#nemik x cassian
idkbishsss · 1 year
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padmestrilogy · 1 year
not strong enough - boygenius
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tboyandor · 5 months
return his quiet certitude to the soil
a lil melshian tidbit. meant to write more before spring semester but woooopppsss... also I've been having feelings about Nemik and his short-lived friendship with Cassian :')
title is once again from don't carry it all by the decemberists :) I cannot be stopped!!!!!
not sure exactly when this is set or where they are, just sometime between Andor and Rogue One.
@snaggletoothblues hope you enjoooyyyy!!
read on AO3 here
Cassian lay his head against Melshi's shoulder, watching his face as he listened to the quiet, incisive words of Nemik coming from the little datapad on the bedside table.
Melshi had been listening in relative silence for a long while, his brow slightly furrowed in serious concentration, occasionally making a small ‘hmm’ of recognition, but little more than that.
Finally, quietly, he asked:
“How did he die?”
Cassian swallowed, took in a breath of Melshi's strong, sweet scent to comfort him, before saying, “He took a pallet of credits to the stomach.”
Melshi let out a soft wince.
“It happened when I was getting us out of the garrison, on the trawler,” Cassian continued. “We were under fire, and we needed to get out, didn't have time to lock anything down before we lifted off. I pulled us out, and when I looked back… we should have been smarter, made sure everyone was up in the cockpit with me. I don't know why we didn't. I should have…”
“Hey, don't start,” Melshi interrupted, as soon as he noticed Cassian's breathing starting to become erratic. 
He ran his hand gently along his arm, his fingers ghosting over the scar of a blaster burn on his bicep, before resting his hand at Cassian's belly, rubbing his thumb over the softness of his skin. Cassian's breathing calmed, slightly.
“It wasn't your fault, love,” Melshi said, turning his face a little to look at his partner. “You didn't have time. Shit happens, unfortunately. I'm sorry. I see now why you're so anal about making sure everything’s locked down before we take off.”
Cassian gave a small huff of laughter at that.
“Somebody needs to be,” he replied hoarsely.
Melshi smiled a little, and kissed his nose. Cassian nuzzled the side of his face, soft and rough at once.
“His writing is really good,” Melshi said, because it was true. Nemik had a way of putting things that made things click in Melshi's mind, thoughts and feelings about life under empire that he hadn't been able to put words to before.
“Yeah, it is,” Cassian agreed quietly. “All this time listening to it, it's probably what radicalized me. Along with… everything else.”
“There's been a whole lot of ‘everything else' for you, dearie,” Melshi observed.
“True, but it still helped a lot.”
“I can see why.”
Melshi stroked up Cassian's side, and down to the curve of his hip, and he let out a little sigh of gratitude for the loving touches, but the weight of some unspoken sorrow still remained in his eyes.
“I still don't understand why he gave it to me,” Cassian said after a moment. “I mean, he said I was his ‘ideal reader,’ or something, but… he never even knew my real name.”
Cassian's eyes misted over, and he closed them, and hot tears spilled down his cheeks onto Melshi's shoulder.
Melshi kissed his forehead softly, then drew him further into his arms, till Cassian was pressed flush against him, and was weeping softly into the crook of his neck.
He always cried so quietly, with rare exceptions, Melshi noted to himself. Melshi hoped that he didn't know the sound of Cassian crying better than the sound of Cassian laughing.
After a moment's consideration, he realized he knew both equally well.
Melshi pushed these questions from his mind, and focused on holding Cassian.
“Cass Cassy Kassa,” Melshi murmured in his ear, like a little loving incantation. “I love you.”
Cassian sniffled, and pressed a wet kiss to Melshi's neck.
“Rue,” he breathed softly and simply. “I love you too, so much.”
Then they both drifted off to sleep, the sound of Nemik’s voice and the meaning of his words mingling with their dreams.
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ireallyamabear · 1 year
here it is, the Cassian/Nemik what if, the Nemik at Narkina 5, from my brain to yours!
