#nsr vampires au
lazypastry · 9 months
How do the 1010s react to garlic and are may and zukes the only people who know about 1010?
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Please someone call vampire emergency services
>When it comes to garlic, it's more like an allergic reaction to them (but it's a bit more extreme for Purl and Rin due to having a sensitive stomach)
> Other people know about the vampires that live within the mansion, many have tried to capture them and many have tried to just get close to any one of them, however only Zuke and May have gotten very close 👀
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bullfinch-lover · 9 months
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@lazypastry 's cool vampire AU has been in my head for days now so I wanted to draw something about it. I'm so interested about the whole relationship between Neon J and Nova and how they met so I made my own interpretation of how their first meeting could possibly have went with what little information I had from the subject. With Nova being an all powerful interdimensional being I'd imagine Neon J wouldn't really stand a change against him in a fight if he tried.
(If you're wondering why Neon J looks like the way he is, it's because I used my sister, @invisibleintrovertartist 's human version of him, because it's poggers and the design has a special place in my heart.)
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instantartific · 7 months
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Small little break from recent programming to wish everyone who celebrates it a Happy (and safe) Halloween, and for everyone else, a good day :)
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Trans Zuke supremacy?
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Heck yeah, why not! ÒWÓ
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blackwolfnsr · 2 years
Finished up the art, and I managed to score myself a pretty lil lighting app in which I may or may not be obsessed with hehe
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So! Here's the full piece! I plan to make a small little comic between Vamp!Rin and Hunter!Kita, since I think their lil relationship would be quite interesting. 👀
Unlit Version
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Fantasy Beast AU where the NSR cast are all different kinds of fantasy creature hybrid things with their own magic related to what they are.
Tatiana is a phoenix
Cyril is a vampire
1010 are all half siblings with different fathers making them different creatures while Martha is a creature that gets power from love/affection which is why she ended up having so many kids (that she abandoned to the fathers)
Neon is a kind of shapeshifter before turning into a necromancer (the label of necromancer overcomes any label if you end up doing necromancy). He also adopts 1010 as kids obviously lol
Um, Tila, Sofa, and Dodo are some kind of sea creatures. Not all the same at all.
Remi is half a sea creature and half whatever Eve is. Still figuring that part out.
Yinu and Mama stay plant creatures but look more plantlike than human like. probably even have some serpent in their bloodline/design.
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no-worshiped-roads · 3 years
I have been tempted to write a vampire au so we’ll just do basics
Please ask questions if you have them
So this is still modern times but anyway
She’s been around the longest, like easily a couple hundred years
she’s pretty strict on the rules just so they won’t be discovered as vampires by hunters
Still has her in game powers, though they came with her turning
The vampire who turned her did not stick around, as they didn’t mean to turn her
Basically they try to drain her and she thought back by biting down on the arm not thinking about it
And she wound up waking up the next night a vampire (they were inside so it was safe)
He add neon J are pretty close in age, probably about 100 years or so
Djss was turned by a vampire that was hunted down by hunters
There is no real connection between the two, the vampire simply found djss interesting enough to turn them
Like tatiana, his power surfaced after his turning
Neon J:
He was fighting in a war when the troop he was with was ambushed
He was left to die (with everyone else already dead) and was barely clinging to life when a vampire found him
It offered him a chance to live, to avenge his fallen comrades
Neon, not knowing he was talking to vampire, assumed the person was talking about healing him
So he accepted only to be turned
He’s a heavily scarred vampire
Beon j turned them to save their lives, but did warn them what it would mean
Zim: got into a fight that left him with a fatal stab wound
Eloni: abusive work place, being worked to death
Accident when was alone had him crushed under heavy material
Purl-hew: fell from a tall building, no one was around
Haym: very sick, dying
Rin: a serial killer at the time attempted murder on him, wounds were fatal
Team sayu and sayu:
About 50 years old
The team were all turned at the same time, by a vamp trying to build an army to fight hunters with
But after a while being stuck with him sayu managed to get them out of there while he was being killed by a hunter
Sayu had also been turned by this guy, and she was the one who tipped off the hunters to where he was
(For those who don’t know typically on the vampire turn someone they are bound to that vampire (in Tatiana‘s case he didn’t want her bound to him so she wasn’t))
