#mastodon band
moved-to-piersgender · 10 months
I feel like everyone should get to see my favorite music video if they haven't yet. It's an entire psychedelic 80s fantasy film squeezed into 6 minutes- starring a cat!
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seankinney · 9 months
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okaytomakemistakes · 12 days
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jentirely-true · 8 months
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samdunn · 1 year
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Pleased to reveal this latest Valentine’s Day design for Mastodon 💖🦌
Available now from their official stores! -
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the-shepherd-of-fire · 4 months
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The best EP ever released.
Cold Dark Place // Mastodon
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seppiratu · 4 months
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brian damage
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possible-streetwear · 3 months
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key-to-everything · 8 months
Mastodon - The Motherload Once More 'Round The Sun
This time, this time Things'll work out just fine We won't let you slip away
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dyscomancer · 8 months
people bothering me at my job to do "work" and "tasks" and "what you're paid to do" like excuse you i am TRYING to listen to Mastodon
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brothertedd · 2 months
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wonderlustxennial · 1 year
Can any Mastodon fans help me with this artwork?
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I am embarrassingly out of date. Does it have any thematic connections to the lyrical content of their music? What about the artist, Skinner? Any insight you could provide would be helpful.
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dutiful-wildcraft · 4 months
Metal Band AU
Because its been rotting my brain :^)
Soap, drums/vocals shares lead vocals equally, how this man can drum and sing at the same time is beyond anyone else. Never wears a shirt.  He and Gaz banter back and forth on stage a bit. Managed to break his sticks every other show. Dumps bottles of water on himself mid-show to cool off (you can literally see the steam coming off of him). Surprisingly does most of the lyrical writing for the group.  He always does the little thank you speech and introduces everyone at the end. Jumps onto Ghost's back every time they leave stage. The larger man carries him dutifully. 
Gaz, rhythm guitar/ lead vocals. Can't stop moving around stage. Bouncing between the others. Is grinning the entire time. Fucks with Price and Ghost during their solos, flirtatiously leans on them, rubs their chest, hugs a leg dreamily.  Chatty, loves to start a pit. Mostly just throws in genuine “Thank yous’” between every song. Playfully shoos away Ghost away from his center stage like a little brat after Ghost’s solo. Plays the piano for the trademark ballad. Flirts with the crowd while on stage. 
Price, Bass/backing vocals. Sickening in how well he plays, not super energetic on stage, most of its pacing and occasionally propping a leg up on a speaker. Rarely talks, but does play a bit with the crowd. Pointing, giving cheeky winks or blowing kisses. Wanders over to Gaz mostly, giving him a playful kick or nudge. Smiling warmly. Will climb down himself to pass off his pick to a lovely fan. He is dressed wildly different than that overall vibe of the band. Usually a flannel and beanie. 
Ghost, lead guitar. Absolutely shreds. Where’s the same exact outfit every time. Keeps the balaclava and hood up the entire show. All the fans have the hots for him bc of it.  No one knows how the hood stays with all the headbanging. (it’s velcro)  Semi-frightening on stage. Never speaks. Unphased by Gaz wallowing on him. He and Price move around each other with grace. Fans have noticed that he's the most playful with Soap. They do a bit where they trade places during certain songs. Ghost pretends to be exasperated with the shorter scott trying to steal his guitar. (They actually do pretty well on the others instrument). Occasionally he’ll chunk his extra picks at Price from across stage to fuck with him.
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okaytomakemistakes · 18 days
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tauon07 · 4 months
hate matthew mullenwanker? you should join the fediverse, NOW!
the fediverse is totally awesome. it's a magical system, sort of like email, meaning anyone on different websites can talk to each other, seamlessly! (usually seamlessly. sort of. kinda.)
there are a ton of awesome websites (known as instances) you can join! if you don't like one, that's fine, because the magic of the fediverse allows you to follow people on all the other ones!
some of my favourite are:
wafrn (short for "we allow female representing nipples") made by our own @gabbomanestamuyloco - it's a tumblr-like social media written in angular. it supports tags with spaces and symbols like tumblr does.
transfem.social (an instance of sharkey, hosted by transfem.org) - it's more like twitter, but so much better! it allows advanced post formatting allowing for animations and custom emojis and even more! it also has emoji reactions on it.
goblin.band - another tumblr-like fedi instance, based on firefish, so it's similar to transfem.social, but it has traditional tumblr features such as notes and reblogging. i think it also has tags with spaces but i'm not fully sure since i've never used it.
wet-dry world - an instance of mastodon, running on a modified software called chuckya. it has emoji reactions too, and it has a cleaner ui theme made by freeplay (but the old one can be turned on in settings). they also have tim sweeney from epic games, and steam from steam (not really)
(there is also the software akkoma, but i don't know any good instances of it, sorry! >w<)
now what?
first, once you've set up your profile, you should make a post using #introduction as a hashtag. just say a little about yourself and what you like. you should also mention that you come from tumblr, people are really nice to tumblr users on fedi.
also, you should understand fedi is different to tumblr. you should do stuff like put alt text on images, and use content warnings on your posts.
next, you should follow some cool people! here are a list of some i know:
follow me if you want, i'm @[email protected]
@gabbomanestamuyloco is @[email protected]
@puppygirl-hornyposting2 is @[email protected]
@[email protected] is a shitposter (and really nice person :3) with lots of interesting history
@beigely is @[email protected]
@[email protected] is my bestie and she would really appreciate more followers i think :3
there are lots of other cool people you will see quickly once you start interacting with people :3
maybe this is just me, but after i joined fedi i started noticing a lot more "mastodon" or fedi links on peoples' websites, so i found a lot of cool accounts that way. keep an eye out!
i hope you have fun with your new knowledge about the other places out there, just a few clicks away. :3
also this is my first long tumblr post sorry if it's bad >w<
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bew2tched · 1 year
putting this on my art blog instead
my wonderful parent made me a battle jacket after our first ghost show last year (i think you can tell my favourite)
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