(9966 words) Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Andor (TV), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Cassian Andor/Karis Nemik Characters: Cassian Andor, Karis Nemik, Kino Loy Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, What if Scenario, Cassian never joined Luthen, Alternative Meeting, Karis Nemik Lives, for now, Narkina 5, Prison, inmates to lovers, Developing Relationship, love in the time of political imprisonment, Nemik's leftist theory, Political Speeches, Rebel activity, Masturbation, Voyeurism, very slightly, Canon Typical Violence, Original Character(s), Original Character Death(s), Serious Injuries, Blood Summary: Months after leaving the man on the Fondor behind, Cassian found himself in a nightmarish facility, in the cell right across from a curly haired kid who preached rebellion and blushed when he noticed he was being watched.
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Thank God the Manifesto is safe! ❤️
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chaos-monkeyy · 1 year
In case you missed it... Added some smut to the tiny Cassian/Nemik ship tag 😏
Full fic on AO3: Worked up
Explicit, no content warnings ~ Preview down below the gif 👇
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“Hey, Clem?” 
Cassian stifled a sigh at Nemik’s muffled whisper from just outside his makeshift tent. “Yeah?” 
A scuffling and spill of moonlight accompanied the rebel kid’s head poking in through the flap. 
“You’re awake too?” 
“Well if I wasn’t before, I am now,” Cassian complained, but he didn’t say it mean. Even if he had been just starting to fall asleep, despite Skeen’s snoring from the next tent over. “It’s fine, come on in. What is it?” 
While Cassian turned a small handlamp on, bathing the two of them and the tent walls in a faint white glow, Nemik scooted inside. He sat next to Cassian’s bedroll, fidgeting nervously; glancing up at Cassian and then away again. 
“Hey, it’s alright,” Cassian gently said when the kid didn’t say anything. Admittedly, he was probably only a few years younger than Cassian himself, at most, but… He just acted so much younger in some ways than all the rest of them, it was hard not to think of him as 'the kid' of the group. “You can tell me, whatever’s going on.” 
“It’s… embarrassing,” Nemik mumbled, ducking his head to stare fixedly at his own feet. “You’ll think it’s dumb.” 
“Ah, and so what if I do?” Cassian said lightly, shifting over and nudging Nemik’s shoulder with his. “It’s me, doesn’t matter what I think. And you know, I am an expert on that. I say dumb shit plenty,” he added with a grin, at Nemik’s quizzical look. 
Nemik huffed a laugh at that, glancing up again and nudging Cassian back with a tentative smile of his own. A smile, and a blush. 
… Ah. 
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Quick Andor Fic Rec List
Seeing that the Andor tag JUST hit 400 fics, if you’ve been reading Andor fic, you’ll probably have already read a lot of these. HOWEVER. The Andor Derangement Syndrome is getting to me, and I can’t NOT talk about these excellent fics. By no means a comprehensive list.
Category: Nemik and Cassian, or Cassian didn’t have to JUST be hitting on Cinta
anoint the wound by spqr (T)
“Alright,” Cinta fixes Nemik and Cassian with a no bullshit look, “if you two try to sleep alone tonight, you’re going to freeze. Literally. And since I don’t fancy chipping you out of ice blocks in the morning — sleep together.” Vel snorts into her tea. Cinta shoots her a chiding glance. “You know what I mean. Body heat, boys. Doctor’s orders.”
Look, I put this one first because I NEED you to read it. Holy shit. Don’t let the cute excerpt fool you--this one is SO sad but simultaneously so tender. AU where Nemik lives and Cass lays low with the rebels for about six months after the heist. Really splendid work building out Nemik’s character from our moments in canon, great Cass moments, and overall just gorgeous writing. This take on their relationship reminds me a lot of AMCA’s take on Nemik having a crush on Cassian “in all possible ways” in their episode on “The Eye.”
Category: Luthen and Cassian fuck in the Fondor. I hope this becomes a fandom staple while waiting for s2, because it’s the perfect missing scene premise.
what's the name of the game by wizardlover (E)
“You didn’t think about it,” Andor says, fucks into him faster, “I put my gun in your hand and you didn’t have to think about it, did you?” “No,” Luthen tells him, voice fraught and biting his cheek so hard blood spills into his mouth, “I had already decided before I walked into the ship.”
