sereniesstuff · 7 months
🌟 Hi! Here's a new video with my top main menu and loading screen mods for Baldur's Gate 3 and working on Mac OS! 🌟
And here the list of the mods I'm using in my 🎮 :
🔗 Astralities' Hair Color Supplement
🔗 Astralities' Skintone Expansion - Natural Tones
🔗 Basket Full of Equipment. SFW version
🔗 Cute dice collection
🔗 Ellian's Hair
🔗 Ellian's heads
🔗 Ellian’s trinkets
🔗 Eyes of the Beholder
🔗 Harpy Hairs
🔗 Highlight Revised
🔗 Horns of Faerun
🔗 Long Straight Hair
🔗 New Character Creation Presets WIP
🔗 P4 Custom Eye Colours
🔗 P4 Custom Hair Colours Highlights and Greying (Includes Darker Black)
🔗 Shadowheart Hair Down
🔗 Suan Eyes Preset
🔗 Tav's Hair Salon
🔗 Vemperen's Other Heads Repaired (Non-Replacer)
🔗 Vessnelle's Hair Collection
I also recommend these mods (which don't need you to modify the modsettings.lsx file but to just put them inside the designed folder), if you want something more immersive and practical:
🔗* Aether's Immersive UI: I'm using CombatLog, Dialogue, HotBar and PlayerPortraits
🔗* Better Maps All-In-One: I'm using Better Map 0.7 scale + Clear Map No Grid Transparent Shroud
🔗* Damage Preview
🔗* Better Character and Party Panels
🔗* Better Containers
🔗* Slightly Better Trade Menu
🔗* Slightly Better Split Item Menu
🔗* Slightly Better Topbar
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cadredmusic · 2 years
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gamingui · 8 months
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mtgacentral · 11 months
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Added vertex jitter to models and redid background animation
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appalachianlich · 7 months
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Y'all seemed to like the crop of it, so here's the full thing. It's the mainmenu screen for A Thing (there'll be a proper post for it later)
-edit- There are more pieces of this project here and here!
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Spotify wrapped #s 8, 14, and 47?
8) Main Menu (Day) - Jesper Kyd
14) idfc - blackbear (lmao)
47) Nutshell - Alice in Chains
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chiyoha1488 · 6 months
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sdtcnlp · 1 year
One of best Video Games Song
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aaazzie · 1 year
sorry for codeposting on main but I desperately need help with this code AHFSSJVSN,,,, i don’t really know where else to post this….
(copy/pasted from Reddit (unfortunately)- here’s that post though because it’s easier to read the code)
hello! I’m very new to RenPy- as in i started yesterday- and i’m trying to customize my GUI/main menu. I’ve followed this tutorial, and i seem to be having the same problem as some more recent comments; only my start button is working. here’s my code:
screen navigation():
style_prefix "navigation"
#xpos gui.navigation_xpos
#yalign 0.5
spacing gui.navigation_spacing
if main_menu:
#textbutton _("Start") action Start()
imagebutton auto "gui/mm_start_%s.png" focus_mask True action Start() hovered [ Play ("sound", "audio/realhover.wav") ]
textbutton _("History") action ShowMenu("history")
textbutton _("Save") action ShowMenu("save")
#textbutton _("Load") action ShowMenu("load")
imagebutton auto "gui/mm_save_%s.png" focus_mask True action ShowMenu("load") hovered [ Play ("sound", "audio/realhover.wav") ]
#textbutton _("Preferences") action ShowMenu("preferences")
imagebutton auto "gui/mm_options_%s.png" focus_mask True action ShowMenu("prefrences") hovered [ Play ("sound", "audio/realhover.wav") ]
if _in_replay:
textbutton _("End Replay") action EndReplay(confirm=True)
elif not main_menu:
textbutton _("Main Menu") action MainMenu()
#textbutton _("About") action ShowMenu("about")
imagebutton auto "gui/mm_info_%s.png" focus_mask True action ShowMenu("about") hovered [ Play ("sound", "audio/realhover.wav") ]
if renpy.variant("pc") or (renpy.variant("web") and not renpy.variant("mobile")):
## Help isn't necessary or relevant to mobile devices.
textbutton _("Help") action ShowMenu("help")
if renpy.variant("pc"):
## The quit button is banned on iOS and unnecessary on Android and
## Web.
textbutton _("Quit") action Quit(confirm=not main_menu)
thank you for any and all help!!!
