#my fiance and i r ripping him apart
multifanritz · 2 years
a man on tiktok is rlly trying to fight me rn saying i cant be a woman and like batman. like huh???? babe ive been in the fandom for the past 8 years u need to leave. hes saying "blah go watch she-hulk or wanda." uhmmmm no. ill keep writing my essays about jason todd being a complex character and bruce wayne being a depressed father byeeeee
i know im acting funny rn but thats cuz im livid and trying not to scream. im so tired of having to PROVE im a "true fan" just cuz i have tits. like wtf. just cuz im a woman doesnt mean im only in the fandom to simp for the men. do i find jason todd attractive? fuck yeah. is that why i like him? FUCK NO.
i like superheroes cuz of their stories!! i love the characters and the things they go thru! i love the love and the hate and the happy and the sad and the good and the bad. i love the heros and the villains and the sidekicks and the side characters. i love the movies and the shows and the books and the fanfics.
i am a woman and i love dc and marvel. and i dont have to play 20 questions with men to fucking prove that im a fan.
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shianhygge-imagines · 4 years
{R} [DMC Reactions] S/O Sacrifice Scramble
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AN: No, thank you! For supporting my angsty ass during my days of procrastination and getting my life together, lmao! That is an interesting idea! So... let’s take the same scenarios from the original reaction post... and just replace the s/o with another character’s s/o! :3
Let’s be honest... it’s not gonna be a happy affair! And given how the DMC universe is... it’s highly likely something like this would happen.
|Link to Original S/O Sacrifice|
|Masterlist Link|
Gets saved by Vergil’s S/O
He’d needed an expert with him on a job when it happened. His usual carelessness had gotten a loved one killed. 
Dante cried in agony as your head rolled away, remembering how he’d promised his older brother that he’d bring you back safe and sound. 
How Vergil had promised Dante a slow painful death if anything happened to you. How Dante had agreed that if anything happened, he would let Vergil kill him. 
He didn’t know what to do, going into a full blown demonic rage and butchering the demon that killed you. 
All he could think to do after was to bring your body back to Vergil. 
The moment Dante returned, the roar of his motorcycle the telltale sign of his return, Vergil had practically flown through the shop front doors. His face didn’t show it, but his heart leapt in joy at your return, longing to hold you in his arms after a time apart.  
Upon seeing only Dante standing in the dark, tears in his eyes and a white bundle in his arms, Vergil paused, his mind quickly connecting two and two together. “Y/N?” Vergil asked for you, his lips twitching to fight a frown. When Dante only met his twin’s eyes and tearfully looked away, Vergil took a step back. “No.” He denied, eyes shifting to stare at the human sized bundle in Dante’s arms, “She can’t have…” 
“I’m sorry, Vergil.” Dante tried to apologize, but his brother practically snarled in denial. 
But little by little, Vergil’s mask crumbled when a hand fell out of the bundle. Your hand. Your wedding ring. You. Unmoving.
A sob escaped Vergil’s lips before he could stop it, and his legs suddenly gave way as he could only stare in despair. You’d loved him during his darkest time, and gotten him through it. And you were dead. 
Was this karma for all the harm that he’d done in the past? Was this the world taking its revenge against him for nearly bringing the end of humanity two times?You were supposed to be his redemption. His salvation. That you were gone… did that mean he was damned for all eternity? That he was destined to stand alone forever.
He’d wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but now that was a distant dream.
Get’s saved by Dante’s S/O
“Gah! Fecking hell, Vergil!” You screamed, practically diving into the swarm that your brother-in-law had sprinted into. From behind, you could hear Dante calling for you to let Vergil do his thing. But from his position on the cliff below, he couldn’t see the number of demons that awaited his twin.
They’d finally started to have some semblance of a non-toxic relationship again, and you were damned if you would just let Vergil get himself killed.
Dante had only just gotten his brother back, and it made you happy that the brothers had started to mend their relationship. If anything were to happen to either brother, you were sure that their relationship would have been set back by a great deal. And with how much you loved Dante, you couldn’t allow anything to happen to the only surviving member of his family.
That was why you threw yourself in front of a fireball, suffering through burns in order to protect a man that was usually frigid in demeanor despite his turning over a new leaf. And the pain was unbearable, your skin melting and clothes burning. You were only able to verify that Vergil was unharmed before you collapsed into his arms unconscious.
Vergil knew that he was a class A jerk to you, so he was surprised that you, someone who only held a small fraction of demonic blood, would throw yourself in the way of an attack that might have left him incapacitated, but not too severely injured.
He caught your falling body as it fell in front of him, surprise flickering on his face for a brief moment before he schooled his expression.
The demon that had burned you so badly shook in fear at the icy malice on Vergil’s face after he’d laid you on the ground and covered your damaged body with his coat.
“Y/N is precious to someone important to me. I hope you’re ready to suffer through a slow and painful death.” Vergil hissed, unsheathing the Yamato with a deadly ring of metal.
After the demon had been dealt with, Vergil calmly picked your body up from the ground, noting that you were still alive. With the still unsheathed Yamato, Vergil quickly opened a portal back to Devil May Cry, where he gave Dante the scare of his life by immediately barking out instructions on how to treat your wounds.
After you had been treated and left to rest, Vergil would break the news to Dante like ripping off a band aid. “She saved me from an attack.” Vergil saw the punch coming at him, but didn’t move, letting his younger twin land a strike to his face.
“Next time, you better be the one looking after her.” Dante growled, clenching and unclenching his fist, beyond furious that Vergil had been so negligent as to let you get hurt.
Knowing that there would be a next time because of your stubbornness, Vergil nodded. “Next time, I’ll look after her.”
Get’s saved by V’s S/O
As loathe as Nero was to have to take you along on a hunt, he didn’t quite have the balls to defy you when it was your fiance’s life on the line
A few days prior, several demons had appeared to attack V, vowing revenge on the Sons of Sparda, blah blah blah, like you hadn’t heard that reason half a million times.
Due to having been a part of Vergil, V’s continued existence was sustained through absorbing demonic energy, much to your surprise and confusion on how that would work in the first place.
During the attack, V had been alone except for his demon contracts, Shadow, Griffon, and Nightmare. Normally, this wouldn’t have been much of a challenge for the four of them, but V had been severely weakened after Vergil ‘resurrected.’
Not only did the attacking demons manage to severely wound V, they had also taken it upon themselves to steal V’s demonic power. The only thing sustaining V was his contracts with Shadow and Nightmare. Griffon had decided to forge a contract with you in order to help. Now, you and Nero were racing against the clock to kill the demon that housed V’s power.