ARGHGHGSHGHGSHG. Yeah. Great characterization, love Luthen’s utilitarian use of sex slipping into real feeling. Cass’s recruitment is so fraught for Luthen, at such a dangerous intersection of his needs and the Rebellion’s, and this fic captures that tension so wonderfully with a very hot sex scene.
Pull some strings, let them sing by gloss (E)
Luthen Rael collects the precious and the unique from across the galaxy. He'd like to show Cassian just how important he can be, how beautiful he already is. (Takes place during 1x04 before they arrive on Aldhani.)
A little different take on Luthen--I wonder how this fic might be different if it was written after ep 12 aired. That being said, it’s great, and the ending is such a dazzling bit of character work for Cass. Sometimes a fic author will write something and you just know that it is true, even if canon never does it.
do or die by inthebelltower (E)
When this ship lands Cassian will disembark as a soldier, he’ll go where Luthen sends him, he’ll take orders. But not here. Not just yet.
oh my godddddddd this fic. Really taps into two of my favorite thematic moves from canon: Luthen being in the near-continuous process convincing himself that he is the person able to make these life-or-death choices, and Cassian’s two times boarding the Fondor as moments of rebirth. Again: an ending moment that is just perfectly true, even if canon never articulates it in this way (canon Luthen/Cass sex scene does seem pretty unlikely lol, though who knows. if any one could do it right it would be my guy Tony).
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sagechan · 1 year
EXCUSE ME Andor episode 5 "The Axe Forgets" minute 20:12 Nemik says "Surprise from above is never as shocking as surprise from below" and then the little SHOULDER SQUEEZE HE GIVES CASSIAN ARE YOU KIDDING ME 👀
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kaylakenobi · 2 years
*watches New episode of Andor (ep. 6)*
New ships unlocked 🔒🔐🔓
Introducing: Karis x Cassian and Vel x Cintha
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reverseblt · 9 months
On episode 6 of Andor the Aldhani heist went about as sideways as I expected, though not entirely how I thought it would. Cassian and the rest of the Star Wars galaxy will be forever changed; that's for sure.
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a-matter-of-yeet · 1 year
Eyyyy there’s chapter 5!! Hope I didn’t make anyone wait too long, but I hope you all enjoy it!
The last chapter is fast approaching, but I promise I have some extra tidbits in store to post after that.
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hyperfanpod · 1 year
The Briikasak chats about the second arch of Andor on Aldhani. There are subtle lesbians, there is a rebellion manifest, there is a possible clone Leia. We get rather sad and real about how much this show relates to current American society. We are sorry on so many levels. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1371367/12168079-andor-the-aldhani-arch
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galacticfloodgates · 1 year
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corvidscreams · 27 days
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Hey. Hey, y’all. Cassian Andor x Karis Nemik. Send tweet.
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After Cassian is sure Nemik is breathing again, he’s gotta make sure Nemik knows to keep his mouth shut.
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rynnaaurelius · 2 years
I've been deeply unwell about Andor for the last month and a half, and I keep thinking about Nemik's "Remember this: Try." from the finale and its response to Yoda from Episode Five.
In the greater cultural consciousness, that line is taken as a "You either do it or not," as a sort of "Ignore those doubts and suck it up, buttercup, you're gonna do it," and Nemik's line is taken as a rebuke to that, and I think there's validity to that, I do, particularly considering Maarva's speech about how it might be too late, but she'll fight anyway, and the general interpretation of Star Wars when you're not on Tumblr, but also--
In Empire Strikes Back, Yoda says it to Luke because he doesn't believe. He doesn't believe that he can lift the X-Wing, he thinks it's impossible, and says that he'll try in the same way an atheist goes to church.
And Yoda. Yoda tells him to do. Because Yoda is a Jedi, Yoda believes. And he does it, and it's incredible, and at the end, Luke says:
"I don't believe it."
"And that is why you fail."
It's not a matter of strength of will. It's a matter of faith in what you do, something that Star Wars champions from the start. To close your eyes, damn rational thought, and make that leap, to destroy the Death Star, to have faith in your father, in the Chosen One, in your friends, regardless of what your eyes tell you about failure.
It's been in the fabric of Star Wars for decades.
