." Peta said as her fingers ran along the side of her belly where their little girl lay.
"She does. I've always like Ella." Maks said softly thinking about a little girl that he had had in one of his first children's dance classes. She was a tiny little spitfire and she had captured his heart from the beginning.
"After the little girl in your dance class?" Peta said pressing a kiss to his chest.
"Okay, Ella it is then." She said sweetly.
"Nope, it's special to you which makes it special to me. Middle name?"
"Rose." He said.
"Ella Rose Chmerkovskiy." Peta said. "I love it handsome. It sounds very pretty."
"For a pretty little girl." Maks said as he pulled Peta into him a little more. They stayed there curled up for a while before Peta eventually drifted off to sleep. He knew her back was already starting to bother her with the babies growing and she wasn't sleeping that well. So he held her and actually closed his eyes himself. They both drifted off for an hour or so before Maks woke up to Peta shifting on him.
"I fell asleep." She said softly once she realized he was awake too.
"So did I." He said in his sleepy voice that she loved.
"I have to pee." She said as her stomach growled at the same time.
"And we need to feed you." He said looking at his watch realizing it was nearly dinner time.
"Yeah, your babies need foods."
"Little Ella and Joe." He said fondly.
"Yeah." She said and he could feel the smile on her face.
"Do they have any requests?"
"Mac and Cheese?" Peta said laughing.
"Seriously?" Maks said, not that he minded but it wasn't something she asked for often.
"Yes apparently that's what your babies want. Please?"
"You got it. You go pee and I'll go start." He said as he kissed her quick before helping her sit up.
"Okay, I'll come keep you company afterwards." They split up for a bit before Peta came and joined him in the kitchen so she could entertain him or well more so herself while he cooked. He finished up the mac and cheese pretty quickly and added a salad for them as well. They headed out on the patio to eat and enjoy the evening air. After eating they cleaned everything up before returning to the patio to work on the catering for the wedding. Peta rested with her back against the side of the swing and her legs over Maks's lap as he balanced his laptop on her legs.
"So do we know what we want?" Maks asked.
"Well, I was thinking..." Peta said.
"Dangerous but okay continue."
"Ohhhh shush. So we've got a lot of backgrounds coming together for this one, your Jewish and Russian, mine Australian, and what we both like now. What if rather than doing just one main course we did stations that represented each of our cultures and where we are now. Like we could have a Russian station with foods that are important to your culture, an Australian station with foods important to my culture, and then maybe we could have Yaron have Fratelli's do a station with some stuff we like now from him?"
"I like that a lot pretty girl. Now we just have to find caterers for that." He said laughing.
"Well Yaron will be easy. You can probably call him now." She said winking.
"I can, here hold the laptop babe." He said passing it over to her so he could call his friend. While he was on the phone she decided to take the opportunity to see if she could find either of the other two styles of food they were wanting. She started with Russian feeling like that was going to be the easier of the two and was quickly pleased with what she found.
"Sounds good man. I'll talk to P and we'll let you know exactly in the next few days." "We appreciate that a lot, thanks again." Maks said as he finally disconnected the call.
"How'd that go?" Peta asked as she looked up from her investigation.
"It went well. He said yes of course. He's going to send over the catering menu options. He said basically it's the store menu but there's different packaging and pricing. I explained to him what we are doing and he thought that was a great fun idea. And he also said if we have any issue finding a caterer specific to either of our cultures to let him know and he can see if he can figure out the dishes and help us with that as well."
"Oh my god, that's great. I think I got Russian covered while you were on the phone with him, and some of Australian but it doesn't have everything that I'd pick. Maybe we can look a little more but I can't even find anyone who has damper or grapefruit salad." She said with a look at which he cracked up at.
"Sorry babe, we'll keep looking. And if we don't find one we'll talk to Yaron about it. Ok?" He said as his phone went off with the email from Yaron.
"That was fast." She commented.
"Yeah, it was, he's on that. But okay, where did you find out for the Russian catering?" He asked.
"Traktir, it's in Hollywood and it has great reviews and a lot of traditional dishes. It says we can call and get more information."
"You want me to call and see what they'll tell me? Maybe they can do a catering menu like Yaron did and then we can at least figure out two of our options."
"If you don't mind, here let me see your phone." She said reaching for his phone so she could dial the number. She handed it back to him as he called the restaurant. His hand rested on her thigh as he played with the hem on her shorts. She looked a little bit more for Australian options but didn't have much luck so she resorted to listening to him enjoying his tone when he switched over to speaking in Russian to the person on the other end of the line. Eventually he hung and smiled at her.
