cedifop · 2 years
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CEDIFOP - INFO: ++39 338 3756051 (anche su WhatsApp)- www.cedifop.it - [email protected] corsi per OTS, INSHORE DIVER (Saldatore Subacqueo), OFFSHORE AIR DIVER (TOP UP), DIVER MEDIC SEDE: Molo Sammuzzo, Porto di Palermo
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endemix · 1 year
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Sea scent..... #gowest #liguria #sanremo #maremaremare #maremare #mare #seaside #mareprofumodimare #brasame #sanremopasta #sanremo2023 #mareblu #cieloazzurro (presso Brasa Me Grill and Restaurant) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrW3-u1IbeF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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samsdei · 1 year
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Marc Soler
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konjaku · 1 day
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眉白蠅捕[Mamijirohaetori] Evarcha albaria
眉[Mami] : Eyebrow; also read as mayu or mamie
白[-jiro|Shiro] : White
蠅捕[Haetori] : Captureing flies; abbreviation for 蠅捕蜘蛛[Haetorigumo](Jumping spider)
The body length is about seven millimeters. It is so named because the male has a white band on its head that looks like eyebrows. In the photo, the leaf it is holding onto is Ohebiichigo(Potentilla anemonifolia).
[Mukashi haetorigumo wo moteasobishi koto ari, kando nimo kumo wo tatakawasuru gi wa ari to kikishi ga, sore towa kotonari, mazu haetorigumo wo yoku yashinai oki, chiisaki utsuwa ni ire, hae no oru katae ni sashimuke, ichihayaku toru wo mite kyōzuru nari, mata futari sashimukaite, sayū yori ichiji ni hae no oru tokoro e sashimukuruni, sono kumo no yowaki wa moto no utsuwa e nigekaeri, tsuyoki mono wa masugu niwa hashirazu, hae no oru ushiro no kata yori haimegurite toru wo, wa wo kakeru to iu tozo, kono tawamure enpō no nochi sakan ni ryūkō, shōtoku no koro made maremare arishi to, aru korō no setsu nari, sate kumo wo takuwae oku utsuwa no hajime no hodo ha takezutsu narishi ga, nochi wa karaki wo mochii makie shitaru mo ari to ieri, tōji haetorigumo wo, zashikitaka to iishi tozo,] There are facts that people played with Haetorigumo in the past. Unlike the game of making spiders fight each other, which is said to have existed in China, tame Haetorigumo well at first, place it in a small container, send it in the direction the fly is, and enjoy watching it capture the fly as quickly as possible. And, if two people face each other and send their Haetorigumos from both sides at the same time where the fly is, the weaker one will run back to the container, and the stronger one will not run straight, but will go behind the fly and capture it, which is said to be called "Wa wo kakeru" (lit. surrounding with a circle). This play became popular after the Empō era(1673-1681), and was only occasionally seen until the Shōtoku era(1711-1716), an old man said. By the way, the containers in which the spiders were kept were bamboo tubes in the beginning, but later, karaki(exotic non-Japanese woods, or ebony, rosewood, mahogany, etc.) were used, and some were said to have been decorated with maki-e lacquer. In those days, Haetorigumo was said to be called Zashiki-taka(Falcon on the room floored with tatami mats). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maki-e From 足薪翁記[Sokushin'ō-ki] written by 柳亭種彦[Ryūtei Tanehiko] quoted in 広文庫[Kōbunko] Source: https://dl.ndl.go.jp/pid/969100/1/506 (ja)
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perqueheplorat · 1 month
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S'ha anunciat el repartiment de Mar i cel 2024!
Aquí el teniu. Hi afegeixo algunes obres on han sortit els actors que potser reconeixeu.
Blanca: Alèxia Pascual (ex-concursant d'Eufòria)
Saïd: Jordi Garreta
Ferran i Arquebisbe Ribera: Eloi Gómez (sens dubte, un dels actors joves amb més experiència al teatre musical als escenaris catalans: L'alegria que passa, El petit príncep, El despertar de la primavera, Golfus de Roma, Next to Normal, Paràsits el musical, Sweeney Todd...)