And then we have Nemik. Nemik, who is called the "true believer" by Skeen. Nemik, who encourages the galaxy to try, who has his faith, who calls Cassian, who believes in no greater ideal when they meet, "my ideal reader."
And it's important, I think, to remember the role the Jedi played in the galaxy, both from an in-universe perspective and that of the story itself. They were peacekeepers and guardians, fighting the ultimate bad guys and trying to do good in the galaxy.
They were superheroes. Upholding justice and compassion and democracy and all that good stuff against the darkness.
But the darkness won. The Sith won. The Jedi were wiped out so completely that they and the Force are little more than obscure rumor by the time of Andor.
And with them went that faith--and I mean faith in a mostly secular way, I think. The belief that good trumps evil, that there is a better world to defend, that kindness will bring reward instead of pain.
The Jedi eventually win, of course. Luke Skywalker comes along with destiny and the Force and a ghost mentor and all that entails to make him believe that there is good in Vader.
But--this isn't A New Hope. Cassian Andor is not the son of a Jedi, with a laser sword and Jedi Master to train him in higher ideals and superpowers as he completes the Hero's Journey and saves the galaxy. This is Andor, and everyone on this show is just trying to survive the Empire they live under and not get killed by a trigger-happy Imperial schmuck.
Without the Force, without that faith in a galactic battle between Light and Dark, with just fascism's boot on your throat, one among millions, how do you believe that anything could be good again? That there's a good worth fighting for, when it's mud and death and desperation?
Without a destiny and Chosen Ones and the Force and ghostly mentors, how do you believe in the ability to win against the darkness? How do you recover that faith when it and its protectors have been wiped out from the galaxy?
And Nemik, who is no Luke Skywalker, who is going to die within days of meeting a disbelieving Cassian Andor, who has likely never heard the word Jedi, or seen how fear made one man destroy the Republic, or has the comfort of an all-consuming magical Force to lean on when people keep suffering:
There will be times when the struggle seems impossible. Freedom is a pure idea. Oppression is the mask of fear. One single thing will break the siege. Remember this.
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a critique of the andor finale
The Andor finale has a decision-making problem. Specifically, we never see decisions getting made. 
I was trying to understand why I felt underwhelmed and at times even bored by the finale when I’d raced through the preceding 11 episodes. I think my political dissatisfaction with Andor has for the first time met a creative dissatisfaction, and I think these are related. 
For context, I think Andor’s analysis of fascism is very sharp, and the show so wonderfully translates that analysis into drama (I take a sip of “power doesn’t panic” every morning). I’ve at times been a bit more leery of what Andor sees as the path to combatting fascism, which sometimes feels like, “revolution is community and vibes”. If we’re all angry and we’re all together, we’ll all somehow agree on the outcome towards which we are fighting, and weapons will somehow fall into our hands. This hasn’t been much of a problem for me until now, because much of the plot effectively grapples with questions of ‘how will x character convince y character to help x get what they want’ and ‘once convinced, how will x and y work or not work towards this shared end’ (or at least effectively skates over them)
I think a great example of this is the heist arc. The central strategic question is whether to admit Cassian into the team with only a few days to go before the operation. The trade-off is one of greater uncertainty vs. greater skill/capacity. Introducing this trade-off and allowing characters to grapple with it propels the show forward. Vel and Luthen clash: they fundamentally disagree on the feasibility of the operation without Cassian. Vel and her team clash. Cassian and the team clash. Cassian has to earn the team’s trust. Vel has to re-earn the team’s trust. Cassian and Nemik clash: they fundamentally disagree on whether revolution is possible. Cassian reveals he’s a mercenary as a precaution: he can’t have the team tanking their jobs. They decide to go ahead with the heist. Vel has trouble rappelling down the wall: she has second thoughts on the heist. Skeen and Cassian clash on how to use the 80 million credits: for personal gain, or the rebellion? At every point, characters are convinced, are unconvinced, are making decisions, are abstaining from decisions. Tension! Drama! Good food! 