Despite not having an upraising involving combat, you held your own whenever demons appeared, brandishing V’s cane and a rifle borrowed from Lady.
“A Bride on a Mission” Griffon had called you after you struck down a demon with no mercy.
Despite being able to hold your own, you were under no illusion that you could kill the demon that had assaulted your fiance and left him for dead. So, when you saw Nero getting backed into a corner, still reluctant to use his Devil Trigger, you commanded Griffon to give you a boost, sending you soaring towards Nero.
Though you stuck the landing wrong, earning you a twisted ankle, you’d managed to blast through part of the horde. You didn’t get to celebrate your victory much, when you felt the painful end of a horn dig into your stomach and send you tumbling backwards.
“Y/N!” Nero cried out in alarm.
Now, normally, you tried not to curse... but laying on your back with a hole in your abdomen, you couldn’t help but let out a swear, “Fuck!”
The demon that had stolen your fiance’s power had come out to play, and you were pretty much down for the count. Nevertheless, you propped yourself up on an elbow and aimed with your rifle. “Heh, I’m not dead yet, you fucker.”
Nero, meanwhile, had finally started to take the fight seriously, blasting through the rest of the demon horde before advancing on the bastardization of a bull demon that had attacked you when he wasn’t looking. “Hey! Do you know how much trouble I’m in now that you’ve poked a hole into my friend’s fiance?!”
The banter was a front. Nero was scared shitless that he’d have to bury another friend and break the news to V... who might just find a way to kill him for not looking after you.
Activating his Devil Trigger for the sake of killing the beast, Nero followed the battle up with picking up the crystallized demonic energy embedded in the bull demon’s horn before using his Devil Trigger to get you to a hospital.
Somehow, between getting checked into the hospital, and waking up from surgery, Griffon had left you to return to V, who found out about what had happened and immediately brought himself to the hospital to yell at Nero and look after you.
When you woke up, V sat in a chair beside your bed, one hand holding yours and another holding a book. Seeing you awake, V set the book down and gently chided you after making sure you were okay. “Please, Y/N... Don’t do that again. I couldn’t bear it if I lost you.”
Get’s saved by Nero’s S/O
For the sake of this request, we’ll say that Nero’s S/O is different from Kyrie (even if it’s the canon pairing >.>, The reason why I have to clarify... well, that’s a story for another time)
V had long since retired from hunting demons, instead, investing his newly mortal life in learning about the world with the help of you, Nero, and Kyrie.
He was only a month old when he’d assisted in defeating Urizen, and had barely grasps the basic human mannerisms and fundamentals. Like the use of money, or the fact that a bullet to the head would kill him, or your personal favorite, that he had to consume food for survival. Truly, when Nero first introduced you to V, you thought him to be a child.
Though, the first thing you did after meeting him had been to take him clothes shopping. Sure, it was summer, but once the colder seasons rolled in, you were sure that V would need proper shirts instead of... the trench coat corset thing? You’re amazed the thing didn’t come apart during his battles.
There were a few times that V was forced to fight demons, either to absorb their demonic energy in order to extend his life, or to beat off random assaults from demons that swear revenge upon the Sons of Sparda. These times were increasingly annoying for the young man, as he’d long since separated himself from Vergil.
Most of the times that he’d get attacked were during his walks in the streets of Fortuna. It was a beautiful town with old architecture, so V often found himself observing the towering structures.
One day, you decided to accompany V on one of his strolls, taking a sketchbook along just in case you found another spot to stop and sketch while V took his time looking at the building designs.
It is unfortunate, then, that while the two of you were doing just that, Shadow popped out of the ground beneath you, growling in warning as several demons decided to claw out of the ground around you.
Despite having V, Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare with you, your group was quickly overwhelmed by attacks from all sides. You’d never had to fight in your life, and by not having a weapon on you, you were just a burdening presence. That didn’t stop you from calling out enemy presence in the street and slapping bitches with your sketchbook, mind you. You were unprepared and untrained, but damn it you weren’t going to be a useless damsel.
This was foolhardy of you, taking on demons despite the fact that V probably had it all handled... especially the fact that V had asked you to stay back from the demons. You didn’t listen to your fiance’s friend, and so when you’d taken a shot at one of the downed demons, raising an arm up to slap the mofo, you suddenly felt pain, and heard a thump to the floor. The blood that trickled down your arm brought your attention to the fact that you were now missing your non dominant hand.
“Fucking hell!” you screamed, wanting to panic and flail around as V quickly took care of the remaining demons before hobbling on unsteady feat towards you, unbuckling his belt to tie it around your bleeding arm.
“Y/N...” V called your name as he applied the make shift tourniquet, “Y/N, which way is the hospital? We need to get you to the hospital soon, or you really will lose your arm.”
The two of you sprinted with as much haste as possible to the hospital, you trying not to scream in panic, and V, trying not to imagine your fiance’s ire as he held your severed arm.
The minute you entered the surgery room, Nero arrived on scene at the hospital, and practically accosted V, “What the hell, V! Y/N’s not a demon hunter! You’re supposed to protect them!”
V, already feeling guilty for being unable to protect you, winced and responded with a calm voice, “I should have had Shadow escort them away, that was my mistake. But your fiance is as stubborn as you, Nero. They wanted to help... and now they may lose their arm... or not. You did regrow your arm after all.”
Brain running a mile a minute and having already decided that he should now at the very least teach you some basic defense, Nero growled, “That’s not a normal thing humans can do, V. I know you’re still getting used to being a real boy and all, but...” Nero simply sighed tiredly. “Just... make sure you watch their back when you’re with them, okay? We were lucky that they’re not half dead.”
Hours later, your arm was reattached, but you made stump jokes that made Nero simultaneously want to kiss you and slam his face in the wall.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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kutemouse · 4 years
Through Hell (A Park Jimin One-Shot)
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“If you’re going through hell, keep going.” ~ Winston Churchill
Disclaimer(s): The middle picture of Jimin used in my header is the property of BTS and BigHit, I just edited it a little and put it in the frame. The one on the far left was scanned and edited by @bangtan-sonyeon-scans. I’ve kept their logo/watermark intact and did not touch their edit in any way. The only thing I did was put it in a frame. All credit goes to them for the edit. Please check them out, they do amazing work 💜 I cannot find the owner of the picture on the right. I found the pic on Pinterest and it didn’t have any logos or watermarks on it. I assume the picture belongs to BTS and BigHit, but if someone knows who the original owner is, please let me know so I can properly credit them.
Age Recommendation: 18+ (See warnings, this def isn’t for young ‘uns)
Genre: Angst w/ a happy ending
Warnings: Swears (f*cking duh), straight up abuse including hitting and slapping (do NOT read if you are not comfortable), ANGST.
