#meg xuemei x
books-in-a-storm · 3 months
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Currently Reading 💛
Dinosaurs, Doubts & Albert Einswine & Death God
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petiteblasee · 5 months
Um livro fora da sua zona de conforto
Girls - The Luna Brothers
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A escolha dessa leitura foi bem no "mamãe mandou eu escolher..." ao abrir meu kindle e não poderia ter acertado mais no desafio do mês.
O sci-fi é um gênero que não sou muito fã mas, admito, é bastante surpreendente, e a história aqui entregou essa surpresa, apesar d'eu achar tudo bem bizarro. Até a parte de aparecer uma moça estranha no meio da noite de forma misteriosa, eu estava ok, mas depois desse ponto, foi só ladeira abaixo, e eu só aceitei o caos. Por conta do absurdo, confesso que dei algumas risadas, principalmente quando a galera descobria como a espécie se reproduzia - homens, né -, mas o nervoso também chegou com os homens não tendo autocontrole algum e culpando as mulheres por isso - a mulherada passando um sufoco da poxa e ainda tendo que lidar com o drama dos caras é pra acabar! A união faz a força, mas foi penoso. Quem quiser arriscar numa bizarrice, essa leitura é um bom passatempo, mas não terminei fã da história e acredito que não lerei mais nada dos autores.
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Um livro de um ganhador do premio nobel
Neve - Orhan Pamuk
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Essa escolha foi mais pensada. Fui na wikipédia pegar a lista dos vencedores do prêmio e passei um bom tempo conferindo as obras mais relevantes de cada um para poder seguir com o desafio, e decidi por "Neve" pelo tema das garotas acabando com a própria vida. A história é ficcional e trata de singularidades de um país com um desenvolvimento totalmente diferente do nosso; outro país; outra política; outra cultura; outra religião; outro povo. Ainda assim, a identificação vem. A mistura/embate entre estado x religião, a falta de práticas que lidem com mulheres além de enxergarem elas como extensão dos homens, a discussão a respeito do senso de pertencimento de um lugar x a entrada de "outros"… todos assuntos universais e, apesar de muita discussão a respeito dos erros e acertos em lidar com cada um desses temas, ainda assim, não aprendemos.
É uma leitura política, como o autor fez questão de deixar claro, e pode ser bem densa para alguns, mas não achei difícil a compreensão e me surpreendi com a rapidez com que me apeguei a história e quis saber o próximo passo de cada personagem. A tensão criada para o grande evento da cidade, foi muito bem criada e me deixou cheia de reflexões a respeito dos temas citados acima. Foi o primeiro livro do Ohran Pamuk que leio, e espero que não seja o último. Recomendo!
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Um livro que será adaptado para cinema ou tv em 2023
A Cor Púrpura - Alice Walker
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Desde que foi lançado o trailer do filme musical que será lançado em dezembro/23, fiquei me coçando para ler o livro que estava na minha mente desde a vez que assisti a adaptação de 1985, apesar de fugir por saber a pancada que me esperava - e que pancada boa! Meu maior erro foi pensar que o filme teria me preparado para as emoções que eu tive durante a leitura, porque não foi nada fácil. A história de A Cor Púrpura é incrível porque resgata ancestralidade, denuncia o racismo e machismo na sociedade e na fé, trata de descobertas essenciais para a existência de um indivíduo através da sexualidade, e renova a crença num divino libertador que surge dentro de cada um. 
A celie é simplesmente incrível! Mesmo enquanto sobrevivia, encontrando um pouco de consolo na esperança de reencontrar a irmã e ter um espaço no céu cristão, encarava as coisas com uma pureza tão grande que a emoção da leitura não vinha só em lamentar o que ela estava passando, mas por ver que ela acreditava ser capaz de suportar tudo que viesse, e quando veio o amor, o cuidado, e o reconhecimento de que ela podia pensar sobre si mesma, além de desejar e sentir como queria, ela aceitou, e foi lindo demais. 
É uma história sobre amor, reconexão e recomeços, e vão faltar caracteres para falar sobre as várias camadas, então apenas deixo aqui a minha super recomendação para que leiam.
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Um livro que faça parte de um clube de leitura
The Fury Queen's Harem - Meg Xuemei X
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Esse livro foi escolhido num dos clubes que participo porque queríamos uma farofa bizarra pra passar o tempo, mas não nos preparamos pra tanta ruindade. Não tem uma parte coerente nessa história! Foi tanto ser místico/alien/mágico colocado num mundo de reinos mágicos e galáxia distantes que não sei como a autora pensou que daria certo. A protagonista afirma ser o ser mais poderoso do pandemonium - é até rainha de lá - mas hora ou outra deixa escapar que não faz a mínima ideia de como dominar tudo, e toda hora descobre um poder novo - também, metade dragão, metade fae, metade mais sei lá que ser poderoso pode ter ali, fica fácil.
