#luis reyes
figurecollection · 1 year
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Happy Chaos 3D Printed Garage Kit by Luis Reyes, from Guilty Gear -Strive-
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I need it to be January already! What a great mid season finale! Tied up the right amount of loose ends, but kept us on the edge of our seat for what happens next.
I knew Luis killed Francis! He had the motive. I wasn’t expecting him to be in cahoots with the cattle thieves, though I don’t know if he is actually innocent of that crime like he claimed.
I’m so happy that Gus and Calian’s friendship is back, and perhaps even stronger than before after making it through all this. That ending scene when Gus opened up about how he wanted to go with Calian, but Calian knows him well enough to know that his heart is with the town even if the townspeople aren’t always with them. It will be interesting to see how long Calian stays away from Independence. Whether he realizes it or not, he’s in the same boat as Gus now. His ties with the town now are with his heart, and not avenging his sister’s memory. I swear, I was tearing up at every Calian scene this episode. His daughter is such a wonderful actress.
Hoyt had me so worried this episode! I really thought he was going to stick by the Reyes’ side no matter what evidence was presented. I was so hopeful when he caught Luis’ tick, worried again when he walked out with the family, then when he confronted Luis I was cheering! Don’t underestimate Hoyt! I’m looking forward to see Hoyt balancing becoming the man of the ranch, and his alliance with Abby. Will Hoyt be able to become the honest man he wants to be in honor of his father and Francis? Can he stay in one place for Lucia and Anna Marie after running for so long?
And poor Abby. I’m in the opposite boat as you, because I like her much more now than I did in the beginning. She’s really starting to flesh out as a character and stand up alongside such colorful characters. I love that she’s finding herself out west, even if that path isn’t as linear as she would like or what she was expecting. I know she was disheartened at losing Calian’s trial, but failure sometimes teaches us more than success. And we can’t forget that Gus hasn’t forgotten about her and is looking for answers! How long will she be able to hold him off, and will she tell the truth in the end or end up tangled in a web of lies?
While we didn’t get to see much of Kate this episode, what we did get to see was heavy hitting. Leaving Pinkerton to become a free agent, fleeing corruption (just like Abby!). Finally free of her past with her feet planted firmly in Independence alongside her heart. I’m excited for Abby and Kate to take Independence by storm when the show returns.
And time for my favorite man Tom! Looking so ruggedly handsome as he slowly bleeds to death 😍 I’m loving his character arc, criminal trying to turn a new leaf as a (semi) honest sheriff. Not innocent of all the crimes Abby and the gang are unraveling, but I think he’s innocent when it comes to Liam’s murder. I think through Abby he’ll eventually find an appreciation for the law, despite what Kate and Abby think he’s pretty willing to go with Abby’s justice seeking whims. I couldn’t believe when he cut the noose! Calian’s final words clearly moved him. I think Abby is beginning to be torn when he comes to Tom, I could see it in her face throughout the episode. She doesn’t want to like him because she’s dead set on the idea that Liam’s blood is on his hands, but he’s always defying her expectations of his character. And you can see it all over her face when she finds him on deaths door. Old Abby would have let him die and claimed justice, but western Abby doesn’t know where either of them stands.
The sneak peak we got as to what will be coming our way in 2023 was great. Abby’s past catching up to her, more of the Native side of the west! I love how this story has unraveled, it’s all been so unexpected in the best possible way. I hope everyone uses the hiatus to start watch and catch up for January, because this show is worthy of an audience!
It was such a fantastic episode! I was legit tearing up for Calian! I'm starting to warm up more to Abby, but I'm hoping the arrival of her sister will really help to flesh her out for me.
I cannot praise the writing enough for this show. Every character has a purpose (though I really missed Kai this week), and the storyline keeps moving without any signs of slowing down.
"I hope everyone uses the hiatus to start watch and catch up for January, because this show is worthy of an audience!" YES!!! One of the articles mentioned that WIndy is coming out from under the 1883 comparisons and making it's own way (though I think they did that from the beginning), but I really hope people give it a chance and the hiatus is a perfect time to do so!
Thank you again for sharing your fantastic reviews!!! I shall eagerly await them in the new year!
