#ohhh i get her sentiment 😭😭
unabashedmoonlight · 4 months
Thank you for the Leigh quotes! Do you have the one where she called him a monster and a baby?
Welcome lol.
Here : “I guess you can call this the Darkling’s villain origin story,” Bardugo says, referring to one of her most popular characters. “Though some people wouldn’t call him a villain… definitely my most controversial character. I get very defensive, when people treat him like a baby I’m like ‘You shut your mouth, he’s a monster!’ And when people call him a monster, I’m like ‘You shut your mouth, he’s a small baby!’
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halevren · 3 months
FHJY Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 10
Happy mid season episode! I am saddened by the fact that I work on Wednesdays because I will be late to watch fhjy until the forseeable future. If anyone cares though I plan on buying the adya statuette next week if my finances allow for it :3 also I am so tired rn but I NEED to watch fhjy
Do you guys think ayda will appear in this episode after her statuette was released last week? (Praying)
tttaking over teenage rebellion!
Lucy Frostblade... You were just a girl. You didn't deserve everything that happened to you
"We're feeling bad. But we're feeling... Hopefully positive."
stress isn't always the bed guy
big old burned down house
Cottoncandy Bitchfuck
"I'm.... Bored. That's not true. I'm not bored at all. I'm just tired."
Hindesight is 50/50
"Oh I love this. Tell me all about it."
Siobhan is loving Aelwyn rn
"I do sometimes believe in you"
"So Sentimental"
Aelwyn and Adaine are so important to me their sibling relationship is everything
"Oh, my sweet little boy is sick!"
"just don't tell fab— don't tell anyone my apartment looks like this"
The Gukgak
I'm the Gukgak guy!
"Oh, Riz, you have to sleep, Kiddo." "I can't, mom, I don't have time." Oh Riz....
Riz is so exhausted
It's been an hour and a half and his mom has chips and a drink 😭😭
"Mom, you have to be so careful."
"Keep my name out of your mouth." FIG 😭😭
"it's all good, mom"
"Fig has like 3 majors now" "maybe 4, i might take a level of wizard."
"Kristen Applebees, believe it or not." "... huh." HWHHWKWNEB
"You both keep my name out of your mouth."
"It's been our month!"
Lola Embers recommended Gorgug's place??
"Mom I'm going to go to Loam farm."
*shrug* "mom." *shrug*
"We're having a rough one." "GOT 'EM."
"I'll do it." Fig cleric teacher?!?!
TAMAGOTCHI. MaryAnn my beloves
The puppet master!
"Ha Ha! Darling Girl!"
Gilear is king for the day
"My mom called you?"
"I don't need a ride to school anymore"
"I believe she's wanted here."
"Can I say hi??"
That's so devastating
Coffee all over the DM screen
Yeah they haven't addressed the fact that fig is cursed
Pussy out, tits away
Theres so much going on
ohhh they might be sacrificing the rats
"I'm wearing a sports bra and a G-string, and I want to be closer with all of you."
Fabian with Mazey is so painful. He's so flustered and awkward I love him
"I'm here, for you."
"Kristen was in a mood."
Fried rice
"Wait, they don't like us??"
"When you think about me, why do you always bring up the ball?"
oh Fabian...,...........
"The legend continues."
"I was going to get a tattoo, actually."
"Even if you weren't maximum legend, I would still wanna hang out with you." MAZEEYYYYY 😭😭😭😭
Absence of divinity???
The gift is only mentioned in old texts??
"Well I guess I'll go to work."
Basrar is dead
"Literally your circus, literally your monkeys."
Tips are bad
Check the soil kids
Lydia mention 🔥🔥🔥
Kristen holds so much hostility for Kalina 😭😭
Oh Lydia...
AV club mention
The powerhouse of the cell
Aggression and protectiveness
7 becomes a 21?!?!!
22 Arcana, 25 religion
Elemental alignment???
Fiendish things going on
Yellow gold
Kinda like the pride of armor and lemon yogurt
Ratgrinders sticker
"I don't get angry, I think I get sad sometimes" me too buddy, me too
Sometimes a spell comes out and obliterates people
Comedy of errors
Bobby Dawn and Pam Dawn
Bobby Dawn coming to Aguefort sounds like a bad thing
"I'll never let you do that."
