#not that they changed it but it was a big impact and they are out there being rookies of the tear
rascosmicwisdom · 1 day
Understanding aspects in Astrology
Trines: These indicate that it’s is easy for the planets to connect with one another. Their ability to merge is seamless. They still have a level of individuality, but it’s easy for them to work together because they share the same characteristics/duties.
Essentially, they’re like siblings that look alike but still are their own person.This is a passive aspect and happens so effortless that it can go unnoticed.
Squares: This aspect indicates that these planets have an individualistic function that’s vastly different from the other, and together, those functions are needed to inact change.Therefore, these planets have to figure out a way to create change. This is why squares will often make us feel discomfort or activate an event that gives us no choice but to act.Square can be major life changing events.
Sextiles: This aspect indicates that planets share a common function, therefore allowing them to work together with more ease. We have the opportunity to inact change more smoothly; noticing an impact. For example, Mars applying a sextile to Jupiter could look like an indicator for the brain being able to process big chunks information or one having tendency to take in alot of information that the mind can quickly process and filter.
Oppositions: This aspect indicates that planets are extreme opposites of each other and that they’re so far apart.Planets that oppose one another are direct mirrors of one another, and one can utilize the qualities of the other to yield results. While these planets still have their own functions, they extract what is needed from the other to support their own function.Also, these planets truly stand on their own, and that is fine. Their functions are needed in specific times, and it’s important to know when to lean into one or the other.
Conjunctions: This aspect indicates planets that are coming into union or out of union depending on the motion of the planet. When joining together they’re colliding worlds; it’s like when you enter into a relationship with someone, while yall will always have your own qualities, the union brings together something new, adds a specific level of support that wasnt there before, etc. When these planets are separating, they’re becoming more individualistic, seeking to yield results on their own without the support of the other planet. In the natal chart, the separating planet in a conjunction can be like a child leaving home ready to establish a life for themselves.
Something to always consider when it comes to aspects :
Aspects in the birth chart can look multiple ways, depending on the maleficence or beneficence of the planets.
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Further proof of Our King's anxiety and trauma: His body language. He has a habit of putting his hands behind his back. It's a self-soothing and self-preservation gesture. But then when he's more relaxed, he doesn't do that.
Case in point: Look when he meets Asha. At first you don't see his hands. They're behind his back. When he does bring a hand out briefly, it goes behind his back again. But when he warms up to her, his hands come out.
The same goes with when he's addressing his people about the magic. His hands are behind his back, and they stay there unless he brings one hand out to do something and then he puts it right back. He's uncomfortable, he's guarded and it shows.
Which is why his people should have known that something was VERY wrong when he came out on stage possessed. His body language was VERY different. He was stumbling around drunk, but his hands were both visible. His body language had drastically changed because he was essentially inebriated on dark magic. That should have been a BIG clue in that something was WRONG, not that the king was suddenly evil.
I've been stressing from the beginning about this! While hands loosly clasped in the back can be a sign of confidence and relaxtion, Magnifico's way of hiding his arms is different most of the time.
Now, I have always been good at reading people but then I studied psychology for a while and trauma conditions, the mental impact it has and how it shows.
Magnifico oozed trauma the very first minute I saw him. And when he mentioned what happened, plus the burned wall-rug, I knew it was deep! All his behavior clicked for me.
That is also a big part why haters villanizing him gets me fuming mad. If I was to follow their logic, then Elsa is a villain for running away and leaving her kingdom to freeze die, or Maui, who stole Tefiti's heart and caused destruction, or abuela Alma, for treating Mirabel like trash, or Imelda for forbitting music in her family, Abuela Elena for smashing Miguels guitar!
The hypocrisy is off the charts!
And the worst thing is exactly what you mentioned last. The people of Rosas not being able to see that something was horribly wrong with their king. He was so clearly not himself and no one gave a toot. It's easy to explain though. The didn't know their own king and nor did they care. All they cared about was their wishes. Their needs. Their desires. Magnifico was just their source for favors and when that well ran dry, they dropped him like a stone. Talking about selfishness!
