#okay I'm being mean this is not always true
Some truths people need to accept about therapy
This isn't an anti-therapy post. If it works for you, that's great. I just see people getting a bit pushy when it comes to encouraging others to attend and not accepting different points of views. Some of these I've talked about before but figured I'd list them here anyway
-Bad therapists exist. Sometimes people aren't good in the field they chose. Sometimes those people are the wrong kind of people to be in that field. You know, like when they that the "mean girls" become nurses. A bad therapist, for example, might take the side of an abusive parent, using excuses like "they probably had a bad childhood" or "they did their best." If you're there because you're seeking help, that isn't helpful. Imagine being traumatized by the abuse you suffered and the person who is supposed to help you sympathizes with your abuser instead. It happens and it's not okay.
But I've seen people online that get defensive when these therapists are called out or the practice has any sort of criticism towards it. I think a lot of that stems from wanting to protect therapy in a sense from being badmouthed. But then you have this problem of shutting out anything that could be deemed oppositional and you hurt people in the process. (which I'll get into more on the next point). If you take criticism and believe that comes from an anti-therapy mindset, then you need to reflect and ask yourself why you only want to accept the positivity. Those bad therapists don't just cease to exist because you've shut the "idea" of them out.
Bad therapists need to be held accountable for their actions. And in sense, I'm not referring to "bad" as a bad fit for you. I'm talking about those that behave unethically or something else along those lines.
And no, saying that "well therapists are humans too..." is not an acceptable excuse. Sure, it's true but I hold people of certain professions to a higher standard than others. A fast food worker making a mistake and giving you the wrong food is one thing. But you'd probably have a much stronger reaction if a nurse gives the wrong dose of medication to your loved one because they weren't paying attention. Are you going to be placated by "they're only human"?
In the same way, you don't want a therapist that can worsen your mental health. A therapist is in a position of a delicate situation- bad ones need to be weeded out. I think too often people just shrug and tell others if they don't like their therapists then just try a new one. That's not always an option for someone, especially if for insurance reasons or whatever, they have limiting options of who they can go see.
-You shouldn't invalidate someone's experience. Kinda goes along with number one. As it was mentioned, a bad therapist can worsen someone's mental health. Someone might have had a bad experience and doesn't want to go back ever or they might be hesitant because they don't want to encounter it again. The thing is, though, in many cases if someone has a bad experience in therapy there's this assumption that it's their own fault. They weren't willing to work hard enough. They obviously don't want to get help. If you think about it, isn't that victim blaming?
Sure, there's people who go to therapy and are like that, but it's not the case for everyone. But I see this sort of thing online a lot.
-Not everyone has access to therapy, be that because of financial reasons or there isn't a place near them offering services. This is a huge one too. Online, people throw the word therapy around like there are no obstacles for anyone and if you don't go, you're just not willing to help yourself. Not everyone can go. Instead of acting morally superior, try to understand that everyone's situation is different
-Someone not having the time to go is valid. it's great that you're going to work full time, taking care of the kids, maintaining the house and having a social life while being able to squeeze in a therapy appointment but it's just not realistic for a lot of people and you have to understand that. And I know to some people it's as easy as if you really want it you'll make time for it but again, that's not necessarily how that works. You can really want something sometimes and it's just not feasible for you. You have to understand that your experience does not mean it's the same for everyone
-Be respectful if someone doesn't want it. Maybe they'll attend in the future or maybe they won't and that's okay. It isn't the only form of help they can get for themselves. You can't expect people to be respectful of you or others if you(/they) want therapy if you're not willing to be respectful in return
Again, don't act morally superior. Don't mock them. Just don't. It's not right and it won't bring someone any closer to going so I don't know why someone would do it
-It just doesn't work for everyone and that's okay
Don't be the kind of person to push someone away from getting help (be that for the first time or again)
Sometimes we get so enthusiastic (/ protective) of something we believe in that we push people away by being narrow minded and that's what I see happening here
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wheelie-sick · 1 day
Let's talk police interaction and Deafness and protests
PT: Let's talk police interaction and Deafness and protests
Generally it's good advice for disabled people to never discuss medical conditions or disabilities with the cops. ... unfortunately this does not hold true with Deafness.
While discussing your Deafness with a police offer does put you at risk it's far safer than not hearing an instruction, being perceived as willfully disobeying, and ending up with charges for it, injuries, or dead.
Know your rights!
PT: Know your rights!