Yinu’s mother and yinu:
About 90 years old
She was a happy wife with her husband and yinu was on her way
But there had been a vampire hunting through the town and it had bitten her
The husband was able to stake the vampire, only to find his wife dying
In desperation to save their daughter, she took some blood off of the stake he used to kill the vampire so she would become one
Yinu was born about a week later, but due to the circumstances was born half vampire (it is likely one of the few if not only child that was born partially vampire)
(Vampires cannot give birth)
Thing was it was noticeable that she wasn’t fully human, same with the mother, and the woman who helped her give birth ratted them out to the village
They tried to escape the mob, and while trying to hold them back, the husband was killed
About 60 years old
A vampire tried to claim her as his bride and she was stuck with him for 10 years as she was bound to him
She would eventually spend her years trying to gain his trust in get him to let his guard down around her
When he finally did she would stake him through the heart
She would spend years wandering not really interacting with people unless she had to and so on
What happened with Zuke would leave her broken hearted for 6 years
And after those 6 years she would meet someone else
Not turned
He lived with west for a while, just living life
Zuke met eve and she found him to be a kindred spirit and that she could spend the rest of her immortal life with
So they dated for a while
then she revealed but she really was and offered to turn him as well, but handled it poorly and assumed he wanted it
He fled and got to a new city where he felt safe
6 years passed and in that time he met Mayday
Turned recently, still only 21
She came from a rather high class and rich family
As such her family were classist snobs who expected her to marry someone of high status and to take over the family business
So her parents had an arranged marriage set up
She hated it but felt stuck cause she’s never been able to get her parents to take no for an answer
(Since this is modern times her parents don’t have anything against her dating a woman, they just found this man to be the best match due to his status and well)
She’s tried it before and it always ended with them going ahead and doing what they wanted
Then she made friends with zuke, and later on, a very pretty lady
They helped keep her from a breakdown from all the expectations put on her and the upcoming wedding
And slowly but surely she began to fall in love with the woman
Of course she knew her parents wouldn’t allow it
She did confess to the woman and even told her that she wish she could leave with her but she was bound by her “parents’ law”
The night before her wedding, The woman visited her house via her window
After being invited in she revealed herself to be a vampire and offered to take mayday away from here as well as eternal life
May accepted, wanting A life with much more freedom
No one has been able to find her since that night
After May’s disappearance, zuke looked every where for her
And when he heard that she was last seen with a woman who really matched Nadia’s description, he panicked
He realized what had happened, but assumed it was forced on her
So he set out to try and find a cure for them
Bonus stuff
Dk west also knows Nadia is a vampire, and has multiple times tried to get her to turn him
He never succeeded, and part of him blames Zuke for it
The vampires have built a home in Vinyl city
It’s home to all sorts of mythical creatures, as well as some humans that are more friendly with the monsters
But it’s mostly monsters
Yinu due to her status does age but does so very slowly
She will be fully turned when she’s an adult, just matched her is almost like that fledgling status where until she feeds for the first time, she will only be partial vampire
1010 are in their 20’s
There will be an eventual ship between zuke and rin, but only after he stops trying with his cure nonsense
And after there’s some reconciliation between him and Nadia

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the-nsr-family · 3 years
So when you say Zuke was turned I know you mean that he is a giant bat-
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I kinda like the idea that he can go smol and perch on Rins finger or literally be held like hamburger-
What if...both?
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I've got a fun one for the spooky season! What would the main NSR characters dress up as for Halloween (assuming they celebrate it)?
Here's a fun fact, anon: I spent some time looking up Halloween celebrations worldwide, particularly paying attention to Malaysia, because I was wondering about this exactly. Seems like it’s mostly a Western thing with some different holidays observed elsewhere, so I’m not sure if these characters would celebrate it.
But hey, NSR is a fictional setting, so why not be creative? Or consider it an AU. It’s all just for fun!! :D
Spoilers for: Zuke, Yinu, Eve, and Tatiana
Mayday: She picks a different costume every year, going as whatever excites her most at the moment. This is usually some animal-like monster such as a werewolf or a dragon. She likes to dress up even if she isn’t going out! She enjoys staying inside and marathoning Halloween and horror movies, and eating all the sweets she can get.