Word Count: 2.4k (not too bad, not too bad)
Master List
Through Hell (Jimin One-Shot, Angst)
“Could you try to at least be a little personable?” your fiance growled, gripping your forearm tightly.
“I-I’m trying,” you muttered, looking down at the ground.
He pinched your jaw between his fingers, forcing your eyes to his. “Well fucking try harder.”
Dragging you out of the empty hallway, the both of you rejoined the table with smiles much too large to be real. You did your best to please your fiance, making an effort to talk more, laugh louder, and gesticulate frequently. You were the life of the party, the perfect trophy almost-wife, there to socialize and make witty conversation.
You realized you had done your job too well when one of your fiance’s business partners slid a hand over your thigh, chuckling at something you said. You instantly froze, flicking a fearful glance towards your fiance. Rage smoldered behind his dark eyes.
“Fuck,” you thought. You shoved the man’s hand away and abruptly excused yourself to the ladies’ room, practically sprinting away in an attempt to escape.
Too late. A hand closed around your wrist, jerking you to a stop the second you stepped outside.
“What the fuck was that?” your fiance snarled, yanking you close.
You let out a yelp. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“The hell you don’t!”
He released you only to draw a hand back and slap you square in the face, the force of his palm colliding with your cheek causing you to stumble. Your vision blurred as the sting worked its way through your nerve endings, causing your skin to redden.
Your fiance drew his hand back once more when you heard the shout of an unfamiliar voice. “Hey!”
You blinked away your tears just in time to see your fiance whirl around and get punched in the face. He fell to the ground with a groan, his eyes rolling back in his head.
The stranger who’d saved you clambered on top of your fiance, pinning him to the ground. Your fiance struggled, but stilled when he saw the stranger’s fist poised above him, ready to strike. “The fuck is wrong with you?!” the stranger growled. “Didn’t your mommy teach you not to hit?!”
“Get off me!” your fiance grunted.
The stranger reared back and punched him once more, effectively knocking him out. With a heaving chest, he slowly stood up and turned towards you, using his fingers to comb back his messy orange hair. You were still frozen from shock, your mouth parted open, your hands hanging limply at your sides. It wasn’t until the stranger reached a hand out to you when the feeling began returning to your limbs. You closed your mouth and slid your palm into his, surprised at how soft his skin was.
“Hey,” he said. “I’m Jimin.”
“Y-Y/n,” you stuttered, distracted by the way he moved your hands up and down.
“Are you okay?” he asked, leaning down and looking in your eyes.
“I think so.”
Your fiance groaned, causing both of you to look down at him. “He’s coming to,” Jimin said. “We should get out of here. Can I give you a ride?”
He gave you a small smile, tugging gently on the hand that was still sheathed in his. “C’mon. My ride’s a couple blocks from here.”
You nearly pulled your hand out of his. You didn’t know this guy. Just because he saved you from a brutal beating from your fiance didn’t mean he was a good person. For all you knew, he could be even worse than your fiance.
Then again, what did you have to lose? Your fiance would probably call the cops and get Jimin put in jail, then take you home and beat you senseless. You looked into Jimin’s bright brown eyes, and you saw nothing but sincerity and warmth. That was enough for you. You let him lead you down the steps, around the corner, and away from who was supposedly going to be your terrible future.
You relished in the freedom of getting away, giggling a bit as you both walked down the street still hand-in-hand. Jimin looked at you, nothing but fondness in his eyes. You took a second to look him up and down, appreciating every inch of the handsome man beside you. His bright orange hair stood in stark contrast to his black leather jacket and uber-tight jeans. Silver glinted in both of his ears, but an earring dangled down from just his left ear, giving him an attractive rebel vibe that had your heart pounding.
Wait. You couldn’t think thoughts like this. You were engaged. To be married.
But was it a true promise of marriage when you didn’t love him? When you were forced into betrothal by your controlling father? When you saw no happy future, no light at the end of the tunnel, no escape, no happiness?
“Sorry to barge into your argument like that,” Jimin said, running a hand sheepishly through his hair. “I didn’t mean to interfere, and I know it’s none of my business, but—”
“Don’t apologize,” you interrupted. “Believe me, you saved my ass back there. Temporarily, at least.”
He stared at you. “Don’t tell me you’re going back to that asshole.”
You glanced at the ground. “It’s not like I want to, but… I have no choice.”
Jimin stopped you right there, in the middle of the sidewalk, gently putting a finger under your chin and raising your eyes to his. Such a contrast to the way your fiance would grip your jaw and force you to look at him. “You always have a choice,” he murmured.
You gave him a tiny smile. “Tonight I do. But I don’t know what tomorrow will bring.”
“Look, I know I barely know you,” he said. “But come stay with me. My friends and I can protect you.”
You were taken aback. “You don’t even know me,” you retorted, slipping your hand out of his. “You don’t know who my father is. He’ll find some way to take you out and drag me back home.”
Jimin stepped close. “And you don’t know who I am.”
“I know enough.”
He smirked. “I don’t think you do.”
“I’m still not staying with you.”
“Fine. But the offer still stands.”
You opened your mouth to shoot a reply back, but closed it when a terrifying thought stopped you. They’d already be looking for you.
You grabbed Jimin’s hand once more. “Fine, I’ll stay with you�� but just for tonight, alright?”
Maybe giving your fiance the night would give him a chance to calm down. Maybe your father would be so terrified of losing you, he wouldn’t force you to marry that dickbag. Maybe things would simply look brighter in the morning, and would give you the strength to face them both.
Jimin’s smirk widened and he started down the sidewalk once more. “Not far now.”
Jimin’s ‘ride’ turned out to be a motorcycle parked at the very end of the block. I looked down at my tight evening gown, the deep gold color glinting in the dim streetlight. Not exactly the outfit for a motorcycle ride.
“I have a spare helmet,” Jimin said, handing you a black helmet that matched the one he already had on.
“Gimme a minute.”
You reached down and grasped the fabric of your dress between your hands, tearing it away from your legs with a loud rip.
You didn’t miss the way Jimin gawked at your exposed legs. You reached behind you and took the pin holding your hair up out, shaking your curls loose. Jimin’s mouth parted open, causing a blush to swell beneath the skin of your cheeks. “I’ll take that helmet now,” you said playfully, taking it from his grasp and putting it on your head.
Jimin shook his head, closing his mouth. “R-Ready?”
“Yep,” you said as you snapped the clasps underneath your chin together.
You clambered on the back of the motorcycle, sliding your arms around Jimin’s firm torso, relishing in the way his breath hitched as you felt him up. The motorcycle started up with a stuttering roar, and you were off, the wind whipping through your clothes and over your skin, causing your eyes to water.