‼️ You are legally entitled to an interpreter beginning at arrest. ‼️
.... unfortunately prior to arrest you are not entitled to an interpreter. In these situations police officers are still legally obligated to communicate via notepad and pen. (Which rarely happens, but, like, it is required)
How I manage
PT: How I manage
Keep in mind I have residual hearing, some of this advice will be specific to people with residual hearing because that's my own experience.
I always go with a hearing buddy. The buddy system is important for all people at all protests but it's especially important with Deafness. I make sure that whoever I'm with is A. aware of my Deafness and B. aware of how to respond to a cop trying to interact with me. I usually prefer going with someone who can interpret in a pinch but have not always done that. I give whoever I'm with a script to follow in the event a cop tries to speak with me. This is the script I personally give to people, I'm not sure of its legal soundness but I wanted to share it anyways: "He is Deaf. He can't hear your instructions and is not resisting. If you want to communicate with him you will need to find another means such as writing your instructions down. [and, if applicable] I am able to facilitate communication if needed" I also make sure that whoever I'm with informs me of any important announcements. Even if I choose to stay in a situation where I am risking arrest I like to know I am risking arrest. Having a hearing person say you are Deaf is important beyond facilitating communication. I am personally able to state I am Deaf but cops often don't believe me. I am more likely to be believed if I have someone else tell them that I am Deaf.
I do not rely on residual hearing. Even if you have significant residual hearing it is important that you accurately understand directions. Use the most effective modality for you, not the one most convenient for the officer.
I do not sign around police. Police are known to murder Deaf people for signing because they view our signs as threats. It's also always important not to talk to the cops, whether hearing or Deaf. Even if they don't kill you they will translate your signs and use them against you. Once the cops show up my hands stop moving.
I do not speak once cops are around. Cops have rocks for brains and think that speaking = hearing. They might deny you an interpreter if they hear you speak. This is illegal but will not stop them.
I do not nod my head or otherwise show agreeability. The Deaf nod serves us well in regular conversation but this is not regular conversation. Nodding when you don't fully hear something to seem agreeable can turn into a confession of guilt in the court of law. Do. Not. Nod.
I make sure protest organizers are aware of my presence. I like to let organizers know that I'm Deaf and exactly what I need during the protest. Speaking as someone who has organized protests, we are there to help you. I let organizers know exactly what I need, which for me looks like: making announcements repeating anything said to the crowd by cops, repeating information multiple times so I have multiple opportunities to hear it, and announcements when cops show up--this will look different for everyone based on preference and the specific protest. It's something you get a feel for with practice. Additionally, having more people who know you are Deaf means more people to back you up if the cops don't believe you. I also like to let organizers know that my FM system is not recording- this just makes people feel less paranoid about it.
I sometimes let street medics know I am Deaf. This is just in case I get injured or otherwise need help. Street medics quite disproportionately know sign language, this makes them very cool. They usually want to know how to communicate with you in the event you need help, this is really up for you to figure out. My personal advice is to not rely on anything visual in case you get a chemical weapon in your eyes. I really only do this if I'm planning on being around if/when it becomes a shit show. While there's always a chance of getting caught up in something unexpected, if you're planning on booking it when riot cops show up this is less necessary. (If it's a low risk protest I also usually identify myself as Deaf in other ways, see point #9)
I film everything. The minute I see cops the camera comes out and it's all on video tape. This is generally good protest advice even for hearing people but especially if you encounter a cop refusing to accommodate you then you will need evidence to protect yourself. Deaf people end up with unjust resisting arrest charges all the time and you do not want to be one of them.
I sometimes wear clothing identifying me as Deaf. I have a pin I wear on my mask that says I'm Deaf. This is a tough one to balance because it makes me identifiable. It is sometimes worth it and sometimes not. Weigh the risks with this.
This is all coming from personal experience and may not be the absolute best way but I haven't ever seen advice for Deaf people protesting before so I wanted to put something out there. Just like, go into this with the consideration that I'm some guy with protest experience but by no means am I an expert.
Additions/discussion welcome but only if you're knowledgeable about this. No guesses please, experience-tested tactics only 😁
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strqyr · 5 hours
Ngl, to me, Ozpin is so, so interesting, but not just regarding his reincarnation and past lives (though those Are very interesting). Like,, it's said that Ozpin became Headmaster at a young age and was a 'prodigy'. And based on the information we have on his age, that being younger than Theodore who's in his mid-late 40s, it's so interesting to consider exactly HOW young he mightve been. I'm willing to bet, based on appearance and facts, that he was probably 37-39 when he died, maybe very early 40s at the oldest. N like. That says that at the absolute youngest, he was probably 20 when he became Headmaster, and like, 24 at the oldest.
