#meth is a hell of a drug y'all
sadlittleratboy · 3 months
Had a client scream at me that they were gonna kick my ass three separate times and call me a bitch at least ten. First of all either get some new material or at least tell me something I don't know. Second of all, their kid and their kids significant other (also my clients, and the ones I was actually there to see) told me I handled it so calmly and professionally they were amazed, and I was like, *legs shaking from adrenaline holding back tears* "Thanks 😎 You think this is the first time I've been yelled at? 💅🏻 Won't be the last either, no big deal 🥱" meanwhile the adrenaline spike caused a drop that had me so exhausted I couldn't think properly for the rest of the day lol.
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e2019 · 3 months
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i've been going thru everything that i own & mercilessly scrutinizing each n every item like not even a single square of toilet paper from any roll of toilet paper will escape my wrath i feel like jesus (me) at the gates of heaven (my room) during the rapture (right now) judging all of the people (belongings) still on earth (in my possession) and every fucking body is going straight to hell you're all sinners and it's too late to repent now the final trumpet has already sounded woe eternal.
anyways a few years ago my dad gave me this small box of stuff and i never looked thru it until now. what is any of this stuff and why did he give it to me?
a dropper/tincture(?) that's empty except for some white residue. printed label says it's 25i-nBOME & next to that (not visible in the pic) handwritten in black pen is "20 mg". this is the only thing that i know what it is, but somehow it's also the item that confuses me the most. i distinctly remember one summer asking my dad if he had ever done acid, and he said "no never have/never will" & went on this huge rant about how "it's a drug for crazy ppl—just look at your mom & grandma, they used to do acid all the time—explains a lot doesn't it?" i can't imagine any reason why he would have lied to me about that because, at the time that i asked him that, he knew but didn't care that i always had acid & would use it somewhat regularly (like he wasn't saying that to me in a moralizing way, he was just sharing his opinion & halfway joking). also, i've used meth with him before, so ofc he knows i wouldn't gaf even if he was seriously against any psychedelics. so what happened that he had an empty 25i-nBOME container & randomly gave it to me one day then never mentioned it ever? i'll always wonder, but i'll never ask...
the next thing is honestly scary as fuck to me. i have no clue what it could be. idk if y'all can read the words on the the black thing, but it says "BLIMPIE HUMIDIFIER". i googled it & if anything i'm even more confused now. i think maybe it's some kind of thing you're supposed to put in a bag of tobacco to keep it from drying out or something like that? not sure how it's supposed to work tho. and i assume that most ppl probably actually use it for weed, which makes sense bc my dad smokes weed literally 24/7. but what creeps me out about it is there's a crazy smell (idk how to describe it just it's strong & it's not very pleasant but not awful either, maybe like a chemical smell idk) as soon as u open the prescription bottle... and then there's whatever the fuck kind of residue on the sides of the container. looks like honeycomb or beeswax to me. not sure i just have a strong feeling that bees were somehow involved with whatever happened here. i almost wonder if this is a really normal weed thing like some kind of idk dabs or resin or rosin or whatever is the shit that the hardcore weed junkies smoke and if so thats fucked up i cant believe ppl are out here smoking ear wax off of nails with a blowtorch or whatever but that definitely seems like something my dad would do.
the last thing (3) says "LEWHIF" which according to google is like a recreational inhaler basically like apparently you use this to inhale dessert flavored air so i guess this is like what you might use if you want to vape but you can't because you have asthma. i don't really get the appeal but then again i don't have asthma so i guess this one isn't for me to understand...
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thewolfwarriors · 1 year
Florida!HTTYD Book AU
(specifically Florida Panhandle! AU) 
Like Hiccup, I too grew up around an archipelago of islands full of venomous and dangerous reptiles! (Had a couple of close calls too!) I went kayaking, boating, hiking, fishing, you name it! Unfortunately, growing up in Florida meant I had to deal with Floridians. So, again, like Hiccup, I ran into lots of...characters.
This idea started off from me making a joke to my brother about how Madguts would be a Trump supporter and drive a Ford ages ago. Then it all went downhill from there. (Honestly, I could write a whole post on Florida!Madguts alone.) Someone in the reblogs of one of my posts also wished for it. This one goes to y’all.
Incoming cursed-as-hell long-ish post:
Main Characters:
Hiccup - from a military family, can't go in the military because he can't pass any of the boot camps, works with his friend Fishlegs, obsessed with Marine Biology, scored 6s on the FCAT every year,
Fishlegs - Works at Publix, Wafflehouse, Coram's, Whataburger, etc., almost dies regularly from horse and yellow fly bites,
Stoick - giant, fat beach dad vibes, retired vet, always wears a big polo or Ron Jon Surf Shack Shirts with polarized sunglasses on, boomer Facebook profile, Corona beers, Margaritaville, drives a pontoon called the Fat Penguin, sold his old sail boat the Peregrine Falcon to Humungous Hotshot,
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Baggybum - Marines, never takes off his raybans, goes hunting constantly, camo jackets, guns guns guns, Bass Pro Shop
(Basically, Stoick loves saltwater and Baggy loves freshwater)
Snotlout - Military brat, sports scholarships, ROTC, loves the beach, riding four-wheelers and going mudding, 
Bertha - school bus driver, ROLL TIDE, "You might be a redneck if...", Basically just Nanny-Maw, “plaid shirts with the sleeves ripped off” lesbian vibes, Blue Ribbon or Busch beer I can’t decide
Camicazi - loves the mud, always doing dangerous stunts on whatever motorized equipment she can get her hands on, constantly catching frogs/possums/snakes and brings them inside
Madguts - definitely wears a MAGA hat, drives a Full-Size Heavy-Duty 2022 Super Duty F-450 King Ranch® Pickup (tailgates EVERYONE), spits tobacco, hot boxes his trailer on a regular basis, runs a crime ring in the boondocks(drugs, dog fights, or simply selling stolen goods), divorced 4 times, Rob Zombie, meth, breeds Pitbulls,
Gumboil - also spits tobacco, Malboros, always rides shotgun with Madguts in his Full-Size Heavy-Duty 2022 Super Duty F-450 King Ranch® Pickup, Alabama Crimson Tide merch, has like 14 trucks he swears he's gonna sell and turn around in his yard, always speaks in inappropriate countryisms
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Needless to say, but they're both huge gun enthusiasts and drink Bud.
Thuggory - listens to Butt Rock and Pop Country, Y'all Means All, camo and plaid long sleeves, well fitted Levi's, does everything with his Dad
Humungous Hotshot - Lives on the Peregrine Falcon, “#saltlife”, hooked on fishing, Hooters, sandles with socks underneath, Hawaiian shirts, GOLF, Panama Jack,
Tantrum - not even from Florida, prefers to be in the Keys, comes up to the Panhandle with Humungous so he can see his friends, "#beachbabe", This Video, Ed Hardy
Gobber the Belch - Thunderbeach, drives Harley’s, drives to Alabama to buy illegal fireworks, scary Wafflehouse chef, also Snotlout and Hiccup’s football coach/history teacher
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rejectedbad · 5 months
Rejected Bad: A Balancing Act
The following is a rejected script from an early season of Breaking Bad.
JESSE stands in a dimly lit room, surrounded by fellow drug runners - MIKE, BADGER, and PETE. They are all preparing to finalise a big drug deal with DEAQUANIA, a notorious local drug lord.
JESSE:  (cheerfully)  Alright, y'all, check this out! You've never seen something like this before!
Jesse grabs a bag of blue crystal meth and opens it. He carefully pinches a small amount, organises it into a neat line, and snorts it up his nose.
MIKE:  (squints in confusion)  Jesse, what the hell are you doing?
JESSE:  (excitedly)  I'm about to show you how perfect my meth balance game is! Watch this!
Jesse puts on his best game face, tilts his head back, and carefully places a crystal of meth on the tip of his nose. It balances perfectly.
BADGER:  (disgusted)  Jesse, this is a drug deal, not a circus act!
Pete nods in agreement.
PETE:  (sarcastically)  Yeah, Jesse! Why don't you just make a juggling routine? The hell is wrong with you?
Jesse misunderstood their reactions and excitedly proceeds with reckless confidence.
JESSE:  Think about it, guys! We'll have the best batch of meth in town and now the best damn balancing act! No one else can top us!
Deaquania, who has been watching silently, bursts into laughter.
DEAQUANIA:  (laughing)  I gotta give it to you, Jesse. That's some next-level stupidity. But the deal's off, this isn't a circus. I run a serious operation here.
Mike, Badger, and Pete exchange glances, realising the potential backlash.
MIKE:  We apologise for this nonsense. We'll make it right; just give us another chance, Deaquania.
Deaquania ponders for a moment.
DEAQUANIA:  Okay, here's what I propose. You see if Jesse is good at dodging bullets, just like he's good at balancing meth on his nose. Chase him through the desert, and if he survives, we'll let this slide.