Magnifico was never evil. Did he make some wrong choices because of his trauma? Yes. But nothing he ever did made him a villain. The only villain there was, was the book! The book, or rather, the evil force/entitiy in in! And yes, we saw that demon-thing drawn on the page. Not to forget the green clawed hands! No, magic itself isn't a conscious living, thinking being, it's a supernatural ability used by a fessel. And as a christian I can tell you the only thing behind "dark magic" are demons.
You will see this whole topic deeper explained in the upcoming cooperation post "the Magnifico case". But here is a little thing from it.
This isn't Magnifico
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This is!
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This isn't him
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This is!
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The fact that people cannot differentiate between this and understand what a possession is ...
Anyway. Anothing very interesting thing I wanna draw attention to is what comes out of Magnifico's mouth once he is full on possessed. He says things that are 100% contradictory to everything he stood for and fought for.
See the reflection thing in the fountain? It's where the quote "I win!" Falls! Why is this so deeply unsettling? Because there is nothing he won! All Magnifico ever truly wanted was happiness and savety for others around him. Magnifico's trauma had caused him to be immensly fearful and paranoid when it came to the savety of others because what happened to him left scars in his soul as deep as a canyon and he wanted no one else to ever have to suffer like he did. He didn't want power, he didn't want fame! He only wanted what's best for others and in return get some love and respect for what he did. Which, yes, he deserved anyway!
Back to my two cents of my christian opinion. It's pretty clear that the evil side does nothing but steal, kill and destroy. It's all it ever wants. To hurt and wreck. That thing that has been trapped in that book must have waited eagerly for who knows how long to get a victim it can use to destroy and use to destroy. So when that thing had taken control over Magnifico's clear consciousness, it obviously said "I won!"
Even sadder is that we could see the exact moment, the entity leaves Magnifico and he is left with confusion and panic because all he sees are the wishes floating away into the nightsky.
Also, where did the green enter and leave? Into and from his heart!
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This is the same fear only increased!
And NO! God NO! It is not "Ah, no, I don't wanna lose my power and control over the people because I'm a malicious beast and I wallow in their suffering and enjoy them not being able to make one of their wishes come true!"
No. Just. No. This is ignorant, this is stupid nonsense. This is seeing evil where there is none. This is villanizing trauma!
And then some people go "Oh God, what a monster! What a evil man! Poor kid! It deserves to swim! How dare he not let the kid swim!"
Compare this to a father, who previously had lost a brother or even his first child to a drowning accident. Now the next child is old enough to swim and is running towards the water. Everyone knows the kid will jump in, swim and have fun, but all the father can think of is the potential danger of his child drowning as well. Maybe it will get a cramp, or a shark will bite it, or it gets stung by a jellyfish, steps on a venomous sea urchin, gets a heart attack, gets pulled away by a current ...
You see where I'm going?
And then the father runs, sweaps the child in his arms and forbids it to go near the water and swim because it is too dangerous. He tells his child.
"You stay here with me, as long as I deem it saver! I'm your father, it is my responsibility to keep you as safe as I can! I only want the best for you!"
And of course the child is pouty.
"Well, if there is a shark, it can be stopped. I might just bite one leg off of the child ...oh well...The father clearly doesn't know what he's doing! And I must know, I don't even have children!"
"Everyone call the police! Let's put this father behind bars! He's so cruel and abusive to his poor child!"
"And good heavens! He snapped at the child for saying it is old enough to decide if it wants to swim or not! And he replied that he decides if the child swims or not! What a narcissistic psychopath! He needs to be stopped!"
Anyway, I'm very excited to soon share that big boy of a post with you, where I dive into each and every aspect as deep as ever with the help of Magnificolover from instagram. 🎶
How does that sound? And now imagine one of these judgemental, entiteled, selfrighteous, ignorant people calling the police. And the police arrests the man and no one at the beach does anything. No one thinks "wait a minute! This is wrong!"
I can already smell the haters cooking new arguments 😂 feeling snubbed at their toes cause we defenders are right! And you know what? We will only get louder! We are already the vast majority! Including children!
They're mad at us and our defense? Good! Maybe then it is time to ask themselves why it is that the majority is on Magnifico's side! Or why children starting by the age 5 (my cousins son for example) can clearly conclude that the only reason Mags went nuts is because of the evil book. Better yet, they see that Asha and the people of Rosas are in the wrong how they treat their king. And children are brutally honest.
