#megstiel family
Hey umm.. Meg is in love with Cas? I mean we all know she liked the pizza man and has a soft spot for him but I never realized she is actually completely in love with him?
In 8x17 she talks to Sam about the chic he spent a year with and calls her a unicorn cause finding love is kinda impossible for a hunter and then she sends him in to get Dean and her „unicorn“, meaning Cas is her rare chance at love and she wants to be with him??
I am unwell about how insane it is that this demon fell for an angel😭 Probably I‘m the last to realize this haha I‘ve only ever been focused on Destiel but I do adore Meg and Megstiel is pretty cute🥺
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samsrowena · 2 years
6 :)
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
absolutely. to put it simply, the non-shipper -> multishipper pipeline is TOO REAL
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queermania · 1 year
Wait wait wait. Jensen picked the writer who gave Dean a lesbian best friend and made him a nerd to be the show runner for his little fixit fic show? This is amazing!
when you look at robbie's run of episodes (that he wrote specifically, not produced or was the executive story editor on), a very specific version of supernatural and dean starts to emerge and it is insanity-inducing. here's a very brief rundown of the episodes robbie wrote:
slash fiction -swayze always gets a pass -dean singing air supply -"it's like eating self-righteousness' -the creation and introduction of frank devereaux -"applications for sainthood" -dean letting sam go
time after time -"what are you gonna look up more anime or are you strictly into dick now?" -dean being a nerdy little fanboy about eliott ness (and checking out a dude in a uniform but that was probably jacting joices) -dean getting excited about dressing up in period clothing!! -understanding that rufus matters and that family isn't just blood -original sam is milf!bait (and he's into it) truther -actually writing grief in nuanced ways -dean is smart and resourceful actually! -your future is "covered in thick black ooze" (which i know is just a very lucky coincidence but i don't care!)
the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo -CHARLIE!!! he gave us charlie. he said "actually what if hardcore fans were cool and fun and GAY and they were dean's new best friend" -charlie/dean/security guard flirting split screen -"she's kinda like the little sister I never wanted." "how does a high-school dropout become one of the brightest minds…" -basically this entire episode is just "be gay, do crime" and i love that for me specifically
bitten -not my favorite episode but as @ilarual says "it's very fun in how it illustrates Robbie's willingness to play with form, since it's all done as found footage" -and as @doctorprofessorsong says it "has the concept of monsters aren’t always bad guys" -and apparently it contains a brokeback reference? my memory of this episode is hovering at around 1% tbh but you get it
larp and the real girl -dressing dean up in little outfits AGAIN -and he likes it!!! -and he likes being a nerd! (dean is getting into it and sam is the one who is unamused mr serious guy!!!!) -and charlie is dean's new best friend! -"belladonna" "the pornstar?" -"did you break up with someone too?" -honestly you already know all of it. this is a fan favorite for a reason. what more can i say about this episode??
goodbye stranger -yes robbie was the first writer to try to give us a destiel love confession -cas practicing killing dean over and over and over and still not being able to do it when it comes down to it -"what broke the connection?" gee i wonder -first episode writing cas and he nailed the sort of unintentional deadpan humor that makes cas so lovable ("would it kill you to watch a movie? read a book?" "a movie, no, but with a book with the proper spells—yeah, it could theoretically kill me.") -"if he's so sketchy then why are you praying to him?" -pizza man reference -"do you really think we can trust megstiel?" (we get both megstiel and jealous!dean) -dean quoting lord of the rings (because he's a nerd! and he reads!) -meg roasting the shit out of sam for the amelia stuff -etc
pac-man fever -charlie reading the carver edlund books -charlie and dean being besties/getting a montage -dean telling charlie that what happened with her parents wasn't her fault/understanding the guilt she feels -"i love you" "i know" -"what about castiel? he seems helpful, and dreamy" -again, putting dean in little outfits -charlie knows how to shoot/aim a gun
slumber party -dorothy!! -oz!!! -look, is this episode cheesy? yes. but it's fun and it's so obviously a love letter to the oz source material and i love that about robbie. he does his research and he commits
first born -cain!!!! -drowley team up!!!!! ("friends. besties, actually." im sorry but drowley means so much to me personally and this is the start of their beautiful bromance) -"this is by far the dumbest idea you've ever had." "yeah, well, it's early" -cas liked pb&js!! jelly, not jam. he found jam unsettling!! -"you have a guinea pig? where?" -"you're a terrible liar?" "that is not true. i once deceived and betrayed both you and your brother." -just. sastiel shenanigans (and hugs!) -"she only asked for one thing." "to stop" -anyway. you get it.