Everyone looks at Jesse, who begins to panic.
JESSE:  (terrified)  Whoa, whoa, hold up! That's not part of the plan! We can find another way to make it right!
Deaquania stands up, his expression intimidating.
DEAQUANIA:  Oh no, Jesse. You wanted to be the centre of attention, so now you are!
Mike, Badger, and Pete reluctantly join Deaquania, and they all begin chasing Jesse out of the drug den.
Jesse runs frantically through the desert, with the others hot on his tail. They fire warning shots into the air, creating chaos.
Jesse's heart pounds as he dodges bullets and desperately searches for an escape route.
JESSE:  (to himself)  Come on, Jesse! You've survived worse than this! Just keep running!
Jesse's determination keeps him moving forward through the unforgiving desert terrain.
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kittkatt678 · 2 years
the last cookie
"Hello, everyone! As I’m sure you all know, we have a new addict joining us today." The woman smiled and turned her gaze away from the audience, towards backstage, "Bob, would you care to introduce yourself?"
The woman frowned at the lack of response and turned to the waiting audience.
"Just a moment, please."
She hurried backstage.
There was some shuffling and whispering behind the velvety, red curtain.
"Alright! Go get 'em, tiger!"  
A man of short stature, Bob, stumbled out into the light. It was almost as if he was pushed. He felt the curious stare of his new support group.
The man smiled uneasily and started to speak into the placed microphone.
"As Susan told you guys, I'm Bob and I am an addict."
"Hi, Bob." The group chorused.
Bob blinked, inhaled sharply, and continued.
"Well, I, uh, haven't done this in awhile. So please bear with me!"
The red head poked her head out from behind the curtains.
"Don't worry, you're doing great!" She exclaimed before disappearing.
"Thanks, Susan!" Bob shouted in her general direction, wherever the hell that was.
There were a few wallops from the audience.
"Okay, okay! Now, where was I?" He mumbled and gazed down.
The theater was deadly silent.
"Oh, yeah! I'm addicted to drugs."
A few group members chuckled, and a woman clad in black shouted, "Aren't we all?!"
Once it quieted down, another member asked, "What drugs?"
Everyone in the crowd guessed.
"The newbie's an alcoholic like me for sure."
"No way! Meth is Bob's poison."
"Shut up about your damn meth, Maggie! He ain't got no marks, and with that raspy voice of his, Bob's a smoker!"
The woman, Susan, emerged from behind the curtains, seemingly fed up with the nonsense.
"Okay! Okay! Everybody settle down." Susan had to refrain from smiling at the group's antics.
She turned to look at Bob.
"Please continue. And if you aren't okay with answering any questions, that's totally fine!" Susan jumped off the stage and sat next to the woman clad in all black.
"Thank you, Susan." Bob smiled gratefully and nodded at her.
She gave him a thumbs-up back.
"Everyone..." Bob got the attention of the audience.
The group members were sitting at the tips of their seats, eager to see who had guessed right.
"...I'm addicted to nicotine and LSD."
"Ha, I told you, Maggie!" The young man who had guessed that Bob smoked rubbed it in the older woman's face.
"Oh, shut your gaping trap, Alorian." Maggie slid down in her seat.
"You know it only opens for you, right?" Alorian wiggled his dark eyebrows suggestively.
Maggie pulled out a thread and needle and snarled, " I oughta sew that mouth of yours closed!"  
Before Susan could take action, Bob did.
"Um, excuse me." He interrupted from on stage.
The theater went silent.
Bob swore that he could have heard Maggie's needle drop.
He gulped from the daunting tension.
"Well, if I wasn't erm...tripping balls from the LSD, I'd have probably done more," Bob admitted.
A few members chuckled.
Bob encouraged, continued to speak. "And Maggie, sorry to disappoint about that meth."
"It's mighty fine, honey!" Maggie hollered from her seat next to a sulking Alorian.
Alorian wished that Maggie would speak to him that way.
The audience clapped and cheered and whistled at the exchange.
Susan walked up to the stage and Bob helped her up.
"What do y'all say to some refreshments?"
The group's hollering spoke for itself.
Out in the dining hall, addicts chattered and ate.
Bob was hungry and, of course, hiding in the corner.
Susan snuck up and squeezed his shoulder.
"We don't bite, you know! Unless we're eating food." She laughed at her joke.
"I know, I know..." Bob fiddled with his fingers while his stomach growled.
Susan took notice.
"Are you hungry? Come and get some food." She motioned with her hand towards the tables.
Bob didn't respond, focused on his hands.
Susan took Bob's hands into her own, bringing him back to reality.
"Care to tell me what's wrong?"
Bob looked away, pulling his hands back. Susan’s smile dampened. 
The man seemed to curl in on himself. "It's just...you all seem to know each other so well. I feel like a stranger at a family dinner." 
"Well, you were great in the theater. They were cracking up. Besides, the only way to not be a stranger is to get familiar."
Susan had a point. Bob's stomach furiously growled again.
"Let's go together." Susan smiled to reassure him.
Food and someone who can take over the conversation if things get awkward?
"Alright!" Bob was convinced.
As the two of them left the corner, the woman clad in all black approached.
"Hey, you did well up there. It was way better than my first time!"
The woman's voice was deep, deeper than Bob's own.
Before he could stop himself, Bob asked, "What's your name?"
"Dani. Nice to meet-"
"Are you a man?" Bob was curious.
Susan moved, almost protectively, to Dani's side.
"If you're transphobic, you can leave. Right now." Susan hissed.
Bob was taken aback.
Dani whirled around to face Susan. "Don't worry, it's okay. I got this," and turned their gaze to Bob. "But seriously, are you transphobic?"
Bob cleared his throat awkwardly. "No, no, I'm just curious. I didn't mean to offend either of you. I'm sorry if I crossed a line there."
"No worries, Bob, you're cool. Susan, what have you got to say for yourself?"
Her face was one of regret. "I apologize, Bob. That was unwarranted. We had some experiences in the past and..."
Susan looked at Dani.
"...I did not want Daniella to get hurt."
"You need to stop blaming yourself. It wasn't your fault, Susan."
The red head looked troubled.
"I-I'll be right back." She murmured and hurried away.
Dani continued on without showing any care for Susan.
"Shouldn't we go check on her?" Bob furrowed his brows.
Dani stopped Bob in his tracks.
"Susan'll be good. She probably needs a moment alone. She kind of burdens herself with stuff that she shouldn't." Dani concluded.
"Oh, alright." Bob frowned a little. He didn't follow Susan because he wanted to respect her privacy. But what if...
"Asides from all that, I'm a woman. My transition from Daniel to Daniella hasn't been the easiest." She sighed.
"What would you prefer I call you?" Bob tilted his head and was taken out of his thoughts.
"Dani or Daniella is fine. Thanks for asking." Bob noticed that Dani had grown weary.
"I'm sure that you've had to explain this many times! So thank you, Dani, for answering my question...I--I need to learn when to shut up."
"Maybe. Just maybe, Bob." Dani's smile was small.
"So enough about me, what about you?" Dani questioned to get away from all the prior misunderstanding.
"What do you mean?" Bob was puzzled.
"What's your story? Like...why are you here?" Dani gestured to the building surrounding them with her hands.
"I suppose I do owe you my life story after all of that," Bob admitted.
"Bob, you don't owe me anything. Share what you're comfortable with sharing..." She whispered thoughtfully, "...I understand that some stories are too difficult to tell."
Bob was silent, thinking to himself while he fiddled with his fingers.
Dani jumped when he began to speak lowly. Bob looked at Dani, but it was like she wasn't even there.
"My husband, Adam, died a couple years ago. Not long after that, I...fell apart. I started smoking again. At first, it was one cigarette. Then a pack. Then two. Eventually, the cigarettes weren't enough and..."
"That's when you started using LSD." Dani finished.
"Yeah. My kid, Monte, he... had enough of it. He didn't want to deal with me anymore. Can't blame him, either..."
Dani was growing concerned.
"Adam helped me get clean the first time. I owe it to him and my kid to stop this."
Dani gently took Bob by the shoulders.
"You owe it to yourself to get clean, too...you get me?"
Bob gazed up from his twitching hands to look at Dani.
"I get you."
"Okay, good."
Dani and Bob both felt a tap on their shoulders.
"Gah!" Bob bounced back.
Dani stifled a laugh.
Susan had unintentionally snuck up on them.
"Oh! I'm sorry, Bob. First, I accuse you of being transphobic. Now I'm scaring the bejeebers out of you. I really can't get this right."
"It's fine, Susan," Bob grumbled, terrified of her stealth for the second time.
"I overheard your story. I wanted to tell you that any reason to get clean is a good one. But getting clean for yourself is important too. I'm also sorry about Adam and how I acted before."