Stay loud my fellow defenders! 🔥
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askagamedev · 2 days
about the Hades 2 shadowdrop. I've seen a lot of people talking about how that impacts indies launching in the same window and how that invalidates months/years of preparation on their part. isn't there anything an indie impacted by something like this could do? isn't possible to just delay the launch a few weeks/months?
Of course a studio can delay the launch, but a launch delay will have its own set of consequences. Remember, no game launches in a vacuum. Timing is the key factor.
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The most obvious consequence goes back to the adage "Time is money". The developers working on the game need to pay rent and buy food. The studio needs to pay those developers during that time to keep them employed. Those costs don't go away when the game's launch is delayed - they will still accumulate. If the studio doesn't have the money they need to keep the lights on during that delay, it won't be able to make payroll for its employees or pay its bills/debt. In such a situation, a delay is impossible - the company will die without money from the game sales.
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The second consequence is about the state of the gaming world over time. Imagine that we delay our game to dodge Hades 2. What happens after Hades 2? Will we need to dodge another big release? Will we need to dodge another competitor in our specific game genre? Will the market still be good for our game? Will the platform still be good? Remember, Facebook was a major gaming platform for years and then it wasn't. Imagine spending two years and millions of dollars to develop a major Facebook game only to have the platform die out from under you before launch. Things always change over time.
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These two consequences feed into each other - every day we delay, more things change and new problems arise. Every day we delay, costs build up that we need to pay for somehow. Every day we delay release, our income on the game remains zero. At some point, the game will need to launch or the company will assuredly die.
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dykealloy · 5 months
ripple effect legacy // my tears are becoming a sea, M83
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canonkiller · 4 months
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do you consider your self made?
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starcurtain · 2 months
Woke: Alhaitham sold his grandmother's house and moved into the research center because he didn't like living in an empty home with so many memories.
Also woke: Alhaitham sold his grandmother's house and moved into the research center because it was the last remaining tie he had to Kaveh, and taking ownership of it ensured that Kaveh would have to communicate with him again at least one more time.
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kiwisandpearls · 25 days
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personal headcannon of mine: most of the herrschers (but specifically senti and hov in this case) have pointy teeth and cat-like pupils
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ridl · 1 month
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i'm learning how to draw horses for qilin ganyu :)
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drbtinglecannon · 3 months
Hm yeah Frimmel is kinda driving me insane nowadays
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
I can't express to you how much I adore Weaver Márquez. The ghost in the static. A mystery not a puzzle. A person gone but still taking up space. A thing still leaving marks after it's gone.
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shararan · 1 year
I feel like people who complain about Scaramouche "being redeemed" in 3.3 as in "not held accountable" are really like... missing the point?
So you have this creation with one foot in humanity and another in divinity, whose entire existence has been defined from the very beginning by not being enough to truly be either human or god. Who was led to believe that the sheer intensity of his emotions where the cause for being abandoned by his creator and mother. Every single time he finds a semblance of peace and belonging, it's violently taken from him.
Humans can't be trusted. Human emotion is the greatest flaw. Everyone will abandon and betray you sooner or later.
Only for it to be revealed that the entirety of this situation had been carefully plotted in advance by (from what we currently know) Pierro and Dottore, all to specifically set the gears in motion for the naive puppet to spend centuries believing that the loved ones they took from him betrayed him. Completely unaware of the fact that they were eliminated specifically to trap him in the Fatui, so that they could get access to the secrets regarding the Electro Archon's creation methods.
He only became who he was within the Fatui due to being at Dottore's mercy, and for being able to "withstand abuse better than most humans". And now it's also confirmed that this is what made it possible for Dottore to create his many segments in the fist place.
But despite all that, this is a person who sees the divinity that which is the puppet's birthright. The sole purpose of his existence. And this same person promises to unlock that power, and help him scrub away the human emotion that ails him in order to elevate him to true divinity. Infiltrating and conspiring with the leading figures of Sumeru's Akademiya for it. Even when recognizing that this is all for Dottore's goals and nothing else, Scara still accepts it.