You didn’t dare close them, though, wanting to remember every second of what might be your last delicious moment of freedom. Jimin weaved between cars, going faster and faster. Your dress flew up, trailing behind the cycle in a wave of gold fabric, revealing more of your skin than you normally would have liked, but tonight? Tonight you didn’t give a damn.
Almost too soon, Jimin stopped in front of a grungy apartment building in a part of town your father or fiance likely wouldn’t dare step foot in. He propped his motorcycle up on its kickstand, and you climbed off of it, gratefully accepting the hand Jimin held out to you. You both took off your helmets, and you self-consciously tried to smooth down your hair at the same time Jimin ran a hand through his once more, combing the soft orange strands away from his face.
And, oh, what a gorgeous face it was. Besides his beautiful brown eyes, you took a moment to appreciate his smooth skin, his high cheekbones, and most of all, his full, pink lips that you longed to rub the pad of your thumb over.
Noticing your stare, Jimin tossed a smirk your way. “Enjoying the view?”
You looked away, a blush dusting your cheeks pink. “Is this where you live?”
“Yep. Come on, let’s go inside.”
Fifteen minutes later, you found yourself wrapped in a blanket, sitting on Jimin’s bed in his tiny studio apartment. He handed you a mug of steaming tea, which you took a sip from despite its hot temperature.
“Thanks,” you said.
“Any time.”
You both were quiet for a moment, sipping from your tea and staring at the kitchenette directly across from you. “Can I ask you something?” Jimin said suddenly.
“Why were you even with that guy?”
“Who? My fiance?”
Jimin scoffed. “You’re engaged to that asshole?”
I hung my head. “Unfortunately, yes,” you muttered.
“Why? Why not break it off? You clearly know he’s not good for you.”
“Because reasons,” I sighed.
Jimin put a hand over yours. “Tell me.”
You looked up at the ceiling, focusing hard on the bumpy texture to keep the tears at bay. “Because I have to.”
“But you know you don’t, right?”
“You don’t understand. My father is a billionaire who practically owns half this city. Ever since I was little, I’ve been promised to this guy… he’s heir to a company that directly competes with my father’s company. If we marry, our families and companies join, and my father has been promised an extensive partnership with my fiance’s father that will double his assets. He wants to build an empire.”
Jimin’s gaze grew darker with each word. “And you can’t say no? You can’t just walk away?”
You swallowed hard. “I’ve been groomed for the role of perfect wife since I was a child… I have no skills, I’ve never been allowed to do anything for myself. Where would I go?”
“Here,” Jimin said forcefully. “You can stay here. I can help you get a job, teach you how to live in the real world.”
You shook your head. “He would find me. My father would find me and drag me back home. I’d be lucky if he didn’t keep me prisoner until my wedding.”
Jimin stood up and began pacing, striding back and forth, back and forth, over the wooden floor over his apartment. “I know people,” he finally said, looking at you. “People who can… get you a new identity. We might have to change your appearance a bit, but… it could work.”
Your furrowed your brow. “Why?” you whispered. “Why would you do all this for me? You said it yourself, we barely know each other.”
Jimin knelt down in front of you, enfolding your hands in between his. “Because no one deserves to be treated badly,” he said seriously.
That sincere, warm look was back in his eyes, drawing you in, hypnotizing you into a state of resolution. Determination flowed through you, making your blood boil and tingles to break out along your spine. For the first time in your life, you felt your rebellious spirit rise up and possess you, drawing out courage you didn’t even know you had.
You looked deep into Jimin’s eyes and nodded. “Fine,” you said. “We fight.”
Jimin’s full lips turned upward in a smile. “My two favorite words.”
Without warning, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours, causing you to stop breathing. The kiss lasted for only a few seconds, but to you, that kiss was your ticket to freedom. It helped you remember what you were fighting for every time life, your ex-fiance, or your father threw a wrench in your plans. It helped you remember exactly who you were, and how much power you held to change your life. It helped you find out what true love actually felt like.
But most importantly, It helped you remember that no matter what hell you were going through, you would do absolutely everything to just keep going.
A Note From Kutemouse: So I’m a slut for orange-haired Jimin. Yep. Thought you should know that.
Annnnnyways, so this didn’t exactly fulfill the request given, and for that I feel bad, believe me, I do… but I’m sorry, I just can’t write abusive Jimin 🥺 I know that’s a popular thing out there (last I checked, the number one Jimin story on Wattpad was an abusive Jimin au), but I can’t write it. I just can’t see Jimin ever, ever, ever hitting someone or being abusive ever, and writing any BTS member in that light makes me sick to my stomach.
So, once again, I apologize kutie anon. I hope this one-shot is good enough for you to forgive me 💜
Also, please do NOT follow Y/n’s example and hop on the back of some stranger’s motorcycle to go live with him. There are good people in this world like Jimin, but there are also a lot of sketch people. Be safe, use good judgment and common sense.
Love you all 💜
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trickshxt · 5 years
So since Esti ( @golddome ) and I are suckers for fucking angst, may I present an arc that is canon for Barney’s main verse (which is comics)! Please note, this won’t be incorporated in threads without permission, as it can be dark. If you’re interested in playing within it, however, know all are welcome!
If he’s honest, Barney doesn’t entirely remember the moments before. He remembers the good byes. The well wishes. The way S.H.I.E.L.D. frantically tried to explain the Xandarian ship in orbit. It was supposed to be, above all else, a show of celebration: the pre-wedding procession if you would to welcome the Nova Prime and his beloved home.
Instead, it turned into a nightmare.
Traveling aboard a registered vessel turned out to be their downfall. The captain got a little to excited, a little too talkative over comms. ‘The Nova Prime and his intended themselves! Can you believe it???’ And in another universe perhaps it wouldn’t have been more than a minor security issue.
But Richard has many powerful enemies in space. And seeing an opportunity to slow the Nova Prime’s crusade against their cause, the Fraternity of Raptors acted quickly and quietly. The ship? Torn apart. Richard Rider? Incapacitated. Barney Barton? Taken...
Barney remembers little of the explosion nor the chaos it brought. Moments occasionally come back to him; the sizzle of his nanites activating; the tightening of muscles as he falls prone to the floor. Pain flaring as the sizzle of electricity rings in his ears. A clawed hand. A curved silver helm with a cyan t-visor. Three crackling words: “Arise my brother...”
He remembers nothing else until he wakes up.