"It's really, alright." Bob accepted her apology full-heartedly but wasn't sure if he could get clean for his own sake.
"And..." Susan slung her arm around Dani,
"...you've got us rooting for you!"
Dani sighed, trapped in Susan's embrace.
"Oh, jeez. Thanks, guys." Bob couldn't hide his smile.
Then, the screaming began.
"Oh, shit!" A young man no older than twenty dodged an empty plastic container thrown by none other than Maggie.
"Alorian, get your stupid frat boy ass over here! I know you ate the last cookie."
"You love this frat boy ass Mags, and you know it!" Alorian giggled evilly.
Bob sipped at his newly attained water.
Dani nudged Bob on the shoulder, "Good entertainment, right?"
"Those two are better than the cast on Jersey Shore." Bob grinned, basking in the drama.
Before Maggie could throw a spoon at a cornered Alorian, a fuming Susan intervened.
There were audible groans of disappointment from around the hall. People were betting over how Alorian was going to get his ass kicked by Mags this time. From the sound of it, Alorian had taken the last cookie, and so the majority of the members were hoping for Mags to suplex him. However, Maggie had taken to throwing kitchenware instead. The only one who did mind the potential suplexing and Tupperware tossing, was of course, Susan.
"Ay caramba..." Maggie whispered, clutching the spoon tightly to her chest.
"Ay caramba, indeed." Remarked Alorian, impressed by the amount of red gathering in Susan's cheeks.
They were in for a good, old-fashioned Susan scolding.
Susan pinched the two of them by their ears.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Let go!" Maggie and Alorian cried, trying to pull away from the red head’s vice grip.
"Why must the two of you act like children? What is going on here?" Susan demanded furiously.
Nobody responded.
"Alorian, spill. Otherwise, I'll call your mom."
Everyone could see the horrible fear in Alorian's eyes.
"No, no, no, please don't!" He begged.
Susan prompted, "Spill, Alorian."
"Okay, fine...Maggie falsely accused me of taking the last cookie!" He blurted out.
"Is this true?" Susan turned her seething gaze onto poor Maggie.
"I accused him because I know he did it!" Maggie huffed in agitation. "Stupid, stupid frat boy..." She mumbled under her breath.
"What was that?" Susan pinched Maggie's ear harder.
"Hey! Punish me instead." Alorian defended the older woman.
"And why should I do that?" Susan interrogated.
He thought for a moment.
"Cuz' Maggie shouldn't get to have all the fun," Alorian smirked.
"This is fun to you? What sort of kinky shi-" Maggie stopped as Susan glared at her.
"Please, continue," Susan remarked.
"No thanks!" Maggie averted her gaze.
"You're not getting off that easy. Mags, you're forty years old! I expect this crap from frat boy over here..." Susan pointed at Alorian.
"...not you." Susan sighed tiredly.
"But Susan, he stole the last cookie!" Maggie cried.
"Did not," Alorian whined.
"Did too!" Maggie screeched.
"Did not~" The young man sang.
Susan yanked the both of them closer.
"So help me, if you continue to act like children, I will reprimand you like children." The woman spat out.
Susan pointedly looked at the troublesome duo, "Do you understand me?"
Maggie stole a fleeting glance at Alorian.
"I understand." She whispered, shivering from the intense air conditioning in the theater.
Alorian tsked and wrapped his sweatshirt around Maggie, "I understand too."
Maggie stared at the boy, weirded out.
"Can't have my old lady dying on me now, can I?" Alorian breathed.
"Whatever, frat boy. I'm keeping the sweater." Maggie tugged it on.
Alorian fondly smiled with blushing cheeks.
"That's fine with me, Mags. Will keeping my sweater make up for me stealing the last cookie?"
The crowd gasped at his admission.
"Aha! I knew it. You lying thief!" Maggie exclaimed.
"I would hate to say it, but with that ratty ass hair of yours, I'm afraid that you're the filthy one here."
"You know I still have my sewing kit, right?"
"Uh oh."
The two continued to bicker as Susan went to hangrily eat crackers.
"Still better than Jersey Shore?" Dani asked, somehow having attained popcorn.
Bob stole a handful and confirmed, "Yep."
"Maggie looks good for forty, don't you agree?" Bob asked Dani.
"Well, obviously. Mags is great. What are you, interested?" Dani munched on some more popcorn.
"No. I'm still clinging onto Adam."
Dani could see that familiar reminiscence in Bob's eyes.
"I love Adam...but not how Alorian loves Maggie."
"Ah, so you noticed that too?" Dani laughed lightly.
"They fight like an old married couple, and believe me, I'd know." Bob deadpanned.
"Everyone wants them to date, but there's Cockblock Keith."
"Who's Cockblock Keith?"
"Maggie's mean, leech of a brother. If Keith ever comes around, don't leave her alone with him. He's a manipulative bastard who doesn't prioritize anyone or anything but himself."
"Gotcha." Bob would save this information for later.
If only everyone knew that it was Susan who had swiped the last cookie.
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pretzelstoday · 5 years
y’all ever get drunk just to flex on your liver??
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jorimoorex · 3 years
song hits home, switched it up a bit to fit my own struggle with addiction. one day at a time y'all.
Strive 💜
I haven't showered, it's been possibly a week and I'm so deep into psychosis, impossible to speak.
The meth is in my arm, now it's impossible sleep.
losing weight's a part of my daily routine,
I use against my will, just praying I was clean.
when I was growing up I never thought that I would be a fiend,
pramedics had to revive me this ain't a game, I've worn the same damn clothes for like the last ten days and look I want to do better but I don't know another way.
completely all alone, I'm sitting in this room, empty out the bags, purple liquid in the spoon, I've gotta do a lot, can no longer do a little.
the guilt, shame, remorse and regret I never address, and I'm a mess from all this pain and this anguish
I'm filled with stress.
overdoses, I'm emotionally broken.
I'm glancing at my arms and all I ever see is sore tracks, I'm feeling filthy dirty needles with the orange cap,
peaking out the window, someone whispers "lock the door latch".
glass rose, devil got my in his lasso,
entered the gates of hell and I didn't even have a pass code.
I would withdrawal and kick on that concrete floor, I feel like I've had enough but my body is screaming "MORE".
I'm tired and exhausted from this life that I'm living, I would get a couple days clean, and say that I was done
I got to be willing to change and give it my best try.
I'm a servant and this fentanyl's my Queen, I'm feeling like a slave, as I dangle from these puppet strings.
we're dealing with a topic we're so careless to neglect, we're dealing with a dilemma leaving every parent stressed, so sick and tired though of being sick and tired, but then it finally happened, motivated by desire.
overnight, I had this moment of clarity, so it begins and it's essential I believe,
through all this pain, there's got to be a positive message, I talked about the past, now let's talk about the present.
I'm no longer living that way, for me it's a blessing, but with one bad decision I am back in that obsession.
this shit today, trust me it isn't heroin,
it's killing everybody. look, I pay attention to every post that I read as you are sitting there judging in front of your iPhone screen, talking about these dying addicts and how they're worthless and if they put a needle in their arm then maybe they deserve it..
but that's someone's mother, someone's uncle, someone's daughter,
and that's someone's aunt, someone's son and someone's father.
this shit is giving me chills, and I am speaking off experience, that's how I know it's real.
these ignorant motherfuckers will say it's not a disease, and look I really don't care, you can believe what you believe.
incurable, progressive and fatal unless arrested, I'm expressing aggression with every sentiment confession.
I survived a lot, so it's only right that I smile and I'm aware of my surroundings, I'm no longer in denial.
We got to do this together, we must trust
There's no you, there's no me, there's just us, I'm doing this with courage, I'm doing this with pride, I'm doing this for every single friend that's ever died.
I dedicate this to anyone that's lost a loved one, so live your life cause tomorrow may never come.
be grateful for your past, try to embrace it,. feel pain, don't be afraid to cry & your life will change once your willing to try.
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movie-guy49 · 3 years
Hey everyone,
I just want to give everyone a quick update as to what's going on with the scams or what's called operation drain and run out of the 200 that were arrested the other day most have been released must have been very forthcoming and giving information some of them have been detained further pending for their interview and or their charges are going to be dropped or reduced law enforcement agencies have confirmed that there are some more smaller cell operations of this type going on here in the United States and in Canada they are now getting in with the Canadian authorities to help with the investigation up there I can't tell you that 75 of the 200 people arrested the other day were members of Tumblr so basically yes they were right under our nose and we did not know it but I knew it.
I can also tell you that information from this point forward is going to be very slim because they are wanting to Big Cheese the people that are actually masterminding all this and they're going to have to start being careful what information they let out and that's totally acceptable to me I totally understand that and they did say the other thing about passing the info. on to you guys as much as they can. They said that I have been a big help in this there's been a few other people that have come forward they've also been assisting and helping out but I still need some more help so anything y'all got if it if it means you got scammed don't worry about being embarrassed you're not going to be judged or you're not going to be treated like shit just because you fell for it.