... only for everything to collapse and burn on itself, after having a taste of the power that he was taught to covet so. And now he's in the hands of the people who tried to get in the way multiple times before, who finally emerged victorious for it. And for what purpose could he yet be kept alive if not for the potential ways they could use him?
He complies to the tasks they ask him to fulfill, including searching the Irminsul. Only to then learn that everything he thought he knew about his life, his circumstances, his pain... all of it was planned by the Jester and the Doctor before he even knew them. And the people they claimed betrayed Scara had actually defended him and his heart to their literal dying breaths. Even as Dottore revealed his identity and the truth of what went down at Tatarasuna, Niwa's concern for Scara's safety even as he bled to death.
Scara asking the Traveler if there is any chance of changing the past, this wasn't him selfishly trying to erase the errors of his past. This was an attempt at self destruction in the hopes that there was even the smallest chance of changing the outcome of what happened back then. To try and change the timeline, so that Niwa, Katsuragi and everyone who died by assocation of knowing him wouldn't have died that day. Even at the cost of deleting his own existence.
This obviously didn't work out, for there is no way to change fate, and the only thing you change by altering Irminsul is the memory around how things came to pass, not if. And so Niwa, Katsuragi and the others all still died horrible deaths... there's just no puppet to be remembered now.
And then, without his memories, Scara becomes more mellow, and lost. And when faced with the information that he's committed atrocities in the past he accepts this as truth. And this is before the strangers (as the Traveler and Paimon are to him at the time) have any sort of proof to back this claim up with.
Despite that, he asks to bear witness to his past sins. Even when it's hard for him, he never looks away from it, and by the end of it he asks for his memories to be restored even though it will bring back the centuries of pain that lead him to that point. And he's willing to bear the burden, begs for it even.
He asks Kusanali what it means to be human, and if a puppet can truly be human. This is pivotal, as Scara's entire life has been dictated by the shackles of his past, by the things he lack. For the first time ever, he senses a potential way forward, towards a more hopeful future.
And the fact that he gains his vision the exact precise moment he reconciles with his past self, and lets it take a backseat as a part of what's shaped him rather than what forever defines him, is the freedom that which Anemo symbolizes.
I don't think it's talked about enough that his mindset is so reliant on the concept of "eternity", even when acknowledging that he's Ei's creation. She made him and the Shogun as a result of her pursuing unperturbed eternity after the Cataclysm, seeing that even her vessel was not ideal for it (erosion, etc). Scara was ultimately created for that purpose, but even still he is so similar to Ei herself... Both feel everything so intensely they scarcely know how to bear it.
And seeing her own artificial creation shed tears upon receiving the gnosis, I think the "weakness" Ei could be argued to have seen was much more towards herself, rather than Scara (and who knows if his initial softness also bore a potential resemblance to Makoto.)
And so she thought she was doing the only right thing, by giving him her blessing and a chance to shape his own fate free from her influence, rather than destroying him as a "failed prototype". But inevitably, he saw this as abandonment and helped fuel the idea that his sole worth lied in being able to carry the gnosis.
Going back to Scara's vision, the moment he received it also meant that he had finally found the freedom that Ei had wished for him. Something he had only briefly known once in Tatarasuna, as the now forgotten Kabukimono.
Even though he is forgotten in the words of history, and in the memory of the world, he still asks us to tell the descendants of the Raiden Gokaden who had really brought them ruin. Even welcoming the prospect of them wanting to kill him in retribution, seeing it as only fair.
He has no plans as of now, and isn't that the first time in far too long too?
He is finally free from the prison of the past, where he saw no other way than to harm people, and is now free to atone and find himself again. He may forever be shaped by his past, but that does not mean he is incapable of making a difference for the better. Because as he learned the hard way, there is no changing the past.
I'm not sure what other way this part of the story could have been concluded, and I wouldn't have had it any other way because it's all so goddamn poetic and heart wrenching in the best of ways. Even as fate saw for all this hurt and harm to happen, there was still a chance for him to atone and improve, for himself and others.
And the trials of realizing that, and work towards doing better without expecting forgiveness or sympathy from those you hurt, is much more productive when trying to make things better. Why does one feel the need for further punishment after everything the story has told us so far? To me that's missing the point entirely about what makes Scara and characters like him so impactful.