Joanot: Abel Garcia
Felip, Duc de Lerma i Caporal: Bittor Fernández (l'actor que fa de Titó a l'S3, que també té experiència al teatre musical en diverses obres per a públic familiar i El despertar de la primavera, Cantando bajo la lluvia, Carrie, The producers)
Hassèn: Albert Gràcia (llarga experiència també en el teatre musical espanyol i català, a produccions a Madrid com El rey león i La bella y la bestia i vàries a Catalunya, incloent-ne amb La Cubana)
Idriss: Berta Luna (ex-concursant de La Voz Kids, si no m'equivoco serà la seva 2a obra professional després del Médico)
Don Carles: Xavi Fernández (qui ja havia interpretat aquest paper anteriorment als revivals del 2004 i del 2014-2016)
Mare de Saïd i Teresa: Clara Renom (ja ha cantat anteriorment obra de Guinovart en versió concert)
Malek i soldat: Sergio Escribano (també amb participació a musicals a Madrid i al País Valencià)
Maria i dona morisca: Candela Díaz
Osman i soldat: Esteve Roig
Salam, baró de Dénia i soldat: Cisco Cruz (Maremar i El petit príncep)
Rei Felip II, Albanès i soldat: Albert Mora
Reina Margarida, Carme i dona morisca: Anna Alborch (guanyadora del Premi a Millor Actriu de Musical dels Premis Butxaca 2008 pel seu paper a Ruddigore o la nissaga maleïda, ha participat a molts altres musicals inclòs Scaramouche)
Saïd nen i Montserrat: Estel Aparicio
Rosa i dona morisca: Carme Giner (cantant de música tradicional valenciana, ha aparegut en diverses sèries d'À Punt com ara L'alqueria blanca)
Abderrahim i Idriss 2: Biel Llongueras
Pare de Saïd: Guillem Ripoll
Mohamed i soldat: Guillem Fole (L'alegria que passa)
13 músics a l'orquestra
Enhorabona per aquest repartiment tan prometedor!
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vanilla-cigarillos · 1 year
Vættr (Norse Supernatural Creatures)
“Na kjem vætr’n og te deg.”
“Now the vættr will come and take you.” 
Nordic tradition tells children to behave, lest the supernatural come to take them. Stories are told to prevent children from daring too close to the ice, the forest, or the sea. In this post, I’ll be detailing some of the vættr you might hear about in areas where Old Norse traditions are still found.
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In stories, trolls are known for being massive creatures who are very old and very strong (though also lacking in intelligence). They are man-eaters who turn to stone in the sunlight, scaring children from braving the outskirts of a safe village at night.
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The Huldra is a troll-like woman living in the woods. Don’t be fooled by the description of troll; the Huldra is fair and beautiful, with long blonde hair and a cow’s tail. She is wild, and hides this tail behind her back when meeting a human for the first time. She captures humans of all gender by using the seductive powers of her body, enchanting the mind with her singing. Legends say that if you travel to waterfalls, you might still be able to hear the Huldra’s songs (and see a glimpse of the creature herself).
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Also known as elves, they are described as lovely human creatures just like the Huldra. Alvs are extremely skilled in both illusion and magic. They typically hide within in the mist, their shapes changing form with each blink. Within the mist they perform the Alvedans, the dance of the elves. 
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Small creatures that live in barns, Nissen look after the home when the farmer is asleep (only if the farmer puts out food and doesn’t disregard his own duties). Is Nissen are treated badly/ignored, or if the farm is left untreated, the creatures will sabotage work around the home. 
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The Tusse are little people who live in the underworld. It’s likely that if you hear laughter in the forest, it’s the Tussene watching you (and potentially playing a few tricks on you). Most of the time, they will hide upon hearing a human coming too close. However, if you don’t show respect to them or the forest they live in, they will in return make you feel unwelcomed.
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Also known as the Nykjen, this is a terrifying and dangerous creature living in every Nordic body of water. It is a shape shifter who can take any form that will most impact its victim. Regardless of its form, the Nøkken uses its music to lure victims to the edge of the water where it drags victims to the depths. 
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Mares/Mara refers to an evil spirit that rides on people’s chests as they sleep, giving them nightmares. 
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The Draugen is a vengeful walking dead, the ghost of a fisherman lost at sea and unable to be buried in holy ground. He brings death to those who witness him, and is often associated with any turbulent experiences at out in the ocean. 
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crestametalica · 8 months
Tour "Réquiem Para Un Zapato" de Zapato 3 llega a Lechería 
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cunctatormax · 8 months
Buhera District is a rural district. The local economy depends mainly on farming. The main crops are: maize, millet (mhunga), roundnuts (nyimo) and groundnuts (nzungu). Cattle ranching is also practiced in the district. Although the rains are not very reliable, the area is fertile with several irrigation schemes for the populace to supplement their meager harvests. However the schemes are now in sorry state due to government neglect. The ranching and wildlife make life enjoyable and fruitful. The largest employer in the district is Dorowa Minerals, a phosphate mine, which employs about 300 people.
The highest mountain in Buhera is Maremare near Mutiusinazita in Buhera South.