So now if you've noticed that I changed the format of my blog it makes it look like it's in a daily or weekly episodic TV show it's still called a slice of my world but it's also episode 1-18 this is starting to become a daily or actually it should say it bi-weekly thing of me posting and I have enjoyed it don't get me wrong but the title of this is called oh how things have changed and it's basically going to be a lot of difficult reading from this point forward but stuff that once you read it you'll understand why it has been so difficult I I'm going to Chronicle the night of January 20th of last year through the morning hours of January 21st which is what I considered the moment my life changed forever.
So we begin on January 20th 2020 I had to go to work I walked 4 miles to go to work because I didn't have a vehicle anymore and we were living in a motel so I had to you know make sure one of us is working until a lot of times where I was staying even hard for me to get a ride. So I work the 3:30 to close shift which basically meant I left between anywhere from between 12:30 and 1:00 in the morning I worked at a movie theater which by the way was probably the best job I had ever had in my life I I love that place I would love to go back to another one like it. So basically I got off work about 12:30 that night and normally I would have a ride to work on Monday nights this week it wasn't possible because of something that happened at the theater the manager got behind on his paperwork on and couldn't get out on time like he normally does I had to go to the store that night because we didn't have very much food so I went to store I got about 2 or 3 nights worth of food with enough till I get to my day off from work to go to the store and get more. That was a common occurrence so by the time I got done with the store and got home about 2:30 in the morning my wife was asleep she had been sick for about a month before this which now I have directly linked into being one of the first cases of COVID-19 in the united states'.
I came home and like I said she was asleep and I gave her a kiss like I usually do sometimes it wakes her up sometimes it doesn't this time it woke her up we start talking for a little bit I went outside and I did my usual ritual I go outside and smoke a little weed you know kind of relaxed a little bit for about 20-30 minutes yeah I went inside and cooked dinner now for a little background my wife had been sick for a while she had a heart attack November 8th in 2018 and then she had a stroke Easter Sunday of 2019 a stroke that she refused to go get taken care of even though I begged her and had other people beg her to go to the hospital she would not do it when she had the heart attack the doctor was not able to fix all the blockages to her heart because some of the arteries were too small so he told me privately that if she had another heart attack she wouldn't survive it I knew that I told her that about 3 months later so she knew but on this night I never had any dream or knowing that 2 hours after I got home from work she would be dead she had a massive heart attack I was just getting ready to start cooking dinner when she started really screaming about chest pain and I've never heard her go off like she did and even though I called 911 it still took the damn people 20 minutes to get out there otherwise I still think she'd be alive but then again maybe not so to try to make a long story short they would not let me ride in the ambulance with her to the hospital she was still coherent but when they did the ekg in the room where we were staying at I could tell the guy's eyes that she wasn't going to be much longer and I think the reason why they told me I couldn't ride with them was because for the same Theory I think that they didn't want my last memory of her to be of her fighting for her life and dying and I am thankful for that because I've had horrible nightmares about this whole thing and so after I made all the notifications and everything that day I went back to work two days later and I was told I could stay out as long as I needed to they were really really super awesome and amazing to me hell they were even responsible for giving me the money to get my wife buried because they donated money they put a pool in together to help me. The thing about it was is I don't know what upset me more the fact that I wish there was something more I could have done or the fact that I had to have a fucking cop show up to my door to tell me that she was gone even though I had already known it. So when I went back to work two days later it was very very hard because she used to work there too and she used to work at the podium on the weekends where she took the tickets and everything and told people where the theaters were and everything else and I wasn't there for 2 hours and I just doubled over it was just like a big flood of emotion but I made it that night but the hard part was with the weekends because those were the nights that she worked the most everybody loved my wife it worked up there and so I mean I didn't feel like I was so alone then the pandemic came I lost my job I lost my place where I was staying I had to go to my sister-in-law's house which was the biggest mistake of my life cuz I really found out what kind of people they were plus that's when I developed a curiosity for methamphetamine and then I met the bitch from hell not even 2 months later and keep in mind she was just supposed to be a companion we weren't like going to be boyfriend girlfriend cuz I still way too broke up about my wife's death that's all I wanted cuz I couldn't stand being lonely anymore just like I can't stand it now but she got me hooked on meth and I say she got me hooked because she kept bringing it around me knowing that I found something new that I really liked and I didn't ask her to bring it around I could have said no but this has to do with that 28 day period from June to July where she was drugging me putting the dope in my food in my drinks that's why I blame her.
Then after my ex got murdered at a house party I lost my sister-in-law and nephew and then my step daughter called me one day two weeks before Christmas to tell me that she lost her fiance her baby's daddy after he had a heart attack from A congenital heart defect that he had for 6 years the only bright spot of 2020 was my step daughter had a daughter of her own and that to this day that baby is my love bug
As where I'm at right now I'm going to be homeless by next weekend again unless I can come up with $250-300 dollars by Friday night it doesn't look like it's going to happen folks unless I can get some donations and get them quick I am taking donations right now if you can help I don't care if it's 5 10 15 20 $25 whatever it is it will help I don't expect nobody to give me the money all at once cuz I know a lot of people don't have that kind of money right now so just little donations will help right now I had to actually go to Walmart today and steal food God I hate myself for doing it I didn't get caught but still my conscience was getting the best of me for much of the evening I got enough food here to last me for 2 or 3 days if I end up getting to stay here but like I said it's not looking very good at this point I've tried local resources I've tried all kinds of Charities help and all they want you to do is hurry up and wait and I ain't got that kind of time and I told him that so I I'm asking for any help that anyone could give if I don't get if I can get at least $250 out of 400 I can go get me a motel room for the week and I'll get me by until I can come back here when my roommate comes back cuz then he'll have the money for the rent and everything else so I can come back here so I just need to really get by for a week I have not had any dope in nine days I'm going crazy but I need a place to live first before I can be doing that shit so I'll just have to deal with it if you want to help I'll give you my cash app I will put it at the end of this post for everybody so the last 18 months has not been fun I went to six suicide of Temps and I just been existing when before I had it all anyway so that's basically going to end this episode of a slice of my world I'm sorry if this was such a downer for a lot of people but you know I the more and more I feel like I tell my story easier everyday gets for me cuz I don't feel like I'm burying myself with all the emotion and having to keep it bottled up anyway I will talk to you y'all whenever I talk to you I may be on Hiatus for a little bit because I won't have a phone here after tomorrow unless I go someplace that has Wi-Fi and depending on my living situation I mean like I said I'm I'm hoping and praying somebody will be able to help out by donating a little bit of money to me so I can keep a place over my head somehow someway anyway y'all. I love you take care of yourself and I'll see you on the other side
Cashtag $jojo091069
Google pay
Message for those tags I left blank as I don't know them by heart yet
Love,. Sean
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🥀ιzzу21.i❤️&MissMySonAnthonyMartinez.RIP2KimberlyOlivarez,RIP2JeremyBaraz&IshmaelBaraz.RIPGrandpaHarold.RIPKeraAndrews. RIPJuanTorrez, RIPMamaLisa (One 0f My Foster Parents) RIPDad (Tortured/Abused Me In All Ways),RIPGrandmaSarah (My Mom's Mom) Biromantic-Asexual.Sтαуѕтяσηg.вαттℓєѕcαяz.GOD.TraumaSinceAge4TillJuly2018.Occuring24/7.BяσкєηNDamaged.RIP2Me.Surviver.Vocals&[email protected]❤️M0M.i❤️PeteWentz&Tyler Joseph.Queen0fJupit3r.W3ird.Singer.Actor.Writ3r.2Caring.Ace8ItOut.🥀 UrNotAlone. I make movies,Music,freestyles,vlogs,shows,shortseries/films,I'm here4everyone. my solo musician project."Br0k3n R0z3z".All content on this channel owned by me. MyWattpad Ms_SweetInsanityyx (IWroteABook)
Lyf Beat [Search4 "Surviving My Mind_Tripp2iLL"]
[My Twenty One Pilots Clique Amino Profile: http://aminoapps.com/p/v2eot0
My Username: 🖤Izzy_Is_An_Angel_Too🖤]
💛💛🖤🖤🥀Hi I'm Izzy, Yes I AM A FEMALE THAT IS 10 MONTHS SOBER AND IS A BIROMANTIC ASEXUAL AND I DO NOT DATE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Stay Alive. && Be You, Cuz Your A Somebody. x I'm Here To Change The World, The Universe, && I'm Here To Make A Difference, I wanna save, help, fix, care, be there, support everyone and everything. One Day At A Time, You Matter Your Important, You Have A Purpose, Your Enough, Your Worth It, Your Someone, Don't Let Anyone Dim Your Shine, Remember What Yo Fighting For, Thank You For Existing. I Know Rock Bottom, Hell & Back, Trauma, Pain && Darkness From Top To Bottom, Stay Alive. I Love Helping Others, I Don't Know Who The Hell I Am. But I Am Here. Spread Good Around, Not Evil. Take Care Of Yourselves.🥀🖤🖤💛💛
System Malfunction; Errors: Brain Possession, Sanity Loss, Mind Damage, Overthinking, Too High Maintenance, Loss Of One's Mind, and Killing Of OnesSelf Slowly.