Which is like. That's WILD to me? I'm sure it's more likely he was 22-24 when he became Headmaster, but that's RIGHT AFTER he would get his Huntsman license, if he got it all naturally. If his last incarnations circle had kids and They knew (I wouldn't be surprised, it'd be juicy), and they were in high places, it's entirely possible that he got into that position earlier than he should have, possibly Unwillingly. I'm sure it's not canon, but I feel like that's WAY juicier than just "He got into the Headmaster position on his own by his own choice". Besides, I doubt the KoV would've wanted Ozpin to get shoved into such a position, if we can base how he mightve been on how Ozpin acts (merge n all).
Like. Idk I feel like Ozpin, the life and the incarnation, is So interesting especially if all this is true? Plus Oz parallels Pyrrha so I feel like him getting shoved into a position he didn't initially want would only hammer that in more. I am DESPERATE for a rwby spinoff that focuses on STRQ and Ozpin 🙏
i absolutely need to know how old ozpin was exactly when he became the headmaster of beacon and it will forever be one of my biggest frustrations with rwby that they never give their adult characters exact ages like please, i need to know 😭
but just by doing detective work, it's like. okay, in the novels he's said to be the youngest headmaster beacon has had, but in the show it's said he was one of the youngest headmasters, no specific academy mentioned, so i don't think he was like. impossibly young? he's a licensed huntsman, so prodigy or not, he likely would have gone through one of the academies and graduating first.
now, my own little pet theory is that ozma doesn't reincarnate into warriors—take a look at his known reincarnations, and none of them come across as having had any training before he popped into their head—so i'm thinking that ozpin wasn't attending an academy when that happened, which also leaves the door open that he could have been younger than 17 when he did—meaning that in addition to pyrrha, he might also parallel ruby, the two people he chose in one way or another—and during that time not only was he training (and gaining the muscle memory from ozma), but he was also prepared for the role of the headmaster by the inner circle members the king of vale left behind (since he's mentioned as ozpin's predecessor).
he was also already the headmaster of beacon when team strq was on their first year, so i'm thinking he's like... maybe 2-4 years older than them? which would put him at early-to-mid forties at the time of his death (depending on how old team strq are), which would still put him as younger than theodore, who is in his mid-to-late forties, maybe early fifties according to yatsuhashi.
but hard agree on team strq spinoff. for me that has always been about more than just strq—though it goes without saying that's obviously where my bias lies lol—, it's also about ozpin and how he formed his inner circle around him because all of them—especially the headmasters—were like. his friends? these are not people chosen by his predecessor, these people were chosen by him and i need to know and see how that happened and how ozpin handled it all like did he go through the same awkwardness as oscar where people older and more experienced than him looked at him like he should know what to do??
there's just so much there to dig into and i must have it. please.
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snixx · 25 days
god im so embarrassing the way it takes me a sum total of ten minutes of live conversation with people my age to start sweating like a furnace I was Not Built for This (leaving my room)
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fluentisonus · 1 year
while we're talking about it though that's something really fundamental to spock's character I think in a way I don't always see discussed, that by joining starfleet he's making the explicit and intentional choice that he'd rather be seen as a perfect example of an alien amongst humans than as an imperfect vulcan amongst vulcans. I see this framed a lot as him being more accepted in starfleet than he was on vulcan, and I really don't think that's the case at all: he's still very attached to vulcan, and we see all the prejudice he has to face and how little he's understood in starfleet. but what it comes down to is that he'd rather exist in a place where no one understands him and so he has nothing to prove -- even if that means being very alone -- than in a place where he's surrounded by the familiar & meaningful but everyone can see the ways he can't quite fit. if that makes sense
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bylertruther · 10 months
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moodboard for when you lose the idgaf war. or something. again