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jujuygrafico · 2 years
Palabra sin Barreras: Presentación del libro "De Una...buena vez"
#Jujuy #Cultura #Sociedad | Palabra sin Barreras: Presentación del libro "De Una...buena vez"
Se llevará a cabo la actividad “Palabra sin Barreras” con la presentación del libro “De Una …buena vez”, producción literaria realizada en impresión física, formato digital, audiolibro y en sistema Braille.El Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano a través de la Dirección Provincial de Inclusión de Personas con Discapacidad, llevará a cabo la actividad “Palabra sin Barreras” con presentación del del…
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slaughter-books · 2 months
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Day 20: JOMPBPC: Lgbtqia+
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wfhandwatchingtv · 9 months
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Let’s race.
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minnesotafollower · 8 months
Cuba Arrests 17 linked to Russian Trafficking Network Recruiting Cubans for War in Ukraine   
As reported in yesterday’s post to this blog, the Cuban Government on September 4th stated that it “has detected and it is working to neutralize and dismantle a human trafficking network that operates from Russia in order to incorporate Cuban citizens living there and even some living in Cuba, into the military forces that participate in military operations in Ukraine. Attempts of this nature…
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lgbtqreads · 1 year
Fave Five: YA with Queer Autistic MCs
Tonight We Rule the World by Zack Smedley Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl by Brianna R. Shrum and Sara Waxelbaum The Luis Ortega Survival Club by Sonora Reyes The Many Half-Lived Lives of Sam Sylvester by Maya MacGregor This is the Way the World Ends by Jen Wilde 
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thebuhonerodazorrow · 7 months
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Blue Beetle #1 (2023)
Scarab Wars
Chapter one
Dawn of dc
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sonora-reyes · 2 years
Welcome to Tumblr, me!
Hi everyone! Welcome to my author blog. Here is my obligatory intro post.
About me: I'm Sonora (or Soni! Whichever you prefer is fine with me). They/them pronouns please! I'm autistic, schizoaffective, and physically disabled, and I like to be fairly open about those things, so you may see me talking about them here! You might know me from the book I wrote, The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School, or you might know me from being a hot mess on twitter, or you might not know me at all because I'm really not that popular lmao. I write lots of queer mexican books, and I'm really excited to share more of them with you in the future!
About my books:
The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School (out now!): A lesbian teen named Yamilet gets sent to a mostly-white Catholic school with her brother to keep him out of trouble. Yami decides to go back into the closet at the new school and vows to never fall in love again. But then she meets Bo...
The Luis Ortega Survival Club (out May 2023): An autistic teen gets taken advantage of by her crush at a party, which ruins her reputation. She teams up with an anonymous pen pal to get revenge on him, all while navigating unlikely new friendships with a few people that she least expected to side with her.
Feel free to ask me anything about writing, traditional publishing, book recs, or whatever you feel like I'm qualified to answer lol. okloveyoubyeeeeee
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boomgers · 4 months
La leyenda resurge… “Zorro”
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Diego de la Vega es elegido para ser el nuevo Zorro, pero él solo tiene una preocupación: desenmascarar a los asesinos de su padre y llevarlos ante la justicia, por lo que, en un primer momento, rechaza la propuesta. Tras repensárselo y aceptar el designio de los espíritus, Diego acepta.
En este año uno, del nuevo justiciero, descubrimos como Diego no solo se esmera en solucionar la desesperada situación de los habitantes de Los Ángeles y enmendar las injusticias que sufren, sino también en ganarse su confianza, logrando también el respeto y el cariño del pueblo.
En su búsqueda de la verdad, Diego aprende que ser un héroe no significa solo salvar a los demás, sino aceptar una enorme responsabilidad. Por ello, debe ser capaz de anteponer el bien común al propio, aun a costa de sacrificar aquello que más quiere: la mano de Lolita, su amor de juventud.
Además, descubre cómo es realmente California, un lugar en el que los indígenas conviven con las ambiciones de los rancheros, la comunidad china, los terratenientes explotadores y un gobernador corrupto y tirano que tiene sometido a su pueblo, obligándole a intervenir y a demostrar que los espíritus no se habían equivocado eligiéndole como justiciero.
Este inexperto héroe se abre paso ante todo tipo de adversidades para convertirse en un nuevo Zorro para los nuevos tiempos que vive la multicultural y cambiante sociedad californiana de principios del siglo XIX.
Estreno: 19 de enero de 2024 en Prime Video.
Creada por Carlos Portela, la serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Miguel Bernardeau, Renata Notni, Dalia Xiuhcoatl, Emiliano Zurita, Elia Galera, Paco Tous, Rodolfo Sancho, Cristo Fernández, Francisco Reyes, Cecilia Suárez, Luis Tosar, Ana Layevska, entre otros.