"That went well I take it." She said smirking at him.
"It did, they are fans of the show so they'd be happy to help us out. They are sending over a menu with pricing as well as they are giving us a discount as their wedding gift to us."
"Maks! They don't even know us." Peta giggled.
"I know, I know. I argued with her. She insisted so I gave up. We'll just give them a big tip. Now did you have anymore luck with finding anything for yours?" He asked seeing the look on her face already.
"Negative. The only places here do meat pies basically and very little of anything else so it's kind of pointless. We can just ditch the Australian part." She said shrugged.
"No no no no no no. We aren't taking your part out. In all your family that's coming, none of them know a caterer? Could we fly someone out?"
"Handsome we can't do that, that's ridiculous." She said.
"It's not. Can you at least text your mom and ask? Yaron already said he'll help as much as possible so he'd be able to help with order ingredients and that and I'm sure if we paid him some extra he'd have some extra workers help this person."
"You're serious aren't you?" She said as she tried to take him in.
"Yes, I'm serious. Text your mom, see what she says. Please?" He asked reaching for her hand and squeezing it.
"Okay, I still say you're crazy but I'll text her." Peta said as she found her phone and sent her mom and text praying that it wouldn't wake her up at this hour. It was almost morning just not quite yet.
"Thank you." He winked at her. "You want to see what we think after looking at these two menus? Maybe we can get some sort of a game plan with them two?"
"Sure, here." She said handing him back the laptop so she could flip her body and lean against him so they could both see the screen. They went through each menu deciding what would be the best game plan for each station. After a lot of contemplation, they decided to pick two appetizers, one hot and one cold, two salads or soups, two entrees, and three side dishes from each piece. Fratelli's ended up being easy and they just took turns picking their favorite things to add. They then moved to the Russian section which took some extra time because Peta wasn't as familiar with all of it as Maks was. Finally they had both of those pieces figured out.
"What time is it in Perth?" Maks asked seeing Peta yawn.
"Umm, almost 10." She said as she nuzzled into his shoulder.
"So your mom would be at work now?
"Yeah, we aren't calling her though."
"Babe, I wasn't suggesting that." Maks said laughing.
"Sorry, I'm getting sleepy." She apologized.
"I know, I can feel you. I was just going to suggest maybe we should come up with a list that would fit for Austalian dishes like we did with the others. Then if she comes back and says yes then we can send her the list and she'll have a better way to talk to someone."
"I guess that is smart. Okay, start an Australian section." Peta said as she slipped her arm up through his and waited for him to do so. The next 20 minutes consisted on them picking the Australian stuff out as well as a couple other options to the list. Maks sent everything to himself so he could email everyone in the morning and then they headed in to get ready for bed. Maks let Peta get ready first as he locked up and everything before coming into the bedroom.
"You've got to be shitting me." Peta's voice echo'd through the bedroom.
"What?" Maks said heading in quickly. She very rarely swore.
"Mom texted back."
"We have two caterers in the family, both on dad's side and sorta far out but dad still speaks to them. Mom said to give her more details and she'll have dad call them."
"Seeeeee." He said walking over to her and pulling her into him before kissing her softly.
"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for bed?" She teased him with a twinkle in her eye.
"Yes peppermint breath. I'll be in with you in a moment. You can email your mom the list from my phone if you want." He said kissing her one last time. By the time he finished up and came back out she was laying his phone on the night stand and curling up under the covers.
"I explained everything to her, what we were aiming for and what we could help with and sent her the tentative menu. I sent her a text saying it was coming from your email too." She said as he crawled under the covers and pulled her into him.
"So kinda a half a step closer." He said softly.
"Yeah, a half a step and 6 more weeks." She said pressing a kiss to his collarbone.
"I can't wait. Love you pretty girl." He said pausing for her answer but was met with her soft deep breathing as she was already asleep. He pressed another kiss to her head before drifting off to dreamland himself.
**Okay, so I was completely and utterly stuck on the catering for this wedding and then a friend suggested this idea. Which I loved but then I was hit with the issue that no one serves authentic Australian food in the US which is quite sad cause some of it sounds delicious so while the flying in a family caterer is quite far fetched it's a pretend story so we'll go with it. 
"Finally as always if there's anything that you'd like to see in the future either in this story or in another please feel free to let me know. Don't forget to like this one up and let me know what you thought in the comments. I love you all and thanks for reading!
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