#when i started this post there was no one online so like. can u guys turn around or smth -_-#anyway. feeling like a chump like a weenie like a marshmallow that's dissolving in someone's hot chocolate feeling very um . Feely#and tht isn't said in a self-deprecating way bc there's nothing wrong with being a sensitive person i'm jus. yk. saying tht it's not always#very fun. like i would very much rather feel like a toasty marshmallow being smushed in a delicious s'more rn but instead i'm trying to#express in the least vulnerable way possible tht i've felt a series of human emotions in quick succession tht make my heart beat funny#bc i think if i were to be any more open abt tht then i would likely disintegrate and i mean tht in the most normal I'm Okay way ever 👍#and i jus think tht it Sucks tht u can be earnest n true n it won't matter bc if someone doesn't engage with u in good faith then there is#simply literally nothing that you can do but go ''Okay 👍''#like. goes taut n keels over dead like a cartoon character. then reanimates bc i'm not done#that is just The Worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wdym!!!!!!#it should be enough. it should be but it isn't and i'm a little marshmallow melting in someone's drink they're stirring me and#i'm turning into foam like . There Has Got To Be Another Way Out Other Than Through Bro someone grab my collar and drag me out#this bitch like a cat on a leash someone hold their hands out or smth i just . *)%*^76)*%$^)%*43^rty)*%6$)6578^$%(*8796gk@$)*%$#it will be ok . it will 👍
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llycaons · 8 months
im finally feeling awake now so @pharahsgf this is the post I was talking about
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foolish. reductive. immature. disrespectful. willfully ignorant. WRONG
#I have had this person blocked ever since they said they were into xi//cheng#but I wish I could block them again just for this. it's so stupid and indicitive of all the most annoying misconceptions#first of all pretending that jc and wwx are still at the same emotional and social and moral level postres#when jc not changing/remaining static is one of THE most important part of his charact#and wwx changing and developing and growing up is so significant esp postres when he's wiser and quieter and more mature#even in the flashback arcs he doesn't dwell on his torture of the wens he doesn't 'love it' he doesn't brag about it#he doesn't ever WANT to do it again he clearly just wants to put it behind him#he's done bad things in the past and he wants ppl like xy to pay but that doesn't mean he endorses torture#AND it brings in the fiction that wwx is or needs to be protective of jc when postres he's the one who needs protection FROM jc#like yeah im sure after the verbal assaults and the triggering of his phobia and the physical attacks#he's just rushing to throw himself in front of jc to protect him from dcs#it just plays into jc stans' misconceptions that wwx is happy to sacrifice everything for jc and always will and therefore SHOULD#because ohh everything is about jc and everyone loves him. literally not true to any version of canon#I don't even think the torture dungeon has enough evidence to really consider in the novel and its not even mentioned in the show#but his unilateral violence towards people he suspects of being DCs is visible in literally the second episode#and idk why wwx would just start to 'love' that violence and aggression when it was once pointed at him#especially when he has the option to instead spend time with people who have never tortured anyone suspected of doing some vague bad thing#okay I'm done! I'm done. this got me soo mad though what a stupid fucking post#cql txp
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kfkaesk · 1 year
re: last succession episode: if you draw the line at fascism but can root for billionaires you might be a bit lenient on billionaires
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*vibes dishonestly*
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bitbrumal · 1 year
you ever think about how kaeya is constantly on guard, scared, & simply -- not okay. that regardless how good he gets at handling all the threats he anticipates, that does not give him the power to make himself feel safe. just prepared. just capable. & it is something alike safe, it really is ----- but absolutely not the thing itself.
anyway all he truly craves is to just feel safe again & he lowkey highkey wishes he’d never felt it. that the ragnvindrs were less kind.       it was easier when he didn’t know what he was missing.
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
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lil-kissy · 1 year
Fluff, Drama, Lighthearted or Dark
FMA, Wonderland, Ygo or anything in between
I wanna plot gdi.
Look I love short n sweet interactions, quick asks and small threads they're all great but I'm going to be perfectly honest. I Miss plotted stuff.
I miss a single lengthy thread, or continues story beats and plots over multiple. I want progression.
Character Growth- for all muses, the world and story building, relationship growth/bonding. The good, the bad, the happy , the sad and everything else that comes with those types of threads.
Quite frankly that's what I want more then anything in regards to Kisara, future of the blog, general desire/rp interest.
This isn't to say I want to stop or won't continue doing small stuff, answering asks and sending that. I'm always for those especially as good buffers whether as a break from a current thread, a lull in motivation, life getting in the way of being able to focus on lengthy things you know whatever.
I'll always be 110% on board for any and every interaction nor am I discounting the enjoyment they've brought in the past, I love everyone one of you guys and everyone of our interactions has been a joy to do and always will be.
But I'm gonna be real it has been far to long since I last did like a properly plotted thread, a fun long continuous thread that didn't end up dying out or forgotten real quick.