"Yours only came back once." *middle finger* Kristen Applebees you will always be famous
A+ in paladin classes!
"Sorry! Get away from me"
Reasons he won't divulge???
A+ in all classes!!!
Zara is gorgeous
The days of Goldenhoard is over 😭😭
Oh my god I almost prophesied this when I said Kristen would become a cleric/warlock of Fig.... instead Fig is the warlock/paladin of Kristen 😭😭😭
I'm the closest thing to a prophet holy shit
New god, agreement, todo list
Complicated Women: Lucy Frostblade 😭😭
Oh my god
"Frick. I'm so sorry." "I'm not." Wanda Childa
"I'm off the grid that's why I only have an iPod"
God... Wanda Childa
"Do you want me to get you a phone?"
"I want to do relationships with Riz."
Medal of Wit
You absolutely sweetie
29 performance 🔥🔥
Naked Kristen. Again.
Oh god Fabian is at 4 at his second roll
"Breaker Breaker, this is Fabian Seacaster, looking for his papa, Bill Seacaster, somewhere out there in the nine hells............"
This is so heartbreaking... Fabian...
Oh Fabian...
His papa.....
He probably feels so lonely
Rage token.....
This rage token is making me take a stress token
Everyone single one has been bad
Constitution saving throw???
oh no
oh no
oh no
"I shit myself"
"I've only been eating leftovers"
oh my god
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collarbjt · 1 month
SPN 1004
Whump Dean is so …… wow, just , WOW
Demon Dean, STOP BEAUTIFUL!!!! Wow this demon is sooooo demonic charming!!!!! That shadows on his face… makes the scene just like a masterpiece wow…seriously, what a pretty face!
Well Dean’s right at some point, Sam without Dean is really scary, and the line of conscience is blurred. It reminds me about ‘mystery spot’ episode.
Ohhhh Crowley why are you reminiscing about Dean so fondly??😂 you’re sooooo ex-ish🤣
That beautiful mouth spits a lot of bad words, heyyy!! You’re babysitting your brother that’s right, but you know the part of you is lonely so it’s essential for yourself too, like many other angels AND demons told ya, beautie.
Sam: We don’t get to quit, this family is never quit. -he’s so right. Go ahead Sammy!!! Just leave the s9’s yourself behind!!!
Why all demons talk about Dean as if he’s Crowley’s ..a…mistress? What, a boytoy? Isn’t that Wording is kind of off…?? Nobody’s curious in hell? LoL
Cas is in danger now, but from now on most of them are Karma. Too many angels are died…
Sammy’s looking at his family photos…I’m crying😭
Crowley, you’re so boring about your demonic life, aren’t you? That's the only thing that explains why you're poking around everywhere. Now he saved Castiel, what a mess. Aha Crowley you ARE SENTIMENTAL Hey you 🤭🤭🤭🤭😂
Ohhh Dean is a horror, wow
What did I saw now??? I forgot breathing It’s a horror movie and Shining 😱 Sammy’s puppy eyes make me so sad, Dean you’re so near to killed your little brooooooo thx Cas, thxxxxsomuch
Dean’s back!!!!! I’m so happy, but hey,…. I’ll miss demon Dean’s beauty🫠🙏
Dean : Does he wanna divorce? Lol don’t be silly, you auys never gotta divorced🤣
Ending is a ginger girl, classic music, and two corpses. Curious about her
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ineed-to-sleep · 3 months
1, 4, 8, 13, and 14? dealer’s choice on OC
I've picked Vincent for this!!
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
It definitely started with appearance!! I knew I wanted to make Pepper's sire, so I played around with some ideas for a design and the plan was to develop from there. I still have the old sketches actually but they're all very uglee 😭 here are the few I'm feeling brave enough to share:
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(The third one is him as a kid bc I saw those photos of 80s kids with some questionable haircuts and I thought yeah djdjkdksk that would be him)
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? 