Because nothing about this story has been inherently "redeeming", but if you work under the idea that "punishment and atonement" needs to be carried out and that even then it will never be enough to cleanse you from your past sins, what point is there to try and ever do better? This is why "redemption arcs" is such a useless topic to me and dare I say closemindedly christian
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thenickelportrust · 10 months
Not to ask another Ricky question but
when he himself has learned to calm down a bit more as his own habits become healthier and his stress levels go down
Does this happen purely on a romance path or is this something he'd ever learn on his own?
Haha all good, I always get in more question answery modes when I'm writing on the demo so short, quick questions about single characters like this are A+ because they work extra well while I work!
Something he learns on his own!!
I'm big on having friendship paths mean just as much / having each character have their own story beyond just "romance".
Ricky's personal character growth is pretty much all about this, learning to let go of his unhealthy habits and discover the parts of himself he's pressed down in favor of an idealized but unrealistic standard.
That's why, even if you don't romance him, or romance him with a female MC, he still also goes through the self discovery of realizing he's bi!
Granted, you can also not interact with him / his story, in which case he'd probably seem the same beginning to end. I like to think he's still going through it in the background but because the MC is the central focal point of this story it might not be fully evident to an MC who isn't focused on him. Still! The man's is there, getting therapy in the background.
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When you play a game that's not popular enough to have answers on the internet about the puzzles...
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takethelx3 · 6 days
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Beloved junior, Hat Guy (surely at this point he has a name now right?)
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alternis · 1 month
had some very good thoughts and decided to scrap the zsasz subplot from third eye au and replace the character with an original villain named 'cut-throat', who shiva was hired to kill before a Wrench got thrown in the plans via tim. this allows me a bit more leeway to customise tim's trauma in fun original ways, and also gives a meta-reason why this villain never appeared in real canon (bc he would have gotten ganked by our girl sandy anyway)
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holyviolence · 2 months
omg i spent the whole day cleaning my entire apartment because my family was coming to visit and 1) so so so happy my adhd is being medicated now it's literally changing my life and 2) i FINALLLY got through to my dad about how he probably has ADHD too!!!!! he finally said Yeah i think i might have adhd. and my mom was like Me too (we've had this talk privately before, she knows she has adhd too lol) And my brother is literally transferring to a different school because he can't concentrate and isn't disciplined at his current uni. adhd family.
#literally thank goodness my brother was here to like Perfectly describe in real time what happens to adhd people when they go to college for#the first time. there's less structure and you fall apart. i used that as an opportunity.#i've slowly slowly slowly been chipping away at my Entire family btw. i've finally convinced my dad that medication is a GOOD THING.#i said You know. there's a lot in life that you feel like you Have to live with. but being on meds has made life so much easier and happier.#and that's when my dad finally said it.#:^) sometimes i like..... think about my family and how complicated i feel because growing up was super tough with all of them but now they#are all better people..... and i can't help but feel proud because as much as it is ABSOLUTELY great job for THEM for getting there But i#also feel uhhh partly responsible because i was constantly calling them out for shit. not always in the best way#but always standing up for others and challenging them on their worldviews and just casually talking about more liberal (as in free. not#politically) things. yes i do feel like if it wasn't for me my family would be worse people#i KNOW one of my brothers would be because he literally told me so. and it makes me happy. it is proof that my life is worthy and i have a#good impact on the world. it doesn't have to be a big thing i do to change things..... because i believe in the Ripple Effect#my dad is a teacher and he uses the proper pronouns for his trans students without complaint now. that has a good impact on SO many people#the trans students and their classmates who hear their teacher respect them. my brother is no longer homophobic he's bi lol and#if i hadn't argued with him about what bisexuality meant bc he was Wrong when i was 18 and he was 16... i wonder....#my younger sister is one of the nicest kids i've ever met and i partly raised her. it feels great to see her be such a good kid#her best friend is a trans girl and when she first came out my sister was one of two people in their class who still wanted to be#her friend.#idk. just inspires me to keep being the best person i can be & always do what's right even if it makes people mad#bc no one can hurt me as much as my family has traumatized me (lol) and look what happened to them!! i didn't give up! and i see real change
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