Just wanted to let everyone know this is what I've really been feeling and really wanting to try and lean into more not just for her but in general with my rping as whole this year.
But especially here cause in part the fragmented one shot mini threads while always fun they kinda end up all over the place and I'd love to be able to start creating some kind of time line? do interactions that will actually carry over from one to the next, consequences for actions, lasting affects of things good or bad between threads (which I already have been trying to do that with some of her interactions and not just let them sit in a unconnected nebulous zone of their own heh)
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astrxealis · 1 year
sorry for rambling so much about milgram btw my thoughts are often a mess and i think too much about it but i am good now i think <3
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა milgram ໒꒱ *·˚#i finally properly get fuuta's character i think teehee. after a lot of thinking and thinking and thinking#it hurts my head a bit ngl (figuratively) bcs ejghbghjag i try to look at it at all sides and whoops i end up getting confused w#what is the truth and what are my actual beliefs/feelings/thoughts a bit! </3 but my head is clearer now (hooray!)#anyway yeah fuuta innocent. guilty -> innocent -> innocent imo!! can't say totally for sure tho w the 3rd but i think he shld be forgiven#i feel a bit ehgbah for my thoughts being so messy before (also scared someone will misunderstand me) but i think yeah i was looking#at it already in the 2nd trial perspective. how to explain. but yeah blah blah blah yeah!#i think he's a good guy at heart fr but he. yeah. and i think there's smth to do with the 'pressure' and all with that#he needs to hold himself accountable for his actions even if it may be true that yk. he isn't the only one and it's rather sad he's the#only one who got all the blame so i get why he's acting that way even though ofc it isn't okay in the end. dude needs to admit and all#and he's getting uhh better! i want to talk more oops but it's almost 2 pm holy shit. i'll probably put my coherent thoughts in my notes#instead. but yeah. tbh i'm not sure if i can really say he always felt somewhat guilty/regret ever since the start#bcs it's he may just first feared the consequences but then again he never expected it to escalate to death (tho even if the#outcome turned out to not be that bad. cyberbullying is never okay!!! bullying is never okay!!!!!) but he's the character#who puts up a front of sorts and as someone who often likes characters like that. it's possible i'm misinterpretating him but#personally that's how i see it ^___^ but dude yeah guilty first trial fr so he can be more yk to really loosen up and admit it n all#or at least. take a step closer to doing so. yeah!!! okay i think i've properly cleared my head now#i just hope no one like. misunderstands me from my many rambles WABHBJHBG#oh i actually really relate and understand fuuta actually. yeah. NOTHING AS BAD AS HIM i mean that genuinely but yeah#he's starting to accept that his actions bring heavy consequences and he's showing a lot of guilt and regret. still a tough front tho#aghhhh i really hope he gets voted innocent this time around for real. he's a good guy at heart and i do think he always knew#he was guilty. and etc etc etc i stop rambling now zzz love fuuta fr tho his character means a lot to me actually#actually idk there's still a lot to his character i feel. it's either from his perception still or yk. does he actually feel guilt?#but yeah imo he does. and i'd like to believe that too also bcs i get his character but i ofc can't still tell for sure!#blame shifting may still be a problem. he feels regretful for sure i believe but for what reason is a question still#tbh judging fuuta here is (for me) like judging me from a bit into the past so sorry if i'm really fired up about this.#i get he's just a fictional character but i really want to do this 'right' (but what is right tbh?)#in any case even with all the complications i think he's improving. sort of. and guilty is concerning for him if he YEAH. so innocent.#oops too much tags but i get it now <3 !! also btw i've never bullied/cyberbullied anyone just to be clear :] just to be clear
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mrfoox · 4 days
Men are wild. Starting with "how are you, what's wrong?" then swiftly moving to "things are hard for me, can you do this so it's easier for me? Good. Don't forget things are hard for me right now"
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neverendingford · 6 months
#finally finished all my dmv stuff! now I just have to wait for my updated ID to arrive in the mail!!!#tag talk#now I just need to update all my miscellaneous records and bank and apartment and work and dr office etc. but like... I'M DONE THE BIG STUFF#and I have a dr follow up in two weeks where I should get my first hrt scrip dog willing. it's all coming together and honestly I feel great#like. huge weight off my shoulders. life finally coming together. energy freed up to work on other stuff#I wish to hell and back that I could time travel back to high school me. I was so hopeless and had no idea why.#everything was wrong and bad and I couldn't do anything about it except hope that my mind stabilized by the time I hit my twenties.#I didn't even realize I was trans then. I just thought my body issues were over being gay.#honestly just seeing my future self would mean everything. I'm working on holding onto the weird I had back then but in a healthier way#I was still fighting against my dad buzzing my hair every few months. I ended up performing masculinity in such a weird way to compensate.#flaunted my scars as the only way of rebelling that I really had. proving I wasn't okay while refusing the christian help I was offered#everything I've told younger kids. taught younger cousins. taught other people. it's stuff I wish I could have known back then#stuff I've learned on this blessed hellsite. idk. it's all coming together. I'm becoming who I am#something something Lincoln Park all I want to do is be less like you and be more like me#I just. I'm alive again. New first name new last name new middle name but I'm still the same person I've always been#I'm not changing who I am. I'm changing all my tags to accurately reflect my content. I'm updating the summary to show what I contain#I'm shedding the costume I was pushed into and showing the true skin beneath.