Naked and alone; viscous orange liquid covering his legs, his arms, his neck; glowing, pulsing, warm, inviting... He hears it then. Something   S C R E A M S  . Primal and malicious. Warring with the insistent, sing-song of something far more familiar. OURSOURSOURSOURS! A deep tone booms: < Wake up, Prime Beloved! > 
So he claws to the surface. Each movement a struggle. Each action far more difficult than it should be. Pounding on the orange encasement until, with a cry, he tumbles through...to a scene from a nightmare.
Richard, staring at him. Blood streaming from cuts; helmet broken. Eyes wild and hopeful and desperate. Hand reaching for him. Confusion spiraling as he realizes the hand he reaches back with is gauntleted...wicked scythes on the forearms...taloned claws...
And there’s a screech in Barney’s mind; he winces, shuddering. Feeling something claw at his very being. Taloned hands ripping at what feels like his soul. Dragging him back down, down, down, until orange light consumes him and that dark, vicious voices  L A U G H S  .
< Enjoy, Terran. If you are lucky, you won’t be seeing him again... >
And as his nanites sing him back to sleep, he KNOWS. Something is terribly wrong...
Barney is forced into a Raptor amulet and taken over by a subversive, deadly, and cruel spirit known as Scythe. Soul bonded and controlled by the nanites in his blood, Barney is largely unconscious within the prison his soul is held (the Null Space). While he doesn’t age nor does he need air, water, or food, he cannot communicate or wake up unless Scythe allows it.
Scythe uses Barney’s knowledge and skills to lead Richard Rider on a three year long chase across the cosmos. Guaranteeing Nova’s attention is elsewhere while the Fraternity of Raptors spread their chaos unchecked.
If you choose to play in this verse, you will 99% of the time encounter Scythe. Scythe is cruel, calculating, and quick to act. He is far older than you and far, far more powerful than many Earth heroes. Proceed with caution...
The Fraternity of Raptors are an elite Shi’ar warrior sect that was originally created to advance the old Shi’ar Empire’s imperialistic agenda. Eventually, the Raptors became too aggressive for the Empire to handle and their souls/spirits were banished into the Null Space (an area within the Negative Zone). For centuries the Raptors tried to break free to no avail, souls trapped within the Tree of Shadows. It was only through special crystals that Raptors were able to escape; though the process required a host take their space within the Tree of Shadows.
True Raptors are these spirits trapped within the Tree of Shadows. They inhabit special armor that is made for war and are cunning, cut throat, and dedicated to the Great Purpose (the spread of the Shi’ar Empire). True Raptors are all Shi’ar and predate humanity.
The current Raptors are all essentially cult members from various races and empires around Space. They look to free the true Raptors and join the cause in the rise and glory of establishing a single, superior kingdom in the cosmos: the Shi’ar Empire.
During this arc, the current iteration of the Fraternity of Raptors is led by Gyre; a Shi’ar hoping to bring the sect back to its full glory to restore the dying Shi’ar Empire. Under Gyre are: 
Robbie Rider: Richard Rider’s brother, wielding a pair of Nega Bands he is attempting to use to free the rest of the Raptors from the Null Space.
Talonis: a true Raptor overseeing Robbie’s efforts and serving under Gyre, or at least, serving until the tides turn his way...
You can read more about the current history of the Fraternity of Raptors here, and more about the Raptor armor capabilities here!
This verse is meant for Barney’s main verse with @golddome playing an (obviously) very heavy part! All are welcome to join in on this arc, however. It can also be modified as an AU. Please just ask!
Scythe has Barney for roughly three (3) years. During this time, Scythe plays a cosmic sized game of cat and mouse with Nova. The whole point is to keep Richard busy and off-balanced. Occasionally, Scythe will even let Richard find him only to taunt him with the fact that he can make Barney feel any blow that Richard lands...
During these three years, Richard maintains Barney’s apartment; even going so far as to buy it outright using savings that Barney had. This and a few boxes are all Richard has left of his fiance...
There is only ONE way Scythe will give up Barney as a host: if you can promise Richard Rider himself as his new captive. While Richard himself is very into the idea, Barney is not.
Barney’s time in the Void is not necessarily unpleasant as he is not awake for most of it. The Datasong (the Fraternity of Raptor’s god of sorts) can control Barney’s nanites and uses this ability to its advantage. Few forces can counter the Datasong. Unfortunately for it, the Nova Force is one of them and when Richard finally manages to catch up to Scythe it is a combination of the Nova Force and Worldmind that get Barney to wake up and fight for control. (There are other forces that can activate Barney’s nanites; please talk to mun before assuming you can, however!)
Scythe’s suit can mimic and project other appearances, including Barney. If you see Barney in this arc, it is most definitely not him.
arc: sinking slowly ; don’t leave me ; don’t leave me ; please don’t come... — ( Raptor Arc )
v: with gleaming talon and sharpened blade ; the great purpose remains — ( Raptor AU )
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Monday September 27th 2021
So...a lot has happened in a short period of time, so let me just get it off my chest.
So last time I made an entry I mentioned my Fiance and I moved in with a few of his friends, four actually, and with us made a house of six people in one house. Which is a lot of people to try to live with. I origianlly wasn't for this but we were desprate and really had no other choice at the time, so we moved in and things were rather okay. There was some not so nice moments in the last seven months of being here, the other couple that we live with has had some fights that we stayed out of, since we tend to keep ourselves out of other peoples troubles, and there's been an occassion were the police were called to help one of the other house members during a mental crisis, but over all...it was okay, well as okay as we could make it. We ended up being the only ones cleaning the house, which was difficult for the two of us, when we both work and with K usually working till 7:30/8:00 ish and not getting home till around 10:00 it wasn't something we were happy to do on our own.
Then on the sixth of this month the other couple (we'll call them M and KK), had a very intense fight were KK broke M's phone, and chipped her tooth by ripping a glass bottle from her mouth. M ended up calling the police and KK was detained. Currently he's not supposed to be at the house due to the Crown charging him with Mischife, yet he's here. And while I wouldn't stand for this, K and I also agreed we're not getting involved and we're not going to give them a reason to boot us....now on to that tidbit.
This past Wednesday, one of the other house memebers (the one who previousely had a mental crisis, we'll call them R), decided to post in the house facebook chat, and declare that we are no longer welcome here in regards to him. This had been something M and I spoke about last month, about leaving and looking for a place to call our own. I was trying to be realistic stating that with the current housing crisis our province is going through it is proving to be hard to find a place K and I could afford, and she agreed. We had origionally came to a compromise that we would try to find something before the end of the year, but if it wasn't going well we would be given till March of next year. R at the time claimed we could stay as long as we needed, but Wednesday said we now have till the end of October, claiming the house is a mess, the kitchen is never clean, and that K and I are causing him mental grief with being here.