meta fiction -dean and cas phone call smiles!! they LIKE each other -metatron media dump -"what makes a story work? is it the plot, the characters, the text? the subtext? and who gives a story meaning? is the writer? or you?" -i think it's important to note that robbie who wrote gabriel faking his own death -cas noticing something is wrong with dean pretty much instantly and then discovering the mark of cain
fan fiction -i mean. come on. -"although we do explore the nature of destiel in act two." -"you can't spell subtext without s-e-x" -sam being such a younger brother and trolling dean about "destiel" -"BM scene" -dean "you know they're brothers, right?"-ing the w*ncest stuff but just being flustered about the destiel stuff ayyyy -dean casually referencing andrew lloyd webber -"transformative fiction" -"i want you to put as much sub into that text as you possibly can" -dean quoting rent -the samulet is back! -"i have my version, and you have yours." -"he took away our own free will" <- about john!! -THE RETURN OF CHUCK!
there's no place like home -"i forgive you dean" "yeah well i don't" "i know, kinda your move" -"you hurt my friend" -"you lied to me" "you lied to yourself. that's kinda your move." -i mean. robbie just gets it, ya know?
book of the damned -cas being a huge bitch (love that) -sam being the excessively codependent one -cas and charlie get to meet! -found family goodness if only for a little bit!!
angel heart -ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!! -"i got it at the hot topical" (and claire keeping grumpy cat) -no seriously. dean and cas went birthday present shopping together for claire and they did it at a mall -castiel feeling guilt for what he did to the novak family (and amelia recognizing that cas has changed/grown) -"you were both troubled teens. you speak her language." -"bring your daughter to work day" -"i'm saying she might be stronger on her own." which is a controversial line but i think it says something really significant about how dean feels about his childhood "in fact you're not anything to her except a constant reminder of someone that's gone." -mini golf!!!!!! dean and claire bonding!!!! -the introduction of the grigori, a class of angels which may or may not be important at some point -claire roasting the shit out of dean with "you seem pretty old" <3 -"happy birthday. don't shoot me."
baby -do i really need to explain anything about this one? -"okay first of all, never use swayze's name in vain, okay? ever." -"mistakes were made" -dean having a dream about john teaching him to drive but under normal and appropriate circumstances -werepire…. ghoulpyre… -honestly just the whole episde. you know what i'm talking about. the unique perspective. the insight into their day-to-day lives. the moments that live in between.
into the mystic -eileen! my best friend eileen! -dean x mildred otp -remembering sam's lucifer/hell trauma -the whole "follow your heart" speech -"banshees go after the vulnerable, so why'd it go after you?" -dean recognizing there's something off with cas -but really the most important thing here is EILEEN
safe house -bobby and rufus!!!! -i repeat BOBBY AND RUFUS!!!! -"were you ever nice?" "1985. worst year of my life." -robbie just really GETS that this show is more fun when it's not centered entirely on the brothers. -bobby referring to sam and dean as his boys -timey wimey shenanigans -there were some interesting implications in this episode too but i'm losing steam here so i'm gonna let you rewatch and figure it out lol
don't call me shurley -the reveal of chuck as god!!!! -bisexual chuck -dean does sam's laundry (sometimes with beer) -chuck is a shitty egotistical writer -he also plays the guitar and: "i like front row seats. you know, i figured i'd hide out in plain sight." -"i thought if i could show my sister that there was something more than just us, something better than us, then maybe she'd change. maybe she'd stop being… her. but every time I'd build a new world, she'd destroy it." -"the world would still be spinning with demon dean in it but sam couldn't have that though could he?" -"you were gonna choose amara over me."
so. yeah. jensen chose THIS GUY to helm the winchesters. bold move, sir. full respect.
also, this tweet always makes me crack up
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one of us! one of us! one of us!
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*and mary should have yelled at him for it "you raised our sons to be hunters! no, no. you raised them to be weapons. you weren't even there, you left them to starve! i wasn't worth that!" + spent the rest of the show agonising over not being able to fix any of it (but trying anyway by like. baking terrible pies and badly playing piano with dean)
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shieldmaiden4444 · 2 years
The Offensive Humanization of Castiel
A profound bond? 
I miss the early days of Castiel when Castiel would treat Dean like the lower life form he really is.  
Personally I found it much more respectful when Castiel was referred to in fearful whispers as an “it.” It is an entity that happened to occupy a human man.  If I were brave enough, I would probably use “it” IRL.  