It was definitely the elder manipulation(TM) in VTM. A lot of his backstory after getting embraced revolves around having to be ordered around by a manipulative person(not really an elder tho, more like an ancilla) who destroyed his self esteem and still haunts him until the moment the story of VTMB starts. She's an essential part of his character arc actually, since she comes back into his life and gets him under her control again, with things only coming to an end when he manages to regain his self worth and fully remove her from his life- by killing her. With an axe. 🪓
But yeah this is pretty much how a lot of sire/fledgling relationships go in VTM, so that definitely influenced his backstory the most.
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
Ohhh everything. Like, ok, not everything, but so so much. I mentioned a bit here. Tbh it's probably easier to list the things I don't relate to him about djcjjck he went to college for journalism which is like, hm. A choice. Couldn't be me. He also raises plants which for some reason I'm unable to raise and always accidentally kill. He's also a freak about keeping his apartment organized and clean which LMAO could NOT be me
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all? 
Hmm I have occasionally thought about him and Pepper after vtmb, and I'd love to make them go to seattle and insert them into the events of vtmb2, but I kinda dropped the idea bc the game isn't coming out anymore :/ (I'm ignoring the new vtmb2's existence ok it is NOT real)
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
HMM. This is a tough one 🤔 only 2 things?? I guess if I had to pick like, the absolute most important things about Vincent, when I'm writing anything with him, it's that 1. He's very sentimental, even though he may not look like it, or show it, and 2. He always thinks he could overthink things More.
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adellovesrowan · 3 years
RSA- I mentioned this in one of the earlier asks from like way back but Finn is a soccer goalie. Speaking of sports, Bianca plays volleyball. She looks a lot like penny except she has curly hair. The haywoods have brown eyes in this au bc I can 🤎. Which of her parents does Cherry resemble? Nobody drowned Dian, it was a shipwreck. So there’s possibly other ghosts from the ship as well. Also Cherry skateboarding is very cool 🥺. Plus Thea and Adel bonding!!
OH YEA sorry i have bad memory lmao JAJDKS OHH YES shes a volleyball girl🥺 BROWN EYED HAYWOODS ARE SO PRETTYYY !! cherry actually resembles adel more ! she has no regards for rules and loves to cause trouble. often slacks around and gets lots of detention. she may be loud / rowdy but shes a charming kid😌 they both ( adel n cherry ) also they both have a thing for the teachers pet good girl nerds. like mother like daughter LMAO. ohhhh no POOR DIAN THO HHNGNGNG i hold him gently poor kid omg😭
RSA- okay one of the asks is refusing to send so I rewrote it. Thea is a ballet dancer primarily for the visual of her as Odette in swan lake (I’m a Tchaikovsky fan). Dian was Indonesian and Thea and Frankie are both from the Mediterranean. Thea specifically is Greek. The two of them met by the coastline. Thea’s original name was Galatea after the Greek myth so maybe Thea is a nickname. Thea 🤝 Mina= having shortened nicknames. Frankie just sleeps in a tub of water under Thea’s bunk.
UR SO VALID LMAO tchaikovsky is great. AAAAAAAA AA A A A KAJFKSNJD U GOT ME WEAK THERE ANON LMAO dian ,,,, indonesian kid ,,, i hold her gently omg i love u you silly ghost🥺 KSJDKAJD i need to stop myself before i project indo hcs into him LMAO. OOOHH galatea🥺 pretty name !! KAJDKNS LOVE THAT FOR FRANKIE
RSA- Bianca being a squib and not feeling bad about it bc of love and support from her friends and family. I don’t know who her other mom is, originally it was skye. Skye has like a casual romantic relationship with JT and I don’t really ship her with Penny anymore. Mina did not pick up any quidditch skills from either Skye or JT. In general, she’s bad at sports. She also just doesn’t care for them, although she always shows up for her friends’ games.
OH HELL YES support ur local squibs ,, love them🥺 OHHHH SKYE X JT👀 its ok mina me neither KDJAKJDJS ohhh shes so sweet for supporting her friends tho🥺🥺
RSA- I mentioned Mara being a fruit dhampyr and Mina growing different fruits for her. Her favorite is pomegranates. Speaking of fruits, Rowan’s friends having a reunion near the cherry tree that she and Adel grew. JT is allergic to cherries so she stays away from the tree. Merula keeps her company and pretends that Rowan and Adel’s tree is too sentimental for her. Bc of her allergy, Mina doesn’t grow cherries unless her mom is somewhere else.