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WARNING: I help everyone and everything obsessively (I am there no matter what, I'm here to be there and help in any way, shape, or form possible. So if you need someone, you can contact me on my socials.)
My 1st Email: [email protected]
My 2nd Email: [email protected]
🖤💛🥀Okay, let me tell y'all a lil bit about this channel, if you go to the home page of my channel.
Yᵒᵘ Oᶰˡʸ Lᶤᵛᵉ Oᶰᶜᵉ
τнänκ чöü♥
I'm Already Dead, So Leave Me Be, My Love
"Up All Night, Got No Shuteye
Sick Of Life, Bloodshot Skies
Don't Tell Me Good morning,
Don't Tell Me Good night"-Copyrighted By Me, I Own This Song. Just Get Some Sleep, Okay?
Angelique. Is. Not. My. Name
call me Izzy, that's what I go by.
Ps: Mental Illnesses Are Not A Trend; STOP MAKING THEM TRENDY PEOPLE. It's real fucking shit. Trust NoOne. Haha. I'm the weirdest girl y'all will ever meet.
Don't Judge Anyone/Anything Unless You Have Already Walked In There Shoes. You Know My Name, Not My Story.
I love my mom to death. She also keeps me alive. She's my world.
It's Midnight here. So just stay safe. Goodnight xx
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.Got love4the streets and all of you. Stay Up Fam x “If Y0u Talk En0ugh S3nc3 Than Youll Lose Y0ur M!nd” #SilenceIzB3tt3rThanBullsh!t🥀
Hi idk what the fuck I'm doing? xx
Goodnight my amazing lovelies xx
Every Rose Has Its Thorn xx
You Grow Stronger Everyday xx
Izzy, shut the hell up, your being negative again xx
🖤🥀Fake Smiles All Around🥀🖤
🖤🥀It's A Very Very, Mad World🥀🖤
💛🥀Goodbye Reality, Welcome To Dreamland🥀💛
💛🥀Would Y'all Shut Up, Your Disrupting My Train Of Thought🥀💛
🦋🖤Go To Sleep Izzy, Try Again In The Morning🖤🦋
God Is Good, Amen!
Pray For Me, My Love
I Miss You Anthony, My AngelEyez
I Miss You Izzy, Your Not You Anymore
R.I.P xx _ xx Izzy Magdalinoz-Martinez xx_xx She's Not Dead Physically.
__Let's Have A Minute In Silence, For The Addict That's Still Suffering__
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System Malfunction; Errors: Brain Possession, Sanity Loss, Mind Damage, Overthinking, Too High Maintenance, Loss Of One's Mind, and Killing Of OnesSelf Slowly.
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🖤🥀Updated A Lil Part Of My Life Story Summerized🥀🖤
.♪★I am a recovering drug addict and alcoholic, on Step One &10 MonthsClean.
♪★My deceased father tortured me since I was 4 (I fought back at age 9, when my dad's torture got worse, (on multiple occasions on our he injection me with Meth and Heroin (inside a parked car at Carl's Jr
♪★now I've been homeless 13 times
♪★I rose a 9 year old kid (now 14 years old) named Anthony Castillo-Martinez, he was In an abusive foster home (the same one I was in), so me and my motel roommate and ex girlfriend of One Year. Kimberly Marie-Olivarez took him in
♪★I was mentally unstable and unfit so CPS took him away, (under Kimberly's false accusations that I "gave him drugs")
♪★im known for police, fire department, AMR, sherriffs etc.
♪★Jeremy Baraz & Ismhael Baraz, got shot && I saw the entire thing , and I almost got killed as well
♪★I was Prostituting/got sold, got drugged up and abused for money for us (To raise Anthony, and have a hotel for me Kim and him to live) and she killed herself (right in front of me and I tried to st0p her, but I was to late
♪★ I've been raped by my drug dealers which also drugged me up.people on the streets, Kimberly && many more)
♪★I was in Foster Care a couple times, ×°the 2nd time i was in abusive/Drug addicts, Angela and Jimmy Miller (they tortured, force fed, raped, abused, but me, drugged me up, had multiple people (over 40 a day) come in an rape me one by one
x°first a foster called GHS with staff instead of parents
x° and with Lisa (who was like a grandma to me but she passed away later on so I moved , later finding out that she attempted suicide)
♪★I’ve been in 215 mental hospitals (ETS, Loma Linda, Arrowhead, Cedars Cienai, San Bernardino Community, Delamo, The Willows "CRC", Auoura Charter Oaks, Auoura Las Encinas, UCI, Canyon Ridge, Kaiser, Kaiser Sunset, College Hospital)
♪★lock down treatment centers,1in Utah called Copper Hills Youth Center, ♪★multiple treatment centers
crisis centers (Crisis Stabelization Unit a 24 hour crisis center [CSU] over 80 times)
♪★2 week mental health and drug/alcohol programs (STAY Program (2x), Jumpstreet, Excelsior House, Rancho West, and Telecare Lagos...2x each)
♪★group homes (Rancho Domocitas), ♪★Boarding Cares (Golden Girls, a SSI paid house of all girls)
♪★rehabs (Cedar House 2x, CHYC, and multiple others)
♪★shelters (House of Miracles, Lutheran Mission, Set Free Ranch, Path Of Life, and many otherz)
♪★the streets (13 times homeless/on the streets, LA, OC, Menifee, Riverside, Murrietta, Mission Viejo, Corona, irvine and San Bernardino)
♪★been in car accidents (over 10 times)
♪★i have anger issues (extremely bad), been kicked out of multiple schools since 7th grade
♪★I’ve attempted suicide over 50 to 100 times
♪★I’ve self harmed on multiple occasions (in all kinds of different methods)
♪★I have bipolar (manic depressive disorder type 1 mixed episode).
♪★depression (major depressive disorder).
♪★Dissociative Identity Fued.
♪★skitzoaffective (extreme skitzophrenia && bipolar mixed) ♪★PTSD.
♪★attachment disorder.
♪★borderline personality.
♪★multiple personality disorder. ♪★anorexia.
♪★&&..i helped the homeless and people In hospitals (I help everyone way toooo much)
♪★been 0n all mental Health medication (I mean ALL)
♪★ People Tried To Send
Me To Metropolitan State Hospital(highest level of Care)
♪★IMD (Institution For The Mentally Diseased) on multiple occasions
♪★ive been to many therapists, physciatrists, ER's, and been on 51/50, 52/50 holds , concervertaship
♪★and lastly ive got taken away from my mom on four occasions (personal reasons)
♪★I’ve never had a stable home since 2011, now on Augest of 2018 I’m finally home
♪★I help others cus im used to people not caring about me
♪★I have trust issues, im always there to help to care to make sure there OK.
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kee-writestrashh · 5 years
Guns for Hire
Ramsay Bolton x Reader
Summary:  You are the wife to the Heir of the Red Kings, Ramsay Bolton. living the undercover life of a mob wife has its perks, and you love your husband. But you find out something that seems to unfold a series of unwanted events…
Chapter 26: Eyes of Madness
You were sitting on the couch folding dish towels when Ramsay burst through the door, making you scream and sending the dogs into a barking fit.
He said nothing as he slammed the door and made for the kitchen.
You took a calming breath and picked up the rag you had dropped, shaking it slightly as your husband returned, setting down a whiskey bottle and shot glass. He turned on his heel again. You heard him rummaging in drawers in the kitchen, returning shortly with a notebook and pen.
He threw himself down in the seat across from you, threw back two shots, light a cigarette and disappeared behind the notebook.
You watched him scribble furiously and rip paper from the notebook, balling the paper and cursing to himself.
What the hell was he doing?
You opened your mouth to speak but closed it again, watching him closely.
After fifteen minutes, another shot of whiskey, two more cigarettes, and a pile of balled paper at his feet you decided to break the silence.
"Um... what exactly are you doing, Rams?" You asked awkwardly.
He glanced up from the notebook, tapping his pen, and gave you a surprised look as if he only just realized you were there.
"Uh..." he said clearing his throat and turning the notebook to you.
It was full of numbers and random letters. It made absolutely no sense.
"Are you high on something?" You asked, slightly concerned.
"Think it would help?" He asked, frowning and looking back at his numbers.
"Help what?" You asked exasperatedly.
"Put the puzzle together, stupid." He said, pulling the page out and balling it up.
You gave him a cold glare, "do not call me stupid."