Its true form is something Dean has never seen.  Its true voice is something Dean has never heard.  In other words Dean has only ever met Castiel’s masked self.  
Dean has never seen Castiel as anything other than a human man with superpowers he can exploit.  This made me uncomfortable as an autistic person with what I call internalized capitalism/ableism.  
Dean has never shown any interest in learning about angels: Castiel’s family, Enochian, angel politics, angel culture.  
The few times Dean is forced to confront the notion of Castiel as not human, he fails spectacularly and responds with bigotry and prejudice.  
I found the time when Dean tried to get Castiel to sleep with someone to be deeply uncomfortable as a sex-repulsed asexual.  It seemed more like corrective rape than a nice bonding experience.  
I found the notion that Castiel needed Dean to fix it personality wise offensive as an autistic person.  
Castiel has never referred to itself as “Cas,” but has voluntarily used Clarence as an alias.  
It is canon that gender does not matter to “Meg.” Perhaps name does not either.  
Megstiel, therefore is not a straight pairing.  
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mewmewgirl101 · 1 month
Sorry for this but but I got a mean comment recently even though I put special tags to it didn’t happen so I apologize for this but it’s cause I got a really rude comment. So I apologize for this my fellow Megstiel shippers
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I think he likes girls he lots of them in his hut when he was a hippie and checked them out every girl smiling at them as they walked passed he sniffed a waitress. Made out with April. Made out with Meg liked Hanna he and if you look closely you can see him swallowed
Hard he was so nervous and flustered about seeing her with out any clothes on.
Um yes it does make him very nervous and she knows it. he's such a bad liar about that if it didn't bother him would’ve looked away the second he saw her like that and acted differently and would have turned his head easily and not even payed attention. but he had a hard time looking away and had to change the subject it was so herd to look away. If he didn't look away when he did he would have pulled a dean say something prevy like dean. I've noticed cas stop him self for checking girls
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He had to change the subject he had such hard time looking away and only looked away cause he's gentlemen and cause he don’t trust him self to hold back unless he looked away.
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Sorry for this but but I got a mean comment recently even though I put special tags to it didn’t happen so I apologize for this
Liar if you look close you can see him swallow She got him so nervous And flustered he still watched her leave the room I think he swallowed he had such a difficult time looking away change the subject. and her still looked.as she walked away. . Cass never even came on to dean or other guys. He just doesn't understand personal space and he’s said Dean is his family Cass
If he liked guys he wouldn't have kissed made out with Meg. And wouldt and wouldn’t have wanted more of what him and April did. if he loved Dean. He would have said dean’s full name. He only said it how he did was because dean was the only other one in the room If sam and Jack with dean and he would’ve gave his speech of them saying i love you all my family. Dean was the only one in the room at the time.
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Cas chose to leave and stay with Meg and be with at a hospital instead of staying with Sam and dean. Never complimented dean. Or came on to him or looked at him with lovey eyes like he did meg he loves meg I want to them so bad they get to kiss him so lucky.
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findyourrp · 2 months
Hi All, just here with a wee advert to find my SUPERNATURAL fandom family… 👻👻 I finished the show ( I do have to admit that I prefer earlier seasons! ) and have gone right back to rewatch all over again. I’m 25+, UK based and active every day on Discord. I would like my partner in crime to be friendly, over 21 and active. Someone who is going to input in the plot had not ghost. Anyway, I’ll get into what I want!!
FANDOM: Supernatural
MY MUSES: Meg Masters, Bela Talbot, Amara, Rowena Macleod, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, Charlie Bradbury. Also happy to try our Crowley and Lucifer as they both are top in my books, just not 100% confident there.
MOST WANTED OPPOSITES: Castiel ( most wanted opposite in a MEGSTIEL pairing but would write any of my muses against Castiel), Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Crowley, Gabriel, Jack Kline or Sam Winchester
DOUBLE UP?: Not looking to double up. This has just not worked out for me so I am now just looking for the above.
I am only looking for canon x canon character pairings right now, nothing against the OC's out there but, again, this has created issues for me so now i have to just say no unless you can persuade me.
Give this a like and I will reach out! Thank you ❤️
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archangelsammy · 1 year
Uriel or Cas for the ask game? Pretty please?
Will!!!!! hi hi!!! for you,, I will do both!
first is cas!!