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 1 month
Try Me
Pairing: Lando Norris x reader
Warnings: suggestive
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"Lan, c'mon..please don't go." You whined tightening your grip on Lando's shirt. "Stay with me"
"Baby, I want to, believe me, I do, but I told you I promised your brother to go out with him tonight. Why don't you come along with us?" He asked holding your cheeks between his hands and leaving a kiss on the tip of your nose.
"Because I want to spend some time alone with you. Why can't he go out with Charles or anyone else?"
"Charles is not feeling well, and besides, it will be suspicious if I turn him down for the second time today." He explained trying to get some sense into you, but you just decided to be a brat today because, well, you just felt like it. You wanted his attention. You needed his attention.
"Fine. Go with him then. I don't care." You pouted crossing your arms and turning your gaze away from him.
"Y/n.." He sighed turning your chin with his finger making you look at him. "I'm trying my best to spend as much time as possible with you here. If Carlos knew I spent the whole day with his sister in her hotel room I'd probably be a dead man right now. So if you want me alive, you gotta let me go now okay?"
Everything Lando said made sense. It's true that Carlos would haunt Lando for the rest of his life if he knew that he had been seeing his 5 years younger sister for over 6 months now. It's also true that Lando is a bit torn between the two of you. He doesn't want any trouble with his best friend, but he also doesn't want to even think about having to stop seeing you.
Lando and you were not in a relationship, well, not officially, you didn't call it a relationship because you were forbidden to him. You had been seeing each other for half a year and both of you knew that there was something more between you, more than just sex although you never put a label on it. The more time passed the more you liked each other and wanted to spend more time together so it got harder to keep it a secret.
"Give me a kiss" He said leaning down to your lips. You hesitate for a second, but give in rolling your eyes which Lando doesn't take very well. "No, no, don't do that."
You ignore him and head towards the bathroom not wanting to wait until he leaves your room. You just wanted to show your dissatisfaction with all your might.
"I'll talk to you later okay?"
"Whatever" You muttered before slamming the bathroom door shut.
Later that night, Lando was texting you just to check up on you, to see what you're doing, to see how you're spending your time without him and you decided to continue being a brat for the rest of the night. Because you just felt like it today.
'Just took a shower. Think I'm gonna go check up on Charles since he's not feeling well'
You replied smirking knowing that you mentioning Charles would completely push his buttons with you tonight. Ever since Carlos introduced you to them, both Charles and Lando have been trying to flirt with you. Only Charles has been doing it directly and Lando was more subtle with it. Lando was always more mysterious about it, that's probably the reason why you were attracted to him and not Charles.
So ever since he got his eyes on you, he hated that Charles was trying to get your attention. He hated that he was still doing it and yet he couldn't do anything about it because you two were a well kept secret.
'Oh really? Carlos and I saw him. He's just fine so you don't have to do that.'
He was replying back to your messages within seconds. You knew he was going crazy about it.
'Well, I'm gonna go check anyway'
Of course you weren't gonna go. You were all ready for bed, but since you didn't get what you wanted tonight, you decided to play with his head a little.
'Y/n..You have nothing to look for in his room'
'I mean it's not like I have a boyfriend if you really think about it. So..I don't think it would be inappropriate, no? '
'I can hear the attitude through the text. Fix it, before I fuck it out of you.'
His text sent shivers through your body. You threw your head back against your pillow sighing and reminiscing the way this morning the bed was squeaking beneath you two.
'I don't think you're gonna do anything about it'
'Oh, try me then'
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