She dresses up Ellie every year too! Sometimes she can find a dog or cat costume that fits her gator, other times she puts something together herself. Sometimes she coordinates their costumes - her personal favorite is the year she went as a dragon and Ellie as a knight.
Zuke: He’s the type to dress as a pun or as a historical figure. Sometimes he gets a little discouraged from having to explain his costume to people, but the people that do get it are impressed or get a chuckle out of it, so he’s satisfied. He tried coordinating costumes with Eve once, and while he enjoyed it, it wasn’t his taste of costume. Sometimes he tries matching with Mayday; they find funny pairs to do together or two halves of their favorite fictional duos.
Kliff: When he was younger, he liked to go to Halloween parties to socialize and listen to music. He liked making his own costumes by taking pieces of different costumes and combining them for a genre blend look, like a punk werewolf. And a few times he dressed up as his favorite artists (Kul Fyra a few times). These days he doesn’t go out or dress up as often. Occasionally if he finds an event he’s particularly interested in, he goes, and now he goes for an artist look alike costume.
DJ Zam: Puts on a Halloween special where his show is longer than usual and talks about urban legends and tells horror stories. He spends most of his time inside, so he doesn't dress up. But he does put on a tacky Halloween-themed button shirt. Also likes to decorate his home and office with cute and corny decorations.
DK West: Not one to dress up, so he doesn’t usually unless he’s going to a costume party. He goes with something easy and classic in such case. He’s a pretty darn good storyteller, and people know this, so sometimes at parties or just hanging out, he’s asked to tell scary stories.
DJ Subatomic Supernova: Not one to put in a lot of effort to dress, but still the holiday appeals to them. Shows up toting black cat ears and tail, of all things. Nobody expects this. Otherwise a black hoodie with a glow in the dark ghost on it. Sometimes changes out for other hoodies or shirts with a Halloween-relevant graphic.
His outfit may not be all that impressive, but that doesn’t stop fans from taking pictures and gushing online about how cute he looks. And Club Planetarium, on the other hand, is all decked out with ghosts and bats circling the ceiling, and a change in colors to purple, orange, and green, and blacklight. Featuring the eeriest and darkest tracks by DJSS.
It surprises a lot of people, but he will hand out candy for trick or treaters.
And he buys lots of candy for himself, too.
Sayu+team: Sayu gets a cute redesign each year. Previously she has been a vampire, a wereshark, a merwitch, and a few outifts that aren’t a character but simply an aesthetic. There are a handful of Sayu songs about the joy or the spookiness of the holiday, or about loving your friend who’s a monster. These songs get played a lot on Halloween night and surrounding concerts, but there isn’t a concert that’s solely Halloween themed.
The team themselves love dressing up every year, looking for somewhere to wear their costumes (and if not, at least for a photoshoot). Dodo likes object and human horror characters (esp puppets) and works hard to make a detailed costume and to copy the movements of the character, Sofa usually goes as an animal-like monster (and loves obscure ones), Remi usually is an anime villain or monster, Tila usually is an anime protagonist (and likes a fancy outfit). They stock candy and try to save it for Halloween night, when they likely make themselves sick from eating nothing else.
Yinu+Mother: Yinu goes trick or treating and picks a different outfit each year! When she was littler, her mother would dress her as a flower or a butterfly. But now, Yinu asks to be something like a good witch or a bat.
Her mother (and previously, her father) dresses up as something to match her, like a gardener. Her parents would make costumes or add on to ones they found, and as Yinu is a little older now, she helps with crafting too.
Other than on trick or treat night, Yinu likes to decorate. She loves carving or painting pumpkins (with her mother’s help, of course), and they roast seeds from carving.
Neon J+1010: Two words. Vampire. Coven. Each boy has sizeable fangs, the classic vampire cloak, and bat ears. They promise they won’t bite anyone too hard~
Neon J himself has a fancier looking cloak with a high collar, and bat wings, and carries around a shiny black cane topped with a golden bat. Since he doesn’t stay in the spotlight much, his staying behind in the shadows seems in character.
The stage doesn’t change much save for giant jack-o-lanterns. But 1010 has a list of songs all about comforting a frightened datemate or being lovable monsters to sing the night away.
Barraca Mansion is THE house to visit for trick or treat, you get cooed at by celebrities and king size candy bars.