He simply gave you a look and went back to writing.
"Now, what the hell are you doing?" You asked, annoyance rising along with the heat in your face.
"Finding the missing pieces." He said irritably.
Apparently being caged in an office was not good for a restless beast today.
"Missing pieces to what? What fucking puzzle are you doing?" You all but cried out.
"This cluster fuck that's going on." He growled clutching the pen before slamming it down on the coffee table, causing your stack of dish rags to fall over.
Your eye twitched slightly as you took a deep breath and tried to even your voice.
"What is bothering you, baby?"
Ramsay stood, staring at the notebook.
"Something is off. Trouble. But I can't figure it out. It's driving me crazy." He said, now pacing.
'Because it results in your death.' You thought with sadness as you watched him pace like bears did at the zoo.
You refolded your towels and placed them in the empty basket before Ramsay could knock them over again.
"Maybe if you talked about it?" You said, picking up the basket and rising from the couch.
He shook his head, continuing to pace up and down.
You sighed, "you're fucking weird. Go kill someone and blow off some steam. I think you're trying to look too deep in this."
He stopped and stared at you.
"Kill someone..." he whispered, resting his eyes on your stomach.
When he brought his eyes slowly to yours it was like watching a light flip on. He gave a cold smile and glanced down at the notebook.
You felt uneasy at his look and the comprehension of wherever behind his eyes.
"You are absolutely right. Should I grab dinner while I'm out?" He said, loosening his tie, pulling it over his head.
You blinked a couple times before shrugging, "surprise me?"
He walked around the coffee table, placed a kiss to your, forehead and left without another word.
Fucking psycho.
You let out a sigh when the door closed. You really needed to figure out what to do.
You put the towels away, the notebook catching your eye on your way back through the living room.
You picked it up, examining each number and group of numbers.
How did this make sense to him? How was this supposed to solve a puzzle?
You shook your head slightly, setting the notebook down and retaking your seat on the couch, picking your phone up.
New message.
[Whit: Jared and I can be there Friday night. No one else can get off. But if you really need us all I'm sure we can figure something out?]
[You: No. That's fine. Y'all come up Friday and we can work out the fine details then. Any news on anything?]
[Whit: check your fb. See you friday.]
You closed out the messages and opened Facebook. After scrolling a couple seconds you saw what Whit had been talking about. She had shared an article.
Deputy's death in meth lab explosion ruled as accident.
Sheriff Harris, Deputy Clayton Harris's grandfather, spoke late yesterday on this weekend's past event.
'As saddened as we are at the loss of a great deputy, and an outstanding community figure, we are not suspecting any foul play. Deputy Clay had been working tirelessly to locate all meth labs in the county so we can stop our war on drugs. It looks as if he had gotten information on a lab, went to investigate, and the building exploded. The loss of such a young and involved person in the community will affect us all greatly, but we will continue...'
You couldn't read anymore as a fit of manic laughter hit you from nowhere. It scared you.
"Whoa. I need to chill." You muttered, looking at both dogs, who had picked up their heads when you had started laughing.
"I'm not a psycho." You told them with a nod.
But, who were you kidding? You really were just the same as Ramsay.
No. You had feelings. Real feelings.
'Rams does too. He just chooses to ignore them. Just like you did when you killed Clay.' A voice in the back of your head said.
"No! If it came down to it, I wouldn't be able to do it again." You said, burying your face in your hands.
'You're lying to yourself, (y/n). You'd do it again. You want to do it again. Because it makes you understand. It makes you feel powerful. It makes you Ramsay's equal.' The voice in the back of your head said.
You sighed, laying down on the couch. Would you ever find out who you were? Were you really a psycho murderer like the man you married? Was your heart truly black and cold?
A fluttering in your stomach brought you back from the dark corners of your thoughts.
Maybe you had just imagined it. Most women didn't report feeling their baby move for at least another 3 weeks from where you were. But, maybe you had.
You placed you hand on your belly, sniffed loudly, and closed your eyes tight.
If there were two things you knew for certain it was that you loved your husband and the child growing inside of you, and one way or another the three of you would be a happy family.
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garbagecan307 · 6 years
What I would really like to see from the creek fanbase as the series progresses:
• More of the two of them fighting together. Not with each other but, say Tweek gets picked on, or someone thinks they can talk some kinda way to Craig: I want BOTH CRAIG AND TWEEK WHUPPING ASS IN TANDEM. I see a lot of either one or the other beating the shit out of someone (usually Cartman but hey I ain’t mad at that) with some commentary on either Craig's protectiveness, or Tweek not being a wuss. I want my sons charging into battle as a team, effectively pleasing everyone. In theory.
• More of Tweek's actual interests being presented. Like fam don't get me wrong, stargazing art is lit and it makes me feel things but. Can we get Craig building complex Lego sets with Tweek? Painstakingly crafting model air planes? Doing something active together? I feel like we as a fandom forget that there’s more to Tweek than "gay dope fiend.exe"
• An accurate look for Tweek. Yeah yeah, toll Tweek would be nice but like. Fam he's been fed methamphetamine every day for lord knows how long. Y'all ever seen a kid that strung out for that long looking completely normal and healthy? Me neither. I imagine Tweek's growth would be stunted-- causing him to be shorter and good lord skinny as a rail --, his eyes sunken in with dark circles from days without sleep, hair matted from tugging/fidgeting with it, fingernails and cuticles bloodied from biting, and let's not forget meth mouth from hell (which, correct me if I'm wrong, is canon I believe. Tweek is seen to have very yellowish brown teeth in the show).
• Less hate on the emotional fanservice side of the Creek shipping base. Like come on guys these bois got issues, and it's good and interesting to explore those issues. See the above, Tweek would probably be really insecure with his appearance. It makes a lot of sense. I see a pattern of people trying to portray this, then getting shut down by the rest of the community because "Tweek is not a wuss!!1". But guys. Having insecurities doesn't take away from a character's strength. *whispers* It helps to humanize them.
• For the love of the void, a little bit less of Tweek drinking fucking coffee. Like. There's meth in that. I see a lot of aged-up tweek, still on the shit. And there's no way that well into the teen years, neither one of them caught on. There's just no way. (Damage-controling self-rebuttle: If it's just imitating the canon, current Tweek, then sure. Just. Can we not make fun of Tweek's addiction he is literally being abused and that shit ain’t funny, trust me.) I love seeing the different recovery paths that some artists and writers take, and it's just way more satisfying to me to witness than "haha drug jokes".
• CRAIG RESPECTING TWEEK'S BOUNDARIES AND ASKING PERMISSION BEFORE TOUCHING HIM LIKE HE DOES IN CANON. Honestly I'm seeing more and more of this and it makes me so happy. Sure, comfort is good-- but accurately showing the way in which a lot of people feel during panic attacks / other episodes AND the proper behavior for someone attempting to help is FUCKING GOLD.
•Real talk tho where is jimmy. Need I say more?
• Tweek's mom and dad being presented less as sweet, kind people (or just plain comic relief), and more as quiet sociopaths who abuse and gaslight their child. Again, see above.
• And just more accurate portrayals of Tweek's, well, tweaker behavior. Getting distracted easily, trouble concentrating, paranoia over /small/ shit, going off on long tangents about /small/ shit, having ulcers due to the rock constantly flowing into his body, obsessive compulsive behavior (And no, not of the "neat-freak" variety. Like he has to step on different coloured tiles the same number of times, or something terrible will happen to him. What? He doesn’t know, but he damn sure ain’t chancing it), picking and biting at his nails/skin, all the shit meth does to you that can't be made "cute" in just the right light. AND I WANT CRAIG THERE FOR TWEEK NOT IN SPITE OF HIS BEHAVIORS BUT FOR THEM. I WANT CRAIG TO WANT TO HELP AND TO DO IT WELL (see above). I WANT PROGRESS AND RECOVERY. Basically I want my sons to be happy ;_;
• Kinda creek-related but kinda not: shifts in social groups and cliques as time goes by. I personally like to think of the goth kids socializing more outside their tight circle (maybe with Tweek and Craig, idk?) as they mature.
Idk literally no one cares what I think lol but I was hella stoned and looking at fanart so these opinions of mine came to light XD
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"Its easy as fuck but we can't do it"
No. That is fucked up. You will fucking do it.
29% have active COVID non symptoms.
37% have COVID-19 which will cause 77% of racers to get and stay sick with COVID
I created the disease. Thank you. I know what the fuck I'm talking about. This guy is on what meth? PCP? Cocaine?
No one should fucking listen to him he's jacked up high and he wants to argue me now and tell me the news is accurate and I am not. Fun.
As I said I created the disease I gave a list of what a disease should do when i was fighting with George Bush in 2008 and well... Once you fucking say something... Someone goes and does it.
Queen Elizabeth II doesn't want people driving high and there's no evidence that anyone has actually quit.