1. sexuality headcanon:
that angel is a homosexual
2. otp:
hm. I like sastiel and megstiel for this lil guy
3. brotp:
I actually like dean and cas as besties? but in the way that they make each other worse. also! lucifer & cas family bonding time always relevant to me personally
4. notp:
hm. probably something like casmary or something idk
5. first headcanon that pops into my head:
cas loves the garden of eden and he would visit joshua regularly and help him tend the garden when his duties allowed him to
6. favourite line from this character:
"Nothing is worth losing you." he's a romantic<3
7. one way in which I relate to this character:
um. um. autism *gets shot*
8. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:
he's just an awkward little guy. also anytime casifer was on screen but that's technically lucifer so
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
problematic little cinnamon roll (godstiel was a little bit not good but he was trying to be good!!!)
uriel time baby
1. sexuality headcanon:
that angel is aroace!! love that for him
2. otp:
uriel & classical music. idk I think he'd like it
wait uriel and anna... thinking thoughts about this
3. brotp:
uriel and cas dynamic duo
4. notp:
idk!!! I don't really have notps? just stuff I don't read
5. first headcanon that pops into my head:
in lore, he's the angel of wind, so I like to think he enjoys watching tornadoes. he just thinks they're neat
6. favourite line from this character:
"Our Father? He stopped being that, if he ever was, the moment he created them." angel has father issues, shocker
7. one way in which I relate to this character:
um. aforementioned father issues probably ahasdhdjfkgl
8. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character:
why he gotta be mean to sammy :( he's just a baby. so what he was banging ruby I would too
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
problematic fave? I guess? he killed anna which was. not nice
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lanechester · 2 years
supernatural duh <3
Favourite male character: hi, I'm me, its Sam
Favourite female character: Charlie
Least favourite character: Billie just didn't do it for me. I also do not enjoy Metatron but he gets points for "but I'm your dickwad" being one of the funniest lines
Funniest character: ahhhh.... Garth. But there are so many options. (Dean, Bobby, Sam, etc.)
Favourite season: 6!!! Soulless, French mistake, titanic ep, can not go wrong
Favourite episode: first one I always think of is who we are. Just something about that one for me
Favourite romantic ship: saileen, hi my icon :) but hi samruby is HOT still and always
Favourite family ship: Sam and Dean, duh (or just any tfw dynamic really. Cas and Jack, Sam and Jack, etc etc)
Favourite friend ship: Sam and Cas l (that's tfw I know. Fight me) because "nothing is worth losing you" ♡♡♡ but shoutout to megstiel as well (I'll take them anyway I can get them)
Worst ship: wincest is not my thing, but I still love you ❤❤ (I know you're not a full shipper of them too)
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xtexboyx · 2 years
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loverofdemoncorns · 3 years
I just want Megstiel content that isn't a disguise for D*stiel. Megstiel content of Meg and Cas being chaotic lovers defying their species to be together. Meg and Cas having a kid, and Dean having to push aside any prejudices because the kid is his BEST FUCKING FRIENDS. I want Meg and Cas dating, kissing, cuddling and yeah f**king... I want Cas to wrap Meg in his wings and to love her for eternity whilst the world burns around them because humans suck and destroy everything. I just wanted my angel and demon to be happy together... But no... you h*llers had to whine, cry and throw a tantrum to get your half-baked 'canon' confession to the dude that used him as a fucking tool. Hell even SAM would have been a better bro to confess to. You all ruin the arc they having making Meg just a side chick, a lesbian bestie, bestie or worse. People loved the angel once... and hell even the wincest lot loved Cas once. But no - you h*llers had to come in with your conspiracies, your fake woke fan-policing, and peoples love for the chaotic angel waned and turned this fandom into a dumpster fire of shit with different 'factions' of fans - mean while the rare ships like Megstiel and Sastiel are either ignored or belittled. I'm tired... I'm tired of the fighting and bullying within this fandom Hell. Just move on... let the ones who watched the show without looking for 'subtext' to enjoy it (i.e everyone but h*llers/hatters)
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mystic-rumors · 5 years
I stopped watching Supernatural years ago for my own reasons tbh but I finally finished In The Lethe pt. 2 and honestly it only reinforced my decision because I literally don’t care about any other “canon”
@teaandchess we haven’t talked in a while but 100/10 you are amazing
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mercurialvixen · 6 years
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Amnesia/”Human”!Meg from In the Lethe Series 2
“Who the fuck did he think he was? Saying he knew anything about me. I don’t know a damn thing about me!”
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stlgeekgirl · 6 years
I wrote a thing.  Warning:  It mentions “that other ship” and a subsection of it’s followers in a not positive manner.  For that reason I will post it under a cut. 
“Done that.  Done that.  Oh, done that twice.”