O romance foi outro desastre! A paixão acontece super rápido mas ela se limita a ter um contato maior com eles só na forma de fae, o que acontecia apenas 1h por dia - sério, 900 séculos de seca e a bicha fazendo um negócio desse é completamente sem noção.
Se tu espera que eu fale um pouco mais sobre os coadjuvantes, nem tem espaço aqui. Tem monstros mutantes, príncipes dragões, bestas da floresta, demônios, bruxas, arcanjos, vampiros… Não dá pra falar de cada um. Mas saibam que estão lá por essa rainha invencível que ainda se encontra presa nesse espaço por uma razão bem fraca.
Pelo menos a leitura foi rápida - consegui ler em um dia; culpa da escrita repetitiva.
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hippi3kat94 · 6 months
Embrace the Night: Sink Your Teeth into these Captivating Vampire Romance Tales
Welcome to the realm of eternal darkness, where creatures of the night reign supreme and the allure of immortality beckons! Whether you’re a seasoned vampire enthusiast or a curious newcomer, our carefully curated reading list will transport you to shadowy realms… House of Vampires & Flame by Meg Xuemei X ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 5 out of 5. Mulan x Vampire Diaries is the best way I can describe this…
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tinadonahue · 7 months
Meg Xuemei X is here to tell us about her fantasy romance House of Vampires and Flame, Shades of Ruin and Magic #1. She's also hosting a gre...
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 7 months
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therealimintobooks · 7 months
House of Vampires and Flame by Meg Xuemei X @YA_SIRENS @xpressotours #giveaway
House of Vampires and FlameMeg Xuemei X(Shades of Ruin and Magic , #1)Publication date: October 2nd 2023Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance My name is Barbie, but they call me “Little Bob,” mistaking me for a boy. I roll with the punches and pose as a servant boy in Shades Academy to hide from my father, the God of Ruin. That’s how I bump into Killian, the enigmatic, ruthless billionaire heir. I…
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readingmabooks · 4 years
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books-in-a-storm · 3 months
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Currently Reading 💛
Vampire God & A Wolf Betrayed
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doorinthegrove · 7 years
Book Report: February 2017
Book Report: February 2017
February was a roller coaster of a month for me personally, so even though I didn’t have much work time I didn’t get much reading done. Which has ended up in me going into March quite far behind regarding my reading goal. But fingers crossed I can deal with that this month! As always, this format is inspired by C.R.M Nilsson – link in the sidebar!   (more…)
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monstersmutpeddler · 2 years
Books That I Tried Reading But Couldn’t Finish (2021 Edition)
Sometimes I’ll write reviews for the “Personally Couldn’t Finish” section of my rating, but I honestly prefer talking about things that I actually liked reading. Exceptions of course being for books that made me viscerally angry. 
However there is another side of my “Personally Couldn’t Finish” section, and those are books I didn’t finish because I got bored. 
Some of these books are actually really great books, and you might actually get more enjoyment out of them than I did. I just, couldn’t finish the book. Maybe its because I wasn’t in the mood, maybe it’s because it followed the same plot beats you’d find in other books in the genera (ex: I love Sci Fi Alien Romance Books, but hot damn, a lot of them really blur together. Especially anything trying to cash grab on the Ice Planet Barbarians hype train.), but here is a collection of books I didn’t finish because I lost interest:
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Keep reading for more details. 
Ruth's Bonded (The Gandry Book 1)
By V.C. Lancaster 
Here’s a link to read/buy the book
This follows the ‘we’re both trapped in the evil space alien lab/prison plot’ trope. I’ve read quite a few of these types of books, so in order for me to read them now there has to be SOMETHING to hook me. This one didn’t, at least for me. If you’re a fan of those types of books you might get a kick out of this. 
Overlord (Galactic Kings Book 1)
By Anna Hackett 
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I don’t even remember why I stopped reading this one. All I remember is that I got bored and I don’t remember anything else. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. 
Hades (Contemporary Mythos Book 1)
By Carly Spade
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Ok, I didn’t stop reading this book because I got bored. Far from it. I couldn’t get passed this books description of Hades. Holy shit! This guy is from Georgia with blonde hair and a southern drawl. I couldn’t keep reading because anything Hades spoke all I heard was a southern accent and I couldn’t stop laughing hysterically.  
Southern Hades lives rent free in my mind forever. Jesus. XD
The Darvel Exploratory System Series
By S.J. Sanders
Here’s a link to read/buy the series
If you want a Sci Fi Alien Romance Series where 1. Humans are very advanced and are exploring other alien planets where the said aliens are not and 2. Have a bunch of world building, you’d probably get a kick out of this series. 
For me personally, there was so much world building that I just, couldn’t get into the actual romances for the characters. I think in one of them the couple don’t meet until like, halfway through the book? 