I don't want people who should be dead to race. They should be sitting at home waiting to die.
Secondly their reasons to shut down had nothing to do with the pandemic. But the explosions of radiation filled explosives.
I don't have time nor do i care enough to keep everyone safe because some fucking dope head completely wasted on illegal drugs and wishes decides to risk everyone's life.
I wash my hands of that shit.
Y'all go out there racing have a bomb in your trailer. You have a stroke and die while driving.
Quit being selfish.
Do I need to explain how it can hurt thousands of people because your dream is to die in your race car?
Empty your house of people and drive your fucking car through your house. Gonna be a Hell of a lot safer for a lot of people
I guarantee there will be bombs if you go racing.
Alex Laughlin had radon poisoning.
17 other people have had assassination attempts in the last month from Eric Trump.
Y'all gonna go out there and fuck shit up. Stay your asses home.
As an owner that is what I fucking say. Disobey me and I ain't paying shit
I will pull 100% of my funding. So fuck y'all do what the Fuck you want.
But you race in 2020 or 2021 without my express permission there will be no funding from me. So pull your fucking calculators out and see how that is gonna work out.
I Don't care what I promised I will pull 100% even the soulmate funds.
It is simply too dangerous.
As far as Corona Virus it is outdoors and so if people do get sick from that it is a mild week long recovery with cough and cold medicine.
Tree will update with the Queen and his thoughts and others.
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idanilee3 · 4 years
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So, first of all, #freeJoe. The man did nothing wrong. Either #freeJoe or lock Carole, Jeff, and Allen's asses up right next to him. Either, or. Now, a few thoughts about Tiger King: 1) I was born and raised in Oklahoma, lived there through college, and visit quite frequently...how the hell have I never heard of Joe Exotic or the GW Zoo? I feel like we've traveled to Wynnewood with the band or something - guess I just missed out. 2) Wynnewood, we have a problem. John Finlay (no relation) was actually filmed with meth mouth...throughout ALL SEVEN EPISODES. That means it is totally acceptable to walk around Wynnewood with nothing but three oversized teeth in your mouth and not another in sight. Not good! Let him be the poster child for why drugs are bad and get your citizens some help. Y'all made Oklahoma look TERRIBLE. Do better next time. 3) Carole did that shit. 4) Jeff's dusty, disloyal, broke, con man ass needs to be beat. I hope a tiger gets after his foot like that one got after Joe. (That shit was CRAZY!) 5) Although Joe's obsession with Carole was bound to get him in trouble sooner or later, I thought it was pretty f'd up how everyone except John-no-legs, half-arm-Saff, and the campaign manager guy turned on him or flat out lied to set him up. John Finlay (no relation) deserves to be drug through the street by that biggest front tooth, with his gay-for-pay-and-a-place-to-stay ass. He's the worst. Bonus: Doc Antle is a pimp. Or a white R. Kelly. Whichever. If you haven't watched this foolishness yet, go on and watch. What else you gotta do??? (at Underwood Hills, Atlanta) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-YMIDiJ7_t/?igshid=tjh0f1j7pv0f
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Quadpolar Part 2!
Just want to let you know that i had instant bloggers remorse after that last post. Welp, I've stepped in it now.
So i totally forgot to mention that I'm adopted (see: Symptoms of ADHD; rushing, inventiveness), pretty important stuff. That means my nice, old fashioned, very old, worked in the post office their whole life parents are not, in fact my real parents. What they did was reach into a barrel of discarded babies and pull out a meth head kid. (Sorry to my biological mom reading this, we have to go in context for a bit). For the sake of sanity my adoptive mom will be Mom and my biological mom will be Mama, although that didn't happen til MUCH later.
I was adopted at birth and told as soon as i was old enough to understand, something i appreciate my adoptive parents for. They never kept secrets from me, made sure i knew what sex was right off the bat, my super paranoid mom even gave me a book CALLED "Child lures" (I'm not kidding this was literally a pedophile's handbook for a seven year old to read, look it up. Fucked up.) But as far as how true it all was, maybe I'll never know.
What I was told by my adoptive mom was that my biological mother was a drug addict with two other kids already (my sister was 4 and my brother was 2). My father, who she was with at the time, was also a drug addict. As the story goes (i still haven't dared to ask), while high on meth one day he beat my baby brother so bad that his ribs and arm were broken and he now has permanent neurological damage. Last i knew my brother had just gotten out of jail and was homeless, so his life hasn't really improved. That was about the time the state of Arkansas decided that my mother, pregnant with me at the time, would no longer have custody of her children and we would all be placed for adoption immediately. My sister and brother, who shared a father that was different from mine, were placed in an orphanage and my Mama chose my adoptive parents to take me from birth. I had no correspondence with her for decades and didn't want to- to me she was a vile, despicable woman like all the drug addicts in the world- but i had mever even met someone on drugs so what did I know? So, born in Arkansas, raised in New Jersey and then....
Fast forward to the good part: the part that sticks my crazy ass in the awful state of Maine. I liked vacationing there, but did i want to move there? Hell no! My one best friend in the world, the boy next door who I'd grown up with and was the same age as, was not coming with us. It was in the middle of nowhere, on the eve of my Fifth grade year. Having skipped a grade, I was only 9 at the time. I distinctly recall my first car ride to the rural beach town, during which I had a small mental break down and screamed "THEY'RE DRIVING TRACTORS ON THE ROAD!!!" because that was just <i>unheard of.</i> The only kid on the street, eventual cheer captain, straight A student and model child was my age but wanted nothing to do with the hyperactive menace next door who came over uninvited and played with the dogs. Yep, that was me. Forcing myself into the company of people who didn't want me around.
And thus I started school at the local K through 8. Wait. K through 8? How many kids went to this school????? Must be like TEN THOUSAND!! Back in Jersey there were 2-3 grade levels to a school, 30 kids to a class and 11 of each grade.That's over 600 kids in just two grades! (And i still had no friends. Sob. Seriously i must have been an awful kid.) You never had the same classmates twice, classes switched every grade. I couldn't imagine how FRIGGEN HUGE a school with every grade in it would be!!
What? What's that. There are HOW MANY kids in my class?
16. And how many in the grade? 16.
....so there's one fifth grade? And how many kids in the school??? ......a little over a hundred.
At first i was pumped. I get to make friends and stay with them all the way till high school?! YES. Except this was when I remember my life becoming a living hell.
At this point i had been on at least three different medications for ADHD and none of them worked. Ritalin, Concerta, Stratera etc. Apparently i was still as annoying as ever because i remember being tormented relentlessly. Like, relentlessly. When there's only 16 kids in the class and you're the target, there's no escape. The teacher's let it happen. I was called hippopotamus. My lunch got spat in. I was mocked in front of the class. I was called stupid. Everyone would argue about having to sit next to me and i would just sit alone, or if someone did have to sit with me (usually the teacher assigned someone which made it worse) they would push my things off my desk or ask to copy my work once they realized i was almost as smart as the smartest girl in the class.
And i let them. I wanted SO fucking badly to be popular, to have a friend, fucking anything. It always blew up in my face. As soon as i was done being used for answers, a good place in line, a random good pick for a team or something, i was immediately shunned again. I buried myself in my extracurriculars (now it was swim team, violin and piano), joined band, chorus, jazz band, softball and soccer. I told my parents very little unless they were being dragged in for parent teacher conferences about how i was inattentive and always acting out. My grades began to slip because I was starting to learn about depression and constantly forgot to do my homework. My strict as hell parents were making me practice piano and violin for hours a day and my only solace was my meager 30 minutes of Nintendo 64 time per day. At one point my sixth grade teacher (stupid bitch, i hope you enjoy your cancer (sorry, y'all)) told my parents i wasn't as smart as everyone said and i should be held back because she thought i was autistic. I'm a lot of things, but not fucking autistic.
In the summer before seventh grade i finally got a reprieve in the form of my still longest best friend and the miracle drug Adderall. For those who don't know, Adderall is an amphetamine based ADHD medication and widely abused for it's stimulant properties. For anyone with ADHD however, it mellows the shit out of us and makes us super focused. Well, I'm a little allergic to it, so it actually makes me aggressive. On top of that, it makes your appetite nonexistent so, surprisingly, your favorite curvy girl Jay developed an eating disorder. Not on purpose at first. I just wasnt hungry so i didn't eat. I skipped breakfast, skipped lunch, ate the light dinner my parents prepared and went to bed. Hunger was nonexistent. Then one day i woke up and discovered myself at about 135 pounds, i tried on my first pair of short shorts out shopping with my mom. I'll never fucking forget looking in the mirror and saying out loud "Wow... I actually look great in these!" I didn't realize it was the Adderall at the time but I let it get worse. Whenever i did eat off my only light dinner schedule i would make myself throw up. I eventually got down to 117 pounds. My lowest weight. I stayed there for years. Once i had a state ID with me at that weight. Even at 12 i looked emaciated. It was revolting. I kept that ID for awhile to remind myself how awful i looked and to remind me that I look better curvy, but then i got fat and it made me sad. But i digress.