So we have started looking, we have a viewing for a room tomorrow, but there is not much available in terms of actual apartments in our budget, and many room rentals are mainly for single persons and not couples. And even those rentals aren't in a price range that just one of us could afford. It's not good here. And in regards to his claim of the house being a mess...it wouldn't be a mess if the other four people pitched in to help. M and KK both work full time jobs, so I'm not overly upset with them, but it would be nice if they helped on their days off, but R and N (the remaining house mate that we've honestly had no issues with) don't work, they are home all day but neither of them help with the cleaning. N basically lives in the basement space and keeps to themself for the most part, but R....R will cook in the middle of the night and leave his dishes for the next person to clean, he'll keep dishes in his room for days, is scary hostile when he doesn't get his own way, and waited till K had left for work before he started going off in the chat. Knowing full well I have an anxiety disorder and can't handle confrontation. He's now made it uncomfortable to be anywhere in the house, which has caused us to go a couple nights without eating since we can't go down into the kitchen if he's there, we're basically confined to our room, with the only reprive being when we go to work or manage to get out of the house. I'm frustrated, and upset, I do wish M or KK would have told him the way he went about this was too far...but I digress.
So we're going to try to get out of this house as soon as we can, and once we are moved on, I will be burning all the bridges that were built here. I feel betrayed, mistreated, used, and abused emotionally by members of this house and I, and I don't use this term lightly, hate them for this.
Send positive vibes, and some good luck our way. Merry Part Loves,
Rose <3
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citygossip-blog1 · 6 years
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it’s your favorite bitches, @pixilated and @laprincessa here and ready to rock your world.  we don’t care if you read it or not, the rest of the world already has. 
The Red Carpet Review with @pixilated 
While some went unnoticed (I can’t tell if those were intentional or not), there were definitely some looks. With every celeb on the red carpet dying to make an impression, some unfortunately are destined to miss the mark-- the Carrington’s Gala was no exception. Now, I present to you last weekend’s best and worst dressed.
WORST: Sarah Park
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No one would disagree with us when we say that Sarah looked like absolute literal trash, and sweetie, she can’t even challenge us on this one. We get it, you love the environment. Showing up to the red carpet in a dress made of trash was a power move, Ms. Park. There’s something fishy about this whole demonstration, but I’ll let @laprincessa tell you all about that. This dress didn’t even last the whole night, so structurally it was not sound. We applaud you for having the balls for wearing this as your red carpet look, I don’t think anyone else could have pulled it off.
BEST: Tyler Henry
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Not a big surprise here, with all the money this girl has we expected nothing less. We’re almost positive that this dress costs less than the rock on her finger anyways. Henry also wore a stunning shade of green with her tiff toward Ms. Duffy and quite possibly a slightly different shade of green later that night due to her consumption of champagne-- eight or nine glasses would definitely make me sick. Thankfully for Ms. Henry, pink and green are complementary colors, so there’s no need to call the fashion police on this one.
WORST: Drew Koenig
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*Yawn* Guess we should have seen this one coming considering the Koenig’s past with their money loss, maybe they are just trying to be more fiscally responsible, who knows. However, we know some better ways to be fiscally responsible-- especially for an underwear model. Showing up in #hiscalvins would have been a look, but instead we’re left with this lackluster appearance.
BEST: Willa Duffy
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Time and again, Willa Duffy does not fail to impress-- it’s no wonder she’s continuously at the top of everyone’s radar. She dazzled everyone at the gala with this blue and gold number, Ms. Duffy you truly looked like a princess. Flora and Merryweather probably fought less than @laprincessa and I did on who was best dressed -- pink or blue! We just couldn’t settle on Ms. Duffy or Ms. Henry for the title, we’ll let them settle that in their own time, we just wanted to add a little more fuel to the fire between those two.
WORST: Charlie Carrington
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Oh Carrington, it seems like a cop out to just get a handkerchief to match your girl. Maybe Ms. Henry was too indecisive about her look that you settled for something simple. Your name wasn’t even on the invitation, little Charlie, and your suit didn’t make you standout either.
@laprincessa: Que decepción, I honestly expected more of you Carrington, especialmente cuando your fiance is a fashion icon, tsk tsk communication is key darlings!  Let me take this time to express my utter disappointment with men in high society always showing up in the same old somber tones, in the same old boring suits. The fashion world is always moving forward and you have the money to really show up and represent. Explore with colors, patterns and textures! Floral is not just for the ladies, gentlemen-- the more vibrant the color the more impressive you stand out. Stop boring me to tears with the same old suit and tie.
BEST: Jared Caldwell
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That brings me to the best dressed guy, which goes to New Money Caldwell. Let me just fangirl about this this man for a second, can you tell that I just absolutely love him. Sure no one really knows who he is and he’s just a nerdy guy who made the hottest app, but if he ghosted me I would be heartbroken. I can see why Martha was all over this man, look at that t e x t u r e. Boys, you need to take a few notes in your book from him. THIS is how you rock a gala look.  
WORST: Victoria Sparks
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There’s nothing awful about this look, in fact the only one who really swung and missed was Ms. Park, but there’s nothing that really stands out either. I think we were all on the edge of our seats to see if your date would be your mother. I wonder if you’re feeling well, with your dreamy, far-off look and your nose stuck in a book-- what a puzzle to the rest of us is well, Ms. Sparks. I should have expected this from New York’s Sweetheart who has been flying under the radar, but we’re dying to know why your personality is still missing when you are back in the big apple with mommy dearest.
BEST: Juniper Winslow
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Such a classic look from Ms. Winslow, it brings me back to the Juni: Princess of the Galaxy days! You really were a star. Thank goodness you didn’t have a fashion disaster tonight, but it’s such a shame your ex-mans was at the gala too. You really seemed on edge, Juni. The class the dress brought definitely compensated for the mess that followed.
BEST: Sarah Park
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Hats off to you Ms. Park for not only receiving worst dressed, but also receiving the best dressed. While it wasn’t your red carpet look, you definitely turned some heads with this one too. Your transition from the trash in our ocean to your sandy sparkly look was not only touching, but inspiring. Congrats from your two faves-- oh and tell your bestie that #TimesUp on the fashion trend she tried to bring to the gala.
No Me Digas! con @laprincessa
Now you all know we love our fashion opinions, but what we thirst is more than what our fellow socialites were wearing. We thirst for the knowledge of what they are doing and subsequently hiding. Good thing is... we know all, we see all and my, my, my! What juicy content do we have to share.
While so many of you flew under the radar, stuck to the walls or hidden in the corners, some of you truly saved this gala from being a total snoozefest. I for one, was ready to post some secrets just to have a reaction from all those in attendance, but early on it was easy to spot that things were bound to get interesting.