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cuartoretorno · 11 months
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María Antonieta 2006
A los 14 años de edad, la archiduquesa María Antonieta (Kirsten Dunst) es alejada de su familia y amigos en Viena, despojada de todas sus posesiones y abandonada en el mundo sofisticado y decadente del Palacio de Versalles, la magnífica corte real. María Antonieta es un simple peón en un matrimonio concertado para solidificar la armonía entre dos naciones. Su esposo adolescente, Luis (Jason Schwartzman), es el heredero al trono de Francia, pero María Antonieta no está preparada para ser el tipo de regente que espera el pueblo francés. Bajo todo su lujo, ella es una joven protegida, asustada y confundida, rodeada de pérfidos detractores, falsos aduladores, titiriteros y chismosos. Atrapada por las convenciones de su condición en la vida, María Antonieta debe encontrar la forma de encajar en el mundo complejo y traicionero de Versalles.
A sus males se añade la indiferencia de su nuevo marido, Luis. Asombrosamente, su matrimonio no se consumó en siete años. El tímido futuro rey resulta ser un desastre como amante, desatando graves preocupaciones (e incesantes cotilleos) porque María Antonieta nunca llegue a tener un heredero. Abrumada y angustiada, María Antonieta busca refugio en la decadencia de la aristocracia francesa y en una aventura secreta con el seductor conde sueco, Hans Axel von Fersen (Jamie Dornan). Sus indiscreciones pronto están en boca de toda Francia.
Tanto si es idealizada por su estilo impecable o vilipendiada por estar imperdonablemente fuera del alcance de sus súbditos, la reacción hacia María Antonieta siempre es extrema. Sin embargo, poco a poco, a medida que va madurando, va encontrando su sitio como esposa, madre y reina — para terminar trágicamente en una revolución sangrienta que altera Francia para siempre.
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I’m officially sending in my petition to rebrand Walker: Independence as a mystery. I don’t even know where to start this week.
We’ll start with Hoyt. I’m glad this week we returned to Hoyt as a serious man/wily criminal who happens to be funny vs being the comic relief. I was audibly aw-ing throughout the entire exchange between him and Luis. It was so sweet to see that the Reyes’ actually do care for Hoyt, and we got to find out a little bit more about Hoyt’s family. Everyone is so untwined in Independence, it makes for such an interesting story. I died when Hoyt protected the tree stump as a landmark, so funny. Him throwing the fight and passing out on a chance for glory to get money and pull his weight on the ranch was indicative of the kind of man he is (secretly honorable underneath all of the ruffian behavior). And not to skip forward too far, but did anyone else catch the look on Francis’ face when his father mentioned there’s potentially a place for Hoyt at the ranch? I’m wondering if he killed his father in order to keep the ranch for himself, he did not look happy at the prospect of sharing the ranch with Hoyt.
A surprising amount of insight into Kate this episode, though it’s not super obvious. A past affair with her boss (no matter what wording she used with Abby) has me wondering if she used her feminine charms to get her job as a Pinkerton agent. Her inability to see who Hoyt actually is has me thinking that sometimes her self confidence blinds her, and while it’s what the team needs it could be her downfall at some point. Side note: I don’t trust Elliot at all. Between his meeting with the Sheriff and brushing Kate off after it became apparent that she wasn’t interested in sleeping with him, I think Kate might be a free agent soon.
I was not expecting the former sheriff to be Gus’ suspect! I really thought it was going to be Abby. In fact, I wasn’t expecting the former sheriff to make an appearance at all. I had just assumed he was an old man who died. What a character Otis is (or rather was, do we think he survived a shot to the abdomen?). Obviously looks are in the job description for sheriff of Independence, and I appreciate that. The case of who killed Liam Collins that seemed so straightforward has so many twists and turns. Plus now we have even more unanswered questions. And it looks like Abby is going to have to take a little break from that mystery to solve a more pressing one and clearing Calian’s name. A shame that it looked like Gus and Calian’s relationship was on the mend only for another suspicious death to happen. Was Calian hallucinating the little girl and accidentally shot Luis in a trance? Did Francis shoot his father and take advantage of Calian’s state to frame him? Who was that little girl, and what does the town of Independence/Otis have to do with her disappearance? It’s a shame that Calian’s fears about getting involved with the town had come true- he’s framed and behind bars in a world that doesn’t care to understand him or even see him as human. At least he has allies now, but will they be enough? Will his people stand behind him? What’s going through Gus’ brain? Augustus is so hard to read. I have so many questions! What a good cliffhanger.