When i got back to school I suddenly gave not a single fuck about anyone picking on me. Adderall made my emotions <i>nonexistent</i>, but my temper started to boil. As a punching bag i was still pretty friendly and docile, like a big dumb dog that comes trotting back for another beating time and time again. Now i was silent and glowery. People took notice, and that's where my first real best friend came in. Let's call her Patti. I will always remember the day it really happened. I was the first person in line for recess, a great honor, but all my classmates were playing the "EW I DON'T WANT TO STAND NEXT TO HER" game. As per usual. I didn't really care. Thank god for drugs amirite? But then one voice rang out above the crowd of heckling...
I'm just kidding, it was more of a frustrated "seriously guys? Grow up." and then there was Patti. Someone who'd never joined in the terrorizing- i didn't and still don't blame anyone who didn't speak up. It would have made them a target too. But why? She was a cheerleader. I don't think anyone disliked her. She wasn't "popular" but she'd been going to this school since kindergarten and knew everyone. I guess I'll never really understand. But she was a lifesaver, even before the depression got really bad. She actually got to know me, the real me, she realized (and helped me realize too) that i was funny, and goofy and smart, and friendly. Eventually, because of her, some of the others started to come around too, but none of them were ever quite as close to me as she was. I thank god for this girl pretty regularly. Not as much as i should lately.
But there was still the matter of the bullies- and of my short fuse. I had my first kiss that year and a few short lived "boyfriends"- all from other schools of course, it would have been an unforgivable taboo to be interested in Jay. But that year was the year i put my foot down. As i mentioned earlier, Adderall had made me apathetic, but also very, very aggressive. The rage built slowly for several months until one fateful day in art class. I can't remember what i was doing to deserve this comment, i genuinely wish i could, but one of my usual enemies decided to say "No wonder your parents didn't want you!"
She was across the table from me and before i knew it i had launched myself across the table and had my hand up around her throat. No squeezing, just pressure. Her eyes nearly bugged out of her head and the entire room fucking froze. It was like something out of a movie. That was the first time i ever rage cried. If i ever get angry enough that my eyes start to water, someone's gonna get hurt. We both got sent to the principal, maybe because the sensible art teacher recognized a normally good natured kid snapping. I looked dead into that principal's eyes and told him that I'd had enough. I was tired of being picked on every single day and having nothing done. Teachers watched and let it happen. Some fucking joined in. HE let it happen after i told him time and time again what was going on. I didnt get in trouble. The bullying receded a good amount that day. It didn't stop completely until almost the end of the year.
Through my mother's networking at church i had become friends with one of the most popular girls at a neighboring school- a gorgeous russian adopted girl with a thick accent and a very early onset sex drive. Yikes. In turn, she introduced me to her brother, who i began "dating" for several months. By "dating" i mean we held hands and made out under the bleachers at YMCA dances and he tried to get me to give him a blowjob at my 12th birthday party. Jesus yikes. Needless to say that relationship didn't last long but I'd suddenly earned a reputation of someone who was- dare i say it- close to popular?
Then there was the summer of 2004. The best few months of my life. Patti and i were inseperable, we rode our bikes around the town every day, snuck into the state park, ate ice cream at the little trailer shop nearby, stayed up all night then nodded off through church the next day. And we dreamed. Oh sweet jesus did we dream about getting as far away from our shitty little town as possible and never coming back. I had honestly never been happier and for the first time in my life i had a best friend. I had a birthday party at the end of the school year and a bunch of people came- people from my school!- we genuinely had an amazing time. The girls all slept over and for once, finally, i felt like i belonged.
Eighth grade was a breeze, if you skim over Adderall making me almost punch my mom in the face. It was the first and last time i ever raised a fist to my parents. But it had done it's job. I wasn't getting picked on, i gained a little more weight and filled out nicely, I excelled at academics, won awards in jazz band, joined the bangor youth symphony orchestra, and actually made real friends (none in my school save for patti really.)
So.... That's my life up until high school. That's when i met depression. 😘
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I'm an empty shell of who I used to be I thought I knew depression when it was just coke and drinking getting the best of me After a year of bouncing between high and the lowest low could be I figured I'm already mostly empty Not knowing how much worse that it would be So I gave methamphetamine what little bit I had left of me But it wasn't until I met heroin that I really made a mess of me Waking up in agony from an hour of painful sleep Remembering that I owe my soul to a new set list of priorities It starts off with using drugs Not all too unfamiliar to me But now instead of getting high The drugs are just to find some sense of normalcy Merely avoiding the withdrawals I call it getting well Though well is about as far from any sense of this new life I call it living hell Wanting to crawl out from your own skin Wishing numbness was an escape Thinking you'd sacrifice ever feeling good again If it meant you'd never feel this way Only served a glass of matches While you freeze and burn so fiercely Trapped within a nightmare Even sobriety you miss dearly Paralyzed from god awful depression All decisions leading here regretted so severely You're now as lost as ever The person in the mirror you no longer see so clearly Two years had come and gone While you were off somewhere busy disappearing You had drugs to drown your sorrows with And every dose to keep you company Every hit hoping to feel better than before Despite everything the drugs had done to me I was fighting the impossible struggle just to try and stay afloat At a certain point I gave up hope started letting go And those drugs started digging their teeth in a little deeper into my soul Bit by bit the waves began to steal more of myself away with them as the tides would come and go And I lost more and more of the person I used to know Until I was no longer even a stranger Just a shadow slowly fading A ghost Only without the drugs did I realize I had nothing left All but forgotten were any interests I once possessed For all my dopamine had been replaced with meth So I'd steal from stores and run my hustle To make my precious drug money I'd pay every cent into this habit declaring this is the last time But I could never set myself free Because no matter how many times I said it It's always this one last time in an addict's mind Even if you promised yourself above all else Right? That fateful night you chose to try meth for the very first time You said no matter how far down I may fall As you chose to walk along this path into the darkest side of life You swore you would never forget the person you are inside And you tried Oh how you tried But try, try as you might You couldn't help but just stand-by As you wandered through the darkness So broken and so alone Unable to even remember when it was that you no longer could feel high Or no longer planned on ever making it back home Blinded by hindsight only clinging on to the hope you find drugs in time So you can handle the clock as it tics past midnight without having to cry wishing you'd die Imagining what it feels like Because you can't feel anything anymore You can only fade in and out of life Alone by yourself Giving your only sense of life to the lie that you love to watch the sunrise The only light in your eyes a dying flame Reflecting how empty they appear on the glass bowl with a pool of crystalline tear shaped cries Only complemented by a piece of foil and trail of black lines Each one a reminder of your only reason you still muster up any strength to even bother another crippling round waging war losing this endless fight Your solitude claimed to be by choice and pride Don't mind the other lost cause on your couch since he doesn't really count right Misery loves company and he already gave up on his life with a needle and his soul tied tight Around his arm injecting your shared interests Clear mixes with black Y'all bros got each other's back So you occasionally make sure he won't die Best friends chillin out gettin high Ready to steal from each other money, drugs, the minute a chance is in sight Only once or twice but on some level that's just cause your friends And you gotta keep friends close by This side of life friends disappear and die instead of telling each other I'll catch up with ya later bye And no sooner are they forgotten than the call of your shared interests sickness Only once you managed to acquire enough drugs for two days worth of fixes Did you forget there's no such thing as ever having enough That no amount of drugs could ever hope to escape this And your fix became being numb to avoid the pain of everything you miss Everything you traded away for just this And the drug you loved was meth Now worthless without some H Caught within two addictions Stuck in this life you made Prisoner in this life you hate Getting high over and over just to avoid the need for sleep Because waking up just to have to face this reality On repeat Is more than you can keep From falling apart completely since there's no more comfort from a goddamn fucking thing It's a cycle that pulls you under And once you wonder it's too late You already ran out of drugs So it's more dirty money you gotta make Just to blow it all on drugs that never really satisfy your taste Around and around you go Never stopping for a break Because the addiction waits for no one And no one else pays your mistake Even the ones you knew as friends will rob and steal while you're away You're alone now And your only friends the drugs you take But they don't care for you Like so deeply for them you may Some day they may kill you But you would welcome death any day For you've already sold your soul There's no going back from the path you take Get going you have a set of priorities Best of luck you must make haste Slowly dying in your habits Pretending there's still some sense of life within the last fading bits of the life you waste You lost who you were Gave up on who you are But worst of all you killed any chance of becoming who you once hoped to be
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If someone lost their teeth from doing meth there's no way in hell I'm giving s drug addict money because people scam in the internet and we have no clue what she's gonna use the money for. Y'all are so gullible
Very true.You should always question stuff. (Not just this case but generally information.)
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