RSA- Cherry in a blue tux that she borrowed from Rowan. I don’t know what her favorite color or flower is but Mina decorating Cherry’s hair with flowers that are her favorite color. Wait does Cherry have short hair 👀? Iirc Finn’s name means “blonde” so he’s following the great werewolf tradition of having rlly obvious names. Mina dating Mara is a bit funny since I named her after Mina from the Dracula novel.
O GOD BLESS thats actually so good ,, cherry in rowans blue tux yes ,, OOOOO PLS THATS SO SWEET OF MINA🥺 also lowkey idk but id say purple is her fav color ZKDJSKDJ and for now no she has pretty long straight hair ! KDJDKSJ ur right omg love finn the blonde ww. KAJDKJA WOW theyre just vampire gfs like that huh . . .
RSA- Cherry working as a chef at Jae’s restaurant when she’s older. His restaurant is probably on the island or nearby it. Also I have considered Chiara adopting Finn. Finn Lobosca-Kim just has a ring to it. Her and Jae hyphenate names out of respect for each other plus they just really like hearing each other’s names (clowns). I can’t with these two. God, everyone is a sap for each other. Rip to their friends who have to deal with clowns.
RSA- Finn being okay with his lycanthropy because he has someone like Chiara to guide him through it when he’s younger plus growing up in an environment that doesn’t hate him for being a werewolf. I like to think that wolfsbane is more common by this time. I mentioned Chiara adopting Finn and the image of her seeing this tiny little werewolf orphan and immediately recognizing him as “son”. Her on full moons and interacting with him like how wolves treat their cubs.
YEEEEEESSS TO ALL OF THIS BRO HHHNN i i love the lobosca kims so muchh
RSA- okay but mermaid! Adel in this au? Rowan deciding to build her school on an island so she could be near Adel. Mer!Rowan is also v good. In general, life on the island. There’s sand on the coastline so people going down to the shore on weekends. Beach episode with half of it centering on the teachers and the other half on the kids. JT and Mina spend time with each other by doing absolutely nothing. Mara has a really big sun hat and really strong sunscreen bc otherwise she’ll burn up.
OHHHH BEACH EPISODE BEACH EPISODE LMAO the kids playing all sorts of games like volleyball, building sandcastles, go swimming maybe, collect seashells, etc. hrhdhhdjdhd them burying one of them in sand LMAO
RSA- kids getting sick and Chiara making sure that their friends don’t get sick as well if they visit them. When Mina’s sick, any plants she grows turn weird. Bananas turning red,strawberries growing to the size of her head, etc. Finn tried one of the bananas despite Mina and Cherry warning him not to (he was fine). I mentioned her having a stuffed otter (his name is mango. She named him when she was five) and she keeps him as she grows older. Mango just lives under the bunk.
KAHDKDHJA POOR MINA LMAO but thats so funky djjsjsjd id love to see blue oranges. KAJDKDJ FINN NOOOO😭 also MANGO IS SO CUTE !! 🥺
RSA- yopi is such a cute name!!! 🥺 how’d you come up with it? Also more stuff about the school. There’s a mural painted by Badeea that shows the founding of the school. The Khanna family planted trees around the school, specifically rowan trees. The library is really big like the kind that someone could get lost in. Rowan knows it like the back of his hand. Kids can be spotted all over, next to bookshelves or at tables, reading the different books or doing their homework.
KAJFKAJSJ kinda funny story actually i had this cute baby toy i still have with me now fjhdksjs i named it yopi bc when i shake it it kinda makes a yow pee sound and im like yes perfect and idk why i assigned that name to adels puffskein maybe bc they have the same energy also cute KDJSKS. pretty mural and rowan trees yess🥺 OOOOO LOVE THAT huge dark academia style libraries ohgod i thrive.
RSA- More winter head canons. Cherry and Finn having a snow fight while Mina watches them out of a window with hot cocoa. She calls Mara “Marshmallow” when they’re alone. Cherry knows, she’s heard them. They’re not as subtle as they think. Penny makes sure Bianca is warm before letting her go out, esp when she’s little. Tiny Bianca waddling like a penguin in two coats and her head wrapped up in a scarf and hat. Bea convinced Penny to relax on that matter after stopping herself from laughing.