Castiel appeared in their designated meeting spot, a seedy out of the way motel they had a prearranged meeting at once a month.  Sometimes more than that if one or the other texted.
“What are you doing?”  he asked, head tilted as he watched Meg. She was sitting on the bed, back against the headboard, reading on a tablet.   She looked up at him, her eyes black, a small mischievous smirk on her lips.
He felt a fissure of lust pool in his groin.  He loved it when her eyes went full black when they had sex.  It meant she’d given control over to the moment.   But that didn’t explain now.
With a blink, her eyes snapped back to their usual brown. The smirk remained.
“Reading fan fiction.”
He blinked.  “Reading what?”
“Fanfiction.  Based on Chuck’s book series?”
“Do you mean my Father?”
It was Meg’s turn to blink.
“Wait.  The drunken, squirrelly dude that wrote these books based on the Winchesters is the reason I’m not dead?”  She shook her head in disbelief.  “We gotta talk later Clarence, but for now, come here.”
Her lips twisted as she patted the bed beside her. “Sit here and we’ll discuss your extremely overactive and frankly flexible sex life with Dean-o.”
Castiel froze in the act of taking off his tie.
“I don’t…Dean’s my brother.”  He frowned.  “I don’t want to have carnal relations with him.”
“No, you save that all for me,” she teased and continued before he could answer.  “But apparently these women think that’s all you two do.  You even have a name; Destiel.”  She looked back at him, the smirk widening.  “Awww.”
He didn’t say a word, merely continued undressing while Meg continued talking.
“They are vicious little things though.”  She scrolled up on the tablet.  “Attacking people who don’t agree with them, harassment, leaking info onto the internet.  Lucifer and Crowley had it wrong.  If I were Queen of Hell, I’d hired out these women.  They are everything evil and cruel.  I really like them.”
“You’re reading about Dean and I…” He trailed off.  Even saying it was too ridiculous.  Her gaze lifted from the tablet once more.
“Nope.  I’m reading about us.”
He blinked, thrown off by that statement also.
“There’s a group of these people, smaller, but there, who seem to think we have chemistry,” she grinned, showing her teeth.  “Imagine that.  They’re damned creative with their sex scenes too.  That’s what I was reading when you popped in.”
He folded his pants and placed them on the chair before sitting on the bed and scooting up to lean against the headboard beside her.
“Define…creative.”  He said.
Her grin widened.  “Curious, are we?  Let’s see.”  She went back and began scrolling through story titles.
“There’s one with me giving you a blow job in a church while you were God.  That might be one of my favorite.”  She said gleefully, watching his face turn red at the indignation.
“A church?”  he asked, horrified.  She shushed him, continuing with the list.
“There’s closet sex, on the couch in the bunker, I don’t think I’ve ever been to the bunker.  Bondage, lots of that, all my favorites.  Pegging, burning me with your Grace, you drinking my blood.  I’m telling ya, Clarence, these people are good.”
“We’ve…”  he swallowed, his face still flushed.  “We’ve done all of that.  Other than the bunker and the church, the rest, we’ve done.”
“Hmmm, indeed we have.”  She tapped the screen as her other hand ran fingertips up his thigh, teasing the edge of his boxers.  “This is a veritable recipe book for us.  Speaking of which,” She tapped the screen to a story and handed the tablet to him. “This is what she should do tonight.”
Castiel took the table and began reading, his eyes widening and his face growing redder with each sentence.
Suddenly, he tossed the tablet onto the side table and in a blink had her under him on the bed.
“Taking you bent over the sink and making you watch sounds like a very good suggestion,” he said, his voice lowered an octave, the timber of his tone sent a wave of lust between her legs.  “But, I think I’ll make you hold onto the curtain rod while I have you from behind and draw sigils on your back.”
Meg smiled slowly, her nails raking down his chest.
“You do know what to say to make a girl’s meat suit all dewy.”
“As I’ve told you before,” he said before he claimed her mouth.  “I am very aware how to do that, yes.”
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viridianprose · 6 years
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This sweet little abomibaby turns four soon! 
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mewmewgirl101 · 4 months
There family he only said I love you too Dean was he was the only one in the room . If Jack and Sam were there he’d have said I love you all my family and am sorry a couldn’t save. They say it wasn’t his fault and they love him too. He loved them like family and loved Meg and only Meg more than family. And if she was still alive he’d beg them to stay together and not to kill her and protect her. He say i love you Meg then shove her so she didn’t get taken. Megstiel shippers know this is a fact.
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Please let me know if you agree with me
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See even he even said it and they refer to each other as family many times or best friends
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