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softpine · 2 years
hey if I were to write out something along the lines of “stop being so insanely time restrictive w ur simblreen stuff ppl have lives” would you mind rb’ing it? I don’t have a huge audience, especially when it comes to sims ppl, but between the fact that I work nights and weekends and the fact that I have multiple (mental and physical) I’m sick of people being such hardasses about time windows and doing that thing where they send the link but tell you like an expiration time that’s 12 hours later and all the BS.
I remember you talking about this (last year? year before??) and was wondering if you’d be willing to boost
tbh i’m a little wary of getting involved in any discussions about remotely controversial stuff because simblr is so on-edge lately lmao but yeah i agree that simblreen is supposed to be fun for everyone, not just fun for the 10% of people who have no real life obligations or time constraints. something i do want to point out is sometimes when links expire, it isn’t the fault of the creator, it’s just an accident. for example:
if you edit a link that you posted privately, it generates a new link and makes the old one unusable, so anyone who got that link first will be unable to access your stuff.
if your item is getting a lot of traffic, some hosting sites will temporarily disable downloads. it’s always best to have alternate download links.
private posts, or new pages on tumblr (example: softpine.tumblr.com/mainmenu – the start of my interactive game), are notorious for breaking for absolutely no reason. not only that, but they are also not visible on mobile unless you open it in a browser.
my point is that a little bit of understanding on both ends is necessary in this situation. simblreen creators can just as easily be overwhelmed and frustrated by this stuff as the people who are trying to download the content. however, in my opinion, there’s no need for anyone to create artificial expiration dates for their simblreen content. it’s meant to be enjoyed, isn’t it? so anyway, i would be happy to reblog something about this, but i wanted to throw my 2 cents in there first!
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jjrtuniport · 2 years
JJs Dev Diary - One Button Game
Today, Sam and I met and began discussing ideas for the one button game we plan to make. Sam pretty quickly landed on an idea we both felt would lend itself well to a one button concept. This idea was Morse code and through further discussion we decided the player should have to decode pieces of code. This mainly came from Sam wanting to have the game to have a Metrix theme with green text and green numbers falling from atop the screen but I felt that style is too synonymous with hacking and wouldn’t gel with Morse Code and decoding it. I told Sam what I saw when I envisioned Morse Code being WW1 and WW2 era themes and this led to discussion on the movie The Imitation Game where a large machine is used to decipher incoming Germen code.
We also talked about what software we should use like Unreal and Unity. We decided Unreal as I have used it before and because Sam has used neither so to save us both having to learn Unity, we have opted for Unreal.
Today, 28/09/2022, Sam and I met up outside Eldon Building to begin formulating our ideas and to begin setting the foundation for the project. We went to a IT open area believing that
03/10/2022, Sam and I have met up in room 1.123 and our goal is to bring Sam 3DS file into an Unreal project. Still don’t know how to open Unreal in the open lab rooms. Asked someone and they said it should be an icon on the desktop and not through the Unreal Engine Launcher but there is also dedicated rooms like 1.123 that will have Unreal on them. Sam has sent me his model that he made in 3DS Max but trying to import the file, the file type is not recognised. I have googled about Importing a file from 3DS Max into Unreal, I believe the issue should be resolved with changing the file type to something else “Save as type: Select Unreal Datasmith (*.UDATASMITH)”.
After discussing the file types with Sam, and .UDATASMITH not working, Sam tried another that would let me drag it into my Unreal Project but Unreal crashed after importing the file.