Let me start with the ever so fabulous Tyler Henry. Mija, you were a total mess. The woman who has everything-- the wealth, good genes, the rock on her finger with the handsome man at her side-- started guzzling down champagne like it was water. What could possibly warrant Ms. Henry to act impulsively on the night of her soon-to-be family’s gala?  My sources say that daddy dearest broke a promise and the Henry’s wholesome family unit was minus one. The night just kept getting better as Ms. Henry decided to up the ante and get into not one but two major confrontations.
The First: #theAutocrat vs #theVisionary
While we agree that Ms. Sarah Park was a total eyesore in that, for lack of a better term-- trashy dress, was it really necessary to ruin it? Now before all you Tyler-stans get all defensive here are the facts. The two ladies were spotted having a quarrel, it wouldn’t surprise me if the camera crew got all the juicy details of what was said. All I know is that the back-and-forth reached the point where Ms. Henry was seen pulling in the Carrington’s guest speaker real close, and not for the steamy reasons we’re all hoping for,  and as Ms. Park pulled away... oops! Her dress was falling apart and Tyler was left with plastic in her hands. Seems pretty incriminating to me. In the end I feel like I should thank Tyler, Sarah was forced to change and I ended up getting a delectable view of her banging body.   
@pixilated: Hey! #TeamTyler over here and I wouldn’t say that miss-horny-for-change can get away without pointing a few fingers at her. No one would believe it, but rumor has it Ms. Park could have had a few tricks up her sleeve and wanted Ms. Henry to rip her dress all along. Hell, I’d want that dis-gus-ting thing off of me too. Tyler did warn her never to call her by that godforsaken nickname. Seems like she was set-up to have the perfect alibi, but that’s just my cup of tea.
Since @pixilated has already revealed herself to be in #TeamTyler I guess I can go ahead and reveal that while I’m not on any teams yet,  I do have a soft spot for Sarah Park. She had the guts to embarrass herself in front of all the who’s who of New York because her love of activism ran stronger than the need to look good. She’s constantly using her privilege for the greater good and I can’t help but admire that. Not even a wardrobe malfunction could slow her down. Ms. Park was right on time to perform her speech and the outpouring of support confirmed what we all know, this girl is on fire. Was it just me or did any of you notice how her speech even used her dress falling apart to her advantage? Ms. Park is one smart cookie, good thing she seems like she wants to help the world and not ruin it. And as Selena Gomez always said, “everything is not what it seems.” *queue theme song here*
The Second: #theAutocrat vs #theModel
You’d think I would be so over the drama between these two, but I can’t help it! They are my guilty pleasure and they always indulge me. I wonder whatever compelled Tyler Henry to approach Willa Duffy in the first place? Was Willa enchanting too many guests? Was she taking too much of the spotlight? Or was it because Willa was looking a little too cute laughing up a storm with Charles Carrington himself? Whatever the reason was, Ms. Henry was seven drinks too many in and confronting Willa Duffy in front of the whole gala!! Scandalous! I know I felt a shiver of excitement when I saw that showdown happening. These queens of New York were both so formidable with their consistent, calculated clapbacks, but it was apparent that the Queen Bee, Ms. Henry, stung Ms. Duffy one too many times. It's amazing to imagine how they could rule the whole city if they only joined forces once again. I know, I know, never gonna happen! It's the dreamer in me I can’t help it. Anyways, much like Tyler’s first confrontation, Willa left the scene first and while in many instances that would be a win. Is it really a win to act like a drunken fool in front of all your fiance’s family and esteemed guests? So who’s the real winner here? We are of course! We would like to thank Charlie for quite literally making the whole Tyler drama sweeter by removing her from the premise to grab a scoop to forget her stand-up dad.
So much time spent on Ms. Henry it’s safe to say she’s our Scandal of the Week. But there are so many who also caught our interest never fear!
Ms. Duffy where is your shadow? Consider us shocked at not seeing the Duffy twins attached at the hip. We know he was there or did he bail out before the party even got started? Perhaps it’s a good thing, we can’t imagine you would have charmed as many guests with your demon of a brother at your side.
Drew Koenig, your foolish, misogynistic attempts to win over Bella De La Rosa Lopez did not go unnoticed. You might like your women like you like your drinks, “sweet and a little spicy,” but I’ve heard Bella likes her men how most people like their wine. Luck for us, Ms. De La Rosa ended her night dancing with Ms. Duffy and not with the likes of you.
@pixilated: Some advice for Charlie Carrington, if you want people to respect your relationship with Tyler Henry, you best not be seen chatting it up and getting comfortable with her sworn enemy. Maybe he’s just trying to keep their enemies close.
My girl here has a point, we’ve been told that the Duffy’s and the Carrington’s have been friends for years but there is such a thing as loyalty to your loved one no? On the other hand there is something so cute seeing two friends laughing up a storm. The real truth here is that I’m a messy bitch and I live for this drama.
@pixilated: And one final word to the wise-- the Marthas of the world better throw caution to the wind and watch their back, I’m tryna steal your mans <3
I don’t know pixie, Jared seems pretty enamored with the one, the only, Willa Duffy, are the Marthas of the world the real threat here?
@pixilated: I don’t care who you are, if you have heart eyes for Jared Caldwell, I suggest wearing shades so I can’t pick you out of a crowd.
This concludes our honest review. If you didn’t see yourself mentioned don’t get comfortable, either you didn’t do anything worthy of a mention which *yawn* or we’re biding our time to comment on all the messy things you do. Both options make me want to spill all your deep dark secrets but my partner says waiting is key to ultimate satisfaction.
Until next time, 
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warnerbro · 7 years
i hate you aka morning after
Boo: [So with her final words, Boo's just standing there. He finally mustered the courage to close the door, and turn on his way to meet Cilla. Probably tell her the news, and look at her one last time as she'll probably be out pretty fast. So he treks up the stairs, and pauses at the doorway, as he finds a Cilla almost clothed. He smiles at the gorgeous creature, just smiles. because let's just enjoy this moment rq.]
Cilla: [Cilla's putting on yesterday's clothes, and she's heard nothing, except maybe a knock on the door, and it didn't faze her that it could be anything bad, because, like I said, she's literally forgotten about Donnie's existence right now. So, when Boo came in and smiled, she gave him a bright smile back as she put on her last piece of clothing.] Who was that at the door?
Boo: [He took a step closer, hugged Cilla, as he wasn't ready to answer that question. The last time he called Melissa a nobody, he ended up with a million slaps across his face, so that wasn't an option either. Instead, he hugged her, kissed her forehead, and pulled away, and also turned away. There's silence until he reaches the doorway, he spins and his attitude is obviously shaken, did I not mention that? He nervously knocks at the doorframe, lightly and then spill.] You're sister-in-law, or... future sister-in-law, I suppose. [There's a frown.]