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soyjameljonas · 1 year
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“La reactivación, reanimación y expansión” de una nueva cartera de turismo para la inversión y préstamo directo a los emprendedores, en moneda nacional e internacional, a partir de la banca privada y pública del país, anunció el presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro. En la Clausura de la XV edición de la Feria Internacional de Turismo de Venezuela (FITVen 2022) y entrega del Premio Nacional de Turismo, desde el Hotel Maremares, en Lecherías, señaló que la finalidad es “aumentar la cartera de créditos en todas las monedas, en especial otorgar los créditos en todas las carteras”, convocatoria para la cual instó a la ministra de Finanzas, Delcy Rodríguez; y a presidentes de bancos privados, abocarse a la tarea. “(…) para que la plata que llega, si llega en dólares, en rublos o en yuanes, llega y se recupera este hotel, esa plata te la pagan completa otra vez, rápido y completo. El nivel de morosidad en los pagos de los créditos en Venezuela en bolívares y en dólares es casi cero”, destacó el jefe de Estado como indicador económico de primer nivel, lo que atribuye a que “la gente está recibiendo créditos y está pagando porque está prosperando económicamente”, dijo. También informó que el Ejecutivo se encuentra trabajando al detalle el Plan de Crecimiento Económico 2023-2030, que contempla una evaluación motor por motor. “Son 18 motores, cada uno lo estamos trabajando al detalle. Esa es una estrategia económica que asumimos en el 2016, primero, para la fase de resistencia, los 18 motores, ante 763 sanciones económicas contra Venezuela”, recordó el Mandatario nacional. El Jefe de Estado señaló que Venezuela se ubica en una nueva etapa que es la del renacimiento, la recuperación, la expansión y el surgimiento de una nueva economía que no dependa del petróleo, sino de “nuevos factores y nuevos motores”. Insistió en que uno de los motores fundamentales que ya está posicionado y es una realidad es el del turismo nacional e internacional. “Venezuela es una realidad y uno de los países más bellos y más completos que existen en América Latina, El Caribe y el mundo”, e (en Municipio Independencia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClkTiEeL45q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cedifop · 2 years
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CEDIFOP - INFO: ++39 338 3756051 (anche su WhatsApp)- www.cedifop.it - [email protected] corsi per OTS, INSHORE DIVER (Saldatore Subacqueo), OFFSHORE AIR DIVER (TOP UP), DIVER MEDIC SEDE: Molo Sammuzzo, Porto di Palermo -----------------------
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ingridysuscosas · 1 year
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elytrafemme · 2 years
MAREMARE OHMY GOD!!!!!! HAPPPYYBIRTHDAYYY loveyou LOTS sending alllllthe love in the world !!!!!!!!
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lhosgabello · 2 years
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Avete già levato l’ancora oppure siete ancora in rada? Avete bevuto un buon caffè, rigorosamente della moka? Lo sapete che in barca si evita il vetro e altri materiali che si possono rompere, creando difficoltà per l’equipaggio. Noi siamo attrezzati! Tazzine da caffè GUZZINI. Plastica per alimenti è il materiale giusto. Nº8 piattini Nº8 tazzine (una ha sbagliato “candeggio”) Condizioni vintage buone. Spedizione da concordare. Dimensioni: diametro piattino 12cm diametro tazzina 6cm h 6cm Prezzo: 37euro #barca #sailing #sailingboat #coffee #tazzina #vintage #madeinitaly #tazza#anni70 #70s #plasticdesign #logo #serviziodacaffè #tazzeinplastica #outdoors #guzzini #tazzinedacampeggio #glamcamping #stoviglie #guzzinivintage #picnic #maremare #marinaro #boatholydays #onthebeach #utopiedutoutplastique #lhosgabello (at L'ho Sgabello) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfgEoA9spwh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zu-is-here · 2 years
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Spread your wings
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viaggiareadubai · 3 years
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Dubai mare come è? Dubai spiaggie come sono? @visitaredubai . . . . . . #dubaimare #maredubai #dubaispiaggia #spiaggiadubai #spiaggiedubai #maré #maremaremare #mareprofumodimare #maremare #maremmasofinstagram #marecristallino #mareaverde #maredautunno #spiaggiabianca #spiaggiagrande #spiaggia🌴 #spiaggia #vacanzamare #viaggiare #vacanza #turismo #turista #viaggiando #viaggiandoviaggiando #viaggiandosimpara #sole https://www.instagram.com/p/CO5rfx-HE3_/?igshid=ms1hvyrt85fr
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stregattasblog · 4 years
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Quello che mi manca di più in questo momento è il poter salire sulla mia collina a vedere il mare. Posso vivere tranquillamente senza shopping ed aperitivi, senza troppi contatti umani, quelli a cui tengo ( pochi) ci saranno anche dopo.Ma il sentire la natura che esplode, rinasce , fiorisce, e non poter danzare per i prati, camminare nei boschi, vedere quel mare luccicante che ho negli occhi fin dalla nascita, quello mi manca da impazzire. 
Ph.Trieste,Barcolana 2019
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