It’s a delicate balance for Sci Fi Romance books. This series was just a bit too much for me. For transparency sakes I tried reading Books 01 and 02. The second one was a bit too weird for me. 
Beast: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Kaizon Book 1)
By Luna Hunter 
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If you like the ‘there’s something wrong with the female alien population, hence humans’ trope you might like this series. I just got bored when we got to earth and it turns out earth is also in its own special shit show of too few women and the men act like absolute monsters. 
Claimed By the Demon Alien (A SciFi Romance)
By Ella Maven
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God, what even was this book? Couldn’t really get into it personally, shit was wild. Recommend if you are like, a fan of demons or something?
Shifter God (Monsters After Dark Book 1)
By Meg Xuemei X
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This book started off interesting! The leading lady has super powers and her fated mate is coming to help her. But what made me halt in my tracks was when she gets discovered by, I think, a pack of werewolves? She begins to pretend she’s on the spectrum, and starts screaming and making up words. I. I really didn’t like that. 
Anna and the Alien: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 1)
By Honey Phillips
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This follows the ‘we’re both trapped in the evil space alien lab/prison plot’ trope. Didn’t have that hook I needed to keep going. But if like, you’re into that you might enjoy this. 
Minotaur: Blooded (The Bestial Tribe Book 1)
by Naomi Lucas
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This book had some cool world building! I was interested in the maze and what critters were lurking around in there. But the plot point where the maze, I guess, can also do something weird to you if you go there just kinda. Took me out of it. If you’re looking for a Minotaur book this could be interesting. 
Glacier: An Alien Warrior Romance (Elemental Mates Book 1)
By Miranda Bridges and Kyra Snow 
Here’s a link to read/buy the book
Started off interesting, but then got so confused as to what was going on. We are literally just got dropped here with no idea as to what the setting is or who the characters are. I think the leading lady snuck on the ship to help get food for her injured brother? But then we quickly forget that and the injured bro is forgotten about? What???
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lkjjcghcfxfx · 3 years
Read (PDF) Playboy King (Underworld Bride Trials, #1) BY Meg Xuemei X.
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Book Details :
Author : Meg Xuemei X.
Pages : pages
Publisher :
Language : eng
ISBN-10 : B093CT7SZL
ISBN-13 :
Book Synopsis :
Read Online and Download Playboy King (Underworld Bride Trials, #1) .LOKIShe walks in on me banging another woman for sport.Her blue eyes burn like twin suns at daybreak when they train on me.One sniff in her direction, and I know she?s mine.Ice to my pyre.Scenting its fated mate, my wolf beast awakens for the first time and roars with hellfire.Heat sears through my veins. I?ve never been so aroused by any other female.But Tessa Morrigan can?t be my queen.She came too late.I?ve started the Underworld Bride Trials. All the contestants must fight to the death until the last one stands by my side to claim the crown.MorriganLoki, the hot new boss of Hell, is hosting a bachelorette contest. He thinks it?s funny to have a troop of women fighting to the death over him.But he doesn?t expect to attract the most lethal assassin and a rejected queen to his selection game. I didn?t come to ride the playboy king?s sexy body or be Queen of the Underworld. I promised Lucifer his son?s head on a gold platter.I?ve been burned before and vowed never to let a handsome, .
Meg Xuemei X. book Playboy King (Underworld Bride Trials, #1).
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gfntusfetg · 3 years
(PDF) Download Playboy King (Underworld Bride Trials, #1) by Meg Xuemei X.
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  Read/Download Visit :
Book Details :
Author : Meg Xuemei X.
Pages : pages
Publisher :
Language : eng
ISBN-10 : B093CT7SZL
ISBN-13 :
Book Synopsis :
Read Online and Download Playboy King (Underworld Bride Trials, #1) .LOKIShe walks in on me banging another woman for sport.Her blue eyes burn like twin suns at daybreak when they train on me.One sniff in her direction, and I know she?s mine.Ice to my pyre.Scenting its fated mate, my wolf beast awakens for the first time and roars with hellfire.Heat sears through my veins. I?ve never been so aroused by any other female.But Tessa Morrigan can?t be my queen.She came too late.I?ve started the Underworld Bride Trials. All the contestants must fight to the death until the last one stands by my side to claim the crown.MorriganLoki, the hot new boss of Hell, is hosting a bachelorette contest. He thinks it?s funny to have a troop of women fighting to the death over him.But he doesn?t expect to attract the most lethal assassin and a rejected queen to his selection game. I didn?t come to ride the playboy king?s sexy body or be Queen of the Underworld. I promised Lucifer his son?s head on a gold platter.I?ve been burned before and vowed never to let a handsome, .
Meg Xuemei X. book Playboy King (Underworld Bride Trials, #1).
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