Cilla: [Did she find the need to be concerned over the fact that he didn't answer her question immediately? Honestly, probably not. She's too busy in her blissful state of forgetting everything outside of this house. So, when he pulls her close, she says nothing, but just nuzzles into him. Just a lil bit before he pulls back, ya know. And then his words came, and she was forced to come crashing back into her reality. She had a fiance. -- And what she had done. Her face fell, and her breathing picked up. What had she done?] Melissa??? What- What did she say?
Boo: Oh nothing. Nothing but nice things... Wants to have dinner some time... [he's joking, laughing and joking, because it's completely understandable that Melissa would continue to ruin their lives together, right? he shakes his head and here comes seriousness, and sulking okay.] She said Donnie knows... about... [digress, stares at the floor, bye.]
Cilla: [Now is not the time for jokes, Boo. Cilla is nigh onto hyperventilation. She doesn't appreciate the jokes. But then. Oh, but then, he said what had really been said, and, somehow, her breathing sped up even more. She started pacing around the room, looking for her things.] Oh- Oh my God. I can't...
Boo: Can't...? [so he's going to watch her set herself on fire for a bit, and then finally actually join her, stand by her, and pull on her shoulders to try to control her pacing. her thinking because panic Cilla has never been good Cilla.] Hey. It's going to be alright. Okay?
Cilla: [Hands are on her, and that sets the panicked Cilla off just a bit more, and her hands fly up, trying to shoo Boo off of her, because stop it, she wants to pace.] No it's not! It's not okay. I just--... cheated on my fiance. That's not--...
Boo: [so fine. break away, he lets her. so the flames go up in the air, and Boo starts panicking himself because he hates that word fiance and cheating makes is seem so juvenile, but that wasn't what happened. It wasn't just cheating , right?] It's not what... Cil?
Cilla: [She starts shaking her head, and then dropping her head in her hands, and then probably shaking a little.] I shouldn't have-- I shouldn't have done this. He's gonna be so upset. [she's mostly talking to herself here.]
Boo: [And Boo can't hear this, so he's just gonna leave. He's gonna start walking out the door because gfdi he can not hear this, but before he leaves, he takes one look at her, and surely his pain is dripping with his sad eyes like y r u doing this to me] Yeah, I think you should go.
Cilla: [Guess WHAT, SHE'S PROBABLY GONNA CRY NOW. Like, she's gonna lift her head from her hands, and there's gonna be NICE LITTLE TEARS GLITTERING AROUND IN THERE. And she's so at war with herself right now, she could puke, for real.] Boo... I--.
Boo: No. [hands in the air.] You don't get to do that. [UPSET AS WELL. LEt's say there is a nice big huffy bear exhale and yeah, there's gonna be some of his own tears of which are going to spill, real soon. because heartbreak number 3? 4? fine, let's go.] You can't just... [Yep there goes Boo in an angry mess at the doorway trying to find the right way to yell at Cilla, but there's just a mess of words, instead.] So that's where we are? Shouldn't have happened. [ he nods.]
Cilla: [She's upset, he's upset, what else is new? There's a nice big shaky inhale, because clearly he doesn't get it at all.] Do you not realize how hard this is for me? [Yup, for real crying now.] This was-- amazing, but Boo, he's my fiance, and... he doesn't deserve this.
Boo: Oh. You're fiance. [DeaDPan. A sarcastic low chuckle and a sniffle follows.] Well, what about me, Cil? Do I deserve this? [and even if she's crying, even if he doesn't want to fight with her, he has to because he's goiNG TO FIGHT FOR HER.] Are you just going to ask me to take it all back, too? Shouldn't have happened... never happened.
Cilla: No! That's the thing, you don't either! Neither of you do! [She's sad yelling.] I'm not asking you to do that. It's just... this isn't easy! Just see that! It isn't easy!
Boo: Let me make it easier for you. [so he walks up to her, grabs her tiny hands in his bear hands, and he's probably laying kisses on them, rip.] Can you just think about it, one minute? Think about your life without me. Is it with him, because, if you can honestly say--- if you pick him... [he's gonna let go, because even looking in her eyes, he can't reach her. She's gone. She's too busy thinking of how hard a decision would be, he's sure.] If you leave now--- [he's just gonna digress. bye.]
Cilla: [And no, she can't imagine a life without Boo now. She'd gone this long without him, and everything felt fine then, but now that she's had him back, even for just this short amount of time, losing him all over again would be hell. However...] No matter what I do someone's getting hurt.
Boo: [so now he's fully convinced, tugging at the ends of his hair because time for him to pull his hair out. all over again. He knows--- he walks away, and now he's just a big ball of anger, greif and heartache, because they are back to where they were before they met in the hospital. He's the one who is going to get hurt. He was the one hurting, and it was all too famliar, but he continued on. As if he had a chance, and even if he did, he was determined to win this fight.] So... so what? Someone's going to get hurt. Been there. [Boo shRUG AF] So if you're going to do it. Do it now. Leave, but just know if you leave now, I hate you. [gRiTTING THROUGH HIS TEETH BECAUSE GUESS WHAT HE DOESN"T MEAN IT YIKES BYE.]
Cilla: [She stopped, and at that she just looked at him. She didn't say anything. He'd hate her? Well, that wouldn't be anything new, would it? It still killed her to hear it, but it wouldn't be new. But, no, he didn't get it. She'd made promises, and she made a life, and after everything, she couldn't just pretend like all of that meant nothing to her, because it did. And maybe it didn't feel like it did with him, but it was still something, and she still didn't want him to hurt either. She didn't want either of them to be hurt. But, she couldn't just sit here and let Donnie believe whatever it was he was believing. Because he probably had it all wrong. No. As much as the thought itself pained her, she had to talk to him at least. She had to walk out the door... just for that. She'd had him hate her before-- what would be different now?] I just... I have to talk to him. [She took a few steps, heading towards the door.] I have to. I'm so sorry. I have to.
Boo: [Hands in the air, like fine. ] That's it then?
Cilla: [And guess what? She says nothing, she just shakes her head, because no it's never it, but she walks out the door anyway, off she pops to the Donmeister.]
Boo: [So a completely destroyed and torn apart Boo Warner watches her leave, and he tells himself it will be for the last time. Because it was always, and would only ever be him fighting Cilla for Cilla. So he let's her go. Without so much as a goodbye, he just yells after her.] Will you just stay with me? Please. [but she's out the door off to donnie bye.]
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