Eve: Her brand of horror is psychological and it shows. She likes reading stories or watching movies about tasteful psychological horror during the season (she’s partial to poetry and short stories). She’s carved a pumpkin every year since a young age, and keeps up that tradition. Except now she usually has multiple pumpkins, carved and/or painted, and sometimes makes displays with them.
For dressing up, she has several outfits that she rotates each year. She goes for artsy, kind of abstract Halloween aesthetic. Her favorite components are dresses, intricate shoes, or interesting hairstyle + hairpieces. Her favorite designs to incorporate are spiderwebs, bat wings, and the colors purple, black, and white.
She likes to host a gallery or concert each year with some unnerving music of her own, showcasing some of her more off-putting art (she leans into expressing what seems the most frightening to her, which tends to be some abstract concepts),
Tatiana: She’s always been a fan of classic monsters, particulary feminine or feral ones. So, witch, harpy, werewolf, vampire, etc.
While she likes to change it up, she eventually settled as often going as a fire demon when she was Kul Fyra, combining punk fashion, some homemade horns, and some killer makeup effects, and of course her own fire powers, for a pretty badass look.
The Goolings never did specific concerts for the season, but a few of their songs would have a small spike in popularity as they had some spooky vibes.
Tatiana now goes for a gothic look, something tamer than how she used to be. She often goes now as a recognizable classic witch or vampire to office parties, or sometimes simply just wearing something black and old formal looking. She doesn’t discuss it much, but she still enjoys watching horror movies.
Tatiana happily hands out candy to kids (and occasionally the wanting adults), too. Plenty of people are intimidated to approach her house, but she’s kind to kids and has some awesome treats for anyone who shows up. Although she’s often busy keeping an eye on energy levels in the city with all the festivities happening.
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crazydoodlez · 3 years
Hello friends! I thought I'd share an AU a friend and I developed over Discord.
In this AU, the members of 1010 are fantasy themed!
Rin= Rincubus (succubus)
Purlhew= Vampire
Zimelu=Hell demon
Haym=S N E K (Baskilisk I think?)
Eloni=Imp (a Kind one that does healing magic)
Also in this AU, DJSS is a giant space octopus, May is a cat lady, and Zuke and DK West are werewolves.
Let me know if you have any ideas for any of the other characters!
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year2000electronics · 4 years
things i wish i could draw digitally but can’t bc my pen is in the mail:
1. hlvrai nsr au
2. more vampire flat stuff
3. goth jfk and jock joan of arc
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lazypastry · 1 year
Hi there, I wanna ask if you still draw Nsr art?
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Ello and yes I still draw Nsr stuff or I could say I still wanna draw more Nsr stuff TwT
I wasn't able to post anything cuz I've been busy with schoolworks and such TnT
But in the mean time here's some Vampire Au doodles cuz I miss'em ùwú and mayhaps some Zim x reader material for @zimmerman1 ùwú
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bullfinch-lover · 9 months
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"I'm out of my head of my heart and my mind, cause you can run, but you can't hide. I'm gonna make you mine."
I couldn't resist the urge to draw Nova and Neon J from @lazypastry 's Vampire AU again. Those two's relationship towards each other and their roles in that AU are just so interesting.
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blackwolfnsr · 2 years
(Hee Hoo, I've been dead for a while because of work and the imminent release of Splatoon 3, but SKETCHITY SKETCH LADS)
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Vampire...meet Vampire HUNTER!
Actually have a lil mini comic in mind, but lets just hope it doesn't fall into the void that is my ADHD-
Lazypastry's Vampire 1010 AU got me a lil bit inspired so I wanna pump out that mini comic before I forget it!
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Can we get vampire 1010 again? I love that au so much! Also thank your inspiring me to start painting again!
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Here I gib some random Vampire 1010 portraits ùwú
I'll be honest I really miss these vampy bois qwq, and awwwwww it's great to know that you're painting again! ^^ continue your creativity friend! ÙWÚ
Also here's some bonus:
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lazypastry · 2 years
Vampire 1010, were y'all born or turned/bitten?
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(got busy with other stuff but here ya go ùwú) The lads were born as Vampires and they were adopted by Vamp Dad J ùwú
And bonus sketch, some Angsty J (when he's not yet a Dad J)
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