I done both ways but “Import All” crashed Unreal and “Import” imports everything singerly and not together.
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With further errors trying to import the 3DS file, and Sam having created a sound file we have decided to at least create a main menu and have the sound file play in the background.
I have done a small amount of UI work during previous projects but not in Unreal Engine 5. I know to create a widget and to implement buttons but setting up the code where the player can move the mouse or select the button may be difficult and require a youtube video.
Here I have created the widget and will now start laying out where the buttons will be and what it says within the buttons.
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In Unreal 4, the canvas was automatically implemented but it appears you have to manually do this yourself now, I had to Youtube this but it is pretty simple, type Canvas in the "Palette" and drag "Canvas Panel" in the hierarchy [MainMenu]. The Canvas is important because it designates the borders of the widget, everything inside the canvas will be shown. Anything outside will not be seen.
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I have added text boxes to the buttons, this will allow me to add my own texts on top of the buttons. This will help demonstrating to the player what each button does.
The font was a little small so I increased the size by editing the font size in the details panel for the text boxes.
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I have created the main menu and added functionality for some of the buttons to allow the player to progress through to the game. Next is to have Sam sound file play during the Main Menu. To do this I am not sure, importing the file should be easy enough but having it play specifically during the Main Menu and not after I am unsure how to do. I researched on google and YouTube but was unable to find anything that helped me achieve what I wanted.
(Will not let me post the video and upload the Tumblr post)
Me and Sam discussed implementing a sound so that the player has feedback during the game, Sam sourced the sound and I had aimed to introduce the sound into the game by this point but as we were unable to get the 3DS file imported, the sound would not have anywhere to go. Sam sent a couple of sounds that he found, the first one I felt did not fit well with the sound associated with morse code, it has a distinguishable click sound.
The sound would of been a way to feedback to the player that they are doing something, they can hear the distinct sound every time they press the button to interact. This would of been a way to assure the player that what they are doing, is getting read in the game and the sound acknowledges this.
In reflection, it might have been better to create a less complex game, something more simple and basic instead of creating something that requires importing assets from different software. I think in the future, definitely take smaller projects until Unreal knowledge is higher. I did learn some things however, or at least re-affirm knowledge. Things like creating widgets and now having to bring in the canvas, whereas before it was automatically in. Creating buttons within the widget that the player can click on and interact with the progress. Despite not really having a game I am happy with, I think it is a good learning opportunity to take more bite size steps until really familiar with Unreal to create what I really want to create.
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gamingui · 1 year
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yogananda · 5 months
Böjte Csaba - BEFOGADLAK - 2023. December 3. - Szászváros
Sokszor emberek élnek egymás mellett, szinte közömbösen. Rokonok, férj-feleség, szülő-gyermek. Statisztika szerint átlagban a gyermekekkel a szülők három-négy percet beszélnek naponta. Ez befogadás? Vagy csak együtt sodródás? Advent. Hát, mindent nem tudunk megújítani. De netalán ezt a nyitottságot egymás felé. Gondoljunk vissza. És legyen a jelszavunk az, hogy BEFOGADOM. Jézus Krisztus! Befogadlak téged az életembe.
#BöjteCsaba #Advent #befogadás #Szászváros #SzentFerenc #Betlehem #zarándoklat #befogadlak #Karácsony #JézusKrisztus #Isten #Greccio
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selkieblood · 7 months
stalker shadow of chernobyl is an obvious cultural touchstone for 2010 internet. immediately whiplashed by the creepypasta music on the mainmenu. also personally discovered the origin for cheekibreeki which at this point im not sure most internet users now are familiar with. the game is jank as hell also it crashes when i give men first aid a second time
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Progress Report Update 4
Finished up the MainMenu screen last week, I wanted to keep it simple. All buttons (Play, Options, Quit) have working functions. I also have my character designs ready; I'll be posting that sometime next week. Up next, I'll be working on developing Level 1 for my video game.
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