YESSS OMG THATS SO SOFT ! marshmallow is soooo cute bless😭 HDHDHDH THEYRE GAY LMAO. HDHDHD OMG BABYY BIANCA🥺🥺 oh bye auntie bea and bianca thoo djfjdksj
RSA- mornings at the school. Cherry seems like a morning person. The sun rises and she’s up and going. Mina is the exact opposite, she has to be dragged out of bed and she refuses to get up before noon on weekends. Adel and Rowan making breakfast together. Adel wrapping her arms around her wife while Rowan hums. Her doing that during the pregnancy and feeling Cherry kick 🥺 This is so sappy. I’m looking at old asks and Cherry befriending Mina was such a good suggestion. She needed more friends.
KAHDKNAKSJ cherry she can be a morning person if she wants to ,,,, most of the time she stays up pretty late actually smh😔 KAJDKDJJAJS OH SAME W MINA LMAO. HGHNJNNGGNGNG FUCKK THATS SO SOFTTT AAAAS OHMYYGO CHERRY KICKS AND THEYRE JUST🥺🥺 OOOO *dies*. and YAAA cherrys more than happy to be her frend🥺
RSA- General stuff about the roommates. Finn and Mara being both gay and lesbian plus werewolf and vampire solidarity. Cherry and Mara both having bangs. Thea and Frankie as a couple? 👀. They can’t say anything about Mina and Mara being mushy bc they’re the same way only more public about it. Dian is aromantic. He’s happy to see his friends being happy. Bianca is wlw and probably demiromantic. She reminds her mom of Bea since the haywoods all look a like. Ismelda has called her Bea before.
YEEEESSS I STAN FINN ADN MARA SM !! OHH BANG GANG !! 👀👀 yes please ,,, HDHDHD I LOVE THEM. OMGGG DIAN BABYYY JSJFJSBDKDJD the more u mention her the more attached tohim i become god bless wtff🥺🥺 i LOVE that for bianca !!
RSA- ideas I had for the au that were scrapped. I was debating between whether or not the school should have uniforms before deciding on them. Mina originally had an older sister named Skyler (two guesses as to who she was named after) that was friends with Bianca. I ended up cutting her out since she wasn’t that interesting and I changed Bianca’s age to match Mina’s. Speaking of which, Bianca was originally home schooled. The school building went through different designs including domed.
OOOOOO SKYLER . . . HDHDHDH i can only guess skye😩 OOOOO homeschool bianca🥺
RSA- the angel/demon au is so good. I wanna include angel/demon characters in this au but we have enough characters already. Wait a minute, half demon half angel Cherry 👀. I wonder how her wings would look. I should give Thea wings. I think they’d be white with black feathers at the ends. Speaking of wings, a student or professor with butterfly wings, specifically blue morpho wings🦋 or monarch butterfly.
HDHDHHD YAAA cherry would be a half demon half angel ! kahdksjs idk either but if youve seen my angel demon au art of adel and rowan then itll probably look like a mix of both of their wings in the second pic. OOOO THEAS WINGS LOOK SO COOL !! ohmygoddd DHDJDHDHHDHD THATS SO COOL adel would absolutely die tho she has pretty acute lepidopterophobia HDHDDH
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sungwanns · 3 years
we all need a chan in our lives (*´з`) i'm not athletic either but i feel like if i ended up on his team, he wouldn't be mad even if when i cause the team to lose.
oohh the arm warmers...i had to go back to the victory song MV to remember them, and i totally agree with you HAHAHA. it's just so...random. actually now that i think about it, so is that skirt thing on chan's pants. er, i can't say i hate any specific outfit but...i'm not really feeling some of the extensions felix had for thunderous. i loved the extensions that matched his blonde hair, but those grey-ish ones that didn't match at all...man i thought they were part of his red hat at first - it just looked out of place for me.
what about your favorite outfits? do you have any?