The finale, however, is one long slog of no character clash. Not only are certain dramatic scenes promised and then not delivered (the empire never gets their hands on Cassian even for a moment; Luthen doesn’t sincerely try to hunt him down; Bix’s break-out is a snooze [the empire didn’t know Cassian might come for Bix with Nurchi on their side?]; MON MOTHMA MAKING THE DECISION TO AGREE TO DAVO’S TERMS AND THEN BREAKING THE NEWS TO HER DAUGHTER AND HER HUSBAND SOMEHOW HAPPENS ENTIRELY OFF-SCREEN, WE HAVE NO IDEA HOW THAT DECISION HAS COST HER POWER, HER MARRIAGE, HER RELATIONSHIP WITH LEIDA), but the actual riot is just crescendo, crescendo, crescendo. Music, march, speech. Yell, kill the cops. There’s no disagreements, there’s no consensus-building. The lack of a clearly defined goal means there’s barely any potential for fuck-ups, like with the unexpected killing of the visiting supervisor during the heist, or Cassian’s struggle to burst the water pipe in time. When there is potential for things to get fucked, namely in the empire’s attempt to capture cassian, the stakes are quickly deflated (Cassian has already escaped through the underground grate when the guards come for him; the only person to come across him when he’s breaking out Bix is a friendly resident) 
Some questions I feel the riot sequence could have explored:
Did Pak’s son confide in anyone that he would make the bomb? Was he guided in knowing when to throw it and where? Given the communal culture of Ferrix, someone is likely to have stepped in to parent him, and Ferrix residents would be sympathetic of his desires. If he went rogue, why? And if he didn’t, how did he negotiate what he wanted (revenge) with what other Ferrix residents wanted?
What do Ferrix residents want? How do they view the occupation? Do workers like Brasso have the exact same point of view as the Daughters of Ferrix? What about enterprise owners who rely on the empire’s trade? We see Nurchi rat out Cassian: is he the only one who’d make that calculation? Are there people wary of what happened to Bix/the repression that intensified after Cassian left, and don’t want to antagonize the empire further? If not, why not? Who has convinced them that the antagonism is worth it? 
Right from starting the funeral ahead of police-approved time, there seems to have been some premeditation to defy the empire. Is the riot also planned? If it wasn’t, was the contingency that a riot could break out planned for? If it was, what was the goal of the riot? Is it to 'make a statement’, is it to make the empire leave Ferrix entirely? Though the “shoot at will” order doesn’t come until the guards are half-way incapacitated, how exactly did the funeral-goers prepare to defend themselves?
Why does the imperial guard wait so long before shutting down Maarva’s speech? Assuming imperial regulations also regulate funereal speeches (and even if we don’t assume this, we know the empire acts with impunity), Maarva’s speech became incendiary approximately 10 seconds in. What were the guards weighing the act of disrupting the speech against? 
Why does Nurchi betray Cassian? Assuming Cassian has repayed his debt via Bix when he left her 12K credits, it’s unlikely to be a grudge over money. How did the imperial spy convince Nurchi? Why is that a tack that could only work on Nurchi and not someone like Brasso? 
Maybe these questions are misguided and nitpicky, maybe some of them were plain answered and I haven’t been a good viewer. We can make intelligent guesses for many, because Andor is a very good and intelligent show, but I think some of these questions needed to be explored on screen a stronger and more interesting finale. I don’t think the action in the finale was as meticulously rooted in character and clash of strategies as previous arcs in the season. 
The only thing that really moved me in this episode was Maarva’s final words passed onto Cassian, and specifically, “I love you more than anything you could do wrong”. However:
If the revolution was already burning, how is Cassian the first spark? Surely you mean the revolution was lubed up?
“Unstoppable force” for good? Why would the writer’s room choose this moment to use a cliche?
Idk man the writing just took me out of it
Other petty thoughts:
Deedra somehow doesn’t yet know who the Daughters of Ferrix are until the day of the funeral, when she’s made it her express business to closely monitor Maarva and receive continual updates on Ferrix. Maybe Vanis just didn’t think to share it before that exact moment but to not know the name of what appears to be the most powerful community institution of the planet you’re trying to subdue? Ok
With apologies to Lizzo, I just thought we’d get cooler and more inventive and more FERRIX-Y musical instruments than metal concert flutes
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