I fall more in love with Tom Davidson every week. He’s scheming, but not in the way we all originally thought. I think he wants to put his criminal past behind him, become an honest (or as honest as you can be in the west) man, do his aunt/family proud and put Independence on the map. It was so hot when he got in that ring, and he didn’t even have to take his shirt off. What a man. And the way Abby’s presence gave him the strength to get up and got back to fighting? I will do anything for a Tom and Abby slow burn romance!!! His smile when he saw her, and her look of disgust 😍 I’m also so here for a Kai and Tom alliance, those two could effortless run the town. It was so sweet that Tom made sure that Kai got a shout out in the paper alongside him, I love that he sees him as an equal. And I would love to see Kai go from working the railroads to helping run them.
Not a lot of Abby this episode, but everyone is this cast is so good I didn’t really feel her absence. I loved her dress and hair this week, and her horse matching her so well (meaning they’re both beautiful and polished lol). I love that Abby never backs down when the men are trying to protect her. She’s really finding herself. And Kat did such a good job portraying Abby’s heartbreak over her husband not being the man she thought he was. How do you mourn someone you didn’t actually know? How do you avenge the death of a man who may have been just as corrupt as his killer? Is it even worth doing so, or should she officially leave Boston and Liam behind in favor of moving forward? Her life is very promising for a widow (law career that she thought would never be possible as a woman, handsome men, good friends), it’s almost as though she’s better off without him.
And of course the cliffhanger! Tom being stabbed! Clearly there’s a conspiracy going regarding the Independence sheriffs office, and now that Tom is a casualty the previous suspect the Davidson’s aren’t the ones behind it. Nothing is as it seems. I’m assuming Tom lives because Greg has been filming, but it still hit me hard! How am I supposed to wait for next week? How will I survive the holiday season hiatus? This show is so good, it has surpassed all of my expectations and blown me out of the water.
"I’m wondering if he killed his father in order to keep the ranch for himself," Ooh... I hadn't thought of that! (I'm rewatching right now and Hoyt called the father Francis, so Luis is the son.)
Interesting thoughts about Kate and her self-confidence. I have a feeling if there is a downfall, it will be at the expense of a friend and might shake that confidence.
Why do I get the feeling there's an incredibly tragic story behind the little girl. Also, I'm going to have to listen to the conversation about Calian and Gus' backstory (and the references to someone being shot) because I'm reading the biography of Bass Reeves, and as the story goes, he was a slave who ended up in an altercation with his owner and fled (as a runaway slave) to Indian territory where he joined up to fight against the confederacy as a Buffalo Soldier. It sounded like Gus may have a similar story.
I worried about Kai owing Tom, but it sounds like Tom might be the right kind of ally. And I loved Kai offering boxing tips! Tom is a sweetheart that needs to be protected (especially from his scheming relatives.)
I find it interesting that Abby is technically the main protagonist, but I'm so much more enamored of all the other characters. I know Abby's story drives the plot, but I'm afraid I'm losing interest in her... (don't kill me!)
"How will I survive the holiday season hiatus?" I have no clue, because I have a sneaking suspicion they're going to end on a cliffhanger next week.
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callofthxvoid · 1 month
✥ - celia, vero, lui and mo (give me them family vibez)
change by taylor swift
but I believe in whatever you do / and I'll do anything to see it through / because these things will change / can you feel it now? / these walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down
no surrender (cover) by holly williams
well, we made a promise we swore we'd always remember / no retreat, baby, no surrender / like soldiers in the winter's night with a vow to defend / no retreat, baby, no surrender
i’ll stand by you by the pretenders
so, if you're mad, get mad / don't hold it all inside / come on and talk to me now / hey, what you got to hide? / I get angry too / well, I'm a lot like you
on our way by christina aguilera
together we'll weather many storms as family / that bond is forever, it can take almost anything / the love I feel for you grows every day / the more we get to learn from our mistakes / I think we're on our our way / through all the lows and highs / I need you by my side singing / I think we're on our way
here's to us by halestorm
here's to us, here's to love / all the times that we messed up / here's to you, fill the glass / 'cause the last few nights have kicked my ass / if they give you hell / tell 'em to go fuck themselves / here's to us, here's to us
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slaughter-books · 7 months
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Day 1: JOMPBPC: October Goals
My immediate TBR for October, 2023! 💙
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padmesgreene · 4 months
so i finally watched blue beetle and this movie is for latinos and latinos only. gringos, abstenerse.
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