ahhh man i feel you tho - there really is too much merch coming out XD and too many versions! just seeing the chart of all PCs per comeback made me dizzy. that sucks about han's PCs tho - i hope you can find some that aren't too expensive, or at the very least someone you can trade with. sometimes i wonder if fans just create artificial scarcity with these things...ohh but the levanter lenticulars are pretty - i'm glad you have seungmin's! manifesting that you eventually get all 8 (jisung's especially), and also with the skzoo plushies (・∀・)
oh wow that's dedication tho - getting up at 5 am just for god's menu. i kinda just saw it the MV in my recommended one day and...well here i am HAHAHA YOU SEE WHAT LONG BLONDE HYUNJIN DID?? aww i am you!! man i'm getting kinda emotional just thinking of that song...i'm all about that sentimental, platonic love songs that are clearly from the members to the members too - it's just too sweet. also i'm happy han saved the song from you-know-who for skz2020. actually i'm glad he seemed to cover a LOT of parts in a lot of the songs - as expected of the team ace (≧◇≦)
ohhh i totally see what you mean with my pace. the MV atmosphere + great beat + message of the song = amazing all around. i actually rewatched it after you mentioned it and...can i just say, i can't with seeing them again so young. thanks for reminding me of this masterpiece!
okay today's random question - are you watching any shows/dramas at the moment?
Oh i totally agree!! Even if you lost on his team he would be like it’s okay!! we tried our hardest!! He makes me so soft i could UGH :(((
RIGHT HAHA like it’s such an interesting choice ?? I imagine they wouldn’t be super comfortable to dance in either it probably gets super hot !! like even if they weren’t dancing, stage lights can be so hot in general WHEW. And i totally get you on the extensions!! I really liked the blond ones too i think it suited him really well!! Also felix looks amazing in red i think it might be his color
AH lemme think… OH uh going back to i am you i love her jisung has like this blond hair and has this black top and pants and it’s so simple but it looks so good on him?? and i think it compliments his dancing lemme see if i can find a picture hold on
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LMAO i had to screen shot the left top one from his fancam so sorry for the bad quality but also while i was researching i found those bottom ones that i COMPLETELY forgot about which i cannot believe i did as i might have to mark it as my new fav for him !! i couldn’t get a good shot of the whole outfit but it’s totally visible in the mv !! i believe in TOP jisung supremacy
And then THIS seungmin…
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bangs head against table repeatedly yeah i would say i like these looks a totally normal amount!! Do you have any favs!!
Yes there’s always new stuff coming out!!😭 skz spoils us but im so poor because of them … you’re so right though there’s just so many pcs to collect for each era that i don’t even want to know what that would cost 😵‍💫 PLEASE YOURE SO SWEET im manifesting that you always pull hyunjin or minho!!
but yeah i love waking up to watch the mvs right when they come out skz has me wrapped around their finger 😭 Like i’ll wake up, pull up the mv, try not to lose my mind over it, then go right back to sleep 😭 everything sounds so fresh at 5am LMAO That’s so funny that you found them in your recommended!! The first time i heard my pace i was actually at a festival and i was like ??? this goes so hard ??? and i had to write it down to look up later now look at me 😭😭 if skz wants you to be a stay they will find you!! But fr hyunjin is so dangerous like that😭 but i am you makes me so emotional too i love her!! i think platonic love songs are the best they’re just so gentle and sweet :(( But im glad jisung got a lot of lines in that song as well i think it really suits him!!
It is crazy to go back and see how young they all were!! jeongin even has his braces still 😭 but it’s especially crazy to me bc im 5 months younger than jeongin so i was just as young when that song came out 😵‍💫 it’s always a little strange to watch yourself grow older with someone!!
Oh!! I am watching a drama at the moment!! It’s called ‘my absolute boyfriend’ it’s on hulu it’s really good!! ive been watching it for a while now bc i can only watch a few episodes at a time bc so much goes on that it leaves me emotionally exhausted LMAO but it’s so good!! I would also recommend ‘well intended love’ it’s a c drama on netflix and i love that one too!! I like that the second season is very similar to the first but it’s just that the roles are kinda reversed?? it’s hard to explain without spoiling anything!! Besides those im not really watching any shows atm!! im still kinda recovering from supernatural unfortunately LMAO but do you have any recommendations?
Also hmmm let’s see if you could have any skz member do a cover of any song what member and what song would you choose?
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