alltimefanfiction · 2 months
When Alex learned he was pregnant with their second child only two years after Ethan was born, he wasn’t happy.
Written for the ATL Microfic Challenge; Bloom
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alltimefanfiction · 2 years
Alex Gaskarth is a nineteen year old college freshman, living life the way he wants. One night, one decision, will make all the difference.
SEQUEL: Redefining Love
It's October. Brendon and Ryan’s wedding is in January, four months away. That leaves plenty of time for things to get out of control.
Kyle comes around with a new boyfriend.
Caleb can’t seem to move on.
Gabe and William are still working though the beginnings of their relationship.
Sisky and Butcher seem fine on the outside, but everyone knows that’s not the case behind closed doors.
Rian and Zack are young and are just bound to make mistakes.
And, Jack and Alex are dealing with their own problems - from Jasey’s breathing difficulties to Jack’s ex-boyfriend reappearing.
Everything needs to be dealt with and smoothed over by the time January rolls around. Because the last thing any of them want is to ruin their best friends’ wedding.
SEQUEL: Here’s My Heart
“I don’t pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person. Love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of. Love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
And now they’re here. In a hospital room and Alex had done something he had never wanted to do in his entire life time. 
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alltimefanfiction · 6 years
Five months ago, Jack left Alex, along with their two children. Alex is trying hard to not fall apart, and so are their kids.
mibba link.
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alltimefanfiction · 4 years
It hurts to try, but it hurts worse to give up.
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alltimefanfiction · 7 years
Jack will never even think that Alex is a bad father, but he will easily admit that he’s a forgetful one. But at least this time he remembered to bring peanut butter and apples, two of Liam’s favorites. As far as the “emergencies” that happen far too frequently for Jack to just let slide anymore… he’s going to have to think about how to deal with those. And sooner rather than later.
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alltimefanfiction · 7 years
The doctor said it’s there. She pointed at it on the ultrasound screen and congratulated them. They’re having a baby. He and Alex. A baby.
Short drabbles based on words. 
Words/Phrases: * storm * baby * food * education * employment * friends * neighborhood * family * nerves * situation
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alltimefanfiction · 7 years
Alex and Jack were the perfect high school sweethearts until they both made horrible mistakes. Now Jack is pregnant and thanks to his “mistake” he doesn’t know who’s the father of the baby. Will it be his used-to-be soulmate, Alex, or the other guy?
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alltimefanfiction · 8 years
No-one has ever wanted anything more than Alex wanted a baby. ao3 version pairing: jalex warnings: mpreg, miscarriage disclaimer: ain’t my boys. title to a thousand years by christina perri.
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alltimefanfiction · 9 years
“And before I’d be a slave I’d be buried in my grave And go home to my Lord and be free.“
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alltimefanfiction · 9 years
Alex lives in a world where males who can be impregnated are simply considered pets. They are bred and sold like animals. Though it is most definitely disturbing to him he is being forced to work at one of these barns (where all the pets are bred) to prove he is worthy to be handed down the family business that he most certainly does not want by having hands on experience with it. A certain feral pet seems to catch his eye, though, a feral who in just a little under a year is being sentenced to death. Will he save the feral and lose his chances at ever shutting such a place down, or will he turn the other cheek?
SEQUEL: Awakening
Jack and Alex embark in their new life together, one without having to watch their backs, live in multitudes of hotel rooms, and fear separation. Finally a normal life, right? But what happens when Alex's past comes back to haunt him? And not only that, but when his life takes a drastic turn neither he or Jack were expecting? Will Jack stick by his side through this and thin, even if he's thrown a huge opportunity he can't ignore?
not my fic
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alltimefanfiction · 10 years
Are there any jalex mpregs where jack is pregnant cause it seems like all the ones I've found it's always alex
I only know of All For You. 
I’m Not Normal - thanks, punkkrockprincess
Lullabies for Joy - thanks, punkkrockprincess
All We Know - thanks, anon
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alltimefanfiction · 10 years
hey gals, whats best jalex mpregs out there???
I like, Baby, Just Hold On; Fear of Sleep; Happy the Hard Way and It Was Always You
There is also an mpreg tag if you’re looking for some more, and some of the fics that aren’t in there but include mpreg are:
Chasing Cars
Memories That Fade Like A Photograph
and Mom Said I Could Be Anything, So I Became a Christmas Tree
- Toni :*
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alltimefanfiction · 10 years
It's the hardest day of his life and he hasn't stopped smiling.
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alltimefanfiction · 11 years
I am looking for an mpreg where Alex and Jack are both pregnant and I believe that John Ohh is one of the dad's (Jack's I think) and Alex doesn't know who the father is (I think it was leaning towards Flyzik) and John kicked Jack out so he has to stay with Alex. And at the beginning of the fic Jack and Alex bump into each other at the store while buying pregnancy tests and go back to Alex's apt and comfort each other while doing the test.
Up All Night
Is this it? I’ve never read it.-x
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alltimefanfiction · 12 years
Do you know of any mpreg fics where they end up putting the baby up for adoption?
Ugh I hate to answer this because it’s a major spoiler 
The Truth Is Hard To Swallow
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